Coffee Production and Geographical Indications (GI) : An Analysis of The World Panorama and The Brazilian Reality
Coffee Production and Geographical Indications (GI) : An Analysis of The World Panorama and The Brazilian Reality
Coffee Production and Geographical Indications (GI) : An Analysis of The World Panorama and The Brazilian Reality
3; 2023
ISSN 1913-9063 E-ISSN 1913-9071
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Received: March 3, 2023 Accepted: April 4, 2023 Online Published: April 6, 2023
doi:10.5539/jsd.v16n3p47 URL:
Coffee cultivation is of great importance in the world economy. Due to consumers' demand for products with
quality and geographic certification, the topic is relevant. The research objective is to portray the international and
Brazilian scenario of the coffee production chain, based on production and Geographical Indications (GIs) for the
product. The research is classified as exploratory and descriptive in relation to the approach, and as bibliographical
and documental in relation to the means of investigation. It was found that the world's largest coffee producers are
Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and Indonesia. There was a reduction in world production for the 2021/22 crop, due
to the low production of arabica coffee in Brazil, but for the 2022/23 crop, an increase in this production is
estimated. Most coffee-producing countries follow specific legislation to protect Geographical Indications and
others protect them through trademarks. In Brazil, the definition of GI is explained by its species, Indication of
Origin (IO), and Denomination of Origin (DO). Brazil is the second with the highest number of GIs for coffee in
the world. El Salvador has a GI that represents the entire coffee value chain. Indonesia is the country with the
highest number of GIs for coffee in the world and has state support for its promotion. Given this scenario, there is
a need to develop public policies aimed at this product. It is indicated for future research the study of these policies
and the performance of bodies responsible for the consolidation of GIs in their respective countries.
Keywords: coffee growing, geographical indications, brands, sui generis system
1. Introduction
The coffee tree is an evergreen plant that has grown in tropical and subtropical regions. One hundred and twenty-
four coffee species have already been identified (Davis et al., 2011), but the two main ones commercialized
worldwide are: Coffea arabica (arabica) e Coffea canephora (robusta). These species differ in terms of agronomic,
biochemical, and sensory aspects of the grain, the market, and the use of their products (Ferrão et al., 2019).
Arabica coffee originates from Ethiopia. It had its botanical classification in 1737 and adapted to cold climates
(Ferrão et al., 2019). Its production suffers fluctuations due to climatic factors (Schroth et al., 2009; Zullo et al.,
2011) and the biennial, defined by variation of years with high and low production (Carvalho et al., 2004). It has
the following varieties: Bourbon, Catuaí, Catucaí, Icatu, Iapar 59, Mundo Novo, Obatã, Tupi, Topázio among
others (Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises [SEBRAE], 2013). It accounts for 53.34%
of world coffee production (United States Department of Agriculture - USDA, 2022).
Robusta coffee originates from Guinea in the Congo Basin. It had its botanical classification in 1895-1897, with
geographic distribution in the African continent (Ferrão et al., 2019), has greater heat tolerance (Bunn et al., 2015).
Conilon is the most cultivated variety of this type of coffee, with the highest productivity potential (Busato, 2022;
SEBRAE, 2013). It accounts for 46.66% of world coffee production (USDA, 2022).
Coffee is traded on the world’s main future and commodity exchanges, such as New York and London. Its
47 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
cultivation is of great importance in world economy, as its processing, trade, transport, and marketing generate
millions of jobs for people around the world. This importance is crucial for the economies of many developing
countries (Grüter et al., 2022).
Since the 1990s, new world behaviors emerged, demanding quantity and quality of food (Brazil Specialty Coffee
Association [BSCA], 2021). During this period, Brazilian coffee sector experienced a deregulation process
resulting from the extinction of the Brazilian Coffee Institute (IBC). This institute defined the policy for the sector,
coordinated, as well as controlled, production and commercialization strategies both inside and outside the country.
Additionally, it offered technical and economic assistance, along with promotion of study and research on coffee
(Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA, 2021).
This deregulation led to a new trend, the appreciation of products with peculiar attributes, both in terms of tangible
and intangible aspects (Zylbersztajn et al., 2001). Modernization in coffee production systems and the adoption of
innovative techniques had to be adopted based on efficient and quality production (Carvalho et al, 2020). Thus,
coffees with superior quality started to have more attractive prices in both national and international market
(Carvalho et al., 2011).
With more demanding consumers, coffee producers had to increase the added value of their product, with the
production of special coffees with quality and geographic certifications, new ways of selling the drink, and greater
sensitivity regarding environmental sustainability (Borrella et al., 2015; Volsi et al., 2019) and social concern, such
as conditions of labor used in production (Zylbersztajn et al., 2001).
Geographical Indications (GIs) seek to distinguish the geographical origin of a particular product or service
(Ribeiro et al., 2020; Silva et al., 2022). They provide recognition and confidence about the origin of the product,
standardization of production, and the possibility of inserting the territory in commercial competitiveness (Caldas
et al., 2017).
GI in Brazil is recognized by the Industrial Property Law (Law nº 9.279,1996) (Valente et al., 2012) and
standardized by the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) (Caldas, 2013). INPI is the responsible agent for analyzing the pertinence of
the indication and carrying out the legal registration of GI (Law nº 9.279,1996) and MAPA encourages GI activities
and actions for agricultural products (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply [MAPA], 2017).
At the international level, GI is recognized by the TRIPS Agreement (Valente et al., 2012) and regulated by the
World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (Caldas, 2013).
On December 6, 2022, 126 GIs were registered for coffee in the world (Organization for an International
Geographical Indications Network - ORIGIN, 2022a). Coffee production represented, in the 2021/2022 harvest,
167,134 million bags (60 kg). It is important to highlight that Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world
(USDA, 2022).
Given the importance of coffee cultivation for the world and Brazilian economy, this work addresses the world
and Brazilian panorama of coffee production, relating it to climatic and fertilization conditions. It also considers
how GIs for coffees are being protected worldwide, whether sui generis system or trademarks (registered,
collective or certification marks).
Therefore, the research aims to answer the following question: How can climatic and fertilization factors affect
world coffee production? And how are most producing countries protecting their coffee GIs?
Thus, the research aims to portray international and Brazilian scenario of the coffee production chain, based on
the measurement of production and GIs for this agricultural product.
The article is structured in six sections, in addition to the introduction. The second section describes the
methodology used in the work. The third section discusses GIs, their origins, and legal instruments at international
and Brazilian levels. The fourth section, results and discussions, discuss the world and Brazilian coffee scenario
and GIs. Finally, the research conclusions.
2. Method
This research is classified as exploratory and descriptive in relation to the approach, and as bibliographical and
documental in relation to the means of investigation. Bibliographical research allows a greater coverage of
phenomena, it is supported by the contributions of several authors on the subject. Documentary research relies on
material that have not yet received analytical treatment (Gil, 2012).
Information from different sources was used, such as books, dissertations, articles, reports, legislation, and
institutional websites. Regarding the international and Brazilian panoramas for coffee and GIs, data from
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49 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
The IO relates to the local name that has become known and the DO to the local name in which the characteristics
or qualities are due to the geographic environment (Barbosa, 2003). In IO, what is important is the peculiarity with
the quality of the product, whereas in DO, the physical, human, and cultural aspects of the environment where it
was obtained or produced (Anjos, 2013).
The concept of IO refers to what had already been foreseen in the Industrial Property Code of 1971 and to article
22 of the TRIPS Agreement. The DO refers to what was established in Article 2 of the Lisbon Agreement (1958)
and in the European Regulation ER 2081/1992 (Cabral, 2019).
There are other legal provisions that guide GI recognition requests in Brazil: INPI Resolution nº 55 (2013);
Normative Instruction INPI nº 95 (2018); INPI Resolution nº 233 (2019); INPI Ordinance nº 415 (2020); and INPI
Ordinance nº 4 (2022).
In 2021, Ordinance n° 46 (2021) was published, and established the Brazilian seals of GIs and provided for their
purpose and use. For each GI species there is a specific IO and DO seal (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Brazilian seal for Denomination of Origin (DO) and Indication of Origin (IO)
Source: Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property [INPI] (2021b)
Producers who have Brazilian Geographical Indications registered with INPI can use the seal on their product
packing free of charge (INPI, 2021a). The purpose of the seal is to identify products and services with high quality
and national reputation and contribute to promoting and valuing small businesses, the majority among GIs
(SEBRAE, 2021).
Several countries recognize the GI as an element of distinction, identification, and excellence of products and
legally protect it (Valente et al., 2012).
The European Union, for example, protects GIs through regulations: Regulation (EU) nº 1151/2012; Regulation
(EU) nº 1308/2013; and Regulation (EU) 2019/787 (ORIGIN, 2022f).
Regulation (EU) nº 1151/2012 specifies that in Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) all production steps must
be carried out inside the delimited geographical area, and the emphasis of the product is on quality and typicality;
in the case of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), at least one step must take place inside the demarcated
region and the emphasis of the product is on the link between its reputation and geographical origin (Cabral, 2019).
This regulation brought the mandatory use of symbols on the labeling of products produced in the European Union
commercialized under PDO or PGI (Figure 2) (Soeiro, 2018).
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Figure 2. Community symbols (seals) for products with PDO or PGI produced in the European Union
Source: Adapted from Soeiro (2018)
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The world’s largest coffee producers are Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia and Indonesia. The four countries together
concentrate 67.8% of world production (USDA, 2022).
Brazil is the largest producer of arabica coffee and the second largest producer of robusta coffee, totaling 34.8%
in the 2021/22 harvest. There was a 26.8% drop in Brazilian arabica coffee production, while robusta coffee
production increased by 7.4% if compared to the 2020/21 harvest. For the 2022/23 harvest, an increase of 14% is
estimated for arabica coffee and 5.06% for robusta (USDA, 2022).
Vietnam is the second largest producer of coffee in the world and largest producer of robusta coffee. For the
2021/22 harvest, production of robusta increased by 8.73% over the previous period. For the 2022/23 harvest, a
drop in this production is expected, as a result of the reduction in use of fertilizers in coffee plantations by producers,
due to rising prices (Brainer, 2022; USDA, 2022).
Colombia is the world’s third largest producer of coffee and the second largest producer of arabica coffee. For the
2021/22 harvest, arabica production was reduced by 2.98% compared to the previous harvest. For the 2022/23
harvest, production should remain unaffected because producers have restricted the use of fertilizers in coffee
52 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
plantations, as the country is dependent on imported fertilizers, which have risen in prices (Brainer, 2022; USDA,
Indonesia is the fourth country in the world coffee production and third producer of robusta coffee. For the 2021/22
harvest, production of robusta coffee reduced by 1.06%. For the 2022/23 harvest, an increase of 7.52% is estimated
(USDA, 2022).
In a global market context, with consumers increasingly looking for unique quality products, GIs bring beneficial
effects to producers, consumers and local communities (Barjolle et al., 2017; Cei et al., 2018; ORIGIN, 2022b).
Worldwide, GIs are regulated by sui generis or trademarks. In sui generis system, laws are specifically designed
to protect GIs. The legal effect is established from the registration, which is mandatory. In this system, protection
is against direct commercial use of the GI (word for word). In trademarks system, the protection of GIs safeguards
the protection of geographic names by trademarks, collective marks and certification marks based on private
initiative. In countries that adopt this legislation, producers must pay attention to the periodic renewal of brands
(generally every ten years) (ORIGIN, 2022c).
According to information from the Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network (ORIGIN)
(2022a), the total GIs in the world for the agricultural product coffee is a total of 126, with 56 GIs in Asia, 29 GIs
in Central America, 27 GIs in South America, 9 GIs in North America and 5 GIs in Africa. The records were 108
GIs (sui generis), 16 GIs trademarks, 1 standard and labeling rules and 1 as others kind of records. Asia has all its
GIs for coffee protected by the sui generis system. Central America has its GIs registered as follows: 23 GIs (sui
generis), 4 GIs (brands), 1 standards and labeling rules and 1 as others kind of records. South America has 25 GIs
(sui generis) and 2 GIs by brands. North America has 3 GIs (sui generis) and 6 GIs (brands) and Africa has 1 GI
(sui generis) and 6 GIs (brands). (Chart 2).
Indonesia is the country with the highest number of GIs (31) all by sui generis system (ORIGIN, 2022a). In the
country, the Ministries of Justice, Agriculture, and Internal Affairs collaborate, since 2011, to promote the
development of GIs. The State acts from the selection of candidate products for registration to the supervision of
the implementation of the GI (Durand and Fournier, 2017).
Countries that registered their GIs by trademarks were United States (6 GIs), Ethiopia (3 GIs), Dominican Republic
(2 GIs), Panama (2GIs), El Salvador (1GIs), Nicaragua (1GI) and Kenya (1 GIs) (ORIGIN, 2022a).
In the United States, GIs are protected as registered, as collective or certification marks, registered by the US
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or common law trademark (ORIGIN, 2022d).
In Kenya, GIs are registered as a collective or certification mark (Barjolle et al. 2017) by the African Regional
Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), in accordance with the adoption of the Banjul Protocol on Trademarks
(ORIGIN, 2022e).
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In Ethiopia, GIs are protected as trademarks, as per Council of Ministers Regulation nº 273/2012 of December 24,
2012, on Trademark Registration and Protection (2012).
In El Salvador, GIs can be registered as trademarks, according to Art. 4º of the Law on Trademarks and Other
Distinctive Signs (Modified by Legislative Decree nº 986 of March 17, 2006) and as sui generis. GI Café de El
Salvador is registered as “of others”, as it is a brand that represents the entire value chain of Salvadoran coffee
cultivation and is part of the National Coffee Policy, whose objective is to benefit all actors in this production chain
(Consejo Salvadoreño del Café, 2021).
In Panama, the protection of GIs is based on Law nº35, of May 10, 1996, which provides for Industrial Property
(1996). The authority responsible for granting the registration of Denominations of Origins is the General
Directorate of Industrial Property Registration of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (DIGERPI).
In Nicaragua, with Decree No. 25 of 2012 Reforms and Amendments to Decree No. 83 of 2001, provisions relating
to trademarks became applicable to the registration of GIs (2012). GI Café de Nicaragua was registered as
“Standards and labeling rules”, as industrialized and green coffee are regulated by legislation (Decree No. 408 of
1958 and Technical Standard No. 03 025-03). Decree No. 408 of 1958 prohibits the sale or distribution of
adulterated coffee, whether roasted, grounded, powdered or liquid, when it is mixed with foreign matter (ICO,
2018). Technical Standard Green Coffee No. 03 025-03 (2003) establishes the specifications, characteristics and
analysis methods for the commercialization of coffee for exportation and at the national level for green coffee.
In the Dominican Republic, marks may consist of national or foreign Geographical Indications, according to Art.
72 and item II of Law Nº 20-00 of May 8, 2000 on Industrial Property (2000). This is applicable only if there are
sufficiently arbitrary and distinctive in relation to the products or services to which they apply, and that they do
not create confusion as to the origin, source, qualities or characteristics of the products or services for the codes of
use of the marks.
4.2 Brazilian Coffee Scenario and Geographical Indications
In Brazil, two types of coffee are cultivated, arabica and robusta (conilon). According to the National Supply
Company (CONAB) (2022) the state of Minas Gerais has 4 coffee producing regions (South and Midwest;
Triângulo, Alto Parnaíba and Northwest; Zona da Mata, Rio Doce and Central, North, Jequitinhonha and Mucuri)
and the state of Bahia 3 regions (Cerrado, Atlantic and Planalto).
The states that produce arabica coffee are Amazonas; Bahia (Cerrado and Planalto); Goiás; Minas Gerais (South
and Midwest; Tiângulo, Alto Parnaíba and Northwest; Zona da Mata, Rio Doce and Central, North, Jequitinhonha
and Mucuri); Espírito Santo; Rio de Janeiro; São Paulo, Paraná; Acre, Ceará; Pernambuco; Mato Grosso do Sul
and Distrito Federal (National Supply Company [CONAB], 2022).
The states that produce robusta coffee are: Rondônia; Amazonas; Bahia (Atlantic); Mato Grosso; Minas Gerais
(Zona da Mata, Rio Doce and Central, North, Jequitinhonha and Mucuri); Espírito Santo; Acre; and Ceará
(CONAB, 2022).
According to CONAB Coffee Crop Bulletin, a total production of 50,380.5 thousand bags (60kg) of processed
coffees estimated for the 2022 harvest, representing an increase of 5.6% in relation to the 2021 harvest, which
presented reduction in production due to several producing regions facing physiological effects of the negative
biennial and having adverse climatic conditions (long periods of drought and frost) (CONAB, 2022),
Arabica coffee production is estimated to be 32,410.2 thousand bags (60kg) processed, equivalent to 64.33% of
total Brazilian production, indicating an increase of 3.1% if compared to the 2021 harvest. (Table 2) (CONAB,
54 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
Table 2. Arabica coffee production estimative for the 2020 to 2022 harvests in Brazil
Region/UF (thousand bags beneficiated)
Harvest 2020 Harvest 2021 Harvest 2022
NORTH 30.6 30.6 30.6
AM 30.6 30.6 30.6
NORTHEAST 1,866.7 1,229.0 1,232.0
BA 1,866.7 1,229.0 1,232.0
Cerrado 350.0 250.0 276.0
Planalto 1,516.7 979.0 956.0
MIDWEST 247.8 231.6 280.0
GO 247.8 231.6 280.0
SOUTHEAST 45,654.0 29,036.9 30,282.0
MG 34,337.3 21,858.9 21,750.0
Sul e Centro-Oeste 19,152.2 11,751.9 9,761.7
Triângulo. Alto Paranaiba e Noroeste 6,000.8 4,777.5 4,212.1
Zona da Mata. Rio Doce e Central 8,589.6 4,735.5 7,072.4
Norte. Jequitinhonha e Mucuri 594.7 594.0 704.8
ES 4,765.0 2,945.0 4,341.0
RJ 371.0 224.0 288.0
SP 6,180.7 4,009.0 3,903.0
SOUTH 967.5 876.3 558.4
PR 967.5 876.3 558.4
OTHERS (*) 26.8 32.9 27.2
NORTH/NORTHEAST 1,866.7 1,259.6 1,262.6
MIDSOUTH 46,843.7 30,144.8 31,410.2
BRAZIL 48,737.2 31,437.3 32,410.2
Subtitles: (*) Acre, Amazonas, Ceará, Pernambuco, Mato Grosso do Sul and Distrito Federal.
Source: Adapted from CONAB (2022).
Robusta coffee (conilon) production is estimated at 17,970.3 thousand bags, equivalent to 36.67% of total Brazilian
production, showing an increase of 10.3% when compared to the 2021 harvest (Table 3). This increase is due to
the fact that there were good temperatures and adequate precipitation in crucial phenological stages of the crop
(CONAB, 2022).
55 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
Table 3. Conilon coffee production estimate for the 2020 to 2022 harvests in Brazil
(thousand bags beneficiated)
Harvest Harvest Harvest
2020 2021 2022
NORTH 2,489.6 2,307.7 2,845.1
RO 2,444.9 2,263.1 2,800.5
AM 44.7 44.6 44.6
NORTHEAST 2,120.0 2,240.0 2,333.0
BA 2,120.0 2,240.0 2,333.0
Atlântico 2,120.0 2,240.0 2,333.0
MIDWEST 158.4 194.2 227.9
MT 157.1 194.2 227.9
SOUTHEAST 9,502.8 11,504.4 12,517.1
MG 309.8 283.4 283.1
Zona da Mata. Rio Doce e Central 201.4 184.2 184.0
Norte. Jequitinhonha e Mucuri 108.4 99.2 99.1
ES 9,2 11,221.0 12,234.0
OTHERS (*) 40,0 46.2 47.2
NORTH/NORTHEAST 4,609.6 4,547.7 5,178.1
MIDSOUTH 9,661.2 11,698.6 12,745.0
BRAZIL 14,310.8 16,292.5 17,970.3
Subtitles: (*) Acre and Ceará.
Source: Adapted from CONAB (2022).
The largest coffee producing state in Brazil is Minas Gerais, with total production estimated at 22,033.1 thousand
bags, in the 2022 harvest, accounting for 43.73% of Brazilian production. The second is Espírito Santo, with 16,575
thousand bags produced, representing 32.9% of production (CONAB, 2022).
Leadership in coffee production in Minas Gerais began in the 1970s (Santos et al., 2009). During this period, the
IBC proposed the Plan for Renewal and Reinvigoration of Coffee Fields (PRRC), with the aim of expanding coffee
production capacity, since the largest producing states at the time, São Paulo and Paraná, faced climatic adversities
(frosts), compromising Brazilian production. With government subsidies for the installation and expansion of the
productive area, coffee expansion took place in Minas Gerais state (Vale, 2014).
Since then, Minas Gerais has shown greater productivity in relation to other producing states, as a result of efforts
made from research, technology transfer and the region’s natural aptitude, related to climate conditions, terrain
and soil varieties (Peregrini and Simões, 2011). Currently, the state accounts for 45,109 coffee growers spread
across 451 municipalities and productive area of approximately 1.3 million hectares for coffee cultivation, being
the main agricultural export product (Agência Minas, 2022).
The state of Espírito Santo occupies first place in the ranking of Brazilian production of conilon coffee and third
in the production of arabica coffee. Coffee growing is the main agricultural activity of Espírito Santo, developed
in almost all municipalities, with the participation of 131,000 producing families (State by the Capixaba Institute
for Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension [INCAPER], 2022).
Programs to increase productivity and improve the final quality of the product are carried out in the state by the
Capixaba Institute for Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (INCAPER). This institute promotes
various educational, technological, training, and structuring actions, aimed at producing excellent coffee in the
state. In 2008, Renovar Café Arabica program was announced, with the objective of renewing and reinvigorating
the coffee park by adopting current technological bases. In 2012, the Renova Sul Conilon program was launched,
56 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
with the same goal as the previous program, but the focus was on contributing to sustainable development in the
state (Frederico, 2013; INCAPER, 2022).
The coffee production chain is extremely important for the Brazilian economy, as it has been the country’s export
agenda for years. With more demanding consumers (Pires et al., 2003), who value the origin and quality of the
product, producers have been improving their production to reach the new special coffee market (Giesbrecht et al.,
2014). As a result, they are obtaining GI recognition for their products, which add value and identify the
characteristics of the producing region (EMBRAPA, 2021).
Coffee is the largest agricultural product with GI records at the INPI. On December 6, 2022, 100 Brazilian
Geographical Indication were registered at the INPI, with 24 DOs and 76 IOs. Of this total, 14 GIs refers to coffee,
9 IOs and 5 DOs. (INPI, 2022) (Chart 3).
The first GI recognized for coffee was in 2005, the IO Região do Cerrado Mineiro (IG990001). In 2014, the region
was also recognized as the first Brazilian DO for coffee, DO Região do Cerrado Mineiro (IG2010111). Coffee
produced in regions with GI have unique attributes in relation to the production method, quality from cultivation,
harvest, appearance of the grain, origin, type of preparation, variety and built history (INPI, 2022).
Chart 3. Brazilian Geographical Indications for coffee registered with the INPI
Total Coffee
GI year of State Characteristics
municipalities Varieties
Coffee with a velvety and creamy
Arabica body; strong and fruity aroma with
Alta Mogiana IP/2013 SP 15
coffee soft notes of chocolate and dry
fruits; medium and balanced acidity
Campo das Arabica Sweet coffee, with a balanced body
IP/2020 MG 17
Vertentes coffee and hints of chocolate and nuts
ES, Arabica Coffee balanced between acidity,
Caparaó DO/2021 16
MG coffee sweetness and aroma
Coffee with creamy body, balanced
Espírito Santo IP/2021 ES 78 modulated acidity and smooth
finish; intense aromas and flavors
Sweet and light coffee with citrus
Mantiqueira de Arabica
DO/2020 MG 25 acidity. Terroir favorable to the
Minas coffee
production of specialty coffees
Arabica Recognition for the production of
Matas de Minas IP/2020 MG 64
coffee specialty coffees
Full-bodied and sweet coffee with
Matas de Amazonic
DO/2021 RO 15 aromas of chocolate, wood, fruit,
Rondônia robusta
spice, herbs
Coffee with an aroma of chocolate,
Montanhas do Arabica cane molasses, red fruits and
DO/2021 ES 16
Espírito Santo coffee caramel, in addition to a smooth
flavor and a medium finish.
57 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
5. Conclusions
Given the importance of coffee cultivation for both the world and Brazilian economy, this study aimed to verify
international and Brazilian scenario for the coffee cultivation, based on production and Geographical Indications
of the product.
Brazil is the world’s largest coffee producer and second in terms of quantities of GIs. The state of Minas Gerais is
ranked first in coffee production and in the number of GIs for the product in the country, followed by Espírito
Santo. According to Law nº 9.279/1996, GI is used to designate products and services, and uses the IO or DO
species for this definition.
In the European Union, the concept of GI is defined by Regulation (EU) nº 1151/2012 as: IGP, in which at least
one production step must take place in an outlined region and the emphasis of the product is on the link between
its reputation and geographical origin; and PDO, in which all stages of fabrication of the product must be carried
out within the delimited geographical area, and the emphasis is on quality and typicality.
It was observed that the two most commercialized types of coffee in the world are arabica and robusta. World
production showed a reduction for the 2021/22 harvest, due to the low production of arabica coffee in Brazil,
because of adverse weather conditions and physiological effects of the negative biennial. For the 2022/23 harvest,
an increase is estimated, as Brazil had favorable weather conditions in robusta coffee producing regions and
production is in positive biennial period.
Most coffee-producing countries follow specific legislation to protect GIs (sui generis system), but there are those
that protect them though trademarks (registered, collective or certification marks).
In El Salvador, a brand represents the entire coffee value chain in the country and benefits all actors in that chain.
In Nicaragua, GI is registered in a unique way, as “Standard and labeling rules”, through legislation and regulations
on the commercialization of industrialized and green coffee.
Indonesia is the country with the highest number of GI for coffee in the world, it is the third producer of robusta
and has the State’s role in the development of GIs.
Given this scenario, there is need to develop public policies aimed at the Geographical Indications of coffee in the
world and in Brazil. It is indicated for future research the study of these policies and the performance of bodies
responsible for the consolidation of GIs in their respective countries.
58 Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 16, No. 3; 2023
PRPGI-IFBA: Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Inovação do Instituto Federal da Bahia.
CNPq: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
Agência Minas. (2022). Maior produtor do mundo, Minas Gerais é protagonista no Dia Mundial do Café.
Retrieved April 25, 2022 from
Anjos, F. S., Criado, E. A., & Caldas, N. V. (2013). Geographical indications, identity and development: a dialogue
between the European and Brazilian reality. Dados: Revista de Ciências Sociais, 56(1), 207-236.
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