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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Engineering degree in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

BHAVANI A (Reg. No. 37250001)

JANCY J (Reg.No. 37250007)




Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC

APRIL - 2021



This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work of Bhavani A (37250001),
Jancy J (37250007) who carried out the project entitled "FINGERPRINT BASED ATM SYSTEM"
under my supervision from November 2020 to April 2021.

Internal Guide

Head of the Department


Submitted for Viva voce Examination held on 19-04-2021

Internal Examiner External Examiner


We, Bhavani A and Jancy J hereby declare that the Project Report entitled
“Fingerprint based ATM System” done by us under the guidance of Dr.Z.Mary
Livinsa M.E.,Ph.D, is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunication.

DATE: 19-04-2021



2. - JANCY J


I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to the Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing it
successfully. I am grateful to them.

I convey my thanks to Dr.N.M.NANDHITHA M.E.,Ph.D, Dean, School of Electrical and

Electronics, Dr.V.VIJAYA BASKAR M.E.,Ph.D, Head of the Department, Dept. of Electronics
and Telecommunication, for providing me necessary support and details at the right time
during the progressive reviews.

I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide
Dr.Z.MARY LIVINSA M.E.,Ph.D, for his valuable guidance, suggestions and constant
encouragement paved way for the successful completion of my project work.

I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering who were helpful in many
ways for the completion of the project.

I wish to express my thanks to the Project Panel members for their valuable feedbacks during
the Project Reviews which were useful in many ways for the completion of the project.


Humans recognize each other according to their various characteristics

for ages. We recognize others by their face when we meet them and by their voice
as we speak to them. Identity verification (authentication) in computer systems has
been traditionally based on something that one has (key, magnetic or chip card) or
one knows (PIN, password). Things like keys or cards, however, tend to get stolen
or lost and passwords are often forgotten or disclosed.
To achieve more reliable verification or identification we should use
something that really characterizes the given person. Biometrics offer automated
methods of identity verification or identification on the principle of measurable
physiological or behavioral characteristics. The characteristics are measurable and
unique. Biometrics is the development of statistical and mathematical methods
applicable to data analysis problems in the biological sciences. Physical
characteristics such as fingerprints, retinas and irises, palm prints, facial structure,
and voice recognition are just some of the many methods of biometric encryption.
Depending on the context, a biometric system can be either a verification
(authentication) system or an identification system. Biometrics is a rapidly evolving
technology which has been widely used in forensics such as criminal identification
and prison security. Recent advancements in biometric sensors and matching
algorithms have led to the deployment of biometric authentication in a large
number of civilian applications. With the increased use of computers as vehicles of
information technology, it is necessary to restrict access to sensitive/personal data.
Real- time biometric systems can be used to prevent unauthorized access to
ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, computer
networks and electronic banking.

















4.2 PROCESS 23











1.1 Single Biometric 4
1.2 Multimode Biometric 6
1.3 Classification of Biometrics 7
1.4 Basic Structure of Biometric 8
3.1 Block Diagram 21
3.2 Biometric System 22
4.1 Enrollment Process 24
4.2 Verification Process 24
4.3 Error Rate 26
4.4 Fingerprint Authentication Process 27
4.5 Facial Enroll & Recognition Stage 30
4.6 3D Face Masking 30
5.1 Fingerprint Scanner 36
5.2 R305 Fingerprint Sensor Module 37



Reliable user authentication is becoming an increasingly important task in the

Webenabled world. The consequences of an insecure authentication system in a
corporate or enterprise environment can be catastrophic, and may include loss of
confidential information, denial of service, and compromised data integrity. The value
of reliable user authentication is not limited to just computer enhanced security.

The prevailing techniques of user authentication, which involve the use of

either passwords and user IDs (identifiers), or identification cards and PINs (personal
identification numbers), suffer from several limitations. Passwords and PINs can be
illicitly acquired by direct covert observation. Once an intruder acquires the user ID or
network access. Many other applications in everyday life also require user
authentication, such as banking, e- commerce, and physical access control to
computer resources, and could benefit from the password, the intruder has total
access to the user’s resources. In addition, there is no way to positively link the
usage of the system or service to the actual user, that is, there is no protection
against repudiation by the user ID owner. For example, when a user ID and
password is shared with a colleague there is no way for the system to know who the
actual user is. A similar situation arises when a transaction involving a credit card
number is conducted on the Web. Even though the data are sent over the Web using
secure encryption methods, current systems are not capable of assuring that the
rightful owner of the credit card initiated the transaction. In the modern distributed
systems environment, the traditional authentication policy based on a simple
combination of user ID and password has become inadequate. Fortunately,
automated biometrics in general, and fingerprint technology in particular, can provide
a much more accurate and reliable user authentication method. Biometrics is a
rapidly advancing field that is concerned with identifying a person based on his or her
physiological or behavioural characteristics. Biometrics is derived from the
conjunction of the Greek words bios and metrics that mean life and to measure
respectively. Examples of automated biometrics include fingerprint, face, iris, and
speech recognition. Since biometrics is extremely difficult to forge and cannot be
forgotten or stolen, Biometric authentication offers a convenient,
accurate,irreplaceable and high secure alternative for an individual, which makes it
has advantages over traditional cryptography- based authentication schemes.

It has become a hot interdisciplinary topic involving biometric and

Cryptography. Biometric data is personal privacy information, which is uniquely and
permanently associated with a person and cannot be replaced like passwords or
keys. Once an adversary compromises the biometric data of a user, the data is lost
forever, which may lead to a huge financial loss. Hence, one major concern is how a
person’s biometric data, once collected, can be protected.User authentication
methods can be broadly classified into three categories.Because a biometric property
is an intrinsic property of an individual, it is difficult to surreptitiously duplicate and
nearly impossible to share. Additionally, a biometric property of an individual can be
lost only in case of serious accident Biometric readings, which range from several
hundred bytes to over a megabyte.

The advantage that their information content is usually higher than that of a
password or a passphrase. Simply extending the length of passwords to get
equivalent bit strength presents significant usability problems. It is nearly impossible
to remember a 2K phrase, and it would take an annoyingly long time to type such a
phrase (especially without errors). Fortunately, automated biometrics can provide the
security advantages of long passwords while retaining the speed and characteristic
simplicity of short passwords.

Even though automated biometrics can help alleviate the problems

associated with the existing methods of user authentication, hackers will still find
there are weak points in the system, vulnerable to attack. Password systems are
prone to brute force dictionary attacks. Biometric systems, on the other hand, require
substantially more effort for mounting such an attack. Yet there are several new types
of attacks possible in the biometrics domain. This may not apply if biometrics is used
as a supervised authentication tool. But in remote, unattended applications, such as
Web-based e-commerce applications, hackers may have the opportunity and enough
time to make several attempts, or even physically violate the integrity of a remote.

A problem with biometric authentication systems arises when the data
associated with a biometric feature has been compromised. For authentication
systems based on physical tokens such as keys and badges, a compromised token
can be easily cancelled and the user can be assigned a new token. Similarly, user
IDs and passwords can be changed as often as required. Yet, the user only has a
limited number of biometric features (one face, ten fingers, two eyes). If the biometric
data are compromised, the user may quickly run out of biometric features to be used
for authentication.Only the biometric authentication is based on an intrinsic part of a
human being. So unlike a password or PIN or Smart Card, it can't be forgotten,
misplaced, lost or stolen. We are having our identification with ourselves and
therefore there is no need to carry any card or remember passwords for our
identification.A biometric template is unique for an individual for whom it is
created.Biometrics ensures that the person trying to access your network and
applications is actually a sanctioned user, and not in a possession of a stolen
smartcard or someone who found, hacked or cracked password.It is not only the
initial cost that of the sensor or the matching hardware that is involved. Often the life
cycle support cost can overtake the initial cost of the hardware. Most of the biometric
systems like fingerprint recognition, iris recognition etc. are accurate. But some
others like facial recognition etc. are not that accurate.


The idea of using patterns for personal identification was originally proposed in 1936
by ophthalmologist Frank Burch. By the 1980’s the idea had appeared in James Bond
films, but it still remained science fiction and conjecture. In 1987, two other
ophthalmologists Aram Safirand Leonard Flom patented this idea and in 1987 they
asked John Daugman to try to create actual algorithms for this iris recognition. These
algorithms which Daugman patented in 1994 are the basis for all current iris
recognition systems and products.

Daugman algorithms are owned by Iridian technologies and the process is licensed to
several other Companies who serve as System integrators and developers of special
platforms exploiting iris recognition In recent years several products have been
developed for acquiring its images over a range of distances and in a variety of
applications. One active imaging system developed in 1996 by licensee Sensar
deployed special cameras in bank ATMs to capture IRISimages at a distance of up to 1
meter. This active imaging system was installed in cash machines both by NCR Corps
and by Diebold Corp in successful public trials in several countries during 1997to
1999. A new and smaller imaging device is the low cost “Panasonic Authenticam”
digital camera for handheld, desktop, e-commerce and other information security
applications. Ticketless air travel, check-in and security procedures based on iris
recognition kiosks in airports have been developed by eye ticket. Companies in
several countries are now using Daugman's Algorithms in a variety of products.



Biometric technologies are defined as automated methods of identifying or

authenticating the identity of a living person based on unique physiological or
behavioural characteristics. Biometrics can provide very secure and convenient
authentication for an individual since they cannot be stolen or forgotten and are very
difficult to forge.

Figure 1.1 Single Biometric

The term “biometrics” is derived from two Greek words ‘bios’ for life and ‘metron’ for
measure. A biometric can be described as a measurable physical and/or behavioral
trait that can be captured and used to verify the identity of a person by comparing the
metric to a previously stored template. The area of biometrics can therefore be
defined as the task of automatically recognizing a person using his/her distinguishing
traits. Examples of these “distinguishing traits” are fingerprints, voice patterns, facial
characteristics etc. The idea of biometric identification is not new, it has been around
for centuries. Example of a biometric is the photo on identification cards and
passports, which still is the most important way of verifying the identity of a person.
As early as the 14th century, the Chinese were reportedly using fingerprints as a
form of signature. During the late 1890’s, a method of bodily measurement called
“Bertillonage” (after its founder Alphonse Bertillone) was used by the Police
Department in Paris & France and this identification was based on the number of
bodily measurement and physical description. The difference today, is that we now
have access to technologies enabling us to do these verifications automatically and
almost in real- time.
Practically all biometrics systems work in the same manner, first a person is enrolled
into a database using The specified method, information about a certain
characteristics of the human being is captured, this information is usually placed
through an algorithm that turns the information into a code that the database stores.
When the person needs to be identified, the system will take the information about
the person, again this new information is placed through the algorithm and then
compares the new code with the ones in the database to discover a match and
hence, identification.


Figure 1.2 Multimode Biometric

A multimodal biometric system uses multiple applications to capture different types of

biometric. This allows the integration of two or more types of biometric recognition and
verification system in order to meet stringent performance requirements. A multimodal
system could be a combination of finger print verification, face recognition, voice
verification and smart card or any other combination of biometrics. For instance it is
estimated that 5% of the population does not have legible fingerprints, a voice could be
altered by a cold and face recognition systems are susceptible to changes in ambient
light and the pose of the subject. This enhanced structure takes advantage of the
proficiency of each individual biometric and can be used to overcome some of the
limitations of a single biometric.


Figure 1.3 Classification of Biometrics

• A physiological characteristic is a relatively stable physical characteristic, such as

an individual’s fingerprint, hand geometry, iris pattern, or blood vessel pattern on
the back of the eye. This type of biometric measurement is usually unchanging
and unalterable without significant duress to the individual.

Physical biometrics :
● Fingerprint- Analyzing fingertip patterns.
● Facial Recognition- Measuring facial characteristics.
● Hand Geometry- Measuring the shape of the hand.
● Iris recognition- Analyzing features of colored rings of the eye.
● Vascular Patterns- Analyzing vein patterns.
● Retinal Scan- Analyzing blood vessels in the eye.
● Bertillonage- Measuring body lengths (no longer used).

A behavioral characteristic is more a reflection of an individual’s psychological makeup. A
signature is the most common behavioral biometric used for identification. Because most
behavioral characteristics vary over time, an identification system using these must allow
updates to enrolled biometric references.

Behavioral biometrics:

● Speaker Recognition- Analyzing vocal

● Signature- Analyzing signature
● Keystroke- Measuring the time spacing of typed words.


Figure 1.4 Basic Structure of Biometric


2.1 ATM Transaction Security Using Fingerprint Recognition

This paper deals with the solutions related to the ATM (Automated Teller
Machine) security. Today, ATMs and Credit cards are used for the purpose of money
transactions which play a vital role in the nature of trade. The weaknesses of existing
authentication schemes such as password and PIN number caused the leakage of
information stored in ATM smartcards which lead to the loss of money in bank
accounts and private information misuses. To overcome this shortcoming of piracy in
money transactions, we propose the idea of using fingerprints of customers as
passwords included with traditional PIN numbers. After authorized verification, the
customer will be able to proceed for transaction else after three successive wrong
attempts, the ATM card will be blocked for 24 hours and a message will be sent to the
registered mobile number. Fingerprint biometric of every person is unique and
unchangeable as well as one of the famous techniques for smart card security.

Today the ATM users are increasing. An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a
computerized telecommunications device that enables the clients of any financial
institution to perform financial transactions like deposits, transfers, balance enquiries,
mini statements, withdrawal and fast cash. The ATM machine has a card Reader and
keys as input devices and display screen, cash dispenser, receipt printer, speaker as
output devices. ATMs are connecting to a host processor, which is a common
gateway through which various ATM networks become available to users. Various
banks, independent service providers owned this host processor. ATM card holders
pins are different from each other. The number is verified by the bank and allows the
customers to access their account. The password is only identity so anyone can
access the account when they have the card and correct password. Once the card
and the password is stolen by the culprit they can take more money from the account
in the shortest period, it may bring huge financial losses to the users [2]. Biometric
technology is the most widely accepted and mature biometric method and is the
easiest to deploy and for a higher level of security. Using biometric identifiers offers
several advantages over traditional and current methods. It is simple to install and
also it takes little time and effort to acquire one’s fingerprint with a fingerprint

identification device. Thus, fingerprint recognition is considered among the least
intrusive of all biometric verification techniques. Though fingerprint images are initially
captured, the images are not stored anywhere in the system. Instead, the fingerprints
are converted to templates from which the original fingerprints cannot be recreated;
hence no misuse of the system is possible. ATM can be described as Any Time
Money. We can get money at any time anywhere only through ATM machines. To do
the secure transactions we need biometric authentication. Biometric authentication is
a growing and controversial field. Today biometric laws and regulations are in process
and biometric industry standards are being tested. According to [11], there are three
popular attacks against ATM: Skimming, PIN logging and Integrity violation. There are
also attacks against mobile phones: Fake mobile apps installation, key logging
software and grab PIN number during transmission. Besides that, an attack may also
be a combination of both types of said attacks. Information also can be exploited by a
side channel attack [4]. It is found that attackers try to get the user’s account
information that is stored on the magnetic strip present at the back side of the ATM
card. Password is the only identity that can be used to authenticate the owner of an
ATM card. It means anyone can access the account bank through the ATM machine
as the password entered is correct. So, once the ATM card and password is lost or
stolen by anyone, they can withdraw the money from that account easily without the
problem of user authentication [4]. Thus, it can see that the most serious issue raised
in ATM card security is about user authentication. User authentication is important
because it leads to the integrity violation of bank account information. It seems that
this issue is worse as anyone can access all information stored when they entered
the correct password towards accessing an ATM card at an ATM machine. Other than
that, it is strongly emphasized that the security issues need technology improvements
and better security policy as a countermeasure. Murthy and Redddydeveloped an
embedded fingerprint system, which is used for ATM security applications. In their
system, bankers collect customers’ finger prints and mobile numbers while opening
accounts, then customer only access ATM machine. The working of the ATM machine
is such that when a customer place a finger on the finger print module it automatically
generates every time different 4-digit code as a message to the mobile of the
authorized customer through GSM modem connected to the microcontroller. The
code received by the customer is entered into the ATM machine by pressing the keys
on the touch screen. After entering it checks whether it is a valid one or not and
allows the customer further access. Biometrics can be defined as measurable
physiological and behavioral characteristic that can be captured and subsequently
compared with another instance at the time of verification. It is automated methods of
recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic FINGER
ALGORITHM SYSTEM FOR ATM In this project, we propose a real-time embedded
finger-vein recognition system for authentication on mobile devices. The system is
implemented on an embedded platform and equipped with a novel finger-vein
recognition algorithm. The proposed system consists of three hardware modules:
image acquisition module, embedded main board, and human machine
communication module. The structure diagram of the system is, the image acquisition
module is used to collect finger-vein images. The Embedded main board including
the Microcontroller chip, memory (flash), and communication port is used to execute
the finger-vein recognition algorithm and communicate with the peripheral device.
The human machine communication module (LED or keyboard) is used to display
recognition results and receive inputs from users. Our proposed system is an
intelligent security system. Here we developed the teller machine concept. If finger
vein matched, means transaction successful via GSM technology.
● Private information is traditionally provided by using passwords or Personal
Identification Numbers (PINs), which are easy to implement but is vulnerable
to the risk of exposure and being forgotten.
● Biometrics, which uses human physiological or behavioral features for
personal identification, has attracted more and more attention and is becoming
one of the most popular and promising alternatives to the traditional password
or PIN based authentication techniques
● There is a long list of available biometric patterns, and many such systems
have been developed and implemented, including those for the face, iris,
fingerprint, palmprint, hand shape, voice, signature, and gait. Notwithstanding
this great and increasing variety of biometrics patterns, no biometric has yet
been developed that is perfectly reliable or secure. For example, fingerprints
and palm prints are usually frayed; voice, signatures, hand shapes,etc.

➢ There has been a newspaper report of a man selling stolen watches sending
images of them on a mobile phone, and those images included parts of his hands
in enough detail for police to be able to identify fingerprint patterns.

➢ Classifying fingerprints Before computerisation replaced manual filing systems in

large fingerprint operations, manual fingerprint classification systems were used
to categorize fingerprints based on general ridge formations (such as the
presence or absence of circular patterns on various fingers), thus permitting filing
and retrieval of paper records in large collections based on friction ridge patterns

➢ The most popular ten-print classification systems include the Roscher system, the
Juan Vucetich system, and the Henry Classification System. Of these systems,
the Roscher system was developed in Germany and implemented in both
Germany and Japan, the Vucetich system (developed by a Croatian-born Buenos
Aires Police Officer) was developed in Argentina and implemented throughout
South America, and the Henry system was developed in India and implemented
in most English- speaking countries.

➢ In the Henry system of classification, there are three basic fingerprint patterns:
Loop, Whorl and Arch, which constitute 60–65%, 30–35% and 5% of all
fingerprints respectively.

➢ There are also more complex classification systems that break down patterns
even further, into plain arches or tented arches,and into loops that may be radial
or ulnar, depending on the side of the hand the tail points towards. Whorls may
not have subgroup classifications it including only plain whorls.

➢ Most finger-scan technologies are based on minutiae. Samir Nanavati [3] states
that 80 percent of finger-scan technologies are based on minutiae matching but
that pattern matching is a leading alternative. This technology bases its feature
extraction and template generation on a series of ridges, as opposed to discrete

points. The use of multiple ridges reduces dependence on minutiae points, which
tend to be affected by wear and tear [4]. The downside of pattern matching is that
it is more sensitive to the placement of the finger during verification and the
created template is several times larger in byte size. Finger-scan technology is
proven and capable of high levels of accuracy.

➢ There is a long history of fingerprint identification, classification and analysis. This

along with the distinctive features of fingerprints has set the finger-scan apart
from other biometric technologies. There are physiological characteristics more
distinctive than the fingerprint (the iris and retina, for example) but automated
identification technology capable of leveraging these characteristics have been
developed only over the past few years.

The technology has grown smaller, more capable and with many solutions available.
Devices slightly thicker than a coin and an inch square in size are able to capture and
process images. Additionally, some may see the large number of finger-scan solutions
available today as a disadvantage; many see it as an advantage by ensuring
marketplace competition which has resulted in a number of robust solutions for
desktop, laptop, physical access, and point-of-sale environments. Biometric data are
separate and distinct from personal information. Biometric templates cannot be
reverse- engineered to recreate personal information and they cannot be stolen and
used to access personal information

1) Fingerprint is a dependable biometric trait as it is idiosyncratic and dedicated. It is
a technology that is increasingly used in various fields like forensics and security
purposes. The vital objective of our system is to make ATM transactions more secure
and user friendly. This system replaces traditional ATM cards with fingerprints.
Therefore, there is no need to carry ATM cards to perform transactions. The money
transaction can be made more secure without worrying about the card to be lost. In
our system we are using an embedded system with biometrics i.e r305 sensor and
UART microcontroller. The Fingerprint and the user_id of all users are stored in the
database. Fingerprints are used to identify whether the Person is genuine. A
Fingerprint scanner is used to acquire the fingerprint of the individual, after which the
system requests for the PIN (Personal Identification Number). The user gets three
chances to get him authenticated. If the fingerprints do not match further
authentication will be needed. After the verification with the data stored in the system
database, the user is allowed to make transactions. (Fingerprint based ATM System
By Nisha Bhanushali, Meghna Chapaneria ,Krishani Mehta, Mansing Rathod).

2) The main objective of this system is to develop an system which is used for ATM
security applications. In these systems, Bankers will collect the customer fingerprints
and mobile number while opening the accounts then the customer only accesses the
ATM machine. The working of these ATM machines is when a customer places a
finger on the finger print module when access automatically generates every time
different 4-digit code as a message to the mobile of the authorized customer through
GSM modem connected to the microcontroller. The code received by the customer
should be entered by pressing the keys on the screen. After entering it checks whether
it is a valid one or not and allows the customer further access. (ATM Transaction Using
Biometric Fingerprint Technology By Mr. Mahesh A. Patil Mr.Sachin P.Wanere
Mr.Rupesh P.Maighane Mr.Aashay R.Tiwari).

3) The main objective of this system is to develop a system that will increase the
ATM security. However, despite the numerous advantages of the ATM system, ATM
fraud has recently become more widespread. In this paper, we provide an overview of
the possible fraudulent activities that may be perpetrated against ATMs and
investigates recommended approaches to prevent these types of frauds..Biometrics
technology is rapidly progressing and offers attractive opportunities. In recent years,

biometric authentication has grown in popularity as a means of personal identification
in ATM authentication systems. An 8-bit ATmega16 microcontroller developed by
Microchip Technology is used in the system. The necessary software is written by an
AVR studio programmer and the system is tested. (RBI 3X-Fingerprint Based ATM
Machine By Bharti Patil1, Bhagwan S. Chandrika R2, Mahesh P. Chavan3, Bhavesh
S. Chaudhri4 E&TC Dept, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune1,2,3,4).

4) The existing ATM machine uses PIN-Card as a security which is very weak and
easy to contravene. This paper tries to find a solution to the above problems by
introducing fingerprint authentication into the existing ATM machine. A program
prototype was designed to imitate a typical ATM system that uses fingerprint
identification to enhance the security of the ATMs. The proposed system
demonstrated a three-tier architectural structure. The verification system which
centered on the enrolment, enhancement, feature extraction and matching of
fingerprints. The backend database system that serves as warehouse of the templates
of all ATM account holders’ pre-registered fingerprints. The system’s platform creates
related transactions such as withdrawals, bill payment, buying of credit cards and
balance enquiries etc. The results obtained confirm that the current approach could
significantly reduce ATM fraud if not totally eradicate

During the early 1960’s, people accessed their bank accounts by going to bank
tellers for all transactions: deposits, cash withdrawals, money transfers and balance
inquiries. The introduction of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) during the late
1960’s reduced the overhead of traveling time to banks to make transactions. An
electronic telecommunications device to perform financial transactions without a
human cashier’s need is an Automated Teller Machine [1]. They are made accessible
at banks, hotels, gas stations, airports, grocery stores, shopping malls, school
campuses or any other public places that promote consumerism. Debit/credit cards
are mainly printed with a unique sixteen-digit number, a three-digit CVV (Card
Verification Value) number and an expiration date. To help prevent fraud, card
number combinations remain unique and CVV numbers are displayed on the back
for additional security. The current ATM systems require users to swipe a debit/credit
card to authenticate. To verify the user’s identity, existing ATM systems authenticate

in two steps: First, swipe the magnetic stripe of the credit/debit card to access
account details. Second, enter a four-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number) to
unlock the account associated with the credit/debit card’s chip. 2 To access an ATM,
users stand in front of the machine while those waiting stand in a line a few feet away
from the user. The keypads do not have a protective cover, so the clear scope over
user’s shoulder allows on-lookers to decipher the PIN number. A user’s account is
easily accessed if the credit/debit card is stolen and used with the deciphered PIN
number. The objective of this project is to provide a safer ATM authentication system
addressing the drawbacks of the current system. Authentication is a mechanism that
makes sure a user is who he claims to be when using a system or data that is
sensitive. It confirms the claim of attestation to identity of a person or a thing. For
example, a digital certificate assigned to it by Certificate Authority verifies a website’s
authenticity. Similarly, an ATM authenticates the identity of a user with a PIN number.
Therefore, it is important to protect the PIN number, as it is sensitive data.
Authentication systems must be made strong and transparent. The proposed solution
consists of three steps of authentication, which are as follows: 1. a scrambling
keypad to input PIN; 2. color-coded combination password; 3. biometric fingerprint

2.2 ATM Security system using Non biometric technology

[1]. Sankhwar et al. talk about how fraudsters trick the ATM users into handing over
their card and PIN numbers to the fraudsters after a shoulder suffering attack
(on-lookers deciphering PINs) with the use of hidden cameras to decipher the user’s
PIN or skimmer devices to create fraud copies of ATM cards
[2]. Furthermore, fraudsters use keypad overlays that do not function properly for the
user but the actual device underneath captures user information to withdraw money
from the user’s account. They proposed the idea of a One Time Password (OTP) to
mitigate the security risks.

The user receives an OTP after swiping his card to access the ATM and to further
make transactions through the ATM machine, he needs to manually feed the ATM
machine with the OTP sent to him. Another idea proposed to protect ATMs from
fraudsters is to use a digital swapping 4 keypad. Oruh proposed an authentication
mechanism, which consists of reading data from the smart card reader chip,
transmitting the PIN number to the server in an encrypted form and using a biometric
fingerprint system

[3]. Enhanced biometric systems were produced which take fingerprint input from the
user, convert it to an image, encrypt the image using the blowfish algorithm and store
it in the database to retrieve it when accessed by the user going forward

[4]. The time limit to make transactions on the proposed system is as low as 10
seconds in order to achieve high security to make transactions in an ATM.

One of the low-tech ATM frauds discussed was a shoulder-suffering attack where
onlookers observe the PIN number and mug users for the cards. Although the
attempts for banks to make ATM keypads tamper-proof were mentioned, no such
mechanisms were implemented so far

[5]. Due to the predominant increase in the percentage of ATM frauds during the past
few years in Nigeria a literature, review was conducted to address these concerns

[6]. One of the tricks fraudsters used were to steal the PIN number, get hold of user’s
funds and withdraw all the cash before he realizes it.

The federal commission’s issue states that a user is not responsible for any
unauthorized withdrawals if reported at an early stage otherwise can be held
responsible for those fraudulent withdrawals

[7]. 5 Common security measures of hiding the keypad when entering a PIN with the
second hand or a wallet to prevent on-lookers to decipher PIN were discussed

[8]. But this is not always possible due to physical hindrances. For example, he might
be holding shopping bags. So, it is recommendable to provide a strong and user-
friendly authentication system.



Design Approach This project was developed using functional design approach. It is a
modular approach. Each module is a function of its own and as the modules are
independent, the change in functional implementation of module will affect the
functional implementation of the other modules minimally. Each authentication step in
the proposed solution is identified into three independent modules for implementation
purposes and integrated. The first module implements a scrambling keypad, second
a color-coded password combination and finally a biometric fingerprint authentication.
Each functional module consists of its own implementation and sub modules. 2.2
Detailed Design This project consists of three steps of authentication: The 6-digits
ATM PIN number on a scrambling keypad, color-coded combination password
identification and fingerprint recognition. A user must first register with all three before
accessing his records. The user records are stored in a SQLite database in the form
of rows. When a user authenticates using his account details, they are matched
against the records in the database and the result (“valid” or “invalid” user) is
returned. The registration and authentication processes are further explained with
respective activity, sequence and architecture diagrams. 7 2.2.1 Registration The
activity diagram below shows the workflow of activities for user registration process.
In real world, a user swipes his debit/credit card to authenticate and use a teller
machine. The bank issues these cards to users with bank accounts, so the user
details are already registered with the bank. For demonstration purposes, this project
stores user details entered by the user and the user needs to enter his account
number to authenticate with the three steps.


1. In our proposed system we introduce an ATM which is purely based on

biometrics. The use of multiple biometrics adds more security to the system.

2. The illegal access to the account can be prevented by the use of biometrics.
Our prime objective is to reduce the effort of carrying smart cards and
memorizing the PINs and to enhance the security of ATMs.


• D. Wang et al. describes the fingerPrint pattern identification for electronics

devices. In this, old biometric techniques are vulnerable for spoof mg attacks.
X. Sun et al. developed a DSP-based Authentication system using Print
images. It made use of an LED illuminator for NIR light source. But the
drawback is that the shadow will also appear in the scanned images.

• Private information is traditionally provided by using passwords or Personal

Identification Numbers (PINs), which is vulnerable to the risk of exposure and
being forgotten.

• There is a long list of available biometric patterns, and many such systems
have been developed and implemented, including those for the face, iris,
fingerprint, palm print, hand shape, voice, signature, and gait.

• Notwithstanding this great and increasing variety of biometrics patterns, no

biometric has yet been developed that is perfectly reliable or secure.


• ATM Card frauds

• Use of ATM card duplicators

• Card sharing by family and friends

• Inability to trace the wrongful users

• ATM PINs can be shared on phone or recorded using secret cameras


• The growth in electronic transactions has resulted in a greater demand for

fast and accurate user identification and authentication.

• The finger-Print is a promising biometric pattern for personal identification in

terms of its security and convenience.

• It is difficult to steal since the Print is hidden inside the body and is mostly
invisible to human eyes.The non-invasive and contactless capture of
finger-Prints ensures both convenience and hygiene for the user, and is thus
more acceptable

• The finger-Print pattern can only be taken from a live body.

• Hence it is a natural and convincing proof that the subject whose finger-Print is
successfully captured is alive.

• An embedded fingerprint biometric authentication scheme for automated teller

machine (ATM) banking systems is proposed in this paper. In this scheme, a
fingerprint biometric technique is fused with the ATM for person authentication
to ameliorate the security level.


• Single/Multi factor Biometric Authentication: Fingerprint, Face.

• Multi Factor Authentication: Card + PIN + Biometrics

• Online or offline Authentication using smart cards

• Card less Authentication

• Biometrics is combination of card or PIN

• Biometric based ATM system

• Give acknowledgement to customer

• Avoid malfunctions

• Time maintenance system

• High Security systems


Figure 3.1 Block Diagram

This is the basic block diagram of our project, It includes

● A personal computer (laptop)
● A fingerprint module hardware which is externally connected to
the laptop
● Here the web cam is inbuilt in the laptop which is used for face
● And we get the output as a gui interface

Biometric System

Figure 3.2 Biometric System

● As shown in the figure biometric image of the individual is captured during

the enrollment
process using the fingerprint module.
● This image is then transmitted and features are extracted (for eg. Features
like length of the finger, breadth of the finger, lines on the finger, etc)
● These unique characteristics are then stored in user’s biometric template.
● In verification The unique characteristics are extracted from the biometric
image to create the users “live” biometric template.
● This new template is then compared with the template previously stored
and a numeric matching score is generated, based on the percentage of
duplication between the live and stored template.



Three major components are usually present in a biometric system:

● A mechanism to scan and capture a digital or analog image of a living person’s

biometric characteristic.
● Software for storing, processing and comparing the image.
● An interface with the applications system that will use the result to
confirm an individual’s identity.


Two different stages are involved in the biometric system process –

1) Enrollment,

2) Verification.


As shown in Figure 4.2.1, the biometric image of the individual is captured during the
enrollment process (e.g., using a sensor for fingerprint, microphone for voice verification,
camera for face recognition, scanner for eye scan). The unique characteristics are then
extracted from the biometric image to create the user’s biometric template. This biometric
template is stored in a database or on a machine-readable ID card for later use during an
identity verification process.

Figure 4.1 Enrollment Process


Figure 4.2.2 illustrates the identity verification process. The biometric image is again captured.

The unique characteristics are extracted from the biometric image to create the users
“live” biometric template. This new template is then compared with the template previously
stored and a numeric matching score is generated, based on the percentage of duplication
between the live and stored template. System designers determine the threshold value for
this identity verification score based upon the security requirements of the system.

Figure 4.2 Verification Process


There are two kinds of Biometric System

★ Recognition Systems

❖ Identifying a person among the whole group of users enrolled in the system.

❖ It must be an online system.

Typical applications : Forensics Identification (1-to-many comparison) verifies if the

individual exists within a known population. Identification confirms that the individual is not
enrolled with another identity and is not on a predetermined list of prohibited persons.
Identification will typically need a secured database containing a list of all applying individuals
and their biometrics. The biometric for the individual being considered for enrollment would
be compared against all stored biometrics. For many applications, an identification process is
used only at the time of enrollment to verify that the individual is not already enrolled.

★ Authentication Systems

❖ Verifying the identity that user claims to have.

❖ It can be offline.

❖ Typical applications: Access Control, all kinds of applications where cards are used.

Authentication(1-to-1 comparison) confirms that the credential belongs to the individual

presenting it. In this case, the device that performs the authentication must have access only
to the individual’s enrolled biometric template, which may be stored locally or centrally.


A key factor in the selection of the appropriate biometric technology is its accuracy.

Biometric accuracy is the system’s ability of separating legitimate matches from imposters. When
the live biometric template is compared to the stored biometric template, a matching score is used to
confirm or deny the identity of the user. System designers set this numeric score to accommodate the
desired level of accuracy for the system, as measured by the (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR).

• False Rejection Rate (FRR) refers to the statistical probability that the biometric
system is not able to verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrolled person, or fails to
identify an enrolled person.

• False Acceptance Rate (FAR) refers to the statistical probability of False

Acceptance or incorrect verification. In the most common context, both False Rejection and
False Acceptance represent a security hazard.

• Equal-Error RateWhen the decision threshold is adjusted so that the

false-acceptance rate equal the false-rejection rate.

Figure 4.3 Error Rate

If a mismatching pair of fingerprints is accepted as a match, it is called a false accept. On the

other hand, if a matching pair of fingerprints is rejected by the system, it is called a false
reject. The error rates are a function of the threshold as shown in Figure 2.3. Often the
interplay between the two errors is presented by plotting FAR against FRR with the decision
threshold as the free variable. This plot is called the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic)
curve. The two errors are complementary in the sense that if one makes an effort to lower
one of the errors by varying the threshold, the other error rate automatically increases. In a
biometric authentication system, the relative false accept and false reject rates can be set by
choosing a particular operating point (i.e., a detection threshold). Very low (close to zero)
error rates for both errors (FAR and FRR) at the same time are not possible. By setting ahigh
threshold, the FAR error can be close to zero, and similarly.



• "Fingerprint authentication" describes the process of obtaining a digital

representation of a fingerprint and comparing it to a stored digital version of a
• Fingerprints have long been recognized as a primary and accurate identification

4.4.1 PROCESS:

Figure 4.4.1 Fingerprint Authentication Process

● Electronic fingerprint scanners capture digital "pictures" of fingerprints,

either based on light reflections of the finger's ridges and valleys, or the
electrical properties of the finger's ridges and valleys.
● These pictures are then processed into digital templates that contain
the unique extracted features of a finger.Uses the ridge endings and
bifurcations on a person's finger to plot points known as
Minutiae.Thenumber and locations of the minutiae vary from finger to
finger in any particular person, and from person to person for any
particular finger

● These digital fingerprint templates can be stored in databases and

used in place of traditional passwords for secure access.

● Instead of typing a password, users place a finger on an electronic

scanner. The scanner, or reader, compares the live fingerprint to the
fingerprint template stored in a database to determine the identity and
validity of the person requesting access.

● Finally it gives a decision that access to application or access denied.


Two basic classes of matching techniques:

● Image Techniques :
Use both optical and numerical image correlation techniques.
● Feature Technique:
Extracts features and develops representations from these features.
● Combining the above two techniques:

Hybrid techniques ,with improved accuracy



❖ Very high accuracy.

❖ Is the most economical biometric PC user authentication technique.
❖ It is one of the most developed biometrics.
❖ Easy to use.
❖ Small storage space required for the biometric template, reducing the size of the
database memory required


● For some people it is very intrusive, because it is still related to criminal

● It can make mistakes with the dryness or dirtiness of the finger’s skin, as well as
with the age (is not appropriate with children, because the size of their fingerprint
changes quickly).
● Image captured at 500 dots per inch (dpi). Resolution: 8 bits per pixel. A 500 dpi
fingerprint image at 8 bits per pixel demands a large memory space, 240 Kbytes
approximately → Compression required.


● A facial recognition system is a computer-driven application for

automatically identifying a person from a digital image. It does that by
comparing selected facial features in the live image and a facial database.
● It is typically used for security systems and can be compared to other
biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems.Popular
recognition algorithms include eigenface, fisherface, the Hidden Markov
model,and the neuronal motivated Dynamic Link Matching. A newly
emerging trend, claimed to achieve previously unseen accuracies.

Figure 4.5 Facial Enroll and Recognition Stage


Figure 4.6 3D Face Masking

Three-dimensional face recognition (3D face recognition) is a modality of facial recognition
methods in which the three-dimensional geometry of the human face is used.It has been shown
that 3D face recognition methods can achieve significantly higher accuracy than their 2D
counterparts, rivaling fingerprint recognition.

3D face recognition achieves better accuracy than its 2D counterpart by measuring

geometry of rigid features on the face.[citation needed] This avoids such pitfalls of 2Dface
recognition algorithms as change in lighting, different facial expressions, make-up and head
orientation. Another approach is to use the 3D model to improve accuracy of traditional image
based recognition by transforming the head into a known view.

The main technological limitation of 3D face recognition methods is the acquisition of3D
images, which usually requires a range camera. This is also a reason why 3D face recognition
methods have emerged significantly later (in the late 1980s) than 2Dmethods. Recently commercial
solutions have implemented depth perception by projecting a grid onto the face and integrating
video capture of it into a high resolution 3D model. This allows for good recognition accuracy with
low cost off-the- shelf components.

A biometric system which relies only on a single biometric identifier in making a personal
identification is often not able to meet the desired performance requirements. Identification based
on multiple biometrics represents an emerging trend. We introduce a multimodal biometric system,
which integrates face recognition, fingerprint verification, and speaker verification in making a
personal identification. This system takes advantage of the capabilities of each individual biometric.
It can be used to overcome some of the limitations of a single biometrics. Preliminary experimental
results demonstrate that the identity established by such an integrated system is more reliable than
the identity established by a face recognition system, a fingerprint verification system, and a
speaker verification system.

Figure 4.7 Multimode Biometric Using Fingerprint, Face and Voice


Fingerprint verification is to verify the authenticity of one person by his fingerprint and PIN
code and Fingerprint identification is by matching the information of user such as pin code
and fingerprint matching. Basically we can explain complete Fingerprint base ATM system
in two phases:

1) Enrolment Phase 2) Authentication phase

1. Enrolment phase: In the robust fingerprint application, 3-4 fingers should be

enrolled. This enables the system to set high security threshold and still be able to cope
with everyday real life issue like skewed finger placement dirty, wet dry, cut or worn fingers.
Biometric reference data is collected enrolment and stored in database or in portable data
carrier such Fig-3: Enrolment Phase The Enrolment is crucial because the once recorded
reference data will normally be used over the active lifetime of user or his/her biometric

hardware device. Multiple Finger enrolment: It is strongly recommended enrolling more
than one finger. During daily life injuries can happen that turn a registered fingerprint
currently unusable while minor cuts not affect a robust sized sensor system.

2. Authentication Phase: In these phase user can make transaction by using their
fingers. User can place finger on the Biometric scanner and user’s finger scan can be
matched through database, where all authenticated user’s fingerprints are stored .If User
wants to do transaction they simply place their finger on biometric scanner and get their
money in few seconds. If user’s fingerprint cannot matched by database due to some
accidental cuts on their fingers than they can used their other fingers and we will also
provide a 4 pin code option ,user can also use this option with their convinces. Feature
extraction: Feature extraction from a fingerprint image is generally categorized into three
levels. Feature can used to categorize into major pattern type such as loop or whorl.


The core section includes the software part utilizes two different programs-enroll and
fingerprint.getFingerprintEnroll(int,id), Adafruit Fingerprint (& mySerial) and
getFingerprintEnroll(id) are some of the different functions syntax used in those programs.
These are in-built functions found in library and they pass arguments when these functions
are called at different locations of programs. Once the enroll part of the program has been
uploaded in the Arduino Uno, go through the Arduino IDE and then open the serial monitor
by opening tabs like tools and then select serial monitor options. It is necessary to set the
baud rate to a value lower than the serial monitor window to 38400. At the same time
choose Newline option. And now, one by one execute the instructions given on the serial
monitor. Once you place a finger on the fingerprint module, type an ID number. It can be
any whole number. Then when send key is entered, the corresponding ID number is
transmitted to the main portion i.e. Arduino Uno form the serial monitor section. Thus sent
information (fingerprint) is digitized and converted into storable form which is piled up in
R305 module database. This system can withstand a total of 200+ fingerprints which is
remarkable. However, each fingerprint must have unique ID number assigned since this is
the prime factor to be utilized in identification of the valid individuals name. The serial
monitor assists the client in an effective way. Every real-time information of when to place
the finger on the sensing module and when it is okay to remove, is all provided by the
serial monitor which makes this project more userfriendly. If you prefer to debug the
system without implementing LCD display, initially upload the fingerprint program and then
set the same settings as mentioned above for the serial monitor configuration. Here again
the serial monitor performs the guide function. This technique of implementing circuit is
employed to make necessary comparisons between the current sensed fingerprint sample
with the samples already stored in the database. The programming flexibility feature
permits customer to amend necessary changes in names and ID number by changing the
code to a slight extent as per the requirement.

What is Face Detection:

In computer vision, one essential problem we are trying to figure out is to

automatically detect objects in an image without human intervention. Face
detection can be thought of as such a problem where we detect human faces in
an image. There may be slight differences in the faces of humans but overall, it is
safe to say that there are certain features that are associated with all the human
faces. There are various face detection algorithms but Viola-Jones Algorithm is
one of the oldest methods that is also used today and we will use the same later
in the article. You can go through the Viola-Jones Algorithm after completing this
article as I’ll link it at the end of this article.

Face detection is usually the first step towards many face-related technologies,
such as face recognition or verification. However, face detection can have very
useful applications. The most successful application of face detection would
probably be photo taking. When you take a photo of your friends, the face
detection algorithm built into your digital camera detects where the faces are and
adjusts the focus accordingly.



• Python 2.7.14 compile

• Personal computer
• Finger print module and web camera
• Python programming language.


Finger print module

➢ Security with biometrics can be done with the help of R305 Fingerprint Module.
This fingerprint sensor module will make adding fingerprint detection and
verification super simple.
➢ These modules are typically used in safes – there’s a high powered DSP chip
that does the image rendering, calculation, feature-finding, and searching.
Connect to any microcontroller or system with TTL serial, and send packets of
data to take photos, detect prints, hash, and search.
➢ You can also enroll new fingers directly- up to 162 fingerprints can be stored in
the onboard FLASH memory. There’s a red LED in the lens that lights up during
a photo so you know it's working.

Integrated image collecting and algorithm chip together .ALL in one ,fingerprint reader

can conduct secondary development,can be embedded into a variety of end products

,low power consumption ,low cost ,small size,excellent performance ,professional

optical technology,precise module manufacturing techniques ,good image processing

capabilities,can successfully capture image up to resolution 500dpi.


Figure 5.1 Fingerprint Scanner

A fingerprint scanner is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the

fingerprint pattern. This scan is digitally processed to create a biometric template
which is stored and used for matching.

What is the Fingerprint Sensor?

The fingerprint sensor is one kind of sensor which is used in a fingerprint detection
device. These devices are mainly inbuilt in the fingerprint detection module and it is
used for computer safety. The main features of this device mainly include accuracy,
better performance, robustness based on exclusive fingerprint biometric technology.
Both fingerprint scanner otherwise reader are an extremely safe & suitable device for
safety instead of a secret word. Because the password is easy to scan and also it is
hard to keep in mind
So, better to use USB based fingerprint reader or scanner using biometric software
for verification, identification, and authentication, that allow your fingerprints to
perform similar to digital passwords. These passwords cannot be forgotten, lost
otherwise stolen.

R305 Fingerprint Sensor Module

There are different types of fingerprint modules available in the market like R305,
R307. For a better understanding of this sensor, here we are going to discuss an
overview of R305 fingerprint sensor module.

Figure 5.2 R305 Fingerprint Sensor Module


The R305 is one kind of fingerprint sensor module used in biometrics for security in
fingerprint detection as well as verification. These devices are mainly used in safes
where there is a high- powered DSP chip used in the rendering of image,
feature-finding, searching and calculation by connecting it to any microcontroller with
the help of TTL serial, & senddata packets to get photos, notice prints, search and
hash. The enrollment of new fingers can be stored directly within the flash memory of
on board.

Features of Fingerprint Sensor

The features of this sensor include the following.

● It includes image collection as well as chip algorithm

● The fingerprint reader can perform lesser growth and can be fixed into a
range of end products
● Power use is low, excellent performance, small in size, and less cost
● Optical technology which is used is professional, and exact module developed
● The capabilities of image processing are good, and can effectively capture
pictures up to 500 dpi resolution

Fingerprint Sensor Working Principle

The working principle of the fingerprint sensor mainly depends on the processing.
The fingerprint processing mainly includes two elements namely enrollment and
matching. In fingerprint enrolling, every user requires to place the finger twice.

So that the system will check the finger images to process as well as to generate a
pattern of the finger and it will be stored. When matching, a user places the finger
using an optical sensor then the system will produce a pattern of the finger &
compares it with the finger library templates.

For 1:1 fingerprint matching, the system will evaluate the exits finger with a precise
pattern which is selected within the module. Similarly, for 1: N matching, the scanning
system will look for the complete finger records for the finger matching. In both
situations, the scanning system will go back to the corresponding result, success
otherwise crash.


The specifications of this sensor include the following.

● The fingerprint sensor is an optical type

● The interface is USB1.1/ TTL logical level (UART)
● The speed of scanning is 0.5 sec
● The speed of verification is 0.3 sec
● The capacity storage is 1000
● The security level is 5
● The baud rate of RS232 is 4800BPS ~115200BPS variable
● Current is typical 50 mA, and peak 80mA
● The corresponding technique is 1: N
● Fixed indicators-15KV bright green backlight
● The life of the sensor is 100 million times
● The dimension is 44.1 X 20 X 23.5mm
● The size of the character file is 256 bytes
● The template size is 512 bytes
● The FRR (False Rejection Rate) is <1.0%
● The FAR (False Acceptance Rate) is 0.001%
● Voltage is 4.2 to 6.0 VDC
● Operating surroundings temperature is -20° C to 40° C

Hardware interface

The module itself does all complex tasks behind reading and identifying the fingerprints
with an on- board optical sensor and fingerprint algorithm. All you need to do is send it
simple commands, and the fingerprint scanner can store different fingerprints.

The database of prints can even be downloaded from the unit and distributed to other
modules. As well as the fingerprint template, the analyzed version of the print, you can
also retrieve the image of a fingerprint and even pull raw images from the optical sensor.

Although a number of fingerprint reader/sensor modules with slight variations are available
now, most have a 4-pin external connection interface. By way of the serial interface,
fingerprint reader/sensor module can communicate with a microcontroller (uC) runs on of
3.3V or 5V power supply. TX/TD pin of the module connects with RXD (RX-IN pin of the
uC), and RX/RD pin connects with TXD (TX-OUT pin of the uC).

If you are building a personal computer (PC) – based project, remember to add a level
converting circuit (for instance, the MAX232) between the module and the personal
computer. Serial communication protocol mode is semi-duplex asychronous serial
communication, and user can set the baud rate in 9600 – 115200bps. Recommended
working voltage of the module is 3.6 to 6.0 Volt DC, and the typical working current is 90 to
100 mA (150mA peak).


A webcam is a video camera which feeds its images in real time to a

computer or computer network, often via USB, Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Their most popular
use is the establishment of video links, permitting computers to act as videophones or
videoconference stations. This common use as a video camera for the World Wide
Web gave the webcam its name. Other popular uses include security surveillance and
computer vision. Webcams are known for their low manufacturing cost and flexibility,
making them the lowest cost form of video telephony. They have also become a
source of security and privacy issues, as some built- in webcams can be remotely
activated via spyware.


Webcams typically include a lens, an image sensor, support electronics, and

may also include a microphone for sound. Various lenses are available, the most
common in consumer- grade webcams being a plastic lens that can be screwed in
and out to focus the camera. Fixed focus lenses, which have no provision for
adjustment, are also available. As a camera system's depth of field is greater for
small image formats and is greater for lenses with a large f-number (small aperture),
the systems used in webcams have a sufficiently large depth of field that the use of a
fixed focus lens does not impact image sharpness to a great extent.

Image sensors can be CMOS or CCD, the former being dominant for low-cost
cameras, but CCD cameras do not necessarily outperform CMOS-based cameras in
the low cost price range. Most consumer webcams are capable of providing VGA
resolution video at a frame rate of 30 frames per second. Many newer devices can
produce video in multi-megapixel resolutions, and a few can run at high frame rates
such as the PlayStation Eye, which can produce 320×240 video at 120 frames per

Most webcams feature built-in microphones to make video calling and
videoconferencing more convenient. The USB video device class (UVC) specification
allows for interconnectivity of webcams to computers without the need for proprietary
device drivers. Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Linux and Mac OS X (since October
2005) have UVC support built in and do not require extra device drivers, although
they are often installed to add additional features.


Plug-and-play setup (UVC)

Video capture: Up to 640 x 480 pixels

Photos: Up to 1.3 megapixels (software enhanced)

Frame rate: Up to 30 frames per second (with recommended
system) Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified
Fixed focus

Universal clip fits notebooks, LCD or CRT monitor


What is Python? Executive Summary

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with

dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic
typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application
Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing
components together. Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability
and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules
and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. The Python
interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary form
without charge for all major platforms, and can be freely distributed.

Often, programmers fall in love with Python because of the increased productivity it
provides. Since there is no compilation step, the edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly
fast. Debugging Python programs is easy: a bug or bad input will never cause a
segmentation fault. Instead, when the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an
exception. When the program doesn't catch the exception, the interpreter prints a
stack trace. A source level debugger allows inspection of local and global variables,
evaluation of arbitrary expressions, setting breakpoints, stepping through the code a
line at a time, and so on. The debugger is written in Python itself, testifying to
Python's introspective power. On the other hand, often the quickest way to debug a
program is to add a few print statements to the source: the fast edit-test-debug cycle
makes this simple approach very effective.Installing

Installing Python is generally easy, and nowadays many Linux and UNIX distributions
include a recent Python. Even some Windows computers (notably those from HP)
now come with Python already installed. If you do need to install Python and aren't
confident about the task you can find a few notes on the BeginnersGuide/Download
wiki page, but installation is unremarkable on most platforms.


Before getting started, you may want to find out which IDEs and text editors are
tailored to make Python editing easy, browse the list of introductory books, or look
at code samples that you might find helpful.

There is a list of tutorials suitable for experienced programmers on the

BeginnersGuide/Tutorials page. There is also a list of resources in other languages
which might be useful if English is not your first language.The online documentation
is your first port of call for definitive information. There is a fairly brief tutorial that
gives you basic information about the language and gets you started. You can
follow this by looking at the library reference for a full description of Python's many
libraries and the language reference for a complete (though somewhat dry)
explanation of Python's syntax. If you are looking for common Python recipes and
patterns, you can browse the ActiveState Python Cookbook

Looking for Something Specific?

If you want to know whether a particular application, or a library with particular

functionality, is available in Python there are a number of possible sources of
information. The Python web site provides a Python Package Index (also known
as the Cheese Shop, a reference to the Monty Python script of that name). There
is also a search page for a number of sources of Python- related information.
Failing that, just Google for a phrase including the word ''python'' and you may well
get the result you need. If all else fails, ask on the python newsgroup and there's a
good chance someone will put you on the right track.


CONCLUSIONS: The project presented a prototype design of an ATM access system

using finger print technology. The system consists of finger print module, DC motor,
LCD display. These are interfaced to the PIC microcontroller. When a user registers his
fingerprint to the finger print module, this is fed as input to the microcontroller. The micro
controller is programmed in such a way that the input from the user is checked
compared with user database and displays the relevant information on the LCD display.
When a authorized person is recognized using finger print module the door is accessed
using DC motor. Finger-scan technology is being used throughout the world and
provides an able solution. In the present days it is being used for computer network
access and entry devices for building door locks. Fingerprint readers are being used by
banks for ATM authorization and are becoming more common at grocery stores where
they are utilized to automatically recognize a registered customer and bill their credit
card or debit account. Finger- scanning technology is being used in a novel way at
some places where cafeteria purchases are supported by a federal subsidized meal
program. The system can be extended using a GSM module. The GSM module sends
alert messages to the respective authorities when unauthorized person‟s finger print is

Result :

• Biometric tokens are the safest means of preventing ATM frauds.

• The main reason for introducing biometric systems is to increase overall security.
• Biometrics offers greater security and convenience than traditional methods of
personal recognition.
• In some applications, biometrics can replace or supplement the existing
technology. In others, it is the only viable approach.
• The biometric system is only one part of an overall identification or
authentication process, and the other parts of that process will play an
equal role in determining its effectiveness.


• Today’s biometric scanners go far beyond basic fingerprint recognition.

• In Poland and Japan, consumers are already using Hitachi's infrared scanners
that capture the unique pattern of capillaries in the finger and hand.
• The most secure biometric technology uses a device designed to perform an
iris scan based on more than 2,000 unique measurement points.
• According to developers, people and pets all over the world will be connected to
a system that uses iris scan identification within the next decade.


Biometrics can only be limited by limiting one's imagination. Biometric

technology is now being used in almost every area. Not only that, but various
types of biometric systems are being used to achieve various functionalities.

There are many mature biometric systems available now. Proper design and
implementation ofthe biometric system can indeed increase the overall security.
There are numerous conditionsthat must be taken in account when designing a
secure biometric system. First, it is necessary torealize that biometrics is not
secrets. This implies that care should be taken and it is not secureto generate any
cryptographic keys from them. Second, it is necessary to trust the input deviceand
make the communication link secure. Third, the input device needs to be verified .

The ultimate form of electronic verification of a person’s identity is biometrics; using

a physical attribute of the person to make a positive identification. People have
always used the brain’s innate ability to recognize a familiar face and it has long
been known that a person’s fingerprints can be used for identification. The
challenge has been to turn these into electronic processes that are inexpensive and
easy to use.

Banks and others who have tested biometric-based security on their clientele,
however, say consumers overwhelmingly have a pragmatic response to the
technology. Anything that saves the information-overloaded citizen from having to
remember another password or personal identification number comes as a welcome
respite.Biometrics can address most of the security needs, but at what cost?
Surprisingly, the benefits quickly outweigh the costs. Like so many technological
developments, innovative people have found new ways to implement biometric
systems, so prices have come down dramatically in the last year or two. As prices
have come down, the interest level and the knowledge about how to effectively utilize
these systems have increased. So the investment is decreasing and the recognizable
benefits are increasing. Biometrics, when properly implemented, not only increase
security but also often are easier to use and less costly to administer than the less
secure alternatives. Biometrics can’t be forgotten or left at home and they don’t have
to be changed periodically like passwords.


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