NN RGB FPGA Exercise
NN RGB FPGA Exercise
Digital Design
NN_RGB_FPGA Exercises
FPGA_plain corresponds to lecture 3
FPGA_generate corresponds to lecture 4
Color detection should be improved
Red tail lights are detected as yellow
Green vegetation is detected as yellow
Light blue sky and dark blue signs are not
red tail light
Modify training data
“False yellow”: More red and light green
Labeling of blue and yellow without black/white
Alternative Task
Training for detecting of green vegetation
Exercise: Octave Verification
Octave uses training image to
visualize training result
Use different image
Octave uses floating-point accuracy for calculation of output image
Use fixed-point accuracy to match FPGA implementation
Exercise: VHDL Simulation with Testbench
Perform VHDL simulation with a testbench
Template and explanations in video “FPGA FIR Filter: Verification with VHDL Testbench”
Output images of testbench use no compression
They can be used to compare different circuit implementations
Extend to a self-checking testbench
Template and explanations in video “FPGA FIR Filter: Self-Checking Testbench”
Reference image for expected results
Bit-true Octave implementation
Compare different VHDL versions
Exercise: Increase Clock Frequency
FPGA design has timing requirement for 720p video, i.e. 74.25 MHz
Modify design for higher throughput, e.g. 200 MHz
Investigate capability of design
Remote lab will not require this throughput
Set timing requirement in nn_rgb.sdc
create_clock … -period 13.47ns … set to 5ns for 200 MHz
Check “Timing Analysis” in Quartus
Add pipeline stages in design
Increase effort of synthesis in Quartus: Compiler Settings “Performance”
Compare FPGA resources and power consumption in remote lab
Note: Additional pipeline stages require adjustment of “delay” for submodule control
Sigmoid Function
Function of neuron
z is factors times input values plus bias
z = w1 * x1 + w2 * x2 + w3 * x3 + bias
Sigmoid: h =
1 + e-z
-4 4
Function table in ROM
Values between ±4
Limitation of values outside this range
Fixed-point implementation
Values have factor of 2^13 = 8K (8192)
Value ±4 corresponds to ±32K
FPGA Implementation of Sigmoid Function
neuron.vhd in FPGA_plain
Sum is limited to ±4 and shifted to
positive range
0 ≤ limit(sum+4) < 8
Factor of 8K
0 ≤ sumAdress < 64K
Definition of ROM Values
sigmoid_14_bit.mif sigmoid_12_bit.mif
ROM implemented as IP
(Intellectual Property) DEPTH = 16384; DEPTH = 4096;
Values defined in MIF WIDTH = 8; WIDTH = 8;
(Memory Initialization File) ADDRESS_RADIX = DEC; ADDRESS_RADIX = DEC;
Definition of fixed-point values CONTENT CONTENT
Input values corresponds to ±4 0 : 2; 0 : 2;
as discussed 1 : 2; 1 : 2;
2 : 2; 2 : 2;
Output values correspond to 3 : 2; …
range 0 … 1 with 8 bit word width 4 : 2; 2000 : 121;
Range of 0 … 255 5 : 2; …
Same accuracy as input 8000 : 121;
values x1, x2, x3 …
Implement ROMs with different input word width
Provided: 12, 13, 14, 16 Bit
Generate other word width, e.g. 8, 9, 10, 11 Bit
Compare FPGA resources, power consumption and quality of color detection in remote lab
Please check: ROM size smaller than FPGA modules do not save resources
Select word width of ROM with generic parameter
Choose ROM with VHDL command „if-generate“
Change ROM to case-statement
Check functionality and resources for different word widths
Choose parameter at top-level and forward to neuron and sigmoid function
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Exercise: Sigmoid Function (II)
FPGA RAMs have two ports
All ROMs have identical content
Implement two sigmoid functions in one ROM
IP module “ROM: 2-PORT”
Design new submodule with two neurons
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Exercise: Sigmoid Function (III)
Color mapping for output processing does not require sigmoid function
FPGA_plain: check if value > 127
FPGA_generate: check if value > 127 and
compare values for different colors (yellow, blue)
Output layer can use simplified function
output <= sumAdress(15 downto 8);
Can be selected by generic value parameter: output_layer (true/false)
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