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Habib Ullah1, Dr Noor Muhammad Marwat2 , Alia3, Sundus Iftikhar4, Zeeshan

Javed5 and Umer Farooq6
1M.Phil Scholar, Department of Health Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Isra
University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
2Lecturer Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, Gomal University,
D.I. Khan, Pakistan.
3M.Phil Scholar, Department of Health Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Isra
University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
4Senior Lecturer, Isra Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Isra University,
Islamabad, Campus, Pakistan.
5Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of Lahore,
6M.Phil Scholar, Department of Health Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Isra
University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Habib Ullah , Dr Noor Muhammad Marwat , Alia , Sundus Iftikhar , Zeeshan

Javed and Umer Farooq , Coaching Behavior; Effects On Athelete’s Performance
, Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 18(10), 534-541. ISSN

Keywords Effects, Coaching, Behaviors, Athlete, Performance And Goal Setting.


Study was conducted to explore the effects of coaching behavior upon athletes’
performance. Population of study was athletes from various districts of Punjab Pakistan.
Researchers with convenient random sampling technique selected Faisalabad, Jhung, Toba
Taike Singh and Chiniot districts for research. Athletes of all levels participating in various
sports of these districts were targeted population.156 Athletes were selected as a sample
through non-probability convenient sampling technique. Survey research design was used
as tool for data and desired information collection. Mallet, (2006)Coaching Behavior Scale
for the sport (CBS-S) was used as standardized scale. The collect data was statistically
analyzed. Results of the study indicated that coaching behavior affect athlete performance.
All dimensions of the coaching behavior scale were significant. Study results concluded
that positive coaching behavior of coach enhanced athlete’sperformance in sport
competitions. Positive behavior of coach also increased physical training capabilities,
mental preparation, technical skillsand goal settingtechniques in the sportsmen.Results
have established that coaching and positive coaching behavior have significant positive
effects on the performance of athletes.

Analyzed data results have shown that experienced and skilled coach positively improves
the sport performance of athletes. Positive professional behavior of coach had visible
impacts on physical training capabilities, mental preparation of athletes, enhancement in
skill level and development of sense of goal setting. Sample of the study had observed
positive change in all sport competitions and performance abilities, techniques, tactics and
skills. Presence of skilled, experienced and well-behaved coach is essential for optimal
performance and achievements.

Findings of study will help the management to stream line their program according to the
need and requirements of the athletes, events and competitions. Introduction of experienced
and skilled coaches at grass root levels in sport events will improve the achievement level
of sportsmen. Positive behavior of coach and regular training and coaching programs will
help in boosting up the sport standard in Pakistan. Professional coaching academies must
be established at district levels for proper grooming and coaching of athletes.

Sports coaching is the process of motivating, guiding and training an individual in
preparation for any sporting career, or event. Most professional sportsmen have coaches to
help and train them for competitions (Nicholis AR, et al, 2016).Coaches are responsible for
planning, organizing and delivering an appropriate range of sports activities and programs
for individuals and teams. Professional responsibilities include: teaching relevant skills,
tactics and techniques, assisting in sports promotion and development (Hampson R, et al,
2014). Perfect coach will play many roles: technical supporter, motivator, leader,
psychologist, and maybe most importantly, as a role model for the athlete to follow him in
the competitions as well. Skilled coaches understand their various roles which pertains to
their overall program (Light R L, et al, 2014). Coaches mostly motivate athletes to focus
goal setting, develop strong liaison for execution and advise to develop proper game plan
in each situation (Bianchard C M, et al, 2009). During discharging his professional duties,
a coach must plan the activity properly, provide proper instruction, provide safe physical
environment, provide adequate/proper equipment, correlate athletes according to size,
physical maturity, skill level/experience, evaluate athletes for injury and incapacity and
supervise the whole activities and program closely(Kim H D, et al, 2016).Coaches are well
placed to help athletes to achieve their potentials. It is theirresponsibility to play a key part
in getting children and teenagers engaged in sport and physical activity. Sport coaches are
in position to promote the active lifestyles, inclusion and engagement of individuals in
physical activities (Sarkar M &Fletcher D, 2014).Prime duties of sports coaches are to
assist athletes in developing to their full potential. They are responsible for training athletes
in a sport by analyzing their performances, instructing in relevant skills and by providing
encouragement. But parents and teachers are also responsible for the guidance of the
athlete in life and their chosen sport (Riemer H A, et al, 2007).Personal benefits of
coaching are wide-ranging and can positively have impactson individual's career if they are
properly engaged with their coach. Coaching has been known to boost confidence, improve
work performance, and build effective communication skills. These benefits can be even
more vast and specific to an individual (Jowett. S & Arthur. C, 2019).Coaching is a goal-
focused (or solution-focused) approach, ability to elicit clear, well-defined and emotionally
engaging goals from coach is one of the most important skills for a coach to possess,
looking, listening, empathizing, questioning, giving feedback, intuiting and checking
throughout the whole coaching, training and competition (Davis L & Jowett. S, 2014).
Coaching involves the belief that individual has the answers to their own problems within
them. The coach is not a subject expert, but rather is focused on helping the individual to
unlock their own potential. The focus is very much on the individual and what is inside
their head and his approach (Rynne S B, et al, 2016).Coaching helps athletes to promote
the physical and mental capacity of their personal and social proficiency, coach should
have huge skills and science to develop the skilled athletes (Johnson 2011).
Behavior of coache is the vital base of any sports teams because coach work as a main
coordinate and framework of every sports progress (Riemer, H A, 2007). Effective
performance of the athlete in sports is visible to be certain by interactions between aplenty
of element such as the coach behavior, situational factors and athlete’s characteristics
disposition (Isoard-Gautheur, et al, 2016). Coaching is a multi-behavioral process that deal
with the social psychology, conversation, and reward or moving towards objective.
Coaching behavior is visible to affect both performance and satisfaction of teams and
athletes (Wood J D, et al, 2010). There is significant positive effect of coaching on
athletes’ performance, attitude and goal setting. Positive supportive behavior is vital to
improve athlete performance. Athletes who are new to workplace cannot be considered as
completely skilled and growth of player depends on coach. How coach behaves with new
athletes and help them to learn, to improve and to build confidence. Coach helps to provide
better framework and structure to athletes to develop sport performance and situation
tackling skill (Arnold R et al, 2017).
Coaches need to behave their athletes well, so that athletes will feel good. If the athlete not
satisfied with the behavior negative feedback will appear which is interpreted as unfair.
Coach’s advice is forceful prefigure of how athletes feel and perceive themselves and their
sporting experience. The coach-athlete combination has been shown to affect the athlete’s
intellect of their sports reliance and friendless. Athlete reliance is very vital for jugglery
and self-object behaviors and highly affected by the ascertain behavior of coach (Blanchard
& Provencher, 2009). Coach contemplates someone to prepare, guide, or counsel an athlete
in order to meliorate his corporal and intellectual performance in sport. If coach spoke
willbe positive, athlete will show more efforts, emendation and celebration in competitions
(Lundkvist E, et al, 2018). Coaches must understand their role and influence within sport
and the development of athletes, understanding emotions and how it effects on athlete
performance. Athlete with higher inflation is not influenced by coaching behavior (Barcza-
Renner, et al, 2016).

To check the effects of the coaching behavior, on the performance of the athletes.

H0. There is no significant effect of coaching behavior on athlete sport performance.

Study was conducted in Faisalabad (Punjab) Pakistan. The districts from where targeted
population was selected were Faisalabad, Jhung, Toba Taike Singh and Chiniot. Stratified
and convenient sampling technique was used for sampling. Total 156 athletes “91” Male
and “65” Female participating in various sport activities in the different level competitions
were sample for study. Data collection approval was properly taken from Ethical Sports
Management Committee.

Participants Sex Population Percentage Required sample

Athletes Male 91 58% 112*63%=71
Female 65 42% 112*37%=41
Total ----- 156 100 112

Survey research design was used as tool for data and desired information collection.
Mallet, (2006)Coaching Behavior Scale for the sport (CBS-S) was used as standardized
scale. The collect data was statistically analyzed. Survey questionnaire consisted of 26
questions and 4 domains (Physical training and conditioning, technical skills, mental
preparation and goal setting). Questionnaire had three options (Always, fairly often and
never). Collected data was statistically analyzed applying appropriate techniques.


Table No:1
Range Variance Mean SE SD Sig.
PC 6 3.871 4.072 0.185 1.967 0.002
TS 6 3.215 4.244 0.1694 1.793 0.001
MP 5.6 2.752 4.501 0.1567 1.659 0.000
GS 6 2.920 4.519 0.1614 1.708 0.001

PC= Physical training and conditioning, TS=Technical skills, MP=Mental preparation,

GS= Goal setting.
Questionnaire’s domains statistical analysis is shown in below table. Above table shows the
range, variance, mean standard Error, standard deviation and p-values of CBS-S scale.

Below figures show the skill level of athlete who participated in the study.

Coaching behaviors is a fundamental key for boosting efficiency, level of promoting,
mental preparation, and management responsibility. It enhances goal setting attitude and
moral of athletes during sport competitions and performance. Present study explored the
effect of coaching behaviors on performance of athletes in Faisalabaddivision. Present
study results are in line with the literature of the study. Majority of the respondents of view

that lack of co-operation, interest, technical skills and abusive behavior of coach were main
hurdles in prompt better performance. Results show that coaching and coach behavior are
psychological needs of athletes.

Discussions of results depicts that style of sport coaching is associated with improvement
of performance in competitions. Positive relation between coach and athlete is vital for
improvement. Coach and his behavior are considered as tool for sport performance
improvement. Proper coaching develops sense of self-determinations and motivation in
sportsmen. Coach behavior polishes the intrinsic motivation of participants. Results of the
study have reported that positive behavior of coach in sport is key to success in sport and
competitions.Study concluded that positive behavior of coachincreases in athlete
performance physical training and conditioning was 46.4%, mental preparation 53.6%,
technical skills 54.5% and goal setting 44.6%. Null hypothesis was rejected as there was
visible impact of coach and coaching behavior on the athletes performance.

The results of the study are significant, and it is recommended that the higher authorities
must provide supportive environmentfor coaching in sport. Trained, skilled and
experienced coach must be made available at grass root level for all athletes. School,
college, universities and district Government should collaborate with each other for
improvement of sport and sportsmen.

Throughout homeland Pakistan people from various races, localities and cultures
participate in sport activities. Most of individuals play just for fun, recreation and utilizing
leisure time. Minor portion of population participate in organized sport and competitions. It
was impossible for researchers to conduct this particular study in broader perspective
having restrictions of time, financial and traditional aspects. For this vary purpose the study
in hand was limited to only four districts of Punjab (Pakistan).

Researchers offer gratitude to the district sports officers and their offices for assisting in
data collection process. Researchers are also thankful to Ethical committees of Gomal
University, Dera Ismail khan and Isra University, Islamabad, for their valuable support and

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