Word 2016

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General Objectives

In this Session, you will learn about the Clipboard

group, Font group and Paragraph group of Home Tab.

Specific Objectives

At the end of this Session, you should be able to understand

and Practice:

• The Home Tab

• Clipboard Group
• Font Group
• Paragraph Group

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Module Three : Word Processing (MS Word 2016)



Y ou learnt about the File Tab in the previous session. The next tab after it in Word
2016 is the Home Tab. Home tab is generally used to format the documents.
You can use effects like Bold, Italic, Underline, Size of Text, Alignment of Text,
Quick Styles and Formatting of whole paragraph, etc. You can also use it to find and
replace words or phrases in the document.


The Home Tab commands are divided into five groups.

A Clipboard: This group contains the main editing commands such as Cut,
Copy and Paste.
B Font: This group commands enable you to modify and enhance the
appearance of your text.
C Paragraph: This group commands enable you to format complete
D Styles: This group commands enable you to apply pre-defined formatting
E Editing: This group commands help you to find and replace text as well
as select text or objects.

The First group in Home tab is the Clipboard group, which enables you to access and
use contents of the Office Clipboard.
A clipboard is a temporary storage area where text or other data, which has been
cut or copied from a file, is stored.
There are four commands in the Clipboard: Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter.

The Copy command stores a copy of
the selection on the Clipboard so you
can paste it somewhere else.
To copy the text, follow the steps 1
given below:

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1 Select the text you want to copy.

2 Click Copy from clipboard group or press CTRL + C.
3 Place the cursor to the position you want to paste and
click Paste command or press CTRL + V.
The Cut command removes the selection
and stores it on the Clipboard so you can
paste it somewhere else.
To Cut (or Move) the text, follow the steps
given below:
1 Select the text you want to cut.
2 Click Cut from clipboard group or press CTRL + X.
3 Place the cursor to the position you want to paste and
click Paste command from Clipboard group or press 2

The Paste command is used to add content from the Clipboard to your
To paste the contents of the clipboard to the current cursor position, click the
Paste from the Clipboard group or use the shortcut Ctrl + V.

The Paste command provides you with different paste
options, such as to paste the text with the source format
or to match the destination format. To display the Paste
options, click on the arrow below the Paste command.
A Keep Source Formatting: Preserves the style of the
original text. A
B Merge Formatting: Changes the formatting so that it
matches the text that surrounds it. C
C Keep Text Only: Removes all the original formatting B
from the text.


Moving or Copying text/object using Mouse is called Drag and Drop.
To Move the selected text, click and hold the left mouse button and drag it to
the new place.
To Copy the selected text, click and hold the left mouse button along with
CTRL key and drag it to the new place.

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Module Three : Word Processing (MS Word 2016)

Do you like the look of a particular selection? You can apply that look to other
content in the document. The Format Painter command is used to copy the
formatting applied to a section of text to another section of text.
To apply the formatting style of the selected text,

1 From the Clipboard group, click Format Painter.

Your mouse pointer changes to a paint brush. Now 1
drag it over the text to which you wish to apply the


If you wish to apply the selected formatting at multiple places, double-click the Format Painter
command. You can then drag over multiple areas. Press Escape Key when done.

The Clipboard pane is used to see all the items you have
cut or copied to the Clipboard. 1
To open the clipboard pane, follow the steps given below:
1 Click the Home tab
2 In the Clipboard group, click the Dialog Box Launcher
to display the Clipboard pane.
3 Here you can see all items that you have copied or
cut. Click any item to insert it individually. A B
A Paste All: This button is used to insert the complete
content from the clipboard. 3
B Clear All: This button is used to clear all the content
from the clipboard.

The next group of Home tab after Clipboard is Font. This group consists of
commands that enable you to modify and enhance the appearance of your text.

A Font is a graphical design (typeface) having particular size, weight, and style
for a set of characters. The Font box is used to change the font of selected
text. It lets you pick a new font for your text.
To change the Font of the selected text, follow the steps given below:

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1 Click the arrow to the right of the 1

Font box.
2 Select the desired font from avail- 2
able fonts.

The new font is applied to the selected


The Font Size box is used to change the size of selected text.
To Change the size of the selected text, 1
follow the steps given below:
1 Click the arrow to the right of the 2
Font Size box.
2 Select the desired font size from
the font size list.


Word 2016 also gives you the following two options to change the font size.

A The Increase Font Size icon is used A B

to make your text a bit bigger.
B The Decrease Font Size icon is used
to make your text a bit smaller.

The Font Color command is used to
change the color of text. Using different
colors makes text more attractive. 1

To change the Font color of the selected

text, follow the steps given below:
1 Click on the arrow to the right of
the Font Color command. 2
2 Select the desired color.


Word 2016 permits you to apply the following text styles to your document:
A The Bold command is used to make text appear thicker.
B The Italic command is used to make the selected text slant to the right.

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Module Three : Word Processing (MS Word 2016)

C The Underline command is used to

draw a line below text. On clicking B
the small arrow besides underline A C
icon, more underline options are
available like Double Underline, Thick
Underline, etc.
To apply the bold effect to the selected 2
text, follow the steps given below:
1 Select the text to which you want to
apply bold effect. 1
2 Click on Bold command in the Font group.
In the same way you can change the text to
italic (I) and underline (U).
You can also use the shortcuts Ctrl + B to Bold text, Ctrl + I to Italic text and Ctrl + U to Underline text.

Word 2016 allows you to change the capitalization of the selected text to
uppercase, lowercase, etc. The different available options are as follows:
A Sentence case - Only the first letter of
the sentence is capitalized.
B lowercase - Changes the selected text A
to small letters. B 2
C UPPERCASE – Changes the selected C
text to capital letters. D
D Capitalize Each Word – Makes the first E
letter of each word capital.
E tOGGLE cASE – Changes the capital letters to small & small to capital.
To Change Case of the text, follow the steps given below:
1 Select the text for which you want to change case.
2 Click the Change Case command of font group and select the desired case.


The Text Highlight Color command is
used to make your text pop by highlighting 1
it with a bright color.
To apply a text highlighter to the selected
text, follow the steps given below:
1 Click the Text Highlight Color command
of font group.
2 Select the color you want.

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The Text Effects and Typography command 1
is used to apply various effects to selected text.
You can add some flair to your text by applying a
text effect. Additionally, you can select Outline,
Shadow, Reflection and Glow effects from
the list. You can also change the typography 2
settings to enable a stylistic set.
To apply the text effect to the selected text,
follow the steps given below:
1 Click on the Text effect command of font
2 Select the desired effect.


Clear All Formatting command removes all
formatting from the selection, leaving only the
normal, unformatted text.
To clear all the formatting from the selected text,
1 Click on Clear All Formatting command of
font group.

The Strikethrough command is used to draw a
line through the middle of selected text so that
it indicates the text is stroked/cancelled out.
To apply the Strikethrough effect to the selected text,
1 Click on the Strikethrough command of
font group.
You can also apply Double Strikethrough from effect option available in Font dialog box.


The Subscript command is used to type letters
in very small size, just below the line of text. For
example, H2O.
Similarly, the Superscript command is used to
type letters in very small size, just above the
line of text. For example, (A+B)2.
To apply the Subscript/Superscript to the
selected text,
1 Click X2 (Subscript) or X2 (Superscript) command as desired.

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Module Three : Word Processing (MS Word 2016)


The Font dialog box is used to apply a
combination of various formatting effects. You
can customize your text using advanced font
and character options to give it the exact look
you want. You can add a variety of styles and
colors to your text, as well as visual effects, like 1
strikethrough, superscript and all caps.
To open the Font dialog box, follow the steps
given below:

1 Click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Font

group to display the Font dialog box.
2 Choose the effects as per your
requirements and click the OK button.

The shortcut to open the Font Dialog box is Ctrl + D.

In the Font group, you learnt to change the typeface and type settings of your
text. Most of the commands in the Font group deal with the individual characters.
However, in order to work with the complete paragraph, Word 2016 provides you with
the Paragraph group. The commands in this group enable you to format complete

Alignment refers to the way text is positioned
horizontally in a given paragraph.
There are four types of text Alignments:
A Align Left (Ctrl + L): This command
aligns your content with the left margin.
It is commonly used for body text and D
makes the document easier to read. A B C
B Centre (Ctrl + E): This command aligns
your content in the center. It gives documents a formal appearance and
is often used for cover pages, quotes, and sometimes headings.
C Align Right (Ctrl + R): This command aligns your content with the right
margin. It is used for small sections of content, such as text in a header or
D Justify (Ctrl + J): This command distributes your text evenly between
the margins. It gives your document clean, crisp edges so it looks more

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Indentation determines the distance of the
2 1
paragraph from either the left margin or the right
margin. Increase Indent moves your paragraph
farther away from the left margin. Decrease
Indent moves your paragraph closer to the left
1 Click on the Increase Indent command to move the paragraph towards right.
2 Click on the Decrease Indent command to move the paragraph back to
its original position.
You can also use the horizontal Ruler just below the Ribbon for Indentation.


The Line and Paragraph Spacing command enables you to choose how much
space appears between lines of text or between paragraphs.
It provides you with the following two
A Add Space Before Paragraph
B Remove Space After Paragraph 2
To change the line spacing in a 1 B
paragraph, follow the steps given below:
1 Select the lines or paragraphs
to which you want to apply the
line spacing.
2 Click on the line spacing command in paragraph group and choose the
desired line spacing from the list.
To apply the same spacing to your whole document, use the Paragraph Spacing command on the
Design tab.


Bullets and Numbering help you to create a bulleted or B
numbered list in your document. 1
A Bullets: This command allows you to create a bulleted list.
B Numbering: This command allows you to create a
numbered list.
To create a Bulleted/Numbered list for the selected text, 2
follow the steps given below:
1 Click the arrow to the right of the Bullets/Numbering
2 Select the desired format.

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Module Three : Word Processing (MS Word 2016)

This command is used to add or remove borders from your selection.
To apply a border to a paragraph, follow the steps given below:
1 Select the text for which you want 2
to apply border.
2 Click on the Borders command
of paragraph group and choose 1
desired border.
A Borders and Shading: This option
allows you to explore additional
border options, such as line color
and line width. A

Shading command is used to change the color behind the selected text,
paragraph or table cell.
To apply shading to the text, follow the 2
steps given below:
1 Select the text or line to apply shade.
2 Click on the arrow to the right 3
of the Shading command of the
paragraph group.
3 Select the desired color from the
color palette.

The Paragraph Settings dialog box is used to apply
a combination of various paragraph formatting effects.
You can fine-tune the layout of the selected paragraph,
including spacing, indentation, and more.
To open the Paragraph Settings dialog box, follow the
steps given below:
1 Click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Paragraph
2 Choose the effects as per your requirements and
click the OK button.

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Activity 1

Choose the correct option for the following statements.

1. Which operation you will perform to move the selected text from one place
to another?
a. Copy and Paste
b. Cut and Paste
c. Paste and Delete
d. Paste and Cut
2. Characters that are smaller than normal text and typed just above the line of
text is known as _________.
a. Strikethrough
b. Decrease Font Size
c. Superscript
d. Subscript
3. ________ command is used to make your text look like as if you have
highlighted it with a highlighter pen.
a. Shading
b. Font Color
c. Highlighter pen
d. Text Highlight Color
4. _______ option from the Change Case command, makes the selected text
into capital letters.
a. Lowercase
b. Sentence case
c. Uppercase
d. Capitalize each word

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Module Three : Word Processing (MS Word 2016)

Activity 2

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words provided in the


Ctrl + E Ctrl + U Underline Ctrl + D Strikethrough

1. The keyboard shortcut to Underline the selected text is ______.
2. The _______ command allows you to draw a line through the middle of
selected text.
3. The keyboard shortcut to open font dialog box is _______.
4. _________ is the shortcut key to Center Align the selected text.

Activity 3

Practice the following tasks on your computer.

1. Create a new blank document and type the text “Welcome”. Change the size
of text to “14” and apply the font “Verdana”. (Hint: You can save this file on
the desktop.)
2. Type the text “King Saud University” and apply the font styles “Bold and
Underline”, font color “Purple” and highlight the text in “Yellow” color.
3. Copy the formatting styles of the text “King Saud University” to the text
4. Insert a random sample paragraph in the document by typing “=rand()”
function and press the Enter key. Change alignment of the paragraph to
“justify” and change the line spacing to “1.5”.

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