Key - Professional Education Which Is A Chatacteristic

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Professional Education

1. Which is a characteristic of a dyslexic child?

A. out of focus
B. hyperactive
C. attention-getter
D. hard up in writing and spelling

2. If teacher gets the difference between the highest and lowest score, he obtains the
A. range
B. standard deviation
C. mean
D. index of difficulty

3. In what way can instructional aides enhance learning?

A. reinforce learning
B. take the place of the teacher
C. entertain students
D. hold students in the classroom

4. Teacher Loida is a typical idealist teacher. Which belief about knowledge is she likely to
A. knowledge through trial and error
B. knowledge through hypothesis testing
C. knowledge from direct, concrete experience
D. knowledge through reasoning

5. Which activity should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to develop
logical mathematical thinking?
A. problem solving
B. story telling
C. drama
D. choral reading

6. Which does NOT hold true to collaborative learning?

A. Each student is held accountable for what is to be learned.
B. The members of the group have face-to-face interaction.
C. Students’ social skills are necessary.
D. Success of the group depends on one diligent student.

7. Speaking of learning style, the “mastery learner” learns best from _________.
A. dramas
B. drill
C. debates
D. role-playing

8. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education?
A. by putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching
B. by working out underserved promotions
C. by continually improving themselves personally and professionally
D. by wearing expensive clothes to change people’s poor perception of teachers

9. Referring to the characteristics of a progressives curriculum, which does NOT belong to the
A. flexible
B. child-centered
C. relevant
D. subject matter-relevant

10. When Teacher I presents sets of data then asks the students to enter a conclusion,
generalisation or a pattern of relationship, which method does she use?
A. process approach
B. unit method

Professional Education

C. inductive inquiry method

D. type method

11. Based on Mager’s approach in writing lesson objectives, which lesson objective is written
A. At the end of the period, 80% of the class is able to compose a seven to ten sentence
paragraph that observes unity and clarity.
B. At the end of the period, 80% of the class is able to solve the 5 word problems correctly.
C. At the end of the period, the student is able to compose a seven to ten sentence
paragraph that observes unity and clarity.
D. At the end of the period, 80% of the class is able to solve the 5 word problems
with 90% accuracy.

12. Which is an indicator of teacher’s effectiveness in instilling discipline among children?

A. Teachers’ presence is needed for discipline.
B. Students have developed concern for one another.
C. Students behave for fear of punishment.
D. Students behave because of promised reward.

13. Which is the Teacher’s Professionalism Act?

A. RA 7836
B. RA 4670
C. RA 7722
D. RA 9293

14. “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels”.
Which government program is in support of this?
A. exclusion of children with special needs from the formal system
B. free elementary and secondary education
C. deregulate tuition fee hike
D. re-introduction of the NEAT and NSAT

15. Which attitude is exemplified by a Boy Scout who says “bahala na” and dives into a pool to
save a drowning boy?
A. a daring attitude
B. a “segurista” attitude
C. a daring attitude combined with “pagmamalasakit”
D. an “I don’t care” attitude

16. Under which category does the MPS that we talk about in the measurement and evaluation
A. mode
B. mean
C. median
D. ratio
17. Which prescribes the abolition of private ownership by force?
A. moderate capitalism
B. socialism
C. communism
D. exaggerated capitalism

18. What psychological principle is invoked when a teacher connects the new lesson to the one
just completed so that the student may gain a holistic view of the subject?
A. stimulation
B. conceptualization
C. recognition
D. apperception

19. A person is held responsible for his actions because ________.

A. He is mature.
B. He has a choice.
C. He has instincts.

Professional Education

D. He has a reason.

20. With which will the existentialist agree? The school is a place where individuals
A. can reflect on ideas
B. can observe by using their senses to the maximum
C. can meet to pursue dialogue and discussion about their own lives and choices
D. listen and accept what the teachers say

21. Which learning activity is most appropriate if teacher’s focus is attitudinal change?
A. exhibit
B. field trip
C. game
D. role play

22. Where in the three-level teaching strategy does the teacher pose the question: can we say
that the root cause of water pollution is our very own indifference? How can we fight our
indifference to the water pollution problem around us?
A. concept-level
B. facts and concept level
C. value-level
D. concepts and value level

23. Which practice speaks of education of the human spirit?

I. Familiarizing the learner with the world’s heritage of art in all its forms
II. Encouraging the learner to be practical
III. Studying the biographies of heroes and martyrs
IV. Teaching the learner how to learn
A. I, II
B. I, IV
D. I, IIl

24. Which is NOT an element of cooperative learning?

A. group accountability for learning
B. positive interdependence
C. face-to-face interaction
D. individual’s accountability for learning

25. To the rationalist, which is the highest faculty of man?

A. emotion
B. will
C. senses
D. reason

26. Teacher Faith teaches the rest of the class while one group works in a study area on a
special task. Students share materials, help one another, and assess each other’s ideas and
assignments. What approach does the teacher use?
A. cooperative learning
B. integrative technique
C. adaptive instruction
D. independent study

27. The concluding part of the three-level approach is the __________.

A. concept level
B. value level
C. experiential level
D. facts level

28. The Venn diagram is most fit for lessons on

A. comparison
B. contrast

Professional Education

C. categorization
D. analogy

29. “Man may understand all about the rotation of the earth but he may still miss the radiance of
the sunset”, said Martin Luther King Jr. which is an educational system during the American
A. science education
B. skill education
C. liberal education
D. technical education

30. Which are characteristics of the country’s educational system during the American regime?
A. centralized
B. decentralized
C. Filipinistic
D. religious

31. In research which is another term for independent variable?

A. response
B. outcome
C. criteria
D. input

32. The lesson is about the brain. Teacher Dennis likes to share some facts about the brain by
the use of a graphic organiser. Which graphic organiser is most fit?
A. generalization pattern organizer
B. episode pattern organizer
C. descriptive pattern organizer
D. time sequence pattern organizer

33. Which questioning practice will promote more class interaction?

A. rejecting wrong answer
B. asking the question before calling on a student to answer
C. focusing on convergent questions

34. The claim of a benefactor to the gratitude of his protégée is an example of a(n)
A. alienable right
B. acquired right
C. perfect right
D. imperfect right

35. Which questioning practice promotes more class interaction

A. Calling on a student to answer before asking the question
B. Focusing on convergent functions
C. Asking rhetorical questions
D. Focusing on divergent questions

36. About what percent of the cases falls between +1 and -1 in a normal curve?
A. 64.2%
B. 63.2%
C. 65.5%
D. 68.2%

37. “Describe the reasoning errors in the following paragraph” is a sample thought question on
A. synthesizing
B. applying
C. analyzing
D. summarizing

38. Which is the most authentic proof of nationalism on the part of the teachers?
A. winning the award “Most Outstanding Teacher in the District”

Professional Education

B. utilizing every minute of the academic time for competent teaching

C. earning graduate degree for promotion
D. being a member in the National Organization for Professional Teachers

39. A sufficient wait time can achieve the following EXCEPT:

A. decreases the amount of guessing or wrong inferences
B. discourages slow and fast thinking students to respond
C. increase the number of correct responses
D. provides time for teacher to evaluate the given answer

40. Which role does the teacher play when he sets desirable learning activities for the individual
learner and takes the responsibility of matching resources with the need of each learner?
A. manager of the teaching-learning process
B. scholar and director learning
C. abstractor and supervisor of learning
D. counselor and consultant of learning

41. Which is sound classroom management practice?

A. apply rules and policies on a case to case basis
B. apply reactive approach to discipline
C. avoid establishing routines, routines make your students robots
D. establish routines for all daily needs and test

42. What is possible effect of an overcrowded curriculum?

A. In-depth learning tends to be given greater emphasis
B. There is greater concept understanding
C. Lifelong learning skills tend to be fully developed
D. There is lack of personal analysis and reflections on major concepts

43. In writing a performance objective, which word is NOT acceptable?

A. comprehend
B. manipulate
C. delineate
D. integrate

44. Which physical arrangement of chairs contributes to effective classroom management? That
which _.
A. make easier to clean the room
B. distinguishes teacher from students
C. sticks to the traditional chair arrangement in the classroom
D. enhances classroom interaction

45. For mastery learning and in line with Outcome-Based Evaluation model which element
should be present?
A. Inclusion of non-performance objectives
B. Construction of criteria-reference tests
C. Construction to the traditional chair arrangement in the classroom
D. Non-provision of independent learning

46. As a naturalist, Jean Jacques Rousseau claimed that everyone is essentially good. This
view can help the teacher best when ___________.
A. dealing with misbehaving students
B. helping the fast learners in class
C. teaching the students some values
D. knowing the student’s potential

47. With specific details in mind, which one has stronger diagnostic value?
A. restricted essay test
B. non-restricted essay test
C. performance test
D. multiple choice test

Professional Education

48. Teacher Yuan teaches to his class that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher’s teaching
is against what philosophy?
A. empiricism
B. epicureanism
C. hedonism
D. realism

49. Teacher Cathy teaches in a remote multigrade class. She is seldom visited by her principal
and supervisors. She teaches when she feels like teaching and not when she does not feel
like teaching. Which trait of a good teacher does she lack?
A. emotional intelligence
B. integrity and accountability
C. competence
D. intelligence

50. As a teacher you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child that we can never really have real knowledge of anything.
B. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.
C. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
D. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.

51. Which teaching method is intended primarily for skill and concept mastery by way of
A. review
B. drill
C. project
D. supervised study

52. Some of your students don’t seem to like you as their teacher. If you will regard the situation
on the level of the ego, what will you most likely think about?
A. What wrong I have done to deserve this
B. To hell with them
C. What is it about me that they do not like
D. Why should I care if they like me or not

53. With individualized teaching strategies as a point of reference, which does not belong to the
A. journal writing
B. independent study
C. computer-assisted instruction
D. demonstration method

54. A Grade II teacher wanted to show parts of the seed by using a large, wooden seed visual
aid with detachable cotyledons and a tiny seed. Under what classification does this wooden
structure fall?
A. replica
B. model
C. mock-up
D. realia

55. Who among the following is genuinely nationalistic? The citizen who ______.
A. works overseas for the education of his/her children
B. sings the National Anthem with all his/her heart
C. salutes the flag as it is raised during flag ceremony
D. uses his/her skill and capital to generate jobs in the countryside

56. The steps of the goal-oriented instructional model arranged in order include
A. pre-assessment, specification of objectives, instruction, evaluation
B. specification of objectives, instruction, pre-assessment, evaluation
C. pre-assessment, specification of objectives, motivation, instruction
D. specification of objectives, pre-assessment, instruction, evaluation

Professional Education

57. Nila reads WAS for SAW or D for P or B. From her reading behaviour, one can say that Nila
suffers from __________.
A. dysphasia
B. dyslexia
C. dysgraphia
D. dyspraxia

58. What will you do if someone confided to you an anomaly which will implicate people close to
A. Tell him to go to the authorities and report the matter
B. Encourage him to keep quiet so as not to harm your friends.
C. Encourage the one who confided it to you to seek the services of a lawyer
D. Tell him to call a radio broadcaster to air it.

59. I want my students to identify the strength and weaknesses of an event. Which one will I
direct them to use?
A. cycle
B. compare/contrast matrix
C. plus/delta evaluation
D. affinity diagrams

60. Student B claims: “I cannot see perfection but I long for it so it must be real”. Under which
group can he be classified?
A. Realist
B. Pragmatist
C. Idealist
D. Empiricist

61. Which is a characteristic of DEVELOPMENTALLY INAPPROPRIATE types of education?

A. contextual learning
B. highly structured, teacher-directed lessons
C. experiential learning
D. integrated learning skills

62. With the explosion of knowledge, which image of the teacher is unacceptable?
A. questioner
B. “guide on the side”
C. facilitator of learning
D. omniscient teacher

63. These are also known as “combination classes” organized in barrios/barangays where the
required number of pupils of the same grade level has not met required members to make
up a separate class, thus the teacher apportions class time for instruction to every grade
level within class? These are _________.
A. extension classes
B. homogenous classes
C. heterogenous classes
D. multi-grade classes

64. Teacher Amy begins her lesson with concrete life experience then leads her students to
abstractions. Which method does she employ?
A. inductive
B. deductive
C. transductive
D. interactive

65. Lauro who is in Grade IV has the following grade norm equivalents: Math-4, Reading-8, and
Science-5. What can be said of Lauro? Compared to the average Grade IV pupils, Lauro is
A. behind in Math
B. average in Science
C. behind in Math and average in Science

Professional Education

D. advanced in Science

66. Rights and duties are correlative. This means that _________.
A. Rights and duties regulate the relationship of men in society.
B. Each right carries with it one or several corresponding duties.
C. Rights and duties ultimately come from God.
D. Rights and duties arise from the natural law.

67. Under which category will a globe as an instructional material fall?

A. picture
B. model
C. mock-up
D. realia

68. Which developmental stage is sometimes called the pre-school years?

A. middle childhood
B. late infancy
C. early childhood
D. early infancy

69. Which is NOT supportive of the development of critical thinking?

A. open classroom atmosphere
B. authoritative teacher
C. divergent question
D. authoritarian teacher

70. The following are features of the Restructured Basic Education Curriculum EXCEPT:
A. Stronger integration of competencies and values within and across the learning areas.
B. Greater emphasis on content, less on the learning process
C. Increased time for tasks to gain mastery of competencies
D. Interdisciplinary modes of teaching

71. Perennialism advocates for the development of the cognitive faculties. Which of the
following teacher’s objective taps higher mental functioning.
A. Label the parts of the butterfly on the paper.
B. Sequence the figures of the butterfly’s life cycle
C. Name the different stages a butterfly goes through
D. Compare and contrast butterflies from moths

72. Which one uses a projector?

A. model
B. slides
C. mock-up
D. realia

73. Which principle is observed by Ausubel’s schema theory?

A. Learners have stock knowledge of things based on background information and
B. There is no need to provide background information
C. Children can be taught how to study
D. Teachers must presume that learners know everything

74. Which is more of a spatial task for a learner?

A. Read a book then write a response
B. Examine a statistical chart then write a response
C. Watch a movie then write a response
D. Go on a field trip then write a response

75. Bullying among kids in school is rampant. What needs to be taught to eradicate it?
A. full development of talents
B. athletic skills
C. respect for the dignity of persons

Professional Education

D. full development of physical powers

76. Under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminate against any learner,
says the Code of Ethics. When a teacher is prejudiced against any learner?
A. When he refuses a pupil with a slight physical disability in class
B. When he makes a farsighted pupil sit at the back
C. When he makes a nearsighted pupil sit in front
D. When he considers multiple intelligences in the choice of his teaching strategies

77. In what developmental stage is growth most rapid?

A. adolescence
B. middle childhood
C. infancy
D. early childhood

78. A woman kills the man who had raped her by reason of self-defense. Is this right?
A. Yes, rape is a very serious act of aggression and is proportionate to killing.
B. Yes, it is done to defend her reputation.
C. Yes, this is the only time the woman can ably defend herself.
D. No, killing is no longer self-defense because the rape is already over.

79. In which type of grading do teachers evaluate student’s learning not in terms of grade but by
evaluating the students in terms of expected and mastered skills?
A. point grading system
B. relative grading
C. mastery grading
D. grade contracting

80. If we teach our students to think creatively, what do we encourage them to do?
A. to question the illogical
B. to criticize the unreasonable
C. think within the box
D. do outside-the-box thinking

81. Which does not go with an integrated teaching strategy?

A. isolated bits of information
B. multidisciplinary
C. interconnected
D. interdisciplinary

82. Which statement on IQ test is WRONG?

A. can be advanced by maturational changes
B. measures fixed potential
C. measures current performance
D. can be enriched by environment experiences

83. Which curricula were implemented immediately before the restructured Basic Education
A. NSEC and 2-2 plan
D. NESC and 2-2 plan

84. Which holds true to norm-reference testing?

A. Comparing individual’s performance to the average performance of a group
B. Constructing test items in terms of instructional objective
C. Identifying an acceptable level of mastery in advance
D. Determining tasks that reflect instructional objectives

85. What does a conservative Filipino student experience when she migrates to the United
States and witnesses for herself public display of affection?
A. colonial mentality

Professional Education

B. culture shock
C. acculturation
D. enculturation

86. As part of their lesson, the music teacher scheduled the young beginners to vocalize for 5-
10 minutes daily, three times per week. In terms of pyschomotor learning, such teacher’s
action illustrates:
A. skill perfecting
B. mass practice
C. distributed practice
D. skilled performance

87. Which of the following has its strength on immediate feedback?

A. process approach
B. laboratory method
C. group dynamics
D. computer-assisted instruction

88. In which competency do my students find greatest difficulty? In the item with the difficulty
index of __.
A. 1.0
B. .50
C. .90
D. .10

89. The mechanism that used to get data into the main memory of a computer is called a(n)
A. entry device
B. input device
C. temporary device
D. output device

90. Which is the true end of the teacher’s authority in the classroom?
A. To coerce the child to what is good
B. To motivate the child to internalize self-discipline
C. To sow fear in every child for other’s sake
D. To make the child obey orders

91. To develop scientific thinking and problem-solving skills, which activity will be most
A. brainstorming
B. role play
C. buzz groups
D. inquiry group discussions

92. The index of difficulty of a particular test item is 1.0. What does this mean? My students
A. gained mastery over that item
B. performed very well against expectations
C. found that test item was neither easy nor difficult
D. were hard up in that item

93. Which one is inimical to nationhood?

A. the new politics movement
B. political will to institute national reforms
C. a sense of historical identity
D. chronic clan mentality

94. Teacher Cherry wants to diagnose in which vowel sound(s) her students have difficulty.
Which tool is most appropriate?
A. portfolio assessment
B. journal entry
C. performance test

Professional Education

D. paper-and-pencil test

95. An Industrial Arts teacher is very strict in the classroom, yet he smokes inside the room
whenever he wants to. His pupils even see him with his “barkada” drinking liquor in public
places. If you were the principal, how would you deal with me?
A. Explain to the pupils that smoking is bad for young people but not to adults.
B. Be tolerant about his behaviour for it is only a manifestation of “pakikisama”.
C. In writing, express disapproval of the unbecoming behaviour of the teacher.
D. Talk with him about the importance of being consistent in one’s actions and in the
rule of discipline enforced in the classroom.

96. In the parlance of test construction, what does TOS mean?

A. Term of Specifications
B. Table of Specifics
C. Table of Specific Test Items
D. Table of Specifications

97. Which is a feature of exaggerated capitalism?

A. abolition of private property
B. sense of social justice
C. individualistic concept of wealth
D. social ownership of some means of production

98. As reported by the Committee on Information Technology, Science, Mathematics Education

and other technologies of the 2000 Presidential Commission on Educational Reform, the
elementary curriculum is ________.
A. reclustered
B. integrated
C. overcrowded
D. innovative

99. The attention to the development of a deep respect and affection for our rich cultural past is
an influence of _____.
A. Hegel’s
B. Confucius’
C. Dewey’s
D. Teilhard de Chardin’s

100. Which test items do NOT affect the variability of test scores?
A. test items that are a bit easy
B. test items that are moderate in difficulty
C. test items that are a bit difficult
D. test items that every examine gets correctly

101. With the linguistically group in mind, which activity is least effective?
A. concept maps
B. debates
C. manipulative
D. deductive reasoning

102. The mode of a score distribution is 25. This means that

A. twenty-five is the score that occurs least
B. twenty-five is the score that occurs the most
C. twenty-five is the average of the score distribution
D. there is no score of 25

103. Which technique is most appropriate when a teacher wants a group of students to agree
on a plan of action?
A. consensus decision-making
B. composite report
C. agenda
D. symposium

Professional Education

104. To have test with wide coverage, power to test analytical thinking and ease of scoring,
which type should teachers use?
A. alternate response
B. short answer
C. completion
D. multiple choice

105. Who was a strong supporter of inclusive education and “education for all” concept?
A. Rousseau
B. Kung-fu-tsu
C. Dewey
D. Hegel

106. Which visual display is a result of student’s comprehension of a selection read proven
by his ability to organize and integrate concepts and information gleaned from the selection?
A. journal
B. story map
C. venn diagram
D. semantic web

107. After showing the chart of families of different sizes and their corresponding water
consumption, Teacher Lily asked the pupils this question: What can you say about the size
of families and their average water consumption? To answer the question which specific skill
is demanded of the pupils?
A. drawing inferences
B. recall
C. evaluation
D. stating generalization

108. A student’s dislike for Math is due to traumatic experience with a Math teacher in the
past. Which law explains this?
A. analogy
B. vividness
C. disposition of mind set
D. partial activity

109. In a positively skewed distribution like personal income, which is/are a more reliable
measure/s of central tendency?
A. mode
B. mean
C. median
D. mode and median

110. For grades to be valid indicators of students’ achievements, which process should be
A. Defining the course objectives as intended learning outcomes
B. Giving objective-type test
C. Adopting letter grades such as A, B, C, D
D. Explaining the meaning of grades

111. Helping in the development of graduates who are “maka-Diyos” is an influence of

A. naturalistic morality
B. situational morality
C. dialectical morality
D. classical Christian morality

112. Rights cannot be unduly trampled upon or suppressed without moral guilt because they
are _________.
A. inalienable

Professional Education

B. inviolable
C. perfect
D. adventitious

113. Which software allows and students to write, edit, and polish reports?
A. database
B. word processing
C. spreadsheets
D. graphics

114. Which applies when the score distribution is on the left side of the curve?
A. bell curve
B. positively skewed
C. bimodal
D. negatively skewed

115. “Once a teacher, forever a student” what is the implication of this statement to
A. A teacher is a teacher only in relation to the student
B. A teacher’s pre-service preparation is wanting of quality
C. The competent and committed teacher is a rare commodity nowadays
D. A teacher must go through a continuing professional education in order to be

116. After reading “A New Home for Ruben”, the teacher asked the pupils this question: “Who
was Ruben?” Under what level of comprehension does this question fall?
A. application
B. literal comprehension
C. interpretation
D. critical evaluation

117. Which of the following is considered a peripheral device?

A. keyboard
C. monitor
D. printer

118. Which instructional material is closest to direct experience?

A. film showing
B. simulation
C. field trip
D. dramatization

119. The teacher who nurtures the students’ positive psychosocial is likely to _______.
A. Trace all student’s backgrounds and coordinate with the guidance center in case the
students have problems.
B. Be in class and listen to reasons of justification when students get into conflict
C. Provide some practical learning activities that will develop or foster harmonious
relationship in classroom
D. Remind the students to develop a peaceful classroom atmosphere so that everyone will be

120. I want to diagnose my student life difficulties in written communication skills. Which one
should I use?
A. short written response
B. teacher observation
C. oral reports
D. performance

121. In which cognitive developmental stage is a child unable to distinguish between own
perspective and someone else’s?
A. sensimotor stage

Professional Education

B. concrete-operational stage
C. formal-operational stage
D. pre-operational stage

122. If you want a child to eliminate an undesirable behaviour, punish him. This is
accordance to Thorndike’ s law of ________.
A. reward
B. exercise
C. punishment
D. effect

123. How students learn may be more important that what they learn. From this principle,
which of the following is important?
A. knowing how to solve the problem
B. getting the right answer to a word problem
C. determining the given
D. solving the problem within the time limit

124. Matthew Arnold’s ideal person was “the person whose powers were all in balance”. The
following enumerate which have to be developed for a person to become Arnold’s ideal
person EXCEPT:
A. head, heart, hands, health
B. knowledge, skills, attitudes
C. brain, mind, reason
D. cognitive, psychomotor, and affective powers

125. Which may work against collaborative teaching?

A. establishing of mutual goals
B. joint rewards
C. homogenous grouping
D. “knee-to-knee” seat arrangement by group

126. Which statement about standard deviation is CORRECT?

A. The lower the standard deviation, the more spread the scores are
B. The higher the standard deviation, the less spread the scores are
C. The higher the standard deviation, the more spread the scores are
D. It is a measure of central tendency

127. Which of the following is NOT a measure of central tendency?

A. median
B. mean
C. variance
D. mode

128. What type of test is given to determine the admission or non-admission of a student to
the program?
A. placement
B. diagnostic
C. aptitude
D. achievement

129. What is an advantage of point system of grading?

A. It does away with establishing clear distinctions among students
B. It is precise
C. It is qualitative
D. It emphasizes learning, not objective of scoring

130. Which, according to Jocano, is a strength of the Filipino people?

A. sense of commitment to nationalistic ideals
B. sense of historical or national identity
C. sense of humor
D. sense of national pride

Professional Education

131. Which holds TRUE of the deductive method?

A. teacher-dominated
B. student-dominated
C. highly interactive
D. less subject matter covered

132. I want my student to show historical ages graphically. Which will be most appropriate?
A. fishbone diagram
B. continuous scale
C. series of events chain
D. flow chart

133. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, what is that a child can NOT do?
A. Doing mentally what was done just physically done
B. Reasoning applied to specific example
C. Classifying objects into different sets
D. Imagining the steps necessary to complete an algebraic equation

134. With cooperative learning in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
A. collaborative
B. competition
C. teamwork
D. synergy

135. With social development in mind, which is most effective?

A. computer-assisted instruction
B. games
C. cooperative learning
D. puzzle

136. Which of these is a characteristic of skills-based instruction?

A. It is discovery-based learning
B. It is student-centered
C. It is school learning
D. Students take part in planning lessons

137. Which question demands the highest level of thinking?

A. How should you present a report in class?
B. What conditions must be met for reporting method to be effective?
C. What steps are followed in class reporting?
D. Was the students reporting well done? Support your answer.

138. I am reminded of my Grade 1 teacher every time I see Ms Barredo because their
mannerisms are alike. Which principle of association is this?
A. contiguity
B. similarity
C. frequency
D. contrast

139. The computer is user-friendly. This means that _______.

A. The computer lets the user win
B. The computer program has menus
C. A touch screen is used for input
D. The computer program is easy to use

140. According to Piaget’s theory, in which development stage can the child do symbolic
thinking and go beyond the connection of sensory information and physical action?
A. sensorimotor
B. concrete operational
C. formal operational
D. pre-operational

Professional Education

141. Below is a list of methods used to establish the reliabilty of the instrument. Which
method is questioned for its reliability due to practice and familiarity?
A. split half
B. equivalent forms
C. test-retest
D. Kuder Richardson

142. Which one holds true to anecdotal records?

A. combining facts with interpretation
B. writing objective, descriptive behavior with case
C. describing behavior in natural setting
D. describing behavior in laboratory setting

143. Which is also called a bar graph?

A. lithograph
B. hectograph
C. holograph
D. histogram

144. Study this group of test which was administered with the following results, and then
answer the question.

Subject Mean SD Ronnel’s Score

Math 56 10 43
Physics 41 9 31
English 80 16 109

In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform best in relation to the group’s performance?

A. Physics and Math

B. English
C. Math
D. Physics

145. What is the role of the learner in the Restructured Basic Education Curriculum?
A. passive recipient of knowledge
B. rival of classmates in learning
C. active partner in learning
D. object of pedagogy

146. Which method makes possible “hands -on-minds-on” learning?

A. unit
B. demonstration
C. project
D. integrative

147. A good classroom manager has “eyes on the back of her head”. This means that an
effective teacher ________.
A. has eye contact with his students
B. gives penetrating looks to his students
C. is aware of all actions and activities in the classroom

148. Which of the 3 - id, ego, and superego - consist of instincts?

A. ego and superego
B. ego
C. id
D. superego

149. A catalyst teacher is good at the following skills, EXCEPT:

Professional Education

A. Makes effective use of cooperative learning techniques

B. Asks thought-provoking questions
C. Requires uniform reports
D. Does inquiry teaching

150. Which is good practice that a teacher uses in correcting student’s errors?
A. Encourage the students to read books and magazines to improve their spelling
B. Readily correcting the error upon utterance to distract the students’ flow of thought
C. Noting students errors and dealing with them after the class activities
D. Ignore the mistake, anyway she will commit the same error in the future.


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