Berk Can

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Berk Can DUVA

Energy Science and Technology Division

Energy Science and Technology Program

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Habil Mete ŞEN

JUNE 2016



Berk Can DUVA


Energy Science and Technology Division

Energy Science and Technology Program

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Habil Mete ŞEN

JUNE 2016




Berk Can DUVA


Enerji Bilim ve Teknoloji Anabilim Dalı

Enerji Bilim ve Teknoloji Programı

Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Habil Mete ŞEN

Berk Can DUVA, a M.Sc. student of ITU Institute of Energy student ID 301131005,
successfully defended the thesis entitled FRANCIS TURBINE DESIGN AND
OPTIMIZATION BY USING CFD”, which he prepared after fulfilling the
requirements specified in the associated legislations, before the jury whose signatures
are below.

Thesis Advisor : Prof. Habil Mete ŞEN .............................

Istanbul Technical University

Co-advisor : Prof. Erkan AYDER .............................

Istanbul Technical University

Jury Members : Prof. Filiz BAYTAŞ .............................

Istanbul Technical University

Assoc. Prof. Deniz ULUSARSLAN ............................

Yildiz Technical University

Asst. Prof. Ümit KURŞUN ............................

Istanbul University

Date of Submission : 12 April 2016

Date of Defense : 07 June 2016

To my beloved family,


The studies presented in this thesis were supported by Electric Generation Company
(EÜAŞ); therefore, I would like to thank EÜAŞ for its financial support. I also thank
Energy Institute of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK) Marmara Research Center, where I conducted my studies, and my
colleagues in Electrical Power Technology Group who have persistently contributed
my technical knowledge and created chances to improve myself.
I wish to express my gratitude to people at Hydraulic Fluid Machinery of Graz
University of Technology for their contributions and supports. Furthermore, I owe
Prof. Mehmet Haluk Aksel a debt of gratitude for encouraging me to push the limits.
Finally, I would like to thank my family and my wife for being always there for me
with their endless support and love. And, my grandfather who always believed in me
will be in my heart forever.

June 2016 Berk Can DUVA

Mechanical Engineer



FOREWORD ............................................................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... xi
SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................... xiii
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... xv
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... xvii
SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... xxiii
ÖZET..................................................................................................................... xxvii
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose of Thesis ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 History of Francis turbine ........................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Numerical investigation of fluid flow inside a Francis turbine ................... 2
1.2.3 Validation of CFD results in hydraulic power plant applications ............... 3
1.2.4 Design of a Francis turbine by using CFD .................................................. 4
1.2.5 Optimization of a Francis turbine by using CFD ........................................ 4
1.3 Hypothesis .......................................................................................................... 6
GEOMETRY OF FRANCIS TURBINE ................................................................. 7
2.1 Design of the Runner ........................................................................................ 10
2.1.1 Main parametrization of De Siervo and De Leva ..................................... 11
2.1.2 Main parametrization of United States Department of the Interior Bureau
of Reclamation ................................................................................................... 12
2.1.3 Main parametrization of Giesecke and Leeb............................................. 14
2.1.4 Main parametrization of Schweiger and Gregori ...................................... 16
2.1.5 Main parametrization of Thomann ............................................................ 17
2.1.6 Main parametrization of Raabe ................................................................. 19
2.1.7 Main parametrization of Chapallaz ........................................................... 20
2.1.8 Main parametrization of Bovet ................................................................. 22
2.1.9 General main parametrization ................................................................... 25
2.1.10 Determination of blade angles and profiles of runner ............................. 26
2.1.11 X – Blade technology .............................................................................. 31
2.2 Design of the Draft Tube .................................................................................. 33
2.2.1 Main parametrization of De Siervo and De Leva ..................................... 33
2.2.2 Main parametrization of United States Department of the Interior Bureau
of Reclamation ................................................................................................... 35
2.2.3 Main parametrization of Lugaresi and Massa ........................................... 38
2.2.4 Main parametrization of Gubin ................................................................. 39
2.2.5 General main parametrization ................................................................... 42
2.2.6 Cross sectional design of draft tube .......................................................... 44
2.3 Design of the Spiral Case ................................................................................. 45

2.3.1 Main parametrization of De Siervo and De Leva ...................................... 46
2.3.2 Main parametrization of United States Department of the Interior Bureau
of Reclamation ................................................................................................... 47
2.3.3 General main parametrization ................................................................... 50
2.3.4 Cross sectional design of spiral case ......................................................... 52
2.4 Design of the Stay Vanes and Guide Vanes ..................................................... 55
3. CAVITATION PHENOMENON IN FRANCIS TURBINE ............................ 59
3.1 Definition of Cavitation .................................................................................... 59
3.2 Types of Cavitation in Francis Turbine ............................................................ 61
3.2.1 Leading edge cavitation............................................................................. 61
3.2.2 Travelling bubble cavitation ...................................................................... 61
3.2.3 Vortex rope ................................................................................................ 62
3.2.4 Inter – blade vortex cavitation ................................................................... 62
3.2.5 Von Karman vortex cavitation .................................................................. 63
3.3 Evaluation of Cavitation Behavior – Histogram Method ................................. 65
4. CFD ANALYSIS OF EXISTING UNIT ............................................................ 69
4.1 Description of Power Plant ............................................................................... 69
4.2 Geometry of Main Components ....................................................................... 74
4.2.1 Laser scanning ........................................................................................... 74
4.2.2 CAD modelling ......................................................................................... 77
4.3 Meshing ............................................................................................................ 78
4.4 CFD Model ....................................................................................................... 82
4.4.1 Governning equations and turbulence modelling ...................................... 82
4.4.2 Chosen methodology ................................................................................. 86
4.4.3 Boundary conditions.................................................................................. 88
4.5 Evaluation of the CFD Results ......................................................................... 93
4.5.1 Overall performance definitions ................................................................ 93
4.5.2 Evaluation of CFD results at design head ................................................. 94
4.5.3 Spiral case.................................................................................................. 97
4.5.4 Stay vanes ................................................................................................ 102
4.5.5 Guide vanes ............................................................................................. 106
4.5.6 Runner ..................................................................................................... 110
4.5.7 Draft tube ................................................................................................. 114
4.5.8 Numerical hill chart ................................................................................. 119
4.6 Validation of CFD .......................................................................................... 121
5. OPTIMIZATION OF RUNNER ...................................................................... 125
5.1 Existing Situation ........................................................................................... 125
5.2 Method of Optimization ................................................................................. 127
5.3 Reconstruction of Original Runner ................................................................. 128
5.4 Optimization of Runner .................................................................................. 133
5.4.1 Optimization with traditional methods .................................................... 136
5.4.2 Optimization with X – Blade technology ................................................ 139
5.5 Results of Proposed Designs .......................................................................... 142
5.5.1 Results of traditional design .................................................................... 142
5.5.2 Results of X–Blade design ...................................................................... 148
6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................... 155
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 161
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ 169
CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................................ 181


A : Area [m2]
ANN : Artificial Neural Network
c : Absolute Velocity [m/s]
cm : Meridional Velocity [m/s]
cu : Circumfrential Velocity [m/s]
CFD : Computational Fluid Dynamics
Dgv : Rotation Axis of Guide Vane [m]
Dgv,o : Guide Vane Outlet Diameter [m]
DLE : Diameter of Leading Edge [m]
DTE : Diameter of Trailing Edge [m]
g : Gravitational Acceleration [m/s2]
GA : Genetic Algorithms
Hnet : Net Head [m]
Hloss : Head Loss [m]
HAD : Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği
HES : Hidroelektirk Santral
HPP : Hydraulic Power Plant
ku : Peripheral Velocity Coefficient
Lgv : Guide Vane Length [m]
MFR : Multiple Frame of Reference
n : Rotational Speed [rpm]
Ngv : Number of the Guide Vane
ns : Specific Speed
nq : Specific Speed
NPSH : Net Positive Suction Specific Head
NPSE : Net Positive Suction Specific Energy
P : Power
Pabs : Absolute Pressure [Pa]
Pamb : Ambient Pressure [Pa]
Phis : Histogram Pressure [Pa]
Ps : Static Pressure [Pa]
Pt : Total Pressure [Pa]
Pva : Vapor Pressure [Pa]
Q : Flowrate [m3/s]
Qmax : Maximum Flowrate [m3/s]
Qopt : Optimum Flowrate [m3/s]
T : Tork [Nm]
u : Peripheral Velocity [m/s]
w : Relative Velocity [m/s]
ZM : Machine Axis Level [m]
ZT : Tail Water Level [m]

Greek Letters
β1 : Inlet Blade Angle – Runner [deg]
β2 : Outlet Blade Angle – Runner [deg]
φ : Cover (Wrap) Angle [deg]
ηu : Circumfrential Hydraulic Efficiency
ρ : Density [kg/m3]
σP : Plant Cavitation Number (Thoma Number of Plant)
σrez : Reserve Cavitation Coefficient
σT : Turbine Cavitation Number (Thoma Number of Turbine)
ω : Rotational Speed [rad/s]
Ω : Speed Number



Table 2.1 : Specific speed definitions. ........................................................................ 9

Table 2.2 : Geometrical parameters of De Siervo and De Leva for runner. ............. 12
Table 2.3 : Geometrical parameters of United States Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation for runner. ....................................................... 13
Table 2.4 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Giesecke and Leeb for runner.
.............................................................................................................. 16
Table 2.5 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Schweiger and Gregori for
runner. ................................................................................................... 17
Table 2.6 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Thomann for runner. ............. 19
Table 2.7 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Raabe for runner. .................. 20
Table 2.8 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Chapallaz for runner. ............ 22
Table 2.9 : Geometrical parameters of Bovet for runner. ......................................... 24
Table 2.10 : Main parameters of various scientists for runner of Kadincik I HPP. .. 27
Table 2.11 : Calculated velocities and blade angles for Kadincik I HPP.................. 30
Table 2.12 : Geometrical parameters of De Siervo and De Leva for draft tube. ...... 35
Table 2.13 : Geometrical parameters of United States Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation for draft tube. .................................................. 37
Table 2.14 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Lugaresi and Massa for draft
tube. ...................................................................................................... 39
Table 2.15 : Geometrical parameters of Gubin for draft tube. .................................. 41
Table 2.16 : Main parameters of various scientists for draft tube of Kadincik I HPP.
.............................................................................................................. 43
Table 2.17 : Geometrical parameters of De Siervo and De Leva for spiral case. ..... 47
Table 2.18 : Geometrical parameters of United States Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation for spiral case.................................................. 50
Table 2.19 : Main parameters of various scientists for spiral case of Kadincik I HPP.
.............................................................................................................. 51
Table 4.1 : Characteristics of Kadincik I HPP. ......................................................... 70
Table 4.2 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (single unit). ................. 72
Table 4.3 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (two units). ................... 72
Table 4.4 : Calculated shaft power for Kadincik I HPP. ........................................... 73
Table 4.5 : Guide vane flow angles for Kadincik I HPP. .......................................... 76
Table 4.6 : Number of the mesh nodes for Kadincik I HPP. .................................... 82
Table 4.7 : Number of the mesh elements for Kadincik I HPP. ................................ 82
Table 4.8 : Numerical results for different outlet boundary conditions. ................... 91
Table 4.9 : Recalculated shaft power for commissioning test and CFD results...... 123
Table B.1 : Mesh statistics of guide vanes. ............................................................. 171
Table B.2 : Mesh statistics of runner. ..................................................................... 172
Table B.3 : Mesh statistics of draft tube. ................................................................ 172
Table B.4 : Mesh statistics of spiral case. ............................................................... 172

Table E.1 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP………...……………... 176
Table F.1 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with tradionally optimized
runner………………………………………………………………... 177
Table F.2 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with tradionally optimized
runner (continued). ............................................................................. 178
Table G.1 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with X-Blade
optimization…………………………………………………………. 179
Table G.2 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with X-Blade optimization
(continued). ......................................................................................... 180



Figure 2.1 : Suggestions on the type of the turbine according to head and discharge
values ....................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2.2 : Diagram for types of turbines ................................................................ 10
Figure 2.3 : Geometrical parameter definition of De Siervo and De Leva for runner
............................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.4 : Geometrical parameter definition of United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation ............................................................. 13
Figure 2.5 : Correlation of parameters for runner (United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation) ........................................................... 14
Figure 2.6 : Correlation of parameters for runner (United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation) ........................................................... 14
Figure 2.7 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Giesecke)................................... 15
Figure 2.8 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Thomann) .................................. 18
Figure 2.9 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Raabe) ....................................... 20
Figure 2.10 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Chapallaz)…………………... 21
Figure 2.11 : Geometrical parameter definition of Bovet for runner ........................ 23
Figure 2.12 : Designation of main parameters of runner for Table 2.10 .................. 25
Figure 2.13 : Velocity angle in Francis turbine ........................................................ 28
Figure 2.14 : Blade angle distribution of Kadincik I HPP ........................................ 29
Figure 2.15 : Leading (top) and trailing (bottom) edge geometries .......................... 31
Figure 2.16 : Reversed leading edge geometry (Left) – meridional view of X-Blade
(Right) ................................................................................................. 32
Figure 2.17 : Inlet cavitation erosion in conventional design ................................... 32
Figure 2.18 : Pressure distribution along the runner ................................................. 33
Figure 2.19 : Geometrical parameter definition of De Siervo and De Leva for draft
tube ...................................................................................................... 34
Figure 2.20 : Geometrical parameter definition of United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation ........................................................... 36
Figure 2.21 : Geometrical parameter definition of Lugaresi and Massa for draft tube
............................................................................................................. 39
Figure 2.22 : Geometrical parameter definition of Gubin for draft tube .................. 40
Figure 2.23 : Empirical Correlations between Runner Dimensions (Gubin) ............ 40
Figure 2.24 : Correlation of parameters for draft tube (Gubin) ................................ 41
Figure 2.25 : Designation of the main parameters of draft tube for Table 2.16 ....... 42
Figure 2.26 : Meridional view of Kadincik I HPP draft tube in comparison with
literature............................................................................................... 44
Figure 2.27 : Spiral casing types ............................................................................... 45
Figure 2.28 : Cross sectional shape of the spiral casing ........................................... 45
Figure 2.29 : Geometrical parameter definition of De Siervo and De Leva for spiral
case ...................................................................................................... 46

Figure 2.30 : Correlation of parameters for spiral case (United States Department of
the Interior Bureau of Reclamation) .................................................... 48
Figure 2.31 : Geometrical parameter definition of United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation ........................................................... 49
Figure 2.32 : Designation of the main parameters of spiral case for Table 2.19 ...... 51
Figure 2.33 : Meridional view of spiral case............................................................. 52
Figure 2.34 : Overlap of stay vanes over spiral case................................................. 54
Figure 2.35 : Area distribution of spiral case of Kadincik I HPP ............................. 54
Figure 2.36 : Meridional view of a radial machine ................................................... 56
Figure 3.1 : Machine levels of Francis turbine…………………....………………..60
Figure 3.2 : Reservoir levels of Francis turbine ........................................................ 60
Figure 3.3 : Leading edge cavitation – on pressure side (left) - on suction side (right)
............................................................................................................... 61
Figure 3.4 : Travelling bubble cavitation .................................................................. 61
Figure 3.5 : Vortex rope and velocity triangles in the entrance of draft tube – part
load (left) – overload (right) .................................................................. 62
Figure 3.6 : Inter – blade vortex cavitation ............................................................... 63
Figure 3.7 : Von Karman vortex cavitation .............................................................. 63
Figure 3.8 : Cavitation limits .................................................................................... 64
Figure 3.9 : Cavitation regions .................................................................................. 64
Figure 3.10 : Francis turbine machine and tail water level definitions for Thoma
number calculations ............................................................................. 66
Figure 3.11 : Comparison of numerical simulation with model test results ............. 67
Figure 4.1 : Schematic view of Kadincik I and II power plants.……..…………….71
Figure 4.2 : Net head vs shaft power......................................................................... 73
Figure 4.3 : Laser scanning studies in Kadincik I HPP............................................. 74
Figure 4.4 : Wicket gate opening .............................................................................. 75
Figure 4.5 : Guide vane angle and inflow angle definition ....................................... 75
Figure 4.6 : Scanned geometry of runner blade ........................................................ 76
Figure 4.7 : Cutwater region of spiral case (left – reality, right – CAD model) ....... 77
Figure 4.8 : CAD model of Kadincik I HPP ............................................................. 79
Figure 4.9 : Unstructured mesh of spiral case ........................................................... 78
Figure 4.10 : Structural mesh of draft tube ............................................................... 80
Figure 4.11 : H -, J-, L-, C- Topologies (from left to right) ...................................... 80
Figure 4.12 : Guide vane mesh ................................................................................. 81
Figure 4.13 : Runner mesh ........................................................................................ 81
Figure 4.14 : Boundary layer illustration .................................................................. 84
Figure 4.15 : Kadincik I HPP CFD flow domain ...................................................... 88
Figure 4.16 : Streamlines and static pressure distribution at the draft tube outlet for
different outlet boundary conditions at best efficiency point (15o guide
vane angle) ........................................................................................... 91
Figure 4.17 : Streamlines and static pressure distribution at the draft tube outlet for
different outlet boundary conditions at extreme part load (7.5o guide
vane angle) ........................................................................................... 92
Figure 4.18 : Streamlines and static pressure distribution at the draft tube outlet for
different outlet boundary conditions at over load (22.5o guide vane
angle) ................................................................................................... 92
Figure 4.19 : The overall CFD performance of Kadincik I HPP at design head ...... 95
Figure 4.20 : CFD percentage head losses of mechanical components .................... 96
Figure 4.21 : CFD single component efficiencies for Kadincik I HPP ..................... 97

Figure 4.22 : Post processing planes of spiral case ................................................... 98
Figure 4.23 : Swirl contours at different spiral case planes ...................................... 99
Figure 4.24 : Velocity components in a radial machine ........................................... 99
Figure 4.25 : Static pressure distribution in front of the stay vanes........................ 100
Figure 4.26 : cu velocity distribution in front of the stay vanes .............................. 100
Figure 4.27 : Total pressure distribution in front of the stay vanes ........................ 101
Figure 4.28 : cr velocity distribution in front of the stay vanes .............................. 101
Figure 4.29 : Static pressure distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes................. 102
Figure 4.30 : cr velocity distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes ....................... 103
Figure 4.31 : cu velocity distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes ....................... 103
Figure 4.32 : Total pressure distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes ................. 104
Figure 4.33 : Static pressure contour of stay vanes at z=0 meter ........................... 105
Figure 4.34 : Velocity vectors for first stay vanes .................................................. 104
Figure 4.35 : Total pressure distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes ............... 106
Figure 4.36 : Velocity vectors and pressure contours of guide vanes..................... 107
Figure 4.37 : Static pressure distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes .............. 108
Figure 4.38 : cu velocity distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes..................... 109
Figure 4.39 : cr velocity distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes ..................... 109
Figure 4.40 : Normailize mass flow through the guide vanes ................................ 110
Figure 4.41 : Velocity distributions at the inlet of the runner ................................. 111
Figure 4.42 : Velocity distributions at the outlet of the runner ............................... 111
Figure 4.43 : Static pressure distribution on the runner blades ............................... 112
Figure 4.44 : Blade Loading at Span 5 % (close to hub) ........................................ 112
Figure 4.45 : Blade Loading at Span 50 % (mid plane) .......................................... 113
Figure 4.46 : Blade Loading at Span 95 % (close to shroud) ................................. 113
Figure 4.47 : Cavitation damages at the runner, leading edge (left), trailing edge
(right) ................................................................................................. 113
Figure 4.48 : Draft tube post processing planes ...................................................... 114
Figure 4.49 : cu velocity contour at meridional cross section of draft tube ............ 115
Figure 4.50 : cu velocity contours at plane 1 and 2 ................................................. 115
Figure 4.51 : Absolute velocity contour at meridional cross section of draft tube . 116
Figure 4.52 : Static pressure distribution at meridional cross section of draft tube.
........................................................................................................... 116
Figure 4.53 : Total pressure distribution at meridional cross section of draft tube..
........................................................................................................... 117
Figure 4.54 : Absolute velocity contours at plane 1, 2, 3 and 4 .............................. 117
Figure 4.55 : Static pressure contours at plane 1, 2, 3 and 4................................... 118
Figure 4.56 : Total pressure contours at plane 1, 2, 3 and 4 ................................... 118
Figure 4.57 : Static and total pressure distributions at the outlet of draft tube ....... 119
Figure 4.58 : Absolute velocity distribution at the outlet of the draft tube ............. 119
Figure 4.59 : Francis turbine losses as a function of the specific speed ................. 120
Figure 4.60 : Numerical hill chart of Kadincik I HPP ............................................ 121
Figure 4.61 : Comparison of CFD results with measurements ............................... 122
Figure 5.1 : Averaged yearly power production of Kadincik I HPP…………...…126
Figure 5.2 : Segmented annual production for one unit operation.......................... 126
Figure 5.3 : Segmented annual production for two unit operation ......................... 126
Figure 5.4 : 10 year-averaged power production per year ...................................... 127
Figure 5.5 : Workflow of optimization process ...................................................... 128
Figure 5.6 : Meridional view of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP with the
layers for the geometry definition ....................................................... 129

Figure 5.7 : Blade sections of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP .................... 130
Figure 5.8 : “Theta vs M” curves of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP .......... 130
Figure 5.9 : Thickness distribution of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP ........ 131
Figure 5.10 : CAD model of reconstructed original runner of Kadincik I HPP ..... 132
Figure 5.11 : Angle definition of radial turbomachines .......................................... 132
Figure 5.12 : “Beta vs M” curves of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP .......... 133
Figure 5.13 : Static pressure distribution on the original runner blades at best
efficiency point (Hnet=155 m and Q=17 m3/s) ................................... 134
Figure 5.14 : Blade loadings of the original runner for various span values at best
efficiency point (Hnet=155 m and Q=17 m3/s) ................................... 135
Figure 5.15 : cm and cu distribution at the outlet of the original runner of Kadincik I
HPP at best efficiency point (Hnet=155 m and Q=17 m3/s) ............... 135
Figure 5.16 : Meridional view of optimized runner with traditional design methods
........................................................................................................... 136
Figure 5.17 : “Theta vs M” curves of optimized runner with traditional design
methods .............................................................................................. 137
Figure 5.18 : Thickness distribution of optimized runner with traditional design
methods .............................................................................................. 137
Figure 5.19 : “Beta vs M” curves of optimized runner with traditional design
methods .............................................................................................. 138
Figure 5.20 : CAD model of optimized runner with traditional design methods ... 138
Figure 5.21 : Meridional view of optimized runner with X-Blade design method..
........................................................................................................... 140
Figure 5.22 : “Theta vs M” curves of optimized runner with X-Blade design method
........................................................................................................... 140
Figure 5.23 : Thickness distribution of optimized runner with X-Blade design
method ............................................................................................... 141
Figure 5.24 : “Beta vs M” curves of optimized runner with X-Blade design method
........................................................................................................... 141
Figure 5.25 : CAD model of optimized runner with X-Blade design method ........ 142
Figure 5.26 : Numerical hill chart for traditional optimization of Kadincik I HPP..
........................................................................................................... 143
Figure 5.27 : CFD percentage head losses for mechanical components of
conventionally optimized turbine ...................................................... 144
Figure 5.28 : The overall CFD performance of conventionally optimized turbine at
design head ........................................................................................ 145
Figure 5.29 : Blade loading comparison of the original runner and traditional
optimization version at their best efficiency points ........................... 146
Figure 5.30 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and traditional
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from
upstream) ........................................................................................... 147
Figure 5.31 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and traditional
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from
downstream) ...................................................................................... 147
Figure 5.32 : Velocity distributions at the outlet of the runner for the original blade
and traditional optimization version at their best efficiency points... 147
Figure 5.33 : Numerical hill chart for X-Blade optimization of Kadincik I HPP ... 149
Figure 5.34 : CFD percentage head losses for mechanical components of X-Blade
optimization ....................................................................................... 149

Figure 5.35 : The overall CFD performance of X-Blade optimization at design
head... ................................................................................................ 150
Figure 5.36 : Blade loading comparison of the original runner and optimization
versions at their best efficiency points .............................................. 151
Figure 5.37 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and X-Blade
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from
upstream) ........................................................................................... 152
Figure 5.38 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and X-Blade
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from
downstream) ...................................................................................... 152
Figure 5.39 : Velocity distributions at the outlet of the runner for the original blade
and optimization versions at their best efficiency points .................. 153
Figure A.1 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (single unit operation)
Figure A.2 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (two unit operation) . 170
Figure C.1 : Mesh independency study for Kadincik I HPP……………………...173
Figure C.2 : Hydralic losses for different mesh densities. ...................................... 174
Figure D.1 : y+ at runner for medium grid CFD results…………………………...175



Hydraulic power is a vital component of the power production in Turkey.

Approximately 34 % of the installed capacity belongs to the hydraulic power plants.
However, almost half of the hydraulic power plants in Turkey are older than 40 years
and after the commissioning, they have not undergone a comprehensive
refurbishment. This suggests that not only the old technology was utilized in the
hydropower plants in Turkey, but also these power plants are not operated effectively
due to the aging effect.
This thesis aims to explain the optimization of the Francis turbine runner according
to the operation conditions of the power plants by using CFD. Improvements in the
turbine efficiency, cavitation behavior, pressure distribution at the runner blades and
velocity distributions at the outlet of the runner can be listed as optimization targets.
The hypothesis is that all these targets can be achieved only with the adjustment of
the hydraulic shape of the runner with respect to the fluid flow.
This thesis starts with the brief history of the Francis turbine and first attempts to
investigate the fluid flow inside a Francis turbine numerically. With the
improvements in technology and increased experiences on numerical investigations
and Francis turbines, CFD has become an integral part of the Francis turbine design
and optimization.
After the introduction, design procedure of a Francis turbine is investigated in detail.
All mechanical parts are under consideration. First step in hydraulic turbine design is
the determination of the specific speed, which depends on the nominal operation
conditions. Then, design is followed by the designation of main geometrical
parameters regardless of which mechanical component is considered. In literature,
there are various empirical correlations between specific speed and dimensions of the
turbine, some of which are widely utilized in Francis turbine design.
For most of the designers, runner is considered as the starting point of the design
because the geometrical dimensions of the other mechanical parts are calculated by
taking the runner inlet or discharge diameter into account. Main parametrization is
followed by detection of blade angles with the help of the velocity triangles at the
inlet and outlet of the runner. The crucial part is to satisfy constant meridional
velocity throughout the blade and zero circumferential velocity at the outlet of the
runner. After the preliminary design of all mechanical components, CFD takes the
stage for fine-tuning.
After the explanation of the design procedure for each component, preliminary
design parameters are calculated for specific speed of Kadincik I HPP, which is
utilized as case study in this thesis. Findings from the empirical correlations, which
are widely accepted in literature, are compared with the geometrical dimensions of

the existing turbine. Therefore, some of the possible optimization potentials are
revealed before the CFD analysis of the actual turbine.
A comprehensive CFD analysis is performed in order to investigate the performance
of Kadincik I HPP at different operation conditions. The study starts with the laser
scanning of guide vane and runner geometries and followed by the computer aided
modeling of mechanical parts of the turbine with the help of the point clouds and
technical drawings. Subsequently, structural meshes are generated for guide vanes,
runner and draft tube in different mesh densities in order to conduct mesh
independency study. On the other hand, the spiral case (including the stay vanes) is
meshed using unstructured grids due to its complex shape.
Navier-Stokes equations are solved with Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS)
formulation using commercial CFD software, ANSYS CFX, in order to evaluate the
performance of the existing turbine unit. Menter’s SST turbulence model with
automatic wall functions is applied. For the runner, an additional approach called
Multiple Frame of References (MFR) with the assumption of steady state flow and
incompressible fluid is utilized.
Boundary conditions are defined as total pressure at the inlet and the static pressure
at the outlet. In order not to cause secondary flows and perturbations, additional out
block is inserted at the end of the draft tube and outlet boundary condition is
introduced at the outlet surface of the out block as one bar. Then, inlet total pressure
is adjusted with respect to the desired net head level, which is the difference between
inlet and outlet total pressures according to IEC standards. Different discharges are
realized with different guide vane openings.
At the design operation point of the turbine, detailed investigation is performed for
the performance of each mechanical component by using CFD in order to determine
the optimization potential of the existing unit. Economic feasibility, hydraulic shape,
efficiency and cavitation performance are used for the evaluation process. Cavitation
phenomenon is examined with a steady state histogram method. In the end,
numerical hill chart of the Kadincik I HPP are obtained with the help of the CFD
results for different net head and flow rate values. This part of the study shows that
peak efficiency of the existing turbine is so far away from the nominal operation
After many studies on blade leaning angle, Francis turbine design with X-Blade
technology, which has a reversed leading edge, was introduced in 1998 during Three
Gorges Project. Since then, it has been proposed that X-Blade design has higher peak
and off-design efficiencies, more uniform blade loading, better cavitation
performance and wider range of stability than conventional design.
According to the feasibility studies, new best efficiency point of the turbine is
determined. With the help of the CFD results, existing runner geometry is optimized
according to the flow conditions. Among the various optimization versions,
conventional and X-Blade designs with best performances are chosen as final runner
geometries and these new runner designs are got involved in CFD analyses.
Numerical results of both optimized turbine are compared with original turbine
geometry and each other. In the end, it is concluded that an improvement is achieved
in peak efficiency, cavitation performance, velocity distribution and blade loading
with each of the optimized runner with respect to the original turbine. Furthermore,
best efficiency point is shifted through the operation points only with the
modifications in the hydraulic shape of the runner. However, whereas improvements
in peak efficiency and blade loading are more severely felt in X-Blade optimization
version than the conventional one, both optimization versions show adequate
performance in cavitation and velocity distribution. Moreover, CFD results prove
that X-Blade design offers wider high efficiency region, which is significant when
discharge and net head of the power plant are changing considerably throughout the



Hidroelektrik santraller, Türkiye’nin kurulu gücünün % 34 ‘ünü oluşturmaktadır.

Ülkemizin jeolojik yapısı ve su kaynaklarının karakteristik özelliğinden dolayı
hidroelektrik santrallerimizde çoğunlukla Francis tipi türbin üniteleri kullanılmıştır.
Fakat enerji üretiminin dörtte birinden daha büyük bir bölümü su kaynaklarına
dayanan Türkiye’de hidroelektrik santrallerin neredeyse yarısı 40 yıl ve üstü bir
geçmişe sahiptir. Bu santrallerin hemen hemen hiçbirinde devreye alındıktan sonra
kapsamlı bir rehabilitasyon projesi gerçekleştirilmemiştir. Bu nedenle santraller
sadece eski teknolojiyle tasarlanmış olmakla kalmayıp zaman içerisinde
yıpranmalarından dolayı performansları hatırı sayılır seviyede düşmüştür.
Bu tezin amacı, Francis türbin çarkının santral çalışma koşullarına göre HAD
analizleri yardımı ile nasıl optimize edilebileceğini anlatmaktır. Optimizasyon
hedefleri türbin ve kavitasyon performansında artış, çark kanadı üzerindeki basınç
dağılımı ve çark giriş ve çıkışındaki hız bileşenlerinin dağılımında iyileşme olarak
listelenebilir. Tezin hipotezi bu optimizasyon hedeflerinin yalnızca çark
geometrisinin akış koşullarına göre modifiye edilmesi sonucunda elde
edilebileceğidir. Türbinin diğer mekanik ekipmanlarında herhangi bir değişiklik
Tezin giriş bölümü Francis türbininin tarihçesi ve geçmişten günümüze Francis
türbini içerisindeki akışın numerik olarak modellenme çabaları ile başlar. Bu gün
sahip olduğumuz teknoloji, su türbinleri içindeki akış için üç boyutlu Navier-Stokes
denklemlerini numerik olarak çözmemize imkan sağlar. Yıllar içinde HAD
analizlerinin türbin performansının tespitindeki doğruluğu birçok kez ispatlanmıştır.
Bu sayede HAD analizleri artık Francis türbin tasarımı ve optimizasyonunun
ayrılmaz bir parçası haline dönüşmüştür. Model testlerin pahalı oluşu ve proje
sürelerini hatırı sayılır ölçüde uzatması nedeniyle birçok türbin firması tasarıma son
halini verene kadar HAD analizlerinden aktif olarak faydalanır.
Giriş bölümünün ardından Francis türbinin her bir mekanik parçası için tasarım
süreci ayrıntılı şekilde incelenmiştir. Hidrolik türbinlerin tasarımında ilk adım özgül
hızın hesaplanmasıdır. Bu değer santralin tasarım düşüsü, debisi, gücü ve dönme
hızına bağlıdır. Dönme hızı seçilen generatörün kutup sayısı ile doğrudan ilişkilidir.
Düşü, debi ve güç değerleri ise nehirde yıllar boyunca yapılan gözlemler sonucunda
karar verilen büyüklüklerdir. Özgül hız değeri santralde kullanılması gereken türbin
tipi ile ilgili bilgi vermektedir. Türbin tipinin belirlenmesinin ardından ise tasarıma
çoğu zaman çark ile başlanır çünkü çark giriş veya çıkış çapı diğer mekanik
ekipmanların geometrik boyutlarının hesaplanmasında kullanılır.
Francis türbinin her bir mekanik parçasında olduğu gibi çark tasarımı da ana
boyutların belirlenmesi ile başlar. Fakat türbin parçalarının ana boyutlarını veren

genel geçer formüller bulunmamaktadır. Literatürde birçok tasarımcı kendi ampirik
formüllerini ileri sürmüştür. Bu ampirik formüller, genellikle var olan hidroelektrik
santrallerde yapılan çalışmalara dayanmaktadır. Türbinin özgül hız değerini
kullanarak ana boyutların hesaplanmasına yardımcı olan bu korelasyonlardan en çok
kabul görenleri tezde sunulmuştur. Ana boyutların belirlenmesini çark kanat
açılarının hesaplanması takip eder. Francis türbininin çark açıları hız üçgenleri
yardımı ile saptanır. Bu hesaplar sırasında çark giriş ve çıkışında sabit meridyonel
hız kabulü yapılır. Ayrıca çarkın suyun bütün enerjisini mekanik enerjiye
dönüştürdüğü düşünülerek çark çıkışındaki çevresel hız bileşeni sıfır olarak kabul
Emme borusu ve salyangoz ana boyutları için de literatürde ampirik korelasyonlar
mevcuttur. Emme borusunda akış ayrılmalarının oluşmaması için kesit alanları
arasında yumuşak geçişler yapılmalıdır. Öte yandan salyangoz kesitlerinin
geometrileri için literatürde kabul gören üç adet yöntem mevcuttur. Bu yöntemler tez
içerisinde ayrıntılı şekilde açıklanmıştır. Sabit kanat ve ayar kanadı geometrileri ile
ilgili sınırlı sayıda tasarım yöntemi yayınlanmıştır ve bu yöntemler tasarımın her
adımını kapsamamaktadır. Bu nedenle sabit ve ayar kanadı geometrileri çoğunlukla
tasarımcının tecrübesi ile belirlenmektedir. Bütün mekanik parçaların ön
tasarımlarının tamamlanmasının ardından HAD analizleri devreye girer ve akış
koşullarına göre ekipmanların hidrolik geometrilerinde değişikliğe gidilir.
Kadıncık I Hidroelektrik Santrali, bu tezde sunulan incelemelerde vaka çalışması
olarak kullanılmıştır. Santralin mekanik parçalarının ana boyutları ve çark kanat
açılarının santral çalışma koşullarına uygunluğunun test edilmesi amacıyla Kadıncık
I HES türbininin özgül hızı hesaplanmıştır. Literatürde sıklıkla kullanılan ampirik
formüller ana boyutların hesabında kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda çark,
salyangoz, sabit kanat ve ayar kanadı geometrilerinin ana boyutlarında herhangi bir
problemle karşılaşılmazken Kadıncık I HES’in emme borusunun yataydaki çıkış
bölümünün literatüre göre gereğinden çok daha uzun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Uzun
emme borusu geometrisi kayıpları arttırarak türbin performansını düşürmektedir. Öte
yandan, çark kanat açıları incelendiğinde Kadıncık I HES çarkının giriş kanat açıları
literatürde belirtilen değerlerden daha yüksek iken çıkış kanat açılarının ise
literatürden düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Kadıncık I HES’in farklı çalışma koşullarındaki performansını incelemek için türbin
HAD analizlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Bu amaçla çark ve ayar kanatlarının lazer tarama
cihazı ile nokta bulutları oluşturulmuş ve bu nokta bulutları 3 boyutlu geometrilere
dönüştürülmüştür. Daha sonra salyangoz, sabit kanatlar ve emme borusunun
geometrileri teknik çizimler baz alınarak çizilmiş ve 3 boyutlu modele eklenmiştir.
Ünite içinde yapılan gözlemler sonunda geometrideki son eksik noktalar da
tamamlanmış ve HAD analizlerine başlamak için çözüm ağları oluşturulmuştur.
Çark, ayar kanadı ve emme borusu için farklı yoğunluklarda yapısal çözüm ağları
tercih edilmiştir. Çark ve ayar kanadında H-J-C-L topolojisinden yararlanılırken
emme borusunda “O-grid” yapısı hakimdir. Öte yandan salyangoz sahip olduğu
kompleks geometriden dolayı yapısal olmayan çözüm ağı ile örülmüştür. Salyangoz
için de dört farklı yoğunlukta ağ oluşturulmuş ve bu çözüm ağları ağ bağımsızlığı
çalışmalarında kullanılmıştır.
Reynolds ortalamalı Navier-Stokes formülasyonu yardımı ile üç boyutlu Navier-
Stokes denklemleri ANSYS-CFX HAD analizi çözücüsünde analitik olarak
çözülmüştür. Menter’in ileri sürdüğü ve otomatik duvar fonksiyonu avantajı sağlayan

SST türbülans modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu otomatik fonksiyonlar çözüm ağlarının sahip
olduğu y+ değerlerinin önemini büyük ölçüde kaybetmesini sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca
dönen komponentlerin sabit parçalarla etkileşimlerini kararlı analizlerde
modelleyebilmek için çoklu referanslar çerçevesi yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. HAD
analizi kodu, hız ve basınç için, özdeş noktalarla hücre merkezli kontrol hacmi
kullanmaktadır. Konvektif terimlerin konumsal ayrıklaştırılmasında hibrit şemanın
kullanılması ile lokal olarak hesaplanan “blend” faktörü çözümlerin ikinci dereceden
hassas olmasını sağlamıştır.
Sınır koşulları girişte toplam basınç ve çıkışta statik basınç olacak şekilde
tanımlanmıştır. İkincil ve geri akışları engellemek adına emme borusunun sonuna bir
çıkış bloğu yerleştirilmiş ve bloğun sonundaki statik basınç bir bar olarak
belirtilmiştir. Çıkış bloğu akışın emme borusunu santralde olduğu gibi özgürce terk
etmesine izin vermektedir. Çıkış sınır koşulunun emme borusunun sonuna
tanımlanması, radyal denge opsiyonu kullanılsın veya kullanılmasın, emme
borusundaki akış koşullarını bozmaktadır. Net düşü hesabında salyangoz girişi ve
emme borusu çıkışındaki toplam basınç farkının baz alınması ve çıkış bloğunun
büyük geometrisi sayesinde sürtünme kayıplarını ve ikincil akışları minimuma
indirmesi HAD analizi sonuçlarına olan güveni arttırmaktadır. Giriş toplam basınç
değeri ile istenen net düşü elde edilene kadar HAD analizleri iteratif olarak
yenilenmektedir. Farklı debi değerleri ayar kanadı geometrilerinin açılıp kapanması
ile sağlanmaktadır.
Kavitasyon performansının çift fazlı kararsız HAD analizleri ile saptanmasının analiz
sürelerini ciddi miktarda uzatmasından ve bu durumda numerik metotların deneysel
çalışmalara göre avantajını kaybetmesinden dolayı kararlı HAD analizlerinden
yararlanılarak kavitasyon performansı incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler esnasında
santral çalışma koşulları ile hesaplanan santral kavitasyon kat sayısı, IEC 60041
standardında belirtilen türbin kavitasyon kat sayısı (Thomann sayısı) ile
karşılaştırılmıştır. Santralin kavitasyon kat sayısının türbininkinden büyük olduğu
çalışma koşullarında kavitasyonun gözlenmediğini söylemek mümkündür. Türbin
kavitasyon kat sayısında kullanılan minimum kanat basıncının belirlenmesinde statik
histogram metodundan yararlanılmıştır.
Kadıncık I HES’in tasarım noktasında yapılan HAD analizleri sayesinde türbin
mekanik parçalarının ayrı ayrı performansları incelenmiştir. Düşü cinsinden kayıp
analizi çalışmaları her bir mekanik parçadaki minimum kaybın farklı debilerde
gerçekleştiğini göstermektedir. Bu durum mekanik parçaların birbirleri ile bir uyum
içinde tasarlanmadığı sonucunu ortaya koyar. Salyangoz kesitleri sabit girdap
prensibine uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. İlk sabit kanatlarda akış kanadın basınç
kenarına çarpıyor olsa da dil bölgesine yaklaştıkça akışın durma noktası sabit
kanatların giriş kenarına doğru çekilir. Dil bölgesi ayrı tutulmak kaydı ile akış ayar
kanatlarına kadar çevresel yönde düzgün bir dağılım göstererek ulaşır. Fakat her bir
ayar kanadının arasından çarka ulaşan su miktarı çevresel yönde çok farklıdır ve bu
farklılıklar çark şaftında radyal kuvvetlere ve dolayısıyla titreşime neden olur. Çark
giriş ve çıkışındaki hız üçgenleri literatürdeki tavsiyelerle paralellik göstermektedir.
Giriş ve çıkış kanat açılarındaki bozukluklar basınç dağılımında sorunlara neden
olmaktadır. Özellikle çark kanadı girişinin alt gövdeye yakın bölümlerinde düşük
basınç bölgeleri gözlenmektedir. Emme borusundaki akış incelendiğinde çarkın
hemen altında iç içe geçmiş iki adet girdap yapısı görülmektedir. Tasarım noktasında
gözlenmesi beklenmeyen bu girdaplar çark kanadından emme borusuna bırakılan
çevresel hız bileşeninin bir sonucudur. Çark çıkışında önemsenmeyecek büyüklüğe

sahip olan bu girdaplar emme borusu konisinin sonuna doğru emme borusu
duvarlarına yaklaşır. Bu olay çalışma sırasında vuruntulara ve titreşime neden olur.
Emme borusunun literatürdeki benzerlerine göre neden bu denli uzun olduğu HAD
analizleri sonucuna bakılarak anlaşılabilir. Literatür emme borusu çıkışındaki mutlak
hızın 2 m/s’nin altında olması gerektiğini savunur. Kadıncık I HES’te 2 m/s mutlak
hız seviyesine ancak bu kadar uzun bir emme borusu ile inilebilmiştir.
Kadıncık I HES’in farklı operasyon noktalarındaki performansını görmek için farklı
düşü ve debi değerlerinde analizler atılmıştır. Bu analizler türbinin maksimum
verimine çalışma koşullarından ve tasarım noktasından çok daha uzak bir noktada
ulaştığını göstermektedir. Bu durumda ikinci paragrafta listelenen optimizasyon
hedeflerinin yanına türbin maksimum veriminin yıllık çalışma noktalarına
kaydırılması da eklenmelidir. Yapılan HAD analizi sonuçları türbinin devreye
alınması sırasında gerçekleştirilen test sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmış ve şaft güçleri
arasında oldukça tutarlı grafikler elde edilmiştir.
Francis türbin kanadının giriş ve çıkış kenarı eğimleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar
sonunda 1998 yılında Three Gorges projesinde zıt yönlü giriş kenarı eğimine sahip
X-Blade çark tasarımı kullanılmıştır. Geleneksel Francis çarkı tasarımının aksine X-
Blade teknolojisi zıt yönde uzanan giriş kenarı geometrisine ve daha eğimli çıkış
kenarına sahiptir. Çarkın hidrolik tasarımındaki bu değişim X-Blade teknolojisine
sahip çarkların daha dengeli basınç dağılımına sahip olmalarını mümkün kılar.
Ayrıca bu tasarımla çark giriş ve çıkışındaki hız dağılımlarında da iyileşme
yaşanmıştır. 1998 yılından beri bu teknolojide kazanılan tecrübeler sayesinde X-
Blade tasarımının daha yüksek verim, daha iyi kavitasyon performansı ve daha geniş
çalışma aralığı sağladığı ispatlanmıştır.
Santral personelinden temin edilen yıllık düşü, debi ve enerji üretimi değerlerinin
yardımıyla ekonomik fizibilite hesapları yapılmıştır. Bu hesaplar sonucunda
optimizasyon sonrası türbinin maksimum verim noktası belirlenmiştir. HAD
analizleri yardımı ile var olan türbin çarkı akış koşullarına göre optimize edilmiştir.
Bu optimizasyon çalışmaları sırasında bir yandan geleneksel tasarım metodu takip
edilirken bir yandan da X-Blade teknolojisinden yararlanılmıştır. Kanat
geometrisinde yapılan modifikasyonlar sonunda iki tasarım metodunun da en iyi
performansa sahip çark geometrileri seçilmiş ve geleneksel metotlarla optimize
edilen çark ile X-Blade tasarım yöntemine sahip çarkın geometrileri belirlenmiştir.
Bu iki optimizasyon versiyonunun dahil edildiği HAD analizi sonuçları kendi
aralarında ve var olan türbinin numerik analiz sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu
karşılaştırma, sadece türbin çarkında yapılan değişikliklerle, maksimum verim
değerinin arttırılabileceği, optimum çalışma noktasının başka düşü-debi değerlerine
kaydırılabileceği, kavitasyon performansının, kanat üzerindeki açı dağılımının ve
çark giriş ve çıkışındaki hız bileşenlerinin dağılımlarının iyileştirilebileceğini
İki optimizasyon versiyonuyla da optimum çalışma noktası türbinin operasyon
noktalarına yaklaştırılmıştır. Bu versiyonlar kavitasyon ve hız dağılımları açısından
yeterli performansı gösterirken, maksimum verimdeki artış ve basınç
dağılımlarındaki iyileşme X-Blade tasarımında kendini daha çok hissettirmiştir.
Ayrıca X-Blade ile optimize edilen türbin yüksek verimlerde daha geniş bir
operasyon aralığı sunmaktadır.


1.1 Purpose of Thesis

Total capacity of the hydraulic power plants in Turkey equals to 34 % of installed

capacity of Turkey [1]. Hydraulic power does not face with the stability problems
that occur frequently in solar and wind power. Besides, hydraulic power plants are
much more environmental friendly than thermal and nuclear power plants. With the
establishment of pump storage technology, energy storage capacity has been
available in hydraulic energy sources. When all these issues are considered,
significance of waterpower in power production of Turkey will be understood once

The geological structure of Turkey and characteristics of water sources make the
Francis turbine a good option for many of the hydraulic power plants. This is also a
result of the fact that Francis turbines can operate in wide range of head and
discharge. Furthermore, if head and discharge values are not changing dramatically
throughout the year for a certain power plant, designers mostly prefer Francis
turbines because they have higher peak efficiency than the other hydraulic turbine
types, but they are not so adaptable to divergent conditions. Fortunately, only 30 %
of the hydraulic power plants are run of river type [1]. This means 70 % of the plants
have a dam to compensate sudden and notable changes in head and discharge.
Finally, Francis turbines are the most commonly utilized turbines in the world and
consequently, they have undertaken more improvement than Kaplan and Pelton

Although Turkey has produced 34 % of its power from water sources, approximately
45 % of the power plants are older than 40 years and there has been no rehabilitation
from start-up in almost all of them. These power plants were not only designed with
old technology but also their efficiency has been lowered in considerable amount due
to the aging effect. These factors bring the need of refurbishment in most of the
hydraulic power plants of Turkey.

This thesis aims to show how hydraulic design of a Francis turbine runner can be
optimized according to operation conditions by using CFD analysis. The word of
optimization here means an improvement in turbine performance. For illustration,
Kadincik I HPP is chosen as a case study and all the explained methodologies are
applied to the runner geometry of this power plant. The results of the changes are
examined and generally valid statements are issued.

1.2 Literature Review

1.2.1 History of Francis turbine

As one of the most commonly preferred hydraulic turbine, Francis turbine was
invented by James B. Francis in 1848. According to Madsen [2], almost two
centuries have been passed without any considerable innovation since the
development of Francis turbine. Although there have been very valuable
contributions to the improvement of performance and flow prediction, same turbines
are still utilized as before. In fact, all researches have been focused on the
understanding of turbomachinery behavior and increase the turbine efficiency rather
than making severe changes in hydraulic design.

The success of the design is judged with satisfaction of desired power, efficiency and
stability. Before 1980s, turbine designs heavily depended on theoretical knowledge
and model test experiments. Experimental approach of predicting the performance of
water turbines, i.e. testing of physical turbine models, is costly, time consuming and
limited with the means of laboratory [3][4]. Therefore, understanding the behavior of
fluid flow inside the Francis turbine became a must.

1.2.2 Numerical investigation of fluid flow inside a Francis turbine

The first comprehensive attempt to explain flow through radial machines was made
by Lorenz in 1906 [5]. Bauersfeld [6] continued his theory for Francis turbines in
1912. Subsequently, Dreyfus [7] published remarkable theories on fluid flow inside
the Francis turbine unit in 1946. However, mathematical cost of his studies was too
high even for today’s computers to carry out such calculations [2]. The studies of
Professor Wu [8] have ushered in a new age in prediction of turbine flow. His works
have served as a base for a lot of computer algorithms which are developed by
Katsanis and McNally [9] in 1969, Kirsch [10] in 1970, Katsanis and McNally [11]

in 1974, Chauvin [12] in 1977, Hirsch and Warzee [13] in 1978, Keck and Haas [14]
in 1982, Gjerde in [15] 1988 etc. In 1993, Jocabsen [16] left the quasi 3D approach
of Professor Wu and focused on the non-viscous fully 3D Euler equations.
Subsequently, viscous flow solutions based upon the full Navier-Stokes equations
have been developed thanks to the increased capacity of contemporary computers

1.2.3 Validation of CFD results in hydraulic power plant applications

Today, CFD is a powerful tool to predict flow behavior. It is able to give accurate
information about the essential design and performance parameters, such as flow
angles, head losses, guide vane torques, discharge, efficiency, pressure distribution
etc. Throughout the years, CFD results of a Francis turbine unit have been validated
with several case studies include both model turbines and prototypes. For instance,
Shukla [19] conducted 3-D CFD analysis in commercial software CFX for a model
turbine of an actual Francis turbine at an Indian hydraulic power plant. She observed
that steady state CFD analysis results were inside the error limits of efficiency
measurement. Lain [20] made a similar study for a power plant in Colombia to
understand the operation conditions of the system. He experienced that numerical hill
chart of the Francis turbine derived with steady state CFD analysis in CFX were in a
good agreement with the results of the efficiency measurement test at site.
Nonetheless, he stated that although steady state analysis is adequate for
determination of turbine performance, transient CFD analysis is needed for
clarification of the unsteady phenomena inside the unit, such as pressure pulsations,
vortex rope and Von Karman vortexes. Furthermore, Čarija [21] validated his CFD
results for a 20 MW Francis turbine (Rijeka HPP) with an efficiency measurement.
Apart from the previous examples, he utilized commercial software Fluent for his
steady state analysis.

CFD validation studies are not only limited with commercial softwares. Open source
codes are also tested for commonly known test cases. The studies of Nilsson [22] can
be shown as an example for this. He tested his open source code in GAMM Francis
turbine runner and concluded that his steady state CFD solutions fitted to the
experimental findings.

The accuracy of the steady state CFD analysis for prediction of turbine performance
has been proved. Nowadays, even CFD analysis by itself becomes determinative for
improvement in performance without any validation with experimental studies. For
instance, Choi [23] conducted a project to enhance performance of 500 kW Francis
turbine. By depending on the CFD results of original and final turbine geometries, he
demonstrated the improvement in the turbine performance.

1.2.4 Design of a Francis turbine by using CFD

Thanks to its good presume of turbomachinery performance, CFD started to get

involved into the design procedure of Francis turbine. Design of a Francis turbine
starts with main parametrization and is followed by blade angle determination.
However, there is no complete design methodology that covers every detail and
results as a final geometry. After the preliminary design, turbine geometry should be
modified according to the flow conditions. CFD is benefitted at this stage. All
designers utilize CFD analysis together with the model tests to reach the optimum
Francis turbine design. For example, Neopane [24] suggested using numerical
methods for final tuning of the prototype Francis runners. This expresses the iterative
design method of Norwegian University of Science & Technology, which is
combined with CFD. Similar examples of the usage of CFD in Francis turbine design
can be seen in the studies of Odesola [25], Patel [26], Okyay [27], Hellström [28] etc.

CFD has contributed to the improvement of design methodologies, also. Due to the
unfavorable pressure distribution, low hydraulic efficiencies at off-design conditions
and instabilities of conventional designs, negative lean angle approach was
introduced in 1982 [44]. This design method has been enhanced with CFD analysis
and model tests. In the end, runners with reversed leading edge have been widely
accepted and called X-Blade after it was proved that this technology is able to solve
the problems faced in the conventional designs.

1.2.5 Optimization of a Francis turbine by using CFD

The design methodologies have not been dramatically changed for many years and
main researches have been focused on optimization of existing turbines [2]. This has
resulted in several rehabilitation projects in existing hydraulic power plants. The
refurbishment of the plant machinery poses very specific challenges; therefore, only
the key components of the existing turbines are replaced [29]. In most of the cases,

all rotating components, like runner, synchronous generator and guide vanes, are
under the consideration of the replacement, whereas stationary parts, like spiral case,
stay vanes and draft tube, are preserved [30]. The reason behind this approach is that
the hydraulic performance of a Francis turbine strictly depends on shape of the
runner [31] [32]. Moreover, stationary parts are immobilized by putting them under
the concrete. Therefore, changing these components is very costly, extends the pay-
back periods of projects and consequently is not preferred.

A joint project of U.S. and Japan shows that 3 % relative increase can be achieved in
the Francis turbine peak efficiency by optimizing only the runner and guide vane
geometries [33]. On the other hand, the rehabilitation project of VA TECH HYDRO
in Taloro II power plant, Italy, proves that runner replacement can result in not only
an increase in peak efficiency but also a shift of the position of best efficiency point
[34]. Moreover, Huang [35] conducted a case study in a real hydraulic power plant in
order to solve its cavitation problems. Only the runner was replaced in the scope of
the project and it was observed that new runner optimized by using commercial CFD
software CFX eliminated the cavitation phenomenon at overload. Thum [36]
benefited from multilevel CFD techniques to demonstrate the potential of
development by only adjusting runner blading of a Francis turbine. In the end, she
also concluded that runner blade geometry has a great influence on the turbine
performance. Toshiba Corporation is another company that utilizes CFD in
refurbishment projects frequently. Enomoto [37] optimized the runner geometry of a
real HPP by steady state simulations, validated the results with model test for this
high specific speed Francis turbine and observed that optimized runner solved the
instability vibrations with transient CFD analysis and model test. Tsinghua
University, China, uses their open source CFD software for adaptation of runner
geometry of a Francis turbine. For a test case, they achieved to increase the turbine
efficiency by 1 % (from 93 % to 94 %) only with optimized runner [38]. Similar
studies were conducted by Wang [39] for Xiluodu Hydropower Station, Kaewnai
[40] for Eglisu Electrical Plant, Sotnikov [41] for Bratskaya HPP (Russia) and
Pamilo II HPP (Finland) and Henggeler [29] for Rempen Pumped Storage Plant.
Finally, Gray [42], EPRI project manager, published a life extension and
modernization program and projects for hydraulic power plants in U.S. and Canada.

It is consistent with previous examples to see that most of the refurbishment projects
consist of only runner replacement.

CFD became an integral part of the optimization in hydraulic turbines. In addition to

the hand-made optimization approach, some scientists proposed automatic
optimization codes coupled with CFD. Cherny [43] and Derakhshan [31] utilized
global optimization methods based on artificial neural networks (ANN) and genetic
algorithms (GA) compatible with 3D Navier-Stokes flow solver in order to enhance
Francis turbine performance.

1.3 Hypothesis

In the refurbishment projects, it is really hard to change spiral case and draft tube of a
turbine unit since they are inside the concrete most of the time. Therefore, although
their performances are highly poor, implementation of new designs are avoided.
Nevertheless, it is widely accepted that turbine performance is mostly governed by
runner component. In fact, only change in hydraulic shape of the runner design can
considerably improve the turbine performance. Especially, introduction of X-Blade
technology can provide much better cavitation behavior and higher peak and off
design condition efficiencies. This study will prove these statements by taking
Kadincik I HPP as an illustration.


In this chapter, design procedure of a Francis turbine is explained in detail.

Suggestions in the literature for the designs of all mechanical parts (runner, draft
tube, spiral case, stay vanes and guide vanes) are discussed and geometrical
parameters determined according to the commonly used design approaches are
compared with the prototype of Kadincik I HPP turbine.

After the determination of the nominal head, flow rate and rotational speed, most
proper hydraulic turbine for corresponding power plant can be selected according to
specific speed, although there is a general suggestion for what kind of a turbine
should be utilized for a certain head and discharge values (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 : Suggestions on the type of the turbine according to head and discharge
values, adapted from [45].

Though there are some commonly accepted formulations for specific speed, its
definition varies among some authors. In fact, IEC standard already established a
formula for specific speed (ns - Equation (2.1)). This formula is frequently utilized
especially in American literature. There is also a non-dimensional alternative of this
definition (ns’ - Equation (2.3)). Another widely-used formulation for specific speed
is presented in Equation (2.2) which is very popular in German speaking countries.

In addition to these three well known specific speed equation, some designers have
tried to find a correlation directly between specific speed and design net head.
Whereas Siervo and Leva established a relation between dimensional ns and net
head, Schweiger – Gregori and Lugaresi – Massa conducted similar studies for nq.
Resulting empirical Equations (2.4) - (2.6) give the specific speed values very close
to original equations.

After the calculation of the specific speed, proper type of the turbine can be selected
from Figure 2.2 regardless of which definition of specific speed is utilized. As it is
seen in Figure 2.2, Francis turbine can be a good option for dimensional ns between
80 and 330, non-dimensional ns between 0.12 and 0.60 and nq between 30 and 110.
Furthermore, Francis turbines are capable of operating in a head level range between
30 and 700 meter. This wide range of operation and its higher efficiency values than
other types of turbines make Francis turbine to be widely preferred. Especially, if the
head and discharge values are not changing dramatically throughout the year, Francis
turbines fit this power plant perfectly; otherwise, Kaplan turbine may be a better
option due to its adjustable blade configuration.

When Kadincik I HPP is under examination for specific speed, it is seen that its
dimensional ns number is 126.615 whereas corresponding non-dimensional version
of this value is 0.259. On the other hand, nq is calculated for Kadincik I as 38.811 by
using the 428.6 rpm rotational speed, 35 MW maximum power, 25 m3/s maximum
flow rate and 194 meter net head. Note that optimum discharge is accepted as 80 % -
90 % of maximum flowrate.

Figure 2.2 concludes that for the calculated specific speeds, Francis turbine
preference in Kadincik I HPP is quite reasonable. In addition, around this specific
speed, it is expected to have a net head between 150 and 200 meter. Therefore, no
defect is seen in the turbine selection for Kadincik I HPP.

Table 2.1 : Specific speed definitions.

Designation Definition Utilized by Units

 IEC Standards

 United States
Department of the n:rotational speed [rpm]
n ∗ √P Interior Bureau of
ns 5⁄ P: power [HP] (2.1)
Hnet 4
Reclamation [46]
Hnet: net head [m]
 Gubin [47]

 Brekke [48]

 Thomann [49]

 Chapallaz [50] n:rotational speed [rpm]

n ∗ √Q opt  Giesecke [51] Qopt: optimum discharge

nq 3⁄ (2.2)
Hnet 4
 Raabe [52] [m3/s]

 Leeb [53] Hnet: net head [m]

 Pfleiderer [54]

ω: rotational speed [rad/s]

 Bovet [55]
Q: discharge [m3/s]
Q  Miloş [56]
ω ∗ √ ⁄π
n′s g: gravitational (2.3)
(2 ∗ g ∗ Hnet ) 4  Morales [57]
acceleration [m/s2]
 Razavi [58]
Hnet: net head [m]

3470  Siervo and Leva

ns 0.625 Hnet: net head [m] (2.4)
Hnet [59]

58369.7 1.53  Schweiger and
nq ( ) Hnet: net head [m] (2.5)
Hnet Gregori [60]

2419  Lugaresi and

nq 0.489 Hnet: net head [m] (2.6)
3 ∗ Hnet Massa [61]

Figure 2.2 : Diagram for the types of hydraulic turbines, adapted from [62].

After determination of turbine type, design procedure goes on with the calculation of
the main dimensions for all mechanical parts of turbine. Some designers established
empirical correlations between main turbine parameters and specific speed. In the
following sub-chapters, design methodologies for all mechanical parts are explained.

2.1 Design of the Runner

Francis turbine design starts with runner after the determination of the specific speed
because most of the designers have published empirical correlations between
geometrical parameters of turbine and runner design diameter. Nevertheless,
definition of runner design diameter changes from author to author. Some designers,
like De Siervo - De Leva [59] and Bovet [55], identify it as runner outlet diameter
(runner discharge diameter), whereas some of the others assume that this dimension
refers to the point where runner leading edge touches to the shroud (runner inlet

diameter). Nevertheless, in the end, they all define other turbine parameters with
respect to this runner design diameter. This part of the design procedure is called
main parametrization and followed by the determination of blade angels and fine
tunning of geometry by CFD.

2.1.1 Main parametrization of De Siervo and De Leva

One of the most widely accepted main parametrization was established by De Siervo
and De Leva because these scientists made recommendations also for draft tube and
spiral case. They utilized specific speed definition presented in Equation (2.4). With
the help of the Equation (2.7), peripheral velocity coefficient (ku) is calculated. This
coefficient also depends on the runner discharge diameter. From this dependency,
Equation (2.8), outlet diameter (D3) is obtained and other geometrical parameters of
runner are correlated with D3 (Equations (2.9) - (2.12)). These parameters and their
designations are shown in Figure 2.3. Note that designations for runner main
parameters are not same for all authors. In this chapter, each geometrical parameter
definition is presented with a figure for all designers.

k u = 0.31 + 0.0025 ∗ ns (2.7)

84.5 ∗ k u ∗ √Hnet
D3 = (2.8)
D1 = (0.4 + ) ∗ D3 (2.9)
D2 = (2.10)
0.96 + 0.00038 ∗ ns

H1 = (0.094 + 0.00025 ∗ ns ) ∗ D3 (2.11)

H2 = (2.12)
3.16 − 0.0013 ∗ ns

De Siervo and De Leva obtained these equations by examining 105 different

hydropower plants. And, the results of these equations for the condition of Kadincik I
HPP are compared with the actual parameters in Table 2.2. As it is seen, runner
outlet diameter of Kadincik I HPP is very close to recommendation of De Siervo and
De Leva, which is important since all other dimensions depend on this value.
However, difference between actual and proposed D1 and D2 show that hub and
shroud extends in horizontal direction more than they should be, although they show

a favorable manner in vertical direction. At this point, it should not be forgotten that
maximum difference between the values in Table 2.2 is 25 cm and it is negligibly
small when compared with runner discharge diameter.

Figure 2.3 : Geometrical parameter definition of De Siervo and De Leva for runner,
adapted from [59].

Table 2.2 : Geometrical parameters of De Siervo and De Leva for runner.

Designation of De Siervo and De Leva Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Dimensions Recommendation HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.3)
D3 1.740 meter 1.700 meter
D1 1.979 meter 1.840 meter
D2 1.725 meter 1.975 meter
H1 0.219 meter 0.220 meter
H2 0.581 meter 0.565 meter

2.1.2 Main parametrization of United States Department of the Interior Bureau

of Reclamation

A similar parametrization approach with De Siervo and De Leva was utilized by

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation. It also advices to
get benefit from a term related with velocity in order to calculate the runner
discharge diameter. Nonetheless, different than De Siervo and De Leva, this
parametrization uses dimensional form of ns, Equation (2.1), and velocity ratio (ϕ3 –
Equation (2.13)) to determine outlet diameter (D3) with the help of Equation (2.14).
Other parameters, whose recommendations are stated by United States Department
of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, D1 and b, are decided according to Figure 2.5
and Figure 2.6 (definitions of these parameters in Figure 2.4).

ϕ3 = 0.0211 ∗ (ns )2⁄3 (2.13)

84.47 ∗ ϕ3 ∗ √Hnet
D3 = (2.14)

Figure 2.4 : Geometrical parameter definition of United States Department of the

Interior Bureau of Reclamation for runner, adapted from [46].

As it is noticed, suggestions of United States Department of the Interior Bureau of

Reclamation on main parameters of runner do not cover most of the geometrical
dimensions, but it gets respect from majority because it gives also information about
draft tube and spiral case. The values coming from Figure 2.5 and Figure 2.6 are
compared with the actual geometry of Kadincik I HPP in Table 2.3. Except from D1
and Dm, other parameters better matches with De Siervo and De Leva rather than this
methodology. This recommendation suggests smaller outlet diameter and therefore
closer D1 and Dm values to actual case. Moreover, only a few geometrical
dimensions are indicated with this method; therefore, further design considerations
are needed to complete meridional view of runner.

Table 2.3 : Geometrical parameters of United States Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation for runner.
United States Department of
Designation of
the Interior Bureau of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Reclamation HPP
(based on
Figure 2.4)
Value Unit Value Unit
D3= D2 1.468 meter 1.700 meter
Dm 1.908 meter 1.975 meter
D1 1.835 meter 1.840 meter
b 0.426 meter 0.565 meter

Figure 2.5 : Correlation of parameters for runner (United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation), adapted from [46].

Figure 2.6 : Correlation of parameters for runner (United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation), adapted from [46].

2.1.3 Main parametrization of Giesecke and Leeb

Velocity coefficient concept is used by Giesecke [51] and Leeb [53] in order to find
runner inlet diameter, which is defined as the diameter corresponds to the point

where the leading edge touches to shroud (D1a in Figure 2.7). As a result, different
velocity coefficient (ku1a) is provided for runner inlet. Giesecke suggested
determining ku1a from Figure 2.7 with the help of the nq, Equation (2.2). Then, D1a
can be calculated with Equation (2.15) and other parameters can easily be decided in
Figure 2.7.

84.6 ∗ k u1a ∗ √Hnet

D1a = (2.15)

Apart from the previously discussed parametrizations, Giesecke and Leeb provide a
chance to find out all the points of leading and trailing edges that touch to the hub
and shroud. When the results of this design methodology are compared with the
actual situation in Kadincik I, it is seen that dimensions have a good agreement
between each other (Table 2.4). The only little problem can be detected in D2i, which
suggests that the blade profile may be a little bit long around the hub.

Figure 2.7 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Giesecke), adapted from [53].

Table 2.4 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Giesecke and Leeb for runner.
Designation of Giesecke and Leeb Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Dimension Recommendation HEP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.7)
ku1a 0.700 - - -
D1a 1.934 meter 1.975 meter
D2a 1.606 meter 1.700 meter
D1i 1.934 meter 1.840 meter
D2i 1.064 meter 0.867 meter
bo 0.339 meter 0.360 meter

2.1.4 Main parametrization of Schweiger and Gregori

Schweiger and Gregori [60] conducted a very similar study with Giesecke in 1985.
They tried to link some runner parameters to their specific speed definition, Equation
(2.5), and runner inlet diameter, whose definition is same with Giesecke. They also
utilized inlet peripheral velocity coefficient (ku1a), which is this time determined by
Equation (2.16). Subsequently, D1a, runner inlet diameter, is calculated with
Equation (2.17), which is nothing but the same formula with Equation (2.15). The
other dimensions, such as runner outlet diameter (D2a), height of the guide vane (bo)
and guide vane rotation axis (Dgv), are obtained with the following formulas,
Equations (2.18) - (2.20).

k u1a = 0.75019 − 0.003154 ∗ nq + 0.00006361 ∗ n2q (2.16)

60 ∗ k u1 ∗ √2 ∗ g ∗ Hnet
D1a = (2.17)

D2a = (0.46 + 0.00829 ∗ nq ) ∗ D1a (2.18)

bo = (−0.00702 + 0.003798 ∗ nq ) ∗ D1a (2.19)

Dgv = (1.19985 − 0.0002495 ∗ nq ) ∗ D1a (2.20)

Schweiger and Gregori give information about not only the runner but also the guide
vanes. They made some recommendations about guide vane height and position of
the guide vane rotation axis. They concluded empirical formulas listed above after a
detail study with big companies in hydro business. Their design suggestions show
similarity with Giesecke and Leeb. Furthermore, results are very consistent with
geometry of Kadincik I HPP (Table 2.5). Nevertheless, number of the dimensions

provided is limited in the study of Schweiger and Gregori. This makes the further
considerations on main parametrization of runner a must.

Table 2.5 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Schweiger and Gregori for
Schweiger and Gregori Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Designation of
Recommendation HPP
Value Unit Value Unit
ku1 0.725 - - -
D1a 2.003 meter 1.975 meter
D2a 1.609 meter 1.700 meter
bo 0.301 meter 0.360 meter
Dgv 2.383 meter 2.300 meter

2.1.5 Main parametrization of Thomann

Empirical correlations put forward by Thomann [49] are also one of the most
commonly utilized main parametrization in Francis turbine because he provides
considerable amount of information on hydraulic shape of the runner. Although
Thomann started with well-known nq definition, Equation (2.2), he constructed his
parametrization plot (Figure 2.8) according to ns’, which is 3.652 times nq (Equation
(2.21)). He has the same runner inlet diameter definition with Giesecke and
Schweiger. However, he calculates this dimension with the help of the pressure
coefficient (ψ) rather than peripheral velocity coefficient, Equation (2.22).
Afterwards, all the other parameters can be determined from Figure 2.8.

n′s = 3.652 ∗ nq (2.21)

60 2 ∗ g ∗ Hnet
D2a = ∗√ (2.22)
π∗n ψ

One of the advantages of Thomann on other parametrization methods is that he gives

information of both geometrical and hydraulic parameters, such as maximum head
and optimum discharge. When Table 2.6 is observed, it can be concluded that design
head of Kadincik I HPP is too high for Thomann; although, it is inside the
permissible region according to Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2. Furthermore,
parametrization of Thomann suggests that best efficiency point should occur around
84 % of maximum flowrate which corresponds to 21 m3/s. This percentage is also
supported with different sources that claim Francis turbines should reach the peak

efficiency between 80 % and 90 % of their maximum discharges. In fact, Kadincik I
HPP attains its maximum efficiency at 21 m3/s for 194 meter design net head. The
consistency in the optimum flow rate continues in geometrical dimensions. Only
notable difference can be seen in D4 and this parameter belongs to guide vane

Figure 2.8 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Thomann), adapted from [49].

Table 2.6 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Thomann for runner.
Designation of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Thomann Recommendation
Dimensions HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.8)
ns 141.737 - 141.737 -
ψ 1.950 - 1.950 -
Hmax 185.000 meter 194.000 meter
Qopt 21.000 m3/s 21.000 m3/s
D2a 1.979 meter 1.975 meter
D4 2.572 meter 2.000 meter
D2i 1.919 meter 1.840 meter
Ds 1.682 meter 1.700 meter
li 0.495 meter 0.609 meter
b4 0.356 meter 0.360 meter
la 0.317 meter 0.337 meter
ga 0.247 meter 0.158 meter
δ 0.000 degree 0.000 degree

2.1.6 Main parametrization of Raabe

Up to this point, all the parametrization methodologies explained use peripheral

velocity coefficient, velocity ratio or pressure ratio in order to calculate runner design
diameter. Nevertheless, Raabe introduces a new term called unit speed in rpm (n11)
and gets benefit from it to determine the diameter corresponds to the point where
leading edge touches to the shroud (D in Equation (2.23)). Determination of unit
speed and other geometrical parameters of runner is done with the linear
interpolation of the values presented in a table established by Raabe. He provides
main parameters for various nq numbers and advices to use linear interpolation if one
has a turbine whose specific speed is in between these values. This table and
geometrical parameter definition of Raabe is presented in Figure 2.9.

√Hnet (2.23)
D = n11 ∗

First thing which can be noticed in Table 2.7 is that the maximum head
recommended by Raabe is much higher than other references. Moreover, higher
values can also be seen in diameters suggested by him. However, Raabe provides
smaller value for the distance between trailing edges of guide vanes in meridional
view than Thomann, but this recommendation is still higher than the actual

Figure 2.9 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Raabe), adapted from [52].

Table 2.7 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Raabe for runner.

Designation of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Raabe Recommendation
Dimensions HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.9)
n11 64.500 rpm - rpm
Hmax 362.000 meter 194.000 meter
D 2.107 meter 1.975 meter
D2i 2.077 meter 1.840 meter
D3 2.219 meter 2.000 meter
Ds 1.652 meter 1.700 meter
b3 0.312 meter 0.360 meter
li 0.611 meter 0.609 meter
la 0.379 meter 0.337 meter

2.1.7 Main parametrization of Chapallaz

In Figure 2.9, Raabe gives a range for n11, which is utilized for the calculation of
runner inlet diameter, from 61 to 92.2 rpm. On the other hand, Chapallaz [50] uses
almost the same formula, Equation (2.23), but to obtain diameter corresponds to the
point where leading edge touches to the hub (D1i in Figure 2.10 - Equation (2.24)).
Instead of n11 he wields a constant in the calculation of his runner design diameter.

Furthermore, he suggests another formula for runner discharge diameter, Equation
(2.25). Finally, with the help of the three figures he provided for different nq numbers
(Figure 2.10), he recommends making linear interpolation to find out guide vane
height and the diameter corresponds to the point where leading edge touches to the

√Hnet (2.24)
D1i = 64.4 ∗
Qmax 3
D2e = 4.44 ∗ ( )

Chapallaz provides only four geometrical parameters for turbine and all belong to
runner. He predicts the longer blade profiles at the inlet close to the hub than the
actual blade geometry of Kadincik I HPP. Other dimensions have a good conformity
as it is seen in Table 2.8.

Figure 2.10 : Correlation of parameters for runner (Chapallaz), adapted from [50].

Table 2.8 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Chapallaz for runner.
Designation of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Chapallaz Recommendation
Dimensions HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.10)
D1i 2.104 meter 1.840 meter
D2e 1.722 meter 1.700 meter
D2i 2.075 meter 1.975 meter
bo 0.353 meter 0.360 meter

2.1.8 Main parametrization of Bovet

Bovet establishes a full design guideline for Francis turbine runner, starting from
main parametrization to 3D blade profile generation. He utilizes the non-dimensional
form of the specific speed, Equation (2.3), and states that turbines with ns between
0.1 and 0.8 can be chosen as Francis type. Bovet takes the runner outlet diameter as
base and calculates it with Equation (2.26). In this formula, v2e corresponds to
specific discharge, which represents the peak point of the efficiency vs flowrate plot.
Bovet states that this value should be in between 0.26 and 0.275 according to his
experience. He also believes that specific discharge can be considered as independent
from the specific speed. In the design of a Francis turbine, he prefers to choose this
value as 0.27. Another critical dimension for Bovet is R1i (Figure 2.11), which is
obtained with Equation (2.27). In this formula, he gets benefit from a term called as
specific head (h1i). He claims that h1i is also independent from specific speed and
should vary between 1.65 and 1.8. Although there may be some extreme cases like
h1i=2.0, recent experiences of Bovet shows that specific head can be assumed as 1.72
for Francis turbines. Other parameters in Figure 2.11 are correlated only with non-
dimensional specific speed and runner discharge diameter (Equations (2.28) to

Qmax 3
R 2e =( ) (2.26)
π ∗ ω ∗ v2e

2 ∗ g ∗ Hnet
R1i = √ 2 (2.27)
ω ∗ h1i

Bo = [0.8 ∗ (2 − ns ) ∗ ns ] ∗ R 2e (2.28)

R oi = Ymi = (0.7 + ) ∗ R 2e (2.29)
ns + 0.08

R oe = ( ) ∗ R 2e (2.30)
(ns )2⁄3

Li R 2e
= [3.2 + 3.2 ∗ (2 − ns ) ∗ ns ] ∗ (2.31)
4 4

Le = [2.4 − 1.9 ∗ (2 − ns ) ∗ ns ] ∗ R 2e (2.32)

X2e = 0.5 ∗ R 2e (2.33)

Y2e = [0.255 − 0.3 ∗ ns ] ∗ R 2e (2.34)

Yme =
X2e X X (2.35)
3.08 ∗ (1 − ) ∗ √ 2e ∗ (1 − 2e )
Le Le Le

R me = R oe − Yme (2.36)

Figure 2.11 : Geometrical parameter definition of Bovet for runner, adapted from

Main parametrization of Bovet is commonly applied in literature. For instance,

Morales [57] wrote a code to design runner based on the information provided by
Bovet. Furthermore, Bovet suggests two formulas for hub and shroud contours in
meridional view (Equations (2.37) and (2.38)). However, these equations are not
preferred in today’s designs. Instead, an arc of a circle which passes all the points
determined during parametrization is fitted for crown and band [48]. Table 2.9

compares the recommendations of Bovet on geometrical parameters with the actual
dimensions of Kadincik I HPP. Except from the Li/4 and Le values, dimensions show
similarity with recommendation. As it can be noticed from Figure 2.11 and Table
2.9, Bovet suggests more extended hub and shroud contour than other authors. Most
of the designers think that the portion of the shroud after the runner outlet diameter
should be included in draft tube domain and hub contour is cut with a cone before it
touches to rotation axis. Therefore, the information on hub and shroud contours
provided by Bovet is not got enough credit.

Xi Xi Xi
Yi = [3.08 ∗ (1 − ) ∗ √ ∗ (1 − )] ∗ Ymi (2.37)
Li Li Li

Xe Xe Xe
Ye = [3.08 ∗ (1 − ) ∗ √ ∗ (1 − )] ∗ Yme (2.38)
Le Le Le

Table 2.9 : Geometrical parameters of Bovet for runner.

Designation of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Bovet Recommendation
Dimension HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.11)
v2e 0.270 - - -
h1i 1.720 - - -
R2e 0.869 meter 0.850 meter
R1i 1.053 meter 0.908 meter
Bo 0.314 meter 0.360 meter
Roi = Ymi 1.018 meter 0.920 meter
Roe 1.054 meter 0.988 meter
Li/4 1.009 meter 0.505 meter
Le 1.341 meter 1.962 meter
X2e 0.435 meter 0.337 meter
Y2e 0.185 meter 0.138 meter
Yme 0.190 meter 0.137 meter
Rme 0.864 meter 0.851 meter

After the determination of the main dimensions, Bovet advice to draw 2D-
streamlines in meridional view. In 1963s technology, he drew the streamlines in
paper with the help of the principle that same amount of water should pass between
each streamlines. Miloş [56] followed the same design methodology in his paper but
he utilized FEM to find out the streamlines in 2004. And, in 2007, Razavi [58]
repeated the same procedure with FDM.

2.1.9 General main parametrization

Up to this point, numerous main parametrization approaches are listed above. All
authors use their special designations for dimensions and this can cause confusion
while comparing the recommendations with each other. Therefore, all
parametrization methodologies are summarized in Table 2.10 together with the actual
dimensions of Kadincik I HPP. Figure 2.12 is taken as a reference to specify the
symbols of the dimensions. Moreover, an average is calculated for each value by
taking available recommendations into account.

Figure 2.12 : Designation of main parameters of runner for Table 2.10, adapted from

As it is seen in Table 2.10, hydraulic shape of the Kadincik I HPP runner is quite
proper for its specific speed. Although recommendation of Raabe on maximum net
head is so far away from the other design suggestions and therefore its reliability is
low, Kadincik I HPP may still have problems in design head and flowrate.
Furthermore, Table 2.10 gives a chance to conclude that there is no main

parametrization that provides all the information necessary for determination of the
meridional shape of the runner. One can even get benefit from various methodologies
on runner parametrization at the same time, but there will still exist unknown
geometrical dimensions. Besides, all these parameters depend on the empirical
correlations; therefore, it is hard to say the parameters listed in Table 2.10 are 100 %
exact. Therefore, CFD can help to find out the optimum dimensions. In fact,
preliminary design can start with the averages of the recommendations explained
above and then parameters can be adjusted further with the help of the CFD analyses.

2.1.10 Determination of blade angles and profiles of runner

Before passing to the CFD modelling, blade angles and thickness distribution should
be decided. Gjøsæter [64] states that outlet blade angle (β2) usually varies between
15 and 22 degrees according to the experiences of Brekke [65]. Nonetheless, blade
angles can be determined from velocity triangles more precisely. From Figure 2.13,
the dependency of blade angles (β) on meridional velocity (cm), peripheral velocity
(u), circumferential velocity (cu), relative velocity (w) and absolute velocity (c) can
be seen. With the help of the predetermined geometrical dimensions in Table 2.10,
these velocity values can be calculated (Equations (2.39) - (2.48)). Subsequently,
Figure 2.13 gives us various alternatives to find out inlet and outlet blade angles. In
these calculations, it is important to notice that no remaining swirl is assumed at the
outlet of the runner; consequently, cu at the outlet should be taken as zero. Another
assumption is made during the calculation of inlet angular momentum. In Equation
(2.43), circumference hydraulic efficiency (ηu) is assumed as 0.96 which is a
commonly preferred value for the runner [64]. Moreover, in good designs, it is
desired to have constant cm distribution along to blade in streamwise direction. As a
result, cm at the outlet is chosen same as the one at the inlet (Equation (2.40)). For the
designations used in Equations (2.39) - (2.50), 1 refers to runner inlet whereas 2
represents the runner outlet.

Table 2.10 : Main parameters of various scientists for runner of Kadincik I HPP.
Main Actual
De Siervo US Giesecke Schweiger
Parameters Values of
and De Department and and Thomann Raabe Chapallaz Bovet Average Unit
(based on Kadincik I
Leva of IBR Leeb Gregori
Figure 2.12) HPP
Hmax - - - - 185.000 362.000 - - 273.500 194.000 m
Qopt - - - - 21.000 - - - 21.000 21.000 m3/s
Ds 1.740 1.468 1.606 1.609 1.682 1.652 1.722 1.738 1.652 1.700 m
D2a 1.725 1.908 1.934 2.003 1.979 2.107 2.075 2.108 1.980 1.975 m
D1i - - 1.064 - - - - - 1.064 0.867 m
D2i 1.979 1.835 1.934 - 1.919 2.077 2.104 2.107 1.994 1.840 m
D4 - - - - 2.572 2.219 - - 2.396 2.000 m
D5 2.658 2.202 - 2.383 - - - - 2.414 2.300 m
b4 0.319 0.264 0.339 0.301 0.356 0.312 0.353 0.314 0.320 0.360 m
H1 0.219 - - - - - - - 0.219 0.220 m
H2 0.581 - - - - - - 0.592 0.586 0.565 m
li - - - - 0.495 0.611 - - 0.553 0.609 m
la - - - - 0.317 0.379 - - 0.348 0.377 m
ρa - - - - 0.247 - - - 0.247 0.158 degree


Figure 2.13 : Velocity angle in Francis turbine.

cm1 = (2.39)
DLE ∗ π ∗ b4

cm2 = cm1 (2.40)

DLE ∗ ω
u1 = (2.41)
DTE ∗ ω
u2 = (2.42)
Hnet ∗ ηu ∗ g
cu1 = (2.43)
cu2 = 0 (2.44)

w1 = √cm1 2 + (u1 − cu1 )2 (2.45)

w2 = √cm2 2 + u2 2 (2.46)

c1 = √cm1 2 + cu1 2 (2.47)

c2 = √cm2 2 + cu2 2 (2.48)

β1 = tan−1 ( ) (2.49)
u1 − cu1
β2 = tan−1 ( ) (2.50)
u2 − cu2
As it is observed in Table 2.10, position of the leading and trailing edges according
to the rotation axis is not same along the blade span. Therefore, blade should be
divided into sections from zero span (hub) to 100 % span (shroud) and the formulas
above should be applied to all sections. This study was conducted for Kadincik I
HPP and results are shown in Table 2.11. The values recommended in Table 2.11
and the actual ones shown in Figure 2.14 are quite different than each other.

Although Table 2.11 does not reflect the exact blade angle definition which should
be utilized in the blade, it can be stated that Kadincik I HPP has some problems with
blade angles. Of course, final decision about this issue will be made according to
results of the CFD analyses. However, at this point, it should be stated that outlet
blade angle has a great effect on turbine performance and needs to be decided very
carefully [54].

Figure 2.14 : Blade angle distribution of Kadincik I HPP.

After finding out the inlet and outlet blade angles, linear distribution of betas in
between can be a good option for starting point of the runner design. Subsequently,
blade angles are modified according to flow condition at best efficiency point with
the help of the CFD. Nonetheless, blade thickness distribution is another issue
needed to be discussed before starting CFD analyses. Although there are some
recommended formulas for blade thickness distribution in old books, 4- or 6-digit
NACA-profiles are preferred in today’s designs [56] [63]. Number of the blades
depends on both runner blade thickness distribution and number of the guide vanes.
It is usually chosen as odd number, most frequently 13, 15 and 17. Moreover,
division of number of the runner blades with the number of the guide vanes should
be as far from an integer as possible to minimize the extent of the pressure pulsations
which occur when the runner blades pass the guide vanes [64]. Final thickness
distribution decision should be made after FSI analyses. Lastly, Norwegian
Universty of Science and Technology suggests the shape of the leading and trailing
edge shown in Figure 2.15, especially the trailing edge shape is chosen for
minimizing the amplitude of von Karman vortices [64].

Table 2.11 : Calculated velocities and blade angles for Kadincik I HPP.

Span DLE DTE cm1 cm2 u1 u2 cu1 cu2 w1 w2 c1 c2 β1 β2

[-] [m] [m] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [°] [°]
0.00 1.84 0.87 10.81 10.81 41.29 19.46 41.28 0.00 10.81 22.26 42.67 10.81 89.94 29.06
0.17 1.86 1.01 10.69 10.69 41.80 22.57 40.78 0.00 10.74 24.98 42.16 10.69 84.58 25.34
0.33 1.89 1.14 10.57 10.57 42.30 25.69 40.30 0.00 10.75 27.78 41.66 10.57 79.25 22.36
0.50 1.91 1.28 10.44 10.44 42.81 28.80 39.82 0.00 10.86 30.64 41.17 10.44 74.04 19.93
0.67 1.93 1.42 10.32 10.32 43.31 31.92 39.36 0.00 11.05 33.55 40.69 10.32 69.03 17.92
0.83 1.95 1.56 10.20 10.20 43.82 35.03 38.90 0.00 11.32 36.49 40.22 10.20 64.27 16.23
1.00 1.98 1.70 10.07 10.07 44.32 38.15 38.46 0.00 11.65 39.46 39.76 10.07 59.80 14.79

Figure 2.15 : Leading (top) and trailing (bottom) edge geometries,adapted from [64].

2.1.11 X – Blade technology

Apart from the outlet blade angle, blade leaning is also one of the most important
parameters to homogenize the runner blade pressure [66]. Blade leaning angle is
defined as the angle normal to the flow direction, i.e. leaning to a runner blade can be
established by tilting the vertical inlet [67]. After many researches on the leaning
angle, in the beginning of 1982, hydraulic shape of Francis turbine with reversed
leading edge was introduced and patented (US 4479757) by GE Hydro (Figure 2.16 -
left). For many years, this technology had been tried to be improved. And, in 1998,
during the development of the Three Gorges Project in China, X-Blade Technology
came up and has been patented (no. 19963261) [68].

X-Blade design and conventional design differ from each other in meridional view
(Figure 2.16 – Right). X-Blade has larger angular extension at the outlet (6), at least
15o, than one at the inlet (5). Ratio between the diameter at the attachment point of
the trailing edge at the hub (Dd) and at shroud (Db) is generally between 0.3 - 0.4.
Intersection of trailing edge with hub (D) is in a lower location than the middle point
of leading edge (15). Furthermore, X-Blade design has negative inlet lean angle and
skewed outlet whereas conventional blades have positive inlet blade lean. This
special shape brings some advantages to X-Blade Technology. First of all, X-Blades
have higher efficiencies at all operation points than conventional designs [69]. If the
runner is operating under wide variety of head and flow rate, then this ability
becomes much more significant. Second contribution of X-Blade to Francis turbine
is more uniform flow distribution in the runner. One of the typical problems of

conventional design is high velocities in the flow near the hub, which cause low
pressure areas and therefore cavitation, secondary flows and sand erosion. As a result
of this fact, inlet cavitation erosion on the suction side close to hub is commonly
encountered in conventional designs. With CFD and model test, it is proved that this
is eliminated with X-Blade Design (Figure 2.17 and Figure 2.18). Thirdly, wider
range of stability can be achieved in X-Blades, i.e. runner can operate in different
operation conditions without undergoing critical inter blade vortices, inlet cavitation
or draft tube pressure pulsation phenomena. In fact, X-Blade design lowers the draft
tube pressure pulsation level because it has a skewed outlet and smaller outlet
diameter at hub. Moreover, thanks to its less curved and less complicated hydraulic
shape, X-Blades are easier to manufacture [68] [70]. Due to all these advantages of
this new design methodology, X-Blade technology is commonly preferred in today’s
Francis turbine designs.

Figure 2.16 : Reversed leading edge geometry (Left) – meridional view of X-Blade
(Right), adapted from [68].

Figure 2.17 : Inlet cavitation erosion in conventional design, adapted from [70].

Figure 2.18 : Pressure distribution along the runner, adapted from [70].

2.2 Design of the Draft Tube

Draft tube is the mechanical component of a Francis turbine, whose responsibility is

to detract water from runner. It is an essential feature because it has a great influence
on the turbine peak efficiency, energy output and cavitation performance. Like
runner, its design also starts with determination of main parameters. Most of the
scientists correlate draft tube parameters with runner discharge diameter.

2.2.1 Main parametrization of De Siervo and De Leva

To begin with, recommendations of De Siervo and De Leva are still commonly

benefitted by many designers. They made the draft tube dimensions dependent on
runner discharge diameter, Equation (2.8), and specific speed, Equation (2.4).
Designation of the parameters is shown in Figure 2.19. Corresponding formulas can
be found in Equations (2.51) - (2.60).

Draft tube of Kadincik I HPP is not directly comparable with the recommended draft
tube geometry of De Siervo and De Leva because they proposed a design which
separated into two parts after the elbow (Figure 2.19). On the other hand, this kind of
a separation is not seen in Kadincik I. In other words, U and V parameters do not
exist in this hydropower plant. When the other parameters are compared (Table
2.12), it is seen that cross sectional parameters are conformable with real dimensions.
Nevertheless, same sentences cannot be established for lengths. Whereas the vertical
length of the actual design is considerably smaller than the De Siervo and De Leva’s

recommendation, horizontal length is too high for the same main parametrization. It
should be noted that longer draft tubes means higher friction losses.

Figure 2.19 : Geometrical parameter definition of De Siervo and De Leva for draft
tube, adapted from [59].

N = (1.54 + ) ∗ D3 (2.51)
O = (0.83 + ) ∗ D3 (2.52)

P = (1.37 − 0.00056 ∗ ns ) ∗ D3 (2.53)

Q = (0.58 + ) ∗ D3 (2.54)
R = (1.6 − ) ∗ D3 (2.55)
S=( ) ∗ D3 (2.56)
−9.28 + 0.25 ∗ ns

T = (1.50 + 0.00019 ∗ ns ) ∗ D3 (2.57)

U = (0.51 − 0.0007 ∗ ns ) ∗ D3 (2.58)

V = (1.10 + ) ∗ D3 (2.59)
Z = (2.63 + ) ∗ D3 (2.60)

Table 2.12 : Geometrical parameters of De Siervo and De Leva for draft tube.
Designation of De Siervo and De Leva Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Dimension Recommendation HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.19)
N 5.442 meter 3.605 meter
O 3.354 meter 2.028 meter
P 2.259 meter 2.062 meter
Q 1.316 meter 1.040 meter
R 2.784 meter 2.410 meter
S 9.798 meter 14.320 meter
T 2.652 meter 3.150 meter
U 0.731 meter - meter
V 2.643 meter - meter
Z 5.035 meter 4.450 meter

2.2.2 Main parametrization of United States Department of the Interior Bureau

of Reclamation

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation has made similar
recommendations about draft tube together with runner. While it utilizes the runner
discharge diameter to calculate runner parameters, another dimension called design
diameter of draft tube (D4) is introduced for the determination of draft tube
parameters. In fact, draft tube design diameter is defined as the diameter where draft
tube cone ends. United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation
suggests three different draft tube shapes; without pier nose, with one pier nose (like
the one in De Siervo and De Leva) and with two pier noses. The one interested for
Kadincik I HPP is shown in Figure 2.20 where the ratios of all parameters with
respect to the D4 are also available.

Figure 2.20 : Geometrical parameter definition of United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation for draft tube, adapted from [46].

Apart from the De Siervo and De Leva, United States Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation also gives the information about draft tube cone opening
angle and draft tube exit opening angle. According to this parametrization method,
draft tube cone opening angle should be chosen as 12 degree which is also supported
by Prof. Ayder stating that this angle can be chosen up to 14 degree due to the
swirling flow [71]. However, Hydraulic Fluid Machinery Institute of Graz Technical
University suggests that 7 degree can be a proper choice for this angle. The
determination of this angle is so significant because inception of vortex rope due to

swirling flow occurs in the cone region. Another angle recommended in this
parametrization method is the draft tube exit opening angle. A triangle is used for
visualization in Figure 2.20. Whereas United States Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation defines the maximum of this angle as 9.5 degree, Hydraulic
Fluid Machinery Institute of Graz Technical University has experienced that good
performances can be attained with a draft tube exit opening angle less than 6 degree.
The importance of this angle is coming from the positive pressure gradient in the
diffuser, i.e. if this angle is too high, separation is faced around the outlet of the draft

Table 2.13 : Geometrical parameters of United States Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation for draft tube.
United States Department of
Designation of
the Interior Bureau of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Reclamation HPP
(based on
Figure 2.20)
Value Unit Value Unit
D3 1.468 meter 1.700 meter
DT1 3.670 (max) meter 1.577 meter
D4 2.370 meter 1.950 meter
DT2 = DT4 3.377 meter 2.028 meter
DT3 2.730 meter 2.062 meter
DT5 2.633 meter 3.150 meter
DT6 7.410 (min) meter 14.320 meter
DT7 1.297 meter 1.040 meter
DT8 1.960 meter 2.410 meter
DT9 3.023 meter 1.950 meter
DT10 2.633 meter 3.150 meter
DT11 6.435 meter 4.450 meter
Cone Opening
12 degree 4.39 degree
Exit Opening
9.5 (max) degree 6.95 degree

Before examining the comparison between the geometrical parameter determined by

this method and the actual dimensions of Kadincik I HPP (Table 2.13), it should be
noted that elbow section of Kadincik I HPP starts immediately after the cone;
therefore, DT2 and DT4 dimensions corresponds to same geometrical datum in
Kadincik I HPP. Table 2.13 also indicates that draft tube of Kadincik I is too long to
perform efficiently, but different than the De Siervo and De Leva, cross sectional
parameters does not have any consistency, either. In brief, it is hard to say that

Kadincik I HPP obeys the recommendation of United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation for draft tube.

2.2.3 Main parametrization of Lugaresi and Massa

Lugaresi and Massa are the scientists that also made some researches to establish
empirical correlations for runner outlet diameter and some draft tube parameters.
They use their specific speed definition, which depends only on net head, Equation
(2.6). In order to decide the runner outlet diameter, they follow the same calculation
with Schweiger and Gregori [60] and the formula is shown in Equation (2.61). In the
determination of the peripheral velocity coefficient (ku), they get benefit from
Equation (2.62). Subsequently, they proposed empirical correlations for P, Q and Z
dimensions (shown in Figure 2.21) which are presented from Equation (2.63) to
Equation (2.65).

60 ∗ k u ∗ √2 ∗ g ∗ Hnet
D3 = (2.61)

k u = 0.293 + 0.0081 ∗ nq (2.62)

P = 0.4278 + 2.8124 ∗ D3 (2.63)

Q = 0.2729 + 0.67 ∗ D3 (2.64)

Z = −0.5679 + 2.7409 ∗ D3 (2.65)

Although recommended runner discharge diameter by Lugaresi and Massa is very

close to the runner outlet diameter of Kadincik I HPP, parameters for draft tube
deviate from the actual values (Table 2.14). Only similarity can be attained in
parameter Z, but in the same section width of the tube is predicted so different than
the real one which suggests the consistency in Z is only a coincidence. Finally,
Lugaresi and Massa gives only limited information about the draft tube that makes
the further studies a must, but even these parameters are far away from the actual
situation of draft tube.

Figure 2.21 : Geometrical parameter definition of Lugaresi and Massa for draft tube,
adapted from [61].

Table 2.14 : Geometrical and hydraulic parameters of Lugaresi and Massa for draft
Designation of Lugaresi and Massa Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Dimension Recommendation HEP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.21)
ku 0.639 - - -
D3 1.767 meter 1.700 meter
P 5.398 meter 3.605 meter
Q 1.457 meter 1.040 meter
Z 4.276 meter 4.450 meter

2.2.4 Main parametrization of Gubin

Gubin published a book for the design of the draft tubes of hydroelectric power
plants which contains a lot of beneficial information. His design recommendation for
the draft tubes of Francis turbines includes one pier nose, as it is shown in Figure
2.22 together with parameter definition. Moreover, he proposed two curves to find

out guide vane height and runner inlet diameter, where blade touches to the hub
(Figure 2.23). In the end, he summarized all the relations between parameters in
Figure 2.24. Figure 2.24 is separated for different specific speed ranges. Gubin
utilizes the definition of specific speed shown in Equation (2.1) in this classification.

Figure 2.22 : Geometrical parameter definition of Gubin for draft tube, adapted from

Figure 2.23 : Empirical Correlations between Runner Dimensions (Gubin), adapted

from [47].

Figure 2.24 : Correlation of parameters for draft tube (Gubin), adapted from [47].

Table 2.15 : Geometrical parameters of Gubin for draft tube.

Designation of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Gubin Recommendation
Dimension HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.24)
D2 1.740 meter 1.700 meter
D1 2.131 meter 1.840 meter
b 0.313 meter 0.360 meter
h 4.901 meter 3.605 meter
L 9.588 meter 14.320 meter
B5 5.327 meter 4.450 meter
D4 2.621 meter 1.950 meter
h4 2.621 meter 2.028 meter
h6 1.315 meter 1.040 meter
L2 3.388 meter 11.258 meter
h5 2.557 meter 2.410 meter
Cone Opening
3.30 – 6.00 degree 4.39 degree

Specific speed of Kadincik I HPP is 126.615 which can be categorized as medium

speed runner. Therefore, its draft tube can be compared with the 4E type of tubes
(Figure 2.24). This comparison is presented in Table 2.15. As it is observed, runner

dimensions are close to the suggested values; however, there are considerable gaps
between recommended and actual dimensions of draft tube. These differences are
strongly felt especially in the parameters after the elbow, e.g. L and L2. Furthermore,
Gubin proposed that cone opening angle should be between 3.30 and 6.00 degrees
contrary to United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation. In brief,
he introduced smoother transition in the cone region.

2.2.5 General main parametrization

In order to summarize the previously discussed parametrization methods for draft

tube, Figure 2.25 and Table 2.16 were created. By looking them, it can be concluded
that draft tube design of Kadincik I HPP is not so proper to perform efficiently due to
its too short vertical and too long horizontal lengths. Although it shows better quality
in cross sectional dimensions, short vertical distance may not provide enough place
for vortex to be stabilized. Therefore, flow may reach the elbow with considerable
amount of disturbances. On the other hand, long vertical dimensions can cause
dramatic friction losses. K, G and H parameters should be carefully adjusted to
obtain maximum 2 m/s velocity at the outlet of the draft tube in best efficiency point
and to minimize friction losses.

Figure 2.25 : Designation of the main parameters of draft tube for Table 2.16.

Table 2.16 : Main parameters of various scientists for draft tube of Kadincik I HPP.
US Lugaresi Actual Values
Parameters De Siervo
Department and Gubin Average of Kadincik I Unit
(based on and De Leva
of IBR Massa HPP
Figure 2.25)
Ds 1.740 1.468 1.767 1.740 1.679 1.700 m
A 5.442 7.047 - 4.901 5.797 3.605 m
B 2.088 3.670 - 2.280 2.679 1.577 m
C 3.354 3.377 - 2.621 3.118 2.028 m
D 1.316 1.297 1.457 1.315 1.346 1.040 m
E - 2.370 - 2.621 2.496 1.950 m
F 2.259 2.730 - - 2.494 2.062 m
G 2.784 1.960 - 2.557 2.433 2.410 m
H 5.035 6.435 4.276 5.327 5.268 4.450 m
I 2.652 2.633 - 6.200 3.828 3.150 m
J 7.146 4.778 - 3.388 5.104 11.258 m
K 9.798 7.410 - 9.588 8.932 14.320 m

In a paper by Hothersall [72], a historical comparison between different draft tubes
was established. Draft tube of Kadincik I HPP was also checked with the designs in
that paper in Figure 2.26. In the end, it is concluded that the extremely long draft
tube of Kadincik I HPP is out of the range of the presented ones.

Figure 2.26 : Meridional view of Kadincik I HPP draft tube in comparison with
literature, adapted from [72].

2.2.6 Cross sectional design of draft tube

After the determination of the main parameters, cone and exit opening angles, it
should be decided whether the pier nose is introduced to the design or not. Although
one pier nose is frequently preferred in draft tube design in order to strengthen the
mechanical design, good performances can be attained also with other
configurations. Subsequently, increase in the area should be distributed very
carefully and transition between circular cross section to rectangular cross section
should be as smooth as possible to prevent flow separation. In fact, there are some
draft tube designs whose outlet cross sections are also circular, but this kind of draft
tubes has to be longer than the rectangular one in order to lower outlet velocity in a
desired level. These draft tubes are preferred mostly for turbines with low specific
speed because the influence of draft tube design on turbine performance is not that
significant in low specific speeds with respect to the higher ones and it is a lot easier
to design and manufacture the draft tubes with circular cross section through the
diffuser. After the preliminary 3D model is generated, all the parameters and cross
section definitions should be adjusted according to the CFD results.

2.3 Design of the Spiral Case

The duty of spiral case is to distribute kinetic energy of water along the periphery of
the guide vanes and runner. In theory, same amount of water should pass between
stay vanes. Therefore, the cross sectional area of volute decreases along the
circumference to keep the fluid velocity towards to the vanes. Although there are
some volute types seen in Figure 2.27, single volute is frequently preferred for
Francis turbines because it is the least expensive one with respect to the production
costs [73]. On the other hand, considerable radial forces are acting on the single
volute especially at off-design conditions and these forces are the source of bearing
loads, bending stresses in the shaft and shaft deflection [73].

Figure 2.27 : Spiral casing types, adapted from [73].

Second issue needed to be settled before main parametrization is the determination of

the cross sectional shape. Despite of the fact that there are various alternatives, some
of which are even rarely used, Francis turbine designers choose mostly circular cross
section seen in Figure 2.28.

Figure 2.28 : Cross sectional shape of the spiral casing, adapted from [74].

2.3.1 Main parametrization of De Siervo and De Leva

De Siervo and De Leva made design recommendations for volute, also. As

previously discussed, they correlated all turbine dimensions with runner discharge
diameter. This point of view was not changed in spiral casing. They proposed
empirical formulas, Equations (2.66) - (2.76), for the main parameters shown in
Figure 2.29.

Figure 2.29 : Geometrical parameter definition of De Siervo and De Leva for spiral
case, adapted from [59].

A = (1.20 − ) ∗ D3 (2.66)
B = (1.10 + ) ∗ D3 (2.67)
C = (1.32 + ) ∗ D3 (2.68)

D = (1.50 + ) ∗ D3 (2.69)
E = (0.98 + ) ∗ D3 (2.70)
F = (1.00 + ) ∗ D3 (2.71)
G = (0.89 + ) ∗ D3 (2.72)
H = (0.79 + ) ∗ D3 (2.73)

I = (0.1 + 0.00065 ∗ ns ) ∗ D3 (2.74)

L = (0.88 + 0.00049 ∗ ns ) ∗ D3 (2.75)

M = (0.60 + 0.000015 ∗ ns ) ∗ D3 (2.76)

Above parameters were calculated for Kadincik I HPP and compared with the actual
dimensions (Table 2.17). Although there are differences up to 35 cm in some
parameters, it can be concluded that existing dimensions show consistency with the
recommended ones by keeping the difficulties during the production in mind.

Table 2.17 : Geometrical parameters of De Siervo and De Leva for spiral case.
Designation of De Siervo and De Leva Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Dimension Recommendation HPP
(based on
Value Unit Value Unit
Figure 2.29)
D3 1.740 meter 1.700 meter
A 1.822 meter 1.600 meter
B 2.658 meter 2.300 meter
C 2.965 meter 2.745 meter
D 3.272 meter 2.940 meter
E 2.569 meter 2.460 meter
F 3.524 meter 3.210 meter
G 2.859 meter 2.583 meter
H 2.484 meter 2.100 meter
I 0.319 meter 0.360 meter
L 1.640 meter 1.449 meter
M 1.047 meter 1.022 meter

2.3.2 Main parametrization of United States Department of the Interior Bureau

of Reclamation

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation [46] conducted

studies on 60 turbines to propose a chart for preliminary design of spiral casing

(Figure 2.30). Main parameters were correlated with specific speed and runner
discharge diameter which are visualized in Figure 2.31.

Figure 2.30 : Correlation of parameters for spiral case (United States Department of
the Interior Bureau of Reclamation), adapted from [46].

Although recommended runner discharge diameter is approximately 25 cm lower

than the actual one, United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation
suggests main spiral case parameters which are quite similar to the real dimensions
(Table 2.18). Nevertheless, C and O can be counted as exceptions in this consistency.
The difference between O parameter and corresponding dimension may bring some
doubts about the position of the stay vanes, but when this dimension is checked with
De Siervo and De Leva it is seen that 3.210 meter is not that high for the farthest

point of stay vanes from rotation axis. Furthermore, it should be kept in mind that C
parameter is defined as minimum 1.468 meter for Kadincik I HPP; consequently, it is
hard to make any conclusion for this dimension before examining other main
parametrization methods for the volute.

Figure 2.31 : Geometrical parameter definition of United States Department of the

Interior Bureau of Reclamation for spiral case, adapted from [46].

Table 2.18 : Geometrical parameters of United States Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation for spiral case.
United States Department of
Designation of
the Interior Bureau of Actual Situation in Kadincik I
Reclamation HPP
(based on
Figure 2.31)
Value Unit Value Unit
D3 1.468 meter 1.700 meter
A 2.202 meter 2.300 meter
B 1.806 meter 1.600 meter
C 1.468 (min) meter 2.300 meter
Dg 2.202 meter 2.300 meter
E 3.112 meter 3.100 meter
F 2.877 meter 2.940 meter
G 2.584 meter 2.740 meter
J 2.173 meter 2.460 meter
M 0.264 meter 0.360 meter
N 0.514 meter 0.565 meter
O 2.833 meter 3.210 meter

2.3.3 General main parametrization

Two parametrization methodologies explained above combined in Table 2.19 for the
dimensions shown in Figure 2.32. In Table 2.19, averages of the parameters are
calculated and compared with Kadincik I HPP dimensions. It can be concluded that
design of Kadincik I HPP spiral case does not have dramatic problems with respect
to the main parametrization. Nonetheless, whether the flow arrives the runner
uniformly in radial direction is determined after the CFD analyses.

Volute design is always conducted for optimum flow rate of turbine; therefore, it is
quite important to find out the best efficiency. Please note that there are some doubts
about the optimum net head and discharge of the Kadincik I HPP, which was already
stated. Cover angle (wrap angle) shown in Figure 2.27 as φ is chosen generally
between 340 and 350 degrees for Francis turbines. After the limiting cover angle, last
part of the spiral case is faced with the volute inlet and this region is called cutwater.
The design of the cutwater is very crucial topic. There is almost no published
recommendation for the design of this region. Indeed, the cutwater geometry is
determined in the light of the experiences and manufacturing restrictions.

Figure 2.32 : Designation of the main parameters of spiral case for Table 2.19.

Table 2.19 : Main parameters of various scientists for spiral case of Kadincik I HPP.
US Actual Values
Parameters De Siervo and
Department Average of Kadincik I Unit
(based on Figure De Leva
Ds 1.740 1.468 1.604 1.700 m
L 1.640 - 1.640 1.449 m
M 0.319 0.264 0.292 0.360 m
N 1.047 - 1.047 1.022 m
O - 1.468 (min) 1.468 (min) 2.300 m
P 1.822 1.806 1.814 1.600 m
R 2.658 2.202 2.430 2.300 m
S 2.965 2.584 2.774 2.745 m
T - 3.112 3.112 3.100 m
U 2.484 - 2.484 2.100 m
V 2.859 - 2.859 2.583 m
W 3.524 2.833 3.179 3.210 m
Y 3.272 2.877 3.075 2.940 m
Z 2.569 2.173 2.371 2.460 m

2.3.4 Cross sectional design of spiral case

After these considerations on the volute geometry, the turn comes to the calculation
of the cross sections. There are mainly three approaches for this calculation. First of
all, constant swirl (free vortex) method is explained because it is widely preferred in
today’s designs. This method based on the potential axis symmetric flow assumption
and got benefit from conservation of the angular momentum [75]. Multiplication of
the circumferential velocity and radius (velocity moment) is proved as constant with
the help of the Newton second law and Bernoulli Equation. The resulting formula is
shown in Equation (2.77). By knowing this multiplication in front of the stay vanes,
circumferential velocities can be decided at different distances from rotation axis
(Equation (2.78)). Cross sectional area can be determined by benefiting from flow
rate (Equation (2.79)). These calculations should be repeated at different cover
angles along the spiral case to establish cross sectional area through the whole

Figure 2.33 : Meridional view of spiral case.

cu ∗ r = constant (2.77)

cu0 ∗ r0 = cu (r) ∗ r (2.78)

ra ra
r0 b(r)
Q = ∫ cu0 ∗ ∗ b(r) ∗ dr = cu0 ∗ r0 ∫ ∗ dr (2.79)
r r
r0 r0

Alternatively, volute can be designed with the assumption of constant velocity

through whole cross sections over the circumference [73]. In this method,
calculations start with the throat area (designated as P in Figure 2.32). Areas of
different sections are found out with Equation (2.80). Although this method can be
an option for the Francis turbines with a specific speed less than 25 (nq<25), Gülich
[73] strongly recommends to use conservation of angular momentum approach for
the turbines with higher specific speeds.

Q(φ) Q φ φ
A(φ) = = ∗ = Ath (2.80)
cu,th cu,th φmax φmax

It is not surprising to face with spiral cases which have the linear area decrease
principle because they are easier to design and manufacture. In fact, this method is
also preferred by many designers nowadays. However, regardless of which method is
applied to a volute, it should supply the water uniformly over the entire perimeter of
the wicked gates by causing minimum hydraulic losses. Furthermore, easy
manufacturing, transportation and assembling bring advantages. In structural point of
view, spiral case should be strong enough to resist maximum internal water pressure
and water hammer.

Flow inside the volute is almost two-dimensional. However, this situation changes at
the inlet of the stay vane channel. The flow is accelerated into the stay vanes.
Meanwhile sectional velocity profiles and pressure distributions are considerably
distorted. As a result, flow becomes largely three dimensional near the inlet of stay
vane channel. Moreover, a good spiral case design should lower the tangential
velocity in the volute to suppress secondary flows and adjust the flow angle to the
stay vane inlet angle in order to lower the collision loss at the front end of the stay
vanes and swirl brought by flow separation [76] [77]. In order to prevent secondary
flow patterns, stay vanes are overlapped with the spiral casing as shown in Figure

Whether spiral case of Kadincik I HPP obeys one of the methods explained above is
determined after the CFD analyses. There is also a possibility that the volute can
violate these three approaches, but it can still deliver the flow to the runner in a
desired manner. Therefore, uniformity of the flow around the guide vane inlet and
outlet is checked in CFD. Nevertheless, it is possible to investigate the area
distribution of spiral case at this point. This study reveals if the spiral case of
Kadincik I HPP obeys the linear area decrease law or not. By looking to Figure 2.35,
it can be stated that spiral case of Kadincik I HPP violates the design law of linear
area distribution because deviation between linear area and corrected area lines is not
minor. Furthermore, the radius is an area-averaged radius of the whole plane
(including stay vanes) and decreases dramatically for large angles. This radius has its
minimum at the end of the cutwater at about 1.34 m.

Figure 2.34 : Overlap of stay vanes over spiral case, adapted from [78].

Figure 2.35 : Area distribution of spiral case of Kadincik I HPP.

2.4 Design of the Stay Vanes and Guide Vanes

Guide vanes are the apparatus utilized for the adjustment of the turbine load. They
not only increase or decrease the flow rate but also change the direction of the fluid
flowing through the runner. Therefore, they have a direct influence on the turbine
performance. In the design procedure of the guide vanes, first step is the selection of
the number of the vanes. The important thing in this selection is that division of the
number of the wicket gates to the number of the runner blades should be as far away
from an integer as possible in order to minimize the extent of the pressure pulsations
occur when runner blades pass the guide vanes [64].

In the design point where the peak efficiency is attained, guide vane outlet diameter
(Dgv,o) is adjusted as approximately five percent larger than the runner inlet diameter
to have adequate distance between wicket gates and runner [64]. On the other hand,
rotation axis of the guide vane (Dgv) is calculated with the help of the speed number
(Ω) which is defined in Equation (2.81). In fact, diameter for wicket gate rotation
axis is a function of runner inlet diameter (D1) and speed number (Ω), Equation
(2.82) [78].

ω Qopt
Ω= ∗√ (2.81)
√2 ∗ g ∗ Hnet √2 ∗ g ∗ Hnet

Dgv = D1 ∗ (0.29 ∗ Ω + 1.07) (2.82)

In the fully closed position, guide vanes are expected to prevent water from flowing
through the runner and they should not be able to rotate in full circle under the water
pressure that causes a considerable moment on guide vane shaft. Therefore, vanes are
designed in such a way that in fully closed position they blocked the circular area
passing through the wicket gate rotation axis and they overlap in a certain level to
resist against further rotation. The mathematical representation of this idea is shown
in Equation (2.83) which gives also the guide vane length. Note that 15 %
overlapping is chosen in order to be on the safe side and Ngv refers to the number of
the vanes. Subsequently, inlet diameter of the wicket gates (Dgv,i) can be calculated
with the help of the cosine theorem, Equation (2.84) [78].

Dgv ∗ π
Lgv = 1.15 ∗ (2.83)

D2gv,o Dgv,o π
Dgv,i = 2 ∗ √Lgv 2 + − 2 ∗ Lgv ∗ ∗ cos ( + αgv,o ) (2.84)
4 2 2

As it is seen in Equation (2.84), velocity triangles and guide vane blade angles
should be found out in order to obtain guide vane inlet diameter. With this aim, free
vortex (conservation of the angular momentum) approach is extended from spiral
case to the inlet of the runner. This region includes also stay vanes and wicket gates.
In the design procedure of the runner, circumferential velocity (cu1) just in front of
the runner blade (designated as D1 in Figure 2.36) is already calculated. By using
Equations (2.85) and (2.86), meridional and circumferential velocities at the end of
the guide vanes (cm-gv,o and cu-gv,o) can be easily obtained. Velocity triangle
configuration and angle definitions presented in Figure 2.13 are also valid for wicket
gates. Therefore, αgv,o is calculated with Equation (2.87).

cm−gv,o = (2.85)
π ∗ Dgv,o ∗ b0

cu1 ∗ D1
cu−gv,o = (2.86)

αgv,o = tan−1 ( ) (2.87)

Figure 2.36 : Meridional view of a radial machine.

Blade angles should also be determined at the inlet of the wicket gates.
Consequently, velocities are calculated with the same principle and velocity triangles
are utilized for getting blade angles. Details of the procedure are presented in
Equations (2.88) - (2.90).

cm−gv,i = (2.88)
π ∗ Dgv,i ∗ b0

cu1 ∗ D1
cu−gv,i = (2.89)

αgv,i = tan−1 ( ) (2.90)

In general, guide vane rotation axis is located somewhere between the midpoint and
three quarters of the vane length upstream from the trailing edge [64]. Smooth and
symmetrical 4- and 5- digit NACA profiles are often utilized for blade thickness
distribution in order to lower the losses. NACA 0006, NACA 0014, NACA 0018 and
NACA 65 series are the most frequently preferred ones.

Although the main purpose of the stay vanes is to keep the volute together, it also
helps flow to go towards the guide vanes. In order not to disturb flow before reaching
the runner, stay vanes should be designed properly. This necessity brings
significance to the calculation of the inlet and outlet blade angles of stay vanes.
However, before passing to the velocity and angle calculation, number of the stay
vanes should be determined. The number of the stay vanes is chosen as either the
number of the wicket gates or the half of it.

Stay vane outlet diameter is generally defined as 2 % percent larger than the wicket
gate inlet diameter and the stay vane inlet diameter can be determined from the main
parametrization presented in spiral case design [78]. By knowing the diameters and
the circumferential velocity at the inlet of the runner, velocities and blade angles can
be calculated by using Equations (2.91) - (2.96).

cm−sv,o = (2.91)
π ∗ Dsv,o ∗ b0

cu1 ∗ D1
cu−sv,o = (2.92)

αsv,o = tan−1 ( ) (2.93)

cm−sv,i = (2.94)
π ∗ Dsv,i ∗ b0

cu1 ∗ D1
cu−sv,i = (2.95)

αsv,i = tan−1 ( ) (2.96)

The length and thickness of the stay vane should be decided according to the
maximum force acting on the vanes. Determination of these parameters can be
conducted iteratively by evaluating every alternative with mechanical analyses.
Finally, curvature of the stay vanes from inlet to outlet can be calculated with free
vortex assumption and the conservation of mass law [78].


3.1 Definition of Cavitation

When the water is flowing throughout the turbine, it encounters with the low
pressure regions. This causes the generation of water vapor bubbles, i.e. vapor
cavities. They grow because dynamic pressure decreases up to vapor pressure of the
liquid at constant temperature. This growth is stopped by the high pressure regions.
And, if the pressure is high enough, it can even make the bubbles to collapse. This
phenomenon is called cavitation. Collisions of the bubbles create pressure pulses and
if these pressure pulses occur near to the surface and are greater than the limit of the
material mechanical stress, then a few micrometers of the material are separated from
the surface in each pulse. This lack of material on the surface is called cavitation
erosion or cavitation damages [79].

Cavitation is an undesired phenomenon during the operation because it causes flow

instabilities, excessive vibrations, damage to material surfaces and deterioration of
the machine performance. For the prevention of these effects, machine setting level
and operation at off-design conditions play significant roles in addition to turbine
design. Initially, machine-setting level (Figure 3.1) determines the NPSE (Net
Positive Suction Specific Energy) and therefore Thoma number of the plant
(Equations (3.1) and (3.2)). In order not to have cavitation, Thoma number of the
turbine should be lower than the Thoma number of the plant (plant cavitation
number). With keeping this in mind, it is a pretty good idea to make z2 in Figure 3.1
as big as possible. Furthermore, when turbine runs in part load or overload,
cavitation risk appears. For instance, if the operation head is bigger than the design
one, cavitation can occur on the suction site of the runner blade. Another example is
part load vortex rope which is generated due to the remaining swirl given in draft
tube in part load. Similar situation is seen in overload also. More energy is taken
from the water by turbine in overload and that cause negative circumferential

velocity in draft tube entrance. This velocity is the reason of the overload vortex rope
generation [79] [80].

Figure 3.1 : Machine levels of Francis turbine, adapted from [80].

(Pabs2 − Pva ) v22

NPSE = g 2 ∗ NPSH = + − g 2 ∗ (zr − z2 ) (3.1)
ρ2 2

σP = (3.2)
E = g ∗ Zg ∗ [1 − ] (3.3)

Figure 3.2 : Reservoir levels of Francis turbine, adapted from [80].

3.2 Types of Cavitation in Francis Turbine

3.2.1 Leading edge cavitation

This type of cavitation takes place on the suction side of the runner blade when
turbine operates at higher head than the design head. On the other hand, if the
operation head is less than the design head, cavitation damages may be seen on the
pressure side of the blade. Leading edge cavitation is a very serious problem due to
its considerable erosive power. Furthermore, it causes pressure fluctuations [79][81].

0 mm 100

Figure 3.3 : Leading edge cavitation – on pressure side (left) - on suction side

3.2.2 Travelling bubble cavitation

The water vapor bubbles, initiating in low pressure regions, grow in overload; i.e.
when Thoma number of the operated turbine exceeds plant Thoma number. These
bubbles have a risk of collision on the blade, especially around the mid-chord near
the trailing edge at suction side. This collision causes hazardous erosion, noise and
therefore a fall in turbine efficiency [79].

Figure 3.4 : Travelling bubble cavitation, adapted from [81].

3.2.3 Vortex rope

The flow leaves the runner with an absolute circumferential velocity if the turbine is
not operated at the best efficiency point. This velocity originates a vortex rope which
starts below the runner cone in the center of the draft tube. The vortex rope has a
helical shape, rotates in the same direction with the runner and presents a precession
rotation at 0.25 – 0.35 times the runner rotation speed when operation is at part load.
If precession frequency of part load vortex rope coincides with one of the natural
frequencies of the draft tube and penstock, strong fluctuation and therefore strong
vibrations can be faced. Even, vortex rope can touch the draft tube walls. On the
other hand, at overload, vortex rope is axially centered in the draft tube and rotates in
the opposite direction with runner. In brief, vortex rope generation should always be
considered and tried to control because it is the reason behind the stability problems
of machine operations due to its pressure fluctuations in the hydraulic installation

Figure 3.5 : Vortex rope and velocity triangles in the entrance of draft tube – part
load (left) – overload (right), adapted from [79].

3.2.4 Inter – blade vortex cavitation

This kind of cavitation occurs due to the secondary vortices between blades which is
the result of the flow separation. Unless these vortices touch the runner surface, there

can be no cavitation erosion because of inter – blade vortex. This type of cavitation
damages can be seen at the leading edge around hub or mid-way of the hub between
blades close to the suction side. The secondary vortices, causes inter – blade vortex
cavitation, reveal at partial load or extremely high head operations. This cavitation
should be avoided because high noise level, instability and strong vibration are some
of its drawbacks [79].

Figure 3.6 : Inter – blade vortex cavitation, adapted from [81].

3.2.5 Von Karman vortex cavitation

Periodic vortex shedding from trailing edge of the runner blades, stay vanes and
guide vanes can cause dramatic pressure pulsations and noise if the lock-in
phenomenon happens. This type of cavitation mostly affects trailing edge geometry

Figure 3.7 : Von Karman vortex cavitation, adapted from [81].

Leading edge cavitation due to its high erosion capability, travelling bubble
cavitation due to its detrimental effect in the performance of the turbine and vortex
rope due to its limitation in the operation stability are the most significant cavitation
types for Francis turbine. In fact, these cavitations limit the operation range of the
turbine. This limitation is visualized in Figure 3.8. In this Figure, A shows the
suction side leading edge cavitation limit, B shows the pressure side leading edge
cavitation limit, C stands for the inter-blade vortex cavitation limit and D represents
the vortex rope limit. Furthermore, Figure 3.9 visualizes the cavitation regions by
defining them with respect to the types listed above. In this Figure, 1 corresponds to
leading edge cavitation, 2 – travelling bubble cavitation, 3 – vortex rope, 4 – inter
blade vortex cavitation and 5 – Von Karman vortex cavitation.

Figure 3.8 : Cavitation limits, adapted from [79].

Figure 3.9 : Cavitation regions, adapted from [81].

3.3 Evaluation of Cavitation Behavior – Histogram Method

Cavitation phenomenon has been a substantial topic in the hydraulic machinery for
many years. Before CFD was commonly used in the evaluation of the performance
for the fluid machinery, model testing was the best way for cavitational
investigations. However, with the improved technology, people started to search
numerical ways to find out cavitation inception in order to reduce cost and time of
the projects. Nonetheless, this does not mean that there is no need for model test. In
fact, model test is a must for the turbines, whose power is more than 10 MW,
whereas test procedure may be skipped for smaller turbines.

There are mainly four types of cavitaion models that can be utilized in numerical
investigation of cavitation. First one is called the bubble dynamics model where rate
of cavitation is predicted with phase averaged distributions of pressure and bubbles
[83]. It is based on the famous Rayleigh-Plesset equation, which provides the basis
for the rate equation controlling vapor generation and condensation. Rayleigh-Plesset
describes the growth and collapse of a gas bubble in a flow. Second type is named as
interface tracking method. In this model, only the liquid flow is investigated with the
assumption of the cavities surrounded by liquids; however, simulation of the
interface shape and the cavity changes from author to author [83]. Thirdly, single-
phase (phase change) model presents the mass transfer between the phases by
establishing a mixture condition between liquid and vapor. For the phase definition,
barotropic or equilibrium models are utilized. In barotropic model, pressure of the
system is checked for whether it is greater than the vapor pressure or not. If it is
greater than vapor pressure, then the fluid is assumed as liquid and density of the
liquid is got as density of the fluid. If the pressure is less than vapor pressure, vice a
versa. Equilibrium model uses the equations for water, but it needs the solution of the
energy equation, also. Finally, two-phase model includes the non-equilibrium effects
during vaporization and condensation contrary to single-phase model [83]. Although
it gives quite accurate results with respect to the cavitation, the cost of the CFD
analyses exponentially increases.

Although cavitation can be investigated in CFD with transient analysis and multi-
phase flow simulations, which depend on the cavitation models explained above [84]
- [87], these calculations need so much computational power and time; consequently,

advantages of CFD disappear. On the other hand, it is proved that cavitation
performance can be evaluated properly with steady state, single phase simulations
[89] [90]. Evaluation of cavitation phenomenon in steady state analysis starts with
the same procedure with the one in multiphase flows. First, turbine and plant Thoma
number are derived. These numbers depends on the NPSE, Equation (3.1). When
Equations (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) are combined, plant Thoma cavitation coefficient
takes the form of Equation (3.4). On the other hand, turbine Thoma number can be
calculated with the help of the reserve cavitation coefficient, whose formulation is
provided in Equation (3.5) [88]. Subsequently, turbine cavitation number can be
derived as Equation (3.6) which depends on the minimum pressure on the runner
blade, changes with the operation mode and if it is less than plant Thoma number,
operation is cavitation free. However, minimum pressure on the blade found in
steady state CFD analysis is misleading. Here, minimum pressure that has the
reasonable area should be found. For this purpose, statistical histogram method was
developed and the formula for the turbine Thoma number is modified to get Equation

Figure 3.10 : Francis turbine machine and tail water level definitions for Thoma
number calculations, adapted from [91].

(Pamb − Pva )
− ZS
ρ∗g (3.4)
σP =

(Pmin − Pva )
ρ∗g (3.5)
σrez = = σP − σT

Pt,o − Pmin
ρ∗g (3.6)
σT =
Pt,o − Phis
ρ∗g (3.7)
σT,his =
Histogram method is utilized in order to find a certain pressure on the runner blade
under which pressure values are remaining on a defined fraction of the blade surface.
In other words, it calculates the “histogram pressure” from the blade pressure
distribution and a determined percentage of the blade surface is loaded with
pressures lower than this Phis. Here, the crucial part is the designation of blade
surface fraction. Graz Technical University conducted a study with Alstom Hydro in
order to find what the most suitable percentage is for the histogram pressure and
therefore histogram Thoma number calculation. They compared CFD and model test
results of several Francis and bulb turbines and pumps. This study shows that P his
decided with 1 % of blade surface in CFD gives consistent results with model test
outcomes (Figure 3.11) [89][90].

Figure 3.11 : Comparison of numerical simulation with model test results, adapted
from [90].

The workflow of the histogram method in the evaluation of cavitation behavior can
be summarized like that:

 Export of the pressure and the area of each node on the blade, hub and
shroud from CFD by using a macro

 Arrangement of these pairs of values according to the pressure by

starting with the lowest pressure

 Normalization of the area of the runner blade, hub and shroud – End
of this step, pressure histogram is obtained

 Search of the histogram pressure which is lower than 1% of the area

 Calculation of σT,his with the help of Phis

 Comparison of σT,his with σp

 σp > σT,his – Cavitation free operation

 σp = σT,his – Cavitation inception

 σp < σT,his – Cavitation


Comprehensive CFD analyses of Kadincik I HPP were conducted in order to find out
the performance of existing unit in the power plant. Studies were initiated with 3D
CAD modelling of mechanical parts of the turbine with the help of the technical
drawings, laser scanning and observations inside the unit. While the geometries of
guide vanes and runner were generated from the point clouds coming from the laser
scan arm, 3D models of spiral case, stay vanes and draft tube were created according
to the technical drawings. After the inspection of the mechanical parts inside the unit,
3D geometry of the wetted area meaningful for CFD analysis got ready.

Geometry generation was followed by meshing process. A mesh independency study

was realized for each component by establishing meshes with different densities for
verification of mesh quality and calculation of convergence. Then, adequately dense
meshes of all components got involved in CFD analyses. RANS (Reynolds Averaged
Navier Stokes) calculations revealed the performance of the existing unit and the
losses of each component separately. Subsequently, all mechanical components were
further examined in detail and compared with the ones in literature.

At the end of the CFD analyses of Kadincik I HPP, the hill chart of the turbine was
obtained and checked whether the machine is operating around best efficiency point
or not. The doubts, which cause this study, arise from the fact that tail water level of
the Kadincik I HPP increased 8.9 meter after its commissioning due to construction
of another power plant at the downstream of Kadincik I HPP. In other words, net
head of turbine decreased 8.9 meter after the 3-year-operation. The results of the
CFD demonstrate that high efficiency values occur far away from the operation
range of existing unit.

4.1 Description of Power Plant

The powerhouse is located at Tarsus, Mersin, Turkey and went into operation in
1971. The nominal power of 70 MW is generated by means of two units consisting

of Francis turbines with a runner discharge diameter of Ds = 1.975 m for a maximum
flow rate of Q = 25 m³/s (per unit) and a gross head of H gross=199 m. Although the
net head of the power plant differs depending on the mode of operation, one unit or
two unit operations, the nominal net head of turbine is 194 m. The manufacturer of
the turbine with a rotational speed of 428.6 rpm is Neyrpic (now Alstom). There is a
7085 meter long horizontal energy tunnel which is connected to 371 meter long steel
penstock with a surge tank whose function is to prevent water hammer phenomenon.
Looking from the downstream, Kadincik I HPP discharges its water to upper
reservoir of Kadincik II HPP; i.e. the tail water of Kadincik I is directly the
headwater of Kadincik II (Figure 4.1).

Table 4.1 : Characteristics of Kadincik I HPP.

Description Value Unit

Location Tarsus -
Date of Operation 1971 -
Manufacturer of Turbine Neyrpic -
Number of the Unit 2 -
Nominal Power 35 MW/machine
Maximum Discharge 25 m³/s
Gross Head 199 m
Design Net Head 194 m
Rotational Speed 428.6 rpm
Ds 1.975 m
There is no on-site efficiency measurement available for Kadincik I HPP. Data from
commissioning of the machine is the only reliable information about the power plant.
Commissioning test results are presented in Table 4.2 and Table 4.3 (original figures
in Appendix A). While Table 4.2 stands for single unit operation, Table 4.3 shows
the results of parallel operation. As it is seen from these tables, discharge
measurement was not conducted and net head was calculated with the head losses
defined in the specifications of turbine. Because of the fact that there was no
available flowrate information, turbine efficiency could not be determined. On the
other hand, generator efficiency can be derived from Table 4.2 with the ratio of
generator output power to the turbine shaft power. Then, average generator
efficiency is found out as 96.44 %. This value was utilized to calculate shaft power
for two-unit operation (Table 4.4).

Figure 4.1 : Schematic view of Kadincik I and II power plant

Table 4.2 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (single unit).

Servo Piston Tail

Generator Shaft Upper Gross Head Net
Position Water
Output Power Reservoir Head Losses Head
[MW] [HP] [%] [mm] Level [m] [m] [m] [m]
12.0 16700 30 72 406.5 206.7 199.8 1.0 198.8
18.0 25100 40 99 406.3 206.8 199.5 1.5 198.0
26.0 36200 50 131 406.3 206.9 199.4 2.6 196.8
31.0 43200 60 152 406.3 207.0 199.3 3.7 195.6
35.5 49300 70 178 406.2 207.0 199.2 4.8 194.4
40.0 53000 80 201 406.2 207.0 199.2 5.5 193.7
41.0 56500 85 too much cavitation
43.0 60000 90 too much cavitation

Table 4.3 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (two units).

Total Tail
Generator Generator Piston Upper Gross Head Net
Generator Water
1 Output 2 Output Position Reservoir Head Losses Head
Output Level
[MW] [MW] Level [m] [m] [m] [m]
[MW] [%] [mm] [m]
40.0 30.0 10.0 30 75 405.9 206.1 199.8 6.2 193.6
45.0 30.0 15.0 40 97 405.9 206.1 199.8 8.0 191.8
55.0 30.0 25.0 50 127 405.8 206.1 199.7 12.0 187.7
60.0 30.0 30.0 60 149 405.7 206.2 199.5 14.3 185.2
62.0 30.0 32.0 70 175 405.6 206.3 199.3 16.6 182.7
65.5 30.0 35.5 80 199 405.6 206.3 199.3 17.5 181.8
66.0 30.0 36.0 85 211 405.6 206.3 199.3 18.0 181.3
68.5 30.0 38.5 90 223 405.4 206.3 199.1 19.5 179.6
70.0 30.0 40.0 98 - 405.4 206.3 199.1 21.0 178.1

Table 4.2 suggests that the turbine struggled with cavitation problems in overload.
However, similar situation was not faced in parallel operation. In Figure 4.2, the net
head is shown for one and two machine operation for the measurements in 1971. The
actual tail water level is much higher today because of the operation of Kadincik II,
started in 1974. Therefore, the gross head is 8.9 m lower and thus also the net head
(see blue line in Figure 4.2).

Table 4.4 : Calculated shaft power for Kadincik I HPP.

Shaft Shaft Servo Piston Net Head

Total Shaft Net
Power of Power Position with
Power Head
Unit 1 of Unit 2 Actual
[MW] [m]
[MW] [MW] [%] [mm] TWL [m]
12.45 12.45 - 30.00 72.00 198.80 189.90
18.72 18.72 - 40.00 99.00 198.00 189.10
26.99 26.99 - 50.00 131.00 196.80 187.90
32.21 32.21 - 60.00 152.00 195.60 186.70
36.76 36.76 - 70.00 178.00 194.40 185.50
39.52 39.52 - 80.00 201.00 193.70 184.80
42.13 42.13 - 85.00 - - -
44.74 44.74 - 90.00 - - -
41.48 31.11 10.37 30.00 75.00 193.60 184.70
46.66 31.11 15.55 40.00 97.00 191.80 182.90
57.03 31.11 25.92 50.00 127.00 187.70 178.80
62.22 31.11 31.11 60.00 149.00 185.20 176.30
64.29 31.11 33.18 70.00 175.00 182.70 173.80
67.92 31.11 36.81 80.00 199.00 181.80 172.90
68.44 31.11 37.33 85.00 211.00 181.30 172.40
71.03 31.11 39.92 90.00 223.00 179.60 170.70
72.59 31.11 41.48 98.00 - 178.10 169.20

Figure 4.2 : Net head vs shaft power.

4.2 Geometry of Main Components

4.2.1 Laser scanning

There are one spare runner and two spare guide vanes in the power plant which are
identical with the ones installed in the machine. Their point clouds were generated
with FARO – Edge Laser Scan Arm in Polyworks 2014 software (Figure 4.3). In
ideal case, tolerance level of the scan arm is around 0.064 mm; however, in the
scanning of mechanical parts of Kadincik I HPP, maximum error was estimated
approximately 1 mm due to considerable vibration in the power plant, repositioning
of the scan arm (3 times) and the inevitable errors from calibration.

Figure 4.3 : Laser scanning studies in Kadincik I HPP.

Two different spare guide vanes were scanned. With the help of the horizontal planes
created in Polyworks 2014, cross sections of these two guide vanes were extracted
and compared with the technical drawings. It is concluded that two cross sections
coming from laser scanning and the one in technical drawings do not differ from
each other significantly. Therefore, one of the guide vane geometry scanned with
laser scan arm was considered as real geometry of guide vanes. This one guide vane
geometry was positioned according to the information in technical drawings and
multiplied by 20 in order to reach the number of the guide vanes in existing unit.
Fully open and fully closed guide vane positions were again adjusted in the light of
technical drawings.

The 0°-position of the guide vane is at the closed guide vane position, where guide
vanes are touching to each other. On the other hand, fully open position were
determined with the help of the wicket gate opening a0. This term is defined as the
diameter of the largest fictive cylinder that fits between two guide vanes (Figure 4.4).
In the specification of the power plant, maximum wicket gate opening is designated
as 0.125 meter, which corresponds to 22.5o maximum guide vane angle.

Figure 4.4 : Wicket gate opening.

The offset between the guide vane angle and the inflow angle was estimated as 1.9°
in the CAD system as the direction of the chamber line at the leading edge against
the profile (Figure 4.5). The relation between guide vane angle, inflow angle and
wicket gate opening is revealed in Table 4.5.

Figure 4.5 : Guide vane angle and inflow angle definition.

Table 4.5 : Guide vane flow angles for Kadincik I HPP.
Guide vane position Inflow angle a0
[°] [°] [m]
0.00 6.60 0.000
7.50 14.10 0.044
10.00 16.60 0.058
12.50 19.10 0.072
15.00 21.60 0.086
17.50 24.10 0.099
20.00 26.60 0.112
22.50 29.10 0.125
25.00 31.60 0.138
27.50 34.10 0.150

Due to the fact that there was no technical drawing that gives a chance to get 3-D
geometry of runner, three runner blades were scanned and compared with each other.
Maximum deviation between the blades is around 5 mm. When the diameter of the
runner (1975 mm) and the manufacturing technologies of 1970s are considered, 5
mm is negligibly small. Similar to the process conducted for guide vanes, one of the
scanned runner blades was chosen, smoothed in Polyworks, positioned and
multiplied. Afterwards, polygon model was generated from the point clouds and
imported to Catia – Digitized Shape Editor Module in order to create turbo surfaces
(Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.6 : Scanned geometry of runner blade.

4.2.2 CAD modelling

Spiral case, stay vanes and draft tube geometries were modelled under the guidance
of technical drawings. Some unclear parts, such as cutwater region of the spiral case
and concrete part of the draft tube, were clarified with an inspection inside the unit
(Figure 4.7).

Figure 4.7 : Cutwater region of spiral case (left – reality, right – CAD model).

The origin of the coordinate system is determined as the intersection of the machine
axis with a mid-plane, which is exactly the symmetry plane of the spiral case and the
guide vanes. The positive z-axis was located in direction of the flow into the draft
tube. Therefore, the machine rotates clockwise around the z-axis. The mass flow
enters the spiral casing and leaves the draft tube in the negative x-direction.

An outblock was added after the draft tube in order to prevent the disturbances at the
outlet region which occur when the outlet boundary condition is defined at the end of
the draft tube [92]. This kind of outblock structure or draft tube extensions are
frequently utilized in the literature to improve the quality of analysis and eliminate
the back flows [93] - [96]. Another method to avoid these perturbations is to
establish radial equilibrium to outlet boundary condition. Although outblock
approach is used in the CFD analysis of Kadincik I HPP, CFD results of both
methods are compared in the following sub-chapters.

Outblock behaves like an extension of the draft tube; however, its dimesions are a lot
greater than this component. With this characteristic, outblock resembles to lower
reservoir of power plant; however, its mission should not be confused with tail water.

4.3 Meshing

In general, for CFD calculation purposes, the free volume between the blades and the
volumes of spiral case and draft tube have to be meshed and a fine mesh density is
needed in the regions with high gradients of variables (e.g. velocity and pressure). As
a result, fine grid density, so called inflation layers, is required close to the walls and
the blade itself. Meshing of each domain was conducted separately and every domain
had inflation layers in order to catch the boundary layer development.

Unstructured mesh, which was generated in ICEM CFD, was utilized for spiral
casing because of its complex and unsuitable geometry for structured mesh (Figure
4.8). On the other side, draft tube and out block geometries were appropriate for a
structured grid. Hence, they were meshed structurally in the same program with
spiral case. Draft tube grid showed double butterfly (O-grid) blocking structure in
cross section. It was segmented around elbow section in streamwise direction (Figure

Figure 4.8 : Unstructured mesh of spiral case.

Figure 4.9 : CAD model of Kadincik I HPP.

Figure 4.10 : Structural mesh of draft tube.

Formation of the structured guide vane and runner meshes was carried out in
TurboGrid. HJCL topology (Figure 4.11) was preferred to prevent highly skewed
elements at the leading edge of the blade. According to blade angle, HJCL topology
configures surface blocking in some layers automatically. By taking full periodicity
into account, mesh is generated with the help of these blocking layers. In this study,
meshing was performed only for one guide vane and one runner blade, but then they
were copied around machine axis.

y+ determination is a significant step in meshing if the good quality mesh is desired

because it is directly related with the boundary layer flow. Although it is impossible
to observe y+ values before CFD analysis, TurboGrid software needs target y+. The
physical meaning and importance of this value are discussed in the following sub-

Figure 4.11 : H -, J-, L-, C- Topologies (from left to right).

Figure 4.12 : Guide vane mesh.

Figure 4.13 : Runner mesh.

A mesh independency study is realized for each component by establishing meshes

with different densities for verification of mesh quality and calculation of
convergence. Details of meshes for all components are given in Appendix B. The

changes in the mesh generation settings concerning y+ and the numbers of layers are
also included there. Finally, total number of the elements and the nodes for four
different mesh configurations are summarized in Table 4.6 and Table 4.7. Mesh
independency study, whose details can be followed from Appendix C, shows that the
results are not changing considerably by any further improvement in mesh quality
after the medium mesh density. Therefore, CFD analyses are conducted with medium

Table 4.6 : Number of the mesh nodes for Kadincik I HPP.

Coarse Medium Fine Very Fine
Million Nodes Million Nodes Million Nodes Million Nodes
Spiral Case 0.99 1.45 3.68 4.96
Guide Vanes 1.59 2.34 4.80 8.38
Runner 1.53 4.04 7.05 11.89
Draft Tube 1.36 2.25 3.47 5.42
TOTAL 5.47 10.08 19.00 30.65

Table 4.7 : Number of the mesh elements for Kadincik I HPP.

Coarse Medium Fine Very Fine
Domain Million Million Million Million
Elements Elements Elements Elements
Spiral Case 2.77 3.72 9.78 12.95
Guide Vanes 1.45 2.16 4.52 7.92
Runner 1.38 3.75 6.61 11.24
Draft Tube 1.33 2.20 3.41 5.35
TOTAL 6.93 11.83 24.32 37.46

4.4 CFD Model

4.4.1 Governning equations and turbulence modelling

Among three conservation laws (conservation of mass, momentum and energy), it is

reasonable to apply only conservation of mass and momentum formulas for
incompressible fluids, such as water. This simplification reduces the computation
time in CFD analyses. The implementation of these laws results in well-known
Navier-Stokes equations, which describes the fluid motion in space. Navier –
Stokes’s equations for incompressible fluids in x-, y- and z-directions are presented
in Equations (4.1) - (4.3). These three formulas can also be combined to one equation

in Equation (4.4) in which left hand side stands for total acceleration whereas first
term of the right hand side corresponds to body forces, second term refers to pressure
gradient and last term represents the viscous forces.

Du ∂P ∂2 u ∂2 u ∂2 u
ρ = ρg x − + μ ( 2 + 2 + 2) (4.1)
Dt ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z
Dv ∂P ∂2 v ∂2 v ∂2 v
ρ = ρg y − + μ ( 2 + 2 + 2) (4.2)
Dt ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z
Dw ∂P ∂2 w ∂2 w ∂2 w
ρ = ρg z − + μ( 2 + 2 + 2) (4.3)
Dt ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z

ρ = ρg ⃗
⃗ − ∇P + μ∇2 V (4.4)
While solving the Equation (4.4), turbulence model choice has considerable
significance. Especially, its importance appears in flows dominated by boundary
layer behavior.

Although flow itself shows a rather steady behavior in mean flow sense, turbulence
eddies move unsteadily in three dimensions. However, steady state simulations are
frequently preferred for engineering applications because they need less
computational power, simulation time and most of the time only the time averaged
expressions are under consideration [97].

Turbulence models can be classified into three main groups; no time averaging
models, models directly solving the Reynolds stresses and eddy viscosity models.
First model can be exemplified as Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large-
Eddy Simulation (LES) [98]. Whereas DNS solves unsteady Navier-Stokes equations
without any requirement of modelling, LES resolves the motion of the largest eddies
and skips the smaller ones than the mesh density. Therefore, these two unsteady
simulation methods need enormous computational power and time. Furthermore, in
order to capture details, grid resolution should be high [97]. Similarly, models
directly solving the Reynolds stresses are complex and very expensive with respect
to the computational power and time because they establish extra terms, which
means extra modelling. Finally, eddy viscosity models assume the exchange of
turbulent energy to the molecular viscosity [98]. They are utilized to predict
fluctuating components of Navier-Stokes equations which are divided into mean and
fluctuating parts, whereas Reynolds Average Navier Stokes (RANS) equations

govern the mean flow. Steady state solutions are possible with RANS equations
because they are time-averaged, but these models are not able to solve large eddies.
Eddy viscosity models (RANS turbulence models) are the only way to simulate
turbulent flows in steady state condition. Consequently, they are frequently preferred
in engineering applications [97].

Eddy viscosity concept was first introduced by Joseph Boussinesq who related
turbulence stresses with mean flow. Later, Ludwig Prandtl established the mixing
length concept together with boundary layer. He stated that eddy viscosity must
change from wall to the inside of the fluid. Today, RANS turbulence models based
on Prandtl’s Mixing Length Concept are called algebraic models, such as Cebecci-
Smith and Baldwin-Lomax [98]. These models give accurate responses to wall-
bounded, attached flow fields with small pressure gradient. Subsequently, one
equation models, such as Baldwin-Barth and Spalart-Almaras, became popular to
solve turbulence kinetics. The advantage of these models on algebraic models is they
can handle with the separation of the boundary layers. This is quite important
because capturing separation means the designation of pressure losses and
performance characteristics of turbomachinery components. With the improvements
in technology and computational power, two equation turbulence models were
introduced. They consist of two partial differential equations and can be listed as k –
ε, k – ω and Shear Stress Transport (SST) models.

Figure 4.14 : Boundary layer illustration, adapted from [67].

The k – ε turbulence model is regarded as an industry standard with respect to the
stability and numerical robustness. The model proposed a correlation between
turbulence viscosity and turbulence kinetic energy and energy dissipation [99]. It is
applicable in the free stream area, but it has some limitations to cover boundary layer
separation and swirling flows which occurs in the rotating flows through a curved
surface [67]. However, the model is still widely preferred because it is the simplest
turbulence model which provides good performance for many engineering
application and it has been validated by many researchers [100].

To solve the problems occurs in k – ε model within the viscous sublayer, k – ω

turbulence model can be utilized because it provides accurate results in this sublayer
with its near wall treatment for low Reynolds number calculations. It does not
contain complex non-linear damping functions; therefore, it is more robust than k –
ε. The k – ω turbulence model depends on the two transport equations proposed by
Wilcox in 1986. While one stands for turbulence kinetic energy, the other one is used
to find out turbulent frequency [99]. These two formulas bring new empirical terms
and this causes more computational expense than k – ε. Furthermore, the k – ω
model is valid only for y+ values less than 2, where y+ is a dimensionless number
corresponds to the distance from wall to the first node, i.e. it is an indicator of mesh
resolution. It is hard to sustain mesh resolution necessary for k – ω in every
application; as a result, this brings some limitation to the method. For flow
simulations with high Reynolds numbers, the viscous boundary layer is extremely
thin. So, the amount of nodes in that region is very high and the cells in the same
region become very flat (high aspect ratios) and thus convergence is poor. Finally,
although k – ω shows better performance in the viscous sublayer, it is too sensitive in
free stream region.

After deep looking into k – ε and k – ω turbulence models, it can be stated that
whereas k – ε performs better in free stream region calculations, k – ω handles with
separations in viscous sublayer more conveniently. Moreover, it can be easily seen
that low Reynolds number approach brings severe restrictions on the grid generation
and sometimes it is even impossible to create such meshes. Menter [101] saw this
problem and came up with a new turbulence model called Shear Stress Transport
(SST) model. SST uses an automatic smooth switching mechanism from k – ω to k –

ε through the boundary layer. In other words, k – ω turbulence model is utilized near
to the wall, while k – ε turbulence model is preferred in the free stream area (Figure
4.14). The transition between the turbulence models are provided gradually with the
help of a blend factor. Moreover, Menter [102] proposed an automatic wall treatment
instead of purely low Reynolds number approach. This treatment benefits from the
known solutions of ω in viscous and logarithmic sublayers. By using the blending
approach between these solutions, Menter made the results insensitive to the wall
mesh refinement. In fact, SST turbulence model does not need low y+. The y+ values
less than 300 are adequate for the validity of the automatic wall function.

4.4.2 Chosen methodology

The Navier-Stokes equations were solved with Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes
(RANS) formulation in the commercial CFD software ANSYS CFX. The
instantaneous time averaged variables are decomposed into mean and fluctuating
values with the help of a Reynolds decomposition.

Menter’s SST turbulence model with automatic wall functions was applied. For the
regions where the mesh resolves the viscous sub-layer the Low Reynolds model is
utilized and for the other regions the logarithmic wall functions are benefited by
ANSYS CFX solver. Thus, the y+ value of the meshes is of minor importance.

Three governing equations coming from Navier-Stokes and two additional equations
derived from turbulence model have been analytically solved. The solver uses a
control volume based technique during the conversion of the governing equations to
algebraic equations and solves the governing equations sequentially [103].

The CFD code (ANSYS CFX) utilizes a cell-centered control volume with identical
nodes for velocity and pressure (collocated grid approach). For advection scheme
high resolution was chosen rather than upwind in order to get better accuracy. In
High Resolution Scheme, blend factor changes between one and zero. If there is a
dramatic change between values at cell centers, blend factor becomes around zero.
Contrary, blend factor is about one at the regions where values at the cell centers are
relatively small. This feature makes High Resolution Advection Scheme second
order accurate whereas Upwind Advection Scheme is first order.

All CFD analyses were conducted for steady state conditions in order to decrease
computation time dramatically. If the proper timescale is chosen, it is possible to get

convergence in 1000 iterations for steady state analysis. In most cases, automatic
timescale factor is enough for convergence. However, unless the convergence can be
achieved by automatic way, timescale factor should be defined as a function and
after 100 iterations it can be increased. Observing RMS values for convergence may
be misleading sometimes. Therefore, stability of efficiency, flowrate and head values
is assumed as an indicator of convergence.

For the runner, an additional approach called MFR (Multiple Frame of References)
with the assumption of steady state incompressible fluid was utilized. This approach
is simply a steady state approximation for individual cell zones moving in different
rotational speeds [104]. At the interfaces between cell zones, flow variables in one
zone are taken in the calculation of fluxes at the boundary of the neighboring zone by
applying a local reference frame transformation [105]. MFR does not consider the
grid as fixed for computation. Instead of that, it freezes the motion of the moving part
in a specific position and observes the instantaneous flowfield with the rotor in that
position [105]. It is reasonable to apply this approach to the interfaces heavily
depend on the velocity formulation because the vector quantities, such as velocity
and velocity gradients, vary with the change in reference frame. On the other hand,
scalar variables (pressure, density etc.) need no special treatment across the interface
between moving and stationary domains.

MFR approach changes the formula for conservation of momentum. While the
velocity related terms take a different form from the absolute velocity formulation
for steadily rotating frame, other terms remain same also in the relative velocity
formulation for steadily rotating frame. The appearances of the equations in these
two methods are presented in Equations (4.5) and (4.6).

⃗ ) + ∇ • (ρV
(ρV ⃗ rV
⃗ ) + ρ(ω ⃗ ) = −∇P + ∇τ̿ + F
⃗⃗ x V ⃗ (4.5)

⃗ ) + ∇ • (ρV
(ρV ⃗ rV
⃗ r ) + ρ(2ω ⃗r+ω
⃗⃗ x V ⃗⃗ x ω ⃗
⃗⃗ x r) = −∇P + ∇τ̿ + F (4.6)

With these settings listed above, CFD model of the Kadincik I HPP (Figure 4.15) is
prepared. CFD model consists of spiral case, stay vanes, 24 guide vanes, 15 runner
blades, draft tube and out block. Water enters to the turbine from the inlet of the
spiral case. Spiral case mesh is followed by guide vane meshes, which are
rotationally copied 23 times (in total 24 guide vanes), and the interface in between

these domains is defined as a general grid interface (GGI). On the other hand, each
guide vane mesh is connected to each other with 1:1 grid interface, which is also
used between runner blade meshes multiplied 14 times in rotation axis. The mesh of
runner domain consists of main block and out block which are linked also with 1:1
grid interface. Guide vane and runner domains, as well as runner and draft tube
domains, are connected with frozen rotor interface in order to introduce MFR
approach to the rotating elements. Frozen rotor interface is especially beneficial
when the circumferential flow variation that every blade passage experiences is large
during a full revolution. With the assumption of quasi-steady flow around the
rotating component at each rotation angle, computations are performed in steady
state mode by including the rotational effects, such as Coriolis and centrifugal terms,
in rotating domains. Out block domain was connected to downstream of draft tube
with GGI.

Figure 4.15 : Kadincik I HPP CFD flow domain.

4.4.3 Boundary conditions

Water enters to the turbine from the inlet of the spiral case; hence, inlet boundary
condition, which is total pressure, is defined at this surface. Inlet total pressure is
adjusted according to outlet boundary condition, which is introduced as one bar static
pressure. The aim is to get the desired net head in the CFD analysis, where net head
is defined as total pressure difference between inlet and outlet. The result of this

analysis gives the discharge value; therefore, it is possible to check the achieved net
head at that configuration and necessary modifications should be done at inlet
boundary condition until desired net head value is obtained.

Although definition of inlet boundary condition at the entrance of the spiral case is
not a controversial topic, there is no generally accepted method for establishment of
outlet boundary condition. However, widely preferred idea is to define outlet
boundary condition directly at the end of the draft tube. While some of the advocates
of this idea adopt the constant static pressure over the outlet approach, others utilize
radial equilibrium for pressure distribution. Despite of the fact that constant static
pressure at the outlet is not realistic in hydropower applications, its impact on the
flow is damped before the elbow section of the draft tube [106]. Therefore, this
approach can be proper provided that flow upstream of the elbow section of draft
tube is under investigation. On the other hand, radial pressure equilibrium boundary
condition assigns the specified static pressure only to the position of minimum radius
with respect to the axis of the rotation. The static pressure at the rest of the boundary
is distributed with the assumption of negligible radial velocity. Therefore, pressure
distribution at the outlet is governed by circumferential velocity, Equation (4.7).

dP cu2
=ρ (4.7)
dr r

When a large swirling component is present in the flow, it is proper to define radial
static pressure distribution at the outlet. Consequently, this approach is commonly
used in turbomachinery applications where a swirling flow is created by a rotor and
is not recovered with a mechanical component, such as a stator [107]. If the
hydropower applications are considered, this approach is faced with some obstacles.
First of all, in optimum operation conditions, swirling component of the flow is
damped in the draft tube. Even if the turbine operates at extreme part load, large
swirls cannot reach to the draft tube outlet. Moreover, draft tube outlet is placed in a
fix position from the machine axis. In other words, every point at the outlet surface
has the same radial distance from the rotation axis. As a result, minimum radius
determination can be misleading. Finally, even radial equilibrium approach is not
adequate for the elimination of back flows.

Another idea regarding outlet boundary condition of a Francis turbine is to add an
out block, which has a greater volume than the draft tube, at the end of the draft tube
and establish the average static pressure boundary condition to the outlet of the out
block in order to eliminate the disturbances and the back flows occur in the draft tube
domain [92] - [96]. This approach enables the fluid to flow freely from the draft tube
outlet, which is the actual situation in a hydropower plant. Although there exists
some back flows and perturbations in the flow due to the average static pressure
definition at the end of the out block, these undesired phenomena are damped inside
the out block and cannot reach the draft tube outlet thanks to huge geometry of out
block; therefore, turbine performance is not affected from outlet boundary condition.

For the CFD analysis of Kadincik I HPP, both radial equilibrium and out block
approaches were tested for design net head. With the same inlet boundary conditions,
same static pressure was imposed at the end of the draft tube with radial equilibrium
and at the end of the out block with average static pressure option. Different
operation conditions were realized with the help of the different guide vane openings.
Numerical results for both approaches are displayed in Table 4.8. From this table, it
can be concluded that turbine performance parameters are quite close to each other
for all operation conditions, which suggests that there is no need to increase
computational time with a massive out block structure. However, when static
pressure distribution at the outlet of the draft tube and the streamlines inside the
domain are observed (Figure 4.16 - Figure 4.18), it reveals that flow shows more
realistic behavior with out block than the one in radial equilibrium. In Figure 4.16,
which stands for optimum operation condition, it is hard to see any difference
between two approaches because the flow shows a favorable trend at best efficiency
point. Nevertheless, in extreme part load (Figure 4.17) and overload (Figure 4.18),
fluid flow is expected to be concentrated on one side of the draft tube wall because in
these conditions either remaining energy is delivered from the runner or excessive
energy is taken from the fluid. These situations can be observed in the models with
out block geometry and corresponding static pressure distributions take the form
according to these phenomena. On the other hand, radial static pressure distribution
forces the flow to be stable at the end of the draft tube. The flow becomes quite
uniform after a certain distance from elbow section unrealistically. Resulting static

pressure distributions at the end of the draft tube prove these extra ordinary

Table 4.8 : Numerical results for different outlet boundary conditions.

Operation Outlet Boundary Net Head Discharge
Condition Condition [m] [m3/s]
Efficiency [%]
Part Load (7.5 Radial Equilibrium 194.0 11.1 85.3
degree guide
vane angle) Out Block 194.1 11.1 85.1

Best Efficiency Radial Equilibrium 193.8 20.7 92.8

Point (15 degree
guide vane angle) Out Block 194.1 20.8 92.8

Over Load (22.5 Radial Equilibrium 193.7 27.2 88.8

degree guide
vane angle) Out Block 194.1 27.1 88.7

Figure 4.16 : Streamlines and static pressure distribution at the draft tube outlet for
different outlet boundary conditions at best efficiency point (15o guide vane angle). b

Figure 4.17 : Streamlines and static pressure distribution at the draft tube outlet for
different outlet boundary conditions at extreme part load (7.5o guide vane angle).

Figure 4.18 : Streamlines and static pressure distribution at the draft tube outlet for
different outlet boundary conditions at over load (22.5o guide vane angle).

To sum up, out block approach was applied for CFD analysis of Kadincik I HPP.
Instead of defining outlet boundary condition at the end of draft tube, one bar static
pressure was introduced at the outlet of the out block as opening pressure. Inlet
boundary condition was defined to the enterance of spiral case as total pressure.

4.5 Evaluation of the CFD Results

4.5.1 Overall performance definitions

In the evaluation of the performance of existing unit, following terms, which are
mass flow averaged, and formulations were frequently used. Initially, IEC 60041
standard defines the net head as the difference between total pressure at the inlet of
the spiral case and the total pressure at the draft tube outlet, which is the summation
of static pressure and velocity head at that region, Equation (4.8). Turbine hydraulic
efficiency is taken from the same standard as the ratio of the shaft power and the
available hydraulic power, Equation (4.9). To see the performance of each
component separately, a head loss analysis, i.e. efficiency splitting, is conducted. In
this process, total pressure difference between the inlet and the outlet of each domain
corresponds to head loss of this component, Equation (4.10). To divide this value by
the inlet total pressure results in percentage losses (Equation (4.11)), which can be
considered as the reverse of the component efficiency, Equation (4.12). Nevertheless,
this approach is not valid for the runner because the runner takes energy from the
water. Therefore, this issue should also be considered in the runner head loss,
Equation (4.13), and the runner hydraulic efficiency, Equation (4.14). In the end,
cumulative performance of the existing unit was obtainned, which is nothing but the
same thing with turbine efficiency, Equation (4.15).

ρ Q
Pt,i − (Ps,o + 2 ( ⁄A ) )
o (4.8)
Pt,i − Pt,o
Hnet = =
ρg ρg
ηh = (4.9)

(Pt,i − Pt,o )i
Hloss,i = (4.10)

(Pt,i − Pt,o )i
Hloss,i,% = (4.11)

ηi = 1 − Hloss,i,% (4.12)

(Pt,i − Pt,o )r T∗ω

Hloss,r = − (4.13)
ρg ρgQ

Q (4.14)
ηr =
(Pt,i − Pt,o )r

∑ Hloss Hloss,s + Hloss,g + Hloss,r + Hloss,d

ηh = 1 − =1− (4.15)
Hnet Hnet

In the cavitation performance investigation, a static histogram analysis is utilized to

find out minimum blade pressure. With the help of this minimum pressure value and
Equation (4.16), turbine Thoma number is calculated for that operation point. On the
other hand, Equation (4.17) establishes plant Thoma number, whose formulation
assumes the vapor pressure as minimum runner blade pressure and also takes the
altitude of the machine axis against the tail water level into account.

Pt,o − Phis
ρ∗g (4.16)
σT,his =

(Pt,o − Pva )
− (ZTWL − ZM )
ρ∗g (4.17)
σP =

4.5.2 Evaluation of CFD results at design head

First, CFD simulations were conducted for a net head of 194.1 meter, which is the
design net head of the machine. Variation of the flowrate is provided with the
variation of the wicket gate angles. The overall performance is displayed in Figure
4.19 for hydraulic efficiency, power production and cavitation performance.
Furthermore, head losses of all components are visualized in Figure 4.20 to see the
performance of each component separately. Finally, these losses are converted into
hydraulic efficiencies with the help of the (4.12) and (4.14). This gives a chance to

observe where the mechanical parts of the turbine reach their peak efficiencies
(Figure 4.21).

Figure 4.19 concludes that best efficiency point of the turbine is around 21 m3/s
flowrate for 194.1 meter net head, which corresponds to 15o guide vane opening.
Therefore, 21 m3/s should be accepted as design flowrate of the turbine. Power
production increases almost linearly up to 27.5 m3/s discharge; however, after this
point, no considerable elevation is observed in power. The cavitation performance is
also presented in Figure 4.19. Cavitation risk was observed after the flowrate of Q =
25 m³/s because in this region the cavitation coefficient σ T is greater than the σP.
Nevertheless, it is very rare to see discharge values greater than 26 m³/s at the power
plant and the maximum flowrate of the turbine is designated as 25 m3/s.
Consequently, it can be stated that turbine already shows a good performance
regarding to cavitation. This good cavitation characteristic is most probably a result
of the elevation of the tail water level due to the construction of Kadincik II HPP
because the increase in the tail water level means the increase in the plant Thoma
number which provides wider cavitation free operation range.

100 0.5

90 0.45

80 0.4

70 0.35
Efficiency [%], Power [MW]

Efficiency [%]
60 Power [MW] 0.3
Sigma [-]

50 0.25
40 0.2

30 0.15

20 0.1

10 0.05

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Flowrate [m³/s]

Figure 4.19 : The overall CFD performance of Kadincik I HPP at design head.

In Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21, the hydraulic efficiency and percentage head loss for
each component is shown separately. Efficiencies of spiral case and stay vanes were
decreasing with an increase in flowrate. On the contrary, the increase in the
efficiency of the guide vane continues until the full load. In general, best efficiency
points of guide vane, runner and draft tube should coincide and be around 80 % of
the full load. Efficiencies of the runner and the draft tube show a different pattern
than the other mechanical parts. While runner efficiency gets its top value around
22.5 m³/s flowrate, this peak is seen at a flow rate of about Q = 18 m³/s in draft tube.
After then, both efficiencies start to lower. In brief, every mechanical component
attains its best efficiency at different operation conditions, which is against the
characteristics of a proper Francis turbine design.

Spiral Case
18 Guide Vanes
16 Draft Tube
Head Loss [%]



5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5
Flowrate [m³/s]

Figure 4.20 : CFD percentage head losses of mechanical components.

All the results presented in Figure 4.19, Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21 are coming from
the CFD analysis with medium mesh density. As it is already stated, SST turbulence
model is preferred and this model provides automatic wall functions to resolve
boundary layer flow. In order the automatic wall functions to be activated, maximum
y+ should be less than 300. Therefore, y+ values are investigated at the end of the

CFD analysis and it was observed that y+ greater than 55.7 is not faced in the model.
Contour plots of the y+ can be reached from Appendix D.




Component efficiency [%]


Efficiency_Spiral Case
Efficiency_Stay Vanes
Efficiency_Guide Vanes

92 Efficiency_Runner

91 Efficiency_Draft Tube

10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30
Flow rate [m³/s]

Figure 4.21 : CFD single component efficiencies for Kadincik I HPP.

Although peak efficiencies of components are reached at different flowrates, turbine

attains its overall best efficiency is around 21 m3/s. This value is also consistent with
the literature, which suggests that turbine maximum efficiency should lie between
the 80 % and 90 % of the maximum discharge. As a result, each mechanical
component is further investigated at 194.1 meter net head and 21 m3/s flowrate in

4.5.3 Spiral case

To evaluate the design of the spiral case, several uniformly distributed planes are
generated rotationally around the machine axis (Figure 4.22). Up to 345o, a plane is
placed at every 15° angle. Then, three additional parallel planes are constructed to
cover inlet portion of the spiral casing. Rotationally created planes include the stay
vane region in the middle.

Figure 4.22 : Post processing planes of spiral case.

It is already shown with the help of the planes in Figure 4.22 that spiral case of the
Kadincik I HPP violates the linear area decrease design law. Subsequently, another
well-known design approach called constant swirl is considered. Swirls are plotted as
contours at the planes 4, 10, 16 and 22 (Figure 4.23). These figures suggest that in
the design of the volute constant swirl approach is followed, although swirl varies a
little bit at plane 4 and 22. Note that plane 4 is just after the throat region and it is
expected not to have fully developed constant swirl contour. On the other hand, plane
22 is not as uniform as planes 10 and 16. This can be the reason of the unsuitable
cutwater design but the conclusion should be made up after further investigations.

Figure 4.25 presents the static pressure distribution in front of the stay vanes. As it is
observed from this figure, static pressure increases throughout the spiral case. This
dispersion is due to the dramatic decrease in cu velocity, which is perpendicular to
the radial distance from rotation axis (Figure 4.24), when the fluid flows through the
cutwater (Figure 4.26). However, total pressure is not changing considerably on this
contour (Figure 4.27). This suggests that other velocity component (cr), which is the
velocity component towards to machine axis (Figure 4.24), should increase in
streamwise direction. Figure 4.28 verifies this statement by showing higher cr in
cutwater region than the one in the area after the throat.

Figure 4.23 : Swirl contours at different spiral case planes.

Figure 4.24 : Velocity components in a radial machine.

Figure 4.25 : Static pressure distribution in front of the stay vanes.

Figure 4.26 : cu velocity distribution in front of the stay vanes.

The radial velocity is the variable responsible for the amount of water passing
between stay vanes. Its distribution reveals that excessive amount of water reaches
the cutwater region and is forced to pass stay vane domain, which causes high radial

velocities at that region, although favorable radial velocity dissipation is observed at
the rest of the contour.

Figure 4.27 : Total pressure distribution in front of the stay vanes.

Figure 4.28 : cr velocity distribution in front of the stay vanes.

4.5.4 Stay vanes

Static pressure distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes shows a similar behavior
with the one in front of them (Figure 4.29). It is hard to say any improvement is
achieved across this domain with respect to the static pressure. In fact, the static
pressure difference between the first stay vane and the last one increases.

Figure 4.29 : Static pressure distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes.

By looking Figure 4.30, it can be concluded that cr velocity increases across this
domain. Furthermore, more homogenous cr distribution is found out on the
circumferential contour. This finding suggests that almost the uniform flow enters
the guide vanes. However, the effect of the excessive amount water passing through
the cutwater region is still felt.

On the contrary to cr velocity, cu does not undergo this kind of a severe change in
magnitude. The only noteworthy difference in cu distribution between inlet and outlet
contours of stay vanes is the improvement of circumferential velocity around
cutwater region (Figure 4.31).

Figure 4.30 : cr velocity distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes.

Figure 4.31 : cu velocity distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes.

In total pressure contour at the end of the stay vanes (Figure 4.32), the effect of the
vanes is clearly observed. The vanes resist to the flow; therefore, they cause loss of
energy, which is seen in this figure as a decrease in total pressure. However, this
contour does not show a uniform behavior. While higher pressure losses are faced in
larger areas around the first stay vanes, pressure losses lower after passing half of

them. The reason behind this situation can be observed in Figure 4.34 and Figure
4.33. As it is seen from these figures, the stagnation point of the flow is at the
pressure side of the stay vanes for the first half of the vanes. This causes low pressure
zones at the suction side around the leading edge and at the pressure side around the
trailing edge. Moreover, the low pressure values near the trailing edge affect the flow
downstream. On the other hand, rest of the stay vanes do not suffer from this
problem. In other words, the stagnation point of the flow is exactly at the leading
edge. Therefore, inlet and outlet flow angles are the same with the ones of stay vanes
and the flow separation is not faced at these vanes contrary to the first stay vanes.

Figure 4.32 : Total pressure distribution at the outlet of the stay vanes.

Figure 4.33 : Velocity vectors for first stay vanes.

Figure 4.34 : Static pressure contour of stay vanes at z=0 meter

4.5.5 Guide vanes

By comparing the total pressure contours at upstream (Figure 4.32) and downstream
(Figure 4.35) of guide vanes, it can be concluded that guide vanes create more
resistance to the flow than the stay vanes because wider low pressure regions are
encountered at the end of this domain. This is due to the fact that flow hits to the
pressure side of the wicket gates (Figure 4.36). In fact, by considering guide vanes do
not attain their best efficiency point at highest flowrate (Figure 4.21), it is expected
to see the stagnation point is not directly on the leading edge of the guide vane for
15o guide vane angle. Because of this situation, the leading edge is circulated by the
water and high velocities occur, which is shown in Figure 4.36. This yields a low
pressure zone at the location opposite side of the stagnation point of unsymmetrical
profile of the guide vane.

Static pressure (Figure 4.37), cu (Figure 4.38) and cr (Figure 4.39) velocity
distributions at the end of the guide vanes suggest that fluid flow does not show a
homogenous behavior along spanwise direction. Especially close to shroud, static
pressure lowers and around the same regions circumferential and radial velocity
components increases. This can cause the low pressure areas on the leading edge of
the runner near to shroud.

Figure 4.35 : Total pressure distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes.

Figure 4.36 : Velocity vectors and pressure contours of guide vanes.

Furthermore, Figure 4.39 shows that cr velocity component is not distributed
uniformly in circumferential direction. However, it seems like following a periodic
pattern. This idea is also supported by Figure 4.40 where amount of mass flow
passing between guide vanes are presented. For each guide vane passage, the mass
flow is evaluated at the inlet and at the outlet of the passage. Then, the results are
normalized with the mass flow per passage, averaged over the full circumference. In
Figure 4.40, this is depicted for the design point of the turbine. The negative
influence of the cutwater can clearly be seen but except from this it is possible to say
that flow reaches to the guide vanes homogenously. Nevertheless, same statement is
not valid for the flow at the outlet of the guide vanes. Although they reduce the effect
of the cutwater considerably, amount of water passing through each guide vane
varies up to 9 % of the normalized mass flow. Moreover, peak and bottom points of
mass flow in circumferential direction occur just the opposite side of the machine.
Therefore, turbine shaft suffers from the high radial forces, which are the sources of
the vibration.

Figure 4.37 : Static pressure distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes.

Figure 4.38 : cu velocity distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes.

Figure 4.39 : cr velocity distribution at the outlet of the guide vanes.

Figure 4.40 : Normailize mass flow through the guide vanes.

4.5.6 Runner

Area averaged velocity profiles for the inlet and the outlet of the runner are presented
in Figure 4.41 and Figure 4.42. As this is a clockwise rotating machine against the
chosen coordinate system orientation, the cu-value is positive. This cu-value is
expected to be converted into torque by the runner in order to generate energy.
Consequently, cu component of the velocity should be around zero at the outlet of the
runner in BEP. In Kadincik I HPP, the cu-value at the runner outlet is almost zero.

Taking the design point of the runner as a basis, it is also desired to gain an almost
constant cm-distribution at the runner inlet and outlet. Although it is hard to say this
design requirement is satisfied with Kadincik I HPP runner, it should be admitted
that velocity distribution shows a favorable trend at both the inlet and outlet;
however, this topic is still open to improvements.

Figure 4.41 : Velocity distributions at the inlet of the runner.

Figure 4.42 : Velocity distributions at the outlet of the runner.

Although it is favorable to see high pressure regions at the leading edge and low
pressure regions at the trailing edge in runner blades, low pressure zones are detected
around the leading edge of the runner (at the suction side) and also around the
trailing edge due to the hydraulic design of the runner. This situation is visualized in
Figure 4.43 and Figure 4.46. Especially at the shroud region, there is a small zone

with low pressure around the leading edge. This is due to the flow with high velocity
coming from the guide vanes and the stagnation point occurring at the pressure side
of the blade. Consequently, the flow circulates around the leading edge from pressure
to suction side with high velocities in this region.

According to Figure 4.46, in higher streamwise locations the pressure increases

again, but for locations near to the shroud after 40 % streamwise location at the
suction side, the pressure is decreasing once more. For a span of 50 % and less, the
hydraulic shape works correctly. Finally, in the low pressure zones shown in Figure
4.43, cavitation damages are detected during the inspection inside the unit (Figure

Figure 4.43 : Static pressure distribution on the runner blades.

Figure 4.44 : Blade Loading at Span 5 % (close to hub).

Figure 4.45 : Blade Loading at Span 50 % (mid plane).

Figure 4.46 : Blade Loading at Span 95 % (close to shroud).

Figure 4.47 : Cavitation damages at the runner, leading edge (left), trailing edge

4.5.7 Draft tube

In the evaluation of the draft tube, 5 cross sectional planes are generated in order to
investigate the flow behavior inside the draft tube in addition to the evaluations in
meridional cross section (Figure 4.48). First plane is placed in the beginning of the
draft tube domain whereas second one is at the end of the cone geometry where the
elbow section starts. Plane 3 stands at the end of the elbow section; however, in this
plane cross sectional geometry does not become rectangular. Plane 4 and 5 are
placed through the outlet of the draft tube. In fact, plane 5 is directly at the outlet

Figure 4.48 : Draft tube post processing planes.

It is already shown that slightly negative cu is delivered to the draft tube from the
runner, which reveals that excessive amount of energy is taken from the water.
Influence of this situation is seen as vortex rope generation at the cone region of draft
tube. As it is seen in Figure 4.49, flow can be divided into three zones at the cone.
The zone close to wall of the draft tube and the one in the core have the positive cu
velocities whereas the area in between circulates in opposite direction. Although this
vortex does not get in contact with the draft tube wall at plane 1 (Figure 4.50 - left),
the situation becomes critical at plane 2 because vortex starts to touch the surface
(Figure 4.50 - right). This can cause vibration problems during the operation.

Figure 4.49 : cu velocity contour at meridional cross section of draft tube.

Figure 4.50 : cu velocity contours at plane 1 and 2.

On the contrary to cu, absolute velocity (c) decreases from the machine axis to draft
tube wall (Figure 4.51). This distribution is also reflected in static and total pressure
distributions (Figure 4.52 and Figure 4.53). It is seen that neither of these values can
be stabilized and homogenized in cross section until the plane 4 (Figure 4.54, Figure
4.55 and Figure 4.56). This can be one of the reasons for the preference of very long
draft tube geometry. At the end of the draft tube, it could be stated that homogenized
static and total pressure distributions are attained (Figure 4.57). Furthermore,
absolute velocity at the end of the draft tube almost does not exceed 2 m/s which is
highly suggested in literature [108] (Figure 4.58).

Figure 4.51 : Absolute velocity contour at meridional cross section of draft tube.

Figure 4.52 : Static pressure distribution at meridional cross section of draft tube.

Figure 4.53 : Total pressure distribution at meridional cross section of draft tube.

Figure 4.54 : Absolute velocity contours at plane 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Figure 4.55 : Static pressure contours at plane 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Figure 4.56 : Total pressure contours at plane 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Figure 4.57 : Static and total pressure distributions at the outlet of draft tube.

Figure 4.58 : Absolute velocity distribution at the outlet of the draft tube.

4.5.8 Numerical hill chart

In order to understand the whole performance of the existing unit, CFD analyses
were conducted in different flow rates and different net heads, which covers the
operation conditions of power plant. As a result, hill chart of the turbine was
obtained and compared with the operation conditions. However, CFD does not have
any ability to cover disk frictions and leakage losses. In order to take these losses
into account, the chart in Figure 4.59 was proposed by Prof. Schilling who
established a relation between specific speed and Francis turbine losses [109]. As this
figure is about 30 years old, it is a good basis for the situation at Kadincik I HPP.
Nonetheless, figure is standardized for Reynolds number of 107, whereas for
Kadincik I, the Reynolds number is about 8.7 x 107, Equation (4.18), and specific
speed is around 39.

By looking Figure 4.59, leakage and disk friction losses can be estimated as 1.5 %,
but once more this is only for Reynolds number of 107. The conversion of this value

to different Reynolds numbers (for example to 8.7 x 107) is explained in IEC 60193
[91]. With the help of the Equations (4.19) and (4.20) from the standard, leakage and
disk friction losses for Kadincik I HPP was determined approximately as 1.2 % and
this value was subtracted from the CFD results. Note that in these equations,
IEC60193 suggests vref and Reref values as 0.7 and 7 x 106 for Francis turbine.

Figure 4.59 : Francis turbine losses as a function of the specific speed, adapted from

π D2 π 1.9752
n ∗ 30 ∗ 2s 428.6 ∗ 30 ∗ 2 (4.18)
ReKadincik I = = ≅ 8.7 ∗ 107
ν 1.004 ∗ 10−6
Reref 0.16 Reref
(Δη)modelTOprototype = δref [( ) −( ) ] (4.19)
Remodel Reprototype

1 − ηmodel
δref = 0.16
Re 1−v (4.20)
(Re ref ) + v ref
model ref

To sum up, the efficiency results represented in Table E.1 are 1.2 % less than the
CFD results. Moreover, these results were utilized in the generation of numerical hill
chart. In Figure 4.60, hill chart of the turbine and operation points are presented.
Although it should be admitted that turbine shows a good performance regarding the
peak efficiency and the velocity field, it is obviously seen that high efficiencies are

so away from the machine operation. Furthermore, despite the fact that manufacturer
designated the nominal net head of the turbine as 194 meter, CFD results reveals
turbine shows even worse performance in higher heads than 160 meter. In fact,
nominal operation condition of the turbine is around 155 meter net head and 17 m 3/s

Figure 4.60 : Numerical hill chart of Kadincik I HPP.

4.6 Validation of CFD

There is no available efficiency measurement result conducted in Kadincik I HPP.

Moreover, the number of measurement data from commissioning test is limited. As it
is seen in Table 4.2 and Table 4.3, discharge and therefore efficiency measurement
was not realized. However, it is possible to calculate shaft power for two-unit
operation measurement with the help of the average generator efficiency calculated
by the ratio of generator output and shaft power of single unit operation. Calculated
shaft powers are already presented in Table 4.4 together with the percentage servo
piston position. On the other hand, shaft power for CFD results can be obtained with
the multiplication of hydraulic power and turbine efficiency presented in Table E.1.
However, for the comparison, results should be represented at the same net head
value. Therefore, shaft powers in Table 4.4 and the ones coming from CFD are

recalculated to the reference net head of 180 meters with the help of the Equation
(4.21) [80].

Precalculated Hrecalculated 1.5

=( ) (4.21)
Pmeasured Hmeasured

The information provided in Table 4.4 as servo piston position in percentage

corresponds to the guide vane opening. It is documented that maximum wicket gate
opening (ao) is 125 mm, which is nothing but the 100 % servo piston position. If a
linear interpolation is conducted for the percentage values in Table 4.4,
corresponding wicket gate opening for each servo piston position can be found easily
(Table 4.9). Moreover, in Table 4.9, recalculated shaft powers for 180 meter net head
are presented for both one and two-unit operation measurements. For the two-unit
operation, turbine two is under consideration. On the other hand, last part of the
Table 4.9 shows the recalculated shaft powers and wicket gate openings for CFD
results, which are already found while the construction of guide vane profiles. Note
that CFD results at 194.1 meter net head are taken as base in the recalculation of the
shaft power. Finally, Figure 4.61 compares the shaft power results of commissioning
test and CFD. As it is seen, the results of the measurement and CFD show a good

Shaft Power with CFD

35 Shaft Power from Measurement

(one unit)
30 Shaft Power from Measurement
(two unit)
Shaft Power [MW]





20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
a0 [mm]

Figure 4.61 : Comparison of CFD results with measurements.

Table 4.9 : Recalculated shaft power for commissioning test and CFD results.

Wicket Gate Recalculated

Shaft Net Head Openning Recalculated
Shaft Power
Power[MW] [m] Head [m]
[%] a0 [mm] [MW]
12.45 198.80 30.00 37.50 180.00 10.73
18.72 198.00 40.00 50.00 180.00 16.22
26.99 196.80 50.00 62.50 180.00 23.61
32.21 195.60 60.00 75.00 180.00 28.44
36.76 194.40 70.00 87.50 180.00 32.75
39.52 193.70 80.00 100.00 180.00 35.40
10.37 193.60 30.00 37.50 180.00 9.30
15.55 191.80 40.00 50.00 180.00 14.14
25.92 187.70 50.00 62.50 180.00 24.34
31.11 185.20 60.00 75.00 180.00 29.81
33.18 182.70 70.00 87.50 180.00 32.45
36.81 181.80 80.00 100.00 180.00 36.27
37.33 181.30 85.00 106.25 180.00 36.93
8.60 194.07 22.22 29.38 180.00 7.68
15.36 194.07 33.33 43.86 180.00 13.72
23.11 194.07 44.44 58.06 180.00 20.64
29.70 194.06 55.56 71.99 180.00 26.53
34.44 194.06 66.67 85.65 180.00 30.76
38.16 194.06 77.78 99.04 180.00 34.09
40.30 194.06 88.89 112.16 180.00 36.00


Daily energy production data of Kadincik I HPP for ten years is analyzed in order to
determine the new best efficiency point of the turbine with optimized runner.
Subsequently, runner blade angles and blade length are modified according to flow
conditions coming from CFD analyses to reach the peak efficiency around that point.
Several optimization versions are created by hand-made optimization. While some of
the new designs follow the traditional design method, in others X-Blade technology
is introduced. Among these designs, most promising optimization versions for each
design methodology (traditional and X-Blade) are chosen and their performances are
compared with original turbine and each other.

5.1 Existing Situation

Based on the information given in annual production report for the last 10 years, an
average yearly production is investigated more in detail. For visualization, power
production is split into 5 MW steps and days of a year in operation are presented in
percentages (Figure 5.1). It can be seen that for more than 60% of the year the power
production is higher than 25 MW per unit per day. This includes one and two unit
operation. During the last 10 years, 50.7 % of a year’s time one unit operation has
taken place.

The net head as a function of the power production is shown in Figure 4.2. Together
with the CFD results for the power it is now possible to verify the flow rate for a
given power production of one and two machine operation. Whereas Figure 5.2 and
Figure 5.3 split the production into one and two machine operation, the averaged
production per year (for the last 10 years) is shown versus the flow rate in Figure 5.4.

The average annual production of the power plant is 244 million kWh per year. The
highest annual production is reached when the flow rate is in the range between 15 to
20 m³/s and – additionally – with lower percentage of yearly energy production
ranges from 10 to 15 m³/s and 20 to 25 m³/s. The maximum flow rate is about 26

m³/s; consequently, cavitation-free operation at least up to this discharge value is one
of the design targets.

Figure 5.1 : Averaged yearly power production of Kadincik I HPP.

Figure 5.2 : Segmented annual production for one unit operation.

Figure 5.3 : Segmented annual production for two unit operation.

Figure 5.4 : 10 year-averaged power production per year.

5.2 Method of Optimization

Optimization studies starts with reconstruction of original runner in Bladegen®

because this software allows the user to modify blade angles, blade length, hub and
shroud contours and runner main parameters. Then, the geometry generation of the
optimization versions is conducted engineer-based by hand – this means that no
automated optimization routine is used.

Two different design approaches are followed in this study. First, original runner is
modified according to CFD results with traditional methods. Although various
optimization versions are created, the one with the best performance is chosen as the
new runner geometry, which is optimized with traditional methods. Subsequently, X-
Blade technology is introduced to original runner and further modifications are
conducted according to the flow situation. Similar to the traditional optimization,
runner design with best performance is determined among the X-Blade optimization

versions. In the end, numerical hill chart is generated for most promising
optimization version for each design method with the help of the CFD results at
different net heads and flow rates.

The method of optimization is well summarized in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5 : Workflow of optimization process.

5.3 Reconstruction of Original Runner

A reconstruction of the original runner blade is carried out in a first step of the
optimization. The commercial software package ANSYS-Bladegen® is used for the
geometrical reconstruction which provides the basis for the optimization of the blade

The basis for a new Bladegen® design is always the definition of the meridional
section, which is given in Figure 5.6 based on the original design. With the selection
of a user-defined number of layers it is then possible to define the geometry data of
the blade profiles.

Figure 5.6 : Meridional view of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP with the
layers for the geometry definition.

In order to define the profile data in Bladegen®, it is necessary to process

information referring to the wrap angle “Theta” and thickness distribution as a
function of the meridional length “M” for every single layer previously defined in
Bladegen ®.

To create the “Theta vs. M”-curves and thickness distribution for every blade
section, meridional curves are exported from Bladegen® and rotated 360 degree
around the rotation axis for surface creation. These surfaces are intersected with
laser-scanned blade geometry and resulting splines are utilized as runner sections.
With the help of the CAD software package CATIA, the splines defining all the
blade sections are divided into one spline for the suction side and one spline for the
pressure side of the blade. Furthermore, 100 equidistant points are distributed on the
new curves. These points are exported into a neutral data file and imported into MS-
Excel where a calculation sheet for the “Theta vs. M”-curves is prepared.

The connection of the corresponding data points on the suction and the pressure side
allows for the calculation of mean values which finally serve as definition of the
camber line for different blade sections. By the utilization of x and y coordinates of
chamber line, wrap angle is calculated with Equation (5.1).

θ = − tan−1 ( ) (5.1)

Figure 5.7 shows the blade sections imported into MS-Excel with their calculated
camber lines being marked with dashed lines. Furthermore, Figure 5.8 shows the

“Theta vs. M”-curves which are calculated based on the blade sections defined in
Figure 5.7. Finally, also the thickness distribution extracted by the calculation of the
absolute thickness (which equals to the absolute distance of the corresponding data
points on the suction and the pressure side) as a function of the meridional length M
is presented in Figure 5.9. It is obvious that the curves representing the thickness
distribution show a rather bumpy trend especially close to the trailing edge. For the
final optimization versions, the thickness distribution is certainly smoothed using
regression curves.

Figure 5.7 : Blade sections of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP.

Figure 5.8 : “Theta vs M” curves of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP.

Figure 5.9 : Thickness distribution of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP.

After importing the “Theta vs. M”-curves as well as the “Thickness vs. M”-curves
into ANSYS-Bladegen®, the blade geometry is finally fully-defined and Bladegen®
is able to create a 3D-CAD-model of the runner (Figure 5.10).

Due to the fact that the “Theta vs. M”-curves are imported into the ANSYS-
Bladegen® model, the blade angle distribution “Beta vs. M” is automatically
calculated with Equation (5.2). The results for all blade layers are shown in Figure

tan(β(r)) = (5.2)
r ∗ dθ

For the original runner blade of Kadincik I HPP, it can be summarized that the inlet
angle of the original blade accounts for 88° close to the hub and for 80° close to the
shroud. On the other hand, the beta angle at the outlet accounts for 15° close to the
hub and 10° close to the shroud.

Once the reconstruction is finished, it is rather easy to change the shape of the
leading and trailing edge in the meridional section, to adapt the blade angle
distribution or to vary the thickness distribution of the blade.

Figure 5.10 : CAD model of reconstructed original runner of Kadincik I HPP.

Figure 5.11 : Angle definition of radial turbomachines, adapted from [110].

Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.0000
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.0952
80 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.1429
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.1905
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.2381
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.2857
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.3333
60 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.3810
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.4286
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.4762
50 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.5238
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.5714
Beta (deg)

40 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.6190

Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.6667
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.7143
30 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.7619
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.8095
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.8571
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.9048


-0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
(434.2876,-40.9846) M (LE to TE)

Figure 5.12 : “Beta vs M” curves of the original runner of Kadincik I HPP.

5.4 Optimization of Runner

The optimization targets can be listed as:

 Higher peak efficiency

 Improvement of the turbine efficiency over the whole range of operation

 Shift the best efficiency point of the turbine to operation points

 Improvement in cavitation performance

 More homogenous pressure distribution along the runner blade

 Constant cm distribution at the outlet of the runner

 Zero cu at the outlet of the runner

Before generating optimization versions, new desired best efficiency point of the
turbine should be determined and modifications should be done in order to achieve
this goal. By looking Figure 4.2, it can be concluded that turbine is operating in a net
head range between 170 meter and 190 meter. Therefore, it is reasonable to choose
the net head value of new peak efficiency point in this range, for instance around 180
meter. Furthermore, Figure 5.4 clearly shows that maximum annual production
occurs around 17.5 m3/s. However, the production decreases very sharply when
flowrate lowers, whereas decrease in production is not that dramatic at overload.
Consequently, nominal discharge of new runner is decided as 20 m3/s. In brief, based
on the findings gained in the course of the segmentation of the annual energy

production, the best efficiency point should be reached around a flow rate of Q= 20
m³/s at a head level of around 180 m.

As it is already indicated with Figure 4.60, although the original turbine of Kadincik
I HPP was designed for a nominal net head 194 meter, turbine achieves its best
efficiency point around 155 meter net head and 17 m3/s discharge with a 94 % peak
efficiency. This point is so far away from the operation conditions.

Although original turbine shows a good performance with respect to the peak
efficiency and cavitation, these issues are still open to improvements. Cavitation
initiation should be prevented at least up to 26 m3/s discharge which is observed very
rarely in the power plant.

At best efficiency point of the original turbine, an inhomogeneous pressure

distribution around the leading edge is found. While the inflow conditions between 0
% span (hub) and 75 % span appear appropriate, a low pressure region close to the
shroud is detected on the suction side of the blade. This finding is visualized in
Figure 5.13 (left) – showing the pressure distribution on the runner blades – whereas
Figure 5.14 presents the blade loading at the best efficiency point. Additionally, there
is a low pressure region on the suction side of the blades close to the trailing edge
which is shown with the right picture of Figure 5.13 (a view of runner from draft
tube). The regions with a dark blue color may cause serious cavitation problems –
especially at full load operation. Nevertheless, apart from these problems, blade
loading on the original runner is not bad because there is a smooth redirection of the
flow from radial to axial direction (Figure 5.6).

Figure 5.13 : Static pressure distribution on the original runner blades at best
efficiency point (Hnet=155 m and Q=17 m3/s).

It turns out that the cm and cu distributions at the runner outlet are both widely
constant at best efficiency point for the original turbine of Kadincik I HPP – the cu
value being close to zero at the outlet of the runner as it should be (Figure 5.15). The
range between the minimum and maximum cm values basically accounts for just 2.0
m/s. Only close to the shroud, the deviation from the mean value of cm is slightly
higher. Furthermore, an analysis of the cu distribution shows that the requirement of
constant cu is fulfilled over a wide range. There is no excessive amount of swirl
remaining in the flow. Based on the fact that the peak efficiency of Kadincik I is
already comparably high, this finding is not surprising.

Figure 5.14 : Blade loadings of the original runner for various span values at best
efficiency point (Hnet=155 m and Q=17 m3/s).

Figure 5.15 : cm and cu distribution at the outlet of the original runner of Kadincik I
HPP at best efficiency point (Hnet=155 m and Q=17 m3/s).

5.4.1 Optimization with traditional methods

The main modifications on the original runner blade are carried out for the slope of
the leading and trailing edge in the meridional section and for the beta-angle-

First of all, modifications start with the smoothing of the beta curves and thickness
distribution in order to eliminate local disturbances of flow. This is followed by
changing the slope of the leading edge from strong inclination to almost vertical one,
which is highly recommended by Prof. Raabe [111]. These changes result in an
improvement of cavitation performance due to the longer blade profiles and better
inflow conditions. Nonetheless, peak efficiency slightly decreases because flow is
faced with more resistance in the runner and excessive energy is taken from the
water. This problem is solved with the increase of outlet blade angles, from ~3.5o at
shroud to ~2o at hub. With this modification, less cu reduction in the runner is
achieved; thus, much better cavitation performance is provided. Moreover, efficiency
curve, and therefore best efficiency point, shifts to the higher flowrates which is
desired to get maximum efficiency around 20 m3/s. After all these changes in the
hydraulic shape of the original design, most promising optimization version for
traditional design is obtained.

Meridional shape of the optimized runner is shown in Figure 5.16. When leading
edge geometry is compared with the one in original runner, it is seen that new design
has much more straight leading edge.

Figure 5.16 : Meridional view of optimized runner with traditional design methods.

The changes in beta angles (Figure 5.19) also affect the meridional shape and theta
angle distribution (Figure 5.17). Finally, smoothed half thickness distribution is
presented in Figure 5.18 and new runner design got the 3D shape visualized in Figure

Figure 5.17 : “Theta vs M” curves of optimized runner with traditional design


Figure 5.18 : Thickness distribution of optimized runner with traditional design


Figure 5.19 : “Beta vs M” curves of optimized runner with traditional design

Figure 5.20 : CAD model of optimized runner with traditional design methods.

5.4.2 Optimization with X – Blade technology

The main modifications on the original runner blade are carried out for the position
of the leading and trailing edge in the meridional section, for the beta-angle-
distribution, for the wrap angle definition at the inlet of the runner, for the hydraulic
shape of shroud and for the thickness distribution.

Changes in the geometry of original runner start with the introduction of X-Blade
design. For this purpose, inlet wrap angles of the sections close to hub are increased
whereas inlet wrap angles of the sections close to shroud are decreased. In fact, wrap
angle definition at the inlet of the runner for X-Blade is vice versa of the one in
traditional design.

Stronger X-Blade design is established around shroud than the hub in order to have
more homogeneous pressure distribution at the leading edge. This step results in
considerable amount of improvement in peak efficiency and cavitation performance;
however, cu at the runner outlet close to shroud is higher than zero which means
remaining swirl is delivered to the draft tube.

The problem in the cu distribution is tried to be solved with the extension of the
trailing edge close to shroud in the meridional view towards the runner outlet and
contraction of the trailing edge close to hub towards the inlet. At the same time,
leading edge is shifted towards the runner inlet to have further improvement in the
pressure distribution. After these steps, while more homogenous pressure and cu
distribution are achieved, cm at the outlet close to the shroud is slightly too high.

cm at the outlet close to shroud is lowered with the increased outlet beta angles and
longer blade around the shroud. This modifications provides homogeneous velocity
distribution; as a result, cavitation performance slightly improved. At the end of
these modifications, it is seen that peak efficiency occurs in higher flow rates than
desired. In order to shift efficiency curve to lower discharges, number of the runner
blades is increased to 17 and shroud contour is contracted. Finally, original thickness
distribution is changed with 4-digit-NACA profile by taking the maximum thickness
values and position of original runner blade as base. After all these changes in the
hydraulic shape of the original design, most promising optimization version for X-
Blade design is obtained.

Meridional shape of the optimized runner is shown in Figure 5.21. Straighter leading
edge can also be seen in this optimization version, but this time leading edge is closer
to the inlet. Moreover, expanded trailing edge through the outlet close to shroud and
shifted trailing edge towards to inlet near to hub is observed in this meridional shape.

Figure 5.21 : Meridional view of optimized runner with X-Blade design method.

Wrap angle definition was completely changed at the inlet of the runner (Figure
5.22). This causes some small changes in beta distribution, but beta angles are further
modified to obtain homogenous velocity distribution (Figure 5.24). Finally, half
thickness distribution for 4-Digit NACA profile is presented in Figure 5.23 and new
runner design gets the 3D shape visualized in Figure 5.25.

Figure 5.22 : “Theta vs M” curves of optimized runner with X-Blade design method.

Thickness @ Span: 0.0000
38 Thickness @ Span: 0.0952
36 Thickness @ Span: 0.1429
Thickness @ Span: 0.1905
34 Thickness @ Span: 0.2381
32 Thickness @ Span: 0.2857
Thickness @ Span: 0.3333
Thickness @ Span: 0.3810
28 Thickness @ Span: 0.4286
26 Thickness @ Span: 0.4762
Thickness @ Span: 0.5238
24 Thickness @ Span: 0.5714
22 Thickness @ Span: 0.6190
Thickness @ Span: 0.6667
Thickness @ Span: 0.7143

18 Thickness @ Span: 0.7619

16 Thickness @ Span: 0.8095
Thickness @ Span: 0.8571
14 Thickness @ Span: 0.9048
12 Thickness @ Span: 1.0000

-0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
(376.6784,-8.1218) M (LE to TE)

Figure 5.23 : Thickness distribution of optimized runner with X-Blade design


Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.0000
85 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.0952
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.1429
80 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.1905
75 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.2381
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.2857
70 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.3333
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.3810
65 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.4286
60 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.4762
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.5238
55 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.5714
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.6190
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.6667
45 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.7143
Beta (deg)

Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.7619

40 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.8095
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.8571
Beta (tangential) @ Span: 0.9048
30 Beta (tangential) @ Span: 1.0000





-0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
(474.2049,-26.3043) M (LE to TE)

Figure 5.24 : “Beta vs M” curves of optimized runner with X-Blade design method.

Figure 5.25 : CAD model of optimized runner with X-Blade design method.

5.5 Results of Proposed Designs

5.5.1 Results of traditional design

As it was done for the original turbine, CFD analyses in different net head and
discharge levels are conducted for the turbine with traditionally optimized runner.
The results achieved in the course of this study is presented in Appendix F. As it is
already stated, CFD is not able to cover disk friction and leakage losses; hence, 1.2
percentage point was subtracted from the hydraulic efficiency based on CFD in order
to obtain the resulting turbine efficiency (detail explanation is in 4.5.8. Numerical
hill chart sub-chapter). Although lower runner disk frictions and leakage losses can
be attained with todays-technology, these losses are considered as 1.2 % like in the

original turbine evaluation in order to make the relative comparison between the
performances of the turbines.

Figure 5.26 shows the numerical hill chart of the Kadincik I HPP turbine with
traditionally optimized runner geometry. Compared to the original turbine, the best
efficiency point is shifted from Q = 17 m³/s and Hnet = 155 m to around Q = 21 m³/s
and Hnet = 174 m. The new best efficiency point of the optimized turbine fits much
better to the operation range of the power plant than the original turbine
configuration, although the peak efficiency still cannot be maintained through the
wide range of operation. Furthermore, maximum efficiency is increased from 94 %
to 94.3 %. New design establishes an efficiency increase at overload, whereas turbine
performance deteriorates at part load operation conditions.

Figure 5.26 : Numerical hill chart for traditional optimization of Kadincik I HPP.

Head loss analysis is conducted for the optimized turbine with conventional methods
at the design net head (174 meter) in order to investigate the performances of the
mechanical components of the turbine separately. Figure 5.26 suggests that design
flow rate is around 21 m³/s. This is also supported by Figure 5.27 which reveals that
minimum percentage head loss occurs at 21 m³/s for 174 meter net head.
Furthermore, runner and draft tube components show their best performances at this

discharge level, whereas spiral case and guide vanes are so away from their
minimum head loss points.

Spiral Case
22 Guide Vanes
Draft Tube

Head Loss [%]




5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5
Flowrate [m³/s]

Figure 5.27 : CFD percentage head losses for mechanical components of

conventionally optimized turbine.

Another improvement was achieved regarding the cavitation performance. The

change in the slope of the leading edge and the smoothing operation of the beta
curves and thickness distribution lead to longer blade profiles and better inflow
conditions. These modifications numerously improve the cavitation performance of
the turbine. The discharge value where the cavitation initiates is shifted from Q =
25.0 m³/s to Q = 29.0 m³/s

In Figure 5.28, the cavitation performance is shown together with the power output
plotted versus the flowrate. In optimization targets, it is stated that cavitation
inception should be prevented at least up to 26 m3/s discharge which is observed very
rarely in the power plant. In fact, it is very unlikely that the guide vane apparatus is
capable of realizing an opening enables higher flowrates than 26 m3/s. Therefore, it
can be said that traditionally optimized version of Kadincik I HPP is over-safe for

100 0.5

90 0.45

80 0.4

70 0.35
Efficiency [%], Power [MW]

Efficiency [%]
60 Power [MW] 0.3

Sigma [-]
50 0.25
40 0.2

30 0.15

20 0.1

10 0.05

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Flowrate [m³/s]

Figure 5.28 : The overall CFD performance of conventionally optimized turbine at

design head.

Figure 5.29 presents the blade loadings of the original blade and the traditional
optimization version evaluated for span values of 0.95, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25 and 0.05 at
the best efficiency point of each turbine. Although it is hard to say pressure
distribution of the proposed optimization version completely satisfies the
optimization targets, it is clear that blade loading around the leading edge is
considerably improved especially close to the shorud (Figure 5.30 and Figure 5.31).
This is achieved by more vertical leading edge geometry and smoother beta curves.

Figure 5.32 presents a comparison of the spanwise distribution of the cm- and cu-
velocity components at runner outlet between original and conventionally optimized
blades, evaluated based on the numerical results at best efficiency point of each
turbine. While the light orange and dark orange curves drawn refer to the cm- and cu-
distributions of the original blade, the light blue and dark blue curves are related to
the velocity distributions achieved with the conventional optimization. Except from
the regions close to shroud, optimized runner shows more homogenous velocity
distribution. After the 80 % span, cm and cu velocities start to fluctuate from the mean

value and velocity distribution in that region becomes slightly worse than the original
one. This is a result of the increased outlet blade angles close to shroud which is
applied in order to shift the efficiency curve to higher flowrates.

Figure 5.29 : Blade loading comparison of the original runner and traditional
optimization version at their best efficiency points.

Figure 5.30 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and traditional
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from upstream).

Figure 5.31 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and traditional
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from downstream).

Figure 5.32 : Velocity distributions at the outlet of the runner for the original blade
and traditional optimization version at their best efficiency points.

5.5.2 Results of X–Blade design

CFD analyses in different net heads and flow rates are conducted for the turbine
whose runner is optimized with X-Blade technology in order to observe whether best
efficiency point of the new turbine lies in the desired net head range and is around
the desired discharge. The results of this study are presented in Appendix G. Once
more, CFD is not able to cover disk friction and leakage losses; hence, 1.2
percentage is subtracted from the hydraulic efficiency based on CFD in order to
obtain the resulting turbine efficiency (detail explanation is in 4.5.8. Numerical hill
chart sub-chapter). In fact, it is possible to get lower disk frictions and leakage losses
with potential of today’s manufacturing technology. Nevertheless, these losses are
considered as 1.2 % like in original turbine evaluation in order to make the relative
comparison between original turbine and optimization versions.

Figure 5.33 shows the numerical hill chart of the Kadincik I HPP turbine whose
runner is optimized with X-Blade technology. Compared to the original turbine, the
best efficiency point is shifted from Q = 17 m³/s and Hnet = 155 m to around Q = 20
m³/s and Hnet = 183 m, which fits better to the operation range of the power plant
than the original turbine configuration. With the introduction of X-Blade design, not
only the peak efficiency is increased from 94 % to 94.8 % but also high efficiency
values are attained in wider range of operation. In fact, turbine can achieve high
efficiencies for almost all operation points, which is the main difference between X-
Blade and conventional optimization versions.

Head loss analysis is conducted for the optimized turbine with X-Blade technology at
design net head (183 meter) in order to investigate the performances of the
mechanical components of the turbine separately. First conclusion from Figure 5.34
is the runner and the draft tube show better performances at the design net head of
the X-Blade optimization version than the ones at the net heads where maximum
efficiencies were achieved for both original and conventionally optimized turbines.
Moreover, X-Blade runner and draft tube attain their minimum head losses around 20
m³/s, where turbine has its peak efficiency. On the other hand, spiral case and guide
vane apparatus still show unfavorable behavior as they do for the original turbine and
the traditional optimization version.

Figure 5.33 : Numerical hill chart for X-Blade optimization of Kadincik I HPP.

Spiral Case
20 Guide Vanes
Draft Tube

Head Loss [%]



5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5
Flowrate [m³/s]

Figure 5.34 : CFD percentage head losses for mechanical components of X-Blade

The previously discussed increase in the blade angle at the outlet and the extension
of the length of the blade profiles let to a lower pressure level around the runner
outlet compared to the original runner design. Consequently, cavitation inception is
shifted from Q = 25.0 m³/s to Q = 28.0 m³/s (Figure 5.35). This provides a cavitation
free operation for Kadincik I HPP at all operation points. Although it seems
traditionally optimized runner shows better performance with respect to the
cavitation by introducing cavitation free operation up to 29.0 m³/s, X-Blade design
also satisfies the optimization target related with cavitation because the one unit of
Kadincik I HPP does not operate above 26 m³/s. Therefore, it can be concluded that
while both optimization versions provide cavitation free operation for whole range of
operation, traditional optimization version brings over-safe condition with respect to
the cavitation.

100 0.5

90 0.45

80 0.4

70 0.35
Efficiency [%], Power [MW]

Efficiency [%]
60 Power [MW] 0.3

Sigma_Plant Sigma [-]

50 0.25
40 0.2

30 0.15

20 0.1

10 0.05

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Flowrate [m³/s]

Figure 5.35 : The overall CFD performance of X-Blade optimization at design head.

X-Blade design is well-known with its uniform flow distribution which results in
homogenous pressure dispersion along the blade. On the other hand, conventional
designs suffer from low pressure zones especially close to shroud. Figure 5.36 is a
typical example of this situation which shows the blade loadings of the original blade

and optimization versions evaluated for the span values of 0.95, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25 and
0.05 at best efficiency point of each turbine. It turns out that X-Blade design brings a
solution for the low pressure zones around the leading edge, which cannot be
achieved with the traditional optimization. Furthermore, X-Blade design
considerably homogenizes the pressure distribution, especially on the suction side of
the blades (Figure 5.37 and Figure 5.38). This is reached by a smoother slope of the
“Beta vs. M”-curves and more impotantly with the implementation of X-Blade

Figure 5.36 : Blade loading comparison of the original runner and optimization
versions at their best efficiency points.

Figure 5.37 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and X-Blade
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from upstream).

Figure 5.38 : Pressure contours of the original runner (left) and X-Blade
optimization version (right) at their best efficiency points (view from downstream).

Figure 5.39 presents a comparison of the spanwise distribution of the cm- and cu-
velocity components at the runner outlet between original blade and optimization
versions, evaluated based on the numerical results at best efficiency point of each
turbine. An analysis of the presented data shows that a more homogeneous
distribution is reached for the cm-component in the course of the X-Blade
optimization. Nonetheless, inhomogeneous region close to shroud can not be
eliminated with any of the optimization versions. On the other hand, although cu-
distribution is improved with X-Blade design, traditional optimization version shows
slightly better performance with respect to the cu. Figure 5.39 suggests that while
traditionally optimized runner releases almost no swirl to draft tube, excessive power
is tried to be taken from the water in X-Blade design. However, after 80 % span,
situation starts to be in favor of X-Blade which deviates from the cu = 0 line less than
the conventional optimization.

Figure 5.39 : Velocity distributions at the outlet of the runner for the original blade
and optimization versions at their best efficiency points.


This study represents the optimization methodology for a Francis turbine runner
according to the operation conditions of the power plant by using CFD after the
explanation of the design procedure for each mechanical component of a Francis
turbine. In order to exemplify the expressed optimization steps, Kadincik I HPP is
chosen as a case study and the runner of this hydropower plant is optimized by
means of traditional methods and X-Blade technology.

Before the optimization, the weaknesses of the hydraulic shape of the Kadincik I
turbine are revealed with the detail investigation of the main dimensions of the
mechanical components and the runner blade angles. Comparison of these hydraulic
parameters with the recommendations in the literature shows that horizontal part of
the Kadincik I draft tube is extremely long; and therefore, it causes excessive friction
losses. Moreover, whereas the inlet blade angles of existing runner around the shroud
are higher than the suggestions in the literature, outlet blade angles around the hub
are slightly lower with respect to the same references. Except from these points, no
considerable perturbation is observed in the hydraulic designs of the mechanical
components of Kadincik I HPP.

Comprehensive CFD analyses are conducted in the design net head (194 meter) for
different discharge values, which is provided with the different guide vane openings,
in order to investigate flow situation inside the unit and further verify the hydraulic
design of Kadincik I HPP. First finding of this study is that although turbine attains
its peak efficiency at 21 m3/s, minimum head loss point of each mechanical
component occurs at different flow rates and none of them coincides with 21 m3/s.
This suggests all mechanical components of the turbine are designed for different
operation conditions, which violates the proper design procedure.

Although it is proved that spiral case of Kadincik I HPP does not achieve its
maximum performance at 194 meter net head and 21 m3/s discharge, it shows a
constant swirl design approach at this operation condition. Except from the cutwater
region, mass flow is uniformly distributed along the circumferential direction with

the help of the stay vanes at the outlet of the spiral case. In the first stay vanes from
the spiral case inlet, stagnation point of the flow is on the suction side of the vanes
and consequently this causes wake regions behind the stay vanes; however, after the
half of the stay vanes in the circumferential direction, the fluid flow starts to hit to
the leading edges of the vanes. Therefore, it can be concluded the volute shows an
adequate performance despite the fact that it is not design for this operation

By considering the continuous increase in the guide vane efficiency with every
increment in the flow rate, it is not surprising to see stagnation point of the fluid flow
on the suction side of the wicket gates at 194 meter net head and 21 m3/s discharge.
In fact, this situation is an indicator for the fact that best efficiency point of the guide
vanes lies beyond the maximum discharge of the turbine. However, the main
problem of the guide vane apparatus is it disturbs the homogenous flow reaching to
the guide vane inlet although it reduces the cutwater effect. Amount of water passes
between each guide vane varies considerably in the circumferential direction.
Besides, peak and minimum mass flow rates happen at the opposite side of the
machine, which can cause radial forces on the turbine shaft and therefore
considerable vibration can be observed at this operation condition.

Although head loss analysis indicates that runner shows its best performance at
higher flow rates for 194 meter net head, its velocity distributions at the inlet and the
outlet of the domain are quite proper for the turbine design point. Nevertheless,
negative circumferential velocity at the outlet suggests excessive amount of energy is
taken from the water, which has a negative influence on the cavitation performance.
Moreover, more constant meridional velocity distribution at the outlet is desired in
the literature. Another weakness of the runner design shows itself in the static
pressure distribution on the runner blade. Kadincik I HPP has a traditional Francis
turbine runner design. This kind of runner designs mostly suffers from the low
pressure regions at the leading edge around the shroud. Kadincik I HPP is a typical
example of this situation and the literature recommends utilizing X-Blade technology
to solve this problem.

Delivered negative circumferential velocity from the runner to draft tube causes swirl
inside the draft tube cone at design point of the existing turbine. The oscillation of
this swirl becomes critical at the end of the draft tube cone and gets contact with the

draft tube wall. This contact results in vibration at the power plant. Furthermore,
CFD analyses at the design net head reveal the reason behind the extremely long
horizontal part of the draft tube. According to the recommendations in the literature,
absolute velocity at the outlet of the draft tube should not exceed 2 m3/s at the design
operation point of the turbine. This statement could be satisfied with an extremely
long draft tube at Kadincik I HPP.

Original turbine configuration of Kadincik I HPP shows a substantial performance

with respect to the cavitation. It provides a cavitation free operation up to 25 m3/s.
When it is considered that maximum flow rate of the Kadincik I is 26 m3/s, which is
very rarely seen, almost no cavitation problem is faced in Kadincik I HPP.

In order to understand the whole performance of the existing unit, CFD analyses are
conducted in different flow rates and different net heads, which covers the operation
conditions of the hydro power plant. Consequently, hill chart of the turbine is
obtained and compared with the operation conditions. Dramatic result of this study is
although design net head of the turbine is designated as 194 meter by the turbine
manufacturer, existing turbine achieves its peak efficiency at 155 meter net head and
17 m3/s discharge, as 94 %. By admitting the turbine has a satisfactory maximum
efficiency, high efficiency values are so away from the design and operation points
and therefore, turbine can only be operated at a maximum efficiency between 93.0 %
and 93.5 %.

After detail investigation on the geometrical parameters, performance and the flow
situation inside the unit, optimization targets are specified. First of all, peak
efficiency of the turbine should be increased and the high efficiency values should be
shifted to the operation conditions, i.e. design point of the turbine is aimed to change.
Although original turbine shows a good cavitation performance, totally cavitation
free operation should be guaranteed with the establishment of the optimization.
Pressure distribution on the original runner blade is not favorable and open to
improvement. Furthermore, negative circumferential velocity component at the outlet
of the runner should be eliminated in order to enhance the cavitation performance
and the flow situation at the draft tube.

In a hydraulic power plant with a Francis turbine, most of the time, spiral case and
draft tube are embedded to the concrete, like Kadincik I HPP. Therefore,

modifications on their geometry or their replacements cost extremely expensive,
which is the reason for their being out of the consideration in the refurbishment
projects. Guide vane is another mechanical component whose replacement is not
widely preferred in the rehabilitation projects because any changes in its design
automatically change the moment acting on the guide vane shaft, which affects all
the levers and the governing system. In brief, a small alteration in the guide vane
geometry can cause a redesign of the whole governing system. However, it is proved
in this thesis that all the optimization targets listed above can be achieved only with
the optimization of the runner although other mechanical components are still
designed for different operation conditions.

While the optimization process, two different optimization methods are followed,
namely traditional design methodology and X-Blade technology, which has a
negative leaning at the inlet of the runner. By taking the original runner geometry as
base, several optimization versions are generated for both traditional optimization
and X-Blade design. Among these alternatives, two optimization versions with best
performances (one for each method) are chosen for further investigation.

As it is done for the original turbine, CFD analyses in different net head and
discharge levels are conducted for the optimized turbines to verify the increase in
peak efficiency and its position with respect to the operation conditions. The
promising results are obtained and it is proved that modifications on the Francis
turbine runner have a great influence on the value and the position of the best
efficiency point of the turbine. While 94.8 % peak efficiency was attained with X-
Blade optimization version around Q = 20 m³/s and Hnet = 183 m, 94.3 % peak
efficiency was achieved with traditional optimization version around Q = 21 m³/s and
Hnet = 174 m. Furthermore, X-Blade optimization version provides wider operation
range with high efficiency values, which is also proposed in the literature after 1998.

Head loss analysis for the optimized turbines shows that spiral case and guide vane
apparatus reach their best performances at different flow rates than the turbine itself.
However, the advantage of these new designs is that maximum efficiencies of the
runner and draft tube coincide with the best efficiency point of the turbine, which is
obtained only with the changes in the hydraulic shape of the original runner.

While traditional optimization version provides cavitation free operation up to 29.0
m³/s with its more vertical leading edge and longer blade profiles, X-Blade
guarantees no cavitation up to 28.0 m³/s with its increased blade angles at the outlet
and the extension of the length of the blade profiles. In brief, both optimization
versions seem adequate to solve the cavitation problem completely when maximum
discharge value of the Kadincik I HPP is considered as 26 m³/s.

X-Blade optimization version makes its advantage strongly felt in the blade loading.
Original runner suffers from the low pressure zones at the leading edge around the
shroud. Although traditional optimization version improves the static pressure
distribution on the blade, it can not bring an effective solution to this problem. On the
other hand, homogenous pressure distribution on the runner blade is achieved with
the establishment of the X-Blade technology.

Despite the inhomogeneity of meridional velocity at the outlet of the runner close to
the shroud, X-Blade optimization version offers a more stable meridional velocity
distribution than the original and traditionally optimized runners. However,
traditional optimization version shows slightly better performance with respect to the
circumferential velocity distribution at the runner outlet. Although the excessive
amount of power taken from the water by original runner geometry are considerably
reduced by both optimization versions, conventionally optimized runner provides a
better circumferential velocity distribution, which less deviates from the cu=0 line.

With all the findings of this study, it can be concluded that desired operation
conditions can be achieved in a hydraulic power plant only with the replacement of
the runner. The crucial issue in this kind of refurbishments is the turbine should be
optimized according to the flow situation inside the unit and in this progress
recommendations in the literature can be taken as a starting point. CFD is the most
effective tool in the evaluation of the turbine performance and the relative
improvements between the proposed designs because it considerably reduces the
budget and the time of the project. This study also shows the advantages of X-Blade
technology on the traditional design methods; therefore, it is more reasonable to
prefer X-Blade in new designs.


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APPENDIX A: Commissioning Tets Results of Kadinick I HPP

APPENDIX B: Mesh Statistics

APPENDIX C: Mesh Independency Studies

APPENDIX D: y+ Values of the CFD Results with Medium Mesh

APPENDIX E: Numerical Hill Chart Data for Kadincik I HPP with Original Runner

APPENDIX F: Numerical Hill Chart Data for Kadincik I HPP with Traditionally
Optimized Runner

APPENDIX G: Numerical Hill Chart Data for Kadincik I HPP with X-Blade


Figure A.1 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (single unit operation).

Figure A.2 : Commissioning test results of Kadincik I HPP (two unit operation).


Table B.1 : Mesh statistics of guide vanes.

Very Fine Mesh
# of O-grid Max edge
Opening # of # of Spanwise Min/Max face
y+ inflation width length
[degrees] nodes elements Elements angles
layer factor ratio
15.00 418912 396600 15 10 75 0 13° / 167° 13000
Fine Mesh
# of O-grid Max edge
Opening # of # of Spanwise Min/Max face
y+ inflation width length
[degrees] nodes elements Elements angles
layer factor ratio
7.50 239976 224835 25 10 65 0.1 7° / 174° 8500
10.00 233640 218790 25 10 65 0.1 9.5° / 171.5° 10500
12.50 233640 218790 25 10 65 0.1 11° / 169.5° 11000
15.00 231264 216450 25 10 65 0.1 15° / 164.5° 11000
17.50 223938 209430 25 10 65 0.1 18° / 163° 10300
20.00 240174 225810 25 10 65 0.1 16° / 163° 7500
22.50 240174 225810 25 10 65 0.1 21.5° / 158° 7500
25.00 220968 207480 25 10 65 0.1 20° / 161° 7000
27.50 335412 316875 25 10 65 0.1 12.5° / 169° 8000
Medium Mesh
# of O-grid Max edge
Opening # of # of Spanwise Min/Max face
y+ inflation width length
[degrees] nodes elements Elements angles
layer factor ratio
7.50 120902 111840 50 10 60 0.1 9° / 173° 5000
10.00 117852 108960 50 10 60 0.1 13.5° / 167° 5000
12.50 117852 108960 50 10 60 0.1 12.5° / 170° 5500
15.00 116876 108000 50 10 60 0.1 15.5° / 167° 5500
17.50 113826 105120 50 10 60 0.1 15° / 168° 5500
20.00 119194 110640 50 10 60 0.1 17° / 166° 4500
22.50 119194 110640 50 10 60 0.1 23° / 159.5° 4500
25.00 110776 102720 50 10 60 0.1 24.5° / 158.5° 4500
27.50 164578 153600 50 10 60 0.05 24° / 157.5° 4000
Coarse Mesh
# of O-grid Max edge
Opening # of # of Spanwise Min/Max face
y+ inflation width length
[degrees] nodes elements Elements angles
layer factor ratio
7.50 82156 75060 100 8 45 0.1 9° / 173° 2500
10.00 80040 73080 100 8 45 0.1 13.5° / 167° 2500
12.50 80040 73080 100 8 45 0.1 12.5° / 170° 2500
15.00 79304 72360 100 8 45 0.1 15.5° / 167° 2500
17.50 77004 70200 100 8 45 0.1 15° / 168° 2500
20.00 81604 74880 100 8 45 0.1 17° / 166° 2500
22.50 81604 74880 100 8 45 0.1 23° / 159° 2500
25.00 75440 69120 100 8 45 0.1 24.5° / 159° 2500
27.50 113252 104580 100 8 45 0.05 22° / 159° 2000

Table B.2 : Mesh statistics of runner.
# of O-grid Max edge
Mesh # of # of Spanwise Min/Max face
y+ inflation width length
Density nodes elements Elements angles
layer factor ratio
Very Fine 792610 749250 15 10 90 0.2 12° / 170° 8000
Fine 400824 375300 25 10 75 0.2 11.5° / 169.5° 5500
Medium 269346 249795 50 10 65 0.2 10.5° / 169.5° 4000
Coarse 101898 92000 100 8 50 0.25 18.5° / 164° 2000

Table B.3 : Mesh statistics of draft tube.

First element # of inflation
Mesh Density # of nodes # of elements Height ratio
distance layer
Very Fine 5420000 5350000 0.3 12 1.2
Fine 2542248 2504200 0.3 12 1.2
Medium 1182656 1161135 0.5 10 1.25
Coarse 631176 616605 0.75 10 1.35

Table B.4 : Mesh statistics of spiral case.

First element # of inflation
Mesh Density # of nodes # of elements Height ratio
distance layer
Very Fine 4960000 12950000 0.2 - 0.35 10 1.15 - 1.40
Fine 3676773 10496883 0.2 - 0.35 9 1.15 - 1.40
Medium 1454952 4053164 0.3 - 0.5 8 1.35 - 1.5
Coarse 987650 3049308 0.4 - 0.65 6 1.5 - 1.75


As presented in Table B.1, Table B.2, Table B.3 and Table B.4, meshes with four
different densities are generated for each domain. By conducting CFD analyses with
same boundary conditions (194.1 meter net head, which is the design net head for the
turbine), grid qualities are compared. Results are demonstrated in Figure C.1. As it is
seen, beyond medium mesh set up it was hard to observe any improvement in the
results. For the sake of the computational time, medium grid group is chosen for
CFD analyses because the difference between medium and fine / very fine grid is on
a minor level. Furthermore, in the optimization step again the same meshes are
utilized and in the end relative improvement is discussed.

The CFD results in different guide vane opennings for 194.1 meter net head show
that turbine achieves its peak efficiency around 21 m3/s, which corresponds to 15o
guide vane angle. Consequently, hydraulic loss analysis are conducted at this net
head and flowrate to see the change in the performance of the components. The
results are visualized in Figure C.2, which also suggests that medium grid density is
quite proper for the further CFD analysis with respect to accuracy and computational

Figure C.1 : Mesh independency study for Kadincik I HPP.

Figure C.2 : Hydralic losses for different mesh densities.


Figure D.1 : y+ at runner for medium grid CFD results.


Table E.1 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP.

Guide Guide Plant Histogram
Discharge Head Power Efficiency Vane Vane Thoma Thoma
Angle Opening Number Number
[m³/s] [m] [MW] [%] [°] [mm] [-] [-]
15.4 122.6 16.9 90.6 15.0 85.6 0.180 0.082
16.3 132.8 19.8 92.7 15.0 85.6 0.166 0.077
12.0 143.0 15.2 89.6 10.0 58.1 0.154 0.044
17.2 143.0 22.7 93.6 15.0 85.6 0.154 0.078
20.7 143.0 26.3 89.9 20.0 112.2 0.154 0.098
6.0 153.2 7.1 76.8 5.0 29.4 0.144 0.069
12.5 153.2 16.9 89.3 10.0 58.1 0.144 0.030
17.9 153.2 25.5 93.9 15.0 85.6 0.144 0.077
21.5 153.2 29.0 89.1 20.0 112.2 0.144 0.078
24.8 153.2 32.8 87.3 25.0 137.6 0.144 0.149
6.3 163.4 7.9 77.6 5.0 29.4 0.135 0.054
13.2 163.4 19.3 90.7 10.0 58.1 0.135 0.038
18.7 163.4 28.3 93.6 15.0 85.6 0.135 0.073
22.7 163.4 33.5 91.2 20.0 112.2 0.135 0.100
25.8 163.4 36.4 87.3 25.0 137.6 0.135 0.139
6.6 173.6 8.8 77.9 5.0 29.4 0.127 0.041
13.7 173.6 21.2 90.0 10.0 58.1 0.127 0.036
19.4 173.6 31.1 93.2 15.0 85.6 0.127 0.071
23.7 173.6 37.2 91.5 20.0 112.2 0.127 0.105
26.7 173.6 40.0 87.1 25.0 137.6 0.127 0.136
6.8 183.9 9.7 78.0 5.0 29.4 0.120 0.028
14.2 183.9 23.4 90.4 10.0 58.1 0.120 0.039
20.1 183.8 34.1 93.0 15.0 85.6 0.120 0.072
24.6 183.8 41.0 91.6 20.0 112.2 0.120 0.112
27.6 183.9 43.6 86.6 25.0 137.6 0.120 0.133
7.1 194.1 10.8 79.3 5.0 29.4 0.113 0.029
11.0 194.1 18.1 85.1 7.5 43.9 0.113 0.027
14.8 194.1 25.6 90.2 10.0 58.1 0.113 0.046
18.0 194.1 32.1 92.6 12.5 72.0 0.113 0.065
20.8 194.1 37.1 92.8 15.0 85.6 0.113 0.074
23.3 194.1 41.3 92.3 17.5 99.0 0.113 0.094
25.4 194.1 44.3 90.9 20.0 112.2 0.113 0.110
27.1 194.1 46.2 88.7 22.5 125.0 0.113 0.122
28.5 194.1 46.9 85.8 25.0 137.6 0.113 0.128
29.6 194.1 46.9 82.5 27.5 149.9 0.113 0.135


Table F.1 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with tradionally optimized
Guide Guide Plant Histogram
Discharge Head Power Efficiency Vane Vane Thoma Thoma
Angle Opening Number Number
[m³/s] [m] [MW] [%] [°] [mm] [-] [-]
5.9 143.0 5.9 71.0 5.0 29.4 0.154 0.114
9.2 143.0 10.8 83.1 7.5 43.9 0.154 0.064
12.4 143.0 15.3 87.7 10.0 58.1 0.154 0.043
15.2 143.0 19.5 90.2 12.5 72.0 0.154 0.038
17.9 143.0 23.3 91.8 15.0 85.6 0.154 0.054
20.4 143.0 26.8 92.8 17.5 99.0 0.154 0.075
22.2 143.0 28.4 90.3 20.0 112.2 0.154 0.084
24.0 143.0 30.2 88.8 22.5 125.0 0.154 0.124
25.5 143.0 31.2 86.3 25.0 137.6 0.154 0.156
27.1 143.0 32.7 85.2 27.5 149.9 0.154 0.200
6.2 153.2 6.9 73.2 5.0 29.4 0.144 0.095
9.7 153.2 12.3 83.9 7.5 43.9 0.144 0.042
13.0 153.2 17.3 88.0 10.0 58.1 0.144 0.037
16.0 153.2 22.1 91.0 12.5 72.0 0.144 0.040
18.9 153.2 26.8 93.5 15.0 85.6 0.144 0.062
21.1 153.2 29.4 92.0 17.5 99.0 0.144 0.057
23.5 153.2 32.8 92.3 20.0 112.2 0.144 0.081
25.0 153.2 33.6 88.6 22.5 125.0 0.144 0.078
27.0 153.2 36.3 88.7 25.0 137.6 0.144 0.127
28.6 153.2 37.7 86.9 27.5 149.9 0.144 0.166
6.5 163.4 7.8 74.6 5.0 29.4 0.135 0.079
10.1 163.4 13.8 84.4 7.5 43.9 0.135 0.030
13.6 163.4 19.6 88.9 10.0 58.1 0.135 0.031
16.8 163.4 24.8 91.6 12.5 72.0 0.135 0.040
19.8 163.4 30.0 93.3 15.0 85.6 0.135 0.064
22.2 163.4 33.4 93.1 17.5 99.0 0.135 0.066
24.2 163.4 35.8 91.2 20.0 112.2 0.135 0.068
26.4 163.4 38.8 90.8 22.5 125.0 0.135 0.093
28.3 163.4 41.0 89.7 25.0 137.6 0.135 0.125
29.8 163.4 42.2 87.4 27.5 149.9 0.135 0.154

Table F.2 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with tradionally optimized
runner (continued).
Guide Guide Plant Histogram
Discharge Head Power Efficiency Vane Vane Thoma Thoma
Angle Opening Number Number
[m³/s] [m] [MW] [%] [°] [mm] [-] [-]
6.7 173.6 8.8 76.9 5.0 29.4 0.120 0.056
10.6 173.6 15.4 84.8 7.5 43.9 0.120 0.020
14.1 173.6 21.4 89.2 10.0 58.1 0.120 0.040
17.5 173.6 27.6 92.6 12.5 72.0 0.120 0.050
20.6 173.6 33.5 94.2 15.0 85.6 0.120 0.069
23.1 173.6 36.9 93.2 17.5 99.0 0.120 0.071
25.3 173.6 40.1 92.5 20.0 112.2 0.120 0.084
27.6 173.6 43.4 91.2 22.5 125.0 0.120 0.100
29.3 173.6 45.1 89.3 25.0 137.6 0.120 0.117
31.0 173.6 46.4 86.9 27.5 149.9 0.120 0.132
7.0 183.9 9.8 76.9 5.0 29.4 0.120 0.056
11.0 183.9 17.0 84.8 7.5 43.9 0.120 0.020
14.8 183.9 24.0 89.2 10.0 58.1 0.120 0.040
18.2 183.9 30.7 92.6 12.5 72.0 0.120 0.050
21.4 183.9 36.7 94.2 15.0 85.6 0.120 0.069
24.0 183.9 40.7 93.2 17.5 99.0 0.120 0.071
26.4 183.9 44.4 92.5 20.0 112.2 0.120 0.084
28.6 183.8 47.4 91.2 22.5 125.0 0.120 0.100
30.4 183.8 49.3 89.3 25.0 137.6 0.120 0.117
32.0 183.8 50.6 86.9 27.5 149.9 0.120 0.132
7.3 194.1 10.9 77.5 5.0 29.4 0.113 0.046
11.4 194.1 18.6 84.7 7.5 43.9 0.113 0.017
15.3 194.1 26.3 89.3 10.0 58.1 0.113 0.038
18.9 194.1 33.5 92.4 12.5 72.0 0.113 0.050
22.1 194.1 39.9 93.8 15.0 85.6 0.113 0.067
24.8 194.1 44.3 92.9 17.5 99.0 0.113 0.071
27.3 194.1 48.4 92.2 20.0 112.2 0.113 0.086
29.5 194.1 51.4 90.8 22.5 125.0 0.113 0.099
31.3 194.1 53.2 88.5 25.0 137.6 0.113 0.113
32.9 194.1 54.5 86.1 27.5 149.9 0.113 0.123


Table G.1 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with X-Blade optimization.
Guide Guide Plant Histogram
Discharge Head Power Efficiency Vane Vane Thoma Thoma
Angle Opening Number Number
[m³/s] [m] [MW] [%] [°] [mm] [-] [-]
5.8 143.0 6.0 0.7 5.0 29.4 0.154 0.077
9.0 143.0 10.9 0.9 7.5 43.9 0.154 0.035
12.1 143.0 15.3 0.9 10.0 58.1 0.154 0.029
14.8 143.0 19.5 0.9 12.5 72.0 0.154 0.048
17.3 143.0 22.9 0.9 15.0 85.6 0.154 0.061
19.5 143.0 25.7 0.9 17.5 99.0 0.154 0.091
21.2 143.0 27.3 0.9 20.0 112.2 0.154 0.113
22.6 143.0 28.2 0.9 22.5 125.0 0.154 0.127
24.8 143.0 29.0 0.8 27.5 149.9 0.154 0.164
6.4 163.4 8.0 0.8 5.0 29.4 0.135 0.058
10.0 163.4 14.0 0.9 7.5 43.9 0.135 0.021
13.3 163.4 19.5 0.9 10.0 58.1 0.135 0.032
16.3 163.4 24.8 0.9 12.5 72.0 0.135 0.049
19.0 163.4 29.1 0.9 15.0 85.6 0.135 0.066
21.3 163.4 32.4 0.9 17.5 99.0 0.135 0.082
23.2 163.4 34.6 0.9 20.0 112.2 0.135 0.101
24.7 163.4 35.9 0.9 22.5 125.0 0.135 0.120
26.1 163.4 36.7 0.9 25.0 137.6 0.135 0.144
27.1 163.4 36.8 0.8 27.5 149.9 0.135 0.159
6.8 176.7 9.3 0.8 5.0 29.4 0.125 0.048
10.5 176.7 16.1 0.9 7.5 43.9 0.125 0.020
14.1 176.7 22.8 0.9 10.0 58.1 0.125 0.040
17.2 176.7 28.3 0.9 12.5 72.0 0.125 0.049
20.0 176.7 33.2 0.9 15.0 85.6 0.125 0.066
22.4 176.7 36.8 0.9 17.5 99.0 0.125 0.079
24.3 176.7 39.2 0.9 20.0 112.2 0.125 0.093
26.0 176.7 40.8 0.9 22.5 125.0 0.125 0.113
27.4 176.7 41.8 0.9 25.0 137.6 0.125 0.127
28.5 176.7 41.8 0.8 27.5 149.9 0.125 0.148

Table G.2 : Numerical hill chart data for Kadincik I HPP with X-Blade optimization
Guide Guide Plant Histogram
Discharge Head Power Efficiency Vane Vane Thoma Thoma
Angle Opening Number Number
[m³/s] [m] [MW] [%] [°] [mm] [-] [-]
7.0 183.9 10.0 0.8 5.0 29.4 0.120 0.043
10.9 183.9 17.3 0.9 7.5 43.9 0.120 0.020
14.5 183.9 24.4 0.9 10.0 58.1 0.120 0.038
17.7 183.8 30.4 0.9 12.5 72.0 0.120 0.052
20.5 183.8 35.4 0.9 15.0 85.6 0.120 0.067
22.9 183.8 39.1 0.9 17.5 99.0 0.120 0.076
24.9 183.8 41.7 0.9 20.0 112.2 0.120 0.089
26.6 183.8 43.3 0.9 22.5 125.0 0.120 0.107
28.0 183.8 44.2 0.9 25.0 137.6 0.120 0.125
29.3 183.8 44.6 0.8 27.5 149.9 0.120 0.150
7.2 194.1 11.0 0.8 5.0 29.4 0.113 0.036
11.3 194.1 18.9 0.9 7.5 43.9 0.113 0.023
15.1 194.1 26.7 0.9 10.0 58.1 0.113 0.037
18.4 194.1 33.3 0.9 12.5 72.0 0.113 0.054
21.3 194.1 38.7 0.9 15.0 85.6 0.113 0.067
23.7 194.1 42.4 0.9 17.5 99.0 0.113 0.074
25.7 194.1 45.2 0.9 20.0 112.2 0.113 0.084
27.5 194.1 47.0 0.9 22.5 125.0 0.113 0.100
30.2 194.1 48.6 0.8 27.5 149.9 0.113 0.133



Name Surname: Berk Can DUVA

Place and Date of Birth: Çorlu / Turkey – 01.01.1990

E-Mail: [email protected]


B.Sc.: Mechanical Engineering Department -

Middle East Technical University


TUBITAK Marmara Research Center - Energy Institute as

2013 - 2016

Most Successful Research Group of TUBITAK Marmara

Research Center in 2014

2012 Erasmus Exchange Program Grant


 Özcan, A.Ö., Benigni, H., Duva, B.C., Schiffer, J., Jaberg, H. & Mosshammer,
M. (2015). Evaluation of the Refurbishment Potential for Francis Turbines Using
CFD and Optimisation Techniques. The 16th International Conference on Fluid
Flow Technologies, Budapest, Hungary.
 Benigni, H., Jaberg, H., Schiffer, J., Mosshammer, M., Özcan, A.Ö. & Duva,
B.C. (2015). Rehabilitation of a Francis turbine using CFD and optimisation
techniques – a case study in Turkey. HYDRO 2015, Bordeaux, France.


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