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Edited by:
Dinesh Kumar
Edited By
Dinesh Kumar
Printed by
113, Golden House, Daryaganj,
New Delhi-110002
Lovely Professional University

Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

• To understand the basic concepts of research, research processes and designs.
• To understand the techniques of selecting different types of research problems.
• To acquire the skills of preparing the research proposal.

Sr. No. Content

1 Educational Research – concept, need and scope, Approaches to research- Qualitative
vs. Quantitative, Types of research – basic, applied research and action research.
2 Selection and identification of research problem, sources of research problem, Review
of related literature, need and sources.
3 Methods of research: descriptive method, Survey method, Correlation Studies,
Developmental Studies, Experimental research, Ex post-facto research, Experimental
Designs, Historical research.
4 Tools and techniques of data collection; Observation and observation schedule,
Questionnaire, Rating scale, Case study, Interview and Interview Schedule.
5 Population, sample and sampling design, Probability and non-probability sampling
6 Hypothesis – concept, characteristics, sources, Formulation of hypotheses, testing of
hypotheses, Quantitative data – collection, scoring, analysis and interpretation,
Qualitative data – collection, scoring, analysis and interpretation, Preparation of
research report and dissemination of findings.
7 Statistical methods: frequency distribution and graphical representation, Measurement
of central tendency- Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of variability- SD, MD, QD.
8 Probability: Normal Probability Curve and its Uses.
9 Correlation- rank difference, product moment method
10 Chi-square test, T-test, F-test.

Unit 1: Educational Research 1

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 2: Types of Research : Basic, Applied and Action Research 9

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Research Problem 21

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources 32

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 5: Method of Research : Descriptive Method 48

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 6: Survey Method 51

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 7: Correlational Method 56

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 8: Developmental Studies 60

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 9: Experimental Research 64

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 10: Ex-Post Facto Research 73

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 11: Experimental Design 77

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 12: Historical Research 96

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection 102

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 14: Observation and Observation Schedule 117

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 15: Questionnaire 122

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 16: Rating Scale 127

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 17: Case Study Method 136

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University
Unit 18: Interview and Interview Schedule 144
Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 19: Population, Sample and Sampling Design 149

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 20: Probability and Non-probability Sampling Techniques 154

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 21: Hypothesis : Concepts, Characteristics and Sources 167

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 22: Formulation and Testing of Hypothesis 177

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 23: Qualitative and Quantitative Data 182

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 24: Statistical Methods 190

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 25: Measurement of Central Tendency—M, Md, Mo 196

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 26: Probability : Normal Probability Curve and its Uses 212
Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 27: Measurement of Dispersion QD, MD, SD 229

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 28: Correlation : Rank Difference Method, Product Moment Method 245
Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 29: Chi-Square Test 261

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 30: T-Test 271

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Unit 31: F-Test 285

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 32: Preparation of Research Report 309

Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University
Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University Unit 1: Educational Research

Unit 1: Educational Research Notes



1.1 Meaning and Definition of Educational Research

1.2 Need of Educational Research
1.3 Scope of Educational Research
1.4 Distinctive Future Need of Educational Research
1.5 Summary
1.6 Keywords
1.7 Review Questions
1.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand of educational research
y Understand of need of educational research
y Understand of priority of educational research.

Educational research means that research which is done in the field of education. The purpose of
educational research is to determine various aspects dimensions, processes, concerning the creation
of new knowledge to test the accuracy of current knowledge, the direction of development and future
plans. Travers considers the educational research as an activity, which aims to discover the education
related topics and develop and organise the knowledge. Students, especially those whose practices
be developed to collect knowledge about education has deemed religion of education is considered
extremely important in research. According to Travers, organized scientific knowledge about various
aspects of education is essential to develop mass, on the same determine what kind of desirable
behaviours in students to develop teaching and learning will be necessary to create conditions.

1.1 Meaning and Definition of Educational Research

Education sector and many related topics such as-History of education, Sociology of education,
Psychology of education, educational methods, educational-techniques, teacher and student, valuation,
route philosophy, basic economy of education, education-collection and the conceptual problem of
education etc. In all these areas according to changes in environment and converted conditions the


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes continuous need of verification and validity test of current knowledge .This work is finished by the
educational research. In this type, education research is the area of education prevent and precondition
knowledge of test and verification and the only method, process of develop of new knowledge. In
every field of education there are different types of problem time to time in front. Their search of
solution is also necessary. This action is also possible by the education research. From this approach
education research is one of the specific to get solution of problem of education. Education related
different unsolved question to get answer of medium is also education research. There are so many
specialist the definitions of education research.
Bhitni’s (1954), the educational research tries to find solutions to the problems of education and the
work to meet the scientific, philosophical, and critical thinking methods are used to visualize the
principle. Thus scientific research and procedure of education systems which is to apply academic
research to solve the problems of the region is called educational research.
Kaurnell’s believe the school children, schools, social structure and the interaction between learners
about the symptoms and the systematic collection of information form education research.
According to a publication of UNESCO, education research refers to all efforts by the state or by person
or entities are and whose aim is to improve educational methods and educational activities.

1.2 Need of Educational Research

Education is a social process. Its fundamental objective is to change things like that in person, to
progressive social development and individual approach to life are essential. The purpose is mainly
dependent on the process of education. If the process of education is forceful and effective than person
in the learning process, it is desirable to change the above simple and would be possible otherwise
will be not. Therefore, the process of education is the key problem of how to strengthen the effective
and powerful for solution of this problem research is necessary.

Did You Know? Research by those methods, practices, exploring the possible circumstances
which may contribute to strengthen the process of education. This approach
has much more value in the field of education research.

Education process is a multi-elemental process. There are many basic elements. Social and cultural
circumstances, home surroundings, school environment and its so many qualities, educational
methods, study-material, helping material of education, teachers and their so many qualities, learning
process etc, are many variables, which are affected the process of education many of these features
may be, about which there is as yet no information. Their discovery is possible only through research
which have been discovered around the same time, to them it is necessary to know and to decide
strengthening of the education process and the importance of each type should be included in the
process, how to use it can be made more effective. From the prospective of educational research of
particular importance because it is the only possible solution to the above problems.
Socio-economic conditions of education, and qualities, its consequences affect the learning process,
many of the effects of such characteristics have been studied, but the results are not unambiguous and
get one. Some characteristics of the study are either non-existent. Therefore, requires a lot of research in
this area. Many of these studies need to be performed by a well-organized and legitimate method.
In some past years there are so many new discoveries of educational research are to be done .Their
usefulness and effectiveness to be need of more intensively studies. And also should be researches
some specific methods. In this field research play may be most important role. In past years so many


Unit 1: Educational Research

discovery of models to teaching have been done, but not sufficient observation to its. To be need of the Notes
observation by the educational research. In this type programmed learning, micro-teaching, symulatic
teaching of usefulness of studied are also necessary.

Example The teacher himself is an important component of the process of


Personal characteristic of teachers, its knowledge, its behaviours deeply affect on students development,
but which are those characteristics, how they affect, which types of affect exerts etc. are the questions,
which theses are getting unsolved. By the educational research a need their answers to be get. By this
approach research in education is required much.
Every person is affected by setting of environment. Students always vary between home-settings and
school settings. Which conditions and characteristics of home surroundings and school surroundings
are affected there learning and development is very important to determine by education research.
In this field education research much needed.
Removing from circle of education process in other contest also education research also seems much
needed. Education system is not self-restraint and independent, on his management and activity
several systems of society affect them. Political, social system, economy, technological development,
religion, caste etc, a number of factors affects education. Education and among all these continuous
interaction is going on. Therefore, it is also to know essential that all these affects education too affects
these systems. Therefore, it is important to know also that how far and which type the education
affects its. Education research is needed in this field also. From this approach education research has
special importance also. From historical point of view study of education is important. It is a subject
of human curiosity and interest. What has been the format of education in different period, in which
conditions, it is given this format, what is his relevance in present condition etc. are important in
themself. The answer of these questions can entended the limit of knowledge regarding education
material available, and satisfied human curiosity. Hence, in this field too education research is needed.
Education research has significance from this approach also.
Education research has great importance from education planning point of view also. For satisfactory
education planning and determination of his basic concept research is necessary.

Caution Full knowledge of resources and liability is necessary for the success of educational

Together with people of society their culture, their mutual similarity-dissimilarity—all are required to
know. It is also necessary of organisation of society, their effective control, their necessity, limitations,
and well knowledge of problems. This information can be getting to the medium of educational
research .Hence, most importance from its approach. Without its information educational planning
are not related to worthful and enactness. Most of the times without knowledge of basic concept to
make the educational planning and done without discussion will be implemented and after we know
that they are not according to necessity of society reason is that not the favour of people and or society
could not accepted. Then expanses of money and labours on its are unused. To save of unused of
money and labours, if the basic concept of information get by the educational research and make its
planning to on the basis.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes For the successive action of educational planning to be need of representation, which is effective
Representation may be effective, when this is known about which types of improvement to be needed,
which types of problem from people of educational field to be fight, whose element are break, in
development of education, what are the events in its angle of educational field, different organization
of education field are going on in which direction etc. Educational research collects this all types of
information and may make strong and effective representate and drawback of educational field to
enerts capacity may be given.
Although, all society hypocracy, baseless, conception, different types of prejudice and conservative
thought, superstition and meaningless thinking are affected. Country and society thriving of these
are breakage. Educational research those highlighted in effort and search these chains to be present
in front of society, which are related to superstitions. To the medium of education research how far
to remove, these advice are also by the available of research. How improve of society consciousness,
people came in brightness to darkness and well understanding development of social life, different
parts of society developed between uniformity and chain-thinking, in all target to be rich, methods
and planning to be shows only educational research.

Notes Education research is the development of different subjective phenomena of

education in organized scientifically knowledge.

In this field of education pioneer the research of the year in 1950, as its assumptions. In the field of
education first Ph.D. degree was given by Mumbai University in 1943.After its field of research to be
expanded. The development which took place between 1943-88, expanded description included four
surveys of research in education, which respectively: 1974, 1979, 1987 and 1991 could be in published.
First survey is published in 1974, in their description of studies, which completed till 1972. Second
survey (1979) in which description of studies, whose completed between 1972 from 1978. In this third
survey (1987) its description of studies which done between 1978 to 1983. In fourth survey, (1991)
till finished in 1988, and alone discuss of learning. In first surveys 462 Ph.D. and 269 project level
of discussion is learning. In second surveys is discussed research of 839, which had done education
in 17 fields. These fields are: comparisonal education, syllabus educational process, study material,
educational process, study material, component of educational availability, educational technique,
educational administration, educational economy , educational psychology, Educational-philosophy,
education sociology, route- philosophy and remembrance, educational valuation, measurement and
tests, teachers training, history of teaching and educational their problems. In the third survey (1987)
between 1940 to 1983 research of decade status to be represent learning of Ph. D level of status is as

Table 1.1: Study of Ph.D. decade

Years Numbers
1941–1950 10
1951–1960 63
1961–1970 234
1971–1980 850
1981–1983 266
Total 1423


Unit 1: Educational Research

As this type except Ph.D. the research which done in this decade their status are as follows: Notes

Table 1.2: Other study of decade

Years Numbers
1941–1950 5
1951–1960 56
1961–1970 250
1971–1980 556
1981–1983 150
Total 1017

In fourth surveys (1991) to total 4703 researches to be discussed which are divided into 29 fields. From
its 3289 level of Ph.D. and 1414 are other project level of study. Its 2272 Ph.D. researches from 3289
in department of education and 1017 other department such as psychology, sociology, philosophy,
economics etc. department is done.
It is clear from these explanation that in different fields the research achieved important place. It can be
said also that in numerical approach in the field of education development of research is very highly. Some
accepts educationist its explosive growth. Their think such a way is that in field of education in this mass
production of Ph.D. In fourth survey in its increment of trend to be represented that in types: In decade
of 1940 every year one, in decade 1950 in every 73 days on one, in 1960 century every in 16 day one, in
decate of 1970 in every 4½ day one, 1980 in every 3 days on one Ph.D. degree to be given. If accept Ph.D.
level included other research then according to fourth survey every 36 hours each one research report
to get. Before it is said to be, if its same speed is maintain then in future every day one research will be

Task Clear your point of view on priority of research in the field of education.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Educational research is the search in the field of ………………….. .
2. Important component of the …………………...is the teacher.
3. First Ph.D. degree in 1943, was given by …………………..University.

1.3 Scope of Educational Research

In the field of education which types of research given to priority, this questions are araise from two
decades time to time on its relation to conclusion also have to done, but researchers could not take it
seriously. Its one reason is what should be base of priority. In this relation no any definite conclusion.
In the last chapter of research survey (1987) Dr. Shiv K.Mittra given to suggestion their problems
should be priority of research, which is national educational- rule in raise of problems of solutions
available for urgent needed. Prior to it, in 1975 the following problems on scope of education were
highlighted in an N.C.E.R.T book named “Educational research and innovation.” in the following
problems to be put on the table was education research-


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 1. To solve the problem of imparting education to the poor students.

2. Interdisciplinary research.
3. Hunt of talent and problem related to their development.
4. Compulsory and free education upto 14 year-children whose provision in Indian constitution
section 45, study related to that problem.
5. Education related problem’s study of schedule caste and schedule tribes’ children’s.
Some educationists have been expressed their views regarding this. Keep all those in minds in the
following fields of education besides aforesaid; on the basis of priority research is to be needed.
1. Nurture and education of small children
2. Unformal education
3. Commercialisation of education
4. Revision in text
5. Education of moral value
6. Regional imbalance in education
7. Education and social changing
8. Education administration
9. Leadership in education
10. Study of education institutions’ programme and effectiveness
11. Pre-primary education texts and teaching methods
12. Study of education institutions’ environment
13. Teacher training
14. Comparative education
15. Moral education
16. Educational economics
17. Education and law
18. Education and politics
Above field is wide and extensive. In each field several problems available for studies. In these fields
study has been done very less. It has been shown from this point of view. It is not possible to give
list of specific problems.

Self Assessment
State whether the following statement are True or False:
4. The purpose of education research, having research of education related subjects, to improve
of knowledge.
5. Education is an economic process.
6. In the field of education, research had introduced in 1950.
7. Men are not affected by their ecological settings.

1.4 Distinctive Future Need of Educational Research

There is an intimate relation between education and social changing. Human life and their settings
related each perspective touch education somewhere. Hence study of this field related is necessary.


Unit 1: Educational Research

Most of these have been studied in foreign on the basis of these studies great many theories illustrates Notes
facts, events, problems and disorders not withstanding there theories practical utility is not much
more. Its one reason is in education science, subject matter to be subjective. Hence in which research
has done, their result as consequently theories generality’s level have rised up, means on that basis a
large as groups of events or much educational.
Conditions can not be explained. Hence, in future such a research is needed which is more extensive
and on that basis more and more prespectives and problem understanding is possible.
Regarding this perspectives which educational theories are available, they developed mostly in the
research in foreign. But each society has their own social reality. Therefore, it is not essential that the
theories which were developed in other countries should be similar to our country’s social reality.

1.5 Summary
yy Education research is a process in the field of education present and past knowledge testing
and verification and types of development of new knowledge.
yy A UNESCO‘s publication according education research means all that efforts that are done by
state, or persons or institutions and whose purpose is to improvement in education methods
and academic activities.
yy Education is a social process. Its basic purpose is to bring such a change which is compulsory
of point of view of social development and to make men’s life advanced.
yy Dr. Shiv.K.Mitra suggested in third research survey that those problems should be given
priority to research whose is immediately needed to rise in national education policy for
solution of problems availability.

1.6 Keywords
1. Educational Research — Its purpose is, to research on education related subjects, to develop
and organise the knowledge.
2. Educational Planning — It signifies imparting education, and making proper plans for and
its implementation.

1.7 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by educational research?
2. Illustrate necessity of educational research in education field.
3. Describe the area of educational research.
4. Write notes on “future needs of research.”

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Education 2. Process 3. Bombay 4. True
5. False 6. True 7. False


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 1.8 Further Readings

Books 1. Educational Research methods- Sharin and Shasikala, Vinod Pustak

2. Educational Techniques and Appraisal – Dr. Ranpal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
3. Educational Techniques – S. S. Mathur, A. Bhatta Brothers.
4. Educational Technique Management and Appraisal – J. C. Aggrawal, Bhatt.


Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University Unit 2: Types of Research: Basic, Applied and Action Research

Unit 2: Types of Research: Basic, Applied and Notes

Action Research



2.1 Classification of Educational Research

2.2 Functions of Educational Research
2.3 Development of Concept of Action Research
2.4 Meaning of Action Research
2.5 Main Features of Action Research
2.6 Process of Action Research
2.7 Utility of Action Research
2.8 Limitation of Action Research
2.9 Summary
2.10 Keywords
2.11 Review Questions
2.12 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Know the types of Educational Research
y Know the concept of development and work of educational Research
y Know the utility and process of Action Research.

In the field of education, Educational research plays an important role. The main problem of education
is how to make process strong, effective, and powerful. For the solution of this problem there is a need
of research. We develop sphere of knowledge the implementation of new theories and laws through
research. Takes place from experimental research work. The birth of concept of applied research took
place in the mind of Stephen M. Core in that time school had many problems and their solutions
were not available that time a book of Stephen M. Core Action Research to Improve School Practice”
give solution to these problems. These suggestions later called applied research. Applied research is
such a process through which volunteers of a particular area after studying problems scientifically
assess the problem. .


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 2.1 Classification of Educational Research

It is clear from the educational research that classification of educational researchers can be done
through different types. Main classifications are as follows—
Contribution Point of View: Educational researches can be divided into two categories from
contribution point of view.
1. Basic or Fundamental Research: New concept is developed by these research work. Implementation
of new theories, research of new facts, and establishment of new facts takes place Knowledge field
is developed through fundamental research, from the point of view of objective they can be divided
into three groups.
(a) The implementation of new theories and laws is done through experimental research work.
Same is done rough survey –research.
(b) New facts are discovered through historical research. In which past is studied and basis on
that we try to understand the present.
(c) The establishment of new facts and values through philosophical research theory of education.
Principle of education is developed through philosophical researches.
2. Action Research – From these types of research local works problems are studied through which
improvement and development in the process of education is done Improvement of knowledge is
not done through this. They are also called experimental approach research.
Research Approaches: Two types of approaches are used in research works for the study of facts—
Longitudinal approach and Cross–sectional approach.
1. Longitudinal Approach: This word has been taken from botany. When a plant is studied from
semination till it generates fruits, then it is called longitudinal approach. This is also called dimension,
because in study the time is the main component this approach is used in historical, unit and genetic
related research methods.
2.Cross-Rational Approach: This word is also taken from botany when study of a stem, leaves or root
or any other form of part of a plant is to be alone the part of the plant is studied after cross- sectional
approach that past, then it is called cross-rationing, there is no importance of time. This approach is
used in experimental and survey methods.

Example The study of “Teacher-Education emergence reasons” will be done from

cross- sectional approach. Study of new concepts in faculty education will
done by cross-sectional approach.

Precision in Research Findings

In point of correctness results of research are divided into two categories :
1. Experimental Research
2. Non-experimental Research.
Experimental researches are accurate because qualities of control, accuracy and observations are kept
in mind. The results Non-experimental researches are less accurate, because measures are not accurate
and control of observation is also not possible.

2.2 Functions of Education Research

Following are the main functions of educational research;
1. The main function of educational research is to improve educational process and to develop
it. This work is done through educational process.


Unit 2: Types of Research: Basic, Applied and Action Research

2. For the development of educational process, internal endeavour is to develop new knowledge Notes
and to improve the present knowledge.
Why and how an research is done, there are differences at this point of view. Neither the objectives of all
researches are same nor their process. A classification of different types of researches is given in further
chapters. There is an explanation of a different type of research which is called action research.

2.3 Development of Concept of Action Research

The birth of concept of action research took place in the mind of Stephen M. Core (1953). Many
writers tried to link this concept with Levin. A writer wrote that its development took Place in 1926.
also the origin of this concept is ‘ Modern human arrangement’ theory. Those concept are illusions
the concept of action research is only belongs to ‘Core’ and its origin was written in 1953, his book
“Action Research to improve school.” Before this no one has used this keyword. This is other matter
that the thinking of other writers matches with the concept of core. According to ‘Mauli’ for the
development of this concept credit goes to ‘Core’. Mauli states that when this book was published in
1953 teachers’ welcomed this book as they were struggling with those sorts of problems they had no
any solution to solve their problems and directions to solve these types of problems was suggested
in that book. This suggestion was action research.

Did You Know? The concept of action research birth took place in the mind of Stephen
M. Core.

The concept of action research took place in Core’s mind. There was an experienced background
behind this. The research that were happening in the field of education in 1950 America Core was not
happy because of this they were of very limit to be used. There was no only required influence on the
school education. There were lots of problems concern with school but educational research were not
satisfying the teacher whom they were passing through the problems and were struggling. The main
objective of most of the researchers is to take sample and after collecting information to implement
the theories and rules. The results of these researches were limited to theories only. They were not
helpful in making more strong of educational process, to resolve the everyday problems of school,
to improve the skills of the teachers, for the improvement of educational skill of students. Thus the
practical utility of these researches was none the less. So, Core decided to think differently after being
unhappy from the fundamental research’s failure. According to him unless a teacher engages with
the research works the results of research to improve the schools position can’t be implemented. Core
wrote (1953) in his book I trusted the researchers specialist of education world and often said to them
that they analyze the schools and told what should they do, but now my believe has broken. But to
implement the concept in the behaviours’ of the volunteers of education world is a big problem and
until now we have no any solution.­

Caution Only those should do research who want to change in their process of work on
the basis of the results of study.

So, he emphasis, for the solution of problems of schools, school level research should be done and
these researches should be done by teachers so that the results can be used to make education process


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes stronger Core developed his concept in ‘Action Research’. When Core was consultant in 1962 in
NCERT his thoughts and concept of ‘Action research’ were propagated. Those were happily accepted
by our educationists. NCERT published a book written on educational research by Core (1962). He
explained the concept on his book.

2.4 Meaning of Action Research

According to Mauli action research is an on the spot study whose aim is to find the solution of present
problem, means this research is done where problem accured and still continue. If students of a school
are so undisciplined that they disturb the educational works, then the study done to find out the
solution to the problem of the school by the teachers would be called action research. According to
Core (1962), action research is such study in which a person do his work more efficiently means—a
teacher to make his education work more effective and to make an administration more strong by an
administrator. In other words action research is a process through which volunteers of an area study
his problems scientifically so that the decision that they take and the work they do can find correct
way, they can be improved and evaluated.

Notes Action research a well managed and analytical process whose objective is to
study the present endeavors and to bring created change by the person related to
improvement and change.

The main characteristics of action research are mentioned below. The meaning will be more clear by

2.5 Main Features of Action Research

Main features of Action Research are—

1. Different from Fundamental Research

The main characteristic of action research is that it is different from fundamental research in many
ways. The objective of fundamental research is to find out the generalization and laws so that on the
basis of the explanation of same types of incidents can be done. Therefore, by selecting from a large
population a main sample is made the base of study.So, this type of study takes to much time. Its
study method, tools and analysis methods all are difficult. On the contrary in action research objection
is very limited. In general, to find out rules and implementation of theories that are the chief aim of
the fundamental study are different from action research and not the objectives of action research.
The objective of the action research is very practical. Improve the present work- system, to find out
the solution of problems , to find out the reason of failure any low or method and its influence are
the main objectives of this. According to ‘Mauli’ action research is done to know what steps should
be taken to solve a particular problem.
Second difference is from the point of view of place of study and number of units. The base of
fundamental research is large population and prime sample selected from them whose units are selected
from a large area. The selection process is also specific. There is no any question arise of population
and sample in action research. This research is done only in those school or organization where the


Unit 2: Types of Research: Basic, Applied and Action Research

problem is under study. Some or all units are selected for the study purpose from these. There is no Notes
necessary that number of units should be in large number. Suppose, students of class 8th are weak in
Mathematics. To find the solution to this problem, first of all we need to find the weakness and reasons
of the students, for this we need research this. Work will be done by the teacher of that class. The source
of getting relevant information would be the students of that class only the need not to go outside of
the class to collect the material for study. Study will be limited to that class only. So, action research
is limited and local, while fundamental and pure research is a wide, extended and far going.
Third difference is from the point of view of usefulness of results. The result that are fazed from
fundamental researches that are applicable to improve the knowledge only. They are less useful in the
circumstances in where people work. They are stoped only to this level for knowledge on the contrary
to this the implementation of results of action research is the main objective in research action. And
on the basis of that result to find the only solution of problem is the main objective of them. Their
main objection is to find the reasons of weakness of Mathematics students by research and try to solve
them effectively. Therefore action researcher is a practical research and fundamental research is a
theoretical research. Action researcher is a very practical person. He likes to give up complexity of
scientific research to get the useful solution of present problem on local level. Only present problem
is the main fur of his attention because he thinks the problem that present today will remain in future
also and its result of research will be useful as they are based on the factual units.

Task Fundamental research is different from action research. Explain.

There is one more difference between fundamental and action research is that a teacher, principal
and a volunteer of educational field who is related to the problem can do active research for that one
need. There is not need of a specialist like fundamental research because its over all process is simple.
The process of fundamental research is difficult, according to that we need specific knowledge and
ability to do work. In fundamental research enough control is kept on the condition of research.
Because its objective is to generalise action and to implement the laws, but in case of action research
control, foundation of thoughts, analysis of basic material etc. is not very difficult. Research process
is completed in the conditions in which they are occurs.
From another point of view action research is also different from applied research. The objectives
of both researches are similar but they are different from the point of view of different researchers.
According to Lehman and Mehsen action research is a form of applied research both are similar. But
both are different from the point of view that the of the result and implement them. So, one specciality of
action. Research is that the same person is a researcher and consumer of the results of the research.

2. A Scientific and Well Established Working Process Method

The second speciality of action research is that it is a method of regular working process. Persons
are to face problems daily in an organisation and they have to take decision to solve their problems
and have to implement also. Generally, the decisions do not have any solid scientific base they take
decision on the basis of their knowledge, experience, and intelligency that proves to be irrelevant
after implementation .Action research provides objective scientific and solid ground to take such type
of decisions. This is a general complaint of teachers that do not appear in the class. Principal of that
school calls meeting of teachers and takes decision that the student who do not appear in the class
will be fined. This is not a solid ground of the decision. So, there will be no any improvement after its


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes implementation. And the second method is that the reason should be find out of why the student are
not coming to classes. A short action research would be enough for this. Suppose on the basis of this
result it was found that teachers are not coming to the classes. Now the decision would be of another
type that the teachers should attend the classes and should teach well. Therefore, action research is a
technique to make daily working process regular and more effecting and to give scientific base to the
decisions. From this angle that should be considered an important part of organised programmers.
A researched —based form is a technique to get the solutions of daily problems, difficulties, and

3. Specific Technique to Improve the Conclusions of Schools

The main speciality of action research is that it is a technique to improve the condition of schools.
The center point of Core’s idea was to improve schools . So, under this, it is emphasized that research
should be done on school related short problems and the results of that should be more objective and
credible and after their implementation can get help to change school educational method, school
administration, student behaviour , teachers behaviour in the desired from and to collect educational
material for school and can take help in its planning.

4. An Important Part of a Complete Educational Process

Core’s action research concept is an important part of a complete educational process. That can’t
be considered a separate part from educational process for example teacher’s daily responsibility is
to teach and develop the students in same way to do action research is also a responsibility. This is
evolved in his work, for example, a teacher’s duty is to use the most effective method of educational
method likewise to make his behaviour, educational technique and his knowledge effective and
strong by action research is also the duty of a teacher. Which attitude or behaviour desirable produce
effect on student and which behavior of a teacher produced undesirable effect on the students, by
which technique students learn more, and in which age group the learning desire or curiosity of a
student became stronger are some of the things that can be found from short objective studies and
this information canon it be very helpful to perform the on to duty of a teacher well. This is also true
for principal. He can perform his duty well and the get desirable information to perform his well and
duty effectively through action research. That provides objective and solid ground to his decisions,
planning and actions.

5. Difference between Applied and Action Research

Generally, there is a confusion between applied and action research, because the objective of both is to
establish the result of those that are used to solve the problem and to make the work process developed
and progressive, but both have difference. Behavior research is based on the large population and its
result are more vast. And it also bound to some other formalities. Action research is limited to class
and school and it is not bound to very strong formalities.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. In action research ........................... problems are studied.
2. To discover the generalization and ........................... is the main objective of fundamental
3. The central point of Core’s concept was ........................... .


Unit 2: Types of Research: Basic, Applied and Action Research

2.6 Process of Action Research Notes

There is no any fundamental difference between the action research and any other type of research.
The steps of process is the same in action research that are followed in the process of other research.
The only difference is that the work done on every level whether limited, flexible or solid is free from
formatives it has been already discussed about and described about all step processes. Here, action
research will be discussed and mentioned in short. Following steps are followed to give scientific
form to this research process.

1. Selection, Statement and Definition of a Problem

This is very essential for any research, but there is no need to find the problems in action research.
That are already present in daily experiences of teacher and principals. The problems of that they
face daily are the problem of action research. Sometimes it happens that a solid technique of a work
process strikes the minds of a teacher or administrator then to test that technique can be a problem
of action research. This is not necessary to study the related literature to find the problem or to thing
that the problem is a fundamental or not. But to state the problem exactly and to define accordingly
is very necessary as is done in other researchs.

2. Statement and Determining of Objection

This is the second step of action research process. The determination of objectives are done in the
same way as it is done in other research. Its significance, and need are the same as it remains in other
researches. In action researches they are few and simple.

3. Construction and Statement of Concepts

Objectives are changed to concepts. So, the concepts of action researches are not very difficult. For
example, to be more undisciplined of some students among the students of a class, to be legging behind
in a particular subject, to be present irregularly in the class will be more suitable for the construction
of concepts related to every thing and to find the reason. It is the process of scientific method.

4. Test of Concepts or Study Method

Many things come under this step process as definition of population, selection of sample, definition of
variable, their measurement, collection of information and their analysis. But the question of definition
of population and selection of sample does not arise in the action research because their objective is
not to do generalisation of the importance of large population. Therefore, their research method is
not based on the complex research design in which control of studying variable is done. Neithers the
use of specific stastical method for the analysis of information material is done. Despite this, there are
some important work that are to be done on this levels are as follows.
(i) To get the information from conceptual variables: To get these information a researcher
can take help of interview, exercises, data, and observations. Standardised examinations
can also be used.
(ii) Analysis of received information: Received information can be of quantitative or qualitative
type or both. They generally are not very extensive. Their analysis is done according to
those rules that have been mentioned in chapters 7. To prepare simple statistical methods
and frequency table, to present the material by line drawing, to evaluate median and mean


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes and calculation of scale deviation, to find conditional multiple etc. can be used. Researcher
can also use t-test.
(iii) Conclusion establishment: On the basis of above mentioned conclusion a researcher
establishes the conclusion that are considered to be implemented on problems, class and

5. Implimentation of Result
This is the last step of action research process that is generally not found in other research process.
This is not necessary for a researcher to implement the established results by him in fundamental
and in behavioural researches, but in action research it is necessary to implement the result that come
out for the solution. So, based on the results he takes decisions and work accordingly. If he succeeds
then good otherwise he has to take way for another research. The process is continues until and he
gets proper solution of his problem.
Some authors have considered experimental projects of N.C.E.R.T. as action researches. This is not
correct. It creates confusion in relation to action researches.

2.7 Utility of Action Research

There is no any doubt the objective for which the concept of action research was drafted is very useful
in that regard. Some facts that are in favour of action research are as follows.

1. Connects Research to Practical Utility

Action research is a research which connects research facts and utility, covers the rift that was made
between the fundamental research and the persons employed in the organisation. There was an
alligations of fundamental and applied researchers the persons engaged in practical conditions, e.g.,
teachers and administrators do not use the result of the researches done laboursly by them in their
working field. And they also complained that teachers and administrators do not pay any attention to
their problem and their research process and results are so complex to understand and their researches
are in the form of theories and generalisation. They are not practical so both were separate on the basis
of research and in regard to the practical conditions. Therefore, to make education process stronger
researches was not playing any role although that was its main role. Core said that the researches proud
to be a scientist and do not think that to links with the practical behaviour conditions are important.
Action research frees the research from this allegation and connects to behaviour and utility because
these researches are done by the persons who work in the schools and are done to find the solutions
of those problems that they have been struggling. It is natural the results that they would get through
research would be used in working process. So, action research has become a part of daily working
process of teachers and administrators that provides base to educational decisions and scientific
base to educational process, experience and reasoning and cooperate in making complete education
process effective. In this point of view action research is to be considered productive and important
in the field of education.

2. Change in the Thought and in Mental Point of View of Teachers

When teachers and administrators do research to bring desirable change in their working area then
the experience that they get doing work that bring some psychological change, their interests change,
due to this internal change their behaviour is also changed. Finally they get connected internally with


Unit 2: Types of Research: Basic, Applied and Action Research

the process of education. This is considered very important benefit of action research. That is not Notes
possible by mearly studying scripts, briefs of fundamental and other types of researches. When they
do research themself then they consider their research important. So by considering the results an
important achievement by this research he takes interest to use the results of in practical situations
in his working process and to test the credibility and effectiveness of the research by heart. They
developed the interest to bring regular multiple changes in their duty programmes and they also
disprove their knowledge because they have to study about research and the problems related to
research, as a result the teacher or an administrator who is engaged with the research work of action
research change completely becomes a high profile and influential teachers.
This is not necessary that a teacher or only an administrator do work on a problem. Many teachers
and administrator can do work jointly in this situation. There well be same changes in the behaviour
of teachers and administrator trace have been mentioned above. So, awareness can be brought in
the whole organization can be improved by movement. From this point of view action research is
considered very useful.

3. The possibility of Qualitative Changes in Education Process

To bring multiple changes in education through action research becomes stronger. The meaning of
qualitative progress in education is to bring development with desired knowledge in students and
to develop the personality of students for this, it is necessary to understand the problem and to solve
them that hinders the way. The role of action research to understand the problems scientifically and
objectively is considered very important. When a student do not study by heart, be irregular in class,
becomes behind in a particular subject, becomes indiscipline, do not cooperates with other students
have antisocial behaviours, to be possessine with the problems of home social health, education etc.,
are the bottlenecks hinders in the way of progress. All these are those conditions that are necessary
to bring qualitative changes in education by solving them, but there is also need of some imperative
attempt in the direction where it is useful to students e.g., to inspire them to acquire knowledge, to
develop their interest in study and to get knowledge, to adopt good behaviour and manners etc.
To find the methods of such types by which all this is possible depends on the fact to which extend
teachers and administrators considers the problem of students, to understand them and to develop
those methods effectively action research helps teachers and administrators.

4. Medium of Examining the Fundamental Research Theories

Another benefit of action research is that the test of fundamental researches results and theories can
also be done. To what extend in any practical condition these theories present a solution of a problem
this can also be tested. According to B.F. Skinner book ‘Operant conditioning theory of learning’.
there is a generalization that a person learns only the behaviour that is rewarded any body can check
its credibility and fact on the basis of action research if it is proved to be true in the test and conditions
then a teacher will definitely like to change the behaviour of students by eliminating the undesired
behaviour and by developing the desired behaviour in the student from this point of view also action
research is profitable and important.

Self Assessment
Multiple Choice Questions:
4. The founder of__________ of action research is Stephen M.Kore.
(a) Management (b) Concept (c) Surrey (d) Objective


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 5. Action research connects research with_________.

(a) Fundamentalism (b) Sociology (c) Utility (d) Behaviour
6. During 1962 Kore was a/an _____________ in N. C. E. R. T.
(a) Adviser (b) Debater (c) Teacher (d) Editor

2.8 Limitations of Action Research

It is said in the above lines that action research is very useful but it does not mean that it will be
useful in every condition. There is no any doubt that if conditions remain favourable then it will be
proved to be very useful. So, the utility of action research depends on some situations. The favourable
condition are generally not present in the schools. Only these are the hindrances in the process of
action research. They are mentioned below.

1. Absence of Technical Knowledge and Skills in Researchers

When we adopt action research then we also considers that a researcher have desired knowledge and
skill but generally it does not happen. The teachers do not have that knowledge or skill that is required
for the research work. Most of the teachers are B.Ed. and they are not taught at the B.Ed. level about
research so they do not have any desire and does not to put the feet in this direction.

2. Excessive Work Load on Teachers

Second problem that appear in the way that the teacher are already over burdened with the work of
education. It is almost impossible for them to find time for research work. This condition is found in
all the countries except some. Society is not able to reduce the burden on the teachers. Same situation
is with the principal also. So to hope that teachers and administrators is not possible also.

3. Absence of Quality of Desired Level

One problem of action research is that the credibility and validity of the results is very low level.
There are so many reasons of this. As they are bit able to defuse the problem construction of concept
properly, analysis of research material and explanation as a result of research they get are less credible
and valid. For example if some students of a class are legging behind in particular subject there may
be different reasons behind this and as researcher should have all knowledge about that only then
they can form a proper conception and can be tested by research for the conception also it is necessary
to control study variables otherwise result can’t be correct but how it is done, a researcher does not
have that knowledge. So the results that emerges from the research are not valid and credible it is
clear the decision taken on that and implementation in behaviour do not present proper solution of
a problem.

4. Limited Results
The base of action research is class or school of a teacher so, the results apply to that school only. On
the basis of this result the explanation of another schools boys and behaviour of another students
cannot be done. So, if that teacher transfers to another school then the research of that teacher would
be go in vain and varied the utility of this action research is very limited.


Unit 2: Types of Research: Basic, Applied and Action Research

Self Assessment Notes

State whether the following statements are True or False.

7. The development of action research concept done by Mauli.
8. The main objective of education research is to develop and improve the educational
9. N. C. E. R. T. also published a book of Kore on educational research.
10. Through the medium of action research the possibility of to bring qualitative changes in
education becomes stronger.

5. The Environment of School not to be Favourable.

It is necessary for the success of the action research that researcher get necessary convenience their
works rewarded in our country is not as such. But to this our country has a negative surrounding and
environment that hinders the way of the teachers of research.
On the basis of above mentioned problems to consider that it is useless will not be correct, should take
them as a challenge and try to eliminate then would be a positive and creative angle. All the problems
have their solution. This is not possible to less on the work load of a teacher. It is another matter that it
is only possible on state level. This can be possible by increasing the numbers of teachers by the state.
Likewise the development of skills and research relayed knowledge in teachers can be done in many
ways. The arrangement of short-term course for them can be done by N. C. E. R. T. In all the school
of city there may be arrangement of a research specialist as a guide for the teachers who will advice
the teachers. This will also be responsibility of the state. To reward and to inspire the teachers in this
direction will also be the responsibility of principal. So this work can be done like this.
From the behaviour point of view be there lots of problems in the way of action research. It has to be
admitted from theoretical point of view that action research is an effective technique to lift the level
of education. It is profitable to join with the education from every angle. ‘Researched Base Education’
should be future slogan of the education world and state should do its best to make it success.

2.9 Summary
yy It is clear from the objective of the education research the classification of educational research
can be through various types. The standard of main classification are from the angle of
participation, from the angle of accuracy of research result.
yy The main work of education research is to improve and develop the process of educational
research. This work is done to prevail the knowledge.
yy The concept of action research belongs to Core only its origin lies in the book ‘Action Research
to Improve School Practice’ that was written in 1953.
yy In Moil’s word action research is on the spot study whose aim is to find the solution of present
problem it means this is a research that can be done only at the place where problem has

2.10 Keywords
1. Research— A discovery of a particular subject or problem.
2. Action Research— Such process of research in which study of problems done scientifically
so that it can be given correct direction by bringing improvement in the results.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 2.11 Review Questions

1. Explain education research by classifying it.
2. What do you understand by action research and its conception?
3. Explain the importance of action research?
4. What do you understand by the utility of the action research?
5. Describe the limitations of action research.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Local 2. Laws 3. School improvement
4. (b) Concept 5. (c) Utility 6. (a) Advisor 7. False
8. True 9. True 10. True

2.12 Further Readings

Books 1. Educational Research methods- Sharin and Shasikala, Vinod Pustak

2. Educational Techniques and Appraisal – Dr. Ranpal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
3. Educational Techniques – S. S. Mathur, A. Bhatta Brothers.
4. Educational Technique Management and Appraisal – J. C. Aggrawal, Bhatt.


Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Research Problem

Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Notes

Research Problem



3.1 Selection, Statement and Definition of Problem

3.2 Process of Problem Selection
3.3 Evaluation of Selected Problem
3.4 Statement Problem
3.5 Definition and Analysis of Problem
3.6 Sources of the Problem
3.7 Summary
3.8 Keywords
3.9 Review Questions
3.10 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Know selection, statement and definition of problem
y Understand the evaluation of selected problem
y Understand the source of problem.

Research did in whatever fields, their process almost same. Whole work’s systemization in all fields of
researches are alike. Behavioral science as a psychology, sociology and in education field it is generally
cent-percent apply. In this part of book that process specific steps of research has been mentioned, which
is followed in all behavior sciences. Generally, in these fields of researches following steps are
1. Selection, statement and definition of problem.
2. For selection of problem survey of related literature.
3. Formulation of hypothesis.
4. Collection of research informations and datas.
5. Analysis of data.
6. Generalization and establishment of conclusion.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 3.1 Selection, Statement and Definition of Problem

Selection of a suitable problem is a hard work for all researchers. In the beginning for the selection of
problem researcher’s has to wonder, hither and thither. Generally he hopes that his research guides
will give him research problems from his own ends. This type of thinking is not right, because it is
not an easy task for research guide also. He has not also come selected problems. For the selection
of appropriate selection of problems he does as much labour as researcher also. Without labour and
intensive study selected research problems in such that on which already much research work has
been done, which is worthless, regarding this much informations is already available and whose result
is not valid. Hence, for researcher it is quite essential to know how researcher problem’s selection
should be done which types of problems will be suitable for research and which will be the sources
of that. All these have been mentioned ahead.

Mediums of Problems

Notes Problems of research are available from many mediums. In this researcher’s
personal experiences, contexts, intensive study of literature, survey of previously
done researches , in country happening social, technical, and educational changing
etc. are main.

(a) Personal Experience

Researcher on the basis of his personal experience can try to know that in which field of education
psychology or sociology, which types of problems, exists, whose solution is necessary, how many and
which types of such question whose answer is not available anywhere, how many context and subjects
are whose full information is not available to anybody. If he works in there fields or student of this
discipline then he has so many experiences which is related to such types of question and required
informations. If in his experience any problem comes and his experience guides to any solution then
taking them research can be done.

Example If he feels that due to parents’ misbehavior in boys aggression and short-
tempered comes then it can be made problem of research.

A teacher working in school, with students, colleagues, principals etc. continuously interactions result
which experience gets in those problems of research can be available. Researchers has experienced
regarding human behavior, regarding experience research problem can available. Wherever
experienced based circumstances, conditions, behavior seems to be facts of problems and whose
solution is not available that can be selected as research problems.

(b) Study of Reference Material

Researcher’s study is the second source of research problem. In every field on every subjects a great
much literature is available. After the study of reference material it come to know that where available
knowledge can be applied, on that basis of which events can be explained, where is incompleteness


Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Research Problem

in them etc. a number of questions prevails in mind while reading, whose answer can be important. Notes
In every field a number of theories, statements and suggestions can be determined. Theories of
intelligence, theory of knowledge, personal theory etc. many theories have been postulated in
education and psychology. On there basis, various types of behaviors, conditions, and problems
analysis can possible. These possibilities can be taken form of research problems. By research there
theories validity can be tested.

(c) Survey of the Completed Research

In every field already have done many researches. Studying of these researches comes to mind this
matter something such left which study is necessary. That research has completed, it can be go ahead,
in them adding some important variables, again on that problem work can be done, some study can
be done on other perspective etc. also. Studying of these researches it is also to know that in that field.
What is future possibility of research because every researcher gives such types of suggestion in the
end of his thesis. On the basis of these suggestions, selection of new problem of research can be easy.
In every field such a survey is publishing which presented having completed research description in
short. It will be mentioned in detail ahead.

(d) Social, Technical and Educational Change

(In every country many types of changing is going on social, technical and educational’s.) Education
policy is made and in education system can be changed. In country technical changing happen also.
Change in society takes place also due to these changes a number of problems occurred.To find solution
of these problems from person as well as society point of view can be important. In this background
research problems borns. Doing analysis of these changes from critical point of view a number of
research problem available. For example, new education policy in 1986, a number of suggestions have
been given for the form of education. As a result so many question and problems prevails whose
answer and solution which can be discovered only by research. Life values’ detreoriatim, increased
religion blindness, misuse of given freedom by democracy, spoiled environment of institutions,
increasing corruptions in institutions, decreasing importance of academic institutes etc, are such as
changes which in our country give born of a number of sociological, psychological and educational
problems, on which serious research is needed, there are the some generally accepted sources of
research problems but its means is not that besides this. There are not such any medium of selection
of problems rather than all accepts that there can be no substitution of researcher’s own intensive
study and thinkings. For the selection of problems related Knowledge Ocean will have to submerged.
In which field research is to be done, regarding this researcher has not ample required informations
then a suitable research problem cannot possible.
Holmes views are that following question can helps researcher in the selection of problems.
1. That person is engaged in related field really, before him which types of problem are
2. In present and in previous some years on which problems research have been done?
3. In related field which research has been done, in that which types of facts, laws, generalization
4. What can be the practical utility of these facts, laws and generalizations?
5. How far the result can be used in behavior of related fields, researches have done?
6. Which types of new problems have been occurred by these researches and on which research
is remain to be done?


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 7. Which are the main difficulties in the path of related field research is to be done?
8. In the related field of research, which techniques and process have been developed?
9. Which are the concepts which are in use in related field?
10. Having done in related field or doing research, which types of assumptions have been taken

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Selection of a suitable problem is a hard work for all………. .
2. In each country social, technical, and of educational types………..are occurred.
3. Taking related problems thesis…………should seriously discussion.

3.2 Process of Problem Selection

In this process of selection of research problem generally following selections are inherited.
1. Generally, first of all determines it that in which field research is done. Each subject’s
knowledge is divided into many fields. For example, education-subject’s particular area,
psychology, sociology, education philosophy, education techniques, education management,
evaluation and measurement, teacher education, teaching process etc can be. Similarly
psychology’s this field knowledge motivation, practical psychology, measuring and
evaluation, creativity, personal, organizational behavior etc can be. In the field of sociology
these social changes, caste relation, separation of family, organisation and their structure
social class differentiation, social assumptions and tradition etc can be. On the basis of own
study ,knowledge, and interest , determination of field after that from that field a limited and
important problem should be research. Field is the extended form of knowledge. Under that
many perspectives, theory, dimension, question and problems comes. Hence, it is necessary
that after the gifting through knowledge, that problem should be discovered whose definite
and unanimous solution is not available so far.
2. In the selection of a definite and clear problem, second step is to survey that having researched
in selected field. It in know from that how many and which types of researches have been done
on which problems. Consequently it is know also that which question are un- answered or not
fully answered. Out of these questions and problems any one can be selected for research.
3. Selection of above question or problems means not that, research problem found. It can be
understood. Only possible problem. It would be better that such a many possible problem
4. Taking these possible problem, sitting with research guide seriously discuss should became
over that. This is the third stage of selecting of problem processing. To find out the solution
of problem is not as tough as selection of problem and to prepare their structure. By various
views research guide deliberation and suggestion keeping in minds finally selection of
problem can be done at this level.

3.3 Evaluation of Selected Problems

For research problem’s giving final from before series thinking on their suitability. This is called
evaluation of problem. Under this it is considered that problem will be better for research or not.


Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Research Problem

When a problem considered better or suitable, it’s a criterion, under or under this many points come. Notes
By all that point of view if problem is considered suited, then it considered to be better and finally it
is selected. According to Fransis Rumel that there is our characteristics or this criterion’s point are –
(i) Researcher‘s interest to that problem (ii) Researcher posses all those qualities which is necessary to
research on them (iii) Problem should be important and (iv) Information regarding problem, data’s
availability possibility. Mouli has described following five points—
1. Problem should be interest of researcher: But it means not at all that according to interest, having
problem not that research can not be done. If problem is of interest then it is best, but if problem is
important then in lack of interest, it can be selected. Study regarding this, acquiring much information
a time after the work is progress, interest became developed.
2. Problem should be Fundamental : It’s meaning that problem such a type that on that before same
type and research works did not do. That question answers have been got by research , to obtained
them again is of no beneficial but if before doing result seems doubtful or their research process finds
error or changing of population research is done then it can be keep under fundamentality.

Caution Repetition of any research in the same form in misuse of time and human

3. Problem Should be amenable to research: Its meaning is that problem in such a type that on that
research is possible, their variables can be measured, regarding that essential and required information
can be acquired, analyzed available data etc. If for any reasons it is not possible that then problem is
not considered suitable for research.
4. Problem Should be important: Every research has a purpose increase of knowledge in related field
available of un-answered question, pre-established assumption and principle’s verification and testing
find out solution of problems etc, but by any research does not fulfills any of the purpose then it is not
considered an important. Many times research problem is trivial and worthless. Vollfely and many
other writers have been condemned staunchly taking research of such a problem. N.C.E. R. T. (New
Delhi) has also critisized in his third (1986) and fourth (1991) education –research survey such a types.
Research’s important problems are considered those, by which above purpose fulfills and whose result
are helpful in making advancement in related field’s present, process, traditions, methods, techniques,
procedures of work etc. Which researches’ result has no utility that is worthless.
5. Problem should be according to researches’ ability and capacity: Any problem can be very
important and fundamental, but in researcher does not posses all those ability and capability, which
in necessary to complete that research then that problem is not call suitable for that researcher. It
is quite essential that researcher, has good knowledge of that problem related facts, concepts and
theories etc. consequently. It is also essential that he has reading and understanding ability of related
literature, comprehensibility. Report of research, journals etc. At the some time he should have good
knowledge of researcher’s techniques, formation of psychological test’s, their administer times also.
He should have good knowledge of data statistical analysis’ methods also. If problem is such a type
that on that for research these abilities is necessary and researcher has lack of these qualities then that
problem is not called suitable for them.
Above points present a suitable and good problem’s criterions considered to be evaluating of research
problem base. Wan Dalen has kept all these points into headings personal consideration and social


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics


Did You Know? Problem’s suitability is asses by time, labour and availability of wealth
point of view also. If researcher can not manage required time, labour and
wealth for research then that problem from his point of view can not be
called suitable.

3.4 Statement Problem

The meaning of statement problem is to give title of problem. Title which writes in starting of projected
research written format’s beginning and after the completion of their or report is written up. Problems
should be presented in which type of format means how that would be statesmen, regarding this
some rules are. These are following types—
Waan Dalen according presentation of problem should be either in form question or form of direct
and simple statement. For example,
Does intelligence affect boys’ academic achievement? (Question Format)
Intelligence affect boys’ academic achievements. (Statement)
1. Mauli accordingly, presentation of problem should be done as short and precisely. In his statement
worthless and unnecessary words should not be used. The use of very tough world is not considered
2. The statement of problem should be done in such a way that after reading of that reader should
be cleared that which variables are in problems, whose inter-reclaim research in the purpose of
experiment. As an “English medium School’s teaching”. In the type of problem statement nothing is
cleared that which matter will be studied. If it can be represented as this type “A comparative study
of academic achievements of English medium school’s boys and other school’s boys” the purpose of
research immediately cleared after reading.
3. The statement of problem should be done in such a way that immediately after reading research
field’s scope is cleared. As a “Studying Boys’ intelligence survey”. It is not cleared from this statement
that which place school’s boys, which class or age groups boys’ survey will be done. If it wrote as this
type. “Meerut town’s eighth class boys’ intelligence survey” then the scope of research is cleared.
In the statement of research work’s whole format is inherited. After reading this, it should be cleared
that what is the main purpose of research, from where data will be collected, which variable will be
measured and what would be the method of analysis of data.

Task The meaning of problem statement is to give title of problem. Express your view
on this.

3.5 Definition and Analysis of Problem

After the selection of problem finally, their statement is done means write it finally and after its
statement analysis of problem depthly means definition and describe is done. For various reasons, it
is necessary. Problem’s analysis and definition clarifies the direction of research and indicate towards


Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Research Problem

this, that in that research which types of variables used, how they will be measure and what would be Notes
the process of experiment. Thus research work’s whole map becomes cleared and sured. According
to Bhitni meaning of definition of problem is, “problem limit under a circumference and differentiate
it from alike questions and separate which finds in related conditions.
To do so researcher has known clearly what is problem actually. In the beginning, such a specification
and applicable limitation is very important. Regarding this Manro and Angilhart statements are of
specific importance. His statement is that the meaning of definition of problem is “their detail and
rightly specification, clarification of each and every main and secondary question whose answer is
desirable and determine the limitations of research. Therefore, according to him, it is essential that
research which is already done, review, them so that it can be determine that what is to be done.
Sometimes-such a educational approach development of education theory and necessary to build
which give a base to proposed (Projected) research. In general, language the meaning of definition of
problems is their specification and clarification. Their base is to analyze problems and vivid description.
Following works comes under them—

1. To limit the scope of problem based research

Its meaning is that the description of problems such a way that how much work is accessible that work
is under the capacity of researcher. In other words to shorten an extensive and intensive problem came
under this. For example, if problem is “To study the behavior of problematic boys” then this problem
is very vague’ extensive and wide. Under this different type of problematic boys, different causes of
behavior, different methods of study, various places, and different age groups boys study come under
this. Therefore it is necessary to, precise and shorten the problem. Which type of problematic boys,
which age group, which is specific causes etc. would be studied. Its determination and clearly mention
desireable. This is the meaning of deification. According to Mauli, if problem is not clear this cause
a number of problems is go ahead and there is no question of relevant and significant conclusion.
Therefore, research problem very extensive and vide, (e.g. the study of teacher’s teaching effectness)
should not be limited some important and specific aspects. At the same time, it should be not too
concise and limited that it become a matter of caricature.

2. Problem based different elements’ clarification and description

Under this researcher mention the background of problem, describe their theoretical base and describe
the assumptions which is vested in problem. At the same time he mention that variables, facts,
conditions, persons also/ which can be isolated from problem. Collectively clarification and mentions
all these aspects deification of problems come under analysis and description.

3. Terms and concepts used in problems, clarify their meaning and

define them.
This also comes under the deification of problem. If its meaning is not clear then it is hard to understand
that what is problem. Some terms and concepts are like this whose meaning are different in different
contexts or different writers or experts define different way. Intelligence, impulsion, Psychological
needs, Personality adjustment, environment etc. are many concepts like this, whose meaning and
definition found differently. Therefore researcher’s has clearfied in which respect these words and
concept have taken to use in problems. To do so, it is easy to measure this. Generally it can be defined
as abstract and limited behavior. How it can be defined in literature, mention all this specially it can
be showed, in which sense it can be taken in proposed research problem and how it can be measured,
which elements, behaviour, conditions, events are indicator them etc. For example, if student’s “
educations achievement” is a variable, then it should be clear that, that’s meaning students appraisal,


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes grading given by teacher or stendardised postulate examination obtained marks etc are which one of
them. Hillway has indicated the four following definitions of problems:
1. It can be determines that the scope of problems neither too broad nor too shorten.
2. To express problems in specific questions, whose certain answer is possible.
3. Limitation the problems is such a way that which aspect and elements are not associated
with problems they are clearly separated from problems.
4. All these terms which is specific and which is used in problems, define them.
Above mention way’s problems, analysis and definition can be done then determination and
clarification each and every aspect would be done. Then the statement of problem or it can be said
that the title has given to him, what is their meaning in reality, perfectly determine and clearfied.
Generally after problem statement it can be explain in detail this is called the definition of problem.
It can be called proposed research project, Synopsis or agendum also this can be done before research
work start. Its essential components are following:-
1. Problem statement.
2. Theoretical framework of problem.
3. The importance and justification of problem.
4. Definition of technical terms.
5. Basic concepts.
6. Delimitations of scope.

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False.
4. After the selection of problem finally, its statement can be done.
5. Intelligence could not affect the children’s academic attainment.
6. By research any purpose can not fulfils then it can be consider as important.
7. The meaning of definition of problem is to specification and clarification of them.

3.6 Sources of the Problem

J. C. Almack has discussed the four means to find out problem:
1. Which is known by historical scripture, their analysis can be done.
2. That which is lack in explanation, that or find out untouched spot.
3. Irregularities, paradox, opinion different point and find out those places whose conclusion
can not be tested methodically.
4. The seminar related to subject, study and thinking should be developed and keep in view
that point in which more activities has been done and which is avoided keep in mind the
process also. We can solve out the problem by this analysis.
H. H. Abelson has given four suggestions regarding source of problem—
1. Who are going education, study the process of education or do other types of education
based, conflict in experience is a main means in them curiosity and conflicts produce problem
before them autonomously.


Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Research Problem

2. Second main sources given in the end of (research dissertations management) suggestion for Notes
further study. In the end of all dissertations, given a list of suggestions that what can be done
more in this context. By studies of these the problems can be found out.
3. Research work already completed and its gist or its short form by observe it intellectual can
find out many problems.
4. Fourth main resources is to find out that area which has been avoided right now and on them
there has no work been done so far.
Columbia university teachers college’s W. A. McCall has suggests five ways for practical problems.
1. The best way to find out practical problems is that as soon as possible, to become a curious
student of that special field and do intensive study of that field.
2. Second way is that study the literature by critical approach, hear people’s discussion do work
through critical approach.
3. Third way to find out the problem every obstacles which is appear in thinking and scope
give weight age.
4. Fourth way can be like this that research work, has been started and then curiously observe
in born problems.
5. Fifth way is that whatever has been attained in that field, master over all that because then
will be get a direction. Its relevance is that which problems and concepts has come, prepared
a systematic document of that.
According to John W. Best, following are the sources of problems is education field—
1. Class, school or society is a means itself. Every teacher faced different problems continuously
whatever we are doing, why so? Which text is teaching why should they taught? Are our
teaching method effectful? Are we eligible to necessary change in student? If not, then why?
What are the obstacles? He faced a number of problems regularly? If he is curious and
interested in research then worked any one them also.
2. Technological changing and social development has also produce new problems continuously
and present a wide range of research. The new methods of teaching, teaching machines,
television etc. How far can revolutionary change in education, this is the subject of
3. By bachelor education experience in researcher should has developed researchful critical
approach. This tendency produces critical approach towards present work system and
increase the knowledge of problems. Class lectures, debating, seminar reports and can
be the knowledge of different problems through discussion between friends and teachers
out side the class. Beyond this for curious student study of textbook, special assignments,
reports, Encyclopedia of educational research, psychological abstracts, the review of
educational research, the journal of experiments education the journal of educational research,
postgraduates dissertations and its catalogue etc. various publications are such that through
study that problems can be find out.
4. The fourth means of research of problem is that to counsel true scholars, teachers and research
director of that field. These peoples assist to a fair degree to researcher of this field make easy
to selection of problems.
Good, Bar and Scates statement is that in education field for research find out problems the most
important seggestation is that consider in view the following points, intensive study of available
1. How much research work has done in different field of education;
2. An authentic description of fully research works;


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 3. Analysis of new tendencies;

4. In any subjected oriented field done critical article, magazines and notes;
5. Education related forecasting;
6. Research, on which the work is going on; and
7. Necessity of invention.
Keep in mind above mentioned points will be helpful to critical study to find out problems.
Good and Scates has mentioned the following sources of problems.
1. Specialization
2. Pursuation of education programme
3. Programme of reading
4. Analysis of any area of knowledge
5. Consideration of existing practices and needs.
6. Repetition of extension of research.
7. Offshoots of studies underway.

3.7 Summary
yy Before giving the final touch of problem for research it can be thinking seriously their
yy According to Francis Rumel, there are four characteristics of above problems- (i) interest of
researcher in that problems, (ii) researcher has possess all that ability which is essential for
researches, (iii) Problem should be important, and (iv) Problem based knowledge, information’s
and possibility of availibity of data.
yy According to Mouli, problem should be presented in concisely and precisely. In his statement
unrelevent and unnecessary words should not be used. Too much hard words use is not
appropriate also.
yy The analysis and definition of problems clarify the direction of research work and indicates
toward this that what types of variables vested in research, how they can be measured, and
what would be the process of research.

3.8 Keywords
1. Examined and valid – Such material or theory which has been tested and their standarised
has been proved.
2. Research survey – After restudy of research already done find out their shortcomings and

3.9. Review Questions

1. What do you understand by selection of research problem?
2. Evaluate the selected problems.
3. Write notes on problem statement.
4. What do you mean by problem analysis and their definition?


Unit 3: Selection, Statement and Source of Research Problem

Answers: Self Assessment Notes

1.Researchers 2 Changing 3. Guidelines 4. True

5. False 6. False 7. True

3.10 Further Readings

Books 1. Educational Research methods- Sharin and Shasikala, Vinod Pustak

2. Educational Techniques and Appraisal – Dr. Ranpal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
3. Educational Techniques – S. S. Mathur, A. Bhatta Brothers.
4. Educational Technique Management and Appraisal – J. C. Aggrawal, Bhatt.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources



4.1 Purpose of the Review

4.2 Identification of the Related Literature

4.3 Locating Sources of Information Through Library

4.4 Reference Manual

4.5 Thesis and Dissertations

4.6 Organizing the Related Literature

4.7 Summary

4.8 Keywords

4.9 Review Questions

4.10 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand the related literature review and purpose
y Understand the context and established of sources informations
y Know about discussion of research article and related literature management.

There are three parts in this unit. In the first part describe the related literatures review and
clarify objectives. Second part gives guidelines to researcher’s available main and supplementary
establishment of information sources in the library, selection and for utilization to gain direction. Third
and final part related to that process by which researcher should be followed in the accumulation of
organization of related literature.
By continuous human efforts accumulated knowledge of the past is benefited in research. By researcher
proposed study, directly or indirectly without adding previous work on related problems, research
cannot be done independently. In any research study programme the important steps are to review
research journal, books, dissertations, thesis and other information sources carefully. As indicated
in the previous unit, before better planned research study it is very important to review the related


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

4.1 Purpose of the Review Notes

Notes Related literature review introduce the researcher with recognition to current
knowledge, in the field he is going on to research.

Related literature review fulfill the following purpose—

1. By review of related literature researcher get helps delimitations of their filed. He gets help
in their delimitations of their problems and definition. Regarding conformity, the example
given by Aerry and other researcher can say –
“A, B and C has researched so much about my questions; By testing of D so much increase
in our knowledge. I want to work further with the work of ‘D’ in following methods.
By related literature’s knowledge, researcher got full familiar with work done by another
persons and can explain their purpose vividely and concisely.
2. By related literature review, researcher can escape from unuseful and unutilisation problems.
He can choose such an area in which beneficial research could be done and by their efforts
increasing in appropriate knowledge.
3. By related literature’s review, he can be saved from repetition of already proved works. If
studies validity and stability proved to a fair degree then it is folly to repeat it.
4. By review of related literature, researcher understand the research process, by which it can
be knowledgeable how the study can be done. He get knowledge about the used mechanism
and tools in the previous study which was successful and useful. He get insight the statistical
method by which validity of result can be proved.
5. The final and specific cause of review of related literature is that previous researcher had in
his research what recommendation was given for further research.

4.2 Identification of the Related Literature

The first work review of related literature is to recognize which material should be read and evaluated.
In library it can be identified available primary and secondary use of sources.
The main sources of information, author directly work through research article, bookless, the subjected
related eassay, dissertation or medium of thesis applied. Such a sources gives much information than
any other available informations. By main sources researcher’s get a basis of their decision about the
study. Although researcher spends a lot of time to get help from these sources, but he get a sound
information with the research methods about the subject applied.
In secondary sources researcher do by the work of other persons study result, make precise and then
explain. In these author generally discuss about all important study of that field ‘education’s world
dictionary’ ‘education indicator’ Summary, catalogue of books, context and discuss about mentioned
statements. It does not take much time to work on secondary sources because material for study is
not sufficient. The greatest disadvantage of it is that reader can depends upon the important aspects
of study by other persons decision and concepts.
The decision from primary and secondary sources which one can be used, depends upon the nature
of study chosen on by researcher. If he research an area in which most research has been done, then
the review of primary sources at first step will be logical. In second type, his study is such an area in


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes which research has done very poor or almost negligible then the review of secondary sources will be
more logical. The two sources of information either primary or secondary can only find in library.
Researcher should get proficiency without losing time or energy the essential sources. Researcher’s
collections of resources, selection and help in use their applicability in education research, study
gives guidelines.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. By related literature ……………..... researcher, understand research process.
2. Both the sources of informations, primary or secondary found in ……………… .
3. For photocopy of desirable source the Researcher can request it from ……………… .

4.3 Locating Sources of Information Through Library

Researcher should have full knowledge of available facility and services in the library. He should have
familiar with the use of material and rule and regulation of application. Mostly library has available
printed instructions from which beneficiary informations gets. In which a map, books, collections place,
Periodicals department, reference department, study room, special collections of books, Micro card
tools, handwritten books, small magazine position showed. In instruction such regular periodicals
catalogue which can be taken in library or special index, summaries and others references materials
name is listed. Collected places and rule of use of reserved books, process by which getting the rule
of materials from library method of borrowed from other library also given in index.
Researcher or other readers generally given a library card by which he can go to appropriate places.
He can does it by library staff or self. He can find out the desirable books or other reference material.
It is desirable to have the book on bench after use so that there’s staff keep it on their fix place.
Sometimes some references cannot available in library. In that condition reader should see ‘union’
catalogue in which available materials in other library list is given. Such a references from other library
can be demanded by following methods
1. By Inter-library loan System: By the request of reader the librarian can barrow the books
from the library where it is available.
2. By requesting a photo-static copy: In this reader can ask photo-static copy of that Page or
demand from desirable sources he may request to librarian.
3. By requesting an abstract or translation of the portion of a desired reference: In some
libraries summer or translation taken facility is available, in which essential Part’s summary
or translation can be taken by deposit fix fee.
4. By requesting microfilm or microfiche: Reader can purchase a microfilm and see on library
tools. Microfiche is a sheet of film on which study material has written or micro image of books
are Printed. By development of these library and service information get a great contribution
through this long scholarlistic speech. It can stored in cheap and confineable way.
International organization of standardization microfiche size is 105 mm × 148 mm in which
98 images (14 micro images in of lines) and 24 times less capacity. It is approved by American National
Micrographic, Society whereas Britain’s microfiche less in size in which 60 images (BS 4187: 1973) can be.
Recently National Cash Register’s P.C.M.I methods developed Superfiche has 75x subtraction ratio
and in which 4” × 6” transparent card stored 1000 page material.


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

Planetary camera is a 35 mm or 16 mm stationery camera which can be tied on perpendicular base and Notes
can up and down to adjust the subtraction ratio from 10x to 50x. 100 feet roll film can be loaded at a
time. It is not much costly.
Step and rapid camera has more costly. It can autonomously printed one by one micro image on
Rotary camera: Like planetary camera it printed micro image on roll film or subtraction ratio can be
adjusted according to need.
Flow camera, half of the price in compare to planetary camera. Its subtraction ratio is fixed.
In all these cameras for printing micro image, silver, Diyaso or vaccicular film is use.
Generally six types of reader can be used for reading of microfilm or microfiche.
(i) Cudly or (coil) microfiche reader can be portable and it can be used to carry on lap. It is very
cheap and can be given to library’s member for use of residence.
(ii) Microfilm or Microfiche Reader
(iii) Universal Machine
(iv) Reader / printer press button set machine which is not only helpful is reading microfilm or
microfiche but also printed on paper in full size made on screen.
(v) Production printer / Enlarge printer: It is a autonomous machine which can printed photo copy
of microfilm or its any part in required number. It can be used in full size of photocopied of
microfilm in large scale.
(vi) Zerox copy flow Machine: It is costly machine and therefore beyond the capacity of general
library. It can print readable size of microfilm. By which any desirable manuscript’s one copy
get in less time and expenditure.

The Card Catalogue in the Library

Did You Know? The card catalogue is an index of all collections. Systemically except
published periodicals all catalogue of published material in this.

Generally in the card systematic description of author, title subjective card is alphabetical order about
any book’s much information get in this card. Beyond books title and author’s name, author’s date of
birth, edition, publication, date, number of pages and get the address and name of publisher. In the
card other information like related / reference books name, map, sketch, directed image (pictogram),
tables, series in which book published, short description of books. In translated book and translator’s
name etc. also mentioned.

Library Classification Systems

In classification method make the systems of keeping book systemically and find out them. All methods
based upon which is logical and give minutely description.

Example In America two main methods of classification used in library—‘Devey

Decimal’ Systems and “Congress Library” System.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes “Devey Decimal” method is decimal system in which Numbers from 001 to 999.99. Secondly “Congress
library” System mostly use in big library. In this, “Devey Decimal” Systems’ in place of 10 squares
20 main squares. In this for main squares use letters and for sub-squares use number.
In library author, subject or title card’s ahead in left corner back side of book for all books one to one call
number or in letters. The use of this call number or letters, wardrobe library, books keep systematically
and in a square books placed authors first letter of last name according to alphabetically.

Library Searching Guidelines

For research related with problems recognition of available superior source and to find out necessary
information is a very important work. For this he should have developed research technique in the
library so that he could save time and efforts. Waan Dalen has suggested the following valuable
guidelines for researcher:
1. Before the use of library, one should familiar with different parts of that, facilities and services
of rule and regulations.
2. Microform Reader, Photocopy machine and learn the use of others mechanical tools.
3. Collection chamber of books, periodicals, reference books and reserved books and scarce
books, rumens, confirm whose books to be needed where it has been kept.
4. Determine the library time period so that not much stress on their resources and services.
5. In one day programme which books to be needed make their demand schedule in the
6. For your each reference management give the full information copy to librarian and index of
periodicals or check card catalogue before closing. If any incomplete will be remain, correct
7. To finish a specific subject how much time is necessary complete it one sitting.
8. If the available time is not sufficient, then take such a question who can be answered quickly
by the help at available referenced books.
9. Before discovery the material in library write down all those questions which fulfill all
desirable informations listed the questions according to the location of rooms of library from
where you can get answer.
10. Make such a list in which periodicals, institutions, government agencies, research agencies,
statistics collector, libraries, special collected materials museum and authority of their field’s
present and past name mention.
11. The best references books of their specific area, order list, handwritten books, historical studies
and prepared a list of legal reference.
12. Keep a file at your list at best books at your subject and copies at important research
13. Findout which periodicals regularly or often printed the best books at subjects, literatures
review or other material or published in which issue at it.

Task Give your suggestion to get information regarding problem in search of available
best source.


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

Self Assessment Notes

Multiple Choice Questions:

4. Rotary Camera print micro image on roll film like __________ camera.
(a) Flow (b) Planetary
(c) Step or repeat (d) Universal Machine
5. Production Printer/Enlarge Printer is a __________ machine.
(a) Hand operated (b) Feet operated
(c) Autonomous (d) Electricity operated
6. ‘Devey Decimal’ System is a __________ system.
(a) Zero (b) Decimal
(c) Letter (d) Word
7. Catalogue card is all collections of library’s __________ .
(a) Measurement (b) Reviewer
(c) Director (d) Index

4.4 Reference Manual

There are many references in education field which are useful to researcher. To discover such a material
researcher should have read following books carefully-
Coustens M. Vinchel— A guide to references books – Eighth Edition Chicago: — American library
association 1967. This extensive book printed supplementary once after two years in which up-to-
date information about many languages. In this 7500 contexts description and appraisal and in this
one Part related to education.
Albert J. Wellford— Guide to Reference Material: This is divided into two volumes-(1) Science and
technology (1960) and (2) Philosophy and Psychology, religion, social science, geography and history
Mary and Burton and Mario V. Bell (1962) — Reference books: A Brief guide for students and other users
of the Library: This guide is beneficial but very short.
International Guide to Educational Documentation (1955-60) UNESCO to 1963— This is educational
booklets, Periodicals, Sudden eassy, film and voice recorder on which a sectional international
Arvind Berk and marry Berk — Documentation is education — This guide introduce a wonderful to
literature of education world.
The Standard periodicals Directory New York — Oxbridge publication Company 1964. There are
more than 30,000 entries so far as yet. Except local news, it includes all the periodical. It publish every
year and in this in 200 groups, subject wise description. The catalogue is in alphabetical order.
Kristin L. Winer — Guide to Reference Books for school Media Centers Littleton, colo— Libraries unlimited
1973. In this guide 2575 entries included about references books and selective tools assessment included
note sheet which can be used in education field. In their index author, subject and is title.
Encyclopedias — This is storehouse of informations in which good discussion prepared by experts
and given the selected list of books. This subject set according to alphabetically. It presents a critical
appraisal of each and every work done in research area. At the same time it marked necessary invention
in the field also and given a reflective list of books also.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes For researcher in education area useful encyclopedias Sample list are following—
A Cyclopedia of Education: Encyclopedias of education, Paul Monaro, 5 volumes (New York- MacMillan
1911-13) it is edited by Paul Manaro in which divisional editor and more than 1000 writers have
been contributed. In that masterpiece books list is and the best of historical and biographical related
The Encyclopedia of Education: Encyclopedia of education editor L.C. Detton (New York: The Macmillan
Co. and free press, 1971). There are more than one thousand essays in this. From that institutions
and persons, methods and product that is found in education system, being knowledgeable. In
essays history, theoretical invention philosophy and form of education or subject of configuration
Encyclopedia of Modern Education- Henry D. Khilin and H. Shooler (New York: Philosophical Library,
1943): Henry D. Khilin and H. Shooler has complied almost 200 extensive work of authorities. In this,
the stress has been given on now-a-days problems, tendencies, methods and principles. Including
essays precise book list and method of mutual reference.
Encyclopedia of Educational Research: Encyclopedia of education invention: Walter Scott Monro revises
edition (New York: Macmillan, 1950): This encyclopedia has been prepared under the supervision of
American education invention association. Its aim is to critical appraisal, collection, and explanation
of the education field studies. All essays are set according to alphabetical order and catalogue of
books also.
Encyclopedia of Educational Research: Chester Haris third edition (New York: Macmillan, 1960): This
encyclopedia is prepared under the supervision of American education invention association also.
This edition is not only the revised edition of previous edition but also written by new approach in
which new interpretation of subject.
Encyclopedia of Educational Research: Robert L. Abbel fourth edition (New York: Macmillan 1969): In
this Encyclopedia, research’s short description is given and for future research works many references
has been given. In essay current education problems and discussion about defaults in systematic
Encyclopedia of Educational Research : Harald E. Mijel fifth edition (New York: The free press : Macmillan
co. of a part -1982) In this Encyclopedia subjects has been classified into 18 groups according alphabetical
order which is spread up to education related agency and institutions, advice, health, Psychological
service, text area etc., or teacher and teaching. New ideas or subjects as a computer based education,
education of use of alcoholic ‘equality in education’ ethnography, neurology, has been included in
this book. This publication is there flections of modern events and progress of the world in which
education should be given.
The International Encyclopedia of Education: Tarnstan, Hussen and T. Nevil Poslethwet (New York:
overseas press, 1985): The problems related to world, exercises in the direction of institution’s present
modern scene. This publication is the first effort. It answered three fundamental questions available
information in this. What is the position of art in different section of education? Which is necessity
invention of different aspects of education?
The Encyclopedia of Comparative Education and National System of Education: T. Nevil Postlethwet (New
York: Oxford press, 1988: This encyclopedia is divided into two parts. In the first part presents the
series of essays on comparative education; in the second part the description of various countries of
159 different education system has been given.
International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences: (New York: Macmillan Co. 1968) It is prepared under the
guidance of ten learned persons committee. In this reference book discussion about all social science


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

Encyclopedia of Childcare and Guidance: (Garden city, New York: Double day and co. 1968— In this Notes
complete discussion about child period’s problems nature. In this the solution and elimination methods
of these problems mentioned.
Encyclopedia of Social Work: (New York: The national Assembly of Social workers, 1965)— In this book
all aspects of social work detailed essays has been given.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: (New York: Macgraw – Hill book co., 1971) – In this Encyclopedia more than
2000 author’s, more than 7000 essays on science and mechanics complied all those subjects.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: (New York: Macgraw – Free Press, 1967) – This is an authorized and detailed
reference book in which both, orient and western ideas – ancient, medieval and modern inclusion.
Dictionary- This is always do a guidelines to researcher. Some of the familiar dictionaries list given
Dictionary of Education : (New York: Macgraw- Hill book Co., 1973)- In this 3300 technical and
commercial words has been given. En education different countries familiar words has been given.
Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological and Psycho-analytical terms (New York: David Macey Co. ) :
Inthio 13000 words has been given. Words has been defined in technical words.
Roget’s International Thesaurs of Words and Phrases : (New York: Crowell, Kali and Macmillan)-Thesoras
is the antonym of dictionary. If anyone knows the meaning of words but do not appropriate words
for use then can be helped from. In thesoras synonyms and antonyms of words are given. Researcher
should have read with the help of a good thesoras and a good dictionary so that correct sense can be
Yearbooks, Almanacs and Handbooks: Education problems thoughts and patterns based most contemporary
informative annual books, colander and small books get in. In some annual books publish subject
of new taste every year and in some others general review of current topics. In some annual books,
calendars and booklet list are following-
The Handbook of Research on Teaching. N. L. Gage (Chicago: Rand Macnalee and Co., 1963) This book
represents an intensive research information on education and a great catalogue books also.
The Rand Mc Nally Handbook of Education: Arthour W. Phoshe (Chicago: Rand Mcnally and Co., 1963):
This is a convincible source collection of education related mostly important facts. By this book
represents a comparison of England, France, and Russia Education in a rapid context.
Education Yearbook (New York: Macmillan Co. 1972- to till now): This is an annual publication. In this
prime education problems and revolutions, statistical data has been given and at the some time a
wide book list and reference guidelines also.
Mental Measurement Yearbook (Hyland park, New Jersy: Grephan Press 1938- to till now) Askar K.
Boorose has compiled this. In this psychological measurement and standardized test and summary
of tables has been given. It publish after four years and in this measurements important books review
and pubnlished books review in commercial journal mentioned parts has been given.
Indian Mental Measurement Handbook: Intelligence and aptitude test (New Delhi: National Council of
Education Research Training) 1991 (NCERT).
This handbook national library education and psychological test a great effort for researcher in
which standard test review, especially in ‘skill’ and ‘aptitude’ has been done. It presents systematic
information about developed test in India and foreign test adopted according to Indian circumstances.
In this not only commercial test counted whose demanded by researcher or which is available for a
finite use, but also that test is included whose only model. Sample is available. In this book review of
test has been given, by which reader can did a more critical appraisal of test.
The Student Psychological Handbook: A guidelines of sources (Cambridge, Mass: Shank man publishing
co., 1969) Psychology main subjects description is in this book in which sources of information, methods
of data collection and has been given concept about use of reference material.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes Data Processing Yearbook: (Detroit: Franc H. Gille, 1952— to till now): This yearbook publication is
irregular. In this data processing’s equipment, technique and composition essay contain. In this, such
an institution is being named. Which gives data processing and computer texts.
United Nations Statistical Yearbook: (New York: United Nations 1949 to till now): This is an annual
publication. It presents the data related to population, trade, finances telecommunication, health,
and education.
World Almanac- Book of Facts: (New York: Newspaper reference, 1968 to till now): This is an annual
publication. In this, Presents the social, educational, political, religious, geographical, commercial,
financial and new statistical data on condition in economical area.
The Standard Education Almanac: This is the document almost all aspect of education’s facts and
Directories and Bibliographies: When researcher need collection of information about financial assistance
or research material then he is to use the index for persons, periodicals, publishers and organization
name and address. By the help of index, researcher can find those persons or institutions whose
commercial interest are same or who can help them in eliminating problem or can answered their
America and Britain some important indications are following:
Guide to American Educational Directories: In their one book, more than 12000 a list of indices related to
education. This indices organize under the title of subjects according alphabetical order.
Education Directory (Washington: American education office; Supretendent writing, 1912-to till now): This
index publishes every year in five volume. It has contain name, education agencies, officer, institutions
and other informations.
N.E.A. Handbook of local, state and National Associations (Washington D. C.: National educational
Association, 1945 to till now): This is a annual publication. It is a list and extensive report related in
there associations and departments of state and national authorities.
Educators World (Englewood, kolo: Fisher publishing Co.; 1972 to till now)- This is an annual guidelines
of more than 1600 education associations, publishers research centres and offices.
National Faculty Directory (Detroit: Galle research Co.; 1964 to till now)- In this annual publication
more than 30,000 employed American colleges and universities fully or part time in alphabetical
order, departmental members employed in administrative universities, full or part time name and
address is given.
Encyclopedia of Association (Detroit: Galle Research Co.; 1964-till now): In this index America’s more
than 14,000 ordered list of national assemble according to alphabetical order. In this their executive
secretary’s membership notification, address name, and their purpose are given.
Directory of Exceptional Children (Boston: Porter sergeant publishing co.; 1962 to till now): In this
America’s schools, camps, houses, dispensaries, and hospitals description, and socially avoided,
Mental underdeveloped, or Physically henodicaped persons services description are give.
Mental Health Directory (Washington, D. C: National Health-Mental health, Government printing
office, 1964- to till now) In this annual publication is America’s national, state, and local mental health
agencies list are given,
American Library Directory (New York: R.R. Baukar Co.; 1923-to till now): This index twice in a year,
in America and Canada guides private, public, municipality, institutional and college library. In this
special collection, number of holdings, Employee wages, budget and their relevancy informations
are included.
Kelly, Thomas, select bibliographies of adult education in Great Britain (London: National education
institution, 1952): Block well A. M. in Britain and Ireland for university higher degree in education
psychology from 1918 list of researches (London: Newans publishing Co. 1950)


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

In India at national level for education invention assistance too much prologue has been published. Notes
Reentry India’s by inter university council, by Indian universities 1946-48 and 1948-50 approved
decorate thesises in science and arts’ bibliographies has been published. It is under the different
universities, in the subtitles of subject in which education is include also, are registered.
The index –Periodical index do some work as bibliographies order or library card file. This book or
eassay’s source alphabetical order of titles marks under author.
Some education based index list are following:
Education Index (New York: H. W. Willson Co. 1929 to till now): Education index prepared for
teacher important and work saving guidelines. This is a monthly publication (Sept-June) which
can be annual commutative and after three year same. Process is followed in this list more than 200
periodical magazine related to education, a number of annual books, bulletins and monograph which
has published in America, Canada and Britain in this index adult educations commercial education,
texts, education management education Psychology, education research, extra ordinary child, higher
education, guidelines, health and physical education, international education, religious teachings,
secondary education and training of teachers etc. Subjects are included.
Canadian Education Index: (Otava, Ontario: The education research council 1965- to till now) – This
index is publish after three month and in this index the list of periodical, books, booklets, and reports
published in Canada.
Current Index to Journals in Education (New York: Macmillan information 1969 —to till now). This index
publishes monthly and accumulated 06 months or one year. In this more than 700 from education
and related journals almost 20,000, essay, writer, and subjects’ title are listed.
Aric Education Documents Index (Washington, D.C.: National institute of Education, State Publication
office, 1966- to till now) – This index publish annually. This is the guidelines of all research essays,
education resources information centre.
Index of Doctoral Disrational international (N. Arbur, Mich: Zerox university microfilms, 1956 to till now)
This publish as 13th issue of disration abstracts international each year in which America, Canada and
approved by some Europien universities, all dissertations publish in one academic session and which
is available in one microfilms, a list of all their inclusion.
International Guide to Educational Documentation: (Paris: Uneso) this guidelines publish every after
five years. This prepared books with their meaning in which main publication, book list and national
indices which are written in English, French and Spanish are included.
British Education Index Volume I - Aug. 1954 to Nov. 1958: This index is collected by librarians
of educations institutions. Essay of education interest context is given. In this, list more than 50
Index to Selected British Education Periodicals (Leads: Librarians of institutes of Education, 1945 – Till
now): This index publish thrice is a year and in this 41 education related periodicals are included but
primary adult education has been left.
Research Periodicals
New ideas and developments’ information comes generally in magazine before books. Education and
related fields many periodicals which are best sources of newly research and studies reports. In such
magazines general question of education related find out better and up-to-date solutions with respect
to books. It publishes temporary, local or essay of finite interest as not in the books. Any contemporary
ideas or position – present or past fixed date magazines is the best source.
This is an approxmination that education related almost 2100 magazines. In all this journals Psychology,
Philosophy, Sociology and interested in other subject can find out materials.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics


Caution Persons employed in education research should have gain some knowledge of
education related periodicals and learn the use of index also.

The guess about magazine utility, knowledge regarding to editor, author’s name and publisher can
be find out knowing the name of assembly or institutions name.
Ulrix Periodical Directory: A Classified Guide to a selected list of current Periodicals-foreign or domestic, 12th
edition (New York: Baukar, 1967) has been given a detailed list of education related periodicals. In
this directory, magazines are classified according to subjects, arranged in alphabetical order. In every
entries title, subtitle first edition date, frequency of publication, annual index, commutative index,
and are given the specility of each magazine.
In India by some committees and institutions publisher a number at periodicals. This is for publicity
of education research and interested researcher at this field or other profession teachers, scholars etc
act as a medium at their give and take experiences.

In this the short synopsis at research study or main the me at on essay. It works as most useful context
guidelines for researcher and fully familiar with worked going on their field.
In America regarding this most useful are following—

Example ‘The review of educational research’ gives best observations which have
been done in this field and make familiar with new events.

Between 1931 to 1969 this Publication after every three years reviewed following eleven main
education field: (i) Administration (ii) Syllabus (iii) Teaching measurement (iv) Education Psychology
(v) Education Sociology (vi) Guidelines and advice (vii) Literature art, minutely art, Natural Science
or mathematics (viii) Research methods (ix) Special Programme (x) Mental and Physical development
and (xi) Teaching staff.
Since June 1970 education research review followed the policy that topic at research, according to
author’s interest and reviewed should be published arbitrary.
Research in Education— (R.I.E) Today this is the Vital Publication at research material at education
field. R.I.E Publication from 1966 is monthly and it got published by education resources information
centre and made annual index. Every month Publication divided into three Parts.
(i) Drafting department (ii) Planning department (iii) Approach department
Psychological Abstracts— This useful reference by America Psychological committee has been publishing
form 1927. This is for nightly publication and in this more than 530 summary publish in journals in
which mostly is periodicals at education. In half-yearly issue (Jan- June, July- Dec) both author and
subject’s index are given.
Education Summary— This is an UNESCO Publication which start from 1949 and except July and
August it Publish monthly. Every introductory essay dedicated to special aspect at education in the
and on that Subject different countries’ selected books and essays’ short form.
Except above—mentioned Periodicals, researcher can take advice from following Publications.
1. The Annual review at Child Psychology (1950 to till now)


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

2. Child Development Precise and Bibliographies (1927 to till now) Notes

3. Psychological Bulletin (1904 to till now)
4. Social Precise (1962 to till now)
5. Education Administration Precise (1966 to till now)
6. Education Social Precise (1964 to till now)
7. Mental Obstacles Precise (1964 to till now)
8. International Discussion Precise (1952 to till now).
In India governments education and social welfare ministry ( now Human resources development
ministry) New Delhi for 1955 had been Publishing quarterly consciously. In this India on education,
Publish in Hindi or English Presents the Summary at books and Periodicals. In different issues given
almost all journal list summary are under following subject titles: Philosophy at education, teaching
Psychology Measurement and testing, examinations, students and the student association, teaching
and commercial guidelines, teacher education and training couse, basic education, health and Physical
education, Primary, Secondary, higher, commercial, technological, and social education.
In India and abroad many publishers publishes many commercial periodicals and yearly books
any one or all issue in their series on education and technological discussion review some of such
publication list is following:
America: Journal of education research, N.E.A. Research Bulletin, Educational and Psychological measurement,
Journal of experimental education, research quarterly, Journal of research in music education, American
educational research journal, reading research quarterly, Journal of educational Psychology, Journal of applied
Psychology, Journal of Social Psychology, Sociology of education, American journal of sociology, American
Sociological review, Sociology and Social research, how and educational review, journal of teacher education
elementary school journal, History of education quarterly and education Forum.
Britain: British Journal of Educational Psychology.
India: Indian Education Review. Psychological Research Journal, Journal of Indian psychological Behaviour,
Indian journal of Psychological action, Journal of Psychology and Education, Quarterly Education,
Administration and Planning journal, University News, Higher Education Journal.

4.5 Thesis and Dissertations

University given the degree of doctorate and Postgraduates to authors generally keeps their thesis and
dissertations safely to own hands. Sometimes this study fully or Partially are Published in different
educational magazines and journals. Since may research study never be published by different
agencies, Publish thesises and dissertations, test the annual list research/invention literature getting
the position to all become necessary.
In America including doctorate degree of education in all areas research references getting by collection
of different agencies sources. Library of congress from the period of 1912-38 American doctorates’
had been Published annual list of dissertations of studies. The association of libraries from 1933-34
to 1954-55, approved by American universities Published list of doctorate discussion. This service
American doctorate dissertations 1956-63 continued as index and that American doctoral dissertations
from 1963-64 to till known. In this by education intuitions American and Canada approved list of
doctoral discussion.
Dissertations Abstracts International May 1970: In this human beings, social science, physics and
engineering subjects precise form at inventions/ thesis are given. This is a monthly publication. Each
essay have 600 words summary which gives ample information to fulfill the needs at research. If anyone


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes can read the research’s thesis publish internationally then he can buy Zerox copy or microfilm from
university. For buying give order reference number and their value given in summary.
In India some of the universities publish thesis completed in their premises.
Kurukshetra University (Haryana) has Published its M.E.D. research essay summary Part I, 1966;
M.E.D research essay Part II 1967, Part III 1968, Part IV, 1969, Part V, 1979, M.E.D research essay and
Ph. D research essay Part VI, 1973.
M.B Bush (editor) in India education research survey, education advance study centre Baroda, M.S
university 1973. In this in India universities till 1972 has been presented all educational research
study. In this division like this-462 Ph.D study and 269- Planning invention. All studies have been
divided into 17 meaningful at education. That is –(i) Philosophy in education (ii) History at educations
(iii) Sociology in education (iv) Economics in education (v) Comparative education (vi) Personality
Studies and impueses (vii) Guidelines and advices (viii) Measurement and testing (ix) Tests, methods
and textbook (x) Education technicians (xi) Inter-relation at achievements (xii) Appraisal at education
and examination (xiii) Teaching and teaching behavior (xiv) Teacher education (xv) Education
administration (xvi) Higher education and (xvii) Informal education.
M.B. Bush, education research second survey (1972-78) Baroda: Education invention and development
committee (1979)- In this Publication, 1972-78 period completes 839 research study included and
education research survey like 1973 has managed 17 research areas. In the first chapter has presented
extensive sample for the development at education, place and work of inversions at the some time
has given the history of education research in India. After that in every chapter summary report of
research studies of specialized area, nature of research and their short coming has given and mention
that according to author what would be the priorities in research summary for each area arranged
according to alphabetical order and whole book has been given an order number. In every summary
title of studies their aim or hypothesis which is tested, testing method sample, tools of research,
statistics techniques which has been experiments and result has been given. The characterization of
this Publication is beyond education problems, university education department, Social Science and
mankind departments’ completes many studies has placed also. Progress report 1972-78 completed
studies are not based upon but based upon all research work done between time period 1940-78.
M. B. Bush: Education research third survey 1978-1983 New Delhi: N.C.E.R.T. 1987
There are 20 chapter in this publication, whose begning in India’s based upon Quantitative and
Qualitative analysis of education has been done from general tendencies at education research. Trends
at areas report has been prepared by famous educationist between 1943 to 1983 four decades done
studies based upon. Total 1481 research summary has classified into 17 fields. In each summary,
problems in brief, Purpose of studies, followed research techniques, and its result and conclusion has
been given. In this book’s specialty “Research on Indian education in foreign’ title’s chapter in which
two decades in America and British university being given 192 Doctorate review of thesis. Its second
specialty is chapter is “Priorities in education research. In this book till 1983 in India done all list of
education research work has given in one place.
M.B. Bush: Inverting in education: fourth Survey (1983-1988) New Delhi N.C.E.R.T, 1991.
Published in two volumes in this edition in 31 chapters till 1988 did begning from review of general
tendencies in education research, famous educationist have prepared report in four decades (1943-
1988) on the basis in different education field tendencies. Total 1652 research summary divided
into 29 field have been given. In the book in India from 1943 done total 4703 had been given the full
list of education research. Fourth supervision has given a new dimension. In one chapter in Indian
universities have been given review done at M. Phil level research.


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

Newspapers and Pamphlets Notes

Researcher’s interests’ many essay can be find out in newspaper and Pamphlets. In modern newspaper
speeches, seminars, meeting, new tendencies and on different subjects up-to-date informations
is available. In old newspaper previous events, movements and ideas, specially for historical
informations, written preserved some library keeps list of pamphlets and newspaper in their references

Government Documents
Governments documents are the rich sources of informations. In that statistical datas, research study,
Government report rules, etc., such as material which is not available always on other places. This
material is available in nation, regional, state, or local level’s governments offices.

Monographs is a main sources of going on research’s informations. In America, university and
teachers’ college education field many research studies Published in a booklet form. Some of its
examples—Supplementary educational monographs, Educational research monographs, and Lincon
school monographs. In England many education intuitions Publishes monograph time-to-time also.
In India only some universities and research institutes publishes very selected monographs.

Computer-generated Reference Material

School Research Informations Service (SRIS), Direct Excess to Reference Information (DATRIX) and
Psychological Abstract Search and Retrival Service (PASAR), in America computer-generated gives a
number at reference source by which researcher can save their time and efforts. SRIS which is by phi
delta Kappa (Buminigton Indiayana ) governs, gives computer print of summaries by expenses a little.
By university microfilms manufactures DATRIX (N. Arbar, Michigen) from 1928 to till gives Service,
Summaries of thesises hunt by computer. Researcher if want-paying money, full copy of desired thesis,
by university microfilms do on microphice or zero graphic. PASAR service also summary of essays’ of
Psychological journal, monographs, reports and copies of parts of book gives on very general rate.

4.6 Organizing the Related Literature

After detailed supervision of related literature, the next step of researcher is to collect appropriate
informations systematically. According to Arrey and others, this can be done in such a way that looks
vividely from studies that what is know to that subject already and what is to be research.
A hypothesis gives a base to related literature’s management. A person as on researcher before set
out his journey plotted known area in the map he can do have the path of unknown to which he
want to research. If the many aspects of studies more than are hypothesis to be tested then followed
some process for each. Researcher should have give up that greed that he can did presents whole
literature into a series of summary. Rather than he presents in such a way that make a systematic
base for study.
Under the management of related literature, Recording of essential reference material and according
to the guidelines of projected study is to be managed.

Recording Reference Information

After marked of above informations, researcher should have printed index card of 3 × 5 inch, some
essential informations should be marked on Index Card to find out the position of material, which can


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes be done as Bibliographies Card. To make the final report easy, it would be appropriate that mentioned
informations in the book, text matter and writing style as per as in final report.
In references card which original information should have contain that is – author’s name – final
name first, title of essay or book, name of publication (for essay) name of publisher, publication
date, volume, number, number of pages and call number of library (for books). If some informations
regarding this is not available then necessary place should be left blank so that after getting reference
that informations filled immediately.

Recording of Content of References

After filling the necessary information in references catalogue card, it is desirable to manage the card
in library according to available place. For example – in pamphlets departments all cards of available
materials should be listed in one place. Like that is reserved department make a separates also. After
that researcher should have reviewed methodically keep material in one department and after reviewed
each references catalogue some process will be done on other catalogue.
In final report probable informations to be included should have printed on 4” × 6” card. This card will
be known as material card. Printed material on material card depends upon that source from which it
has gotten. If this is taken from main sources then the brief list of book in that in which author’s final
name; short title of report number of that page on which material is available, Preamble of problem
in one sentence, brief description of study, preamble or result of research or both, the code number
of card so that aspect of indicated of research should have close connected with material.
If the sources is secondary then the printed informations will be differ from main sources. Tarani and
Robb for the printed of secondary information following suggestion has been given:
1. Give information brief bibliographies (according to main sources).
2. In one card printed that informations, which is related to one title (if all information does
contain in one card then use second card and stich it with former).
3. Most relevant thoughts in full preamble, written your own words. Give the direct quotation
of author only then if it brief and forceful and meaning cab be changed when express in
own words.
4. After every separate preamble give rage and Paragraphs number so that its position can be
found out in reference and it can be done if need to re-review.
5. On card (right corner in the above) according to subject insert code number which is closely

Preparation of the Related Literature Report

In preparing the report of related literature, researcher should have arranged book list card and material
card according to guidelines of problems. It can be done with the help of code number of card.
The inception of related literature should be with introducational paragraph in which management of
report should describe. After introduction researcher’s should have presented the systematic study of
every points of projected guidelines of problems. Such studies whose result are similar or contradict
should have presented together without giving much space.

4.7 Summary
yy By continuous efforts of human beings collected knowledge in the post benefited in research.
In any research studies planning one of the best is— research journals, books, dissertations,
thesis and other information sources carefully.


Unit 4: Review of Related Literature : Need and Sources

yy By review of related literature, researcher understand research process through which he come Notes
to know how the study is to be done.
yy In the main sources of informations, author directs his work, by thesis, books, one subject
essay, dissertations or by medium of thesis applies. Such a sources gives more informations
than available sources of informations.
yy After the detailed survey of related literature, the next step of researcher is to collect appropriate
informations systematically.

4.8 Keywords
1. Review – To discuss or criticize of any literature or subject.
2. Researcher – Who discover any subject or problem in any field.
3. Museum – Museum, where ancient, Historicaled collection of unique objects are keep.
4. Directory – Index book in which printed index or material are inserted.

4.9 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by review related literature and hypothesis? Explain.
2. Describe useful reference material in research for researcher (collected book).
3. Explain research thesis.
4. Describe briefly the management of related literature.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Review 2. Library 3. Librarian 4. (b) Planetery
5. (c) Autonomous 6. (b) Decimal 7. (d) Indexer

4.10 Further Readings

Books 1. Education Techniques—R. A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Work Procedure of Education Research—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.
3. Education Techniques and Appraisal—Dr Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Education Technique—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brother.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 5: Method of Research: Descriptive Method

5.1 Descriptive Research
5.2 Types of Descriptive Research
5.3 Summary
5.4 Keywords
5.5 Review Questions
5.6 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Describe method of descriptive research
y Discuss its meaning and nature
y Explain the types of descriptive research

Research is basic to every field of knowledge. It is a tool of tremendous importance for
verifying, testing and validating current and old knowledge and also a potent means of
creating new knowledge. It has, during the past two-three decades, moved to the centre of
the behavioural sciences. Most of the textbooks in behavioural sciences may, now, be found to be
research-based. Apart from the quantity, its quality, particularly its methodology, has registered
a great improvement. Now, we find more genuine problems being identified for research in every
field, more relevant and meaningful structural plans being used, more sophisticated statistical
techniques of analysing data being applied. The investigators are seen equipped with much better
research skills all over the world. Yet, side by side, there seems to be a still greater scope for
improvement of methodology of research in behavioural sciences. A major approach to research
in behavioural sciences discussed in this unit is descriptive research.

5.1 Descriptive Research

This is the most popular type of research in the field of behavioural sciences. Every third study may,
perhaps, be classified under this category. The salient features of this type of research are discussed
as follows


Unit 5: Method of Research: Descriptive Method

Meaning and Nature Notes

Literally, descriptive research means an investigation, which focuses on just describing the phenomenon
telling, as an outcome of research, what it is. In the past the tradition of this type of research was making
reliable and valid assessment of existing conditions, determining the nature of dynamic processes,
describing the systems, groups and people. But recently descriptive research has brought within its
purview even the investigations of relationships among variables and various kinds of phenomena.
Like other types of research, descriptive research also follows such steps as (1) identifying and defining
the problem, (2) stating objectives and hypotheses, (3) collecting relevant data, both qualitative and
quantitative, (4) analysing data and (5) drawing inferences and conclusions. In order to delimit the scope,
it also defines population and specifies the way the sample has to be selected. It uses all those methods
of sampling, which are used in case of other types of research.

5.2 Types of Descriptive Research

Van Dalen has included three types of studies under descriptive research. These three types of
studies are:
(a) Survey type of research
(b) Inter-relationship studies
(c) Developmental studies
We will learn about these types of research in further units.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Research is basic to every field of …………….
2. Descriptive research means an …………………., which focuses on just describing the
phenomenon telling, as an outcome of research.
3. Survey type of research is a kind of …………………..

5.3 Summary
y y Research is basic to every field of knowledge. It is a tool of tremendous importance for
verifying, testing and validating current and old knowledge and also a potent means of
creating new knowledge.
yy Descriptive research means an investigation, which focuses on just describing the phenomenon
telling, as an outcome of research,
yy Like other types of research, descriptive research also follows such steps as (1) identifying and
defining the problem, (2) stating objectives and hypotheses, (3) collecting relevant data, both
qualitative and quantitative, (4) analysing data and (5) drawing inferences and conclusions.

5.4 Keywords
yy Research—A detailed study of a subject especially in order to discover (new) information.
yy Methodology—A system of ways of doing, teaching or studying somethings.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 5.5 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by descriptive research?
2. Describe the types of descriptive research.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. knowledg e 2. investigation 3. descriptive research

5.6 Further Readings

Books 1. Education Techniques—R. A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Work Procedure of Education Research—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.
3. Education Techniques and Appraisal—Dr Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Education Technique—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brother.


Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University Unit 6: Survey Method

Unit 6: Survey Method Notes

6.1 Meaning and Nature of Survey Research
6.2 Types of Survey Research
6.3 Methodology of Survey Research
6.4 Steps of Survey Research
6.5 Summary
6.6 Keywords
6.7 Review Questions
6.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Define Survey Research and its nature
y Describe different types of Survey Research
y Describe the methodology and steps of Survey Research

The survey is a non-experimental, descriptive research method. Surveys can be useful when a researcher
wants to collect data on phenomena that cannot be directly observed.

6.1 Meaning and Nature of Survey Research

The purpose of survey type research, according to Kerlinger is to discover the relative incidence,
distribution, and inter-relations of sociological and psychological variables. Survey type studies, by
and large, describe the current status of a phenomenon, some group of people, an institution, some
existing practice, policy or event. Sometimes, they compare the status with some available standards
and make suggestions for improving the status. Survey research as being used in social sciences is,
however, different from the status survey and is considered enough scientific if looked from
methodology point of view.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics


Notes In most researches of survey type small samples are studied and on the basis of
that, inferences are drawn about the whole or at least larger populations. They
emphasise that if this is the purpose, the sample should be drawn randomly. These
are generally, called sample surveys.

6.2 Types of Survey Research

A lot of things have been studied through survey research. It is very difficult to classify them
into clear-cut types. However, they can be categorised as (1) institutional surveys, (2) job surveys, (3)
population surveys, (4) documentary surveys, (5) public opinion surveys, (6) community surveys,
(7) sociological and psychological surveys.

Notes Documentary surveys are also known as “content analysis”, or “activity analysis”
or “informational analysis” which are quite akin to historical research.

Sociological surveys focus on sociological facts, opinions, attitudes, social habits, social customs,
etc. Psychological surveys describe the status and distribution of psychological variables like
intelligence in the group or larger population.

6.3 Methodology of Survey Research

The methodology of survey research emphasises using rigorous sampling methods and sampling
designs, design of the study including specification of objectives, hypotheses and plan of collecting
The methodology of this type of research uses various kinds of tools such as questionnaires, interviews,
personal visits, inspection of records, use of standardised psychological tests. The methodology very
specifically stresses the preparation of some sort of flow chart which tells the researcher (1) what
objectives are, (2) to achieve them what kind of information is needed to be collected, (3) from
whom or where this information has to be collected, (4) how this information or data has to be
tabulated and analysed.

Did You Know? In no way survey type of research should be considered inferior to any
other research.

6.4 Steps of Survey Research

The researcher to begin with must decide and describe.
1. What is the purpose of the study ? Descriptive ? Explanatory ?


Unit 6: Survey Method

2. Is a survey appropriate for this question ? Notes

3. What is the question or hypothesis to be tested ?
4. What is the population of interest ?
5. What method of data collection is appropriate given the purpose question, and
6. What method of data analysis is intended and is appropriate, given the purpose, population,
question, and data ?

Sampling phase
The researcher must decide and describe.
1. What is the intended size of sample ?
2. What is the type of sample ? Cross-sectional or Longitudinal ?
3. What is the intended universe, that is, what does the sample purport to represent ?
4. What types of sampling procedure is appropriate, given the sample size, type, and intended

Data Collection
The researcher must decide and describe.
1. What is the basic mode of data collection? Interview (personal, telephone) or Questionnaire
(individual, group)?
2. Can flow questions be asked or concepts of interest be accurately measured, given this mode
of data collection and this population?
3. How long is the interview, questionnaire, or phone call ?
4. Will flow scales be constructed ?
5. What checks are there on the validity and reliability of the data collected?

Data Analysis
The researcher must decide and describe.
1. Will flow data be made ready for computer processing, Transcriptive data entry and
Automatic data entry ?
2. How will data be edited and cleaned ?
3. How will it be possible to show that a given explanation is tenable ? Are there ways to test
competing alternative hypotheses ?
4. What data analysis procedures will be used ? Are they consistent with the purpose of survey
and the quality of the data ?
5. What procedures will be used for documenting data files and data procedures?

Survey Designs
Surveys are primarily conducted to answer “what” of the research question. When a researcher is
interested to know what has happened, he uses the survey research design. For example, you may be


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes interested to know how many children are enrolled in a primary school at the block/district level,
what is the dropout rate, what is student/teacher ratio in a district, what is the level of achievement
of students of a specific grade in a specific subject, what is the impact of a training programme, what
is the level of participation of students in school activities, and so on. Thus, survey method is used
to obtain descriptive and evaluative information in education. Using this method almost every
area of education can be surveyed.
In survey design, information is collected through various techniques. While use of questionnaire
and its derivatives (such as questionnaire, checklist, rating scales, tests, etc.) are more commonly
used, the information is also collected through structured interviews, and observation schedules. It is
perfectly possible to collect qualitative data within a survey. Even physiological measures (heart beat,
blood pressure, breathing rate, cholesterol level, etc.) can be collected using survey approaches, of
course with different instruments.
Surveys are of different types such as cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys. These types have
been discussed in greater detail under developmental studies.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Psychological surveys describe the status and distribution of ……………….like intelligence
in the group or larger population.
2. The methodology of this type of research uses various kinds of tools such as questionnaires,
interviews, personal visits, inspection of records, and use of standardised ……………...
3. Surveys are of different types such as…………………..

6.5 Summary
yy The purpose of survey type research, according to Kerlinger is to discover the relative
incidence, distribution, and inter-relations of sociological and psychological variables.
yy The methodology of survey research emphasises using rigorous sampling methods and
sampling designs, design of the study including specification of objectives, hypotheses and
plan of collecting information.
yy Surveys are primarily conducted to answer “what” of the research question. When a researcher
is interested to know what has happened, he uses the survey research design.

6.6 Keywords
1. Randomly—Happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to plan.
2. Inferior—Not good as someone or somethings else.

6.7 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by survey research?
2. Write down different types of survey research.
3. Describe the methodology of survey research
4. Write down the different steps taken in survey research.


Unit 6: Survey Method

Answers: Self Assessment Notes

1. psychological variables 2. psychological tests

3. cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys.

6.8 Further Readings

Books 1. Education Techniques—R. A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Work Procedure of Education Research—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.
3. Education Techniques and Appraisal—Dr Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Education Technique—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brother.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 7: Correlational Method

7.1 Purpose of Correlational Studies
7.2 Issues of Correlational Studies
7.3 Design of Correlational Research
7.4 Characteristic of Correlational Research
7.5 Summary
7.6 Keywords
7.7 Review Questions
7.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit students will be able to:
y Explain meaning and purpose of correlational studies
y Use of correlational studies.

Research in education and psychology can be roughly divided into quantitative research, qualitative
research, and historical research. Quantitative research methods can be categorised as descriptive
research, correlational research, and experimental research.
As with any survey, other descriptive methods are often used in education in the study of correlation.
This study has examined the relationship of two or more variables, namely the extent to which variation
in one variable is associated with variations in other variables. The degree of relationship variables
declared in a single index is called correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient can be used
to test hypotheses about the relationship between variables or to declare a large-small relationship
between two variables.
Correlational research determines the relations between two or more variables. Data are gathered
from multiple variables and correlational statistical techniques are then applied to the data. Thus
correlational research is a bit more complicated than descriptive research; after the important
variables are identified, the relations among those variables are investigated. Correlational research
investigates a range of factors, including the nature of the relationship between two or more variables
and the theoretical model that might be developed and tested to explain these resultant correlations.
Correlation does not imply causation. Thus correlational research can only enable the researcher to
make weak causal inferences at the best.


Unit 7: Correlational Method

7.1 Purpose of Correlational Studies Notes

The purpose of these studies also, like the casual-comparative studies, is to find out relationship
between variables. But, while the other methods tell only about the fact of relationship, the relationship
exists or not, correlational studies go a step further and tells how much the relationship is.

7.2 Issues of Correlational Studies

Strength of the relationship between variables is indicated by a score correlation coefficient varying
between -1 and +1. The correlation coefficient is a quantity that is obtained through a statistical
calculation based on the collection of measurement data from each variable. A positive correlation
coefficient indicates a directly proportional relationship or alignment, a negative correlation coefficient
indicates that berbading inverse relationship or non-sejajaran. Score 0 for the correlation coefficient
showed no relationship between variables. The bigger the correlation coefficient in either positive or
negative direction is, the greater is the strength of the relationship between variables.
For example, there is a positive correlation between IQ variables and academic achievement. It implies
that a high IQ will be followed by a high learning achievement; in other words there are parallels
between IQ and academic achievement. Conversely, a negative correlation indicates that a high value
of one variable will be followed by a low value of other variables. For example, there is a negative
correlation between absenteeism and academic achievement; it implies that high attendance will be
followed by a low learning achievement; in other words there are inequalities between attendance
and academic achievement.
Correlation studies use statistical methods of finding out coefficients of correlation. These are used for
studying more complex relationships such as studies of predictive nature and multivariate analysis.
One great disadvantage of correlational studies is that they do not tell the cause and the effect. In the
kind of relationship that is discovered between the variables, causal relationship cannot be established
on their basis. This makes correlational studies different from experimental studies.

7.3 Design of Correlational Research

According to Mc Milan and Achumaker (2003) the stages cover problem determination, problem
review or literary study, hypothesis, research design and research methodology, data collecting, data
analysing and conclusion.

1. Problem Determination
In correlational research, the chosen problem must have a valuable point in complex phenomenon
attitude that needs an understanding. Despite it, the variable involved in the research must consider
certain things like theoretically, logically, and that the variable has certain relation. This may be
obtained by the previous research.

2. Problem Review
After determining the problem, the important thing to do in research is problem review. The researcher
may obtain the problem review from various sources like journal, reports, result of a research, science
magazine, newspaper, relevant books, articles, the conclusion of seminars or another sources.

3. Research Design
The researcher determines the subject of the research and determines how to calculate the data. The
subject involved in the research must be measured in variables that become the research focus. The


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes subject should be homogeneous in external factors of variable that is investigated that may influence
dependent variable.

4. Data collecting
Various instruments are used to measure and collect data in each variable, in example questionnaire,
test, interview guidance, and observation guidance as they’re needed. The data collected by those
instruments must be in numbers. In correlational research, variable measuring is doing in the same
time whereas in predictive research, predictor variable has to be measured a while before the criteria
variable emerges to produce a meaningful criteria prediction.

5. Data Analysis
Basically, the analysis in correlational research is done by correlating the result of one variable
measurement with another result of variable measurement. In correlational research, bivariate
correlation technique based on its data is used to calculate the level of relation among variables. Whereas
in predictive, the technique used is regression analysis to determine the level of predictive ability of
predictor variable to criteria variable. If there are only two variables a regular correlation analysis is
used, if there are more than two variables multiple regressions or canonical analysis is used. The result
of the analysis is usually reported in coefficient correlation value or regression coefficient as well for
the significance level and the variant proportion of independent variable to dependent variable.
The data interpretation in correlational research is when two variables are correlated and resulted
coefficient correlation with the (r) symbol. That variable relation valued in -1 until +1. The value of
(-) shows a negative correlation in variables that is contradictory with each other and the value of (+)
show a positive correlation in variables that is approaching the same direction .

6. Conclusion
The conclusion defines about the result of descriptive analysis and discusses about the matter
researched in plain and brief sentence so that it can be easily understood by the reader.

7.4 Characteristic of Correlational Research

1. The research is suitable if the variables are complicated or cannot be researched by
experimental method or cannot be manipulated.
2. The research enables to measure some variables and the relations in advances for its real
3. The output of the research is a level or the high and low of relation and not the presence or
absence of that relation.
4. The research may predict certain variables based on independent variable.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. The degree of relationship variables declared in a single index is called…………………..
2. Correlation coefficient varies between ……….. and ……….
3. A negative correlation indicates that………….. value of one variable will be followed by
……………… value of the other variables.


Unit 7: Correlational Method

4. Score 0 for the correlation coefficient shows……………….. between variables. Notes

5. ……………….. is an instrument used to measure and collect data in each variable.

7.5 Summary
yy Research in education and psychology can be roughly divided into quantitative research,
qualitative research, and historical research.
yy Correlational research determines the relations between two or more variables.
yy Correlation does not imply causation. Thus correlational research can only enable the researcher
to make weak causal inferences at the best.
yy Strength of the relationship between variables is indicated by a score correlation coefficient
varying between -1 and +1.
yy Correlation studies use statistical methods of finding out coefficients of correlation. These
are used for studying more complex relationships such as studies of predictive nature and
multivariate analysis.

7.6 Keywords
yy Variables—A number, amount or situation which can change.
yy Hypothesis—An idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not
yet been proved.

7.7 Review Questions

1. What is the basic purpose of correlational studies? How does correlational research determine
the relations between two or more variables?
2. What is correlational coefficient? What does the bigger value it shows?
3. Briefly explain the various quantitative research methods.
4. What does the basic purpose of statistical methods in correlation studies ?
5. What do the positive, negative and 0 value of correlation coefficient indicate?

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Correlation coefficient 2. +1, -1 3. High, low
4. No relation 5. Questionnaire

7.8 Further Readings

Books 1. Education Techniques—R. A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Work Procedure of Education Research—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.
3. Education Techniques and Appraisal—Dr Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Education Technique—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brother.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 8: Developmental Studies

8.1 Growth Studies
8.2 Trend Studies
8.3 Summary
8.4 Keywords
8.5 Review Questions
8.6 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Discuss growth studies and trend studies.

This is another type of descriptive study. This type of study aims at describing the change that takes
place in the growth and development of an organism or an institution or some social process over
a determined period of time. It also describes what factors and conditions in what manner brought
about the change. Van Dalen discusses two types of this kind of research-Growth Studies and
Trend Studies.

8.1 Growth Studies

Growth studies can be made in any field. But, most common are the studies of human growth and
development. They describe how the human organism develops, what characteristics develop at
what stage of life, which forces and factors are responsible for these developments. These studies
are of two types- longitudinal and cross-sectional.
In case of longitudinal studies the same child or the same group of children is measured on several
variables at different age levels with the result that the study stretches over a number of years
bringing most critical changes taking place at critical age levels. For example, a group of child
is measured on intelligence, social habits, emotional stability, self concepts, interests and other
personality characteristics at the age-level 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 years. By comparing these measures,
the researcher is in a position to describe the developmental change-taking place.
The cross-sectional research measures several different groups of children of different ages
simultaneously on certain variables of interest and compares the groups among themselves to find
out how they differ and what dominant characteristics are shown at different age-levels. Such studies


Unit 8: Developmental Studies

are completed within a short duration of time. For example, simultaneously at one point of time, a Notes
researcher administers his tools for measuring a few variables mean on five, six, seven, eight and nine-
year old children and compares them. On the scores of each variable for all the age-groups based on
this comparison, he describes which traits are dominant at which age level, or which dominant
characteristics define a particular age-group.
It is difficult to say whether longitudinal or cross-sectional approach is better. Both have their
advantages and disadvantages. Longitudinal method is considered more appropriate a technique of
studying human development. It has several advantages. But, at the same time it has certain weaknesses
also. It gives, no doubt, more accurate assessment of the developmental change. But that may not be
true about all individuals as the group of children that is studied. may not be representative of any
larger population. Another weakness is that it is difficult to keep all the subjects within the study over
a low-pod of time. Several of them may be lost to the investigation for several reasons. Also, it is very
time consuming. It is difficult to wait for the results for such a long time.

Notes The cross-sectional study on the other hand is considered to be handy and
adequately manageable. Hence, they are more popular.

Cross-sectional method has the advantage of being completed within a short duration. They reveal
the status of the children of different age groups on several variables simultaneously. Yet, they,
too, have several weaknesses. One of these is that the groups that are compared are not, many a
time, comparable.
Both the types of studies are, however, considered quite useful if the purpose is to understand
growth and development.
Children grow very fast. They also learn very quickly. If one observes a child admitted in grade
I for some time, one finds many changes in the child’s behaviour. The researchers who want to
know change in behaviour over time can apply cross-sectional or longitudinal designs for their
Suppose, a researcher is interested to know the change in height and weight of the child after every
six months for a period of three years. Another researcher may be interested to know how many
words children can recognise when they are 4 years old, 4 year old, 5 years old, and 6 years old.
In these types of studies one can either employ a cross-sectional design or a longitudinal design.
A cross-sectional design is relatively simple. It involves collection of information from different
groups of pupils (varying in age) at a single time. For example, you want to know the number of
words children can recognise. You select four groups of children: 4 years old, 4 years old, 5 years
old and 6 years old. In other words, in this design, the researcher attempts to study the impact
of age on behaviour or learning. The design is simple and consumes less time, money, etc. But it fails
to explain the processes involved in learning. Also persons born at different time periods cannot
be considered equal in terms of their cultural and historical experiences.
Longitudinal design, in contrast, involves study of same group of children over a number of
times. For example, in the above example, children, who are 4 years old will be tested on the first
occasion. Thereafter, the researcher will wait for 6 months and only after the children attain the age
of 4 years they will be subjected to testing. The same group of children will be tested when


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes they are 5 and 6 years old. It is evident that this method is more time-consuming and costly. It is
also characterised by the problem of attrition. Considering the current high dropout rate, by the
time you go for second testing many children might have dropped out. So you get lesser number of
pupils. The same group of children is tested on several occasions, which enhances the possibility
of carryover of learnt material from one occasion to another. The advantage is that it helps in
understanding the processes involved in learning.

8.2 Trend Studies

Trend studies also constitute a sort of developmental type of research as they also observe and
assess what characteristics prominently and consistently emerge at different times. But, they do
not stop only at this point describing only these consistently dominating characteristics. They are
future-oriented also in the sense that on the basis of these consistently dominant characteristics
or trends they also predict what the future status of these trends will be, how they will affect the
institution, the people, the environment, the output and other various aspects. For example, the
study of the rates of enrolment at primary level of education for the past ten years may enable the
researcher to predict what will be the situation in the next nine or ten years, how many schools will
have to be opened, how much financial allocation will be required per year, and so on.
This kind of research uses methods and techniques of various other research strategies such as historical
research, survey techniques and content analysis, etc. Studies of school enrolment, population changes,
employment opportunities, specific social changes, etc. may be considered belonging to this category
research. For certain purposes, they may be considered very useful.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Developmental type of study aims at describing the change that takes place in the………….
and …………. of an organism or an institution or some social process over a determined
period of time.
2. Growth studies can be made in any field. But, most common are the studies of
3. The longitudinal method is considered more appropriate a technique of
4. The researchers who want to know change in behaviour over a time can apply
……………… for their study.

8.3 Summary
yy This type of study aims at describing the change that takes place in the growth and development
of an organism or an institution or some social process over a determined period of time.
yy In case of longitudinal studies the same child or the same group of children is measured
on several variables at different age levels with the result that the study stretches over a
number of years bringing most critical changes taking place at critical age levels.
y y Children grow very fast. They also learn very quickly. If one observes a child admitted
in grade I for some time, one finds many changes in the child’s behaviour.
yy A cross-sectional design is relatively simple. It involves collection of information from different
groups of pupils (varying in age) at a single time. For example, you want to know the number
of words children can recognise.


Unit 8: Developmental Studies

8.4 Keywords Notes

yy Dominant—More important, strong or noticeable than anything else of the same type.
yy Strategies—Detailed plans for achieving goals.

8.5 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by developmental studies?
2. Discuss in detail about the growth studies.
3. Evaluate the trend studies.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. growth, development
2. human growth and development.
3. human development
4. cross-sectional or longitudinal designs

8.6 Further Readings

Books 1. Education Techniques—R. A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Work Procedure of Education Research—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.
3. Education Techniques and Appraisal—Dr Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Education Technique—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brother.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 9: Experimental Research

9.1 Experiment: Meaning and Structure
9.2 True Experiment
9.3 Field Experiment
9.4 Field Studies
9.5 Experimental Simulation
9.6 Summary
9.7 Keywords
9.8 Review Questions
9.9 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand the meaning and form of experimental research
y Understand true experiment and field experiment
y Understand field studies experimental simulation.

In experimental research opposite to descriptive and historical research, researcher any condition of
studies whom he consider appropriate manipulates abundantly. According to Heman, he himself
produce any condition or incidence to a reasonable degree and studies about their effect. To clarify
the form of experimental research it is very essential to explain that which one called experiment.

9.1 Experiment: Meaning and Structure

True experiment only can be done in laboratory because to follow their standard procedure only
possible in laboratory. In the field of education, psychology and sociology it is not possible to follow
completely this standard procedure because in these field taken mostly studies can be done are most
complicated and it cannot be studied in laboratory.
The main purpose of experiment is under complete controlled condition of two variables, to find out
the functional relation between one independent and other dependent or it can be said that which
conditions doing as factor in happings of any events to invent them is the purpose of experiment.


Unit 9: Experimental Research

Is condition ‘A’ is the cause of condition ‘B’? Is variable ‘A’ is linked with variables ‘B’? To find out Notes
the answers of such questions, taking the help of experiment. For a rough example “Are the boys’
intelligence level is cause of their educational achievement”? “Do morning tea give freshness?”

Example “Does parents quarreling produce behavioural problems in their children?”

Such problems whose solution are only possible through medium of experimental research. Therefore
practical is such a procedure under which one variables’ (independent) second variables (dependent)
studies the effect of that, can be done by controlling of some main variables (controlled variables).
Whereas this control is very tight and researcher has full freedom of ample use of dependent variables
(as in the laboratory) that is called true or true experiment. As this control and freedom become least,
studies goes beyond real studies’ condition. Such experiments are called in perfect or quasi experiment.
According to Snodgrass– Berger Hoyden by these approaches fulfilled experiment is found too much
difference on the one end true or laboratory experiments, then on the other end much-uncontrolled
correlational and observational experiments. According to these writers experiments bi-elemental
criterion has been mentioned. These two element are—
(i) At least two conditions or having comparable groups and
(ii) Independent variables on that basis comparable groups makes, their ample use and freedom
of transference. The meaning of independent variables ample use is that researcher any
unit of true studies based on independent variables can kept under any group, treatment
also. In the condition of not such possibility researcher accepts group of units as they are
in which form they are stationery in environment. For example, if it has to study that what
is the effect of coffee on main activity of a person then we make three groups on coffee
(independent variable). First, those persons who are given too much coffee, second that
is given less and third that is given too less. Then measure their functionality and then on
the basis of that compares those three groups. If functionality is in the same order as a the
most coffee users group functionality is found to be least then it can be said that Coffee
increases functionality as a coffee effects on functionality. Here matter is to pay attention is
that researcher to full freedom to keep any person in any group. He randomly can keeps a
person under any group or treatment. In other words any treatment or independent variables
position who he formulation himself, can be thrust upon on any true studies unit (persons).
These activities is called manipulation of independent variable. But if we studies person’s
impulsive intensity on their functionality then this manipulation is not possible be cause
person’s impulsive intensify cannot be changed. Therefore it can be kept as status quo in
any group. In which impulsive intensity is too much they are only Place in high impulsive
group, not in less or least intensity group. This is the great characteristics of true experiment
that in which manipulation of independent variables is not possible by which control increase
in experiment and fault is least.
Due to above characteristics of true experiment their result’s internal validity or precision increase
as it is more rightly to say that studies or dependent variables happens due to independent variables
whose impact is to be studying.
But in all these conditions this manipulation is not possible. In any condition it may be impractical
or immoral. Then before researcher no option remains but naturally occurring groups, but in this
condition done experiments not consider as true experiment they can be kept under the category
of quasi-true or correlational or observational studies. Only in them establishes relation, but cause-
effect does not establish. In fact lams of cause of invention’s use is the great characteristics that based
upon Mill’s law of single variable, whose meaning is that control all the variables which effects on
dependent variables only one variable should be effective or activated. It is true that such a control


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes in the field of education, Psychology and sociology’s is not possible in experiments, but at the some
time it is also true that the effect of related elements and variables adverse effect on the precision of
result and increase fault in experiment.

Types of Experimental Research

Notes It is experiment which is basic of experimental research.

From the point of view of above characteristics and laws, experimental research has been divided in
the following divisions—
1. True experiment
2. Field experiment
3. Field studies
4. Expost-facto studies
5. Experimental simulation
Aforesaid all types of studies comes under experimental invention because in all that the purpose is
to establish relation cause–effect between variables. But where and how studies are to be done, by
this approach they have difference to one another. Each one is explained in detail in the following

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. True and real experiment only can be done in ………... .
2. The main purpose of experiment is between two variables under controlled condition to find
out the……….. relation.
3. The rule of cause-effect is based on ………..law of single of variable.

9.2 True Experiment

Which invention can be done by the medium of experiment has been done in laboratory they can be
accepted as true experimental studies because the condition of studies is fully controlled. With respect
to other experiment, the experiment has been done in laboratory differ from many ways-

Caution Experimental studies only can be done in laboratory.

Secondly in this independent variables manipulate, by randomization units’ division in groups and
get full freedom to thrust upon units of treatments.
In other words affecting elements of independent and dependent variables’ relation almost full control


Unit 9: Experimental Research

are possible. As a reset of this available results’ explanation’s is uniform that ‘A’ is cause of ‘B’. Beyond Notes
this if any more exploration is possible that the result is not called valid up to that limit as if result is such
that ‘B’ any more cause is possible then it be under stood reliable and valid. This is an optimum condition.
Reality is that it is very difficult getting cent-percent valid of experimental studies. In every experiment
must lies some mistakes, but experiment done in laboratory differ from other experimental studies that is
their contrived settings. According to Kalinger true experiment has three main objectives—
(i) To get functional relation between events in pure and faultless condition.
(ii) On the basis of studies and theories testing of projected future.
(iii) To give definition of theories and hypotheses, formulation of new hypotheses and formulation
of theoretical system.
Experimental invention basically related to evaluation of theory. It is a very useful and powerful
medium of formulation of new reliable and valid knowledge, but it can be only true when experiment
is done fully controlled methods, which is not possible in every condition. Therefore some experimental
studies are more reliable and valid and some are less.

9.3 Field Experiment

Did You Know? When any experiment is done in laboratory, then it is called laboratory
experiment or true experiment. When experiment is done outside laboratory
in an open field, then it is called field experiment.

Field is much differ from laboratory and this difference affects the format field experiment. In laboratory
for researcher it is possible to control each and every condition. When he wants management of studies
can do desirable change. Just its opposite field is too much extensive and in that various elements,
conditions, variables are activates and it is not possible for researcher to control them. Too many field
forces are affecting one another simultaneously. It is beyond control rather than it is not easy to know
that in any studies condition which elements are functioning and affects the result. Therefore out side
laboratory done experiment are differ from that which is done in laboratory. These experiments are
called field experiment.

Meaning and Form

The logical base of these experiment are some as which are true experiment. In these one or two
independent variables manipulation can be done. In these researcher makes different levels of
independent variables true experiment subjects, keeps in groups based on them, take measure of
dependent variables and get conclusion by comparing of result. Like true experiment comparable
groups are made on the basis of, at different levels of independent variables. Mostly these groups are
readymade and fixed as which units, will in which group, it is fixed. Researcher only selects them.
After making the two groups of more intelligent and less intelligent, more intelligent boys will be in
more intelligent group. Researcher has some of them for studies only select. But in some conditions by
randomization, according to desire, distribution of units in any group is possible. By this approach field
experiment is same as true experiment, but they are differ from this approach that their management,
techniques field’s in natural environment is completed on the basis of natural behaviors of units.
Therefore in the environment of field presents cannot be controlled a number of condition, so that
their effects of family environment studies then on the basis of family environment (independent


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes variables) living in favourable and adverse environment, boys’ two groups can be made. Here it is
not possible that boys by randomly can be kept in this or that group who belongs to that group will
be in that. This is the natural group of boys which are already presents. Yes! It is possible that on two
or three other correlated variables being established relation between in the both groups of boys but
from own desire formulation of groups is not possible.
The quality of differential experiment is that, in experiment research the researcher begins from
independent variables and goes towards dependent variables it means firstly he selects the different
levels of independent variables on that basis formulated the under process experiment groups. After
that those groups’ measurements the dependent variables based behaviour. By this approach field
experiment and experiment done in laboratory are differ from each other. In field experiment by
randomly on dependent variables making groups of units, as a independent variables manipulation
possibility is less. At the some time related variables possibility of controlling in that is less also.
Therefore with compare to true experiment field experiments’ results precision and validity is less. Due
to the effects uncontrolled variables result are more faultless. This difference due to this field-experiment
is done. Outside the laboratory whose many factors are beyond the control of researcher.

Although the validity and reliability of field experiment is less than with compare to true experiment
and it has its own limitations. Nonetheless their utility in the field of education, Psychology and
sociology is much more. Whatever studies has been done in this field mostly will found field-
experiment. In these areas mostly research condition is that in which true experiment cannot be done.
Only field-experiment is possible. Therefore it has special importance in these fields. If carefully
intervening and correlated variables try to control then their default will be less to a great extent and
can be ranked with true experiment.
Field experiment from this point of view is more useful that due to the natural behavior of true
studies units in that, result’s external validity (generalization’s extensiveness) is increased which is
due to too much controlling and by researcher’s produced as a result always be less due to unnatural
behavior of units.
Second benefit of field experiment is that small groups dynamicity and natural Social Process’ can be
studied more emphatically which is neither possible nor relevant in laboratory’s experiment.
Third benefits of its is that it is more suitable to find out the solution of applied problems and
verification of theories. At the some time due to its process is more flexible a number of conditions’
use is possible.
These experiments have only two demerits-firstly in this manipulation of independent variables is
less and secondly in that by randomization distribution in groups is not possible also.

Self Assessment
Multiple Choice Questions:
4. Experimental invention is basically related to evaluation of _______________ .
(a) Management (b) Theory (c) Experiment (d) Field
5. When an experiment is done in laboratory then it is called ___________ experiment.
(a) Field (b) Studies (c) True (d) Observation
6. True experiment’s compression field-experiments’ precision and validity is ___________ .
(a) Much (b) Less (c) Not at all (d) none of these


Unit 9: Experimental Research

7. Applied problems’ sort out and __________ for verification field experiment is more Notes
(a) Theories (b) Studies (c) Observation (d) Management

9.4 Field Studies

Field studies come in experimental invention category also be course in that try to establish cause-
effect relation but these are also different from true experiment and field-experiment.

Meaning and Form

According to Karligar, field studies is also export facto studies whose purpose is to establish a relation
among social order activating sociological, educational and psychological variables and explore
their inter activities. The field studies is (i) expost facto studies and (ii) in harsh conditions of life as
a behaviour’s real setting as a school, family, community, etc. in that it is done. There is no changing
in behavioural setting and true studies whose observation and measurement is to be done are actual
and natural. They are not derived by researcher in any medium of process. According to Barker
(1965), in these studies researcher is an only transducer. The most important characteristics of these
studies is that in this behaviour is studies as they happened. In Karligar’s words researcher does not
manipulate any independent variables.
Both in field studies and field experiment and difference between field studies and true experiment is
that in field studies formulation of comparable groups is are done on the basis of dependent variables.
Where as in other twos their formulation is done on the basis of dependent variables. As if between
intelligence and educational achievement, studies is of cause-effect relation then in field studies less
or more achiever make groups of studies and will be compared on the basis of intelligence of both the
groups. In the experiments of other two types less and much intelligence, two groups will be made
on the basis of intelligence and then will be compared on achievement basis.
Kaz has explained two methods of these studies:
1. Exploratory and
2. Hypothesis testing
In exploratory studies each term has been explained whereas in hypothesis testing studies, we try to
establish mutual relation between variables. Student’s educational achievements invention, invention
of factor affecting institutional environment, etc. can be the example of hypothesis testing studies.

Karligar’s opinion is that in field studies “precisioness, importance, conformity of variables, theory
orientation and questionable characteristics is much”. As these studies are done in the real condition
of life, therefore its result assumes on other conditions. By this approach they assume much closer to
reality. Field studies are assumed important because they provide many information which can be
helpful later in different controlled experiments. The meaning of conformity of variables is that due to
in natural environment real behaviours’ studies, expression of variables in behaviour is more clearly.
In laboratory, these behaviour are suppresses. In these full amplification of variables cannot be done.
For example, if we students’ achievement’s initiative measurement did in school than it will appear
more vividely. Their expression in laboratory will not be so good. In these studies not only collection
of facts but also possibility of theory propagation is much more. The meaning of questionable is that
the result of these studies formulated a number of questions, to get the answer of these questions


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes much studies is needed again. If result of any studies says that self-concept of children is affected by
their family background, then a number of questions arise from this: Does it happen due to parents
relation? Does it due to family’s children mutual relation? Does it due to family’s socio-economic
conditions, etc.

Task Evaluate-field studies.

Including these charities, these studies have also some demerits. All those demerits whose mention
is done about expost facto research, in field studies also. In comparison of true laboratory experiment
and field experiment, Field experiment result are less reliable and valid. Its reason is that in these
neither manipulation of independent variables nor formulation by randomization. Lack of control is
the cause of these defaults.

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False:
8. The purpose of experiment is to investigate the cause of events.
9. True experiment has been done in open field.
10. According to Karligar, field study is same as expost facto studies.
11. The use of experimental simulation in applied science began a few years before.

9.5 Experimental Simulation

This is also a method of experimental research. In some field, it has been using since long time, but
in the field of applied science its use has been started a few years before.

Meaning and Form

These studies are true study behaviour in which true study variables are expressed, formulation of
unnatural environments of theirs, which are much alike as actual settings. To know whether any
teaching techniques to teach class ix —teacher does not use is how much effective. This technique in
real class but he teaches his friends by this method for few days and after that all of them evaluate
this method this is known as experimental simulation. In this it is important that unnatural condition
is almost same as real condition.
Like true laboratory experiment in simulated experiment inclusion of controlling of variables,
manipulation of independent variables and randomization. In management science field a number
of games have been invented which management-science’s formulae, laws etc. their implementation
and to show their success is a powerful medium.

Simulated research is not much in use in the field of applied science. Perhaps its cause is that there
is less possibility of theses types of studies in the field of applied science and their results are doing
transfers into real condition their utility proves to be less.


Unit 9: Experimental Research

Final conclusion Notes

In this chapter six methods of research has been discussed. Each of them has its own merits and
demerits. This is not right to think that this method is the best and that method is not suitable. Which
of them is the best method it depends upon the purposes and conditions of studies. The reality
applied science related researches is that researcher’s always in them is to compromise between
precision and realism, between external and internal validity and between controlled and natural
system. Field experiment a bit far away from that moves in the direction of controlling of variables
and manipulation.
Every researcher should remember one thing that “realism”, “precision” and “generalization” in
each studies have most desirable, but incensement in all of them at the some time is not possible. In
laboratory experiment precision, control and manipulation are much more but respectively simulated
experiment and in field-experiment these three characteristics becomes least and just its opposite
in some order realism and natural behaviour order increases. These three characteristics precision,
controlling and manipulation are most important but all of three only in one studies desirable equal
incensement cannot be possible. Come to this point researcher involves in a great adverse condition.
If he tries to increase first characteristics then secondly decrease autonomously. Therefore which is
right method, not involves in them he should follow that method which is more suitable purpose
and condition of studies context. Selection of that, decrease their faults as far as possible and makes
their properties strong, he should try to make it more and more useful. It seems that in the selection
of research method this is the best and positive approach.

9.6 Summary
yy The main purpose of experiment is under complete controlled condition to find out the
functional relation between two variables, first independent and second dependent.
yy Any treatment or position of independent variables that it formulated itself, can applies on
any true studies unit (person). This is the process which is called manipulation.
yy Field experiments’ reliability and validity are less in comparison to true laboratory experiment
and it has its own limitations nonetheless in the field of education, psychology and sociology
their utility is too much
yy According to Karligar, field studies are, expost facto studies whose purpose is to find out the
relation among in actual social order functional sociological, educational and psychological
variables and their inter-activities.

9.7 Keywords
1. Manipulation—use according to desire (independent variables).
2. Simulated experiment —In true studies behaviour like natural settings formulation of
unnatural settings.
3. Natural—Real, actual

9.8 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by experimental research and how many types? Explain.
2. What do you mean by field experiment? Explain.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 3. Throw light on field studies.

4. Writes notes on experimental simulation.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Laboratory 2. Functional 3. Mill 4. (b) Theory
5. (c) True 6. (b) Less 7. (a) Theories 8. True
9. False 10. True 11. True

9.9 Further Readings

Books 1. Education Techniques—R.A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Education Researches’ Procedure—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.
3. Educational Technique, Management and Appraisat—J.C. Agrawal, Bhatt
4. Educational Techniques—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brothers.


Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University Unit 10: Ex-Post Facto Research

Unit 10: Ex-Post Facto Research Notes

10.1 Ex-Post Facto Research
10.2 Difference between True Experiment and Ex-Post Facto
10.3 Evaluation
10.4 Summary
10.5 Keywords
10.6 Review Questions
10.7 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Ex-post Facto research understanding
y Understand about difference and evaluation of laboratory cost’s experiment

The purpose of this research is to identify functional relationship among phenomena by relating their
occurrence to hypothesized factors or conditions. Ex-post-facto research also aims at finding out most
answers to problems, Efforts are made, in this, on establishing of some consequence. In this sense it
is an experimental research’.

10.1 Ex-Post Facto Research

These studies are the relation between events and function has been established also and try to know
the causes of events.

Meaning and Form

Ex-post facto research is such a study in which the relation between independent and dependent
variables couse effect is established.
Therefore, it is placed in the category of experimental research also, but it can not categorized as true
experiment because in experiments independent variables transference and desirable manipulation’s,
research’s go freedom which is not in ex-post facto research. In experiment, making different levels
of independent variables units can be distributed in some number of group by probity methods.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes In this comparable groups can be made on the basis of independent variables, but in ex-post facto
research these groups can be made on the basis of dependent variables as a experiment process
stars with dependent variables. Therefore, Mauli has said ex-post facto research’s “experiment in
reverse” because in this the order of independent and dependent variables just opposite to under
experimental order. In experiment first think about independent variables and on the basis of that
comparable group makes, whereas in ex-post facto studies dependent variables comes first as a first
on the basis of that comparable groups makes. In experiment comparable groups’ compares on the
basis of dependent variables. Just its opposite in ex-post facto studies comparable groups compares
on the basis of independent variables.
Ex-post-factoresearch’s make group on dependent variables are not made really but they are ready-
made available in community which are differ from each other as –Boys-girls, rular-urbane, rich-poor,
low-attainder or high-attainder, more-intelligent, less-intelligent, etc. Due to inter-variances of these
to sought after that compares on independent variables. For example if we have to find the cause of
student’s low level educational achievement-impulse then we select the groups of low level impulsion
and high level impulsion then we will compared it vice-imaginer variables (as a intelligence, or
students family background).
The meaning of term ex-post facts is after phenomena (dependent variables) as a dependent variables
are available in their natural form. After that their causes (relation with independent relation) to
be find out. As in above example initiative of events’ low level or high level is available already in
community. Such a student is present in school already. In causal-comparative studies is done alike,
but in them method of discovery of cause is differ from these studies methods.

Self Assessment
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. In ex-post facto research among events _____________ to determine relation.
(a) non-functional (b) functional
(c) alternatives (d) multiplier
2. Mauli ex-post facto’s has said _____________.
(a) changing experiment (b) non-changing experiment
(c) positive experiment (d) negative experiment
3. The meaning of term ex-post facto is _____________.
(a) on the time of event (b) before event
(c) after event (d) all of these
4. Psychology and _____________ has great importance in the field of Education of occurred
(a) Economics (b) Social Science
(c) Accounting (d) Political Theory

10.2 Difference between True Experiment and Ex-Post Facto

The experiment is done in laboratory in that ex-post facts studies are differ from following point of
1. In laboratory oriented experiment desirable manipulation of independent variables is possible
and done measurement and study of their effects on dependent variables. In ex-post facto


Unit 10: Ex-Post Facto Research

research studies makes groups of dependent variables at different levels and them it compares Notes
on independent variables.
2. In laboratory oriented extraneous studies element’s effect’s by randomization and matching
etc., try to control as far as possible by this result different treatments’ occurred by independent
variables can be possible to accept. In ex-post facto researches this control is quite impossible.
Therefore its result are not more reliable. Both two methods of above mentioned of control
is not possible in ex-post facts studies.
3. In both studies it is possible to choose the method for origin of groups from the unit of
population but in sequenced study distribution with this method is impossible however it
is possible in experiments in laboratory. In sequenced studies units are itself dissolved in
groups. In studies dependent variables themselves divide in different groups. According to
Karligar, In these studies “units” and treatments already divided in groups.

Task Make difference clearly between laboratory oriented experiment and ex-post
facto studies.

10.3 Evaluation
Three main shortcomings of these studies-
1. Lack of possibility of desirable manipulation of independent variables.
2. By randomization of units lack of possibility of distribution.
3. Study of external variables, problems of control.
Due of these short comings these studies internal validity is very less. Therefore Mauli has said that
these studies in one time supports many hypothesis and sometimes Paradoxical hypothesis also
because its research materials collects under very uncontrolled conations. Due to this reason so many
alternative hypothesis are extracted from that.

Caution Mauli has also said that these studies should be kept under survey research that
utility only understood from that point of view that they produces hypothesis-that
hypothesis can be verified after by experiments.

All authors and scholar accept that in post-events studies whatever information available between
independent and dependent variables they are less faithful then experiment. But at the some time
he also add that although result of experiment is more reliable but their external validity possibility
is very less.
After all these demerits study of post-events’ education psychology and in Sociology’s field has much
importance’s because in there field mostly research condition is such that in that experiments cannot
be managed. For example in this field such a variables whose manipulation cannot be done. Intelligible
worry, impulsion, many characteristics of personality etc., are such a variables. Likewise, social pressure
and tension, social tendencies, socio-economic status, caste, religion etc., are such a variables which
cannot be manipulated. Environment of school, characteristics of teachers etc., also such a variables.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes In short too less condition in this field are such that in which experiment can be possible. Therefore
mostly condition is such as are that in which only post-events studies are possible.

10.4 Summary
yy Ex-post facto research is a such a study in which establishes the relation of course-effect between
independent and dependent variables. Therefore it has been also kept under the category of
experimental research.

10.5 Keywords
1. Post events-After events, to determine the functional relation among events.
2. Entries-Admission in a school or an institution.

10.6 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by Ex-post Facto research?
2. Evaluate the Ex-post Facto research method.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. (b) Functional 2. (a) changed experiment
3. (c) After event 4. (b) Sociology

10.7 Further Readings

Books 1. Education Researched work procedure—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.

2. Educational Techniques management and assessment—J.C. Agrawal, Bhatt
3. Education Techniques—R.A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Educational Research Methods—Sharin & Shashikala, Vinod Pustak Mandir.


Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University Unit 11: Experimental Design

Unit 11: Experimental Design Notes

11.1 Classification of Experimental Design
11.2 True Experimental Design
11.3 Quasi True Experimental Design
11.4 Individual Study: Some Challenges
11.5 Individual Research Design: Final Evaluation
11.6 Summary
11.7 Keywords
11.8 Review Questions
11.9 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand the true and quasi experimental design
y Understand the individual studies’ and evaluation.

It is considered to be necessary to prepare a detailed structure and form before research work. The
purpose is to mention clearly in hypothesizes, method of sampling, means of collection of data, methods
of analyzing of data etc. This detailed form is called design of research. Every type of research has
a detailed form and a design. In experimental research, design has a special significance, and in the
books their description is under the title of experimental designs. In book this description found in
two different fields—
1. The lay-out of the experimental research, and
2. The statistical designs of the experimental research.
Under lay-out it is explained how the research has been done, how many groups of them, how they will
be managed in research, whether the research will be done with only one group or with that controlled
groups etc. The discussion includes their merits and demerits also. While analyzing experimental data
under Statistical design, a number of statistical methods are mentioned. In present studies design’s
classification and types have been described by the lay-out point of view.
It will be clear from previous chapter’s explanation at experimental research how much complicated
the procedure of experimental research is and how much matter is to be considered in that. Therefore


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes not any design, not any strategy can be possible in which all the rules have been implemented, which
is the best in all circumstances. Every situation of research is specific. Therefore according to that
design selection can be done. Different types of design have been mentioned in the books, they all
have their own benefits and faults.

11.1 Classification of Experimental Design

The classification of experimental design can be done by various approaches. Following classification
seems to be more appropriate—
1. Experimental and non-experimental design
2. One three-dimension classification
3. Before and after test design
4. Randomization and Correlated group design
5. Fixed and movable group design.
Every type has been described in detail below—

1. Experimental and Non-experimental Design

Did You Know? Experimental and non-experimental designs are called true and quasi-
experimental design.

True design is that condition of research in which for a researcher, it is possible to do research selection
randomly. It can be distributed under research groups. Karligar’s statement is that if in any research
situation researcher has not got above freedom or right then it can be a research experiment but not
a true experiment. There are two pre-conditions of true experimental design—
(i) Randomization and
(ii) Manipulation.
According to Karligar, in a true experimental design at least one independent variable manipulation
is necessary. Karl Smith, Elsrth and Aaroson state that experimental studies are different from other
types of studies because in that circumstances of studies is formulated by researcher himself whereas
in other studies depends upon circumstances naturally available in settings. In experimental studies
researcher’s get full freedom of changing of conditions of studies. The most important characteristics
of true experiment is that in those research conditions of studies and on post-studies variables are
ample controll is possible. Like these—
(i) Manipulation of independent variables.
(ii) Selection of units and randomization in their distribution in groups.
(iii) Controlling of post–studies variables.
These three types of orders recognition of true experimental design, these are ideal and basic. Due
to these three characteristics, it is possible to say that on dependent variables which difference is
come to be they are produced by independent variables or independent variables is the cause of
dependent variables. Like these on the basis of these designs independent and dependent variables in


Unit 11: Experimental Design

cause- effect related matter more reliable and valid statement can be done. In other words, the available Notes
results through these designs are more specific, precise and relevant. In brief, true experimental designs
are following characteristics-
1. Researcher-based studies setting, as a natural order rather than contrived order.
2. Controlling of post-studies variables.
3. Manipulation of independent variables.
4. By method their distribution in groups and by some method imposition on groups.
5. Establishment of cause–effect relation.
Due to above mentioned characteristics following are the benefits of these designs—
1. Results are more precise and reliable because results of error deviation is being least.
2. Based on true experimental designs’ interval validity is much more.
3. On the basis of these results establishment of cause of dependent variables is undoubtful.
But where as true experimental designs above benefits, at the same time they have also some fault.
The greatest fault is that its use cannot be done in such a conditions of research in which independent
variables manipulation is not possible. In the field of psychology, sociology and education a number of
such a variables whose manipulation is not possible as a sex, socio-economic level, cultural back group
whole characteristics of personality, achievements of students etc, but their affects are vital and their
study is also necessary. Before applied–scientists and researcher questions related to these variables
are then to find out the answer of these he will have to help the non-experimental designs. Love,
detest, jealous, psycho disease, effectiveness of psychological treatments, behavioral-problems’ reasons
cause learning and perception, development of languages in children etc. such a various variables
and circumstances that cannot be derived in laboratory and therefore theirs by true experimental
designs’ medium cannot studies. Their studies can be done only in natural surroundings. In these
conditions only non – experimental research design can be proved more useful. By this approach
non–experimental research designs’ importance is not become less. This is true that based on these
designs results are not reliable as true experimental designs, rather than in applied-science’s field for
research mostly these designs are used.
In non–experimental designs too much variance is found. Some of them are very simple in which no
need of any type of control but in some designs much controls and they are kept a slight difference
from true experimental research. In fact differentiate in design and non-experimental research or
quasi-true designs are done on the basis of controlling.

Example In non-experimental design controlled groups are natural and pre-

positioned whereas true experimental designs are made by researchers on
the basis of manipulation.

It is clear that in any research design as much as control on independent and post-studied variables
and methods and conditions of measuring of dependent variables will as much as standardized so
as it will be closer to experimental design.
Karligar has named non-experimental designs’ quasi-experimental design faulty design and
inadequate, but only quasi-experimental design title is used in books mostly. Post happened incidence
researches’ Karligar has also categorized in imperfect research designs. They also called them faulty
By this approach experimental researches’ designs can be divided in following two categories—
1. True experimental research design and


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 2. Quasi–true experimental research design.

e.g. as Van Dalen has said, those designs in which controlling is tough and those in which controlling
is insufficient.

2. Three Dimensional Classification

Levy-Vergar- Hoyden has classified experimental designs on three basis—
1. Number of independent variables,
2. Levels of independent variables and
3. Units distribution randomly or repeated measures.
Independent variables’ numbers’ approach are (i) Single variable (ii) Bi-variables and (iii) Multi
variables designs. By independent variables’ level’s approach designs’ level × treatment design or
called as factorial design. Units have been distributed in groups randomization then those designs
are called randomized groups design. If units one groups can be used for various treatments then
it is called repeated measures. Having matched the units, done their distribution in groups that
design are called matched group design. If matched the units on variables and distribution on them
by randomization then it is called mixed design. Above type classified on farmer three dimension a
number of combination is made and for each type of data analysis different types of statistical methods
is used. This will be cleared from following example—
(a) One Independent Variables
(i) One independent variables + random group + two levels of independent variables-
T-test in these (independent group) methods will be used.
(ii) One independent variables + matched or repeated measures + two levels – In T-test in
these ( but correlated group) methods will also be used.
(iii) One independent variables + random group + more than two level – In this condition
single direction deviation – analyzing method ( ANOVA) = one way method will be
(iv) One independent variables + matched or repeated measures + more than two levels
of independent variables – In this condition single deviation analysis but correlated
groups or repeated measures methods will be used.
(b) Two Independent Variables
(i) Two variables + random groups or between subjects on both variables + Two level in
this condition completely randomized (ANOVA) will be used.
(ii) Two variables + repeated measures e.g. within subject but randomized groups e.g.
between subjects on others.
(iii) Two variables + randomized group on single variable, but repeated measures groups
on others. In this situation mixed ANOVA will be used.
(iv) Two variables + repeated measures groups on both.
In this situation applicable on repeated measures groups mixed ANOVA will be used.
In this way it is essential to know before selection of statistical analyzing method that design is of
which types above mentioned.


Unit 11: Experimental Design

3. Pre-test, Post-test Design Notes

This is the third type of classification. This classification depends upon this matter that when the
dependent variables are measured. If groups or on the groups, firstly measured on dependent variables
after that treatment is done and time limit of treatment is over again measured on their dependent
variables and on the basis of difference of first and final measurements analyzed then it is called pre-
test-post-test types of design.

Notes After the treatment only one time measurement is done and on that basis analysis
is being done then it is called Post-test only.

These designs are also called ’before-after’ and ‘after’ only.

4. Randomized and Co-related Group Design

If the distribution of units in comparable groups is done by randomization and all group units are
separate then that design is called randomized groups design or between groups design. Just its
opposite if all that units continues in all groups or after matched the units distributes in groups then
that design is called within groups, correlated groups or repeated measure design. In this category
mixed design comes also in which groups on a variables is randomized and on the other correlated.

5. Static and Rotational Group Design

In static design group, units are separate. In this way making groups of units, it can be making treatment
and after treatment they are measured on dependent variables on that basis they are compared
mutually. Two groups of such a type of one example may be that one group is given treatment and
others not or one is given one type of treatment and second of second type. After that it is compared.
Just its reverse rotational group design groups are rotated in such a way that every group can get
every treatment. For example first a group (a) by method-1 and group (b) by method-2 taught, after
one month group (b) by method-1 and group a by method-2 taught. In this way each groups are taught
by both methods, taken examination compare the measurement of method-1 and method-2.
Although experimental methods may have many combination, but Mauli statement is that basic
design is of four types—
1. One variable design
2. Parallel groups design
3. Rotational group design and
4. Factorial design.
In this ways by different approach designs can be classified, but it mean not that one type of design
cannot be of other type. All these types are not exclusive one design may have many characteristics.
For example, one design one variable quasi-true experimental, pre-testing, post-testing or controlled
groups pre or post testing etc. may have of any types. Like this it randomly controlled groups may be
also of pre-and post-testing. On the basis of this type of combination it can be named, but since there
number may be huge therefore any type of classification is convincible. Most popular classification
is—(i) True experimental design and (ii) Quasi-experimental design. Further some such a types specific
design has been described which are comes under in two categories.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:
1. Before starting research work detailed structure is prepared that is called ------------- .
2. Experimental researches’ design is of two types– true experimental research design and
3. Matched the units, their distribution in groups that is called ----------------design.

11.2 True Experimental Design

These are that design in which controlling of variables is very rigid. Kristensen assumes these designs
to be most appropriate. Karligar assumes these basic and their variants. Mauli has kept some of these
in “basic designs” category. Kristensen explanation is quite extensive and generalized. Therefore in
this chapter true experimental design’s description done according to Kristensen’s classification.
Those designs’ whose description have been done under this class, those are—

1. After only Post-testing Design

According to the structure of this design, units are distributed in experimental and controlled group by
randomization, after that experimental groups is given treatment but controlled group is left as it is. It
is given no treatment. After the expiry of treatment both groups have measures on dependent variables.
To find out the relevancy of difference getting between difference of measurements conclusion is drawn.
Remember that in all true experimental design must exist similar controlled groups. This design is
like Static design only difference is that in this is both groups distribution of units is randomization,
whereas in static group in design both the groups’ equality is not necessary.
In the field of applied-science for research this design is much in use. Its popularity’s causes are—
(i) A number of variants of these can be whose use can be done in different conditions.
(ii) Its main-characteristics is distribution of units in groups by randomization with less error
(iii) To be provision of controlled groups get difference’s appraisal is possible.
(iv) Matched the units distribution of them in groups by randomization, increase the precision
of result.
(v) Its external validity is satisfactory. Which from vast human-community selection of units
can become more extensive.
(vi) Its internal validity is also more to fair degree.

2. Pre-test or Post-test Design

In this design units are distributed among two or more than two groups by randomization on dependent
variables their taken measure. Again experimental groups are given treatment but controlled groups
are not given any treatment. After the completion of treatment both the groups’ are measured again
at that variables. Both groups’ pre-test and post-test’s measures comparing is done on the basis of
progress. From experimental group’s progress (GE) and controlled group’s progress (GC) calculation,
get the difference between GE–GC. If experimental group’s progress is more then it assumes the effect
of indepent variables. It is considered a superior and more suitable design because in these a number
of post-studied variables as a—history, maternity, measurement error, regression, selection related


Unit 11: Experimental Design

error etc. can be controlled, but it has a fault also in this independent variables’ effect’s assessment Notes
(GE–GC) is not much correct. Crownback and Fabri (1970) statement is that these change scores’ use
is not appropriate. He recommends use of regression gain scores and regression analysis and analysis
of covariance methods, but their uses are more complicated. The second fault of this design is that
due to pre-test its groups external validity becomes doubtful.

3. Pre-test, Post-test Fourth Groups Design

Solomon (1949) had propagated this design. Campbell (1957) had recommended its use emphatically
and said that “for society-scientists prevails a new form of modal”, in this design there are four groups–
one experimental and three controlled (C-1, C-2, C-3) Its structure has been shown below—
a……………………..b…………..experimental group
Treatment (co=controll)
Without treatment
Without treatment

In the above ‘a’ is the median of pre-test and ‘b’ is the median of post-test.
In the above graphic it seems obviously that this design past both designs combination experimental
groups and first controlled groups’ saw collectively them pre-test becomes post-test. If c.2 and c3 are
combined then only becomes post-test design. Therefore in this design previous both designs’ benefit
are accumulated. According to Karligar among the four causes it becomes a forceful design. These
four courses are—
(i) On the basis of first two lines and last two lines demand of comparision among groups
fulfils fairly.
(ii) Due to the distribution of units by randomization similarity of groups is possible.
(iii) By first two lines history and maturity is controlled.
(iv) By first two three lines pre-test’s effect is controlled.
(v) Between ‘a’ and ‘b’ fluctuatable and contemporary effect being added in fourth lines is also
Karligar’s statement is that experimental groups ‘b’ if co. -1’s more than ‘b’ and co.-2’s ‘b’ group
co-3’of ‘b’ is more to a fair degree and these results meet consistently then it is considered to be a
forceful proof of experimental hypothesis truthfullness. Soloman and Lessok (1949) assumes that in
the studies of developmental procedures, the use of this design may be more suitable because in this
effect of pre-test and effects of experimental treatment, both assessments are possible.
Nonetheless its design’s use still some difficulties exists also. Firstly for formulation of four groups a
number of units are needed and completion of experiments take much time. If it not called as demerits
as such a types of difficulties is second difficulties is that six obtained measurements taken together
not any statistical method is available for their analysis. Soloman (1949) has also accepted these
difficulties also. Kampwell and Stainley (1963) has given the solution of this problem. His statement
is that two way analysis of variance can be used in which four groups’ four post-test-measurements
are taken, median of columns and median of rows comparison can be done. Columns’ median’s


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes comparison effects of treatment’s get come to the light and rows’ median’s comparison will show the
effect of pre-test. Soloman (1949) four ‘b’ taken modulas 2x2 factorial deviation analysis statistical
methods use has been suggested. Being all those Karligar’s opinion is that this design “Best example
of experimental thinking, best combination of design and analysis.”

4. Tri-groups, Pre-post-test Design

Karligar has mentioned this design. Soloman’s quarter groups design’s by first three lines, this
design can be shown. In this design pre-test’s interaction’s result’s produced effect can be removed
by second controlled groups (third lines). If the median of experimental groups from the median of
first controlled groups (Second line) fairly much more than it can be assumed undoubtfully result of
treatment because it can be occurred due to the effect of cause of pre-test, buy the median of second
controlled groups (third line ) is fairly high from the median of first group (second lines ) then it is
sure that the effect of pre-test is zero and effects of treatment is more than effects of pre-test.

5. General Random Group Design

This is only a type of post-test in which more than one level of independent variables are there.
Sometimes condition of experiment is such that independent variables’ divided at different levels
there on dependent variables separately effects comparative study is to be done as a different types
of level worrying, low-level worry and rewards’ (fixed amount, applause, books etc) what is their
effect on boys’ educational achievement, their studies. Like that teachings’ three and four types specific
methods’ studies of effectiveness on boys educational achievement. In all this did distribution of units
by randomization, every groups is given desirable treatment. After some time all those group (including
controlled groups) measurement on dependent variables, measurement is compared. For comparision
deviation-analysis method’s can be used. Whole structure can be shown as by following types—
Groups Treatment Marks obtained on dependent variables
1. Controlled groups Not......... D.-1
2. Experimental group-1 Ans.-1.......... D.3, all
3. Experimental group-2 Ans.-2 ......... D. comparision
4. Experimental group-3 Ans-3 .......... D.4
In this design, one controlled group must exist. In this one independent variable is there, but their
levels are infinite. The use of deviation-analysis method can be done for analysis.

6. Factorial Design
This design from one point of view can be understood as on extension of only post-test design, but in
these more than one dependent variables’ separately effects on dependent variables and doing their
interaction with each other studies of effects can be done. In Karligar words, these design “such a
thesis in which two or more than two independent variables their separately and interactive effect’s
studies. Suppose that boys personal adjustment’s guardian-boys relation, boys perception and with
context to their mental ability studies. In this problem there are three independent factors. Dependent
factor is personally adjustment. Now suppose every independent variable has taken two levels (higher
and lower). This design’s 2 × 2 × 2 like this will be expressed. Clearly that 3 independent variables
and each have two levels like this 3 × 2 × 3 designs meaning will be independent variables, first’s
three level, second’s two and third has three. Like this 3 × 3 × 3, 2 × 3 × 3 × 3, 3 × 2 × 3 × 2 etc. various
types these design can be, which number of independent variables and in form of their levels can be
written as above mention way.


Unit 11: Experimental Design

One 2 × 2 × 2 makes six cells design. The distribution of units in groups done by randomization. More Notes
relevant, consistent and useful are in different context more and more element’s mutual inter-action
effects to know. This is possible in the experimental research’s factorial designs. Therefore they are
attached with realism and consider to be more particle. Their measures on dependent variables and
measurement arranged in a table by statistical method their analysis is done. On the basis of this
analysis on dependent effects, 3 first order or two factor inter-functional’s effects and one second order
or three factor inter functional effect studies. The description of analyzing method has done second
part (volume) of books. It is rather a little tough to understand the concept of inter functional effect.
Their exploration has been done also the second part of book.
These design’s important desirable characteristics is that it is very close to the reality of life. Reality
is that in any circumstance of life human behavior is not only enter mines by any one element, one
circumstances or one variables, but also any behavior how simple it may be, a number of elements
work together then as a result of its derives. Behavior is the result of a number of element’s mutual
interaction. Therefore factor elements of behavior should be studies this context. Different factor
elements when works together with one another then their effects necessarily not as so as it separately
in their original form.

Caution Any elements original effects to know at the some time it is quite essential to know
which element with which element what types of interaction does.

Therefore, some elements controlled studies of effects of other elements on dependent variables are
unnatural and beyond realism. It is more meaningful, corresponding and useful to know the mutual
interactive effects. It is possible in factorial designs of experimental research. Therefore, these are
considered to be more practical and connected with reality.
One difficulties which comes to use in these design is that to use of it a number of sample and a
number of units is needed but here it cannot be said the default of designs. Second difficulties aries
then occurred when the number of independent variables is much more and each have more than
two levels. At that condition second –order interaction effects is increased and their explanation is
being tough. Third difficulties comes in the third order interactions effect’s explanation. To make it
relevant and conceivable is very tough.
Including these difficulties factorial design is very popular and it is used in a number of experiments.
The reason of this are their some characteristics. Besides above one benefit of its is that in this many
independent variables studies simultaneously and a number of hypothesis can be tested together.
Second benefit is that in this confounded factors controlling can be managed. Third benefit is that
its result is more precise than single-repeated design. Fourth benefit is that in form of interactional
effects related factors of dependent variables, notification is gets in this. It is also know that one
independent variables at different levels, how effects dependent variables which is not possible in
single variable design.

Did You Know? Before start experiment activates their detail design is prepared, that is
called research design.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 7. Correlated Group Design

It is also called within subject design. Its structure is such a way that between, on dependent variables
measurement of groups, correlation is occurred. It is only happen when such a variables which keeps
correlation with dependent variables among the units of groups’ obtain correlation is when single units
is kept in different groups or matched the units distributed in groups then it correlation is occurred
and then these groups are called correlated groups. In which design such a groups is used, that is
called correlated group design. This design is alike pre-post-test design. This is also called repeated
measure design. In this one units of groups is used for different treatment. Therefore Kristenson
statement is that which demerits is of single group, pre-post-test design, they are found in this also
but in this post studies one or two variables controlling is possible so that effects of treatment becomes
more vivid its structure design some following types—

Table 11.1
Subject T-1 T-2 T-3
1 Y-1 Z-1 X-1
2 Y-2 Z-2 X-2
3 Y-3 Z-3 X-3
: : : :
N Y-n Z-n X-n
Sums Y Z X

Above table’s matter is correlated groups ANOVA methods analyze.

8. Mixed Group Design

When in bi-variables design formulation of groups on an independent variables by randomization
and on others by correlated methods then it is called mixed groups or correlated- randomized groups
design. It is also called factorial correlated groups design. Some is the benefit of that whose have been
mentioned under factorial design. At the some time which benefit of correlated group design also
their inclusion in this. In this way its result’s prevision is increased.

11.3 Quasi True Experimental Design

The designs included in these groups have been given different name by different writers. Karligar
called it “faulty design”. Waan Dalen had called it “design with minimal control”. Kristenson
Campbell and Stainley (1966) and some others called it “quasi true design”. Karls-Smith-Elsworth-
Aaronson are keeps under “non-experimental design”.
According to Campbell when in experimental research controlling requirements do not fulfill then
it is called quasi-true design. In the field of applied sciences, a number of circumstances of research
is such that in which the tight law of control and standard process of experimental process following
is not possible. For example as Kristenson statement is also, where naturally settings a number of
unplanned and units distributes is groups by randomization and neither it is possible that post–studied
variables effect’s can be controlled by other techniques. Under these circumstances researcher by the
medium of some less standard research structures is subjected to know the defect of treatment whom
they named as ‘quasi-true designs’. Casual conclusion can be drawn on the basis of these designs or
research structures, although they are not as precise and valid as obtained by the true experimental


Unit 11: Experimental Design

design medium from this approach all these ex-post-facto research comes in the category of quasi- Notes
true designs. Karligar has explained in details difference between ex-post-fact studies and true
experimental research and said that in ex-post-fact studies units and treatments cannot be distributed
randomization because independent variables have been already occurred. Some specific quasi-true
design description has been done ahead.

Self Assessment
Multiple choice questions:
4. True experimental design’s Mauli has kept in the category of _____________.
(a) Basic design (b) Test design
(c) Extensive design (d) Group design
5. _____________ is assumed to be superior and appropriate design.
(a) Pre-test design (b) Post-test design
(c) Pre-post-test design (d) None of these
6. _____________ design is considered to be extension of post-test design.
(a) Group (b) Factorial
(c) Controlled (d) Pre-test

1. One-way Design
Campbell and Stanely has called it one-shot case study in which in one time only one group is studied.
Karlssmith-Ellsworth- Aronson has said its criticized that “Such a type of study is as make castle in
the air’. Under this any one group, person, and about any incidence collects a number of information.
It is arranged in a table and their analysis presented very smoothly so that reader believed on their
result. Reader forges during their studying that any other comparable person or groups had not been
studied. Reader does not think over that which result presents they will or not true as other units
also in such a type of studies among variables cause-effect relation cannot be established, none the
less these design are not consider to be futile at all. In some circumstances, something more is not
possible as it is, that is consider to be better. In any circumstances by them collected much information
proves useful too.

2. One-way Pre-post Test Design

Campbell and Stanley has kept these experimental designs in category of half–truth experimental
category. As Karligar assumes in this design one group is compare with some group. The structure of
this design is such as- one selected groups units’ firstly measures on any dependent variables (Pre-test).
After that groups is given a fixed treatment. After finished the treatment same dependent variables
measures again on units of groups (post-test). The difference of pre-test and post-test measurement’s
statistical exactness is tested. If post-test measurement is found reasonably high then that treatment
is suppose to be cause of that difference (of dependent variables).
There are a number of shortcomings of these design. Therefore the precision and validity of these
result is fount always low level. That difference which get from between pre-test and post-test
measurement. That is suppose to be derived by treatment variables is not right. Which changes in the
pre-test’s measurement they can be occurred due to some other causes also. Campbell has explained
in detail of these causes, history, maturity and measurement three types of elements affects pre-test


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes measurements and decreased result’s interval validity. Like this regression-effect also makes doubtful
post-test measurement. The lower measurement of pre-test towards higher in post-test and higher
measurement of post-test goes to lower where as infect there is no difference derived in measurement.
Therefore due to derived fault from there elements establishment of valid conclusion cannot be
done by the medium of this medium. As though it will not be appropriate to say these design are
completely in vain.
It may be in any circumstances besides that there is no possibility of use of other design. Then only
these will be used.

3. Two–way Groups–Control–Excluding Design

Kristenson has called this design non-equivalent pre-post test design. In these two groups already
in which one can be used like controlled groups, but in fact that is not controlled groups. Only one
comparable group exists. Both groups are done pre-test on dependent variables and after giving the
treatment of one group, both groups is again tested on that dependent groups. Is again tested on
that dependent groups. Both groups’ pre-post-test measurement’s is taken difference separately and
observes that which groups difference is more, e.g. which has been more improved.
This design is alike pre-mentioned pre-post –test design, but cannot be kept under the category of
true experimental design because in the beginning both groups do not make some by randomization
or matching method. Therefore these types of designs have been kept in the category of quasi-true
experimental design, the inequality of these groups only its weakness. Due to this having controlled
groups, there is no controlling in this. In Karligar words, in these design “generally a huge gate is
always open through which many uncontrolled variables can enter”.

4. Simulated Before-after-test Only

Under this design, selection of two groups from a mass population of units by randomization one is
called controlled groups and other are called experimental group because both the groups is selected
from only one population by randomization, hence it is assumes equal. Controlled groups’ is measure
on dependent variables after that experimental groups is given treatment and after treatment that
groups is measured on that dependent group on which controlled group had been done. After that
controlled groups, on dependent variables available pre-test measurement and post-test measures of
experimental group having taken their difference tested their relevancy. It can be shown by following
Exp. Groups Pre-test not Treatment Dependent variables (b-2)
Controlled groups dependent variables no treatment at post-test
pre-test on b-1 No post-test
In the above b2–b1’s difference relevancie’s is tested: having controlled group in this design, control
does not have undutifully also, because there is no guarantee of matching of both groups. Hence it can
not be consider as forceful design, although this one group consider better than pre-post test designs
because in this statistical regression effect and units’ selection related bias controlling is possible, but
in this history factor cannot be controlled in this also.

5. Time Series Designs

According to Goatman–Macfall–Barnet, in these types of designs not used controlling groups
uses a number of supplementary strategies of controlling. Two types of such a designs has been


Unit 11: Experimental Design

(a) Internal Time Series Design Notes

According to Kristenson in this researcher before treatment and after treatment groups’ on dependent
variables a number of times measure. It can be express in this way.
Pre-treatment measures Treatment Post-treatment measure
a-1, a-2, a-3, a-4 m a-5, a-6, a-7, a-8
It can be observed clearly from above diagram this design is much alike one group pre-post test
designs. Such a difference is that in time series design on dependent variables, before treatment and
after treatment many measure of group is taken after a short interval of time, but in that one group
is also compared with some group. According to Karligar, it is possible in these designs that as a
result of measurement process error-deviation occurred it can be removed from due to treatment
from whole effectiveness. In this way effect of treatment available in more precise form. The effect
of measurement anti-action is expressed a-1 after a-2. The effect of treatment can be seen in a-5, if it
more than a-4 too. If measurement is constant from a-2 up to a-4, not much changes, then it can said
more firmly that in a-5 seems effect due to treatment. It can be shown fairly this effect-tendencies by
graph. Due to multiple testing this design more useful than one group pre-post test design.
If it is up to first a-4 no difference in measurement than a-5 and a-4 difference maturity, testing and
regression’ cause does not assumes. If all those unit measurement is taken again and again and unit
is not left then related to selection and due to unavailability of units occurred errors can be also
controlled. Like this as said by Waan Dalen, in comparision of one group of pre-post test, in this design
experimental researches interval validity adverse effects of more elements controlling is possible. But
Campbell and Stanley (1963)statement is that history does not control in this and in this design this
one problem is continuing. Second problem is statistical assessment of result for the explanation of
result measurement’s trend’s only objective observation is base which cannot consider more reliable.
Some specific statistical methods are available which can be used, as single mood test and double
mood test. Like that walker leave test-1 and walker leave tests-3 is also which use is more useful.

(b) Control Group Time Series Design

According to Kristenson, it is called multiple time-series design. Kristenson assumes it the extended
form of previously interval time series design, but Waan Dalen has said it controlled group time series
design. This design is understood more useful than interval time series because in this controlling of
history also. In this one controlled group is uses. Below its structure has been shown by graph.

Experimental group a-1, a-2, a-3, a-4 Treatment a-5, a-6, a-7, a-8
Controlled group b-1, b-2, b-3, b-4 b-5, b-6, b-7,b-8
If controlled groups’ measurement from b-4 to b-5 not any increment but in experimental group
after treatment increment with comparison to a-5 to a-4 then it can be admitted that contemporary
history’s by treatment in occurred effect has not any contribution because in this interval experiences
of both groups will be some. This design consider better than simulated pre-post test design because
possibility of error that is controlled. The best example of its use is the study of Campbell and Ross
(1968) in which America’s Connecticut states’ in experimental groups form and other states had been
used as in the form of controlled groups transport death rate’s from 1951 to till, 1959 show by graph
and proved on the basis of their comparison that governor Ribocoff’s of Connecticut’s in 1955, traffic
related law’s avoider caught by flying checker had been surely effected and in Connecticut state
traffic death rate has been less to a fair degree because in these states one states’ controlled group
also. Therefore it cannot be said that decrease in death rate history (as in winter motor driving is less
fearful) etc. will be factors. These circumstances were same in both the groups.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes Above studies’ data’s when Campbell-Ross analyzed on the basis of mood T-test then it was not
found any relevant difference between both the groups. When Glass (1968) Box and ao-tests (1965)
use then difference was found relevant in some degree. The verification of relevancy as has been
said before is the actual problem of these studies. Rather than Kristenson statement is that Goatman
Makfall- Barnett’s (1965) statistical methods whose description Glass-Willson and Gotman (1975)
has done, proves to be beneficial in this context.

6. Cross-lagged Panel Design

The use of this design is more useful at that condition in which between two variables cause-effect
relation establishment is purpose, but not knowing previously that which can be cause of which.

Example Failure is the cause of worrying or worrying is the cause of failure.

Angry parents make their child offensive or offensiveness of a child makes parents furious, internal
inspiration intensity is the cause of better educational achievement of or better educational achievement
of students due to their interval initiative intensity etc. Psychology, education, and Sociology’s field a
number of such situations of research in which whose, cause this is the purpose of studies.
In the use of this design it is essential to keep in mind two facts-
(i) Firstly cause – effect-relation are present and
(ii) Secondly this relation process is occurred in course of time.
In short this design is use there where question is such a type is ----‘a’ is the cause of ‘b’ or ‘b’ is the cause
of ‘a’.
In this design two ‘variables are ‘a’ and ‘b’ whose measurement only taken one units of groups two
different times in ‘c’ and ‘d’ has been done. In this way four measurement are taken—
(i) a of c on time taken measure,
(ii) a of d on time taken measure,
(iii) b of c on time taken measure and
(iv) b of d on time taken measure.
On the basis of there measurement following six co-relation can be found out—
(i) ra, c. a, d. (ii) ra, c. b, c, (iii) rb, c. b, d,
(iv) rb, c. a, d, (v) ra, c. b, d (vi) ra, d. b, d
On the basis of above by following types cross-lagged panel is prepared—


Unit 11: Experimental Design



In these six correlations two are called Synchronous correlations whose meaning is that correlation
between that variables which is measured only for one time, as a –t a c b c and t a d b d. Like that
two correlation (t ac. t ad .bd) are called due to – correlation whose meaning is that a and b both
variables between that measurement correlation which are each’s first on ‘c’ time and after that on ‘d’
time taken measures available. Two correlation are called cross lagged correlation whose meaning is
that correlation between that measurement which one variables (a)’of first time taken measures at ‘c’
and second variables (b)’ef on second time at “d” and Vic versa are available taken measures. There
correlation are – (i) t ac. bd and (ii) t bc. ad.
In all correlation of above two cross lagged correlation is of much importance because basis an these
it determines that ‘a’ and ‘b’ variables which is preponderant. If t a c. bd is more than t bc . ad then
on ‘c’ time measurement ‘a’ will be cause of ‘b’. Like that ‘b’ is the cause of ‘a’ then bc . ad will be
much more all form t ac . bd Pelz and Andus (1964) has explained aforsaid agreement and in favour
of that witness has been presented. In one studies Eron – Huesman Lefkowiz – Walder (1972) try to
know that watching (a) violence on TV is the cause of aggressiveness (b) or boys’ natural aggression
is the cause of interest watching violence scene on TV. This studies had been done by cross–lagged
panel design method. When children studied in class three then their on TV violence Scene watching
tendency (a,c) and when he entered in class thirteenth then their aggression (bd) is measured. Like that
in third class their aggression (bc) and in thirteenth class on TV violence’s tendency (ad) is measured.
It is found that t ac. bd (.31) was much more from t bc to ad (.01).
Therefore conclusion is drawn from it that watching tendency violence scene on TV increases aggression
correlation reaming four is also explained. For detailed information of it, students should read Pelz
and Andus (1964) book.
Like that one more design is “ Path analysis” whose description Land (1964) and Hees (1970) has
done and he explains one more detailed research design.

7. One-unit Research Design

So far as many as quasi-true experimental designs have been described in all those more than one
units’ groups are, but such a design is developed also in which only one unit is there. These designs
are called single-subject designs. In this only one person is to be studied but it should not consider as
illusion that this is a type of unit case study only. It is much differ to single case study because under
this get information from subject, that is done under much controlled circumstances. On independent
variables subject’s action is done through much controlled observation and measurement and all
activates are done with some sentiments which is found generally in experimental methods. Rather


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes than it is not called true experimental research because in this there is no room for randomization,
transfers and repetition of units and neither any comparable groups in this. Although through this
it is possible to draw conclusion that as a result independent variable’s (treatment) that in behavior
required changed or not.
In this design before and after treatment a number of times behavior is measured. By this approach
its structure is much alike to time series design and pre-post test design. If before and after treatment
behavior’s measure only once then its structure is alike to one group pre-post test design. Therefore
it is not to say inappropriate that it is combined extended form of one group pre-post test and time
series designs. Kristenson has called it descriptive experimentation.
These types of studies have got a number of forms and names. Here only two types will be described
because there two are more familiar. These are-
(i) Reversal design and
(ii) Multiple baseline designs.
(a) Reversal Design: There are a number of names of these designs, e.g. ‘a a b a b’ design, reversal
technique that has been mentioned by Bare-Wolf and Rizley (1968), equivalent time samples design
that has been mentioned by Campbell Stainley (1963), inter-subject replication which has been used
by Sidman (1960) and intensive design whose has been described by Chassan (1967) but these are
more familiar by two names reversal design and ‘a b a b.’ In the treatment of behaviour these studies
have much importance. Its structure is of following types-

a b a b
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Baseline measurement Treatment Baseline measurement Treatment

This design have above four steps or conditions. Step ‘a’ which is called baseline measurement is
the symbol of dependent variables or aim-behavior in which aim is to change by treatment. Before
treatment this behavior come to existence that is why it is called base line measurement. This is the
starting stage of dependent variables. It is compared with that changing by treatment. Therefore,
baseline stage or behaviour is a types of criterion or conclusion, on the basis of that assessment of
effect of treatment is done.
Step ‘b’ is treatment or experimental stage by which try to change in behaviour or position ‘a’. As
much time spend to prepare study of baseline behaviour or their record some amount of time is also
given to treatment. After treatment when required changes occurred then again stage ‘a’ becomes
and continues as much time as treatment had been going on. This is the third step of experiment.
In this period, no treatment is given and subject use get freedom to live in that condition and to do
behaviour which is present under the stage ‘a’. It is called reversal position and whose meaning is
that to remove treatment and get back to stage ‘a’. To prove that change is being activated due to
treatment, this phase is most important. After that in fourth stage again treatment (circumstances ’b’)
is given for some period. This is the reason that this design is called ‘a b ab’ design. One real study
which had done by Tait and Barof (1966) its process will be cleared.

Task Express your opinion on one-unit-research design.

One a saam’s name nine year old boy that was indulged in undesirable and self hurted behavior like
hit his heads with walls and stones, beat his face by hands and beat himself etc. At the some time


Unit 11: Experimental Design

wrapped with others, to sit in his laps wrapped his arms around him etc. habits had been indulged in Notes
him. Perhaps he had a desire to others physical contact. Researcher saam’s these undesirables behaviors
(dependent variables) treatment for physical contact’s (independent variables) withdrawal’s followed
as treatment. There were four stage of experiment a b a b and every stage had been given five day’s
time. Researcher having caught hands of saam and talking to his in the campus daily (till total five
days) have had for walk. This is base line stage ‘a’. In the meantime saam used to do any undesirable
behavior he had not pay attention to that. After five days stage ‘b’ was being started in which saam
was given treatment under this if saam used to do any unbearable behavior then he have had at once
give up his hands from them (withdrawal of physical contact). This treatment (stage ‘b’) continues for
five days. After that third stage start again in which saam’s again back to stage ‘a’ i.e. base line stage.
During the five days of this stage, there was no interference in saam’s behavior. After five days again
till next five days treatment is given. In every step for every day’s frequencies of undesirable behaviors
record is used to prepare. These records is shown by a graph, date wise, stepwise. It is clearly known
by this graphic that at every treatment stage’s every day saam’s undesirable behaviors is become less.
Therefore, the conclusion is drawn that, that treatment was the forceful medium of achievements of
purpose. In this design controlling of history is possible.
(b) Multiple base line design: In this design base lines’ data is collect from a number of sources.
These sources are—
(i) Person’s a number of different behaviour
(ii) Different persons same behaviour
(iii) Person’s behaviour in different conditions happened.
After that every aim to change in behavior treatment is given. After the treatment if aim behaviour is
changed, but rest behaviour is alike (i.e. base line situated) before than that treatment is considered
to be effective. Its structure is of following types.

Behaviour Treatment-1 Treatment-2 Treatment-3 Tratment-4 Treatment-5

Persons a-base line Treatment
Or b-base line Baseline Treatment
Circumstances c-base line Base line Base line Treatment Treatment
d-base line Base line Base line
This design’s actual use’s example and detail description by Marks and Geldor (1967) prepared studies

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False.
7. One–group designs’ Campbell and Stanley has said one–shot case study.
8. Mauli said ’these types of study is to make castle in the air’.
9. In time series design supplementary strategies are used.
10. Internal inspiration is the cause of educational achievement.

11.4 Individual Study: Some Challenges

These designs have some special challenges whose explanation seems to be essential. Among them
one is concept of “base line”, second is available data’s statistical analysis and third is rival hypotheses.
Its detail explanation is as follows—


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes (a) Baseline: Under this concept characteristics of dependent variables or those aim behavior comes
which exists before treatment. In the study of one person it has much importance. This is the only
context, behavior’s guidelines which is accepted as effect of treatments. To test the exactness criterion
or as a base but a number of difficulties related this, that is essential to under stand firstly the problem
aries how a fixed and stable base line attain. Neither any criterion of it may be nor a universally
accepted definition. When and how it can be said that base line is fixed and stable. Not any solution
of its available. Specially with context human behaviour it becomes too tough also because human
behavior is very changeable. Therefore Kristenson statement that this concept is “an ideal, not a
practicable thought”.
(b) Problems of statistical analysis: Second problem is of statistical analysis. After treatment whatever
changing in dependent variables occurred that is presented by only graphs and visible mediums.
This is not a reliable method of drawing conclusion because on the basis of that it cannot be said that
changes occurred in behaviour is such that it can be considered as relevant, not any such criterion.
Goatman (1973) himself found it that on the basis of graph which behaviour-changing was assumed
as relevant, on the basis of statistical analysis that is not found relevant. A number of writers statement
is that in the analysis of datas’ of this designs statistical methods cannot be used but some of them
assumes that not such. This is true also that a number of authors have been described such a statistical
methods which can be used in analyzing of data of these designs.
(c) Paradoxical hypotheses: The meaning of its is in these types of studies after treatment which
effects occurred is assumed, that is also happen due to a number of other causes. Therefore dependent
variables oriented effects’ factor hypothesis besides treatment a number of may be. For example if
in different stages order, direction observation conditions, behavior and nature of organization is
changing then due to that factor this change can be occurred. Then it cannot be said that true studies
treatment is cause of changing came in behavior.

11.5 Individual Research Design: Final Evaluation

Although in the field of applied science mostly studies have been done on the groups of many units,
they are much popular now-a-days nonetheless single person studies have its own importance.
Sometimes they have been used. After the publication of Sidman’s (1960) book about that knowledge
is increased and their use (specially in the field of pshyco treatment) has been used to start. Sidman
is staunch supporter of it. Some other writers has accepted its utility also and said that single person
study is an important strategy of research because one man’s behaviour can be controlled fairly good
through which it is possible to obtain the effects of treatment. It is possible to obtain the effects of
treatment in precise forms but they assumes also that generalization of these results for other units
cannot be possible.
Thinking that any research design in all circumstances bad or good is not appropriate. Each has their
own merits and demerits. Like that single-person study design has his own merits and demerits.
Where in any conditions it cannot be used,rather than in any conditions their utility is too much. For
example-guide and advice, treatment of pshyco disease, behavior changing etc. in the field of that its
use is most important.

11.6 Summary
yy It is considered to be essential to prepare a detailed structure before starting research work.
This detailed Form are called design of research.
yy From the number of independent variables point of view, (i) Single variable (ii) bi-variable (iii)
multi variable being are. From the level of independent variables design’s levels × treatment
is called design or factorial design.


Unit 11: Experimental Design

yy In comparable groups distribution of units is done by randomization and units of all groups Notes
remain separately then that design is called random group design.
yy When in experimental research requirements of controlling is not fulfilled then it is called
quasi-true design.

11.7 Keywords
1. Design — A detailed form of any research.
2. Reversal — Adverseness, oppositeness.
3. Bias — inclination, inclination towards inside.

11.8 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by experimental design? Classify it.
2. Having classified true experimental design describe it.
3. What do you mean by time series design? Describe.
4. What is quasi-true design? What are the main types of it?
5. Explain factorial design.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Experimental design. 2. Quasi-true experimental 3. Matched group
4. (a) Basic design 5. (c ) Pre-and post-test 6. (b) Factorial design
7. True 8. False 9. True
10. True

11.9 Further Readings

Books 1. Educational Research’s Methods- Sharin and Shashi Kala, Vinod Pustak
2. Educational Techniques and Assessment – Dr. Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
3. Educational Technique – R. A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Educational Techniques Management and Assessment – J. C. Agrawal, Bhatt


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 12: Historical Research

12.1 Meaning and Structure of Historical Research
12.2 Process of Historical Research
12.3 Data of Historical Research
12.4 Criticism
12.5 Evaluation of Historical Research
12.6 Summary
12.7 Keywords
12.8 Review Questions
12.9 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand the meaning and structure of historical research
y Understand the process of historical research and its data
y Understand criticism and evaluation of historical research.

Whatever exists in the universe, they all have its past, present and future. Any incidence, institution,
ideas, concepts, socio-economic characteristics, theory or tradition are not such as that has no past or
history, at the same time nothing is as such whose history is not linked with its present and future.
Therefore, any incidence, process and tradition to understand thoroughly, it is necessary to look into
its past. Secondly, it is very natural curiosity of human beings that whatever comes within the range
of their experience he tries to knows its past. On this background in the various fields of knowledge,
historical research’s is formulated and developed. All these research are considered important in the
field of education, psychology and sociology. Today in this area, there are many such studies available
which come under this category.

12.1 Meaning and Structure of Historical Research

Which is gone, has become past its description, writing and studies are known as history. In the field
of education and sociology, a number of things are there whose root spread up to the events of past.
Therefore to understand its present thoroughly, it is necessary to know its past. If it is not so, then


Unit 12: Historical Research

also the history of educational and sociological process and traditions are important and interesting Notes
to know. They produce human curiosity in itself. Many times the study of past indicates towards the
desirable changes of future. Therefore definition of historical research is the “A research about those
events, process and traditions has been studied which are happened in the past”. According to Smith
and Smith, the purpose of historical research describes the past correctly. Past truth’s Scholarship
research as a that form of curiosity in which researcher want to know that “its form in past how its
condition was, why and how such happened”. According to Mauli, the purpose of historical research
is to give more clear perspective of present’s events.

Notes According to Borg, historical research ”Regarding the events of past get conclusion
available and fore the verification of facts historical witness’ research objectively
and methodically, their appraisal and synthesis”.

In the field of education, any of its current aspects can be studied. There are many problems in Vedic era
such as the relationship between teacher and pupil, some characteristics of Mughal period, education
policy in first five year plan, the purpose of education in Vedic period, purpose of education in medieval
period, role of Madarsa in social development in Muslim period etc. Which can be studied regarding
Past. All these studies come under the category of historical research.
All historical studies are of two types—descriptive and analytical. In those event’s past information
giving, essays, documents, memorials, books, inscriptions historical remaings, etc. studies on that
basis a number of facts and figures has been collected and draw conclusion by their analysis.

Planning of Historical Studies

As it happens to other types of studies, before starting of these historical studies a complete and
properly planning is done.

Caution It is quite necessary to take final decision before the selection of subject that whether
ample material, source of material are available or not.

If it will not so, then study is quite impossible. At the same time, it is also necessary to study and
review the researches that have been done so far including available literature related to problems.
On their basis to fulfil the purpose of studies, creation of hypothesis can be possible. According to
Heman, at this level creation of hypothesis vividly and Shoul have tried to theoretical development.
Heman has also accepted the importance of hypothesis in these studies clearly.

12.2 Process of Historical Research

These types of studies have almost same steps of process which are followed in the descriptive
Waan Dalen has mentioned the following five steps—
(i) To determine the problems, their definition and detailed explanation.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes (ii) To collect source material on which basis research related thesis can be collected, problem
based information is to be got.
(iii) Critical evaluation of source material
(iv) Formulation of hypotheses on that basis facts and figures is to be explained.
(v) Analysis of material, drawing conclusion and prepared document.
In other words, Mauli has also mentioned these terms. Hocket has described a three step process.
These three steps are—
(i) Collection of Data
(ii) Evaluation of data
(iii) Prepared written document

12.3 Data of Historical Research

The data of historical research is historical components and events. Originally, in other researches
the sources of this material are psychological examinations, questionnaires, interviews, etc., but in
historical research it is in the form of historical facts, events and informations which can be collected
from different sources.

Example On the basis of historical understanding answer related to questions and

for the test of further hypotheses, facts are presented.

Mauli has divided the sources of historical understandings and facts into two categories—
(i) Historical documents
(ii) Historical remains
By an another approach, Waan Dalen has divided medium historical data into Primary and
secondary— in the two categories. According to Waan Dalen, primary source is “The basic material
of historical research”. Basic material or secondary becomes a source. In that presentioner inclusion
his own approach and concepts. At that condition it is consider to be less reliable nonetheless its
importance is not less.
Under documental source includes a number of types of documents, as a—
(i) Governmental document
(ii) Personal document
(iii) Different types of images, maps, drawing, photos, etc.
(iv) Published material
(v) Mechanical tools such as-tape, video cassette, etc.
Under relics comes a lot of things, such as –
(i) Massive objects—buildings, furniture, different types of equipment, dress, tools, remains
of dead bodies, etc.
(ii) Published material
(iii) Handwritten material etc.
Answer of the problematic questions can be obtained on the basis of all the above sources, information,
and data and hypothesis can be tested, but to get valid and reliable conclusion, it is necessary that
base of these facts must be reliable. In another types of research like this is essential that psychological


Unit 12: Historical Research

test, questionnaire etc. are reliable and valid like that historical studies aforesaid facts and sources Notes
consider to be essential that it is reliable and valid also and it is consider to important prior to analysis
of data their reliability and validity determines. Its main method is criticism.

Task Write a note on historical research data.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Whatever is exist in the universe, it has its past, present and …………also.
2. Whatever has become past their description, writing and studying are called……….. .
3. All historical studies are of descriptive and …………..types.
4. In historical studies, the importance of ………….has been accepted clearly.

12.4 Criticism
In historical research whatever documents and remains are available that is not consider rightly as
per their autoerotic. Therefore researcher determines their authencity very minutely. He determines
that document or remains are fundamental, undoubtful and real or not. Its determination on the basis
of two types of criticism—
1. External criticism
2. Internal criticism
1. External Criticism: Under the external form of criticism document or validity of remains,
truthfulness, or tested their precision. By two researchers gets the answer of this question
that ”Does it some which appears or as has occurred originally” rather it is not that looks
any deceive under this mainly original writer of document or remains or determination of
sources. At what era or when it wrote or prepared, who prepared, at what condition it can
be made, is this its original form etc. collected facts on that aspect then it is determines that
is fundamental and authentic. Specially, investigates about the author.

Did You Know? Document or their manuscript’s languages’ types, printing, etc. Publication
date of that document or very helpful in the determination of time.

In the determination of authenticity of documents and remains history, phonetics, chemistry,

dance book, archaeology science, literature, art, architecture, etc. many fields. Sound
knowledge of is to be needed. A matter of attention in this is that it only determines or verifies
that document or remain original, real and authentic or not. The assessment of its content is
not comes under those.
2. Internal Criticism: Under internal criticism the content of document or remain. Whatever has been
said in that or which types of information it gives that is evaluated. That information which is find
out in their contents how far it is relevant, correct and reliable its determination is the purpose of


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes internal criticism. Whatever writer has said how far it is valid, how much truthfulness in that, how
far it is objective how far writer explained facts correctly etc. some of such as problems on which
researcher thinks seriously and determines that how far the contents of document is valid and
reliable. This is very much author’s own reputation, position and basis of levels writers writting
attitude, conditions in which it written etc. determines on the basis of that. If other writers also,
have written about that then it can also be taken as a base.

Formulation of Hypotheses
By the medium of documents and remains which information is available by analysis of that problem
oriented questions answers or solution is to be discovered, but before this it is essential of all collected
facts classification and reorganization. For this direction-denoted indicator is necessary. That collected
historical facts and whole information read carefully research formulate some hypotheses which
included in special classes of all collected material and on the basis of their analysis in formulation of
conclusions helps the researcher In historical studies hypotheses has its own importance also, although
their being is not inevitable. Waan Dalen throw light clearly on their importance. Mauli has accepted
its importance in Secondary form. In the process of historical research’s discussion on step in step four
his statement is that “which any hypotheses or theory’s data approves in that respect their analysis
should be done”. It is inevitable to accept the importance of hypotheses but it should not be think
that in historical research happenings of hypotheses in every condition in not compulsory. Without
hypotheses these research can be possible also one more matter is to keep in consideration. If hypotheses
have been formulated then its testing methods is differ from experimental research methods. In these
methods use of statistics cannot be done only do reflective analysis of material, information and facts
which approves hypotheses or deny it on that basis conclusion are drawn.

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False:
5. The data of historical research is historical components and events.
6. In the field of education its past study cannot be done.
7. Criticism is not the method of research.
8. Under external criticism, validity and truthfulness of remain are tested.

12.5 Evaluation of Historical Research

Generally, this question is raised that is historical research a scientific research. Some people assume
that scientific, some do not, but all accept it as a partially scientific. According to Hocket, scientific
research has three characteristics:
(i) Observation
(ii) Hypotheses
(iii) Testing
These are also available with a few modifications. Some scholar thinks that in historical research
cause-effect relation cannot be determined. Therefore it cannot be kept in the category of scientific
research, but a number of historians’ statement is that in these researches course of events can be
determined. Like that some statement is that in historical studies predication is not possible but some
historians admits that in some special conditions pre-narration or prediction is possible.
Mauli statement is that “It is not a matter of intelligence to neglect historical research due to its
unscientific”. He also added that to find out the solution of important problems of education, historical


Unit 12: Historical Research

research can give a perspective, a background. Some scholar’s statement is also that on the basis of Notes
historical research to fir degree generalization and derivation of lams is possible. Like Thyusididars
his statement is also that “according to human nature whatever happened will be happened”.
Nonetheless due to various reasons historical research’s cannot be ranked specially experimental
research because their result’s reliability and validity cannot be undutiful. Studies have many
difficulties is own and to remove it is not on easy task. Therefore it will be reasonable to accept the
limitations of studies.

12.6 Summary
yy Whatever is exist in the universe they all have their past, present and also future. To understand
any incidence, process or tradition fairly, many a times a glanced in their past necessary.
In this perspective in different fields of knowledge historical research was formulated and
yy In the field of education and sociology such as many a things whose root have been spread
up to the events of past. Therefore, to understand their present form completely, it is also
necessary to know their past.
yy All historical studies is of two types —descriptive and analytical. In those giving information of
Past’s document, monuments, books, inscriptions, historical remain, etc. studies is to be done.

12.7 Keywords
1. Secondary—Secondary source of historical data.
2. Recent happenings—That events happened in the Past.

12.8 Review Questions

1. Clarify the meaning and form of historical research describe their process.
2. Describe main method of historical research—“criticism”.
3. Evaluate historical research.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Future 2. History 3. Analytical 4. Hypothesis
5. True 6. False 7. False 8. True.

12.9 Further Readings

Books 1. Educational Techniques and Assessment—Dr Ram Pal Singh, Bhatt

2. Educational Techniques—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brothers.
3. Education Techniques Management and Appraisal—J.C. Agrawal, Bhatt
4. Educational Research’s Work Procedure—L. Kaul , Vikas Publishing.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

13.1 Meaning and Need of Data
13.2 Measurement Methods and Nature of Data
13.3 Variable and Non-variable Quantities.
13.4 Types of Data
13.5 Data Collection
13.6 Arrangement and Classification of Data
13.7 Source of Arrangement of Data
13.8 Various Ways of Data Analysis
13.9 Classification and Arrangement of Data for Computer
13.10 Summary
13.11 Keywords
13.12 Review Questions
13.13 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand meaning of data, nature and need
y Understand variable and non-variable contents
y Understand collection and types of data
y Understand source and various ways of analysis of data, data arrangement and classification.

The administration of research tools for data collection is done by subject sample. Mostly, data collection
in educational researches is either done by proved experiments or by self-established research tools.
By this method we get objective data, and with the help of these date we reach on connect result in
study. The collection of data is done by various methods like questionnaire, observation, interview,
etc. It is fourth step of research.
It is important for a researcher to know how much, which type, where and when data collection
could be done. It is also important for a researcher to know the collection of which type of data is an
objective to prove the hypothetical research.


Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

13.1 Meaning and Need of Data Notes

The meaning of data is to observe. We need data in scientific and educational researches. Data
are collected by proved data research tools or by self-manufactured tools. Data are of two types:
Quantitative and qualitative.
Obtained marks describe a person’s numerically obtained marks has its two importance measuring
process helps uni-variable to measure quantitatively. Data are collected in the form of figures/diagram
and marks obtained, it is dependent on the types of instrument by which date are being collected.
Mostly, these data are collected through observation, they are in the form of marks obtained, and the
marks got from data are in the form of figures. Data helps us to understand that the results of research
are valid and believable. Their authenticity can be checked.

Need of data collection

Data collection is done to fulfillment of following objectives in educational researches:
1. Data collection provides solid base for research works in educational researches.
2. As we require raw material for a product, in the same way we also need data for research. If
data is collected multiplicatively, the result of research will be multiplicate.
3. A suitable answer of a research can be given for a suitable question on the basis of data. Data
are very important for scientific research works.
4. Data plays an important role in the confirmation of results of research.
5. Data are collected for the confirmation of hypothesis in the research works.
6. Statistical data is used for mainly two problems—
(a) To get an idea of standards of population which helps in rendering of simplification.
(b) Hypothesis of researches is examined to get answer of research related problems or to
get answer of a particular question.
7. Facts are discovered on the basis of qualititative data and on the bases of quantitative data
new principles are rendered.
8. The evaluation of effectiveness of new methods is done on the basis of data.
9. Scientific solution of problems is found on the basis of data.
10. The accuracy of Simplifications of research depends on the credibility and validity of data.

Difference between facts and data

The following are the differences between facts and data—
1. Facts are organized in materialistic world while data are organized in orderly form.
2. Fact is not achieved by following any pattern on the other hand data contain an orderly
pattern, for example, a body has a orderly pattern.
3. It is difficult to explain facts and explanation of facts is generally personal. This is based on
hypothesis of a research while explanation of data is qualitative and objective.
4. Facts are confidential in nature white data are not confidential in nature. They can be
5. Facts are descriptive in nature white data are explanatory in nature.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 6. Facts are not responsible for objective statistical behaviour on the other hand data are
responsible for objective statistical behaviour. Statistics is used in data.
7. Facts are not related to any research-related discoveries and results, while data are directly
related to research-related discoveries and results.
8. Facts are very vast in nature and they are not used for their objectives while data are always
collected for a specific purpose.
9. The collection of facts is done by historical, philosophical and survey research while data are
collected for scientific and for experimental research only.

13.2 Measurement Methods and Nature of Data

Educational researches are related to qualities of groups. Qualities are changed to quantities with the
help of measuring tools. But all qualities cannot be changed into quantity. So, data can be divided
into two categories—
1. Qualitative data
2. Quantitative data
(1) Qualitative Data—All qualities can’t be changed to quantity by using measurement method, it
means some of the qualities are not given digital values. We change them to relative value for example-
self confidence, Honesty, motivation, and beauty etc.
(2) Quantitative Data—The qualities that are given digital values are called variables e.g. value,
interest, personality ability, intelligences, accomplishment, etc.
With the process of measurement, qualities are changed to quantities by several methods and
many tools are used in process of measurement. Measuring process is based on type and nature of
Measuring process plays an important role in research works because development of accurate and
high level research happened through measurement tools. Findings are formulated on the basis
quantitative data. The study of nature of quality is done accurately and explanation of findings can
be done objectively.

Methods of measurement
With the help of measuring process digital value is given to qualities of a person measurement is done
of requisite variables of application for which methods are used that are mentioned below—
(a) Use of observation method is done in measuring qualities of children and animals. For
internal process of class observation method is used. In the field of education this method is
used extensively and this method is developed more.
(b) With the help of psychological and educational observations measurement of many variables
is done accurately. The data received by these observations are more reliable and credible.
(c) From questionnaire and interview, required information and data is collected.
(d) By character scale inventory interest, personality and feeling are measured.
(e) Data are collected from the analysis of primary and secondary sources in historical
In this manner, several measuring tools are used on research works, and different types of data are
collected. The main measuring tools have been described in previous chapters.


Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

Self Assessment Notes

Fill in the blanks:
1. Meaning of data is……………….
2. The collection of data in research work is done for the confirmation of ……………..
3. Facts are descriptive in nature while data is ……………in nature.

13.3 Variable and Non-variable Quantities

The virtue that remains constant in all circumstances at the time of research is called non-variable.
There is equality in context of quality among the members of sample. The virtue that keeps on changing
in all circumstances at the time of research is called variable. There is inequality in the context of quality
among the member of samplers several virtues are included in circumstances of researches but it all
depends on the conception of research to decide which virtue is variable and which is non-variable.
Variable and non-variables can be understood from an example.
A conclusion can be drawn in respect of effectiveness on the basis of observation by teaching students
with two different methods using the same study material.

Example In this study teacher, study material class environment, level of students
are considered non–variable and educational methods and students skill
are variable.
Teacher teaches with equal skills in both methods, that is a main non-

The quality that can be changed to quality is called variable and every member of sample remains
different in that context. The calculation of unevenness of groups is based on digital values.

Notes Educational or psychological qualities connected to quantity through B calling

method than it is called variable.

Variables are divided into two forms:

1. Continuous variable
2. Discrete variable
(1) Continuous Variable: When decimal values included in scaling, they are called continuous
variables. For example in educational feeling scaling 24.50 and 64.75 marks are given and in students
weight measurement it is 62.60 kg and 74.25 kg. It is dependent on the accuracy of tool of scale. There
is continuous trend in variable scaling.
(2) Discrete variable: When scaling is done in complete units and fractional values are not given called
discrete variables e.g. 30 male and female students, 64 pass and 36 fail, 15 Indian and 20 American
etc. There is a discrete trend in discrete variable.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes Variate
Generally scaling of variable is done with the help of tools. When a variable is converted to quantity
then it is called variate. When member of sample is tested through I.Q. then it is entilted as variable.
Like wise if skill test is done in figures then it is called variate. In statistical analysis uni-variate,
bi-variate and multi-variate analysis methods are used. It is clear in, the process of data variables
are changed in multi-variate. Conclusions are drawn from statistical analysis of data through which
generalization is done. Variates are used in research works, variables and in statistical analysis.

Did You Know? By scaling digital process value is given to person’s qualities.

Quantification of variable
In the process of quantification digital value is given for level of variable. Scale processing is used in
quantification through which data or digit is received.
Generally hypothesis is confirmed in the process of educational research works with the help of data
and find results. Multiplicative data is converted to quality and investigation of their authentication
done by statistical analysis.

Characteristics of quantitative data

Data collection is done with the help of research scale tools. They have following characteristics—
1. Data collection is done with the help of proved tests. Step analysis is also done.
2. Quantitative data is collected from credible and valid tools hence generalizations are more
3. The explanations of results received by quantitative data can be done easily. The level of
significance is also determined.
4. The digitisation process of quantitative data is objective. There is no influence of personal
5. The collection of quantitative data is done for the objectives of research and configuration of
assumptions of research is done.
6. Conclusions are drawn with the help of statistical analysis of quantitative data and we get
more accurate generalization.
7. Accurate and correct results are received with the help of quantisation of data in educational
research works.

13.4 Types of Data

Scaling process contains four steps that has four types of data. They can be divided into—
1. Nominal data or scale.
2. Ordinal data or scale.


Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

3. Equal interval data or scale Notes

4. Ratio data or scale.
(1) Nominal Data— Generally data are of four types but they are considered lowest accuracy levels
data. In this, a group or facts is divided into two or more divisions. They are completed in frequencies,
e.g. pass or fail, male and female students, Hindu-Muslim etc. These results are unknown. In this way
survey and questionnaire method is used for data. These types of data are collected in the form of
frequencies for analysis of these types of data percentage multiplicative value, chi-square test and for
correlation Contingency method is used generating descriptive structural methods are used. These
types of data are used in class teaching arrangements.
(2) Ordinal Data—Compared to name related data this form of data is more accurate. Students of
each group are arranged in orderly manner. Member of each group is given a scale. Position survey
method and position –scale is used for this types of data on the basis of ability of a student, they are
levelled and positions are given. The level of a member is known but accurate distance remains
unclear. In this positions are given on the bases of ability by dividing the groups of members for
example students of a class is divided into boys and girls and each student places in order according
to their ability.
Frequencies are placed in order in this method. In statistical methods, by medium quarter values
chi-square test and spearmen position correlation method this types of data got analysed. Teacher,
in his class teaching gives level to students on the basis of inspection. Positions are assigned on the
basis of student’s behaviour.
(3) Equal Interval Data— These types of data have all features that both of above mentioned data
have but the quality of these types of data is that the distance between the member appears taken in
these types of data is zero. More accurate data in educational scaling are found in these types of data.
Educational and psychological value is accurate so zero is considered. Numbers are given in scaling
of quality to the member of the group for these types of data for example for educational achievement
subject marks given, mark also given for intelligence scale.
This is accurate data for education and psychology. The conclusion drawn by such types of data are
credible and accurate.
Generally, all three data are used in practical scientific education, psychology and sociology. All these
data are represented in the table below.

TABLE 13.1 Type of Data

Name Related Order Related Equal interval
Sex Skill level Skill marks
A Boy 1 Second 68
B Girl 1 First 76
C Girl 1 Third 60
D Girl 1 Fifth 28
E Girl 1 Fourth 48
Boy=2, Girl=3

It is clear from the table that the difference of position in first and second is one and a difference of
8 numbers. Third and fourth also has a difference of one position but number difference is 20. So,
interval data are more accurate but there data because the skill or ability of a student can’t be zero
bell confers zero if does not perform in examination.
(4) Ratio Data— This type of data has all qualities of interval data and inspite of that it has two extra


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes (a) The referral value of this types of data is zero while the values of above mentioned data are
not zero but groups reference. Zero value represents the position of that variables these types
of data are collected in physics. In physics all scales represent zero.
(b) The numbers in ratio–data are real numbers they can be added or subtracted but it is not
possible in interval data. 15 g is three times multiple of 5 g but such relation can be established
to education scaling.
The classification of four types of data mentioned above is based on four stages of scaling. The nature of
data is cleared from the stage of its scale. A researcher can only understand the nature of a data when
he knows very well about the levels of all scales. Its explanation is given in the table mentioned.
From this table, stages/levels of scale and the types of nature of data assumptions and specialty can
be understood widely. The first three data are used in educational and psychological research works
white fourth type of data is used is physics only.

Self Assessment
Multiple choice Questions:
4. Data are divided into two parts _____________ and qualitative data.
(a) Quantitative (b) evaluative (c) measurable (d) All the three
5. _____________ data is used for measuring qualities in children and animals.
(a) Inspection (b) Psychology (c) Questionnaire (d) Interview
6. _____________ process plays on important rote in scientific research.
(a) Social (b) Measuring (c) Religion (d) Cultural
7. In _____________ researches data are received from primary and secondary resources.
(a) Physics (b) Chemistry (c) Historical (d) Social

13.5 Data Collection

The data collection for research work in behavioural psychology is done after the administration
of research tools on members of samples. Different types of methods of measures are used for
measurement of variables in research. With the help of research tool different types of data are collected
for4 this, It is Important for a researcher to understand the nature of variables and collects data by
selecting appropriate measuring method. The nature of data is dependent on the nature of variable
and tools of measurement. This fact is shown in tables.
The levels of measurement plays an important role in determine natural of data characteristics use
of scales and techniques of statistics. Nature of data determines the techniques of analyses. Validity
of conclusion depend upon data.

Table 13.2: Classification of Scales of Measurement

Scale Characteristics Assumptions Tools Statistical
1. Nominal Classification, All members are Inspection Percentage mode
Scale equality, given one number technique number value,
inequality but one or two questionaire correlation
groups are not interview technique, chi-
given one number. square technique


Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

2 Ordinal Classification All members on the Observation Mode values, Notes

scale order equality / basis of belaviour or method medium values,
inequality variable arranged in positional position correlation
an order techniques technique,
educational hundredth place
and value, chi-square
psychological technique
3 Equal All digits / On above all Educational All the above
Interval / number can be stages eligibility of and and median, high
tract added subtracted members represents psychological inspection and
and multiply distance. insertion Pearson correlation
4 Ratio scale All that Zero is natural in all Data are All the mentions
mentioned above the stages. collected above and
and zero is also on the basis asthmatics is also
in existence a physical used.
multiplication, measuring
addition and techniques e.g.
subtraction can be length, time,
done speed, etc.

TABLE 13.3 : Data based on the Nature of Variable

Variable Tools Nature of scale
1. Skill Educational examination Equal Interval level
2. Intelligence Psychological examination Equal Interval level
3. Ability Psychological examination Equal interval level
4. Attitude Position Scale Order level
5. Aptitude List Interval level
6. Setting List Interval level
7. Personality List Interval level
8. Sensation or feeling Interview questionnaire Nominal level

In addition to this many types of educational tools are used. Most useful technique is examination
technique. By this technique data are received from nominal scale to equal internal scales. Relation
of educational measuring tools rotated to nature of data and statistical techniques.

TABLE 13.4 : Classification of data tools and statistical techniques

Scale Tools Statistical
1   Nominal Questionnaire deter view Interval percentage chi- squares and
inspection technique correlation
2   Ordinals Positional list inspection Medium value, spearman chi-square
technique level-list inspection and co-correlation technique


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 3   Equal interval scale Psychological and All the above and medium value,
educational inspection deviation value pearson correlation
technique positional scale technique t-Test /High correlation
4   Ratio scale Physical measuring technique Analysis can be done from arithmetic
techniques, Median and co-relation

From the above table it is clear that statistical techniques are based on research tools and nature of
data. Entire selection of statistical technique is done on the bases of data. So, on researcher most aware
of the nature of data.

Ethical consideration in data collection

In sampling of educational research works human members are selected. So, it is important to follow
the following ethical consideration in data collection.
1. A researcher should respect and pay sympathy to a sampler
2. Should care the members of sampler.
3. Should keep data confidential received from sample.
4. A researcher should not disobey the confidentiality of data.
5. A researcher should take care of the level of research.
6. A supervisor should take care completely the work of research.
Every researchers should obey the rules of above mentioned ethical considerations. Should not
mention the names of any member of sample. The name of that organization can be given from
where the reelection of member of sample can be done. Code language is used for this, and it is a
better way. Individual onuses of sample of research work should be regarded and they should be
contacted first.

Precautions in data collection

Following precaution must be taken while collecting data in research—
1. Data should be legible for research problem.
2. Data collection should be done on the basis of specific tools.
3. Data should be like that their analysis can be done through statistical technique.
4. In collection of data there should be less errors in measuring.
5. There should be less sample error in collection of data.
6. The forms of data should be in such a form idea of population standard can be got easily.
7. Data should be complete and broad.
8. Data collection should be done objectively.
9. Data should be correct and accurate.

Caution Data should be reliable and valid.


Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

10. The form of data should be in such a form that its presentation and explanation can be done easily. Notes
11. Numerical technique should be easy and objective for data collection

13.6 Arrangement and Classification of Data

After collection of data, their classification and arrangement is done so that their appropriate analysis
can be done and conclusion can be drawn.
Data collection is done with the help of Incredible and valid tools. They are like raw materials. They
do not have any meaning. To make data relevant statistical techniques are used. Therefore, there is a
need of classification and arrangement of data.
The meaning of classification is to divide received informations into different groups to analyze for
required results.

Classification of Research Data

In Initial stage the received data are in unclear extended mangled forms. Statistical technique can’t be
used in data without its classification and basis on this no any result or conclusion can be drawn. So,
it is important for the usefulness of received data to collect and to arrange them in appropriate form.
So, classification is a process to arrangement and to shorten the data, according to which depending on
equal and unequal, data are divided is such a way that data of equal quartets can come in one group
and data of unequal qualities can come to another group. By doing so, there is clearly in data work.
As per Alhans. ”The process of arrangement in groups according to similarity and uniformity of data
is called classification in terms of definition.

Characteristics of classification of Data

There is following qualities of good classification—
1. Clarity: Clarity is important in the classification. Data should be differentiated in such a
simple classes so that there should not be any confusion.
2. Stability: Classification should have stability. If there is no stability, then there will be difference
in revision, it will be impossible to compare.
3. Flexibility: There is importance of flexibility in different situations.

Basis of Classification of Data

On the basis of following the classification of data of research can be done.
1. Qualitative basis—To divide data on the basis of their symptoms and qualities from
Qualititative base for example interest, nature, etc.
2. Quantitative basis—We adopt quantitative basis where classification of data can’t be done
on the basis of qualitative bases for example age, height, length, number, etc.
3. Situational basis— The classification of data in situational basis is done according to nature
of specific time or according to situation.
4. Geographical basis—The classification of data can be done according to geographical


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes Types of classification of data

(1) Uni-or-Bi-Variate classification—According to this system, data are divided into two group on
the bases of a particular quality, so that data of a particular quality can come in a first part. The react
of the data will come under the part that do not have that quality.

Example Interesting/non-interesting, with artistic or without artistic capability.

(2) Multivariate Classification—On the bases of different qualities data are divided in many group. It
makes more than two groups for example. If classification of any population be happen on the basis
of sex literacy and intelligence then it can be done like this-
Population—2 × 2 × 3 = 12 (Three Variables taken)
(a) According to sex—
(1) (2)
Male Female
(b) According to literacy
(1) (2)
Literate Illiterate
(c) According to intelligence
(1) (2) (3)
High Average Low
(3) Quantitative classification—Quantitative classifications are need for those data that are Quantitative
in nature e.g., height weight, age, solid-economic intelligence etc. These data are arranged on the basis
of frequency distribution and classification on true calculation.
(4) Chronological classification—According to age, under the classification data are classified
according to age-group. The time is divided into different groups, data that are related to time
arranged in different groups of time.

Example Child age, teenage infant age or data related to specific time.

(5) Situational Classification—Data are classified according to place in situation classification. For
example, Villager, citizen, Indian, foreigner, etc.

Utility of classification of data in research

These are the following utilities of classification in the process of research.
(1) Summarization—Data are extended and unorganized in their original form. From classification
data are divided and there is appearance of clarity, summarization and man agent which helps in
(2) Classification of material—By classification the data that shows similar characteristic are placed
in one group while the data that show dissimilar characteristic placed is anther group and study
becomes easy.
(3) Clarity—From classification the form of data becomes clear which helps in selection of compete
statistical technique.


Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

(4) Simplification for the following processes of researches—From proper classification analysis, Notes
statistics use generalization and helps in finding conclusion.
(5) Comparative basis—Data are divided into quality symptoms, Newness through classification by
which it becomes easy to do comparative study of data
(6) Inclusion of new data—This is one more advantage of classification of data that the data that are
received at the end can be arranged in their related group on the basis of then quality and feature and
could be used them in data analysis.
(7) Arrangement of data—It is important to use data after their classification and collection of research
data through which a researcher can to a conclusion and this use is called arrangement.

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False:
8. Variable is that particular virtue that can be changed into quality.
9. The nature of data decides the analytical techniques.
10. Numerical technique for data should be tough.
11. Data can’t be divided on the basis of geographical area.

13.7 Source of Arrangement of Data

Following are the sources of data arrangement-
1. To arrange in Table (Tabulation)
2. To use statistical technique.
3. Data Analysis
4. Presentation and Interpretations of results

(1) Tabulation
To make data clear and knowledgeable their tabulation is important. Through tabulation data becomes
simple and clear and descriptive facts after becoming more arrangeable to display. Under them data
are represented in different rows and columns and it is easy and convenient to infested the table.
Generally the arrangement of table into different rows and columns to called tabulation.
Types of Tables—Mainly these are the types of data but depending on the nature, more types of
data is possible.
1. Uni-variate—Under this, you can see one variate and single quality in arranged form.
2. Bi-variate—This table give information of feature of two correlated variable.
3. Multi-Variate—Provides Information of two correlated features of a variable or incident.
Significance of Table in Research—From the angle to give collected data a simple and short form in
research they are very important in the following form—
(1) Logical arrangement – All data are arranged in an Important way in relation to any variable or
incident though tabulation which is very important for research. A particular order is followed in
(2) Summarization of data — After tabulation the form of data becomes easy and clear.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes (3) Easy to analyses data— Through appropriate tabulation it is possible to find out conclusion and
analysis of research.
(4) Save of time energy and money— On the basis of received data after tabulation, time and energy
is saved in finding conclusion and work is done more effectively. Tabulation is considered a less
expensive process in research.
(5) Easy is comparative study— After tabulation when research data are divided into different colors
then the similar features of data become clear. It is easy to do comparative study on that base.
Use of statistical techniques—The second important step of data arrangement is the use of statical
techniques on them.
Analysis and interpretation of data— In this process received data are arranged in such a way that
in relation to problems they can produce required results.

Notes As per W. Cook, “Scientific analysis discovers facts of study, relations of scientific
knowledge and conclusions.

Data analysis reaches us on a scientific conclusion and helpful in observation of assumptions.

13.8 Various Ways of Data Analysis

The main objective of data analysis to get new facts from collected data. In the process of finding a
conclusion many sub-processes are in valued that, in their complete form are called Analysis. Following
sub processes are Involved in Analytical process.
(1) Editing of material— The prime function of editing is to improve weak and satisfactory parts
and make them appropriate for use under received data.
(2) Classification of data— Under classification, dispersed data are arranged so that conclusion can
be drawn easily.
Classification Fulfils following objectives
(a) It separates different qualities of data from each other
(b) Data become shorter after classification.
(c) Data become clear and simple after classification.
(3) Code of material— After classification each group is given specific name, sign or symbol or code.
This is called code and analysis becomes easy.
(4) Tabulation of data— Data have to represent in different Titles columns and rows, from which
data form becomes limited and it can be understood easily.
(5) Interpretation of data— Interpretation means to find the conclusion on the basis of practical study
of complete data. These conclusion are based on the arranged data.
(6) Generalization— Received conclusion is generalized on the basis of interpretation if classified

Uses of data in Research

The use of data in research is useful in the following way-
1. Data Collection in any educational –research is useful to give solid base to research.


Unit 13: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

2. In research the data collection is like a raw material that is used for the production of data. Notes
3. Data are very useful to give appropriate direction and solution of a problem for research
4. Data are very important for scientific research.
5. Data are used for the investigation of research hypothesis.
6. On the basis of data the explanation of research conclusions can be done objectively.
7. The result of research are more valid and reliable.

13.9 Classification and Arrangement of Data for Computer

Data collection in research works is done with the help of proved tests. Generally, in these tests multiple
choice items are involved. For more accurate results large sample is used and it is harder to calculate
the answer sheets of larger sample. Therefore, machine and computers are used. For the calculation
by machine I.B.M instrument is used that has space for six options and 150 steps to mention the
answers. The received marks are not got by machines. However, answers are mentioned on paper. A
particular person has mentioned which different choices of question. All these paper are handed ones
to computer center. For the analysis of data a draft is developed. Computer on the basis of analysis
classifies and arranged data. All information are mentioned on a paper.

Task What is the usefulness of data in research work?

Researcher also do calculation answer paper of the members of sample of and for the formation of
analysis researchers has to do classification and arrangement of data on his own. Then they are sent
to computer center for analysis. Sentences data are sent to computer centre in rough form and their
classification and arrangement are done on the computer center.
Researchers themselves also do analysis of data with the help of machines. But in this situation a
researcher has to do classification and arrangement after calculation then he analyse the data on
computer. They should be investigated before using machine to check the results that are received
by computer are correct or not
A small sample is analyzed by a researcher and it get check on computer or machines. When correct
results got then all data should be analyzed on machine or computer. In this way we need internal

13.10 Summary
yy For data collection the administration of research tools is done on objects of sample. The
collection of data by questionnaire, inspection, interview, examination. This is the fourth step
of research.
yy The meaning of data is to examine. Data are needed in scientific educational researches. Data are
achieved by proved research tools or by self-built tools, Data are qualitative and quantitative.
yy Non-variate is that virtue that remains unchanged at the time of research in all circumstances
and variate is that virtue that remains changeable in all conditions of research.
yy For different types of measure of variable different types of measuring technique are used in
research. Different types of data collection is done with the help of research tools.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes yy Measuring levels is our important base of data nature, differences, use of scales and in
determination of techniques of statistics.
yy The main objective of data analysis to get new facts from collected data. Many sub-processes
are involved in reaching conclusion in this process, that is called analysis as a whole.

13.11 Keywords
1. Infanthood— Stage of Infant
2. Brief—To present a subject in short.
3. Under-written— Written below

13.12 Review Questions

1. Define ‘data’. How data differ from facts ? Explain with example.
2. Why there is need of collection of data? Mention nature of data.
3. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative data.
(a) Between variable and non-variable.
(b) Between variable and variate.
4. State the type of data, how they are based on the nature of variable and measuring tools.
5. How statistical techniques are also based on the nature of variable and measuring tools?
Explain with example.
6. Mention the code of conduct of research in data collection and why should they be kept in
7. What precautions should be taken for data collections? Describe the limitations of data
8. Tell the meaning of data classification and arrangement. Mention the need of classification
and arrangement.
9. Differentiate between data classification and data arrangement. How data are classified in
use of computer or machines? Explain.

Answers: Self Assessment

(1) Analysis 2. Assumptions 3. Explanatory 4. (C) Quantitative
5 (A) Inspection 6.(B) Measurement 7.(C) Historical 8. True
9. True 10. False 11. False

13.13 Further Readings

Books 1. Educational Technique and Evaluation—Dr Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Education Technique—R.A. Sharma, Bhatt Brother
3. Working method of Educational Research—L. Kaul, Vikash Publishing
4. Educational Technique—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brothers


Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University Unit 14: Observation and Observation Schedule

Unit 14: Observation and Observation Schedule Notes

14.1 Observation
14.2 Types of Observation
14.3 Characteristics of Observation
14.4 Limitations of Observation
14.5 Suggestions
14.6 Summary
14.7 Keywords
14.8 Review Questions
14.9 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand the observation and its type
y Understand the characteristics and limitations of observation.

“Avlokan” word is hindi conversion of English word “Observation” which means “to see”, “To
evaluate” and “to Observe”. In other words observation means “To know work cause or mutual
relation that happens naturally and to see then consciously is know observation.
According to Smt. P.V. Yung—“The study of self-developed incidents at the time of their happening
arranged by our eyes is called observation.”
According to Prof. C.A. Mozer—“In solid meaning there is more use of eyes than voice and ears in
From the above definitions, it is clear that observation is a method in which a primary material, directly
or indirectly is collected. In this method an observer sees, watches and understands the incidents and
collects the related material.

14.1 Observation
This is a very famous method. In this method human behaviours is observed and data is collected
on this base. This is a direct method to measure human behaviors, in different social conditions. This
method is mainly applied in the field of education and psychology in controlled experiments. We can’t
study anything without observation. Personal and mental knowledge is only possible in this method.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes Historically the methods used by the troglodytes nothing but observations vagrant of that period.
Observers tries to listen to huntering animals , felt the blowing air, the manner in which an astrologer
observes stars, a doctor examines a patient by touching diagnose a patient after feeling heart beat of
a patient. In the same way in the field of education and Psychology this method is applied to observe
the students behaviour in different condition. A man in loneliness, group and in special circumstance
do some activities those activities can’t be considered meaningless. It is seen that a man while walking
or sitting do some unnecessary activities like cracking of fingers, throwing hands, chatting to self, etc.
These unnecessary activities play an deport rare in measuring personality. We cannot come to any
conclusion without observing a person’s behaviour accurate observation one should pay attention
to the object and should note down whatever observation he has done, because as time passes the
memory becomes weak and an observer should have the capacity to detect any type of impulsion
balance. But it is a matter of great concern that teachers observe only educational and do not pay
any attention on other situations relating to life how a student behaves in different life conditions. In
addition to this teacher should not only observe the children with difficulties but also should observe
all the children. It is necessary to mention here a teacher should be confident to his observation. And
the behaviour, objects or seen that he wants to observe, he must be impartial to his observations. He
should not believe others as the decision is finally taken by the observer. So, to make observation
satisfactory he should not be activated by others request, partiality or sentiments.

Notes To see minutely the incidents that happen naturally to know work-cause
relationship is called observation.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. The meaning of observation is……………to the human behaviour.
2. In the field of education and psychology use of ……………… mainly done in controlled
3. When we question to a particular person, it is called………………….. .

14.2 Types of Observation

Observation is mainly of two types:
1. External Observation
2. Self-observation
Sometimes we face the situation when we ask a particular person that how many times he has done
so? Why and when he did so? This is called self-observation.

Example When a teacher observes child’s behaviour, it a called external


We have to depend on other persons in such types of observation. Observer only one side of behaviour
as he is not accustomed with that person. This is the main drawback or defect of this method. A person


Unit 14: Observation and Observation Schedule

is asked to give details of himself on the self-observation method but in such types of observation Notes
a person hid some of the facts. In the third method the above said methods are incorporated. It is
done only in situational tests. In situation tests such types of situation are generated that are similar
to situations of human life e.g., Test of Honesty, Test of Cheating, etc. After that human behaviour
is tested.
Observation can also be divided into two more types:
(a) Direct Observation
(b) Indirect Observation.

(a) Direct Observation

In direct observation, a person is examined in practical situations. In this method, child’s behaviour
is directly observed by observer child becomes busy in his daily work and observer notes down all
his observations regularly. It’s obvious that child’s behaviour becomes unnatural in the presence of
observer. Consequently our observation can’t be said accurate despite of that we get correct behaviour
related facts of child through direct observation. In contently innocent child’s behavioral evaluation
this method spiral because of two reasons.
1. An innocent child does not try to make his behaviour unnatural. So, the presence of someone
does not affect his behavioural change for long time.
2. Direct observation looks significant as speech development in a child remains limited.

Did You Know? ‘Avlokan’ word is hindi conversion of English word ‘Observation’.

(b) Indirect Observation

On the basis of collected information’s direct observation we try to understand a person. This method
is processed or finished form of direct observation. In the field of sociology this method has proved
very useful for research. The sociology researches introduced life-style of triberenan through this
medium. To make this method more important we should keep in mind the following things:
1. Confirming the behaviour pattern
2. Specification of practical aspects of selected pattern.
3. Arrangement the recording of behaviour observation.
4. Quantification of observation work.
5. Give proper training of indirect observation to the teacher.

14.3 Characteristics of Observation

1. In observation child’s practical behaviour is evaluated.
2. This method is equally applied to both on child and on adults to evaluate behaviour.
3. Behaviour is done in general conditions.
4. This method is also applied deaf, dump end disabled persons to evaluate their behaviour.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 5. Observation is very important method to study innocent child.

6. Generally in this method there is no need of any special training. This method is used by
all persons.
7. It is possible to observe a person or a group simultaneously using this method.

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False.
4. In direct observation a person is observed in practical conditions.
5. An innocent child tries to make his behaviour unnatural.
6. Indirect observation has been proved very useful in the field of research of sociology.
7. Through this method, observation of a person or a group of person is not possible.

14.4 Limitations of Observation

1. This method is fulfilled through subjectivity and Bias.
2. An observer is influenced by prejudice Psychological call it as Halo-effect.
3. The report/data is not same prepared by different observers.
4. It takes long time while observing.
5. Observations is also influenced by observer’s behaviour, his mood, physical and mental
state, and his tiredness.
6. An observer influences the natural behaviour of a person so, psychological-environment of
a child remains unnatural despite many attempts.
7. A person does not explore his intentions and shows or behaves differently opposite to his
intentions. In this situation observation remains unsuccessful.

14.5 Suggestions
Keep in mind following things to make observation more effective.

Caution Apply observation method only when there is no other method to apply.

1. The aim of an observer should be clear and defined.

2. The record and report of observation incident should be real and accurate.
3. The explanation of observer should be objective.
4. We should already choose/select the instruments related to observation.
5. Behavioural evaluation should be done on the basis of many observations as it improves the
confidence of observer.


Unit 14: Observation and Observation Schedule


Notes Present the suggestions to make observation method more effective.

6. Observer should try to make his observation to be impartial. It is suggested that not to do
observation if an observer is not interested in a person to do observation.

14.6 Summary
yy The ‘Avalokan’ word is hindi conversion of English word ‘Observation’ which means ‘to see’
‘to evaluate’ and ‘to observe’.
yy According to Smt P.V. Young—“The study of self-developed incidents at the time of their
happening arranged and knowingly done by eyes is called observation.”
yy This is a very famous method. Human behaviour is observed in this method and based on
that prevalent data is collected. This is a straight method to measure human behaviour in
different social conditions.
yy Observation is mainly of two types: (1) Direct Observation (2) Indirect Observation.

14.7 Keywords
1. Purified—Processed, rectified.
2. Self-observation—When we ask questions to a particular person.

14.8 Review Questions

1. What do you understand by observation? Explain.
2. Explain the types of observation.
3. What are the characteristics of observation?

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Observation 2. Observation method 3.Self-observation
4. True 5. False 6. True
7. False

14.9 Further Readings

Books 1. Procedure of Education Research—L. Kaul, Vikas Publishing.

2. Educational Research Procedure—Shareen and Shashikala, Vinod Pustak
3. Educational Techniques—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Education Technology and Assessment—Dr. Rampal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 15: Questionnaire

15.1 Questionnaire
15.2 Types of Questionnaire
15.3 Limitations of Questionnaire
15.4 Precautions of Questionnaire
15.5 Summary
15.6 Keywords
15.7 Review Questions
15.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand questionnaire and types of questionnaire
y Understand limitations of questionnaire
y Understand precautions of questionnaire.

Person determined by medium of different post that how he will behave in the different situations
of life. Questionnaire by one means on auto determined measures it. In this method, person is given
a questionnaire on which direction is written. According to that directions person has to react. Some
answers of questions will be given in Yes or No.

15.1 Questionnaire
For the internal quality of personalise related that particular quality questionnaire is found by selecting
question, which can do measure more accurately. In this method questionnaire is given to the persons,
on which direction is given. Person has react according to directions. Hence, this is a good technique
for measurement of many persons in more less time. These questionnaire either impulsive fluctuation
found to person or either found to specific virtue or uses of diagnosis. Questionnaire is a self-rather
scale. Persons determined by medium of different post that, how he will behave in the different
situations of life. Although this method is seems to be simple internally. But for its formation and by its
scientifically collection of data needs a good training. In questionnaire one true answer is found quality
of objectivity. Questionnaires are under of self-report techniques. In words of Lazarus – “Simply stated


Unit 15: Questionnaire

the self-report technique, involve attempting to measure aspects of human personality on the basis Notes
of what a person can say or is willing to say about himself. They usually consist of a series of printed
objective questions presented to the subject or to a group of subjects. Such inventories of questions can
be used to study interests, attitudes and various other facts of personality. They are objective, because
the subject must respond usually with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ or ‘I don’t know answer of question”.

Notes In a short time, questionnaire is a best method to measure personality related

internal qualities of persons.

15.2 Types of Questionnaire

There are many types of questionnaire, which are as follows:

1. Closed Questionnaire
In the closed questionnaire answer of the question is given with tick mark on the one of the option
Yes or No. The form of questions in questionnaire is as:
(a) Do you always worried? Yes/No
(b) Do you like meet with people? Yes/No
(c) Do you see nightmares? Yes/No

2. Open Questionnaire
In this questionnaire some questions or statements are given about that, person own views are express
in detail. The form of question is like this type—
(a) What do you mean by ‘Operation Black Board?
(b) What is your opinion regarding success of new education policy?
(c) What is your concept regarding justification of rule of reservation?

3. Pictorial Questionnaire
In this types of questionnaire, some questions are asked with the help of figures, person gives the
answer of those questions by tick marking or by underline of the figure.

4. Mixed Questionnaire
As its clear by the name, in these types of questionnaire almost all types of questions are found in
combined form.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. The quality of ………………… is found only one correct answer is in questionnaire.
2. ………….. in questionnaire some questions are asked with the help of figure.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 3. In which questionnaire all types of questions are combined forms that are called …………….

15.3 Limitations of Questionnaire

Although questionnaire method is very simple, low cost, and in short time technique to observe the
more people and therefore this is very popular also, but also, there are some limitations It is necessary
that these should be keep in mind.
1. Sometimes candidates did not want to give answer with honesty of any question. So that,
they have to push up own impulsion and can gives wrong information.
2. This is also, more probability of that point, candidates could not understand the question
properly so that they may not give conceptual information.
3. Sometimes candidates fill’s questionnaire carelessly and its tick mark on ‘yes’ or ‘No’ without
thinking which, effects goes on the result.
4. Sometimes it may happen that which events at discuss of the form of questions they did not
happening in the life of candidate or at that conditions of he had forget, in this stage answer
are not realistic but imaginary.

Example Children are not able to self-assessment. Hence, they could not give the
correct answer of their own subject.

5. Some questions, whose answer candidate does not want to give in spite of given consolation
to him that the answer will not be explore in front of society.
6. In these questionnaires are of less importance of solution, because questions of credulity and
validity in low level.
7. People do not show the interest in fill of questionnaire, because less quantity of questionnaire
are return.
8. This is possible that the sample of questionnaire is unfavourable.

Did You Know? Questionnaire method is very simple and no costly and in short time it is
observe the many people.

9. This is not possible that the prepare enact questions will be able to every educational and
cultural level of people.
10. In adjustment related question the adjustment can not apply to all people, this is possible
that in such condition one person can be adjusted other could not.
11. It has been seen the fixed of scoring rationale on also the given marks by examiners’s not in

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False:
4. Questionnaire has no any constant objectivity.
5. In closed questionnaire the answers of questions are given in yes or no.


Unit 15: Questionnaire

6. In open questionnaire the answers of questions are given to the help of figure. Notes
7. Questionnaire method is low costly in comparison of any other method.

15.4 Precautions of Questionnaire

At the time of using questionnaire these some precautions keep in mind according to specialist—
1. Questionnaire may be used when it’s possible.
2. An objective of questionnaire must be fixed.
3. The students should have taller in confidence prior to prepare questionnaire show that, they
could reliable and realistic answers.

Caution It has not been used such types of statements, which is related to persons present
or past life.

4. Do not ask factual question, such as ‘Honesty is the big thing’.

5. Do not ask double meaning question.
6. The focus should be on the attractiveness and exactness of questionnaire.
7. Do not ask such type of question which is applicable for all, such as –’Do you always

Task Keep your glance on the precautions related to questionnaire.

8. As far as possible the language of questions are simple and conceptual.

9. It has not been started question with the words like ‘Sometimes’ ‘No one’, ‘Always’ etc.
10. It has been every statement should be given in formation of valuable and functional.
11. Statement should be meaningful and order in proper sequence.
12. Number of question is not much more.
13. Question are agreeable of each other.
14. The language of question should not be disgracful and their objective should not examine.

15.5 Summary
yy For the internal properties of personality related that particular quality questionnaire is found
by selecting question in which can do measure more accurately.
yy These questionnaire either impulsive fluctuation found to person or either found to specific
virtue or user of diagnosis.
yy In questionnaire only one true answer is found to be properties of objectivity.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 15.6 Keywords

1. Candidates—Participant in research process, applicant.
2. Relevance—Necessity of any law or policy.

15.7 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by questionnaire? Explain its types.
2. Explain the limitations of questionnaire.

Answers: Self Assessment

1 Objectivity 2. Pictorial questionnaire 3. Mixed
4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True.

15.8 Further Readings

Books 1. Educational Technique—S.S. Mathur, Bhatt Brothers.

2. Education Technique—R.A.. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.
3. Functionality of Educational Research—L. Kaul, Vikash Publishing.


Kulwinder Pal, Lovely Professional University Unit 16: Rating Scale

Unit 16: Rating Scale Notes

16.1 Rating scale
16.2 Types of Rating Scale
16.3 Forced Choice Rating
16.4 Errors of Rating Scales
16.5 Summary
16.6 Keywords
16.7 Review Questions
16.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
y Understand the meaning and definition of rating scale
y Understand the types of rating scale
y Understand forced choice rating and errors of rating scale.

Rating scale is such a tools by which it knows that any person regarding some specific properties ,
what impact on coming persons. In rating scale a catalogue of some properties in which before all
some digit is written. According to experience of rator tick marked to related persons. In all methods
of psychological measures rating scale user much.

16.1 Rating Scale

In all psychological measures method ‘Rating scale’ is most familiar. It is using successfully in industry,
trade, research etc. The credit of its inception goes to Fechner in the field of psycho-physics. But first
of all Galton in 1883 published rating scale which is related to imagery. After that in 1906—1907
Pearson for measuring intelligence formulated a rating scale in which was seven categories. In this
technology any person’s personality measures is done on the basis of such a man’s opinion that know
former person through and through. In these testimonials, character certificate, confidential reports
etc are main, but due to low level of reliability and validity of rating scale it can be user in experiment
work rarely.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics


Notes According to Waan Delen, “A rating scale ascertains the degree, intensity or
frequency of a variable.”

According to Rooth strang, “Guided observation is the only rating.”

Rating scale is such a means by which it is known that any person regarding some special traits what
impact on coming persons. As a rater anyone can be selected from the following is a teacher, guardian,
friend, neighbor, adviser, siblings and employer etc. In rating scale a list is given of some traits, in
which before each an adjectives or digits are given. Rater has on his own experience and knowledge tick
marked on one of related person. This method’s user much in achievement test. This is an subjective
method. Now–a-days This method takes help in increment of wages of industrial undertakings or in
promotion. This can be used in person’s reactions or excitements assessment also.
According to Good and Sket, “The rating scale typically directs attention to different parts or aspects
of the thing to be evaluated, but does not have as many items or categories as the check list or score

16.2 Types of Rating Scale

Rating scale is mainly four types. These are:
1. Numerical scale
2. Graphic scale
3. Cumulative points scale
4. Standard Scale.

1. Numerical Scale
Rater in these types of scale select square, to a limited number and according to their scalve value
sympathized. Means in this method digit is related to definite catalyst and man gets score according
to their merit. These digits from convenience point of view 3,5,7 or 11 keeps on scale. This type of
scale uses only when measured trait increases one side of middle point and decreases on other side.
Middle point is the centre of these scales on which both side equal interval other square lies.

Example Lewin used seven point scale for the study of depression impact of on
boys’ games creativity.

For example, We try to prepare a numerical scale on women’s beauty then scale can be of the following
1. Most beautiful
2. Very beautiful
3. Beautiful
4. Average
5. Ugly


Unit 16: Rating Scale

6. Very ugly Notes

7. Ugliest possible

1. This type of scale’s formation and use both are easy.
2. If rator takes his digit seriously then rating is himself represents a high level of scaling.

1. In this scaling much possibility of favours.
2. Decision is not some due to done by a great many persons. Sometimes decision of one person
is if most beautiful that objects for another person may be only general category.

Suggestions for construction

1. These types of scaling both external ends seems to be futile because, no one rator user there
to be futile ends in their rating. This is only an anchors of complete scale.
2. As far as possible a rater should try to least possibility of favour.

Caution Do not use negative marking, because it based upon continuity principle.

2. Graphic scale
This scale is much popular and widely used. In this a line is already made which is divided into many
parts. Below in each part something is written and rator has to tick mark any one of them. Firstly this
scale was used by Boyce.
Example 1. How do you live from social conversation.
1 2 3 4 5

Talkative Simple speaker Like to listen Speak when necessary Try to avoid speaking

Example 2. How does he think?

1 2 3 4

Very slowly With normal speed quickly very quickly

1. Its structure and administration both are very easy.
2. It can be filled quickly.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 3. In this decision maker get a chance to very minutely distinguish.

4. Facility of giving comparative decision.
5. Factorization method when ever can be changed.

1. Although in factorization method possibility of changing, rather then calculation of factor is
tough, at the same time it needs much labour.
2. In this scaling it is not an easy work that in a person some trait is or not or this is which
symbol according.

Did You Know? Rating scale’s inception first credit goes to Fechner.

Suggestions for Construction

Main suggestions are as follows:
1. Line should be adequate length (almost 5 inch).
2. Line should not be broken.
3. Good adjectives should be kept in first end and bad or adverse adjectives on the last end.
4. Three or five adjectives should be use. Among them some high, medium and low category.
5. This is not necessary that distance between symbol will be equal.
6. For each trait should write symbol in separate parts. One trait should not overlapping on
another trait.
7. Should not use parabolic statement, as a “I am fully satisfied with my profession”.

3. Cumulative Points Scale

In this scale, person’s evaluation is done by many characteristics giving marks. Sum of marks or
cumulative basis about persons concepts is fixed. From one point of view this scale is like psychological
test, difference is only that in this marks have not been given on objective criterion, given only by
decision. This type of scales are used to evaluate for persons who are employed in any work check
list and guess whose technique comes under this.
(a) Check list Method—Hartshorne and May had used this method for children’s character related
many characteristics as a—Cooperative, kind, cruel, greedy, grateful, etc. Decisioner tests which
characteristics of above characteristics is showing children behaviour. After that total score’s basis
is taken decision about children’s quality. For each favourable traits +1 and for unfavorable trait –1
marks is given.
Cooperative Kind Grateful
With zeal the best much
With desire better more than general


Unit 16: Rating Scale

Cooperative Kind Grateful Notes

With neutrality acceptable normal
With jealous bad less than normal
Under subjection very bad Less

According to Hartshorne and May, by teacher evaluation of student this method reliability coefficient
had found more than 0.6.
(b) Guess- Who Technique—In this method the student is say the nomenclature of their mates which
is mentioned by some image medium. This method is used by Hartshorne and May. Every Sketch
is a short description. In this some directions are given as a—“Here some such a student’s sketch are
given whom you know. Having read every statement attentively you have to determine that from
who makes it is related.” Every statement is either favorable or unfavourable.
Some Sketch’s examples are as follows:
(a) “Here is such a boy who do something for the pleasure of others.”
(b) “Here is such a boy who without any movement from his place silently do work.”
Every sketch’s ahead as much space is left so that description applies for those students their name can
be written. Clearly that a popular student’s name again and again call with required characteristics
where as unpopular student’s name call with undesirable characteristics. In this method only a few
statement basis decision should not be taken, rather than all statement’s basis. In particular group
what is the position of any particular student or how much popularity, its knowledge by this method
can fairly. In this type of scale ‘Ohio’ recognition scale is a famous measure.

1. This is a new method and gradually it is going on popular.
2. Its structure and administration is very simple.
3. For the use of this scale determiner does needs any special type of training.
4. Its weightage is very simple also, specially at that case where term has given the +1 or 0
5. It can be used in complicated condition also.
6. By this personality’s only one quality can be evaluated.

1. Due to each term’s only two probable reactions weightage process does not become more
2. In check list method determiner is to say test only those terms or statements which is applicable
on that. As a result in their evaluation unnecessary inclination or bias occurred.

Suggestions for Construction

1. In check list method each term’s in place of two possible reactions at least three reactions
should be used.
2. Rator have to say only to check term in this bias possibility occurred. Therefore, it is the best
that rator should have to say answer each term.
3. Weightage should be done very carefully and only those qualities of personality should be
evaluated in which bias possibility is less.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes 4. Standard Scale

In this type of scale rator is given some set of standards as a—handwritings equality between men
to men, etc. Rator compares these decision worth material to these standards. Ayres and Thorndyke
have done a lot in this direction. The evolution of scale of man-to-man scale had been done for armies.
To prepared this selected five characteristics, as a physical trait, intelligence, leadership, personal
quality, and their general importance among armies etc. again each particular quality specialty one
officer has to choose five persons, as a in them in maximum quantity this particular traits are, that
whose in very low quantity, that who is in middle, that who more than general and a that whose less
then general with compares to these persons taken decision about other persons. Under this method
a number of person according to their me quality is ordered but here it is not essential for rator that
is those persons whom on their any quality basis ordered, complete familiar.

1. Choudhary from courageous point of view superior in Batallion.
2. Arora from courageous point of view super in Batallion.
3. Deshpandey from courageous point of view general in Batallion.
4. Chattarjee from courageous point of view a coward in Batallion.
5. Data Ram from courageous point of view very coward in Batallion.

1. In this rating is done in place of scores person’s merits.
2. In this for comparison a permanent criterion is available.
3. Finding a permanent criterion rator does not change his standard day-to-day.

1. Fundamentally to prepare this scale is a tough work.
2. In practice two rator’s opinion perhaps at times only be similar.
3. In scale one man and any other man distance generally not equal.
4. Having taken decision about any person overestimation and underestimation is possible.
5. Scale’s army format is not practice worth in civic life and industrial institutions.
Some scholar bride above four scale an other scale mentioned also that is called forced choice

Task Throw light on rating scale standard.

Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Rating scale’s inceptions credit is goes to…………….. .


Unit 16: Rating Scale

2. This method’s use ………………….. much more in test. Notes

3. Mainly rating scale ……….. is of types.

16.3 Forced Choice Rating

This method’s is also done for assessment of army officer. In this method rator does not need to
explain in any person any quality is or not is rather from quality pair he has to explain it that between
these both pairs which is correct. Generally, two pairs of statements in which either of them may be
favourable or un favourable presented together sometimes in these one neutral statement is included
also, for example—serious, enthusiastic, negliant, uncultured. In these first two quality are favourable
and last two are unfavourable. Rator’s considered this whole pair as a term given his decision and
explain which trait is most suitable for that person and which one least. After that on the basis of an
weightage key it can be calculated.

1. In this generosity error is less because in this rator overestimation and underestimation doing
general tendency or Halo-effect is sort out.
2. In this scale with respect to check list method get a chance of minute distinguish.
3. Obtained scores distribution is Leptokurtic.

1. A general rator cannot say definitely that which pair of term is related to much related to
2. This methods nomenclature “forced choice rating” completely unsuitable because no one
rator is not likes listen that he is not independent to give freedom.
3. The scruting of pairs guessing possibility in this scale.
4. The construction of this type of scales is very complicated and it needs a lot of time and

Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are True or False:
4. Graphic scale is a very popular and widely used.
5. Graphic scale has used first of all by Boyce.
6. Digits are used in estimation method.
7. Fundamentally, preparation of standard scale method is simple.

16.4 Errors of Rating Scales

Rating scales’ structure and in its used a number of errors occurred, which are following:
(a) Error of Leniency—This is called due to “error of leniency” because rator evaluated those persons
generously whom he knows or that person that is ego-involved. This is a continuous tendency. Thus
some rator are ‘generous’ and some are (hard) as a result positive leniency and negative leniency is
bored to less this error unfavorable traits number is kept less than favorable traits.


Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics

Notes (b) Error of central tendency—This type of errors cause are that generally rator hesitate to give extreme
decision. As a result rating shifted towards centre. Rator thinks so that any person any quality neither
completely absent nor present, due to this reason he placed their decision in the middle. This is the
cause that decision is not be impartial. To less his error in the statements of extreme ends keeps much
(c) Contrast Error—Murray indicates towards an another types of partiality that to called contrast
error. According to this error rator estimates persons estimates opposite with respect to their own
quality. For example ‘cooperation and cleanness’ characteristics evaluator if fulfil with both qualities
then he will observed in other non-cooperation and dirtiness because it is human nature as we are
ourself some we observes others but when we do not find him according own desire then criticism.
Regarding discipline characteristics general it happens.
(d) Halo- Effect—According to this error, rator that prejudice about any particular person assessment
that on that basis. Hence our decision is not much valid. Thorndice called it Halo-effect. This is such
a type of error which prey generally all rator moral significance’s characteristics this occurred much
this error can be removed by practice.
According Rugg, “We judge our fellow into term of a general mental attitude towards them and there
is, dominating this mental attitude toward the personality as a whole alike mental attitude towards
(e) Logical Error—when rator observe similarity between two student’s work then it will be determined
alike. According to NewComb, “In the brain of rator which traits have logical relation they evaluate
them equally. It is called logical error. If objectively observed worthful activities evaluation not that
about abstract traits, then escaped form this type of error.”

16.5 Summary
yy In all psychological measures method ‘Rating Scale” is most familiar. It is using successfully
in the field industry, trade, research etc. the credit of its inception goes to Fechner in field of
yy In this technology any person’s personality measures on the basis of such a person opinion
which completely familiar with former person.
yy According to Rooth Strong, “Guided observation is the rating”.
yy Mainly rating scale is of four types following—1. Numerical Scale 2. Graphic Scale 3. Cumulative
points scale 4. Standard scale.

16.6 Keywords
1. Cumulative—Totals of score
2. Systematic—orderly, coherence

16.7 Review Questions

1. What do you mean by rating scale?
2. Describe different types of rating scale.
3. Explain in detail cumulative point scale.
4. Throw light on the error of rating standard.


Unit 16: Rating Scale

Answers: Self Assessment Notes

1. Fechner 2. Achievements 3. Four 4. True

5. True 6. False 7. False

16.8 Further Readings

1. Academic Research Methods—Sharin of Shashikala, Vinod Pustak Mandir.
2. Academic Technique and Assessment—Dr. Ram pal Singh, Bhatt Brothers.
3. Education Technique Management and Assessment—J.C. Agrawal, Bhatt Brothers.
4. Education Technique—R. A. Sharma, Bhatt Brothers.


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