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Subjective: Acute Pain related to reduced Short term: Independent Independent Short term:
Patient reports pain radiating coronary blood flow After 1 hour of nursing  Assess the level of  Chest pain doesn’t The patient verbalized
to the neck and left arm intervention, the patient will pain and its always indicate MI, decreased of pain using pain
demonstrate and state a characteristics, sometimes other scale from 7/10 to 3/10
Pain scale of 7/10 decrease in rating of chest location, and health conditions
pain intensity may be the cause of
Objective:  Place the patient in it Long term:
 Facial grimace Long term: an upright position  Upright position The patient demonstrates
 Chest grabbing The patient will demonstrate  Monitor vital signs facilitates breathing improved quality of feeling,
 SOB improved quality of feeling, especially blood and minimizes no longer anxious about the
 Restlessness reduced anxiety, and a pressure, heart rate, cardiac workload health conditions, verbalized
decreased risk of future and oxygen  To further assess the understanding of managing
VS: cardiac events by effectively saturation health condition of chest pain and when to see a
managing chest pain and  Monitor ECG the patient doctor
T: 37 knowing the signs &  ECG detects any
BP: 140/100 symptoms when to see a Dependent changes in cardiac
P: 101 doctor.  Administer oxygen to rhythm
R: 15 the patient
 Administer Dependent
prescribed pain relief  To maintain oxygen
medications such as demand to
nitroglycerin and myocardium of the
morphine patient
 Nitroglycerin and
morphine helps to
alleviate chest pain,
monitor vital signs
during administration
of this medication

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