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Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

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Digital Communications and Networks

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Tracing manufacturing processes using blockchain-based

token compositions
Martin Westerkamp *, Friedhelm Victor, Axel Küpper
Service-centric Networking, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universitat Berlin, 10587, Berlin, Germany


Keywords: Supply chain traceability is one of the most promising use cases to benefit from characteristics of blockchain, such
Supply chain as decentralization, immutability and transparency, not required to build prior trust relationships among entities.
Traceability A plethora of supply chain traceability solutions based on blockchain has been proposed recently. However,
current systems are limited to tracing simple goods that have not been part of the manufacturing process. We
Distributed ledger technology
Smart contract
recommend a method that allows for the traceability of manufactured goods, including their components.
Products are represented using non-fungible digital tokens that are created on a blockchain for each batch of
manufactured products. To create a link between a product and the components that are needed to produce it, we
propose “token recipes” that define the amount of tokenized goods required for minting a new token. As input
tokens are automatically and transparently consumed when creating a product token, the physical process of
producing a new item out of existing components is projected onto the ledger. This ultimately leads to the
complete traceability of goods, including the origin of inputs. Evaluating the performance of the system, we show
that a prototypical implementation for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) scales linearly with the amount of
the input and goods tracked.

1. Introduction communication and data formats [5,6].

Recently, blockchain technologies have been proposed for providing
Providing traceability of goods from resources to retailers has become enhanced traceability in supply chains [6–10]. Major drivers originate
increasingly important in the past decades. Consumers have greater in- from typical blockchain characteristics, such as decentralization, verifi-
terest in goods that comply with certain ecological and ethical standards ability and immutability, that could tackle the observed shortcomings.
[1]. Global supply chains have become more complex, hampering quality Current blockchain-based solutions promote the traceability of the
management in manufacturers’ procurement [2]. Furthermore, regula- supply chain by tracking goods over multiple tiers utilizing markers, such
tions, international standardizations and increased consumer awareness as RFID and QR codes [5]. This linkage mechanism is able to prove the
pose novel requirements for supply chain management systems. For provenance for anti-counterfeiting of high-value goods, such as di-
instance, the European Parliament postulates the traceability of food, amonds and medicine [11], or be generally used in the post-retail supply
requiring food suppliers and market participants to provide information chain [10]. But these approaches are limited to non-modifiable goods
about the provenance of goods [3]. In addition, the ISO 9001:2015 and do not consider the production process. Thus, it is neither possible to
standard instructs organizations to monitor the identifiability and track a product after it has been processed, nor to trace an end-product's
traceability of products and services. inputs towards its primary resources.
However, traditional supply chain management systems are isolated In contrast to existing solutions, we foster a representation mecha-
from other participants and unable to provide comprehensible provenance nism for the convertibility of products. Instead of only projecting physical
information [4] which cause some shortcomings, including insufficient trust goods onto the blockchain in the form of tokens, our target is to docu-
between parties, isolated data storage, and unsatisfactory standardization in ment their transformation in the production process on the ledger. We

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Westerkamp).

Received 1 October 2018; Received in revised form 17 December 2018; Accepted 27 January 2019
Available online 11 February 2019
2352-8648/© 2019 Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

therefore propose a set of smart contracts that handle modifiable goods blockchains, smart contracts have been introduced. First proposed by
by capturing their creation, transformation and exchange processes on a Nick Szabo in 1994 [18], smart contracts are computer programs that
distributed ledger. As a result, not only the product's origin but also its enforce rules without requiring a third party. In the Bitcoin blockchain, a
inputs are traceable. Hereby, we tackle two requirements for supply basic version of smart contracts is implemented through a scripting
chain management that conventional systems cannot deliver compre- system that facilitates use cases like multi-user accounts (multi-signature
hensively [12]. Firstly, customers are empowered to review the quality of wallets) and escrow services.
a product and its ingredients from various dimensions, such as environ- The main technology advancement of the Ethereum blockchain [19]
mental and labour standards. Secondly, in the context of quality man- is the introduction of a general purpose and a complete smart contract
agement, the proposed system enables manufacturers to monitor the system that is manifested in the EVM.
supply chain on multiple tiers rather than just rely on the information In the EVM, a program code is executed by miners and other network
provided by suppliers. Our key contributions in this paper are as follows: participants who verify state changes. A smart contract in Ethereum is
typically written in a high-level programming language like Solidity or
1. We design a supply chain traceability system that models Viper and compiled to bytecode that is then deployed on the blockchain.
manufacturing processes as token recipes. The execution requires sending a transaction to the contract's address
2. We present a prototypical implementation for the Ethereum Virtual while specifying which function is to be called given a set of parameters.
Machine (EVM) using smart contracts. These functions in turn can call other smart contracts if they have been
3. We evaluate our implementation with respect to the execution costs programmed to do so. Computationally intensive routines, however, are
of smart contracts and the scalability of our system with increasing not suitable, as the execution has a cost attached to it. For each operation
product complexity in terms of inputs. supported by the EVM, a gas cost is defined in the Ethereum yellow paper
[20], where the main cost drivers are operations that store or change
2. Background and related work values on the blockchain. A transaction, therefore, needs to contain a
sufficient amount of gas in order to guarantee successful execution. The
2.1. Conventional supply chain provenance systems actual cost of the transaction depends on how much gas is needed, and
the gas price a user is willing to pay for each unit of gas. The transaction
The state-of-the-art for tracing and tracking products throughout a cost paid by a user is awarded to the miner who includes the transaction
supply chain is to store records of suppliers and customers in a central- in a new block, as s/he has to verify and execute the transaction.
ized manner within the supply chain management system of each While the EVM was originally designed for the Ehereum blockchain,
participant [4]. This information is isolated or shared among suppliers several projects aim to port it to other ledgers. For instance, Counterparty
and customers to achieve comprehensive insights on supply chain adds a secondary computation layer to run the EVM code on the Bitcoin
provenance [12]. network. Qtum supplies a Bitcoin fork implementing the EVM with the
In the context of supply chain management, traceability follows a goal of abstracting from Ethereum's account-based model in order to
product's path upwards to its origin, while tracking refers to the down- support Bitcoin-like light clients. Additionally, smart contracts for the
ward operation from raw materials to end products [1]. For storing, EVM can also be run on permitted blockchains like Quorum or Hyper-
sharing and managing relevant information, a plethora of information ledger Burrow, removing the need to operate in a public environment. In
systems are used in practice. Warehouse and transport management order to provide a common form of tokens in Ethereum, a standard
systems focus on internal warehouse operations, while Enterprise interface referred to as Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) 20 was
Resource Planning (ERP) systems include supplier management, reor- introduced. Popular Ethereum wallets like Mist and Parity support tokens
dering and billing [13]. Dedicated supply chain management applica- that implement this interface out of the box. All standard operations, such
tions target at forecasting future demands and satisfying them by as receiving balances and transferring tokens to other addresses, are
available suppliers [14]. As no global view on the supply chain is given, available in the wallet's GUI.
provenance information is retrieved from the next tier, requiring trust in In contrast to ERC20 tokens that cannot be distinguished, a standard
the supplier or a third party. However, it is essential to enable the for non-fungible tokens, ERC721, has been proposed for handling deeds.
multi-tier traceability to decrease risks caused by quality fluctuations in The target was to create a standardized interface for creating and trading
source products [15]. discriminable tokens reflecting digital or physical goods. Consuming
In order to ensure the coupling between physical goods and digital tokens or defining conditions for their generation was not included in the
representations, identification mechanisms are fundamental. The ISO proposal, resulting in the requirement for the implementation of non-
28219:2017 standard defines guidelines for creating globally valid standard functionality.
identifiers that are enforced by utilizing bar codes or two-dimensional
symbols, such as QR codes and alternative RFID tags, to project phys- 2.3. External data storage
ical goods onto digital systems [16]. Identifiers either refer to individual
goods or product batches. Varying the batch size is able to influence the While a blockchain can be used as a data store, it is impractical to
granularity to which the products are traceable. To ensure a certain store large files on it due to the attached transaction costs that prevent
quality grade, Bechini et al. have proposed a scheme to define batches of rapid ledger growth [19,21]. As sharing additional product-specific in-
goods that are linked to a multitude of quality features [12]. formation along the supply chain is a requirement in many use cases
While traditional supply chain information systems are capable of [22], external data should be accessible in a secure and distributed
uniquely identifying products, their traceability is limited. This is mainly manner with high availability.
due to isolated data that only reflects the organizations’ sourcing and In the context of blockchain technologies, peer-to-peer storage net-
sales while tracing ingredients over multiple tiers would require shared works, such as IPFS [23] and Swarm [24], have been proposed to permit
data that is tamper-proof while maintaining high accessibility. storing data in a peer-to-peer fashion, but outside of a blockchain. Stored
data can be held redundantly by multiple participants and can be
2.2. Smart contracts and the EVM accessed through a unique hash of the data. As data is addressed by its
hash, the underlying information is tamper-proof and therefore well
Blockchains provide a distributed, shared state in which all partici- suited for linking to external data from, for example, smart contracts.
pants agree on using a consensus algorithm. Their tamper-proof char- However, the data can be accessed only if network participants make it
acteristics facilitate the opportunity of introducing a global view on available. Mechanisms to incentivize users to keep data available are
multi-tier supply chains [17]. In order to apply business logic in currently in development in Swarm and Filecoin [25], a project that

M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

builds upon IPFS. 3.1. Tokenization of goods

2.4. Blockchain-based supply chain traceability For each type of goods managed in the supply chain, a smart contract
is set up. Within such a smart contract, tokens that represent physical
Several blockchain-based solutions have been proposed in the liter- goods can be created. One token corresponds to one batch of goods that
ature to overcome current obstacles in guaranteeing a certain product could be measured in items, weight, volume, or size. Product information
quality [26], to comply with legal obligations [12], or to counter fraud can be stored via IPFS or Swarm by adding the corresponding hash to the
[27]. token. This data could include information, such as product images,
While there are various approaches tackling supply chain traceability, expiration dates, disposal instructions, manuals, documentation of de-
they are mostly concerned with tracing single, non-modifiable goods [9, fects, and many others. General product type information could also be
28]. In fact, they target at proving a product's authenticity and ownership referenced in the token contract itself.
via multiple hops. For instance, Kim and Laskowski have presented an The batch size is flexible, so that not only large quantities of goods but
ontology that promotes provenance in supply chains using the Ethereum also single entities are manageable. The tokens are non-fungible, mean-
blockchain [9]. The proposed contract is implemented using Solidity and ing that each token is unique. This allows for distinguishing between
supports several typical supply chain operations, such as produce and batches of the same type of goods. To apply this concept to the physical
consume. Nevertheless, the definition of novel functions and properties in world, the contract owner would create digital tokens that correspond to
the contract is limited to a rigid type system, and the production of new the manufactured products.
goods out of existing resources is not possible.
A common issue in the supply chain traceability is the projection of
3.2. Recipes for product transformation
physical goods onto a digital representation. Tian has suggested a token
representation that implies benefits, such as proving authenticity by
In order to digitally represent a manufacturing process, several tokens
attaching RFID chips or QR codes, to link physical products with their
can be transformed into a new token. When creating a new smart con-
digital counterparts on the blockchain [28]. It inherently allows for
tract, the product composition is defined. Comparable to a recipe, the
proving ownership and permits transferring it to another party. Hereby, a
creator specifies the number of input goods and corresponding amounts
commodity can be tracked from creation to retail. Toyoda et al. have
that are required for the creation of a new product. Following the recipe,
proposed a blockchain-based post-retail supply chain system for
when a batch of goods is to be created, the owner of the contract needs to
anti-counterfeits in which they utilized this linkage to enable tracing
possess the required input goods in a sufficient amount. In fact, the
products after being sold in retail [10].
specific batches of input tokens need to be specified, so that they can be
Reviewing the above-mentioned approaches for providing trace-
consumed by the smart contract automatically. If a batch of units is not
ability in the supply chain unveils a major shortcoming for more complex
entirely depleted, the remaining units are kept so that they can be used
use cases, namely, while they permit creating digital representations of
for future manufacturing. Only contract owners can generate token
physical goods, which facilitate tracking across multiple entities, this
batches, as a contract always corresponds to the product only manufac-
connection is lost in case the product is processed.
tured by a specific producer or supplier. However, token owners can split,
merge, transfer and consume batches.
3. Concept
As the product recipe should be immutable to guarantee the compa-
rability of minted batches, it cannot be changed after the token contract's
We propose a blockchain-based, decentralized supply chain man-
deployment and applies to all minting procedures. When minting a token,
agement system based on smart contracts. In order to provide compre-
the number of units within the batch, as well as the used components'
hensive provenance information to consumers and producers, we
information needs to be passed, as exemplified in Algorithm 1. Within the
maintain the relationship between the resources and the products in the
minting function, it is first ensured that the declared array sizes are equal
manufacturing process. The concept is based on two key ideas: repre-
and comply with the recipe size (line 2). Afterwards, each component is
senting physical goods in the form of digital tokens, and recipes that
checked to ensure if enough units were used according to the recipe (lines
enable their transformation. Additional functionalities like certifying
4–5). Furthermore, used contract addresses and those defined in the
goods, transferring, splitting and combining tokens facilitate the cross-
recipe are compared (line 7). If they do not match, it is assumed that the
business traceability. The following subsections describe each of these
recipe has used a certificate contract. In this case, the certificate is called
aspects in detail and introduce the participants’ roles based on the spe-
to ensure that the used component is certified (lines 8–9). If it is not
cific example that is visualized in Fig. 1.
certified, the entire function reverts. Otherwise, the component's contract
is called, and the batch is reduced according to the amount that was
declared (line 11). Finally, a batch identifier and a token holding owner

Fig. 1. Projecting the production process onto digital tokens using smart contracts in a sample supply chain.

M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

information, as well as its size, are created (lines 12–15). 3.4. Incentives to store external data

We propose additional product information to be stored externally in

P2P storages, such as IPFS and Swarm. Currently, these systems do not
offer any in-built incentive mechanisms for users to host or distribute
data. To mitigate this problem, we utilize the characteristics of the pro-
posed supply chain traceability system. Each participant in the supply
chain that owns tokens of a given contract has an interest in providing
comprehensive data to increase its value. Therefore, not only the contract
owner hosts external data in the P2P system, but also suppliers, cus-
tomers, retailers, etc. As a result, data availability can be guaranteed by
creating intrinsic intensives that are specific to the given use case and
provide product-specific information to participants.

3.5. Roles

A set of roles emerge from the participants of the action can perform
in a system. A user may act as a single or multiple role. Fig. 1 illustrates
these roles based on a simplified example taken from the wood pro-
cessing industry. It contains participating entities as icons, surrounded by
dashed lines separating the roles. Edges represent interaction, such as a
token transfer or a certification. Smart contract symbols attached to every
product indicate that a smart contract exists on a blockchain representing
batches of it as digital tokens. We identify the following roles that are also
summarized in Table 1, displaying the set of functionalities typically
executed by the corresponding entity.

1. Resource suppliers create goods without any input. When a forester

cuts trees, several inputs, such as the labour or gasoline for machines,
are required. However, they never become a physical part of the
manufactured product. As every supply chain only has a partial view
of the real world, resource suppliers that do not consider all inputs
must exist in the model. In our example, the glue plant is also a
resource supplier as it has no inputs, but in other scenarios, its inputs
may be modeled to originate from another entity. A resource supplier
may split or merge batches before they are transferred to other en-
tities. In the example, the forester transfers batches of logs to the
2. Producers, in turn, do require input goods for producing outputs. In
order to represent this process on the blockchain, the processing in-
dustry entity first defines all the goods that are required to manu-
facture a certain product. The input goods are acquired physically,
3.3. Certified goods while this process is digitally captured through token transfers.
Consequently, the producer owns the input tokens which are required
Some goods are equally usable in the manufacturing process because for the creation of a new token. In the example, the sawmill is a
they are equal in type. They could also be equal in terms of compliance producer that acquires batches of logs as well as glue. To ensure that
with standards indicating similar quality. However, the goods may sufficient input tokens are present, it can merge batches. The sawmill
originate from different sources. With the help of a certificate contract, is then able to produce a batch of edge-glued wood, which it could
multiple token contracts can be defined to be equal. This introduces an split and transfer to a logistics or retail company.
ontology for defining product inputs during token creation. In this aspect, 3. Logistics and Retail firms acquire tokens, but do not alter a product
our approach bears similarity with the architecture proposed by Bechini itself. For example, a batch of 100 units of edge-glued wood could be
et al. [12], in which the certificates can be used in place of a specific split, transferred to a logistics company and distributed to multiple
commodity when defining a recipe as part of a manufacturing process. hardware stores. If a wholesaler has obtained the goods, merged
Once a batch is to be created, the input tokens are checked on whether batches could be transferred to other retailers. Individual customers
they conform to the specified certificate.
In addition to creating comparability between products, supplier Table 1
certificates are essential for ensuring quality in sourcing [29]. As a result, Role definition and actions performed within the system (S/M/T ¼ Split/Merge/
the proposed system can be used for quality management over multiple Transfer).
tiers. In this regard, certificates that have been issued enforce the Roles Actions
authenticity of claimed production processes. As product tokens con-
Create Consume S/M/T Certify
sisting of other components can only be minted if respective inputs are
consumed, this mechanism enforces a link to physical processes. How- Res. Supplier ✓ ✓
Producer ✓ ✓ ✓
ever, as this is not the case for primary resources, certifiers monitor the Logistics ✓
correctness of the applied information. Consumer ✓
Certifier ✓

M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

could also keep ownership without consuming the products in order the goods consumed during the production process. Each batch of
to resell it to someone else. In this scenario, the customer is not products corresponds to one token that holds unique features. Resource
strictly modelled as a consumer. suppliers and manufacturers hold their own set of token contracts, one
4. Consumers ultimately receive and consume products. This process for each kind of product. To facilitate the deployment of novel token
results in the deletion of the representing token batch, meaning it can contracts, they can utilize a factory contract. While a token contract's
no longer be used as part of the supply chain. However, its prove- ownership always remains with the initial deployer, the batches may be
nance can still be verified. If the retail customer is not modelled as traded and change owners.
part of the supply chain, a hardware store may act as a consumer: it To clarify our approach, we follow the example provided in our
removes the token from the supply chain when the item has been sold. concept, but select a subset of processes for improved readability. The
5. Certifiers issue certificates of equality for multiple goods. They are simplified example contains three parties that operate along a supply
responsible for guaranteeing quality, following certain product stan- chain in six steps. The first entities involved are resource suppliers,
dards or labor safety requirements. In practical terms, an official namely, the forester and the glue plant that produce and sell wood or glue
standardization organization could act as such a certifier. In our correspondingly, as presented in Fig. 2. The parties reflecting the pro-
example, it verifies that logs coming from the forester meet certain duction and trading processes along the supply chain follow the subse-
quality guidelines. It does not own, create, or handle any tokens itself. quent steps:
It is also possible that the sawmill creates its own certificate for
equally usable goods. It can then utilize all products that have been 1. Token contracts are created to hold all batches of wood and glue that
certified to qualify for a certain level of similarity. were produced by that specific forester and glue plant. As these goods
do not involve any direct inputs, no additional products are required
3.6. Traceability to add a batch of wood or glue in the contract.
2. A certifier approves the forester's log tokens if the organization's
The physical production process is fully reflected in the blockchain. It measures apply. This step is essential for defining inputs for goods
works across multiple entities, as they cannot proceed without the correct that need to comply with certain standards. For instance, when a
input. Every step of the production process is accountable, and therefore sawmill creates a board token contract, it may want to guarantee a
traceability is not only provided for a single product, but also for its in- high level of wood quality for all boards produced. Instead of speci-
gredients. Depending on the interval in which new blocks are added to fying a particular wood contract, certificates can be used.
the blockchain, the block creation timestamp informs about the time and 3. The sawmill defines two required inputs: any logs that are certified by
date when a given product has been manufactured. As products are the certifier and the glue produced by a specific glue plant. Through
handled in batches, input information is available by batch. For example, this mechanism, the sawmill is not bound to a single supplier but is
a batch of edge-glued wood could be traceable to a batch of 100 logs. In enabled to either define a certificate to which manufactured products
order to accomplish traceability for single goods, it should be declared as need to comply or to directly specify a supplier's commodities.
its own batch. However, fine-grained traceability comes with the cost of 4. In order to add a batch of logs, the forester does not require any in-
higher transaction counts. puts, as s/he acts in the role of a resource producer. The created batch
may be split thereafter, resulting in two or more new batches. Split
4. Implementation operations are not visualized in Fig. 2 to prevent further complexity.
5. The created batch of ten units is sent to the sawmill, which is notified
To achieve advanced traceability in supply chains, we propose a set of through an event triggered in the transfer contract function. The glue
solidity contracts that are deployable on every EVM compatible block- plant performs corresponding steps.
chain. In order to achieve widespread compatibility, the ERC 721 inter- 6. In order to add a batch of edge-glued wood, the sawmill needs to
face is implemented. As a result, standard Ethereum wallets supporting define the wood and glue used during production. The add-batch
the interface can be used for managing and trading tokens. Since minting function first checks if the defined wood is certified by querying the
of tokens is not provided by default, such actions have to be taken by certifier's certificate contract. If the result is positive, the wood is
using a tailored user interface. To extend the feature set, we inherit from consumed, i.e., the wood token's consumption function is called,
the well-tested token contract implementation that is supplied by reducing the overall amount of wood the forester's wood contract
OpenZeppelin, a library for secure smart contract development. In our holds. The consumption of tokens is only possible for owned token
modified implementation, we suggest the representation of product batches, which in our example is the case as the forester transfers the
batches as unique data structures that hold certain characteristics, such as

Fig. 2. Example use case: after a certifier approves a token that is used for defining required inputs in novel tokens.

M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

ownership in Step 5. As the glue token is defined directly without analyze the impact of this approach in Section 5.1.2.
utilizing a certificate before, the token is reduced instantly. When storing required inputs for creating tokens, we demand the
contract address, the batch identifiers and the amounts needed to create
As a result, the forester holds twenty units of wood; the glue plant one product unit. Contract addresses in Ethereum are 40 hexadecimal
owns fifty-nine units of glue while the sawmill holds nine units of wood, digits long and therefore require 20 bytes for storage. While usually the
no glue and one unit of edge-glued wood. remaining 12 bytes are padded with zeros, we use 12-byte-long batch
identifiers and concatenate them with the corresponding contract added,
4.1. Lightweight implementation resulting in a single 32 byte writing operation, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The
size of 24 hexadecimal digits provides sufficient space for storing unique
Implementing the ERC 721 interface brings about various benefits, identifiers and is derived from SHA-3 hash in the contract. The concat-
such as compatibility with wallets supporting the standard and possi- enation and respective split operations are implemented using in-line
bility to extend well-tested contracts like those supplied by Open- assembly to provide a gas-efficient calculation.
Zeppelin. However, not all specified functionalities are required for the The use of smart contracts should be decoupled from user interaction.
given use-case. For instance, the owner of the function permits retrieving Adding a new product is therefore conducted through a factory contract
the owner of a specific token, or in this case, the product batch. In the which deploys a corresponding token contract on the blockchain. Here-
specific contract implementation, this results in the requirement for by, the maintainability is increased, as the front-end applications do not
creating a mapping from the batch to the owner, while otherwise only the need to handle the contract code and the following migrations are
opposite direction would be necessary to keep track of the owned tokens. deployable through the factory contract.
In scenarios that require large amounts of batches, these additional
storage operations produce increased gas costs for transactions such as 4.4. Events for analytics
minting and transferring. Furthermore, the need for an additional func-
tion code increases the deployment costs of contract owners. As the main target of our approach is to increase transparency in the
In order to reduce the overhead involved, a lightweight contract is supply chain, the information about minted tokens, as well as their
implemented as an alternative to the more general ERC 721 compliant components and ownership has to be accessible. Intuitively, batch inputs
version. Here, only those functions deemed necessary for the given use would be stored within their corresponding struts and pulled via getter
case are implemented, producing less overhead and therefore decreasing methods. As provenance information is not required by contracts but
gas costs. The downside of this approach is losing compatibility provided only queried for analysis purposes, the token contract emits events rather
by the standard interface. Section 5.1 provides an evaluation of the gas than storing all information in order to decrease gas cost. Declaring topics
costs involved in both approaches. In the following section, we refer to when emitting events enables filtering and searching for attributes but
the lightweight implementation as it is well-tailored for supply chain are more expensive than using a raw data format. Even though events are
scenarios. not stored, they are reproducible, verifiable and easily observable due to
the use of bloom filters for receiving relevant blocks in the blockchain
4.2. Design decisions [20].
We utilize the emitted events for providing traceability of products by
Certifiers deploy their own contracts that hold certificates for multi- recursively querying the inputs that have been declared for the token's
ple goods that possess similar characteristics. Alternatively, these orga- creation. As the contract enforces the consumption of these inputs, the
nizations could issue signed certificates that are added to the smart real world production process is reflected. Correspondingly, receiving all
contracts of corresponding products. This approach enables observers to inputs in a recursive manner results in a tree of production inputs and
receive all certificates a product holds without querying a third contract. unveils all resources used.
However, the certifier's signature has to be verified, which adds over-
head. When storing certified products in a dedicated certificate contract, 4.5. Mobile and web application
the certificate has to be known before querying for a specific product,
while in the former approaches this is not the case. Nevertheless, cer- In order to increase accessability, we implement a mobile and a web
tificate contracts provide an important property for providing an client to interact with the system in a real world setting. While the former
ontology of the products' similarity. Hereby, certificates can be declared targets at resource suppliers, producers, retailers and logistics, the latter
as inputs for tokens rather than define a specific product which would focuses on consumers’ requirements.
enforce a single supplier for sourcing. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the web application facilitates the discovery of
For generating unique batch identifiers, resources, the sender address existing goods and the creation of new types of goods. It also supports
and time are hashed using a SHA-3 hash function. While hashes bear the batch creation based on existing goods and can generate QR codes for
disadvantage of possible collisions, using a counter would require individual product batches. In practical terms, QR codes encode specific
another storage operation every time a new batch is created. As the batch identifiers that can be printed and added to physical product
possibility of a collision within a single token contract with a byte length batches, which in turn can be scanned with a smartphone running the
of 12 is in the measures of approximately 1 : 7:9*1018 , we assume it to be mobile client. Furthermore, individual batches can be inspected: a tree
small enough to rely on this mechanism to decrease operational gas costs. visualization reveals which product batches have been used to manu-
facture the selected commodity enabling the possibility to trace an in-
4.3. Smart contract optimizations dividual product's origin as well as its components.
After scanning a QR code using the mobile client, information about
In the EVM, gas costs are assigned to each operation. Despite the quantity within the individual batch, as well as its ingredients are
deploying new contracts, storing variables in the contract storage is the presented. To achieve more elaborate information about resources used
most expensive operation [20]. To decrease operational costs, it is in the product, users can iteratively follow a tree structure representing
therefore desirable to minimize such costly procedures. As a first mea- the components with raw materials as leaves in the tree.
sure, we use events rather than storage in case the data is not accessed For communicating with the presented smart contract, Ethereum's
within the contract (cf. Section 4.4). Secondly, as the word size in the JavaScript library Web3 is used. It relies on an injected Web3 instance
EVM is 32 bytes long and storing smaller types results in costs reflecting that is connected to an Ethereum node providing a JSON RPC interface.
the full word size, we use a solidity optimizer that merges smaller vari- For public networks, such instances are provided by Infura. In a con-
ables to mitigate the expenses involved under certain conditions. We'll sortium centered on supply-chain traceability, each partner could supply

M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

Fig. 3. Creating a new product type in the web application (a wooden table represented by a token contract). As the application automatically discovers existing
products, possible inputs can be chosen from a drop-down list.

participants create a contract for each type of product they offer,

deployment costs are only relevant for novel products. The actual
deployment costs depend on the amount of inputs declared, as they have
to be stored in the contract. In the following subsections, we focus on the
approaches presented in the implementation - namely ERC721, a light-
Fig. 4. Contract addresses and batch identifiers are saved in a single 32 byte
array to minimize storage operations. weight version of ERC721 using a library contract. Additionally, we
consider the case of optimized contract storage during deployment
(uint32 arrays), and storing batch creation events on the chain (storage-
such managed instances. Thus, the individual client can, but does not
based), as well as the impact of multi-tiered supply-chains.
necessarily have to run its blockchain instance.

5.1.1. ERC721 and lightweight approach

5. Evaluation Following the OpenZeppelin implementation of ERC721, we can
observe the highest deployment costs. This is due to functionality like bi-
The prototypical implementation of a supply chain traceability sys- directional storage, and unnecessary functionality for the use case as
tem based on smart contracts raises various questions regarding
described in Section 4.1. As batch creation also makes use of events, the
deployment and maintenance costs as well as scalability. As such draw-
implementation performs best, very similar to the lightweight approach.
backs are common issues when utilizing blockchain technologies [8], we
When removing the unneeded functionality to obtain a lightweight
focus on these topics in the following sections to evaluate the applica-
implementation, we lose compatibility with the standard. However, as
bility of the proposed system.
Fig. 5a) shows, we can reduce the deployment costs.
Information distribution in decentralized networks is limited by its
weakest link in terms of bandwidth, storage and processing capabilities.
In the blockchain context, block time and size are adjusted to satisfy the
majority of nodes participating in the network. While Bitcoin pursues to
produce a single block of one megabyte every 10 mins [30], Ethereum
permits mining blocks every 15 s. In order to limit ledger growth and
processing steps performed within a single block, an upper bound is
determined by Ethereum's gas limit (cf. Section 2.2). In recent years, the
public Ethereum blockchain could prove its robustness in an uncom-
missioned environment under the given configuration. Therefore, we
evaluate the proposed concept's scalability on the same limitations in the
form of gas as the public Ethereum network.

5.1. Gas costs

For analyzing the involved costs, we assume gas consumption as

defined in Ethereum's yellow paper [20]. We refrain from converting
measured gas costs to Ethereum's native currency or conventional cur-
rencies due to the lack of expressiveness. Such conversions would not
only be subject to the fluctuating exchange rates, but also the changing
gas costs which depend on various factors, such as current blocks' gas use
and waiting time until a transaction is mined (cf. 2.2). In addition, the
proposed approach is independent from the underlying blockchain and
may be run, for example, in a permissioned manner. Fig. 5. Gas costs for contract deployment and batch creation by implementation
We differentiate between deployment and batch creation costs. Since and number of inputs.

M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

5.1.2. Storage optimization and events can be represented as a binary tree with its height related to the level of
To ensure that the right amount of goods have been consumed for tiers tracked in a supply chain. We create batches with multiple tiers and
creating a corresponding token, these requirements need to be stored compare the gas costs with a single batch that includes all inputs directly
within the contract. By default, the approaches ERC721, Lightweight and instead of using multiple tiers. The resulting gas costs confirm our
Library use uint256 values for storing input amounts. This results in the assumption that gas costs depend on the amount of vertices and edges in
linear growth in gas costs with an increase in the number of inputs. the sourcing tree. As a result, the overall gas costs do not depend on the
Optimizing storage use with uint32 arrays just as described in Section amount of tiers considered in a supply chain but on the amount of
4.3, we can reduce deployment costs, as seen in Fig. 5a): we observe a sources, allowing precise cost estimations to maintain a traceability
lower slope at a step by every eight inputs. This is due to the fact that the system.
optimizer concatenates up to eight variables in a single storage location
before allocating a new one. However, when storing only a few variables, 5.2. Scalability
the overhead for merging variables in a single location exceeds its ben-
efits. This mechanism is only capable of concatenating types a the size of The application's scalability depends on a multitude of variables.
8 bytes or multiples of it [34]. Most importantly, the decision of utilizing a public or permitted ledger
For logging batch creation, we can resort to using events instead of depends on the desired scope, accessibility and privacy considerations. In
storage. Comprehensive traceability information can be obtained by case a public ledger is preferred, the scalability is highly dependent on
retrieving emitted events from a blockchain node using the web3 API. As the involved gas costs (cf. Section 5.1). The scalability of a permissioned
this data is not required for smart contract operations, using events is ledger varies with its implementation of block size limitations, consensus
sufficient so that transformation information is not stored within the algorithm and mining time, determining attributes such as throughput
contract, leading to decreased operational costs. Fig. 5b) depicts a com- and ledger size. Tests using the Ethereum client unveils a plethora of
parison of multiple approaches with respect to the amount of input aspects that influence ledger growth. For instance, the file system's block
goods. We observe a significantly steeper increase in gas costs when size affects the ledger size as files created by the client may fill only
storing inputs in comparison with emitting events. While gas costs grow fractions of it, leading to increased disk space consumption.
linearly with both approaches, we observe a factor of 39; 340gas for each Varying batch sizes influence the system's scalability in terms of
added input in the classic storage approach, but only 19; 698gas for using throughput, ledger size and potential gas costs. Consequently, small
events, just about half of the former. The base costs for adding a batch batch sizes, as required for tracing single goods, negatively affect the
with no input goods account for 92; 634gas. system's performance.
The gas limit determines the number of operations that can be per-
5.1.3. Library and proxy contracts formed in a single block in Ethereum. For estimating the scalability of the
Attached costs for deploying and executing code entails novel re- proposed concept of supply chain traceability, we assume a gas limit of
quirements for software engineering. As the contract code needs to be eight million gas, as applied in the public main chain at the time of
stored for every contract instance created on the blockchain, the code writing. While deploying token contract instances is an essential element
size should be decreased to minimize gas costs. To do so, we split the of the introduced system, we expect such operations to occur infre-
token contract into a proxy contract with the minimal size and a library quently due to the minor measure of newly introduced product types.
contract that includes all necessary logic. When creating a new token Therefore, the main factors restraining the system's scalability originate
contract instance, only the proxy has to be redeployed, which decreases from batch creation and token transfer operations. While gas costs
costs as the complexity of execution logic is outsourced into the library related to batch creation depend on the number of input tokens, the gas
which is only deployed once for all instances. The state remains within required for transferring a token is constant at 32; 426gas. Thus, when
the proxy, ensuring the separation between the general contract logic and considering transfer operations only, a theoretical maximum of 246
the product-specific information. Fig. 5a) indicates the gap between transactions can be performed per block or 1,416,960 transactions per
deployment costs in the lightweight approach using a library which is day at an average block time of 15 s.
constant at 415; 854gas for any input size. While using a library results in As scalability is a general challenge in today's blockchain systems
significant gas savings when deploying a token contract, it also involves [31], supply chain participants could implement industry-specific per-
increased costs for execution. As the proxy contract forwards methods to missioned ledgers to mitigate related shortcomings. However, due to the
library functions including its state, more execution steps are required, intersections of industries and bidirectional dependencies, interopera-
which increases the gas costs. This is especially the case for goods with bility between such specialized chains is required. Relay networks like
large amounts of inputs, as pictured in Fig. 5b). We observe that the Polkadot [32] and Cosmos [33] facilitate accessibility and portability of
utilization of a library is beneficial only if the token contract is not assets between independent blockchain instances. For instance,
intensively used after deployment. With base costs of 88; 202gas for following the example presented in Section 3.5, the forester and the
adding a new token batch in the classic approach, 92; 634gas when using sawmill may deploy their respective token contracts on a blockchain that
a library and factors of 19; 698, and 27; 427gas for each input, respec- is targeted at wood processing, while the glue plant utilizes a ledger
tively, we set up the following equation: assigned to the chemistry industry. In such a case, the glue token has to
be transferred to the wood processing ledger in order to be applied in the
415; 854gas
x¼ sawmill's token recipe. As a result, a plethora of incorporating block-
4; 432gas þ 7; 729gas * jSj chains permit employing industry-specific configurations to facilitate a
scalable application landscape.
where x is the equilibrium between using a library contract and classic
deployment, and S is the set of inputs. As a result, when having no input,
6. Discussion and outlook
the library is only cheaper in terms of gas for up to 93 minting calls, while
for ten inputs, it is only cheaper for up to 5 calls. In addition, token
6.1. Incentives
owners transfer split, merge and consume batches, which needs more gas
using a library due to the involved overhead in the proxy contract.
Employing supply chain traceability on a blockchain implies trans-
parency to the extent that raises questions regarding participants’ will-
5.1.4. Impact of tiers
ingness to disclose otherwise confidential information. The degree to
To picture more complex scenarios, we create product tokens with
which information is published depends on the underlying blockchain.
two inputs on multiple tiers. Consequently, the resulting relationships
Using a public ledger entails unveiling information to a large audience,

M. Westerkamp et al. Digital Communications and Networks 6 (2020) 167–176

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