Fire Protection and Arson Investigation Final Exam 1
Fire Protection and Arson Investigation Final Exam 1
Fire Protection and Arson Investigation Final Exam 1
INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully and select the best answer. Write the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. Absolutely no ERASURES or ANY
ALTERATIONS are allowed. Please be guided.
1. If other exposed areas are destroyed before the room's comers burn out, that is unusual fire behavior
because corners are usually that is destroyed last in an accidental fire.
a. Dead air space. c. Non-ventilated
b. Vacuum area d. Unexposed to air
4. It is the precise spot where a heat source and a fuel came into contact and where the fire started.
a. origin c. fire pattern
b. point of fire origin d. cause of the fire
6. Buildings and structures must arrange and maintain each exit to provide free and egress from
all parts thereof at all times.
a. open c. obstructed
b. closed d. unobstructed
7. Any structure, whether old or new, intended for human habitation shall be provided with sufficient
enable inhabitants to leave quickly and safely in the event of a fire or other emergency.
a. entrance c. wide door
b. window d. exits
10. In situations where a certain jurisdiction does not have a licensed engineer or architect, who will be
chosen to serve as the plan evaluator?
a. any baccalaureate degree holder
b. completed FAIIC training
c. a baccalaureate degree holder with FAIIC experience
d. a Licensed Criminologist
13. Regarding in transmission of heat, it has been noted that heat moves away from the:
a. lower temperature to the higher temperature
b. middle temperature to lower temperature
c. higher temperature to lower temperature
d. middle temperature to the higher temperature
15. If gasoline was used to start the fire on someone else's property, then it is then:
a. crimes involving destruction
b. crimes involving destruction
c. a prima facie evidence of arson
d. damage to property
17. Michael Scofield is the husband of Sara Tancredi, When she arrived at church on a Sunday morning, she
noticed Michael Scofield there with another girl. Out of jealousy, she immediately returned home, searched
their bedroom for her husband's clothes, and burnt them all-but in a place where there was no risk of the
fire spreading to a neighboring home, If there is a crime, what is it that Sara Tancredi has done?
a. Arson
b. Malicious mischief
c. Unjust vexation
d. No crime has been committed
18. This ventilation removal method creates a pressure differential by forcing air into the building through a
window or entryway using a blower or smoke ejector.
a. top ventilation
b. negative-pressure ventilation
c. positive-pressure ventilation
d. under ventilation
21. How to keep an eye out for people and cars as you get closer to the fire, except
a. Observe people or vehicles leaving the site quickly
b. The investigator needs to search for any potential burn-related materials
c. Note the license plate number and any descriptions of any suspicious people or cars
d. A written account of all the investigator's findings should be prepared
22. In Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, Destructive Arson includes the burning of the following
a. more than 6,000 pesos worth of damage was done to a public building
b. buildings as a result of a single action
c. whether a ship or vessel locomotive, or train
d. buildings, factories, warehouses, installations, and any ancillary equipment used in the provision
of public utilities
23. When seeking prima facie proof of arson, the following should be noted by the investigator, EXCEPT
a. Look for markings on unburned doors and windows that could be signs of violent entry,
b. Take note of the peculiar building content arrangement.
c. Check to see if the trespasser has left behind any forced entry tools.
d. Track the source and path of the fire
24. Traces of flammable objects, such as plants, trailers, and other objects can be located at
a. Remains/debris
b. Point of origin
c. At the building's bottom level
d. close to the fire
26. The penalty of Reclusion, Temporal in its maximum period to Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed if the
property burned is any of the following except:
a. Any ammunition factory and other establishments where explosives. inflammable or combustible
materials are stored
b. Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually assemble
c. Any train, airplane, or any aircraft, vessel or watercraft, or conveyance for transportation of
persons or property
d. An inhabited house
27. In Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, Destructive Arson includes the burning of the following:
a. Edifices, consequent to one single act.
b. Public building and value of the damage caused exceed 6.000 pesos.
c. Train or locomotive, ship, or vessel.
d. Building, factory warehouse, installation, and any appurtenance directed
29. What is the highest penalty for the crime of arson under special penal laws?
a. Reclusion Perpetua. c. 12 years
b. Life imprisonment d. Reclusion temporal
30. Who shall take cognizance of the responsibilities of PROTECTING and SECURING the whole fire scene
after the fire is declared fire out by the ground commander?
a. Municipal fire marshal c. Fire chief
b. Provincial fire marshal d. Fire arson investigator
31. Who shall have the full responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents with total damages
amounting to above Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00), but not exceeding Sixty Million Pesos (Php
a. City fire marshal c. Regional director for fire protection
b. District fire marshal d. Provincial fire marshal
32. The BFP and the BJMP shall be headed by the Chief and assisted by two deputies, one for
administration and the other for operations. Who appoints the chief of BFP and BJMP?
a. Civil service commission. c. The President of the republic
b. DILG secretary d. Chief of the Fire Bureau
34. If the assessed value of the nuisance or the amount to be spent in abating the same is not more than
One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), the owner, administrator, or occupant thereof shall abate the
hazard within ?
a. Thirty (30) days c. five (5) days
b. fifteen (15) days d. ten (10) days
35. The penalty of Reclusion Temporal in its maximum period to Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed if the
property burned is any of the following, EXCEPT :
a. Any ammunition factory and other establishments where explosives, inflammable or combustible
materials are stored
b. Any archive or museum
c. Farmhouse
d. Any church or place of worship
36. The following are Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson, EXCEPT:
a. If committed with intent to gain,
b. if committed for the benefit of another
c. If committed with an accomplice
d. if committed by a syndicate.
39. The head of the Fire Bureau with the rank of shall have the position title of Chief of the Fire Bureau.
a. Superintendent
b. Provincial Fire Marshall
c. Regional Director
d. Director
40. There shall be established at least fire station with adequate personnel, firefighting facilities, and
equipment in every provincial capital, city, and municipality.
a. 1 (one) c. 2 (two)
b. 3 (three) d. 4 (four)
41. In the conduct of fire safety inspection as a prerequisite to the grants of permits and/or license by the
government, the Chief, BFP or his duly representative shall be considered of the following, Except.
a. Electrical system c. The mechanical system of the building
b. Storage for combustible materials d. Occupancy of the building
42. If gasoline was used in setting off the fire on the property of another, then it is then .
a. damage to properly c. destructive arson
b. crimes involving destruction d. a prima facie evidence of arson
44. When the burning of the property was done by the offender only to cause damage but the ARSON
resulted in the DEATH of the person, what was the crime committed?
a. Arson c. Homicide
b. Murder d. Arson with Homicide
45. Who shall have the full responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents with total damage
amounting to above Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00), but not exceeding Sixty Million Pesos (Php
a. Regional director for fire protection c. City fire marshal.
b. District fire marshal d. Provincial fire marshal
48. The duties of the first responder or first investigator who arrives at the crime scone are the following in
I. Render assistance to injured person/s
II. Effect arrest of the criminal
III. Proceed to the crime scene promptly and safely
IV. Locate and identify witnesses
V. Interview complaints/victims and witnesses
VI. Maintain the integrity of the crime scene and protect the evidence
a. 1, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6 c. 2, 3, 5, 1.4, 6
b. 3. 1. 2, 4, 5, 6 d. 3, 2, 6, 4, 5,1
49. The presence indicates that the person died during the fire.
a. CO c. CO2
b. burns d. Contact wounds
50. In recording the crime scene, the first thing to photograph should be the:
a. interior of the building c. evidence prior to removal
b. exterior views d. outbuilding and grounds
51. The Arson Probe went around the crime scene. What is the purpose of going around the crime scene?
a. To observe the color of the smoke
b. To look for the reaction of persons
c. To observe people
d. To determine the cause the of fire
52. As a firing probe, if there are no witnesses, how should you proceed?
a. Interview c. locate the point of origin
b. Photograph d. Wait for witnesses
54. Which of the following are being represented by the fire triangle with the 3 sides representing fuel,
temperature, and oxygen?
a. flaming mode c. surface or smoldering mode
b. laminar flame d. turbulent flame
57. Combustible metallic substance such as magnesium is classified as under what type of fuels?
a. Class A fuels c. Class B fuels
b. Class C fuels d. Class D fuels
60. What type of gas are being used for treatment such as for anesthesia and respiratory therapy?
a. liquefied gases c. cryogenic gases
b. compressed gas d. medical gases
61. The sudden ignition of accumulated radical gases produced when there is incomplete combustion of
fuels is known as .
a. Flashover c. fireballs
b. Biteback d. Flashfire
62. It refers to the fatal condition that takes place when the fire resists the extinguishment operation and
becomes stronger and bigger.
a. Flashfire c. flashover
b. Biteback d. backdraft
63. Type of fire resulting from the burning of wood, paper, textiles, rubber, and other carbonaceous
a. Class A Fires c. Class B fires
b. Class C fires d. Class D fires
64. Referring to the various methods used to stop, extinguishing, and control destructive fire for eventual
prevention of loss of life and property.
a. Fire Protection c. Fire Prevention
b. Protection d. Prevention
65. Descriptive term of various methods or safety measures utilized to stop harmful or destructive fires
a. Fire Protection c. Fire Prevention
b. Protection d. Prevention
66. Which among the following extinguisher is used to fight all classes of fires?
a. Dry Chemical Extinguisher c. Liquefied Fire Extinguisher
b. Water Fire Extinguisher d. Extinguisher
69. What is called as a product of combustion responsible for the spread of fire?
a. Fire Gases c. Flame
b. Heat d. Smoke
71. It is the operation of removing, thus saving people and other livestock from the burning building and
other involved properties, conveying them to a secure place.
a. Evaluation Set-up b. Entry
c. Evacuation d. Rescue
72. This activity involves developing and defining systematic course of actions that maybe performed in
order to realize the objectives of fire protection.
a. Pre- Fire planning c. Evaluation Set-up
b. Evacuation d. Entry
73. What process is involved when all the heat evolved and goes into heating the products and raising the
a. Kinetics c. Heat transfer
b. Thermodynamics d. Mass transfer
77. Which fire extinguishers are used to put out electrical fires from electrical components or energized
electrical equipment?
a. Water extinguisher c. Wet chemical
b. Carbon dioxide extinguisher d. None of these
78. This is the process of putting out the main body of fire by using the four general methods of fire
a. Overhaul c. Extinguishment
b. Salvage d. Ventilation
79. There is an increased quantity of carbon monoxide produced when fuel is burned in a limited supply of
oxygen because .
a. carbon reacts with carbon monoxide
b. carbon reacts with carbon dioxide
c. carbon monoxide is an effective reducing agent
d. greater oxidation takes place
80. Fire officer Manansala used a method of fire extinguishment, whereby removing the fuel at the burning
a. Cooling c. Smothering
b. Blanketing d. Separation
81. Firefighters used a method of fire extinguishment, whereby reduction of oxygen concentration at the
burning area, by introducing inert gases or by separating of oxygen from fuel.
a. Starvation c. Smothering
b. Separation d. Blanketing
82. Transfer of heat occurs as a result of a temperature difference. This is the driving force that causes the
heat to flow, it is also observed that heat flows in the direction from.
a. Higher temperature to the lower temperature
b. Lower temperature to the higher temperature
c. Either A and B
d. Neither A and B
83. BEN set a fire, and he transfers the heat by using a solid object, the form of heat transfer that takes
place within solids when one portion of an object is heated.
a. Convection c. Conduction
b. Radiation d. Heat transfer
84. If you are using an appliance like Flatiron, the transmission of heat is through the electromagnetic wave,
it is under what transfer of heat?
a. Conduction c. Convection
b. Radiation d. Direct contact
85. In a fire incident whereby the fire investigator saw the fire starting in a small flame to a full fire that
involves the entire room, this is under what stages of fire?
a. Initial stage c. Free burning stage
b. Smoldering stage d. Decay stage
86. As you are a Firefighter, whereby stages of fire are considered as the most dangerous stage to the
a. Initial stage c. Free burning stage
b. Smoldering stage d. Fully developed stage
87. Velson is a PNPA graduate he entered as a lateral entry of officer into the BFP/BJMP and shall be
automatically appointed to the initial rank of
a. Chief superintendent c. Superintendent
b. inspector d. Senior inspector
88. SANTOS is a doctor of medicine he entered as a lateral entry of officer into the BFP/BJMP, and shall be
appointed to the initial rank of.
a. Inspector c. Senior inspector
b. Chief inspector d. Superintendent
89. If you are in a situation of fire incident on a building or structure what is the right things to do?
a. Sound the alarm c. Find the possible exit
b. Immediately evacuate d. Nothing
90. Out of anger, because his younger brother was mauled by the neighbor JOY, FRED burned the house of
JOY who unknown to him was sleeping in the house during that time. As an Arson Investigator you will
charges FRED with?
a. Arson with murder c. Murder only
b. Arson and Murder d. Arson only
91. He is responsible to conduct an inspection of every building or structure within his area of responsibility
at least once a year and every time the owner shall renew his/her business permit or permit to operate.
a. Chief BFP c. Fire Safety Inspector
b. Owner d. Administrator
92. Mr. Algin sets a fire to his own property under circumstances that expose to danger the life or property
of another is guilty of?
a. arson c. crimes involving destruction
b. damage to property d. none of the foregoing
94. In the event of an uncontrolled fire in your vicinity, your first course of action should be to:
A. Activate the Alarm C. Run away as quickly as possible
B. Ask someone else what to do D. Get a fire extinguisher
95. To operate the fire extinguisher, the acronym P.A.S.S. is often used to help us remember to
A. Pass by the fire, activate the sprinkler system, seal fire area from oxygen, stop unauthorized
B. Pull the alarm, alert the response team, shut down the power sources, secure the area.
C. Pass by the fire, activate the fire alarm, select the proper extinguisher, shoot at the base of the
D. Pull the pin, aim at the base of the fire, squeeze the handle, and sweep at the base of the fire.
97. Based on Fire Safety guidelines what location is it preferable to install smoke alarms?
A. in the residence's main entrance
B. in the laundry room, the kitchen and the bathrooms
C. in the hallways, near the bedrooms
D. in a room exposed to fires (e. g: kitchen, living room with fireplace, etc.)
98. Which of the following statement explain why an arson investigator doesn't need a warrant?
A. She/he has Probable Cause
B. There may be valuables on the scene
C. The Supreme Court has upheld that a search warrant is unnecessary when evidence is likely to be
D. They will get one later
99. The act of burning one's home in order to defraud one's insurer:
A. Is always classified as a crime other than arson
B. Is sometimes classified as a crime other than arson
C. Is a form of arson
D. None of the answers are correct
100. On the conduct of on-scene investigation, who documents the fire area by the use of any verifiable
means or source of recording?
A. fire arson investigator
B. fire scene sketch preparer
C. fire scene photographer
D. team leader