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CHENNAI – 600 025


Diploma in Civil Engineering

Course Code: 1010

M – Scheme


31042 Transportation Engineering

IV Semester DCE
Convener for CIVIL Discipline:
Thiru. N Muralikrishniah, M.E.,M.I.S.T.E.,
Principal / IPT &
Principal (Addl. Charge)
Central Polytechnic College,
Taramani, Chennai – 600 113
Email : [email protected]

Team Members for Transportation Engineering:

Thiru T. Arulkumar, M.Tech.,

Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering
Central Polytechnic College, Chennai - 600 113

Thiru. M. Jeevanandhan, M.E,

Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering,
136, Government Polytechnic College,
Sethurapatti, Srirangam Tiruchirapalli– 620012

Thiru. A. Balasubramaniyan, M.E,

Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering,
124, Government Polytechnic College,
Keelakanavai, Perambalur - 621104

Validated By

Thiru K. Sabapathy, B.Tech.Ed., M.I.E.,

HOD (Retd.,),
Department of Civil Engineering, Central
Polytechnic College, Chennai - 600 113
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools


(To be implemented to the student admitted from the year 2015-2016 onwards)

Course Name : Diploma in Civil Engineering

Subject Code : 31042

Semester : IV Semester



No. of weeks per semester: 15 weeks

Instructions Examination
Subject Title Hours / Hours /
Week Semester Duration
5 Hrs 75 Hrs Examination
25 75 100 3 Hrs


TOPIC Time ( Hrs )







Total 75
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Construction of roads is one of the area in which diploma holders in Civil Engineering
get employment. These diploma holders are responsible for construction and
maintenance of highways. Basic concepts of road geo-metrics, surveys and plans,
elements of traffic engineering, road materials, construction of rigid and flexible
pavements, special features of hill roads, road drainage system and various aspects
of maintenance find place in above course.
In addition, this subject will cater to the needs of those technicians who would
like to find employment in the construction of railway tracks, bridges. The subject
aims at providing broad based knowledge regarding various components and
construction of railway track, bridges.


On completion of the course, the student will be familiar with:

x To study about the importance of the roads , Development of

roads, Classification of roads
x To know about highway pavements , Geometrical design , Traffic
controls , Road Arboriculture and Highway Lighting
x To study about highway alignment , Road machineries and
Construction of different types of Roads

To study about Railway fixtures , Types of stations , Signalling and
Control of movement of trains
To study about Maintenance of Track and Rapid Transport
System of Railways
x To Know about Bridges , Classifications and its Components
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Contents: Theory

Unit Name of the Topic Hours

General – Development of Roads in India - Modes of
transportation - Nagpur Plan - Ribbon development -
Advantages of Roads - Importance of roads in India -
Requirements of an ideal road - Indian Road Congress -
Objects of Highway planning - Classifications of Highways.


Objectives - Types of Pavement - Flexible and Rigid
Pavements - Comparative study of Flexible and Rigid
pavements - Factors affecting the design of pavements -
Other types of pavements ( Description not reqd. )


General - Road structure - Right of way - Land width -
Width of formation - Road Camber - Super elevation - Sight
distances - Road gradient - Road Curves - Horizontal curves
- Vertical curves - Types - Widening of pavement on
horizontal curves.


Objectives - Traffic surveys - Road accidents -
Causes of road accidents - Preventive measures - Parking -
Methods of parking - Road junctions ( Grade intersections
and Grade separators ) - Traffic signals - Advantages -
Types of road signs - Expressways.


Significance - Soil mass as a three phase system - Grain
size classification - Atterberg limits - Definition and
description - I S Classification of soils - Compaction -
Definition - Objects of compaction - Standard Proctor
Compaction test - Shear strength - Definition - importance -
Direct shear test.


Objects of Arboriculture - Selection of trees - Location of
trees - Highway lighting - Benefits.
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Definition - Principles for ideal highway alignment - Factors

affecting highway alignment - Surveys - Engineering surveys
- Reconnaissance, Preliminary and Location surveys -
Project Report and Drawings - Highway Re-alignment

Excavating equipments - Tractor, Bull dozer, Grader,

Scraper, J C B - Compaction equipments - Road roller -
Types and description - Equipment for Bituminous road.

General - Classifications - Earthen road, Gravel road, Water

Bound Macadam roads - Construction with sketches -
Advantages and disadvantages - Maintenance - Soil
stabilization - Methods.
General - Advantages and disadvantages - Bituminous
materials used - Types of Bituminous roads - Surface
dressing - Types - Bituminous Concrete - Maintenance of
Bituminous roads.

General - Advantages and disadvantages - Methods of

construction of cement concrete roads with sketches -
Construction procedure for concrete roads.

Factors considered in alignment - Formation of hill roads -

Hair pin bends - Retaining and Breast walls.
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Introduction to Railways - Classifications of Indian Railways -
Rail Gauges - Types - Uniformity in gauges - Loading gauge
- Construction gauge.

General - Functions of rails - Requirements of an ideal rail -
Types of rail sections - Length of rails - Welding of rails -
Wear of rails - Coning of wheels - Hogged rails - Bending
of rails - Creep of rails - Causes and prevention of creep.


Functions of Sleepers - Types of sleepers - Requirements of
sleepers - Materials for sleepers - Sleeper density – Ballast-
Functions of Ballast - Requirements of ballast - Materials
used as ballast.

Rail joints - Types - Rail fastenings - Fish plates - Fish bolts

- Spikes - Chairs and Keys - Bearing plates - Blocks -
Elastic fastenings - Anchors and anti-creepers - Plate laying
- Methods of plate laying - PQRS method of relaying.
Necessity - Maintenance of Track, Bridges and Rolling stock.


Definition of station - Purpose of railway station - Types of

stations - Wayside, Junction and Terminal stations -
Platforms - Passenger and Goods platforms - Definition of
Yard - Types of yard - Passenger yard, Goods yard,
Marshalling yard and Locomotive yards - Level crossings.

General - Engine shed - Ash pits - Examination pits - Drop

pits - Water columns - Triangles - Turn table - Traversers -
Scotch Block - Buffer stops - Fouling marks - Derailing
switch - Sand hump - Weigh bridges.

Purpose - Some definitions - Turnouts - Right hand and left

hand turnouts -Sleepers laid for points and crossings -
Types of switches - Crossings - Types of crossings.
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General - Objects of signalling - Types of signalling - Based

on function and location - Special signals - Control of
movement of trains - Different methods - Following train
system - Absolute block system - Automatic signalling - Pilot
guard system - Centralized traffic control system.


Definition - Principles of interlocking - Methods of interlocking

- Tappets and locks system - Key system - Route relay
system - Improvements in interlocking and signalling.
General - Underground railways - Advantages - Tube railways -
Its features.
V 13 Hrs
Bridge: Definition - Components of bridge - IRC loadings -
Selection of type of bridge - Scour - Afflux - Economic span
- Waterway - Factors governing the ideal site for bridge -
Alignment of bridge - Factors to be considered in alignment.
Functions of foundation - Types of foundations - Selection of
foundations - Control of ground water for foundation -
Caisson foundation - Coffer dam – Types.
Classification according to IRC loadings , Materials , Bridge
floor , Type of superstructure - Culverts and Cause ways -
Classifications with sketches - Conditions to construct
Abutments - Types - Piers - Types - Wing walls - Types.
Types - Description - Simple bridge - Types according to
bridge floor - Continuous bridge - Cantilever bridge -
Balanced cantilever bridge - Arch bridge - Bow-string girder
type bridge - Rigid frame bridge - Suspension bridge -
Continuous steel bridges - Steel arched bridges.
Definition - Purpose - Importance of bearings - Types of
bearings – Elastomer bearings.
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1. RANGWALA, “Highway Engineering” , Charotor Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Edition 2010
2. RANGWALA, “Railway Engineering” , Charotor Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Edition 2010
3. RANGWALA, “Bridge Engineering” , Charotor Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Edition 2009
4. S P CHANDOLA, “A Text Book of Transportation Engineering” S Chand &
Company Ltd.,
5. G V RAO, “Principles of Transportation & Highway Engineering” Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
6. Madhan Mohan Dass, “Structural Analysis” PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to another. Transport
is important since it enables trade between people, which in turn augment economic growth and
foster civilizations. The transport system comprises of highways or roadways, Railways, water
ways and air ways.
Road ways include highways, city roads, village roads, feeder roads and ghat roads.
Roadways provide maximum service to one and all. It is possible to provide door to door
services only by road.
Transportation is one of the infrastructures of a country. Transportation helps in
economic, industrial, social and cultural development of a country. Transportation is very
important for the economic development of any region since commodities produced, like food,
clothing, industrial products, medicine need transport at all stages from production to
distribution. It is also essential for strategic movement in emergency for defence of the country
and to maintain better law and order. Transportation also helps in tourism development.
Road transport is one of the most common modes of transport. Roads in the form of track
ways, human pathways etc. were used even from the pre-historic times. Since then many
experiments were going on to make the riding safe and comfort. Thus road construction became
an inseparable part of many civilizations and empires.
The history of highway engineering gives us an idea about the roads of ancient times.
Roads in Rome were constructed in a large scale and it radiated in many directions helping them
in military operations. Thus they are considered to be pioneers in road construction.
In India the Mauryan dynasty rulers and Harsha Vardhana took much interest in the
development of road system as they were able to appreciate the importance of road in terms of
strategic and economical development of country. In the later period the Mughal emperors paid
much importance in counstrucion of roads; Patna-Kabul, Delhi-Surat, Delhi-Golconda,
Golconda-Bijapur, Bijapur-Ujjain and Surat-Maulipatanam are some of the notable highways
developed by them.
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4.5 m
Cross slope

Side drain

Compacted Subgrade slope 1:36 50mm

Broken Stones, 100mm thick 37.5mm Broken
Stones, 100mm thick Surface Course 20mm,
50mm thick

Figure : British Road BRITISH ROAD
The British government also gave importance to road construction. The British engineer
John Macadam introduced what can be considered as the first scientific road construction
method. Stone size is an important element of Macadam surface formation. By empirical
observation of many roads, he came to realize that 250 mm layers of well compacted broken
angular stone would provide the same strength and stiffness and a better running surface than an
expensive pavement made on large stone blocks. Thus he introduced an economical method of
road construction.
The mechanical interlock between the individual stone pieces provides strength and
stiffness to the course. But the inter particle friction abraded the sharp interlocking faces and
partly destroy the effectiveness of the course. This effect was overcome by introducing good
quality interstitial finer material to produce a well-graded mix. Such mixes also proved less
permeable and easier to compact. A typical cross section of British roads is given in Figure MODERN ROADS

The modern roads by and large follow Macadam’s construction method. Use of
bituminous concrete and cement concrete are the later developments. Various advanced and
cost-effective construction technologies are used. Development of new equipments help in the
faster construction of roads. Many easily and locally available materials are tested in the
laboratories for their suitability and then used on roads for making economical and durable
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Scope of transportation system has developed very largely. Population of the country is
increasing day by day. The life style of people began to change. The need for travel to various
places at faster speeds also increased. This increasing demand led to the emergence of other
modes of transportation like railways and airways. While the above development in public
transport sector was taking place, the development in private transport was at a much faster rate
mainly because of its advantages like accessibility, privacy, flexibility, convenience and
comfort. This led to the increase in vehicular traffic especially in public road network. Thus
road space available was becoming insufficient to meet the growing demand of traffic and
congestion started. In addition, chances for accidents also increased. This has led to the
increased attention towards control of vehicles so that the transport infrastructure could be used
optimally. Various control measures like traffic signals, providing roundabouts and medians,
limiting the speed of vehicle at specific zones etc. were implemented.
With the advancement of better roads and efficient control, more and more investments
were made in the road sector especially after the world wars. These were large projects
requiring large investment. For optimal utilization of funds, one should know the travel pattern,
travel behavior and the future economic growth potential of the region. This has led to the
emergence of transportation planning and demand management.


The British did not pay much attention in developing the new road system and in
maintaining the existing roads. They paid special attention only on the roads which served their
strategic and economic interest. During the post-war years there arose a great demand for
better and more roads to cope with the increased vehicular traffic throughout the country.
The Government of India appointed “The Road Development Committee” popularly known as
the “Jayakar Committee‟ in 1927 was a major landmark in the history of road in India. The
Committee was emphatic regarding the inadequacy of the Indian road system and urged that
further development of the system was desirable for the general welfare of the country and
economic growth as a whole. As a sequel to the Jaykar Committee recommendation, The
Indian Road Congress came into being in April, 1934, which convened a conference of chief
engineers at Nagpur in 1943. It was the first time, at this conference, that the question of road
development was considered comprehensively and in a scientific manner. A long term plan,
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popularly called the Nagpur Plan envisaged the construction of new roads besides the
improvement of some existing ones. The plan classified the roads into four classes:

i. National Highways
ii. Provincial or State Highways
iii. District Roads
iv. Village Roads
From 1919 to 1947, the provinces remained solely responsible for the construction and
maintenance of all roads. Under the new constitution of India, the national highways were
made a central subject, and the central government had statutorily taken over the roads
classified as national highways, vide the “National Highways Act, 1956”. For the
execution of national highway scheme the central government created the roads wing in
the department of transport, which as per the suggestion of Nagpur conference was made
responsible for co-ordination and control, drafting of standards and specifications, setting
priorities, general administration and inspection. Nagpur plan covered the period from 1943
to 1961 and laid the foundation for the functional classification of road network and criteria
for road c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d connectivity b o t h in developed and undeveloped area of our
country. This was followed by two more 20 year road development plans covering the
periods 1961-81 and 1981-2001 popularly known as ‘ Bombay Plan’ and ‘ Lucknow Plan’,
respectively. These plans have served as sound reference framework for the central and the
state governments to formulate the further road plan (IRC, 1984) for road development. The
government of India changed the development strategy in 1991 by introducing a series of
reforms and structural changes with a view to integrating it with the global market and
economy. The areas which were traditionally i n the domain of the public sector were
thrown open to private sector. The rationale was that while the government provides a
strong policy s u p p o r t and regulatory leadership, the private sector would bring in
dynamism and efficiency in the construction of the road transport system. The above
policy serves both social and economic aspects in road construction. In view of these
developments “Road Development Plan: Vision 2021” was prepared in 2001 by the Ministry of
Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), Government of India.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Any development that takes place alongside a highway without proper plan and design
develops chaotic traffic and pedestrian movements, leading to accidents. This type of linear
development is known as ribbon development. DISADVANTAGES OF RIBBON DEVELOPMENT:
o Ribbon development strangles the road system and creates ugly and undesirable spots
where there might have been scenic surroundings.
o Increase in congestion on the highways. The commercial establishments located along the
main highway attract heavy two wheeler traffic of the industrial workers going to work in
the morning and returning in the evening. The net result is that local traffic, of a
predominantly mixed character, claims heavy demand on the road space and gets its
major share to the detriment of through traffic emanating from the towns and entering the
o The congestion caused by mixed traffic increases the probability of accidents. The
presence of a large number of advertisements and sign boards on roads is an important
source of driver distraction leading to numerous accidents.
o Reduces the level of service of the main highway.
o Problem of encroachments.
o Due to ribbon development, widening of highways becomes a difficult task, leading to
acquisition of properties at exorbitant cost. If future traffic has to be catered to, it is
necessary that adequate control is exercised on linear growth.
o As already pointed out that some of the legislations already holding field discourage
ribbon development and in any case unplanned ribbon development.
Considering the above mentioned difficulties in road transport system there should always be
a proper plan preferably a master plan for laying new roads and for the improvement of existing
road transport system.


As compared to the railways, the road transport system has definite advantages which
can be summarized as follow:
1 Road transport is quicker, more convenient and more flexible. It is particularly
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good for short distance travel for movement of goods. Motor vehicles can easily
collect passengers and goods from anywhere and take them to wherever they want
to be dropped.
2 Door-to-door collection and delivery are possible in the case of road transport. But
in the case of railways, the lines are fixed and the railways do not have the
flexibility of the roadways. Passengers and goods will have to be taken to the
railway stations.
3 Roads are a necessary complement to railways. India is a country of villages and it
is only roads which can connect villages and railways can connect towns. The
railway stations will have to be properly served by a network of feeder roads. Only
through these roads the railways can receive their passengers and goods. If
railways are essential for the movement of goods and people for long distances,
road transport is essential for such movement for short distances. Roads and
railways are, therefore, not competitive but complementary to each other.
4 Road transport is of particular advantage to the farmers. Good roads help the
farmers to move their products, particularly the perishable products; like
vegetables, quickly to the market and towns. Only by developing the road system,
the farmer can be assured of a steady market for his products. It is the road system
which brings the villagers into contact with the towns and to expose them to the
new ideas and the new systems.
5 Roads are highly significant for the defense of the country. For the movement of
troops, tanks, armored cars, and field guns etc. roads are essential. The great
importance given to the construction of border roads to facilitate the movement of
troops for the protection of the northern borders.
6 It is easy and cheap to construct and maintain roads compared to other mode of
7 Roads can negotiate high gradients and sharp turns which railways cannot do. As
such, roads can be constructed in hilly areas also.
Due to above-mentioned advantages, the road transport has become very popular and its
share is constantly increasing.
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Connectivity provided by roads is perhaps the single most important determinant of
well-being and the quality of life of people living in an urban area. The objective of the
innumerable government programmes aimed at rural development, employment generation and
local industrialization to a large extent due to the construction and connectivity of the road
transport system. There is a considerable body of evidence that demonstrates that the lack of
links between rural roads with other state and national highway result in less economic growth
that leads to poverty and poor quality of life. Road investment contributed directly to the
growth of agricultural output, increased use of fertilizer and establishment of commercial
The important points to be kept in mind for the design of highways of various types are
as follows:
(i) It should be free from being submerged during floods and thus should be available for
safe movement of traffic at all times.
(ii) It should be provided with easy gradient.
(iii) It should contain intelligently erected traffic signs and should make sufficient
provisions for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.
(iv) It should grant various amenities to road users such as grass verges, sufficient
lighting, watering and fuelling places at regular intervals, shady avenues, parking facilities in
city areas, etc.
(v) It should possess good alignment, directness and visibility.
(vi) The curves along the road should be properly designed and they should be free from
blind corners.
(vii) The formation of road, either natural or prepared, should be stable enough to carry
the foundation and traffic load.
(viii) The foundation depth should be adequate for effectively distributing traffic load
over a sufficient area of formation to keep the intensity of load within the safe permissible
limits of the soil.
(ix) The road surface should be suitable for the general character of traffic and it should
possess characteristics such as:
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(a) economical in construction and maintenance costs,
(b) even and smooth, but not slippery,
(c) hard, durable with uniform wear,
(d) neither dusty nor muddy and easy for cleaning and repairing,
(e) noiseless especially near hospitals, nursing homes
and public institutions, etc.,
(f) offering the least resistance to traffic, etc.
(x) The surface of road should be impervious and impermeable to rain water.
(xi) The width of road should be sufficient
(xii) good drainage system to drain the water from the road surface


The origin of Indian Road Congress (IRC) the apex body of road sector engineers and
professionals in the country was set up under the Chairmenship of M.R. Jayakker in 1927 by
the then Government of India which recommended periodic road conferences to discuss the
issues related to road construction, maintenance and development. This forum helped in sharing
of knowledge and pooling of experience on the entire subjects of road construction and
maintenance, finance, taxation etc.,
Following are the objects or purposes of highway planning:
(i) To assist the general planner for serving adequately whatever transportation demand is
created by population growth, economic development and technological change.
(ii) To create awareness of unforeseen events, conditions, changed policies and other current
(iii) To indicate the analysis for the establishment of financial and management policies required
to implement sound decisions.
(iv) To make optimum use of the existing conditions for working towards improvement so as to
meet probable future requirements
(v) To prepare a plan in such a way that traffic operations are carried out efficiently and safely on
the highways.
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(vi) To provide factual analyses leading to the determination of required physical development of
the highway, road and street network.

Apart from the classification given by the different plans, roads were also classified based
on some other criteria. They are given in detail below.
This classification is based on whether the roads can be used during different seasons of the year.
i. All-weather roads: Those roads which are negotiable during all weathers, except at
major river crossings where interruption of traffic is permissible up to a certain
extent are called all weather roads.
ii. Fair-weather roads: Roads which are negotiable only during fair weather are called
fair weather roads.
This classification is based on the type of the carriage way or the road pavement.
i. Paved roads with hard surface: If they are provided with a hard pavement course
such roads are called paved roads.(eg: stones, Water bound macadam ( WBM),
Bituminous macadam (BM), concrete roads.
ii. Unpaved roads: Roads which are not provided with a hard course of at least a
WBM layer they is called unpaved roads. Thus earth and gravel roads come under
this category.


Based on location and function, the Nagpur plan classifies the roads as
a) National Highways (NH)
b) State Highways (SH)
c) Major district Roads (MDR)
d) Other district roads (ODR) and
e) Village Rods
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a) National Highways (NH): These are the main highways which connects ports, foreign
highways, capital cities of large states and large industrial and tourist centre including roads
of military importance. They are financed and constructed by central government. All the
national highways are assigned the respective numbers. The highway Vijayawada and Pune,
through Hyderabad is NH9. Nagpur – Hyderabad – Bangalore road denoted as NH7.
b) State Highways (SH): These are important roads of a state. The state highways connect
national highways of adjacent state, district headquarters and important cities within the state.
They are financed and constructed by the State government
c) Major District Roads (MDR): These are important roads within d istrict serving areas of
production and market and connecting the main highways of a district.
d) Other District Roads (ODR): These roads are serving rural areas of production and
connect them with market centre, Taluk headquarters, and other main roads.
e) Village roads: These are the roads connecting villages or group of villages with each other to
the nearest road of a higher category. They are financed and constructed by panchayaths
with the help of zilla parishads and State governments. MODIFIED CLASSIFICATION OF ROAD SYSTEM BY THIRD ROAD
DEVELOPMENT PLAN (1981 – 2001)

The roads in the country are now classified in to three classes

1. Primary system
2. Secondary system
3. Tertiary system
1. Primary system consists of two categories of roads
• Express ways and
• National Highways (NH)

Express ways are separated class of highways with superior facilities and design standards
meant for very high volume traffic. These permit only fast moving vehicles.

2. The secondary system consists

• State highways (SH) and
• Major District Roads
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3. Tertiary system consists of
• Other District Roads (ODR) and

The urban roads are classified as

• Arterial Roads
• Sub – arterial roads
• Collector streets and
• Local streets

Arterial and sub arterial roads are the streets primarily for through traffic.
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A highway pavement is a structure consisting of superimposed layers of processed
materials above the natural soil known as ‘sub-grade’. The pavement’s primary function is to
distribute the applied vehicle loads to the sub-grade. The pavement structure should be able to
provide a surface of acceptable riding quality, adequate skid resistance, favourable light
reflecting characteristics and low noise pollution. The ultimate aim is to ensure that the
transmitted stresses due to the vehicle load are sufficiently reduced, so that they will not exceed
bearing capacity of the sub- grade. Two types of pavements are generally recognized as serving
this purpose, namely flexible pavements and rigid pavements. Improper design of pavements
leads to early failure of pavements affecting the riding quality.

An ideal pavement should meet the following requirements:

• Sufficient width and thickness to distribute the wheel load stresses to a safe value on the
sub-grade soil
Structurally strong to withstand all types of stresses imposed upon i
Adequate coefficient of friction to prevent skidding of vehicles
• Smooth surface to provide comfort to road users even at high speed
• Produce least noise from moving vehicles
• Dust proof surface so that traffic safety is not impaired by reducing visibility
• Impervious surface, so that sub-grade soil is well protected
• Long life with low maintenance cost.
The pavements can be classified based on the structural performance into two, flexible
pavements and rigid pavements. In flexible pavements, wheel loads are transferred by grain-to-
grain contact of the aggregate through the granular structure. The flexible pavement, having less
flexural strength, acts like a flexible sheet (e.g. bituminous road). On the contrary, in rigid
pavements, wheel loads are transferred to sub-grade soil by flexural strength of the pavement and
the pavement acts like a rigid plate (e.g. Cement concrete roads). In addition to these,
composite pavements are also available. A thin layer of flexible pavement over rigid pavement is
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an ideal pavement with most desirable characteristics. However, such pavements are rarely used
in new construction because of high cost and complex analysis requirement.

Wheel Load P

1.2.3 Load transfer in granular structure


Flexible pavements will transmit wheel load stresses to the lower layers by grain-to-grain
transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure (see Figure). The wheel load
acting on the pavement will be distributed to a wider area, and the stress decreases with the
depth. Taking advantage of this stress distribution characteristic, flexible pavements normally
has many layers. Hence, the design of flexible pavement uses the concept of layered system.
Based on this, flexible pavement may be constructed in a number of layers and the top layer has
to be of best quality to sustain maximum compressive stress, in addition to wear and tear. The
lower layers will experience lesser magnitude of stress and low quality material can be used.
Flexible pavements are constructed using bituminous materials. These can be either in the form
of surface treatments (such as bituminous surface treatments generally found on low volume
roads) or, asphalt concrete surface courses (generally used on high volume roads such as national
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highways). Flexible pavement layers reflect the deformation of the lower layers on to the surface
layer (e.g., if there is any undulation in sub-grade then it will be transferred to the surface layer). In
the case of flexible pavement, the design is based on overall performance of flexible pavement, and
the stresses produced should be kept well below the allowable stresses of each pavement layer.
Pavement structure consists of the prepared subgrade and the pavement component
layers such as sub-base, base and surface course. The stability or the structural capacity of the
pavement depends upon the pavement layer system including the subgrade. However, the road
users are concerned about the riding quality, safety and other performance aspects of the road
pavement rather than the pavement structure, design life etc. Hence, it is important to ensure the
above requirements also while designing a pavement. The flexible pavements are constructed as
a multi-layer system consisting of typical component layers, namely sub-base, base course, and
surface course. Flexible pavements consist of a number of layers. RIGID PAVEMENTS:

Rigid pavements have sufficient flexural strength to transmit the wheel load stresses to a
wider area below. A typical cross section of the rigid pavement is shown in Figure. Compared to
flexible pavement, rigid pavements are placed either directly on the prepared sub-grade or on a
single layer of granular or stabilized material. Since there is only one layer of material between
the concrete and the sub-grade, this layer can be called as base or sub-base course.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools RIGID PAVEMENT
In rigid pavement, load is distributed by the slab action, and the pavement behaves like
an elastic plate resting on a viscous medium. Rigid pavements are constructed by Portland
cement concrete (PCC) and should be analyzed by plate theory instead of layer theory, assuming
an elastic plate resting on viscous foundation. Plate theory is a simplified version of layer theory
that assumes the concrete slab as a medium thick plate which is plane before loading and to
remain plane after loading. Bending of the slab due to wheel load and temperature variation and
the resulting tensile and flexural stress.


Flexible Pavements Rigid Pavements

Deformation in the sub-grade is Deformation in the subgrade is not
transferred to the upper layers transferred to subsequent layers
Design is based on load distributing Design is based on flexural strength or
characteristics of the component layers slab action
Have low flexural strength Have high flexural strength
Load is transferred by grain to grain No such phenomenon of grain to grain
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
contact load transfer exists
Have low construction cost but repairing Have low repairing cost but construction
cost is high cost is high
Have low life span (High Maintenance Life span is more as compare to flexible
Cost) (Low Maintenance Cost)
Surfacing cannot be laid directly on the Surfacing can be directly laid on the sub
sub grade but a sub base is needed grade
No thermal stresses are induced as the Thermal stresses are more vulnerable to
pavement have the ability to contract and be induced as the ability to contract and
expand freely expand is very less in concrete
Expansion joints are not needed Expansion joints are needed
Strength of the road is highly dependent Strength of the road is less dependent on
on the strength of the sub grade the strength of the sub grade
Rolling of the surfacing is needed Rolling of the surfacing in not needed
Road can be used for traffic within 24 Road cannot be used until 14 days of
Force of friction is less Deformation in the
Force of friction is high
sub grade is not transferred to the upper
Damaged by Oils and Certain Chemicals No Damage by Oils and Greases


The following types of pavements are based on the material used in the road consruction.

a) Cement concrete pavement

b) PSC pavement

c) WBM pavement

d) Bituminous pavement
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There are many factors that affect pavement design which can be classified into four
categories as traffic and loading, structural models, material characterization, environment.
1. Volume of Traffic and intensity of vehicular loading
2. Contact area and contact pressure between wheel and pavement surface
3. Axle configuration such as single axle, multiple axle etc.,
4. Nature of moving loads of vehicle: ( Fast moving/slow moving) Faster the moving the stress
will be more and vice versa.
5. Repetition of loads: The influence of traffic on pavement not only depending upon the
magnitude of the wheel load and also on the frequency of the load application.
6. Nature of structural model of pavement
7. Quality of material used in the construction
8. Weathering conditions such as temperature, rainfall and other environmental factors in the
stretch of the road
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Road structure consists of the following components as shown in the fig.1.3.2.
i. Sub soil
ii. Sub grade
iii. Base course
iv. Wearing course or Surface course
v. Berm
1.3.1 Cross sections of road structures


This is the natural or prepared soil on which a road has to be formed which should be strong and
stable to carry the road traffic and weight of road construction.


The sub grade functions as a support to road surface and serves as a foundation. The life of road
primarily depends on the stability and dryness of sub grade. Therefore considerable attention should be
paid in the preparation of the sub grade.

Base course is a layer made of granular material such as broken granite stone, natural gravel,
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and boulder stone. It is a layer immediately under the weaning course. It is an important structural part
of the road. It should be strong enough to bear the loads of the traffic. The material in a base course
must be of extremely high quality. It must be well compacted.
a) It reduces the traffic stresses on the sub grade and protects it.
b) Acts as a working platform for the construction of upper pavement layers.
c) Acts as a drainage layer by protecting the sub grade from wetting up.
d) Intercept the upward movement of water by capillary action.
e) It acts as a separating layer between subgrade and base course.
Wearing course is the top most layer of a road which is in direct contact with the traffic. The
purpose of the weaning course is to give a dense smooth riding surface with flexiblity. It resists the
pressure exerted by tyres and withstands wear and tear due to the traffic. It acts as a water tight layer
and prevents percolation of water.
Right of way is the area of land acquired and reserved along its alignment for construction and
development of a highway is known as right of way. LAND WIDTH:
A minimum land width is prescribed for different categories of road. The below table gives the
minimum width of right of way for different categories of road.

1.3.2 Requirement of right of way

There are chances of developments along its route and when it becomes necessary to have the
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widening of road in future; it proves to be difficult and costly to acquire such developed lands along the
boundary of road. Hence the appropriate width of land has to be acquired in the initial stage so that the
road can be widened without serious difficulties when the occasion demands in future. The rights of
ownership of road land are vested with the highway authority.
As a further precaution, restrictions are put up on the construction activities along the road and
for this purpose, building lines and control lines are decided at suitable distance from the road
The owner of land along highway route has to leave a certain set back or margin from road
boundary and he can construct the building up to that line only in his plot. This line is known as
building line.
A further set back in the form of control line has to be maintained by the private land owners
along the highway route and the development between the portion covered by the building line and
control line is restricted by the concerned highway authority.
The right of way mainly depends on the importance of road and it is decided in such a way that the
following components of road are suitably accommodated:
(i) availability of funds;
(ii) cost of acquisition of lands;
(iii) drainage systems;
(iv) height of embankment or depth of cutting;
(v) side slopes of embankment or cutting;
(vi) visibility considerations on curves;
(vii) width of formation;
(viii) width of land required for future development; etc.
The width of pavement or carriage way depends on the width of traffic lane and number of
lanes. The carriage way intended for one line of traffic movement may be called as a traffic lane. The
lane width is determined on the basis of the width of vehicle and the minimum side clearance
provided for the safety. When the side clearance is increased there is an increase in speed of the
vehicles and hence in increase in the capacity of the pavement. A width of 3.75 m is considered
desirable for a road having single lane for vehicles of maximum width 2.44 m. For pavement having
two or more lanes, width of 3.5 m per lane is sufficient.
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Table: 1.3.3 Road Classification and dimensions
Class of Road Width of the Carriage Way

(i) Single lane 3.75m

(ii) Two lanes, without raised kerbs 7.0 m

(iii) Two lanes, with raised kerbs 7.5 m

(iv) Intermediate carriage way 5.5 m
(v) Multi lane pavement 3.5 m per lane
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1.3.3 (a) Single and double lane Roadway SHOULDERS:
Shoulders are provided along the road edge to serve as an emergency lane for vehicles to be
taken out of the pavement. These also act as service lanes for vehicles that have broken down. The
minimum shoulder width recommended by the IRC is 2.5 m. The shoulders should have sufficient
strength to support loaded even in wet weather. The surface of the shoulder should be rougher than the
traffic lanes so that the vehicles are discouraged to use the shoulder as a regular traffic lane. CROSS SECTIONS OF ROADS:

The following figures shows the cross-section of road in embankment, cross-section of road in
cutting, the typical cross-section of two-lane NH or SH in rural area , the typical cross-section of two-
lane city road in Built up area
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools (a) Cross section of road in cutting Cross section of road in embankment (c) Cross section of two lane national highway
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools (d) Cross sections of two lane road in built-up area

The carriage way intended for one line of traffic movement may be called a traffic lane. The
pavement maybe of single lane, Two lane or multilane.


Camber is the cross slope provided across the road to raise middle of the road surface to drain
off rain water from road surface. The camber given is either a parabolic, elliptic or straight line shape
in the cross section.
1.3.4 Camber or cross fall of road surface
The objectives of providing camber are
(i) Surface protection of roads especially for grave land bituminous roads
(ii) Sub-grade protection by proper drainage
(iii) Quick drying of pavement which in turn increases safety.
Camber is measured in 1 in n or n % (eg. In 1 in 50 or 2%) and the value depends on the type
of the pavement and the amount of rainfall.

Table: 1.3.4 IRC Values for camber

Surface type Heavy rain Light rain

Concrete/Bituminous 2% 1.7 %
Gravel/WBM 3% 2.5 %
Earthen 4% 3.0 %
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In order to counter act the effect of centrifugal force and to reduce the tendency of the
vehicle to overturn or skid, the outer edge of the pavement is raised with respect to inner edge, by
providing a transverse slope throughout the length of the horizontal curve. This transverse
inclination to the pavement surface is known as super elevation or cant or banking. The super
elevation “e” is expressed as the ratio of the height of outer edge with respect to the horizontal

Super elevation is provided to counteract centrifugal force on moving vehicles at
horizontal curves and it is calculated from the following formula:
e = v / 225 R
where, e = super elevation (%)
v = speed in km/hr
R = radius of curve in meters
Super elevation obtained from the above expression should, however be kept within
limit mentioned below:

Plain terrain - 7 %
Snow bound area - 7 %
Hilly area but not snow bound - 10 %
The safe and efficient operation of vehicles on the road depends very much on the visibility
of the road ahead of the driver. Thus the geometric design of the road should be done such that
any obstruction on the road length could be visible to the driver from some safe distance ahead so
that the driver can stop the vehicle before the obstruction. This distance is said to be the sight
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools TYPES OF SIGHT DISTANCE
Sight distance available from a point is the actual distance along the road surface, over
which a driver from a specified height above the carriage way has visibility of stationary or
moving objects. Three sight distance situations are considered for design: STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE (SSD) OR THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM SIGHT
Stopping sight distance (SSD) is the minimum sight distance available on a highway at
any spot having sufficient length to enable the driver to stop a vehicle traveling at design speed,
safely without collision with any other obstruction. Stopping Sight Distance INTERMEDIATE SIGHT DISTANCE (ISD)
The overtaking sight distance is the minimum distance open to the vision of the driver of
a vehicle intending to overtake the slow vehicle ahead safely against the traffic in the opposite
direction. The overtaking sight distance or passing sight distance is measured along the center
line of the road over which a driver with his eye level 1.2 m above the road surface can see the
top of an object 1.2 m above the road surface. HEAD LIGHT SIGHT DISTANCE

It is the distance visible to a driver during night driving under the illumination of head
The most important consideration in all these is that at all times the driver traveling at the
design speed of the highway must have sufficient carriageway distance within his line of vision to
allow him to stop his vehicle before colliding with a slowly moving or stationary object appearing
suddenly in his own traffic lane.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
The computation of sight distance depends on:
1. Reaction time of the driver
2. Speed of the vehicle
3. Efficiency of brakes
4. Frictional resistance between the tyre and the road
5. Gradient of the road.
Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of the road with respect to the
horizontal. While aligning a highway, the gradient is decided for designing the vertical curve.
Before finalizing the gradients, the construction cost, vehicular operation cost and the practical
problems in the site has to be considered. Usually steep gradients are avoided as far as possible
because of the difficulty in climbing which also increase the construction cost. More about
gradients are discussed below. EFFECT OF GRADIENT:
The effect of long steep gradient on the vehicular speed is considerable. This is particularly
important in roads where the proportion of heavy vehicles is significant. Due to restrictive sight
distance at uphill gradients the speed of traffic is often controlled by these heavy vehicles. As a
result, not only the operating costs of the vehicles are increased, but also capacity of the roads will
have to be reduced. Further, due to high differential speed between heavy and light vehicles, and
between uphill and downhill gradients, accidents abound in gradients.
Ruling gradient, limiting gradient, exceptional gradient and minimum gradient are some
types of gradients.
The ruling gradient or the design gradient is the maximum gradient with which the
designer attempts to design the vertical profile of the road. This depends on the terrain, length of
the grade, speed, pulling power of the vehicle and the presence of the horizontal curve.
This gradient is adopted when the ruling gradient results in enormous increase in cost
of construction. On rolling terrain and hilly terrain it may be frequently necessary to adopt
limiting gradient. But the length of the limiting gradient stretches should be limited and must be
sandwiched by either straight roads or easier grades.
Exceptional gradient are very steeper gradients given at unavoidable situations. They
should be limited for short stretches not exceeding about 100 metres at a stretch. In mountainous
and steep terrain, successive exceptional gradients must be separated by a minimum 100 metre
length gentler gradient. At hairpin bends, the gradient is restricted to 2.5%.
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IRC Specifications of different gradients for different roads are as follows.
Table: Gradients for different Terrains

Terrain Ruling Limiting Exceptional

Plain/Rolling 3.3 5.0 6.7
Hilly 5.0 6.0 7.0
Steep 6.0 7.0 8.0


When two straight stretches of the road intersect at a point, a smooth curve is introduced
connecting the straight stretches to facilitate easy, comfortable, and speedy and safety passage.
There are two types of curve based on the position of the curve in the highways. They are
a) Horizontal curves
b) Vertical curves HORIZONTAL CURVES
A horizontal highway curve is a curve in plan (horizontally situated) to provide change in
direction to the central line of road. When a vehicle traverses a horizontal curve, the centrifugal
force acts horizontally outwards through the centre of gravity of the vehicle.
The centrifugal force development depends on the radius of the horizontal curve and the
speed of the vehicle negotiating the curve. This centrifugal force is counteracted by the transverse
frictional resistance developed between the tyres and the pavement which enables the vehicle to
change the direction along the curve smoothly with greater stability of the vehicle.
The centrifugal force acting on a vehicle negotiating a horizontal curve has two effects:
(i) Tendency to over turn the vehicle about the outer wheel and (ii) Tendency to skid the vehicle

A horizontal curve consists of a circular portion raised on the outer edge. Various design
elements of a horizontal curve include radius (R), super elevation (e), transition curve, widening
and sight distance. For the various design speeds, suggested values of R and e are so selected that
both fall within the prescribed limits as given.
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(i) Minimum radius of horizontal curve can be determined from the formula :

127 (e + f)

where v = speed in km/hr

R = radius in meters
e = super elevation (%)
f = coefficient of side friction (= 0.15 as per IRC).

Table: Minimum Radii of Horizontal Curves as per IRC

Mountainous Terrain Steep Terrain

Areas not Areas Areas not Areas

Plain Terrain Rolling
affected by affected by affected by affected by
snow snow snow snow
Ruling Minimum

Ruling Minimum

Ruling Minimum

Ruling Minimum

Ruling Minimum












Roads 90 60 60 45 20 14 23 15 20 14 23 15
and VR)

A transition curve has a radius which decreases from infinity at the tangent point to a designed
radius of the circular curve . WIDENING OF PAVEMENT AT HORIZONTAL CURVES:
At sharp horizontal curve, it is necessary to widen the carriageway to facilitate safe passage of
vehicles. The extra width to be provided to horizontal curve is given in Table The
widening should be effected by increasing the width at an approximately uniform rate
along the transition curve. The extra width should be continued over the full length of the circular
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The widening should be done on both sides of the carriageway, except that on hill roads it
will be preferable if the entire widening is done only on the inner side of the curve. Similarly, the
widening should be provided only on the inside when the curve is plain circular and has no

On curves in Plain and Rolling Terrain, having no transition (i.e Curve radius (Rc),
widening should be achieved in the same way as the superelevation i.e. two-third being attained on
the straight section before start of the curve and one-third on the curve.

Table : Widening of Pavement at Curve (IRC SP : 20 - 2002, Page No. 39)

Radius of Curve (m) Upto 20 21-60 Above 60

Extra Widening for 3.75 m Wide Single 0.9 0.6 Nil


The clearance distance required from the centre line of a horizontal curve to an obstruction on
the inner side of the curve to provide adequate sight distance is known as set back distance. It depends
upon the following factors:
(a) Required sight distance, S
(b) Radius of horizontal curve, R
(c) Length of the curve, Lc which may be greater than S Set-back Distance at Horizontal Curves
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Table: IRC Recommended Setback Distance for single lane carriageway

Radius of Set- back distance (m)

circular S=20m S=25m S=30m S=45m S=60m

curve (m) (v=20 kph) (v=25kmph) (v=30kmph) (v=40kmph) (v=50kmph)
14 3.4 - - - -
15 3.2 - - - -
20 2.4 3.8 - - -
23 2.1 3.3 - - -
30 1.7 2.6 3.7 - -
33 1.5 2.3 3.4 -
50 1.0 1.6 2.2 5.0 -
60 - 1.3 1.9 4.2 -
80 - 1.0 1.4 3.1 5.6
100 - 0.8 1.1 2.5 4.5
120 - 0.7 0.9 2.1 3.7
150 - 0.5 0.5 1.7 2.3 VERTICAL CURVES

Vertical curves are introduced for smooth transition at grade changes. The vertical
curves may be classified into two categories. 1. Summit curves or crest curves with convexity
upwards. 2. Valley or sag curves with concavity upwards.
Both summit curves and valley curves should be designed as parabola, the length of
the vertical curves is controlled by sight distance requirements, but curves with greater lengths
are aesthetically better. Curves should be provided at all grade changes exceeding those given in
Table : Minimum length of Vertical curve (IRC SP : 20 - 2002, Page No. 42)

Maximum grade
change (%) not Minimum length of vertical curve
Design speed requiring a vertical in (m)

Upto 35 1.5 15

40 1.2 20

50 1.0 30
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools SUMMIT CURVE
The length of summit curve is governed by the choice of sight distance according to the
operating condition of road. The required length may be calculated from the formulae given in
Table. Summit Curve

Table: Length of summit curve (IRC SP : 23 - 1993)

For stopping sight
For intermediate sight
distance / overtaking sight

L>S L=NS²/4.4 L= NS²/9.6

L< S L= 2S-(4.4)/N L= 2S-(9.6)/N

N = deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades.
L = Length of parabolic vertical curve in metres.
S = Sight Distance in metres.
Note : 1. For summit curves, overtaking sight distance should be the general
criterion. Where it is not feasible, intermediate sight distance should be
adopted as the next best. Safe stopping sight distance is the absolute

2. For valley curves, safe stopping sight distance should be adopted.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools VALLEY CURVE :
The length of valley transition curve is designed based on the two criteria
• The allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration of 0.6 m/sec³ and
• The head light sight distance, and the higher of the two values may be adopted.
Usually the second criterion of head light sight distance is higher and therefore governs the design.

(a) The length of valley transition curve according to first criteria i.e. for comfort condition
is given by

L = 0.38 (NV³)½
(b) The length of valley curve according to the second criteria may be
calculated by using the formulae given in below.
Table: Length of Valley Curve (IRC SP : 23 - 1993, Page No. 21)

Case Length of valley curve

L>S L = NS²/(1.5+0.035 S)

L<S L = 2S-(1.5+0.035 S)/N

N = deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades
L = Length of parabolic vertical curve in metres
S = sight distance requirements in metres. Length of Valley Curve
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The main objectives of traffic engineering are listed below
 To have a safe, convenient, rapid and economic transport of persons and
 To achieve smooth and easy flow of traffic at intersections
 To improve the riding comfort and speed of vehicles
 To make the roads safe for the movement of pedestrians and vehicles
 To remove traffic congestion and reduce delay in road journeys.
 To provide vital data about the condition of existing traffic for improvement
for future requirements.
The types of traffic surveys are usually carried out are grouped as follows
1) Origin and destination Survey
2) Traffic Volume Survey
3) Spot Speed survey
4) Accident Survey
5) Speed and delay survey
The main purpose of traffic studies are
 To determine the facilities to be provided on road and suggest the measures to
improve the traffic of the road
 To get suitable data for geometric design of various components of road
 To get information related to nature of traffic at present and to forecast its future
 To analyze the road accidents and to find out road elements contributing to their
 To initiate appropriate action to eliminate the condition contributing the
 To suggest measures to control speed of vehicles
Road accidents are undoubtedly the most serious eventuality due to defective traffic planning
and controlling the traffic. Road accidents result in vital loss of human life and consequent
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economic depreciation of a country especially the victim is a knowledgeable and skilled
person. The reasons for this are the extremely dense chaotic road traffic and the relatively
great freedom of movement given to drivers. Accidents involving heavy goods vehicles
(especially coaches and lorries with trailers) occur all too frequently despite calls for
responsible behaviour and respect for rules and regulation pertaining to the traffic., It is also
due to irresponsible behaviour of drivers such as drunken driving and non-adherence of
speed restriction at different zones and non adaptability of driving in adverse weather
conditions (like rain, ice, fog, etc.). The prevention of road accidents is also extremely
important and will be ensured by strict laws, by technical and police controls, ongoing
training for drivers (especially those involved in the transport of dangerous and hazardous
substances) and strict legal punishment to the erring drivers.
• Non-licensed and inexperienced drivers.
• Driving by minors.
• Driving at high speed during night- time.
• Driving during cold waves, mist, fog, dust storms, and cyclonic storms.

Driving in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of sedating drugs.
Eagerness to fulfill work schedules.
• Defective and old vehicles.
• Poor maintenance of vehicles.
• Night blindness of drivers.
• Passing through narrow and congested roads in high speed.
• Driving when red light is on and ignoring traffic signs.
• Driving without lights during heavy downpours.
• Poor or no street lighting.
• Inattentive pedestrians walking at the center of the road.
• Cyclists and cycle rickshaws without headlights during the night.
• Sudden appearance of stray cattle and side traffic. Accident victims are
generally left unattended on the road especially pedestrians and cyclists till
police arrive.
• Fraudulent means are used in getting driving licenses from the transport
department. Such improper issue of driving licenses is responsible for causing
accidents due to human error.
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• Drunken driving during the night is a major reason for accidents as drivers lose
• Lack of adequate road signs and information increases accidents on roads.
• Overtaking the moving vehicle without assessing the traffic condition ahead of
the road.
1. The condition which leads to accident mentioned in the above paragraph (1.4.4) should be
removed to have a safe transport on the highways.
2. Obey traffic rules and initiate severe penal action on erring driver
3. Insist wearing of seat belts of driver and other passengers in the vehicle.
4. Preference is to be given to pedestrians and children crossing the road especially on zebra
5. Erect road signs at appropriate places in predominant manner
6. It is vital to install reflectors on roads so that deviations and medians are clearly visible to
7. Establishment of road safety departments by governments to build capacity at national and

local levels to monitor the magnitude, severity and burden of road traffic collisions and

Setting up of safety standards for motor vehicles in consonance with international

9. Designing roads and highways with special attention to the needs of vulnerable road users
and promotion of traffic calming techniques.
10. Marking separate lanes for bicyclists
Parking is one of the major problems that are created due to the increased vehicular
road traffic. The availability of less space in urban areas has increased the demand for
parking space, especially in areas like Central business district. The lack of adequate parking
space for vehicle affects the economic activities adversely in urban areas.
On street parking means the vehicles are parked on the sides of the street itself. This
will be usually controlled by government agencies itself. Common types of on-street parking
are as listed below. This classification is based on the angle in which the vehicles are parked
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with respect to the road alignment. As per IRC, the standard dimensions of a car is taken as
5× 2.5 metres and that for a truck is 3.75× 7.5 metres.

5.0 (a) Illustration of parallel parking

1.25 4.33 L 1.25 m

O .... n 4.66 m
1Q 2

1 . 4 . 7 . 1 ( b ) Illustration of 30◦ parking
i. Parallel parking: The vehicles are parked along the length of the road. Here there is
no backward movement involved while parking or taking out the vehicle. Hence, it is
the safest parking from the accident perspective. However, it consumes the maximum
curb length and therefore only a minimum number of vehicles can be parked for a
given kerb length. This method of parking produces least obstruction to the on-going
traffic on the road since least road width is used. Parking and taking out the car from
the parking is difficult in this Parallel parking.

ii. 30◦ parking: In thirty degree parking, the vehicles are parked at 30◦ with respect to
the road alignment. In this case, more vehicles can be parked compared to parallel
parking. Also there is better maneuverability. Delay caused to the traffic is also
l e s s in this type of parking.
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iii. 45◦ parking: As the angle of parking increases, more number of vehicles can be
parked. Hence compared to parallel parking and thirty degree parking, more number of
vehicles can be accommodated in this type of parking.

5.31 m


2. (c) 45 Degree Parking

iv. 60◦ parking: The vehicles are parked at 60◦ to the direction of road. More
number of vehicles can be accommodated in this parking type. (d) 60 Degree Parking

v. Right angle parking: In right angle parking or 90◦ parking, the vehicles are
parked perpendicular to the direction of the road. Although it consumes more width
of the road, but kerb length required is very little. In this type of parking, the
vehicles need complex maneuvering and this may cause severe accidents. This
arrangement causes obstruction to the road traffic particularly if the road width is
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less. However, it can accommodate maximum number of vehicles for a given kerb

2.5 (e) Illustration of 90◦ parking OFF STREET PARKING

In many urban centres, some areas are exclusively allotted for parking which will be
at some distance away from the main stream of traffic. Such a parking is referred to as off-
street parking. They may be operated by either public agencies or private firms. A typical
layout of an off-street parking is shown in figure.


EXIT Illustration of off-street parking
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools MULTIPLE LEVEL CAR PARKING
It is a building (or part there hereof) which is designed specifically to be for
Automobile Parking and where there are a number of floors or levels on which parking takes
In order to accommodate the large volume of vehicles, small cities and towns must
develop their infrastructure. One solution may be a multi-level car parking system to
maximize car parking capacity by utilizing vertical space, rather than expand horizontally.
With land in metros and ‘A’ grade cities becoming scarce and dearer, and plots getting
smaller, conventional parking is proving infeasible.
Intersection is an area shared by two or more roads. This area is designated for the
vehicles to turn to different directions to reach their desired destinations. Its main function is
to guide vehicles to their respective directions. Traffic intersections are complex locations on
any highway. This is because vehicles moving in different direction want to occupy same
space at the same time. In addition, the pedestrians also seek same space for crossing. Drivers
have to make split second decision at an intersection by considering his route, intersection
geometry, speed and direction of other vehicles etc. A small error in judgment can cause
severe accidents. It also causes delay and it depends on type, geometry, and type of control.
Overall traffic flow is controlled by road signal. It also affects the capacity of the road.
Therefore, both from the accident perspective and the capacity perspective, the study of
intersections is very important for the traffic engineers especially in the case of urban
The intersections are of two types. They are at-grade intersections and grade-
separated intersections.

Conflicts in a traffic signal

4 Through traffic
4 Right turn
8 Right turn−Through

4 Merging
4 Diverging
P 8 Pedestrian

Total = 32 Conflicts

P P Conflicts at an intersection
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
In at-grade intersections, all roadways join or cross at the same vertical level. The
essence of the intersection control is to resolve these conflicts at the intersection for
the safe and efficient movement of both vehicular traffic and pedestrians. Two
methods of intersection controls are there: time sharing and space sharing. The type of
intersection control that has to be adopted depends on the traffic volume, road
geometry, cost involved, importance of the road etc. The above sketch explains the
negotiations of traffic moving in the different direction at an intersection.
Vehicles approaching an at At-grade intersection are directed to definite paths
by islands, marking etc. and this method of control is called channelization.
Channelized intersection provides more safety and efficiency. It reduces the number
of possible conflicts by reducing the area of conflicts available in the carriageway.
Channelization of traffic through a three-legged intersection and a four-legged
intersection is shown in the figure (a) and (b) . (a) Channelization of traffic through a three-legged intersection (b) Channelization of traffic through a four-legged intersection
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools GRADE SEPARATED INTERSECTION:

Grade separated intersections allows the traffic to cross at different vertical levels.
Sometimes the topography itself may be helpful in constructing such intersections.
Otherwise, the initial construction cost required will be very high. Therefore, they are usually
constructed on high speed facilities like expressways, freeways etc. This type of intersection
increases the road capacity because vehicles can flow with high speed and accident potential
is also reduced due to vertical separation of traffic.

Grade-separated intersections are provided to separate the traffic in the vertical

grade. But the traffic need not be those pertaining to road only. When a railway line crosses
a road, then also grade separators are used. Different types of grade-separators are flyovers
and interchange. Flyovers itself are subdivided into overpass and underpass. When two roads
cross at a point, if the road having major traffic is elevated to a higher grade for further
movement of traffic, then such structures are called overpass. Otherwise, if the major road is
depressed to a lower level to cross another by means of an under bridge or tunnel, it is called
i. INTERCHANGE: Interchange is a system where traffic between two or more roadways
flows at different levels in the grade separated junctions. Common types of interchange
include trumpet interchange, diamond interchange, and cloverleaf interchange.
ii. TRUMPET INTERCHANGE: Trumpet interchange is a popular form of three leg
interchange. If one of the legs of the interchange meets a highway at some angle but
does not cross it, then the interchange is called trumpet interchange. A typical layout of
trumpet interchange is shown in figure. (a) Trumpet Interchange
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iii. Diamond interchange: Diamond interchange is a popular form of four-leg interchange
found in the urban locations where major and minor roads crosses. The important feature of this
interchange is that it can be designed even if the major road is relatively narrow. A typical layout
of diamond interchange is shown in figure. (iii) Diamond interchange

iv. Clover leaf interchange: It is also a four leg interchange and is used when two highways of
high volume and speed intersect each other with considerable turning movements. The main
advantage of cloverleaf intersection is that it provides complete separation of traffic. In
addition, high speed at intersections can be achieved. However, the disadvantage is that large
area of land is required. Therefore, cloverleaf interchanges are provided mainly in rural areas. A
typical layout of this type of interchange is shown in figure.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools (iv) Cloverleaf interchange
The control device should fulfill a need: Each device must have a specific purpose
for the safe and efficient operation of traffic flow. The superfluous devices should not be
It should command attention from the road users: This affects the design of signs.
For commanding attention, proper visibility should be there. Also the sign should be
distinctive and clear. The sign should be placed in such a way that the driver requires no
extra effort to see the sign.
It should convey a clear, simple meaning: Clarity and simplicity of message is
essential for the driver to properly understand the meaning in short time. The use of color,
shape and legend as codes becomes important in this regard. The legend should be kept short
and simple so that even a less educated driver could understand the message in less time.
The control device should provide adequate time for proper response from
the road users: This is again related to the design aspect of traffic control devices. The sign
boards should be placed at a distance such that the driver could see it and gets sufficient time to
respond to the situation. For example, the STOP sign which is always placed at the stop line of
the intersection should be visible for at least one safe stopping sight distance away from the
stop line.
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Traffic signs are means for exercising control on or passing information to the
road users. Among the design aspects of the signs, the size, shape, color and location
There are several hundreds of traffic signs available covering wide varieties of
traffic situations. They can be classified into three main categories. They may be regulatory,
warning, or informative. REGULATORY SIGNS: These signs require the driver to obey the signs for the
safety of other road users.


2 M 50
Examples of regulatory signs ( give way sign, signs for no entry, sign indicating
prohibition for right turn, vehicle width limit sign, speed limit sign) WARNING SIGNS: These signs are for the safety of oneself who is driving and
advice the drivers to obey these signs. Examples of cautionary signs ( right hand curve sign
board, signs for narrow road, sign indicating railway track ahead)

Warning signs or cautionary signs give information to the driver about the impending
road condition. They advice the driver to obey the rules. These signs are meant for the
own safety of drivers. They call for extra vigilance from the part of drivers. The color
convention used for this type of signs is that the legend will be black INFORMATIVE SIGNS: These signs provide information to the driver about
the facilities available ahead, and the route and distance to reach the specific destinations
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Examples of informative signs (route markers, destination signs, mile posts, service centre
information etc)
Expressways are the highest class of roads in the Indian road network. They are six
or eight-lane controlled-access highways where entrance and exit is controlled by the use
of slip roads. Expressways connect many cities and town on its way to its destination. The
distance covered by an expressway is very large compared to other type highways. The
speed limit allowed in the expressway is of high order and hence a very large distance can
be in short period time. Currently, India has approximately 1,324 km of expressways.
The National Highways Development project by Government of India aims to expand the
highway network and plans to add an additional 18,637 km of expressways by the year
2022. National Expressways Authority of India operating under the Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways will be in-charge of the construction and maintenance of
Agra-Lucknow Expressway will become the longest expressway in India replacing Yamuna

1.4.11 (a) Mumbai-Pune Expressway
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1.4.11 (b) Durgapur Expressway in West Bengal, part of NH 2
1.4.11 (c) Himalayan Expressway, Haryana
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All civil engineering structures including road pavement are founded on soils. The soil provides a
good foundation for bearing the load coming from the pavement. Therefore, a good knowledge of
soil and its behavior under different moisture condition, degree of compaction, consolidation is a
must for designing a good pavement.
The main constituents of a pavement structure comprise of soils, mineral aggregates,
bituminous binders and stabilizers like lime, cement etc. Among these, mineral aggregates play
the major role. All roads have to be formed on soil and are required to make optimum use of the
locally available materials, if it is to be economical. The materials, which are of concern in the
structural layers of the pavement, should be selected based on suitability, availability, economy and
previous experience. This aspect must be considered at the design stage so that the materials
which are the most economical and best suited to the prevailing conditions can be selected.

Soil is not a coherent solid material like steel and concrete, but is a particulate material. Soils, as
they exist in nature, consist of solid particles (mineral grains, rock fragments) with water and air in
the voids between the particles. The water and air contents are readily changed by changes in
ambient conditions and location.

As the relative proportions of the three phases (Soil particle, Water, Air voids) vary in any soil
deposit, it is useful to consider a soil model which will represent these phases distinctly and
properly quantify the amount of each phase. A schematic diagram of the three-phase system is
shown in terms of weight and volume symbols respectively for soil solids, water, and air. The
weight of air can be neglected.
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1.5.2 (a) Phase Relationship
The soil model is given dimensional values for the solid, water and air components.

Total volume, V = Vs + Vw + Vv

Soils can be partially saturated (with both air and water present), or be fully saturated (no air
content) or be perfectly dry (no water content).
In a saturated soil or a dry soil, the three-phase system thus reduces to two phases only, as shown.

1.5.3 (b) Soil 3 Phase System

For the purpose of engineering analysis and design, it is necessary to express relations between the
weights and the volumes of the three phases.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools VOLUME RELATIONS

As the amounts of both water and air are variable, the volume of solids is taken as the reference
quantity. Thus, several relational volumetric quantities may be defined. The following are the basic
volume relations:

1. Void ratio (e) is the ratio of the volume of voids (Vv) to the volume of soil solids (Vs), and is
expressed as a decimal.

2. Porosity (n) is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil (V ), and is expressed as

a percentage.

Void ratio and porosity are inter-related to each other as follows:

3. The volume of water (Vw) in a soil can vary between zero (i.e. a dry soil) and the volume of
voids. This can be expressed as the degree of saturation (S) in percentage.

For a dry soil, S = 0%, and for a fully saturated soil, S = 100%.

4. Air content (ac) is the ratio of the volume of air (Va) to the volume of voids.

5. Percentage air voids (na) is the ratio of the volume of air to the total volume.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools WEIGHT RELATIONS

Density is a measure of the quantity of mass in a unit volume of material. Unit weight is a measure
of the weight of a unit volume of material. Both can be used interchangeably. The units of density
are ton/m³, kg/m³ or g/cm³. The following are the basic weight relations:

1. The ratio of the mass of water present to the mass of solid particles is called the water content
(w), or sometimes the moisture content.

Its value is 0% for dry soil and its magnitude can exceed 100%.

2. The mass of solid particles is usually expressed in terms of their particle unit weight
or specific gravity (Gs) of the soil grain solids .

where = Unit weight of water
For most inorganic soils, the value of Gs lies between 2.60 and 2.80. The presence of organic
material reduces the value of Gs.

3. Dry unit weight is a measure of the amount of solid particles per unit volume.

4. Bulk unit weight is a measure of the amount of solid particles plus water per unit

5. Saturated unit weight is equal to the bulk density when the total voids is filled up with
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6. Buoyant unit weight or submerged unit weight is the effective mass per unit volume when
the soil is submerged below standing water or below the ground water table.


All soils, as per the Indian Soil Classification System, are divided into three main groups:

a. Coarse-grained soils, having more than half the total material by weight, larger than 75 micron
sieve size.

b. Fine-grained soils, having more than half the total material by weight smaller than 75 micron
sieve size.

c. Highly organic soils: these soils contain larger percentages of fibrous organic matter such as
peat and particles of decomposed vegetation. In addition, certain soils containing shells,
concretions, cinders and other non- soil materials in sufficient quantities are also included in this

Based on particle size, the soils can be classified as under, adopting the IS soil classification system:
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1. Liquid Limit (LL) is the minimum water content (w1) at which the soil can flow under its
own weight (has no strength). is defined as the moisture content at which 25 blows (taps) in the
standardized liquid limit determination device (casagrande apparatus), will just close a specific
groove in a sample of soil. Another common method for its determination is the cone penetrometer
test method.

2. Plastic Limit (PL) is the minimum water content (wp) at which the soil can be rolled into a thread 3
mm in diameter, without breaking.

3. Shrinkage Limit (SL) is the water content at which further loss of moisture does not cause a
decrease in the volume of the soil.

4. Plasticity Index (PI or Ip) is defined as the water content range over which a soil exhibits plastic
behavior. It is the difference between the Liquid and Plastic Limits of a soil. PI = LL-PL; Ip = w1-wp.

Fig: Casagrande Liquid Limit Apparatus

Atterberg limits are very useful to identify the soil we come across in the field. Each and every soil
has a set of Atterberg limit values; and these values are related to the behavioral aspects of soil
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Compaction is the process of applying the mechanical energy (Tamping rod) to a soil so as to
rearrange its particles and reduce the void ratio. Compaction is applied to improve the properties of
an existing soil. In road formation the soil is compacted densely to form the road base to support the
other components of the pavement. Compaction is also used to prepare a level surface during
construction of buildings, runway formation etc., There is usually no change in the water content and
in the size of the individual soil particles.

The objectives of compaction are:

 To increase soil shear strength and therefore its bearing capacity.

 To reduce subsequent settlement under working loads.

 To reduce soil permeability making it more difficult for water to flow through because of
dense packing of particles.


Fig: 1.5.6 Standard Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus

The Standard Proctor compaction test is carried out to determine the relationship between the
moisture content and density of soils compacted in a mould of a given size with a 2.5 kg rammer
dropped from a height of 30 cm. the results obtained from this test will be helpful in increasing the
bearing capacity of foundations, Decreasing the undesirable settlement of structures, Control
undesirable volume changes, Reduction in hydraulic conductivity, Increasing the stability of slopes
and so on.
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o Proctor mould having a capacity of 944 cc with an internal diameter of 10.2 cm and a height
of 11.6 cm. The mould shall have a detachable collar assembly and a detachable base plate.
o Rammer: A mechanical operated metal rammer having a 5.08 cm diameter face and a weight
of 2.5 kg. The rammer shall be equipped with a suitable arrangement to control the height of
drop to a free fall of 30 cm.
o Sample extruder, mixing tools such as mixing pan, spoon, towel, and spatula.
o A balance of 15 kg capacity, Sensitive balance, Straight edge, Graduated cylinder, Moisture

 Take a representative oven-dried sample, approximately 5 kg in the given pan. Thoroughly
mix the sample with a certain quantity of water. (approximately water content of 4-6 %).
 Weigh the proctor mould without base plate and collar. Fix the collar and base plate. Place
the soil in the Proctor mould and compact it in 3 layers giving 25 blows per layer with the
2.5 kg rammer falling through. The blows shall be distributed uniformly over the surface of
each layer.
 Remove the collar; trim the compacted soil even with the top of mould using a straight
edge and weigh.
 Divide the weight of the compacted specimen by 944 cc and record the result as the bulk
density bulk.
 Remove the sample from mould and slice vertically through and obtain a small sample for
water content.
 Thoroughly break up the remainder of the material until it will pass a no.4 sieve as judged
by the eye. Add water in sufficient amounts to increase the moisture content of the soil
sample by one or two percentage points and repeat the above procedure for each increment
of water added. Continue this series of determination until there is either a decrease or no
change in the wet unit weight of the compacted soil.

Plot dry density vs. moisture content as shown in the following sketch and find out the max dry
density and optimum moisture for the soil.
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1.5.6 OMC vs Dry Density
The above two values namely, maximum dry density and optimum moisture content
assumes significant in the compaction of the soil for forming soil base.


Soils consist of individual particles that can slide and roll relative to one another.
Shear strength of a soil is equal to the maximum value of shear stress that can be mobilized within a
soil mass without failure taking place.
The shear strength of a soil is a function of the stresses applied to it as well as the
manner in which these stresses are applied. Knowledge of shear strength of soils is necessary to
determine the bearing capacity of foundations, the lateral pressure exerted on retaining walls, and the
stability of slopes.


The test is carried out on a soil sample confined in a metal box of square cross-section which
is split horizontally at mid-height. A small clearance is maintained between the two halves of the
box.The soil is sheared along a predetermined plane by moving the top half of the box relative to the
bottom half. The box is usually square in plan of size
60 mm x 60 mm. A typical shear box is shown.

Determination of shear strength parameters of a silty or sandy soil at known density and moisture
Shear box with clamping screws, Box container, Porous stones, Grid plates (serrated and perforated),
Tamper, Balance, Loading frame, Proving ring, Deformation dial gauges, Apparatus for moisture
content determination.
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1. Measure shear box dimensions, set up the box by fixing its upper part to the lower part
with clamping screws, and then place a porous stone at the base.

2. For undrained tests, place a serrated grid plate on the porous stone with the serrations at right angle
to the direction of shear. For drained tests, use a perforated grid over the porous stone.

3. Weigh an initial amount of soil in a pan. Place the soil into the shear box in three layers and for
each layer apply a controlled amount of tamping with a tamper. Place the upper grid plate, porous
stone and loading pad in sequence on the soil specimen. Weigh the pan again and compute the mass
of soil used.

4. Place the box inside its container and mount it on the loading frame. Bring the upper half of the
box in contact with the horizontal proving ring assembly. Fill the container with water if soil is to be

5. Complete the assembly, removes the clamping screws from the box, and initializes the horizontal
displacement gauge, vertical displacement gauge and proving ring gauge to zero.

6. Set the vertical normal stress to a predetermined value. For drained tests, allow the soil to
consolidate fully under this normal load. Avoid this step for undrained tests.

7. Start the motor with a selected speed and apply shear load at a constant rate of strain. Continue
taking readings of the gauges until the horizontal shear load peaks and then falls, or the horizontal
displacement reaches 20% of the specimen length.

8. Determine the moisture content of the specimen after the test. Repeat the test on identical
specimens under different normal stress values.
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1.5.8. Direct Shear Apparatus

If the soil sample is fully or partially saturated, perforated metal plates and porous stones are placed
below and above the sample to allow free drainage. If the sample is dry, solid metal plates are used. A
load normal to the plane of shearing can be applied to the soil sample through the lid of the box.

Tests on sands and gravels can be performed quickly, and are usually performed dry as it is found that
water does not significantly affect the drained strength.

As a vertical normal load is applied to the sample, shear stress is gradually applied horizontally, by
causing the two halves of the box to move relative to each other. The shear load is measured together
with the corresponding shear displacement. The change of thickness of the sample is also measured.

A number of samples of the soil are tested each under different vertical loads and the value of shear
stress at failure is plotted against the normal stress for each test, provided there is no excess pore
water pressure in the soil, the total and effective stresses will be identical. From the stresses at failure,
the failure envelope can be obtained.
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Tree planting or arboriculture is the most important component of highway
landscaping. Planting may be functional, or for aesthetic effects, but in either case the
objective should be to help restore the unity of the landscape. Functional planting applies to
such problems as protection of slopes against erosion, screening of unsightly views, reducing
headlight glare, providing shade in summer and so on. In most cases, such planting also
improves the appearance of the road and enhances the natural landscape, planting for
aesthetic effects is also by and large functional but goes beyond that to blend the road into the
surrounding countryside and enhance the overall beauty. The trees on both side of road break
the monotony of the driving and act as sound barrier.
Roadside planting of trees may be in the form of avenues, groups or groves. Where
conditions are favourable, for example in groves, fruit bearing trees may be preferred.
In the design and development of arboriculture, certain restrictions imposed by
engineering, traffic and safety requirements should be kept in view.
Some of these are:
a) Position of trees on either side should be fixed taking into account the ultimate
development of the roadway with regard to future widening.
b) Trees should be planted beyond 1 m back from the ultimate edge of the roadway so
that they are not a safety hazard or affect the required sight distances.
c) Considerations of sight distance and safety, being of primary importance, these should
in no case be subordinated to aesthetics.
d) Shrubs and trees should be planted clear of roadside drains and other drainage
structures so that their root system do not interfere with efficient working of the
drainage facilities.

To facilitate systematic execution of operations involved in roadside arboriculture, it will

be advisable to prepare a detailed work plan including necessary drawings for field use.
These should cover the scope and extent of the proposed activities, pattern, type and location
of plantings, plant species to be used etc. and should be simple enough to be easily followed
by field crews.
Tree plantation is the most effective, economical and useful remedy for control of
environmental pollution. Besides, it is the cheapest way of landscape improvement. Trees
have innumerable direct and indirect benefits of supplying timber and fuel at maturity.
During their life time, they supply fodder, fruits, seeds, help in controlling soil erosion and
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water conservation, offer shade and are oxygen producing industries to combat ever
increasing air pollution. Big foliage trees also help in reducing noise and dust pollution.


i. To provide for aesthetic enhancement of the project corridors

ii. To reduce the impacts of air pollution and dust, as trees and shrubs are known to be
natural sink for air pollutants.
iii. To provide much needed shade on glaring hot roads during summer.
iv. To reduce the impact of ever increasing noise pollution caused due to increase in
number of vehicles.
v. To arrest soil erosion at the embankment slopes.
vi. Prevention of glare from the headlight of incoming vehicles.
vii. Climatic amelioration,
viii. Moderating the effect of wind and incoming radiation
ix. To define the ROW especially, to highlight sharp horizontal curves during night
Trees, shrubs and climbers have been used to enhance the soft natural ambience
against harsh elements in most of the enhancement schemes. The planting species are decided
based on the physical growth characteristics of trees, like form and shape, foliage pattern,
growth rate, branching pattern, soil characteristics and conditions of the strip like water
logged areas etc. While selecting the species of trees for landscaping, great care should be
taken to choose the species, which already exist along the project corridor.

The selection of plant types and planting arrangement should be based on the following
i. Foliage and shade provision
ii. Shape (spread of the tree) and size
iii. Texture and colour of foliage/flower/fruits in different seasons and stages of
iv. Adaptability and suitability to agro-climatic regions/zones
v. Growth rate (slow/fast) average age of maturity and replacement cycle
vi. After-care and maintenance required for sustenance and growth
vii. Economic and other social/recreational benefits
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viii. Drawbacks and demerits, if any, like prone to insects/pests disease, animal
grazing and human interference.
ix. Screening
x. Plantation of pollution resistant dwarf shrub species in the median to prevent
glare from the vehicles moving in opposite direction during night.
xi. A mix of medium and large trees along roadside to screen the evening glare
for the traffic moving towards west-northwest.
xii. Screen plantation as a visual barrier in schools, hospitals, residential colonies,
xiii. Aesthetics
xiv. Provision of flowering trees in the urban sections and major crossings
xv. Provision of flowering shrubs in the median
xvi. Softening of vertical surfaces of the retaining walls of grade separators and
raised sections of the carriageway by climbers.
A soft landscape should be developed envisaging a holistic approach to the entire
stretch. A concept should be evolved so as to maintain visual characteristics and uniformity
in terms of landscape along the stretch. In the absence of uniform land availability for the
plantations, different schemes may be worked out in tune with the local variations in the
design. To achieve this, entire stretch of the project corridor should be divided into
homogenous landscape sections based on similarity in terms of soil conditions, climate
(temperature and rainfall) and topography. A study on the local flora and vegetative cover
native to these sections should be carried out as part of the field surveys to enable the choice
of suitable species for particular section.
Earlier, the first row of plantation along the highways used to be done by using tall
shade bearing trees. But with the development of high-speed highways, the concept needs to
be changed. For the sake of better road safety and for enhancing aesthetics, it has now been
felt better to provide the shade plants in the last available row. In the first or the only
available row; and other intermediary rows, small to medium sized ornamental trees should
be planted.
The planting type should be decided based on the requirement and feasibility at
various sites along the project corridor. Physical growth characteristics of trees, like form and
shape, foliage and rooting characteristics, growth rate, canopy type and branching pattern are
the major criteria in the selection of plantation type and density. The space available in the
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
ROW is one major guiding factor for different themes of landscaping applied in the entire
Depending on the available ROW, plantation pattern should be worked out as follows:
a. The first row along the Highways will be of small to medium sized ornamental trees.
b. Subsequent rows, depending on the availability of width, will comprise of ornamental
and/or shade bearing species, of more height than those in the first row. In rural
sections, the last row will always be of shade bearing tall trees.
c. Planting of shrubs in the median.
d. Planting of herbaceous species as ground cover in the median, special landscapes and
embankment slopes.
e. Turfing with grass in the median, special landscapes and embankment slopes.
A primary purpose of lighting a roadway at night is to increase the visibility of the
roadway and its immediate environment, thereby permitting the driver to maneuver more
efficiently and safely. The visibility of an object is that property which makes it discernible
from its surroundings. OF HIGHWAY LIGHTING:
• To supplement vehicle headlights, extending the visibility range beyond their limits
both laterally and longitudinally.
• To improve the visibility of roadway features and objects on or near the roadway.
• To delineate the roadway ahead. To provide visibility of the environment.
• To reduce the apprehension of those using the roadway TYPES OF LIGHTING:
1. High Mast Lighting
2. Conventional Lighting
• There is a considerable reduction in accident rate during night because of proper
• The illegal and anti-social activities along roadway are greatly reduced
• Highway lighting is the major source of economic simulation and beautification for
their projects
• Increased business activities after addition of highway lighting
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The position or the layout of the center line of the highway on the ground is called the alignment.
The horizontal alignment includes the straight path, the horizontal curves. The vertical alignment of
roads includes changes in gradient and vertical curves. Alignment of a new road should be done
If it is not properly aligned, it results in the following disadvantages.
(a) Increase in construction cost
(b) Increase in maintenance cost
(c) Increase in vehicle operation cost
(d) Increase in accident rate.
The basic requirements of alignment between two stations are that it should be
1. Short
2. Easy
3. Safe and
4. Economical
(1) Shortness: The ideal alignment would suggest the shortest route linking the two terminal
stations and as per definition, a straight line indicates the shortest distance between two points.
Thus a straight alignment would grant the shortest distance between two points to be linked up
by the proposed highway. Such a route will be cheap in construction as the' length will be the
shortest and also it will reduce the time of travel.
(2) Easiness: The highway alignment should be easy in the sense that it is possible to construct
and maintain the road with practically no serious problems. It will also ensure smooth and
comfortable operation of vehicles on gradients and curves.
(3) Safety: The aspect of safety should be viewed from two considerations, namely, before
construction and after construction. The ideal alignment will ensure safety during the
construction activities of highway. It will also be safe for carrying out the maintenance of
highway and at the same time, it will allow the traffic movements safely and with confidence.
(4) Economics: The highway alignment should be selected in such a way that the total cost
including initial cost, maintenance cost and operation cost is brought down to the minimum
level. The economics of each alignment should be well studied after analyzing all the relevant
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factors before making the final choice.
There are number of factors which are to be considered while selecting the alignment of roads. These
factors also vary according to the type of roads and the areas through which these roads pass.


Following are the factors which control the alignment of roads in plain areas.
(1) Class and Purpose: The alignment of the road may be decided, keeping in mind the class
and purpose of the road. National and state highways between two stations should be aligned as
straight as possible. In other type of roads, if it is necessary the deviation may be permitted, if it is
found necessary.
(2) Obligatory Points: The roads are basically constructed for the development of the areas.
Their alignment should necessarily pass through important towns, group of villages and places of
worship, social, political and commercial importance by giving detour in regular alignment.
(3) Type of vehicular Traffic: For fast moving traffic, the road alignment should be as straight
as possible where as in case of bullock carts, ton gas etc, the alignment may even have sharp bunds.
(4) Gradient: The alignment of roads should be such that longitudinal slopes are not steeper
than ruling gradient. For this, alignment maybe deviated from straight path.
(5) Horizontal Curve: The alignment should be provided with flat curves where ever found
necessary. In case of national and state highways the radius of horizontal curves should not be less
than 230 m. To have minimum radius the alignment must be changed.
(6) Sight Distance: The alignment should be such that minimum sight distance is available for
the drivers of the vehicles.
(7) Obstruction: The alignment is decided, keeping in mind the obstructions. The alignment
should be changed to avoid marshy land, ponds, wells, grave yards, historical, monumental and
religious places etc.
(8) Cross Drainage Works: The alignment should be such that minimum numbers of cross
drainage works are required.
(9) Formation Bed: The alignment should pass through stable soil which provides good
formation bed.
(10) Bridges: While crossing a river, the site should provide all the requirements needed for a
good bridge construction. The alignment of the road should cross the river at 90o to avoid skew
(11) Railway Crossing: A road alignment should cross a railway line preferably at 90o.
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(12) Earth work: Alignment should be such that there is minimum earth work in cutting or
(13) Agricultural land and dense forests: In alignment of road, the agricultural land and dense
forest should be avoided as far as possible. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN ALIGNMENT OF HILLY ROADS

In alignment of hill roads, special care should be taken to align the road along the side of the
hill which is stable.
a) Drainage: Hill side drains should be provided for adequate drainage facility across the road.
b) Geometric Standards: The alignment of the hill road should be selected on the hill slope
which easily provides recommended geometric standards. Hair pin bends should be avoided
and if found necessary, these should be on gentle and stable slopes.
c) Resisting Length: The resisting length of the alignment should be kept as low as possible.
2.1.4 SURVEY Traffic Surveys and Analysis
Information about traffic is indispensable for any road project since it would form the
basis for the design of the pavement, fixing the number of traffic lanes, design of
intersections and economic appraisal of the project, etc. Classified Traffic Volume Count
Count of traffic is the basic traffic study required in connection with many types of
highway projects. A system of traffic census is in vogue in the country under which 7 day traffic
counts are taken once or twice a year. When traffic census data from existing count stations
are compiled, it may be found useful to collect past data (preferably about 10 years) so as to
establish meaningful past growth trends for each vehicle class).
The main objective of reconnaissance survey is to examine the general character of the area
for the purpose of determining the most feasible route a m ong the routes. Data collected
should be adequate to examine the feasibility of all the different routes in question, as also to
furnish the Engineer-in-Charge with approximate estimates of quantities and costs, so as to
enable him to decide on the most suitable alternative(s). The survey should also help in
determining any deviations necessary in the basic geometric standards to be adopted for the
highway facility.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools PRELIMINARY SURVEY
The preliminary survey is a relatively large scale instrument survey conducted on the
route selected from reconnaissance for the purpose of collecting all the physical information
which affects the proposed location of a new or existing highway. In the case of new roads, it
consists of running an accurate traverse line along the route previously selected on the basis of the
reconnaissance survey.
In the case of existing roads where only improvements are proposed, the survey line is run
along the existing alignment. During this phase of the survey, topographic features and other
features like houses, monuments, places of worship, cremation or burial grounds, utility lines,
existing road and railway lines, stream, river, canal crossings are taken and bench marks established.
The data collected at this stage will form the basis for the determination of the final
centre line of the road. For this reason, it is essential that every precaution should be taken to
maintain a high degree of accuracy. DETERMINATION OF FINAL CENTRE LINE
Making use of the maps from preliminary survey showing the longitudinal profile,
cross-sections and contours, a few alternative alignments for the final centerline of the road are
drawn and studied and the best one satisfying the engineering, aesthetic and economic
requirements is selected. FINAL LOCATION AND DETAILED SURVEY
The alignment finalized after the preliminary survey is to be translated on the ground by
establishing the centerline. The line to be established in the field should follow as closely as
practicable the line finalized after the preliminary survey and confirming the geometric design
standards. The data collected during detailed survey should be elaborate and complete for
preparing detailed plans and estimate of the project. Along the most desired route LS and CS
and general contour survey are carried out. From these data the cost of the road and design
parameters for gradient, curvature, sight distance, drainage and the location of bridges and
culverts are worked out. The soil investigations are also carried out simultaneously to work out
the foundation for the road formation. Further, the nearby available material which could be
used for the construction is also identified. With these information a map is prepared for the
guidance of the execution of the project by the project team.
The project data collected during the survey and investigations together with the
estimates be worked out and presented for full appreciation by the appropriate authority. These
should be prepared in the following three parts:
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1. Estimate
2. Drawings
3. Report
1. Estimates
The project estimate should give the financial implications of the project. The estimate
should include all the items of execution from site clearance to finishing activities of the work.
The estimate should include general abstract of cost and detailed estimate. The quantity of each
item should be carefully worked out and expressed with the relevant units. The rates should be
based on the schedule of rates applicable for the district. Wherever the rates are worked out,
detailed analysis should be included in the estimates.
2. Drawings
The following drawings are usually prepared:
a) Key map
b) Index map
c) Preliminary survey plan
d) Detailed plan and longitudinal section
e) Detailed cross- section
f) Land acquisition plans
g) Detailed drawings of CD works
h) Drawings of protection works and other structures
i) Quarry chart
The cross section drawings should be extended at least up to the proposed right of way. HIGHWAY REALIGNMENT:

Most of the highway projects constructed during pre-automobile era suffer from serious
drawbacks for accommodating modern traffic conditions. Such defects include
 Single lane of traffic
 Steep gradients
 Sharp horizontal curves
 Inadequate sight distance
Highway re alignment is used to mean the modification of existing alignment in such a way that
most of the defects of existing highway are removed or reduced to improve the performance of
The construction of an entirely new highway involves substantial amount and hence, highway re
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alignment projects prove quite satisfactory especially for existing highways.

Works in highway realignment project involves

i. Construction of a bypass road to avoid major highway
ii. Construction of over bridge or under bridges to avoid railway bridges
iii. Improvement in design elements of the horizontal alignment such as elimination
of reverse curves and undesirable zig-zags, shifting of curves etc.,
iv. Improvement in vertical alignment such as correction of undesirable rise and falls,
changes in summit curves etc.,
v. Raising of highway subjected to flooding or water logging during monsoons
vi. Replacing weak and narrow bridges
vii. Entire alignment: The re alignment project should be framed for the whole
alignment and not part of it.
viii. Through traffic: If the town though which the highway passes has substantially
developed and if the traffic terminating at town is quite small as compared to traffic going ahead
then only the construction of a bypass road will be justified.
ix. Water logging: The length of highway affected by water logging during monsoon
should be clearly marked and it should be raised before strengthening or widening of pavement
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The construction of major roads of large magnitude, plant and machinery of various types
will be required. The use of modern sophisticated machineries has the following advantages:

(i) The cost of highway maintenance is reduced.

(ii) The highway construction is very fast; consequently the cost of the project is also
considerably reduced.

(iii) They ensure better and standardized quality of work.

(iv) The useful life of highway structure is increased to a great extent due to high quality
in construction.

The highway construction in modern days has received considerable attention and depending
upon the several factors which rules the choice of highway making machineries, suitable plant
and equipment for a particular project will have to be chosen.

The process of cutting or loosening and removing earth from its original position,
transporting and dumping it as a fill or spoil bank is known as excavation. It may be required for
soil, soft rock or even hard rock before preparing the subgrade. The excavation will also be
required for the construction of side drains. The choice of suitable excavation equipment will
primarily depend on the nature of soil to be excavated. These are intermittent types of
equipments. Tractors, power shovels, drag lines, clam shells, bulldozers, angle dozers, scrapers,
back hoes, dredgers, ripper, motor grader, etc. are earth excavating equipments.

Machinery used for cutting, filling and for preparation of formation or sub grade is as follows.

1. Tractor

2. Dozer

3. Rooter

4. Rippers

5. Graders

6. Scrapers

7. Road roller
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8. Mixer

9. Wheel borrows

10. Vibrator TRACTORS:

Tractors are used for different kinds of works. Tractors are generally fitted with various attachment
such as dozers scraper etc.

This equipment is a self-propelled machine which is used mainly to exert a powerful tractive force for
pulling other machines. When the tractor is not required for hauling other machines, it can be easily
converted to serve as bulldozer, angle dozer, etc. The tractor may be crawler mounted or wheel
mounted. In the former type, the tractors are supported on endless chain of plates and it is used for
rough and uneven ground. In the latter type, the tractor is supported on wheels and it is used for even

1. Track type tractor

2. Crawler type tractor

Fig. Track - Type Tractor
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Fig. Crawler Type Tractor DOZERS :

These are normally attached to a tractor for excavation of material and pushing the material.

Types of Dozers:

1. Bull Dozer

2. Angle Dozer

3. Tree Dozer

Bull Dozer is used for excavating the material and pushing the material in forward direction.
It consists of blade attached to the front side of the tractor.

1.1 PURPOSES OF BULLDOZER: A bulldozer is very useful equipment and can be used on the
construction work for the following purposes:

(a) To clear the site of work,

(b) To make the land level,

(c) To prepare pilot roads through mountains and hard ground, and

(d) To excavate the material and haul for a distance of about 100 metres.
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Fig. Bull Dozer


Angle Dozer consists a blade attached to the tractor obliquely can be set at any angle to the
direction of motion of the tractor. It is used to push the material to the side right or left.
Fig. Angle Dozer


Tree Dozer is used to uproot the trees.


Rooter is mounted on wheels and it is towed to a tractor and is used to remove stiff clay, soft rock
or other hard soils.

This is an equipment which is sometimes attached to a tractor. It is mounted on the wheels and
carries two to four teeth, the usual number being three. The ripper is used to break up the ground and
to pull up the roots. This loosened material can then be removed by the scraper. With the aid of ripper,
the scraper can be used for stiff clay, soft rock and such other material as can be ploughed.
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Fig. (3) Rippers SCRAPER:

This is mounted on wheels and drawn by a tractor. It consists a cutting edge to cut the earth and also
consists a bowl to take in or throw out the cut earth.

Fig. Scraper GRADER:

A grader is used to level the ground and spreads the loose material. It is a self-propelled or
towed by a tractor. It consists of 3 to 4 m long angled blade supported on a framework mounted
on wheels.
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Fig. Grader

Road rollers are used for compaction of sub grade base coarse etc.

The principle on which a road roller is working is the application of pressure which is slowly
increased and is then gradually decreased. TYPES AND DESCRIPTION

Following are the types of Roller

1. Flat Wheeled Roller 2. Pneumatic type roller 3. Sheep foot roller


A smooth wheeled roller or flat wheeled roller is a multi-purpose roller which is used for
various purposes and for practically all types of roads. These rollers are suitable to compact a
wide range of soils, preferably granular soils and pavement materials for the various layers.
These rollers are particularly helpful in compacting soils and other materials where a crushing
action is advantageous.


A pneumatic roller consists of a flat platform below which number of smooth rubber-
tyred wheels is mounted on two or more axles. The platform is then loaded with sand bags or
some other weight and the roller is moved by tractor.
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The rubber-tyred rollers are found to be very efficient in the compaction of earth
subgrades, granular soils in base course, final operations for bituminous surface dressings, etc. In
addition to the direct pressure due to rolling, these rollers also provide a slight kneading action.


These are also known as tamping rollers. This type of roller consists of hollow steel
cylinder or cylinders, each about 1.20 m long and 1.20 m in diameter with 180 mm to 230 mm
projections extending out from the curved surface of the cylinder. These projections are made of
steel and they resemble sheep's feet and are arranged in rows round the cylinders, the projections
in successive rows being staggered. The weight of the roller can be increased by filling the drum
with water or wet soil. As the roller is pulled forward over a layer of loose material, the
projections penetrate the layer and compact the soil from top to bottom by kneading it. After a
few rollings, the layer becomes more and more compact and the projections penetrate less and
less in the rolled material. The roller is continued over the surface till the feet do not penetrate
the soil.

Fig. Road Roller CONCRETE MIXER:

Concrete mixer of adequate capacity of the batch is provided. The mixer is equipped with a
water measuring device. Concrete mixer is highly useful to prepare pavement concrete with thorough
mixing at faster rate at site.
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Fig. Concrete Mixer WHEEL BORROW:

A wheel borrow consists two wheels and used to transport concrete for short distances from the mixer.
Fig. Wheel Borrow VIBRATORS:

Vibrators are used to compact and consolidate the concrete. Vibrators facilitate the usage of
concrete at right water cement ratio to produce dense and high strength concrete. Vibrators pack the
ingredients of concrete densely through vibration expelling the air voids. Vibrators are of following three

1. Surface vibrators

2. Internal vibrators

3. Needle vibrators.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools Surface Vibrator (ii) Internal Vibrator Needle Vibrator

For bituminous roads, it becomes necessary to heat the bitumen. Small projects and
maintenance works; the aggregate filler and binder are heated together after being mixed dry in the
required proportions and the binder or bitumen of the specified grade is heated to the required
temperature and mixing is done on specially prepared platform at a central location from which the
mix is carried to the site of placement by means of wheel barrows. The hot mixer of bitumen/Asphalt
with aggregates is spread evenly on the clean prepared surface and compacted by the roller. The
surface is next dusted on the top to fill up the small voids in the prepared surface and prevent the
pavement sticking on the tyres of the moving vehicles.

The following equipments are used for the construction of the bituminous road.

1. Bitumen heaters

2. Bitumen Mixers

3. Bitumen truck mixers

4. Pavers
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Road cleaning machine are used to sweep roads quickly. This machine cleans the road
completely and removes the dirt and dust from it in order to assist in road construction. This
machine is provided with a rotary brush which mechanically operates and cleans the dust particles
settled on the road Fig. Road cleaning Machine

This machines is extensively used to clean the sand of the road with a powerful high pressure air
blower within a short time there by it saves labour, time and also bitumen.

Fig. (a) Road cleaning Machine ROAD KERBING MACHINE

A curb/kerb is the edge where a raised pavement/sidewalk/footpath, road median or road

shoulder meets an unraised street or other roadway. Typically made from concrete, asphalt or
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long stones (often granite), the purpose is twofold: first as a gutter for proper drainage of the
roadway and second for safety, to prevent motorists from driving onto the shoulder, median, sidewalk
or pavement.

Road kerbing equipment is widely used in various road projects. These concrete kerbing machine
are built under strict guidelines as per international quality standards.

Fig. Road Kerbing Machine ASPHALT PAVER FINISHER
Mechanical Asphalt Paver Finisher is a unique paver with combination of features designed and
engineered to give maximum output with comforts and efficiency. The hydraulically extendable
screed allows step less and hassle free width adjustment. The higher H.P. engine ensures smooth
paving in gradients. The paver can be employed for both asphalt as well as wet mix paving with
slight modifications. Paver Finisher is used in road construction industry for paving or laying hot
mix material on constructed surface. This is simple to operate and require negligible

Fig. Road Kerbing Machine
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools WET MIX PAVER

This is highly efficient and long lasting in nature. Wet Mix Pavers serve as an economical
solution for laying wet mix Macadam and dry lean concrete. CHIPS SPREADER
Fig. Wet mix Paver

Chip Spreaders is used for surface dressing works. It is used to lay 10mm to 65mm
thick material. Chip Spreaders is available in two sizes as per given below:

Fig. Road Kerbing Machine
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools BITUMEN SPRAYER

Bitumen pressure distributor is developed for tack coat and between spraying
application. This equipment is capable of applying a uniform coating of hot & emulsion
bitumen on specified surface in prescribed quality.. Fig. Bitumen Sprayer
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Low cost road is used to mean the road whose initial as well as maintenance costs are low.
The low cost roads are meant for low intensity of traffic. But at the same time, the following two
precautions should be taken in the initial stage of development of such roads:
(i) The geometric standard of low cost roads should be such that no alteration may be
required when these roads are upgraded in future.
(ii) With the increase in traffic, it should be possible to strengthen the pavement in stages
with the maximum utilization of the existing pavement.
The low cost roads are constructed with the maximum use of locally available road materials.
The science of soil mechanics has also proved to be helpful to the highway engineer for making
reasonably stable low cost roads.
It is made from the natural soil and is the cheapest type of road.
i. The borrow pits are normally selected outside the land width. The centre line is fixed and
reference peg are driven.
ii. The ground is cleared before excavating the soil
iii. The sub grade is prepared and it is provided with necessary camber and longitudinal
gradient. The maximum gradient for earth road is recommended as 1 in 20.
iv. The sub grade is properly compacted before the laying of pavement layers commenced.
v. The prepared earth is then mixed with water and laid in layers in such a way that the
compacted thickness of each layer does not exceed 100 mm. It is usually laid in two
vi. The camber of the finished pavement surface is checked and it is corrected, if found
vii. The compacted earth road is allowed to dry a period of 10 days before opening it for
A gravel road consists of a carriageway made of a layer of compacted gravel. Gravel occurs
naturally as rounded particles of many varieties of stone and it is usually associated with finer
material which acts as a binder to hold the bigger material. These roads are superior to earth roads
and as such, they are considered intermediate between earth roads and metalled roads.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Following three considerations govern the construction of gravel roads:
i. Drainage: The carriageway of the gravel road should be provided with a camber of 1 in 25 to
1 in 30 to achieve good drainage of the road surface.
ii. Gravel: It should be composed of pebbles which are hard, tough and durable rock particles
to resist abrasion. The most durable pebbles come from quartz. But pebbles from hard
limestone are also good material. The least durable pebbles are those from sandstones, shales
or soft slates.
iii. Quality of binder: For making a good road surface, the pebbles should be held together by
some cementing material such as clay which is the most generally available binder. But
certain gravels occur in nature in which pebbles are held together by either lime or iron
a) The material to be used for the construction of road is stacked along the sides of the proposed
road. For obtaining a satisfactory gravel surface, the pebbles should be graded in size so as to
form a good compact mixture with the addition of a small amount of binder.
b) The pegs are driven to show the limits of excavation. The site is cleared and the subgrade is
then prepared to receive the layer of gravel.
c) The first layer of gravel is spread in the prepared trench. The compacted depth of gravel road is
generally 200 mm and it is obtained in two layers, each of compacted thickness of about 100
mm. The layer is rolled by using smooth wheeled light rollers starting from the edges and
proceeding towards the centre. Two rollers may be used on either side and rolling is done in
such a way that an overlap of at least half the width of roller is obtained in the longitudinal
direction. The use of rollers heavier than 8 tonnes for consolidation is not advisable as the
gravel is found to get crushed or the surface to become wavy and corrugated. Some quantity
of water is then sprayed and rolling is done again. It should be seen that the quantity of water
to effect consolidation is just sufficient to secure a satisfactory bond between the pebbles and
binder without softening the subgrade. The sprinkling of water should be done through a fine
rose or nozzle.
d) The camber is checked at intervals and it is corrected, if necessary, with the help of a template
or a camber board.
e) The final rolling is carried out when the moisture content is at its optimum so that the
completed surface which is formed is firm and unyielding.
f) There are two types of construction for a gravel road, namely, trench type and feather edge
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Fig. Feather edge and Trench type gravel Road
g) A thin layer of sand of about 5 mm to 10 mm thickness is provided before opening the road to
traffic. The newly made surface should be watched carefully for several months and defects
developed under traffic should be corrected immediately. Water Bound Macadam (WBM)
WBM Consist of clean, crushed aggregates mechanically interlocked by rolling and
bonding together with screening, binding material where necessary, and water laid on a properly
prepared subgrade/sub-base/base or existing pavement, as the case may be and finished in accordance
with the requirements of the specifications and in close conformity with the lines, grades, cross-
sections and thickness as per approved plans or as directed by the Engineer.


Top : 1 inch
Middle : 3 inches Concrete
Bottom : 8 inches


The structure of the water bond macadam road consists of the following.

( i) A foundation course of boulder stones placed on the compacted subgrade to thickness of about 25

( ii) A gravel layer of thickness 6 mm to 12 mm is placed at the top.
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(i) Preparation of foundation for receiving the WBM course
The foundation for receiving the new layer of water bound macadam maybe either the sub grade or
sub-base or base course. To this foundation layer required camber and grade are provided and the
dust and other loose materials are removed.
(ii) Provision of Lateral Confinement
Lateral confinement is done by constructing the shoulders in advance. Thickness of the shoulders
are equal to that of compacted water bound macadam layer. The inner sides of the shoulders
trimmed vertically.
( iii) Spreading of course aggregate
The coarse aggregates which are stored along the road are spread uniformly and evenly upon the
prepared base in required quantities. The aggregate should be spread to proper profile by using
templates placed across the road about 6 m apart.
( iv) Rolling
After spreading the course aggregate properly, compaction is done by a three wheeled power roller
of capacity 6 to 10 tonnes. Rolling is started from the edges, the roller being run forward and
backward until the edges are compacted. The run of the roller is then gradually shifted towards the
centre line of the road, uniformly overlapping each proceding rear wheel track by one-half width.
This process is repeated until required compaction is achieved.
On super elevated portions of the road, rolling is started from the inner edge and progressed
gradually towards outer edge of the road.
(vi) Application of screenings
After rolling, screenings are applied over the surface to fill the voids in three or more applications,
after screenings are applied dry rolling should be continued.
(vii) Sprinkling and Grouting
After the application of screenings, the surface is sprinkled with water, swept and rolled. Wet
screenings are swept into voids using hand brooms. Additional screenings are applied and rolled till
the coarse aggregates are well bonded and firmly set.
(viii) Application of binding material
Binding material is applied after the application of screenings. Binding material is applied at a
uniform slow rate in two or three thin layers, after application of binding materials, the surface is
sprinkled with water and slurry swept with brooms to fill the voids. This is followed by rolling with
a 6 to 10 tonne roller.
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(ix) Setting and Drying
The surface is allowed to set over night. If depressions are found on the next day, they are filled up
with screenings or binding material if necessary after lightly sprinkling with water they are rolled.
• It consists of replacing the soil binder periodically to prevent the aggregate from getting
loosened from the surface course.
• Providing bituminous surface dressing to prevent dust.
• Patch work of pot holes and ruts formed. The patch repair work is carried out by first cutting
at a rectangular shape of the defective area. Then with the coarse aggregate of the same size
the patch is filled up and well compacted.


Sometimes soil/soil-gravel/aggregates and waste materials such as fly ash, iron and steel slag
and other such materials, available in the near vicinity of the construction sites do not conform to
the grading, PI and strength requirements. Such inferior materials can be improved by adopting soil
stabilization technique. The methods of stabilization can be broadly grouped as:
Mechanical Stabilization
Lime Stabilization
Cement Stabilization
4. Lime- flyash stabilization
5. Bitumen stabilization
6. Two -stage stabilization
A variety of techniques are available for stabilizing local soils for improving their engineering
properties, but not all the techniques are applicable to all types of soils. Soil stabilization requires
choosing the most appropriate technique for stabilizing the soil at site. The mix proportions are
generally worked out in the laboratory based on soaked CBR.
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Bitumen road is a road constructed by bitumen. Bitumen is black viscous mixture of
hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of petroleum. Previously Tar was also used in
construction of bituminous roads, as the tar was susceptible for high temperatures, bitumen
replaced tar in road construction. Bitumen roads are flexible pavements consists of
subgrade, sub-base course, base course and a bituminous surface course.
Even though allbituminous materials are black in color and are composed mainly of bitume
n, their physicalproperties differ greatly.
Bituminous materials are classified into two main groups by origin:
1.Asphalts and 2.Tars.
These are the two bituminous materials used in the construction of roads and airfields.
1. Improvements to Driving Surface
A particular advantage to bituminous stabilization is that the driving surface is
greatly improved.
The gravel surface is effectively bound with the asphalt emulsion, and with one or two seal
coat layers after the stabilization process, the surface roughness is greatly reduced. In
addition, the probability of airborne gravel particles striking a vehicle while driving behind
another vehicle is greatly reduced. There are some disadvantages to this improved driving
surface, which will be discussed in a following section.
2. Elimination of Dust
By binding the aggregate with asphalt emulsion, the dust that is normally associated
with an aggregate-surfaced road is virtually eliminated. In addition to the elimination of
dust, this also means that mud is eliminated during rain events.
3. Reduction in Loss of Aggregate
Another benefit to binding the surface layer with asphalt emulsion is that the
aggregates in the surface are not lost in the ditches and are less likely to degrade and be
crushed due to the action of vehicle tires and of the environment. The loss of aggregate is
one of a highway agency’s major expenditures for roadway maintenance of aggregate
surfaced roads. The clear benefits to dramatically reducing the amount of lost aggregates
include cost savings as well as using less of a limited resource that seems to be getting more
and more difficult to find.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools DISADVANTAGES
While there are many benefits to upgrading a gravel roadway with bituminous
stabilization, there are also some disadvantages that must be considered. These include the
1. Potential to induce higher driving speeds and thus, potentially dangerous
curves in existing geometry
2. Potential distresses


Bitumen is defined as “A viscous liquid, or a solid, consisting essentially of
hydrocarbons and their derivatives, which is soluble in trichloro- ethyelene and is
substantially nonvolatile and softens gradually when heated. It is black or brown in colour
and possesses waterproofing and adhesive properties. It is obtained by refinery processes
from petroleum, and is also found as a natural deposit or as a component of naturally
occurring asphalt, in which it is associated with mineral matter. CLASSIFICATION OF BITUMINOUS BINDER

Bitumen or bituminous binder available in India is mainly of the following types:
The characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 90 grade of IS-73-1992. This is
the softest of all grades available in India. This is suitable for low volume roads and is still
widely used in the country.
2. BITUMEN 60/70:
This grade is harder than 80/100 and can withstand higher traffic loads. The
characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 65 grade of IS- 73-1992. It is presently used
mainly in construction of National Highways & State Highways.
3. BITUMEN 30/40:
This is the hardest of all the grades and can withstand very heavy traffic loads. The
characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 35 grade of IS-73-1992. Bitumen 30/40 is
used in specialized applications like airport runways and also in very heavy traffic volume
roads in coastal cities in the country.
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The new method of grading the product has now rested on the viscosity of the
Bitumen (at 600C and 135 0C). IS 73:2006 has been released by Bureau of Indian
Standards. Three grades of Bitumen confirming to IS 73: 1992 are manufactured in India.
In this third revision grading of Bitumen is changed from penetration grade to
viscosity grade. To improve the quality of Bitumen, BIS revised IS-73-1992 Specifications
based on viscosity grade (viscosity @ 60 deg. C) in July 2006. As per the Specifications, there
are four grades VG-10, VG-20, VG-30 & VG-40.
The new grades have thus evolved with nomenclature:

Minimum of Absolute Approximate

Grades viscosity, Poise@ 600C penetration grade

VG 10 800 80-100

VG 20 1600 ———
VG 30 2400 60-70
VG 40 3200 30-

Cutback is a free flowing liquid at normal temperatures and is obtained by fluxing bitumen with
suitable solvents. The viscosity of bitumen is reduced substantially by adding kerosene or any
other solvent. Cutback has been used in tack coat applications. Cut- back bitumen is used
for cold weather bituminous road construction and maintenance. The petroleum distillates used
for preparing cut-back bitumens are naphtha, kerosene, diesel oil, furnace oil or heavy
distillate. There are different types of cut-back bitumen like the Rapid Curing (RC), Medium
Curing (MC) and Slow Curing (SC). Rapid curing cut-back bitumen is recommended for the
surface dressing in cold weather and patch repair work. Medium curing cut-back bitumen is
in premix with less quantity of fine aggregate. Slow curing cut-back bitumen is used in
premix containing appreciable quantity of fine aggregates.


Number of types and methods are in use for bituminous pavement construction.
Following are the types of bitumen roads based on the methods of construction.
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1. Interface treatments like prime coat and tack coat.
2. Surface dressing
3. Seal coat
4. Grouted or penetration type constructions.
5. Full grout
6. Semi grout constructions
7. Premix construction
8. Interface Treatment
Before construction of any type of bituminous layer over a surface, the surface of the existing
pavement layer is to be cleaned and a thin layer of bituminous binder is to be sprayed. This
treatment with bituminous material is called interface treatment and it is necessary to provide the
bond between the old and the new layers. The interface treatment may be either a prime coat
or tack coat and in some cases, the prime coat followed by a tack coat.
(i) Prime Coat: Prime coat is the first application of a low viscosity liquid bituminous
material over an existing porous pavement surface like the WBM base course. The main
object of prime coat is to plug the voids of the porous surface and to bond the loose mineral
particles on the existing surface, using a binder of low viscosity which can penetrate into the
voids. The prime coated surface is allowed to cure for at least 24 hours.
(ii) Tack Coat: Tack coat is the application of bituminous material over an existing pavement
surface which is relatively impervious like an existing bituminous surface or a WBM surface
which has already been treated by a prime coat.
Bituminous surface dressing is provided over an existing pavement to serve as thin
wearing course. The single coat surface dressing consists of a single application of bituminous
binder material followed by spreading of aggregate cover and rolling. If the surface dressing is
done in two layers, it is called two coat bituminous surface dressing. The main purpose of
bituminous surface dressing are :
• To serve as wearing course and to protect base course
• To prevent infiltration of surface water
• To provide dust free pavement surface in dry weather and mud-free pavement in wet
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Seal coat is a very thin surface treatment or a single coat surface dressing which is usually
applied over an existing black top surface. Seal coat is usually recommended as a top coat over
certain bituminous pavements which are not impervious. The main functions of seal coat are
• To seal the surface against percolation of water
• To develop skid resistant texture
• To improve an existing dry or weathered bituminous surface.


Bituminous grouted Macadam or penetration macadam is used as a base or binder coarse. The
coarse aggregates are first spread and compacted well in dry state and after that hot
bituminous binder of relatively high viscosity is sprayed in fairly large quantity at the top.
The bitumen penetrates into the voids from the surface of the compacted aggregates, the
bitumen fills the voids and binds stone aggregates together.

Depending upon the quantity of bitumen spread and the extent of penetrated the grouted
macadam are two types (a) full grout and (b) Semi grout
5. FULL GROUT: When bitumen penetrated to full depth of compacted aggregate it is called
full grout macadam. Full grout is adopted in regions of heavy rainfall and high traffic.
6. SEMI-GROUT: When bitumen penetrates up to about half depth of compacted aggregate it
is called semi-grout macadam. Semi grout macadam is adopted in regions of moderate rainfall
and traffic.
The aggregates and the bitumen are mixed thoroughly before spreading and compacting. It is
possible to coat each aggregate particle with less quantity of bitumen binder.
The following are common premix methods.
a. Bituminous macadam
b. Bituminous carpet
c. Bituminous Concrete or Asphalt concrete
d. Sheet Asphalt.
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The Bituminous Macadam (BM) is a remix laid immediately after mixing and then
compacted. It is suitable only as a base course or binder course. When this course is exposed as a
surface course, at least a seal cost is necessary. The construction procedure consists following
(i) Preparation of existing layer: The existing layer is prepared to a proper profile. Pot holes are
patched and irregularities are made free. The surface is cleared and made form dust and other
organic material.
(ii) Tack coat application: A tack coat is applied in thin layer of bitumen binder with the help of
mechanical sprayer or a pouring can.
(iii) Preparation of Premix: The bitumen and aggregates as per recommended grading are
separately heated to the specified temperatures and are placed in the mixer. The mixing
temperatures also specified. The mixing is done till a homogenous mixture is obtained. The
mixture is then carried to the site for its placement.
(iv) Placement: The premix mixer is then immediately placed on the desired location and is
spread to specified thickness. The camber profile is checked with a template. It should be seen
that minimum time is spent between the placement of the mix and the rolling operation.
(v) Rolling and finishing the paving mix:The rolling is done with 8 to 10 tones tandem roller.
The rolling is started from the edges towards the center and uniform overlapping is provided. The
finished surface should not show separate lines of markings due to the defective rolling. The
roller wheels are kept damp, otherwise the paving mix may stick to the wheels and finishing may
not be good.


The bituminous concrete is the highest quality of construction of bituminous roads. The
bituminous mixes are properly designed to the specification. The mixture contains dense
course aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filler coated with bituminous binder. The mix
is prepared in hot-mix plant.
(i) Preparation of the existing base course layer : The base course is made true to
camber and grade. Pot holes and depressions are filled with premix chippings.
(ii) Application of Tack coat : The heated bitumen is sprayed at 6.0 to 7.5 kg per 10m2
area, just before spreading the premix.
(iii) Preparation and placing the premix : The premix is prepared in hot mix plant with
the desired quality. The hot mixed material is collected from the mixer by the transporters,
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carried to the location and is spread by a mechanical paver. The camber and the thickness of
the layer are accurately checked.
(iv) Rolling : After placing the mix on the base course, it is rolled and thoroughly
compacted by 8 to 10 tonnes wheeled roller at a speed not more than 5 km per hour. The
wheels of the roller are kept damp with water. The number of passes required depends on
the thickness of the layer.
(v) Finishing and opening to traffic : The surface is to be checked for camber and
depressions if any are rectified.
(vi) Opening to traffic : The surface is to be opened to traffic after 24 hours of laying the
finished surface.


A bituminous surface wears out due to (i) traffic (ii) weather, such as ingress of water, loss
of volatiles in the binder and oxidation of binder (iii) inadequacies in the initial
specifications and construction standards. Table 2.4.7 lists out for each type of distress,
symptoms, probable causes and possible types of treatments (IRC).
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Table: 2.4.7 Symptoms, causes and treatment of defects in bituminous surfacing

Types of Symptoms Probable Causes Possible types of

A. Surface Collection of binder on Excessive binder in Sand-blinding; open-
defect the surface premix, spray or tack graded premix; liquid
coat; loss of cover seal coat; burning of
1. Fatty surface aggregates, excessively excess binder; removal
heavy axle load. of affected area.
2. Smooth Slippery Polishing of aggregates
surface or excessive binder. under traffic, Resurfacing
with surface dressing or
premix carpet.

3. Streaking Presence of alternate Non-uniform application Application of a new
lean and heavy lines
of bitumen
of bitumen, or at a low

4. Hungry Loss of aggregates or Use of less bitumen or Slurry seal or fog seal.
surface presence of fine absorptive aggregates

B. Cracks

1. Hair-line Short and fine cracks Insufficient bitumen, The treatment will
cracks at close intervals on excessive filler or depend on whether
the surface improper compaction. pavement is structurally
sound or unsound.
2. Alligator Inter-connected cracks Weak pavement, unstable Where the pavement is
cracks forming series of conditions of subgrade or structurally sound, the
small blocks. lower layers, excessive cracks should be filled
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overloads or brittleness of with a low viscosity
binder. binder or a slurry seal

3. Longitudinal Cracks on a straight or fog seal depending

cracks line along the road Poor drainage, shoulder on the width of cracks.
settlement, weak joint Unsound cracked
between adjoining spreads pavements will need
of pavement layers or of strengthening or
differential frost heave. rehabilitation treatment.
4. Edge cracks Cracks near and Lack of support from
parallel to shoulder, poor drainage,
pavement edge frost heave, or inadequate
pavement width

5. Shrinkage Cracks in transverse Shrinkage of

cracks direction or inter- bituminous layer
connected cracks with age.
forming a
large blocks.
series of

6. Reflection Sympathetic cracks over Due to joints and

cracks joints and cracks in the cracks in the
pavement underneath. pavement layer

C. Deformation

1. Slippage Formation of crescent Unusual thrust of wheels in Removal of the surface

shaped cracks pointing a direction, lack or failure layer in the affected
in the direction of the of bond between surface area and replacement
thrust of wheels and lower pavement with fresh material.
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2. Rutting Longitudinal Heavy channelized traffic, Filling the
depression in the inadequate compaction of depressions with
wheel tracks pavement layers, poor premix material.
stability of pavement
material or heavy bullock
cart traffic.
3. Corrugations Formation of regular Lack of stability in the Scarification and
undulations mix, oscillations set up by relaying of
vehicle springs, or faulty surfacing, or cutting
laying of surface course. of high spots and
filling of low spots.

4. Shoving Localized bulging of Unstable mix, lack of bond Removing the material
pavement surface between layers, or heavy to firm base and
along with crescent start-up type movements relaying a stable mix.
shaped cracks and those involving
negotiations of curves and

5. Shallow
Localized shallow
Presence of inadequately Filling with premix
depression depressions compacted pockets. materials.

6. Large deformation of Poor compaction of Where fill is weak the

Settlement pavement fills, poor drainage, defective fill should be
and inadequate pavement or excavated and redone.
upheaval frost heave. Where inadequate
pavement is the cause,
the pavement should be
D. Disintegratio

n Separation of Use of hydrophilic Spreading and

1. Stripping bitumen from aggregates, inadequate compacting heated
aggregates in the mix composition, sand over the affected
presence of moisture continuous contact with area in the case of
water, poor bond between surface dressing,
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aggregate and bitumen at replacement with
the time of construction fresh bituminous mix
etc. with added anti-
stripping agent in
other cases.

2. Loss of Rough surface with Ageing and hardening of Application of liquid

aggregate loss of aggregate in binder and aggregate, seal, fog seal or
some portions. poor compaction etc. slurry seal depending
on the extent of
3. Ravelling Failure of binder to Poor compaction, poor Application of cutback
hold the aggregates bond between binder and covered with coarse
shown up by pock aggregate, insufficient sand, or slurry seal, or a
marks of eroded binder, brittleness of premix renewal coat.
areas on the surface. binder etc.
4. Pot-hole Appearance of bowl- Ingress of water into the Filling pot-holes
shaped holes, usually pavement, lack of bond with premix
after rain between the surfacing and material, or
WBM base, insufficient penetration
bitumen content etc. patching.
5. Edge- Irregular breakage of Water infiltration, poor Cutting the affected
breaking pavement edge. lateral support from area to regular sections
shoulders, inadequate and rebuilding with
strength of pavement simultaneous attention
edges, etc.. paid to the proper
construction of
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools Pot-Hole Repair (Patch Repair)

The amount of patching needed to make up pot-holes and localized failures may
vary from 0 to 25 per cent of the surface area annually. Patching prolongs the surface life
until a time will come when it will be more economical and desirable to renew the surface

Patching can be done by (i) sand premix, (ii) open-graded premix (iii) dense-
graded premix (iv) penetration patching or (v) surface dressing. Dense-graded premix patch is
rarely used, only where the existing surface itself is dense-graded asphaltic concrete.
Surface dressing (one or two coats) can be done for existing surfaces with a similar
specification and where the traffic is not too heavy.
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The cement concrete roads have a very high recognition due to the excellent riding surface
and pleasing appearance. The life of the cement concrete road is much more than any other type of
road. The maintenance cost of the concrete road is very less when compared with other roads.
Following are the advantages of a cement concrete road:
i. It can, be designed more accurately for load distribution.
ii. It does not develop corrugations and hence, it grants noiseless surface.
iii. It has good visibility at night due to colour contrast.
iv. It has low cost of maintenance.
v. It has low tractive resistance which diminishes the cost of running of vehicles.
vi. It has more useful life than road of any other type of construction.
vii. It is dustless and has no internal attrition.
It is not unduly slippery.
It is possible to make it resistant to severe stresses and strains caused under
unfavourable soil and temperature conditions by placing suitable reinforcements.
x. It is possible to make use of old concrete road as a base or foundation for a new
concrete road or for further bituminous treatment at the top.
xi. It is practically unaffected by weather and temperature.
xii. It permits the calculation of super-elevation on curves with more mathematical
accuracy than other types of roads.
xiii. It requires flat camber as the surface is impermeable DISADVANTAGES OF CEMENT CONCRETE ROADS
Following are the disadvantages of a cement concrete road:
(i) It causes the surface to shine in severe sunlight and the white glare reflected from
surface may disturb the concentration of driver causing serious accident.
(ii) It does not permit easy access to the subsoil when trenches have to be opened to
locate water mains, sewers and electric cables.
(iii) It is difficult to repair and needs expert supervision.
(iv) It is less resilient than W.B.M. or bituminous binder surfaces.
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(v) It is liable to crack, warp and twist.
(vi) It is noisy under iron-tyred traffic and vibrations are set up by heavy, rapid-moving
and self-propelled vehicles.
(vii) It proves to be very expensive in initial cost especially when a suitable local
aggregate is not available.
(viii) It reacts more readily because of its rigidity to stresses and strains caused by impact
and may therefore crush under such conditions.
The cement concrete roads requires very high initial investment and the method is not
suitable for stage construction. The cement concrete roads are constructed with or without the sub-
base course.
The construction of cement concrete roads is carried out in the following groups.
1. Construction of pavement (Road) Slab
2. Construction of joints.
Types of construction of cement concrete roads
The following are the two methods of construction of CC roads.
1. Alternate bay method
2. Continuous bay method. Alternate Bay Method
In alternate bay method, alternate concrete slabs are laid. The subsequent slabs are laid

In alternate bay construction, the slabs constructed are in sequence of AB’Cs etc. leaving
gaps of bay A’B and C’ etc.
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Fig. Method of laying concrete road CONTINUOUS BAY METHOD :
In this may all the slab bays are laid in sequence ie. ABC or A’B’C’.
Following are the steps in construction of C.C. slabs.
i. Preparation of sub grade and sub base
ii. Placing of forms
iii. Batching of material and mixing
iv. Transportation and placing of concrete
v. Compaction and finishing
vi. Floating and straight edging
vii. Curing of cement concrete.
The sub grade or sub base for laying the concrete should be well compacted as per the
requirement and should extend at least 300 mm on either side of the width to be concreted. The
subgrade should be prepared and checked at least two days before the concreting pipes of the
sufficient diameter and provided where ever cables are taken across road.
The wooden or steel forms are used for the purpose. Wooden forms are dressed on one
side and have minimum width of 100 mm for slab thickness of 200 mm. Depth should be equal
to the thickness of the pavement. The forms are joined neatly and are set true to the required
grade and alignment. The forms should be rigidly fixed such that they do not deviate during the
entire operation compacting and finishing. The tolerance allowed maybe 3 mm from a straight
edge 3 m in length.
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The steel forms are of usually M.S. channel sections and their depth should be equal to
the thickness of the pavement. When set to grade the maximum deviation of the top surface of
any section from a straight line is not exceeded by 3 mm.
The fine aggregate and coarse aggregates for the concrete should be properly
proportioned by weight in a weight batching plant and placed in to the hopper along with the
necessary quantity of cement. The mixing of concrete is done in batch, which will ensure a
uniform distribution of the materials throughout the mass, so that the mix is uniform in colour
and homogenous.
The cement concrete should be mixed in quantities required for the immediate use. The
concrete should be placed within the form work correct to the depth. While placing there should be
no bleeding and segregation. The mix concrete should be placed within 30 minutes.
The surface of the pavement is compacted either by means of a power driven finishing
machine or by a vibrating hand screed. For areas where the width of the slab is very small, hand
compaction and finishing may be adopted. As soon as the concrete is placed, it should be uniformly
spread to the required cross section of the pavement to conform the grade.
The concrete is further compacted by means of longitudinal float. The longitudinal float
which is 1.2 m long and 75 mm wide wooden log held in position parallel to carriage way centre
line and passed gradually from one side of a pavement to other. After the compacted the surface is
tested for grade and level with straight edge.
(a) Belting: Just before the concrete becomes hard, the surface is bolted with a two ply
canvas belt. The short strokes are applied transversely to the carriage way.
(b) Brooming : After belting, the pavement is given a broom finish with steel or fibre
broom brush. Brooming is done perpendicular to the centre line of the pavement.


(a)Initial curing : The surface of the finished pavement shall be entirely covered with the
wet jute mats. The covering is maintained fully wetted for 24 hours.
(b)Final Curing : The final curing is done with any one of the following methods.
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Curing with wet soil, clay bounds 75 mm wide and 75 mm high may be laid forming
squares all over the surface. The surface is flooded with water up to a depth of 20 to 50 mm.
(c) Impervious membrane : The object of this type of curing is to prevent evaporation.
This type of curing is done by the membrane which consists of a colorless impervious liquid.
This liquid is applied immediately after the finishing of the surface and before the set of the
Joints in Cement concrete roads (Longitudinal joints – Transverse joints – Construction
1. Longitudinal joints
Longitudinal joints are provided in cement concrete roads with a width over 4.5m. The
longitudinal joints are provided to prevent longitudinal cracking in the cement concrete pavements.
Longitudinal joint acts as a hinge and helps to maintain two stabs together at the same level .The
various types of longitudinal joints are shown in figure.
2. Transverse joints

Transverse joints are classified as
i. Expansion joint
Contraction joint
iii. Warping joint
(i) Expansion joint: Expansion joint are obtained to allow expansion of the slabs due to
increase in slabs temperature . These joints also permit the contraction of slabs. In India expansion
joints are provided at an interval of 50 to 60 m for roads laid in winter and 90 to 120 m for roads
laid in summer and typical expansion joint in shown in figure.
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(a) Plain Butt Joint


Tie Bar

(b) Butt Joint with Tie Bar


12mm dia 1m Long

Tie bars at 0.6 to 0.7 m

Fig 2.5.6(1) Longitudinal Joints

Sealer Metal cap partly

filled with cotton

Steel Dowel Bar Approx 7.5 cm

22 cm 30 cm

Bitumen Coating

Fig. Joint with Dowel Bar
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(ii) CONTRACTION JOINT: Contraction joints are provided to permit the contraction
of the slab. These joints are spaced closer than expansion joints. As per IRC specifications the
maximum spacing of contraction joints in un reinforced CC slabs is 4.5 m and in reinforced slabs is
14 m. Typical contraction joint is shown in fig below.

Caul King h/2 to 2h/3


Seal with plastic material


1/4 to 1/3 h

Smooth Dowel bar
Seal with plastic
material Flush with surface

h/2 1/4 to 1/3 h

Fig Contraction Joint

(iii) WARPING JOINT: The warping joints are known as hinged joints are provided to
relive stresses included due to warping. Longitudinal joints provided with the bars belong to this type
of joints . These joints are not needed if the suitable expansion and contraction joints are provided.
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In cement concrete road construction apart from expansion joints and contraction joints
construction joints are also provided. The compulsory break provided in continuity of the slabs is
due to close of days work and the commencement of the same, the next day with a construction
joint. Normally the construction joint is planned to coincide with an expansion joint .
Location of the above discussed joints are shown in fig given below

lre Contract

Longitud Tie

Fig. 2.5.6 Location of Joints
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The most difficult areas of the hills in our country are the one on the
Himalayas which are probably the youngest folded mountains in the world. The
highest peaks in the world are situated in these areas. The mountains contain steep
slopes and they consist of a number of criss-cross ridges and valleys and hence, in
order to go from one place to another, it is required to cover long distances and
cross a number of ridges, valleys, rivers and other small torrents.
Border Roads Organization was formed in the year 1958, with the objective of
deciding the policies of construction of strategic roads along the northern hill regions
of the country. The groundwork of this organization started in September 1960 and
the work was commenced in July 1961. This organization has done excellent work in
laying a network of roads in almost inaccessible areas extending from eastern region
like NEFA to northern region in Jammu and Kashmir. This organization in fact has
accomplished the huge task of developing roads in hilly areas of our country.
The term hill road can be explained with reference to the cross slope, i.e., the
slope approximately perpendicular to the centre-line of the highway alignment. Thus a
road is termed as a hill road if it passes through a terrain with a cross
slope of 25 per cent or more and it is characterized by widely differing elevations,
deep gorges, number of water courses and steep slopes. The hill roads are also
sometimes referred to as ghat roads.
In hill roads, additional care has to be taken for ecological considerations, such
1. Stability against geological disturbances
2. Land degradation and soil erosion
3. Destruction and denudation of forest
4. Interruption an disturbance to drainage system
5. Aestheticconsiderations
6. Siltation of water resources.
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The main aim of planning a hill road is to establish the shortest, most
economical and safe route between the obligatory points and to achieve this
purpose successfully, the following basic principles are to be observed in the
planning of hill roads:
1. Construction work
2. Existing routes
3. Intensity of traffic
4. Master plan
5. Natural climatic conditions
6. Use of contours. HILL ROAD CROSS SECTION:
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Fig. Cross section of Hill road DRAINAGE IN HILL ROADS
The rain falls very heavily on the hills and as the slopes of hills are quite steep, the
water reaches the roadside very quickly and creates the drainage problems. The water thus
collected should be disposed off in a proper way through well-planned and designed drainage
(1) Sub-surface drainage: The seepage flow of water on hills creates problems during
and after monsoons. The level of seepage water may be at, above or below the road
level depending upon several factors such as depth of hard stratum and its inclination,
quantity of underground flow of water, etc. The seepage flow also causes the
weakening of the road bed and the pavement and it also causes the problems of slope
stability. It is therefore necessary to control the seepage flow by adopting suitable
method of subsurface drainage system.
(2) Surface drainage: For carrying the surface water, the side drains are provided only
on the hill side of the road, as shown in fig. 10-5. There is limitation in the formation
width of road and hence, these drains are constructed of such a shape that the vehicles
could utilize the space of side drains in case of an emergency for crossing or parking.
(i) provision of catch water drain or intercepting ditch above the side drain; and
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(ii) suitable cross-drainage work to divert the water through the road on downside of
the hill.
The water from the hill slope is intercepted and diverted through the catch water
drains which are running parallel to the roadway. The catch water drains are usually provided
with a gradient of 1 in 50 to 1 in 33 to avoid high water velocity and possible wash out. The
water from the catch water drains is led to the cross-drainage works through the sloping
The cross-drainage works are in the form of culverts, scuppers or causeways. They
are constructed under the road and usually at right angle to it. For collecting the stones and
debris and for preventing scour, the catch pits may be provided at the head of small cross
drains. The floor level of catch pit may be kept about 300 mm below the sill of culvert
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The success and utility of a hill or ghat road depends on its alignment. It is necessary to
exercise great care fixing the alignment of hill roads. A good alignment has the following
(i) It achieves the minimum costs of construction and maintenance.
(ii) It allows comfortable travel and the expenditures on motive power as well as wear
and tear of vehicles are also greatly reduced.
(iii) It contains sharp curves having small radius.
(iv) It gives a stable and safe road.
(v) It grants the easiest, shortest and most economical line of communication between
the obligatory points or important centres to be connected by the hill road.
(vi) It has the gradient as easy as possible.
In general, it can be stated that the best and most convenient alignment will be the one
having the minimum of cutting and filling; and minimum of walling and bridging. In many
cases, the alignment of hill road contains two types of sharp curves known as hairpin bends
and corner bends. Fig.2.6.4 shows the hairpin bend and the corner bend.
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Fig. 2.6.4 Corner Bend and Hair Pin bend
2.6.5 HAIRPIN BENDS: A hairpin bend is a sharp curve and it is located on a hill side
having the minimum slope and maximum stability. It must also be safe from the view point
of land slides and ground water. For reducing the construction problems and expensive
protection works, the hairpin bends should be provided with long arms and farther spacing.


In order to give stability and a sense of safety to the hill roads, the following three types of
protective works are provided:
(1) Retaining walls
(2) Breast walls
(3) Parapet walls.
(1) Retaining walls: The formation of a hill road is generally prepared by the excavation of
the hill and the material which is excavated is dumped or stacked along the cut portion. The
retaining wall is constructed on the valley side of the roadway to prevent the sliding of back
filling as shown in fig. 10-5. Thus the main function of a retaining wall for hill roads is to
retain the back filling and it is provided at the following places:
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(i) at all re-entrant curves;
(ii) at places where the hill section is partly in cutting and
partly in embankment; and
(iii) at places where the road crosses a drainage.
Fig. 2.6.6.
Where stones are economically and easily available, it is customary to
construct the retaining walls in dry stone masonry as it permits easy drainage of
seeping water. The design of retaining walls is based on rules-of-thumb and the
performances of similar existing retaining walls. The minimum width of 600 mm is
kept at the top. The rear side is kept vertical. The front side is provided with a batter
of 1 in 4. If the height of retaining wall exceeds 6 m or so, the bands of coursed rubble
masonry in cement mortar at vertical and horizontal intervals of about 3 m are
constructed to grant additional stability to the wall. To facilitate the drainage of the
water behind the retaining wall, suitable weep holes at vertical height of 1 m and
horizontal spacing of 1 .2 m are provided with slope outwards batter or in the form of
projections. If the height of the wall is less than 2 m, the entire section is made in
random rubble stone masonry. If the height of wall exceeds 2 m, the top portion of 2
m height alone is made in random rubble masonry and the remaining portion is
constructed in cement mortar of proportion (1 :6).
The weep holes, as in case of retaining walls, are provided with slope
outwards and sometimes, the vertical gutters connecting the weep holes to the side
drain are provided.
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3.1.1 Introduction
The history of railways is closely linked with civilization of human beings. As the
necessity arose, human beings developed various methods of transporting goods from one
place to another. In olden days goods were carried as head loads or in carts drawn by men or
animals. Then efforts were made to replace animal power with mechanical power. In 1769,
Nicholes Carnot, a Frenchman, carried out the pioneering work of developing steam energy.
This work had very limited success and it was only in the year 1804 that Richard Trevithick
designed and constructed a steam locomotive. This locomotive, however, could be used for
traction on roads only. The credit of perfecting the design goes to George Stephenson, who in
1814 produced the first steam locomotive used for traction in railways.
The first public railway in the world was opened to traffic on 27 September 1825
between Stockton and Darlington in the UK. Simultaneously, other countries in Europe also
developed such railway systems; most introduced trains for carriage of passenger traffic
during that time. The first railway in Germany was opened from Nurenberg to Furth in 1835.
The USA opened its first railway line between Mohawk and Hudson in 1833.
The first railway line in India was opened in 1853. The first train, consisting of one
steam engine and four coaches, made its maiden trip on 16 April 1853, when it traversed a
21-mile stretch between Bombay (now Mumbai) and Thane in 1.25 hours. Starting from this
humble beginning, Indian Railways has grown today into a giant network consisting of
63,221 route km and connecting our country from the Himalayan foothills in the north to
Cape Comorin (Kanyakumari) in the south and from Dibrugarh in the east to Dwarka in the
west. Indian Railways has a glorious past of more than 150 years.
3.1.2 Development of Railways in India
In the year 1832 the first Railway running on steam engine, was launched in England.
Thereafter on 1st of August, 1849 the Great Indian Peninsular Railways Company was
established in India. On 17th of August 1849, a contract was signed between the Great Indian
Peninsular Railways Company and East India Company. As a result of the contract an
experiment was made by laying a railway track between Bombay and Thane (33.6 Kms).
• On 16th April, 1853, the first train service was started from Bombay to Thane.
• On 15th August, 1854, the 2nd train service commenced between Howrah and Hubli.
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• On the 1st July, 1856, the 3rd train service in India and first in South India
commenced between Vyasarpadi and Walajah Road and on the same day the section
between Vyasarpadi and Royapuram by Madras Railway Company was also opened.
Subsequently construction of this efficient transport system began simultaneously in different
parts of the Country. By the end of 19th Century 24752 Kms. of rail track was laid for traffic.
At this juncture the power, capital, revenue rested with the British private companies.
Revenue started flowing through passenger as well as through goods traffic.
Between the years 1881 and 1897, eight more new private companies were
established to bring rapid development in railways.
In the year 1905, Railway Board was established under the Commerce and Industries
Department to look after the Indian Railways.
During the World War I (1914 - 1921) some lines of strategic importance were
constructed. The nationalisation of Indian Railways took place in the year 1922. Burma was
separated from India with its share of 3,200 km length of railway line. During the World War
II, 'War Transport Board' was formed and the railway lines were increased to meet the war
After the Independence of India, most of the private railway companies were taken
over by the Government of India. After the partition of India and Pakistan in the year 1947,
the length of Indian Railways was reduced from 65,217 km to 54,149 km.
Indian Railways is divided into several zones, which are further sub-divided into
divisions. The number of zones in Indian Railways increased from six to eight in 1951, nine
in 1952 and sixteen in 2003. Each zonal railway is made up of a certain number of divisions,
each having a divisional headquarters. There are a total of sixty-eight divisions. Each of the
sixteen zones is headed by a general manager who reports directly to the Railway Board. The
zones are further divided into divisions under the control of divisional railway managers
Zonal Name Route Headquarters Divisions

railways km

Sl. No
1. Central 3905 Mumbai Mumbai, Bhusawal, Pune, Solapur,
2. East Central 3628 Hajipur Danapur, Dhanbad, Mughalsarai,
Samastipur, Sonpur
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3. East Coast 2677 Bhubaneswar Khurda Road, Sambalpur and Waltair
4. Eastern 2414 Kolkata Howrah, Sealdah, Asansol, Malda
5. North Central 3151 Allahabad Allahabad, Agra, Jhansi
6. North Eastern 3667 Gorakhpur Izzatnagar, Lucknow, Varanasi
7. North Western 5459 Jaipur Jaipur, Ajmer, Bikaner, Jodhpur
8. Northeast Frontier 3907 Guwahati Alipurduar, Katihar, Rangia, Lumding,
9. Northern 6968 Delhi Delhi, Ambala, Firozpur, Lucknow,
10. South Central 5803 Secunderabad Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Guntakal,
Guntur, Nanded, Secunderabad
11. South East Central 2447 Bilaspur Bilaspur, Raipur, Nagpur
12. South Eastern 2631 Kolkata Adra, Chakradharpur, Kharagpur,
13. South Western 3177 Hubli Hubli, Bengaluru, Mysore
14. Southern 5098 Chennai Chennai, Trichy, Madurai, Salem,[12]
15. West Central 2965 Jabalpur Jabalpur, Bhopal, Kota


Kolkata Metro Railway

6182 Mumbai

Mumbai central, Ratlam, Ahmedabad,
Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Vadodara

The railway system in India is the biggest in Asia and second largest in world under a
single management being next to the Soviet Railways.
Indian Railways have a network of 62,000 km, with 34,000 km on broad gauge,
24,000 km on metre gauge and 4,000 km on narrow gauge. There are 7,500 stations of
varying capacity.
About 35,000 passenger bogies and 4,00,000 goods bogies are also ply in the track of
Indian Railways.
The Indian Railways carry about 80 lakhs of passengers and 7 lakhs tonnes of freight
everyday. About 10 lakhs of people are employed in the Indian Railways.
3.1.3 Locomotives
In the year 2003–04, Indian Railways owned a fleet of 7817 locomotives including 45
steam locomotives, 4769 diesel locomotives, and 3003 electric locomotives. The number of
steam locomotives reached its peak in 1963–64 with 10,810 units. It then declined gradually,
as the production of steam locomotives was stopped in 1971. Diesel and electric locomotives,
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which are more than twice as powerful as steam locomotives, have progressively replaced
steam locomotives. Owing to the heavy investments involved in replacing all the existing
steam locomotives with diesel and electric locomotives, steam locomotives were gradually
phased out, and it was decided that these should be retained in service till the expiry of
their Service life or 2000 AD, whichever is earlier. Accordingly, most steam
locomotives of the Indian Railways have been phased out.
Apart from replacing steam locomotives with diesel and electric locomotives in areas of
heavy traffic density, a large number of diesel shunting engines are also being introduced as
replacements for steam shunting locomotives. This has enabled Indian Railways to improve
operational efficiency in both passenger and freight operations.
3.1.4 Production Units of Indian Railways
Apart from zonal railways, there are six production units. The details given in the
following table.
Unit Headquarters Production
Chittranjan Electric locomotives
Locomotive Works
Diesel Locomotive
Integral Coach
Diesel locomotives

Diesel Components Diesel components
Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala

Wheel and Axle Wheels and axles


3.1.5 Classification of Indian Railways

The Railway Board has classified the railway lines in India based on the importance
of the route, the traffic carried, and the maximum permissible speed on the route. The
complete classification is given below
Broad gauge routes
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All the broad gauge (BG) routes of Indian Railways have been classified into five
different groups based on speed criteria as given below.
Group Sanctioned speed
Group A Lines 160 kmph
Group B Lines 130 kmph
Group C Lines Suburban sections of Mumbai, Kolkata and
Group D and D Special Lines* 100 kmph
Group E and E Special Lines* Other sections and branch lines
* D Special and E Special routes based on the importance of routes, it has been decided that
few selected routes presently falling under D and E routes will be classified as D special and
E special routes. This has been done for the purpose of track renewal and priority allotment
of funds.
3.1.6 Rail Gauges
Gauge of railway track is defined as the clear minimum horizontal distance between
the inner top faces of the two rails of a track. (Fig.3.1)

Fig.3.1 Rail gauge Types of Rail Gauges
Various gauges on Indian Railways and its coverage are given below.
Name of gauge Width (mm) Route (km) * % of route (km) *
Broad gauge (BG) 1676 (5’6”) 55,188 85.6
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Metre gauge (MG) 1000 (3’3.37”) 6809 10.6
Narrow gauge (NG) 762 (2’6”) 2463 3.8
Total all gauges 64,460 100
*Data as on 31.03.2011

1. Broad gauge (BG)

When the clear horizontal distance between the inner faces of two parallel rails
forming a track is 1676mm (5’6”) the gauge is called Broad Gauge (B.G) This gauge is also
known as standard gauge of Indian Railway and is the broadest gauge of the world. For
greater the gauge, higher is the speed. Hence for higher speeds, broad gauge is preferred.
Also broad gauge is more stable in running and accommodates more passenger/fright
capacity and hence the intensity of the traffic is more and it is cheaper.
2. Metre gauge (MG)
When the clear horizontal distance between the inner faces of two parallel rails
forming a track is 1000mm, the gauge is known as Metre Gauge (M.G). If the intensity of
traffic is more, metre gauge is not recommended. This gauge is, therefore, used for tracks in
under-developed areas and in interior areas, where traffic intensity is small and prospects for
future development are not very bright.
3. Narrow gauge (NG)
When the clear horizontal distance between the inner faces of two parallel rails
forming a track is either 762mm or 610mm, the gauge is known as Narrow gauge (N.G). This
gauge is, therefore, used in hilly and very thinly populated areas.
3.1.7 Uniformity in Gauges
The need for uniformity of gauge has been recognized by all the advanced countries
of the world. The ill-effects of change of gauge are numerous. The multi-gauge system is not
only costly and cumbersome but also causes serious bottlenecks in the operation of the
Railways and hinders the balanced development of the country. Indian Railways therefore
took the bold decision in 1992 of getting rid of the multi-gauge system and following the uni-
gauge policy of adopting the broad gauge uniformly. The conversion to uni-gauge will result
in high initial expenditure, but it will be highly economical over a period of time, considering
the following advantages.
(i) No transport bottlenecks
There will be no transport bottlenecks after a uniform gauge is adopted and this will lead to
improved operational efficiency resulting in fast movement of goods and passengers.
(ii) No trans-shipment hazards
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There will be no hazards of trans-shipment and as such no delays, no damage to goods, no
inconvenience to passengers of transfer from one train to another train.
(iii) Provisions of alternate routes
Through a uni-gauge policy, alternate routes will be available for free movement of traffic
and there will be less pressure on the existing BG network. This is expected to result in
preference to railway rather than road transport in long-haul transportation of passengers and
(iv) Better turnaround : There will be a better turnaround of wagons and locomotives, and
their usage will improve the operating ratio of the railway system as a whole. As a result the
community will be benefited immensely.
(v) Improved utilization of track
There will be improved utilization of tracks and reduction in the operating expenses of the
(vi) Balanced economic growth
The areas currently served by the MG will receive an additional boost, leading to the removal
of regional disparities and balancing economic growth.
(vii) No multiple tracking works
(viii) Better transport infrastructure
Some of the areas served by the MG have the potential of becoming highly industrialized;
The uni-gauge policy will help in providing these areas a better transportation infrastructure.
3.1.8 Loading Gauge
The loading gauge consists of a vertical post with a horizontal arm, from which a
curved frame is suspended. It is constructed at the exit of the goods yard as shown in
fig.3.2. Its main function is to confirm that the top of the loaded wagon would clear all the
structures such as bridges, tunnels, etc., en-route its destination

Fig.3.2 Loading gauge
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3.1.9 Construction Gauges
By adding the necessary clearance to the loading gauge, the construction gauge ensure
that vehicles can move safely at the prescribed speed without any obstruction/violation. The
various permanent structures on railway lines such as bridges, tunnels, and platform sheds are
built in accordance with the construction gauge so that the sides remain clear of the loading


3.2.1 General
The finished or completed track of a railway line is known as permanent way. It
essentially consists of the following three parts namely, Rails, Sleeper and Ballast, as shown
in fig.3.3.
Rails are similar to “I” section girder fixed in two parallel lines to form the track to provide a
continuous level surface for the movement of trains.
Fig.3.3 Component parts of railway line

Two steel rails are fixed parallel on the sleepers by means of suitable fixtures and fastenings
and at right angles to them. The sleepers are embedded in ballast which is spread over the
formation ground. The rails should be strong and rigid enough to bear the wheel loads and
impacts. Generally, they are made of high-carbon steel to withstand stresses.
3.2.2 Function of Rails
1. The rails should provide continuous and level surface for the movement of trains.
2. The rails should provide a smooth and uniform surface and should bear the heavy
loads transmitted through the wheels.
3. The rails should bear lateral stresses due to braking and thermal stresses as well.
4. The rails should transmit the load to the ballast formations through sleepers.
5. Wear of rails should be the least.
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3.2.3 Requirements of an Ideal Rail
1. The rail should have the most economical section consistent with strength,
stiffness, and durability.
2. The rail shape should be such that fish-plates can easily be fitted.
3. The rail face should resist wear.
4. The rail should possess adequate lateral and vertical stiffness.
5. The rail should be made of proper composition of high-carbon steel.
6. The depth of head of rail should be sufficient to allow for an adequate margin of
vertical wear.
7. The centre of gravity of rail section should lie very near to the centre of height of
8. The height of the rail should be adequate for vertical stiffness and strength as a
9. The rail section should conform the standards prescribed by the Indian Railways.
10. The head of rail should have adequate height to resist vertical shear.
3.2.4 Types of Rail Section

Fig.3.4 Rail sections

Rail sections can be classified into the following types:
1. Double-headed rail
2. Bull-headed rail
3. Flat-footed rail
1. Double-headed rail
The first rails used were double headed and made of an “I” or dumb-bell section. For
fixing, each rail requires one chair per sleeper. The advantage of this type of rail was that
when the head had worn out, the rail could be inverted and be used, thus economical. In
practice, it was found that due to impact, the lower head got dented. The lateral stability was
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also very poor and hence, could not be used as head. This lead to be development of bull-
headed rail.
2. Bull-headed rail
Bull headed rail is similar in shape to double headed rail but with more metal added to
the head to withstand wear. The foot was just sufficient in size to bear the stress induced in it
by the moving loads. The foot of the rails are fastened to chairs by wooden keys. Each rail
required one chair per sleeper for fixing. It also had poor lateral rigidity.
3. Flat-footed rail
Flat-footed rail has the shape of inverted “T”(approx.). It is stronger than bull-headed
rail. It needs no chair and the foot of the rail may be spiked directly to the sleepers. The main
advantage of this type of rail is its lateral rigidity. The heavy train load tends to sink the rail
into the sleepers. This causes loosening of the spikes when the flat footed rails sink directly to
the wooden sleepers. To avoid this sinking and for distributing the load on wider areas, steel
bearing plates are used between sleepers and rails.
3.2.7 Length of Rails
Theoretically, the longer the rail, the lesser the number of joints and fittings required
and the lesser the cost of construction and maintenance. Longer rails are economical and
provide smooth and comfortable rides. The length of a rail is, however, restricted due to the
following factors.
(a) Lack of facilities for transport of longer rails, particularly on curves.
(b) Difficulties in manufacturing very long rails.
(c) Difficulties in providing bigger expansion joints for long rails.
(d) Heavy internal thermal stresses in long rails.
Taking the above factors into consideration, Indian Railways has standardized a rail
length of 13 m (42 ft) for broad gauge and 12 m (39 ft) for metre and narrow gauge tracks.
Indian Railways is also planning to use 26 m, and even longer, rails in its track system.
3.2.6 Welding of Rails
Welding is the process of joining two or more pieces of metal together by heat with or
without the application of pressure.
1. Purposes of welding the rails
In railways the welding process is used for the following purposes.
a. To join the rails in order to increase their length.
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b. To bring back the worn out and damaged rails, points, crossings, etc. to their
original shape and size. Thus increasing their life and reducing the cost of
2. Advantages of welding of rails
a. The welded joints are stronger than any other method of joints.
b. The welded joints give a smooth working surface and good appearance.
c. Welding of rails considerably reduces creep.
d. The welded joints require less frequent inspection and lower maintenance cost.
e. Welding of rails offer better result in track circuit and electrified tracks.
f. The risk of sabotage is decreased because it is not possible to undo the welded
g. The welded rails maintain lateral, longitudinal and vertical stability of the track
3. Methods of welding of rails
There are so many methods of welding in use. The common methods are as follows:
a. Gas pressure welding
b. Electric arc welding
c. Chemical or thermit welding
d. Flash-butt welding
3.2.7 Wear of Rails
It is the loss of shape of rail heads due to a number of consistent moving wheels on the
rails. In course of time, wear and tear occurs on vertical and horizontal planes of a rail head.
Wear occurs due to,
* Impact of moving loads
* Forces due to rail-wheel interaction
* Braking of wheels and
* Effects of weather
1. Types of wear on rails
The wear can be classified into the following three categories depending upon the
position of wear.
a. Wear on the top of the rail head (vertical wear)
b. Wear on the ends of the rail (battering of rail ends)
c. Wear on the sides of the rail head (lateral wear)
a. Wear on the top of the rail head (vertical wear)
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Fig.3.4 (a) vertical wear
The metal from the top face of a rail stretches and 'flows' when the stress in the rail exceeds
the elastic limits and the rail assumes the shapes as shown in fig.3.4 (a), forming projection
beyond the original section of the rail, known as ‘blurr’.
Causes of vertical wear of the rail:
i. Due to the abrasion of the rolling wheels over the rail.
ii. The heavy load of a wheel is concentrated in a small area on the inner face of rail
which results in building of high stresses in rail exceeding the elastic limit.
iii. The grinding action of the same particles between wheels and rails.
iv. Due to corrosion.
b. Wear on the ends of the rail (battering of rail ends)

Fig.3.4 (b) battering of rail ends

The wear occurs at the end of rails as shown in Fig.3.4 (b) and is much greater than the
wear on the top of the rails. This wear is mainly due to the blow which the end of rail
receives when a wheel jumps the gap between two rail ends. The rails are battered by such
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i. On curves, the centrifugal force causes thrust of the wheel flanges against the inner
side of the outer rail head, which results in the grinding of the rail by the flanges
causing side wear.
ii. On curves, the vehicles do not bend to the shape of the curvature, resulting into
biting the inner side of the outer rail head by wheel flanges.
iii. Wear on inner side of the head of inner rail also occurs due to slipping and skidding
of wheels on curves.
c. Wear on the sides of the rail head (lateral wear)

Fig.3.4 (c) lateral wear

2. Measures to reduce wear of rails
Some of the methods adopted to reduce vertical wear and lateral wear on straight
paths and curves are listed below.
a. By reducing the number of joints by welding
b. By using the bearing plates
c. By the use of special alloy steel for rails.
d. By adopting good maintenance of track.
e. By reducing the expansion gap.
f. By using proper lubricants.
g. By adopting inner exchange of inner and outer rails.
h. By introducing check rails on sharp curves.
3.2.8 Coning of Wheels
If the track of the wheels rest flat on the rails, there will be lateral movement of the
axle. This results in the damage to the inside faces of the head of the rails. This is prevented
by sloping the tread at a slope of 1 in 20. This sloping of the wheels from the vertical axis is
known as coning of wheels. (Fig.3.5).
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1 in 2 Tread
1 in 2

1 in
20 0
1 in 2

Fig.3.5 Coning of wheels

As the wheels and the axle are monolithic, on curves the coning of wheels help the
outer wheel to cover a large distance without slipping than the inner wheel, for the same
number of revolution. Also, the vehicle is maintained at the centre of its run by coning of

3.2.9 Hogged Rails

Due to the battering action of wheels over the end of rails, the rails get bent down and
deflected at ends. The rail with this defect is called hogged rail. Besides, rail ends get hogged
due to poor maintenance of the rail joint, yielding formation, loose and faulty fastenings, and
other such reasons. Hogging of rails causes the quality of the track to deteriorate. This defect
can be remedied by measured shovel packing.
3.2.10 Bending of Rails
On course, the rails should be bent true to the curvature of the curve. In flat curves (less
than 3°) the rails need no bending as they are retained in curved position by the sleepers. The
sleepers in turn, are held by the ballast heaped up at their ends and flush with the top of
sleepers. The filling up of ballast in this manner is known as boxing. For curves more than 3°,
it is desirable to bend the rails to the correct curvature before fastening them to the sleepers.
Otherwise, elbows would occur at the joints, as the joints are less flexible in the horizontal
3.2.11 Creep of rails
Creep is defined as the longitudinal movement of the rails in a track. Creep is common
to all railway tracks, but varies considerably in magnitude.
1. Causes of creep
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Fig.3.6 Wave motion in loaded rail
a. Development of wave motion in the rails (fig.3.6)
b. Forces acting at the time of starting accelerating, slowing down or stopping the
c. Unequal expansion and contraction of rails due to temperature variations.
d. Use of low quality sleepers.
e. Improper fixing of rails.
f. Improper maintenance of track.
g. Uneven spacing of sleepers.
h. Insufficient ballast.
i. Inadequate drainage arrangements

2. Effects of creep
a. Dislocation of sleepers affecting the gauge and alignment of track.
b. Excess opening of rail joints develops considerable stresses in fish plates and bolts,
thus rendering their breakages.
c. In some places at joints, the jamming prevents expansion tending buckling of rails.
d. Distortion of points and crossings affect the gauge and alignment. The movement
of switches made difficult and interlocking is thrown out of gear.
3. Methods of correcting creep
The following four methods can be used to correct the creep of rails.
a. Pulling back of rails
b. Providing steel sleepers
c. Providing anchors or anti-creepers
d. Efficient and proper maintenance of track.

Direction of Anchor

(a) Anchor location or one-way traffic (b) Wedge anchor



(a) Spring anchor

(b) Anchor location or two-way traffic

Fig.3.7 Creep of rails -Anchor and location
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a. Pulling back of rails
When creep has sent in, the rails are pulled back to their original positions.
b. Providing steel sleepers
Sleepers should be of such type and with such fittings that they prevent the rail from
creeping on them. Also, the sleepers must have a good grip in the ballast to resist the
movement of the sleeper itself in the ballast. Increase in the number of sleepers will help in
the prevention of creep.

c. Providing anchors or anti-creepers

These are fastened to the foot of the rail and are in absolute contact with the side of the
sleeper on the side opposite to the direction of creep. If creep is taking place in both
directions, anti-creepers are provided on both sides of the sleeper (fig.3.7).
d. Efficient and proper maintenance
Frequent inspection and proper maintenance of tracks will considerably reduce amount
of creep of rails. Use of more amount of clean ballast minimises creep to a very great extent.
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3.3.1 General
Sleeper is a transverse ties that are laid to support the rails. The main function of
sleepers is to support the rails, keep the two rails at correct gauge and distribute the load from
the rails to the ballast.

Fig.3.8 Rail sleepers
3.3.2 Functions of Sleepers
1. To hold the rail to correct gauge.
2. To provide a firm and even support to rails.
3. To distribute the weight from the rails over a sufficient large area of the ballast.
4. To provide stability to the track.
5. To maintain track alignment.
6. To maintain the track at proper grade.
7. To provide insulation for electrified track.
8. To act as an elastic medium between the rails and ballast and to absorb vibrations.
3.3.3 Types of Sleepers
Different types of sleepers are used in Indian Railways depending on their availability,
suitability, economy and design. The following are the different types of sleepers.
a. Wooden sleepers
b. Cast iron sleepers
c. Steel sleepers
d. Reinforced concrete sleepers
e. Pre-stressed concrete sleepers
a. Wooden sleepers
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Sleepers made of wood are called wooden sleepers. Hard wood such as sal, teak, rose
wood etc., and soft wood such as chir, deodar, kail etc., are commonly used for this purpose.
Wooden sleepers are cheap and ideal.
b. Cast iron sleepers
Sleepers made of cast iron are called cast iron sleepers. Cast iron sleepers have been
used extensively on Indian Railways. Cast iron sleepers are of two types.
i. Cast iron pot type sleepers
ii. Cast iron plate type sleepers
i. Cast iron pot type sleepers
It is shown in fig.3.10. This type of sleeper consists of two hollow pots of circular or elliptical
in shape, placed inverted on the ballast section. The two pots are connected by a tie bar of
section 50 m × 12.5 mm. Each pot has two holes for ballast packing and inspection.
Key Tie bar



Fig.3.10 Cast iron pot type sleeper

ii. Cast iron plate type sleepers
This consists of rectangular plates of size about 860 mm, 305 mm with projecting ribs
under the plates for their lateral stability. The tie bars can be fixed to the plates by keys, gibs
and cotter, distance pieces etc. (Fig.3.11).




Fig.3.11 Cast-iron plate sleeper
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c. Steel sleepers
Sleepers made of steel are called steel sleepers. These sleepers made from 6 mm thick
steel sheets, with their both ends bent down to check the running out of ballast (Fig.3.9)

2680 216
Elevation Section on AA

216 305


Fig.3.9 Steel sleeper

d. Reinforced concrete sleepers

Sleepers made of reinforced concrete are called R.C. sleepers. There are two types of
R.C. sleepers.
a. A single piece like a wooden sleeper.
b. Has two R.C. slabs joined together by means of a tie bar generally of a T-section
Slope 1 in 20 Slope 1 in 20

222 178

762 ´ 305 854 762 ´ 305

Fig.3.12 R.C.C. Sleeper - Composite type

e. Pre-stressed concrete sleepers
Initially these sleepers are costly but are very cheap in the long run.(Fig.3.13).
There are two types of pre-stressed sleepers.
1. Pre-tensioned sleepers
2. Post-tensioned sleepers

Fig.3.13 Pre-stressed concrete sleepers
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3.3.4 Characteristics of good Sleepers
The requirements of sleepers are listed below.
1. It should be able to maintain proper gauge.
2. It should provide sufficient bearing area for the rail.
3. It should have sufficient weight for stability.
4. It should facilitate the fitting for the easy removal or replacement of rails whenever
5. It should provide adequate area of contact between ballast and rails.
6. It should be elastic, resilient and shock absorbing.
7. It should accommodate the packing of ballasts easily, effectively and quickly.
8. It should not get damaged easily on working.
9. It should facilitate insulation from rails to sleeper if track electrification is required.
10. It should be economical both in initial and maintenance costs.
11. It should not easily be pushed ahead due to passage of trains.
12. It should not easily be damaged or removed any miscreants.
13. It should not be damaged by any insects easily.
14. It should not be affected by weather conditions.
15. It should be repairable or rectifiable.
16. It should not require complicated design in its fastenings.
3.3.5 Sleeper Density
Sleeper density is the number of sleepers used per rail on the track. It depends on the
speed of train, type and section of rail, type of joints and axle loading. The number of
sleepers per rail varies from N + 3 to N + 6 for main tracks where N is the length of the rail in
3.3.6 Ballast
It is a layer of suitable material (stone) used under and around the sleepers in order to
distribute the wheel load from the sleepers to the formation facilitating easy drainage of
3.3.7 Functions of Ballast
The functions of ballast are listed below.
1. To provide a suitable foundation and hold the sleepers in their correct position.
2. To transmit and distribute the load from the sleepers to the formation.
3. To provide an easy means of correcting track levels and increase the elasticity of
the track.
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4. To protect the surface of formation from direct exposure to the sun, frost or rain.
5. To drain the water immediately and keep the sleepers in dry conditions.
6. To prevent the growth of vegetation inside the track.
7. To resist lateral, longitudinal and vertical displacement of the track.
3.3.8 Requirements of Good Ballast
The requirements of good ballast are listed below.
1. It should not be brittle and have sufficient strength to resist crushing under heavy
loads of moving trains.
2. It should maintain the shape.
3. It should have sufficient grip over the sleeper.
4. It should be sufficiently durable to resist the abrasion and weathering action.
5. It should be cheap and easily available.
6. It should provide lateral and longitudinal stability of the track.
7. It should easily drain water immediately.
8. It should be easily workable so that it can be easily laid.
9. It should not have any chemical action on rails and metal sleepers.
3.3.9 Ballast Materials
The ballast materials are given and explained below.
1. Broken stone 2. Gravel
3. Ashes or cinders 4. Sand
5. Kankar 6. Murum
7. Brick bats 8. Blast furnace slag
9. Selected earth
1. Broken stone
This is the best suitable material for ballast in a railway track. Due to its high
interlocking action, it holds the track to the correct alignment and gradient. Granite, quartzite,
sandstone and limestone are some of the varieties of stones used for ballast.
2. Gravel
It is obtained from river beds or gravel pits. It is preferable next to stone. It is cheaper
than stone ballast. Its drainage property is excellent. It easily rolls down due to rounded shape
under vibration and the packing under the sleepers gets loosened. Variation in size is
desirable and hence, it requires screening before use.
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3. Ashes or cinders
Coal ashes or cinders are available in large quantities or railways from locomotives.
They have excellent drainage properties and are the cheapest. But they cannot withstand
heavy traffic. They corrode steel and affect the base of the rails.
4. Sand
In forms another reasonably good material for ballast. It has very good drainage
property and produces a silent track. It is good for pot sleepers.
5. Kankar
It is lime agglomerate and is found in many places in the form of nodules of varying
sizes. It is useful for metre gauge and narrow gauge tracks with light traffic.
6. Murum
Under heavy loads it crumbles to powder. Hence it is used for unimportant lines and
7. Brick bats
Where no stone or suitable substitute is available, over-burnt bricks, broken into small
sizes are used as ballast. It becomes powder under heavy traffic and makes the track dusty.
8. Blast furnace slag
It is a by-product in the manufacture of iron. It forms suitable ballast. It is hard, dense
and free from gas holes.
9. Selected earth
It is used for sidings and for newly laid railway tracks.
(Note: The ballast materials mentioned in item from 3 to 9 are not common nowadays as the
engine and wagon load are very heavy compared to earlier period.)
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A joint is made between two rails to hold them together in the correct position. A rail
joint is the weakest part in a railway track. In order to provide provision for expansion and
contraction of rails due to variation in temperature certain gap is provided at each joint. This
gap causes a break in continuity of rails in horizontal as well as in vertical plane, forming the
weakest point of track.
Types of Rail Joints
Depending upon the position of joints and sleepers, rail joints may be classified:
1. According to position of joints
2. According to position of sleepers
1. According to position of joints
According to position of joints the rail joints are of the following two types.
a. Square joints
b. Staggered joints
a. Square joints
When a joint in one rail is exactly opposite to the joint in the other parallel rail, it is
called square joint. It is shown in Fig.3.14 (a). It is very common in straight tracks. But at
present, staggered joints are more favoured.

Fig.3.14 (a) Square Rail joints

b. Staggered joints
When a joint in one rail is exactly opposite to the centre of the other parallel rail, it is
called staggered joints. It is shown in Fig.3.14 (b). In India this type of joint is used on
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Fig.3.14 (b) Staggered Rail joints
2. According to position of sleepers
According to position of sleepers, the rail joints are of the following three types.
a. Suspended joints
b. Supported joints
c. Bridge joints
a. Suspended joints
The rail joint that is placed at the centre of two consecutive sleepers is known as
suspended joints. It is shown in Fig.3.14 (c). The load is equally distributed on two sleepers.
When joint is depressed both rails are pressed down evenly.

Fig.3.14 (c) Suspended joint

b. Supported joints
When the sleeper is placed exactly below the rail joint, it is known as supported joint. It
is shown in Fig.3.14 (d). But this does not give sufficient support with heavy axle loads.

Fig.3.14 (d) Supported joint
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c. Bridge joints
This is similar to the suspended joint, but with a metal serving as a bridge to connect
the ends of two rails. It is shown in Fig.3.14 (e). The bridge is placed at the bottom of rails
and it rests on two sleepers.

Fig.3.14 (e) Bridge joint

3.4.2 Fastenings for Rail
Rail fixtures and fastenings are used to keep the rails in the proper position and to set
points and crossings properly. They link the rails endwise and fix the rails either on chairs
fixed to sleepers or directly to sleepers. The important fittings commonly used in a permanent
way are the following:
1. Fish plates
2. Fish bolts
6. Bearing plates
7. Blocks
3. Fang bolts 8. Spikes
4. Hook bolts 9. Elastic fastenings
5. Chairs and keys
1. Fish plates
Fish plates are used in rail joints to maintain the continuity of the rails and to provide
for any expansion or contraction of the rail caused by temperature variation (Fig.3.15).
Rail Fish plate gap

Fish bolt
and nut

Section on - AA 57 114 114 114 57

Fig.3.15 Fish plates and bolts

Requirement of fish plates
a. To bear the stresses due to lateral and vertical bending without getting distorted.
b. To allow for free expansion and contraction of rails.
c. To resist against wear of rails.
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d. To support the underside of the rail head.

2. Fish bolts
The fish bolts have to undergo shear due to heavy transverse stresses. Fish bolts are
made of medium or high carbon steel. A bolt of 2.5 cm diameter and 12.7 cm length is used.
Generally the length depends on the type of fish plate used. These bolts get loose by the
traffic vibration and require tightening from time to time.
3. Fang bolts
Fang bolts are employed for fastening slide chairs to the sleepers under the switches.
These are used in locations where gauge is to be preserved. Fig.3.18 (d) shows a typical fang
4. Hook bolts
The sleepers are fixed to the girders of the bridges using hook bolts. Usually two hook
bolts are used for each sleeper.
5. Chair and keys
For double-headed and bull-headed rails, chairs are required to hold them in position.
The chairs are invariably made of cast-iron and they help in distributing the load from the
rails to the sleepers. All chairs consist of two jaws and a rail seat (Fig.3.16). The keys
required to keep the rail in proper position may be of wood or metal. They may be either
straight or tapered.
6. Bearing Plates
Bearing plates are rectangular plates of mild steel or cast iron. These are used below
flat footed rails to distribute the load on a larger area of timber sleepers. (Fig.3.17).
Fongnut to grip the
Outer Rail Spring key or sleeper from bottom
face stuarts key
Round bolt
Spike C.I.chair
hole Steel wedge

Fig. 3.16
C.I. Chain with spring key
Square nut
Rail Gauge
Recess Dog spike
a. Dog b. Screw c. Round d. Fongnut
Fig.3.17 Bearing plate for spike spike spike and bolt
flat-footed rail Fig.3.18

Types of spikes
The advantages of using bearing plates are listed below.
a. Distribution of wheel load coming on rails to the
sleepers over a larger area.
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b. Prevention of damage of the sleepers due to rubbing action.
c. Holding of spikes firmly to the sleepers.
7. Blocks
When two rails run very close like check rails etc., small blocks are inserted in between
the two rails and connected to maintain the required distance. Depending upon the
requirements, they may touch either the webs or the fish plates or both.
8. Spikes
For holding the rails to the wooden sleepers, spikes of various types are used (Fig.3.18).
These can be used with or without bearing plates below the rails. For holding flat-footed rails
to a wooden sleeper, dog spikes are commonly used. Fang nut and bolt is used for fixing slide
chairs to sleepers. Round spikes or screw spikes are used as an alternative to fang nut and
9. Elastic fastenings
In the process of fixing the rail with the sleeper, the fastenings are subjected to severe
vertical, lateral and longitudinal forces. In addition, moving loads generate vibration mainly
due to geometric irregularities of the track. The old rigid fastening is unable to hold the rail to
the sleeper firmly with a constant pressure for a good long time. Thus the track gets affected
and there is a need for such a fastening which can safeguard the track parameters and damp
the vibrations. For this purpose, an elastic fastening is introduced.
To prevent creep in rails, anti-creepers are used. Bearing plates are provided for
wooden sleepers. The anchors are of many shapes. A V shaped anchor is found to be very
effective to check creep. The following points must be observed for efficient use of anchors.
1. There must be sufficient ballast in the sleeper.
2. The anchors should be uniformly distributed in each panel of rails.
3. Defective anchors should be replaced.
4. Anchors should bear tightness against the sleeper.
The complete operation of laying and assembling of the rails and sleepers of a new
track on the prepared formation of railway is termed as plate-laying.
The point upto which the new track has been laid at any time is known as the rail head
and the point from where the track laying is commenced is known as the rail base. The
progress of day's work is measured by the distance from the base to the rail head.
Methods of Plate-Laying
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1. Tram line method or side method
2. Telescopic method
3. American method
4. Plasser Quick Relaying System (PQRS)

1. Tram line method or side method

This method is useful for plate laying in flat terrain. Also, this method is used when the
new truck is laid next to the existing track. For plate-laying of new track, either of the
following two methods may be adopted.
a.A service road is constructed parallel to the proposed track and the materials are
transported to the site of work.
b. A temporary rail line is laid, parallel to the proposed track and the materials are
transported in wagons. This temporary rail line is known as tram line.
In this method all the required materials are taken from the central depot, in material
trains on the existing track and are spread on the formation of new track, After completing
the spreading, the work of assembling started from one end manually.
2. Telescopic method
This method is very widely used in India. In this method, first of all a large central
depot is constructed near the junction of the existing railway or highway and the proposed
railway line. The manual force is divided as follows.
1. Material gangs 2. Linking-in-gangs 3. Packing-in-gangs.
a. Material gangs
These gangs unload the materials from the trains. Then they carry the materials to the
rail head and supply them to the linking-in-gangs. These gangs distribute sleepers, rails, fish-
plates, fish-bolts etc., at required places approximately.
b. Linking-in-gangs
These gangs mark the centre line of the proposed track and place the sleepers at
required places. Then the rails are placed on the sleepers. Successive rails are joined together
by fish-plates and bolts after leaving suitable expansion gaps. The expansion gaps are
provided equally using shim plates or liner plates. After joining, the rails are fixed to the
c. Packing-in-gangs
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After the rails have been fixed to the sleepers by the linking-in-gangs, packing-in-gangs
will correct the rails to the required level and gradients by packing earth/ballast below and
around the sleepers.
3. American method
This method requires special track laying equipment. This is a costlier method and
hence not followed in India. In this method, the entire track is assembled in the track laying
workshops and the entire unit is lifted up by heavy cranes and placed in position at rail base.
The only work which is done at site is the joining of rails by fish-plates and bolts. This
method facilitates fast laying of track and enables the throwing of track for service at the
shortest duration of time.
4. Plasser Quick Relaying System (PQRS)

Fig.3.19 PQRS method

Plasser and Theorer Company had introduced Mechanical laying of railway track in
Indian Railways. This system of laying track is very popular compare to other system of
laying. This method is used for relaying existing track under high traffic condition without
interrupting the flow of traffic. But this method requires the use of many tools and machinery
and hence comparatively costlier. This method facilitates laying new railway track
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Once the track is opened for traffic, then the necessity of maintenance arises for the
following reasons.
1. To increase the life of track and rolling stock.
2. To reduce the operational cost of trains.
3. To have a more safe and comfortable journey.
4. To secure more safety against derailment and accidents.
5. To maintain high speeds of the traffic.
6. To carry the delicate and other good safely.
7. To maintain the level gauge, gradient and cant.
It is therefore necessary to maintain the track in good condition so as to run the trains
safely at specified speeds.
1. All the worn-out main rails and check rails should be replaced by new ones
2. The fish-plates and fish-bolts should be oiled periodically to have free longitudinal
3. All the sliding chairs at points and crossing should be oiled for free movement.
4. In the yards, coal-ashes on rails should be removed and cleaned.
5. All the decayed sleeper should be replaced.
6. All the worn-out fish plates should be replaced.
7. All the loose spikes should be corrected.
8. All the worn-out points and crossings should be renewed.
9. If a kink is found in a rail it should be rectified or otherwise replaced.
10. The inner rail on curve with excessive wear should be replaced immediately.
11. In station yards, the rails should be oiled to protect them from corrosion.
Tools Required during Maintenance
1. Beater-cum-pick axe - To pack ballast under sleeper
2. Rail gauge - To verify the gauge
3. Cant board - To verify cant
4. Jim crow - To bend the rails
5. Lifting jacks - To lift track
6. Rail tongs - To lift the rails
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7. Shovels - To handle the ballast
8. Crowbars - To align the track slightly.
9. Sprit levels - To verify cross levels
10. Adzes - To do adzing to wooden sleepers.
11. Claw bar - To take out dog-spikes from sleepers
12. Sleeper tongs - To lift sleepers.
Bridge inspection along the railway track is carried out by track inspectors and bridge
inspectors. Track inspectors look after culverts and small bridges. Bridge inspectors look
after major bridges. Bridge inspectors are responsible for the following works of bridge
1. The soundings are to be taken in the river bed to detect the depth of scour near the
abutments and piers.
2. Suitable pitching is to be provided to the embankments near bridges.
3. Flood training bunds will have to be constructed and maintained in case of some
river turbulent in nature.
4. The superstructure of girder bridges should be painted with red lead once in five
5. The rivets should be carefully inspected at regular intervals and all defective rivets
should be replaced.
6. The bearings of girders should be coated with oil frequently.
7. The bed blocks should be inspected and necessary repairs carried out.
8. It should be inspected whether the masonry has cracked, deteriorated or washed at
the time of flood.
The rolling stock includes locomotives, coaches and wagons. The following points are
to be observed during their maintenance.
1. Lubrication of all reciprocating parts and bearing should be carried out.
2. Worn out parts from rolling stock should be replaced then and there.
3. The different parts of rolling stock should be cleaned periodically.
4. All axles which have run 3,22,000 km should be replaced.
5. The locomotive boilers have to be carefully maintained.
6. A passenger vehicle used for a specific period should be dismantled and re-
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A station is defined as any place on a railway line where traffic is booked and dealt
with and where the trains are given an authority to proceed forward.
A railway station function to
1. provide facility for waiting and booking of passengers and goods.
2. control train movements.
3. provide passing tracks for trains coming in opposite directions and to allow faster
trains to overtake slower trains.
4. supply water, coal, diesel etc., to the locomotives.
5. sort out passenger coaches and goods wagon.
6. add or detach bogies in the trains as per requirements.
7. serve as relief centre for passengers in case of accidents.
8. provide facility for changing locomotives and operating staff.
9. facilitate for repairing engines and changing their direction etc.,
The stations can be classified on the basis of their functional utility as,
1. Wayside stations
2. Junction stations
3. Terminal stations
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1. Wayside stations
Ticket house

Main Loop

Up Goods Goods shed

Down Railway track platform

Foot over bridge Passenger platform


Goods Goods Station

shed platform building
Fig.4.1 Wayside stations (Layout)
In this type of stations, arrangement is made for crossing or for overtaking trains.
Wayside stations are of the following types.
a. Halt station
b. Flag stations
c. Crossing stations
a. Halt stations
These are the simplest types of stopping places. They may or may not have a building
or staff. Halts have usually only one platform with a name board on either side
as shown in Fig.4.1 (a). At Halts, some trains stop to entrain or detrain passengers. No
permanent staff is kept at halts for the issue of tickets. Tickets to passengers are issued either
by travelling ticket examiner or travelling booking clerk. Halt stations are usually provided
on light traffic sections. The main disadvantage of halts is that many passengers travel
without tickets.
b. Flag stations
The stations where only traffic is dealt with are known as flag stations. These stations
have no overtaking or crossing facilities and arrangements to control the movement of trains
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(Fig.4.1 (b)). These stations have buildings, staff and communication facilities. Some of the
flag stations have sidings also in the form of loops.

c. Crossing stations
These stations are provided with facilities for crossing. In this type of stations, at least
one loop line is provided to allow another train to cross, if one track is already occupied by a
waiting train. Generally, the train which has to be stopped is taken on loop line and the other
through train is allowed to pass on the main line fig.4.1 (c) shows a typical layout of a
crossing station with double line.
2. Junction stations
The stations where branch lines join a main line are known as junction stations
Foot over bridge

Island Main
Loop Station building

Fig.4.2 Junction station (Layout)

Arrangements in junction station
a. Facilities for the interchange of traffic between main and branch lines.
b. Facilities to clean and repair the compartments of the trains which terminate at the
c. Facilities of good sidings, engine sheds, turn table etc.
3. Terminal station
It is a station where a railway line or one of its branches terminates (Fig.4.3).
Facilities required in a terminal station
a. Watering, cleaning, fuelling and servicing the engine.
b. Turn table for the change of direction of the engine.
c. Yards for dealing goods traffic (such as marshalling yard,
engine sheds, sidings etc.)
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4.1.4 Platforms
A raised level surface, from where either passengers board and alight from trains or
goods loading and unloading is done, is known as a 'platform'. Generally, the following two
types of platforms are provided at the stations:
1) Passenger platforms, and
2) Good platforms
The length of a platform depends on the longest train running on that section.
1) Passenger Platforms
As the name implies, this platform is meant for passengers who are using the railways.
The following are the essentials of a passenger platform:
i) The platforms should be covered for a minimum distance of 60 m of length.
ii) A minimum width of 3.66 m of platform should be paved.
iii) The ends of the raised platforms should be in the form of a ramp with a maximum slope
of 1 : 6.
iv) Adequate arrangement of lighting on platforms should be made for efficient and safe
running of trains at night.
v) Adequate drinking water facilities should be provided and necessary sanitary
arrangements be made.
vi) Names of stations should be written on a R.C.C. board in bold letters. These boards are
placed at extremities of the platform and at right angles to the moving train direction.
The height of the underside of the board from platform level is generally kept 1.8 m.
vii) The various dimensions of the passenger platforms are determined on the basis of
The station having longest platform in the world exists in India. This platform exists at
Sonepur Station on the North-Eastern Railway.
2) Goods platforms
As the name implies, these platforms are used for loading and unloading of goods. The
following are the essentials of a goods platform:
i) Goods platforms are generally higher so as to negotiate with high wagon floors.
This facilitates in handling of goods.
ii) Goods shed should be provided on goods platforms and at the same time weighing
arrangements should be made on platforms.
iii) Proper drainage facilities should be provided.
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iv) The facilities for direct access from the goods platforms to the goods sidings and to
marshalling yard should be provided.
4.1.5 Station Yards
A yard is defined as a system of tracks laid out to deal with the passenger as well as
goods traffic being handled by the railways. The yard includes receipt and dispatch of trains
besides stabling, sorting, marshalling and other such functions. The yards are normally
classified as follows.
4.1.6 Types of Yard
1. Passenger yards 2. Goods yard
3. Marshalling yards 4. Locomotive yards
1. Passenger yards
The function of the passenger yard is to provide all the facilities for the safe movement
of passengers. The railway platform is the simplest form of the passenger
Facilities in a passenger yard are:
i. Booking office, enquiry office, luggage booking room, clock room and waiting
room for passengers.
ii. Parking space for vehicles.
iii. Signals for reception and despatch of trains.
iv. Platforms and sidings for shunting facilities.
v. Facilities of changing batteries.
vi. Facilities for passing a through-train at speed without interface.
vii. Washing lines, sick-lines etc.
2. Goods yard
A goods yard has to cater for the receipt, loading, unloading and delivery of goods and
the movement of goods vehicles. In all the stations, goods yards are provided except in the
flag stations.
Requirements of a good yard
i. Approach roads for the movement of goods.
ii. Loop lines with number of parallel dead end sidings, buffer stops etc.
iii. Sufficient number of platforms for loading and unloading.
iv. Sufficient number of go downs for storing goods.
v. Cart-weighing machine.
vi. Cranes for loading and unloading very heavy goods.
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vii. Booking office.
viii. Vacuum testing machine

3. Marshalling yards
A marshalling yard is a place where goods wagons received from different centres are
sorted out and placed in the order of detachment at different stations.
Marshalling yards are also serving as distributing centres. Empty wagons are also kept
in marshalling yards and despatched to different stations as and when required by them
Based on the availability of space and facilities for handling of goods, the marshalling
yard are classified as :
a. Flat yards b. Gravity yards
c. Hump yards
4. Locomotive yards
These are required for servicing like cleaning, fuelling, filling water, oiling, turning
round, carrying out small repairs etc. of locomotives. These are installed at junction stations.
Requirements of a locomotive yard
i. Sufficient number of tracks for loading.
ii. Nearness to the passenger and goods yard.
iii. Water columns.
iv. Hydraulic jacks.
v. Sick siding
vi. Overhead tank and loco-well
vii. Reserve space for future expansion.
4.1.7 Level Crossings
When a railway line and a road meet at the same level, it is called level crossing. The
surface of the road is kept at rail level and grooves are left along the track in the road surface
to receive the flanges of the train wheels. These grooves are provided with guard rails which
are generally spiked to wooden sleepers.
The type of facilities provided at level crossing depends upon its classification which in
turn depends upon the following three factors.
1. Nature of the road
2. Nature of the traffic on road
3. Number of trains passing over the level crossing.
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4.2.1 General
For efficient running of trains, safety of traffic, repairing, cleaning and examining of
locomotive, facilities such as equipment and machinery are needed. This equipment and
machinery is known as station equipment. Station machinery includes all arrangements and
equipment required to carry out for the following:
1. Engine sheds, ash pits, examination pits, drop pits, ash pan etc., are needed for
repairing, cleaning and examination of locomotives.
2. Weigh bridges are needed for weighing, loading and unloading of goods cranes.
3. Water columns, triangle or turn - table, traverser etc., are provided for watering,
fuelling and reversing the direction of engines.
4. Platform, overhead bridge or underground passage, waiting room, toilets etc., are
needed for passengers’ convenience at stations.
5. Scotch block, buffer stop, sand hump are provided for arresting the escaped engines
and wagons.
4.2.2 Engine Sheds
Engine sheds are provided for cleaning, repairing and examining of locomotives and to
keep them in perfect condition. In engine sheds water columns, hydrants, examination pit, ash
pit, office accommodation etc., should be provided. The types of engine sheds are,
1. Rectangular shed
2. Circular shed
4.2.3 Ash-pits (Fig.4.5)
Ash pits are required to receive ashes from locomotive boilers. The ash-pits consist of
rectangular masonry lined pits. The depth of the pit is about 0.76 m to 1.22 m and its length is
kept slightly more than the longest engine likely to use the ash-pits. The ash-pits are
surrounded by longitudinal beams, made either of timber, concrete or steel on which the
track-rails are fixed. Timber beams if used should be protected by means of steel-sheets from
heating effect of ashes. The ashes collected in ash-pits should be disposed off quickly. The
concrete floors of pits are sloped to centre or to one side to form a drain. Water is removed
from the pit through a sump and drain.
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Holding bolt Rails
21 mmφ

Tie bar
beam Masonry
Hollow Drain wall

Concrete floor

Fig.4.5 Sectional elevation of ash-pit or Examination-pit

4.2.4 Examination pits
Examination pits are similar to ash-pits in construction. But these pits are used to
examine the engines from underneath. The examination-pits are generally longer than ash-
pits. They are provided in the engine sheds to inspect the engine mechanism from below.
4.2.5 Drop-pits
The drop-pits are meant to remove the wheels of an engine by lowering the wheels in
the pit for the purpose of examination, repairs or renewals. The pit is constructed at right
angles to the track and a mobile hydraulic jack is installed to enable the wheels and axles to
be removed.
4.2.6 Water columns
Water and coal are chief requirements for the steam locomotives. Therefore, in all
important stations, water columns are provided for feeding water to the boiler (Fig.4.6). In
some of the stations, two or more water columns may be provided depending upon the
importance of the station. They should be situated in such a way that no obstruction is caused
to the traffic. They obtain water from overhead tanks.
Swan neck
Swiveling pipe
Stuffing box


Bag hose

Vertical pipe

Fig.4.6 Water column

A water column is usually composed of a vertical 4.42m high column and a 2.55m long
horizontal arm called swan neck, connected to the vertical column at top (Fig 4.6). The
horizontal arm can be moved in horizontal plane around the vertical pipe. To regulate the
water supply in the water column, a valve is provided. From the water column, water is
carried through hose pipes to the locomotives. Generally, water columns are situated near the
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entry and exit of the station. To supply for both the parallel tracks, they are installed between
4.2.7 Triangle

Fig.4.7 Triangle
This consists of three sides of short length tracks in the form of a triangle (Fig.4.7).
Such triangles are used for changing the direction of engines. They require large area and
generally, a triangle is provided if enough land is available. The tracks of the triangle are
connected to each other by means of three pairs of points and crossings. Generally, two tracks
are laid in curves and the third straight. Sometimes all three tracks are laid in curves. If the
engine is made to move around the triangle, its direction automatically will change.

4.2.8 Turn Table

U-frame Girder Track

Masonry Pivot

Fig.4.8 Turn table

On important stations where space is not adequate for providing triangle for reversing
the direction of the locomotive, turn tables are provided (Fig.4.8). It consists of a track on a
platform. This platform is supported on a pair of girders. The girders are properly placed and
are supported on a central pivot. This circular platform of a turn table is installed in a circular
pit. Two or more tracks radiate from the circular edge of the pit. These radiating tracks and
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the track on the turn table are kept at the same level. Locking-bolts are provided for
controlling the movement of turn table.
A turn table is liable to corrosion due to the presence of water and steam from engines
and needs periodical painting. The circle or race rail has also to be kept in perfect level.
4.2.9 Traversers
This is a device for transferring vehicles from one track to a parallel one without the
use of a turnout or a crossover. It is a costly arrangement and is preferred only in workshops
where space is limited and a coach or locomotive is required to be shifted from one shop to
another on a nominated line.
Fig. 4.9 Traverser
A traverser (Fig. 4.9) consists of a platform with a track that is mounted on small wheels or
rollers, which can traverse to and fro and can fall in line with the track on either side of the
traverser. The following steps are involved in transferring a vehicle standing on track 3 on the
left-hand side of the traverser to track 2 on the right-hand side.
1. The traverser is aligned with track 3 on the left-hand side.
2. The vehicle is then transferred to the traverser track.
3. The traverser is then shifted so as the align it with the track on the righthand side.
4. The vehicle is then transferred to track 2 on the right-hand side.
4.2.10 Scotch Block
A scotch block (Fig.4.10) is a wooden block placed on the rail and properly held in its place
with the help of a device to form an obstruction. Once it is clamped in position, the scotch
block does not allow a vehicle to move beyond it.
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Fig.4.10 Scotch Block
4.2.11 Buffer Stops
Vertical Buffing
post beam

Bent rail
end Fig.4.11 Buffer stop

Across the track of a siding or at terminal station, a barrier is provided at the end of the
track so that the vehicles do not go off the track (Fig.4.11). The 'stop' arrangement is known
as a 'Buffer stop'. It should meet the following requirements.
1. It should be visible from a long distance.
2. It should have a buffer disc with a cross sleeper painted red.
3. It should be strong enough to receive the impact of a rolling vehicle.
4. For night indication, it should have a red lamp at the centre.
4.2.12 Fouling Marks
When two tracks converge side collisions are possible between vehicles standing on the
turnout portion of the track and those moving over the adjoining track. To guard against this
possibility, fouling marks are placed between each pair of tracks where they converge.
Fouling marks may be made of unserviceable sleepers, stone or concrete slabs, painted or
white washed to make them prominent. They are fixed in the ground at right angles to the
tracks, at points between converging tracks beyond which sufficient side clearance is
available between wagons. The minimum distance between centres of tracks where fouling
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marks are fixed, are 4.2m for broad gauge, 3.75m for metre gauge and 3.6m for narrow
gauge. Fig.4.12

Fig.4.12 Fouling Marks

4.2.13 Derailing switch
The purpose of a derailing switch or trap switch is same as that of a scotch block. This is a
modification over old block arrangement and is common in modern practice. Isolation of
sidings from main lines is done by means of trap-switches or derailing switches. A derailing
switch consists of half a set of switches (i.e. one tongue rail only) which normally remains
open. This opening of rail provides a break in the continuity of rail. So if a vehicle wants to
escape from the siding, it will derail at derailing switch.
But when a vehicle is to be taken out of the siding, this opening at derailing switch
must be closed. The details of derailing switch are shown in fig.4.13.
Derailing Wagon
switch L


Running line

Fig.4.13 Derailing switch

4.2.14 Sand Hump
This is a device for preventing the vehicle from running off the track at the end of the
siding. A rising gradient is provided at the dead end of the siding along with a sand hump. On
account of the combined resistance of the sand hump and the gradient, the vehicles come to a
stop. A buffer stop is provided at the end of the hump.
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Fig 4.14 Sand Hump
4.2.15 Weigh Bridges
Weigh bridges are used to weigh the loaded wagons. It consists of a platform supported
on beams. The beams are placed below the track level. The wagon is placed on the platform
so that the weight of the wagon is indicated by a pointer over a graduated disc. The graduated
disc is placed very near the platform on a separate structure. The wagons should be brought
on platform carefully with slow speed to avoid damage.
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4.3.1 Purpose of Providing points and Crossings
Points and crossing is the name given to the arrangement which diverts the train from
one track to another either parallel to or diverging from the first track. Thus points and
crossings are provided to transfer railway vehicles from one track to the other.
Actual nosing
Theoretical nosing
Inner curve
lead rail

Details of nosing

Actual nose Outer curve

Heel of switch of crossing lead rail
Distance block Check rails
Left hand switch Angle of crossing
Toe of switch
Stretch bars

Facing Tralling
direction direction

Through of switch Check rails Outer straight

Right hand switch Theoretical nose lead rail
of crossing
Overall length
Fig.4.15 Left hand turnout
4.3.2 Definitions
1. Switch
It is a device which is used to divert the railway vehicle from one track to another. It
consists of a tongue rail and a stock rail. Tongue rails are made of thinner sections to the toe
of the switch. Tongue rails are supported on sliding plates and each pair of tongue rail is
connected by stretcher bars near the toe of the switch.
2. Throw of switch
It is the distance or gap through which the tongue rail moves laterally at the toe of the
switch for movement of trains.
3. Switch angle
It is the angle formed between the gauge face of the stock rail and the tongue rail. It is
also known as angle of switch divergence.
4.3.3 Turn out
A complete set of points and crossings along with a lead rail is known as a turnout.
Depending upon the direction of diverting the train, turnout is known as left hand or right
hand turnout.
1. Facing points or Facing turnouts
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These are the turnouts where the first passes over the switches and then over the
2. Trailing points or Trailing turnouts
These are the turnouts where the train first passes over the crossings and then over
switches. The switches are termed as right hand or left hand switch as seen from the facing
4.3.4 Sleepers Laid for Points and Crossings
There are two methods of laying sleepers below the points and crossings.
1. Through sleepers 2. Interlaced sleepers
1. Through sleepers

Straight track

Curved track

Fig.4.16 Sleepers for points and crossings - (a) Through sleepers
Through sleepers are generally laid for points and crossings and they are provided in
the overall length of points and crossings (Fig.4.16 (a)).
Through sleepers maintain several rails at the same level especially in straight and
curved tracks. But there may be difficulties in the procurement and transporting of longer
2. Interlaced sleepers
This method of providing sleepers under points and crossings is adopted only when
longer sleepers are not available (Fig.4.16 (b)). But as both the tracks are laid on different
sleepers, the curved track often deforms and causes difficulties in the maintenance. These
sleepers also possess great difficulties in the proper packing of the ballast.

Straight track

Curved track

Fig.4.16 Sleepers for points and crossings - (b) Interlaced sleepers
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4.3.5 Types of Switches
1. Stub switch
This is the earliest type of switch. No separate tongue rails are provided. But some
portion of the main tracks is moved from side to side. It is obsolete now and is no more in use
on Indian Railways.
2. Split switch
This is the modern type of switch. It consists of a stock rail and a tongue rail. It is
further sub-divided into,
a. Loose heel type
b. Fixed heel type
a. Loose heel type
In this type of switch, the tongue rails are joined to the lead rails by means of fish
plates. Front two bolts are kept loose to allow the throw of the switch. These bolts become
tight when the tongue is open.
b. Fixed heel type
This type of switch is in common use as it is improved over the loose heel type. All the
bolts remain tight when the tongue is closed.
4.3.6 Crossing
It is a device provided at the intersection of two rails to allow the train moving along
one of the tracks to pass across the other.
Types of Crossing
There are four types of crossings,
1. Ordinary or acute crossings
2. Double or obtuse crossing
3. Square crossing
4. Diamond crossing
Point rail rail Point rail

Elbow of Check
Wing rail Splice Splice
crossing rail
rail rail

(a) Acute crossing (b) Obtuse crossing
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(c) Square crossing (d) Diamond crossing
Fig.4.17 Types of crossings
1. Ordinary or acute crossing
This crossing is obtained when a right hand rail of one track crosses a left hand rail of
another track or vice versa such that the angle formed between the two approaching rail is
acute. (Fig.4.17 (a)). It occurs in turnout.
2. Double or obtuse crossing
This crossing is obtained when a right hand rail of one track crosses a left hand rail of
another track or vice versa forming an obtuse angle between the two approaching. (Fig.4.17
3. Square crossing
When two straight tracks cross each other at right angles, they give rise to square
crossing (fig.4.17 (c)). This type of crossing must be avoided on main lines, because there is a
heavy wear due to dynamic loads.
4. Diamond crossing
Diamond crossing is the combination of actual and obtuse crossings. In this type, two
tracks cross each other completely at an angle, less than 90° (Fig.4.17 (d)) altogether it
consists of four crossings.
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4.4.1 Introduction
In fact, in railway terminology signalling is a medium of communication between the
station master or the controller sitting in a remote place in the office and the loco pilot.
Signalling consists of the systems, devices and means by which trains are operated
efficiently, tracks are used to a maximum extent maintaining safety of passengers, staff and
the rolling stock. It includes the use and working of signals, points, block instrument and all
other equipment.
4.4.2 Objects of Signalling
1. To regulate the safe arrival and departure of trains from station yards.
2. To maintain a safe distance between trains running on the same line in the same
direction. Thus signalling is used for increasing the capacity of the track and
facilitates the flow of traffic with safety.
3. To ensure safe and efficient shunting operations.
4. To ensure safety of cross traffic at level crossings.
5. At any other location where visual indication as to the situation ahead is necessary
to be conveyed to engine drivers.
6. To run trains at restricted speeds during maintenance and repair operations.
7. To safe-guard the trains where branch or siding meets the main track.
4.4.3 Types of Signals
Signals may be classified based on:
1. Functional characteristics
2. Locational characteristics and
3. Special characteristics
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4.4.4 Classification Based on Functional Characteristics
1. Stop signals or semaphore type signals
250 to Spindle
300 White Signal post
Arm band Lamp Red
Red glass

Red Spectacle
White Fish tail
Green glass 2 Aspect warner signal
Crank rod
Cam Weight Signal post Yellow
7500 lever Black Fish
Chain 3 Aspect warner signal

Signal post

Wire from

Fig.4.18 Semaphore and warner signal

It consists of a movable arm, pivoted-on the horizontal pin known as spindle, near the
top of a fixed post (Fig.4.18). The movable arm can take two positions horizontal indicating
stop or danger and lowered at an angle of 45° or upright called off position indicating
proceed. The corresponding indications at night are red and green respectively.
2. Warner signals
When the horizontal arm of a semaphore signal has a V-shaped notch fish tail at the
free end, it is known as warner signal (Fig.4.18). The horizontal arm signifies that the signal
beyond it is at danger. When the arm is at an angle of 45° it indicates that the signal ahead is
off and the driver may proceed at speed. Warner signals exhibit amber or yellow light,
instead of a red light at night when on and in such cases the warner arms are also painted in
amber or yellow.
3. Shunting - signals (Disc type)
These are used for regulating shunting of vehicles in yards and therefore known as
shunt signals. The disc is circular and painted white with a red band across it. When the red
band is in horizontal position or shows red light, it indicates stop. When the red band is
inclined at 45° or showing green light indicates proceed. For the light purpose two holes are
provided, one for red lamp and other for the green lamp.
4. Coloured light signals
Indications are given by lights, both in day and night. Special lenses and hoods
provided enable to throw high intensity beam light. Therefore, these can be seen distinctly
even in brightest sunlight. They are used in India or urban or suburban sections with heavy
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4.4.5 Classification based on Locational Characteristics
1. Reception signals
2. Departure signals
1. Reception signals
These control the reception of trains into a station. The reaction signals are :
a. Outer signals and b. Home signals.
a. Outer signals
This is the first signal provided indicating the entry of train from block to the station
yard. This signal is provided beyond the station limit at such a distance that the line cannot be
obstructed after permission to approach has been given. In India, for the maximum allowable
speeds, this distance has been found approximately equal to 540m for broad gauge and 400m
for metre gauge lines. A certain distance is required for the train in motion to be brought to a
hault and this depends on the weight of the train, brake power of the locomotive, gradient at
the site and the speed of the train. For the driver, the warner signal gives the indication ahead
whether the platform is clear or not.
b. Home signals

Fig.4.19 Locations of signals

This signal is provided exactly at the station limit and its main function is to protect the
stations and junctions. Permission to enter the platform is given by using home signal. The
maximum unprotected distance between the home signal and the points is specified as 180m
(Fig.4.19). If this distance is more, suitable means such as track circuits, foulding bars etc.,
should invariably be provided.
2. Departure signals
These control the departure of the trains. These are of two types.
a. Starter signals
b. Advanced starter signals
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a. Starter signals
The starter signal controls the movement of trains leaving a station. It is normally fixed
beyond the farthest point-connection on the line concerned. (Fig.4.19). Separate starting
signals are provided for each line.
b. Advanced starter signals
This signal is provided at about 180 metres beyond the trailing points or switches
(Fig.4.19). This signal is the last stop signal at the station. If the train leaves the advanced
starter signal, the responsibility of the station master is over.
4.4.6 Classification Based on Special Characteristics
Special types of signal are,
1. Repeater or co-acting signals
2. Routing signals
3. Calling-on-signals
4. Point indicators.
1. Repeater or co-acting signals
When the view of the main signal is obstructed due to some structures, on curves etc.,
some signals are used to repeat the information of the main signals. Such signals are known
as repeater signals.
2. Routing signals
When various signals for main and branch lines are fixed on the same vertical post,
they are known as routing signals. These are generally provided at big stations. Home signals
and routing signals are provided at the points of diversion. Generally signal for main line is
kept higher than those for branch lines.
3. Calling-on-signals
These are small arm signals placed below and parallel to home signal on the same
vertical post. A calling on signal permits a train to proceed with caution after the train has
been brought to a halt by the main signal. These are helpful when repair works are going on.
4. Point indicators
To provide special information to the drivers, indicator is used. These are used to show
position of switches. These are generally provided on an open box with white circular discs
forming two opposite sides of the box and green bands on the remaining sides.
The white discs indicate that the points are set for the main line. When the points are set
for the turnout, the box is rotated on a vertical axis and green bonds take the place of the
white discs. Night indications are white light for main line setting and green light for the
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turnout. The indicator is activated by the turning of the points. Indicators are not treated as
4.4.7 Typical Layout of Signals
Different layouts may be adopted for various types of signals :
1. Signalling at divergent junction
2. Signalling at convergent junction
1. Signalling at divergent junction
The routing signal has been provided near the departing point. Here, only one outer
signal is sufficient which may be either semaphore type or warner type.
2. Signalling at convergent junction
In this case, outer signals for main and branch lines have been provided separately. In
order to avoid collisions, the home signal for the branch line has to be provided at some
arbitrary distance, about 400 m away from the fouling point. Fouling point is the minimum
safe distance between two converging lines, to avoid side collisions of vehicles.
4.4.8 Control of train Movements
The safe movements of train on the track are very essential to achieve this objective,
various methods have been found out. The methods adopted for control of movement of
trains are as follows:
1. Following train or time interval system
2. Absolute block system
3. Automatic signalling
4. Pilot guard system
5. Centralised traffic control system
1. Following train or Time interval system
In this method a fixed interval of time is maintained between the departures of
consecutive trains. This fixed time is calculated on the basis that sufficient distance must be
maintained between the tail of the first train and the head of the next following train. This
system is still in use in the case of emergency i.e. failure in telephone or other
2. Absolute block system
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Fig.4.20 Absolute block system
In this method instead of a fixed interval of time between successive trains a varying
interval may be kept depending on the time actually taken by particular trains.
In the absolute block system the line is assumed to be blocked until the fact that the line
is clear, is established by some suitable information conveyed by block instruments.
In the absolute block system, the track is divided into a number of sections which are
known as block sections (Fig.4.20). Normally the block section is the distance between two
successive stations.
3. Automatic signalling
This system is an improvement on absolute block system and avoids the possibility of
accidents due to negligence on the part of human beings. In this system signals are operated
by trains themselves and therefore the trains can follow each other between the two stations.
The section between the two stations is divided into a number of blocks. When a train
occupied a particular track, an electric current is passed through the track and this current
puts the signals at danger position till the train reaches a safe distance ahead and requires no
further protection in that section. The electric current may be passed in many ways.
Due to automatic signalling, human error is completely eliminated which leads to
greater safety and efficiency. Less number of signalmen are required and hence operating
costs are reduced. No signal boxes and other equipment are required resulting in further
saving of the costs.
4. Pilot guard system
In this system a pilot guard proceeds by one train to the station ahead and then he
returns by a train running in the opposite direction. No other train is allowed to move from
the station till the pilot guard returns with the train from opposite direction. The pilot guard
then again proceeds with a train in the same direction and process is repeated. This system is
used only on certain occasions such as:
a. Break down of telephone and telegraph system on a single line.
b. One trace of a double line being out of order.
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5. Centralised Traffic Control system (C.T.C)
In centralised traffic control system, train movements are effected and the line
capacity of a single track is increased to such an extent that it can handle the traffic normally
requiring a double track and the necessity of doubling the track can be avoided.


4.5.1 Definition
Interlocking is the mechanical relationship established between various levers operating
the signals and the points such that contrary effects are not at all possible in the working of
the signal mechanism.
4.5.2 Principles of Interlocking
The essential properties of working of interlocking system are as follows:
1. It shall be possible to lower a signal for an approaching train only when the related
line is properly set and locked. Once signal is lowered, it shall be impossible to
unlock the points.
2. Once signal is lowered for a train in line, it shall be impossible for loose wagons
from other point of the yard to obstruct the line.
3. It shall be impossible to any other signal for the admission of trains from opposite
directions to the same line at the same time.
4.5.3 Methods of Interlocking
The signals and points are operated by means of levers. Levers are situated at ground
level or platform level or in an elevated structure called signal box or signal cabin.
Interlocking is done by grouping levers at one point. The levers are painted for easy
identification. There are three methods of interlocking.
1. Tappets and locks system
2. Key system
3. Route relay system
1. Tappets and locks system
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This method is useful when levers are to be interlocked so as to prevent conflicting
movements. The tappets are of steel sections 38mm × 16mm with suitable recesses and
notches. They are attached to the levers. The locks are also of steel with shapes to suit the
recesses in the tappets. The lock moves at right angles to tappets.
Working of tappets and locks system
The normal setting of the points is for the main line (Fig.4.21 (a)). The signal for the
main line should be interlocked with the facing points so that when it is lowered, points
cannot be changed. The levers are interlocked such that pulling one of them prevents the
other being pulled. This is known as ‘(1) locks (3)’ (Fig.4.16 (b)
Fig.4.21 Tappets and locks system
The loop signal should be interlocked with the facing points such that it cannot be
lowered unless the points are set for the siding. Also it cannot be lowered when the joints are
set for main line. Levers (2) and (3) are interlocked so that the lever (2) cannot be pulled
unless (3) has already been pulled. Conversely lever (3) can be restored to its normal position
only if lever (2) has already been restored to its original position. This is known as ‘(3)
release (2)’ or ‘(2) backlocks (3)’. (Fig.4.21 (c)).
The outer signal should be so interlocked with the routing signal that it cannot be
lowered until one of them is first lowered. When levers (1), (2) and (4) are interlocked so that
lever (4) cannot be worked unless lever (1) or (2) has already been worked. The working of
this system is given in the interlocking table below:
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Description Lever Release locks Backlocks
of levers No.
Main 1 4 3 -
Loop 2 4 - 3
Points 3 2 1 -
Outer 4 - - 1, 2

2. Key system
This is the simplest method of interlocking. The key locks are manipulated in this


Lock Siding

Fig.4.22 Single lock and key system
Single lock and key system
The principle of this system is to provide two locks which are worked by a single key.
Withdrawal of the key locks the signal in the horizontal position, and the points in the normal
setting for the main line (Fig.4.22). A and B are two locks operated by a single key. To lower
the signal the key is inserted and turned in the lock B. This release the signal and when the
signal is lowered, it prevents the key from being withdrawn. Hence, when the signal is
lowered the points are correctly set for the main line. For using the siding, the key withdrawn
from the lock B after restoring the signal from normal position and inserted and turned in
lock A. This releases the points which may then be set for siding. Now the main signal cannot
be lowered.
3. Route relay system
In this system, the points and signals for movements of trains are electrically
operated. This is the modern and sophisticated system of interlocking. Due to this system
there is a considerable saving of man power and maintenance expenditure of cabins.
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4.6.1 General Railway System
The following four systems of railways are used, suiting to the local conditions, in the
urban areas:
1. Surface railways
2. Elevated railways
3. Underground railways
4. Tube railways
4.6.2 Underground Railways
This system of railways is provided under the ground level and so it is called "Low-
level" or "Under-ground" railways. In the heavily congested urban areas where traffic
volumes on roads are heavy, the underground railways going entirely through a sub terrain
passage are preferred, as they do not require space on the ground except for entrances and
exists, at sub-way stations.
The construction of underground tunnel is required for these railways and an over-
bridge is necessary at every road crossing to carry road traffic over railway. Construction and
providing ventilation of underground tunnel is complex and costly operation. Due to
ventilation problems, electricity is the only suitable source of power for traction that can be
used in underground railways.
4.6.3 Advantages of Underground Railways
Underground railways offer following advantages:
i. It provides rapid and unobstructed transportation.
ii. Helps in reducing traffic congestion problem.
iii. Provides safety during aerial attack in times of war.
iv. In busy and extensive metropolitan cities, there is heavy peak-hour traffic
particularly in the heart of the commercial and industrial areas. When all the channel of
surface transportation gets saturated, it results in heavy detention of traffic due to traffic jams.
The road-crossing and junctions further aggravate the problem of detention of traffic. The use
of grade-separated crossing can be made at very high cost and that too under certain
conditions only. The entire network of roads cannot be reshaped in heavily built up areas. In
such problems of transportation, the underground railways provided an ideal solution.
v. The world experts, on transportation planning, believe that for traffic in congested
and heavily built up areas of metropolitan cities, the electrified underground railways are the
only solutions of permanent nature.
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vi. The loss of time of millions of daily commuters due to detention of traffic, its
impact on productivity and efficiency of workers and finally the effect on economic well-
being of the community can only be safeguarded by use of underground railways.
vii. The various advances in the techniques and technologies of tunnel driving methods,
development in mechanical and power appliances, sub-surface investigations, etc., have
solved many of the difficult problems of sub-way tunnels.
viii. The electric traction which is the pre-requisite for the operations of underground
railways has already reserved the stream and diesel tractions. Automatic signalling has also
been developed on Indian Railways.
In India, the provision of underground systems has already been completed in busy and
congested metropolitan areas of Calcutta and Mumbai. This is being gradually introduced in
all the important cities of India like Chennai, Delhi, etc to serve the transportation needs of
the future.
4.6.4 Tube Railways
Tube railways are also underground railway but, at a greater depth of about 25 metres
or more. The section of underground tunnels carrying the railway is circular like a tube and
so they are called "Tube railways". The main purpose of having deep railway tunnels is to
avoid the interference of the railway lines with water and gas pipes, sewerage systems, and
deep foundations of multi-storey building and oil or drainage pipes etc., which are laid below
the ground. Some of the features of the tube railways which are still in a developing stage in
index are given below:
i. The railway stations of the tube railways have to be of cylindrical form.
ii. Escalators (or moving stair cases) are required to reach tube railways. They are
provided for both downward and upward movements.
iii. Only electric traction is used to avoid the smoke and ventilation problems.
iv. Automatic signalling through track circuiting is used.
v. Automatic ticket issuing devices are installed on the platforms so that tickets can be
obtained without wastage of time.
vi. Mechanism of the train is such that it cannot start until all the doors are closed, and
it automatically stops, if signal is at "STOP" position.
vii. Tunnels for tube railways have been constructed to a depth of 25 m below the
ground level.
Tube railways are used by London Post Office as transporting mails through a small
diameter tunnel with automatic control without any driver.
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Bridge is a structure providing passage over an opening such as road, railway, canal,
river etc, without disturb the function of opening. The required passage may be meant for
road way or railway.



Substructure Super structure
1. Foundation
2. Abutment
1. Bearing
2. Decking
3. Pier 3. Handrails
4. Wing walls and return walls 4. Girder or truss
5. Revetment 5. Roadways etc.
6. Apron
7. Approaches to bridge


Substructure is the part of the culvert or bridge below the girder bearings and above

1. Foundation

It is the lowest part of a structure which provides proper base for the super
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2. Abutment
End support of a bridge is called as abutment.
3. Pier
Intermediate support of a bridge is called as a pier
4. Wing walls and return walls
These are masonry walls constructed on the both ends of abutments to retain
the embankments and guide the flow of waterway.
5. Revetment
It is the sloped structure made of masonry stones laid on both upstream and
downstream sides of water way to protect them sliding and erosion due to water.

6. Apron
It is the bed level flooring made of concrete or masonry stones at the entrance
or outlet of bridge in order to prevent scouring.
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7. Approaches
It is the construction work to join the roadway or railway upto bridge.


Superstructure is the part of the culvert or bridge above the girder bearings.

1. Bearings
It is the part of a bridge to distribute the load coming from the Superstructure
to the substructure and also to allow for longitudinal and angular movements.
2. Decking
It is the part of bridge comprising of the flooring and the supporting beams.
3. Handrails
These are the protective work provided on both sides of the deck along the
road in order to safe moving of vehicles and passenger.
4. Girder or truss
It is employed for small bridges where span is less and loads are heavy.
5. Roadway
It means that the pavement or any other flooring for moving vehicle

5.1.3 I.R.C. LOADING

The Indian Road Congress (I.R.C.) has classified the loading standards in standards
Specification and practice for bridges for live loads as given below:

1. I.R.C. class AA loading

2. I.R.C. class A loading
3. I.R.C. class B loading
4. I.R.C. class 70R loading
1. I.R.C. class AA loading
The I.R.C. class AA loading is based on heavy military vehicles likely to run
on certain routes. It is to be adopted for bridges within municipal limits in certain
existing industrial areas, certain specified highways such as NH, SH and other
important roads where heavy loading is expected. Bridge designed for class AA
loading should be checked for class A loading also under certain situations. The
maximum bending moment due to class A loading may be greater than that due to
class AA loading.
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In IRC class AA loading following two types of vehicles are specified.
a. Tracked vehicle
b. Wheeled vehicle

a. Tracked vehicle

It consists of a packed load of 70t which is equally distributed over two tracks
of 850mm width and 3600mm length. The length of vehicle is 7200mm and overall
distance between the tracks is 2900mm. The nose to tail spacing between two
successive vehicles should not be less than 90m.

b. Wheeled vehicle

The maximum load for single axle wheeled vehicle is 20t and for double axel
wheeled vehicle is 40t. The axles are spaced not more than 1200mm centers. The
maximum wheel load is 6.25t.

2. IRC class A loading
The IRC class A loading is based on the heaviest type of commercial vehicle
which is considered like to run on Indian roads. Hence, all important road bridges, which
are not covered by class AA loading, are to be designed for class A loading. This loading
is to be normally adopted on all roads on which permanent bridges and culverts are

3. IRC class B loading

The IRC class B loading is same as class A loading except that 40% less than
class A loading. It is to be adopted for the design of temporary structures such as
timber bridges etc.
4. IRC class 70R loading
This is an additional loading which is sometimes specified for use in place of
class AA loading the letter “R” indicates revised classification and it is based on one
of the various other hypothetical vehicles as per revised classification . This loading
consists of tracked vehicles and wheeled vehicles. The tracked vehicle is similar to
IRC class AA loading except the ground contact area. The wheeled vehicle contains
seven axles with a total load of 100t.
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The following preliminary data is essential for select the appropriate type of bridge

1. Length and width of bridge

2. Volume and nature of traffic
3. Nature of river and bed soil
4. Availability of materials and funds
5. Duration of construction
6. Physical feature of the site
7. Availability of skilled and unskilled labor
8. Economic span length of the bridge
9. Hydraulic data such as HFL, LWL
10. Climatic and environmental condition
11. Live load on the bridge
12. Appearance of bridge

5.1.5 SCOUR
It is the removal of bed soil due to high velocity of the stream. Scour will be occurs
when the bed velocity of the stream is higher than the limiting velocity.

Preventive measures for scour

1. Stream bed will be covered by dumped stones, concrete blocks, or matted vegetation
scouring is prevented
2. The river should be pitched with stones to avoid scouring.
3. water way should be adequate so that the velocity does not erode the bed.
4. The site selected for bridge should have uniform stream line flow.
5. The shape of the pier constructed across the stream should not cause eddies and
currents in the stream flow.

5.1.6 AFFLUX

Where the flow of water in stream or river meets with any obstruction, the water level
will be rises. The difference in levels of the water surfaces between the upstream and the
downstream sides of the bridge is called Afflux. The phenomenon occurs only in upstream
side of the bridge.
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The afflux is greater, the greater velocity in waterway. So, the cost of construction of
guide bank and protective works increases.

5.1.7 SPAN

The center to center distance between any two adjacent supports is called the Span
and clear distance is called the Clear span.


Economic span is the span for which the costs of super structure and substructure are
equal. Thus the economic span of bridge makes the overall cost of the bridge is to be a
minimum. It depends on the following factors:

1. Nature of material available for construction

2. Availability of the skilled labor in locality
3. Nature of the water way to be crossed
4. The length of the span
5. The features of the site under which the structure is to be erected.


The sectional area through which the water flows under a bridge is known as water
way. The linear measurement of this area along the length of the bridge at the highest flood
level is termed as linear waterway. It is the sum of all clear spans.



1. On either sides of waterway must be easily communicated between the roads.

2. Straight and well defined embankments both on upstream and downstream sides of
the bridge.
3. Availability of men and material easily.
4. Minimum width of water course at crossing.
5. Uniform and steady flow with non silting and non scouring velocities.
6. Good foundations at reasonable depths.
7. Right angled crossing of stream.
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8. Waterway should be straight for reasonable length in both upstream and downstream
for smooth navigation.
9. Construction should be economical.
10. Maintenance cost should be low.


To set out the centre line of the bridge is Known as alignment of Bridge.

Factors to be considered in alignment,

1. The proposed alignment should be economical.

2. Special care should be taken for silting and scouring are not created because of the
3. The alignment of the bridge should be right angles to the centre line of the river.
4. Skew crossing alignment may be provided depending upon the traffic requirements.
5. As far as possible, the alignment should not be curved. A curved bridge is difficult to
construct and maintain. 5.2 FOUNDATION


It is lowest part of the structure. This provides a firm base for the superstructure, and
also it’s transmitting all the loads on the structure to the soil properly.


1. To provide leveled base for construction of sub structures.

2. To prevent unequal settlement of sub soil due to loading from structure.
3. To distribute all the loads from the structures over a large area of the sub soil.
4. Tilting and overturning effects of structures are prevented by maintaining verticality.


1. Ordinary foundation on dry land and rock bed.

2. Foundation in soils saturated with subsoil water.
3. Foundation under water.
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1. Ordinary foundation on dry land and rock bed.

a. Spread foundation

b. Raft foundation

c. Grillage foundation

d. Pile foundation

a. Spread foundation

Spread foundation is to be provided where hard soil is available within 2 to 3 metres

below the bed level of the river. Where scouring can be prevented by sheet piling in upstream
and downstream and pitching on bed floor, this type of foundation is preferred.

b. Raft foundation

Raft foundation is provided where soil having less bearing capacity. When bed soil
contains soft clay and good soil is not available within a reasonable depth (1.5 to 2.5m), this
type of foundation is preferred.

c. Grillage foundation

Grillage foundation is used where heavy loads are transmitted to soils of low bearing
capacity. It consists of two or more tier of grillage beam spaced at right angles to distribute
the load over a large area. Area of the grillage only depends on the bearing capacity of the

d. Pile foundation

Pile foundation is economical under the circumstances of soil at the site of bridge is
very soft and good soil is available at a greater depth. And also, loads in foundation are
excessive and heavy and all other types of foundation is uneconomical.

2. Foundation in soils saturated with subsoil water

a. buoyant raft

b. Invert arch

c. Pile Foundation
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3. Foundation under water

a. Well foundation.

b. Caisson foundation

i. open caisson foundation

ii. Box caisson foundation

iii. Pneumatic caisson foundation

a. Well Foundation

It is used where scouring is liable to occur and good soil is available at nearly 3m
below the bed level.

b. Caisson foundation

It is used, when the depth of water in the river is more and good soil is available near
the river bed.

The following factors to be considered:

1. Nature of sub soil and nature of soil in the bed of stream.

2. Type of bridge
3. Live load in foundation
4. Depth of scour
5. High Flood Level(HFL) of stream
6. Low Water Level (LWL) in the stream
7. Depth of water available at the site.
8. Availability of skilled and unskilled labors.
9. Availability of materials for the construction.
10. Availability of various equipments for construction.
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Ground water sometimes poses a serious problem during excavation for foundation. If
it is not checked, heavy inflow is liable to cause erosion or collapse, the side of excavation.
To avoid this problem the ground water movement will be controlled by securing knowledge
about the soil and ground water condition with relevant remedial measures.

a. Factors involved in ground water control

1. Site investigation is properly done before commencement of the work

2. Quantity of water to be pumped should not be more than the capacity of pump.
3. Should be economical.

b. Methods of ground water control

1. Pumping
i. Open sumps
ii. Well points
iii. Bored wells
iv. Horizontal wells
2. Electro-osmosis
3. Cement grouting
4. Chemical consolidation
5. Compression air
6. Freezing


It is box type like round or rectangular shape, and it is used to pump the water from
foundation at desired depth. It is classified as,

1. Open caissons 2. Box caissons 3. Pneumatic caissons.

1. Open caissons

Open caissons are made of timber, steel or R.C. or masonry with both ends open. It is
also called as well. Small caissons consist of one opening, while large caissons contain a
series of wells. See Fig5.12 (a). This type of caisson is cast and flatted to the site and sunk.
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When it reaches the required depth, concrete is deposited through water to some depth. After
the concrete gets hardened, the water will be pumped out.

2. Box caissons

It is opened at top and closed at bottom. It can be made of steel or R.C or timber. This
type of Caissons is built on land, then launched and brought to the site. See Fig5.12 (b)
where they have to be sunk. Box caissons can be used with following circumstances:

1. Bearing stratum is available at shallow depth

2. Loads are not heavy
3. For wharfs and breakwaters
3. Pneumatic caissons

A caisson opened at bottom and closed at top in which compressed air is used to keep
away the water and mud from trench is called a pneumatic caisson.
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Component parts:

1.Working chamber

This is air and water tight chamber. There are openings for entrance and exit of men
and inlet and outlet of materials through the roof of the chamber. In that the men have to
work under high pressure.


It is used to make air and water tight chamber for the caisson. It may be made for R.C.
or steel.


It is vertical tubes of 600mm to 1200mm diameter and made of 3m long flanged steel
pipes. One shaft is provided with ladder for workmen’s and other side for inlet and outlet of
materials and spoils. Both are connected to the airlock at top.

It is an air tight chamber built on top of the shaft. It has two doors one for atmosphere
and another one is working chamber. The lock is to air compressor.

Working principles

It is constructed at the river bank then towed out to the place where it is required at
site of the pier, concrete is filled between its double wall and it is sunk into the river bed.
When the caisson is sunk on the river bed, compressor air is forced into the working chamber
to exclude all the water from the working chamber. Then excavation is started in the river bed
and the caisson is allowed to sink. As the caissons sinks the pressure of the compressed air is
increased to balance the pressure of water outside , so that it may not enter into the working
chamber. When the caisson has reached the desired depth, the bottom is prepared to receive
the concrete, and concreting is done through the concrete shaft. A thick layer of concrete is
laid and it is acted as a seal. After that air pressure will be released and airlocks and shafts are
removed from the caisson. The remaining portion of the caisson is filled with concrete under
atmospheric pressure.
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It is defined as a temporary structure construct to pump out the water and earth from
work spot, where foundation is to be laid.


1. Cantilever sheet piles

2. Braced coffer dam
3. Earth embankments
4. Double sheet pile wall
5. Cellular coffer dam
6. Rock fill coffer dam
7. bagged earth cofferdam.
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1.Cantilever sheet piles

A sheet piling walls consist of serious of piles driven side by side into the ground thus
forming a continuous vertical cantilever wall for retaining earth bank. It is suitable for small
works and moderate height. It has easily affected by lateral deflection and erosion.

2.Braced coffer dam

It consisting vertical or horizontal sheeting with internal struts. These are economical
for moderate heights.

There using circular coffer dam, thus avoid the cost of struts and also give large
workspace area.

3.Double wall coffer dam

It consists two rows of sheet piles, which are braced with tie rods. In between the
piles, the granular fill is to be made. It is also suitable for moderate height.
4. Cellular cofferdam

The major component of it’s the steel cells and cell fill. Sometimes earth beams are
also provided on dry side of coffer dam to increase stability. It also classified as circular type,
diaphragm and cloverleaf type. These are suitable for moderate and large heights.

5.Earth embankment

It consists of embankment made of earth or other materials enclosing foundation area.

The top width and free board will be about 1000mm. The side slope should not be steeper
than the natural angle of repose of the material. It is made up of sand, clay and gravel
mixture. It has no height limitations.

6.Rock fill coffer dam

It consists of embankment made of 300-600mm thick boulders and earth is placed on

water side for imperviousness. Coir mates is used to avoid erosion of earth by water currents.
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7.Bagged earth coffer dam

Where water current is swift there the earth dam cannot be constructed. Bags of
loosely filled earth may be dropped in position to form an embankment. This form of dam is
called bagged earth cofferdam.


I. According to IRC loadings

1. Aqueduct(canal over water way)

2. Viaduct (roadway over valley)
3. Pedestrian bridge
4. Road bridge
5. Railway bridges
6. Road cum-ail or pipe line bridge.
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II.According to material of construction

1. Timber
2. Masonry
3. Iron
4. Steel
5. Prestressed concrete
6. Reinforced concrete
7. Composite or aluminium bridge

III.According to position of bridge floor

1. Deck bridge
2. Through bridge
3. Semi through bridge

IV.According to type of super structure

1. Slab bridge
2. Beam bridge
3. Truss bridge
4. Arch bridge
5. Suspension bridge


It is defined as a drain sewer or water course totally enclosed and usually carried
under road or railway. It may have one or more spans. It has small linear water way width. OF CULVERTS
I.According to function

1. Highway culverts
2. Railway culverts

Designing and loading behavior would be different for these classes.
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II. According to construction

a) Pipe culverts
b) Box culverts
c) Arch culverts
d) R.C. or stone slab culverts
e) Steel girder culvert for railways.

Pipe culverts

Where the depth of flow and discharge is small there pipe culverts are to be used. The
discharge is more circular pipes are preferable. Culvert is to be extended to join the pipes and
increasing the discharge. Clearance between HFL and crown on the pipe is should be
maintained 150mm minimum.

Bottom level of the pipe must laid below the ground level at 1/3 rd of diameter of
pipe. The diameter of seldom exceeds 1800 mm reinforced and cast iron pipes are used. In
case of 600mm stoneware and plain concrete pipes are used. Masonry pitching must be
constructed on the both upstream and downstream sides to protect the banks against scouring.
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Pipes usually laid over 150mm thick layer of concrete and covered by earth cushion
either 600mm thick for metal roads, or 1200 mm thick earthen roads. If cast iron pipes are
provided earth cushion is not required for sufficient depth. The RC pipes are laid by
surrounding with cement concrete at an angle of 450.

The minimum interspaced between jointed pipes as 150mm. This space is concreted
in relevant manner.

Box culverts

This type of culvert consist one or more square or rectangular openings made up of
masonry or RCC.Box culverts are very common. Stone slabs also used for small culverts. In
soft soils, where there is a possibility of scouring and bearing capacity of soil is poor, these
culverts are used.
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RC box culverts are generally built upto 4m span. All the four sides of culverts are
generally built with same cross section and the same reinforcement is provided for the top
slab. Depending upon site condition earth cushion may be provided to reduce impact. Bottom
slab is to be extended 100mm on either side.

Arch culvert
For shorter spans (2 to 3m) this type culvert is economical. It may constructed either
stone masonry or brick masonry. The thickness of arch is varied 200mm to 300mm
depending upon span and loading condition. Minimum earth cushion 450mm should be
provided at the crown of arch. To avoid scouring, pitching and curtain wall are provided.
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RC or stone slab culvert

It consists stone slab or RC slab, supported on masonry walls on either side of slabs.
We provide up to 2.5m for stone slabs and 6m for RC slabs. RC slabs can be easily done by
arranging the reinforcement and concreting. RC culverts are used in railway or highway
bridges. Depending upon the site condition wing wall, abutment, parapet (minimum 750mm)
and hand rails are provided.

Steel girder culvert
These types of culverts are provided in railways. Two main girders are placed below
the rails. Wooden sleepers are provided over between the girders and the rails are fixed on the
sleeper. Sometimes this type of culverts is also known as open deck culverts.
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These are the structure constructed for crossing highly fluctuating streams which will
be under submerged condition during high floods. CONDITIONS TO CONSTRUCT CAUSEWAY

a. The average flood discharge should not be more than 40% of the highest flood
b. The highest flood discharge should not flow in the stream for more than 8 to 10 days
in the year and also not more than 4 to 5 hours for these days. CLASSIFICATION

a. Flush causeway
b. Low level causeway
c. High level causeway

Flush causeway
These are provided in hilly roads, when the maximum depth of water should not be
more than 1700mm in floods and does not exceed 15 days per year.

In this type only pavement is done for continuous water flow throughout the year.
Vents are not provided. For smooth surface RC slab is to be provided. To avoid scouring,
curtain wall is to be constructed on downstream.

Low level causeway

It is small submergible bridge without openings with partially vented by a few pipes.
In this type small openings of about 300mm to 350mm are provided below the road way slab
to allow normal flow without disturbing traffic. Bell mouth entrance provided for the vents
should have sufficient waterway. But in monsoon heavy flow over the causeway and the
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traffic can stay halted on both sides. Curtain walls are constructed on both up[stream and
downstream side of the road. Apron is provided on the downstream side only.

Under the following circumstances Low level causeway or flush cause way is used.

1. Formation level of road near to the bed level of stream.

2. Flood discharge is for short period.
3. When stone or concrete slab are provided.
4. Breath of river is more.
High level causeway

It may be defined as a bridge allows normal flood to pass through its vents and heavy
flood pass over it. This is also called submergible bridge.

The required vent sections are provided over a concrete bed. Above the vent openings
RC slab is laid for traffic movement. Either hand railing or small parapet wall constructed
over a road slab on either side.

Stone pitching or apron is laid on downstream side of the bridge. Vent allows 40% of
the maximum discharge on it. It is provided under the following circumstances,
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1. Good soil available at lower depth.
2. Traffic is small.
3. Duration of heavy flood does not exceed three days at a time and more than six times
in a Year.
4. The river width is small and normal flow is continuous and considerable.
5. Difference between normal flood level and highest flood level is more, construction
of regular bridge is uneconomical.


This part will be constructed below the ground level or girder bearing is called
Substructure. Following substructures are used for bridge construction.

1. Abutments
2. Piers
3. Wing walls

End support of a bridge superstructure is knows as abutment.

The face of abutment towards water side kept vertical and the back face towards earth
filling may be stepped or battered of 1 in 6. Weep holes are provided for entering sub soil
water from back face of abutment. The top of abutment is kept flat or slope to receive
superstructure. TYPES OF ABUTMENTS

1. Abutment for masonry arch bridge

2. Abutment for R.C. arch bridge
3. Abutment for Girder Bridge.

Abutment for masonry arch bridge

It is designed for the thrust exerted by the arch. The face of water side is usually
vertical but may be battered or stepped if required. Earth face may be battered or steeped as
required. At the top of arch , sometimes, spandrel filling is included in the abutment.
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Abutment for R.C. arch bridge

` This abutment is specially designed for the thrust and hinges of R.C arch are
provided. It may be constructed with RC as counter fort type of retaining wall, which may be
inclined to counter the action of the thrust arch.
Abutment for Girder Bridge.

It is designed to take the vertical loads of the super structure. It is constructed with
masonry or R.C. abutment for Girder Bridge is usually subjected to tilting forward due to
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eccentric load acting on it and also due to the deflection caused in the girder. Hence when it
is loaded, there is a tendency on it to move away from the soil, bearing against them at the
rear. Provisions are made to set the girder on the top of abutment. The faces may be vertical
or battered.

5.4.2 PIERS

The intermediate supports of a bridge superstructure are called Piers. To divide the
total length of bridge into suitable span piers may be constructed. They may be PCC or RCC
and may be solid or open type. TYPES OF PIERS

1. Abutment pier
2. Dump-bell pier
3. Solid pier
4. Column pier
5. Trestle pier
6. Cylindrical pier
7. Pile pier

Abutment pier

In arch bridge, piers are, not designed for lateral thrusts of arches, because the thrust
on either side of the pier is equal and opposite. But in very long arch bridges, every third and
fourth pier is made of larger section to sustain the effects of heavy unbalanced thrust due to
failure of any intermediate pier or arch. Such a pier is known as Abutment pier. It has
following uses,

1. Centering can be done partially up to abutment pier

2. Any partial damage caused due to floods and earthquake, it will not extend further
beyond the abutment pier.
3. Any repairs can be taken up in stages for the portion comprising the abutment piers.
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Dumb-bell pier

It is special type of R.C or masonry pier. It consists of column connected by this

reinforced concrete web, along their heights, in a direction transverse to the bridge. Such type
of piers is known as dump bell piers. The columns may have a variety of shapes. Bracing are
to provide up to HFL top offer resistance to the impact of floating bodies. Above the level
twin piers are constructed. If there is no danger of impact of floating bodies and bearing
capacity of soil is good, separate foundation may be provided. It has following advantages,

1. It gives maximum moment of inertia.
2. Design is simple and it leads to light reinforcement.
3. Compared to solid pier it is light weight.
4. It is suitable when well foundation is provided.
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Solid piers

Consist of masonry or cement concrete of solid section throughout the entire length of
pier called as solid pier. They are designed to take vertical loads. They provide resistance to
the action of the floating bodies.

Cut-water & ease-water in solid piers

The ends of solid piers may be given a suitable shape to make entry and exit
smooth. The end of the pier upstream side is known as Cut-water and that on
downstream side is known as ease-water. The edges of cut water and the side faces of
the piers are usually given tapper of 1 in 50 to 1 in 40, for appearance. The cut-water
and ease-water are usually triangular or semicircular or they may consists of two
parabolic arcs. To avoid the damage during high flood noses of cut waters may be
protected by fixing steel angles.\
Column bent and column pier

A column bent pier is adopted, if the longitudinal beams of girders of the super
structure of bridge are closely spaced. The term bent is used to indicate a supporting frame
consisting of vertical members and braces. Transverse beams are provided to support
transverse beams. The space formed between the longitudinal beams may be used to carry
gas pipes, sewage pipes, water pipes.
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Trestle pier or trestle bents

It is framed pier and consists of vertical, rectangular and diagonal members. The
trestle bends may be of steel or concrete, the former being quite common. The trestle bents
are constructed along viaducts in which there is no fear of impact of floating bodies.

The trestle bents are provided with considerable height and narrow roadway. The
wide base at bottom resists wind pressure in a better way. The inclination of frame limited
about 1 in 4 to 1 in 8.
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Cylindrical pier

It consist of mild steel cylinder connected by horizontal and diagonal bracings these
are adopted when foundation are of steel cylinder caissons type. Concrete is poured in steel
cylinder and they support the girder of the bridge through suitable bearings.
Pile piers or pile bents

Steel R.C. piles may be used to support the main girders over their caps. They are
laterally connected by R.C. or steel frames. The piles may be of screw or disc type. They
extend above the bed level to form the foundation.
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These are masonry walls constructed on either ends of an abutment to support and
protect the embankment, roadway, approach and to guide the water are known as wing-walls. TYPES OF WING WALLS

1. Straight wing walls

2. Splayed wing walls
3. Return wing walls


The part will be constructed above the ground level or girder bearing is called super


1. beam bridges,
2. cantilever bridges,
3. arch bridges,
4. truss bridges,
5. suspension bridges,
6. cable-stayed bridges
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Beam Bridge
It is similar to the long bridge. It is now made from steel 'I' beams, box girders,
reinforced concrete, or post-tensioned concrete. It is frequently used in pedestrian bridges and
for highway overpasses. It is in structural terms the simplest of the many bridge types. It
consists of one or more horizontal beams with 2 supports usually on either end.
Cantilever bridge
It is a bridge built using cantilevers: structures that project horizontally into space,
supported on only one end. A simple cantilever span is formed by two cantilever arms
extending from opposite sides of the obstacle to be crossed, meeting at the center
Arch bridge
An arch bridge is a semicircular structure with abutments on each end. The design of
the arch, the semicircle, naturally diverts the weight from the bridge deck to the abutments.
Truss bridge
A truss bridge is a bridge composed of connected elements (typically straight) which
may be subjected to tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads.
Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. Truss type of bridge structure
has a fairly simple design and is particularly cheap to construct owing to its efficient use of

Suspension Bridges
Suspension bridge is a type of bridge where the main load-carrying elements are
hung from suspension cables. Suspension bridges have two tall towers through which the
cables are strung.
Cable stayed bridges
A cable-stayed bridge is a bridge that consists of one or more columns (normally
referred to as towers or pylons), with cables supporting the bridge deck
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Simple bridge is simplest type of bridge, it is made of two supports which hold up the
slab or beam. It is least expensive. TYPES OF SIMPLE BRIDGE ACCORDING TO BRIDGE FLOOR

1. Deck type
2. Through type
3. Semi –through type
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Deck type

Flooring is supported over the top flange or beam of the girder is called as deck Type
Bridge. Super structure is accommodated between HFL and road formation level with
suitable clearance.

Through type

Flooring is supported on the bottom flange or beam by means of cross girder is called
as Through Type Bridge. Super structures are made above road formation level on either side
of the bridge.

Semi-through type

Flooring is supported near the mid height of the girder by means of cross girder is
called as Semi-through type Bridge. Super structure of bridge is partially accommodated
between HFL and road formation level and partially projecting above road formation level.

Length of the bridge is more(about 50m) superstructures may be continuous over
piers and end abutments. Slab type, T-beam type or box type decks are used in this type of
bridge. As this is continuous over the piers, the magnitude of bending moment at support is
more than mid span. Hence, moment of inertia of the girder at support is more than the mid


1. Quantity of steel and concrete consumption is low
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2. Provide more head room due to less depth in mid span.
3. Under heavy loads It has less vibration and deformation.
4. Only one bearing is provided at each of the two supports.
5. Low maintenance.


1. Slight settlement causes adverse effects.

2. Difficult to design.
3. More detailing of reinforcement is required
4. Skilled labor required for construction.


One end of the cantilever is fixed and the other free ends just meet at the center of
spans. It is constructed may be of steel or R.C. This type of construction is achieved by
providing good fixity at supports and providing hinges at center of the span or somewhere at
the span. In R.C bridge, depth of slab is to be increased towards support.


One portion of span rests over or suspended from other portion or portions of span. In
the piers end portions are fixed. And hinges are provided at the point of contra flexure of a
continuous span. Intermediate span will be suspended or supported between the contra
flexure point is called articulation. It is made of steel or R.C.
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Weight and cross section of cantilevers are determined after trying several possible
combinations. The length of cantilever span is 1/5 to 1/3 of the main supported span.

This type construction is demand extreme care and skill in design.


1. Require less quantity of steel and concrete.

2. Due to less reaction piers are lighter and economical.
3. Maintenance cost is low.
4. One bearing is required at every pier due to continuity of girder at the piers.

Roadways are constructed over the arch, rests on pier and on abutment is called arch
bridge. It may be constructed R.C. or steel or masonry or prestressed concrete. CLASSIFICATION OF ARCH BRIDGES

1. Based on material used for construction

i. Masonry arches
ii. R.C. arches
iii. Steel arches
2. Based the conditions of spandrel
i. Filled spandrel arches
ii. Closed spandrel arches
3. Based on their shape
i. Semi-circular arches
ii. Semi-elliptical arches
iii. Segmental arches
iv. Parabolic arches
4. Based on number of hinges
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i. Three hinged arches
ii. Two hinged arches
iii. One hinged arches
iv. Fixed arches or hinge less arches
5. Based the width of arches.
i. Barrel type
ii. Rib type

Masonry arch bridges

It is constructed may be of brick or stone. These are suitable for small spans and where
more head way is required. It is simple to construct, have a long life and cheap in
construction cost.

Spandrel arch bridges

1.Filled spandrel arch bridges

It may have curved slab or solid barrel arch spanning across the arched ribs of narrow
widths spanning between two skewbacks.

2.Open arch spandrel

Ratio of rise to span is more in this type of bridge and is economical. If the arch ring is
barrel type, walls are constructed with suitable dimensions on the extrados of the barrel. Such
walls are called curtain wall. If arch is rib type, columns are constructed on them spandrel
portion with suitable spacing and kept same. One line of column are transversely connected
by arch beams at their top. The flooring rests on the curtain walls or columns.


1. Dead load will be reduced for no filling.

2. Bending moment and tensile stress are reduced.
3. Less cost.
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It is an arched through type bridge. Arch rib is located either side of bridge. Ends of the
arch are connected to the tie beam at springing level. Tie beam connected to arch rib by
suspenders. Flooring rests on tie beam and load as transferred by suspenders.

To eliminate the horizontal thrust on abutment, rollers are provided. Abutments are made
to resist vertical reaction. For design purpose arch is considered as curved beam. Two arches
of the bridges are connected together by cross beams at the top to give better lateral rigidity.
This type of bridges can be built up to 175m.


1. Economical
2. Good appearance.
3. Provide where more head room required
4. Support section is light.
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The super structure and sub structure are constructed monolithically the frames are called
rigid frames. It is made by either R.C. or steel.

The width of the frame is the same as the width of the bridge. The legs of the portal may be
hinged or fixed to the foundation. In multiple span, expansion gap is kept between two portal
and at the top, and is sealed by a copper U-strip filled with bituminous material.
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1. Bearings are not required.

2. More stable.
3. The bridge is least obstructed since slender section are used for supporting piers.


These types of bridges utilize wire rope which support the road way by suspenders. The
wire ropes or cables are carried over piers and are anchored to jumpers left in good rocks.
The cables rest at the top of pier in special casing called as saddle.

Side span rest either over a substructure or suspended cables over them. These cables are
called as backstays. The back stays are straight, if the span is supported by sub structure. If
supported by suspenders It is curved in shape.

Under heavy loads position of suspension cables are changed. To overcome this, they are
stiffened with roadways are bracing with chains. On loading, sagging of bridge is taken as
1/10 to 1/6 of the span. To counteract the sag camber will be provided.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools

1. It can be easily and rapidly constructed.

2. It gives better architectural appearance.
3. To avoid the pier along the river bed.
4. It cheap compared to other types.
5. Light in weight.
6. It can be used for long spans up to 600m.

In this bridge, the trusses are supported at intermediate points. the bearing at one
intermediate support are of rocker type but other supports must have bearings that allow
horizontal movement. The flooring and bracing may be open or solid type.

Bending moment considerably small compared to simply supported beam. The values of
bending moment and shearing force considerably alter on slight sinking of any support. If it is
heavy structure; it cannot be lifted up as one piece ordinarily.


Plate girders or trusses are used in the form of arches. They may be fixed, or hinged, two
hinged or three hinged and may be deck type, through type or semi- through type. The over
all depth may be constant or varying. They are usually circular or parabolic shape in elevation
and may have solid open web. These are suitable for long single span construction with steel.
If necessary, bearings are provided to bridge super structure.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools

It is a device used in long span bridges to avoid development of high stresses in main
girders due to temperature changes and deflection.


1. For distribution of the load from superstructure to substructure to reduce intensity of

pressure within the safe limits of the materials of construction.
2. It should be capable of accommodating maximum expected deck moment and rotation
with least possible resisting force.


1. When loaded, it allows the girder to move freely along the axis.
2. To take angular movement at the support.
3. To allow free movement to the girder incase variation in its length is caused due to
change in temperature
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools

1. Fixed bearing
2. Rocker-roller bearing
3. Rocker bearing
4. Rocker bearing with curved bottom
5. Knuckle bearing
6. Sliding plate bearing
7. Sole plate on curved bed plate bearing

Fixed bearing

To prevent any longitudinal moment of the girders fixed bearings are provided. They are
suitable only for small spans up to 12m. They are classified as,

1. Shallow plate bearing

2. Deep base bearing
3. Laminated rubber fixed bearing
4. Cement mortar pad

Rocker-roller bearing

These are suitable for largest spans in these bearing the bottom shoe rest on the cylindrical
roller which roll on a number of rails placed over the masonry or cast steel block or steel
plate. This bearing allows free longitudinal as well as angular movements of the main girder
of the bridge connected to the top shoe.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Rocker bearing

These bearings are also suitable for larger spans, say more than 21 metres. This is similar to
the Roller-rocker bearings. It has a 20cm radius circular rocker pin placed between the top
and bottom shoes, having the same radius 2/3 rd of the circumference of the rockers are
covered by the shoes and saddle cover. The top shoe is inverted and the bottom shoe is
directly placed on the masonry or on steel block provided on the top of the masonry.
Rocker bearing with curved bottom

This bearing allows free longitudinal as well as angular movement to the bridge girder. In
this bearing, the upper portion is similar to the Rocker bearing. The bottom shoe has a
curved bottom surface.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Knuckle bearing

This bearing allows only angular movements of the girder fixed on the top shoe. The top
shoe has a semi-circular concave surface and the bottom shoe has a semi-circular concave
surface both having the same radius.

Sliding plate bearing
It consists of a sole plate fixed to the bottom of the girder of the bridge and rests on a wall
plate. The wall plate is rigidly connected to the masonry or bed block by bolts in such a way
that the sole plate is made free to slide over the wall plate by providing slotted holes in the
sole plate. Thus the sliding plate bearing allows longitudinal expansion or contraction due to
the variations in temperature or live loads etc.,

Sole plate on curved bed plate bearing

This type of bearing is useful where the sole plate is in the girder bridge. The sole plate is
fixed on the girder of the bridge and rests on a curved bed plate fixed in the masonry. The
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sole plate can move angularly in the bed plate when the main girder of the bridge deflects due
to loads.


Steel reinforced neoprene (synthetic rubber) bearings are used in compression. It is

known as elastomeric bearings. They composed of multiple laminates of elastomeric material
separated by steel reinforcement. Among all different kinds of bearing, elastomeric bearings
are the best known and most often used.
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools

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