Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom
Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom
Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom
Postulates of Bohr Model
mvr = nħ
Electron loses energy only when it jumps from one allowed
energy level to another allowed energy level. It radiates energy in
the form of electromagnetic radiation with a
frequency ν determined by the energy difference of the levels
according to the Planck relation:
E2 - E1 = hν
According to the Maxwell theory the frequency ν of classical
radiation is equal to the rotation frequency ν of the electron in its
orbit, with harmonics as integer multiples of this frequency.
This result is obtained from the Bohr model for jumps between
energy levels En and En−k when k is much smaller than n. These
jumps reproduce the frequency of the kth harmonic of orbit n.
The model didn’t stand to the advent of the dual nature (wave-
particle duality) of the electron.
Wave behaviour of electron in the Bohr orbit
The fact that the electron orbit in a hydrogen atom is one electron
wavelength in circumference provides the clue needed to
construct a theory of the atom.
Using the concept of the electron matter wave, de Broglie
provided a rationale for the quantization of the electron’s angular
momentum in the hydrogen atom, which was postulated in Bohr’s
quantum theory.
If a fractional number of
wavelength is placed around the
loop destructive interference will
occur as the waves travel around
the loop, and the vibrations will
die out rapidly.
By considering the behavior of electron waves in the
hydrogen as analogous to the vibrations of a wire loop
we may postulate that an electron can circle a nucleus
indefinitely without radiating energy provided that the
orbit contains an integral number of de Broglie
This postulate combines both the particle and wave characters of
an electron into a single statement, since the electron wavelength
is computed from the orbital speed required to balance the
electrostatic attraction of the nucleus.
When an electron in an excited state drops to a lower state the lost
energy is emitted as a single photon of light. According to the
model an electron cannot reside in an atom except in certain
specified orbits. The quantum number of the initial state (higher
energy level) is ni and that of final state (lower enrgy state) is nf then
The frequency of the photon released in emission is
The calculated formulae for the first five series are
The Bohr Theory
Discrete Energy Model Failure Equation
De Broglie won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1929, after the
wave-like behaviour of matter was first experimentally
demonstrated in 1927.