Joyson - Thesis Final Report
Joyson - Thesis Final Report
Joyson - Thesis Final Report
submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the requirements for the
award of the degree of
Batch 2019-2020
Guided by Submitted by
Ar.Akhilesh S Jithu Joyson Joy
Certified that this Thesis report titled "TRANSIT HUB, COCHIN" is the Bonafide work of
Mr.JOYSON JOY who carried out the work in this institution during the period January 2009-
June 2009 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Karadaparamba Karadaparamba
The Thesis report entitled "TRANSIT HUB, COCHIN “submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE of the
UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT is done by me and is not submitted to any other University.
Transit hubs are the fundamental facilities to anchor the urban transit network system and
to connect various passenger transport modes. This paper makes a definition of transit
hub's connotation at first, analyzes the functions and characteristics of transit hub, and then
represents the evolution of transit hub's spatial structure. Optimal transit hub locating
strategies are designed under two basic scenarios: pre-determined transit network and
unknown transit network. Under the pre-determined transit network case, the optimal
strategy can be described as "service zoning and route classifying", while under the
unknown transit network case, the optimal strategy can be summarized as "hub hierarchy,
service zoning and route classifying".
A transit hub does not necessarily needs to be just a starting or ending point of a journey. It
can also serve as a node for the community that surrounds or resides around the hub. But
how does this happen? How to get the community involved in the process? The answers lies
in the needs and aspirations of the society. If their wants and demands can be met on an
optimum level at a place which provides them an escape from their daily schedule & also
gives them a new set of viewpoint for the environment surrounding them, then the space
will act as a node for the society & passengers. This is what has been tried to achieve.
Kochi has seen tremendous growth in the past few decades, rapid urbanization has choked
the city road network and building typology has become monotonous with less architectural
features .the transit hub will enable the smooth shift in traffic flow and create a sense of
place for the CBD.As urban centers continue to increase in size and density, mobility is
becoming a more pressing issue for a city’s residents.
The project integrates the bus terminal with both the railway ,metro stations and with other
modes of city level transits,so as to enable smooth shift between different modes of
I am extremely grateful to my parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for
educating and preparing me for my future.
Finally, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to complete the thesis
work directly or indirectly.
BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE.......................................................................................................................... II
DECLARATION........................................................................................................................................ III
TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................................... VI
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................................... X
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................XII
1.1 GENERAL..................................................................................................................................14
1.2 AIM.......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3 OBJECTIVES..............................................................................................................................15
1.4 FEASIBILITY.............................................................................................................................. 15
1.5 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................... 16
1.6 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................... 17
1.7 REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................................... 17
1.8 METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................20
2.3.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................22
2.4.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................43
2.6.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................57
2.6.3 FEATURES..................................................................................................................... 57
2.6.4 DESIGN..........................................................................................................................58
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................ 64
3.2.1 APPROACH................................................................................................................... 65
3.2.2 METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................... 66
4.1 LIVE CASE STUDY -1- CHENNAI MOFUSSIL BUS TERMINAL (CMBT) - koyambedu............... 69
4.1.2 HISTORY........................................................................................................................69
4.1.3 DESIGN..........................................................................................................................69
4.2 LIVE CASE STUCY - 2 - Maharana Pratap Inter State Bus Terminus...................................... 72
4.2.1 LOCATION.....................................................................................................................72
4.2.2 HISTORY........................................................................................................................73
4.2.4 DESIGN..........................................................................................................................73
4.3.1 MORPHOLOGY............................................................................................................. 76
4.3.2 ECOLOGY...................................................................................................................... 82
4.3.3 TRASPORTATION..........................................................................................................85
4.3.4 INFRASTRUCTUTRE...................................................................................................... 94
CHAPTER 5: DESIGN.............................................................................................................................. 98
6.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................109
6.7 INFERENCE.............................................................................................................................113
CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 3 methodology...................................................................................................................18
Figure 7 Figure 8 Bus turning Radius ,Car turning Radius,Carriage way Width........................... 36
Figure 56 The efficiency of light transmission is high compared to other materials for ETFE...112
Developing a modern transit model requires extensive future planning and development.
But, it also means ensuring that the full social, environmental and economic potential of
existing transit hubs is exploited. By looking at the leading practices among transportation
professionals and city planners, as well as missed opportunities observed at transit-hub
developments around the world, we can gain valuable insights into approaches that will
allow us to optimize transit hub designs
Transit hub is place where different modes of transit shift occurs,they provide a clear and
segregated shift between different modes of transits.transit hubs are now becoming a
fashion in most cities as they act as a gateway to the city and plays a major role in place
1.2 AIM
The aim of the project is to design a transit hub with futuristic vision at south railway station,
kochi by connecting railway,metro stations and bus terminal so as to ease pedestrian and
vehicular traffic in the region.
As the city is sprawling towards north east which is caused by special economic zone at
Kalamassery and satellite towns like Aluva and Angamaly.The population growth rate is
declining in the corporation area while increasing population growth rate in the suburban
areas around the city.the need for development of a transit hub is crucial for handling
increasing commuters from the suburbs for work in southern ernakulam as it is the central
business district of the city.
The scope of the transit hub also extend to the designing of open and semi open spaces
connecting different building blocks with roofing systems providing proper lighting and
Figure 3 methodology
The other aspects of designing the hub includes the integration of bus terminal and
railway station as one with ease of access from other modes of transits.the
characteristic of public transit in India is such that it is given less value and is prone to
vandalism.such issues can be solved by providing surveillance systems and security out
calculation, 3 groups of data were obtained, each of which determines a unique zone
of transport and transfer node, having special characteristics in radius, intensity of flow
and relative density (D, sq.m/sq.m). Calculation results in the form of boundary
characteristics of each zone are shown in figure 4.
1. Encouraging greater use of public transport and non-motorized modes by offering Central
financial assistance for this purpose.
2. Enabling the establishment of quality focused multi-modal public transport systems that
are well integrated, and provide seamless travel across modes.
2. Establishing effective regulatory and enforcement mechanisms that allow a level playing
field for all operators of transport services, and enhanced safety for the transport system
4. Building capacity (institutional and manpower) to plan for sustainable urban transport,
and establishing knowledge management system that would service the needs of all urban
transport professionals, such as planners, researchers, teachers, students etc.
The NUTP envisages a scenario wherein all city residents have access to jobs, education,
recreation, and other such needs within urban limits, in a safe, affordable, quick,
comfortable, reliable and sustainable environment. At present, lack of robust public
transport infrastructure renders Indian cities struggling to cope with increasing
mobility requirements. Numerous research and studies have documented the ill-
effects of a poor or dysfunctional public transport system and associated infrastructure.
Characteristic among these ill effects are - higher dependence on private motorized
modes, and higher congestion, pollution and accidents. These effects—which
ultimately reduce quality of life—are attributed to the lack of mobility options.
A bus terminal is the point at the start/end of a bus route, where the vehicles stop,
reverse and wait, before departing on the return journey. It also serves as a station for
passengers to board and alight. Evidently, at a bus terminal, parameters addressing
passenger and operator requirements overlap. It is the site for interchange between
large volume of bus and passenger traffic. This demands that the facilities at a bus
terminal be planned systematically and that user requirements be addressed in such
planning, or else the lack of an efficient and functional environment will lead to friction,
ultimately compromising the attractiveness of the bus system.
A review of bus terminal projects from around the world suggests that the best
practices in terminal planning and design are people centrism. Such designing—of bus
terminal infrastructure, its operation and maintenance plan—is guided by the vision of
securing a high level of quality and comfort both for passengers as well as terminal and
bus staff. If Indian cities are to follow such a passenger service quality focused
2. Providing efficient access and egress to and from the terminal, for both passengers
and buses
3. Ensuring planned and streamlined traffic circulation, and provision of amenities for
passengers, rest areas, and other facilities for bus drivers, as well as workshop and
workshop space for operators.
Thus, Indian cities require a new approach of planning and designing terminals, one
that views them as integrated in the urban realm and contributing to the quality of the
city space. Within this framework, not only shall designers and planners secure the
prerequisites of a transport infrastructure facility, but also explore its integration in the
urban fabric as a tool to catalyse its surroundings.
Terminal branding can also prove to be a crucial element, one that contributes towards
image building of the overall public bus system besides, adding to the passenger
experience. Embracing a modern approach to bus terminal infrastructure development,
this guideline is aimed to equip users with practical knowledge, the know-how critical
for developing a user friendly facility which meets the requirements of all stakeholders,
and contributes to the overall quality of a city. This information is divided into three
sections. ACCESS AND APPROACH: Traditional bus terminal facilities fail to provide
convenient access to public buses; their closed confines make access extremely
difficult for passengers. Current attempts to improve bus based public transport
access are only concerned with improvement of street infrastructure, and focused
mainly on pedestrian facilities and bus stops.Access to the terminal should be
convenient, barrier free and facilitate streamlined internal circulation. Additionally,
the ingress and egress points should be so located that they are not in conflict
with traffic circulation at the peripheral road network (Planning Department Hong
Kong 2014). One way of achieving this is by creating alternative access/egress
points by integrating multi modal facilities with the bus terminal; this can further
convenience commuters by providing access/egress choices. ENHANCED LEVEL OF SERVICE: The basic premise of the Level of Service
(LOS) framework is that passengers are sensitive to the amount of space
surrounding them. When this space is compromised by crowding, they perceive it
as a deterioration of service (Transportation Research Board 2011). LOS is an
indicator of how good the present situation in a given facility is, and helps
determine the environmental quality of a given space based on the function it is
serving. To plan for critical LOS requirements for a terminal (as listed in different
standards), one must first understand the entire journey of a passenger through
the facility. Each activity planned for the passenger/commuter needs to offer a
baseline level of service as per space standards and area allocation.
such modes helps reduce delays, and improves level of service for passengers. The
aim is to facilitate seamless transfers, in order to create the impression that the
journey is continuous (and without breaks).
The infrastructural requirements for bus terminals respond to the bus and
passenger demand within a given site. Identified infrastructural elements consume
space based on planned capacity, which when aggregated defines the site area
requirement for a proposed terminal facility. These infrastructural elements include
bus transfer, park-and-ride, drop-off, vehicular parking, and meet-and-greet areas, as PUBLIC ART: Visual space perception (mental copying of objects and events
of the outer world) helps people recognize spaces within a particular environment,
such as a bus terminal complex. It increases the imageability, cultural identity, and
social attractiveness of enclosed spaces. As such, public art installations and other
aesthetic elements in the complex are likely to contribute to its visual appeal and
overall attractiveness, and must be integrated into the terminal building’s
development. Contemporarily, ‘public art’ has also come to include various other
elements like urban furniture, lighting, multimedia, graffiti and commercial art.
Public art is by the people, and for the people, and as such should also be sourced
from them. Therefore, it is important to allocate planned spaces for such
installations, and make appropriate funding available for integration of the same.
Brief development is a critical starting point for the planning and design
exercise of a bus terminal project. The brief provides an outline of the project’s
objectives and their corresponding design strategies, thus yielding the design
solutions. The brief development stage assists the planners/designers to list all
functional and operational requirements, and any associated spatial and material
ones. First stage of the brief development exercise is to identify and classify the
terminal’s critical functional and operational characteristics. These are terminal
typology, terminal size, and classification by terminal operations.
1 Local Bus Terminal – Bus services at a local bus terminal cater to routes whose
starting and terminating points connect two different places in the same city. On
these routes, buses stop to board and offload passengers at short intervals,
usually about 0.5 km.
2 Interstate Bus Terminal (ISBT) – Starting and terminating points connect two
different states, regions/districts, or cities; long intervals between stops, usually
greater than 10kms
Terminal Size: This characteristic denotes the scale of a bus terminal, irrespective of
its hierarchy (interstate or local). Terminals are categorized under three scales based
on the bus flow per hour - Large (more than 300 buses per hour), Medium (more
than 60 up to 300) and Small (less than or equal to 60).
Fixed Route Bay Allocation1- This operations type is usually observed in medium
and large.bus terminals, and entails fixed (specific to a route) bay allocations i.e. a
particular route will be allotted its specific bay or a boarding spot, and every bus
plying on that route will always commence from there. More than one route may
be assigned to the same bay.
Dynamic Bay Allocation2- In this type of operations, buses dock at a vacant bay or
one assigned by the terminal supervisor at entry. These are not fixed to a
particular route.Such terminal operations are observed mainly at small terminals;
they can work with large bus flows only in the presence of a good passenger
information system (PIS).
Common bays – As per this allocation type, buses park at a common bay, and load,
unload and rest in idle state all at the same location. Common bays allow only for
fixed route bay allocation for buses, and are planned mostly for local bus terminals
with short layover time.
Segregated Bays – As per this allocation type, bays are segregated by activity, i.e.
as loading bays, idle bays, and unloading bays. Buses move between these three
locations/bay types sequentially. Such bay planning helps save space and works
best with longer layover time; it is thus observed mainly at interstate bus
terminals. Segregated bays can be planned for both fixed route and dynamic bay
• Saw tooth bays: This arrangement works well with one-way driveway (along the
bays), and allows easy pulling in and pulling out of buses, without the need to
reverse. Additionally, it ensures reduced gap between bus and platform while
• Angular bays (60, 45, 30 degrees): These work well with one-way driveway and
allow easy pulling in, but require reversing while pulling out. A reduced angle of
bay minimizes driveway width requirement, but increases curb length
• Linear/parallel bays: A long linear platform serves multiple buses. Linear bays
usually include an overtaking lane which acts as a driveway. They work with one
way driveway, occupy long curb length per bus, but require minimal driveway
width. Linear bays find it difficult to allow drivers to reduce gaps between bus and
platform while docking.
• Drive through bays: Drive through bays allow for parallel bays, each with a
single drive-in lane. These bays may be arranged at 30, 45, 60 or 90 degrees to the
curb. To get to drive through boarding bays, passengers need to cross multiple
bus driveways. This is usually solved by providing raised cross-walks. Thus, drive
through bays work well for low passenger volume terminals or those which
require minimal baggage transfer; they suit local bus terminals more than inter-
state ones.
3. Average Layover Time: This is the most important determinant of capacity
requirement for a terminal’s bus specific infrastructure (boarding, offloading and idle
parking bays). Layover time is the time a bus spends inside the terminal, from entry
to exit. Higher the layover time, higher the accumulation of buses inside the terminal,
and higher the capacity requirement to accommodate them. Layover time is usually
predefined by bus operators based on their operational and service requirements.
However, planned and actual layover time have been observed to vary significantly.
Therefore, it is important to capture both planned and observed layover time,
before initiating the planning process. The latter is usually estimated at off peak time
when the layover time is expected to be longer.
4. Private Vehicle Parking4 : This relates to the type of parking arrangement for
private vehicles at the bus terminal. It is influenced by the parking demand and
space availability in the terminal, and is classified into four categories:
• Structured parking: Parking on multiple floors (multilevel parking), usually
above ground
• Shared parking: Parking not exclusive to bus terminal private vehicles, such as
public parking in a district catering to visitors to the area, including those
accessing the bus terminal
• On street parking: Parking arranged along the street, not planned on a land
parcel set off the street, usually outside the terminal complex.
5. Feeder service Integration: This relates to the type of infrastructure provided for
feeder service integration at the terminal, and is classified into three types:
• Inter-modal: Includes infrastructure integration with transit systems such as
metro or public bus systems
• Feeder lanes: These provide feeder services without parking provisions. They
are used for pick and drop only, not waiting (by feeder modes such as auto
rickshaw, taxi and cycle rickshaw). To enable waiting, separate holding space must
be integrated for such feeder modes. This holding space feeds vehicles to the
feeder lanes when required.
• Feeder bays: These provide feeder services with parking provisions. They serve
both as boarding bays for passengers as well as short term parking for feeder
modes such as auto rickshaw, taxi and cycle rickshaw.
6. Finance: This relates to the broad financing strategy adopted for the terminal, and
is classified into two types:
Public private Partnership (PPP) – When public funds fail to meet the urban
sector’s investment requirements, a terminal development project must rely on
the public private partnership method to raise additional finance as well as to
improve delivery methods. Private equity can be raised through various methods,
most common being exchange of land rights related to the terminal site. This
exchange entails transferring a component of the site—or floor area ratio (FAR) at
the site—to the private partner, for real estate development and allied functions
such as parking.
Off Site – Maintenance/breakdown facilities are not provided inside the terminal
boundary but sourced off site, usually to local, privately operated repair
workshops in the terminal’s vicinity.
8. Passenger amenities: This relates to the facilities provided in the terminal, for
passengers’ convenience, including:
*Drinking Water ,Toilets (Odorless & Waterless) , Concourse , Free Wi-Fi facility in
waiting area ,Eateries , Tourist Information ,Cloak
room ,Ticketing ,Dormitory ,Baggage trolleys
9. Terminal staff amenities: This relates to the facilities dedicated for staff. They
A bus terminal site requires planning for significant bus—and other vehicular (cars
and motorized two wheeler)—circulation within the terminal. This requires development of
vehicular infrastructure in the form of carriageways, driveways, parking, and bays (for
different purposes) within the terminal complex. The design for these (vehicular
infrastructure) is based on the dimensions of vehicles and related standards. This section
includes few of the critical geometric design standards for vehicular circulation within the
terminal. Based on recommendations from ASVV Record 15 (CROW 1998) published in the
Netherlands, these standards include:
Figure 7 Figure 8 Bus turning Radius ,Car turning Radius,Carriage way Width
Commuters at bus terminals need precise information regarding bus arrival and
departure time. Terminals usually have fixed (official) bus timetables on websites or in
print. But such timetables are usually static, offer limited information (operating hours,
time intervals etc.), and are not updated regularly based on recent planned changes in
schedule or day-to-day real-time traffic conditions. Apart from official timetables,
public services like Google Maps provide bus related information to travelers (Bangare
et al. 2013). Such services, though useful, fail to bridge the information gap.
Additionally, commercial bus information providers offer real-time bus arrival
information but charge substantially. Total capital cost for deployment of link
infrastructure to deliver transit services is very high. If transferred to end users, it
would lead to an increase in mobility expenditure for passengers. ITS is a tested way to
mitigate the above problems. Communication networks, digital mapping, video
monitoring, sensors, real-time passenger information, and variable message signs are
forging new trends in the public transport infrastructure field (Vanajakshi, Ramadurai &
Anand 2010). Together they form ITS, which is increasingly being recognized the world
over. Its main objective is to evaluate, analyses, and integrate new technologies (and
concepts) to achieve efficiency, improve environmental quality, save energy, conserve
time, and enhance safety and comfort (for commuters, drivers and operators). ITS
synergizes data acquisition,evaluation, analysis, and information dissemination, which
helps develop an all-encompassing organization system for information sharing among
operators and commuters. Thus, ITS can be understood as the use of modern
technologies for improving transportation systems. Bus terminals are an essential part
of the public transportation system and ITS plays a key role in delivering a ‘quality’ bus
terminal facility. ITS implementation, specifically with real-time information system,
ensures synchronized information distribution between commuters and operators.
Recent modern bus terminals are embedded with ITS and real-time information system.
An interface between commuters and buses, the ITS architecture of bus terminals
comprises two components
- passenger information system (PIS) and bus information system (BIS). The
architecture for these is presented in Figure 20 and the components briefly described
in subsequent sub sections.
Bus Information system (BIS): It provides information required by bus staff i.e. drivers
and conductors. It includes bus parking information, schedule of bus entry and exit in
the terminal, route information, and trip information. BIS enables a bus driver to
precisely allocate dispatching time (for the next trip) from the terminal, and get
information on the bus bay allocated to her/him for boarding passengers (especially
important in dynamic bay allocation type of bus terminal operations).
Both PIS and BIS are largely based on the type of bus operations at a terminal complex
(dynamic or fixed route bay). They help in solving operating problems, and in adopting
appropriate new technologies to introduce innovations into terminal infrastructure.
They ensure real-time arrival information for users, saving their time and improving the
terminal’s performance, along with helping improve overall system efficiency and
increase service frequency. Apart from the real-time information system, information
can also be dispersed as static or planned information. Static or planned information
changes slowly and is typically used for journey planning prior to departure This type of
information includes stations and stops, routes, service numbers, timings, trip duration,
fares etc. Static information is made available traditionally in printed form though
route network maps, timetable booklets, name signs and/or pictograms at stations and
stops etc. This information is also available through dedicated national and local
telephone services. In many areas, static information is now being made available
electronically through websites or over mobile phone services (typically via SMS).
Information is also being increasingly provided in audio format, both on bus and within
terminals. Public address systems, usually but not always automated, will typically give
next service announcements at terminals and next stop announcement on-board buses
(Passenger Information System 2015).
• Reduced perceived wait time: The negative impact of terminal delays is minimized,
leading to increased ridership numbers and the perception of better customer service.
ITS is a boon for commuters who often suffer boredom/ anxiety not knowing when the
bus will arrive.
• Increased terminal efficiency: Increased waiting time and uncertainty in bus arrival
render the public transport system unattractive for passengers. Use of a variety of ITS
technologies can track locations of buses in real time and predict when they will reach
terminals along the route. This information when shared with passengers through PIS,
will allow them to use their time efficiently and reach the terminal just before the bus
arrives, or take alternate means of transport if the bus is delayed. Needless to say, use
of ITS allows more efficient use of terminal space, with lesser crowding (of both
passengers and vehicles).
• Increased attractiveness: Accurate and real time travel information at bus terminals
(and interchanges) make public transport an attractive and high quality alternative to
travelling by other modes. The accurate arrival time of the next bus will allow
commuters to take alternative transport choices, and thus mitigate their anxiety and
improve their experience.
• Alerts and alarms: Passengers and other terminal users can be alerted if the
expected traffic is interrupted for a defined or undefined period of time, and also in
case of any problems in terminal operations. ITS helps in warning commuters about
emergencies such as strikes, terror threat, fire etc. This is an efficient way of aligning
commuters’ expectations with the service that the terminal system provides.
Information type
As terminal facilities continue to evolve, ITS is rapidly becoming a mainstay in today’s
public transport domain (Trapeze 2015). Integrated systems that keep passengers
informed at the ends of, and along their journey, are increasingly in demand. Terminals
must find a way to address this need as it vastly improves the transit experience for
commuters and streamlines operations for terminal employees. The information
provided to terminal users by ITS integration depends on the location (Passenger
In recent years, new electronic technology has been developed to provide improved
traveler information. Information may be delivered via any electronic media, including:
Telephone (either a manned bureau service or an automated answering system).
Touch screen kiosks for self-service (e.g. in customer offices). Internet through a
website. PDA or mobile phone (typically using SMS or WAP). LED displays and screens
inside terminals
2.Considering language diversity in India, the ITS installed in the terminal should
provide information in multiple languages (Passenger Information System 2015).
3. Video cameras should be used at strategic terminal locations to allow the terminal
staff to monitor conditions and events in the station, and to record them for law
enforcement purposes. The presence of video cameras and call boxes also acts as
deterrent for crimes.
4. ITS hardware and connection points are typically located in a control room within
the terminal facility. The control room should be located in ‘discreet access area’ to the
terminal, and signed as ‘staff only’.
5. Management needs for including the ITS facility should feature in the operational
planning process of the terminal.
This section lays down the standards for planning and design of stations.
Stations shall be designed for peak flow of User traffic and the requirements of
(v) NFPA130-‘Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems’.
An electrical fire alarm should be provided for manual operation by Users/ staff, and
installed in accordance with IS 3218: Code of Practice for Fire detection and Alarm
Systems. Public Address System should be protected as per provisions of IS:3218.
(a) Elevators shall comply with NBC-2005 and BS-EN 81 and other appropriate
international codes and standards and relevant statutory requirements. Elevators
shall be type Class Afor passenger loading and shall comply with NFPA101 Fire Life
Safety requirements.
(b) The elevators shall comply fully with the National Policy for Persons with
Disabilities - 2006.
(c) Elevators shall comply with BS 7255 - "Code of Practice for safe working of lifts",
or equivalent to allow for the emergency release of Users at nearest landing.
(d) Additional codes and standards applicable, are as follows: IS: 14665; IS: 15330; IS:
7759; IS: 1860; IS: 15785:
Escalators shall conform to BS EN 115: ‘Safety rules for the construction and
installation of escalators and passenger conveyors’. They shall be suitable for
service as public service escalators /passenger conveyors. The angle inclination of
the escalators shall be not more than 30° to the horizontal with two tread band
speeds of 0.5 and 0.65 m/s. During periods of no occupancy, the speed shall
automatically reduce to 0.2 m/s and come to halt if not occupied for 5 minutes.
These are the overriding principles for the design of stations and in case of any conflict
with any specific standard and specification specified in the Manual, requirements
specified in this section shall prevail.The primary goal is to provide a safe, reliable, cost-
effective, with easy maintenance and customer oriented public transportation system.
The design of station facilities must therefore address the issues identified here in.
Transportation structures have traditionally been the great buildings of urban society.
In the major cities of the world, oldest cultures with some of the greatest classical
architecture are part of its architectural heritage. . There should be a clear awareness
of the importance and value of this along with a clear vision of the future. Railway
Station is major gateway and entrance to a city. The station should reflect the
character, life style or background of the city or community in which it is located.
Hence, a Station building should in its design reflect the culture, historical background
and life style of the people of that area. The redeveloped stations, of each Indian city
should effectively play a key role in providing the first impression of the city to the
visitors arriving by train. The key elements of this vision must, integrate a harmonious
and elegant architectural statement with a comfortable and efficient passenger
experience, ease of movement, security, safety and accessibility. The Concessionaire
may utilize the redevelopment opportunity to include related amenities that will also
serve non-passengers, generating revenue as well as creating a facility that will
enhance the urban character unique to each city and locality. However, these
amenities shall not be considered at the expense of train travelers comfort, efficiency
of station and train operations and the effective administration of the Indian Railways.
Following shall be the key elements of the architectural vision of the Station:
1. Maximum Passenger Convenience
2. Safety and Security
3. Fast and Efficient Passenger Flow
4. Flexible Interiors
5. A World Class Icon
The objective of the Station Project to be developed through this Manual is to upgrade
the existing Station and its surroundings or build a new Station into a world class
passenger terminal in a manner which ensures:
1. Superior services to passengers for the design passenger volume specified in the
2. Superior train operations (including allied services e.g., parcel, posts etc.) and
maintenance facilities affording greater flexibility and enhanced operational
efficiency for IR;
3. Smoother and safer road traffic flow to and from the station, superior road
connectivity with the city and adequate parking within the station premises;
4. Modern and improved offices, residential quarters and other facilities for railway
staff on the railway land surrounding the station;
5.Overall improvements in the urban standards of the area for residents and road
6. Creation of an urban icon and standard-bearer of a modern vibrant city suiting to
its architectural heritage;
7. Least possible inconvenience to passengers, road commuters and residents
during construction;
8.Harmonious and complementary co-existence of the railway terminal and the
real estate proposed to be developed.
Design of Railway Station should be done from whole to part, acknowledging the
implicit hierarchy of following three categories/orders, each with their own design
In India, most of the station buildings were built in the late19th century.
Some of them are now designated as heritage structures and need to be preserved.
The Station design shall incorporate their preservation and reflect in their aesthetics
in the surrounding environment. The new station design shall not isolate the existing
heritage structures. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) under the provisions of
the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, (AMASR Act)
1958 protects monuments, sites and remains of national importance. Concessionaire
has to check, whether the monuments/structures under station complex are
protected by AMASR Act, 1958 and if they are protected by above then his
subsequent action should be in conjunctions with provision of above act. Station
designers of stations whose redevelopment may affect historical areas or structures,
potential impact zones should clearly identify such before any deign work is initiated.
The Design Team shall develop a design program which identifies those agencies or
citizen groups which are likely to be involved and the procedures to be followed for
approach of design. The program should also identify significant architectural
features which should be taken into account in station and site design. If a portion of
a historic structure is to be retrofitted to accommodate a station, security and safety
features necessary to preserve the significant historic characteristics of the structure
shall be incorporated into the station design.
The Station design shall provide sufficient circulation elements to allow for the
free and safe flow of passengers. Space shall be provided for queuing at all
circulation and passenger service elements. The queuing areas should provide
sufficient space for passengers to queue at all circulation elements, service areas and
decision points without disrupting the movement through other passenger flow
Station entrances provide the link between the Railway Station and the
surrounding streets and structures; the entrance must reflect the distinct
requirements of both. Station entrances shall provide safe and convenient access to
the station for customers while enhancing the surrounding urban environment. In
most Indian cities where a railroad enters the city from one end and exits from the
other, the city landscape is divided by the railroad track and right of way. In an effort
to mitigate such division, the MOR requires that the Concessionaire integrate such
divided cityscape on both end of the station along the railroad for up to one
kilometer at a minimum or as called for in the CA.
The design of the Station shall allow for a free-flow of passengers to avoid a
buildup of dangerous congestion within the Station, in particular, on platforms and
escalators. Travel distances shall be minimized. Travel routes should be as direct as
possible. After customer safety and security, moving customers efficiently through
the Station to and from trains is the highest priority of the Station design. Customer
flow will take precedence over other Station functions and non-transit facilities in
the Station design. From the moment a customer enters the Station premises until
he exits, movement must be unimpeded. Each function should have distinct areas
and space must be allotted according to the priority of the function. The highest
allocation of area must be made for free circulation. Incoming and outgoing volume
of passenger must be handled separately. To reduce the waiting passenger’s
interference into the circulation area, adequate waiting space is to be provided.
The Stations should be merging with the other existing transportation systems.
Railway Station design shall facilitate convenient transfers to other Mass Transit
System lines and modes of public transportation toward a goal of achieving a
seamless local and regional inter-modal public transportation network. The
surrounding areas must be planned and designed to maximize free flow traffic
movement, and to avoid traffic jams inside and outside the Station campus.
Customer must be provided with enough options to leave the station campus as
they complete their journey, it could be in the form of regional buses, taxis, auto-
rickshaws or the Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS). All these services must be
available to customer within walking distance of 500. ACCESSIBILITY
The station should provide ease of access for all travelers by minimizing physical
and psychological impediments to their use of the Station. The positioning and
character of the Station’s access points will have a critical influence in satisfying this
requirement. The Station design must comply with the requirements of Indian
Disability Acts (IDA), and the relevant provisions of American Disabilities Act (ADA)
that prescribe the specific configurations and requirements for public facilities to
accommodate persons with physical impairments. VISIBILITY AND ORIENTATION
Clear unobstructed routes for pedestrians circulating through the Station are of
the utmost importance, and direct sight lines for all pedestrians and staff are
essential. Pedestrians should be able to orientate themselves visually within the
building at all times. Decision points, such as ticketing areas, vertical circulation
elements, and diverging paths shall be located such that they are clearly identifiable
and perceived as part of a logical sequence of travel through the building. Visual
connections should be as consistent as possible throughout the building ). The
Station architecture itself shall be the primary means of navigating a path through
the building, supported by signage and graphics.
Concessionaire and MOR will both have operational responsibility in the station structure.
The design of the station should reflect this division and ensure that the station layout
facilitates MOR’s execution of their role in support of the concessionaire’s operation of
the station and can efficiently execute their role in railway operations. Following is a table
that delineates their respective roles.
1. Train operation
a) Train reception/Dispatch (working of power cabin)
b) Placement/removal of coaching rake in/from washing lines and stabling
lines including releasing of rake by TXR
c) Shunting operation including loco movement,
d) Traction changing
e) Crew management which includes, booking, signing off, crew changing
involving handing over and taking over of the locomotive.
f) Delivering of caution order and other documents to driver/guard
g) Operation during emergency: track failure, signal failure, derailments etc.
a) Parcel booking
b) Unreserved/reserved ticketing
c) Feeding of quota/charting
d) Booking at current counter
e) Luggage booking
f) Ticket Checking
7. Tourism & catering services
a) On-board Catering including base-kitchen and servicing facilities for on
board catering.
b) Bed-roll storage and services to AC coaches in trains (both originating
and terminating).
c) Specified catering stalls, book stalls and miscellaneous passenger
related stall in the passenger in the platforms/ concourse area.
d) Tourist reception centre management
e) Yatri Niwas and budget hotels built by railways
f) Supply and distribution of bottle drinking water
g) Food courts, catering stalls of IRCTC relocated in the redeveloped
8. Train Services
a) Provision of PCP sets, fire extinguisher, stretcher, first aid box to the
b) Posting of charts and delivery of chart to train conductor
c) Feeding of Platform nomination in Coach Guidance system
d) Handling of driver /guard boxes
9. Parcel Activities
a) Parcel handling
b) Activities of SLR/VPU lease holders
10. Security
a) Security of Railway installations by RPF/GRP
b) Crime prevention/control by RPF/GRP
1. Utilities
a) Water supply including water-harvesting/recycling facilities.
b) Electricity Supply except for Traction, Signal, Coach and locomotive
maintenance depot area.
c) Drainage Management
2. Passenger Utilities
a) Communication systems operation and maintenance.
b) Cloak room management
c) Operation and Maintenance of Pay & use toilets/showers
d) Provision of Cyber Cafes/ATMs
e) Book stalls and miscellaneous stalls in commercial areas of the station
other than those in the passengers concourse
f) Food Courts, Catering stalls, other than those in the platforms/passenger
g) Waiting room (free)
h) Paid Lounges
i) Escalator/lift upkeep and operation
j) Supply and distribution of potable and non potable water including
operation and maintenance of pumping installations, excluding bottled
k) Emergency medical care facilities.
3. Cleaning
a) Station Cleaning including cleaning of washable aprons.
b) Staff offices and other building cleaning
c) Garbage collection and disposal
4. Inter modal Connectivity
a) Parking management: four wheeler, two wheeler
b) Pre paid taxi/auto rickshaw
c) Maintenance of circulating area and approach roads including parking area
5.Building Services
a) Maintenance of station lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, power supply
b) Station building maintenance and buildings.
c) Renovation and up gradation of infrastructure.
d) Development and maintenance of drainage system and sewerage
system for yard and circulating area.
e) Landscaping of the station complex including horticulture
f) Provision of station furniture and its repair.
g) Maintenance of parcel-handling conveyors (to be remunerated by
payment of specified charges per parcel.)
6.Railway Staff services
a) Maintenance and cleaning of railway staff office
b) Crew running room management including house keeping, maintenance & catering.
7.Commercial development
a) Licensing in passenger & concourse area (excluding platforms) except
for the area reserved for Railway use or its Corporations such IRCTC.
b) Advertising
8. Security and Safety
a) Access control systems including passenger gets/turnstiles, if any
b) Security surveillance system
c) Fire safety
d) Luggage & parcel scanners.
9. Others
a) Management of Registered Porters and trolley operations.
2.6.4 DESIGN
Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a sweeping main transfer hall that spirals up
around a thin, central column. The ceiling changes from white concrete in this main
area to wood lamella in offshoot hallways that lead to bus gates, parking, and a
tunnel to the train platforms, helping to move and direct people through the space.
In the glazed main hall, DAYLIGHT reflects off of the polished ceiling, splashing bright
tones across the surface as the angles of the sun shift throughout the day. Glass
canopies over the outdoor train platforms filter light down onto commuters, and
even in more enclosed spaces, such as the concrete regional bus boarding areas,
windows are cut in to allow light and direct the eye to stairways and other forms of
circulation to the rest of the station.
The new Anaheim Regional Transportation Inter modal Center (ARTIC) sets a
precedent for civic-minded transit hubs in the United States. HOK designed ARTIC,
which represents the next generation of public transportation in Southern California,
as an innovative new transit station that serves as a destination in itself.
Projected to serve the transportation needs of more than three million
people annually in the coming years, the 67,000-sq.-ft. transit hub links commuter
and regional rail service and intercity bus systems including Amtrak, Metro link,
OCTA bus service, Anaheim Resort Transportation (ART), Mega and
Greyhound. . In addition to accommodating passenger arrivals, departures and
transfers, ARTIC integrates amenities such as transit-oriented retail, Wi-Fi and
charging stations, parking, bike racks, lockers, community space and specialty dining.
The structure’s entrance is a 120-foot-tall glass wall (37 m) and leads into a
spacious lobby ticketing counters.A plaza leads to the thirteen bus bays. The second
floor has space for offices and two restaurants. The third level is a mezzanine with a
small lobby and the concourse bridge for access to the stairs or elevators that take
travelers down to the railroad tracks. The station design has been criticized due to the
lengthy route and distance between the station building and train platforms. Some
commuters transferring between bus and train have called the layout "dysfunctional"
for pedestrians.
The selection of the topic as per my interest in transit oriented development and
study of urban growth and trends in transportation infrastructure was the first step
taken towards the methodology of the project.
While selecting a topic like transit hub the site plays a major role in the design
development,the study of urban morphology and context has to be done to
understand the land use patterns ,history and evolution of the urban fabric.the
ecological factors are also to be analyzed and considered for an effective design.
The existing transportation infrastructure and public transit modes,routes has to
be studied and analyzed to understand the major problems and issues in the region so
that these problems can be addressed in the design.
To understand various aspects involved in the designing of transit hub a brief
background study has to done.pedestrian movements , activities and requirement and
needs has to be understood at a public level.vehicular circulation ,parking
Data has to be collected regarding the dimensions of street and walkways for the
smooth flow of traffic,standards and specification for street layouts and other spaces
involved in transit hub designs.the next step was to study transit hub with international
context ARTIC California and Arnhem central transfer terminal, data collection so as to
get an understanding of spatial organization,circulation ,concept and design
In order to get a clear understanding of urban level transit issues and potentials
live case studies are done with Indian context.CMBT Chennai was selected as it was the
largest Bus terminal in Asia and ISBT,kasmere gate Delhi was also selected considering
the urban sprawl around the bus terminal.
After the study and analysis of different cases of Indian and international
context ,design program has to be developed, which will also be impacted by the site
context and issues to be solved.the design programs defines the project requirements
and its spacial relations with each other.
Design development is the final stage where the initial concept and zoning leads to the
master plan and relevant detailed drawings , renderings and outputs are generated.
To follow task-based approach. The major task shall be data collection and database
development, Data analysis, Demand forecasting and Recommendations. Each task will
be taken up one after another through systematic and timely manner.
The experience of the Consultants in previous similar projects has helped in evolving
methodology to achieve requirements of the TOR. The various tasks of the proposed
methodology are listed in the following section followed by detailed description of
each task.
Bus bays are the platforms where buses dock and where passengers board and
alight at the bus terminal. Design of the bus bays must incorporate both vehicle and
passenger needs. The bus bays are estimated for the peak demand. The bays will be
estimated both for active bays (bays used for boarding/alighting of passengers) & idle
bays (used for idle parking of buses). Bus bays are calculated considering passenger &
bus demand based on passenger footfall and travel needs. In addition, one of the
major factors in the assessment of number of bus bays is the bus dwell time which is
explained in detail below. The number of bays required at the bus terminal has to be
estimated based on the bus entry exit survey. This survey will also help us determine
the dwell times which will further facilitate in planning bus bay requirement for
intercity & intra-city buses.
Dwell time of a bus refers to the time spent by bus at the scheduled stop/bay.
Typically, this time is spent for entering/exiting bus bay (clearance time), boarding and
alighting of passengers and time allowed for passengers to buy tickets. Other factors
which could also be considered is early arrival or delayed departure of buses from
scheduled time.
The decision on number of entry and exit for the bus terminal and circulation
pattern (one-way or two-way movement) shall be provided based on the assessment
of road capacities in the influence area, size of the bus terminal plot, based on queue
length observed during analysis and no. of buses entering/exiting the terminal in peak
The circulation plan for both vehicular as well as pedestrian traffic will be worked
out so as to avoid all points of conflict of movements. This would also include the
traffic plan for the incoming and outgoing traffic at the main entry and exit points.
4.1.3 DESIGN
connected with three bus fingers.the ground floor plan shows the symmetry in
geometry and function of the space of the main block.the space are more open and
4.2 LIVE CASE STUCY - 2 - Maharana Pratap Inter State Bus Terminus
popularly known as Kashmere Gate ISBT or ISBT, located in Delhi is the oldest
and one of the biggest Inter State Bus Terminals in India.
Kashmere Gate ISBT was opened in 1976. It served as the only ISBT in Delhi till
1993 when it was transferred to the Transport Department, after which two new ISBT's
were created in Sarai Kale Khan and Anand Vihar to DE-congest the overcrowded
Kashmere Gate ISBT. It was renovated in 2011-2012 by DIMTS at a cost of ₹ 70 Crore
and then inaugurated in 2013 by then Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit.
most part of the site is surrounded by roads.the major express way bridge crossing
the yamuna river is in the north side of the site.the terminal is in a strategical location
connected with major highways.
*a foot over bridge connects the i.s.b.t to the street level over the other side of the
*the west side of the site has metro stations under ground and above the ground
across which is the local bus stand.
*towards the south side of the site is high density
commercial buildings.
4.2.4 DESIGN
It also has a CNG auto stand nearby.A prepaid booth is also there for the facility of
people arriving at odd hours at the terminus.
the one side of the terminal receives pass-angers from the private vehicles and
transfers them to the bus boarding area through the link block, the link block has ticket
counters and information center. the arrival block has other office space up-to 6 more
floors above the ground floor
The space provided for car and bike parking is very few and is increasing
demand.parking spaces are provided in front of the terminal near the arrival for bike parking is minimal. a connection to the parking are is provided
from the ground floor level from the arrival block.
The landscape features are very few,but the site has a buffer zone around as
it is surrounded by roads.the area of Delhi transport corporation in the west connected
with metro is being turned into recreational space.there lots of open space and parks
present near the site.
For many centuries up to and during the British Raj, the city of Kochi was the
seat of the eponymous princely state. Kochi traces its history back many centuries,
when it was the centre of Indian spice trade for hundreds of years, and was known
to the Yavanas (Greeks and Romans), Jews, Arabs and Chinese since ancient
times.Kochi earned a significant position on the world trading map after the port at
Kodungallur (Cranganore) was destroyed by massive flooding of the river Periyar in
The earliest documented references to Kochi occur in the books written by
Chinese voyager Ma Huan, during his visit to Kochi in the 15th century as part of the
treasure fleet of Admiral Zheng He. There are also references to Kochi in accounts
written by Italian traveller Niccolò Da Conti, who visited Cochin in 1440.Today, Kochi
is the commercial hub of Kerala, and one of the fastest growing second-tier
metropolises in India. URBAN SPRAWL
The growth of the city towards the north-east direction can be seen in the
recent decades.lack of transportation infrastructure and improper planning is the
reason for the uncontrolled growth of the city.lack of public amenities are also a water logging becomes a major problem in the city , the need for more
land and has caused the city to grow toward the north rather toward the south
where the back waters are.there are several constituent units around the main land
of kochi including heritage zone in fort kochi,tourism towards
kumbalanghy,residential tourism in thrippunitthara , industries and institutional
towards vaduvacodeputhencruz , it institution in kakkanad which is also the especial
economic zone, industries in varpuzha and port related in vallarpadam. DEVELOPMENT OF COCHIN PORT
In the early nineties the existence of a sand bar in the sea mouth prevented
large ships from entering safely into the backwaters of Kochi. Western
industrialization brought in revolutions in overseas trade with the wrought iron ships
of greater draught and the consequent need for deeper and safer harbors and
stronger moorings. The opening of Suez Canal in 1869 further emphasized the
importance of the Port at Kochi as a coaling station for this route. The idea of making
it a great harbour, out of the unique lagoons in Kochi was mooted as early as in 1870.
Though Kochi had proposed for a dredged channel leading to the inland harbour,
due to the non-availability of adequate technology for dredging at that time, it was
only in 1920 that the port works were initiated. Under the direction of Sir Robert
Bristow, the sand bar at sea mouth was cut open and a deep shipping channel was
dredged to the backwaters. The spoils of the dredging were used to reclaim
Wellington Island from the backwaters. Road and rail connectivity to the west Kochi
and the island from the main land on the east were completed in 1940 when
Government of India declared Kochi as a Major Port. Wellington Island developed
with its wharfs, quays and other infrastructure as a transport terminal complex.
Cochin port gradually became the focus of the city. Centered on the port facility
grew a large number of business and commercial establishments providing the
economic base to the city and the environs. The development of the port also
coincided with the commissioning of the Pallivasal Hydro Electric Project supplying
ample power, heralding a new era of industrial growth in the region. In this wake a
number of major propulsive industries were established in the region. GENESIS OF KOCHI CORPORATION
The 74th Constitution Amendment and the resultant new enactment of Kerala
Municipality Act in 1994 grossly changed the role, powers and functions of the Kochi
Municipal Corporation (and the other ULBs as well) from being just an Urban Local
Body to that of Local Government. Adequate provisions built into the Act for public
participation, participatory planning and development, transparency and public
disclosure and mandatory ward level community participation etc. brought in a sea
change in the functioning of Kochi Municipal Corporation. URBANIZATION IN KOCHI
Census 2001 recognizes 27.78 percent of the population of India as urban (Out
of India’s population of 102.70 crore, 28.54 crore live in urban areas). Considering
the rapid urbanization in India, it is estimated that by 2050 about 50 percent of
India’s population may be living in urban areas. During the last three decades India
has witnessed significant increase in the population of its metropolitan cities. There
are 35 million plus cities in India as per the Census 2001.
(i) Topography
Being a coastal district majority of the Kochi region is within the low land
regions of the state. The average altitude towards the eastern fringes is about 7.5
m above MSL, and towards the west the altitude is less than one metre on an
average. The whole of the land slopes gradually from east to west. The flat terrain
of the central city with the low altitude interspersed with a network of canal
system provide link to the backwaters. The main canals are navigable for small
and medium crafts. The secondary canals used to serve as natural drainage canals
in the city for flood waters, but today they are in an advanced stage of
deterioration through silting and waste dumping and fail to serve their purpose.
The effects of inadequate drainage become visible and real with flooding and
water logging of low lying areas during rainy season. The terrain features have
adverse influence on the sewerage and drainage system of the area. Percolation
of effluent from septic tank and dispersion trenches pollute the ground water.
Commercial wastes are mostly directed to open surface drains. To ensure ruling
gradient the drains have to be deepened often below the sea level and the
sewage has to be regularly pumped to its outfall regions for disposal. The outfall
regions are again the back waters. The back waters further take the load of
effluents from the industry, most of which are located in the water fronts and
river side. The continued effects of all these factors result in the abuse of water
courses, environmental deterioration and public health hazards.
(ii) Soil type
The soil of the planning region can be broadly classified into two categories
viz. alluvial and lateritic. The lateritic soil covers the eastern portion of the area.
The soil is porous and well drained and hence suited for all garden works. On
removal of the top soil, laterite is present as a homogeneous mass which can be
cut as building blocks. The alluvial soil is the characteristic type seen over the
remaining part of the city. It has been formed from the deposition and
consolidation of river discharge laden with fine silt and clay. Soil exploration has
revealed that this deposit is present even to a depth of about 50 metre from the
sea level. This fact presents the unique foundation engineering problems of this
(iii) Climate, Rainfall and Water Bodies
The annual variation of temperature in the Kochi region is between 220 C
and 320 C and a more or less uniform temperature exists throughout the year.
Because of the nearness to the sea and due to the large area of backwaters in the
region, the humidity is high all round the year. Kochi has a tropical climate with
intense solar radiation and abundant precipitation. Kochi region experiences only
two major seasons, namely the dry season and the wet season, as in all other
places in Kerala. The wet season is usually associated with the months in which
the south-west and north-east monsoon occur. The north-east monsoon
commences in October and continues till November. The rain fall varies from 1500
mm to 2000 mm during south west monsoon and 400 to 700 mm during the
north-east monsoon. The maximum annual rainfall in the region is around 3000
mm. Heavy showers during the monsoons over the whole of the state, sustains a
system of rivers and estuaries originating from the Western Ghats. These rivers
transport the sediments from high lands and mid lands to the plains and discharge
them into Arabian Sea. The interaction between the river discharge and the tidal
forces has helped the sediment deposition, there by directly influencing the
creation of lagoon system and land forms of Kochi. The characteristic physical
feature of Kochi is the expanse of backwaters and low lying wet lands. The
backwaters of Kochi form part of the Vembanad water basin of the Central Kerala.
This, together with a number of canals provides the cheapest means of
transportation, especially for bulk goods to and from the city. However due to
misuse these canals are not adequately used as waterways for transport. These
water bodies are often made to contribute to environmental degradation due to
waste dumping and other misuses. The backwaters are rich in their marine foods
and hence form the means of livelihood for a large portion of the population.
Further, it presents great potential for recreation. The wet lands are formed by
the gradual leaching of dry land into the flood basins of the watercourse, canals
and estuaries. They remain covered by water during rainy seasons, but in summer
they partially dry up and become suitable for paddy cultivation. With spiraling
labour cost and decreasing size of holdings, presently they are mostly left
uncultivated. More often, they are used for pisciculture by bundling and in filling
by water from the back water. Potential of converting the paddy fields and
marshy lands into urban land has also led to indiscriminate filling of such area in
recent times; often creating possibilities of flooding and water logging in adjoining
The major source of MSW(municipal solid waste) in the city include :domestic
waste sources, commercial establishments, marriage and community halls,
hotels and restaurants, markets, institutions, schools, offices, street sweepings,
hospitals,slaughter house,construction and demolition etc.
The total daily production of MSW in city is 180- 250 metric tonnes. The percapita
waste generation is 482g/day/head. their are no popper collection points for
MSW and is accumulated in the road side.the drainage system in the area is
choking with solid waste.
the perandoor canal has become the drinage exit of the city and its flow is
obstructed by encroachment and waste dumping.
1. Comprehensive Traffic and Transport Study (CTTS) for Greater Cochin Area,
August 2001 by RITES
The study was prepared by Transport department, Government of Kerala
with RITES Ltd, a Government of India enterprise in 2001 for Greater Cochin
Development Authority (GCDA). The GCDA area includes Goshree Island
Development Authority (GIDA) with its suburbs extending up to the satellite towns
Angamaly in the North, Thripunithura in the East and Aroor in the South. A number
of traffic surveys have been carried out to assess the socio-economic and traffic
characteristics of the resident population and commuter traffic. These include, Road
Network Inventory along arterial and major roads, Speed and Delay survey,
Classified Traffic Volumes Survey at Screen Lines, Mid Blocks, Intersections and
Outer Cordon Points, Pedestrian Survey at selected locations, Parking Survey at
identified stretches, Origin and Destination survey at outer cordon points,
Household Travel survey, Passenger Occupancy Survey, Terminal surveys (Bus, Rail,
IWT, Airport), Bus stop survey, Public Transport Operator Survey, Intermediate
Public Transport survey, Level crossing survey, Tourist survey. The travel data
collected through survey for the defined zone system has been used to develop the
Lowry land use transport model for the horizon year 2021. The land use transport
model has been developed at strategic level, utilizing an aggregated system of traffic
zones with compatible transport network for testing development strategies. This
model is based on the premise that given the basic employment locations, it is
possible to predict population and service employment. The land use transport
model developed comprises of Economic Base Mechanism, Allocation Base
Mechanism, and Transport Sub-System. Traditionally four stage transport demand
model has been developed. The transport land use model includes two basic
employment strategies, two population location strategies and five transport
network. Twenty alternative scenarios have been developed by combining the
strategies of basic employment, population, and transport network. The land use
transport model developed has been used for obtaining the traffic assignments on
the proposed network for the horizon years. Short term Improvement Measures-
The data analysis of the traffic surveys has been used to identify the problem areas
type and intensity. The following parameters have been taken into consideration for
problem identification, Volume Capacity ratio, Degree of congestion, Congestion
index, Parking index, Saturation Capacity of Intersections, PV2 values (Pedestrian
volume x Vehicle volume2 during peak hour). The corridors where the V/C ratio is
more than one and the congestion index is high have been selected for
improvement schemes under the short-term scheme. A total of 16 junctions have
been selected for improvement, out of which 7 junctions are proposed to be
provided with automatic signals
i) Short term improvements like, corridor improvement schemes, intersection
improvement schemes, holding areas for buses and LCVs are suggested. These
are to be implemented within a period of one to two years.
ii) To provide immediate relief from the traffic problems, rapid action plans are
proposed. These are simple and immediately implementable measures viz. road
markings and signage's, area traffic management schemes, parking
management and pedestrian facilities which will serve as the precursor of the
short term improvements measures.
2. Traffic and Transportation System Study for Kochi City, 2007 by NATPAC
A detailed study on traffic and transportation system of Kochi city was carried out
by as part of preparation of Development Plan for Kochi. The summary of the
Report is as follows:
Travel characteristics
• Detailed studies were carried out to ascertain the intra-city and inter city
travel characteristics of Cochin city
• A total of 2.28 lakh trips were performed by the resident population of
Kochi Corporation in 2006. The per capita trip rate was found to be 0.46.
Majority of passenger trips (60%) were performed in public buses, followed
by 26% in two wheeler and 20% by walk.
• In the first stage, growth rate method is used to predict the future traffic at
all the road stretches to account for normal growth of traffic arising out of
population growth, vehicle growth and commercial development.
• In the second stage, additional traffic generated from the developmental
projects envisaged at the peripherals of Kochi City like Vallarpadam,
Kalamasserry, Kakkanadu, Amabalmugal etc, are estimated. The generated
traffic was distributed to various traffic zones in the proportion of existing
pattern of inter-city traffic. In the third step, the traffic distributed to various
traffic zones were assigned on the road network through the shortest path
from the generating zones. Medium and long term Transport Development
• Medium and long-term transport facilities for Kochi City were planned
involving the development of alternative transport development plans taking
into account the proposed land use developments.
• The configuration of the existing road network within Kochi city does not
reflect any regular form, although, it resembles more or less like grid-iron
pattern of network. There are six major corridors in the north-south direction
and almost an equal number of east west corridors.
• The east-west connectivity of the city is hampered to great extent by the
railway line and waterways. The east-west connectivity is also hampered by
the waterways.
• Most of the available north-south corridors are narrow and are passing
through the congested CBD areas.
• Various transport related problems facing the city along with the
development plans for the city prepared by various agencies have been taken
into account while formulating the long term network development strategy
for the city. The development strategy for the city has been prepared giving
The road transport network of Kochi City is shown in Map 9.7.1. The total
length of roads in Kochi City (except the roads belonging to Kochi Naval Base in ward
No.26) is 614 Km. The city has a road density of 1.03 km/1000 population and 6.47
km/sq km of surface area. The roads in the city are classified as arterial, sub-arterial,
collector and local streets, based on the following definition.
Arterial streets:This system of streets, along with expressways where they
exist, serves as the principal network for through traffic flows. Significant intra-urban
travel, such as, between central business district and outlying residential areas or
between major suburban centers takes place on this system. The arterial streets are
generally divided highways with full or partial access control. Parking, loading and
unloading activities are usually restricted and regulated. Pedestrians are allowed to
cross only at intersections.
Sub-arterial streets: These are functionally similar to arterial streets but with
somewhat lower level of travel mobility. Their spacing may vary from about 0.5 km
in the central business district to 3-5 km in the sub-urban fringes.
Collector streets: The function of collector streets is to collect traffic from
local streets and feed to the arterial and sub-arterial streets and vice versa. These
may be located in residential neighborhoods, business areas and industrial areas.
Normally, full access is slowed on these streets from abutting properties. There are
few parking restrictions except during the peak hours.
Local Streets: These are intended primarily to provide access to abutting
property and normally do not carry large volumes of traffic. Majority of trips in
urban areas originate from or terminate on these streets. Depending on the
predominant use of the adjoining land they allow unrestricted parking and
pedestrian movements.
34 :road hierarchy
ETEF -is a man made fluoropolymer which stands for ethylene tetrafluoroethylene,
which has attained its position as an efficient architectural material.
The appearance of ETFE is like a transparent sheeting material type, which can be
employed instead of glass and plastic that are hard in nature. ETFE is widely used in
modern buildings which possess greater architectural features.
The properties of ETFE materials reflects the advantages it provides. ETFE possess a
non-sticky surface, which gives them a self-cleaning as well as recycling capacity.The
combustion of material would result in the emission of hydrofluoric acid (HF) which is
highly toxic and corrosive in nature.
This force us to undergo a proper disposal for this material. Sharp edges create
punctures in these materials, hence it is commonly used as roofing or as a cladding
material. It is stretchable, hence a variation in size can be compromised.
This advantage is more effective when ETFE are used as a roof material.The tensile
strength of ETFE is 42N/mm2 with 89 K to 423 K as its working temperature.
It is found highly ultraviolet light resistant when subjected to a weathering test done
under high acceleration. The test showed no kind of deterioration in the material.
The application of ETFE started as ETFE wire and cable in nuclear, aerospace and
automobile industries. It is one of the stable chemical compounds,that made them
applicable for linings as well as in filters.
The ETFE as an architectural material took its place during the year 1973 to 1974,
where it was a period of the oil crisis. The authorities found it essential to harvest solar
energy to replace fossil fuels to fight against the crisis.
ETFE film was developed by the researchers (an extruded form of ETFE) as a
replacement for glass in thermal solar collectors, greenhouses etc. This application
made ETFE more famous than glass material, which further leads its way to broader
architectural applications.
The ETFE material helps in life costing by assuring lower maintenance costs when
compared to other materials of fabric used. As mentioned in the properties of ETFE, they clean
out dirt coming over it, because of the smooth surface it possesses.
During rain, the dirt is washed out easily, unlike other fabric material used, which instead
have uneven surfaces that hold and attracts dirt. The interior surface of the ETFE cushions may
be cleaned at 5 to 10 years’ interval with water.
The ETFE can be installed over the structure based on the requirement of
insulation, lighting, and building aesthetics.
It can be :-
Single Layer Here a single film of ETFE film is installed which are connected to the
primary structure and reinforced by means of wire cable or aluminum or lightweight
Double Layer filled with low-pressure air. This is the criteria which provide thermal
resistance and stability in structure.
The ETFE material gains certain advantages as mentioned below, which dominates
glass or all other similar material which were used conventionally:
ETFE possess high light transmission property. The light transmission can be
controlled my choosing a specific film, from the variety of films they provide.
Adequate lighting through ETFE would help in reducing the cost that is invested for
additional lighting activities.
Figure 56 The efficiency of light transmission is high compared to other materials for ETFE
and remains almost same with time
Highly Durable
It is seen from the above-depicted graph that with time, the tensile strength of ETFE is
less decreased compared to other material i.e. polyolefin and PVC.
Self-Cleaning Property
It is when installed in multiple layer, shows higher insulation, as shown in the figure
The ETFE material after use can be recycled and converted into useful industrial
products. Their lightweight nature makes the use of lesser fabrication thus reducing the
emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.The ETFE films are transparent, which
when installed would provide adequate ventilation to the building indoor, reducing the
cost and energy of additional lighting requirements.
It has been proved that the ETFE film material has efficiently undergone the
International tests for fire resistance and proved extremely fire resistant. It’s combined
property of light weight and fire resistance make them use prominently in insulation
areas in aerospace.
The material is less inflammable due to the presence of higher fluorine content,
compared to other plastic and fabric construction material available. The presence of low
oxygen index gives itself extinguishing property.
ETFE gains the advantage of self-venting. This would prevent heat that is built
within the structures, which further causes an explosion or building collapse. The ability
of self-venting would make the interior into an open space, thus reducing the
accumulation of heat and further destruction.
The ETFE is a sustainable material for roofing structure of the transfer hall in the design as it enables
to ex-cute parametric architecture to create a aesthetically pleasing environment with functional
aspects such as lighting & ventilation.
The transfer hall need to have a long span structure,which can achieved from ETFE roofing system as
it is light weight and highly durable.
The project aims to bring a unification among different modes of transit in the urban
context of south kochi.the project deals with linking of newly constructed metro station to the
intra -city rail network and also with both inter city and intra-city bus network.
A grand plaza representing the public realm which will also act as the transfer hall in
between different mods of transit is the core of design around which all the other functional
spaces are placed. The space hierarchy has evolved keeping in mind the importance of public
realm in evolving urban cities.
List of References
4.PAPER • OPEN ACCESS Smart space solutions of pedestrian ways in public transport transit hubs
6.AMIT MEENA Indian Administrative Service ( IAS) Managing Director ,Cochin Smart Mission
7. Working Paper No. 359 -The Role of Waterways in Promoting Urban Resilience: The Case of
Kochi City