Investors Handbook FAQs
Investors Handbook FAQs
Investors Handbook FAQs
Pakistan has the sixth largest popula on in the world at more 207.7
million people and is also the 26th largest economy by purchasing
power parity and 42th largest economy by nominal gross domes c
product. By 2050, Pakistan is pped to become the 18th largest
economy. The country is a federal parliamentary democracy,
comprising four provinces and other federal territories, based on
principle of separa on of powers and an efficient regulatory system
that oversees the economy. There are a number of very good reasons
why Pakistan is an a rac ve des na on for investment, including
investor friendly policies, big market, availability of skilled workforce,
developed infrastructure, geographic loca on of Pakistan and
abundance of natural resources.
11. Does your country allow free conver bility and repatria on of
funds (capital, profits, royal es and fees)?
12. Are there any special incen ves available for certain
16. What is your trade regime like? Are there any condi ons,
restric ons or requirements concerning import and/or export?
18. Are there any condi ons, restric ons, or requirements (e.g. for
work permits) regarding the use of foreign personnel?
27. Does your country allow recourse to interna onal arbitra on?
28. Does the legal system provide for the recogni on and
enforcement of foreign arbitra on awards?
34. How extensive are the local supplier base (availability of raw
materials, design and engineering services, machine
maintenance and repair, prin ng, marke ng, adver sing, etc.)
and the local supplier network system?
Steel Sector: Pakistan has large reserves of iron ore and coal that
requires more development for manufacturing of steel. Iron, Steel
Pipe and Tube industry produces a large range of products like
Cast Iron Pipes, G.I Pipes, CR Tubes, API Line Pipes, Structural
Pipes, Spiral Welded Pipes, Heat Exchange Tubes , Pressure Tubes ,
Boiler Tubes , Service Tubes , Precision Sha Tubes and Line
Tubes etc. In seamless tube category the industry produces heat
exchange tubes, pressure tubes, boiler tubes, low temperature
service tubes, precision sha tubes, linked tubes, etc as per
interna onal standards. The basic raw materials are Hot Rolled
Coil, Cold Rolled Coil, Electro Galvanized Coils, Steel Round Bars
Port of Muhammad Bin Qasim is the oldest port while the Karachi
port is the busiest one. The Port of Gwadar is newly developed
deep sea port and one of the deepest ports across the globe with a
depth that can handle 16-meter deep cargo ship.
There are four (04) EPZs in Pakistan in Risalpur, Sandak, Sialkot and
37. What air links do you have and which interna onal airlines fly
to your country?
1. Afghanistan
2. Behrain
3. Bangladesh
4. Canada
5. China
6. Denmark
7. France
8. India
9. Iran
10. Iraq
11. Italy
12. Japan Kuwait
13. Malaysia
14. Norway
15. Oman
16. Qatar
17. Saudi Arabia
18. Spain
19. Sri Lanka
20. Thailand
21. Turkey
22. United Arab Emirates
23. United Kingdom
24. Uzbekistan
1. Jordan
2. Kenya
3. Mauri us
4. Morocco
5. Netherland
6. Servia
7. South Korea
8. Spain
9. USA
1. Air Arabia
2. Air China
3. China Southern
4. Emirates Airlines
5. E had Airways
6. Fly Dubai
7. Fly Nas
8. Gulf Air
9. Iran Air
10. Iraqi Airways
11. Jazeera Airways
12. Kam Air
13. Kish Air
14. Kuwait Airways
15. Mahan Air
16. Malindo Air
17. Oman Air
18. Qatar Airways
19. Salam Air
20. Saudi Arabian Airlines
21. Sri Lankan Airlines
22. Taban Air
23. Thai Airways
24. Turkish Airlines
25. Uzbekistan Airways
38. What are the telecommunica ons services like? Are they
39. Do you have stable and adequate power and water supply?
What are the plans for upgrading these and other u li es?
Pakistan was facing energy shortage from many years but Early
Harvest Projects of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for
electricity genera on helped to reduce this shortage. In this
regard, most of the projects have already completed and others
are in process.
43. What are the level and the structure of taxa on?
Under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 the tax rates for
companies in respect of their taxable income for tax year 2019 and
onwards is as under:
44. What is the infla on rate?
46. What is the real growth rate? How is the economy doing: is it
depressed, stagnant or expanding? What is the level of
unemployment? What is the migra on rate?
47. What is the size of the popula on and what is the GDP per head
figure for last year?
48. What are expatriate living condi ons like: how are the hotels? Is
there an interna onal school? Do expatriates have easy access
to housing? Can foreigners travel freely in your country?
49. How modern are your health care and hospital services? Is the
water drinkable? Is the climate bearable? What are the
recrea onal facili es like?
Pakistan has excellent health care and hospital services than can
be rated equal to the developed na ons. In fact, Pakistan has a
mixed health system that includes public, private, civil society,
philanthropic contributors, and donor agencies.
Private sector a ends 70% of the popula on through a diverse
group of trained health team members. We have specialists with
excellent knowledge, skills and experience, several private sector
hospitals and diagnos c labs that readily perform advanced
diagnos c tests at short no ce.
The quality of healthcare in Pakistan beats even that in advanced
economies, where o en one has to wait for months, or even
longer, to see specialists for specialized procedures. Although
drinking water is available in most parts of the country.
Water is not drinkable in few parts. Mineral water is available in all
parts of the country.
Pakistan has one of the best climate in the world as it has all four
seasons; a cool, dry winter from December through February; a
hot, dry spring from March through May; the summer rainy
season, or southwest monsoon period, from June through
September; and the retrea ng monsoon period of October and
November. Each season is bearable and all facili es are accessible
everywhere for extreme weather condi ons.
Pakistan offers tremendous recrea onal facili es that are of
interna onal standards, including hotels, parks, cinemas, and
sports clubs. The strength of Pakistan lies in its rich historical and
cultural heritage with the oldest civiliza ons like Indus Valley
Civiliza on to magnificent Mughal era architecture. The eye
catching valley of Hunza, abundance of glaciers and Himalayan
Mountains are some of the natural spectacles that a ract
tourists/visitors. The Hospitality Industry has been expanding
simultaneously in the Northern areas of Pakistan with a few
luxurious hotels opening up in the mountainous regions.
50. What is the crime rate?
Head Office
Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad
Tel: (+92-51)922 4103, 922 4101
Fax: (+92-51)921 5554
Regional Offices
BOI - Investment Facilita on Centre (Karachi)
Syedna Taher Saifuddin Memorial Founda on,
3rd Floor, Plot No. CD-10/20/2, Beaumont Road,
Civil Lines, Karachi-75530.
Tel:- (021-99204482-83-84)
Fax No. (021-9920 4486)