Facility-Related Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Medical Students in Human Anatomy
Facility-Related Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Medical Students in Human Anatomy
Facility-Related Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Medical Students in Human Anatomy
To cite this article: Shibabaw Tedla Tiruneh, Belta Asnakew Abegaz, Abebe Ayalew Bekel,
Yibeltal Wubale Adamu, Mengistu Desalegn Kiros & Dawit Habte Woldeyes (2020) Facility-
Related Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Medical Students in Human Anatomy,
Advances in Medical Education and Practice, , 729-734, DOI: 10.2147/AMEP.S269804
Shibabaw Tedla Tiruneh Introduction: Medical students’ academic performance plays an important role in produ
Belta Asnakew Abegaz cing qualified graduates who will become great practitioners and workforce for the country’s
Abebe Ayalew Bekel health sector responsible for controlling, diagnosing, and treatment of diseases. The purpose
Yibeltal Wubale Adamu of this study was to identify college facility-related factors affecting medical students’
academic performance in the human anatomy course.
Mengistu Desalegn Kiros
Methods: To achieve the objective of this study, a cross-sectional study design was carried
Dawit Habte Woldeyes
out between January 13 and March 30, 2019. One hundred twenty study participants were
Biomedical Department, College of recruited in the study. Data were collected using self-administered questioners. Binary and
Medicine and Health Sciences, Bahir Dar
University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia multinomial logistic regression were applied to analyze the data.
Results: A total of 120 participants were included in the study. Of which, 81 (67.5%) were
male while 39 (32.5%) were females. Dormitory crowdedness (AOR 3.16 (95% CI: 0.83–
2.01, p= 0.11), large class size (AOR = 2.36; 95% CI: 1.11–4.64 p = 0.005), inadequate
classroom facilities (AOR = 1.56; 95% CI: 1.51–4.91, p = 0.001), low internet access (AOR
= 1.99; 95% CI: 1.07–3.22, p = 0.015) and inadequate anatomy-teaching model (AOR =
2.63; 95% CI: 1.17–6.12, p =0.003) were significantly associated with low performance of
students in human anatomy course exam. However, college library (AOR = 0.23; 95% CI:
0.1–0.48 p = 0.061) did not show significant association with academic performance (p =
Conclusion: Dormitory crowdedness, large class size, inadequate classroom facilities, low
internet access, and inadequate anatomy-teaching models were independent factors, which
affect the performance of medical students in the human anatomy course exam. However,
there was no significant association between the college library and the performance of study
participants in this particular course.
Keywords: academic performance, medical students, facility-related factors
Medical student’s academic performance plays an important role in producing the
best quality graduates who will become great practitioners and workforces respon
sible for the country’s health development.1,2 Academic achievement is one of the
major issues considered by employers in hiring workers specifically for medical
Correspondence: Shibabaw Tedla Tiruneh students.3,4 Medical students have to put the greatest effort into their human
College of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Bahir Dar University, Po. Box: 79, Bahir anatomy course study to obtain good grades and to prepare themselves for future
Dar, Ethiopia opportunity in their career at the same time to fulfill the countries health sector
Tel +251 918 375 554
Email [email protected] demand.5,6 Therefore, Human Anatomy is the language of medicine and the
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Tiruneh et al Dovepress
foundation of medical students in their clinical course collect the socio-demographic character of participants and
performances and clinical practices.7 Investigation of fac facility-related factors after clear orientation about the pur
tors related to the academic performance of medical stu pose of the study. The data collection tools were revalidated
dents becomes a topic of growing interest in the higher by two expertise and a pilot study was performed in two
educational circle. Many recent studies were carried out to private colleges before the actual data collection. Data were
explore factors affecting medical students’ academic entered and analyzed using the Statistical Package for
performance.8 Research report showed that students’ per Social Sciences 22. Descriptive statistics were used to
formance is affected by many factors. Among these fac describe the demographic characteristics of the participants.
tors, facility-related factors such as classroom facilities Bivariable logistic regression was used to identify factors
and environment, internet access, overcrowding, dormitory associated with academic performance. Multivariable logis
environment, availability of library, and reference books tic regression was used to assess the impact of independent
are identified.9 Classroom environment is a combination of variables on the outcome variables. The odds ratio was used
physical characteristics of the room. These physical facil to measure the strength of the association and the p-value
ities of the classroom are one of the stimulating factors ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. This study
that play a fundamental role in improving the academic was approved by the College of Medicine and Health
performance of students in the school system.10 For exam Sciences Research Review committee (No. CMHSRRC-
ple, a study was done on more than 2000 classrooms in 12359/2018). Written informed consent was taken from
California, Washington, and Colorado, students who were each study participant before the administration of ques
exposed to a larger amount of daylight, optimum tempera tionnaires and data collection. Besides these, a supportive
ture, and well-ventilated classroom in their classroom had letter was obtained from the biomedical department.
higher math and reading test scores than students who Personal identifiers were not used. Data were retrieved for
were exposed to less daylight, high temperature, and less only study purposes to ensure confidentiality. The results of
ventilated classroom.11 The Internet is a very useful med this study were submitted to the College of Medicine and
ium for quick access to information, especially for stu Health Sciences Academic Director Office and the biome
dents. In particular, social networking sites facilitate dical department. The recommendation was given to them
students in communication, socialization, coordination, to fulfill college facilities important for improving students’
collaboration, and entertainment, but internet usage can achievement.
cause addiction and lead to time-wasting, information
overload, and physical isolation from society.12–14 Result
Determinants of medical students’ academic performance One hundred twenty students participated in this study.
and their teaching-learning process were not investigated Among the participants, 12 (10%) were age 20 years and
well in our school. In addition to this, on random observa below while 108 (90%) were above 20 years. Eighty-one
tions, some medical students scored under in anatomy (67.5%) and 39 (32.5%) were male and female partici
course for the last three successive years in their preclini pants, respectively. Forty-two (35%) students were coming
cal course. This condition needs research. Thus, this study from rural areas while 78 (65%) students were from urban.
proposed to identify facility-related factors affecting the Nineteen (15.83%), 28 (23.33%) and 73 (60.8%) students
academic performance of medical students in the human were from families who were unable to read and write,
anatomy course. able to read and write and complete primary school and
above. Among 120 study participants, 48 (48.3%) were
Method and Materials got B and above in their anatomy course while 62 (51.7%)
A cross-sectional study design was carried out from of students scored below “B” (Table 1).
January 13 to March 30, 2019, at the College of Medicine In this study, those students who said there is crowded
and Health Sciences, Bahir Dar University, Northwest ness in the dormitory (AOR 3.16 (95% CI: 2.01–-0.83)
Ethiopia. All medical students (120) were included in the were scored 3.16 times less grade than those who said no
study. In this study, the outcome variable (letter grade) was crowdedness in the dormitory. Those students who said
scaled as high (≥70%) and low (<70%) based on the stan dormitory crowdedness affect their performances (AOR =
dard of the Ethiopian Higher Education Grading system. 2.20; 95% CI: 0.95–4.74) were more likely to have less
Self-administered structured questionnaires were used to score on the human anatomy exam than those who said
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Table 1 Analysis of Demographic Characteristics of Study less grade in the anatomy course exam than those who said
Subjects there were enough and quality models in anatomy labora
Parameters Frequency Percent tory (Table 2).
Table 2 Analysis of Facility-Related Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Medical Students in Anatomy
Variables Grade COR (95% P value AOR (95% P value
Performance CI) CI)
High Low
Is there any Crowdedness in the dormitory Yes 49 48 3.52(1.2–10.25) 0.021 3.16(0.83–2.01) 0.011
No 18 5 1 1
Is there dormitory crowdedness affect your performance yes 33 44 2.25(1.04–4.83) 0.038 2.20(0.95–4.74) 0.021
No 27 16 1
Was the class size comfortable for teaching learning? Yes 22 35 2.41(1.16–5.05) 0.018 2.36(1.11–4.64) 0.005
No 38 25 1 1
with findings from a previous study where they found accessible library.23 This may be due to variations in the
classroom environment and physical conditions had an utilization of limited library services between the two
insignificant influence on the academic performance of populations.
students.22 However, a study done in Pakistan demon The Internet is an essential part of our society, which
strated that students attended their class in a well- provides easy access to social, political, economical, and
equipped classroom with physical facilities had academic information’s across the world without leaving
a significant positive effect on the academic performance their place of residence. However, there are drawbacks
of students than those who attended their class in an such as impaired academic performance, health problems,
unequipped classroom.10 This indicates that creating personal relationship problems, and social dysfunctions
a conducive school environment for students’ learning is when it is used in a wrong and uncontrolled way.24 In
a must for each country. our university, the problems of internet service are limited
Libraries are essential for generating and seeking access, low seed, frequent disruption, low maintenance,
knowledge, provide place students and faculty members and low coverage. Thus, students have no access to the
to do research and advanced their knowledge; has roles to internet when they need academic work activities. This
collect, process, store, disseminate, and utilize study’s results showed that participants who said there
information.23 In our university, there is one separate was no internet connection to access books and references
medical library for both medical and other health science were about one time more likely to score less grade than
students with limited reference books. In this study, there those who said there was an internet connection to access
was no significant difference between participants who books and references. Similar studies done in Uganda
said there was no well-equipped library with anatomy showed that study participants who said there was internet
reference books and those who said there was a well- connection access without limitation were scored high
equipped library with anatomy reference books (p = grades than those who had no access to the internet.25
0.061). However, research findings showed that those Another study done in Ecuador demonstrated that those
study participants who said there was a well-furnished students who accessed and used internet for academic
library with adequate references were got a higher grade coursework scored higher as compared to students who
than those participants who said there was no easy did not access internet connection.26,27
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achievement. Sci Int. 2018;30:299–311. Gutterez I, Segarra-Faggioni V. Internet use and academic success
23. Wong SHR, Webb TD. Uncovering meaningful correlation between in university students. Comunicar. 2016;24(48):61–70. doi:10.3916/
student academic performance and library material usage. Coll Res C48-2016-06
Libr. 2011;72(4):361–370. doi:10.5860/crl-129 27. Diaz JCT, Montoliu JMD, Becerra MH. Plagiarism, internet and
24. Siraj HH, SalamL A, Hasan NA, Jin TH, Othman MNB. Internet academic success at the university. J New Approach Educ Res.
Usage and Academic Performance: A Study in a Malaysian Public 2018;7(2):98–104. doi:10.7821/naer.2018.7.324
University. Int Med j. 2015;22:83–86. 28. Davis CR, Bates AS, Ellis H, Roberts AM. Human anatomy: let the
25. Obura OC, Magara E Electronic information access and utilization by students tell us how to teach. Anat Sci Educ. 2014;7(4):262–272.
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