Maths Class Xii Sample Paper Test 06 For Board Exam 2023

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General Instructions:
1. This Question paper contains - five sections A, B, C, D and E. Each section is compulsory.
However, there are internal choices in some questions.
2. Section A has 18 MCQ’s and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 mark each.
3. Section B has 5 Very Short Answer (VSA)-type questions of 2 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 Short Answer (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 Long Answer (LA)-type questions of 5 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 source based/case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment (4
marks each) with sub parts.

Questions 1 to 20 carry 1 mark each.

1. If A is a square matrix such that A2 = A, then (I + A)2 – 3A is

(a) I (b) 2A (c) 3I (d) A

 cos x sin x 
2. If F(x) =   then F(x) F(y) is equal to
  sin x cos x 
(a) F(x) (b) F(xy) (c) F(x + y) (d) F(x – y)

2 x 1 3 0
3. If  , then find the value of x
4 2 2 1
(a) 3 (b) 2/3 (c) 3/2 (d) -1/4

4. Let A be a square matrix of order 2 × 2, then |KA| is equal to

(a) K|A| (b) K2|A| (c) K3|A| (d) 2K|A|

5. A and B are invertible matrices of the same order such that |(AB)–1| = 8, If |A| = 2, then |B| is
(a) 16 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 1/16

 sin x
  cos x, x  0
6. A function f (x) =  x is continuous at x = 0 for
 2k , x0
(a) k = 1 (b) k = 2 (c) k = 1/2 (d) k = 3/2

7. If y = Ae5x + Be–5x then is equal to
dx 2
(a) 25y (b) 5y (c) –25y (d) 10y

8.  cos x.e log(sin x ) dx is equal to
cos4 x sin 4 x esin x
(a)  C (b)  C (c) C (d) none of these
4 4 4

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 /2
9. The value of  1  tan 3
dx is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) π/4 (d) π/2

 d2y  dy d 3 y
10. If p and q are the degree and order of the differential equation  2   3  3  4 , then the
 dx  dx dx
value of 2p – 3q is
(a) 7 (b) –7 (c) 3 (d) –3

dy 2
11. General solution of differential equation  x 5  x 3  is
dx x
x6 x4 x 6
x 4
(a) y    2log | x | (b) y    2 log | x | 1
6 4 6 4
2 x6 x4
(c) y  5 x 4  3x 2  2  C (d) y    2log | x | C
x 6 4
     
12. If for non zero vectors a and b , a  b is a unit vector and | a || b | 2 , then angle θ between
 
vectors a and b is
(a) π/2 (b) π/3 (c) π/6 (d) - π/2

13. The area of a parallelogram whose one diagonal is 2i  j  2k and one side is 3i  j  k is
(a) i  4 j  k (b) 3√2 sq units (c) 6√2 sq units (d) 6 sq units

    
14. If | a | = 5, | b | = 13 and | a  b | = 25, then a.b is equal to
(a) 12 (b) 5 (c) 13 (d) 60

15. Direction ratios of a line are 2, 3, –6. Then direction cosines of a line making obtuse angle with
the y-axis are
2 3 6 2 3 6 2 3 6 2 3 6
(a) , , (b) , , (c) , , (d) , ,
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

16. Feasible region is the set of points which satisfy

(a) the objective functions
(b) some of the given constraints
(c) all of the given constraints
(d) none of these

17. Solution of LPP

To maximise Z = 4x + 8y
subject to constraints : 2x + y ≤ 30, x + 2y ≤ 24, x ≥ 3, y ≤ 9, y ≥ 0 is
(a) x = 12, y = 6 (b) x = 6, y = 12 (c) x = 9, y = 6 (d) none of these

18. If events A and B are independent, P(A) = 0.35, P(A ∪ B) = 0.60 then P(B) is
(a) 0.25 (b) 0 (c) 0.95 (d) none of these

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In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).
Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

19. Assertion (A): We can write sin–1x = (sin x) –1.

Reason (R): Any value in the range of principal value branch is called principal value of that
inverse trigonometric function.

x 1 y  2 z  3
20. Assertion (A): The angle between the straight lines   and
2 5 4
x 1 y  2 z  3
  is 90°
1 2 3
Reason (R): Skew lines are lines in different planes which are parallel and intersecting.

Questions 21 to 25 carry 2 marks each.

21. If sin [cot–1 (x + 1)] = cos (tan–1x), then find x.

Prove that the Greatest Integer Function f : R → R, given by f(x) = [x] is neither one-one nor
onto. Where [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x.

22. If y = 500e7x + 600e–7x, show that = 49y.
dx 2
     
23. If a  i  2 j  3k , b  3i  j  2k show that (a  b) and (a  b) are perpendicular to each other.
x 1 y  2 z  3 1 x y  2 3  z
Find the angle between the straight lines   and   .
2 5 4 1 2 3

24. Show that the function f(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 6x – 100 is increasing on R.

  
25. If a  i  j  k , b  4i  2 j  3k and c  i  2 j  k , find a vector of magnitude 6 units which is
  
parallel to the vector 2a  b  3c .

Questions 26 to 31 carry 3 marks each.
sin x
26. Evaluate:  (1  cos x)(2  cos x) dx

 sin 4 x  4 
27. Evaluate:  e x   dx
 1  cos 4 x 

 /3
28. Evaluate the following integral:  1 dx
 /6 tan x

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Evaluate the following integral:  1  sin x dx

29. Find the particular solution of the differential equation = 1 + x + y + xy, given that y = 0
when x = 1.
Find the particular solution of the differential equation (1 + e2x) dy + (1 + y2) ex dx = 0, given that
when x = 0, y = 1.

30. Solve the following problem graphically: Minimise and Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the
constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60; x + y ≥ 10; x ≤ y; x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0

31. A family has 2 children. Find the probability that both are boys, if it is known that (i) at least one
of the children is a boy. (ii) the elder child is a boy.
Bag I contains 3 red and 4 black balls and bag II contains 4 red and 5 black balls. One ball is
transferred from bag I to bag II and then a ball is drawn from bag II at random. The balls so
drawn is found to be red in colour. Find the probability that the transferred ball is black.

Questions 32 to 35 carry 5 marks each.

32. Show that the relation S in the set R of real numbers defined as S = {(a, b): a, b ∈ R and a ≤ b3}
is neither reflexive nor symmetric and nor transitive.

33. Using integration, find the area bounded by the lines x + 2y = 2, y - x = 1 and 2x + y = 7.

 1 1 0   2 2 4 
34. Given A =  2 3 4  and B =  4 2 4  , verify that BA = 6I, use the result to solve the
 
 0 1 2   2 1 5 
system x – y = 3, 2x + 3y + 4z = 17, y + 2z = 7.
The sum of three numbers is 6. If we multiply third number by 3 and add second number to it,
we get 11. By adding first and third numbers, we get double of the second number. Represent it
algebraically and find the numbers using matrix method.

35. Find the shortest distance between the lines whose vector equations are
 
r  (1  t )i  (t  2) j  (3  2t )k and r  ( s  1)i  (2s  1) j  (2 s  1)k
Find the equation of a line passing through the point (1, 2, –4) and perpendicular to two lines
 
r  (8i  19 j  10k )   (3i  16 j  7 k ) and r  (15i  29 j  5k )   (3i  8 j  5k )

SECTION – E(Case Study Based Questions)

Questions 36 to 38 carry 4 marks each.

36. Case-Study 1:
Let d1, d2, d3 be three mutually exclusive diseases.
Let S = {S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6} be the set of observable symptoms of these diseases. For example,
S1 is the shortness of breath, S2 is the loss of weight, S3 is the fatigue, etc. Suppose a random
sample of 10,000 patients contains 3200 patients with disease d1, 3500 patients with disease d2,

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 4-

and 3300 patients with disease d3. Also, 3100 patients with disease d1, 3300 patients with disease
d2, and 3000 patients with disease d3 show the symptom S.

Based on the above information answer the following questions:

(a) A person is chosen at random from the sample of 10,000. What is The probability that the
person chosen does not suffer from disease d3? [1]
(b) Find the conditional probability that the patient shows the symptom S given that he suffers
from disease d1 and also calculate the conditional probability that the patient shows the symptom
S given that he suffers from disease d2.
If a person chosen at random shows the symptom S, then what is the probability that he does
suffer from disease d1? [2]
(c) Let Di denote the event that the patient has disease di (i = 1, 2, 3) and S be the event that the
d 
patient shows the symptom S. Then find the value of P  i  . [1]
1  s 
37. Case-Study 2:
Anil is the owner of a high rise residential society having 50 apartments. When he set rent at
Rs.10000/month, all apartments are rented. If he increases rent by Rs.250/ month, one fewer
apartment is rented. The maintenance cost for each occupied unit is Rs.500/month. Anil
represented the rent price per apartment by P and the number of rented apartments represented
by N.

Based on the above information answer the following questions.

(a) If P = 10500, then find N [1]
(b) If P = 11,000, then find the profit. [1]
(c) Find the rent that maximizes the total amount of profit. [2]

38. Case-Study 3:
Shalini wants to prepare a handmade gift box for her friend's birthday at home. For making lower
part of box, she takes a square piece of cardboard of side 20 cm.

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If x cm be the length of each side of the square cardboard which is to be cut off from corners of
the square piece of side 20 cm and Volume of the box is V then, answer the following questions.
(a) Find the value of V for which = 0 [1]
(b) Shalini is interested in maximising the volume of the box. So, what should be the side of the
square to be cut off so that the volume of the box is maximum? [2]
(c) Find the maximum value of the volume. [1]

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