VAKEV 2005 - Mathematics - I - Maths-Physics

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RWANDA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL. Mathematics I 103 16 Nov 2005 — 8h30-11h30 NATIONAL EXAMINATION 2005 SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS I OPTION : MATHEMATICS -PHYSICS DURATION : THREE HOURS INSTRUCTIONS : - Answer all questions in section A and any three questions in section B. - You may use geometrical instruments and calculators. - Show alll your working clearly. 103 - Page 1 of 4 SECTION A (55 marks) 01. Findx eR, sil -Zon(«-$) a (3 marks) 02. Write the equation of the tangent to curve yrenanens at point (0,1). i (2 marks) 03. Calculate : Jim iP Ter — VF —Ae-3), (3 marks) 04, Given the equation log,_,4a=1+ log,“ 3, ; eae {@) determine the value of a if 4 is a root of the equation. (1 mark} (b) hence solve the equation. I ; (3 marks) 05. Determine the values of a, (0 < a $ 7); for which the matrix 1 0s2a cos2a . cosa 1 cosa | is.singular. (4 marks) cos2a cosa 1 06. The events A, B and C are such that part A and C are incompatible and part A and B are independant. Given that p(A}= 2, piCrd, p(4uB)=+ and PIBUC}=35 : | (a) find: @ plavc). (1mark) (i) p(B). i (1mark) i) pANB) (1mark} (b) determine whether the events B and C are independant or not. ( 07. (a) Show that for all values of x, 0<——°— <3. (2 marks) x 2x43 64 (b) Sketch th =~. (0) Sketch the curve y= {2 marks) 08. Points A(5,10), B(-5,3) and C(2,~7) are in a cartesian plane. {a) Calculate : ABx AC,ABxBC and AC x BC. (2 marks) (b) With aid of scalar products, calculate the size of angles BAC and ACB. (1.5 marks) (c) Identify the type of triangle (ABC) and calculate its area. (1.5 marks) 09. A variable y is inversely proportional to the square of another variable x. Given that y= 3 when x#3, write the relation between y and x. (1.5 marks) Sketch the graph of y and calculate the mean value of y such that 1sx<4, (3 marks) 103 ~ Page 2 of 4 10. In a three dimension space E2 with perpendicular axes (0,ij,k), you are given 3 vectors #=-3/+4]+12k, ¥=47-37+2% and w=mi+3j—nk. Find the values m and n for Ai =i. (2 marks) Under these conditions, calculate the area of triangle (0, v, w).(2 marks) 11. (a) Determine the nature of the turning point of the graph of the function y=Inx-x+4. (3 marks) (b) How many roots does the equation Inx=x-4 have ? (2 marks) 12. By Maclaurin’s theorem, write the development of In(1+12) in ascending powers of t up to t* term, (3 marks) Yy Utilize the result to find the approximation of jae ‘dt correst to 2 > decimal places. (2 marks) peel 13. Calculate : Ga (2 marks) 14. In equation : 2?-(2-im)z+2-im-0, z¢ Zand meIR: (a) determine m so that the equation has two different roots. (1.5 marks) (b) determine m when the two roots are’ conjugate complex numbers and calculate these roots. (1.5 marks) 15. Find the solution of the differential equation y"+8y'+25y=0 which satisfies the following conditions : xo=0, yo=2 and y,=1. (4 marks) SECTION B (45 marks) 16. A survey was made on 200 families about the number of children (X) and the number of beds (¥) per family. The table below shows the results. x yo Ji 2 73 ]4 [5s 6 ]7 1&8 9710 2 1 jo [27 [7s 12 10 _Jo_[o lo jo Jo 2 {27 [2710 [8 fis {1 lo Jojo foo 3_{i [3 [5 “Te [8 “fe j1 Jo Jo lo lo 4 [0 [2 [87 [2 te 127 }10_[e fo JoJo 5 jo [i jo |2 [se 0 [5 [7 _|3__|3 6 jo jo jo j27]4 [5s [5 [2 [3 1312 (a) What is the average number of children and the average number of beds per family? (4 marks) (b) Find the equation of the regression line in terms of Y and X.(8 marks} (c) Can you state if there is any linear correlation between the number of the children and the number of beds per family? {3 marks) 103 - Page 3 of 4 17. Given the function f :/R — IR: x—> 2 2x + (a) determine its definition of the domain. (1mark) (b) calculate the limits of the boundaries of the definition of domain and deduce the equations of asymptotes. (1.5 marks) (c) is the function f even or odd? (1mark) (a) study the variations of the function f and determine the nature of the curve representing f. (9.5 marks) (c) sketch the curve of the function f. (2 marks) 18. In a plane of complex number, what is the nature of a set of points P of fixed length z which satisfies the equation 1022-3 + (z) |-4? (Smarks) Identify the characteristics of elements of set P. (7 marks) Find equations of tangents at P with x-coordinate - a (3 marks) 19. A.straight line passes through points A (-1,-5) and B (0, -8) and y=2x?- 8 is the equation of the curve C. (a) Find the equation of the straight line AB. (1 mark) (b) In the same cartesian plane draw the straight line AB and the curve C. (3 marks) (C) Calculate the area between the curve C and the straight line AB. {6 marks) (d) Calculate the volume of solid of revolution about the x-axis of the surface area in 16(c). (5 marks) 20. Each seat of Gacaca judiciary court of a cell is made up with nine (9) persons of integrity, (a) How many ways of choosing a committee of coordinators of judiciary if each member of Gacaca seat is a candidate and elections are made in three successive phases for the posts of : 1. President ; 2. First and second vice presidents ; 3° two secretaries ? (6 marks) (b) If the seat of Gacaca court of the cell is composed of 4 ladies: (i what is the probability of choosing a lady as the president of the judiciary court? (1 mark) (ii) what is the probability for the two posts of first and second vice presidents to be occupied by ladies? (85 marks) (di) what is the probability of choosing two secretaries of different sexes if the president and one of the vice presidents are men? (25 marks) N.B: For every question the five deputies of persons of integrity are not included. 103 - Page 4 of 4

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