Experiment - 08 Load Test On The Alternator

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Load Test on Three Phase Alternator

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Aim: To Study Load Test on Three Phase Alternator.


The most commonly used machine for generation of electrical power for commercial
purpose is the synchronous generator or alternator. An alternator works as a generator
when its rotor carrying the field system is rotated by a prime-mover which in this case is
DC shunt motor. The terminal voltage of an alternator changes with load.

Alternators are by far the most important source of electric energy. Alternators generate
an AC voltage whose frequency depends entirely upon the speed of rotation. The
generated voltage value depends upon the speed, the dc field excitation and the power
factor of the load.

As the DC field excitation of an alternator is increased, its speed being held constant, the
magnetic flux, and hence, the output voltage, will also increase in direct proportion to the
current. However, with progressive increases in DC field current, the flux will eventually
reach a high enough value to saturate the iron in the alternator. Saturation in the iron
means that there will be a smaller increase in flux for a given increase in DC field current.
Because the generated voltage is directly related to the magnetic flux intensity, it can be
used as a measure of the degree of saturation.

When an alternator delivering full rated output voltage is suddenly subjected to a short-
circuit, very large currents will initially flow. However, these large short-circuit currents
drop off rapidly to safe values if the short-circuit is maintained. The output voltage of an
alternator depends essentially upon the total flux in the air-gap. At no load this flux is
established and determined exclusively by the DC field excitation.

Under load, however, the air-gap flux is determined by the ampere-turns of the rotor and
the ampere-turns of the stator. The latter may aid or oppose the MMF (magnetomotive
force) of the rotor depending upon the power factor of the load. Leading power factors
assist the rotor, and lagging power factors oppose it.

Load test of an alternator provides the information about the efficiency and regulation. It
is performed by driving the alternator at its rated speed and increase the field excitation
till the armature voltage reaches to its rated value. Increase the load on alternator
terminals during this process alternator armature current will increase, terminal voltage
will vary according to the type of the load. By observing the input and output of an
alternator at each load we can calculate the corresponding efficiency and regulation.

Load Test on Three Phase Alternator

1) Close DPST (double pole single throw) switch connected to the DC shunt motor and apply
voltage in steps till desired speed of the alternator is attained.

2) When desired speed is reached, turn on DC excitation to synchronous generator field winding
so that rated value of terminal voltage of alternator in open circuit condition is reached. Now DC
excitation will be held constant hereafter
3) To test the machine on load, we insert the resistances from resistive load bank.
4) As we go on inserting resistances, the terminal voltage of 3 phase alternator will reduce and
also the speed
5) Store this data by clicking “Start Storing Data”
6) Now again increase the load by closing another load switch.
7) Store this data by clicking “Start Storing Data”
8) Go on repeating this procedure till all load are connected and data is stored.
9) Now display the data by clicking “Show data”. For Ex

Vfa=field voltage of alternator

Ifa=field current of alternator
Vin=input voltage DC motor
Iin=input current of DC motor
Vt=terminal voltage
Vry,Vyb,Vbr=line voltage

10) As load is increased, the DC input to the motor will also be increased to bring back the speed
of alternator to synchronous speed. Due to voltage regulation effect even though speed is
restored drooping characteristics are observed for terminal voltage against line current of

11) Remove field excitation of sync alternator with DPST switch.

12) Switch off the resistances from circuit of generator
13) Cut off the supply through DPST (double pole single throw) of the for DC shunt motor after
making all applied quantities zero.

Results and simulations:

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