Police Ethics and Community Relations

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01. The key to successful police-community relations (PCR) depends to a large extent upon:
A. Selection of personnel to the PCR Unit
Character of the community residents
Character and temperament of the police unit commander
Dictates of the environment

02. The best relation a law enforcement organization can give the community it serves is:
A. Good and credible performance
A top-rate public relations unit
Frequent press conference
Lavish use of the tri-media

03. Development of public attitude favorable to the accomplishment of the police goals is one of the
objectives of good public relations. In view of this PCR therefore, is not: A.
Social philosophy
B. Management tool
C. Expressed policies and practices
D. Defensive activity for unit’s shortcomings

04. One of the following is not considered as police community relations: A.

It is an attitude of delivering police service to the people
B. It is the close supervision of the police over the community he serves
C. It is a behavior that concerns police service must be efficient and humane
D. It is the development of attitude and behavior that creates mutual support from the

05. What is the primary purpose of a public relations program?

A. to plan for a police community relations program
to recruit new members for community relations program
to train police officers in community relations
D. to develop mutual understanding between the police and the public

06. What changes must occur given an effective police community relations program?
A. Social and economic changes in policemen
B. Political and social changes in policemen
C. Attitudinal and mental changes in policemen
D. Attitudinal and behavioral changes in policemen

07. “Poor police-community relationship makes police officers less enthusiastic in performing their
jobs well.” Which of the following is affected based on this statement? A.
Welfare C. Morale
B. Efficiency D. Privilege

08. The best measure for the competence of police officer is

A. Command of words
B. High morale of his men
Ability of his men to prepare reports
High level of education among his men
09. An ethical act that every policeman must observe by way of recognizing their own inadequacies,
inabilities and limitations as individuals and perform their duties without attracting attention or to
expect recognition.
A. Humility C. Morality
B. Integrity D. Perseverance

10. The set of norms and standards practiced by members during socials and other functions –
A. Etiquette C. Ceremony
B. Courtesy D. Social decorum

11. The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police organization, extending
to the people they serve, is manifested by the members’ deep concern and commitment to one
another is –
A. Duty C. Camaraderie
B. Loyalty D. Word of Honor

12. Refers to the essence of good manners which show sportsmanship, culture and gentility:
A. Courtesy C. Discipline
B. Loyalty D. Morale

13. Public officers and employees who serve with the highest degree of integrity, loyalty,
responsibility and efficiency manifest:
Love of country C. Allegiance to the constitution
Allegiance to the government D. Public office is a public trust

14. The essence of public relations is simply good service and making the public well informed of the
good work done by the police. It is building a good image through:
A. Actual commendable performance Proper decorum/behavior
B. Courtesy and good manners D. All of the above

15. Which of the following best describe the concept of Police-Community Relations?
Support of the police for civic groups
Suppressing negative news about the police
Releasing only good news about the police
D. Sum total of dealings of the police with the people it serves

16. Actions performed by man knowingly and freely are human acts, which of the following are acts of
A. Deliberate or intentional actions C. actions which happen in man
B. Result of conscious knowledge D. study of human motivation

17. Which of the following is considered as the foundation of every human society?
A. Discipline C. law
B. Morality D. human acts

18. This type of voluntariness is present in a person who fully knows and fully intends an act.
A. simple voluntariness C. perfect voluntariness
B. imperfect voluntariness D. conditional voluntariness

19. If the public has no trust and confidence in the police, the result is
Police isolation police abandonment
Police forgetfulness police alone in the dark
20. Which of the following classification of voluntariness is present in a person doing an act willfully,
regardless of whether he likes to do it or not, which can either be positive or negative?
A. Perfect voluntariness C. conditional voluntariness
B. Imperfect voluntariness D. simple voluntariness

21. It is referred to as an instinct for self-preservation.

A. Ignorance C. Fear
B. passions D. Violence

22. To develop public goodwill, a policeman on duty must do the following except:
Does his job with dedication and efficiency
Quick to assist individuals in their problems
C. Annoy or inconvenience any law abiding and peaceful citizen
D. Be courteous and fair

23. The statement “Ignorance of the law excuses no one”, implies

that: A. One should act in the state of ignorance
B. One who has done a wrong may not claim ignorance as a defense
One who has done a wrong may claim ignorance as a defense
All of these

24. These actions of man stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality may become good or bad
because of the circumstances attendant to them.
A. moral action C. amoral actions
B. immoral actions D. all of these

25. It refers to the tendency of the will towards something attainable but without necessarily
committing oneself to attain it.
A. wish C. consent
B. intention D. election

26. Stands for the norm of morality which is the standard by which actions are judged as to their
merits or demerits.
A. Dictates of Reasons Human Rights
B. Moral perfection Bill of rights

27. Refers to all rights insofar as they are based on law, which must be respected, allowed, fulfilled,
as a matter of strict justice.
A. Juridical Rights C. Civil Rights
B. Natural Rights D. Political rights

28. Which of the following rights can be surrendered, renounced, or removed?

Right of jurisdiction C. Human rights
Right of property D. Alienable and inalienable rights

29. It is a moral obligation incumbent upon a person of doing, omitting, or avoiding something.
A. right C. actions
B. duty D. emotions
30. PO1 Pedro arrested Juan without justifiable reason. What right under the Bill of Rights was
violated by the police officer?
A. Rights against unreasonable search and seizures
B. Right against deprivation of life, liberty or property without due process
Right to freedom of expression
Right tom freedom of Religion

31. It is the practical science that treats the principles of human morality and duty as applied to law
A. Ethics C. Police Ethics
B. Code of Ethics D. Moral values

32. A police officer searched the vehicle parked near a house which was not a subject of a search
warrant. What right was violated?
A. Right to bail
B. Right against unreasonable search and seizures
Non-impairment of obligation and contracts
The only option left for the authorities is assault

33. SPO4 Torture removed Lito’s fingernails to force him to come up with a confession in relation to a
crime. The police officer directly violated what right of Lito?
A. Right to free speech
B. Right to life, liberty and property
C. Right to speedy trial
D. Right against torture, force violence, threat and intimidation

34. If the public has no trust and confidence in the police, the result is:
Police isolation Community cooperation
Police abandonment Community insecurity

35. A police officer should conduct himself in an upright manner at all times because:
misconduct encourages others to misbehave
misconduct causes personal embarrassment
any misconduct will prejudice his career
D. individual actions are reflective of the police office

36. In the government’s fight against criminality, the discretionary powers of the law enforcers need
to be, except:
in accordance with law C. supported by moral values
knowledge based D. partially enforce

37. Public acceptance and obedience of rules and regulations can best be achieved through:
the imposition of severe penalties C. the conduct of all out operations
a friendly attitude towards the public D. educational and cooperative methods

38. Otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
A. RA 9165 C. RA 6713
B. RA 3019 D. RA 8551

39. It refers to the improper performance of some act which might lawfully done:
A. Neglect of Duty Disloyalty to government
B. Irregularities in the Performance of Duty Misconduct or malfeasance
40. To change the negative public perception towards the police, which of the following should not
be done by the police organization?
A. detect criminal activity
improve recruitment, selection and training
upgrade operational capability of the police
D. create and maintain a feeling of insecurity

41. An indicator of productivity at the police station level is the number of crimes reported. If you agree with
this indicator, which of the following would justify your stand?
A. people respect the police and avail of their services
crimes have increase and the community needs help
a corresponding increase in budget is being justified
the community thinks they should give the police

42. Public officers and employees who served with the highest degree of integrity, loyalty,
responsibility and efficiency manifest:
A. Love of country C. allegiance to the constitution
B. Public office is a public trust D. allegiance to the government

43. It is the practical science that treats the principles of human morality and duty as applied to law
A. Code of Ethics C. Customs
B. Police Ethics D. Traditions

44. PO3 “A” withholds the information that would lead to the arrest of a suspect who is his relative.
What constitute the act of PO3 “A”?
Misconduct C. Disloyalty
Oppression D. Dishonesty

45. The police investigator deprived the suspect of his liberty and took his property against his will.
The act committed is:
A. Oppression C. Dishonesty
B. Misconduct D. Incompetency

46. It refers to transgression of some established and definite rule of action, where no discretion is
left except what necessity may demand, or doing something through ignorance.
A. Misconduct or Malfeasance C. Incompetency
B. Irregularities in the performance of duty D. Violation of law

47. PO3 “B” organized a group of youth into an “akyat bahay” gang. What is the activity of PO3 “B”?
A. Misconduct or malfeasance C. Violation of law
B. Irregularities in the performance of duty D. Neglect of duty or non-feasance

48. What should be the attitude of the policeman toward police profession?
A. He should exercise his leadership and demand obedience of the people.
Shall disregard the importance and responsibility of his office to accomplish his task
He shall regard the discharge of his duties as a public trust.
Shall prosecute the accused in defense of the innocent.

49. It refers to established and generally accepted moral values.

Ethical Standards C. Customs
Code of Ethics D. Traditions
50. A key ingredient in COPS is PCR, and the measure of success is the RESPONSE. Hence, if the PNP
community oriented policing efforts have worked what could be the expected result?
Dynamic and sustained community involvement
Policemen are relieved of the police functions
The public assumes all the peace efforts
Disintegration of philosophy and values

51. The very mission of this organization plan is to organize the different sectors of the community and
forge a united front against crime, terrorism, insurgency and other forms of lawlessness?

52. It refers to the doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to one who is vested with
authority to exercise management and leadership functions.
Police Doctrine C. Doctrine of Absolute Authority
Miranda Doctrine D. Doctrine of Command Responsibility

53. Which of these plans is a communication plan developed to provide adequate, accurate, relevant
and timely information about the PNP programs and activities, and to clarify issues relevant to
the PNP?

54. The usual greeting rendered by uniformed members upon meeting and recognizing a person
entitled to it.
A. Salute C. Courtesy
B. Discipline D. Custom

55. PNP members’ word is their bond; they stand by and commit to uphold it.
A. Duty C. Word of Honor
B. Camaraderie D. Loyalty

56. Police officers who are using legitimate means to achieve their goals even in the face of internal
and external difficulties, and despite anything which might weaken their resolve in the course of time
are police with:
Morality C. Humility
Integrity D. Perseverance

57. It is a custom in the PNP service where members are given due recognition and congratulations
by their fellow officers for such deserved accomplishment.
Courtesy Call C. Promotion Call
Christmas Call D. Exit call

58. It is a recognize practice in the police service that different ranks carry with them corresponding
Courtesy of the post C. Rank has its own privilege
Adherence to responsibilities D. Rank has its own responsibility

59. One indicator of productivity at the police station level is the number of crimes reported. If you agree
with this indicator, which of the following would justify your stand?
A. People respect the police and avail of their services
B. Crimes have increased and the community needs help
C. A corresponding increase is being justified
D. The community thinks they should give the police work
60. All PNP members are required to indulge in this activity to insure that their physical appearance
and bearing are maintained with the waist line measurement always smaller than the size of
their chest.
Physical fitness C. Patriotism
Happy hours D. Social graces

61. This of the following tradition exemplifies Filipino Law-enforcer whereby they are ready to
sacrifice their limbs and lives for the sake of their country men whom they have pledge to serve.
Patriotism C. Valor
Word of Honor D. Gentlemanliness

62. It is a manifest of one’s love of country with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and the constitution.
A. Valor C. Heroism
B. Patriotism D. Loyalty

63. It is done by a PNP member on his superiors in the unit when he is relieved or reassigned to other
A. Courtesy call C. Departure honors
B. Promotion call D. Exit call

64. It is rendered to the PNP officers with the rank of Chief Superintendent and above when they visit
a particular unit.
A. Arrival honors C. Half-mast
B. Testimonial activity D.Turn-over ceremony

65. It is tendered to a retiree in recognition of their long, faithful and honorable service to the PNP.
Departure honors C. Grave side Honors
Testimonial activity D. Exit call

66. The best criterion of a police officer’s performance of his sworn duties is the:
Fact that he is never absent Number of summons he issues daily
Public’s attitude towards him Record and seniority

67. What is the highest core value of every policeman?

Love of service C. Belief in God
Love of fellowmen D. Respect for authority

68. A police officer should conduct himself in an upright manner at all times because:
Misconduct encourages others to misbehave
Misconduct causes personal embarrassment
Any misconduct will prejudice his career
D. Individual actions are reflective of the police office

69. Which of the following approaches in crime prevention is most effective?

A. increase police manpower
B. equip the police with high-powered weapons
C. reduce the opportunity, desire and capability to commit crime
D. increase financial resources
70. It is an influencing action through information which has a value or relevance to needs that
motivates target audience.
A. Propaganda C. Conditioning
B. Agitation D. Psychology

71. The set of norms and standards practiced by members during socials and other functions-.
A. Etiquette C. Courtesy
B. Ceremony D. Social decorum

72. Which of the following best measures the impact of a police station in the community?
Good attitude of the chief of police
Helpfulness and capabilities of the station
C. Visibility of policemen in the streets at all hours
D. Improve resources of the police station

73. Which of the following is the best way for a police station to promote good public relations?
Remain on friendly terms with the media
Careful attention to all complaints of the public
C. Renders effective service in the community
D. Require courtesy in all relations with the public

74. Which of the following will greatly influenced the quality of the police service? A.
Strength of its patrol force
B. Intensity of its public relations programs
Amount of cooperation with other agencies
Quality of its record management

75. How could the public share in the functions of persuasive policing? A.
By refusing to be a victim by refusing to be violent
By refusing to be a criminal by refusing to cooperate

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