4 - 5 - Normal Distribution and Probabilities

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This lesson contains the discussion of the properties and
application of the normal distributions.

Learning Outcome
At the end of this lesson the learners should be able discuss the
different properties of normal distribution, compute the area or the
probability under standard normal curve and apply it in real life

Learning Content

Historical Note

The discovery of the equation for a normal distribution can be

traced to three mathematicians. In 1733, the French mathematician
Abraham DeMoivre derived an equation for a normal distribution
based on the random variation of the number of heads appearing when
a large number of coins were tossed. Not realizing any connection with
the naturally occurring variables, he showed this formula to only a few
friends. About 100 years later, two mathematicians, Pierre Laplace in
France and Carl Gauss in Germany, derived the equation of the normal
curve independently and without any knowledge of DeMoivre’s work. In
1924, Karl Pearson found that DeMoivre had discovered the formula
before Laplace or Gauss.

Definition of Normal Distribution

A normal distribution is a continuous, symmetric and bell-
shaped distribution of a random variable.
The normal distribution can be used to describe, at least
approximately, any variable that tends to cluster around the mean.

Properties of a Normal Distribution

1. The distribution is bell-shaped.

2. The mean, median, and mode are equal and are located at the
center of the distribution.
3. The normal distribution is unimodal.
4. The normal distribution curve is symmetric about the mean (the
shape are same on both sides).
5. The normal distribution is continuous.
6. The normal curve is asymptotic (it never touches the x axis).
7. The total area under the part of a normal distribution curve is
1.00 or 100%.
8. The area under the part of a normal curve that lies within 1
standard deviation of the mean 68%; within 2 standard
deviation, about 95%;and with 3 standard deviation, about

Normal Distribution Curve

The Standard Normal Distribution (Standard Normal Curve)

The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with

a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The total area under its
normal curve is 1.

Standard Normal Distribution Curve

Finding Areas under the Standard Normal Curve

To get the area under standard normal curve, follow these:

Step 1. Sketch the normal distribution curve and shade the area
being asked.

Step 2. Find the appropriate figure in the Procedure Table and

follow the directions given.

There are three basic types of problems, and all three are
summarized in the Procedure Table.

Note: The table presented is only an aid to understand how to use the
standard normal distribution table and in visualizing the problems.

Procedure Table
1. To the left of any z-score
To find the area to the left of z, find the area that corresponds to z in
the Standard Normal Table.

2. To the right of any z-score

To find the area to the right of z, use the Standard Normal Table to
find the area that corresponds to z. Then subtract the area from 1.

3. Between any two z-scores

To find the area between two z-scores, find the area corresponding to
each z-score in the Standard Normal Table. Then subtract the
smaller area from the larger area.
Example 1 and 2 shows procedure number 1.
Example 1. Find the area under the standard normal curve to the left


To find the area to the left of z, find the area that corresponds to z in
the Standard Normal Table.

Locate –1.3 in the left column and -0.02 in the top column. Their
intersection is the area to the left of The area is 0.0934.

Therefore, the area to the left of is 0.0934.

Example 2. Find the area under the standard normal curve to the left

Locate 1.2 in the left column and 0.05 in the top column. Their
intersection is the area to the left of The area is 0.8944.

Therefore, the area to the left of is 0.8944.

Example 3 and 4 shows procedure number 2.

Example 3. Find the area under the standard normal curve to the
right of


To find the area to the right of z, use the Standard Normal Table to
find the area that corresponds to the left of z. Then subtract the area
from 1.

The area to the left of is 0.1056. (Refer to the table)

then subtract it to 1.

therefore, the area to the right of is 0.8944.

Example 4. Find the area under the standard normal curve to the
right of

To find the area to the right of z, use the Standard Normal Table to
find the area that corresponds to the left of z. Then subtract the area
from 1.

The area to the left of is 0.7939. (Refer to the table)

then subtract it to 1.

therefore, the area to the right of is 0.2061.

Example 5 to 7 shows procedure number 3.
Example 5. Find the area under the standard normal distribution
curve between


To find the area between two z-scores, find the area corresponding to
each z-score in the Standard Normal Table. Then subtract the smaller
area from the larger area;

the area to the left of is 0.7939. (Refer to the table);

the area to the left of is 0.1112. (Refer to the table)

therefore, the area to the between is


Example 6. Find the area under the standard normal distribution

curve between

To find the area between two z-scores, find the area corresponding to
each z-score in the Standard Normal Table. Then subtract the smaller
area from the larger area;

the area to the left of is 0.1020. (Refer to the table);

the area to the left of is 0.2611. (Refer to the table)

therefore, the area to the between is


Example 7. Find the area under the standard normal distribution

curve between


To find the area between two z-scores, find the area corresponding to
each z-score in the Standard Normal Table. Then subtract the smaller
area from the larger area;

the area to the left of is 0.8980. (Refer to the table);

the area to the left of is 0.7389. (Refer to the table)

therefore, the area to the between is 0.1591.

Observe that between and between
have the same area under normal curve and one is
the mirror image of the other. It is because of the symmetric property
of the standard normal distribution curve.

Application of the Normal Distribution

The standard score or z-score measures how many standard

deviation a given value x is above or below the mean. The z-scores are
useful in comparing observed values. A positive z-score indicates that
the score or observed value is above the mean, whereas a negative z-
scores indicates that the score or observed value is below the mean.

To solve problems by using the standard normal distribution,

transform the original variable to a standard normal distribution
variable by using the formula

The formula is used to gain information about an individual data

values when the variable is normally distributed.

Interpreting Standard Score (z-score)

Example 1. Keren De Leon scored 90 in an English test and 70

in a Statistics test. Scores in the English test have a mean of 80 and
a standard deviation of 10. Scores in Statistics test have a mean of 60
and a standard deviation of 8. In which subject was her standing
better, assuming that the scores in the English and Statistics test are
normally distributed?

To answer the problem the score should be converted into its
equivalent standard score using the formula.

For English For Statistics

Since she has higher z-score in Statistics test than in English
test, this means that she performed better in Statistics test. Note that
in test scores, higher the value of the z-score the better as compared
to the group.

Finding Probabilities for Normal Distributions

Steps in Finding the Area Under Any Normal Curve

Step 1. Draw a normal curve and shade the desired area.
Step 2. Convert the values of x (raw score) to z-values, using the
formula for z-score
Step 3. Find the corresponding area.

Example 1. The height of college students at a certain university is

164 cm and the standard deviation is 10 cm. Assuming the heights are
normally distributed, what percent of heights is greater than 168 cm?

Step 1. Draw a normal curve and shade the desired area.

Step 2. Convert the values of x (raw score) to z-values, using the

formula for z-score.

Step 3. Find the corresponding area.

Find the area to the right of Apply Procedure 2. The area to
the left of is 0.6554. (Refer to the table) ;

then subtract it to 1,

therefore, 0.3446 or 34.46% percent of college students is higher

than 168cm.

Example 2. In a Math test, the mean score is 45 the standard

deviation is 4. Assuming normality, what is the probability that a score
picked at random will lie: a) below 38; b) 50 above c) between 35 and
Step 1. Draw a normal curve and shade the desired area.
a. Below 38 b. Above 50 c. Between 35 and 48.

Step 2. Convert the values of x (raw score) to z-values, using the

formula for z-score.
Step 3. Find the corresponding area.

a. Below 38;

To the left of Apply procedure 1. (Refer to the table)

therefore, the probability to pick a score below 38 is 0.0401 or


b. Above 50;

To the right of Apply procedure 2.

therefore, the probability to pick a score above 50 is 0.1056 or


c. Between 35 and 48;

Between Apply procedure 3.

therefore, the probability to pick a score between 35 and 48 is
0.7672 or 76.72%.
Name: ________________________________________ Score: ___________
Course/Year/Section/Major: __________________ Date: ____________


I. Find and sketch the area under the standard normal distribution
curve. (3 points)

1. Between z = 0 and z = 1.49

2. Between z = 0 and z = -1.78

3. Between z = 1.56 and z = 2.51

4. Between z = -1.36 and z = 2.55

5. Between z = -2.46 and z = 1.55

6. To the right of z = 2.35

7. To the right of z = -1.31

8. To the left of z = 2.04

II. Solve the following problems systematically.

1. On final examination in Mathematics, the mean was 73 and the

standard deviation was 5. Assuming the scores are normally
distributed, determine the standard score of Michaela who got
the score of 85?

2. On a test in statistics, and mean 66 is and with the standard

deviation of 3. Assuming normality, what is the standard score of
a student who receives score of 60?

3. In an English test, the mean is 60 and the standard deviation is

6. Assuming the scores are normally distributed, what percent of
the scores is:
a. Less than 72?
b. Greater than 66?
c. Between 54 and 63?
Score 0 1 3 5
Able to solve
the Area
Sketch the Able to solve systematically
under No Answer
problem. systematically. and make

o Bluman, Allan G. (2014). Elementary statistics: a step by step
approach 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill
o Larson, Ron and Farber, Betsy (2015). Elementary statistics:
picturing the world.—6th ed., Pearson Education, Inc.
o Sirug, Winston S. (2011). Basic probability and statistics: a step
by step approach. Intramuros Manila: Mindshapers Co.

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