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1. What is also known as resistance or spontaneous remission?

a. Persistence c. Aging-out
b. Withdrawal d. Repression

2. What refers to the process by which juvenile offenders continue in their delinquent careers?
a. Persistence c. Aging-out
b. Withdrawal d. Repression

3. The participation in illegal behavior by a minor who falls under a statutory age limit is ____________.
a. delinquent behavior c. juvenile delinquent
b. juvenile delinquency d. deviant behavior

4. The power of the state to act on behalf of the child and provide care and protection equivalent to that of a parent is called
a. stare decisis c. parens patriae
b. police power d. veto power

5. What refers to an act of staying out of school without permission?

a. Acting out c. Skipping
b. Cutting class d. Truancy

6. A delinquent with five or more juvenile arrests is ___________.

a. Offender c. chronic offender
b. Recidivist d. habitual delinquent

7. Which principles views youths as overseeing their own destinies and being free to make personal behavior choices
unencumbered by environmental factors?
a. Choice c. Freewill
b. Utilitarianism d. Rationality

8. Which theory explains the idea that youth move in and out of delinquency and that their lifestyles can
embrace both conventional and deviant behavior?
a. Drift c. Shifting
b. Exposure d. Neutralization

9. Which theory explains when the values of subculture clash with those of the dominant culture?
a. Subculture c. Culture conflict
b. Cultural conflict d. Social conflict

10. Which theory states that society creates deviance through a system of social control agencies designate certain
individuals as delinquent, thereby stigmatizing youths and encouraging them to accept this negative personal identity?
a. Self-labeling c. Labeling
b. Stigmatized individual d. Self-fuIfilling prophecy

11. Which deviant behavior patterns are a response to an earlier labeling experience; youths act out these social roles even
if they are falsely bestowed?
a. Self-labeling c. Labeling theory
b. Stigmatized individual d. Self-fulfilling prophecy

12. A family unit that is composed of parents and their children is __________.
a. Nuclear c. truncated
b. Blended d. joint

13. Under this circumstance, parents physically leave their children with the intention of completely severing the parent-
child relationship is called _________.
a. Neglect c. child abuse
b. Abandonment d. battered child
14.Status offenders are otherwise ķnown as ________________.
a. Delinquent c. chronic offender
b. wayward minors d. mendicants

15. The theory views crime as a normal function of modern living; offenses can be expected if there is a motivated offender
and a suitable target that is not protected by capable guardians is ______________.
a. situational crime c. predatory crime
b. routine activity d. specific deterrence

16. The idea that criminals manifest physical anomalies that make them biologically and physiologically similar our primitive
ancestors is ___________________.
a. atavism c. criminal atavism
b. born criminal d. human evolution

17. This theory claimed that for a variety of genetic and environmental reasons, some people's brains function differently to
environmental stimuli is ____________.
a. Imitation c. Learning
b. Arousal d. Strain

18. A theory that viewed behavior is modeled through observation is ____________.

a. Differential association c. Theory of imitation
b. Social teaming d. Social bond

19. What refers to the security given for the release of the person in custody of the law, furnished by him/her a bondsman,
to guarantee his/her appearance before any court?
a. Bail c. Corporate surety
b. Recognizance d. Cash deposit

20. What refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to undergo after he/she is found responsible
for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings?
a. Diversion c. Intervention
b. Diversion program d. Intervention program

21.Which refers to a series of activities that are designed to address issues that caused the child to commit offense and
may take the form of an individualized treatment program which may include counselling, skills training, education, and
other activities that will enhance his psychological, emotional, and psychosocial well-being?
a. Diversion c. Intervention
b. Diversion program d. Intervention program

22.It seeks to obtain reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the offender, the offended, and the community; and
reassurance to the offender that he/she can be reintegrated into society is ___________.
a. Justice c. restorative justice
b. just desert d. due process of law

23. What offenses discriminate only against a child, while an adult does hot suffer any penalty for committing similar acts?
a. Crime c. Status offense
b. Offense d. Delinquency

24. Which is a 24-hour child-caring institution providing short-term residential care for children in conflict with the law who
are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to other agencies or jurisdictions?
a. Youth rehabilitation center c. Rehabilitation center
b. Youth detention home d. Tahanan ng kabataan

25. It is a 24-hour residential care facility that provides care, treatment, and rehabilitation services for children in conflict
with the law is ___________.
a. youth rehabilitation center c. rehabilitation center
b. youth detention home d. tahanan ng kabataan
26. An undertaking in lieu of a bond assumed by a parent or custodian who shall be responsible for the child's appearance
in court in conflict with the law when required is ___________.
a. Recognizance c. bail
b. corporate surety d. cash deposit

27.Police Corporal Hermoso responded to the call of a concerned citizen stating that there is a minor who allegedly stabbed
another minor. There he immediately contained the situation and disarmed the alleged suspect. The said officer is doing
a. Arrest c. Initial arrest of the child
b. Custody d. Initial contact with the child

28.It refers to any form of detention or imprisonment from which the child in conflict with the law is not permitted to leave at
will by order of any judicial or administrative authority is ____________.
a. Detention c. deprivation of liberty
b. deprivation of freedom d. deprivation of rights

29.A barangay tanod who has arrested a minor who committed a violation of the law is considered a/an ___________.
a. Police officer c. Law enforcement officer
b. Law enforcement d. Agent of persons in authority

30. When a family court is not available in a locality, what court shall take jurisdiction over juvenile cases?
a. Regional trial court c. Municipal trial court
b. Family court d. District Court

31. Programs provided in a community setting developed for purposes of intervention and diversion, as well as rehabilitation
of the child in conflict with the law, for reintegration into his family and community is _________.
a. Diversion program c. Intervention program
b. Community-based program d. Police community relations program

32.The totality of the circumstances and conditions which are most congenial to the survival, protection, and feelings of
security of the child and most encouraging to the child's physical, psychological, and emotional development is ______.
a. Interest of the child c. Child's welfare
b. Best interest of the child d. Child's protection

33.A child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of personal, family. and social
circumstances is ____________.
a. child at risk c. youth at risk
b. delinquent d. deviant

34. Which of the following is NOT included in describing the child at risk?
a. Being out of school c. Being a member of a syndicate
b. Being a street child d. Living in situations of armed conflict

35.A child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having committed an offense under Philippine laws is ______.
a. Delinquent c. child in conflict with the law
b. children in violation of the law d. deviant

36. The right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; the right not to
be imposed a sentence of capital punishment, and the right to bail and recognizance are examples of _____________.
a. rights of the child in conflict with the law c. rights of the child
b. constitutional rights of the child offender d. statutory rights of the child

37.What is the age of the child at the time of the commission of the offense that shall be exempt from criminal liability?
a. 15 years or under c. 15 years or below
b. 15 years d. 15 years but below 18
38.What program shall a child above fifteen years but below 18 years old undergo if he/she acted without discernment?
a. Intervention c. Community-based
b. Diversion d. Counseling

39.Any person contesting the age of the child in conflict with the law prior to the filing of the information in any appropriate
court may file a case in a summary proceeding for the determination of age before the ___________.
a. Court of Appeals c. Family Court
b. Regional trial court d. Sandigan Bayan
40.Any contest when it comes to the age of the child must be resolved within how many hours?
a. 18 hours c. 24 hours
b. 12 hours d. 8 hours

41. Who among the following is NOT a member of the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council?
a. Department of Education c. Commission on Human Rights
b. Bureau of Corrections d. Integrated Bar of the Philippines

42. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council shall be chaired by an undersecretary of the ____________.
a. Department of Justice c. Department of Social Welfare and Development
b. Department of Health d. Department of Interior and Local Government

43. If it has been determined that the child taken into custody is fifteen (15)- years old or below, the authority which will have
initial contact with the child has the duty to immediately __________.
a. released to the custody of the DSWD c. released to the custody of guardians
b. released to the custody of parents d. released to the barangay officials

44.All records and proceedings involving children in conflict with the law from initial contact until the final disposition of the
case shall be considered ____________.
a. confidential and privileged c. privileged
b. privileged and confidential d. confidential

45.Once the child who is under eighteen (18). years of age at the time of the commission of the offense is found guilty of
the offense charged, the court shall determine and ascertain any civil liability which may have resulted from the offense
committed. However, instead of pronouncing the judgment of conviction, the court shall place the child in conflict with the
law under _____________.
a. automatic suspension c. privileged mitigating circumstance
b. suspended sentence d. automatic suspension of crime

46. Under RA 9344, what is considered an alternative to imprisonment?

a. Diversion program c. Intervention
b. Automatic suspension d. Probation

47. According to a study, 23 million Filipinos are suffering from involuntary hunger. Many criminologists view the
disadvantaged economic class position as the primary cause of crime and delinquency. This explained the theory of ____.
a. social structure c. social disorganization
b. cultural deviance d. differential opportunity

48. If adolescents are indeed bound by the social order, how do they justify their delinquent acts?
a. They just ignore it and blame others of their mistakes.
b. They develop techniques to rationalize their actions.
c. They enter a shift of drift.
d. They are full of pretensions.

49. Carlo's wife died of breast cancer. A year later, Cạrlo marries his deceased wife's sister, Carla. What kind of marriage
do they have?
a. Levirate c. Sororate
b. Adoptive d. Endogamy
50. This family model describes the father as the chief executive officer while the mother as the operating officer, where she
implements the father's policy and manages the staff (children) is ________________.
a. Team c. corporate
b. Theatrical d. boarding School

51. According to a British psychologist, John Bowlby, even a short absence on the part of the mother could have deleterious
effects on the psychic well-being of a child. A child who is deprived of his mother goes through three phases:
a. Protest, despair & detachment c. Protest, frustration & attachment
b. Commitment, Despair & detachment d. Attachment, despair & protest

52. John's parents are warm but firm towards them. Their parents deal with them in a rational, issue-oriented manner and
engage' them in discussion and explanation over-rules and discipline. His parents are deemed __________.
a. Authoritarian c. Indulgent
b. Authoritative d. Indifferent

53.Kirsten was conceived and born outside a valid marriage of her parents. Under Article 165 of the Philippine Family Code,
she is deemed to be a _________.
a. legitimate child c. legitimated child
b. adopted child d. illegitimate child

54.What is the legal docțrine that unless the mother is "unfit", very young children should be placed in custody with their
mother following a divorce?
a. Tender Years Doctrine c. lllegitimacy
b. Psychological Parent Doctrine d. Poisonous Tree Doctrine

55. What is declared as a temporary or permanent termination of parental rights in the best interest of the child usually for
reasons of abandonment, abuse, or neglect, but also including mental illness, addiction, or criminal record?
a. Unfit Parent c. Mental Disturbance
b. Psychological Incapacitation d. Child at risk

56. Parental authority terminates permanently in the following circumstances EXCEPT:

a. Upon emancipation of the child c. Upon the death of the parents
b. Upon separation of parents d. Upon the death of the child

57. Shirley is made to work under conditions not conducive to good health. What type of neglect is present in her case?
a. Emotional c. Torture.
b. Physical d. Abandonment

58.It includes general measures to promote social justice and equal opportunity, which tackle the perceived root causes of
offending is ______________.
a. primary intervention c. tertiary intervention
b. secondary intervention d. primary prevention

59.The programmatic approaches or systematic social protection programs for children under RA 9344 as amended have
three levels, EXCEPT:
a. Primary intervention c. Tertiary intervention
b. Secondary intervention d. Primary prevention
60.Under this circumstance, parents physically leave their children with the intention of completely severing the parent-child
relationship is ________________.
a. Neglect c. child abuse
b. Abandonment d. battered child

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