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Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

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A critical review on co-hydrothermal carbonization of biomass and

fossil-based feedstocks for cleaner solid fuel production: Synergistic effects
and environmental benefits
Sandile Fakudze, Jianqiang Chen *
Laboratory of Advanced Environmental & Energy Materials, College of Biology and the Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, 159 Longpan Road, Nanjing 210037,
PR China


Keywords: The co-firing of biomass and fossil-based wastes for energy production remained a promising approach for the
Biomass effective utilization of agricultural and industrial waste. However, both untreated biomass and fossil-based
Coal feedstocks or wastes are often accompanied by undesirable fuel properties, leading to serious operational
Co-hydrothermal carbonization (co-HTC)
challenges and environmental hazards. In recent years, co-hydrothermal carbonization (co-HTC) emerged as a
Environmental benefits
potential thermochemical technique for the valorization of different solid residues into eco-friendly hydrochar
Synergistic effects fuel. In this paper, the synergistic effects, environmental and economic benefits of co-treating lignocellulosic
biomass and fossil-based feedstocks such as low grade coal and polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) were critically assessed.
Based on previous studies, the co-HTC of biomass with coal or PVC resulted in significantly improved hydrochar
yield and fuel properties. The influence of reaction temperature and time on various performance indicators such
as hydrochar yield, energy yield, fuel ratio, carbon retention, dechlorination/desulfurization rate and ash index
was also discussed. The reaction temperature of 260 ◦ C and residence time of 3–4 h emerged as optimal con­
ditions for obtaining the best hydrochar yield and carbon retention rate. Meanwhile, the most robust synergistic
effects were realized under the blending ratio of 5:5 (wt%) for both biomass-coal and biomass-PVC blends. The
co-treatment of biomass and fossil-based feedstocks also resulted in reduced ash contents and high dechlorina­
tion/desulfurization rates. Previous studies attributed the enhanced carbonization and sulfur/chlorine removal
to the biomass-originated organic acids and hydroxyl groups generated during the process. Several critical
suggestions were recommended for future studies related to the co-HTC of biomass and fossil-based feedstocks.

1. Introduction forest residues (0.92 billion tons), municipal solid waste (1.7 billion
tons) and industrial waste (9.1 billion tons) [4]. Both agricultural and
As the combustion of fossil-based solid fuels for energy production forest wastes are mainly composed of lignocellulosic biomass such as
remained one of the largest contributors of global CO2 emissions, the co- straw, bagasse, corncob, wood chips, sawdust, and others. Lignocellu­
firing of coal and plastic residues with carbon–neutral biomass attracted losic biomass is has an abundance of natural polymers (cellulose,
wide attention from researchers as a potential strategy for CO2 reduction hemicellulose and lignin), all of which can be facilely transformed into
in power generation plants [1,2]. Meanwhile, coal is regarded as the eco-friendly biofuels [5]. Since biomass is considered a carbon–neutral
largest source of electricity and the second-largest energy source [3]. energy source, the utilization of biomass derived fuels has been widely
However, the gradual depletion of coal reserves due to the ever- promoted as an alternative to fossil fuels. Subsequently, the co-
increasing electricity demand could pose a threat to the world’s eco­ combustion of biomass and fossil-based (such as coal and PVC) has
nomic development. As a result of population growth, urbanization and been extensively explored, and it is reportedly beneficial in reducing
economic development, global waste generation continued to increase fossil-derived toxic pollutants (heavy metals, nitrogen oxides and sulfur
over recent years. In 2019, the estimated global waste was approxi­ dioxide) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [6,7]. However, due to
mately 13.7 billion tons, including agricultural waste (2.0 billion tons), the low energy density and high moisture contents of biomass, boiler

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Chen).
Received 27 September 2022; Received in revised form 11 December 2022; Accepted 15 December 2022
Available online 23 December 2022
1385-8947/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

performance can be significantly sacrificed. Hence, both biomass and In addition, the desulfurization/dechlorination efficiencies of biomass-
fossil-based feedstocks require pre-treatment to improve their fuel fossil based hydrochars were compared to understand the potential of
properties and environmental-friendliness. co-hydrothermal processing in reducing the environmental toxicity of
Over the years, several pre-treatment methods have been explored fuel blends.
by researchers worldwide towards the production of clean biofuels,
including torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification and hydrothermal 2. Challenges of co-firing untreated biomass and fossil-based
carbonization (HTC) [8,9]. Compared to other thermochemical feedstocks
methods, HTC is favoured due to the dispensable prerequisite of inten­
sive drying prior to the process [10]. The process is carried out by Co-firing is the simultaneous combustion of different fuels in the
heating the feedstock in an autoclave reactor at mild temperature of same furnace, providing a low-cost and sustainable approach to reduce
180–350 ◦ C under autogenous pressure and subcritical water or catalytic fossil fuel use and related emissions without major alterations to the
solvent [11,12]. Hydrothermal processing has been widely investigated existing power plants. The co-firing of biomass and fossil based feed­
for the conversion of biomass feedstocks such as seaweed, microalgae, stocks offers enormous potential for the reduction of CO2 emissions from
crop straw, wood scraps and animal manure [13–16]. During HTC, the power industry. From the early 2000 s, biomass/coal co-firing has
biomass-contained natural polymers (mainly cellulose and hemicellu­ been extensively instituted in existing power generation plants, mainly
lose) are converted into solid (hydrochar), liquid and some gaseous in European countries, and expanding across Australia, Asia, and North
products through a variety of reaction mechanisms including hydrolysis, America. Significant research has also been reported on the co-firing of
dehydration, and decarboxylation [12,17]. Güleç et al. (2021) used coal and various biomass feedstocks such as wheat straw, cornstalk,
thermogravimetric analysis to study effect of process conditions on the wood chips, sawdust, miscanthus, and many others. Li et al. (2018)
hydrochar properties during the hydrothermal conversion of various studied the combustion behaviour of miscanthus-coal blends and re­
feedstocks including coffee residues, rice waste, whitewood, and others ported that the ignition and burnout temperatures of the blended fuels
[8], and reported that hemicellulose and cellulose structures were could be significantly decreased, while their combustibility index and
degraded and solubilised at about 160 ◦ C and 220 ◦ C, respectively. fuel conversion rates could be improved [28]. However, there are many
According to Wang et al. (2020), the HTC process can significantly problems and challenges related to the co-firing of coal-biomass blends
reduce the mass yield, H/C and O/C atomic ratios, meanwhile leading to for power generation. For instance, Xue et al. (2020) investigated the
an increase in higher heating value, with an increase in reaction tem­ formation of pollutant gases during the co-firing of coal and wheat straw
perature and time [12]. Therefore, hydrochar not only has fuel prop­ in a fluidized bed furnace and their findings showed that the co-
erties close to lignite, but is also characterized by high hydrophobicity, combustion approach was effective in reducing pollutant gases such as
which makes it an ideal solid fuel as it requires minimal drying before NOx, SO2 and CO [2]. In addition, the co-firing of wheat straw and coal
combustion. According to Wang et al. (2019), hydrochar obtained via also resulted in reduced toxic elements (Zn, Pb, Cd) in the flue gas,
the HTC of wood waste demonstrated enhanced hydrophobicity, however an increase of these elements was observed in the post-
grindability and lower inorganic contents compared to its pyrolysis or combustion ash. Typically, lignocellulosic biomass such as crop straw
torrefaction counterpart [18]. Unlike raw biomass, hydrochar is an and stalk are characterized by lower contents of N, S and heavy metals,
energy-rich and high-carbon solid fuel with minimal oxygen, nitrogen, hence the reduced emission during biomass-coal co-firing. Therefore, it
sulfur, and ash contents [19,20], hence reducing combustion challenges should be noted that the quality of biomass-fossil based fuel blends is
such as fouling, slagging, and corrosion. In terms of combustion, highly dependent on the feedstock type (see Fig. 1 and Table 1).
hydrochar is usually accompanied by faster ignition, higher flamma­ Another fossil-based waste that has gained increasing attention is
bility, and improved combustibility compared to coal and pyrolysis- coal slime, which is a by-product of the coal treatment process. Its
derived hydrochar [21,22]. disposal has raised serious environmental concerns due the high con­
Another major highlight of the HTC process is that it allows for the centration of toxic metal elements. However, owing to its low energy
simultaneous treatment of multiple feedstocks through the single-pot content, high sulfur/nitrogen, and high ash contents, the combustion of
approach commonly known as co-hydrothermal carbonization (co- unblended coal slime is unsuitable as it generates high pollutant emis­
HTC). In recent years, co-HTC emerged as a promising co-treatment sions and lower boiler performance [30]. In a previous study, Liao et al.
process for upgrading different feedstock combinations, including (2021) investigated the co-combustion of coal slime with wheat straw
biomass-biomass, biomass-coal and biomass-PVC fuel blends [23–25]. and camphor wood, and found that the addition of biomass improved
For instance, Lang et al. (2019) investigated the co-hydrothermal the combustion reactivity of the blends, and meanwhile it significantly
carbonization of swine manure and corn stalk to produce hydrochar decreased the ignition and burnout temperatures, and improved the
fuel with enhanced fuel properties and combustion performance [26]. combustion stability of the fuel blends [30]. Kazagic et al. (2018)
Saba et al. (2017) treated miscanthus and coal via co-HTC, and produced studied the ash-related issues and gas emissions during the co-firing of
hydrochars with high energy contents, and reduced sulfur and ash Miscanthus and wood sawdust with low-rank coals, and reported that
contents [27]. Previously, the valorization of pomelo peel and PVC was increasing the proportions of woody biomass in the blends led to
performed via co-hydrothermal carbonization at 220 ◦ C using citric acid elevated SO2 emissions, while larger proportions of Miscanthus yielded
as a solvent. Notably, most studies reported the presence of synergistic lower SO2 emissions [31]. Hence, it was concluded that the biomass
effects during co-HTC, leading to enhanced hydrochar yields, carbon feedstock type also played a major role in the combustion performance
contents and higher heating values (HHVs). Meanwhile, the co-HTC of and gas emissions. For instance, the emission of nitrogen oxides typically
biomass and fossil-based feedstocks led to enhanced desulfurization/ decreased with an increase in biomass proportion.
dechlorination rates. In recent years, the co-firing of biomass and plastic or synthetic
Although there is a few review publications focused on the hydro­ wastes such as polyvinyl chloride, PP, HDPE, and rubber, has also
thermal carbonization of different feedstocks for solid fuel production, emerged as an effective approach for waste valorization [32–34]. In
the co-HTC of biomass-fossil feedstocks has not been critically reviewed. today’s world, plastic materials have become an indispensable com­
Thus, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first publication to modity, hence the global demand for plastic products is steadily
assess the co-valorization of biomass and fossil-based feedstocks (spe­ growing. Since plastics originate from petroleum derivatives and are
cifically, coal and PVC) to analyse the effect of reaction conditions on the primarily constituted of hydrocarbons, they are usually characterized by
properties of the product hydrochars. Synergistic effects of the co-HTC considerably high calorific values [35]. However, due to the addition of
process were rigorously analyzed based on various performance in­ additive chemicals such as antioxidants, colorants and stabilizers like
dicators, including hydrochar yield, carbon contents, and fixed carbon. chloride substances in PVC, their direct combustion or incineration is

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Fig. 1. Fuel quality and challenges of different types of solid feedstocks [29].

usually accompanied by toxic gas emissions and poor boiler perfor­ 3. Fundamentals of hydrothermal carbonization
mance [36,37]. Chen et al. (2021) stated that the high moisture content
and low energy density of untreated biomass deteriorates its combustion Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) refers to the heating of biomass
properties and suppresses the overall efficiency [38]. In addition, the co- feedstocks or organic wastes at temperatures of 180 to 350 ◦ C under
combustion of untreated biomass-fossil blends has also been widely autogenous pressure. It is by far the most promising thermochemical
linked to operational barriers such as fouling, agglomeration, slagging, technique for converting wet organic feedstocks into carbon-rich prod­
and boiler surface corrosion, which is due to the negative impact of al­ ucts (hydrochar). According to Zhang et al. (2019), the HTC process
kali metals and halogens from the post-combustion ash of biomass [39]. simulates the natural formation of fossil resources like coal through the
In consideration of the above-mentioned challenges of untreated transformation of organic materials under constant heat and pressure
biomass and fossil-based feedstocks, there is an urgent need for the over long periods of time [57]. Since the HTC process is performed over
treatment of biomass-fossil based fuel blends prior to co-firing. Pres­ short durations of time (0.5–6 h), it is often considered as an alternative
ently, the pre-treatment of biomass is generally performed separately (as technique for acceleration the coal formation pathway. HTC is generally
seen in Fig. 2). For instance, Ma et al. (2021) used HTC for the con­ performed in an autoclave reactor (see Fig. 3), however, there are two
version pomelo peel into eco-friendly solid fuel under temperatures of standard approaches that are commonly used for the HTC process. The
180 to 240 ◦C, which was then co-fired with coal at different blending first uses a standalone HTC reactor with built it pressure-monitoring and
ratios [21]. The co-combustion of coal and biochars prepared via tor­ heat control, which involves placing the reactor in a microwave oven to
refaction and slow pyrolysis was also studied, and the findings revealed apply heat. The latter usually lacks pressure-monitoring, however, it still
that the co-firing of thermally pre-treated biomass and coal significantly remained the most popular in academic research, due to its inexpen­
enhanced the overall combustion performance [53]. According to the siveness and ease of use. Reaction parameters such as temperature, time,
results of previous works, thermochemical pre-treatment methods such and pressure are critical factors that influence the process of hydro­
as pyrolysis and HTC, are useful in upgrading the fuel quality of biomass, thermal carbonization. However, the final products of the HTC process
including the energy yield, carbon contents and HHV [20,54]. In addi­ are also dependent on the feedstock type. Presently, there is a limited
tion, the pre-treatment of biomass via HTC also resulted in reduced ash number of studies that investigated the HTC of biodegradable waste at
contents, S and N contents, thereby minimizing the accumulation of pilot scale. Zaccariello et al. (2022) developed a 100 L HTC reactor
toxic post-combustion residues and gas emissions. Meanwhile, SOx, NO designed to operate at 300 ◦ C and 86 bar, and used it for the pre-
and dioxin emissions remained persistent challenges in low-grade coals treatment of bio-wastes and sewage sludge [58]. According to the au­
and plastic waste, hence, there is also an urgent need for their pre- thors, one of the major challenges of the plant was its thermal efficiency
treatment to significantly limit their contribution to environmental which was very low, suggesting that the design should be improved.
pollution. Therefore, the co-treatment of biomass-fossil based fuel During hydrothermal carbonization, organic residues are converted
blends prior to co-firing could serve as a low-cost and sustainable into a coal-like solid material (hydrochar) which has higher carbon
approach for the enhancement of fuel properties of biomass and contents, increased calorific value and reduced mineral contents.
upgrading of fossil-based feedstocks. As illustrated in Fig. 2, two Feedstocks with high moisture contents are particularly suitable for
different feedstocks can be pre-mixed and treated simultaneously hydrothermal carbonization, such as agricultural residues, sewage
through a single-pot approach to reduce operational costs. Several sludge, food wastes, and industrial wastes. In the HTC of biomass or
studies have been conducted on the co-treatment of biomass-fossil organic waste, hemicellulose, cellulose, and certain sugars are trans­
feedstocks [24,55,56]. Thus far, the commonly applied co-treatment formed first transformed into oligomers and monomers via hydrolysis in
techniques are based on hydrothermal carbonization and slow pyroly­ subcritical water, while lignin contents remain unconverted. The use of
sis. Specifically, this review focuses on the co-treatment of biomass-coal subcritical water as reaction medium during HTC has several benefits
and biomass-PVC blends via hydrothermal carbonization, which is one over chemical reagents as it is environmentally-friendly, affordable, and
of the most robust techniques for the conversion of waste materials into readily available. At high temperatures (>100 ◦ C), the hydrogen bonds
eco-friendly solid fuels. in water are weakened under pressure, leading to the generation of ionic
products (H + and OH − ), which catalyse the HTC reaction. Other re­
action mechanisms reported during the HTC process include

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Table 1 power generation plants, or as a precursor for value-added environ­

Operational challenges of common biomass and fossil-based feedstocks during mental materials.
combustion/co-combustion. Significant research has been conducted on the conversion of organic
Feedstock Examples Negative Operational Ref. wastes into eco-friendly solid fuels via hydrothermal carbonization. Park
inherent Challenges et al. (2018) studied the hydrothermal treatment of algal biomass to
properties produce hydrochar fuel at in the range of 180 to 270 ◦ C and a reaction
Household - Food waste, - High - Reduced [32,40] time of 1 h, and their results indicated that the HTC process led to
waste paper nitrogen heating values, enhanced carbon contents, high energy density, and reduced atomic O/
contents, hazardous
C and H/C ratios [59]. In another study, Ruksathamcharoen et al. (2019)
extremely flame,
high Equipment investigated the hydrothermal carbonization of empty fruit bunch to
moisture corrosion, NOx produce high-quality fuel pellets with increased energy yields and su­
contents, pollution perior mechanical strength [60]. The use of additional chemical re­
high agents, surfactants and metal catalysts has also been extensively studied
to achieve enhanced HTC performance and better results. For instance,
low energy Ma et al. (2021) used citric acid as chemical catalyst for the conversion
density of pomelo peels into environmentally-friendly solid fuel with relatively
Agricultural - Straw, fruit - High - Reduced [41–45] low residual ash contents [21]. The use of surfactants such as Tween80
and forest peel, wood moisture heating values,
was reportedly effective in enhancing the mass yield of hydrochars by
waste sawdust, contents, equipment
cotton waste, high corrosion, promoting the polycondensation of furfural intermediates in the liquid
corncob/ volatile slagging, poor phase [61]. In addition, HTC has also been widely explored for the
cornstalk, contents, combustion treatment of fossils including low-grade coal, PVC, and other plastic
bamboo high ash perfomance, wastes [62,63], leading to the reduction of pollutant-forming elements
waste, contents, toxic ash
(S and Cl) and toxic mineral contents. Hence, hydrothermal carboniza­
animal low energy contents,
manure density reduced heat tion remained a robust tool not only in improving fuel properties of
transfer organic feedstocks, but also reducing their negative impact on the
Coal/coal - Low-grade - Low - CO2 emission, [46,47] environment.
waste coal, ROM calorific anthropogenic
coal, coal value, high SOx and NO
waste, coal sulfur and pollution, 4. Feedstock pre-treatment via co-hydrothermal carbonization
slime nitrogen reduced boiler
contents, performance 4.1. Overview of co-hydrothermal carbonization
high ash
Polymer/ - PVC, HDPE, - High - CO2 emission, [34,48]
Co-hydrothermal carbonization emerged as a low-cost and effective
plastic PP, rubber, chlorine soot formation, thermochemical process for the conversion of organic wastes into
waste leather levels, toxic HCl hydrochar and other value-added products. The main distinction be­
extremely emission, tween the standard HTC and co-HTC processes is that for co-HTC, two or
high Hazardous
more feedstocks are used, whereas in HTC, one feedstock material is
volatile flame
contents utilized. In recent years, the number of researchers looking into the co-
Energy crops - Miscanthus, - High - Nitrogen oxide [49,50] HTC of biomass-fossil blends increased significantly. Saba et al. (2017)
switchgrass moisture (NOx) evaluated the synergistic effects of coal and miscanthus during co-HTC,
contents, emissions, and further demonstrated that the process led not only to reduced sulfur
high reduced boiler
volatile performance,
and ash contents, but also maintained high energy contents [27]. The
contents, equipment formation of homogenous hydrochars was also observed as particles of
high corrosion, miscanthus-derived hydrochars lied on the surface of coal, suggesting
nitrogen slagging and that coal provided skeleton for the formation of hydrochars, hence the
contents, fouling
high hydrochar yield (see Table 2). According to Saqib et al. (2019), the
elements co-HTC of food waste and coal at 300 ℃ also led to hydrochars with
(K, Ca, P, higher mass and energy yields compared to unblended food waste
Fe, S and hydrochars. In addition, the co-HTC derived hydrochars also showed 53
Cl), low % less ash contents compared to unblended coal [64]. Recently, Fakudze
et al. (2022) systematically investigated the co-hydrothermal processing
Water plants - Water - High - Hazardous [51,52] of high-sulfur coal and watermelon peel to achieve the desulfurization of
hyacinth, volatile flame, reduced coal, while also targeting the enhancement of fuel properties of both
algae contents, heating value, feedstocks [56]. Notably, the co-HTC derived hydrochars showed
high soot formation
improved combustion stability, reduced residual ash contents, and
contents, stronger synergistic effects compared to fuel blends of untreated coal
low energy and watermelon peel hydrochar.
density In recent years, the co-HTC of lignocellulosic biomass and polyvinyl
chloride also became a trending research topic, due to the rising con­
cerns over the emission of toxic, chlorine-based gases [24,68,70].
dehydration, decarboxylation, aromatization and polycondensation (see
Thanks to the high calorific values (10–20 MJ/kg), PVC can be sus­
Fig. 4), for which pre-treatment or drying of the feedstock waste is not a
tainably converted into carbon-rich biofuels for power generation. Xue
prerequisite. HTC is also attractive due to the method’s ability to remove
et al. (2022) investigated the fuel properties of hydrochars produced by
toxic organic molecules and residual micro-pollutants from the solid
the co-hydrothermal processing of polyvinyl chloride and straw powder,
material into the process water. The carbon-rich hydrochar, which is
and reported that synergistic effects led to increased HHV and energy
often characterized by high hydrophobicity and increased energy den­
yields [71]. An increase in the reaction temperature led to enhanced
sity, can be used as an alternative solid fuel for the replacement of coal in
dechlorination rates during the co-HTC of biomass/PVC blends, with an

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Fig. 2. Conceptual co-firing systems for electricity generation.

Fig. 3. Illustration of the hydrothermal carbonization process.

almost quantitative extraction of chlorine at higher temperatures. Xu predicting the fuel performance of product hydrochars [72]. Based on
et al. (2021) used co-HTC to recover energy from cotton waste and PVC statistical analysis, reaction temperature was the principal factor influ­
at different blending ratios and reaction temperatures, and obtained encing hydrochar dechlorination rate, higher heating value, mass and
hydrochars with high HHVs, fuel ratios, and up to 90.79 % dechlori­ yield, and energy consumption. In a previous study, Yao et al. (2018)
nation efficiency [61]. The authors further mentioned that synergistic performed the co-HTC of bamboo and PVC waste to produce premium
effects existed during the co-HTC of cotton waste and PVC, promoting solid fuel with high carbon contents, low chlorine contents and robust
the carbonization degree and dechlorination efficiency. The co- combustion performance [25]. Since the degradation of cellulose occurs
hydrothermal processing of water hyacinth and PVC was optimized at ~200 ℃, the co-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass and PVC could
using the response surface method (RSM) to study the interactions be­ accelerate the dechlorination of the latter due to the substitution of –Cl
tween process parameters and further implement a reliable model for with –OH, hence the improved dechlorination efficiency at temperatures

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Fig. 4. Proposed co-HTC reaction mechanisms including dechlorination/desulfurization channels (Adapted from Xue et al. (2022) [71] and Xu et al. (2021) [75].

between 200 and 300 ℃. The enhanced carbonization rate was also contribute to the removal of sulfur and chloride from the fossil-based
reportedly attributed to the formation of OH free radicals, acting as feedstocks [65,72]. The removal of chlorine is mainly supported by
catalyst for the remaining carbonization reactions [68]. Hence, the co- free –OH ions from organic intermediates, which then substitute the Cl
HTC of biomass and fossils presented an eco-friendly and effective ions in the vinyl chloride chains [68]. Through the catalysis effect of free
approach for valorizing the two feedstocks into high-quality fuels. radicals, some chloride contents are also removed in the form of HCl and
chloroallylic structures, and this process is called the elimination reac­
tion [74]. In our previous study, the co-hydrothermal carbonization of
4.2. Reaction mechanisms high sulfur coal with watermelon peel led to enhanced desulfurization
rates compared to individual HTC [56]. Thanks to the oxidative –OOH
Co-hydrothermal carbonization is an advanced thermochemical from acetic acid, organic sulfur contents were transformed into sulfides,
process that involves a series of reaction mechanisms and pathways that sulfoxides and sulfates, which dissolve in the liquid phase, forming
lead to the changes in chemical and structural compositions of product sulfuric acid.
chars. This section provides a detailed review of the HTC reaction
mechanisms of biomass-coal and biomass-PVC blends, focusing on the
main carbonization pathways and desulfurization/dechlorination pro­ 4.3. Fuel properties of co-HTC derived hydrochars
cesses. Unlike other thermochemical methods such as direct co-
combustion and co-pyrolysis, co-HTC not only minimizes the release The physicochemical characteristics of hydrochar are usually
of pollutants in gaseous form, but also eliminates the risk of auto- dependent on the reaction conditions (mainly temperature and time)
ignition [70]. As the process is carried out in subcritical water, it in­ and the initial properties of the raw feedstocks, hence the importance of
volves different reaction mechanisms, such as hydrolysis, dehydration, research on the impact of these factors [76]. As explained in the previous
decarboxylation, aromatization and condensation, some of which are sections, during co-HTC, lignocellulosic components of biomass are
not present in other carbonization methods [55,56]. During the co-HTC converted into carbon-rich hydrochar through a series of reaction
of biomass-fossil feedstocks, biomass-originated cellulose is degraded by mechanisms, while the inorganic elements of fossil-based feedstocks are
hydrolysis to form glucose, which is then converted into intermediates released and dissolved in the process water, thus the improved hydro­
of 5-HMF, acetic acid, and other intermediates [71]. Meanwhile, char fuel properties. In this review, the fuel properties of biomass-coal
hemicellulose is broken down by hydrolysis to form d-xylose, which and biomass-PVC feedstocks were rigorously analyzed based on the re­
forms some furfurals/furans through dehydration [70]. As a complex sults of previous studies, as shown in Fig. 5 and Table 2. Amongst the
hydrocarbon polymer with aromatic constituents, dissolved lignin is selected studies of biomass-coal co-HTC, hydrochar produced from the
degraded into catechol and phenols by hydrolysis [73]. The process- co-treatment of food waste and coal (FW-coal) showed the lowest
generated organic acids not only act as catalyst for the subsequent moisture contents (3.7 %) [65], while that obtained from the fuel blend
carbonization reactions (i.e. condensation and aromatization), but also of sewage sludge and coal slime (SS-coal) demonstrated the highest

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Table 2 depending on the specific biomass type [77,78]. As a synthetic polymer

Summary of literature related to co-hydrothermal carbonization of biomass and of vinyl chloride, which is classified as a volatile organic compound
fossil-based feedstocks. (VOC), untreated PVC is customarily characterized by extremely high
Feedstock Denotation Conditions Solvent HY Reference volatile contents (~95 %) [23,72]. Based on Fig. 5a and 5b, co-
(%) hydrothermal carbonization is effective in the reduction of volatiles in
Miscanthus MC-coal 200 ◦ C for Distilled 80.5 [27] both biomass-coal and biomass-PVC blends. Hydrochars produced via
and coal 0.5 h water the co-HTC of biomass and coal feedstocks had VM contents in the range
Rice straw and RS-coal 260 ◦ C for Distilled 50.4 [65] of 15.7 % to 39.5 %, except the MC-coal hydrochar which contained
run-of-mine 8h water
62.7 % of volatiles [27]. Remarkably, the volatile contents of hydrochars
coal 260 ◦ C for Acetic acid/ 61.2
6h hydrogen derived from the hydrothermal processing of biomass-PVC blends
peroxide ranged from 53.0 % to 73.2 %, indicating a significant difference from
220 ◦ C for KOH/ 59.8 the initial VM contents of untreated PVC. Obviously, the blending ratio
8h methanol played a huge role as biomass has lower VM contents compared to PVC,
Watermelon WP-coal 260 ◦ C for Distilled 81.1 [56]
peel and 3h water/
however, it is clear that the co-HTC process was also effective in con­
high-sulfur hydrogen verting the volatile contents. This can be proved by the enhanced fixed
coal peroxide carbon (FC) contents in co-HTC derived hydrochars. Biomass-PVC
Food waste FW-coal 300 ◦ C for Distilled 71.1 [64] blended hydrochars were characterized by FC contents between 24.2
and coal 1h water
and 43.2 %. The higher FC contents in bamboo-PVC (43.2 %) [25] and
Food waste FW-CW 230 ◦ C for Distilled 60.6 [66]
and coal 0.5 h water corncob-PVC (40.2 %) [24] hydrochars was mainly attributed to the
waste larger contents of lignin in both feedstocks, however, it has also been
Sewage sludge SS-coal 240 ◦ C for Sulfuric 81.0 [67] speculated that the porous structure of lignocellulosic biomass provides
and coal 2h acid a skeleton for the polycondensation of small molecular compounds,
leading to the formation of secondary char (fixed carbon) [68]. Based on
Bamboo and BM-PVC 260 ◦
C for Distilled 41.2 [25]
PVC 1h water the reviewed studies, the FC contents of biomass-coal hydrochars varied
Pomelo peel PP-PVC 220 ◦
C for Citric acid 38.5 [68] from 33.1 % to 69.4 %, depending on the feedstock type, blending ratio,
and PVC 6h and processing conditions. Fakudze et al. (2022) [56] also attributed the
Cotton waste CW-PVC 260 C for Distilled 38.5 [69]
increment of FC contents in hydrochars prepared via the co-HTC of

and PVC 2h water

Pinewood PS-PVC 280 ◦
C for Distilled 42.6 [70] watermelon peel (WP) and coal to the polycondensation mechanism
sawdust and 1h water reported by Paksung et al. (2020) [79]. During hydrothermal process­
PVC ing, biomass-originated natural polymers are first converted into
Corncob and CC-PVC 260 ◦ C for Citric acid 40.4 [24] furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) compounds by hydroly­
PVC 1h Distilled 42.2
sis. These small molecular compounds then form oligomers due to their
Sodium 41.8 reaction with α-carbonyl aldehydes in the process water, and finally
carbonate agglomerate into carbonaceous spheres, leading to an increase in fixed
Straw powder SP-PVC 240 ◦ C for Distilled 39.2 [71] carbon contents [79].
and PVC 2h water
Water WH-PVC 260 ◦ C for Distilled 39.88 [72] Fixed carbon(%)
hyacinth 1h water Fuel ratio = (1)
Volatile matter(%)
and PVC
In solid fuels, the ash content is also an important parameter in
evaluating their fuel performance and environmental impact during
moisture contents (37.5 %) [67]. Although hydrothermal processing has combustion, hence it is often extensively studied in biomass-fossil co-
the ability to improve the hydrophobicity of hydrochars, such is firing. The ash contents of hydrochars obtained from the hydrothermal
dependent on the feedstock type and operating conditions such as re­ carbonization of different biomass-coal and biomass-PVC fuel blends
action temperature and time, hence the difference in moisture contents. were compared based on the results of previous studies. Hydrochars
For biomass-PVC blends, the moisture contents of co-HTC derived derived from the co-HTC of food waste-coal [64] and miscanthus-coal
hydrochars ranged between 1.1 and 8.3 %, with the cotton textile waste [27] showed the lowest ash contents, which were 3.4 % and 3.7 %,
and PVC (CW-PVC) blend demonstrating the highest [69], and pomelo respectively. Meanwhile, the hydrochar blend of sewage sludge and coal
peel-PVC hydrochar (PP-PVC) showing the lowest moisture contents slime (SS-coal) demonstrated the highest ash contents (37.5 %) amongst
[68]. Nevertheless, the moisture contents of biomass-fossil based all biomass-coal blended hydrochars, which was highly attributed to the
hydrochars were within the limit of solid biofuel specifications (<10 %). abundance of incombustible mineral contents in sewage sludge [80].
Typically, untreated PVC is characterized by very low (0.05–0.10 %) According to Fan et al. (2020), sewage sludge is usually characterized by
moisture contents, making it an ideal solid feedstock for biofuel pro­ extremely high ash contents (50–75 %) due to mineral particles (Si, Al,
duction [62]. The increase in hydrophobicity can be attributed to the Fe, P, Ca, Mg and others) entrapped during biological treatment [81].
dehydration mechanism which leads to reduced hydroxyl groups when Remarkably, biomass-PVC hydrochars showed very low ash contents in
the reaction temperature is elevated. Although most studies do not place the range of 1.1 % to 8.3 %, owing to the VOC nature of polyvinyl
an emphasis on the moisture contents of product hydrochars, the min­ chloride. Hence, it terms of residual ash formation, biomass-PVC
imal moisture levels of co-HTC derived hydrochars could play a major hydrochars can be considered more environmentally-friendly. The fuel
role in reducing energy consumption from extensive drying processes. ratio (FR) is a standard index used to evaluate the fuel performance of
Volatile matter (VM) is one of the most critical parameters in the solid fuels. FR is calculated as a mass ratio of fixed carbon to volatile
characterization of solid fuels, hence it is part of the standard proximate matter [82], where a higher value indicates better fuel performance.
analysis. Generally, untreated coal is characterized by lower volatile Fig. 5c and 5d show the FR values of hydrochars produced via the co-
contents compared to raw biomass and polyvinyl chloride. According to HTC of various biomass-coal and biomass-PVC blends, respectively.
previous studies, untreated bituminous coal [27], coal slime [30] and Based on the results of the selected studies, hydrochars prepared by the
ROM coals [65] had VM contents of 34.3 %, 20.7 % and 29.7 %, co-HTC of watermelon peel and high-sulfur coal (WP-coal) had the
respectively. On the contrary, untreated biomass feedstocks were usu­ highest fuel ratio (4.42), while that produced from the fuel blended of
ally accompanied by volatile contents in the range of 35–60 %, miscanthus and coal had the lowest (0.52). Biomass-PVC hydrochars

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Fig. 5. Proximate analysis and fuel ratios of biomass/coal hydrochars (a, c) and biomass/PVC hydrochars (b, d).

exhibited lower fuel ratios in the range of 0.33 to 0.83, which was due to (S) provide an estimate of the fuel performance during combustion,
the abundance of volatile contents in polyvinyl chloride. According to including the heat output and gas emissions. In this review, the
Fakudze et al. (2022) [56], the fuel ratio of blended fuels can be elemental compositions of co-HTC derived hydrochars from the selected
enhanced by adding catalytic reagents such as citric acid, acetic acid, studies of biomass-fossil feedstocks were summarized in Table 3. The
and other organic acids, which accelerate hydrothermal reactions such carbon contents of biomass-coal hydrochars ranged between 49.5 and
as dehydration, decarboxylation and polycondensation, leading to an 81.2 %, with food waste-coal hydrochar having the highest C contents,
increase in fixed carbon contents. and food waste-coal waste (FW-CW) exhibiting the lowest. Although the
The ultimate analysis, carbon retention rate, higher heating value carbon contents of fuel blends are usually affected by operating condi­
and energy yield of a fuel are often investigated to provide a broad tions such as reaction temperature, time and solvent type; the carbon
understanding of its combustion characteristics. Elemental parameters contents of product hydrochars is largely dependent on the initial values
such as carbon (C), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N) and sulfur of untreated feedstocks. For instance, in the case of rice straw and ROM

Table 3
Fuel properties of hydrochars produced via co-hydrothermal carbonization of various biomass and fossil-based feedstocks under different process conditions.
Feedstock Ultimate analysis (%) CR (%) HHV (MJ/kg) EY (%) Reference


MC-coal 58.2 5.3 34.4 0.8 83.3 24.8 84.6 [27]

RS-coal 74.4 4.4 8.4 1.2 79.0 30.1 81.2 [65]
WP-coal 70.9 3.3 9.8 0.3 99.5 29.0 94.7 [56]
FW-coal 81.2 3.1 14.4 0.9 101.7 28.6 82.1 [64]
FW-CW 49.5 4.5 14.8 1.9 103.6 23.0 71.3 [66]
SS-coal 43.0 3.1 12.7 2.0 83.6 16.7 84.0 [67]
BM-PVC 71.0 5.9 13.7 0.2 69.0 32.2 60.9 [25]
PP-PVC 60.9 4.4 32.4 0.7 57.6 22.6 51.8 [68]
CW-PVC 63.4 5.6 20.1 0.2 75.3 30.7 84.1 [69]
PS-PVC 74.3 5.8 16.0 / 71.3 30.9 / [70]
CC-PVC 76.3 6.4 11.8 0.2 76.6 32.8 75.4 [24]
SP-PVC 70.4 5.9 13.5 0.7 45.0 27.6 54.1 [71]
WH-PVC 73.8 6.6 14.1 0.4 64.5 33.0 74.0 [72]

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

coal (RS-coal), the original C contents untreated coal and rice straw were enhancement of fuel properties due to the dehydration and decarbox­
63.8 % and 43.2 %, respectively, hence by calculation based on the ylation reactions.
blending ratio (7:3), the untreated fuel blend had C contents of ~57.6 %.
C contenthydrochar
Therefore, it can be assumed that the hydrothermal process contributed CR(%) = HY × (2)
C contentfeedstock
an additional 16.5 % to the initial carbon contents of the blend. Biomass-
PVC hydrochars also demonstrated relatively high carbon contents HHV hydrochar
ranging from 60.9 % to 76.3 %, owing to the bulky carbon polymer EY(%) = HY × (3)
HHV feedstock
chains of polyvinyl chloride [37]. During HTC, the macromolecular
network of vinyl chloride is broken down by reaction mechanisms such The carbon retention (CR), higher heating value (HHV) and energy yield
as hydrolysis, dehydration, decarboxylation, aromatization, and dehy­ (EY) are also key indicators in the characterization of solid fuels and
drochlorination to form short-chain hydrocarbons [62], hence the in­ have been extensively analyzed in many studies to assess the fuel per­
crease in carbon contents. In addition to C contents, hydrochar fuel formance of product chars. CR is defined as the percentage yield of
typically contains certain amounts of oxygen elements, mainly origi­ carbon retained in the product hydrochar after hydrothermal process­
nating from volatile organic compounds. As demonstrated in Table 3, ing, calculated by Eq. (2). Based on the results of previous studies, the
hydrochars prepared via the co-hydrothermal treatment of biomass-coal CR of biomass-coal hydrochars was remarkably high (79.0–103.6 %),
blends exhibited oxygen contents in the range of 8.4–14.8 %, except the suggesting that the co-HTC process not only retained the carbon con­
miscanthus-coal blend, which was highly due to the miscanthus- tents, but also slightly increased them. Hydrochars derived from the co-
originated volatile compounds. Hydrochars derived via the co-HTC of hydrothermal treatment of biomass and PVC exhibited CR values vary­
biomass and PVC demonstrated O contents of 11.8–32.4 %, attributed to ing from 45.0 to 75.3 %, which was mainly due to the extraction of water
the high volatile components in the initial feedstocks, especially poly- soluble organic compounds into the process water, such as furfural and
vinyl chloride. According to Johansson et al. (2021), solid fuel- 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). The higher heating values of
contained oxygen can be helpful in enhancing the reactivity and biomass-coal hydrochars assessed in this review were in the range of
combustibility of a fuel, however it is usually associated with heavy soot 23.0 to 30.1 MJ/kg, with the fuel blend of rice straw and ROM coal
formation [83]. reported by Fakudze et al. (2021) showing the highest HHV, which was
In Table 3, it can be noted that all biomass-fossil based hydrochars mainly due to the catalysis effect of the acetic acid used as a solvent
showed nitrogen contents of < 1.0 %, except the fuel blends of sewage during the experiment [65]. Interestingly, hydrochars prepared via the
sludge-coal (2.0 %), food waste-coal waste (1.9 %), and rice straw-ROM co-HTC of biomass and PVC demonstrated much higher HHVs, with BM-
coal (1.2 %). Both sewage sludge (up to 10 %) and food waste are usually PVC, CC-PVC, and WH-PVC characterized by higher heating values of
accompanied by very high N contents due to the abundance of protein 32.2, 32.8 and 33.0 MJ/kg, respectively. The energy yield, calculated by
compounds [84]. Generally, solid fuel-contained nitrogen contents are Eq. (3), is defined as the energy content of product hydrochars retained
associated with the formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) during com­ after hydrothermal carbonization on the basis of mass yield and HHV. As
bustion. From the results of Mazumder et al. (2020) and Yang et al. shown on Table 3, biomass-coal hydrochars were characterized by EY
(2020), it can be seen that co-hydrothermal processing was effective in values of 71.3 % to 94.7 %, while biomass-PVC had energy yields in the
reducing the N contents of the fuel blends [66,67]. The atomic ratios O/ range of 51.8–84.1 %. Compared to the traditional HTC approach, the
C and H/C are usually used to characterize the carbonization degree of co-hydrothermal processing of biomass with fossils resulted in superior
hydrochar fuel. Generally, lower values of O/C and H/C atomic ratios energy yields, owing to the enhanced repolymerization (agglomeration)
indicate a higher degree of carbonization or better fuel properties closer of biomass-based molecular compounds on the surface of fossils.
to lignite and anthracite. In most studies, the O/C and H/C ratios of
different samples are often plotted against each other in a Van Krevelen 4.4. Effect of reaction temperature and time
diagram as shown in Fig. 6. In the diagram, it can been observed that
most biomass-fossil hydrochars shifted towards the position of after co- As mentioned in previous sections, process conditions such as reac­
HTC, both biomass-coal and biomass-PVC blends shifted towards the tion temperature, residence time, blending ratio and solvent type are
position of coal (between peat and anthracite), which proved the influential to the fuel properties of co-HTC derived hydrochars. Over

Fig. 6. Van Krevelen diagram of atomic ratios for various biomass-fossil hydrochars [27,56,65,64,66,67,25,68,69,70,24,71,72].

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

recent years, several studies have critically investigated the effect of 5. Synergistic effects
these parameters on the product hydrochars of biomass-fossil blends. In
this section, the influence of the co-HTC reaction temperature and time Due to robust interactions between biomass and fossil derived sub­
on performance indicators such as hydrochar yield, fuel ratio, carbon stances during co-processing, many studies reported synergies in the co-
retention, and energy yield was rigorously examined using data ob­ HTC of biomass-coal and biomass-PVC feedstocks. The synergistic ef­
tained from previous studies on the co-treatment of biomass and fossils. fects could be attributed to a chain of reaction mechanisms that occur
As illustrated in Fig. 7, the highest HY value (75.9–81.2 %) was observed during the hydrothermal process, leading to enhanced fuel properties
at a reaction temperature of ~260 ◦ C and reaction time of between 3 and such as higher carbon contents, fixed carbon, hydrochar yield, and en­
4 h. For the fuel ratio, the best result was observed between 230 and ergy yields. In the present review, the synergistic effects of co-HTC
240 ◦ C and reaction time of 1.5–2.5 h, also owing to the efficient derived biomass-fossil hydrochars were evaluated using Eq. (4) to
degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose at this temperature range. In explore the influence of reaction temperature and blending ratio
Fig. 7c, the effect of co-HTC conditions on the carbon retention is shown, (biomass proportion) on the process synergy.
and it can be observed that highest CR value is produced under a tem­
Xexp − Xcal
perature of ~260 ◦ C and 3–5 h reaction time. However, according to the SE(%) = × 100% (4)
graph, it can also be concluded that the carbon retention increases with
an increase in temperature and time. Similarly, the energy yield also Xcal = αηbiomass + βηfossil (5)
increased with reaction temperature and time, with higher EY values
observed between 260 and 300 ◦ C and 3 to 6 h. Notably, the influence of where Xexp and Xcal represents the experimental and calculated values of
these process parameters on the fuel properties may also vary depending different performance indicators such as hydrochar yield, carbon con­
on the biomass feedstock type. For instance, several authors reported a tents, and fixed carbon. α and β refer to the weight proportions of
gradual decrease in both hydrochar yield and energy yield as the reac­ biomass and fossil feedstocks in the blend, respectively. ηbiomass and ηfossil
tion temperature and time increased [70], which is because of the pro­ represent the performance indicator (i.e. HY, C contents, FC) corre­
cess water-dissolved hydrocarbon compounds. Meanwhile, due to the sponding to the non-mixed biomass-based and fossil-based hydrochars.
significant increase in HHV, the energy yield of some blended hydro­ Fig. 8 shows the contour plots of the synergistic effects of biomass-coal
chars could be enhanced at higher temperatures [27]. Hence the and biomass-PVC hydrochars based on hydrochar yield, carbon contents
importance of comprehensive reviews such as this one, to fully under­ and fixed carbon. Based on the analysis, hydrochars synthesized via the
stand the different responses of various feedstocks to co-HTC conditions. co-treatment of biomass and coal showed the strongest synergy
(55.3–74.2 %) under the reaction temperature of 250–280 ◦ C and a

Fig. 7. Effect of temperature and reaction time on a) hydrochar yield, b) fuel ratio, c) carbon retention rate, d) energy yield

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Fig. 8. Contour plots of co-HTC synergistic effects based on a) hydrochar yield, b) carbon contents, and c) fixed carbon for biomass-coal [27,56,65,64,66,67] and
biomass-PVC hydrochars [25,68,69,70,24,71,72].

biomass proportion of ~50 %. According to Saba et al. (2017) hydro­ yield. For biomass-PVC hydrochars, the region with the strongest syn­
chars prepared with 50 wt% coal and 50 wt% miscanthus showed pos­ ergistic effects (2.26–2.73) based on HY was observed at 220–250 ◦ C
itive synergistic effects at 260 ◦ C, owing to the formation of organic with a biomass proportion of 45 % to 65 %.
acids from biomass during hydrothermal processing. These acids are On the basis of carbon contents, the synergistic effects of biomass-
speculated to serve as catalysts for further carbonization reactions coal hydrochars were strongly dependent on the biomass proportion,
including dehydration, decarboxylation and repolymerization. Fakudze with the strongest synergy observed under a biomass proportion of ~70
et al. (2022) added that the coal surface also provides a skeleton for the %. Meanwhile, for biomass-PVC blends, the synergistic effects were not
agglomeration of smaller carbon compounds [56], leading to the for­ dependent on the blending ratio, but were rather more influenced by the
mation of secondary char or pseudo-lignin, hence the better hydrochar temperature, with strongest synergistic effect observed at 220 ◦ C and

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

260 ◦ C. Note-worthily, in the center region (i.e. 240 ◦ C, 50 % biomass), content of co-HTC derived hydrochars. The desulfurization and
an anti-synergistic effect (negative synergy) was observed between dechlorination rates of different feedstock combinations are shown in
biomass and PVC during co-HTC, which could be attributed to the Fig. 9. According to Saha et al. (2021), coal-contained sulfur is usually in
dissolution of smaller molecular compounds in the liquid filtrate. As an the form of sulfates, pyrite and organic sulfur, and it is generally
important property of solid fuels, the synergistic effects of hydrochars extracted through leaching as sulfoxides, sulfones, and sulfates [30].
produced by co-HTC were also evaluated based on fixed carbon con­ Reaction temperature and solvent type (alkali or acid) are the two
tents. In Fig. 8c, it can be observed that the synergy of biomass-coal crucial factors that influence the sulfur transformation during hydro­
blends increased with an increase in biomass proportion, while for thermal processing. The desulfurization of low rank coal via by acid/
biomass-PVC hydrochars the strongest synergistic effects was found at alkali chemical solvents is a traditional method first report in the 1990 s
~220 ◦ C under the blending ratio of 50 % biomass to 50 % PVC. Hence, [91], however it has been significantly enhanced through advanced
for biomass-PVC blends it can be concluded that the blending ratio of 5:5 techniques such as microwave, ultrasound and hydrothermal process­
is more optimal for the realization of synergistic effects during co-HTC. ing. Potassium oxide and acetic acid remained two of the most common
For biomass-coal, the optimal conditions vary with the different per­ alkali and acid solvents for coal desulfurization, respectively. Interest­
formance indicators (i.e. hydrochar yield, carbon contents, fixed carbon, ingly, organic acids such as acetic acid and formic acid are some of the
etc.), thus there should consideration of the desired fuel properties prior major by-products of lignocellulosic biomass during HTC, which is due
to the optimization of co-HTC conditions. Several authors also reported to the hydrolysis and dehydration of natural polymers (cellulose and
the presence of synergistic effects during the combustion of hydrochars hemicellulose) and other simple compounds in the presence of subcrit­
produced through co-hydrothermal carbonization. The corresponding ical water. Hence, the enhanced desulfurization rates during the co-HTC
synergistic/anti-synergistic effect during the combustion of blended of biomass-coal blends (Fig. 9a) could be attributed to the elimination of
hydrochars is generally evaluated using the weight loss data obtained by sulfur by the catalytic effect of these organic acids. Worth-noting,
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). According to Song et al. (2019) [85] hydrochar derived from the co-treatment of sewage sludge and coal
and Yang et al (2020) [86], a synergistic effect is observed when the slime showed negative desulfurization efficiency (− 8.1 %), which was
deviation between experimental weight loss curve and calculated highly due to the significant concentration of sulphur (2.3 wt%) in
weight loss curve is positive, while an anti-synergistic effect can be sewage sludge, combined with the use of sulfuric acid as a solvent during
observed when the deviation is negative. The presence of synergistic HTC [67]. Remarkably, the desulfurization efficiency of other biomass-
effects during the combustion of biomass-fossil hydrochars is reportedly coal hydrochars ranged from 47.8 % to 100 %, with RS-coal exhibiting
attributed to the active ●OH free radicals from hydroxyl and carbonyl the highest DE value. Although the dechlorination mechanism is
groups, acting as catalysts to accelerate the combustion of char [6,56]. different, the co-HTC of biomass and chlorinated polymer wastes also
proved as an effective technique for reducing Cl contents in the blends.
6. Environmental and economic benefits Based on Fig. 9b, biomass-PVC hydrochars from the reported studies
demonstrated excellent dechlorination efficiencies in the range of 80.0
6.1. Environmental benefits of co-hydrothermal processing % to 96.2 %. Ma et al. (2019) investigated the evolution of chlorine
during hydrothermal carbonization of medical waste mainly consisting
Co-hydrothermal carbonization has the potential to limit environ­ of PVC, and discovered that the substitution of Cl elements by biomass-
mental challenges related to waste biomass as it emits less pollutant originating –OH groups accounted for a major part of the dechlorination
substances compared to other waste management methods such as mechanism [89]. According to Zhao et al. (2022), other contents of Cl
incineration, landfilling, and composting. As discussed in previous sec­ are removed by the elimination reaction, which starts with the genera­
tions, depending on the process conditions, the co-hydrothermal pro­ tion of free radicals, and then chloroallylic structures and HCl, which is
cessing of biomass and fossil-based feedstocks enables the extraction of subsequently removed to form polyenes [74]. Wei et al. (2022) exam­
inorganic substances such as toxic minerals, sulfur and chloride con­ ined the chloride contents of process water obtained from the co-HTC of
tents, thus air pollution could be avoided by the co-HTC process. Several pomelo peel and PVC, and found that large quantities of the removed Cl
studies investigated the migration of mechanisms of pollutant elements was present in the liquid phase in the form of hydrochloric acid and
such as sulfur and chlorine during hydrothermal carbonization [87–89]. other chlorinated compounds [68]. Even though no significant study has
Wu et al. (2015) studied the transformation of sulfur during the hy­ been reported yet, the chlorinated and sulfur-containing intermediates
drothermal processing of low rank coal, and reported that the contents in liquid phase could be recovered by further processing to reduce the
of organic sulfur showed a significant decrease, while sulfate contents toxicity of the process water. Hence, there is still a need for further
increased gradually after the process [90]. The formation of sulfates and research into the recovery of sulfur and chlorine contents from process
sulfur-containing gases (such as SO2) was mainly attributed to the water to improve the eco-friendliness of the co-HTC of biomass and
decomposition of water-soluble aliphatic sulfur, while some proportions fossil-based feedstocks.
of thiophenic sulfur in the process water were generated from water- Several authors also reported that hydrothermal processing can also
soluble sulfones and sulfoxides at high temperatures (≥160 ◦ C). In a lead to the migration of heavy metals [92]. According Qi et al. (2022),
different study, Wang et al. (2022) reported an almost similar mecha­ due to the degradation of organic components, heavy metals such as
nism for the migration and transformation of sulfur from sewage sludge such as Cu, Cr and Ni were left exposed on the hydrochar surface, which
[87]. Therefore, it can be concluded that hydrothermal carbonization led to an increase in the weight ratio of these elements in the product
presents an effective approach for the removal of sulfur from organic hydrochars [92]. Ke et al. (2021) studied the transformation of heavy
wastes, also minimizing the release of odorous sulfur-containing gases. metals during the hydrothermal carbonization of PVC, and reported that
To better assess the environmental impact of the co-HTC, the the concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn were significantly reduced through
desulfurization and dechlorination efficiencies (DE) of biomass-coal and HTC, whereas Cr and Ni were enriched in the product hydrochar [93]. In
biomass-PVC feedstocks were evaluated using elemental analysis data a previous study, Xiang et al. (2017) [94] also reported that the HTC of
obtained from the previous studies as shown in Eq. (6): lignite coal could effectively reduce heavy metals (such as Hg, As, Se),
owing to the thermal degradation of coal and dissolution of organic
Yfs − Yhc
DE(%) = × 100% (6) intermediates into the process water. However, it was worth-noting that
hydrothermal carbonization reduced the bioavailability of heavy metals
where Yfs represents the sulfur/chlorine contents in the feedstock blend, and enhanced their stability during combustion. As a result, heavy
calculated based on blending ratio, and Yhc is the sulfur/chlorine metals contained in the hydrochar could act only as catalysts for the
combustion reaction, and remain in the residual ash after combustion,

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

Fig. 9. A)Desulfurization [56,27,65,67,64] and b) dechlorination efficiencies [25,68,69,71,24] of co-HTC derived hydrochars.

hence reducing the potential ecological risk of the hydrochars in terms eliminating the need for higher temperatures [100]. In general, treat­
of air pollution. On the other hand, some elements such as Arsenic (As) ment in the range 180 to 250 ◦C produces an adequate higher heating
and some alkali metals are reportedly leached and dissolved in the liquid value (HHV) without the need for excess energy input. Furthermore,
phase, reducing the amount of ash-forming elements in the product since hydrochar is more hydrophobic compared to pyrolysis derived
hydrochars [92], and therefore, preventing the accumulation of ash biochar, the co-HTC process allows for reduced drying costs prior to
from the combustion process. combustion. Saba et al. (2019) estimated the cost of electricity for
Thanks to the abundance of organic acids (acetic acid, formic acid producing hydrochar via co-hydrothermal carbonization to be approx­
and glycolic acid), the remaining process water can be recirculated imately $46 per MWh− 1, which is nearly twice the fuel costs of standard
within the reactor multiple times to catalyze the HTC reaction and coal-fired plants [101]. Meanwhile, Mazumder et al. (2020) reported
improve efficiency. According to Wei et al. (2022), process water that the costs of hydrochar production via co-HTC was between $55 to
retrieved after the co-HTC of pomelo peel and PVC contained up to 31.1 $65 per ton of hydrochar, with the reactor system, pumping system,
% of organic acids, including formic acid (8.1 %), acetic acid (13.4 %), water utility costs, heat recovery costs, filtration and dewatering costs,
aminocaproic acid (2.5 %), and others. Previous studies showed that the and storage accounting for 55.19 %, 22.81 %, 3.10 %, 6.57 %, 7.78 %,
recirculation of HTC process water not only dramatically improved fuel and 3.77 %, respectively [66]. The estimated break-even selling price
properties, but also minimized the negative impacts of the process to­ was in the range of $60 to $69 due to costs of transportation and raw
wards the environment [95,96]. Li et al. (2022) studied the effect of materials. However, further sensitivity analysis showed that using large
recirculating process water during the hydrothermal carbonization of scale HTC reactors could reduce the production costs. In addition, more
PVC and agricultural wastes for solid fuel production, and reported that economic benefits could be realized through the valorization of co-HTC
this approach resulted in high chloride removal and improved energy by-products, especially the organic compound rich process water. For
recovery efficiencies [97]. Although there is currently a lack of studies instance, in our previous work [56], the liquid filtrate obtained from the
that examined the recirculation of process water during the co-HTC of co-HTC of low-grade coal and watermelon peels demonstrated an
biomass and coal, Kahilu et al. (2021) reported that process water ob­ abundance of aldehydes, esters, alcohols, ketones and some organic
tained after the co-HTC of sewage sludge and coal was rich in organic acids. There is still a need for further investigation of the operational
intermediates and elements such as Ca, Si, Ni, Mg, Cd, and Cr, owing to costs related to the co-HTC of biomass-coal and biomass-PVC blends to
the degradation of the organic structure by process-generated acids, better evaluate the economic benefits of the process at industrial scale.
which led to the leaching and dissolution of inorganic contaminants into However, based on the above discussion it is obvious that co-
the liquid phase [98]. Therefore, the recirculation of process water hydrothermal treatment could present more environmental and eco­
provides a promising co-HTC approach as it prevents water wastage, nomic benefits compared to other thermochemical methods.
reduces negative environmental impacts, and enhances hydrochar fuel
properties. 7. Future perspectives and insights

6.2. Economic benefits of co-hydrothermal processing Based on the results discussed above, co-hydrothermal carbonization
is a promising approach for the valorization of biomass-fossil blends into
As a single-pot and wet-treatment approach, co-hydrothermal cleaner solid fuels with excellent fuel properties and reduced negative
carbonization is undoubtedly a low-cost and energy-efficient approach impacts to the environment. Although the hydrothermal processing
for the valorization of multiple feedstocks. The most significant advan­ technology has been widely applied in biomass conversion, there is still
tage of co-HTC is that it allows the treatment of feedstocks with high a limit in the number of studies that investigated the co-treatment of
moisture contents without pre-drying, which greatly reduces energy biomass with fossil feedstocks such as low rank coal, coal waste and
consumption and operational costs [99]. Therefore, a wide variety of PVC. Specifically, there is still lack of understanding on the reaction
feedstocks, including agricultural residues, industrial wastes, animal mechanisms that take place during the co-HTC of biomass-coal blends.
manure and aquatic biomass are suitable for hydrothermal carboniza­ Therefore, there is an urgent need for further systematical research to
tion. In HTC processing, most electrical costs come from reactor feed provide insights on the complex reaction mechanisms that lead to the
pumping, reactor heating and pelletization. However, since standard enhanced fuel properties and reduced sulfur/chlorine contents. This can
coal-fired boilers do not require pelletization, the co-treatment of be achieved by conducting a comprehensive experimental study using
biomass and fossil-based feedstocks could further reduce operational various biomass-fossil feedstock combinations under different co-HTC
costs [66]. Since the process is carried out under subcritical water, the conditions (temperature, time, blending ratio, solvent type). Then, the
ionic products (H + and OH − ) act as catalysts during the process, hence obtained data can be used to develop a standard mathematical model to

S. Fakudze and J. Chen Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141004

provide an understanding of the transformations that occur during co- as an effective approach for reducing CO2 emissions from the energy
HTC. Since the findings of the studies reviewed in this paper showed industry. Co-hydrothermal carbonization emerged as a promising tech­
that different process conditions tend to result in hydrochars with nique for the pre-treatment of biomass-coal and biomass-PVC blends to
varying properties, such information could be useful in optimizing co- improve their fuel properties, while also targeting the reduction of sulfur
HTC conditions according to the desired fuel properties of hydrochars. or chlorine contents. This low-cost and eco-friendly approach has
Besides, this sort of information is very critical in the design of industrial proved to be highly effective in the conversion of biomass-fossil blends
reactors, and providing insights on the environmental and economic into carbon-rich solid fuels. In consideration of these attractive features,
aspects of the co-HTC process. this critical review assessed and analyzed a selection of research works
Further, a framework for the molecular dynamics of biomass and focused on the co-hydrothermal carbonization of biomass-coal and
coal (or PVC) particles can be developed for the visualization of their biomass-PVC blends for the first time. The studies reviewed herein
interactions during co-hydrothermal treatment. Although this may be a include experimental works on the production of hydrochar from rice
challenge, it should be considered as several studies have previously straw-coal, miscanthus-coal, corncob-PVC, bamboo-PVC, and other
explored the simulation of molecular interactions for the standard HTC feedstock combinations. To understand the influence of co-HTC condi­
of lignocellulosic biomass [102,103]. The simulation of molecular dy­ tions on the hydrochar properties, special focus was paid on the
namics based on the reactive force field (ReaxFF) has proved effective in hydrochar yield, energy yield, carbon retention and fuel ratio. Addi­
providing an understanding of the hydrothermal reaction mechanisms tionally, an emphasis was placed on the relationship between process
of biomass polymer compounds such as cellulose and hemicellulose, conditions (reaction temperature, time and biomass proportion) and
under supercritical water and other green solvents. Despite these prog­ synergistic effects during co-HTC. Finally, the environmental benefits of
ress, the simulation of molecular dynamics for biomass-fossil blends is co-treating biomass and fossils were assessed based on the desulfuriza­
yet to be explored, which is mainly due to the fact that the reaction paths tion and dechlorination efficiencies.
for individual biomass feedstocks is quite complicated, and vary According to the findings of previous works, hydrochars derived via
depending on the feedstock type. Nevertheless, it is highly recom­ the co-HTC of biomass and fossil feedstocks demonstrated enhanced fuel
mended for future studies to consider the implementation of computa­ properties, with increased carbon contents, HHVs and energy yields. The
tional simulations to fundamentally understand the co-HTC reaction research works reviewed in this paper also revealed that co-
mechanisms. As previous studies reported the presence of synergistic hydrothermal carbonization can effectively improve the hydrochar
effects during co-HTC, the development of mathematical models and yield, owing to the repolymerization of smaller molecular compounds
molecular dynamic simulations could provide further insight on the into pseudo lignin or secondary char. Moreover, the co-HTC of biomass-
origin of this synergy. coal and biomass-PVC blends led to improved desulfurization and
As a thermochemical process, hydrothermal carbonization relies on dechlorination efficiencies, respectively. Meanwhile, biomass-coal
constant heating and high pressure, hence evaluating the energy effi­ hydrochars showed a significant reduction in ash contents, hence sug­
ciency or balance of the co-HTC process is very crucial. However, at gesting that co-hydrothermal carbonization is not only cost-effective,
present, the number of literatures that assessed the energy balance and but could also improve the environmental-friendliness of fuel blends.
economic viability of co-HTC is still limited. A techno-economic study In addition, the results showed that the co-HTC of biomass-fossil blends
provides an understanding of the energy and economic aspects of the co- is accompanied synergistic effects, which are mainly dependent on the
hydrothermal carbonization, which are two of the most critical factors in reaction temperature and blending ratio. However, it is recommended
the commercialization phase. In any case, the energy balance of for future studies to systematically investigate the origin of these syn­
hydrochar production should consider the total energy required for the ergistic effects, specifically the reaction mechanisms behind them, to
HTC process, including any pre-processing techniques, which is then provide a complete understanding and pave the way for future research.
deducted from the total energy generated by the product hydrochars
[104]. Notably, an attempt was made by Mazumder et al. (2020) to
Declaration of Competing Interest
examine the techno-economic aspects of producing hydrochar via the
co-hydrothermal processing of food waste and coal waste [66]. Based on
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
their findings, transportation and raw material acquisition were major
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
contributors of the hydrochar production costs.
the work reported in this paper.
In addition, future studies should take into consideration the utili­
zation of the co-HTC liquid filtrate, which is usually characterized by
Data availability
large quantities of organic compounds. It has been noted that previous
studies disregarded this potentially valuable process water, yet it could
The authors do not have permission to share data.
be further valorized into liquid biofuel or other value-added green
chemicals. Previously, Wei et al. (2022) reported that the process water
derived from the co-HTC of pomelo peel and PVC demonstrated an
abundance of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, acetic acid, formic acid, 2-Prop­
This work was supported by the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province
anone, and some hydroxyl and carbonyl compounds [68], suggesting
and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher
that it could be used as a precursor in green chemistry. Another prom­
Education Institutions (PAPD).
ising approach for the utilization of process water is through its recir­
culation or reuse in further cycles of the of the co-hydrothermal
carbonization process, however it has not yet been reported in the co- References
treatment of biomass-fossil blends. The recirculation of this acid-rich
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