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for Cambridge International
AS & A Level
Second Edition

Phil Crossley
Jim Fensom
Martin Burgess

Oxford excellence for Cambridge AS & A Level

We ensure every
Cambridge learner can...

We help every student reach their full potential
with complete syllabus support from experienced
teachers, subject experts and examiners.

We bring our esteemed academic standards
to your classroom and pack our resources
with effective exam preparation. You can trust
Oxford resources to secure the best results.

We embed critical thinking skills into our
resources, encouraging students to think
independently from an early age and building
foundations for future success.

Find out more
1 Straight-line motion and graphs 2 6 Friction 73
1.1 Displacement–time graphs 4 6.1 Rough horizontal surfaces 74
1.2 Velocity–time graphs 8 6.2 Rough inclined plane 77
Maths in real-life: Understanding the
2 Constant-acceleration formulae 18 Universe 84
2.1 Constant-acceleration formulae 19
2.2 Vertical motion 24 7 Work and energy 86
7.1 Work 87
3 Variable acceleration 29 7.2 Kinetic energy 89
3.1 Using differentiation to describe
7.3 Gravitational potential energy 91
straight-line motion 30
7.4 Conservation of energy 92
3.2 Using integration to describe straight-
line motion 34 7.5 The work–energy principle 95
3.3 Deriving the constant-acceleration
8 Power 102
formulae 37
8.1 Power as the rate of doing work 103
Maths in real-life: Challenging technology
8.2 Acceleration and variable resistance 106
in sport 40
9 Momentum 112
4 Forces and resultants 42
4.1 Resultants 43 9.1 Momentum 113
4.2 Components 46 9.2 Collisions 115
4.3 Forces in equilibrium 47 Maths in real-life: Aerodynamics 124

5 Newton’s laws 57 Exam-style paper 4A 126

5.1 Newton’s laws 58 Exam-style paper 4B 128
5.2 Resolving components of the weight
Answers 130
when on a slope 62
5.3 Multiple forces 64 Glossary 135
5.4 Connected particles 66 Index 137

About this book
This book has been written to cover the Cambridge AS & A Level
International Mathematics (9709) course, and is fully aligned to the
In addition to the main curriculum content, you will find:
● ‘Maths in real-life’, showing how principles learned in this course are
used in the real world.
● Chapter openers, which outline how each topic in the Cambridge
9709 syllabus is used in real-life.
The book contains the following features:

Notes Did you know?

Advice on Examination advice

calculator use

Throughout the book, you will encounter worked examples and a host
of rigorous exercises. The examples show you the important techniques
required to tackle questions. The exercises are carefully graded, starting
from a basic level and going up to exam standard, allowing you plenty of
opportunities to practise your skills. Together, the examples and exercises
put maths in a real-world context, with a truly international focus.
At the start of each chapter, you will see a list of objectives that are covered
in the chapter. These objectives are drawn from the Cambridge AS & A Level
syllabus. Each chapter begins with a Before you start section and finishes
with a Summary exercise and Chapter summary, ensuring that you fully
understand each topic.
Each chapter contains key mathematical terms to improve understanding,
highlighted in colour, with full definitions provided in the Glossary of
terms at the end of the book.
The answers given at the back of the book are concise. However, when
answering exam-style questions, you should show as many steps in your
working as possible. All exam-style questions, as well as Paper A and
Paper B, have been written by the authors.

About the authors
Jim Fensom has many years’ experience of teaching and examining
mathematics. He has authored a number of books. He recently retired after
a career teaching in the UK and Singapore.
Phil Crossley is a senior examiner as well as a teacher at
Carre’s Grammar School in England. He has many years of experience
in teaching and examining mathematics.
Dr Martin Burgess has over nine years’ experience in teaching
mathematics at secondary level and has also been an expert examiner for
an A Level examination board. His PhD is in the field of data mining,
specialising in statistical techniques, and he works at Nexus International
School in Singapore.
Special thanks to James Nicholson for ‘Maths in real-life’.

A note from the authors

The aim of this book is to help students prepare for the Mechanics unit of
the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics syllabus, though
it may also be found to be useful in providing support material for other
AS and A Level courses. The book contains a large number of practice
questions, many of which are exam-style.
In writing the book we have drawn on our experiences of teaching
mathematics over many years, as well as our experience as examiners.

Student book & Cambridge syllabus
matching grid

Student Book: Complete Mechanics for Cambridge
for Cambridge International International AS & A Level
AS & A Level
Second Edition

Syllabus: Cambridge International AS & A Level

Phil Crossley
Jim Fensom
Martin Burgess
Mathematics: Mechanics (9709)
Oxford excellence for Cambridge AS & A Level
842519 AS_ALevel MECHANICS SB TP.indd 1 22/05/2018 14:04

MECHANICS Student Book

Syllabus overview for 9709, first examined in 2020.

Mechanics (Paper 4)
Questions set will be mainly numerical, and will aim to test mechanical principles without involving difficult algebra
or trigonometry. However, candidates should be familiar in particular with the following trigonometrical results:
sin θ
sin (90° – θ) = cos θ; cos (90° – θ) = sin θ; tan θ ≡ ; sin2θ + cos2 θ ≡ 1.
cos θ
Knowledge of algebraic methods from the content for Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 is assumed.
This content list refers to the equilibrium or motion of a ‘particle’. Examination questions may involve extended
bodies in a ‘realistic’ context, but these extended bodies should be treated as particles, so any force acting on
them is modelled as acting at a single point.
Vector notation will not be used in the question papers.

1. Forces and equilibrium

• Identify the forces acting in a given situation Pages 42–47
• Understand the vector nature of force, and find and use components and resultants Pages 42–47
• Use the principle that, when a particle is in equilibrium, the vector sum of the forces Pages 47–56
acting is zero, or equivalently, that the sum of the components in any direction is zero
• Understand that a contact force between two surfaces can be represented by two Pages 73–77
components, the normal component and the frictional component
• Use the model of a ‘smooth’ contact, and understand the limitations of this model Pages 73–74
• Understand the concepts of limiting friction and limiting equilibrium; recall the definition Pages 73–83
of coefficient of friction, and use the relationship F = μR or F ≤ μR, as appropriate
• Use Newton’s third law Pages 57–60

2. Kinematics of motion in a straight line

• Understand the concepts of distance and speed as scalar quantities, and of Pages 2–17, 18–28
displacement, velocity and acceleration as vector quantities (in one dimension only)
• Sketch and interpret displacement–time graphs and velocity–time graphs, and in Pages 2–17
particular appreciate that:
– the area under a velocity–time graph represents displacement Page 8
– the gradient of a displacement–time graph represents velocity Page 4
– the gradient of a velocity–time graph represents acceleration Page 8

Student book & Cambridge syllabus
matching grid

• Use differentiation and integration with respect to time to solve simple problems Pages 29–37
concerning displacement, velocity and acceleration (restricted to techniques from the
content for Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1)
• Use appropriate formulae for motion with constant acceleration in a straight line Page 37

3. Momentum
• Use the definition of linear momentum and show understanding of its vector nature Pages 112–114
• Use the conservation of linear momentum to solve problems that may be modelled Pages 115–123
as the direct impact of two bodies (including direct impact where the bodies coa-
lesce on impact). Note: knowledge of impulse and the coefficient of restitution is not

4. Newton’s laws of motion

• Apply Newton’s laws of motion to the linear motion of a particle of constant mass Pages 57–72
moving under the action of constant forces, which may include friction, tension in an
inextensible string and thrust in a connecting rod
• Use the relationship between mass and weight Page 60
• Solve simple problems that may be modelled as the motion of a particle moving verti- Pages 60–66
cally or on an inclined plane with constant acceleration
• Solve simple problems that may be modelled as the motion of connected particles, Pages 66–72
e.g. connected by a light inextensible string that may pass over a fixed smooth peg
or light pulley

5. Energy, work and power

• Understand the concept of the work done by a force, and calculate the work done Pages 86–91
by a constant force when its point of application undergoes a displacement not
necessarily parallel to the force (use of the scalar product is not required)
• Understand the concepts of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy, and Pages 91–92
use appropriate formulae
• Understand and use the relationship between the change in energy of a system and Pages 92–101
the work done by the external forces, and use in appropriate cases the principle of
conservation of energy
• Use the definition of power as the rate at which a force does work, and use the Pages 102–106
relationship between power, force and velocity for a force acting in the direction of
• Solve problems involving, for example, the instantaneous acceleration of a car Pages 106–111
moving on a hill with resistance

1 Straight-line motion and graphs
The longest straight stretch of train track in
the world is in Australia. It runs from Ooldea,
in South Australia, to Loongana, in Western
Australia, a distance of 478 km. This section of
track is part of the Trans-Australian Railway on
which the Indian Pacific line from Sydney, in the
East of Australia, to Perth, in the West, runs. It
runs though the Nullarbor Plain, an area of flat,
almost treeless, arid or semi-arid country that
occupies an area of 200 000 square kilometres.
The length of the journey is 4352 km one-way,
and takes 65 hours. The average speed of trains is
85 km/h and its maximum speed is 115 km/h.

Sketch and interpret displacement–time graphs and velocity–time graphs, and in particular
appreciate that
● the area under a velocity–time graph represents displacement
● the gradient of a displacement–time graph represents velocity
● the gradient of a velocity–time graph represents acceleration.

Before you start

You should know how to: Skills check:
1. Calculate the area of rectangles, triangles and 1. Calculate the area of the shape created between
trapeziums. the red line of this graph and the x-axis.
e.g. Area = 2.4 × 5 y
2.4 cm
= 12 cm2 30
5 cm
Area = 6.2 × 2
2 cm = 12.4 cm2 0 20 40 60 x
6.2 cm
Area = 1 (4 + 7) × 3
3 cm
2 2. Calculate the gradients of these lines.
= 16.5 cm2
a) y b) y
7 cm 30 30
2. Calculate the gradient of a straight line.
20 20
y2 − y1
Use gradient = . e.g. Find the gradient
x2 − x1 10 10
of the line joining (2, 4) and (7, −1).
−1 − 4 −5 0 40 x 0 40 x
gradient = = = 1−1 − 4 −5 20 20
2 7−2 5 = =1
7−2 5
3. Calculate displacement, velocity, 3. Find the time taken for a particle travelling
acceleration and time using appropriate a) 30 m at a velocity of 5 m s–1
units (m, m s–1, m s–2, s).
b) 8 m at a velocity of 0.2 m s–1
When velocity is constant then the formulae
c) 5 m at a velocity of 25 m s–1.
that connect these quantities are as follows:
displacement = velocity × time 4. Find the displacement of a particle
e.g. Find the displacement of a particle travelling with
travelling at 3 m s–1 for 5 s. a) a velocity of 12 m s–1 for 12 s
displacement = 3 × 5 = 15 m b) a velocity of 0.4 m s–1 for 10 s
c) a velocity of 30 m s–1 for 0.5 s.
velocity = displacement
e.g. Find the velocity when a particle has a 5. Find the velocity of a particle that has
displacement of 2.4 m in 3 s. a) a displacement of 24 m in 8 s
velocity = 2.4 = 0.8 m s–1 b) a displacement of 45 m in 30 s
c) a displacement of 10 m in 50 s.
time =
velocity 6. Find the change in velocity when a particle
e.g. Find the time taken for a particle to be accelerates at
displaced 15 m with a velocity of 0.6 m s–1. a) 10 m s–2 for 10 s
time = 15 = 25 s b) 0.2 m s–2 for 30 s.

When acceleration is constant then the 7. Find the acceleration when a particle’s
formulae that connect these quantities are as velocity changes
follows: a) from 20 m s–1 to 50 m s–1 in 10 s
velocity = acceleration × time b) from 44 m s–1 to 32 m s–1 in 6 s.
e.g. Find the change in velocity when a
8. Find the time taken for a particle to
particle accelerates for 2 s at 24 m s–2.
accelerate from 15 m s–1 to 60 m s–1 at
change in velocity = 24 × 2 = 48 m s–1 15 m s–2.
acceleration =
e.g. Find the acceleration when the velocity
of a particle changes from 2 m s–1 to 10 m s–1
in 12 s.
10 − 2 2
acceleration = = ms−2
12 3
time = , e.g. Find the time taken
for a particle to accelerate to a velocity of
8 m s–1 from 3 m s–1 when its acceleration is
0.1 m s–2.
time = 5 = 50 s
Straight-line motion and graphs 3
1.1 Displacement–time graphs
A displacement–time graph is used to show the motion of a particle, in one dimension, along
a straight line. We first look at examples where motion follows one or more stages of constant
velocity, with the particle moving forwards and backwards along the straight line. In displacement–
time graphs, time (t) is shown on the horizontal axis. Displacement is often denoted by s.
displacement (s)

0 t
time (t)
We know that velocity = , which can be abbreviated as velocity = s .
time t
Velocity is the gradient of the displacement–time graph.
Note that the concept of kinematics, or straight-line motion, refers to the motion of a particle.
A particle has dimensions so small compared with other lengths that its position in space can be
represented by a single point. A body is an object made up of particles. However, in Example 1,
a body (in this case a car) is modelled as a particle for the purpose of the question.

Example 1
A car moves forward on a straight road from a point O, at constant velocity for 20 s, travelling
a distance of 60 m. During the next 20 s the car is stationary, remaining 60 m away from O.
The car then returns to O, which takes 10 s.
a) Sketch a displacement–time graph of the first 50 s of the car’s journey.
b) Use the displacement–time graph to find the velocity of the car during each stage
of the journey.

a) A B displacement
60 b) Since velocity = , the gradient
Displacement (m)

of a displacement–time graph is the velocity.


The gradient of OA is 60 = 3.
20 20
The velocity in the first 20 s is 3 m s–1.
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 The gradient of AB is 0.
Time (s)
The velocity in the second 20 s is 0 m s–1.
Note: In this example, displacement away
from O is regarded as positive; hence, on The gradient of BC is −60 = − 6.
the return part of the journey, both the The velocity in the final 10 s is –6 m s–1.
displacement and the velocity are negative.

4 Displacement–time graphs
Exercise 1.1
1. A particle travelling in a straight line, starting from a point O at a velocity
of 2 m s–1 for 10 s, rests for 20 s and then returns to O in 5 s.
a) Sketch the displacement–time graph of the motion of the particle.
b) What is the velocity of the particle on the return?
2. A car travels along a straight road from a town O. It travels 200 m at
a constant velocity of 20 m s–1. It then stops for 5 seconds before returning
to the starting point in 8 s.
a) Sketch a displacement–time graph for the motion of the car.
b) Calculate the velocity on the return section of the journey.
3. A food container in a sushi restaurant travels along a straight track at
a velocity of 0.5 m s–1 for 10 s. It stops for 10 s and then continues on its
journey at a velocity of 0.6 m s–1, coming to a halt after a further 10 s.
a) Sketch the displacement–time graph for the food container.
b) Calculate the total distance travelled by the food container.

Note: In the graphs that follow,

displacement (s ) is given in metres,
and time (t ) is in seconds.

4. Describe the motion of the particle in the graph. s

What is the velocity of the particle
a) in the first 10 seconds 10
b) between t = 10 and t = 40
c) in the last 30 seconds? 5

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 t

5. Describe the motion of a train moving along s

a track, as shown in the accompanying graph. 20
What is the velocity of the train
a) in the first 5 seconds 8

b) between t = 5 and t = 20
c) in the last 15 seconds? O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 t

Straight-line motion and graphs 5

6. Describe the motion of an elevator moving in an elevator shaft, as shown
in the graph. s

What is the velocity of the elevator 18

a) in the first 8 seconds
b) between t = 8 and t = 16
c) in the last 12 seconds?
O 8 16 28 t

7. In a factory, a piece of steel travels a distance S from O in 40 s

on a straight conveyor belt and then returns to O 20 s later as
shown in the diagram below.

20 40 60 t

If the initial velocity of the piece of steel is 8 m s–1, calculate

a) the value of S
b) the velocity of the piece of steel between t = 40 and t = 60.
8. A particle travels 20 m in a straight line from O in T s.
It remains stationary for a further T s, and then returns
directly to O in T s as shown in the graph below.

O t
T 2T 3T

If the initial velocity of the particle is 30 m s–1, calculate

a) the value of T
b) the time taken to complete the whole journey.

6 Displacement–time graphs
9. The displacement of a particle from O is S m in a time 4T s.
The particle then returns to O as shown in the graph.

O t
2T 4T 6T

a) If the initial velocity is 4 m s–1, find the velocity on the return.

b) If the total time taken is 27 s, find the value of S.
10. The graph shows the displacement s of a model train moving along
a track in time t.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 t

The velocity of the train from O to A is V m s–1 and from A to B the velocity
is −V m s–1. The train is at rest between B and C, and between C and D
the velocity is 1.5V m s–1. Calculate
a) the value of V
b) the displacement from A to B
c) the displacement from C to D
d) the displacement from D to E
e) the velocity between D and E.

Did you know?

The examples in Section 1.1 are a simplification of what
happens in real-life. In practice, although a particle
(or body) can travel at a constant velocity, change in
velocity is never instantaneous. It involves acceleration
or deceleration.
Imagine sitting in a car where the
velocity changed abruptly. What would happen to
your body if it sped up, slowed down, stopped,
or changed direction in no time at all?

Straight-line motion and graphs 7

1.2 Velocity–time graphs
A velocity–time graph is also used to show the motion of a particle in one dimension, along a
straight line. In the next set of examples, motion follows one or more stages of constant velocity
or constant acceleration, with the particle moving forwards and backwards along the straight line.
In velocity–time graphs, time (t) is shown on the horizontal axis. Velocity is denoted by v.
velocity (v)

0 t
time (t)
We know that acceleration = , which can be abbreviated as acceleration = v .
time t

Acceleration is the gradient of the velocity–time graph.

velocity (v)

0 t
time (t)

When velocity is constant, displacement = velocity × time, or more simply, v × t. Therefore,

For constant velocity, displacement is found by calculating the area of

the rectangle on a velocity–time graph.
velocity (v)

0 time (t)

When acceleration is constant, the velocity graph will be a straight line. Consider the area under the graph
to be made of a series of very narrow rectangles. The area of each of these rectangles is the displacement
of the particle over a very short time. Combining these areas, we get an approximation for the area of the
trapezium under the graph, which improves as the time period for each rectangle becomes less.

Displacement is the area under the velocity–time graph.

8 Velocity–time graphs
Example 2
During the first 10 s of a journey along a straight road, a car accelerates from rest to a
velocity of 20 m s–1. It then continues for a further 20 s at constant velocity.
a) Sketch the velocity–time graph of the journey.
b) Calculate the acceleration during the first 10 s of the journey.
c) Describe the motion between the first 10 s and 30 s of the journey.
d) Calculate the total distance travelled in the first 30 s of the journey.

a) A B
velocity (v)


O 10 20 30
time (t)

b) Since acceleration = , the gradient of a velocity–time graph is the

The gradient of OA is 20 = 2.
The acceleration in the first 10 s is 2 m s–2.
c) The gradient of the graph is 0 between A and B. Therefore, the acceleration is 0 m s–2.
This is constant velocity.
d) Since displacement = velocity × time, the displacement is found by calculating
the area under the graph between t = 0 and t = 30.
Total area = area of OAD + area of ABCD Note: Velocity away from O is regarded as
positive. Lines with a positive gradient show
= 1 × 10 × 20 + 20 × 20 positive acceleration and those with a negative
= 500 slope show negative acceleration (deceleration).

Total area = area of trapezium OABC Hint: Using the trapezium formula is often
= 1 (30 + 20) × 20 quicker and more straightforward than breaking
2 the area into simpler shapes.
= 500
The displacement in the first 30 s is 500 m.

Straight-line motion and graphs 9

In a velocity–time graph, velocity can be positive
(above the time axis) or negative (below the time axis).
Performing calculations from values in the graph can
result in areas that are negative as well, indicating
a negative displacement. Care needs to be taken
when finding displacement if both positive and
negative velocities are involved.
Consider the case of a cricket ball thrown up in the air.
There is a positive displacement as the ball travels up,
and a negative displacement as it travels back down.
Since the ball returns to the point where it started, the
overall displacement is zero. The distance travelled,
however, is not equal to zero. The difference between
displacement (a vector quantity) and distance
(a scalar quantity) will be discussed in Chapter 2.

Example 3
A ball is projected up a smooth plane at a velocity of 15 m s–1 from a point O. The ball decelerates
at a constant rate for 6 s. The ball is instantaneously at rest at t = 3 s.
a) Sketch the velocity–time graph for the b) Calculate the value of the ball’s acceleration.
ball’s journey.
c) What is the maximum displacement of d) What is the total distance travelled by the
the ball? ball?

a) b) Gradient = −30 = −15 = − 5

20 6 3
15 The acceleration is –5 m s–2.
velocity (v)

O 1 2 3 4 5 6
time (t)

c) The maximum displacement of the ball d) Between t = 3 and t = 6, the displacement is

occurs when it is at rest, when t = 3 s. –22.5 m, and hence the total displacement of
Area = 1 × 3 × 15 = 22.5 the ball is 22.5 + (–22.5) = 0 m. This simply
2 means that the ball has returned to its
The maximum displacement is 22.5 m.
starting position.
The total distance travelled is 2 × 22.5 = 45 m.

10 Velocity–time graphs
Another difference between vector and scalar quantities
is that between velocity and speed. Consider two cars
that hit each other on a highway travelling at the
same velocity, and two other cars that hit each other
head-on at the same speed.
● Result: the first two cars have only minor
damage, while the second two have significant
What is a possible explanation for this difference
in damage?
● The reason: two cars travelling at the same velocity
are travelling in the same direction, and so they hit
each other in a side-on collision, causing less
damage. In straight-line motion, speed could be
in opposite directions, and a head-on collision
would cause much more damage.

Example 4
A car accelerates smoothly from rest for 30 s to a velocity of 20 m s–1. It continues at a steady
velocity for 20 s before decelerating to rest in 20 s.
a) Sketch the velocity–time graph of the motion of the car in the first 70 s of motion.
b) Calculate the acceleration in the first 30 s and the final 20 s.
c) Calculate the total displacement.
d) Calculate the average speed during the journey.

velocity (v)


O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time (t)
b) Since acceleration = , the gradient of a velocity–time graph is the acceleration.
The gradient in the first 30 s is 20 = 2 ≈ 0.667 .
30 3
The acceleration in the first 30 s is 0.667 m s–2.
The gradient in the last 20 s is −20 = − 1.
The acceleration in the last 20 s is −1 m s–2.
Continued on the next page

Straight-line motion and graphs 11

c) Since displacement = velocity × time, the displacement is found by
calculating the area under the graph between t = 0 and t = 70.
Total area = area of trapezium
= 1 (70 + 20) × 20
2 Examination advice
= 900 It is a common error not to use the correct
formula when calculating average speed.
The total displacement is 900 m. Make sure that you learn this formula:
total displacement average speed =
total displacement
d) Average speed = time taken
time taken

Note: Average speed is not found by taking the

= 900 ≈ 12.9 m s–1 average of two speeds.

Exercise 1.2
1. A car is travelling at 30 m s–1. It continues at a constant velocity for 20 s, and then slows
to a halt after a further 10 s. Sketch a velocity–time graph to show the motion of the car.
2. A baseball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground with an initial velocity of 20 m s–1.
The acceleration due to gravity is 10 m s–2 downwards. Sketch a velocity–time graph to show the
motion of the baseball from the time it is thrown until it reaches the ground again.
3. A train leaves a station and accelerates uniformly for 10 s until it reaches a velocity of 24 m s–1.
It then travels at a constant velocity for 60 s until it approaches the next station when it
decelerates uniformly at a rate of 2 m s–2. Sketch a velocity–time graph to show the motion of
the train.
Note: In the graphs that follow, velocity (v ) is given in metres per second and time (t ) in seconds.

4. v

0 30 80 130 t

The velocity–time graph shows the motion of boat moving along a

straight canal. The boat moves forward for 30 s, accelerating from rest to
a velocity of 5 m s–1, then moves for another 50 s at a constant velocity and
finally decelerates for another 50 s until it is at rest again. Calculate
a) the acceleration when t = 10 and t = 100
b) the total distance covered
c) the average speed for the whole journey.

12 Velocity–time graphs
5. The velocity–time graph shows the first 35 s of the motion v
of a car as it moves onto a highway. In the first 10 s it 40
accelerates from rest to 16 m s–1 on the slip road. It then
travels for 10 s on the slip road at a constant velocity
before joining the highway and accelerating for another
15 s to reach a velocity of 40 m s–1. Find
a) the acceleration when t = 5 and t = 30
b) the distance travelled by the car on the slip road
c) the total distance travelled by the car during the
O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 t
first 35 s.

6. v

O 20 40 60 t

A particle accelerates to a velocity V in 20 s and then

decelerates back to rest in 40 s. Find
a) V if the total distance travelled is 450 m
b) the acceleration in the first 20 s
c) the total distance travelled in the first 40 s.

7. v

0 T 100 180 t

In a mineshaft, an elevator is bringing coal from a coal mine below ground.

The motion of the elevator is modelled by three straight-line segments.
The first is acceleration from rest to 6 m s–1, the second is motion at a
uniform velocity and the third is deceleration back to rest. Find
a) T, the time that it takes to accelerate if the initial acceleration is 0.2 m s–2
b) the total distance travelled by the elevator
c) the average speed of the elevator.

Straight-line motion and graphs 13

8. v

O 2 5 7 10 12 17 19 t

The velocity–time graph shows the motion of an elevator travelling in

a building. There are seven stages in its journey. It accelerates from rest
to 5 m s–1, and then travels at a constant velocity before decelerating
back to rest. It remains stationary before moving downwards, again
accelerating, moving with constant velocity and decelerating.
The times taken for each of these stages are shown on the graph.
a) the acceleration for each stage of the journey
b) the distance travelled moving upwards
c) the distance travelled moving downwards
d) If each floor in the building measures 2.5 m and the elevator starts
on the 8th floor, on which floor does it first stop, and on which floor
is it when it stops after 19 seconds?

9. v

0 7 17 25 t

Use the graph. Given that the total displacement is 420 m, find
a) the value of V
b) the acceleration at time t = 5
c) the acceleration at time t = 20
d) the times at which the speed is 6 m s–1.
10. Use the graph. If the total displacement is 380 m, find
a) the value of V V

b) the value of the deceleration when t = 8 and t = 30

c) the average speed for the whole journey. O 10 20 36 t

14 Velocity–time graphs
11. v

O T 2T 3T 4T t

Use the graph. Given that the total distance travelled is

70 m and that the initial deceleration is 2.5 m s–2, find
a) the possible values of V
b) the possible values of T.

12. v

O T 15 25 t

Use the graph. If the total displacement is 138 m and the

initial deceleration is 1 m s–2, find
a) the value of V
b) the value of T.
13. A ball is thrown upwards at a speed of 20 m s–1 from a tower that is v
25 m high. It goes up into the air and then falls all the way to the
ground without hitting the tower. When it reaches the ground,
it bounces back up at half the speed it hit the ground with. It comes
to rest when it hits the ground for the second time. Times are 2 T1 T2 t
shown on the velocity–time graph. If the acceleration due to
gravity is –10 m s–2, find V1
a) the greatest height it reaches above the ground
b) the time it takes to reach the ground
c) its velocity V1 when it first hits the ground
d) its velocity V2 when it rebounds
e) the greatest height it reaches above the ground after it bounces
f) the total time T taken for the ball to come to rest.

Straight-line motion and graphs 15

Summary exercise 1
1. In a game of pool, a ball is directly hit towards A roller coaster in an amusement park is
the cushion at a speed of 10 m s–1. When it hits known as ‘The Long Drop’. The ride takes
the cushion, it changes direction, returning at just over half a minute from beginning to
a speed of 8 m s–1. It takes 0.04 s for the ball to end. The car starts at ground level and is
reach the cushion. carried upwards from rest. It accelerates
a) Find the distance that the ball travels uniformly and then travels for 10 s at
between the starting point and the constant velocity before decelerating and
cushion. coming to a stop at the top of the track. Here
it waits for 2 s before dropping back to the
b) Sketch a displacement–time graph
ground. After dropping for 6 s it decelerates
showing the motion of the ball until
rapidly for a further 2 s, coming to a halt at
the time that it returns to its starting
ground level. It reaches a maximum speed of
30 m s–1 on its descent. Calculate
Exam-Style QUESTION a) the distance that the car falls on its descent
2. Two stations at A and B are on a section of b) the maximum velocity V that it reaches
straight track and are 800 m apart. A train on its ascent
passes through A at t = 0 at a constant speed c) the value of the deceleration in the final
of 20 m s−1 in the direction of B. A second phase before the car comes to a halt
train passes through B at t = 5 at a speed of d) the distance that the car drops before it
20 m s−1 in the opposite direction towards begins to decelerate.
A. After a further 10 s, the second train
increases its speed to 25 m s−1 in the same Exam-Style QUESTION
4. v(m s–1)
a) Sketch, on the same diagram, a 12
displacement–time graph to model the 8
motion of the two trains.
b) Where and at what time do the two
trains pass each other? 0 1.5 4.5 T t(s)
c) Which train passes through the station at
A 100 m sprinter accelerates to 8 m s–1 in 1.5 s.
the opposite end of the track first?
He then accelerates to 12 m s–1 in the next 3 s
3. v(m s–1) and runs at a constant speed for the remainder
V of the race. He completes the race in T s.
After he passes the finish, he decelerates and
O t(s)
10 20 26 28 34 36 stops further along the track. Find
a) the time he takes to complete the race
b) his deceleration at the end of the race if
he runs a further 20 m before coming to
a stop.

16 Summary exercise 1
5. A particle decelerates from a speed of 6. A particle decelerates from an initial velocity
40 m s−1 to a speed V in 10 s. It travels of 12 m s−1 to a velocity V in T s. It continues
at speed V for a further 10 s and then at speed V until 15 s after it started. It
decelerates to rest in 16 s. The initial then accelerates again so that 25 s after the
deceleration is 2 m s−2. particle started its velocity is 20 m s−1. The
a) Sketch a velocity–time graph for the final acceleration is 1.8 m s−2. The particle
particle. travels a total distance of 179 m.
b) Find the value of V. a) Sketch a velocity–time graph for the
c) Find the average velocity for the whole
journey. b) Calculate the value of V.
c) Calculate the value of T.

Chapter summary
Displacement–time graph
● A displacement–time graph is used to show the motion of a particle,
in one dimension, along a straight line.
● Velocity = gradient of displacement–time graph
● Displacement is often denoted by s.

Velocity–time graph
● A velocity–time graph is also used to show the motion of a particle in
one dimension, along a straight line.
● Acceleration = gradient of velocity–time graph
● Displacement = area under velocity–time graph
❍ For constant velocity, displacement is found by calculating
the area of the rectangle on a velocity–time graph.
total displacement
● Average speed = Note: It is a common error to use the incorrect formula
time taken
for average speed, so make sure to learn this formula.

Straight-line motion and graphs 17

for Cambridge International Phil Crossley

AS & A Level Jim Fensom

Martin Burgess

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