Article Vi - The Legislative Department Sec. 1. The Legislative Power Shall Be Vested
Article Vi - The Legislative Department Sec. 1. The Legislative Power Shall Be Vested
Article Vi - The Legislative Department Sec. 1. The Legislative Power Shall Be Vested
2.) Speaker of the House; and 3. Also, since Congress has the power to 1.) Neither House can adjourn for more
make these rules, it also has the power to than 3 days during the time Congress is in
3.) Each House may choose such other ignore them when circumstances so require. session without the consent of the other
officers as it may deem necessary. House.
Election of Officers 2.) Neither can they adjourn to any other
1.) Suspension place than that where the two houses are
By a majority vote of all respective members. sitting, without the consent of the other.
a. Concurrence of 2/3 of ALL its members
Quorum to do business: and Section 17: THE ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL
b. Shall not exceed 60 days.
1. Majority of each House shall constitute a The Senate and the House shall each have an
quorum. 2.) Expulsion Electoral Tribunal which shall be composed
2. A smaller number may adjourn from day Concurrence of 2/3 of ALL its members.
to day and may compel the attendance of 3 Supreme Court Justices to be designated
absent members. Congressional Journals and Records: by the Chief Justice; &
6 Members of the Senate or House, as the
3. In computing a quorum, members who are 1.) The Journal is conclusive upon the case may be.
outside the country and thus outside of each courts. The senior Justice in the Electoral Tribunal
House’s coercive jurisdiction are not shall be its Chairman.
included. 2.) BUT an enrolled bill prevails over the
contents of the Journal. Note: The congressional members of the ET’s
Internal Rules: shall be chosen on the basis of proportional
3.) An enrolled bill is the official copy of representation from the political parties and
1. Each House shall determine its own approved legislation and bears the party-list organizations.
procedural rules. certifications of the presiding officers of each
House. Thus, where the certifications are Jurisdiction:
2. Since this is a power vested in Congress as valid and are not withdrawn, the contents of
part of its inherent powers, under the the enrolled bill are conclusive upon the 1.) Each ET shall be the sole judge of all
principle of separation of powers, the courts courts as regards the provision of that CONTESTS relating to the election, returns,
cannot intervene in the implementation of particular bill. and qualifications of their respective
these rules insofar as they affect the members. This includes determining the
members of Congress. Adjournments: validity or invalidity of a proclamation
declaring a particular candidate as the 3.) The mere fact that the members of
winner. either the Senate or the House sitting on the Voting/Action
ET are those which are sought to be
2.) An ‘election contest’ is one where a disqualified due to the filing of an election 1.) The chairman shall only vote in case of a
defeated candidate challenges the contest against them does not warrant all of tie.
qualification and claims for himself the seat them from being disqualified from sitting in
of a proclaimed winner. the ET. The Constitution is quite clear that 2.) The CA shall act on all appointments
the ET must act with both members from the within 30 session days from their submission
3.) In the absence of an election contest, SC and from the Senate or the House. If all to Congress.
the ET is without jurisdiction. However, the the legislator-members of the ET were to be
power of each House to expel its own disqualified, the ET would not be able to 3.) The Commission shall rule by a majority
members or even to defer their oath-taking fulfill its constitutional functions. vote of all the Members.
until their qualifications are determined may
still be exercised even without an election 4.) Judicial review of decisions of the ETs Jurisdiction
contest. may be had with the SC only insofar as the
decision or resolution was rendered without 1.) CA shall confirm the appointments by
Issues regarding the Electoral Tribunals: or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave the President with respect to the following
abuse of discretion constituting denial of due positions:
1.) Since the ET’s are independent process.
constitutional bodies, independent even of Heads of the Executive Departments (except
the House from which the members are Section 18: THE COMMISSION ON if it is the Vice-President who is appointed to
respectively taken, neither Congress nor the APPOINTMENTS the post).
Courts may interfere with procedural Ambassadors, other public ministers or
matters relating to the functions of the ET’s, Composition: consuls.
such as the setting of deadlines or filing their Officers of the AFP from the rank of Colonel
election contests with the respective ETs. 1.) Senate President as ex-officio chairman; or Naval Captain: and
Other officers whose appointments are
2.) The ETs being independent bodies, its 2.) 12 Senators; and vested in him by the Constitution (e.g.
members may not be arbitrarily removed COMELEC members).
from their positions in the tribunal by the 3.) 12 Members of the House. 2.) Congress CANNOT by law prescribe that
parties which they represent. Neither may the appointment of a person to an office
they be removed for not voting according to Note: The 12 Senators and 12 created by such law shall be subject to
party lines, since they are acting Representatives are elected on the basis of confirmation by the CA.
independently of Congress. proportional representation from the
political parties and party-list organizations.
3.) Appointments extended by the shall be determined by law. No increase in Until the Congress provides otherwise, the
President to the above-mentioned positions said compensation shall take effect until President shall receive an annual salary of
while Congress is not in session shall only be after the expiration of the full term of all the three hundred thousand pesos; the Vice-
effective until disapproval by the CA or until members of the Senate and the House of President, the President of the Senate, the
the next adjournment of Congress. Representatives approving such increase. Speaker of the House of Representatives,
and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
Meetings of the CA Sec. 20. The records and books of accounts two hundred forty thousand pesos each; the
of Congress shall be preserved and be open Senators, the members of the House of
1.) CA meets only while Congress is in to the public in accordance with law, and Representatives, the Associate Justices of
session. such books shall be audited by the the Supreme Court, and the Chairmen of the
Commission on Audit which shall publish Constitutional Commissions, two hundred
2.) Meetings are held either at the call of annually an itemized list of amounts paid to four thousand pesos each; and the Members
the Chairman or a majority of all its and expenses incurred for each Member. of the Constitutional Commissions, one
members. hundred eighty thousand pesos each.
It must be noted that in accordance with the
3.) Since the CA is also an independent above provisions, there is no prohibition However, under Joint Resolution No. 1, the
constitutional body, its rules of procedure against the receipt of allowances by the salaries of the members of the Senate is
are also outside the scope of congressional members of Congress. The second section, increased to salary grade 33 with monthly
powers as well as that of the judiciary. on the other hand, seeks to avoid the equivalent rate of P35,000.00. The Senate
recurrence of the abuses committed by the President, on the other hand, is raised to
Note: The ET and the CA shall be constituted members of the Old Congress in allotting salary grade 34 with a monthly basic salary
within 30 days after the Senate and the themselves fabulous allowances the amount of P40,000.00.
House of Representative shall have been of which they refused to divulge to the
organized with the election of the President people. It is now provided under the Parliamentary Immunities
and the Speaker. Constitution that the books of accounts of
Congress shall be open to public inspection A. Privilege from Arrest
Privileges of Senators and must be audited by the Commission on
Audit. Moreover, every member of Congress’ One of the privileges that a member of
Salaries itemized expenditures, including allowances, Congress enjoys is the privilege from arrest.
The salaries of members of the Senate is shall be published annually for the In this regard, Section 11, Article VI, of the
governed by Article VI of the Constitution as information of the people. Constitution provides as follows:
follows: It is interesting to note that the Constitution
in Section 17, Article XVIII, provides the A Senator or Member of the House of
Sec. 10. The salaries of Senators and corresponding salaries of Senators, to wit: Representatives shall, in all offenses
Members of the House of Representatives punishable by not more than six years
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest It is noteworthy that the Congress of the
while the Congress is in session. No member United States shall not in all its long history 1.2 Rules of the Senate
shall be questioned nor be held liable in any suspend a member. And the reason is
other place for any speech or debate in obvious. Punishment by way of reprimand or This is contained in Section 110, Rule XL,
Congress or in any committee thereof. fine vindicates the outraged dignity of the Rules of the Senate, which provides as
House without depriving the constituency of follows:
This privilege is intended to insure representation; expulsion, when permissible,
representation of the constituents by the likewise vindicates the honor of the Sec. 110. After the consideration of the
members of Congress. In Vera vs. Avelino, legislative body while giving to the matters contained in the Calendar for Special
the Supreme Court, quoting a decision of the constituency an opportunity to elect anew; Orders, a Senator may forthwith request for
United States Supreme Court, explained for but suspension deprives the electoral district and avail of the privilege to speak for one (1)
whose benefit the right to parliamentary of representation without that district being hour on any matter of public interest.
immunity is secured: afforded any means by which to fill the
vacancy. By suspension, the seat remains If more than one (1) Senator wish to avail of
These privileges are thus secured not with filled, but the occupant is silenced. the same privilege, the Senator who first
the intention of protecting the members announced his intention shall be given
against prosecutors for their own benefit, B. Privilege of Speech and Debate priority.
but to support the rights of the people, by
enabling their representatives to execute the 1. Bases of the Privilege The period of time allowed in this section
function of their office without fear of may, upon motion of the Senator on the
prosecution, civil or criminal. 1.1. Constitutional Basis floor be extended for such time as may be
necessary for him to finish his speech unless
A member of Congress could only be Privilege speech is a parliamentary privilege a majority of all the Senators vote against
suspended by the House of which he is a enjoyed by a Member of Congress provided such extension.
member and only for the purpose of self- for in Section 11, Article VI of the
preservation or self-protection. To protect a Constitution. It states as follows: 2. Purpose of the Privilege
member of Congress from oppression, even
this power has been circumscribed by the Sec. 11. A Senator or Member of the House Members of Congress cannot be prosecuted
1935 Constitution and further limited by the of Representatives shall, in all offenses be for any words spoken in debate or in
1987 Constitution. punishable by not more than six years connection with voting or used in written
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest reports or with things generally done in a
The rationale for this was expressed by the while the Congress is in session. No Member session of either House in relation to the
Supreme Court as early as 11 September shall be questioned nor be held liable in any business before it. This protection is
1924 in Alejandrino vs. Quezon: other place for any speech or debate in extended to them during the session on the
Congress or in any committee thereof. occasion of the exercise of their functions
either in their respective chambers or in joint Congressional hall. But it does not protect not be precluded from continuing with his
assembly, or in committees or commission. him from responsibility before the legislative speech until the one hour was consumed.
The purpose of this privilege of speech or body itself whenever his words and conduct
debate is not to protect the members are considered by the latter disorderly or 3.2. On Request for Reservation
against prosecutions for their own benefit unbecoming to a member thereof. On point of order whether preference be
but to enable them as representatives of the given to a member who requests a previous
people to execute the functions of their 3. Precedents and Practices reservation over any member who stands up
office without fear of prosecution, civil or on the floor ahead of the former, it has been
criminal. As held in the case of Osmeña v. The following are some of the precedents held that an unwritten rule, sanctioned by
Pendatun, the Supreme Court took the and practices observed in the previous immemorial practice, establishes such a
occasion of defining the purpose of the sessions of Congress concerning the privilege preference. A request for reservation to use
privilege. It ruled: speech: the privilege hour on a future date made on
the floor by a member is recorded in the
Our Constitution enshrines parliamentary 3.1. When It Can and When It Cannot Journal.
immunity which is a fundamental privilege
cherished in every legislative assembly of the It has been ruled that the privilege granted The time of a member automatically expires
democratic world. As old as the English under this section cannot be availed of when the moment he takes his seat and,
Parliament, its purpose is to enable and the House has already proceeded to transact consequently, he cannot answer questions
encourage a representative of the public to its business, such as the consideration of unless an extension of his time is granted by
discharge his public trust with firmness and bills. But in a certain case, when the House unanimous consent. The one-hour privilege
success for it is indispensably necessary that was already considering unfinished business can be extended only by unanimous consent.
he should enjoy the fullest liberty of speech, or business for the day, a member was 3.3. Decorum on Speech
and that he should be protected from the permitted, through a motion unanimously
resentment of every one, however, approved, to deliver a short speech on an A member, availing himself of the privilege
powerful, to whom the exercise of that important case in his province. A member hour, may refuse interpellations, but he may
liberty may occasion. Such immunity has availing himself of such a privilege was be advised by the Chair not to use any
come to this country from the practices of entitled to one full hour. Having the floor on improper language. He should use a
Parliament as construed and applied by the the privilege hour, he could not be forced to language in conformity with the decorum
Congress of the United States. Its extent and yield to interpellations. and dignity of the House.
application remain no longer in doubt insofar
as related to the question before us. It The one-hour privilege not having expired The Chair entertained a motion to delete
guarantees the legislator complete freedom yet, a member, who requested only 10 from the Record a portion of a member’s
of expression without fear of being made minutes in order to deliver his speech, was speech under the privilege hour as
responsible in criminal or civil actions before allowed to use the rest of the hour. He could unparliamentary for being against the dignity
the courts or any other forum outside of the and integrity of the members, and when
submitted by the Chair to the House, the cannot be forced to yield to another so that, to a committee on the ground that while a
motion was approved. in turn, the latter can answer questions. member is enjoying the privilege, he cannot
be deprived of the floor except by a point of
When a member attacks the leadership of It is in order for a member interpellating to order.
the House, he may be declared out of order lay the premises of his question. He may
and deprived further use of the privilege interpellate in the manner he so desires and 3.6. Extension of Time
hour. use any of the official languages even if
different from that used by the member who After a member has consumed the privilege
A member should, during the privilege hour, has the floor. hour, no extension of time for the privilege
refrain from making personal allusions to any can be granted if there is an objection to the
member. In availing himself of the privilege A member on the floor using the remaining motion for such extension.
hour, a member may, under his own portion of the privilege hour may stop
responsibility, speak against an absent fellow yielding to further interpellations. An objection to a motion for extension of the
member. It is indecorous of the Senate one-hour privilege is not debatable.
during a privilege speech. The time consumed by interpellation is
counted against a member who has the The one-hour privilege can no longer be
In the exercise of his one- hour privilege, a floor; that is the reason why he has the extended when, after its delivery, the
member can speak on any subject of option to yield or not to questions. member using the privilege sits down,
national interest, and he may even criticize thereby forfeiting his right to continue.
the President on the appointment of certain 3.5. Precedence and Interruption When a member sits down after the
persons to the government. But delivering expiration of his one-hour privilege, his time
speeches attacking the Chief Executive The House sustained the Chair that after the can no longer be extended.
constitutes disorderly conduct for which a reading of the order of business, the one-
member may be suspended or expelled from hour privilege has precedence over any A member who has the privilege hour may
the House as a disciplinary action. The Chair other matters, such as question of privilege. yield a portion of it to another member.
sustained a point of order which asked for When a member ceded a portion of his one-
deletion from the Record, as A member availing himself of the one-hour hour privilege, such a portion could not,
unparliamentary, parts of the privilege privilege may yield to further interpellation, without his consent, be extended to more
speech attacking the Catholic religion. but he cannot be interrupted except by a than the number of minutes agreed upon.
3.4. Interpellation point of order. He cannot be deprived of the A member using the remaining portion of
floor except with his consent, and he may the privilege hour may refuse any
A member having the floor to avail himself of deliver his speech in such manner as he interpellation in order to save the time left
the privilege hour may refuse to yield to pleases as long as he speaks with due for him.
interpellation or yield for information. He decorum. The Chair did not entertain a
motion referring a one-hour privilege speech 3.7. Reference Speech
with the Lords. As Stubbs says, "he would 4.4. To voice out dissent, the essence of
The Chair entertained a motion to refer a have been a bold King indeed who had democracy.
privilege speech to a committee after it had attempted to stop discussion in the House of
been delivered on the floor. Lords." It is the best outlet of the people and of the
opposition to ventilate anomalies in govern-
3.8. Stricken Off the Record 4.2. To protect independence and integrity ment and misgovernment, to express their
of Congress and to reinforce separation of concerns and sentiments thru their
On motion approved by the House, the powers. representatives in legislative bodies. In short,
whole speech including interpellations, was to voice out dissent is the essence of
stricken off the record for being In U.S. vs. Johnson, Justice John Marshall democracy.
unparliamentary. Harlan said that the purpose of the speech or
debate clause is prophylactic, that it was 5. Scope of Privilege Speech:
During the privilege hour, the Chair motu adopted by the Constitutional Convention
proprio ordered stricken off the record the (without discussion or opposition) because Personal and Collective
word "dishonorable" uttered with reference of the English experience with the intent to
to the members of the House by the protect the independence and integrity of A question of privilege consists of a question
member interpellating. Congress and to reinforce the separation of affecting the rights of the Senate collectively
powers by preventing an unfriendly or of its members individually including its
4. Relevance executive and a hostile judiciary appointed privileges, reputation, conduct, decorum,
by the executive from reaching a dignity and integrity of proceedings.
4.1. No assured government by the people congressional activity for evidence of
unless their representatives possesses this criminality. A Senator may rise to a question of personal
privilege. privilege at any time, but he cannot interrupt
4.3. Basis of corrective legislative measures. or take another Senator from the floor for
There could be no assured government by that purpose without the latter’s consent.
the people, unless their representatives had In practice, many subjects of privilege However, the reading of the Journal cannot
unquestioned possession of this privilege. speeches are the bases of consequent be interrupted by a question of personal
Thus, only the House of Commons was appropriate committee investigations of privilege neither can a question of privilege
concerned in its vindication, and only in its legislative bodies, and these may result to be raised when there is no quorum or when
connection with that House could it be a corrective measures being filed on the basis the roll is being called.
matter of constitutional importance. The of such committee investigations. It appears
Lords, of course, possess the right equally to be co-extensive with the range of Under this provision, a member of the
with the Commons, and thus it is considered legislative power, like the range of legislative Senate may raise a question of privilege by a
one of the common privileges of Parliament. inquiry together with its limitations. statement or remark on the floor and if
But it seems never to have been an issue
sustained by the Chair, the member is The envelope or wrapper of such mail matter Without the above provision, the authority
entitled to speak. shall bear on the left upper corner the name to discipline its members can still be
and official designation of the official sending exercised by each House as an inherent
After the privilege speech of a Senator, the mail matter, and the words "Senate of power, with the concurrence of a majority
another member was recognized on a the Philippines," or "House of vote, conformably to the general rule on the
question of personal privilege to clarify Representatives," as the case may be, and on will of the majority. With this provision, the
certain matters in which he participated and the right upper corner the words "Penalty disciplinary power is not so much expressly
which was left out in the privilege speech of for private or unauthorized use to avoid conferred as limited because of the specific
the former. payment of postage, P500.00." conditions laid down for its proper exercise.
A member rose to speak on a question of Suspension and Disqualification Thus, the courts may annul any expulsion or
personal privilege as his name was linked in a suspension of a member that is not
news item which was considered as a Manner of Imposing Discipline concurred in by at least two-thirds of the
malicious publication. entire body or any suspension meted out by
Section 16(3), Article VI of the Constitution the legislature, even with the required two-
Franking Privilege provides the manner in which members of thirds vote, as to any period in excess of the
the Senate may be disciplined, suspended or 60-day maximum duration. These are
Republic Act No. 69 remains a good law. It expelled. It provides as follows: procedural matters and therefore justiciable.
expressly grants members of Congress the
transmission free of charge within the Each House may determine the rules of its But the interpretation of the phrase
Philippines of mail matters. Sections 1 and 2 proceedings, punish its Members for "disorderly behavior" is the prerogative of
of this law provide as follows: disorderly behavior, and with the Congress and cannot as a rule be judicially
concurrence of two-thirds of all its Members, reviewed. The matter comes in the category
All mail matter of Senators and of members suspend or expel a Member. A penalty of of a political question. Accordingly, the
of the House of Representatives of the suspension, when imposed, shall not exceed Supreme Court did not interfere when the
Philippines, addressed for delivery within the sixty days. legislature declared that the physical assault
Philippines, shall be received, transmitted by one member against another, or the
and delivered in the mails of the Philippines Rules of proceedings are needed for the delivery of a derogatory speech which the
free of postage: Provided, That each such orderly conduct of the sessions of Congress. member was unable to substantiate,
mail matter when addressed to persons or Unless such rules violate fundamental or constituted "disorderly behavior" and
offices other than government officers or individual rights, they are within the justified the adoption of disciplinary
offices shall not exceed one hundred and exclusive discretion of each House to measures.
twenty grams in weight. formulate and interpret and may not be
judicially reversed. Other disciplinary measures besides
expulsion and suspension are deletion of
unparliamentary remarks from the record, Commission and the National Labor was to circumvent the constitutional
fine, imprisonment and censure, sometimes Relations Commission. Courts martial and prohibition. Justice Melencio Herrera
called "soft impeachment." military tribunals, being administrative declared:
agencies, are included.
Inhibitions and Disqualifications Under those facts and circumstances, we are
The purpose of the disqualifications is to constrained to hold that there has been an
The Constitution provides in Section 14, prevent the legislator from exerting undue indirect appearance as counsel before xxx an
Article VI the grounds of inhibitions and influence, deliberately or not, upon the body administrative body’ and in our opinion, that
disqualifications for members of Congress. where he is appearing. The pressure may not is circumvention of the constitutional
be intended; normally, the appearance is prohibition. The intervention was an
It provides as follows: enough, considering the powers available to afterthought to enable him to appear
the legislator which he can exercise to actively in the proceeding in some other
No Senator or member of the House of reward or punish a judge deciding his case capacity. To believe the avowed purpose,
Representatives may personally appear as or, in the case of the Electoral Tribunal, his that is, to enable him eventually to vote and
counsel before any court of justice or before close association with its members. This is to be elected as Director in the event of an
the Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and the reason the prohibited appearance must unfavorable outcome of the SEC case, would
other administrative bodies. Neither shall he, be personal. The lawyer-legislator may still be pure naivete. He would still appear as
directly or indirectly, be interested financially engage in the practice of his profession counsel indirectly.
in any contract with, or in any franchise or except that when it comes to trials and
special privilege granted by the Government, hearings before the bodies above- Legislators are prohibited from being
or any subdivision, agency, or mentioned, appearance may be made not by financially interested in any contract with the
instrumentality thereof, including any him but by other members of his law office. government or any subdivision, agency or
government-owned or controlled instrumentality thereof, including
corporation, or its subsidiary, during his term In Puyat v. De Guzman, a legislator entered government-owned or controlled
of office. He shall not intervene in any matter his appearance as counsel for one of the corporations, or in any franchise or special
before any office of the Government for his parties to an intracorporate dispute before privilege granted by any of these during their
pecuniary benefit or where he may be called the Securities and Exchange Commission. He term of office, because of the influences they
upon to act on account of his office. desisted when his representation was can easily exercise in obtaining these
challenged under the above-mentioned concessions. The idea is to prevent abuses
Appearance of the legislator is now barred section. Thereafter, he purchased P200 from being committed by the members of
before all courts of justice, regardless of worth of stocks in the corporation from the Congress to the prejudice of the public
rank, composition, or jurisdiction. The faction he was representing and sought to welfare and particularly of legitimate
disqualification also applies to the revived intervene in the said dispute, this time as a contractors with the government who
Electoral Tribunal and to all administrative stockholder. The Supreme Court did not otherwise might be placed at a
bodies, like the Securities and Exchange allow him to do so as his evident purpose
disadvantageous position vis-à-vis the There are some persons who may be
legislator. tempted to run for Congress not because of The first part of this section refers to what
a desire to serve the people but precisely for are known as incompatible offices, which
It should be noted, though, that not every the protection or even enhancement of their may not be held by the legislator during his
transaction with the government is barred by own interests. By requiring them to make tenure in Congress. The purpose is to
this provision. The contracts referred to here known at the outset their financial and prevent him from owing loyalty to another
are those involving "financial interest," that business connections or investments, it is branch of the government, to the detriment
is, contracts from which the legislator hoped that their potential for self- of the independence of the legislature and
expects to derive some profit at the expense aggrandizement will be reduced and they the doctrine of separation of powers.
of the government. An illustration is a will be prevented from using their official
contract for public works or the sale of office positions for ulterior purposes. In some The prohibition against the holding of an
equipment or supplies to the government. countries, businessmen are required to incompatible office is not absolute; what is
By contrast, it cannot be said that the unload their stockholdings as these might not allowed is the simultaneous holding of
legislator will profit financially from a affect their official acts or at least lead to that office and the seat in Congress. In the
contract of carriage with a government suspicion of chicanery or impropriety in the case of the rest of the legislators, any of
instrumentality like the PAL since it is the discharge of their duties in the government. them may hold another office or
carrier that will benefit from the passenger’s employment in the government provided he
fare. Incompatible and Forbidden Offices forfeits, as a result, his position in Congress.
The last sentence restores an inhibition Under Section 13, Article VI of the Forfeiture of the legislator’s seat, or
originally imposed by the 1935 Constitution. Constitution, it states some other cessation of his tenure, shall be automatic
Although this provision has never been disqualifications by which a member of upon the holding of the incompatible office.
judicially interpreted, it may be surmised Congress may hold office, to wit: Thus, a congress-man who was elected
that the rule shall apply to the case, say, of provincial governor was deemed to have
the chairman of the committee on banks Sec. 13. No Senator or Member of the House automatically forfeited his seat in the House
serving as legislative consultant for a private of Representatives may hold any other office of Representatives when he took his oath for
bank. or employment in the Government, or any the provincial office. No resolution was
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality necessary to declare his legislative post
Conflict of Interests thereof, including government-owned or vacant.
controlled corporations or their subsidiaries,
The provisions in Section 12, Article VI of the during his term without forfeiting his seat. In Adaza v. Pacana, the petitioner and the
Constitution are intended to ensure the Neither shall he be appointed to any office respondent were elected governor and vice-
probity and objectivity of the members of which may have been created or the governor, respectively, of Misamis Oriental.
Congress. emoluments thereof increased during the Both subsequently ran for the Batasang
term for which he was elected. Pambansa, but only the petitioner won.
Adaza then qualified as a member of the of the said provision is a matter which is not But not every other office or employment is
lawmaking body, whereupon Pacana within the province of the Court to to be regarded as incompatible with the
assumed the governorship as statutory determine. legislative position. For example,
successor. Adaza challenged Pacana’s membership in the Electoral Tribunal is
takeover, contending that under the A public office is a public trust. It is created permitted by the Constitution itself.
parliamentary system a legislator could for the interest and the benefit of the Moreover, if it can be shown that the second
concurrently serve as governor; hence, there people. As such, a holder thereof is subject office is an extension of the legislative
was no vacancy in the governorship that to such regulations and conditions as the law position or is in aid of legislative duties, the
Pacana could fill. Through Justice Escolin, the may impose and he cannot complain of any holding thereof will not result in the loss of
Court unanimously rejected this argument restrictions which public policy may dictate the legislator’s seat in Congress.
and held that Adaza automatically forfeited on his holding of more than one office. It is
the governorship the moment he took his therefore of no avail to petitioner that the Accordingly, the chairmen of the Senate and
oath as a member of the Batasang system of government in other states allows House committees on education retain their
Pambansa. a local elective official to act as an elected seats in Congress while sitting concurrently
member of the parliament at the same time. as ex-officio members in the U.P. Board of
The constitutional prohibition against a The dictate of the people in whom legal Regents. Legislators who serve as treaty
member of the Batasang Pambansa from sovereignty lies is explicit. It provides no negotiators under the President of the
holding any other office or employment in exceptions save the two offices specifically Philippines continue to sit in Congress,
the government during his tenure is clear. cited in the above-quoted constitutional where they can better work for the approval
Section 10, Article VIII of the 1973 provision. Thus, while it may be said that of the treaty and the passage of the needed
Constitution provides as follows: within the purely parliamentary system of implementing legislation.
government no incompatibility exists in the
Sec. 10. A Member of the National Assembly nature of the two offices under But even if a member of Congress is willing
shall not hold any other office or consideration, as incompatibility herein to forfeit his seat therein, he may not be
employment in the government or any present is one created by no less than the appointed to any civil office in the
subdivision, agency or instrumentality Constitution itself. In the case at bar, there is government that has been created or the
thereof, including government-owned or no question that petitioner has taken his emoluments thereof have been increased
controlled corporations, during his tenure, oath of office as an elected Mambabatas while he was incumbent in the legislature.
except that of prime minister or member of Pambansa and has been discharging his Such a position is a forbidden office.
the cabinet. xxx duties as such. In the light of the oft-
mentioned constitutional provision, this fact The purpose is to prevent trafficking in public
The language used in the above-cited section operated to vacate his former post and he office. Were the rule otherwise, certain
is plain. The only exceptions mentioned cannot now continue to occupy the same, legislators, especially those not sure of
therein are the offices of prime minister and nor attempt to discharge its functions. reelection, might be able to work for the
cabinet member. The wisdom or expediency creation or improvement of lucrative
positions and, in combination with the This violates the principle of separation of generis. It cannot be exercised by local
President, arrange for their appointment powers and is beyond the scope of government units unless they are expressly
thereto in order to provide for their future congressional powers. authorized to do so.
security at the expense of the public service.
Enforcement: Limitations:
Notably, this provision does not apply to
elective offices, which are filled by the voters Since experience has shown that mere 1. The inquiry must be conducted in
themselves. requests for information does not usually accordance with the ‘duly published rules of
work, Congress has the inherent power to procedure’ of the House conducting the
The appointment of a member of Congress punish recalcitrant witnesses for contempt, inquiry; and
to the forbidden office is not allowed only and may have them incarcerated until such
during the term for which he was elected, time that they agree to testify. 2. The rights of persons appearing in or
when such office was created or its The continuance of such incarceration only affected by such inquiries shall be respected.
emoluments were increased. After such subsists for the lifetime, or term, of such Ex. The right against self-incrimination.
term, and even if the legislator is reelected, body. Once the body ceases to exist after its
the disqualification no longer applies and he final adjournment, the power to incarcerate Appearance by department heads before
may therefore be appointed to the office. ceases to exist as well. Thus, each ‘Congress’ Congress:
of the House lasts for only 3 years. But if one
Sections 21-22: LEGISLATIVE INQUIRIES is incarcerated by the Senate, it is indefinite 1. Since members of the executive
because the Senate, with its staggered department are co-equals with those of the
Scope: terms, is a continuing body. legislative department, under the principle
of separations of powers, department heads
1. Either House or any of their committees BUT, in order for a witness to be subject to cannot be compelled to appear before
may conduct inquires ‘in aid of legislation’. this incarceration, the primary requirement Congress.
is that the inquiry is within the scope of
2. “In aid of legislation” does not mean that Congress’ powers. i.e. it is in aid of 2. Neither may the department heads
there is pending legislation regarding the legislation. impose their appearance upon Congress.
subject of the inquiry. In fact, investigation
may be needed for purposes of proposing The materiality of a question is determined 3. Department heads may appear before
future legislation. not by its connection to any actually pending Congress in the following instances.
legislation, but by its connection to the
3. If the stated purpose of the investigation is general scope of the inquiry. 4. Upon their own initiative, with the
to determine the existence of violations of consent of the President (and that of the
the law, the investigation is no longer ‘in aid The power to punish for contempt is House concerned); or
of legislation’ but ‘in aid of prosecution’. inherent in Congress and this power is sui
5. Upon the request of either House (which Expiration of emergency powers 1. A revenue bill is one specifically designed
cannot compel them to attend) 1. By resolution of Congress or to raise money or revenue through
2. Upon the next adjournment of Congress imposition or levy.
6. The appearance will be conducted in 2. Thus, a bill introducing a new tax is a
EXECUTIVE SESSION when: Sections 24-27, 30-31 LEGISLATION revenue bill, but a provision in, for instance,
the Videogram Regulatory Board law
7. Required by the security of state or Bills that must originate from the House of imposing a tax on video rentals does not
required by public interest; and Representatives (Section 24) make the law a revenue bill.
Sections 23-24. DECLARATION OF 1. Appropriation bills A bill of local application, such as one asking
WAR/EMERGENCY POWERS 2. Revenue bills for the conversion of a municipality into a
3. Tariff bills city, is deemed to have originated from the
Vote requirement: (to declare the existence 4. Bills authorizing the increase of public House provided that the bill of the House
of a state of war) debt was filed prior to the filing of the bill in the
5. Bills of local application Senate even if, in the end, the Senate
1. 2/3 of both Houses, in joint session 6. Private bills approved its own version.
2. Voting separately
Note: The Senate may, however, propose or Limitations:
Emergency powers: concur with amendments.
For appropriation bills:
1. During times of war or other national Appropriation bills 1. Congress cannot increase the
emergency, Congress may, BY LAW, appropriations recommended by the
authorize the President to exercise powers 1. The primary and specific aim of an President for the operation of the
necessary and proper to carry out a declared appropriation bill is to appropriate a sum of Government as specified in the budget.
national policy. money from the public treasury. 2. Each provision or enactment in the
2. Thus, a bill enacting the budget is an General
Limitations: appropriations bill.
3. BUT: A bill creating a new office, and 3. Appropriations Bill must relate specifically
1. Powers will be exercised for a limited appropriating funds therefor is NOT an to some particular appropriation therein and
period only; and appropriation bill. any such provision or enactment must be
2. Powers will be subject to restrictions limited in its operation to the appropriation
prescribed by Congress Revenue Bill to which it relates.
4. The procedure in approving Should be supported by appropriate considered germane to the subject matter of
appropriations for Congress shall strictly vouchers; and the bill.
follow the procedure for approving Subject to guidelines as may be
appropriations for other departments and prescribed by law. Readings
5. A special appropriations bill must specify If Congress fails to pass General 1. In order to become a law, each bill must
the purpose for which it is intended and Appropriations Bill (GAB) by the end of any pass three (3) readings in both Houses.
must be supported by funds actually fiscal year: 2. General rule: Each reading shall be held on
available as certified by the National i. The GAB for the previous year is deemed separate days & printed copies thereof in its
Treasurer or to be raised by a corresponding reenacted final form shall be distributed to its Members
revenue proposal therein. three (3) days before its passage.
ii. It will remain in full force and effect until 3. Exception: If a bill is certified as urgent by
Transfer of appropriations: the GAB is passed by Congress. the President as to the necessity of its
immediate enactment to meet a public
Rule: No law shall be passed authorizing any For law granting tax exemption calamity or emergency, the 3 readings can
transfer of appropriations It should be passed with the concurrence of be held on the same day.
a MAJORITY of ALL the members of 4. First reading – only the title is read; the bill
BUT the following may, BY LAW, be Congress. is passed to the proper committee
authorized to AUGMENT any item in the
general appropriations law for their For bills in general Second reading – Entire text is read and
respective offices from savings in other items Every bill shall embrace only one (1) debates are held, and amendments
of their respective appropriations: subject, as expressed in the title introduced.
President Third reading – only the title is read, no
President of the Senate i. As a mandatory requirement amendments are allowed. Vote shall be
Speaker of the House of ii. The title does not have to be a taken immediately thereafter and the yeas
Representatives complete catalogue of everything stated in and nays entered in the journal.
Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court the bill. It is sufficient if the title expresses
Heads of the Constitutional the general subject of the bill and all the Veto power of President:
Commissions provisions of the statute are germane to that
general subject. Every bill, in order to become a law,
Discretionary funds appropriated for iii. A bill which repeals legislation must be presented to and signed by
particular officials shall be: regarding the subject matter need not state the President.
Disbursed only for public purposes; in the title that it is repealing the latter. If the President does not approve of
Thus, a repealing clause in the bill is the bill, he shall veto the same and
return it with his objections to the Veto of RIDER 4) The power to tax must be exercised for
House from which it originated. The a public purpose because the power exists
House shall enter the objections in 1. A rider is a provision which does not relate for the general welfare
the Journal and proceed to to a particular appropriation stated in the
reconsider it. bill. 5) The due process and equal protection
The President must communicate his clauses of the Constitution should be
decision to veto within 30 days from 2. Since it is an invalid provision under observed.
the date of receipt thereof. If he Section 25(2), the President may veto it as an
fails to do so, the bill shall become a item. Delegation of power to fix rates
law as if he signed it.
This rule eliminates the ‘pocket veto’ 1) Congress may, BY LAW, authorize the
whereby the President would simply President to fix the following:
refuse to act on the bill. Specific limitations on legislation
a) Tariff rates
To OVERRIDE the veto, at least 2/3 of ALL the 1. No law shall be enacted increasing the b) Import and Export Quotas
members of each House must agree to pass Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction c) Tonnage and wharfage dues
the bill. In such case, the veto is overriden without the SC’s advice and concurrence. d) Other duties and imposts
and becomes a law without need of
presidential approval. 2. No law shall be enacted granting titles of Within the framework of the national
royalty or nobility. development program of the Government
Item veto
The President may veto particular Section 28. POWER TO TAX 2) The exercise of such power by the
items in an appropriation, revenue President shall be within the specified limits
or tariff bill. Limitations: fixed by Congress and subject to such
This veto will not affect items to limitations and restrictions as it may impose.
which he does not object. 1) The rule of taxation should be
Definition of item UNIFORM Constitutional tax exemptions:
TYPE OF BILL ITEM 2) It should be EQUITABLE 1) The following properties are exempt
Revenue/tax bill Subject of the tax from REAL PROPERTY taxes
and the tax rate 3) Congress should evolve a PROGRESSIVE
imposed thereon system of taxation. (CODE: Cha Chu M- CA)
Appropriations bill Indivisible sum
dedicated to a a) Charitable institutions
stated purpose
b) Churches, and parsonages or convents servicing. This is because the rule does not long as the property is available for all
appurtenant thereto require yearly, or annual appropriation. religions
c) Mosques
d) Non-profit cemeteries; and 2) Limitations. 3) Special Funds
e) All lands, buildings and improvements
actually, directly and exclusively used for a) Appropriations must be for a PUBLIC a) Money collected on a tax levied for a
religious, charitable, or educational PURPOSE special purpose shall be treated as a special
purposes. fund and paid out for such purpose only.
b) Cannot appropriate public funds or
2) All revenues and assets of NON-STOCK property, directly or indirectly, in favor of b) Once the special purpose is fulfilled or
NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL institutions are abandoned, any balance shall be transferred
exempt from taxes and duties PROVIDED (i) Any sect, church, denomination, to the general funds of the Government
that such revenues and assets are actually, or sectarian institution or system of religion
directly and exclusively used for educational or Section 32. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM
purposes. (Art. XIV Sec 4 (3))
(ii) Any priest, preacher, minister, or 1) Through the system of initiative and
3) Grants, endowments, donations or other religious teacher or dignitary as such. referendum, the people can directly propose
contributions used actually, directly and and enact laws or approve or reject any act
exclusively for educational purposes shall be EXCEPT if the priest, etc is assigned to: or law or part thereof passed by the
exempt from tax. This is subject to Congress or local legislative body.
conditions prescribed by law. (Art. XIV. Sec 4 – the Armed Forces; or
(4)) 2) Required Petition
– any penal institution; or
Section 29. Power of the Purse – government orphanage; or a) Should be signed by at least 10% of the
– leprosarium total number of registered voters
1) No money shall be paid out of the b) Every legislative district should be
National Treasury EXCEPT in pursuance of an c) BUT the government is not prohibited represented by at least 3% of the registered
appropriation made by law. from appropriating money for a valid secular voters
purpose, even if it incidentally benefits a c) Petition should be registered
a) This places the control of public funds religion, e.g. appropriations for a national
in the hands of Congress. police force is valid even if the police also
protects the safety of clergymen. ARTICLE VII – THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
b) BUT: This rule does not prohibit
continuing appropriations. e.g. for debt d) ALSO, the temporary use of public Section 1. The executive power shall be
property for religious purposes is valid, as vested in the President of the Philippines.
COMPUTERIZED IDENTIFICATION REFERENCE concerned with the work of applying policies
1. a. Define executive power SYSTEM”. and enforcing orders as determined by
proper governmental organs. It enables the
b. May the President refuse to enforce a The AO seeks to have all Filipino citizens and President to fix a uniform standard of
law on the ground that in his opinion it is foreign residents to have a Population administrative efficiency and check the
unconstitutional? Reference Number (PRN) generated by the official conduct of his agents. Prescinding
National Statistics Office (NSO) through the from the foregoing precepts, AO 308
No. Otherwise, he will be violating the use of BIOMETRICS TECHNOLOGY. involves a subject that is not appropriate to
doctrine of separation of powers because by be covered by an Administrative Order. An
doing so, he will be arrogating unto himself The AO was questioned by Senator Ople on administrative order is an ordinance issued
the power to interpret the law, not merely to the following grounds: by the President which relates to specific
implement it. aspects in the administrative operation of
1. The establishment of the PRN the government. It must be in harmony with
Read: without any law is an unconstitutional the law and should be for the sole purpose
usurpation of the legislative powers of the of implementing the law and carrying out the
1) L.S. MOON & CO. VS. HARRISON, 43 Congress of the Philippines; legislative policy. The subject of AO 308
Phil.38 2. The appropriation of public funds for therefore is beyond the power of the
the implementation of the said AO is President to issue and it is a usurpation of
2) GOV’T. VS. SPRINGER, 50 Phil. 529, read unconstitutional since Congress has the legislative power.
also the separate opinion. exclusive authority to appropriate funds for
such expenditure; and 2. The AO likewise violates the right to
3) What is the extent of the executive or 3. The AO violates the citizen’s right to privacy since its main purpose is to provide a
administrative orders that may be issued by privacy protected by the Bill of Rights of the “common reference number to establish a
the President as the Chief Executive, under Constitution. linkage among concerned agencies through
the Administrative Code of 1987? Held: the use of BIOMETRICS TECHNOLOGY.
Biometry is the science of the application of
BLAS OPLE VS. RUBEN TORRES, ET AL. 1. The AO establishes a system of statistical methods to biological facts; a
G.R. No. 127685, July 23, 1998 identification that is all-encompassing in mathematical analysis of a biological data. It
Puno, J. scope, affects the life and liberty of every is the confirmation of an individual’s identity
Filipino citizens and foreign residents and through a fingerprint, retinal scan, hand
Facts: therefore, it is supposed to be a law passed geometry or facial features. Through the
by Congress that implements it, not by an PRN, the government offices has the chance
On December 12, 1996, then President Administrative Order issued by the of building a huge and formidable
FIDEL V. RAMOS issued Administrative Order President. Administrative Power, which is information base through the electronic
No. 308 entitled “ADOPTION OF A NATIONAL supposed to be exercised by the President, is linkage of the files of every citizen. The data,
however, may be gathered for gainful and of the Philippines, a registered voter, able to Section 4. The President and the Vice
useful government purposes; but the read and write, at least forty years o f age on President shall be elected by direct vote of
existence of this vast reservoir of personal the day of the election, and a resident o f the the people for a term of six years which shall
information constitutes a covert invitation to Philippines for at least ten years immediately begin at noon on the 30th day of June next
misuse, a temptation that may be too great preceding the election. following their election and shall end at noon
for some of our authorities to resist. of the same date six years thereafter. The
Section 3. There shall be a Vice President President shall not be eligible for any
Further, the AO does not even tells us in who shall have the same qualifications and reelection. No person who has succeeded as
clear and unequivocal terms how these term of office and be elected with and in the President and has served as such for more
information gathered shall be handled. It same manner as the President. He may be than 4 years shall be qualified for election to
does not provide who shall control and removed from Office in the same manner as the same office at any time.
access the data and under what the President.
circumstances and for what purpose. These No Vice President shall serve for more than 2
factors are essential to safeguard the privacy The Vice President may be appointed successive terms. Voluntary renunciation of
and guaranty the integrity of the as a Member of the cabinet. Such the office for any length of time shall not be
information. The computer linkage gives appointment requires no confirmation. considered as an interruption in the
other government agencies access to the continuity of the service for the full term for
information. YET, THERE ARE NO CONTROLS Note: Section 13, Art. VII. The President, which he was elected.
TO GUARD AGAINST LEAKAGE OF Vice President, the members of the cabinet,
INFORMATIONS. WHEN THE ACCESS CODE and their deputies or assistants shall not, The returns of every election for President
OF THE CONTROL PROGRAMS OF THE unless otherwise provided in this and Vice President duly certified by the
PARTICULAR COMPUTER SYSTEM IS BROKEN, Constitution, hold any other office or Board of canvassers of each province or city
AN INTRUDER, WITHOUT FEAR OF SANCTION employment during their tenure… shall be transmitted to the congress….
FOR WHATEVER PURPOSE, OR WORSE, Section 8, Article VIII. The Judicial and Bar The candidate having the highest number of
MANIPULATE THE DATA STORED WITHIN Council—–Secretary of Justice.. votes shall be proclaimed elected, but in
THE SYSTEM. case two or more shall have an equal
AO No. 308 is unconstitutional since it falls Section 2, Article XI. The President, VP, …may number of votes, one of them shall forthwith
short of assuring that personal information be removed from office, on impeachment be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the
gathered about our people will be used only for, and conviction of, culpable violation of members of both Houses of Congress voting
for specified purposes thereby violating the the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and separately.
citizen’s right to privacy. corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of
public trust. Section 5…Oath
Sections 2. No person shall be elected
President unless he is a natural born citizen
Section 6. Residence…Salary may not be
decreased…not increased until after the
expiration of his terms…shall not receive any
other emolument from the government of
from any source during their tenure.