Aust J Grape and Wine Res - 2010 - KELLER - Managing Grapevines To Optimise Fruit Development in A Challenging Environment

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56 Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, 56–69, 2010

Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development

in a challenging environment: a climate change primer
for viticulturists _77 56..69

Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center,
Washington State University, Prosser, WA 99350, USA
Corresponding author: Professor Markus Keller, fax + 1 509 786 9370, email [email protected]

Grapevine reproductive development extends over two seasons, and the genotypic expression of yield
potential and fruit composition is subject to environmental impacts, which include viticultural manipu-
lations, throughout this period. This paper reviews current knowledge on yield formation and fruit
composition and attempts to identify challenges, opportunities and priorities for research and practice.
The present analysis of published information gives a critical appraisal of recent advances concerning
variables, especially as they relate to global climate change, that influence yield formation and fruit
composition at harvest. Exciting discoveries in fundamental research on the one hand and an increasing
focus on outcomes and knowledge transfer on the other are enabling the development and implemen-
tation of practical recommendations that will impact grape production in the future. Future research
should aim to minimise seasonal variation and optimise the profitable and sustainable production of
high-quality fruit for specific uses in the face of climate change, water and labour shortages, shifting
consumer preferences and global competition. Better control of product quantity and quality, and
differentiation to meet consumer demands and market preferences will enhance the competitiveness and
sustainability of the global grape and wine industries.

Keywords: climate change, fruit composition, grape, photosynthesis, salinity, vineyard management,
Vitis, yield formation

Introduction vated grapevines. Moreover, the light-coloured skin of

The genus Vitis is home to the temperate climate zones of so-called white grapes has evolved from the dark-skinned
the northern hemisphere. Its members are woody shrubs ‘default’ version (Kobayashi et al. 2004, Walker et al.
or lianas that climb in trees by means of their leaf-opposed 2007). In spite of much wishful thinking on our part, the
tendrils. Although this genus is thought to comprise about role of grape berries is only to enable the vine to spread its
60 extant species spread mostly throughout Asia and seeds and hence its genes, which the berries achieve by
North America (Alleweldt and Possingham 1988, Wan attracting seed dispersers using pigments and aroma vola-
et al. 2008), the Eurasian species Vitis vinifera L. gave rise to tiles and by ‘paying’ for transportation with energy-rich
the great majority of modern grape cultivars that are being sugar and other nutritionally valuable components
grown for the production of wine, table grapes, dried (Hardie 2000, Goff and Klee 2006). Charles Darwin
grapes (raisins), grape juice and brandy. While several noticed long ago that a fruit’s ‘beauty serves merely as a
American species have become important, and typically guide to birds and beasts in order that the fruit may be
inter-specific, crossing partners in rootstock breeding pro- devoured and the manured seeds disseminated’ (Darwin
grams, their direct genetic influence on wine, juice and 1859). The high acidity and ‘green’ aroma of unripe
other cultivars has been minor. Similarly, despite some berries prevents the seeds from being destroyed before
interesting disease resistance traits, most Asian species they are mature, while tannins and other secondary
have remained obscure (Wan et al. 2007, Li et al. 2008). metabolites may stave off microbes that destroy the fruit
The evolutionary innovation of fleshy, sweet, and without scattering its seeds.
dark-skinned berries during the late Cretaceous period This paper provides an overview of published infor-
was probably an adaptation to the simultaneous evolu- mation about grapevine reproductive development and
tion of birds and mammals (Hardie 2000). Birds are the recent advances in research and practice concerning
principal seed dispersers of V. vinifera grapes, which, from factors that influence yield formation and fruit composi-
a grower’s viewpoint, makes them a major pest of culti- tion at harvest. Because the impacts of nutrients and
doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0238.2009.00077.x
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Keller Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development 57

water deficit were recently reviewed elsewhere (Mpela- entiation) while the inflorescences become visible on the
soka et al. 2003, Bell and Henschke 2005, Keller 2005), shoot and then separate. Different genes or groups of
the focus of the present paper is mainly on two other genes identify each floral organ, but the mechanism by
major environmental determinants of yield and fruit which these genes control floral organogenesis is not yet
quality: light and temperature. Novel discoveries from the known (Díaz-Riquelme et al. 2009). Irrespective of how
last few years concerning water and nutrients will these processes are controlled, the degree of branching
nevertheless be considered where appropriate. However, before and after dormancy and the extent of flower
because of the overriding importance of temperature for development after budburst determine the number of
grape and wine quality (Hofäcker et al. 1976, Downey flowers formed on each inflorescence. This number is
et al. 2006), most of the discussion will be centred on highly variable, even on the same shoot: the basal inflo-
a critical appraisal of possible consequences of global rescence usually forms the most flowers, and numbers
climate change and their implications for viticulture. decrease for higher inserted inflorescences (May 2004).
Although climate change obviously also has implications Soon after the flowers are fully formed and about
for weed, pest and disease pressure in vineyards (e.g. 5–10 weeks after budburst, capfall (anthesis) marks the
Seem et al. 2000, Ainsworth and Rogers 2007), these start of flowering. The anthers release the pollen onto the
issues will not be considered here because of space stigma (pollination), where the pollen grains germinate.
constraints and to keep the discussion focused. I will Most V. vinifera cultivars are self-pollinated, and pollina-
conclude by attempting to identify opportunities and tion often occurs shortly before capfall (Staudt 1999,
priorities for future research on grapevine physiology and Heazlewood and Wilson 2004). The pollen tubes grow
viticulture that aims to optimise fruit development in a down the style to fuse with the egg cells in the ovules
challenging environment, particularly in response to the (fertilisation), which leads to fruit set. Eggs that are not
challenges and threats raised by a changing climate. fertilised within 3 to 4 days after anthesis will degenerate,
while fertilised ovules develop into seeds (Kassemeyer
Reproductive growth: yield formation and Staudt 1981). Although pollination, rather than fer-
Grapevine reproductive development extends over tilisation, triggers initial ovary development, subsequent
2 years: buds formed in the first growing season give rise fruit formation, which involves differentiation of an
to shoots that carry fruit in the following growing season. exocarp (skin) and mesocarp (flesh or pulp), requires
This process has been reviewed extensively, both from release of auxin by the seed(s) that stimulates gibberellin
an anatomical and molecular genetic perspective (Pratt biosynthesis in the pericarp (Kassemeyer and Staudt
1971, Srinivasan and Mullins 1981, Swanepoel and 1983, Gillaspy et al. 1993, O’Neill 1997). Therefore, in
Archer 1988, Morrison 1991, Gerrath 1992, May 2004, most cultivars (except for parthenocarpic and stenosper-
Meneghetti et al. 2006, Carmona et al. 2008); therefore, mocarpic cultivars that produce seedless berries or berries
only a brief overview is presented here. Reproductive with seed traces, respectively), growth of grape berries
growth begins with the formation of uncommitted pri- requires pollination, fertilisation, and development of one
mordia in the developing buds from spring through early or more seeds (Nitsch et al. 1960).
summer. Uncommitted primordia differentiate into inflo- The percentage of flowers that set fruit is inversely
rescence, tendril, or even shoot primordia, before the related to the number of flowers per inflorescence and
buds enter dormancy. It seems that in most cultivars only normally varies between 20 and 50%. Fruit set is highly
the basal six to eight buds of a shoot are able to form variable among cultivars and is altered by environmental
inflorescence primordia, whereas Sultana produces fruit- conditions and rootstock (Alleweldt and Hofäcker 1975,
ful buds over the entire length of its shoots (Sánchez and Keller et al. 2001). Environmental stress, ineffective leaf
Dokoozlian 2005). Most V. vinifera cultivars normally ini- area, canopy shade, and overly vigorous shoot growth
tiate two, sometimes three or even four, inflorescence may diminish fruit set, and ovaries may be shed for up to
primordia, but environmental influences strongly modu- 1 month after anthesis (Staudt and Kassrawi 1973, Kasse-
late the actual number produced. meyer and Staudt 1983, Candolfi-Vasconcelos and Koblet
Although some researchers hold that a portion of 1990). Differences in percentage fruit set combined with
the flower initials are formed before bud dormancy the extent of inflorescence branching and differences in
(Alleweldt 1966, Alleweldt and Ilter 1969, Agaoglu bunch-stem cell elongation result in large differences in
1971), the commonly accepted view is that winter dor- bunch size and architecture.
mancy seasonally separates the process of inflorescence A period of cell division follows fertilisation, but while
initiation and differentiation from that of flower initiation the cell number doubles about 17 times before anthesis,
and differentiation (Srinivasan and Mullins 1981, Gerrath only about two more doublings are thought to occur after
1992, May 2004, Meneghetti et al. 2006, Carmona et al. flowering (Coombe 1976). Cell division stops in the
2008). This consensus view holds that inflorescence pri- mesocarp within a month after anthesis but may continue
mordia produce branch meristems before the buds enter in the skin for another 2 to 3 weeks, before seeded berries
dormancy. When the buds begin to swell in early spring enter a lag phase of slow or no growth (Nakagawa and
these branch meristems are reactivated to produce groups Nanjo 1965, Harris et al. 1968, Considine and Knox
of three to four flower meristems. This flower initiation 1981). The duration of this lag phase varies by cultivar,
ostensibly ceases around the time of budburst and is fol- suggesting that it is genetically determined, and is impor-
lowed by the development of floral organs (flower differ- tant in establishing the time of fruit maturity. Despite a
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58 Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, 56–69, 2010

roughly tenfold decrease in mesocarp cell turgor pressure inflorescence initiation and differentiation (Bennett et al.
during the lag phase (Thomas et al. 2008), cell expansion 2005, reviewed by Lebon et al. 2008). Both nutrient
resumes after this phase, fuelled by phloem influx and (especially nitrogen) and water deficit and excess can
sugar unloading (Keller et al. 2006), so that mesocarp limit inflorescence initiation (reviewed by Keller 2005,
cells may augment over 300-fold from anthesis to matu- Meneghetti et al. 2006). Perhaps this nutrient impact
rity (Coombe 1976). This second phase of cell expansion involves changes in canopy microclimate, although this
coincides with the beginning of ripening (veraison) and does not explain why low nutrient availability also
sugar accumulation in the berry. Seedless grape berries decreases fruitfulness. While mild water deficit may
contrast with seeded berries in that they often do not promote inflorescence initiation because of improved
display distinct growth phases; their size increases much canopy microclimate, more severe stress reduces inflores-
more ‘smoothly’, and they usually remain smaller than cence numbers.
seeded berries (Nitsch et al. 1960). The environmental and developmental causes of the
Cell division goes together with cell expansion, for high variation in flower number per inflorescence are
growth essentially occurs via cell expansion. Conse- mostly unknown. It is thought that low temperatures
quently, the size of mature berries at harvest is a function before and during budburst increase flower numbers
of the number of cell divisions before and after flowering, (Pouget 1981, Dunn and Martin 2000, Petrie and Clin-
the extent of expansion of these cells (Coombe 1976), geleffer 2005) and that rapid shoot growth in spring may
and the extent of pre-harvest shrinkage. Because the compete with flower formation (Bowen and Kliewer
early post-flowering rates of cell division and cell expan- 1990). Whether these two effects are related and whether
sion are controlled by the seeds, final berry volume they exert their influence via the supply of storage
increases as the number of seeds per berry increases reserves remains to be investigated. Nonetheless,
(Winkler and Williams 1935, Scienza et al. 1978, Gillaspy untimely loss of leaf area coupled with low carbohydrate
et al. 1993). The upper limit on mesocarp cell expansion reserve status has indeed been found to reduce the
is likely imposed by the elastic properties of the skin, number of flowers per inflorescence in the following
whose extensibility declines during grape ripening (Mat- season (Bennett et al. 2005).
thews et al. 1987). Despite their potential importance for The next step in yield formation is always one of
berry size, however, the changes in skin elasticity have lowering the yield potential, because not all flowers
received little research attention. formed on a vine will set fruit, even under the best of
Recent research showed that cell compartmentation circumstances. Adverse environmental conditions, while
in the berry remains intact throughout most of the rip- not preventing pollination, diminish fertilisation by
ening phase. Loss of membrane integrity and senescence reducing pollen viability or germination rate, which leads
in most of the pericarp apparently do not begin until a to poor fruit set (Koblet 1966, Kliewer 1977, Staudt
berry has attained its maximal weight and may be asso- 1982). Thus, similar to their impact on inflorescence ini-
ciated with subsequent berry shrinkage, at least in some tiation, both cool (<15°C) and hot temperatures (>35°C)
cultivars (Hardie et al. 1996, Krasnow et al. 2008, Til- decrease fruit set. In addition, low light is also detrimental
brook and Tyerman 2008). to fruit set, probably because it leads to carbon starvation
in the inflorescences because of their low sink priority
Yield: from potential to harvest prior to fruit set (Keller and Koblet 1994, Lebon et al.
The individual steps of the process whereby the different 2008). Lack of carbon supply is also the likely reason
components of yield cumulatively and interactively cul- early-season defoliation usually curtails fruit set (Coombe
minate in the harvestable crop yield are under genetic 1962). In extreme cases, unfavourable conditions may
control. Yet, yield formation is subject to great spatial and result in a syndrome named inflorescence necrosis or
temporal fluctuations. There is ample opportunity for early bunch-stem necrosis that is associated with abscis-
environmental variables and management practices to sion of portions of or entire inflorescences (Jackson and
alter each yield component of a given cultivar, and for Coombe 1988, Jackson 1991, Keller and Koblet 1994,
the vines to respond to and partially compensate for any Keller et al. 2001). Shoot tipping or hedging during flow-
such alterations. Warm temperatures, high irradiance, ering has been found to ameliorate adverse environmen-
and adequate water and nutrient supply are required for tal effects on fruit set by temporarily eliminating strong
the formation of the maximum number of inflorescence sinks competing for carbon supply (Coombe 1962, Koblet
primordia (Srinivasan and Mullins 1981, Meneghetti 1969). Thus, conditions that maximise fruit set are much
et al. 2006). Both cool (<20°C) and hot temperatures like those that maximise inflorescence formation, and
(>35°C) during the initiation phase favour tendril forma- berry number is most vulnerable to environmental stress
tion (Buttrose 1970, 1974), which may cause buds to be at or just before flowering.
unfruitful. Low light, whether caused by clouds or high Grapevines may compensate for differences in berry
canopy density, interferes with inflorescence formation, number per vine resulting from variations in inflores-
and this effect appears to be mediated, at least to a con- cence formation and fruit set by changing the rate of
siderable extent, by assimilate supply to the buds (But- berry growth. Consequently, final berry size tends to
trose 1974, Keller and Koblet 1995, Dry 2000, Sánchez increase with decreasing berry number, although such
and Dokoozlian 2005). Support for this argument comes compensatory berry growth ostensibly can be limited by
from the fact that severe loss of leaf area can also reduce imposing more severe water deficit after fruit set (Keller
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Keller Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development 59

et al. 2008). Moreover, at that time both low (<15°C) and changes. Any factor altering vine growth and/or physiol-
very high temperatures (>35°C) again slow down the rate ogy directly or indirectly impacts fruit composition, which
of cell division, which may limit berry size (Kliewer results in large quality variations from one year to
1977). Although heat stress also reduces cell expansion, another. Annual variations in climate, especially tem-
heat seems to restrict berry size only if it occurs before the perature (Hofäcker et al. 1976), are particularly impor-
lag phase of growth but not during the post-veraison tant for wine production, because such variations, in
expansion phase (Hale and Buttrose 1974). Because sun- addition to site, typically far outweigh any changes intro-
exposed berries are heated by the incoming radiation duced by cultural practices (reviewed by Downey et al.
(Smart and Sinclair 1976, Spayd et al. 2002), this tem- 2006) and even those arising from differences in soil
perature effect implies that in warm climates early leaf moisture (van Leeuwen et al. 2004, Pereira et al. 2006,
removal may have the potential to limit berry size. Keller et al. 2008). Intriguingly, gene expression in grape
Although grape berries, especially during the early berries has been reported to vary more among growing
stages of development, are capable of photosynthetically seasons than between pre- and post-veraison berries in
fixing small amounts of CO2 (Kriedemann 1968a, Palliotti the same season (Pilati et al. 2007).
and Cartechini 2001), they are dependent on sustained The increase in the amount and concentration of
sugar influx for development, including cell division, cell sugars, amino acids and phenolic compounds (especially
expansion, and ripening. Whereas early-season limita- anthocyanins in red grapes) and the decrease in acidity
tions in carbon supply, whether imposed by environmen- (especially malic acid), which is associated with a rise in
tal stress or by cultural practices (e.g. leaf removal or pH, during grape ripening are well known (reviewed by
deficit irrigation), may restrict berry number and size, Ollat et al. 2002, Adams 2006). The viticultural literature
they usually do not impair ripening. In contrast, if limi- also abounds with reports describing environmental
tations occur after the lag phase of berry growth, they effects and impacts of vineyard management practices on
evidently do impact fruit ripening. Although the influ- grape soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH and, often,
ence of irrigation and nutrition strategies on yield for- colour. For the most part, the information provided in the
mation was recently reviewed (Keller 2005), new extensive review by Jackson and Lombard (1993) still
information has since become available that is particu- applies today. The accumulation and alterations in skin
larly relevant for late-season (pre-harvest) irrigation, and seed tannins are less well understood, although it is
especially with respect to the extended ripening (‘hang now clear that biosynthesis occurs mostly, perhaps even
time’) that is currently in demand by many wineries. The exclusively, during the early stages of berry development,
practice of letting grapes hang on the vines beyond their while the ripening phase is characterised by polymerisa-
physiological sugar maximum of about 24–25°Brix is tion reactions and other alterations to existing tannin
often associated with yield losses to the growers in the units (reviewed by Adams 2006, Downey et al. 2006). Yet
order of 10–20% owing to water loss from the berries. it is far from clear why tannin extractability during wine-
Recent findings suggest that it may be possible to mitigate making ranges from about 25 to 75%, why 20–50% of
such losses by increasing the frequency, and perhaps the this tannin is derived from the seeds (Cerpa-Calderón and
amount, of irrigation water supply after veraison (Keller Kennedy 2008), and why the tannin concentration in red
et al. 2006). The strategy needs to be tested under field wines of the same cultivar varies over two orders of
conditions to ensure it does not stimulate shoot regrowth magnitude (Harbertson et al. 2008). Moreover, though
and compromise grape composition and therefore wine progress is being made, the influence of environmental
quality. factors and cultural practices on tannin accumulation,
It is clear, then, that vineyard management tools (e.g. polymerisation and extractability remains largely
canopy management, irrigation, nutrition) are available unknown (reviewed by Downey et al. 2006). The gaps in
to manipulate individual yield components in order to our knowledge are considerably wider still with respect to
optimise yield (Dry 2000, Keller 2005). The combination, flavour and aroma components. Nonetheless, real or pur-
timing and extent of such cultural practices need to be ported (and supposedly beneficial) changes in both
fine-tuned to maximise quality depending on the tannin composition and flavour volatiles during the later
intended end-use of the grapes, adapted to match specific stages of ripening form the basis for the current ‘hang-
clone/cultivar/rootstock/site combinations, and modified time’ trend (Wilson et al. 1984, Fang and Qian 2006).
depending on short-term variations in weather condi- Adequate, but not excessive, exposure of grapes to
tions and long-term changes in climate. sunlight has long been known to be beneficial for wine
quality, especially red wine quality (Jackson and Lombard
Fruit composition 1993). But it is often unclear if the advantageous effects of
Uniform grape composition is usually regarded as desir- sun exposure arise from higher light or from higher tem-
able for wine making as well as for table grape and raisin perature, which are both consequences of solar radiation.
production. Composition changes continuously during Depending on trellis and training system and vine vigour,
berry development and ripening, and the associated light in the bunch zone can range from less than 1% of
metabolic pathways are under genetic control. As in the ambient (e.g. single-curtain ‘sprawl’ trellis) to about 10%
case of yield formation, however, environmental factors (e.g. vertically shoot-positioned systems) and over 30%
and cultural practices, and their interaction with the (e.g. double-curtain systems) (Dokoozlian and Kliewer
genotype of the cultivar, can alter the magnitude of these 1995a,b). At the same time, sun-exposure has been found
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60 Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, 56–69, 2010

to elevate berry surface temperatures by as much as 17°C comparatively lower climate variability making for con-
above ambient temperatures, while shaded berries are sistency in vintage quality. It is important to recognise,
usually close to ambient (Smart and Sinclair 1976, Spayd however, that high variation around a particular average
et al. 2002, Tarara et al. 2008). It seems that severe climatic index for a given region may be caused not only
canopy shade downregulates gene expression in the by wide fluctuations from year to year, but could also
anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway (Jeong et al. 2004, arise from a general trend of gradually more (or less)
Koyama and Goto-Yamamoto 2008), but at photon fluxes favourable climatic conditions. The analysis by Jones
>100 mmol/m2/s on the berries temperature becomes the et al. (2005) showed that many of the world’s wine
overriding variable in anthocyanin synthesis (Spayd et al. regions are currently at or near their ideal climate for
2002, Downey et al. 2006, Tarara et al. 2008). Light expo- their respective grape cultivars and wine styles. Although
sure also promotes pre-veraison tannin formation in the the best wines in many regions have traditionally been
skin and increases post-veraison tannin polymerisation, produced in the warmest years (e.g. Jones and Davis
but ostensibly decreases tannin extractability (Cortell and 2000), the projected increases in average temperature
Kennedy 2006, Koyama and Goto-Yamamoto 2008). and climate variability over the coming decades may
Moreover, direct sunlight, possibly via elevated ultravio- threaten some regions’ competitive advantage.
let (UV) radiation, enhances both pre-veraison accumu- Grape growing regions are often classified into
lation of carotenoids and their post-veraison degradation so-called ‘Winkler regions’ according to heat summation
to aroma-active norisoprenoids (Razungles et al. 1998, measured in cumulative growing degree days (GDD), a
Schultz 2000, Baumes et al. 2002, Düring and Davtyan scheme originally proposed by Amerine and Winkler
2002), but little is known about the influence of light on (1944). This method sums up the mean daily tempera-
other aroma volatiles. tures above a threshold typically set at 10°C over a
Pre-veraison malic acid biosynthesis is fastest at 7-month ‘standard’ growing season (April–October in the
20–25°C, whereas post-veraison malate degradation con- northern hemisphere and October–April in the southern
tinues to accelerate up to a maximum of ~50°C (Lakso hemisphere). Winkler regions are grouped into five cat-
and Kliewer 1975). The optimum berry temperature for egories: I (<1389 GDD), II (1389–1667 GDD), III (1668–
anthocyanin synthesis is around 30°C, but above 35°C 1944 GDD), IV (1945–2222 GDD), and V (>2222 GDD).
anthocyanins stop accumulating (Spayd et al. 2002) or Each 1°C increment in mean temperature adds 214 GDD
may even be degraded (Mori et al. 2007). In addition, to the standard growing season. Therefore, if one assumes
high temperature apparently favours formation of an average increase from the present of 1.5°C by 2020,
malvidin-based anthocyanins over that of other pig- cumulative heat units would increase by 321 GDD. A
ments, which leads to shifts in the anthocyanin profile 2.5°C increase by 2050 would add 535 GDD to the
(Ortega-Regules et al. 2006, Tarara et al. 2008), an effect current heat units. This simple estimate shows that the
that has also been observed in response to low light projected rise in temperature associated with global
(Keller and Hrazdina 1998). Similarly, in addition to climate change (IPCC 2007) will likely shift several of the
stimulating anthocyanin pathway gene expression and world’s growing regions into the next higher Winkler
enzyme activity, an effect that may be mediated by absci- region by 2020, and that this shift will affect most regions
sic acid (ABA), water deficit may also induce shifts in the by 2050. In addition, the predicted increase in spring and
anthocyanin profile by favouring accumulation of autumn temperatures will also lead to longer actual (as
malvidin- and petunidin-based anthocyanins (Jeong opposed to standard) growing seasons, which are deter-
et al. 2004, Castellarin et al. 2007a,b) Lower tempera- mined by the frost-free period (days between the last
tures, it seems, promote pre-veraison methoxypyrazine spring and first autumn frosts). Longer frost-free seasons
accumulation and slow down post-veraison degradation and higher summer temperatures combined with drier
(Lacey et al. 1991, Roujou de Boubée et al. 2000). Noriso- conditions are furthermore associated with an increase in
prenoids such as b-damascenone or b-ionone, which the frequency of wildfires (Overpeck et al. 1990, Wester-
contribute to floral and fruity attributes in wine ling et al. 2006, IPCC 2007).
(Winterhalter and Schreier 1994), appear to be relatively On top of the rise in average temperatures and an
insensitive to temperature, though they may be masked associated increase in cumulative heat units and growing-
by methoxypyrazines under cool conditions. Nonethe- season length, shifts will also occur in the number and
less, the influence of temperature on most aroma and extent of extreme weather events (IPCC 2007). This con-
flavour compounds is not well understood, leaving plenty clusion follows directly from the statistical normal dis-
of work for future graduate students. tribution of temperature data around a mean (cf. Cahill
and Field 2008). As the mean shifts upward, so will the
Impending challenge: climate change extremes (i.e. outliers) on either end of the curve. There-
To state that grape and wine production is highly sensitive fore, although winter killing freezes and spring and
to climate variability is almost a platitude. After all, this autumn frosts will still occur in cool regions beyond 2050,
sensitivity is the source of considerable variation in they are likely to become less frequent and less severe. At
vintage quality which, in turn, forms a key basis for the the other end of the spectrum, however, summer heat
existence of an entire ‘industry’ of wine judges, consumer waves will probably increase in both frequency and sever-
magazines and related services. One competitive advan- ity. An analysis for Victoria, Australia, shows that the
tage of a particular wine region over another would be a probability of a run of five consecutive days over 35°C
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Keller Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development 61

doubles for a 1°C warming and increases five-fold for a photosynthesis while decreasing stomatal conductance
3°C warming (Hennessy and Pittock 1995). (Schultz 2000, Düring 2003, Tognetti et al. 2005,
In addition to the predicted temperature rise, the Ainsworth and Rogers 2007). Models as well as empirical
atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]), which is cur- observations suggest that the simultaneous increase in
rently ~380 ppm, is projected to reach up to 600 ppm by temperature and [CO2] has synergistic effects on photo-
the end of the 21st century, which is expected to accel- synthesis (Sage and Kubien 2007). All other plant pro-
erate the warming trend (IPCC 2007). It should be borne cesses affected by elevated [CO2] are thought to be
in mind, however, that these are conservative estimates, consequences of these two basic responses (Long et al.
reached by both scientific and political consensus. The 2004). This suggests that higher [CO2] will likely increase
disturbing trend to date has been that each time models not only vine productivity, but also water-use efficiency.
have been refined or supported by more accurate mea- Therefore, grapes grown in arid regions are expected to
surements, the projections for both temperature and benefit from rising [CO2] (Schultz 2000). In most agricul-
[CO2] were corrected upward, never downward. Precipi- tural systems, including vineyards in cool, humid regions,
tation patterns are set to change, too. Rising temperatures this gain would likely be offset by increased growth (and
will lead to greater proportions of winter precipitation to hence greater leaf area and yield) under rising [CO2] and
fall as rain instead of snow, and the average snowlines temperature. But this may not be the case for wine grapes
will move to higher elevations. Consequently, rivers in dry regions, where shoot growth is controlled by regu-
whose flow depends on snow melt will experience a shift lated deficit irrigation (RDI), and crop load is often
in peak flow rates from late spring/early summer to late adjusted by bunch thinning (e.g. Dry et al. 2001, Keller
winter/early spring, with diminished flow rates during et al. 2005, 2008). Assuming that the industry targets for
summer (e.g. Mastin 2008). While such shifts in river shoot growth and crop load will not change in the future,
flow are expected to increase the risk of flooding in early the high [CO2] scenario may thus result in savings of
spring, there will be less water available during the critical irrigation water – unless those savings are offset by higher
irrigation season. Added to the earlier snow melt is the evaporation rates. In fact, the expected increase in evapo-
prediction that precipitation will increase less than evapo- transpiration and the associated decline of soil moisture
ration, so that droughts will increase substantially in (Manabe et al. 2004) might facilitate the implementation
regions and seasons that are already relatively dry of RDI to control shoot growth. The same may not be true
(Manabe et al. 2004). Thus, the reduced river flows in for table, raisin and juice grapes, as growers are likely to
summer in dry regions are compounded by drier soils and increase yields when the opportunity arises. The addi-
higher evaporation from irrigated farmlands, which will tional sinks on these vines may be able to utilise the extra
greatly increase the demand, and therefore the competi- carbon assimilated in a higher temperature and [CO2]
tion, for water. Furthermore, the greater increase in environment, enabling growers to ripen a larger crop.
evaporation than precipitation can also be expected to Nevertheless, Californian table grapes are currently grown
accelerate salinisation in dry (and drying) regions. near their temperature optimum (Lobell et al. 2006).
Because of the limitations on crop load often imposed
Consequences: phenology, growth and by the makers of law (Old World) or wine (New World),
yield formation wine grapes could either downregulate photosynthesis
The annual succession of phenological stages of grape- (via feedback inhibition because of sugar accumulation in
vines is commonly observed to be accelerated with a rise the leaves) or export and store excess carbon as starch in
in temperature (Alleweldt et al. 1984, Jones and Davis the perennial structure of the vine. This might be benefi-
2000, Chuine et al. 2004, Duchêne and Schneider 2005, cial for cold hardiness but could also stimulate vegetative
Wolfe et al. 2005, Webb et al. 2007). Such observations growth and yield formation because of a cumulative effect
show a consistent trend towards earlier flowering, verai- over consecutive seasons arising from the higher avail-
son and harvest. The timing of veraison may be of par- ability of reserve carbohydrates for spring growth (Holza-
ticular importance, because earlier veraison implies that pfel et al. 2006). More vegetative growth would then
the critical ripening period shifts towards the hotter part have to be dealt with via more intensive canopy manage-
of the season. This has already been described for Alsace, ment practices, such as hedging. However, the generally
France, where the period between budburst and harvest low supply of nitrogen fertiliser in wine grape production
has become shorter, and ripening is occurring under may mitigate against this problem by imposing a sink
increasingly warm conditions (Duchêne and Schneider limitation. Nitrogen, rather than carbohydrate, reserves
2005). Model calculations performed for Australian wine have been found to determine both spring vegetative
regions also project a forward shift in harvest date, which growth and fruiting of young Vitis labruscana grapevines
was arbitrarily defined as grapes reaching a soluble solids (Cheng et al. 2004).
content of 20°Brix (Webb et al. 2007). Although heat effects will certainly be important in a
The optimum temperature for grapevine leaf photo- warmer world with higher [CO2], the influence of climate
synthesis is thought to be around 25–28°C (Kriedemann change will be more important at the lower limits of
1968b). Higher growth temperatures shift this tempera- temperature, because current and predicted temperature
ture optimum upward (Schultz 2000), although the upper increases are higher at night, at higher latitudes, and in the
limit of this adaptation has not been established. In addi- winter (IPCC 2007). This will prolong the growing season
tion, a rise in [CO2] is thought to increase light-saturated and might decrease the risks of cold injury and the need for
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62 Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, 56–69, 2010

frost protection in cool regions. Whereas a longer growing low-acid grape juice requires addition of tartaric acid for
season because of earlier spring warming (i.e. earlier bud- processing to enhance microbial stability and mouthfeel.
burst) and/or later autumn cooling (i.e. later leaf fall) may White wines such as Riesling, which are preferred with
be expected to improve vine storage reserve status and relatively high acidity and commonly do not undergo
cold hardiness, such positive outcomes will only occur if malolactic fermentation, may suffer from too low a con-
the warming trend does not compromise cold acclimation centration of malate. A titratable acidity of 6.5–8.5 g/L is
in autumn, cold hardiness in winter, and deacclimation in considered optimal for the production of well-balanced
spring (cf. Schnabel and Wample 1987, Fennell 2004). A wines (Conde et al. 2007). High temperatures may impact
recent field trial, however, found that a 2.2°C higher red wine quality, because (daytime) temperature, rather
running mean temperature during the cold acclimation than light, appears to be the main driver of anthocyanin
phase in one year than in another was reflected in less accumulation (Spayd et al. 2002, Tarara et al. 2008).
cold-hardy grapevine buds and canes in the winter follow- Because the total amount and relative proportion of
ing the warmer autumn (Keller et al. 2008). Moreover, if anthocyanins ultimately determine the colour potential
budburst occurs earlier, then the risk for spring frost of red wines, heat waves during the ripening phase tend
damage may not be reduced or may even increase, if the to be detrimental to wine colour. Whereas warmer
warming trend were associated with a higher frequency of growing seasons may be associated with higher amino
cloudless nights in spring. The net effect of these differing acid concentrations (Pereira et al. 2006), there is some
trends might be close to zero, which would mean that we preliminary evidence to suggest that the opposite may be
may not expect to see any change in winter injury because true for vitamins necessary for yeast metabolism during
of a warming climate. At the other end of the spectrum, fermentation (Hagen et al. 2008). Although the net
warmer winters may cause heightened problems with impact of changing amino acid and vitamin concentra-
irregular budburst in warm regions because of reduced tions is currently unknown, it may be speculated that
winter chilling, which is of particular concern to the table high temperatures during grape ripening may be associ-
grape and raisin industries (Antcliff and May 1961, ated with a greater risk of incomplete fermentations. On
Kliewer and Soleimani 1972, Lavee and May 1997, Dok- the other hand, a rise in average growing-season tem-
oozlian 1999, Webb et al. 2007). peratures should result in a lower incidence of wines with
Despite the apparent upper temperature limit of ‘veggie’, ‘herbaceous’ notes, because warmer tempera-
~35°C for maximum yield formation discussed previ- tures depress methoxypyrazine accumulation and
ously, higher wine grape yields have been predicted enhance their degradation (Lacey et al. 1991).
under warmer conditions in Australia (Webb et al. 2006). Because ripening grape berries are designed to mini-
In contrast, Lobell et al. (2006) found that yields of Cali- mise transpirational water loss (Radler 1965, Possingham
fornian wine grapes are likely to change very little by the et al. 1967, Blanke et al. 1999, Rogiers et al. 2004), they
end of this century, whereas a declining trend was esti- cannot take advantage of the evaporative cooling mecha-
mated for table grapes. However, this group modelled nism that protects leaves from overheating. Thus, while
only the influence of temperature (projected to increase high temperatures tend to accelerate grape ripening, too
by 0.2–0.5°C per decade) and precipitation (projected to much heat can inhibit or even denature berry proteins,
have a minor effect because of irrigation), ignoring the and may lead to symptoms of sunburn. On balance, it
effect of CO2. It is possible that the predicted increase in seems reasonable to predict that the quality of red grapes
atmospheric [CO2] and its positive effect on yield (Bindi (especially of late ripening cultivars such as Cabernet
et al. 2001) might cancel out or reverse any negative Sauvignon) in cooler regions stands to benefit from the
trend because of temperature alone. On the other hand, a projected warming trend of 1–2°C by 2020 and of 2–3°C
study modelling the combined effects of predicted by 2050, whereas the opposite may be true for warmer
changes in temperature, solar radiation and CO2, found regions and for many white grapes (cf. Webb et al.
that the inter-annual variation of V. vinifera yield is likely 2008a,b). On the other hand, with ripening occurring at
to increase (Bindi et al. 1996). warmer temperatures, there may be an increased need for
irrigation to prevent shrinkage of grape berries through
Consequences: fruit ripening and quality water loss.
In Bordeaux, France, a forward shift in the time of verai- A heightened risk of wildfires (Overpeck et al. 1990)
son has been correlated with elevated fruit sugar and threatens not only established vineyards and winery
lower acid concentrations, and generally better wine facilities (and other human developments), but may also
quality (Jones and Davis 2000). While accumulation of influence grape and wine quality. Exposure of grapes to
organic acids and tannins in grapes occurs mostly during smoke from wildfires may lead to smoke taint, imparting
the warmest part of the year (i.e. pre-veraison), the an off-odour to wine, which is already a concern in Aus-
ripening-related accumulation of sugars, anthocyanins, tralia (Kennison et al. 2008) and could also become a
and most flavour and aroma compounds, and degrada- problem in other dry regions around the world.
tion of malic acid and methoxypyrazines typically coin-
cides with the gradual cooling trend towards the end of Challenges and opportunities:
the growing season. Owing to their effects on fruit com- mitigating cultural practices
position discussed previously, high temperatures tend to A recent report raised concerns that the projected
make the winemaking process more expensive, because increase in the frequency of hot (>35°C) summer days
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Keller Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development 63

might compromise and eventually eliminate wine grape ing shoots vertically upward toward ‘sprawl’ systems
production in warm areas of the USA, with production without shoot positioning). Sprawl systems are cheaper
partly shifting to cooler areas (White et al. 2006). This to construct: often, only one wire is required to support
fear seems tenuous, given the stunning success of the the permanent cordon, sometimes with the addition of
Australian wine industry over the past 20 years. Yields of one pair of ‘foliage’ wires to prevent excessive wind
both red and white V. vinifera cultivars have increased damage, which contrasts with the multiple wires neces-
there significantly during the last two decades of the 20th sary for vertical shoot-positioning systems. In addition,
century and have since levelled off in both warm and hot changes in cultural practices may include less shoot posi-
regions (Dry and Coombe 2004), while the total vineyard tioning and less leaf removal in the fruit zone, which
area for wine grapes has almost tripled. Nonetheless, would also reduce labour costs. Other practices may
Webb et al. (2008b) reported significant negative correla- include the use of cover crops or resident vegetation to
tions between grape prices and mean summer tempera- improve the canopy microclimate through their cooling
tures across Australian wine regions. For comparison, effect (Nazrala 2007), or installation of undervine or over-
average prices for Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from head sprinkler systems for evaporative canopy cooling.
California’s Napa Valley exceeded $4100/ton in 2006, Both of these approaches would also tend to reduce soil
while those from the Central Valley sold for ~$260/ton; temperature and limit daily thermal amplitudes in the
the latter region having a 2.7°C higher mean annual root zone (Pradel and Pieri 2000). However, such prac-
temperature than the former (Cahill and Field 2008). tices will not only increase overall vineyard water use but
Although the potential decline in prices may be partly, also make grape production more expensive (Tesic et al.
but by no means completely, compensated by possible 2007, Celette et al. 2009). Maintaining a green cover crop
increases in yield, these findings are important because, throughout the growing season in dry regions typically
as discussed previously, by the middle of the 21st century requires installation of additional irrigation hardware,
the projected warming trend will shift many warm such as micro-sprinklers. Moreover, cover crops compete
regions closer to climatic conditions currently experi- with grapevines for water and nutrients, especially in
enced in hot regions. warm/dry regions, so that vineyard fertiliser require-
Although hot extremes and heat waves are set to ments may increase if vine productivity is to be main-
become more frequent over the course of this century tained (Keller et al. 2001, Keller 2005, Tesic et al. 2007,
(IPCC 2007), the most imminent challenges facing the Celette et al. 2009). Such mitigating practices notwith-
wine, table grape and raisin industries in arid and semi- standing, excessive sunburn might lead to susceptible cul-
arid regions are probably not heat waves per se, but tivars becoming unsuitable for planting in warmer
increasing drought and salinity because of higher evapo- regions, especially those that also experience high solar
ration coupled with declining water availability (Schultz radiation during the growing season.
2000, Stevens and Walker 2002). Rising salinisation of A relatively simple strategy for wine grape growers to
soils could pose a serious threat to grape growing, because delay fruit maturation such that it occurs during the cooler
most irrigated vineyards, especially deficit-irrigated vine- end of the season would be to markedly increase the crop
yards, are at risk from salinisation owing to dissolved salts load carried by the vines. In the Napa and Sonoma Valleys
in irrigation water (in contrast to rain water). Salinity of California, increasing yields have been accompanied by
limits vine growth, photosynthesis, productivity, and fruit better wine quality because of an asymmetric warming
quality (Downton and Loveys 1978, Walker et al. 1981, trend (at night and in spring) after 1950 (Nemani et al.
Downton 1985, Shani et al. 1993, Cramer et al. 2007). 2001). However, while this may be an attractive option for
Mitigation practices include abundant watering at the end growers, it is unpopular among winemakers and is often
of each season to leach salts down the soil profile (pro- forbidden by law in Europe. Moreover, larger crops would
vided fresh water is available), application of straw or tend to offset gains in irrigation water savings arising from
other mulch to limit evaporation, and less soil tilling to better water-use efficiency.
conserve soil structure. In addition, some rootstocks In many areas, the consequences for wine grape pro-
derived from American Vitis species (e.g. Ramsey, 1103 duction of the projected decline in irrigation water avail-
Paulsen, Ruggeri 140, 101–14) are relatively tolerant of ability may be relatively minor owing to their already low
saline conditions (Downton 1985, Stevens and Walker water use met by drip irrigation, usually combined with
2002). However, this tolerance may decrease with pro- deficit irrigation strategies (Dry et al. 2001, Kriedemann
longed salt exposure. and Goodwin 2003, Keller 2005). In the early 2000s,
Sun-exposed grape berries are often subject to ultra-premium-quality Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were
sunburn and subsequent shrivelling as a consequence of grown in eastern Washington, USA, with an annual
overheating and excess UV and/or visible light. The pro- water supply from both rainfall and drip irrigation of as
jected increase in the frequency of hot summer days will little as 308 mm (Keller et al. 2008). This contrasts with
undoubtedly exacerbate this problem, especially on the table, raisin and juice grapes, whose larger canopies and
afternoon side of canopies (Spayd et al. 2002). This may heavier crops require substantially more water. For
require adaptations in row direction (e.g. away from the example, well-watered Concord grapes may use as much
prevailing north-south orientation) and alterations in as three times more water than deficit-irrigated red wine
trellis design and training systems (e.g. away from the grapes (Tarara and Ferguson 2006). Moreover, many
relatively common current practice of manually position- non-wine-grape growers still supply water by flood,
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64 Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, 56–69, 2010

furrow or overhead-sprinkler irrigation, methods that are innovative experiments that manipulate temperature
inherently far less water-efficient than is drip irrigation. and/or light in the field.
For the most part, these vineyards will have to be con- The expected increase in climate variation (IPCC
verted to drip irrigation to conserve water. Although this 2007) flies in the face of growers’ attempts to minimise
will put an additional short-term financial burden on spatial and annual variation in grape yield and quality.
growers, there may be savings in the longer term, because This is a concern, for a recent analysis with Cabernet
labour costs for operation and maintenance tend to be Sauvignon wines from California’s Napa Valley found
lower with drip irrigation. that wine prices were closely related to seasonal weather
Because grape cultivars differ in their suitability for between 1970 and 2004 (Ramirez 2009). Studies aimed at
and adaptability to different climates, shifts in the cultivar understanding the consequences of climatic change and
profile of different regions, and possibly the emergence of variability are crucial for the many regional wine indus-
hitherto unsuitable lesser-known or even novel cultivars, tries to remain competitive. The only free air CO2 enrich-
can be expected over the coming decades. A shift of grape ment study conducted with grapevines thus far (Bindi
production to cooler regions of the world, i.e. towards et al. 2001, 2005, Tognetti et al. 2005) found increases of
higher latitudes and altitudes, is another likely scenario as 40–50% in both vegetative and reproductive biomass
a result of global warming (cf. Schultz 2000). However, with little change in fruit and wine composition. The
such shifts imply that some vineyards located in the authors concluded that rising atmospheric [CO2] may
warmest and/or driest regions may be abandoned, which strongly stimulate vine growth and productivity while
has implications for the quality of life in rural areas. not affecting fruit and wine quality. One might add that
Moreover, vineyard development in novel areas is depen- ‘no effect’ also implies that there may not be any benefi-
dent on the availability of affordable land, irrigation water cial effects on wine quality. Yet it is puzzling that to date
and labour force. It will also require substantial invest- not a single study has investigated the interactive effects
ments in infrastructure and vineyard establishment. With on grapevines of the predicted simultaneous rise in tem-
the typical life of a vineyard exceeding 30 years, decisions perature and atmospheric [CO2]. In spite of the obvious
on cultivars, clones, rootstocks, and vineyard sites will importance for the global wine industry, we do not know
have to be made on a long-term basis. Moreover, vine- how rising [CO2] influences the widely studied effects
yards that are planted now will experience an essentially (see previous discussion) of temperature variation and
new climate 20 years from now (Cahill and Field 2008), water supply on vine growth, phenology, yield formation,
making such decisions challenging. An additional issue fruit ripening and composition and, ultimately, wine
that has to be taken into account is harvest logistics: quality. Such studies, conducted over long periods (mul-
because grapes ripen more rapidly in warmer climates, tiple years), are critical to enable development of future
the ‘harvest window’ tends to be more compressed, so mitigation strategies and to test cultivar suitability in a
that grape intake to accommodate ‘optimum’ maturity for changing climate. Growers will require knowledge to
different cultivars may pose scheduling, labour and capac- choose from among alternative options to prepare for
ity problems for growers and wineries alike. warmer growing seasons with less water and, in some
areas, increasingly saline soils.
One option is the choice of better-adapted planting
Opportunities and priorities: future research material, but this requires a coordinated approach to
From the above-mentioned overview of published infor- evaluating alternative cultivars, clones, and rootstocks in
mation, one may conclude that grapevine reproductive a range of climates. With the roughly 500 million bases of
development has an optimum temperature range from the V. vinifera genome now sequenced (Jaillon et al. 2007,
about 20 to 30°C, with temperatures below 15°C and Velasco et al. 2007) and progress in genomics adding to
above 35°C leading to marked reductions in yield forma- our understanding of the function of important genes
tion and fruit ripening. But this conclusion has an impor- (e.g. Terrier et al. 2005, Cramer et al. 2007, Deluc et al.
tant caveat: it is not clear whether this temperature range 2007, Pilati et al. 2007), the new tools of the ‘-omics age’
applies to ambient or to tissue temperatures. Most studies (functional genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc.)
attempting to uncover temperature effects were con- will need to be put to use to investigate in more detail the
ducted indoors, often in growth chambers, where tissue developmental and environmental regulation of yield for-
temperatures typically equal ‘room’ temperatures. In mation, fruit development and ripening. They will also
contrast, plant tissues exposed to sunlight normally are need to be integrated with more general grape physiology
heated above ambient by solar radiation but fall below and viticulture research. And perhaps it is time to begin
ambient at night. One elegant study conducted with field- developing genetically modified cultivars that will be able
grown vines avoided this pitfall by heating the measured not only to cope with warmer temperature, higher [CO2]
berry-skin temperature of shaded bunches to the berry- and less water of higher salinity, but will also produce
skin temperature of sun-exposed bunches and cooling high-quality fruit under such conditions. Alas, we con-
exposed bunches to the temperature of shaded bunches, tinue to have a poor understanding of the concept of fruit
thereby also separating the potential effects of tempera- and wine quality. Professional judges do not agree or do
ture from those of light (Spayd et al. 2002, Tarara et al. not consistently recognise wine quality (Hodgson 2008),
2008). Without trying to diminish the value of growth- and there is no consensus on what constitutes quality-
chamber studies, it is probably fair to ask for more such relevant or quality-impact compounds in grapes. The
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Keller Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development 65

identification and definition of such key components is Alleweldt, G. (1966) Die Differenzierung der Blütenorgane der
critical for better vineyard management and harvest Rebe. Wein-Wissenschaft 21, 393–402.
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Physiology and Biotechnology in Adelaide, Australia. I Candolfi-Vasconcelos, M.C. and Koblet, W. (1990) Yield, fruit
thank the conference organisers for the invitation and quality, bud fertility and starch reserves of the wood as a function
of leaf removal in Vitis vinifera – Evidence of compensation and
travel funding. Work for this review was partly funded by stress recovering. Vitis 29, 199–221.
the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group. Carmona, M.J., Chaïb, J., Martínez-Zapater, J.M. and Thomas,
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66 Managing grapevines to optimise fruit development Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, 56–69, 2010

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© 2009 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

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