Botany Guess Paper - 4

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Zoology gUess paper - 4


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Section - A
1. Special membranous structures formed by invagination of
plasma membrane into the cell in bacteria called mesosome
(A) Stores reserved food material
(B) Helps in DNA replication
(C) Helps in movement of bacteria
(D) Contains pigments which is not involve in photosynthesis
2. If number of chromosomes present in a megaspore of an
angiospermic plant is 10, then select the correct option Cells at
different Number of stages of cell cycle chromosomes
(A) Megaspore mother – 20 Cell at 'S' phase
(B) Megaspore mother – 40 cell at G2- phase
(C) Antipodal cell 20
(D) Egg cell 20
3. Three domains of life according to Carl Woese are
(A) Protista, Plantae and Animalia
(B) Monera, Plantae and Fungi
(C) Bacteria, Eukarya and Archaea
(D) Protista, Monera and Eukarya
4. What is the probability of obtaining individuals with genotype PpqqRr,
when a cross is made between the parents with genotypes PpQqRr x
(A) 1/16
(B) 1/8
(D) 1/4
5. In lac operon, the permeability of membrane for lactose mainly
depends on expression of _____ gene.
(A)Lac z
(B) Lac y
(C) Lac a
(D) Regulator
6. How many nucleosomes are present in eubacterial DNA which
contains 4.6 x 10 bp?
(A) 2.3x104
(B) 4600
(C) Zero
(D) 2300
7. Which of the following statements is not true w.r.t. hotspots.
(A) Number of endemic species is very high at hot spots
(B) Hot spots have very high level of species richness.
(C) Hot spots are least threatened reservoir of plant and animal life on
(D) 34 hot spots are identified globally.
8. Consider the following statements (A- C) and select the correct option
stating which ones are true (T) and which ones are false(F).
A. Trichoderma are free living fungi, very common in the root ecosystem
and effective biocontrol agents of several plant pathogens.
B. Baculoviruses, belong to genus Nuc/eopolyhedro virus have negative
impact on plants, mammals, birds or even non-target insects.
C. Dragonflies are useful to get rid of butterfly caterpillars
(A) T F F
(B) T T F
(C) T F T
(D) F F T
9. Select the correct statement w.r.t. aleurone layer present in
monocot seed.
(A) It remains fused with pericarp
(B) Triploid and is proteinaceous
(C) Release alpha-amylases, proteases and lipases
(D) Is starch rich nutritional reserve
10. If the percentage of nitrogenous bases in
DNA is A = 10%, T = 40%, C = 20% and G = 30%, then the genetic
material must be
(A) dsDNA (B) dsRNA
(C) ssDNA (D) ssRNA
11. Read the following statements.
a. A large number of organisms can tolerate and thrive in a wide
range of temperature.
b. Quality of water is important for aquatic organisms.
(A) Both a & b are correct
(B) Only a is incorrect
(C) Both a & b are incorrect
(D) Only b is incorrect
12. Release of hot waste water, having 8 - 10°C higher temperature cause
thermal pollution. This
(A) May enhance the growth of plants and fish in extremely cold areas
(B) Reduces BOD as well as dissolved oxygen
(C) Increases the number of organisms sensitive to high temperature
(D) Both (A) & (C)
13. A polysome contains
(A) Many ribosomes and a single m-RNA
(B) Single ribosome and many m-RNAs
(C) Single ribosome and single m-RNA
(D) Many ribosomes and many m-RNAs
14. All of the following features are true for lipids of plasma
membrane, except
(A) Tails are hydrophobic
(B) Polar heads are towards the inner sides
(C) May consist of phosphoglycerides
(D) Major lipids are phospholipids
15. 60 S, the larger subunit of eukaryotic ribosomes has about __A__
protein molecules and __B__ type(s) of rRNA
(A)A – 33 B – single
(B) A – 40 B – three
(C) A – 34 B – two
(D) A – 21 B – four
16. Colchicine holds the cell in __A__ stage which results in the formation
of ___B___ cells and the process is called as ___C___.
(A) Anaphase Polyploid Endopolyploidy
(B) Metaphase Haploid Endopolyploidy
(C) Anaphase Haploid Endomitosis
(D) Metaphase Polyploid Endomitosis
17. Select the correct statement w.r.t. labelled structure in given

(A) A : Non-peptidoglycan cell wall

(B) B : Vegetative cell having chlorophyll a and b.
(C) C : Heterocyst for nitrogen fixation in aerobic condition
(D) C : Lacks PS-II activities
18. First terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues are
(B) Bryophytes
(C) Pteridophytes
(D) Gymnosperms
19. Study the given table showing the solute potential ( S) and
pressure potential ( P) of mesophyll cells A, B and C. Considering that
all three cells are connected to each other. Find the direction of water
20. For organic substances to flow in phloem
(A) OP should be high at sink
(B) TP should be low at source
(C) TP should be high at sink
(D) OP should be high at source
21. Which of the following statements about the leaf of C4 plants is
a. Bundle sheath cells may form several layers around vascular bundle.
b. Large number of chloroplasts occur in bundle sheath cells.
c. Thick walled bundle sheath cells are impervious to gaseous exchange
and having large intercellular spaces.
(A) Both a and b
(B) Only a
(C) Only c
(D) Both a and c
22. How many additional molecules of ATP are needed for net production
of one molecule of maltose sugar by C4 plant as compared to the C3
(A) 24 (B) 12
(C) 60 (D) 36
23. Select the correct statement w.r.t. aleurone layer present in
monocot seed.
(A) It remains fused with pericarp
(B) Triploid and is proteinaceous
(C) Release alpha-amylases, proteases and lipases
(D) Is starch rich nutritional reserve
24. The types of gametes, phenotypes and genotypes that can be
produced by selfing a plant of genotype ttRrDd will be
(A)4, 4, 9
(B) 8, 8, 27
(C) 4, 4, 16
(D) 2, 2, 3
25. During secondary treatment in STP, organisms present in activated
sludge are digested by
(A) Anaerobic archaebacteria
(B) Aerobic eubacteria
(C) Aerobic methanogenic bacteria
(D) Anaerobic eubacteria
26. Read the following statements.
a. A large number of organisms can tolerate and thrive in a wide range of
b. Quality of water is important for aquatic organisms.
(A) Both a & b are correct
(B) Only a is incorrect
(C) Both a & b are incorrect
(D) Only b is incorrect
27. If the "Denaturation" step is missed during PCR, what would be its
effect on the entire process :
(A) Amplification will not occur
(B) Amplification will occur, only denaturation step will be missing
(C) Taq polymerase will perform function of denaturation, hence
amplification will occur
(D) Both (B) and (C)
28. The rules of scientific naming of E·coli are given in:-
30. Which of the following options is correct about structures
visible in the cross section of a centriole.
31. In a certain taxon of insects some have 17 chromosomes and
the other have 18 chromosomes. The 17 and 18 chromosome
bearing organisms are :
(A) Males and females, respectively
(B) Females and males, respectively
(C) All males
(D) All females
32. The lipid molecules present in plasma membrane have polar
heads and non-polar tails (as shows in figure).
Which option represents the correct arrangement of lipids in lipid
bilayer ?
33. Climax vegetation of a region is generally :
(B) Hydrophytic
(C) Mesophytic
(D) Halophytic
34. How many ATP are required for the formation of one molecule of
NH3 by the nitrogenase enzyme?
(B) Eight
(C) Twelve
(D) Sixteen
35. After 5 cycles of PCR how many DNA fragments are
formed from a given DNA :
(A) 32 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 16
Section - B
36. At which of the following ranks in classification, organisms show
maximum similarities?
(B) Order
(C) Class
(D) Kingdom
37. Red tide of the sea is caused due to excessive growth of
(A)Blue green algae
(B) Gonyaulax
(C) Red algae
(D) Volvox
38. Abnormaly folded infectious protein particles are
(B) Prions
(C) Virusoids
(D) Mycoplasma
39. In which of the given plants edible roots develop from any part
of plant other than radicle?
(B) Zaminkand
(C) Potato
(D) Sweet potato
40. Somaclonal variations are
(A) Induced by mutagens
(B) Produced during tissue culture
(C) Induced during sexual embryogeny
(D) Caused by gamma radiations only
41. Complete the following Swiss cheese :
Propionibacterium sharmanii Acetic acid : _
(B) Penicillium
(C) Acetobacter
(D) Monascus
42. The term beta -diversity refers to
(A) Genetic diversity
(B) Diversity within community
(C) Diversity between two communities
(D) Regional diversity
43. Relative contribution of CH4 in global warming is
(A) 20% (B) 60%
(C) 14% (D) 6%
44. Which of the following traits can express only in homozygous
(A) Violet flower
(B) Dwarf
(C) Green pod color
(D) Axial flower position
45. Which of the following is a variety of okra that is resistant to
(A)Pusa Gaurav
(B) Pusa Sadabahar
(C) Pusa Komal
(D) Pusa Sawani
46. What will be the sum total of phenotypes and genotypes in F2
generation if a character is controlled by two pairs of genes?
(A) 98 (B) 13 (C) 14 (D) 16
47. Which of the given RNA has catalytic role during translation?
(B) tRNA
(C) rRNA
(D) hnRNA
48. The non membranous cell organelle common to both
prokaryote and eukaryote is
(B) Nucleoid
(C) Ribosome
(D) Nucleolus
49. Prokaryotic cell cannot have
(A) Nuclear membrane
(B) ribosomes
(C) Cell wall
(D) Plasma membrane
50. Identify the incorrect match for prokaryotic cell.
(A) Mesosome – Respiration
(B) Plasmid – Genomic DNA
(C) Glycocalyx – Protects bacterial cell
(D) Chromatophore – Photosynthetic pigment
Answer key
1. (b 16. (d 31. (a 46. (b
2. (a 17. (d 32. (b 47. (c
3. (c 18. (c 33. (c 48. (c
4. (b 19. (a 34. (b 49. (a
5. (b 20. (d 35. (a 50. (b
6. (c 21. (c 36. (a
7. (c 22. (b 37. (b
8. (a 23. (b 38. (b
9. (b 24. (a 39. (d
10. (c 25. (a 40. (b
11. (b 26. (b 41. (c
12. (a 27. (a 42. (c
13. (a 28. (a 43. (a
14. (b 29. (b 44. (b
15. (b 30. (d 45. (d

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