(FINAL) Art of The Femme Fatale

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The Art of the Femme Fatale



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Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Pre-Requisites: Women’s Aura
I. What is an Aura
II. Why your Aura matters
III. How to Train your Aura

III. Becoming your better Self

I. The difference between you and a
Femme Fatale
II. Shadow Work and Dark Aura
III. The Five Pillars of the Femme
IV. Building a powerful sex appeal
V. Improving your Mindset
VI. Improving your physical
VII. 50 Life-Changing Affirmations

IV. Forbidden Manipulation Secrets

I. Human Psychology and how to
Exploit it
II. How men work and how to treat them
III. The Seduction Blueprint: How to
Seduce a man to Obsession
IV. The Reciprocity Principle: How to
make him hooked and clueless
without him noticing
V. The 10 Types and how to Tailor your
Plan for each one
VI. The Ultimate Way to get the
Target’s Attention anywhere without
being perceived as pushy
VII. Men-Women Dynamics: The Truth
about how men function and how
take Advantage of it.
VIII. You are the Prize. Sell the Fantasy.

V. BONUS: How You can get your Ex Back

I. How To Heal From Your Breakup
II. The 30 Day “Radio-Silence” Period
III. Making The Big Choice

IV.The Renewal

6 years ago, I attempted suicide 2 times. I was

truly in the lowest point in my life. And that was
mostly because of men. That below than average guy
that no girl wanted had rejected me. That day was a
day I would never forget in my life. My ego
shattered in a million pieces. At that time, I would
have killed for male attention, but I had none. I
believed I was the ugliest girl on earth.

At that point, I had nothing for me. Every single

relationship I’ve been in, I’ve been cheated on. No
guy would ever come up to and talk to me. I lost all
my friends because they thought I was
“complaining” too much. Every time I opened
Instagram, my anxiety went through the roof.
Seeing all the beautiful women with millions of
followers, dating top-notch men. I would just say to
myself that “they won the genetic lottery” to ease my
mind. They were sexy, popular, and mesmerising,
and I was ugly, alone and repulsive.
What I didn’t know, at that time, was that the
only difference between me and them was skill. A
skill I never heard about. A skill that every girl
should know. Charisma, as the psychologists would
call it. But I prefer the word Aura.

After my second suicide attempt, I realised I was

such a failure that I couldn’t even kill myself. I knew
I was stuck with my shitty life until something
changed. If I’m stuck here, I might as well give my
all and get my revenge on life.

That day, something clicked.

It all started from a Google Search: “How to

seduce a man”. And I went deeper down the rabbit
hole. A never ending one:

• The Male-Female dynamics

• How Seduction works

• The Psychology behind Charisma

• The Secrets of Manipulation

• Spirituality

• The Dark Aura every Woman has

• The Power of Affirmations

• The Law of Attraction

• Etc…

Truly never ending; once you start going down,

there’s no going back.

But that research really worked for me. I’m

writing this in the villa of my millionnaire partner in
the Maldives. I feel like the happiest Woman on
Earth. I’ve finally taken my revenge on life. Trust
me on this, if I made it, anyone can.

“Whether you think you can, or you

think you can’t, you’re right either
way.” - Henry Ford
What is an Aura

Simply put: your most powerful asset as a

woman. You can conquer the Universe with a
powerful Aura. The Aura is what makes Angelina
Jolie Angelina Jolie. Not her physique. Your Aura is
who you truly are. It’s what psychologists call
Charisma. But if you dig a little deeper, the concept
of Aura is Spiritual and Humanity has been studying
it for centuries.

The energy you feel when you see someone

important walking: that’s their Aura. The energy
you feel when someone important is talking: that’s
their Aura. You’re attracted to men because their
Aura is compatible with yours. You find Women
inspiring because their Aura is powerful.

The Aura is not something you can see, or hear, or

smell, taste or touch. It’s something your
subconscious / sixth sense can feel.

Here are examples of Women with powerful

• Angelina Jolie

• Cardi B

• Margot Robbie

• Kylie Jenner

Example: Earlier today, I was walking down the

street, wearing a hat, and some guy I’ve never seen
comes up to me and says something on the lines of:
“I couldn’t see your face with the hat but you felt

This guy did not even see my face and still got
hooked and felt attracted by me. Six years ago, this
would have never happened. This is solely the result
of training my Aura for such a long time.

Conclusion: Your Aura is what defines you as a

Women. Never neglect Aura as it’s what makes you
feel unique to others.
Why your Aura matters

Like we’ve touched on in the precedent Chapter,

your Aura defines you. It’s what makes you

If you never trained your Aura, doing so will be

one of the best investments you can make it your
life. Not only will it help with relationships, it will
also improve your self esteem, respect given to you,
even luck!

Here is a list of advantages a Powerful Aura can

give you:

• It makes you more attractive to others,

especially men.

• Others will respect you a lot more and will

be interested in what you have to say.

• It considerably improves your

self-confidence and will cure your depression.
• It gives you better control on your emotions.
Bad experiences will no longer inflict damage.
• Spiritually, it connects you to your Higher

• Luck (which is supposed to be random) will

be at an all time high. Trust me on this.

As you can see, the advantages of training our

Aura are considerable. In fact, I think it should be
the fist step of your training to become a Femme

You will literally feel amazing when you feel your

training’s benefits in a couple of months. People
won’t believe you’re the same person anymore.
When you’re at this step, beware of hypocrites
dragging you down.

Conclusion: Having a Powerful Aura will grant

you literal superpowers. Your path to the Femme
Fatale requires this step. It is one of the most
important. Do not sleep on this.
How to train your Aura

Now that you’ve understood all the benefits of

having a strong Aura, you might ask: how do I train
my Aura?

Before we start with the techniques, I must warn

you. It is not easy to train your Aura. You won’t get
Angelina Jolie’s Aura within 24 hours. You must be
willing to put in the work and to invest time into
learning this skill. Becoming a Femme Fatale is for
the Brave, not for the Weak. Motivate yourself and
go through this step by step, and I promise you, in a
matter of mere weeks, you will become another

When trying to publish her “Harry Potter” book,

J.K. Rowling found herself rejected by 12 different
publishers. 12 different ones. Imagine if she stopped
trying after the 12th: The Harry Potter saga
would’ve never existed. J.K. would have never seen
such a success. With this aside, let’s get to the main
Here are the three main techniques I used to train
my Aura:

I. Meditation: it’s the most powerful way to

connect with your Higher Self. I consistently
meditate twice a day, 30mn for each session.
Other than that, Meditation helps you focus,
clears up brain fog, removes all the fears and
insecurities you might have and completely
disconnects you from the judgment of the
physical world. All of these play a key role in
training your Aura.

II. Affirmations: I used to think of these as a

joke, but they’re actually the real deal. It turns
out your mind can’t separate fiction from reality.
Repeating “I am a confident Woman” 20 times a
day every day will completely change your mind’s
perception of you, and therefore your attitude
starts to see some changes. Don’t skip these. You
will find the list of Affirmations I say everyday at
the end of this book.
III. Charisma: improving your Charisma goes
a long way. The Author of the Charisma Myth,
Olivia Fox Cabane, said “Being charismatic does
not depend on how much time you have but on
how fully present you are in each interaction.”
See how this “presence” directly links back to the
Aura? Here are three ways of developing your
I. Strip yourself of all negative thoughts.
Quoting Olivia again : “One of the main
reasons we’re so affected by our negative
thoughts is that we think our mind has an
accurate grasp on reality, and that its
conclusions are generally valid. This,
however, is a fallacy. Our mind’s view of
reality can be, and often is, completely

II. Actively believe, with utter confidence

and belief, that you ARE the Woman you
want to be. As we said earlier, your brain
can’t differentiate between reality and
imagination, therefore you should believe
your imagination in order for it to become a
reality. Quoting Olivia yet again:
“Whatever your mind believes, your body
will manifest.” You should really read her
book, The Charisma Myth, by the way.

III. Improve your body language: about

80% of your communications in society is
done non-verbally. This feels unreal but it’s
true. I got along with many men who didn’t
speak a word of English, yet we understood
each-other very well. Improving body
language is a skill of its own, but here are
the generalities.
I. Be open to others. Do not cross
your arms, it signals a defensive

II. Straighten your back at all


III. Ease your shoulders. Not doing

so makes you look anxious and weak.

IV. Eye contact. Never be the one

who stops eye-contact first. Be
confident in your gaze, ladies!
V. Subtly mirror the other person’s
body language without them noticing.

VI. Study the body languages of

Femme Fatales on YouTube.

The Difference between You
and a Femme Fatale

The only difference between you and a

Femme Fatale is Knowledge.

It’s not looks.

It’s not money.
It’s not fame.
It’s not status.
It’s not age.
It’s Knowledge. Knowledge is Power ladies.

Never believe being a Femme Fatale is an

accident, or happens by luck. When you see a tough,
buff and very muscular guy outside, do you think all
these muscles are here by luck? NO. That guy spent
years training every single day at the gym. It’s the
same with being a Femme Fatale. It took me years
of practice to finally call myself a Femme Fatale.

So, ladies, when you see a Femme Fatale out

there, you can be 100% sure she spent time
practicing to become that woman.
I, however, have good news for you. You are at
luck. Most my audience is young (-30 years old), so
you can take your time to practice and become a
Femme Fatale in your Peak Years.

With that out of the way, here are key distinctive

features of a Femme Fatale:

• She has a Powerful Aura that accompanies

her everywhere she goes. An Aura so strong it
turns all eyes towards her. An Aura of Dark
Feminine Energy (we’ll touch on that later) that
seduces on its own without even a word spoken.

• She wears Sexy Seductive clothing, usually

with shades of Red, that makes her in the 1% of
Women in that aspect. The clothes must be
teasing and sexy, but not too revealing, because a
Femme Fatale is seen as the Prize only the
chosen one has access to.

• She walks like a Queen. This is body

language, but it needs to be re-iterated. This is so
important. Every single actress playing a Femme
Fatale / Seductress role has walking training as
part of their job. Your walking style has to be
seductive on its own.
• She wears Top Fragrances. A Femme Fatale
absolutely has to smell good. Your Fragrances
should be a part of you. And “You smell divine” is
the best compliment you can get. And a Top
Fragrance doesn’t have to be excessively
expensive. Here are my favourites:

• GUERLIN - Mon Guerlin

• LANCÔME - La Vie Est Belle

• DOLCE&GABBANA - Light Blue

Intense pour Femme

• M.MICALLEF - Ylang In Gold

• LANCÔME - La Nuit Trésor

• ELIE SAAB - Girl Of Now

• DIESEL - Loverdose Red Kiss

• RIHANNA - Reb’l Fleur

• LANCÔME - Trésor Midnight Rose

• ARMANI - Si Black

• She knows how to wear Makeup. Good

Makeup is subtle, but effective. Red Lips are a
must, but you must use the perfect shade. Trial
and error. YouTube has 1000s of Makeup
Specialists, follow one of them and become a
Makeup Expert.

• She has developed her sex-appeal skill. She

is confident about her body and in the bedroom.
She has mastered her Dark Feminine Energy and
knows how to induce Sexual Tension with her

• She has great conversation skills. She knows

how to start a conversation without being weird
or pushy. She knows how to revive a dry
conversation. She is empathic and feels the
other’s emotions through their words and body

• She is a Seductress. No one can resist her

Seduction tricks. She knows how to use verbal
and non verbal communication to tease men and
drive them crazy, how to use eye-contact to
induce sexual tension, how to keep men forever
after successfully seducing them.

A Femme Fatale is all of these and more. But

don’t get discouraged. Once you learn this, it will
not feel like work anymore. It will become second
nature. It certainly did become second nature to me.
All you need is to invest in yourself just enough for
this to become a walk on the park.
Shadow Work & Dark Aura

The terms shadow self and shadow work are

loaded with misconceptions and mystery. You need
to completely embrace your shadow self in order to
truly become a Femme Fatale.

The concept of the shadow self was first coined by

psychologist Carl Jung, whose work is often referred
to as Jungian psychology. Our shadow is the hidden
parts of our being. It’s the dark side of our
personality. The parts we consciously repress or
aren’t aware of. We walk out into the world wearing
a mask because we believe bearing who we truly are
feels too painful or daunting, and we fear being
judged or outcast by society.

The shadow is also known as our subconscious

mind—we cannot see it clearly, which means we are
not fully aware of it. In contrast, our conscious mind
is the light—we can see it and are aware of it.

Shadow work is necessary if you don’t want to

have holes in your Aura. One of the best ways
described by psychologists to embrace and conquer
your shadow is to ask yourself questions.
Try answering those questions with complete
honesty even if the truth is harsh:

• Who am I? Describe yourself as precisely as


• Am I where I want to be?

• Why?
• Where do I want to be in 3 months?
• What holds me back?
• Where do I want to be in 5 years?
• What holds me back?

• What do I hate about myself?

• Why?

• What are my triggers?

• What caused them?

• Do I lie to myself to avoid addressing fears?

• Am I comfortable in my skin? If I could

change one thing in my body, what would it be?
• What emotions do I tend to avoid?

• What are my toxic traits?

• How do I think people see me?

• How would they describe me?
• How would I feel about that?

• What are my core values?

• Am I in alignment with them?
• What can I change to be more aligned
with them?
• Do they match the values of my
childhood caregivers?
• If not, why?

• Who do I envy?
• Why?
• How can I work to get the things I
envy from them?

• How many friends do I have?

• How many are genuine?

• What do I think happens after death?

• Do I believe in a religion?
• If I do, do I believe God is always
behind me and knows the best for me?
• If I don’t, do I understand that
negative experiences don’t even matter at
the scale of the Universe, and that I should
give my all without caring about others?
• Do I believe that Life is unfair?
• Do I believe that others I envy have
better luck than me?

• Do I believe luck really exists?

• Do I believe that some people are just
lucky or that behind luck lies hard work?

• If I had any man I wanted in my life right

now, what would it change to my life?
• Do I just want men or do I really want
to become a Femme Fatale and live their

• Do I believe the Universe / God has planned

Greats Things for me?
• Why?

These questions are really important to answer.

Ladies, please, take a pen and a paper and start
answering those questions with utmost honesty. If
those questions lie unanswered, deep down, your
subconscious would still have those weaknesses. Try
to answer these as soon as possible in your path to
the Femme Fatale.
The Five Pillars of the
Femme Fatale
If you truly want to become a Femme Fatale, you
must abide by these 5 pillars. Failing to do so will
lower the effectiveness of your Aura.

1. You Shall Never Believe Someone Is Out

Of Your League

2. You Shall Be Mysterious And Shall Never

Reveal Anything To The Unworthy

3. You Shall Be At Your Peak Physical And

Mental State At All Times

4. You Shall Never Ever Cry For A Man

5. You Shall Thank The Universe Every

Single Day However You Feel
“How did you get these?”, you may ask.

I asked the most successful Femme Fatales there

is. I can’t disclose names, but they all gave more or
less the same answers. I compiled them into 5
simple pillars, and you’ll notice every Femme Fatale
follows these.

Try this. Think of any famous Femme Fatale you

know. Angelina Jolie, for example. Do you think she
transgresses any one of these rules?

Here is an exercise. Grab a pen and a paper. Look

up any interview of her, and note the first few
impressions you have. If you’re good at reading
people, I guarantee you they will match the five
pillars perfectly.
The First Pillar Of The Femme
“You Shall Never Believe Someone Is Out Of
Your League”

It’s probably the most important pillar. No one is

out of your league. The whole concept of leagues
isn’t real: it’s just creating a self-limiting belief.

You need to get rid of this “leagues” concept

ASAP. Self limiting beliefs are dragging you down to
the depths of hell.

“If you act like a Prize, the World will believe

you”. This statement is 100% correct. You’re a Prize,
not a contestant. Some contestants are not worthy
of getting the Prize, not the other way around.

Stop acting like a contestant and start acting like a

Prize. Shift your mindset right now. Stop thinking
“Does he like me”, and start thinking “Do I like

How to achieve this?

The best way to shift your mindset, besides
practicing shadow work, is through affirmations.
Your mind can’t make the difference between real
and not.

If you repeat something 10+ times a day, your

brain will eventually acquire it as a fact and fully
believe it. And your subconscious will start acting on

Start now: Repeat the following sentences 10

times in a row. Remind yourself to repeat this
process every day.

• I fully believe any man I want wants me.

• I am irresistible for every man.

• Every man is naturally attracted to my

radiant energy.

• I am not running after men, men are

running after me because I know where the
power lays.
The Second Pillar Of The
Femme Fatale

“You Shall Be Mysterious And Shall Never

Reveal Anything To The Unworthy”

Be mysterious. No one is attracted to an open

book. The same rule applies to men. You are never
attracted to a man you know everything about.

The explanation for this effect is simple. Humans

are curious by nature. Your mind will consider
anything it doesn’t understand as potentially
dangerous and will spend extra energy to figure it

You need to intentionally keep most parts of your

life a mystery. His imagination will go wild. He will
be obsessed with you and will do anything to try and
learn more and to confirm his theories.
In The Art of Seduction, Rober Greene explained
“An elusive, enigmatic aura will make people want
to know more, drawing them into your circle...The
moment people feel they know what to expect from
you, your spell on them is broken.”

Quick - Think of a Femme Fatale in any movie

you’d like. Ask yourself these questions:

• Her talking volume

• Does she talk too much - erratically?

• Does she speak less and carefully

chooses her words?

• What she reveals

• Does she reveal everything to a man?

Her job, her hobbies, her friends, her
dreams, her purpose…

• Does she only give out some glimpses

of her life, playfully, teasing him to feed the
• What she wears

• Does she wear normal clothes, that

makes her “fit in the crowd”?

• Does she wear non-descript clothes,

like a pair of sunglasses, a hat, and unusual
shades and colours?

• How she seduces

• Does her target know most of the

things about her life?

• Does she make it her purpose to make

sure he is clueless about most of her life?

I think you get the idea. You need to create a

fantasy in his mind and to feed it. The way you do
this is through mystery.
When I see other girls post everything about her
life, 10 stories a day, commenting and talking
everywhere with everyone, displaying her whole life
for anyone to see on social media, I think “This is
sad.” These girls could be 100x more attractive by
just being more mysterious.

Start now: Starting today, make it a mission to

be more mysterious. Here is your plan of action:

• Talk less. The more you talk, the less

mysterious you are. The less effective your aura is
to others.

• Post less. There is no need to post 10x a day.

There is no need to post a story wherever you go.
Start posting less often from today. Every time
you post, make it a quality post.

• Don’t have the same routine everyday.

Make every day different. Don’t be predictable.

• Don’t show instant romantic interest. No

one gets the Prize on day 1.
• Be less available. You’re not available every
time your target proposes. Don’t overdo this, or it
will kill the mystery and you will appear as

• Use symbolism to your advantage. Wear a

ring depicting something unusual. It’s not
necessary for it to have a purpose. It just serves
to feed the mystery.
The Third Pillar Of The
Femme Fatale

“You Shall Be At Your Peak Physical And

Mental State At All Times”

I spray fragrance before I sleep. Even when I

sleep alone. That’s the level of involvement I have
with this rule.

You might first think it is useless. What I’m really

doing is tricking my subconscious into thinking I’m
at my Peak every second of the day. And it works.

Lots of highly successful men I met do this exact

same thing. They like to “feel” at their best, even
before they sleep. And this rule goes a long way.

I wear the exact same thing when going to a first

date and when going to the supermarket. The same
kind of fragrances. The same accessories (obviously
not sunglasses inside lol). The level of respect
people have for me goes through the roof. I try to be
elegant every second of my day.
Giving up on elegance when going to the
supermarket weakens your Aura. Princess Diana
(R.I.P) is a Princess wherever she goes. She had
paparazzis following her 24/7, and they never saw
her inelegant. She never ever neglects her looks or
her mental. This is true discipline.

Start now: Starting today, make it a mission to

never neglect your looks / mental wherever you are,
no matter the reason:

• Start spraying fragrance on yourself before

you sleep (trust me on this; you’ll feel like a
million bucks).

• Dress appropriate wherever you go. Never

let down on elegance unless it is physically
unsafe to do so.

• Wear fragrance everywhere. Do not allow

yourself to smell less than perfect in social
situations. Cycle between fragrances, the best one
being the one YOU like best, not others.
• Keep your mental in the Femme Fatale’s
mindset 24/7. You are a truly Femme Fatale
internally, it’s not a cheap trick you use to get
men and then forget.
The Fourth Pillar Of The
Femme Fatale

“You Shall Never Ever Cry For A Man”

If you’ve understood the mindset of the Femme

Fatale, which we’ve talked on fairly extensively, this
rule should be obvious and self explanatory.

Never ever cry for a man.

Ladies, no excuses allowed.

There is a reason this is a Pillar: crying for a man

is dangerous and can inflict long term damage on
your Aura.

Crying for a man will be understood as a

weakness by your subconscious, which will
dangerously affect your Aura and ruin your chances
with other men.
There is no need to make this part any longer:
please, Ladies and future Femme Fatales, never cry
for a man no matter the reason.
The Fifth Pillar Of The Femme

“You Shall Thank The Universe Every Single

Day However You Feel”

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? I used to

not believe 6 years ago. Thought it was a joke people
believed for no reason. How wrong I was…

Law of Attraction is very real. It is one of the rules

of the Universe. I have countless stories, from
others and from me, of manifestations through the
Law of Attraction.

Here is the Wikipedia definition: “The Law of

Attraction is a New Thought spiritual belief that
positive or negative thoughts bring positive or
negative experiences into a person's life.” But I
believe this one;

Neville Goddard, a famous metaphysical writer,

believes in the Law of Assumption, basically an
extension of the Law of Attraction. He believes
anything you want can be manifested.
Here is a famous quote from him: “Dare to
believe in the reality of your assumption and watch
the world play its part relative to to its fulfilment.”

Here are the rules for the Law of Assumption:

1. Create Your Imaginary Scene:

According to Neville Goddard, the first step to

manifesting is to create your imaginary scene.

This scene should be the end result of what you

want. Not the beginning. Not the middle. The

You want this scene to be how your life would

look if your desire has ALREADY manifested. The
beauty of manifesting is that all the details are
already taken care of.

You don’t need to visualise how your desire will

come. You just need to visualise the end result
you want to manifest.
Use this prompt to come up with your scene:

What would my life look like if my desire

has already manifested?
2. Persist Until Outcome Manifests:

You must persist. If you don’t persist, nothing

will manifest. Persist every single day. Have
100% confidence that it will happen.

Way more effective when in SATS (state akin to

sleep), a meditative state right before sleep
Neville described. Look it up!

3. Be Thankful For What You Have


If you’re not thankful, effectiveness will drop off.

Neville believed being thankful was necessary.
You are alive. Be thankful you are.

You are acquiring knowledge less than 1% of the

population know about. Be thankful you are.

You are smarter and you go out there and seek

knowledge when you need it. Be thankful you are.
You have already started taking steps to improve
your relationships and your life. Be thankful you

You are You. Be thankful you are.

Building a Powerful

Being a Femme Fatale, you need to build up

sex-appeal. Sex-appeal is the ability to induce
instant sexual tension with whoever you want. Here
are examples of women with extremely powerful

• Rihanna

• Selena Gomez

• Scarlett Johannson

• Bella Hadid

• Beyoncé

You should definitely study these for sex-appeal.

Open up YouTube and look at their parades,
interviews, how they interact in social situations
etc… Especially notice these :
• How they walk

• How they use eye-contact to arouse

• The speed at which they talk

• Their body language, especially towards


When I was studying the ways of the Femme

Fatales, I used to do this all the time. I still have
tons of drafts with notes, for each Woman I found
inspiring as a Femme Fatale. This was hugely
beneficial and I ended up leaning a ton by doing

Grab a pen and a paper, and do this for all the

Women mentioned above. If you do an in-depth
quality work, you will notice:

• All around, they all have the same

behaviour. The same behaviours create the same
• Specifically, they all have small unique
features, which makes them unique and distinct
from the rest. (Note this is specific. As we said
above, they all have the same all-around

Here are 3 ways to boost your sex-appeal


• Eye contact: It is the most powerful factor

for sex-appeal. See how sexy Angelina Jolie is?
That’s mainly because of her eye-contact. Her
staring game is so powerful it’s intimidating to
most people. Look at this video:
Angelina Jolie | Staring contest

Here are a few tips to build better eye contact:

• The 3 Second Rule: Don’t instantly

look away! Hold your gaze for at least 3
seconds. Make seductive gestures, just like
Angelina in the video. This creates instant
sexual tension.
• Never lower your eyes below your
target! If this is not part a seductive gesture
(a second max), it makes you look weak
and intimidated. Your Aura will break.

• Look at people with utter certainty.

Men feel energy, and will notice instantly if
you’re not confident. What I do to increase
confidence a few moments before the eye
contact is to throw in this affirmation: “I
am a confident Woman and men can pick
up on my confidence”. Works wonderfully

• Always dress sexy: It is important to

always look sexy. But what this means will vary
depending upon your personal style, body shape
and comfort level. Do you like pencil skirts?
Jeans? Plunging necklines? Modern blazers?
Leather jackets? Sophisticated dresses?
High-heeled pumps? Knee-high boots? All of
these things can have sex appeal, especially if you
pair them with bold confidence!
Here is what I like to wear to look sexy:
• Red Lipstick

• Sunglasses

• Black Hat

• High Heels

• Always smell sexy: I’m a huge fan of

fragrance, and talk about it a million times
already, but this truly makes a difference!
Fragrances are the best friends of a Femme

And the most important thing with

sex-appeal: be confident with your body!

Practice sexy dances in front of the mirror.

Especially naked. Put on some sexy music and
practice. Praise your body advantages. Get
comfortable with your disadvantages.

Learn to know your sex pleasure points in detail.

What do you love in the bedroom? What do you
The goal is to be 100% comfortable with your
body and not be frustrated when the time comes.

Note: Read this chapter multiple times. Do the

work. It’ll be so easy to get men obsessed and
literally become simps to have you.

No Femme Fatale lives without Sex-Appeal.

Improving Your Mindset

Being a Femme Fatale is a Mindset. It is a

“switch” you can choose to turn on or off. Top Model
celebrities can choose to “activate” or “deactivate”
their Aura. When they’re trying to blend in (to avoid
paparazzis for example), they tend to appear like
any other woman and they don’t get recognised
outside. This has been well documented and very
well known from the paparazzis themselves.

I had a friend who was a friend with a paparazzi.

I talked to him about it, and he confirmed.
“Sometimes, they are just in between our eyes, but
we don’t recognise them until we look close enough.
The energy thing is very real. They seem to hide it
at times when they don’t want to see us. When
they’re in their natural state, we feel their presence
and we instantly know it’s them!”

I really recommend you read the introduction of

The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane. It
recounts the day where Marilyn Monroe wanted to
prove a point, that Charisma / Aura is a switch.
In order to improve your Mindset, you need to be
100% convinced of this. That everything is a
mindset. Aura / Charisma is a Mindset, Seduction is
a Mindset, Success is a Mindset. Everything is a
Mindset, simply because You are your Mind. And
this relates to the Law of Attraction / Law of
Assumption we talked about earlier.

You will get nowhere without a proper Mindset. If

something is wrong in your life, that’s the
consequence of a poor Mindset. Convince yourself
of this.

Here is what to do:

• Strip yourself of all negative thoughts. Every

time you have a negative thought, replace it with
a positive one. Example: You might think, after a
breakup - “I’m so worthless… No one likes me”.
Instantly replace the thought with “He doesn’t
deserve me. I’m an incredible Woman, not
everyone gets to be with me.” Example 2: You
might think, after you get a flat tire - “Oh F*ck.
I’m so unlucky today!” Instantly replace this
thought with - “Thanks God this tire got flat now.
It surely spared me of a bigger problem.” And
believe what you say is true!
If you don’t believe, nothing will work.
Improving Your Physical

Even though the physical appearance isn’t the

most important factor for becoming a Femme
Fatale, it is important to improve it and to be at your
best physically. Why is that? Because it is important
for your Aura to be the best you can at any area of
your life. Your subconscious strives for perfection,
so give it perfection and let it do its work.

1. Work out at the gym 3-5 times a week:

Gym doesn’t have to be tiring and boring. Once
you start seeing results, you won’t ever want to
quit! Not only it will make your body fit and sexy
(those sweet shapes make men melt), it will also
give a big boost to your confidence. In fact, it is
one of the easiest ways to boost confidence
instantly. Just go work out! Plus, it’s one of the
best place to meet men in my experience. Men
who work out and take care of their body are just
so much more attractive. PS: When you work out,
don’t focus solely on the booty.
Don’t neglect cardio and the rest of your body.

4. Take care of your skin: Have a skincare

routine. All Women are different and your body
will react differently to things, so you need to do
research. Thankfully, YouTube is full of content
to help improve your skin. Here is my personal
best skins tips: Mint green tea everyday, I
occasionally take Omega-3 pills, cardio every day
(I run 5 miles), no smoking and alcohol (except
on special occasions), cooking with vinegar. The
Keto diet helped a lot. Sugar should be avoided at
all costs.

5. Ditch processed foods: Try it. No

processed foods for 30 days. Thank me later. I
only eat processed foods when I have to. I could
write another full book on this. The average
American’s diet is horribly bad for your body. You
are what you eat. Be careful of what you ingest.
6. Improve your make-up skills: If you’re
bad at makeup, you’re at a disadvantage. Most
Women today train their make-up skills. I’m not
saying you have to become an expert, just watch
some YouTube tutorials on make-up from time to
50 Life Changing Affirmations

We’ve touched on the importance of affirmations

before. They are the interface you interact with to
talk with your subconscious mind. I personally have
a list of 100 affirmations I hang everywhere around
my house, and repeat every day.

Affirmations are so powerful.

Afraid of spiders? Repeat 10+ (more is better)

times “I Love Spiders” every day for a few weeks.
You fear will disappear in no time.

Afraid of getting rejected? Just affirm: “Rejection

is an opportunity for me to get closer to my goals
and desires in life”. You’ll no longer be afraid of
rejection. I personally love “Only dumb people reject
me.”, because it is true. No smart man can reject
me. I don’t need dumb men in my life.

Affirmations have specific rules to be better

understood by your subconscious, mainly:
• Affirmations are done in the present tense:
your subconscious has a hard time
understanding past and future tenses. Use
present tense for all your affirmations.

• Affirmations need to be positive: words

carry energy. Saying “I am not afraid” is
practically the same for your subconscious as
saying “I am afraid”. For this reason, never say,
for example, “I do not want to get sick”. The “get
sick” part carries a negative energy and it gets
transmitted to the subconscious directly. Your
subconscious have a hard time understanding
negatives. Only be positive in your affirmations.

• Affirmations need to be believable: saying “I

am able to fly” as an affirmation won’t change a
thing, because your belief system is firm on this
and knows a person can’t fly. Don’t do
affirmations that are physically impossible to
you, until you get more open-minded.

With that said, here are 50 affirmations, grouped

by category, to help you get your Aura to the next
Affirmations for Confidence

• I am confident

• I am strong and powerful

• I boldly go after what I want in life

• I am outgoing and confident in social


• I believe in myself

• I always stand up for myself and my beliefs

• I confidently meet any challenge

• I confidently speak my mind without


• Others look up to me as a leader because of

my confidence

• I always express my thoughts and opinions

with confidence
Affirmations for Social Skills

• I am a confident when in social situations

• My social skills are improving every day

• I enjoy speaking to new people

• I can speak confidently to anybody

• I have naturally good social skills

• I always speak clearly

• I am able to deal with anything that

anybody says to me

• I always stand up for myself

• I am relaxed when I speak to new people

• I am outgoing
Affirmations for Becoming The Femme

• I am a confident and sexy woman

• I allow my femininity to shine through

• I am graceful, sexy, and beautiful

• Men are naturally drawn to my femininity

• I am a woman who knows how to attract a


• I am both dominating and submissive at the

same time

• I am irresistibly feminine

• Men can pick up on my subtle sexual signals

• I am the woman that everyone notices

• Others admire my highly charged feminine

Affirmations for Seducing Men

• My seductive powers are strong

• I seduce men at will

• I am tuned in to the mind of the man I want

• I know exactly what to say and how to act

• I sense the right moment to play shy

• I know how to attract a man’s curiosity

• I am great at playing innocent when I have


• I am a master seductress

• I always seduce the man I want

• I am highly skilled at playing hard to get

Affirmations for Sexual Confidence

• I am sexually confident

• I am a great lover

• I am a powerful sexual being

• I am in touch with my deepest sexual nature

and desire

• I always please my partner

• I am open to new sexual experiences

• I am secure in my body and celebrate its


• I express my deepest sexual needs

• I am full of sexual energy and potential

• My body tingles with sexual magnetism

These are 50 of the 100 affirmations I recite on a
daily basis. If you want the remaining 50, don’t
hesitate to contact me and I’ll gladly send them to
you for free.

I have a question for you. Did you read all the

affirmations, loudly and confidently? If you didn’t,
please do. Only through action can you become a
True Femme Fatale. If you read them? Then re-read
them again. It will only do good to you and to your

Please keep in mind that you won’t see results of

your affirmations instantly. It takes weeks of
constant practice to see good results. But believe
me, it’s 100% worth it.

It’s beautiful to see that you can have anything

you want by just asking. Before you move on and
read further, be thankful for the Universe.
Remember, unless you’re thankful, your
affirmations won’t have their full effect on you.

Read this out loud: “I am truly thankful and

happy for everything I have. Thank you.”
II. Forbidden Manipulation

We all have the power of attraction - the ability to

entice people and keep them at our feet. However,
we are far from all aware of this incredible potential,
and instead many of us imagine attraction almost as
a mystical trait that few are lucky enough to to
possess and that others can never obtain.

The most powerful women in history were all

aware of the immense power that resided in them.
And no, contrary to what men would have us
believe, this power was not in their divine beauty -
most of them had nothing extraordinary.

The appearance of a femme fatale is often

confused with physical beauty, especially the face.
But a beautiful face does not make a woman
a femme fatale - on the contrary it creates too
much distance and coldness. Neither Marilyn
Monroe nor Cleopatra, the two greatest femmes
fatales in history, were known for their beautiful
The femme fatale stimulates desire by creating an
aura that is both dystringent and seductive. It's not
a question of one quality in particular, but of a
combination of qualities.

Norma Jeane Mortenson, better known as

Marilyn Monroe spent a part of her childhood in
orphanages in Los Angeles. She was at the time very
reserved, rarely smiled and she spent most of her
time dreaming. One day when she was 13 years old
she noticed that her white blouse was torn. She then
borrowed a younger girl's sweater to go to school -
the sweater was several sizes too small.

Suddenly, that day she made a strange discovery.

The boys who used to avoid her as much as possible
were crowding around her wherever she went. She
attracted them like honey attracts the bees.

She immortalised this very strange day in her

diary with this sentence that perfectly sums up the
fantastic discovery she had made that day, "They
stared at my sweater as if it were a gold mine."

While she had always been ignored and even

ridiculed by the other students in her school,
Marilyn Monroe had found a way to gain the
attention of her classmates. But it wasn't just their
attention. She had perfectly understood the power
that this discovery offered to her and intended to
use it well to nourish its ambitions.

She started to smile more, wear makeup, dress

differently and without even having to say or do
anything the boys fell in love with her one after
another. “My admirers all said the same thing in
different ways,” she wrote. “It was my fault, their
wanting to kiss me and hug me.

Some said it was the way I looked at them with

eyes full of passion. Others said it was my voice that
lured them on. Still others said I gave off vibrations
that floored them.”

But this awareness alone was never enough to

allow her to realise her greatest dream and make
her debut in Hollywood.

When she tried to start her career in Hollywood

producers turned her down one after the other,
telling her that she was attractive enough in person
but that her face was not pretty enough for her to
realise her dream of acting in a movie.

The years that followed taught her via trial and

error how to enhance the effect she had on men. The
truth is that she took hours to create her image.
Marilyn Monroe spent years studying and practicing
the art of makeup - her voice, her walk, her
appearance; everything was a construction, a
magnificent staging that she built act after act
during those long years.

At the height of her fame, she liked to walk

around in New York, without make-up and without
the sublime clothes that she used to wear during her
shootings or the numerous gala events in which she
participated - and she managed almost effortlessly
to go unnoticed.

Here's an incredible story to illustrate the power

and control that she had on her aura, told by a
woman who spent an afternoon in New York with
Marilyn Monroe:

“I’ll never forget the day Marilyn and I were

walking around New York City, just having a stroll
on a nice day. She loved New York because no one
bothered her there like they did in Hollywood, she
could put on her plain-Jane clothes and no one
would notice her. She loved that.

So, as we we’re walking down Broadway, she

turns to me and says, ‘Do you want to see me
become her?’ I didn’t know what she meant but I
just said ‘Yes’ — and then I saw it. I don’t know how
to explain what she did because it was so very
subtle, but she turned something on within herself
that was almost like magic. And suddenly cars were
slowing, and people were turning their heads and
stopping to stare.

They were recognising that this was Marilyn

Monroe as if she pulled off a mask or something,
even though a second ago nobody noticed her. I had
never seen anything like it before.”

Marilyn Monroe is the living proof that

self-confidence can change your reality. When she
said "Do you want to see me become her?" it was the
proof that you can become a femme fatale at any
You don't need to drastically change your
appearance or spend thousands of euros to achieve
this. But if you believe that you are a prize and
change your self-image, everyone will see you as

What separates the femmes fatales and Marilyn

Monroe from other women is not only the
confidence they have in themselves, no there's
something almost as important that most women
neglect to seduce any man.

A touch of innocence and vulnerability. A

wickedly satisfying mix that gives men an
indispensable illusion of control. Making him the
protector, the father figure, while the femme fatale
controls the relationship in the shadows.

Marilyn Monroe had in her this perfect mix, this

ambiguity able to transform any man on which she
put her heart in a simple puppet. Imprisoned in her
web while thinking and realising himself as a
dominant, protector and leader in this relationship.
She gave the impression that she lived for
pleasure while exuding an unequalled innocence.

So no, a woman doesn't have to be born with

Marilyn Monroe features to become a femme fatale.
Most physical traits are just a construct.

The key lies in your confidence (for your own

realisation) and in your presumed innocence (for
men's one).

While one part of you is screaming for sex, the

other is shy/naive. Act as if you are not able to
understand the effect you are having on him. Your
walk, your voice, your manners should be
ambiguous as that of a woman who is both
experienced, desirable and an innocent girl.

Make the man the one in control, offer him the

illusion of your supposed innocence. He'll
automatically become crazy about you. A man is
only a man when he is in the position of a hunter, if
he does not believe to be the one in control, the one
who takes the first step, he will never embrace, by
far, the feeling of dependence that could have been
born of your love.
Thus, the key to a successful seduction lies in its
ambiguity. A seduction that is too obvious, that
would start with a brave and ambitious move, as we
are used to see in movies/series since our early
childhood - is almost fatally doomed to failure for a
woman. Successful seduction starts with your
character, your ability to exude a quality that
attracts your target and stirs his emotions in a way
he can't control.

Hypnotised by your seductive and innocent

character, your target will not notice your
manipulations and will not suspect your ulterior
motives. It will then be a child's play for you to
seduce him.

One last important thing to understand before we

get to the heart of the matter, and I'll explain exactly
how to make your target obsessed with you by
analysing their type and the qualities that will turn
them on.

Is that the role you have been given in life is not

the role you have to accept. You can always create
your own role, a role that fits your fantasy.
Learn to play with your image, never take it too
seriously. The key is to infuse your moves with the
conviction and feeling of a child, make it natural.
The more absorbed you seem in your own joy-filled
world, the more seductive you become.

And don't do things in half measures. Make your

fantasy as radical and exotic as possible, and you'll
attract attention like a magnet.

Being a Femme Fatale is a Mindset.

Now that you've got that down, let's move on to

what you've been looking forward to since the
beginning of this book.
How To Make Your Target
Obsessed With You

Before moving on to the seduction process, it's

important to understand how the femme fatale
treats men.

6 years ago, after I attempted suicide. I realised

something that changed my relationship with men
forever. This thing totally transformed me, and I
knew from that moment on that I was no longer and
would never be that naive and fragile young woman.
No it's not about all the things I listed before like
acting like a prize and then materialising it in the
real world, not running desperately after men
because that only leads to running away from what
you're after, and so on.

I have learned detachment - to detach myself

from people, from things, from my desires.

I have always been an extremely passionate

Passionate about everything. Whether it's life in
general, friendships, relationships, etc. - I've always
loved giving my heart, soul, and energy to the things
that matter to me.

Until that day when the things that really

mattered to me fell apart and I fell apart with them -
my first suicide attempt.

I made this mistake, which I would never make

again: attaching my happiness, my existence and the
meaning of my life too deeply to my relationships.

But does this mean that passion is a bad thing?

That you should never give yourself completely?
That you should not embrace life with enthusiasm
and be willing to take risks?

No, I don't think so.

But you should always hold on to an idea of "self"

that is independent of anything else that is going on
in your life.
The only difference between people who fall apart
after a failure/loss and those who pick themselves
up and start over quickly is that the latter know and
practice the art of detachment.

What exactly is the art of detachment?

It's the art of removing the desire for inferior

things, of letting go of them, so that you are no
longer crushed by their weight and are able to
realise your full potential as a woman but also, of
course, as a femme fatale.

And it doesn't mean that you should always be

detached - just that you should be able to practice
detachment when necessary. To be attached is to
live in fear that what you want will not materialise
and locks you into a state of continuous desire.

In my experience, I have found it helpful to

practice detachment in the following 3 forms:
1. Detachment in relationships

Most people have the hardest time with this

aspect of detachment and it's quite natural. But
relationships of any kind often come at the cost of
neglecting your own well-being - and it's even worse
when our lives revolve totally around that one
person we cherish so much.

In all relationships, it's necessary to practice some

form of detachment.

Why, you may ask.

Simply because detachment is necessary so that

you don't take everything personally, because you
don't control their reactions. And so that you don't
seek their validation to the point that your own
opinions begin to waver.

Certainly, you're the master of your destiny and if

you have reached these lines, much more so than
the average person. But even so, you don't have
absolute control over your relationships. Their life is
not only about you, and the impact you have on
them can be diminished or even nullified by an
external element out of your reach or simply by a
twist of fate.

You must set boundaries so that others do not

control you.

Detachment in love is necessary to maintain that

optimal distance that is essential to your

No line sums up the thought of detachment in

love better than these lines from Kahlil Gibran's

“But let there be spaces in your togetherness,

And let the winds of the heavens dance between


Love one another, but make not a bond of love:

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores

of your souls.”
7. Detachment from your experiences

Life is meant to be lived. Yet, more often than not,

we find ourselves stuck in our heads over-analysing
it. We tell ourselves about our experiences, most of
them unpleasant, over and over again, until they
bring us down.

Even worse, we also tend to carry them around

with us like bad weather. They form our prejudices
and preconceptions about our worldview.

It is one thing to learn from an experience and

move forward in life with new wisdom, it's another
to carry bitterness, guilt and regret from past
experiences and let them taint your present.

This often happens when we fail to fully accept

and let go of our bad experiences.

When something bad happens, feel free to feel the

pain, grieve and let go. Only through acceptance you
will be able to free yourself from it.
8. Detachment from your own thoughts

Of all the forms of detachment, this is the one that

has helped me grow the most. Most of us are too
attached to our thoughts.

Very few of us are able to take a step back and

exercise some control over our thoughts. It becomes
a problem when we confuse our thoughts with our
feelings and end up acting impulsively.

Practicing meditation makes us aware of the

irruptive nature of our thoughts and their lack of
insight. Thus, most of them are not important and
even work to disturb our mind, it's then preferable
to free ourselves from them.

In order to detach ourselves from our thoughts,

we must understand the following fact.

Our thoughts are only thoughts, they are not the

ultimate truth or reality.
You enter a state of mind in which you witness,
clearly and calmly, everything you see, hear, think.
Everything you enjoy or suffer from.

You observe your problems, fears and challenges

as if you were not bound or concerned by them, but
are calmly watching them - as a witness.

With practice, your turbulent thoughts and

negative emotions will lose their hold on your mind.
They will no longer be able to drive you or distort
your inner potential and well-being.

Treat men with detachment, life will reward you

as in your most beautiful dreams.

How to make someone obsessed with you

Here we are, finally. The part you've all been

waiting for since you discovered me on TikTok or
Instagram, since you opened this book and flipped
through the first pages.

This part will not have the desired effect if you

have not previously applied all the advice I have
given you in the previous chapters and shaped your
character into a femme fatale capable of
accomplishing the following process of obsession
with disconcerting ease.
You have no idea how eager I am to see you apply
these secrets and receive the fruits of your labor on
yourself - I look forward to the debrief of your many

This step-by-step plan, aimed at making any man

obsessed with you, I have shaped it over many
years. Long years where I had to learn from my
successes but also, and especially, from my many
mistakes. My life having greatly evolved since the
beginning of my transformation into a femme fatale,
I had the chance to meet, and make strong links
with some of the femme fatales previously
mentioned in this book.

This gift of the Universe has allowed me to evolve

and sharpen my skills, while completing the
countless readings and exchanges around the world
that have nourished my metamorphosis until now.

Because yes, if I had seen myself today, 6 years

ago, I would have surely believed in a vast joke of
the universe trying to give me the coup de grace by
presenting me an ideal that was impossible for me
to reach.
And I was right, this ideal was impossible to reach
for the person I was at that time. Fortunately, the
universe didn't played with me and showed me the
way - this way I followed assiduously until I arrived

I've never been happier. I've never had so much

power over my life. I have never even dreamed of
what I have, who I am and who I have become

That's why I feel indebted. I don't want to

jealously guard these secrets that have been so
warmly offered to me by life and the wonderful
encounters it has given me. I just couldn't keep it all
to myself.

But let me warn you for a moment.

Obsession is not a game. Choose your target well,

because your target will never forget you. Even if
they pretend to move on, time will do nothing for
your victim, they will be in your grip until death do
you part.
I'm still paying for it now. I receive almost daily
attentions from one of my exes who, unlike the
others, can't keep his obsession for me under wraps.
Messages, letters, flowers, gifts - and this for several
months now.

Another was even caught by his girlfriend

screaming my name in his sleep - I'll let you imagine
her reaction when she realised that my hold on him
had never ended.

So ladies, choose your target carefully. I did warn

The Target Types

The first step in seducing a man is to know what

type of man he is.

Each man is different and has different

expectations. It's then essential that you have
notified the type of your target before considering
any action. Thus, you will be able to show him the
features of your personality that resonate perfectly
with his ideal and bewitch him to the point of total
obsession. And all this, without him suspecting
anything at all.

Everything starts with an observation phase. You

have to observe the smallest detail, the smallest

From the way he acts with his friends or with

women. To the way he walks and the way he

Observe, analyse and understand your target.

Find out what is missing in their lives, because
every man is looking for one or more missing pieces.

Then set the stage to fill that void - this is where

the seduction process begins.

“The climax of seduction is to give the illusion

that you’re not trying to seduce.”
– Mathias Malzieu
The Player

Probably the most well-known type out there.

Players are easy to spot: they spend all their time
near girls.

They spend their time at parties and nightclubs.

Their sole purpose is sex. You can see them every
other day with a new girl.

The player certainly looks like the most difficult

type to seduce and keep for yourself, but worry not.
I find him the easiest to manipulate of them all!

How to spot the player:

• Very extroverted, he speaks with anyone at

any occasion, but mostly girls.

• Spends most of his time at parties and


• Sleeps with then dumps girls to get new

To make him obsessed, do:

• Play hard to get. Players love challenge, they

will do anything to get you.

• Appear submissive and shy, but do let

glimpses of your dark side out.

• Appear the most feminine possible. Players

are never in relationships, so they never felt the
warmth of the true feminine power. They will
love it and become your simp.

Do not:

• Play with his ego. They value their ego more

than anything.

• Appear dominant. The player always wants

to feel dominant. If you commit this mistake, you
won’t see him again.

• Reveal your bodycount. Most players are

dumb and have weird concepts about bodycount.
Just keep it for you.
The Shy

You all know this guy. Doesn’t talk much, doesn’t

get much attention, doesn’t have lots of friends.

This type is the most innocent of them all. He

won’t need to get tamed. In fact, he will become
your simp as soon as you give him the attention he

He is usually boring so you have to approach and

to be leading the conversation every single time. He
usually has different boundaries so don’t be pushy
on him.

How to spot the shy:

• Lonely, he always stays with the same

people and never gets out of his comfort zone.

• He always tries to avoid social events like

parties with a dumb excuse.

• Usually fond of either video games, mangas

or anime. In fact, he’s probably loves all of them
To make him obsessed, do:

• Approach him and give him the attention he

needs. Lead the conversation, they’re not too
good at it. Do not be too pushy as they tend to
have different boundaries than most.

• Try to learn about and match one of his

hobbies! He’s not too talkative but can talk for
hours in the specific thing he loves (usually video
games, anime or manga).

• Compliment him about how smart he is.

The shy tends to be more interested by his
intellectual capacity than by his physical

Do not:

• Stay too close to him. Shys feel the need to

have a bigger personal space and trespassing it
will ruin your chances.

• Make fun of him. Especially in a group. Shys

have social anxiety and don’t handle jokes too
well. Never make fun of him.

• Be too tactile. Respect his boundaries.

The Individualist

Also known as the Sigma male by psychologists.

This guy doesn’t give a f*ck about anyone. He won’t
even bother to reply.

He is very popular, but likes to stay alone. He’s

cold as hell and doesn’t seem to have any emotion in
his body. You’ll rarely get a laugh out of him.

Charismatic, but he seems far from those

concepts: love, hate, friendships, compassion, etc…
They are by far the hardest to seduce.

How to spot the individualist:

• He likes to spend long times alone at the

gym. His workout is so important it’s almost a
religious practice.

• He seems to be devoid of emotions. He

doesn’t care about everything around him but
• He is probably an entrepreneur because he
hates being given orders.
To make him obsessed, do:

• Identify his primary mission and make

yourself apart of it. Show how you can help him
reach his goals faster.

• Say you want to start a business / start

going to the gym and ask him for tips. Even the
coldest person on Earth loves bragging / talking
about themselves.

• Appear confident and dominant. Only when

he starts opening up to you can you start playing
the submissive girl.

Do not:

• Try to seduce him early on. He thinks

relationships are a waste of time. He is immune
to your charm and will cut you off of his life.
Appear as a friend / helper first.

• Be tactile with him. At all. Let him open up

to you first.
• Act like you’re smarter than him. He will
simply ignore you forever and you’ll ruin your
chances with him.
The Clown

This colourful person has a sickly shyness that he

hides more or less clumsily thanks to his sense of

Usually everyone likes him but no one loves him.

It's often the most removable member of a group of

One might think that his humour is an asset that

makes him a sensational player, but it's quite the
opposite. His lack of seriousness, and his constant
sarcasm, make him very distant from the female
gender. There is a very strong chance that he's a
heart to take ladies!

How to spot the clown:

• He'll be the first to tell you a joke.

• His laughter is contagious and does not go


• He's usually extremely tactile.

To make him obsessed, do:

• Laugh at his jokes when they make you

laugh and don't act out when they don't.

• Follow him in his nonsense, the memories

you will create together will mark him forever.

• Compliment him on his sense of humour

and tell him that energy is what you need in your

Do not:

• Make jokes about him. He's extremely

fragile and will take the slightest joke as an attack
on himself.

• Break his mood with negativity. He always

likes to laugh, and usually it serves to ignore all
the problems he has in his life. Don’t bring
negativity to his life or he’ll associate you to it.

• Tell people about his jokes in public. He is

very insecure with new people, and needs some
time to get used to them.
The Genius

Check, check, and check, he's the guy who seems

to check all the boxes, but what's the thing that
makes him one of the worst?

He's extremely arrogant - I know some of us

looove this. He knows he's a genius and he doesn't
waste a single opportunity to tell it to the world.

He is also a very fine strategist who seems to be

several steps ahead in every situation. This makes
him extremely mysterious.

How to spot the genius:

• Most of the time he will be very quiet,

especially when he meets new faces - he is very

• His friends go to him whenever they need

an opinion on something.
• Despite his great confidence, he tries as
much as possible to blend in with the crowd,
To make him obsessed, do:

• Find the topic he's most passionate about,

and ask him questions about it while being
genuinely curious and interested.

• Flatter his ego. In a subtle way or not.

Compliment him directly or while talking with
others. Any opportunity is good and he will be

• Make him think he's the smarter of the two

of you. That he's in control all the time and that
nothing gets by him. Play the role of the student
talking to the teacher on purpose.

Do not:

• Attack him / Joke on his intelligence and

questioning what he says. His ego is very fragile.

• Compare him with other men. He thinks he

is above most men, so he cannot handle a
• Flood him with compliments. Keep
compliments rare and sweet. Giving him too
much compliments will flood his ego.
The Narcissist

His charm, talent, success, beauty, and charisma

cast a spell on you and everyone around. And he
knows it very well.

In spite of appearances, the look he gives himself

is extremely severe. He's constantly drowning in the
search for perfection.

He often takes the lead in a group of friends and

doesn't really let the opinion of his peers impact his

How to spot the narcissist:

• He thinks he's very superior to others - and

therefore acts sometimes with disdain.

• He constantly seeks admiration, and

therefore surrounds himself with people who can
give him that admiration.
• He takes extreme care of his physical
appearance and frequently admires himself in
To make him obsessed, do:

• Flirt with others and make him feel jealous.

Works wonderfully.

• Keep your life filled with drama, gossip,

excitement and adventures. The narcissist loves

• Pretend that you don’t have time to speak to

him, to meet him, and make yourself unavailable.
He won’t be able resist you.

Do not:

• Compare him with other men. Like the

genius, he thinks he is above most men, so he
cannot handle a comparison.

• Respond positively to all his requests for

attention. Play hard to get.

• Make a joke about him in front of other

people. This will trigger him hard.
The Step-by-Step Guide To
Making Him Obsessed

Now, let's move on to the step-by-step strategy to

make your target obsessed with you.

Once you have perfectly established the type of

your target, as well as the characteristics that make
him fall for a woman, all that's left is to apply the
following strategy to the letter.

Choose Your Target

As we've seen before, you can seduce any type of

man - you just know what attracts him and how to
go about it.

However, some targets will be more susceptible to

your charms because they come from your more
natural and deeply rooted personality traits.
It all depends on your ability and your desires.
But I advise you not to put on a costume that is the
opposite of yours simply to seduce a man.

You will get bored much faster than you think,

and you will simply end up with a man who is
obsessed with another you, far from the real you.
Trust me you don't want that.

If you have observed a void/gap? that you know

you can fill and your target has a quality that
naturally attracts you.

The strong emotions that this quality inspires in

you will contribute to make your seduction more
natural and pleasant.

The hunt will be easier and your prey will have

absolutely no chance.

The perfect victim is one who moves you in a way

that cannot be explained in words.
Approach Your Target

Don't be too direct, because you risk creating a

block that will never disappear.

And don't forget to create the illusion that he's in

control, and therefore that he is the initiator of this

Nothing must let appear in your manner that you

try to seduce him. Make sure that he becomes aware
of your presence gradually.

Be in the landscape constantly, without being in

the foreground.

You can approach your target through a third

party - allowing you to create a relatively neutral
relationship with them, gradually moving from
friend to lover.

You can also simulate a frequent chance

encounter with your target, letting him believe that
it's a coincidence - nothing is more seductive than a
feeling of destiny.
Your goal is to make your target feel safe, and
then once that is achieved you will strike.

Then, take advantage of your friendly

conversations to glean valuable information that
will complement the ones you already have on your
target - their character, their tastes, their
weaknesses, their childhood dreams, etc. At the
same time, you will be spending time with your
target, which will make them feel more comfortable
with you.

While he thinks you are only interested in his

company and the discussions you have together, he
will let his guard down.

Your budding friendship will open the key door of

their body: their mind.

At this point, every casual remark, every physical

touch, will trigger a different thought that catches
him off guard - maybe there's something between
Once this feeling is born, he will constantly
wonder why you haven't made a move on him, and
he will take the initiative himself, enjoying the
illusion that he is in control.

And I can't repeat it enough.

There's nothing more effective in seduction than

to make your target (the seduced) believe that it's
him who is seducing.

Also, please give your target some breathing

space. Don't make the mistake of thinking they will
lose interest if you are not there all the time to offer
them your attention.

Too much attention at first will only suggest

insecurity and raise doubts about your motives. And
worse, it leaves no room for imagination.

Let time do its work. Let the thoughts you

provoke in him come as if they were his own.

Often, a person's haste to declare his or her

feelings comes from a false desire to please, thinking
to flatter the other person.
But the desire to please can annoy and offend.
Children or cats attract us by appearing to make no
effort, or even by appearing disinterested.

Learn to hide your feelings and let people figure

out for themselves what is going on.

Trust me this will change everything.

Create Desire In The Eyes Of Your Target

Now that your approach has been successful and

your target is aware of your presence, even slightly
intrigued, you have to arouse their
interest before they settle on someone else.

Don't make the same mistake that all girls do.

Don't be obvious because the attention you'll get
from him will be short-lived - ambiguity is much
more effective.
The harder you are to pin down, and the more you
send mixed signals: both hard and soft, innocent
and sly, the more your target will be
fascinated by you and your apparent depth.

Your elusive and enigmatic aura will make people

want to know more and draw them into your circle.
You create such power by playing on ambiguity
and contradiction constantly.

Fill a person's mind with your image. This is

exactly what the seduction process is all about.
Your innocence or beauty may get his attention
but not his obsession - he will quickly move on to
the next striking image that crosses his mind, and
you know as well as I do that's not what's missing

To make their interest even deeper, you must hint

at a complexity that cannot be grasped easily.

You must embody mystery, be elusive, an

irresistible lure, promising great pleasure if only it
can be possessed.

The second this image takes hold in his mind and

he begins to fantasise about you, he will be on the
precipice of seduction and won't be able to stop
himself from falling.

And understand that no one is naturally


Mystery is something you have to work at, a ploy

on your part.

Also don't worry these signals are negative, like

danger, cruelty or amorality.
People will be attracted to the enigma anyway,
and pure goodness is rarely attractive.

To capture and hold attention, you can show

attributes that go against your physical appearance,
creating depth and mystery.

If you have a sweet face and an innocent look,

drop hints of something dark, even vaguely cruel in
your character.

It's not announced in your words, but in your


Again, it's all about sparking their imagination,

making them believe that you are more than what
they see.

Once they start embellishing your image with

their fantasies, they are hooked.

The perfect example is Marilyn Monroe. She had

the face and voice of a little girl, but something
sexual and naughty emanated from her as
A powerful variation on this theme is the mixture
of physical heat and emotional coldness.

The power of seemingly unattainable people is

devilishly seductive. We want to be the one to make
them fall for us.
Appear to Be an Object of Desire!

Make yourself an object of desire - not only in the

eyes of your target but also in the eyes of those
around you.

Understand that desirability is a social illusion.

Our desire for another person almost always

involves social considerations: we are attracted to
those who are attractive to others.

We want to own them and steal them.

Then get them to see you as a person that others

cherish and covet. Get people to compete for your
attention, to see you as wanted by everyone else.

The aura of desirability will envelop you.

The illusion that you are desired by others will

make you more attractive to your victims than your
beautiful face or perfect body.

And the most effective way to create this illusion

is to create a triangle:
Impose another person between you and your
victim, and subtly make your victim understand
how much that other person wants you.

The third point of the triangle doesn't have to be

one person: surround yourself with admirers, reveal
your past conquests - in other words, wrap yourself
in an aura of desirability. Compete with your targets
with your past and present.

And don't feel bad about using this technique.

Men have been masters of it for a long time with a
proverb that sums it up perfectly:
"if there is a woman you are interested in, turn
your attention to her sister."

If you fail to make yourself an object of desire

from the start, you will end up being a sad slave to
the whims of your target, who will abandon you as
soon as he loses interest.

"A person will desire any object so long as he is

convinced that it is desired by another person
whom he admires."
You can also use the contrast effect by
surrounding yourself with boring or unattractive
people to allow you to your desirability by

Finally, don't make your presence an unbreakable


Make sure your target doesn't see you that often.

Keep your distance, appear inaccessible, out of his

Because as you know so well by now, a rare and

hard-to-get item is usually much more prized.
Sell The Fantasy

Now that you have brilliantly created the desire in

your target, we will work to turn the fire of this
budding desire into a huge inferno of fantasy that
will occupy your victim's mind constantly.

Our goal here is to show a glimpse of the

pleasures to come to your target so that he is drawn
deep into your seduction through temptation.

Just as the snake tempted Eve with the promise of

forbidden knowledge, you must awaken a desire in
your target that he cannot control.

Find their weakness, that fantasy that hasn't been

fulfilled yet, and suggest that you can lead them

Whether it's about adventure, wealth, some

forbidden or guilty pleasure - the key is to keep it
Dangle the prize before their eyes, and let their
minds do the rest.

Then, tell your target what he wants to hear -

entice him with your words.

Flatter, console his insecurities, wrap him in

fantasies and promises. He'll instantly lose all will to
resist you.
Rarify Your Presence

The best way to occupy your target's mind

without her getting tired of you, and noticing the
slightest disappearance on your part in a kind of
relief, is to occupy her mind by alternating an
exciting presence and an icy distance, exuberant
moments followed by calculated absences.

At the same time, you can use the power of

association to keep control of the image he has of
you and therefore of the resulting fantasy by
dressing in evocative colours such as red or black, or
by using a very specific vocabulary.

Thus, you can shape his fantasies to your liking -

he will associate each of your words, each of your
words, each of the colours you match in your outfits
to you and thus to an ideal that you will have
selected beforehand.

The more you figure in their minds, the more they

will wrap you in seductive fantasies.
Hide Your Control

At this point, many of your manoeuvres may

arouse suspicion - either directly from your target or
from those around him.

To cover these tracks as effectively as possible,

keep in mind throughout the obsession process that
you need to make your target feel in control, to
make them feel superior to you.

If you appear weak, vulnerable, fascinated by the

other person and unable to control yourself, your
actions will seem more natural, less calculated.

Physical weakness - tears, shyness, pallor - will

help create this effect.

To gain more trust, trade honesty for virtue:

establish your "sincerity" by confessing a sin on your
part - it doesn't have to be real.

Sincerity is more important than kindness. Play

the role of the victim, then turn your target's
sympathy into love.
Introduce Your Target To
Forbidden Pleasures

Make your target feel that you are ready to break

social boundaries and taboos - this is immensely

People want to explore their dark side. It's not all

romantic love, instead imply that you have a cruel,
even sadistic side.

Once the desire to transgress attracts your target,

it will be hard for him to stop.
Take him further than he can imagine: the shared
feeling of guilt and complicity will create a powerful
Punish Your Target’s Bad
If your target does something you don't like,
report it immediately.
Not with a simple remark, but by making them
feel guilty and regret their behaviour.

Go so far as to cause a breakup, subjecting them

to emptiness and pain that will give you room to
manoeuvre - then, a rapprochement,
an apology, a return to your former kindness, will
bring them to their knees.

The more lows you create, the greater the highs.

To increase the erotic charge, create the excitement
of fear.
Sealing The Obsession
The final moment has finally arrived.

You have beautifully created the illusion - he

thinks he's the seducer, the one who controls the
situation and orchestrates his advance.

Your target clearly wants you, but is not ready to

admit it openly, let alone act on it.

From that moment on, don't give him time to

think about the consequences.

Remember, one person has to go on the offensive,

and that's you.

Create a conflict out of thin air, create tension, so

that the bold move is a great release.

Believe me, it will inevitably follow and seal his

obsession with you for good!
You’re The Prize

Lady, now you have all the cards in your hand to

become the femme fatale you've always dreamed of

But I'd like to remind you one last time of one

very important thing.

You are the prize. I know it's not easy but

convince yourself of that and your life will change

Don't ever let any man put you down or even

touch your shell.

You have the power to shape men and the world

in the way you want.

With absolute freedom, without any limits except

your imagination.

You deserve the best that exists in this world, I'm

convinced of it.
So don't be satisfied with the minimum, go get
what you deserve.

This journey that you started by diving into the

world of the femme fatale and by reading my ebook,
is a wonderful journey that still has a lot of surprises
in store for you.

You will encounter moments of fulfilment like you

have never experienced before, but also more
difficult moments. It is all part of your story, your
learning, your journey.

If the Universe gives you a trial, no matter how

hard it is, it's because it knows that you are capable
of overcoming it successfully.

Never get discouraged. Life, like the techniques

I've shared with you, are not mastered by magic.
The more you apply and re-read my advice, the
more you will perfect your art - no woman is born
femme fatale babe.

My unconditional love and thoughts are with you

on your quest.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions or problems - I am here for you <3
BONUS: How You Can Get
Your Ex Back and keep him

A breakup from a long relationship is always

rough. Rare are the people who are not affected by
it. Even the toughest Women can be shattered by a
rough breakup.

A million questions go through your mind: “Why

would he do this to me”, “Am I worthless”, “Will he
come back”. It all happened too fast, faster than you
can realise, and you blurry mind cannot answer
these questions.

I know this feeling very well. As I told you before,

in the introduction to this book, my life before
discovering the Secrets of the Femme Fatale was
tough. My heart got shattered in a million pieces by
multiple men. I used to cry so much.
I felt like I was worthless. I even tried to kill
myself two times. I was at the absolute bottom of my
life. If you bought this book, you probably identify
yourself in some parts of my life.

In this bonus part, I will help you get through

your breakup to get your ex back and for good.
How To Heal From Your

The first days are the hardest. In seconds,

everything shattered, leaving you heartbroken and
at your weakest.

You need to get back up as soon as possible. There

is something you need to know: it always gets worse.
Negative energy multiplies, the same as Positive
energy multiplies. That is why winners keep
winning and losers keep losing. I know it’s difficult
to hear, but it’s the harsh truth, and I learned that
the hard way.

You need to reduce that negative energy as fast as

possible. Stop crying. Reduce your negative
thoughts. Never hurt yourself or stop immediately.
This is crucial.

It’s also the best time to double up on

affirmations. Take a few hours of your time, and
read and repeat every single affirmation on this
book. You’ll already start feeling better.
After you’re done with the affirmations, here is
what to do:

• Go for a walk. If you have a dog, walk your

dog as well. It’s the best way to clear up your
mind and to change your mood (in my opinion).
Get your favourite food. Go watch a happy movie.
Go for a run. Whatever fits you. Just get outside.

• Hit the gym. Your brain will automatically

change your mood when you’re doing intense
training. You will forget about him for the time
you’re at the gym, and you will feel way better
after a workout.

• Meet up with friends. If you have genuine

supportive friends, meet up with them, tell them
what happened, and go do something fun.

Keep in mind, you’re in a very emotional state

after a breakup. When in an emotional, don’t do
things that could make your situation worse. In
general, don’t do any action based on your
emotional state.
Here is what you should never do after a breakup:

• Alcohol. Do not drink any amount of alcohol

after a breakup. I know it’s hard. I used to drink
tons after my breakups, but it makes your
situation worse - almost unbearable. Again, I
know it’s hard. But please forget about alcohol
while still healing from your breakup.

• Driving. I had a driving accident just after a

breakup. Thank God, it was nothing dangerous,
but it could have been. Don’t drive when you’re
emotional. Your life is important, don’t risk it.

• Posting on social media. Don’t post about

your breakup. It makes you look affected and
needy. This is a turnoff with most men, and you
will greatly reduce your chance of getting your ex

• Contacting your ex. You shouldn’t contact

your ex for any reason. You don’t need closure.
There’s nothing left to talk about. If you need to
talk, talk to a genuine friend, or talk to yourself.
If you contact your ex right after a breakup, you
are ruining your chances of getting him back.
The 30 Day “Radio-Silence”

When you’re feeling a little better, you must

respect a Radio Silence period.

What is the Radio Silence Period: The Radio

Silence Period is a period where you stop any
contact with your ex. No more texts, no more snaps,
no more calls, no more emails. Nothing. This also
includes meeting up with friends of his. Also, don’t
watch his stories or stalk him. Forget about him. Cut
him off of your life entirely.

The Radio Silence Period will help you forget

about him and make those times easier for you. You
should use this period to have fun with your friends,
to meet new people and to work on yourself. It also
serves to create attraction.

Remember: men are attracted to what they

cannot have.
This period can last anywhere from 15 days to 90
days. Based on my experience and my research, I
find 30 days to be the most effective.
You may read from some people during your
research, to block all means of communication with
him. They will tell you to:
• Remove him from social media and block

• Also remove his family / friends from social

media and block them.

• Remove him from the contacts on your

phone and block his number.

But I think it is a bad idea.

The whole goal of the Radio Silence Period is to

not give him further attention, but when you go out
of your way to remove / block him from everywhere
and to search for and remove / block his friends and
family, you already lost. He has gotten your
attention and now thinks you’re crazy for going this
far. He will think you’re doing all this for him to
notice you.
What I recommend to my students is always the
same. Just forget about him! Don’t go out of your
way to his social media to press the block button.
Just don’t go to his social media at all.

I assure you that by doing this and respecting the

radio silence, he’s the one that will go out of his way
to stalk you on your social media.

“How come she has not contacted me yet”, “Did

she forget about me this fast” are questions he will
ask himself all day. And you would have won.

The Radio Silence Period is blazingly effective

when done right. Remember when I told you men
are attracted to what they cannot get? That’s exactly
what you’re trying to do. Making yourself

My special technique? When he sends you a

message in your Radio Silence Period, open
the message and leave him on read. This is
devastating for him: the woman he dumped isn’t
interested in responding to his messages. How
devastating? He will simply have to choose between
shattering his ego by forgetting about you and trying
everything he can to get your attention back. He will
double - triple text, will like your posts, try to
apologise, try sending you gifts etc… effectively
becoming a simp. And men are too fond of their ego,
and will never allow you to shatter it. Truly a
devastating technique.
What to do during this period:

• Go out with your friends, party, have

genuine fun. Occasionally post on social media,
to make this more effective. He will start stalking

• Meet new people. Men are jealous by

nature, seeing you out with new people will make
him jealous beyond measure.

• Post positivity on social media. Do not look

like you’re affected. Because you’re not. You’re a
Femme Fatale. You’re not affected. You affect

• Find a new hobby. Something you’ve never

done with him before. Show him you have a new
and better life now.

• Live your life like nothing happened. “Win

the War of Attrition”.
Making The Big Choice

By now, you should be completely healed and

fully ready to make a rational choice. Ask yourself:
Do you still want your ex back? I’m going to be
completely honest with you. 80% of the times, I
don’t want my ex back. I just had emotional
attachment to him. What about now?

• You do not want him: Great! You can apply

the techniques of the Femme Fatale to get any
man you want. It’s better not to rely on one man.

• You still want him: He must be special!

Here’s your plan.

By this point, there is two possibilities:

1. He didn’t message you yet

2. He already messaged you but you left him on

read - responded with an uninterested message like
“k” or “I know”.
If he didn’t message you yet, he’s waiting for
a hint on your side.

Give him some glimpses of attention. Note: It is

important it is only glimpses, if you give him lots
of attention, you are ruining your chances.

Like one of his posts: this is one of the best

ways of giving him a hint without according him too
much attention. The notification he will get, if you
followed the plan perfectly, will make him melt.

Most of the times, he will message you instantly

and beg in your DMs.

• “Do you still love me babee?”

• “I miss you soo much…”

• “I deeply regret what happened between us,

wanna start over? Please…”
Are some of the messages you’ll get.

This always make me burst out laughing, seeing

how easy it is to manipulate any man and make him
a simp.
Congratulations: You have won.
If he did message you before, he’s waiting for
you to accept him back in your life.

By this point, 99% of the work is done. He is

already tamed. You just need the sweet final steps to
get back together.

You can apply the tip I’ve told you about before
and like one of his posts. Then wait a couple of days
for him to double text you. He will think you’re
interested in him again, and will rush on the

Congratulations: You have also won.

But, sometimes, men like to play tough.

They 100% will still be very attracted to you, but

won’t show it to play tough. They will wait for you to
text first, just to fill their ego.

The way I like to play this is to try and meet in

person, by “complete coincidence”. You know his
habits, so it should be easy to find him.
See, the thing about men is, they will play tough
behind a screen, but they shatter when met face to
If you follow the plan perfectly, this will work

I’ve tried this on an ex who had this kind of

personality. I respected 30 days of Radio Silence,
and followed everything I taught you about this

I liked one of his posts, but nothing. He wouldn’t

take the bait.

I met him “randomly” at a bar he liked to go to.

Oh, girl, you should have seen him. I swear I just
said “Hi” to him. This guy started stuttering like
crazy. I took him outside the bar. He wouldn’t stop
saying how much he loved me and that I was the
best person he met.

He told me he’s been drinking for a few days

thinking of me.

It’s literally so easy.


Getting your ex back isn’t a big deal. You can

literally manipulate him into obsession and keep
him forever if you follow this plan carefully.

The difficult parts are: healing quickly from the

breakup, becoming your better self during the Radio
Silence Period and keeping your attention from him.

However, I highly recommend to you that you

really take the time to ask yourself the big question.
Not all men are worthy to pursue.

You now know the Secrets of the Femme Fatale.

You do not need to limit yourself to this one man.
You can get any man you want easily.

So please, before you go ahead and get back with

your ex, think about this twice.

I hope this free little bonus helped, have fun in

your adventures. Don’t forget you can contact me at
any time for any question.
Take care, love yourself, bye <3

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