Kamber 2002
Kamber 2002
Kamber 2002
DOI 10.1007/s00410-002-0374-5
Received: 12 July 2001 / Accepted: 9 May 2002 / Published online: 8 August 2002
Springer-Verlag 2002
Abstract We use published and new trace element data stant. Formation of adakites has therefore always de-
to identify element ratios which discriminate between pended on local plate geometry and not on potential
arc magmas from the supra-subduction zone mantle mantle temperature.
wedge and those formed by direct melting of subducted
crust (i.e. adakites). The clearest distinction is obtained
with those element ratios which are strongly fractionated
during refertilisation of the depleted mantle wedge, ul- Introduction
timately reflecting slab dehydration. Hence, adakites
have significantly lower Pb/Nd and B/Be but higher Nb/ The majority of magmas which form along present
Ta than typical arc magmas and continental crust as a convergent plate boundaries derive from the supra-
whole. Although Li and Be are also overenriched in subduction zone asthenospheric mantle wedge. Melting
continental crust, behaviour of Li/Yb and Be/Nd is of mantle wedge peridotite is triggered by aqueous fluids
more complex and these ratios do not provide unique which originate from prograde dehydration of sub-
signatures of slab melting. Archaean tonalite–trondhje- ducted slab. Composition of typical arc melts can
mite–granodiorites (TTGs) strongly resemble ordinary therefore be quantified by slab dehydration, hydration
mantle wedge-derived arc magmas in terms of fluid- of the overlying mantle wedge, melting of mantle wedge
mobile trace element content, implying that they did not peridotite, and fractional crystallisation/crustal assimi-
form by slab melting but that they originated from lation (e.g. Ayers 1998). Direct melting of the oceanic
mantle which was hydrated and enriched in elements lost lithosphere, on the other hand, is very rare. It is possible
from slabs during prograde dehydration. We suggest where the subducted lithosphere is exceptionally young
that Archaean TTGs formed by extensive fractional and therefore relatively hot (Defant and Drummond
crystallisation from a mafic precursor. It is widely 1990). Gutscher et al. (2000) proposed a model of flat
claimed that the time between the creation and sub- subduction which explains direct slab melting of ap-
duction of oceanic lithosphere was significantly shorter parently older and colder oceanic lithosphere. An al-
in the Archaean (i.e. 20 Ma) than it is today. This dif- ternative model for melting of old oceanic lithosphere
ference was seen as an attractive explanation for the was presented by Yogodzinski et al. (2001) who found
presumed preponderance of adakitic magmas during the that the edge of a torn slab can be exposed to mantle
first half of Earth’s history. However, when we consider flow, resulting in slab ablation, heating, and eventually
the effects of a higher potential mantle temperature on melting. Magmas thought to represent melts from sub-
the thickness of oceanic crust, it follows that the mean ducted slabs are collectively known as adakitic melts
age of oceanic lithosphere has remained virtually con- (Defant and Drummond 1990; following Marsh 1976,
and Kay 1978). They are typically andesitic to dacitic in
composition and characterised by strongly fractionated
B.S. Kamber (&) Æ K.D. Collerson
ACQUIRE Centre, Department of Earth Sciences,
rare-earth-element (REE) patterns. Their depletion in
University of Queensland, Brisbane, the heavy REEs (HREEs) relative to the light REEs
Queensland 4072, Australia (LREEs) is commonly interpreted to reflect residual
E-mail: [email protected] garnet (and amphibole) in the melt source. Kay (1978)
A. Ewart Æ M.C. Bruce Æ G.D. McDonald proposed that the incompatible trace element contents
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Queensland, of adakites required a metabasaltic rather than a peri-
Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia dotitic source. Adakites are thus believed to form by wet
Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove melting of subducted basaltic eclogite.
Based on the similarity in REE patterns between which are preferentially transported into the mantle
Archaean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorites (TTGs) wedge. On this premise, we review some geochemical
and modern adakites, Martin (1986) proposed that both features of modern island arc basalts which we identify
could represent direct melting products of subducted as potential discriminators between adakites and ordi-
(eclogite facies) oceanic lithosphere. Martin (1986) and nary arc melts.
many subsequent proponents of Archaean slab melting Element transport from dehydrating slabs to the
speculated that the Earth’s higher heat output in the overlying mantle wedge is ultimately expressed in the
Archaean and, in particular, the higher potential mantle chemical inventory of the continental crust as a whole.
temperature would have led to higher oceanic crust The degree to which elements are enriched in continental
production rate and hence subduction of, on average, crust follows, in general, the order of incompatibility
younger and hotter slabs which would have facilitated found in mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs). This is vi-
direct slab melting, thereby providing the tectonic ra- sualised by the negative slope in a plot of MORB-nor-
tionale for the alleged preponderance of direct slab malised concentration of incompatible elements in
melting in the Archaean. average continental crust arranged in order of decreas-
Since postulation of the adakite–TTG connection, ing enrichment of average MORB (Fig. 1). There are,
our understanding of arc magmatism has improved however, some important exceptions to this rule (Hof-
considerably. Yet modern experimental, observational, mann 1988; Brenan et al. 1998a): Pb, B, and Li are
and geophysical evidence has rarely been used to scru- overproportionally concentrated in continental crust,
tinise the claim for the adakite–TTG connection. In this and contents of the pentavalent elements Nb, Ta, and Ti
paper, we review some of the salient geochemical fea- are lower than expected. There is general agreement that
tures created by material transfer between slab and overenrichment of island arc magmas and the conti-
mantle wedge and verify whether, in true adakites, fin- nental crust as a whole in Pb and B is the result of
gerprints of slab dehydration are indeed suppressed. We preferential transfer of these elements to the mantle
find, based on fluid-sensitive geochemical criteria, that wedge by fluids originating from subducted slabs (e.g.
typical Archaean TTGs are not adakites and that their Ryan and Langmuir 1993; Miller et al. 1994; Brenan
strong LREE/HREE fractionation was not caused by et al. 1995a). The reason behind this phenomenon is that
residual garnet in oceanic eclogite. We demonstrate also the slab mineralogy/fluid partition coefficients of Pb and
that, on average, Archaean oceanic lithosphere was not B are more than one order of magnitude smaller than
significantly younger than at present because of the ef- those of the similarly compatible (in MORB melting) Nd
fects of higher Archaean potential mantle temperature and Be (Brenan et al. 1995a, 1998a, 1998b). However,
on the thickness of melt column (e.g. Galer 1991). due to the continuous nature of dehydration in a sub-
ducted slab (Schmidt and Poli 1998), and due to the
progressive change in slab mineralogy, the extent of
Fingerprints of slab dehydration overenrichment of the fluid in mobile element depends
on a large number of factors. The most straightforward
Stronger HREE depletion of adakites compared to
mantle wedge-derived arc magmas is but one diagnostic
feature of direct slab melting (note that because the
Y/Ho ratio is constant in terrestrial samples, Y-based
ratios are simply another way of expressing HREE de-
pletion). Recent experimental constraints (e.g. Brenan
et al. 1995a; Keppler 1996; Tatsumi and Kogiso 1997;
Brenan et al. 1998a; Stalder et al. 1998), continually
improving understanding of arc magma chemistry (e.g.
Ryan and Langmuir 1988; Woodhead et al. 1998; Ewart
et al. 1998; Tomascak et al. 2000), and accurate deter-
mination of trace element contents of high-pressure
metamorphic rocks and particularly eclogites (Henry
et al. 1996; Becker et al. 2000) have revealed a number of
geochemical features which can be directly linked to
dehydration of subducted slabs, rather than to the hy-
pothesised residual source mineralogy. These geochem-
Fig. 1. N-MORB-normalised (Sun and McDonough 1989) trace
ical fingerprints are based on the observation that element pattern of average continental crust (estimate by Rudnick
dehydration-driven element transport from the slab to and Fountain 1995, except for Nb, Ta, B, and Be which were taken
the overlying mantle wedge is capable of fractionating from McLennan 2001). Elements are arranged in decreasing
element pairs which have very similar solid/melt distri- MORB-melting compatibility (after Sun and McDonough 1989).
MORB Be concentration was calculated using a constant Be/Nd
bution coefficients. If adakites and Archaean TTGs were ratio of 0.05 (Ryan and Langmuir 1988), and B concentration was
direct slab melting products, they would be expected to estimated using a constant B/Be ratio of 3 (Ryan and Langmuir
be less enriched than typical arc magmas in elements 1993)
expression of this phenomenon is the observation that higher than that in the corresponding wall rocks.
trace element chemistry of magmas changes systemati- However, at higher metamorphic grade when clinopy-
cally across some arcs at least (Ryan et al. 1995; roxene is part of the mineral assemblage, it can be ex-
Woodhead et al. 1998). These variations most probably pected from experimental data (Brenan et al. 1995a) that
relate to the slab depth which, in turn, determines the Be remains immobile and is retained in the slab. The Be/
volume and chemistry of fluid expelled to the overlying Nd ratio of island arc magmas may thus hold potential
mantle wedge. Nevertheless, for the highly mobile ele- to constrain possible metamorphic dehydration reac-
ments Pb and B, overenrichment can be expected in tions in the subducting slab.
expelled fluids from a range of depths. It is thus rea- The collective depletion of Nb, Ta and Ti is not a
sonable to expect that typical adakites should have conclusive fingerprint for slab dehydration but Jochum
lower Pb/Nd and B/Be ratios than melts which are de- et al. (1989) and Green (1995) have demonstrated that
rived from hydrated mantle wedge. Furthermore, by the the geochemical twins Nb and Ta are depleted in the
time the crustal portion of the slab has metamorphosed continents to surprisingly different degrees. Fig. 1 shows
to garnet amphibolite or eclogite, prograde dehydration that Ta is noticeably less depleted than its geochemical
will have removed substantial fractions of the original twin Nb. Given the near-chondritic Nb/Ta ratio of
Pb and B, such that the Pb/Nd and B/Be ratios of the MORB, this translates to a substantially subchondritic
metamorphosed slab can be expected to be lower than in continental Nb/Ta ratio of ca. 10. Empirical observa-
the hydrated oceanic crustal protolith (Brenan et al. tions and experimental constraints indicate that com-
1995a, 1998a; Kamber and Collerson 2000; Becker et al. plexing in aqueous fluids is a likely process which
2000). fractionates elements of identical charge and near-iden-
Current estimates of the Li content of continental tical effective ionic radius (Bau 1996; Kamber and
crust suggest that, like Pb and B, Li is also preferentially Collerson 2000), implying that the low continental Nb/
transported from slabs to the overlying mantle wedge. Ta ratio reflects preferential transport of Ta over Nb
Indeed, Li/Yb (or Li/Y for sample sets without accurate during slab dehydration. The Nb/Ta ratio is thus an
HREE data) are generally high in those arc magmas equivalent tool to the Pb/Nd ratio (Miller et al. 1994;
where a high, slab-derived fluid flux is implied by other Brenan et al. 1995a) but has the advantage that it is less
geochemical tracers. In the few cases where Li-isotope affected by crystal fractionation (Klein et al. 1997;
data are available, it appears that the excess Li is derived Münker 1998). Again, if adakites and Archaean TTGs
from altered oceanic crust (Chan et al. 1999; Tomascak were direct slab melts, they are predicted to have near-
et al. 2000). However, compared to Pb and B, the be- chondritic (or higher than chondritic) Nb/Ta ratios, re-
haviour of Li in the mantle wedge is more complicated. gardless of collective depletion in Nb, Ta, and Ti.
Firstly, because Li is quite compatible in olivine (Brenan In brief, there is now very strong experimental and
et al. 1995b), melts from Li-enriched mantle wedge empirical evidence (both from island arc volcanics and
peridotite may not necessarily inherit a high Li/Yb ratio metamorphic rocks) that the characteristic, relative en-
from their source. Secondly, release of Li with fluid richment and depletion of average continental crust in
during metamorphic dehydration may be more strongly some elements is due to the transfer and retention of
controlled by mineralogy than release of Pb and B. For elements from subducting slabs into the mantle wedge.
example, Li/Zr ratios of metamorphic veins (interpreted This leaves little doubt that the bulk of continental crust
as having precipitated from synmetamorphic fluids) in has been extracted from the supra-subduction zone
high-P, low-T metamorphic rocks from the Western mantle wedge. If TTGs, which represent a prominent
Alps (Henry et al. 1996) are highly variable. In many group of Archaean magmatic rocks, formed by a dif-
samples, the ratio in the vein is identical to that in the ferent process (i.e. direct fusion of subducted oceanic
wall rock whereas, in other cases, the veins are very crust), we can reasonably expect them to have, at least
strongly enriched in Li. Thirdly, because Li is compared on average, relative trace element contents which are not
to the HREE Yb which is severely depleted in adakites, characteristic of hydrous element transfer. Before we test
it is not clear that Li/Yb ratios in adakites should be this hypothesis with new trace element data for early and
lower than in typical arc melts. late Archaean TTGs, we inspect whether modern direct
A further element which seems to be mildly overen- slab melts (i.e. adakites) confirm these geochemical
riched in continental crust is Be (Fig. 1). Compared to B, predictions.
which has a very similar distribution coefficient in
MORB melting (Ryan and Langmuir 1993), the en-
richment is not nearly as strong. Transfer of Be from Geochemistry of modern adakites
hydrated oceanic crust or from sediment into the mantle
wedge and ultimately into island arc magmas is directly It is widely recognised that the chemistry of rocks which
expressed in the overabundance of the cosmogenic nu- classify as adakites is invariably more complex than
clide 10Be in some island arc volcanics (Brown et al. could be expected from a direct melt derived from gar-
1982). Preferential Be loss during metamorphic dehy- net–amphibolite or eclogite facies MORB (e.g. Stern and
dration is also evident in the data of Henry et al. (1996), Kilian 1996). Several factors are believed to complicate
because the Be/Zr ratio of most synmetamorphic veins is adakite chemistry, the most important of which is that
adakites always occur as volumetrically minor parts database comprising 140 samples (their Table 1) but it
together with island arc volcanics of more typical seems improbable that complete data sets were available
chemistry. The coexistence of melts from the slab itself for all samples, and average Nb and Ta values are ex-
and from the supra-subduction zone mantle wedge is pected to be defined on a much smaller number of
expected because prograde dehydration from relatively samples. Nevertheless, the average adakite Nb/Ta cal-
hot slabs triggers melting of the mantle wedge peridotite. culated from the Drummond et al. (1996) compilation is
This bears the potential of creating hybrid melts in 15.7, which is only slightly lower than modern MORB
which the typical adakite geochemical fingerprint is (16.66; Kamber and Collerson 2000) and clearly higher
obscured. A further factor which complicates adakite than average continental crust (10).
chemistry is the possibility of peridotite assimilation Smith and Leeman (1987) reported Nb, Ta, and Be
upon migration through the mantle wedge. This process (but not Li, Pb, and B) concentration data for adakitic
is inferred on the basis of elevated compatible trace el- dacites and rhyolites from Mt. St. Helens. The median
ement content in some adakites, which would be ex- Nb/Ta ratio of those lavas is 17.3±2.4 (n=10), which is
pected to be depleted in elements like Cr and Ni. It is much higher than that of continental crust. It is also
generally argued that peridotite assimilation should not considerably higher than median Nb/Ta ratios of arc
greatly disturb the original incompatible element ratios. lavas which are derived from previously depleted supra-
However, the incompatible element inventory could be subduction zone mantle wedge which was metasoma-
seriously affected if the melts were not derived from pure tised by slab-derived fluids. For example, the average
MORB but had a contribution from the thin veneer of Nb/Ta ratio of Tongan lavas is 12.9±2.7 (n=21; Tonga
sediment which is sometimes subducted on top of slabs. Island only, data from Ewart et al. 1998), and that of
Because this sediment material inherits the chemical New Britain Island Arc lavas from sectors E and F is
signature of continental crust (Fig. 1), relatively small 14.0±0.9 (n=16; data from Woodhead et al. 1998).
melt contribution from metasediments can effectively Stern and Kilian (1996) presented a combined trace
mimic typical island arc, volcanic incompatible element element and radiogenic isotope data set for adakites
geochemistry even though the melt is derived from the from the south Andean Austral Volcanic Zone (Chile).
slab. Finally, adakite geochemistry can further be After evaluation of radiogenic isotope signatures, they
modified by fractional crystallisation (Romick et al. concluded that only adakitic andesites from Cook Island
1992) and assimilation of crustal material. volcano are pure melts from an eclogitic assemblage
There exists thus a category of rocks which have with MORB composition. These samples (Ck-3-198, Ck-
some adakitic affinity but whose chemical integrity has 1-468, Ck-3-197; Table 1 of Stern and Kilian 1996) have
been seriously compromised by one or more of these the high average Nb/Ta ratio of 17.6±1.8 predicted for
processes. Although crustal contamination or sediment direct slab melts. Adakitic rocks from the other volcanic
contribution to the source can be monitored with radi- centres which, based on radiogenic isotopes (not Nb/Ta
ogenic isotopes (Stern and Kilian 1996), the general lack considerations) were postulated to contain a sediment
of isotope data for many postulated adakite occurrences component, have invariably lower ratios (average of
compromises the interpretation of literature data. De- 11.3±2.83). No Pb, Li, B, and Be concentration data
spite all these complications, we show below that were reported for these rocks.
adakitic rocks still yield, on average, significantly higher High-Mg andesites from the Ryukyu Arc, Japan,
Nb/Ta and lower Pb/Nd, B/Be, and Be/Nd than mantle which share many similarities with adakites (Shinjo
wedge-derived arc magmas and continental crust as a 1999), also have a high median Nb/Ta ratio of
whole. 16.82±2.02. Bruce and Niu (2000a, 2000b) recently
published complete geochemical data for early Permian
adakitic intrusives from the Marlborough Block and
Review of literature data Percy Isles, Eastern Australia. These rocks (samples
MB 20, 73, and 74b) have a high average Nb/Ta ratio of
The majority of geochemical studies on adakites have 20.09±3.04.
focused on REE distribution because it was the strong The only adakites for which available data suggest
HREE depletion which led to their discovery and defi- relatively low Nb/Ta ratios (14.83±1.36) are from the
nition (Kay 1978). Very few complete trace element data Philippines (Prouteau et al. 2000). It is unclear whether
sets for Phanerozoic adakites are available. Therefore, this is due to the use of mixed ICP-MS (Nb) and INAA
we discuss adakite geochemistry in order of specific trace (Ta) analytical techniques, fractionation by Ti phases
element ratios rather than occurrence. (Prouteau et al. 2000), or a non-slab melt origin of these
adakites (Yumul et al. 2000). High Pb/Nd ratios (Yumul
et al. 2000) from Central Luzon back-arc adakites ap-
Adakite Nb/Ta systematics pear to favour the latter explanation.
In summary, the Nb/Ta ratio of adakites and high-
Drummond et al. (1996) published a comprehensive Mg andesites of adakitic affinity is similar to that of
overview of world-wide Cenozoic adakites. Their com- MORB (Fig. 2a) and clearly higher than that of average
posite average Cenozoic adakite is quoted to reflect a continental crust or typical island arc volcanics.
suitable discriminator between adakites and mantle average Sr/Y ratio (42) is not as high as that of proper
wedge-derived island arc volcanics. adakites (61; Drummond et al. 1996). Nevertheless, the
average Sr/Y ratio is still much higher than in average
continental crust (13; McLennan 2001). There is a dis-
Be/Nd systematics cernible positive correlation between Sr/Y and La/Yb
ratios in the Aleutian data set which follows the trend of
From the relative abundance in continental crust, we can global arc magmas (Fig. 4). Although the Aleutian
expect that adakites will have a slightly lower Be/Nd samples measured in this study are not as depleted in
ratio than continental crust (Fig. 1). A comprehensive HREE and not as enriched in La and Sr as most
data set (n=26) exists for Mt. St. Helens adakitic lavas adakites, they nevertheless are clearly resolved from
(Smith and Leeman 1987) in which the average Be/Nd more typical arc magmas like those from Tonga (Fig. 4).
ratio is 0.080±0.024 (note that Nd abundance was es- This could suggest that the Tonga-Lau basin represents
timated from Sm concentration with the average Ceno- an end-member oceanic arc system which is poor in al-
zoic adakite Sm/Nd ratio of 0.1564; Drummond et al. kalis and alkaline earths, and very depleted in high-field-
1996). This is identical to the average Be/Nd ratio strength elements after pronounced and ongoing mantle
(0.08±0.03) of three early Permian adakites from east- wedge depletion. Interestingly, some of the samples from
ern Australia (Bruce and Niu 2000a, 2000b), and that of the extreme northern end of the arc system, where the
adakites (0.079±0.058) from Panama (Defant et al. slab is being torn (and is shallowing), seem to be de-
1991a, 1991b; Tomascak et al. 2000). These values are veloping ‘adakitic’ affinity.
indeed lower than average continental crust which, ac- In comparing the Aleutian data (and many Cenozoic
cording to McLennan’s (2001) compilation, has a Be/Nd island arc volcanics of adakitic affinity), we also have to
ratio of 0.094. Equally, the New Britain Arc lavas from consider that their HREE depletion is not as pro-
sectors E–F have a higher Be/Nd ratio (0.104±0.014, nounced as that of Archaean TTGs (Fig. 3). The average
n=16; data from Woodhead et al. 1998). However, lavas Archaean TTG SiO2 content is 70.2 wt%, which is much
from the Island of Tonga (Ewart et al. 1998) have lower higher than that of Cenozoic adakites (63.9; Drummond
Be/Nd (0.075±0.025) than continental crust, as have et al. 1996). Our samples from Adak and nearby islands
Panamese lavas (0.060±0.015) with slab-derived Li have an even lower SiO2 content (51.45 wt%, Table 1). It
(Defant et al. 1991a, 1991b; Tomascak et al. 2000). This is obvious from major-element chemistry alone that
comparison therefore shows (Fig. 2c) that similar rocks with adakitic affinity from the Aleutian Arc, in-
amounts of Be and Nd are lost during slab dehydration cluding the type-locality ‘adakites’, are not pure slab
and, although Be/Nd ratios of adakites appear to be melts. Instead, it has been argued that they represent
low, they do not constitute conclusive evidence for or hybrid magmas derived from melting of eclogitic sub-
against direct slab melting. ducted MORB, a subducted sediment component and a
In summary, a review of the geochemical literature supra-subduction zone component, with less evolved
confirms that Nb/Ta, Pb/Nd, and B/Be, representing REE patterns (e.g. von Drach et al. 1986). Myers and
element pairs with similar MORB melting partition co- Marsh (1987) presented Pb-isotope data (Fig. 5) for la-
efficients but different fluid/solid partition coefficients, vas from Adak and Atka islands which clearly demon-
clearly discriminate between possible direct slab melts strate a mixing relationship. Although the mixing end
and typical arc melts from hydrated mantle wedge per- members could not be uniquely constrained, Myers and
idotite (Fig. 2a, b). The Be/Nd ratio has similar beha- Marsh (1987) speculated that the original melt of Adak
viour but, due to the relative immobility of Be (despite Island lavas could have derived from direct slab melting.
incontrovertible cosmogenic Be evidence), its resolution Here we use their isotope data to complement interpre-
is insufficient (Fig. 2c). Li/Yb systematics of arc magmas tation of our new, comprehensive trace element data
are compromised by the role of garnet (Yb retention) (Table 1). The aim is to explore, within the framework of
and olivine (Li retention) which can lead to chromato- our preceding discussion of adakite trace element syst-
graphic effects (Tomascak et al. 2000). ematics, whether a direct slab component can be iso-
The Aleutian lavas show a wide spread in Pb/Nd
New geochemical data for Aleutian lavas ratio (Fig. 6a), ranging from 0.16 to 0.55 (sample AD-72
has an even higher ratio of 0.78 which we regard as
In order to substantiate the findings from the literature anomalous). The samples at the higher end of the
survey and to test whether an adakitic component can be spectrum are comparable to typical island arc basalts,
detected in hybrid melts, we report new trace element with Pb/Nd between 0.5 and 0.65 (Fig. 2b) whereas
data for lavas from the Aleutian Arc (Table 1). The many of the Adak and Bogoslof samples have much
samples are from Adak Island (nine samples), Bogoslof lower ratios, similar to adakites (Fig. 2b). There is a
Island (three samples) and Great Sitkin Island (one scattered anti-correlation between the Pb/Nd and La/Yb
sample). None of them classifies as adakite, as they are ratio, indicating that the samples most strongly enriched
not enough evolved (Table 1), their LREE/HREE in Pb also have the lowest La/Yb ratios, whereas those
fractionation is not sufficiently strong (Fig. 3), and their with steeper REE patterns clearly have Pb/Nd ratios
Table 1. Chemical compositions of Aleutian Arc lavas (all trace elements by ICP-MS)
Sample ID AD-14 AD-17 AD-36 AD-39 AD-44 AD-49 AD-51 AD-61 AD-72 BOG-3 BOG-5 BOG-6 GS-4
Referencea 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1
much lower than typical island arc magmas or conti- (Fig. 6b) allows interpretation of a plot of Pb-isotope
nental crust as a whole. Importantly, in our view, the ratio vs. Pb content (Fig. 6c) in terms of source contri-
Pb/Nd ratios of the Adak Island lavas are strongly bution. There is good correlation between Pb content
controlled by the abundance of Pb (Fig. 6b) and not by and Pb-isotope composition, with the Pb-depleted
the abundance of Nd. Although no published Nd con- samples plotting at unradiogenic isotope ratios whereas
centration data exist for the samples for which Myers Pb-rich samples plot at the radiogenic end of the mixing
and Marsh (1987) obtained Pb-isotope data, the good line. Hence, combined chemical and isotopic informa-
correlation between Pb content and Pb/Nd ratio tion for Adak Island lavas reveals that those samples
Table 2. Chemical compositions of TTGs from the Itsaq Gneiss Terrain, Godthabsfjord, Greenland (all trace elements by ICP-MS)
Sample ID 155702 155708 155710 155724 155736 155739 155768 155774 155807 155810
Major element (wt%)
SiO2 66.49 72.93 51.85 80.12 66.67 69.25 75.93 66.90 70.47 65.17
TiO2 0.79 0.17 1.80 0.05 0.99 0.37 0.27 0.31 0.22 0.47
Al2O3 14.38 14.61 14.85 11.08 13.39 13.43 11.73 15.44 16.08 17.47
Fe2O3 5.50 1.62 14.49 0.51 6.68 6.13 2.60 4.39 2.00 3.77
FeO – – – – – – – – – –
MnO 0.07 0.02 0.16 0.01 0.11 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.05
MgO 0.88 0.34 3.25 0.05 0.98 0.33 0.60 0.94 0.98 1.99
CaO 3.27 1.71 7.69 1.42 3.74 2.09 2.63 3.22 3.54 4.75
Na2O 3.67 4.04 4.18 2.90 3.11 3.09 4.10 5.37 5.59 5.13
K2O 3.67 4.09 0.94 3.58 3.20 4.44 1.20 1.49 1.34 1.26
P2O5 0.14 0.01 0.23 0.00 0.30 0.04 0.12 0.07 0.03 0.05
Trace element (ppm)
Li 26.5 19.2 20.1 10.4 60.4 69.1 24.1 42.5 41.0 40.2
Be 1.50 0.81 1.29 0.91 1.26 0.72 1.88 2.56 1.23 1.26
Sc 19.3 2.75 29.6 0.15 11.6 7.15 0.76 2.93 2.77 9.16
V 57.3 17.9 327 3.10 48.5 14.5 12.6 28.8 19.9 54.1
Cr 14.9 11.9 3.46 0.47 8.27 11.2 1.63 8.90 25.7 44.9
Co 12.7 4.11 48.0 1.15 10.1 5.02 4.05 10.2 5.23 15.0
Ni 7.84 4.36 19.2 0.71 4.23 3.18 3.14 10.3 10.7 41.5
Cu 16.8 2.47 47.2 1.17 16.8 4.15 2.03 3.73 20.7 8.86
Zn 98.0 35.7 141 10.3 88.4 49.7 37.7 74.9 29.8 53.4
Ga 22.2 19.6 24.1 12.0 21.8 19.4 13.6 20.9 17.8 20.8
Rb 87.6 86.3 6.6 93.5 88.0 130 57.0 94.1 50.3 56.1
Sr 193 194 255 80.1 237 108 189 275 520 426
Y 57.0 6.15 26.6 1.71 28.0 28.7 4.79 3.28 4.30 10.5
Zr 572 258 26.0 8.78 259 432 158 145 83.5 128.6
Nb 10.5 1.06 3.78 0.77 7.78 4.62 2.33 2.46 1.37 2.39
Sn 0.86 0.43 1.66 0.29 1.01 0.50 0.64 0.66 0.62 1.28
Cs 0.72 0.69 0.09 0.43 6.68 4.24 1.05 3.86 1.75 1.65
Ba 532 655 173 203 771 317 93.9 173 209 400
La 36.6 15.2 26.0 7.06 29.5 54.3 33.2 8.00 22.9 15.6
Ce 99.3 23.0 58.2 8.17 71.2 106 62.1 15.0 41.2 37.0
Pr 15.3 2.32 7.79 0.64 10.1 12.8 6.94 1.75 4.61 5.04
Nd 68.9 7.83 31.8 1.66 43.4 46.5 22.5 6.25 15.5 20.4
Sm 16.7 1.30 6.66 0.24 8.89 8.22 2.98 1.09 2.37 4.04
Eu 3.16 0.87 1.87 1.32 2.87 1.27 0.74 0.39 0.81 1.11
Gd 15.9 1.14 6.22 0.22 7.79 6.94 1.71 0.90 1.61 3.19
Tb 2.25 0.17 0.91 0.04 1.06 1.00 0.19 0.12 0.19 0.42
Dy 12.7 1.05 5.40 0.29 5.98 5.98 0.96 0.65 0.94 2.28
Ho 2.45 0.23 1.08 0.07 1.15 1.24 0.18 0.13 0.16 0.42
Er 6.14 0.69 2.93 0.21 3.06 3.42 0.47 0.35 0.41 1.09
Tm 0.79 0.11 0.42 0.03 0.41 0.47 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.15
Yb 4.56 0.73 2.56 0.24 2.54 2.85 0.46 0.34 0.33 0.90
Lu 0.65 0.12 0.39 0.04 0.39 0.42 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.13
Hf 15.1 7.44 1.19 0.39 6.65 11.48 4.06 3.75 2.18 3.19
Ta 0.74 0.11 0.28 0.10 0.57 0.22 0.29 0.08 0.10 0.10
Pb 13.8 20.4 9.11 17.4 12.8 17.4 19.5 13.2 18.1 13.0
Th 0.42 0.46 0.16 0.98 0.52 2.96 6.97 0.98 2.82 0.13
U 0.38 0.32 0.02 0.16 0.25 0.26 0.54 0.23 0.17 0.25
Major-element data by ICP-OES
TTGs to average Archaean cratonic areas at their pre- (McLennan and Hemming 1992). This suggests that
sent erosion level is ca. 50%, and that of granites is ca. relative lithological contributions to the present erosion
20% (Condie 1993). Both TTGs and granites are level are not at all representative of original upper Ar-
strongly depleted in HREEs and have average Sm/Nd chaean crust. Condie (1993) concluded that typical up-
ratios of 0.155 and 0.137 respectively (Condie 1993). per Archaean crust prior to erosion to its present level
Estimates of the Sm/Nd ratio of Archaean to early was composed of up to 60% mafic lithologies. This
Proterozoic shales and pelites, on the other hand, are finding is of direct relevance to models for the origin of
considerably higher and range between 0.175 (Condie TTGs as it indicates that, on average, the REE com-
1993), 0.188 (Jahn and Condie 1995), and 0.201 position of upper continental crust has not changed with
Table 3. Chemical compositions of TTGs from the Itsaq Gneiss Terrain, unnamed block south of the Isua Belt, Greenland, and the Black
Angel Gneiss, Australia (all trace elements by ICP-MS)
Tectonic 3.8-Ga Itsaq Gneiss Terrain, Greenland 2.5-Ga Black Angel Gneiss, Australia
Locality Unnamed block south of Isua Belt Mt. Isa Block, North Queensland
Sample ID SM/GR/ SM/GR/ SM/GR/ SM/GR/ SM/GR/ GM94–100 GM95–31 GM95–34 GM95–36A GM95–38
98/1 98/2 98/3 98/4 98/34
time. This contradicts the view that TTGs are direct slab overly enriched in LREEs. For example, Condie’s (1993)
melts because clearly, substantial addition of strongly average La concentration of both TTGs and granites
HREE-depleted material to ordinary continental crust dropped from 30 and 50 ppm in the Archaean to 25 and
would have lowered the average Sm/Nd ratio. 40 ppm respectively in the Phanerozoic. At the same
Furthermore, the notion that Archaean TTGs have time, average Yb concentrations increased in these rock
high La/Yb because of HREE depletion is not entirely types from 1.0 and 2.0 to 1.7 and 3.2 respectively. The
correct as it also reflects the fact that many TTGs are change in La content thus contributes 19% (TTGs) and
has to be considered. Blundy and Cashman (2001) re- heat is lost by production and cooling of oceanic plates
cently showed that highly silicic melts can be produced (Stacey 1980), the hypothesis of a very hot Archaean
only at shallow depth. It is likely that all the factors mantle would actually imply a reduced oceanic plate
involved in these processes have changed over time, production rate and hence no preponderance of hot and
possibly in response to cooling of the Earth. Thus, it is young subducted plates. If, on the other hand, it is ac-
premature the reject a TTG origin by differentiation cepted that the cooling rate of the mantle is some
from a basaltic precursor. function of its convection pattern (e.g. Stacey 1980), the
particular temperature of the upper mantle at any given
time is still ill constrained.
Discussion The second aspect that the slab melting model does
not consider is that the ridge driving force, which ulti-
Trace element chemistry of Archaean TTGs requires mately determines the plate generation rate, is largely a
differential transport of fluid-mobile elements to the function of the thermal structure of the oceanic plates.
mantle melt source. The only feasible mechanism by Thus, the cooler the average subducted plate, the higher
which significant volumes of water can be transported the ridge driving force and hence the plate production
sufficiently deep into the mantle is by emplacement of rate, and vice versa. Parsons (1982) concluded from this
relatively dense, cold and hydrated oceanic lithosphere. interrelationship that fluctuations in the areal rate of
Hydrated oceanic lithosphere must have existed since the generation and destruction of oceanic plates would be
establishment of a liquid hydrosphere (dating back to at limited narrowly about a basic state.
least 3.65 Ga; Whitehouse et al. 1999) but this in itself does Thirdly, if the potential upper mantle temperature
not imply operation of subduction in the present form was indeed higher in the Archaean, its effect on the
since 3.65 Ga. However, it seems difficult to transport thickness of oceanic lithosphere produced along
water into the deeper mantle in the absence of some form spreading ridges has to be considered also (McKenzie
of subduction. Because heat loss across the surface and Bickle 1988; Galer 1991). In the following we ex-
boundary layer of a planet without subduction is re- plore the extent to which thicker Archaean oceanic crust
stricted to conduction through a (thick) stable oceanic could compensate the increase in spreading rate (and
lithosphere, an unstable boundary layer would form be- hence decrease in mean age of oceanic lithosphere) re-
low the lithosphere in the uppermost astenosphere quired by considerations of heat dissipation.
(Campbell and Griffiths 1993). Instability from this As noted above, the least constrained parameters are
boundary layer would lead to sinking of cold plumes of the secular change in potential upper mantle tempera-
depleted mantle material but not hydrated crust. We ture and the oceanic crust production rate through time.
therefore agree with Campbell and Griffiths (1993) that For the purpose of testing the direct slab melting hy-
the birth of subduction is marked by creation and pres- pothesis, it is necessary and reasonable to propose that
ervation of the first continental lithosphere at ca. 3.8 Ga. oceanic crust production rate in the Archaean was
The hypothesis that Archaean TTGs represent direct higher than at present. Kramers and Tolstikhin (1997)
slab melts implicitly assumes operation of subduction. adopted an oceanic crust production rate (Ø) which is
The prevalence for slab melting in the Archaean was sufficient to account for post-accretion degassing:
logically linked to the cooling history of the Earth (e.g.
Ø ¼ 33e0:37t 1016 ga1 ð1Þ
Martin 1986). In short, a hotter Archaean Earth dissi-
pated more heat via oceanic crust production, which in where age (t) is time in Ma. This function is displayed in
turn implies higher spreading and subduction rates. Fig. 9a and yields a realistic present-day oceanic crust
Thus, it was hypothesised that on average Archaean production rate of 6.1·1016 g a–1 (Reymer and Schubert
oceanic lithosphere was younger and hotter when sub- 1984). The following calculations clearly depend on the
ducted, such that direct slab melting was more feasible. exact shape of this function but we reiterate that the
Although this logic appears intuitively correct, it ignores purpose of this calculation is to test the hypothesis of
a number of physical constraints on the relationship TTG origin by direct slab melting, in which a higher
between terrestrial cooling and oceanic plate production oceanic crust production rate is implicit. In the next step,
(Galer 1991). we estimate potential shallow mantle temperature
Firstly, it is undisputed that radiogenic heat pro- (TPSM). Galer and Mezger (1998) have given a compre-
duction has declined with time, but the potential upper hensive review of estimated cooling rates for the Earth.
mantle temperature is equally dependent on the cumu- Using a present-day TPSM of 1,350 C and a mean time-
lative heat loss which the Archaean Earth has ex- averaged cooling rate of 45 C Ga–1, we obtain a TPSM
perienced. Hence, although assumed implicitly in the of 1,555 C at time zero. We describe the temporal
slab-melting model, the assumption of a hotter upper evolution of TPSM with a slightly exponential decay
Archaean mantle has not been explicitly quantified. For function (Fig. 9b):
example, some petrologists argue that the Archaean
TPSM ¼ 1; 555 C e0:031t ð2Þ
mantle was substantially hotter than it is today, based
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