Consti I Legislative Dept Reviewer
Consti I Legislative Dept Reviewer
Consti I Legislative Dept Reviewer
The original legislative power of the people is exercised via initiative and
referendum. In this manner, people can directly propose and enact
laws, or approve or reject any act or law passed by Congress or a local
government unit.
Provided that these two limitations are not exceeded, Congress’
legislative power is plenary.
1. Natural-born citizen;
2. At least 35 years old on the day of election;
3. Able to read and write;
4. A registered voter; and
5. Philippine resident for at least 2 years immediately preceding the day
of the election.
Term Limitations:
1. Natural born citizen of the Philippines;
2. At least 25 years old on the day of the election;
3. Able to read and write;
4. Registered voter in the district he seeks to represent; and
5. A resident of such district for at least one year immediately preceding
the day of the election.
Term of Office
1. Each member of the House shall be elected for a term of three (3)
years which shall commence (unless otherwise provided for by law)
at noon on 30 June next following their election.
2. Voluntary renunciation of office for any length of time shall not be
considered as an interruption in the continuity of his service for the full
term for which he was elected.
Term Limitations
1. Definition
2. Limitation/Possible Reduction
a. Term CANNOT be reduced.
b. Tenure MAY, by law, be limited. Thus, a provision which
considers an elective office automatically vacated when the
holder thereof files a certificate of candidacy for another elective
office (except President and Vice-President) is valid, as it only
affects the officers tenure and NOT his constitutional term.
Party-List Representatives
4. Qualifications
Determination of Salaries:
Note: Since the Constitution ‘provides for rules on “salaries” and not on
‘emoluments,’ our distinguished legislators can appropriate for
themselves other sums of money such as travel allowances, as well as
other side ‘benefits.’
Regular Sessions:
Special Sessions:
Election of Officers
Quorum to do business:
1. Majority of each House shall constitute a quorum.
2. A smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may compel the
attendance of absent members.
3. In computing a quorum, members who are outside the country and
thus outside of each House’s coercive jurisdiction are not included.
Internal Rules:
1.) Suspension
a. Concurrence of 2/3 of ALL its members and
b. Shall not exceed 60 days.
2.) Expulsion
a. Concurrence of 2/3 of ALL its members.
1.) Neither House can adjourn for more than 3 days during the time
Congress is in session without the consent of the other House.
2.) Neither can they adjourn to any other place than that where the two
houses are sitting, without the consent of the other.
The Senate and the House shall each have an Electoral Tribunal
which shall be composed of:
1.) Each ET shall be the sole judge of all CONTESTS relating to the
election, returns, and qualifications of their respective members. This
includes determining the validity or invalidity of a proclamation
declaring a particular candidate as the winner.
2.) The ETs being independent bodies, its members may not be
arbitrarily removed from their positions in the tribunal by the parties
which they represent. Neither may they be removed for not voting
according to party lines, since they are acting independently of
3.) The mere fact that the members of either the Senate or the House
sitting on the ET are those which are sought to be disqualified due to
the filing of an election contest against them does not warrant all of
them from being disqualified from sitting in the ET. The Constitution
is quite clear that the ET must act with both members from the SC
and from the Senate or the House. If all the legislator-members of
the ET were to be disqualified, the ET would not be able to fulfill its
constitutional functions.
4.) Judicial review of decisions of the ETs may be had with the SC only
insofar as the decision or resolution was rendered without or in
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion constituting
denial of due process.
Meetings of the CA
Note: The ET and the CA shall be constituted within 30 days after the
Senate and the House of Representative shall have been organized with
the election of the President and the Speaker.
1. Either House or any of their committees may conduct inquires ‘in aid
of legislation’.
2. “In aid of legislation” does not mean that there is pending legislation
regarding the subject of the inquiry. In fact, investigation may be
needed for purposes of proposing future legislation.
3. If the stated purpose of the investigation is to determine the existence
of violations of the law, the investigation is no longer ‘in aid of
legislation’ but ‘in aid of prosecution’. This violates the principle of
separation of powers and is beyond the scope of congressional
1. Since experience has shown that mere requests for information does
not usually work, Congress has the inherent power to punish
recalcitrant witnesses for contempt, and may have them incarcerated
until such time that they agree to testify.
a. Upon their own initiative, with the consent of the President (and
that of the House concerned); or
Emergency powers:
2. Limitations:
a. Powers will be exercised for a limited period only; and
b. Powers will be subject to restrictions prescribed by Congress
1. Appropriation bills
2. Revenue bills
3. Tariff bills
4. Bills authorizing the increase of public debt
5. Bills of local application
6. Private bills
Appropriation bills
1. The primary and specific aim of an appropriation bill is to appropriate
a sum of money from the public treasury.
Revenue Bill
2. Thus, a bill introducing a new tax is a revenue bill, but a provision in,
for instance, the Videogram Regulatory Board law imposing a tax on
video rentals does not make the law a revenue bill.
e. Transfer of appropriations:
a. Every bill shall embrace only one (1) subject, as expressed in the
title thereof
i. As a mandatory requirement
ii. The title does not have to be a complete catalogue of
everything stated in the bill. It is sufficient if the title
expresses the general subject of the bill and all the
provisions of the statute are germane to that general subject.
b. Readings
1. In order to become a law, each bill must pass three (3) readings
in both Houses.
2. General rule: Each reading shall be held on separate days &
printed copies thereof in its final form shall be distributed to its
Members three (3) days before its passage.
3. Exception: If a bill is certified as urgent by the President as to
the necessity of its immediate enactment to meet a public
calamity or emergency, the 3 readings can be held on the same
4. First reading – only the title is read; the bill is passed to the
proper committee
Second reading – Entire text is read and debates are held, and
amendments introduced.
Third reading – only the title is read, no amendments are
allowed. Vote shall be taken immediately thereafter and the
yeas and nays entered in the journal.
2. If the President does not approve of the bill, he shall veto the same
and return it with his objections to the House from which it originated.
The House shall enter the objections in the Journal and proceed to
reconsider it.
6. Item veto
b. This veto will not affect items to which he does not object.
c. Definition of item
d. Veto of RIDER
a) Tariff rates
b) Import and Export Quotas
c) Tonnage and wharfage dues
d) Other duties and imposts
Within the framework of the national development program of the
a) Charitable institutions
b) Churches, and parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto
c) Mosques
d) Non-profit cemeteries; and
e) All lands, buildings and improvements actually, directly and
exclusively used for religious, charitable, or educational
2) All revenues and assets of NON-STOCK NON-PROFIT
EDUCATIONAL institutions are exempt from taxes and duties
PROVIDED that such revenues and assets are actually, directly and
exclusively used for educational purposes. (Art. XIV Sec 4 (3))
2) Limitations.
3) Special Funds
2) Required Petition
2) The scope of this power is set forth in Art. VII of the Constitution. But
this power is not limited to those set forth therein. The SC, in Marcos
v. Manglapus, referred to the RESIDUAL powers of the President as
the Chief Executive of the country, which powers include others not
set forth in the Constitution. EXAMPLE: The President is immune
from suit and criminal prosecution while he is in office.
3) Privilege of immunity from suit is personal to the President and may
be invoked by him alone. It may also be waived by the President, as
when he himself files suit.
Note: The Vice-President has the same qualifications & term of office as
the President. He is elected with & in the same manner as the
President. He may be removed from office in the same manner as the
Manner of Election
3) Not later than 30 days after the day of the election, the certificates
shall be opened in the presence of both houses of Congress,
assembled in joint public session.
7) The Supreme Court en banc shall act as the sole judge over all
contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications of the
President or Vice-President and may promulgate its rules for the
Term of Office
1) President
b) Term limitation: Single term only; not eligible for any reelection.
2) Vice-President:
President-elect fails to qualify or VP-elect will be Acting President
to be chosen until someone is qualified/chosen
as President.
President-elect dies or is VP becomes President.
permanently disabled.
Both President and VP-elect are 1. Senate President or
not chosen or do not qualify or 2. In case of his inability, the
both die, or both become Speaker of the House shall act
permanently disabled. as President until a President
or a VP shall have been
chosen and qualified.
In case of death or disability of (1)
and (2), Congress shall
determine, by law, who will be the
acting President.
President dies, is permanently Vice-President becomes
disabled, is impeached, or President for the unexpired term.
Both President and Vice- 1. Senate President or
President die, become 2. In case of his inability, the
permanently disabled, are Speaker of the House shall act
impeached, or resign. as President until the
President or VP shall have
been elected and qualified.
c) The special election shall be held not earlier than 45 days not later
than 60 days from the time of the enactment of the law.
d) The 3 readings for the special law need not be held on separate
6) Presidential Illness:
a. If the spouse, etc., was already in any
of the above offices at the time before
his/her spouse became President,
he/she may continue in office. What is
prohibited is appointment and
reappointment, NOT continuation in
b. Spouses, etc., can be appointed to the
judiciary and as ambassadors and
Sections 14-16. POWER TO APPOINT
5) All other officers whose appointments are not otherwise provided for
by law; and those whom he may be authorized by law to appoint.
1) CA confirmation needed:
a) Nomination by President
b) Confirmation by CA
c) Appointment by President; and
d) Acceptance by appointee.
Note: At any time before all four steps have been complied with, the
President can withdraw the nomination/appointment.
2) No CA confirmation:
a) Appointment; and
b) Acceptance.
Ad-interim appointments:
Power of Control:
2) Thus, generally the acts of these department heads, etc, which are
performed and promulgated in the regular course of business, are
presumptively the acts of the President.
3) Exception: If the acts are disapproved or reprobated by the
Disciplinary Powers:
1) The power of the President to discipline officers flows from the power
to appoint the, and NOT from the power control.
2) BUT While the President may remove from office those who are not
entitled to security of tenure, or those officers with no set terms, such
as Department Heads, the officers, and employees entitled to security
of tenure cannot be summarily removed from office.
Power of Supervision:
1) This is the power of a superior officer to ensure that the laws are
faithfully executed by subordinates.
4) The power of supervision does not include the power of control; but
the power of control necessarily includes the power of supervision.
a) Lawless violence;
b) Invasion; or
c) Rebellion.
1. Grounds
a. Invasion or
b. Rebellion; and
c. Public safety requires it.
3. Limitations:
Note: While the suspension of the privilege of writ and the proclamation
of martial law is subject to judicial review, the actual use by the President
of the armed forces is not. Thus, troop deployments in times of war is
subject to the President’s judgment and discretion.
1.) As to scope:
Cannot be granted:
2.) As to effect:
Addressed to POLITICAL Addressed to ORDINARY
offenses offenses
Granted to a CLASS of Granted to INDIVIDUALS
Need not be accepted Must be accepted
Requires concurrence of No need for Congressional
majority of all members of concurrence
A public act. Subject to Private act of President. It must
judicial notice be proved.
Extinguishes the offense itself
Only penalties are extinguished.
May or may not restore political
rights. Absolute pardon restores.
Conditional does not.
Civil indemnity is not
May be granted before or Only granted after conviction by
after conviction final judgement