Elements of Decision Under Uncertainty: Table 1.1
Elements of Decision Under Uncertainty: Table 1.1
Elements of Decision Under Uncertainty: Table 1.1
Subjective in the sense that another individual, faced with the same decision problem, may
have a different probability distribution and a different utility function: beliefs and tastes
may differ from person to person.
8 Elements of Decision under Uncertainty
s=1 s=2
And, in addition:
(4) a probability function π(s) expressing his beliefs (as to the likelihood
of nature choosing each and every state);
(5) an elementary-utility function v(c) measuring the desirability of the
different possible consequences to him.
We will explain below how the “expected-utility rule” integrates all these
elements so as to enable the individual to decide upon the most advanta-
geous action. Put another way, we will show how the economic agent can
derive a personal preference ordering of his possible acts from his given
preference scaling over consequences.
comment: The approach here does not allow for the psychological sensa-
tions of vagueness or confusion that people often suffer in facing situations
with uncertain (risky) outcomes. In our model, the individual is neither
vague nor confused. While recognizing that his knowledge is imperfect, so
that he cannot be sure which state of the world will occur, he nevertheless can
assign exact numerical probabilities representing his degree of belief as to
the likelihood of each possible state. Our excuse for not picturing vagueness
or confusion is that we are trying to model economics, not psychology. Even
the very simplest models in economic textbooks, for example, indifference-
curve diagrams, implicitly postulate a degree of precise self-knowledge that
is descriptively unrealistic. The ultimate justification, for indifference-curve
diagrams or for theories of decision under uncertainty, is the ability of such
models to help us understand and predict behavior.
1.2 The Probability Distribution 9
See Schmeidler (1989) for the foundations of an alternative approach that explicitly models
Knightian uncertainty and individuals’ attitudes to it.
Later in this chapter, we describe the Ellsberg paradox, which is an experiment indicating
that individuals may react differently to hard and soft probabilities in a setting with
terminal actions.
12 Elements of Decision under Uncertainty
(A) For an immediate bet (terminal action), what is his best estimate for
the probability p of heads on the next toss?
(B) Suppose new information were now to change his probability vector
to (π 1 , π 2 , π 3 ) = (0, 1, 0). What can you now say about his best
estimate for p? What has happened to his confidence in that estimate?
(C) Same question if, instead, the new information changed his proba-
bility vector to ( 12 , 0, 12 ).
1.4 The Expected-Utility Rule 13
The analytical problem is to explain and justify this derivation, that is, to
show how, given his direct preferences over consequences, the individual can
order the desirability of the actions available to him.
14 Elements of Decision under Uncertainty
The crucial step is to connect the v(c) function for consequences with
the utility ordering U(x) of acts. We can take this step using the famous
“expected-utility rule” of John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern (1944,
pp. 15–31):
This says that the expected utility U(x) of act x is calculable in an espe-
cially simple way: to wit, as the mathematical expectation (the probability-
weighted average) of the elementary utilities v(cxs ) of the associated con-
sequences. Note that Equation (1.4.1) is simply additive over states of the
world, which means that the consequence cxs realized in any state s in no
way affects the preference scaling v(cxs0 ) of consequences in any other state
s 0 . Equation (1.4.1) is also linear in the probabilities, another very specific
and special functional form. As the von Neumann–Morgenstern expected-
utility rule is absolutely crucial for our theory of decision under uncertainty,
we shall be devoting considerable space to it.
It turns out that the expected-utility rule is applicable if and only if the
v(c) function has been determined in a particular way that has been termed
the assignment of “cardinal” utilities to consequences. More specifically, the
proposition that we will attempt to explain and justify (though not rigor-
ously prove) can be stated as follows:
Why are all the positive monotonic transformations of the utility function
permissible in the riskless case, while only the positive linear transformations
are allowed when it comes to risky choices? In the absence of uncertainty,
deciding upon an action is immediately equivalent to selecting a single defi-
nite consequence. It follows that if someone can rank consequences in terms
of preferences he has already determined the preference ordering of his
actions – which is all that is needed for purposes of decision. But in dealing
with risky choices it is not immediately evident how a ranking of conse-
quences leads to an ordering of actions, since each action will in general
imply a probabilistic mix of possible consequences. The great contribu-
tion of von Neumann and Morgenstern was to show that, given plausible
assumptions about individual preferences, it is possible to construct a v(c)
function – “cardinal” in that only positive linear transformations thereof
are permissible – whose joint use with the expected-utility rule (1.4.1) will
lead to the correct ordering of actions.
Because shifts of zero-point and unit-interval are permissible for cardinal scaling, more
generally we can write v(c ∗ ) = α + βπ ∗ , for arbitrary α and β > 0. This is equivalent
to assuming v(m) = α and v(M) = α + β. We will henceforth ignore this uninteresting
18 Elements of Decision under Uncertainty
A Geometric Interpretation
The expected-utility rule is equivalent to the assumption that indifference
curves over lotteries are parallel straight lines. To see this, consider lotteries
over three possible consequences m, c ∗ , and M. Any lottery
may be represented as a point in (π1 , π3 ) space; see Figure 1.2. The triangle
ABC is the set of all possible lotteries with outcomes m, c ∗ , and M. Point
A corresponds to getting c ∗ for sure, point B is M for sure, and point C
is m for sure. In the lottery x, the probabilities π̂1 and π̂3 (of outcomes m
and M, respectively) are the coordinates of the point x. The probability of
outcome c∗ in this lottery, π̂2 , is the horizontal (or equivalently vertical)
distance from point x in Figure 1.2 to the hypotenuse BC of the triangle.
The expected utility of x is:
1 B
D: (1 − π*, π*)
Increasing preference
A C π1
0 1
In short, the prescribed way of determining a cardinal v(c) function for use
with the expected-utility rule makes it possible to interpret each v(c) value as
a probability – to wit, the equivalent chance of success in a standardized ref-
erence lottery – and therefore to use the laws of compounding probabilities
for determining the desirability of more complicated prospects.
A few additional comments:
1. We have been assuming here that consequences take the form of simple
quantities of income. More generally, each consequence c might be a
The prospect E cannot be represented in Figure 1.2. Only prospects that yield $0, $250, or
$1000 are depicted in Figure 1.2.
1.4 The Expected-Utility Rule 21
U = (1 + c1 )π1 (1 + c2 )π2
1 1
U (c1 , c2 ; π1 , π2 ) = π1 (c1 ) 2 + π2 (c2 ) 2
In this exercise, you are asked to generalize this result to lotteries with three
outcomes. An inductive argument can then be used to show that for any
lottery (c1 , c2 , . . . , cs ; π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π s ):
U (c1 , . . . , cs ; π1 , . . . , πs ) = πs v(cs )
D: (1 − π*, π*)
L: (0.5, 0.5)
0 1
Figure 1.5. Risk-averse and risk-neutral indifference lines.
lines under the expected-utility rule are parallel straight lines, the solid lines
inside the triangle are indifference lines under risk neutrality. That is, all
lotteries on a solid line have the same expected value and the same expected
utility for a risk-neutral person.
Any risk-averse individual strictly prefers $500 for sure to the prospect
L. Thus, since the direction of increasing preference is to the northwest,
any risk-averse indifference line through the origin must intersect the
hypotenuse of the triangle at a point D to the northwest of L (π ∗ > 0.5).
Hence, indifference lines for a risk-averse person (the broken lines in the
triangle) are steeper than the indifference lines for a risk-neutral person (the
solid lines in the triangle). Similarly, the indifference lines for a risk-neutral
person are steeper than indifference lines for a risk-preferring person.
We now consider what observation of the world tells us about the actual
v(c) curves entering into people’s decisions. First of all, we have already
postulated that more income is preferred to less, justified by the observation
that only rarely do people throw away income. This implies a rising v(c)
function, with positive first derivative v (c), that is, positive marginal utility
of income. The question of risk aversion versus risk preference concerns the
second derivative v (c) – whether marginal utility of income falls or rises
with income.
Risk aversion – “concave” curves like v1 (c) displaying diminishing
marginal utility – is considered to be the normal case, based upon the
1.5 Risk Aversion 29
An individual characterized by risk-preference might also plunge all of his wealth into
a single asset, but this need not be the asset with the highest mathematical expectation
of income. He might choose an asset with greater riskiness over the asset with high-
est income yield (that is, he would sacrifice some expected income in order to enlarge
his risk).
30 Elements of Decision under Uncertainty
and perhaps the upper middle class – would seem to have a taste for risks
likely to have a favorable payoff but offering a long-shot chance of a really
large loss. (But the super-rich, like the super-poor, are very disinclined to
gamble at all.) The central group, finally, would be happy to accept almost
any fair or not-too-unfavorable gamble.
The doubly inflected utility function of Figure 1.6 does then explain
why a person might gamble in some circumstances and insure in others, or
accept some fair gambles while rejecting other ones. But it also implies other
behavior that is quite inconsistent with common observation. It is hard to
believe that people of middling incomes are always great gamblers. If the
picture in Figure 1.6 were correct, the middle group in the convex KL seg-
ment would be so anxious to gamble as to seek out enormous riches-or-ruin
bets. These middle ranges of income would then rapidly be depopulated,
which is surely not what is observed. And that the really solid risk avoiders
in our society are only the very poor and the super-rich is equally difficult
to credit.
A more acceptable explanation, of why people simultaneously gamble and
insure, is that most of us engage in gambling as a recreational rather than
an income-determining activity. Put another way, gambling is normally
more like a consumption good than an investment good. As it happens,
it is quite possible operationally to distinguish recreational or pleasure-
oriented from serious wealth-oriented gambling. The latter, if efficiently
conducted, would take the form of once-and-for-all wagers at enormous
stakes. Pleasure-oriented gambling, in contrast, being designed to yield
enjoyment over some period of time, will be characterized by repetitive
1.5 Risk Aversion 31
See Rubin and Paul (1979). These authors suggest that the propensity of young males to
engage in highly risky activities – as evidenced, for example, by their high automobile
accident rates – may be the result of natural selection for risk-taking. The evolutionary
history of the human species may have instilled risk-preferring attitudes among individuals
in age and sex groups liable to encounter viability or mating thresholds. (Note that the
threshold argument is also consistent with the observation that risk-taking behavior will
be observed predominantly among the poor.)
32 Elements of Decision under Uncertainty
2 Diversification
Three individuals have respective utility functions v1 = c (risk neutral),
v2 = c 0.5 (risk averse), and v3 = c 2 (risk preferrer). They each have the
option of investing in any one of the three following prospects or gambles,
with mathematical expectations of income as shown:
G1 = (480, 480; 0.5, 0.5) E[G1] = 480
G2 = (850, 200; 0.5, 0.5) E[G2] = 525
G3 = (1,000, 0; 0.5, 0.5) E[G3] = 500
Notice that, comparing the first two gambles, higher risk is associated with
greater mathematical expectation of income. The third gamble has highest
risk of all, but intermediate mathematical expectation.
(A) Show that risk-neutral individual 1 will prefer gamble G2 with the
highest expectation, while risk-averse individual 2 will prefer gamble
1.5 Risk Aversion 33