Myanmar Transport Infrastructure and Logistics Development

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Myanmar Transport

Warmly Welcome Infrastructure

to German Asia Pacificand
Logistics Development
Business Association (OAV)

28-1-2013 29-11-2011
1. Introduction
2. The Current Situation
- Air Transport
- Maritime Transport
- Road Transport
- Rail Transport
3. Logistics
4. Future Development Plans
5. Priorities to be Implemented with Assistances
6. Conclusion
General Information about Myanmar
Formal name Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Myanmar lies between
Lat. 9 32 and 28 31N and
Long. 92 10 and 10111 E
Total land area 676,578 sq km
Total length
(South to North) 2,100 km
(East to West) 925 km
Navigable length 6650 km
Total land boundaries 5,867 km
Total length of coastline 2,832 km
Cities Naypyitaw,Yangon, Mandalay
Population 59.13 M (2010)
Official language Myanmar
Economy Agro-based
Main rivers Ayeyarwaddy, Chindwin
Sittaung, Thanlwin
Neighbours China, Lao PDR, Thailand,
Bangladesh, India

January 27, 2013 3

Transport Administration
Ministry of Construction
construction and maintenance of national roads and bridges;

Ministry of Rail Transport

land and rail transport;

Ministry of Transport
marine and air transport;

Naypyitaw Development Committee

Urban Transport Yangon City Development Committee

Mandalay City Development Committee

The Ministry of Border Affairs

for construction and maintenance of roads and
bridges in border areas


Ministry of Transport
Aviation Sector Maritime Sector

Department of Civil Department of Department of Marine

Aviation Transport Administration

Myanmar Port
Myanmar Airways Authority

Inland Water

Directorate of Water
Resources and Improvement
of River System

Department of
Metrology and

Myanmar Maritime
Mercantile Marine
College 5
Myanmar is presently using 33 airports out of its 69 airports. Of these,
3 are opened as international airports while the others are used as
domestic airports.
International Airports
Yangon International Airport
(passenger handling capability- 2.7 million)
Mandalay International Airport
(passenger handling capability- 3 million)
Naypyitaw International Airport
(passenger handling capability- 3.5 million)

Domestic Airports
30 Domestic Airports (some airports are serving intl charter
National Airlines

Today Myanmar has

7 domestic airlines. Myanma Airways, Yangon
Airways, Air Mandalay, Air Bagan, Asian Wings
Airways , Air KBZ and Golden Myanmar, which
are operating twenty-seven domestic destinations
with F 28, F 100, ATR 72, ATR 42 , MA 60 and
Embraer 190 aircrafts.
1 international airline ... Myanmar Airways
International, which is operating international
scheduled services per week between Myanmar and
seven regional destinations with A 320 aircrafts.

International routes which are being operated by foreign airlines
Thai Airways International, Bangkok Airways, Thai Airasia Bangkok-Yangon

Malaysia Airlines & Airasia Berhad Kuala Lumpur-Yangon

Silk Air, JetStar Airways & Singapore Singapore-Yangon

Air China & China Eastern Airlines Kunming-Yangon

China Eastern Airlines Kunming-Mandalay Nanning-Yangon

China Southern Airlines Guangzhou-Yangon

China Airlines Taipei-Yangon (Regular Charter)

Vietnam Airlines Ha Noi-Yangon Ho Chi Minh-Yangon

Air India Kolkata-Yangon

Korean Airline Inchon-Yangon

Eva Air Taipei-Yangon

Qatar Airways Dohar-Yangon

Passenger Traffic in Yangon International Airport

Sr. Year International Pax Domestic Pax Growth Rate

1 2003 548202 603774

2 2004 670008 665630 10%

3 2005 725858 699209 5%

4 2006 825236 748600 7%

5 2007 867853 755200 1%

6 2008 824595 654979 (-)13%

7 2009 967622 659607 1%

8 2010 1211372 778433 18%

9 2011 1448729 998616 28%

10 2012 1925762 1139654 14%

Source DCA (2012)
Passenger Traffic (contd)
(Yangon International Airport)
The Total inbound and outbound international passengers in 2012
increased 32.9 % on that of 2011

The Total inbound and outbound domestic passengers in 2012

increased 14.12 % on that of 2011

Passenger traffic at the airport has been growing year on year

with the anural growth rate of 20.12%

It is forecasted that passenger traffic will be 5.4 million in 2015

Maritime Transport
Yangon Port

Yangon Port is the river port and premier port

of Myanmar which handles about 90% of
seaborne trade of the country.

International Wharves
International wharves

Yangon Port - 18 wharves

Thilawa Port - 6 wharves
Total - 24 wharves
ICD - 3 Depots

Ports Activities
SITTWE There are also 8 other coastal ports
known as Out ports along the coast.
To cope with the growth of the
THANDWE maritime trade volume after adoption
YANGON of the market oriented economy of the
PATHEIN country and the regional de mand of
MAWLAMYINE larger vessels for seaborne traffic, the
governme nt laid down the plan to
develop Deep Sea Commercial Ports at
DAWEI suitable sites along the coast of
MPA selected two places
- Dawei Deep Sea Port Project
(Italian Thai Dev: Co.,ltd)
- Kyaukpyu Deep Sea Port and
railway project (CITIC Group,
China) 15
Public and Private Ownership Ratio of Port Facilities

16 16
General Cargo Handled in Port of Yangon
(M.ton in thousand)
No Year Import Export Total
1 2002-2003 6005 4835 10,840
2 2003-2004 5191 4609 9,800
3 2004-2005 5208 4773 9,981
4 2005-2006 5514 4725 10,239
5 2006-2007 5623 5332 10,955
6 2007-2008 6240 5619 11,859
7 2008-2009 6150 6166 12,316
8 2009-2010 9492 6655 16,147
9 2010-2011 12307 6131 18,438
10 2011-2012 14461 7261 21,722
11 2012-2013 8627 5099 13,726
(Up to November)

12 2016-2017 39788
13 2030-2031 123041
Growth Rate 83.17% for (5) years, 100.38% for coming (10) years,
Volume of Container Handled in Port of Yangon
(M.ton in thousand)
No Year Import Export Total (TEU) (M.T in thousand)
1 2002-2003 97.573 98.140 195.713 2838.689
2 2003-2004 86.867 86.457 173.324 2676.184
3 2004-2005 78.223 77.361 155.584 2664.521
4 2005-2006 86.130 85.775 171.905 2606.160
5 2006-2007 99.942 97.337 197.279 3148.045
6 2007-2008 115.267 111.236 226.503 3462.489
7 2008-2009 133.712 130.294 264.006 3937.131
8 2009-2010 152.077 151.333 303.410 4372.025
9 2010-2011 175.315 171.327 346.642 4571.902
10 2011-2012 207.540 200.503 408.043 5594.589
11 2012-2013 149.430 154.721 304.151 3944.733
(Up to November)

12 2016-2017 Estimate will be 9039.74


13 2030-2031 Estimate will be 21712.04

Inland Water Transport

Ayeyarwaddy River - 1534 km

Chindwin River - 730 km

Thanlwin and rivers - 380 km

Kaladan Riv er

Thanlw in Riv er
in Mon State
Rivers in Ayeyarwaddy - 2404 km
Rivers in Rakhine State - 1602 km
Total - 6650 km

Name of Catchment Navigable Discharge Transport
river (sq-km) Route (million (million
(km) cu-m) ton)
Ayeyarwaddy 288900 1332 313720 278
Chindwin 115300 730 141290 131

Inland Water Transport
IWT is operating passenger cum cargo transportation
& the ferry services
218 inland waterways ports
Maximum drafts are about 4.5 ft to 5.5 ft.
No terminals capable of handling containers

The Capacities of Inland Vessels in Myanmar

Number of vessel -412

Vessels -225
Barges -148
Pontoon -39

Road Transport

Total Road Length:

148690 km
Paved Road:
33014 km
Express Way:
Number of registered
2476672 (June, 2012)

Railway Transportation in Myanmar

A state owned and sole operator

of the rail system in Myanmar.
Total Route Length 5844.03 Km
-Single Truck - 5143.21 Km
-Double Truck - 700.82 Km
-Bridges - 11659 Nos
-Tunnels - 12 Nos
-Stations - 926 Nos
64.352 passengers and 3.58
freight tons in million 23
Cross border railways connections
Railway Lines of International Importance in Myanmar
Existing lines
Mandalay-Yangon = 617 km
Mandalay-Lashio = 313 km
Mandalay-Kalay = 539 km
Bago-Thanbyuzayat = 270 km
Missing lines
Kalay-Tamu = 127.4 km**
Lashio-Rueli = 141.8 km**
Thanbyuzayat-Three Pagoda Pass = 110 km**

** The route lengths of missing lines are

referred from feasibility reports


Myanmar Logistics Development

National Level Workshop on Economic Development

through the Integration of Logistics Services was held
in Nay Pyi Taw on 17-18 of March 2008.

Participants :


Entrepreneurs from Private Sectors

Economic Experts

Myanmar Logistics Development
To formulate the Policy, Time Frame and Action Plan in
accordance with related sectors, 5 consultative committees
have been formed with concerned Ministries:
Infrastructure development
Transport services development
Laws, rules and regulation
Human resources development
IT development
After that the national logistics policy and roadmap will
be adopted based on committees measures.
Liberalization Status of Logistics Services
No Measure Time Line Remark

1 Maritime cargo handling services(CPC 741) 2013 Completed

2 Storage & warehousing services(CPC 742) 2013 Completed

3 Freight transport agency services(CPC 748) 2013 Not Complete

{Freight brokerage services, freight forwarding services,
ship and aircraft space brokerage services and freight
consolidation and break-bulk services}

4 Other auxiliary services(CPC 749) 2013 Not Complete

{Freight brokerage services; bill auditing and freight rate
information services; transportation document preparation
services; packing and crating and unpacking and de-crating
services; freight inspection; weighing and sampling
services; and freight receiving and acceptance services}

5 Courier services(CPC 7512**) 2013 Completed

6 Packaging services(CPC 876) 2013 Completed

7 Customs clearance services 2013 Not Complete

Liberalization Status of Logistics Services

No Measure Time Remark

8 International Freight Transportation(CPC 7212) 2013 Completed
excluding cabotage
9 International rail freight transport services(CPC Beginning Not Complete
7112) 2008
10 International road freight transport services(CPC Beginning Not Complete
7213) 2008

Economic Corridors in GMS
Economic Corridors in

East West Corridor

Mawlamyine - Myawady - Da

Southern Corridor
Dawei - Quy Nhon/Vung Tau

Nouth-South Corridor
Kunming - Mongla - Kyaington
- Tachileik Bangkok

Nothern Corridor
Fangcheng - Muse - Mandalay

Western Corridor
Tamu - Bagan - Mawlamyine


AH1 - Myawaddy-Payagyi(Yangon)-
AH2 - Tachilek-Kyaing Tong-Meikhtila-
Mandalay-Tamu (807 km)
AH3 - Monglar-Kyaing Tong (93 km)
AH14 - Muse-Lashio-Mandalay (453 km)
AH111 - Thibaw-Loilen (239 km)
AH112 - Thatton-Mawlamyine-Dawei-
AH123 - Dawei-Sinphyutaung-Bongti

Total - 4543 km (Inside Myanmar)

Logistics Development
Cooperations and Coordinations are being taken to implement the
measures under the roadmap for the integration of Logistics
Services of ASEAN.
Trainings related to the Multimodal Transport & Logistics for both
public and private are being conducted with the cooperation of
Department of Transport, Myanmar Maritime University and
Infrastructure Development Projects on Air, Maritime, Road and
Rail Transport are being taken to be in line with international
Actions are being taken to utilize applicable IT by MPA.
Actions are being taken to form National Logistics Association in
near future.

Future Development Plans

Priorities on Air Transport Sector

To achieve the (12) objectives of air transport sector, the following

projects will be implemented within 2011- 2012 to 2015-2016 fiscal
year ;
Construction of new Hanthawaddy International Airport
Allowing private sector to participate in the operations of
Adoption of a National Air Transport Policy
Drawing up and implementing a Master Plan for Civil
Aviation Development
Updating respective Acts and Rules
Reforming the institutional set-up of the DCA
Setting up an Airports Authority
Priorities on Air Transport Sector

Relations with international organizations

Promoting technology and enhancing Human Resource
Improving Yangon International Airport, Coco island Airport,
Putao Airport, Sittwe Airport, Kyaukpyu Airport, Thandwe
Airport, Kalay Airport, Nyaung UAirport, Heho Airport,
Myitkyina Airport and upgrading Naungmom Airport, Phalan
Airport, Manaung (Samonte) Airport, Mong-hsat Airport
Enhancing air navigation services which will remain under the
jurisdiction of the DCA

Priorities on Maritime Transport Sector

Purchasing new 37 vessels with Japanese loan or grant aid

USD 31.77 million for the replacement of old ones
Upgrading Dala dockyard with Japanese Grant aid
Getting three ferries for the Pansoedan-Dala ferry line
Extending new international terminal along the Yangon river for the
development of Yangon port area
Establishing new five terminals for international shipping in
Thilawa port area with loan or grant
Conducting the training of Ayeyarwaddy and Chindwin rivers
Constructing six modernized new domestic ports in Ayeyarwaddy
and Chindwin rivers with grant or loan
Priorities on Road Transport Sector

Shwebo- Myitkyina road

Mawlamyine- Ye- Dawei- Meik- Kawthaung road

Meikhtila- Taunggyi- Kyaingtong- Tacheleik road

Monywa- Pale- Gangaw- Kalaymyo road

Yargyi- Kalaywa road

Mandalay- Thabeikkyin- Tagaung- Bhamaw- Myitkyina road

Minbu- Ann- Sittwe road

India- Myanmar- Thai Tripartite road

Priority Projects for Transport Development
National Transport Network System needs to implement in
line with the current political and economic systems of the
National Integrated Transport Master Plan will be formulated
for long term and sustainable transport development.
In the present Stage, Consultants of JICA and Officials
concerned of Myanmar are taking initial process to conduct
the feasibility study to adopt the strategies for the Transport
Development and also to formulate the National Integrated
Transport Master Plan by 2014.
At the same time, infrastructure improvement actions are
required urgently to conduct in order to support the process
of poverty reduction, development of socio economy of the
people and settlement of constraints in the transport sector.
Projects to be implemented with the Assistances
For the development of Inland Water Transportation and Multi-
dimensional development of Ayeyarwaddy river, the follwing projects
will be implemented with the assistances ;
Navigation Channel improvement in Ayeyarwaddy and Chindwin
Weirs Plan on Ayeyarwaddy River
Improvement of (6) Inland Ports along Ayeyarwaddy and Chindwin
Installation of Navigation Equipments along the waterways
Purchasing New Vessels and Barges for Inland Water Transport
Construction of a New Multi Purpose Terminal at Thilawa with loan
Large amount of sediment load concentration of the
Ayeyarwaddy and Chindwin Rivers are important factors that
affect to rivers morphology and environmental changes

Proposed Pilot Project in Yatabo Waterway, Mandalay Region Name Amount

1. Feasibility Study + Design Euro 2.0 million

2.Ayeyarwaddy river channel improvement Euro 400 million


Dist. Height Back
Width Above Disch- of weir surface Out put
S r. from water No. of
Township Location of River MS L arge (Head) area bet. Power
No. estuary length Turbine
(meter) (meter) (m3/sec) Two weirs (MW)
(km) (meter) (km) (sq. km)

1 Myingyan Yantabo 806 760 59.5 6290 8.5 94 240 6 180

Appropriate Sites of New Inland Ports

Ayeyarwaddy River Chindwin river

Sinkham Port Monywa Port sinkham
Mandalay Port Kalewa Port
Pokokku Port monywa
Magway Port mandalay
The estimate cost US$ 60 million

Benefits - Facilitation and efficient transportation

- Developing new inland ports
- Developing SEZ and industrial zones
- Getting more revenue
- Creating employment opportunities
- Developing foreign investment

Costs - US$ 60 millions.

Thilawa Port Development
To cope with the growth of the
maritime trade volume after
YANGON adoption of the market oriented
economy of the country.

Thilawa Port

A New Multi Purpose (5) Terminals

at Thilawa will be established.

Projects to be implemented with the Assistances

Road Transport
New Bridge Construction at 17 Places ; Hinthata, Dala, Hlaing,
Bayintnaung No. 2, New Goat Twin, Wataya, New Thaketa, Gyaing,
Thamouk, Donthami, Kalaywa, Thetkalthoung, Chaungnitkwa,
Thanlwin, Yawchaung.
Rehabilitation at 21 Bridges; Maubin, Balaminhtin, Twantay, Pathein,
Myaungmya, Gyaing, Attrayan, Maei, Kyaukkyi Pauk, Snarepauk,
Lonetawpauk, Dedokepauk, Thanthamagyi, Thanthamachay,
Thazintanpauk, Wanphite, Minkyaung, Yanmaung, Kisspanaddy,
Upgrading of Research Labs at Yangon, Naypyitaw, Mandalay.

Projects to be implemented with the Assistances

Rail Transport
National Railways Strategic Plan
Rehabilitation and Modernization of Yangon-Mandalay Railway
Mandalay Myitkyina track signal upgrading
Bago Dawei track upgrading
Yangon Pyay track upgrading
Tamu - Kalay - Segyi - Monywa - Mandalay Project
Improvement of Urban Railway System in Yangon City
Refurbishment of Diesel Locomotives
Upgrading of Railway Technical Training Center

Thank You
Contact :
U Aung Ye Tun, Director
Department of Transport
Ministry of Transport
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected] 50

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