A Level Further Mathematics For AQA - Student Book 1

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Brighter Thinking

A Level Further
­Mathematics for AQA
Student Book 1 (AS/  Year 1)
Stephen Ward, Paul Fannon, Vesna Kadelburg and Ben Woolley
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Introduction.............................................................. iv 7 Matrices
How to use this book................................................ v 1: Addition, subtraction and
scalar multiplication..........................................136
1 Complex numbers
2: Matrix multiplication......................................... 142
1: Definition and basic arithmetic of i......................1
3: Determinants and inverses of 2 × 2 matrices... 147
2: Division and complex conjugates.......................6
4: Linear simultaneous equations........................156
3: Geometric representation....................................9
4: Locus in the complex plane...............................20 8 Matrix transformations
5: Operations in modulus–argument form...........24 1: Matrices as linear transformations...................163
2: Further transformations in 2D.......................... 172
2 Roots of polynomials
3: Invariant points and invariant lines.................. 177
1: Factorising polynomials......................................31
4: Transformations in 3D.......................................182
2: Complex solutions to polynomial
equations.............................................................34 9 Further applications of vectors
3: Roots and coefficients........................................38 1: Vector equation of a line..................................192
4: Finding an equation with given roots...............43 2: Cartesian equation of a line.............................199
5: Transforming equations......................................48 3: Intersections of lines.........................................205
3 The ellipse, hyperbola and parabola 4: The scalar product............................................209
1: Introducing the ellipse, hyperbola and 10 Further calculus
1: Volumes of revolution.......................................223
2: Solving problems with ellipses, hyperbolas
2: Mean value of a function..................................229
and parabolas......................................................67
3: Transformations of curves..................................70 11 Series
1: Sigma notation..................................................235
4 Rational functions and inequalities
2: Using standard formulae..................................237
1: Cubic and quartic inequalities...........................81
3: Method of differences......................................242
2: Functions of the form y = ax + b .......................84 4: Maclaurin series................................................. 247
cx + d
3: Functions of the form y = 2 + bx + c ...............88
ax 2

dx + ex + f 12 Proof by induction
4: Oblique asymptotes...........................................92 1: The principle of induction................................254
5 Hyperbolic functions 2: Induction and series.........................................256
3: Induction and matrices.....................................258
1: Defining hyperbolic functions............................98
4: Induction and divisibility.................................. 261
2: Hyperbolic identities........................................103
5: Induction and inequalities................................263
3: Solving harder hyperbolic equations..............105
Focus on … Proof 2............................................ 268
6 Polar coordinates
1: Curves in polar coordinates............................. 112 Focus on … Problem solving 2.......................... 270
2: Some features of polar curves......................... 115 Focus on … Modelling 2.................................... 273
3: Changing between polar and Cartesian
Cross-topic review exercise 2............................ 276
coordinates........................................................ 119
Practice paper ......................................................280
Focus on … Proof 1.............................................126 Formulae................................................................282
Focus on … Problem solving 1...........................128 Answers to exercises ............................................288
Glossary .................................................................335
Focus on … Modelling 1.................................... 130
Index ......................................................................336
Cross-topic review exercise 1............................ 132 Acknowledgements..............................................338

3 T
 he ellipse, hyperbola and
In this chapter you will learn how to:

•• recognise and work with Cartesian equations of ellipses, hyperbolas and

•• solve problems involving intersections of lines with those curves and find
equations of tangents
•• recognise the effects of transformations (translations, stretches and
reflections) on the equations of those curves.

Before you start…

A Level Mathematics You should be able to use the 1 Find the set of values of k for which the
Student Book 1, discriminant to determine the number equation kx 2 − 2 x + 5 = 0 has exactly
Chapter 3 of solutions of a quadratic equation. two real roots.
A Level Mathematics You should be able to interpret 2 Find the value of c for which the line
Student Book 1, solutions of simultaneous equations y = 3 x + c is a tangent to the graph of
Chapter 5 as intersections of graphs. y = x 2 + 5.
A Level Mathematics You should be able to recognise the 3 Sketch the graph of y = 3 and state the
Student Book 1, graph of y = k , and know that it has equations of its asymptotes.
Chapter 5 asymptotes.
A Level Mathematics You should be able to recognise the 4 Find the equation of the resulting
Student Book 1, relationship between transformations curve after the graph of y = x 2 − 3 x is:
Chapter 5 of graphs and their equations. a translated 3 units in the positive
x -direction
b stretched vertically with scale
factor 3.
A Level Mathematics You should be able to write down the 5 Find the centre and radius of the circle
Student Book 1, equation of a circle with a given centre with equation x 2 + 4 x + y 2 − 10 y = 7.
Chapter 6 and radius, and to find the centre and
radius from a given equation.

Conic sections
In A Level Mathematics Student Book 1 you met two curves with
equations that involve squared terms: the parabola, such as y = 3 x 2 , and
the circle, such as x 2 + y 2 = 5 . In this chapter you will meet some other
curves with similar equations; for example: y 2 = 3 x , 2 x 2 + y 2 = 5 and
x2 − y2 = 5.

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

All such curves can be obtained as intersections of a plane with a cone;

hence they are known as conic sections. As well as having many
interesting mathematical properties, they have applications in modelling
planetary orbits and the design of satellite dishes and radio telescopes.


Section 1: Introducing the ellipse, hyperbola and

The ellipse
You already know that the equation x 2 + y 2 = 25 represents a circle with
radius 5, centred at the origin. Similarly, the equation 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 = 25 can
be rewritten as x 2 + y 2 = 25 , so it represents a circle with radius 5 . But
4 2
what happens if the coefficients of x 2 and y 2 in this equation are not equal?

Use graphing software to investigate equations of this form. Here are

some examples.

y y y
– x2 y 2
3 4x2 + 9y2 = 25 3 –+ – = 1
1 25 9

4 x2 + 16y2 = 1

5 O 5 x –1 O 1 x –5 O 5 x
–– – 1
2 2 ––
5 –3

In each case there is a closed curve centred at the origin. The axes
intercepts are most easily seen if the equation is written in the form
x 2 + y 2 = 1.
a2 b2

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

Key point 3.1

y 2
The equation x 2 + 2 = 1 represents an ellipse centred at the origin, with

a b
x-intercepts (±a , 0) and y-intercepts (0, ±b).

–a O a x


Did you know?

It can be shown, using the universal law of gravitation and Newton’s laws
of motion, that planets follow elliptical orbits.


Mercury Mars

Uranus Earth


Sketch these ellipses, showing the coordinate axes intercepts.

a x2 + y2 = 1 b 48 x 2 + 3 y 2 = 12
49 25
a y
Comparing this equation to Key point 3.1, a = 7
and b = 5.
–7 O 7 x


b 48 x 2 + 3 y 2 = 12 To compare this to Key point 3.1, the right-hand

side needs to equal 1. So divide the whole equation
4 x2 + 1 y2 = 1 by 12.
x + y2 = 1
Continues on next page
4 4
3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola
48 x 2 + 3 y 2 = 12
4 x2 + 1 y2 = 1
x + y2 = 1
Multiplying by 4 is the same as dividing by 1 .
4 4 4

You can now see that this is an ellipse with a = 1

and b = 2.

1 O 1

2 2


The hyperbola
What happens if, in the equation of an ellipse, the y 2 term is negative?
Here are some examples.

y y y
4x2 – 9y2 = 25 x 2 y2
–– – = 1
25 9
x2 – 16y2 = 1

–2.5 O 2.5 x –1 O 1 x –5 O 5 x

Each of these graphs is a curve called a hyperbola. As with the ellipse, it

is convenient to write the equation in the form x 2 − 2 = 1 .

a b
You can see several common features in all the graphs:
•• The curve has the x and y -axes as lines of symmetry. This is because Tip
both x and y terms in the equation are squared.
•• You can find the x -intercepts, which are also the vertices of the curve, x2 y
To see why − = 1 isn’t
2 y2 25 9
by setting y = 0 ; so, for example, the curve with equation x − =1 defined for −5 < x < 5, rewrite
25 9
crosses the x -axis at (–5, 0) and (5, 0). the equation in the form
•• There is a range of values of x for which the curve is not defined.  y2 
x 2 = 25  1 + . Since y 2 is
y2  9 
For example, the curve with equation x −
= 1 is not defined for
25 9 never negative, x 2 can’t be
−5 < x < 5 .
smaller than 25(1 + 0) = 25, so
•• For large values of x and y, the curve seems to approach a straight line. x can’t be between –5 and 5.
Because of the symmetry of the curve, this line passes through the origin.

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

Key point 3.2

The equation x 2 − 2 = 1 represents a hyperbola with x-intercepts (±a , 0)

a b
and asymptotes y = ± b x.

b b
y =–
y = ––
ax ax

–a O a x


Sketch these hyperbolas, showing the axis intercepts and stating the equations of the asymptotes.
x2 y2
a 36 − 25 = 1 b 9 x 2 − 25 y 2 = 4

a y Comparing this to Key point 3.2, a = 6 and b = 5.

5x 5x
The x -intercepts are ( ±6, 0) .
y = –– y=–
6 6

x2 y2
– –– = 1
36 25

–6 O 6 x

The asymptotes are y = ±
x. The asymptotes are given by y = ± b x.

First write the equation in the form x 2 − 2 = 1 .
b 9 x 2 − 25 y 2 = 4
a b
9 x 2 − 25 y 2 = 1
4 4
x − y2 = 1 Multiplying by 9 is the same as dividing by 4 .

4 4
4 9

Continues on next page

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

y = –– 3x
y =–
5 5

9x2 ––
25y 2 = 1 You can now see that this is a hyperbola with a = 2
– 3
4 4 and b = 2 .
( )
O x
–– 2
– Hence the x -intercepts are ± 2 , 0 .
3 3 3

y=± 5
2 x The asymptotes are given by y = ± b x .
3 a
y=± x

You can derive the equations of the asymptotes of a hyperbola (rather than
just guessing them from the graph as you did in Worked example 3.2).


Prove that the asymptotes of a hyperbola with equation x 2 − 2 = 1 are y = ± b x .

a b a

The asymptotes pass through the origin, so their First, by symmetry of the curve, the asymptotes
equations are y = ±mx . must pass through the origin so the y-intercept is
zero. The two asymptotes must also be reflections
of each other in the x-axis so their equations are
of the form y = mx and y = −mx .

Consider a line of the form y = mx . Whether or not The hyperbola never intersects its asymptotes,
this line crosses the hyperbola depends on the so consider the intersection of the curve with the
value of m. lines of the form y = ±mx .
x 2 − (mx )2 = 1 To find any possible intersections, substitute
a2 b2
y = mx into the equation of the hyperbola.
b 2 x 2 − a 2m 2 x 2 = a 2 b 2
(b 2 − a 2m 2 ) x 2 = a 2b 2 Multiply both sides by the common denominator
(a 2b 2 ) to clear fractions.

Solutions only exist if b 2 − a 2m 2 > 0 The RHS is positive and x 2 can’t be negative. This
⇔ a 2m 2 < b 2 is only possible if the expression in the bracket on
LHS is positive.
⇔ m2 < b 2

You can divide both sides by a 2 without affecting
⇔− <m < b
the direction of the inequality because a 2 is a
a a
positive number.

Continues on next page

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

Therefore for m > 0 if m > b the line doesn’t cross the

hyperbola and if m < it does cross. The limiting case,
when m = , gives the gradient of the asymptote.
A graph shows how the limiting case gives the
m –
a asymptotes.
x2 (mx)2 b
m –
–2 –– =1 a
a b2

O x

m –

Similarly for m < 0 to give the gradient of the other

asymptote as m = – b . Hence the equations of the
asymptotes are y = x and y = − b x.
a a

You have actually met a special case of the hyperbola before: y = 1 (or, Fast forward
more generally, y = k ). It can be shown that this is indeed a hyperbola You may be surprised that
but rotated so that the asymptotes are the coordinate axes. If k is the equations xy = c 2 and
restricted to be a positive constant, then it can be written as k = c 2 . To x 2 − y = 1 represent members

a2 b2
emphasise the symmetry between x and y the equation y = c is usually

x of the same family of curves. In

written as xy = c 2. Further Mathematics Student
Book 2 you will see how to
Key point 3.3 prove that the curves are
related by rotation.
The equation xy = c 2 represents a hyperbola with vertices at (c , c ) and (–c , –c )
and coordinate axes as asymptotes.

(c, c)

O x
(–c, –c)

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola


Sketch the curve with equation 4 xy = 5 , labelling the coordinates of the vertices.

4 xy = 5 To use Key point 3.3 the equation needs to be in

the form xy = c 2 .
xy = 5

This is a hyperbola with the coordinate axes as

5 , –
(– 5 )
It has c 2 = 5 so c = 5 .
2 2
4 2
O x

(–– 5
5, –
– )
2 2

The parabola
In the equations of an ellipse and a hyperbola, both x and y terms are
squared. You already know that y = kx 2 is an equation of a parabola with
a vertex at the origin. If the y term is squared instead, the curve still has
the same shape, but is ‘sideways’.

Key point 3.4

The equation y 2 = 4 ax represents a parabola with its vertex at the origin,

tangent to the y-axis.

O x

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1


A curve has equation y 2 = 12 x .

a Sketch the curve.

b Let P be a point on the curve with coordinates ( p , q) .
Show that the distance of P from the point F (3, 0) equals the distance of P from the line x = −3.

a y
This is a parabola with vertex at the origin.
y = 12x

O x

b y
Sketch a graph showing the required distances.
y2 = 12x
P (p, q)


F (3, 0)
O x

x = –3

d1 = p − ( − 3) = p + 3 The distance from a point to a vertical line equals

the difference between the x -coordinates.
d22 = (p − 3)2 + (q − 0)2 You can use Pythagoras’ theorem to find the
= p − 6p + 9 + q
2 2 distance between two points.
= p2 − 6 p + 9 + 12p
Point P lines on the parabola, so q 2 = 12 p.
= p2 + 6 p + 9
= (p + 3)2
Hence d2 = p + 3 = d1, as required.

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

Did you know?

The property illustrated in Worked example 3.4 l
can also be taken as the defining feature of a
parabola: it is the locus of the points that are
equal distances from a given point (F ) and a
given line (l ).

The point F in Worked example 3.4 is

called the focus of the parabola, and has
an important special property. Horizontal
rays reflected off a parabola with equation
y 2 = 4 ax all pass through the point F with
coordinates (a , 0) .
Satellite dishes usually have a parabolic


    1 Sketch these ellipses, showing the coordinates of any axis intercepts.
y2 y2 y2
a i x + ii x + ii x + y 2 = 1
2 2 2
=1 =1 b i x2 + =1
4 9 25 4 9 16
c i 9 x 2 + 16 y 2 = 1 ii 25 x 2 + 9 y 2 = 1 d i 4 x 2 + 25 y 2 = 16 ii 49 x 2 + 16 y 2 = 36

    2 Write down the equation of each ellipse.

a i y ii y

O x –2 O 2 x
–5 5


A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

b i y ii y


O x O x
3 3 –
7 7

5 –

c i y ii y





O x 1 O 1 x
–– 1 –– –
1 – 5 5
2 –– 2

ii y
d i y
7 –
– 4

O x 2 O 2 x
5 5 –– –
–– – 3 3
2 2

–– 7
3 ––

    3 Sketch these hyperbolas, stating the coordinates of the vertices and the equations of the asymptotes.
y2 y2 y2
a i x − ii x − ii x − y 2 = 1
2 2 2
=1 =1 b i x2 − =1
4 9 25 4 9 16
c i 9 x 2 − 16 y 2 = 1 ii 25 x 2 − 9 y 2 = 1 d i 4 x 2 − 25 y 2 = 16 ii 49 x 2 − 16 y 2 = 36

    4 Sketch these hyperbolas, indicating the coordinates of the vertices.

a i xy = 25 ii xy = 16 b i 4 xy = 1 ii 49 xy = 1
c i 16 xy = 20 ii 3 xy = 25

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

x2 − y2 = 1
    5 Find the equation of each hyperbola, giving your answers in the form .
a2 b2
a i y y

2 2
3 3 y = – –x y = –x
y = – –x y = –x 3 3
5 5

O x –3 O 3 x
–5 5

b i y ii y
7 7
y = ––x y = –x
3 3

2 2
y = ––x y = –x
5 5

O x O x
– 5 5 – 3 3

c i y ii y

2 2 3 3
y = ––x y = –x y = ––x y = –x
3 3 5 5

O x 1 O 1 x
1 1 –– –
–– – 3 3
2 2

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

d i y ii y

2 2
y = – –x y = –x
3 3

2 O 2 x 3 O 3 x
–– – –– –
3 3 4 4

5 5
y = – –x y = – x
2 2

    6 Sketch each of these curves, showing the coordinates of any axes intercepts and vertices, and equations of
any asymptotes.
y2 y2
a i x − ii x −
2 2
=1 =1 b i y 2 = 8x ii y 2 = 20 x
4 25 100 36
x2 + 4y2 = 1 y2
c i ii 25 x 2 + =1 d i xy = 9 ii xy = 144
9 9
    7 What is the equation of the curve in the diagram?

x2 y 2
–+– = 1
7 100 49

–10 O x


Did you know?

Choose from these options.
y2 The property illustrated in
A x −
=1 B 100 x 2 + 49 y 2 = 1 Question 9 can be used as a
100 49
y 2 defining feature of an ellipse:
C x +
=1 D 49 x 2 − 100 y 2 = 1
100 49 it is the locus of points whose
sum of distances from two fixed
    8 What are the equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with
points is constant.
equation 4 x 2 − 9 y 2 = 1?
Choose from these options.
A y=±4x B y=±9x
9 4
C y=±2x D y=±3x
3 2
x2 + y2 = 1
    9 An ellipse has equation 25 9 and P ( p , q) is a point on the
ellipse. Points F1 and F2 have coordinates (−4, 0) and (4, 0). Show
that the sum of the distances PF1 + PF2 does not depend on the
value of p.

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

Section 2: Solving problems with ellipses, Rewind

hyperbolas and parabolas
See A Level Mathematics
In A Level Mathematics Student Book 1 you learnt how to find Student Book 1, Chapter 3,
intersections of lines with parabolas and circles. You also learnt how to for a reminder of quadratic
use the discriminant to determine the number of intersections. You can equations and inequalities.
use those methods to solve problems involving ellipses and hyperbolas.


The line y = 2 x + c intersects the hyperbola with equation x −
= 1 at two points.
25 4
Find the range of possible values of c.

x 2 (2x + c )2 To write an equation for the intersection points,

− =1
25 4
substitute y = 2 x + c into the equation of the
4 x 2 − 25(4 x 2 + 4cx + c 2 ) = 100
96 x 2 + 100cx + (100 + 25c 2 ) = 0
Clear the fractions: multiply both sides by the
common denominator.
This is a quadratic equation in x . Make one side
equal to zero.
There are two solutions: For two intersection points, the discriminant needs
(100c )2 − 4(96)(100 + 25c 2 ) > 0 to be positive.
10000c 2 − 9600c 2 > 38400
c 2 > 96

This is a quadratic inequality for c, so you can

sketch the graph to see that there are two solution

–46 O 46 x

∴ c < −4 6 or c > 4 6

You can also use the discriminant to solve problems about tangents and

It is also possible to use implicit differentiation to find gradients of tangents
and normals to these curves. This is covered in A Level Mathematics Student
Book 2, Chapter 10.

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1


The line y = mx + 25, with m > 0, is a tangent to the ellipse with equation x +
= 1.
400 225
a Find the value of m.
The line touches the ellipse at point Q.
b Find the equation of the normal to the ellipse at Q.

a x2 (mx + 25)2 You need to find the value of m for which there
+ =1
400 225
is only one intersection point between the line
225 x 2 + 400(m2 x 2 + 50mx + 625) = 90 000
and the ellipse. Start by writing an equation for
9 x 2 + 16(m2 x 2 + 50mx + 625) = 360 the intersections: substitute y = mx + 25 into the
(9 + 16m2 )x 2 + 800mx + 6400 = 0 equation of the ellipse.

This is a quadratic equation for x , so make one side

As there is one solution: equal to zero.
(800m )2 − 4(9 + 16m2 )(6400) = 0 For the line to be a tangent, this equation should
640 000m2 − (36 + 64m2 )(6400) = 0 only have one solution. This happens when the
100m2 − 36 − 64m2 = 0 discriminant is zero.
36m2 = 36
∴m = 1 The question says that m is positive.

b Coordinates of Q: You first need to find the coordinates of Q. The

25 x 2 + 800 x + 6400 = 0 x -coordinate is the solution of the quadratic
equation with the value of m from part a.
x 2 + 32x + 256 = 0
(x + 16)2 = 0
∴ x = −16
y = mx + 25
= −16 + 25 = 9
Gradient of normal: The normal is perpendicular to the tangent, so
1 their gradients multiply to −1.
m1 = − = −1
Equation of normal: Use y − y1 = m1 ( x − x1 ) for the equation of the
y − 9 = −1(x + 16) normal.
x + y +7 = 0

A normal to the curve is
perpendicular to the tangent
at the point of contact. See
A Level Mathematics Student
Book 1, Chapter 6, for a
reminder of perpendicular lines.

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola


A parabola has equation y 2 = 20 x. A line passes through the point (0, c ) , with c ≠ 0, and has gradient m.

Given that the line is tangent to the parabola, express m in terms of c.

y −c Write the equation for the intersection of the

y = mx + c ⇒ x =
m line and the parabola: substitute x from
For the intersection with the parabola: the equation of the line into the equation of
y −c 
y 2 = 20  the parabola.
 m 
my 2 = 20 y − 20c
my 2 − 20 y + 20c = 0

One solution: If the line is a tangent to the parabola, this

202 − 4m × 20c = 0 quadratic equation for y should have only one
80mc = 400 solution so the discriminant is zero.
5 Note that this gives a single value of m for every
c c ≠ 0.


    1 Find the value of m for which the line y = mx + 2 is tangent to the parabola with equation y 2 = 5 x .
x2 y2
    2 A hyperbola has equation 16 − 25 = 1 .
a Sketch the hyperbola, stating the equations of the asymptotes.
b The line with equation y = 2 x + c is tangent to the hyperbola. Find the possible values of c.
x2 y2
    3 The line y = mx − 5 is a tangent to the ellipse 4 + 13 = 1 .
Find the possible values of m.

    4 A parabola has equation y 2 = 6 x .

a Show that the line with equation y = x + 3 is tangent to the parabola and find the coordinates of the
point of contact, T .
b The normal to the parabola at T intersects the parabola again at Q. Find the coordinates of Q.
The line y = 3 x + 5 is tangent to the ellipse x +
    5 = 1 at the point P .
2 7
a Find the coordinates of P .
The normal to the ellipse at P intersects the ellipse again at Q.
b Find, to 3 significant figures, the coordinates of Q.
    6 A curve has equation 16 + y 2 = 1 .
a Sketch the curve, showing the intercepts with the coordinate axes.
b A line with equation y = mx + 2 intersects the ellipse at two distinct points. Find the range of possible
values of m.

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

x2 − y2 = 1
    7 A hyperbola has equation .
4 16
a Write down the equation of the asymptote with a positive gradient.
b Show that every other line parallel to this asymptote intersects the hyperbola exactly once.

    8 A hyperbola has equation x 2 − y 2 = 1 .

a The line y = mx + 1 is a tangent to the hyperbola. Find the possible values of m.
b Show that this hyperbola has no tangents which pass through the origin.

Section 3: Transformations of curves Rewind

In Sections 1 and 2 you only looked at ellipses and hyperbolas centred
Transformations of graphs
at the origin, and parabolas with vertex at the origin. You can use your
are covered in A Level
knowledge of transformations of graphs to translate these curves.
Mathematics Student Book 1,
Chapter 5.
You know how to apply a translation to a curve.

Key point 3.5

Replacing x by ( x – p) and y by ( y – q) results in a translation of the curve by

 p
the vector   .
 q 


x2 y2  2 
The hyperbola with equation 10 − 6 = 1 is translated by the vector  .
 −7 
Find the equation of the resulting curve and state the coordinates of its vertices.

(x − 2)2 (y + 7)2 Replace x by ( x − 2) and y by ( y + 7).

− =1
10 6
3(x − 2)2 − 5(y + 7)2 = 30 Clear the fractions: multiply by the common
(3 x − 12x + 12) − (5 y + 70 y + 245) = 30
2 2 denominator (30).
3 x 2 − 12x − 5 y 2 − 70 y = 263
The vertices of a hyperbola x 2 − 2 = 1 are at
The original hyperbola has vertices ( − 10 , 0) and
a b
( 10 , 0), ( ±a , 0) .

so the new hyperbola has vertices  2 

The curve has been translated by  .
 −7 
(2 − 10 , −7) and (2 + 10 , −7)

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

In A Level Mathematics Student Book 1 you learnt how to complete

the square to find the centre and radius of a circle when the equation Rewind
is written in an expanded form. You can apply the same technique to See A Level Mathematics
ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas. Student Book 1, Chapter 3, for
a reminder of completing the


a Show that the equation 4 x 2 + 16 x – 9 y 2 + 90 y = 245 represents a hyperbola, and find the coordinates of
its vertices and the equations of its asymptotes.
b Hence sketch the curve.
a 4 x 2 + 16 x = 4 x (x 2 + 4 x ) You want to write the equation in the form
= 4[(x + 2) − 4 ]
2 ( x − p )2 ( y − q )2
− = 1, so start by completing
a2 b2
= 4(x + 2)2 − 16 the squares (separately for the x and y terms).

−9 y 2 + 90 y = −9(y 2 − 10 y ) Remember to take out a factor of –9 from each

= −9[(y − 5) − 25]
2 term (rather than just 9).
= −9(y − 5)2 + 225
Hence: Now put these back into the original equation.
4 x 2 + 16 x − 9 y 2 + 90 y = 245
4(x + 2)2 − 16 − 9(y − 5)2 + 225 = 245
4(x + 2)2 − 9(y − 5)2 = 36 Divide both sides by 36 to get the equation in
(x + 2)2 (y − 5) 2 the required form.
− =1
9 4
x2 y2
This is a hyperbola with equation − =1
9 4
 −2 
translated by the vector  .
 5 
The vertices of the original hyperbola are at The original hyperbola was translated 2 units to
( − 3, 0) and (3, 0), so the vertices of the new the left and 5 units up.
hyperbola are ( − 5, 5) and (1, 5).
The asymptotes of the original hyperbola The asymptotes of a hyperbola are given by
2 2
are y = x and y = − x . y = ± b x.
3 3 a

The new asymptotes are: The translation replaces x by ( x + 2) and y by

( y − 5).
(y − 5) = 2 (x + 2)
y = 2 x + 19
3 3
(y − 5) = − 2 (x + 2)
y = − x + 11
3 3
Continues on next page

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

b a y

4(x + 2)2 – 9(y – 5)2 = 36

2 19
y = – –x – –
3 3

(–5, 5) (1, 5)

O x
2 11
y = – –x + –
3 3

You also know how to apply horizontal and vertical stretches to curves.

Key point 3.6

Replacing x by x and y by results in a horizontal stretch with scale factor p
p q
and a vertical stretch with scale factor q.


Show that the ellipse with equation 4 x 2 + 25 y 2 = 9 can be obtained from a circle with radius 1 by applying a
horizontal stretch and a vertical stretch.
State the scale factor of each stretch.

4 x 2 + 25 y 2 = 9 You want to see the connection between the

given ellipse and the circle x 2 + y 2 = 1 , so start
4 x 2 + 25 y 2 = 1
9 9 by making the RHS of the equation equal to 1.

( )  5y  2
2x + This is the equation of the circle, with x
 =1
3  3 
( )
replaced by 2 x and y replaced by 
5y 
 3 

Hence the ellipse is obtained from the circle Remember that a stretch with scale factor p
x 2 + y 2 = 1 by a horizontal stretch with scale replaces x by x .
factor and a vertical stretch with scale
factor .

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola


Key point 3.7

• Replacing x with − x reflects a curve in the y-axis.
• Replacing y with − y reflects a curve in the x-axis.
• Replacing x with y and y with x reflects a curve in the line y = x.
• Replacing x with − y and y with − x reflects a curve in the line y = − x.


A parabola has equation y 2 = 12 x. Find the equation of the resulting curve when this parabola is:

a reflected in the y-axis

b reflected in the line y = x.

a y 2 = 12(– x ) Reflection in the y-axis replaces x by −x.

y 2 = −12x
b x 2 = 12 y Reflection in the line y = x swaps x and y.
y = 1 x2


Find the equation of the hyperbola shown in the diagram.


(0, 3)
y = –2x y = 2x

O x

(0, –3)

Continues on next page

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

Reflect the hyperbola in the line y = x. You can obtain this hyperbola from a standard
hyperbola by reflecting it in the line y = x.

First find the equation of the reflected

1 1 hyperbola by using its vertex coordinates and
y = – –x y = –x
2 2 equations of asymptotes.

(–3, 0) (3, 0)
O x

The asymptotes are: The reflection swaps x and y ; you can use
1 this to find the asymptotes of the reflected
x = ±2 y ⇔ y = ± x hyperbola.
Equation of the reflected hyperbola:
x2 y2
− =1
a 2 b2
From the vertices: The vertices are at ( ±a , 0).
From the asymptotes: The equations of the asymptotes are y = ± b x.
b 1 3 a
= ⇒b=
a 2 2
The reflected hyperbola has equation
x2 − y2 = 1
32 ( 23 )2
x2 − 4 y2 = 1
9 9
The original hyperbola has equation Reflection in y = x swaps x and y .
y2 4 x2
− =1
9 9


    1 Find the equation of each curve after the given transformation. Give your answers in expanded and
simplified form.
y2  3  x2 y2  −1 
a i x +
= 1 ; translation with vector   ii 3 + 10 = 1 ; translation with vector 
6 2  −2   4 

 −5   10 
b i xy = 16 ; translation with vector  ii xy = 100; translation with vector 
 3   10 
c i y 2 = 18 x ; vertical stretch with scale factor 3 y 2 = 12 x ; horizontal stretch with scale
factor 2

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

d i x 2 − y 2 = 1 ; reflection in the line y = x ii x −

2 y2
= 1 ; reflection in the line y = − x
6 9 10 5
e i y 2 = 4 x ; reflection in the y -axis ii y 2 = 4 x ; reflection in the x -axis

    2 Each of these curves is a translation of a standard ellipse, hyperbola or parabola. Identify the translation
vector, and hence sketch each curve.
a i 9 x 2 – 18 x + 4 y 2 + 8 y – 23 = 0 ii x 2 + 2 x + 25 y 2 – 100 y + 76 = 0
b i 9 x 2 – 18 x – 4 y 2 + 8 y – 31 = 0 ii 4 x 2 – 24 x – y 2 – 2 y + 31 = 0
c i y 2 – 2 y – 8 x + 25 = 0 ii y 2 + 4 y – 12 x + 16 = 0
d i xy – 3 x – y – 1 = 0 ii xy – x + 2 y – 11 = 0

y2  p
An ellipse with equation x +
    3 = 1 is translated by the vector   . The resulting curve has equation
5 3
 q
3 x 2 – 18 x + 5 y 2 + 10 y + 17 = 0.
Find the values of p and q.
 1
    4 A hyperbola with equation 3 x 2 − b 2 y 2 = 1 is translated by the vector   . Given that the translated
hyperbola passes through the origin, find the positive value of b.  4

 −3 
    5 The curve C1 with equation xy = 16 , is translated by the vector  . The resulting curve is C2 .
 8 
a Sketch the curve C2 , showing the coordinates of the vertices and equations of any asymptotes.
b Find the equation of C2 in the form y = f( x ) .

    6 A parabola with equation y 2 = 4 ax is stretched parallel to the x -axis. The equation of the resulting curve is
y 2 = ax . Find the scale factor of the stretch.
    7 A parabola with equation y 2 = 4 ax is reflected in the line y = x. The two curves intersect at the origin and at
one more point R. Find, in terms of a, the coordinates of R.

    8 Sketch the curve with equation 2 x 2 – 16 x – 9 y 2 + 18 y + 12 = 0, stating the coordinates of the vertices and
equations of any asymptotes.
The curve C1 has equation x −
    9 = 1.
3 2
a Sketch the curve C1 , showing the intercepts with the coordinate axes.
The curve C2 is obtained from C1 by a stretch with scale factor k parallel to the y -axis.
b Given that the point (3, 5) lies on C2 , find the value of k.
10 The curve with equation x 2 + 2 = 1 is stretched parallel to the x -axis with scale factor 2 . The resulting

a b 3
curve is the circle with equation x 2 + y 2 = 4 . Find the positive values of a and b.

11 The line y = mx, where m > 0, is tangent to the curve with equation
( x − 4 )2 +
= 1.
2 5
a Find, in exact form, the possible values of m.
b Hence find the equations of the tangents to the curve x +
= 1 which pass through the point (−4, 0) .
2 5
y2  p 
12 The hyperbola with equation x −
= 1 is translated by the vector   . One asymptote of the new
4 16  −3 
hyperbola is y = 2 x – 5. Find the equation of the other asymptote.

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

13 The ellipse C1 has equation x +
= 1. C1 is obtained from a circle C2 , with radius 6, by a horizontal
48 36
a State the scale factor of the stretch.
The point P (6, 3) lies on C1 and the point Q lies on C2 . P is the image of Q under the stretch.
b Find the coordinates of Q.
c Find the equation of the tangent to C2 at Q.
d Hence find the equation of the normal to C1 at P .

14 The diagram shows the hyperbola with equation ( x + 3)2 − y 2 = 25. The line y = mx is a tangent to the
hyperbola, and crosses the asymptotes at the points A and B.
a Find the value of m.
b Write down the equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola.
c Find the exact distance AB.

B (x + 3)2 – y2 = 25

y = mx

Checklist of learning and understanding

• The equation
x 2 + y 2 = 1 represents an ellipse with axis intercepts ( ±a , 0) and (0, ±b).
a2 b2
The equation x 2 − 2 = 1 represents a hyperbola with vertices at ( ±a , 0) and asymptotes y = ± b x.

a b a
• The equation xy = c 2 represents a hyperbola with vertices (c , c ) and (–c , –c ) and the coordinate axes as
• The equation y 2 = 4 ax represents a parabola with the vertex at the origin and the x -axis as the line of
• You can use the discriminant of a quadratic equation to solve problems about the number of intersections
of a line with a parabola, hyperbola or an ellipse, including identifying tangents.
• You can apply transformations to curves by changing their equations.  p
• Replacing x with ( x – p) and y with ( y – q) results in a translation with vector  .
 q
x y
• Replacing x with and y with results in a horizontal stretch with scale factor a and a vertical stretch
a b
with scale factor b.
• Replacing x with −x results in a reflection in the y -axis.
• Replacing y with − y results in a reflection in the x -axis.
• Replacing x with y and y with x results in a reflection in the line y = x.
• Replacing x with − y and y with −x results in a reflection in the line y = − x.

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

Mixed practice 3 y

    1 What is a possible equation of the curve shown in the diagram?

Choose from these options.
A x −
=1 B y2 = 4x
3 4 O x

C x +
=1 D xy = 5
3 4

    2 What is the equation of the ellipse shown in the diagram?
Choose from these options.
B x +
A 4 x 2 + y 2 = 16 =1
2 4
–2 O 2 x
C 4 x 2 + 16 y 2 = 1 D 4 x 2 + 16 y 2 = 64


 −4 
    3 A parabola with equation y 2 = 3 x is translated by the vector  .
 3 
What is the equation of the resulting curve?
Choose from these options.
A y 2 – 3 = 3x + 4 B ( y – 3)2 = 3 x + 4 C ( y + 3 )2 = 3 ( x – 4 ) D ( y – 3) 2 = 3 x + 12
The line y = –4 x + c is a tangent to the ellipse x +
    4 = 1 . Find the possible values of c.
3 2
The line y = mx – 5 is tangent to the hyperbola x −
    5 = 1 . Find the possible values of m.
4 13
    6 The parabola C1 has equation y 2 = 12 x .
a Find the value of m for which the line y = mx + 2 is tangent to C1 , and find the coordinates of the
point of contact.
The parabola C1 is reflected in the y-axis to form a new curve, C2 .
b Write down the equation of C2 .

c Find the equation of the tangent to C2 at the point − 4 , 4 .
3 )
    7 Point P (3, 4) lies on the circle with equation x 2 + y 2 = 25 .
a Show that the tangent to the circle at P has equation 3 x + 4 y = 25.
The circle is stretched horizontally to form an ellipse with equation x 2 + 4 y 2 = 100 .
b Find the scale factor of the stretch.
c Find the equation of the tangent to the ellipse at the point (6, 4).

A Level Further Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

 3 
The ellipse with equation x + y 2 = 1 is translated by the vector 
    8 . What is the equation of the
resulting curve?
3  −2 

Choose from these options.

A x 2 – 6 x + 3 y 2 – 12 y + 18 = 0 B x 2 – 6 x + 3 y 2 + 12 y + 18 = 0
C x 2 + 6 x + 3 y 2 – 12 y + 18 = 0 D x 2 + 6 x + 3 y 2 + 12 y + 18 = 0

    9 The parabola P1 has equation y 2 = 8 x. The line l1 with equation y = mx + 2 is tangent to the parabola at
the point A.
a Find the value of m.
b Find the coordinates of A.
 −2 
The parabola P1 is translated by the vector  to form a new parabola, P2 .
 3 
c Find the coordinates of the points where the parabola P2 crosses the coordinate axes.
d Sketch the parabola P2 , showing the coordinates of its vertex.
e Find the equation of the tangent to P2 at the point (0, 7).

10 The parabola C1 , with equation y 2 = 5 x, is reflected in the line y = x to form a new parabola, C2 .
The two parabolas intersect at the origin and another point, A.
a Write down the equation of C2 .
b Find the coordinates of A.
c Use differentiation to find the equation of the tangent to C2 at A.
d Hence find the equation of the tangent to C1 at A.

11 Point P (p , q) lies on the parabola with equation y 2 = 4 ax . For all values of p, the distance of the point
P from the line x = −5 is the same as its distance from the point (5, 0). Find the value of a.
12 A curve C1 has equation x −
= 1.
9 16
a Sketch the curve C1 , stating the values of its intercepts with the coordinate axes.
k 
b The curve C1 is translated by the vector   , where k < 0, to give a curve C2 .
Given that C2 passes through the origin (0, 0), find the equations of the asymptotes of C2 .

[© AQA 2015]

3 The ellipses, hyperbola and parabola

13 An ellipse is shown on the right. y

The ellipse intersects the x -axis at the points A and B. The equation
of the ellipse is
( x − 4 )2 + y 2 = 1.
a Find the x -coordinates of A and B.
O A B x
b The line y = mx (m > 0) is a tangent to the ellipse, with point
of contact P .
i Show that the x -coordinate of P satisfies the equation
(1 + 4m 2 ) x 2 − 8 x + 12 = 0.
ii Hence find the exact value of m.
iii Find the coordinates of P .

[©AQA 2013]
 5
14 The hyperbola with equation 4 x 2 − 9 y 2 = 36 is translated by the vector   . What are the asymptotes
of the resulting curve?  1

Choose from these options.

A 4 x − 9 y = 1 and 4 x + 9 y = 29 B 2 x − 3 y = 7 and 2 x + 3 y = 13
C 4 x − 9 y = −11 and 4 x + 9 y = −29 D 2 x − 3 y = 13 and 2 x − 3 y = 7
15 A hyperbola with equation x 2 − = 1 , where b is a positive constant, is reflected in the line y = x.
Given that the original hyperbola and its image intersect, find the range of possible values of b.
16 a Show that the line y = mx + c is a tangent to the ellipse x 2 + 2 = 1 when a 2m 2 + b 2 = c 2 .

a b
y2 y2
b The line l is a tangent to both the ellipse x + ellipse x +
2 2
=1 and the = 1 . Find the possible
25 21 16 57
equations of l.

17 An ellipse E has equation

x2 + y2 = 1
16 9
a Sketch the ellipse E , showing the values of the intercepts on the coordinate axes.
b Given that the line with equation y = x + k intersects the ellipse E at two distinct points, show that
–5 < k < 5 .
c The ellipse E is translated by the vector   to form another ellipse whose equation is
b 
9 x 2 + 16 y 2 + 18 x − 64 y = c. Find the values of the constants a , b and c.
d Hence find an equation for each of the two tangents to the ellipse 9 x 2 + 16 y 2 + 18 x − 64 y = c that
are parallel to the line y = x.

[© AQA 2014]


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