Aqa A Level Chemistry Cheatsheet 3

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AQA A- Level Chemistry Cheatsheet 3

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How to Use
The aim of this pack is simple — we wanted to condense the A-level Chemistry course into a few super condensed
pages. Now you have a concise summary of the entire course that focuses on the most important definitions, key
terms, diagrams and concepts.
We’ve spent weeks working with top designers, academic writers and illustrators to ensure this is the best cheatsheet
out there. Our promise to you is you won’t find anything better. The cheatsheet pack has been built off the AQA
specification to ensure no important information is missed — below is a table which summarises how our cheatsheets
map to the AQA specification.
Specification Points Cheatsheet
3.1.1 Atomic Structure, Mass, Mass Spectrometry & Electronic Configuration
3.1.2 Ionisation Energy & Basic Equations
3.1.3 Bonds
3.1.4 Enthalpies, Calorimetry & Hess’s Law
3.1.5 Collision Theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann, Rate of Reaction & Chemical Equilibrium
3.1.6 - 3.1.7 The Haber Process, Equilibrium Constant, Redox Reactions & Lattice Enthalpy
3.1.8 Born-Haber Cycles, Entropy & Gibbs Free Energy
3.1.9 Rate of Reaction & Rate Equations
3.1.10 - 3.1.11 Kp, Electrode Potentials & Cells
3.1.12 Acids, Bases, Titration & Buffers
3.2.1 - 3.2.3 Periodic Table
3.2.5 - 3.2.6 Transition Metals
3.3.1 Precipitate Reactions & Introduction to Organic Chemistry
3.3.2 - 3.3.3 Alkanes & Haloalkanes
3.3.4 - 3.3.5 Alkenes & Alcohols
3.3.6 - 3.3.8 Organic Analysis, Optical Isomers, Aldehydes & Ketones
3.3.9 - 3.3.10 Carboxylic Acids, Esters & Benzene
3.3.11 - 3.3.12 Amines, Condensation Polymers & Amino Acids
3.3.13 - 3.3.14 Proteins, Enzymes, DNA & Organic Synthesis
3.3.15 - 3.3.16 NMR & Chromatography

We hope you enjoy using it and wish you the best of luck in your A-levels.

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Atomic Structure Mass Number & Isotopes Electronic Configuration
• Atoms are the components that make up • Element, X • Electrons orbit the central nucleus in shells. Each shell can hold
all elements. • Mass number, A, is the total number of protons 2n2 electrons, where n is the principal quantum number.
• Atoms are made up of three types of sub- and neutrons in the nucleus • Electron shells are made up of atomic orbitals, which are
atomic particles – protons, neutrons, and • Atomic number, Z, is the number of protons. The regions in space where electrons may be found.
electrons number of positively charged protons is equal to • Each shell is composed of one or more orbitals and each orbital
• Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus, where most of the the number of negatively charged electrons in an can hold one pair of electrons.
mass is concentrated. Electrons orbit the nucleus in shells atom, making the atom neutrally charged • There are four main types of orbitals: s-, p-, d-, and f-
• Mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons
Particle Relative Mass Relative Charge
• Atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons
Proton 1 +1 • Ions are formed by atoms losing or gaining electrons.
Neutron 1 0 ◦ A charge of x- means that the number of electrons in the ion
Electron 1/1840 -1 is the atomic number + x
◦ A charge of x+ means that the number of electrons in the ion
is the atomic number - x
The Evolution of Atomic Structure • Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons and
• Electrons have an intrinsic
different numbers of neutrons. Therefore, they have different
Over Time mass numbers but the same atomic number. property (spin). For two electrons
• The model of the atom has changed over time as new evidence • Isotopes of the same element have the same electronic in the same orbital, the spin must
has become available. configuration so react in the same way in chemical reactions be opposite to minimise the
but have slightly different physical properties. repulsion.
Dalton proposed that all atoms of one element • Within each shell, orbitals that
are the same and are different from the atoms of are of the same energy level are
another element. Atoms in his model were tiny
and indivisible.
Mass Spectrometry grouped together in sub-shells.
• There are 1 s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals, 5 d-orbitals and 7-p orbitals
• Mass spectrometry is a form of molecular chemical analysis possible in each subshell.
Thomson discovered the electron. He proposed
that allows the masses of individual molecules or isotopes to be • Sub-shells have different energy levels. Note that 4s is lower in
the plum pudding model where negatively
determined. energy than 3d, so 4s will fill first.
charged electrons move in a ‘sea’ of charge in a
• Mass spectrometry can be used to provide structural
positively charged atom.
information, identify an unknown compound, or determine the
Rutherford found that most of the mass is relative abundance of each isotope of an element.
concentrated in the positive nucleus, with • In time of flight mass spectrometry, the steps include:
negative electrons orbiting it. The positive and ◦ Ionisation - the sample is dissolved in a volatile solvent and
negative charges balance to make the atom ejected through a hollow needle. The needle is connected to
neutral. a positive terminal of a high voltage supply. This produces
Bohr suggested that electrons orbit the nucleus tiny positively charged droplets.
on paths. Bohr’s planetary model provided ◦ Acceleration - ions are accelerated towards a negatively
an explanation for the difference in energy of charged plate to give all ions constant kinetic energy. So, the
electrons at different distances from the nucleus. velocity of each ion will depend on its mass
◦ Ion drift - ions pass through a hole in the negative plate, • Shells and sub-shells are filled with electrons according to a set
The current model is composed of protons, of rules:
neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are forming a beam
◦ Detection - the positive ion picks ◦ Atomic orbitals with the same energy fill individually first
found in the nucleus and are made up of smaller before pairing
quarks, whereas electrons surround the central up an electron which causes a
current to flow. Flight times are ◦ Aufbau principle – the lowest available energy level is filled
nucleus. first
◦ Data analysis - the signal from the ◦ No more than two electrons can fill an atomic orbital
Relative Masses detector passes to a computer
• Electron configuration is written
with n representing principal
which generates a mass spectrum quantum number. X is the type
• Relative isotopic mass is the mass of an atom of an isotope
• The mass spectrum gives information of orbital and y is the number
compared with 1/12th of the mass of an atom of carbon-12. For
about the relative abundance of of electrons in the orbitals of
an isotope, the relative isotopic mass = its mass number.
isotopes on the y axis and about the the subshell e.g. potassium has
• Relative atomic mass is the ratio of the average mass of
relative isotopic mass on the x axis. 19 electrons and its electron
an atom of an element to 1/12th of the mass of an atom of
• The mass spectrum can be used to configuration is written as 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
determine the relative atomic mass (Ar)
• Relative molecular mass is the ratio of the average mass of a
molecule of an element or compound to 1/12th of the mass of
an atom of carbon-12.
• Relative formula mass is similar to relative molecular mass but • A mass spectrum for a molecular sample shows the relative
applies to ionic compounds. molecular mass on the x axis.
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Ionisation Energy Gas Equations Balanced Equations
• Ionisation energy is a measure of the energy required to • One mole of any gas under standard conditions will occupy the • When a chemical reaction occurs, no atoms are created or
completely remove an electron from an atom of an element to same volume. destroyed. The atoms in the reactants rearrange to form the
form an ion. • The molar gas volume is 24 dm-3 mol-1 under standard products.
• First ionisation energy is the energy required to remove one conditions of 298 K and 100 kPa • In a balanced equation, there is the same number of atoms of
electron from each atom in one mole of the gaseous element to • The number of moles of gas can be calculated using the each element in both the reactants and products.
form one mole of gaseous 1+ ions. equation: • State symbols are written after every species to indicate the
X(g) → X+(g) + e- physical state
• Successive ionisation energies apply to the removal of electrons ◦ Solid (s)
after the first ionisation energy. The nth ionisation energy is: n is the number of moles of gas (mol) ◦ Liquid (l)
X(n-1)+ (g) → Xn+(g) + e- V is volume (dm-3) ◦ Gaseous (g)
• Successive ionisation energies provide evidence for the shell • In an ideal gas the assumptions are made that: ◦ Aqueous (aq) - dissolved in water
structure of atoms. ◦ Intermolecular forces between the gas particles are negligible • Ionic equations can be written for any reaction involving ions
◦ Within each shell successive ionisation energies increase, as ◦ The volume of the particles themselves, relative to the in solution, where only the reacting ions and the products they
there is less electron repulsion volume of their container, is negligible form are included.
◦ Between shells, there are big jumps in ionisation energies, as • The ideal gas equation is: • Spectator ions are ions that do not take part in the overall
the electric is removed from a shell closer to the nucleus reaction and are found in both the reactants and products
• Factors affecting ionisation energies: p is pressure (Pa) • The net ionic equation shows only the ions directly involved in
◦ Atomic radii - The larger the atomic radius, the further away V is volume (m3) the reaction (removing spectator ions).
the outer electrons are held from the nucleus, and the smaller n is the number of moles (mol) e.g. NaCl (aq) + AgNO3 (aq) → AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq)
the nuclear attraction. Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) + Ag + (aq) + NO3- (aq) → AgCl (s) + Na+
R is the gas constant (8.314 JK-1)
◦ Nuclear charge - The greater the nuclear charge, the greater (aq) + NO3- (aq)
T is temperature (K) Net ionic equation:
the attractive force on the outer electrons.
◦ Shielding - electrons repel each other due to their negative Cl- (aq) + Ag+ (aq) → AgCl (s)
• Stoichiometry expresses the molar ratios between reactants
charge. The greater the number of inner shells of electrons,
the greater the repulsion of the outer shell of electrons.
Empirical & Molecular Formula and products in a reaction. It is used to determine the quantity
• The greater the attraction, the harder it is to remove an • The empirical formula is the simplest whole-number ratio of of products or reactants required or produced by a known
electron. Therefore, the ionisation energy will be larger. atoms of each element present in a compound. reaction.
• Atomic radii show periodicity. Across a period, the radius • The empirical formula can be calculated from the composition
decreases while down a group, the radius increases. by mass or percentage by mass.
• Ionisation energy increases across a period, electrons are all e.g. 6.2 g of P is combined with O2 to form 14.2 g of Atom Economy & Percentage Yield
added to the same shell resulting in greater attraction. phosphorous oxide. Calculate the empirical formula of the
• Atom economy is a theoretical measure of the proportion of
• Ionisation energy decreases across a group, as the number compound.
atoms from the reactants that form the desired product. In
of shells increases, so does the atomic radius and shielding, mass of O2: 14.2 g - 6.2 g = 8 g
order to calculate it a balanced chemical equation is required.
reducing attraction. number of moles of each element:
• % atom economy =
• Maximising atom economy has important economic, ethical and
The Mole & Concentration Divide through by the smallest number of moles to get the environmental advantages:
whole number ratio: ◦ More sustainable (uses fewer raw materials)
• The mole is the unit used to quantify the amount of a
substance. It can be applied to any amount of chemical species, ◦ Minimises chemical waste
including atoms, electrons, molecules and ions ◦ Maximises efficiency
• A mole is the amount of substance that contains the same ◦ Less money is spent on separation processes
number of atoms or particles as 12 g of carbon-12. Empirical formula: P2O5 • The limiting reagent is the reagent not in excess. It dictates the
• The number of particles in 12g of 12C is the Avogadro constant • The molecular formula gives the number and type of atoms of theoretical yield and the amount of product actually formed.
of 6.022 x 1023 mol-1. each element in a molecule. It is made up of a whole number of • Percentage yield is a measure of the percentage of reactants
empirical units. that have been converted into the desired product. It gives a
n is the number of moles (mol) • The molecular formula can be determined using the empirical measure of the efficiency of a reaction route.
m is the mass (g) formula and relative molecular mass of the molecule. • The percentage yield is reduced by the formation of unwanted
M is the molar mass (g mol-1) e.g. Determine the molecular formula of a compound with by-products, any reactant that remains unreacted, or product
• The concentration of a solution is the amount of solute present empirical formula CH2 and a relative molecular mass of 224. that cannot be extracted from the reaction vessel.
in a known volume of solution Relative molecular mass of the empirical formula: •
C H2
c is the concentration (mol dm )
-3 12 + (1 × 2) = 14
n is the number of moles in solution (mol) Divide the relative molecular mass by that of the empirical
V is the volume (dm3) formula:
• Remember: 224/14=16
◦ 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3 Molecular formula:
◦ 1 m3 = 1000 dm3 16 ×CH2 = C16H32
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Ions Covalent Bonds Metallic Bonding
• An ion is an atom or molecule with a net charge formed • Covalent bonding usually occurs between two atoms of non- • Metallic bonding is the bonding in metals
through the gain or loss of electrons metals, so that the atoms each gain a stable full outer shell • Metallic bonding is the strong electrostatic attraction between
• A cation is formed from the loss of electrons • A covalent bond is a strong electrostatic attraction between positive metal ions and negative delocalised electrons in a
• An anion is formed from the gain of electrons a shared pair of outer electrons and the nuclei of the bonded metal lattice
• The noble gases do not form ions, as they already have a stable atoms • Metals have a fixed lattice structure of positive
full outer shell of electrons, making them unreactive. • A single covalent bond involves one shared pair of outer ions. The outer shell of electrons is delocalised.
• Molecular ions are formed when groups of two or more atoms electrons • Metals are good electrical conductors, due to
that are covalently bonded gain or lose electrons • A multiple covalent bond involves more than one shared pair of the delocalised electrons free to move and
outer electrons carry the current.
Charge Molecular ion • A co-ordinate (dative covalent) bond involves one atom donating • Metals have high melting and boiling points
+1 Ammonium: NH4+ both electrons in a covalent bond. due to the large amounts of energy needed to overcome the
-1 Hydroxide: OH- • A dative covalent bond is represented metallic bonds. Melting point is influenced by:
Nitrate: NO3- by an arrow from the atom that is ◦ Charge of metal ion - Metal ions of greater charge contribute
Hydrogencarbonate: HCO3- donating both electrons to the atom more electrons to the delocalised sea, therefore there are
that is accepting both electrons more electrostatic forces of attraction between the ions and
-2 Carbonate: CO32-
Sulphate: SO42- electrons, resulting in a higher melting point
◦ Size of metal ion - smaller cations are closer to the
Sulphite: SO32- Crystalline Structures delocalised electrons, resulting in a stronger metallic bond,
• Ionic compounds are composed of oppositely charged ions. The
overall charge is zero as the ionic charges balance. and a higher melting point
Crystal Type of Melting Conductivity Diagram • Metals are malleable and ductile. The ions can slide and move
e.g. write the formula of sodium carbonate structure point
Sodium is in Group 1, and so it will lose one electron, Na+ past each other as there are no bonds holding specific ions
Diamond Giant High None together
The carbonate ion has the formula CO32-
We need 2 x Na+ to balance the -2 charge of CO32- covalent
The formula is Na2CO3
Simple Molecules
• The shape of a molecule or ion is dictated by the number of
Ionic Bonding electron pairs around the central atom and whether they are
• An ionic bond is an electrostatic attraction between positive Graphite High Yes (has bonding or lone pairs.
and negative ions, resulting in a lattice delocalised • Bonding pairs and lone pairs of electrons are charge clouds that
• A lattice is a giant three-dimensional structure, where each ion electrons repel each other
is surrounded by oppositely charged ions as carbon • Electron pairs in the outer shell arrange themselves as far apart
• They are often formed between ions of metals and non-metals, as possible to minimise repulsion
makes only
where each atom aims to gain a stable full outer shell. 3 bonds)
• Electrons are represented by dots and crosses, which helps
visualise the origin of the electrons clearly Ice Molecular Low None • Bonding pairs repel each other equally. While lone pairs repel
other pairs more because they are more electron dense.
• Each lone pair reduces the bond angle by about 2.5o.
• A normal line represents the bond is in plane of the
paper. A dotted wedge is a bond going into the
paper and a bold wedge is a bond coming out of
the paper.
Electron Bonding Lone Bond
Pairs Pairs Pairs Angles Example
Linear 2 2 0 180° CO2
Trigonal Planar 3 3 0 120° BF3
• The strength of an ionic bond depends on Bent 3 2 1 <120° SO2
◦ The charge on the ions - Ions with higher charges will have a Magnesium Metallic High In all states Tetrahedral 4 4 0 109.5° CH4
greater electrostatic attraction between them and will form Trigonal Pyramidal 4 3 1 107° NH3
stronger bonds. V-Shaped 4 2 2 104.5° H2O
◦ The distance between the ions - Smaller ions have a smaller
internuclear distance so the electrostatic forces of attraction Trigonal Bipyramidal 5 5 0 90°, 120° PCl5
will be greater. Smaller ions form stronger ionic bonds in Seesaw 5 4 1 87°, 102° SF4
Sodium Ionic High Only when
more closely packed lattices. T-Shaped 5 3 2 88° ClF3
chloride aqueous or
• Properties of ionic structures Linear 5 2 3 180° XeF2
◦ High melting and boiling points Octahedral 6 6 0 90° SF6
◦ Soluble in polar solvents
Square Pyramidal 6 5 1 <90° BrF5
◦ Electrical conductivity when molten or dissolved in water
Square Planar 6 4 2 90° XeF4
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Enthalpy Coffee Cup Calorimetry Spirit Burner Calorimetry
• Enthalpy, H, is the thermal energy that is stored in a system • A coffee cup calorimeter can be used to calculate enthalpy • A spirit burner calorimeter can be used to calculate enthalpy
• Enthalpy change is the heat energy change measured under changes of neutralisation changes of combustion
conditions of constant pressure. ◦ The reaction mixture is placed in a Styrofoam cup with a lid ◦ The substance being heated or cooled, usually water, is
• Enthalpy change values are usually given under standard to keep it insulated, along with a stirrer and a thermometer. placed in a beaker with a thermometer. A spirit burner is
conditions (100 kPa, 298K & the standard state of the The Styrofoam cup can be held within another Styrofoam placed underneath the beaker to heat it
substance). Standard enthalpy changes are denoted by ΔH . cup in a beaker for maximum insulation ◦ The spirit burner containing the fuel is weighed and a
• ◦ A measured volume of the first reactant is added, and the known volume of water is added to the beaker and its initial
total enthalpy of products (kJ mol–1) temperature is recorded until stable. A measured amount temperature measured
total enthalpy of reactants (kJ mol–1) of the second reactant is added, and the temperature is ◦ The spirit burner is burnt, and the water continuously stirred
Ɵ measured evert minute whilst constantly stirring. ◦ After a few minutes, the flame is extinguished, and the spirit
• The standard enthalpy of formation (ΔfH ) is the enthalpy
◦ A graph of temperature against time is plotted, with a line of burger reweighed. The final temperature of the water is
change when one mole of a substance is formed from its
best fit measured
constituent elements, with all reactants and products being in
◦ The measured values are used to calculate q
their standard states and under standard conditions
• The standard enthalpy of combustion (ΔcH ) is the enthalpy
change when one mole of a substance is completely burnt in
oxygen, with all reactants and products being in their standard
Hess’s Law
states and under standard conditions • Hess’s law is that the enthalpy change of a reaction is
independent of the route taken

Exothermic & Endothermic Reactions

• Exothermic reactions increase the
temperature of the surroundings. ΔH is

◦ q can be calculated using ∆T and converting the volumes of

the solutions into masses using their densities (assumed to
be 1 g cm ) • Enthalpy changes of combustion can be used to find the
• Endothermic reactions decrease the
temperature of the surroundings ΔH is enthalpy change of a reaction
Bond Enthalpies
• Bond enthalpies provide us with information about how much
• Activation energy is the minimum energy
energy is needed to break a bond.
required for a reaction to occur
• Mean bond enthalpy is the enthalpy change when one mole of
covalent bonds is broken to give the free atoms, averaged over
a range of compounds
Calorimetry • Some bonds can only occur in one environment, such as Cl-Cl
and H-Cl, as Cl and H can only form one bond.
• Calorimetry is the process of measuring the amount of heat • Some bonds can occur in multiple environments, such as C-H
given off or taken in during a chemical reaction and C=O, as C can form multiple bonds with a wide range of • Enthalpy changes of formation can be used to find the enthalpy
• Experimental values of enthalpy changes often differ from those elements — resulting in different environments change of a reaction
found in data books because: the reaction may be incomplete, • The strength of these bonds will vary according to the • The enthalpy of formation for an element is 0 kJ mol-1.
incomplete combustion of the fuel may occur, the heat environment in which they are found, so an average value is
capacities and densities of the solutions are only approximates, taken
heat may be lost from the water to the surroundings, the • The actual bond enthalpy is specific to each individual molecule
experimental conditions may not be standard and some of the • Bond breaking is endothermic, while bond making is
fuel or water may evaporate before reweighing. exothermic.
• • Enthalpy change can be predicted using bond enthalpies
q is the heat change (J)
m is the mass of the substance (g)
–1 –1 • The enthalpy change values calculated from bond enthalpies
c is the specific heat capacity (J g K )
are approximate and not as accurate as those calculated from
ΔT is the temperature change (K or °C) Hess’ Law cycles
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Collision Theory Rate of Reaction Chemical Equilibrium
• Particles in a gas or liquid are constantly moving and colliding • The rate of reaction is the change in the concentration of • Reversible reactions at equilibrium are denoted by the
with each other. However, not all collisions result in a reaction. a reactant or product in a given time. equilibrium symbol: ⇌
• For a reaction to occur, two particles must collide with:
• • Many chemical reactions are reversible
◦ Sufficient energy to overcome the activation energy
◦ The correct orientation • Factors affecting the rate of reaction: • A chemical system is in dynamic equilibrium when all three of
◦ Temperature- increasing the temperature increases the the following conditions are met:
kinetic energy of the molecules, leading to more frequent ◦ The concentration of reactants and products is constant
successful collisions and an increase in the rate of reaction ◦ The rate of the forwards reaction is the same as the rate of
◦ Pressure — increasing the pressure of a gaseous reaction the backwards reaction
increases the number of gaseous molecules in a given volume, ◦ The reaction is in a closed system
so molecules are closer together. This leads to more frequent • Le Chatelier’s principle- when a system in dynamic equilibrium
successful collisions and an increase in the rate of reaction is subjected to change, the position of the equilibrium will shift
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution ◦ Concentration — increasing the concentration of an aqueous
reactant increases the number of molecules in a given volume,
to oppose the change
• The Maxwell-Boltzmann curve shows the distribution of so molecules are closer together. This leads to more frequent • If the conditions of a reaction are changed, the position of
molecular kinetic energies in a gas at a constant temperature successful collisions and an increase in the rate of reaction equilibrium will shift to favour either the forwards or backwards
• In the Boltzmann distribution: ◦ Surface area — increasing the surface area of solid reactants reaction to oppose the change.
◦ The area under the curve is equal to the total number of increases the area over which a reaction can occur, leading • The effect of a change in temperature on the position of
molecules in the system to more frequent successful collisions and an increase in the equilibrium will depend on the enthalpy change of the reaction.
◦ The curve starts at the origin — no molecules have zero rate of reaction If the forward reaction is exothermic and the backwards
energy ◦ Catalysts — adding a catalyst reaction is endothermic:
◦ Only molecules with an energy greater than the activation provides an alternative pathway ◦ Increasing the temperature will cause the position of
energy, Ea, can react that has a lower activation equilibrium to shift in the endothermic direction to absorb
◦ The curve’s peak energy, leading to more frequent the added heat
represents the most successful collisions and an ◦ Decreasing the temperature will cause the position of
probable energy that increase in the rate of reaction equilibrium to shift in the exothermic direction to add more
a molecule will have
◦ The average energy is to
the right of, and slightly The Effect of Temperature and • Changing the concentration of a reactant or product will
greater than, the most
probable energy
Catalysts on The Maxwell-Boltzmann cause the position of equilibrium to shift to oppose this
Distribution ◦ Increasing the concentration of the reactants will cause
the position of equilibrium to shift to make more of the
Catalysts • At higher temperatures, the kinetic energy of the molecules
increases, so the molecules move faster
• A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical ◦ Increasing the concentration of the products will cause the
• A greater proportion of molecules have an energy greater than
reaction without being used up in the process. the activation energy, so more frequent successful collisions position of equilibrium to shift to remove the extra product,
• Catalysts work by reacting with the reactants to form an occur, increasing the rate of reaction. making more reactants
intermediate. Catalysts are then regenerated later in the • The area under the curve remains the same as the number of • Changing the pressure of a system will only change the position
reaction molecules in the system remains of the equilibrium if the reaction involves gases.
• Homogeneous catalysts are in the same phase as the reactants the same ◦ Increasing the pressure of the system will cause the position
• Heterogenous catalysts are in a different phase to the • Catalysts lower the activation of equilibrium to shift to the side with the fewest moles of
reactants energy of a reaction by
providing an alternative reaction
• Heterogeneous catalysts work by:
route with a lower activation ◦ Decreasing the pressure of the system will cause the
◦ Adsorption — the reactants forming weak bonds with the position of equilibrium to shift to the side with more moles
atoms on the surface of the catalyst, holding the reactants in • A greater proportion of of gas
the correct position for them to react. molecules have an energy
◦ Desorption — the products detach from the atoms on the • Adding a catalyst does not change the position of
greater than the new, lower equilibrium, but increases the rate at which the equilibrium is
surface of the catalyst activation energy, and more
◦ As the products detach more reactants can be adsorbed, and established
frequent successful collisions
the process is repeated occur, increasing the rate of
• The use of catalysts has economic, environmental and social reaction.
benefits • The addition of the catalyst
◦ The demand for fossil fuels is lowered does not change the
◦ Emission of pollutants are lowered distribution of the molecular
◦ Reduced energy use means lower costs energies.
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Haber Process Equilibrium Constant Redox Reactions
• Nitrogen gas reacts with hydrogen gas to form ammonia in the • The equilibrium constant, KC, indicates where the equilibrium • Redox reactions involve both oxidation and reduction
Haber process lies – it is the ratio of the concentration of products and • Oxidising agents cause oxidation of other species, and so are
• N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇌ 2NH3 (g) ΔH = –92 kj mol reactants in a reversible reaction themselves reduced
• Reducing agents cause reduction of other species, and so are
• The optimum conditions for the Haber process are: • The concentration, in mol dm–3, of a species X involved in the
themselves oxidised
◦ High pressure — increasing the pressure will cause the expression for KC is represented by [X]
• Disproportionation reactions involve both oxidation and
position of equilibrium to shift to the right, favouring the
• For the general reaction: aA + bB ⇌ dD + eE reduction of the same element
forwards reaction as there are fewer moles on the right
e.g. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
(two moles) than on the left (four moles). Therefore, more
ammonia is produced, and the pressure will be reduced, 2H2O2 Æ 2H2O + O2
opposing the change Oxidation Number of O: –1 Æ –2 0
◦ Low temperature — the forward reaction is exothermic, O is both oxidised and reduced during this reaction
• The units of the equilibrium constant will vary depending
so decreasing the temperature will cause the position of on how many species take part in the reaction and the
equilibrium to shift to the right, favouring the forwards
reaction. Therefore, more ammonia is produced and the
stoichiometry Lattice Enthalpy
temperature increases, opposing the change • The magnitude of KC indicates the extent of the reaction: • Standard lattice enthalpy of formation, ΔLEH⦵ is the enthalpy
• These optimum conditions are not favourable because: ◦ KC = 1: equilibrium lies halfway between the reactants and the change when one mole of an ionic lattice is formed from its
◦ Maintaining high pressures is expensive and unsafe products gaseous ions under standard conditions.
◦ Low temperature would mean a slow rate of reaction ◦ KC > 1: equilibrium lies further to the right and the products • Standard lattice enthalpy of dissociation is the enthalpy change
• In industry, conditions must be used that strike a balance are favoured when one mole of an ionic lattice completely dissociates into its
between obtaining a good yield and being economically ◦ KC < 1: equilibrium lies further to the left and the reactants gaseous ions under standard conditions.
feasible are favoured • The enthalpy of formation and the enthalpy of dissociation are
• Compromise conditions must be used in industrial processes to • Factors including pressure, concentration and the addition of a opposites.
ensure a good yield whilst considering the following factors: catalyst does not affect the value of the equilibrium constant. • Lattice enthalpy gives an indication of the strength of the ionic
◦ The rate of reaction bonds
◦ Cost and risks of equipment • Temperature does affect the equilibrium constant. If the forward • Lattice enthalpy cannot be measured directly, so other
◦ Side reactions reaction is exothermic and the reverse reaction is endothermic: measurements need to be known
• The industrial conditions used today in the Haber process are a ◦ Increasing the temperature, will favour the endothermic • Standard Enthalpy of Formation, ΔfH⦵ is the enthalpy change
compromise and are: reaction, forming less product and decreasing KC when one mole of a compound is formed from its constituent
◦ 400–500 °C — allows a reasonable rate of reaction and yield ◦ Decreasing the temperature will favour the exothermic elements in their standard states, under standard conditions
◦ 200 atm — allows a high yield without costing too much or reaction, forming more product and increasing KC • Standard Enthalpy of Atomisation, ΔaH⦵ is the enthalpy change
posing a safety risk when one mole of gaseous atoms are formed from an element
◦ Iron catalyst increases the rate of reaction and allows in its standard state.
equilibrium to be established more quickly at a lower Oxidation Numbers • First ionisation energy, ΔI1H⦵is the energy required to remove
temperature, saving energy and increasing profits one mole of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms to form
• Oxidation number is a number representing the number of
one mole of gaseous 1+ ions.
electrons lost or gained by an atom in a compound.
• Second ionisation energy, ΔI2H⦵ is the enthalpy change when
Redox Equations • Oxidation is a loss of electrons during a reaction or an increase one mole of gaseous 2+ ions are formed from one mole of
in oxidation number. gaseous 1+ ions
• A redox reaction can be constructed from two half–equations; • Reduction is a gain of electrons during a reaction or a decrease • First electron affinity, ΔEA1H⦵is the enthalpy change when one mole
one representing an oxidation process, and the other a in oxidation number of gaseous 1– ions are formed from one mole of gaseous atoms
reduction process • Second electron affinity, ΔEA2H⦵ is the enthalpy change when
• To construct a full equation from half equations: • The rules for assigning oxidation numbers: one mole of gaseous 2– ions are formed from one mole of
◦ Balance the electrons ◦ An uncombined element has an oxidation number of 0 gaseous 1– ions
◦ Combine the equations ◦ A simple ion (of a single element) has an oxidation number • The first electron affinity is always exothermic because the
◦ Cancel the electrons equal to the charge on the ion electron is attracted to the positively charged nucleus of an
◦ Check the charge balance and stoichiometry ◦ The sum of oxidation numbers of the elements in a atom. But the second electron affinity is endothermic because
e.g. compound is equal to the overall charge of the compound energy must be put in to overcome the repulsion between the
Mg Æ Mg2+ + 2e– ◦ The charge on a complex ion, e.g. NH4+, is equal to the sum electron and negatively charged ion
of the oxidation numbers
Cu2++ 2e– Æ Cu ◦ The most electronegative element in a compound always has
1) Mg Æ Mg2+ + 2e– a negative oxidation number
◦ Oxygen is always –2 except in peroxides where its –1
Cu2+ + 2e– Æ Cu
◦ Hydrogen is +1 except in metal hydrides where its –1
2) Mg + Cu2+ + 2e– Æ Mg2+ + 2e– + Cu
• Oxidation numbers are represented by Roman numerals when
3) Mg + Cu2+ Æ Mg2+ + Cu naming compounds First Electron Affinity Second Electron Affinity
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Born–Haber Cycles Theoretical Lattice Enthalpies Entropy
• Lattice enthalpy cannot be measured directly, so Hess’s law is • A perfect ionic model of a lattice assumes that all of the ions • Entropy can be though of
used (the total enthalpy change is independent of the route are spherical, and have evenly distributed charge around them as a measure of disorder
taken). • The experimental lattice enthalpy value may differ from the • The terms feasible or spontaneous are used to describe
• A Born–Haber cycle is used to calculate lattice enthalpy calculated value, giving evidence that some ionic compounds reactions that can take place on their own.
e.g. have partially covalent character • It is a fundamental observation that in any spontaneous
• Positive ions normally polarise neighbouring negative ions process, the total entropy of the universe will always increase
• More polarisation = more covalent character •
• Small, positively charged ions (like H+) are = change in the total entropy
more polarising than large positive ions, and
= total standard entropy of the products
large negatively charged ions (like I–) are more
polarisable than small negative ions (like F–) = total standard entropy of the reactants
• Reactions that produce gases result in an increase in entropy
• Entropy increases during changes in state that give the particle
Dissolving Ionic Compounds access to a greater number of configurations
• solid < liquid < gas (in order of increasing entropy)
• Dissolving an ionic compound has two steps • The sign of an entropy change can be predicted when the
◦ The bonds between the ions in the lattice break (endothermic) reactants and products have different numbers of moles of
◦ Bonds between the ions and water is made (hydration – is gas molecules. If the products have fewer moles, then entropy
exothermic) decreases
The lattice enthalpy of sodium chloride:
Fewer moles of gas → Fewer particles → Fewer configurations →
Lower entropy

• Calculations involving group 2 elements require extra steps Gibbs Free Energy
compared to sodium chloride:
◦ There are two moles of chlorine ions in each mole of MgCl2, • Whether a reaction will happen spontaneously depends on
so the atomisation enthalpy of chlorine needs to be doubled temperature, enthalpy change and entropy changes
◦ Group 2 elements form 2+ ions, so the second ionisation • The Gibbs Free–Energy Equation:
energy of sodium must also be included • Standard Enthalpy of Solution, ΔsolH⦵ is the enthalpy change
◦ The first electron affinity of chlorine also needs to be doubled when one mole of solute dissolves completely in sufficient ∆G = change in free energy of the system (kj mol–1)
as two moles of Cl– ions are being formed solvent under standard conditions to form a solution in which ∆H = change in enthalpy of the system (kj mol–1)
• The Born–Haber cycle can also be used to calculate one of the the molecules or ions are far enough apart not to interact with T = temperature of the system (K)
other enthalpy changes in the same way each other ∆S = change in entropy of the system (J K–1 mol–1)
e.g. • The hydration of ions requires the interactions between • ∆G allows us to predict whether a reaction is feasible
the solvent and the solute to be of similar strength to the • Reactions are only feasible
interactions between the positively and negatively charged ions if ∆G is zero or negative
in the lattice for the ions to dissolve • ∆G depends on
• Ions dissolve well in polar solvents, like water, because of the temperature – some
favourable electrostatic interactions between the oppositely reactions may be feasible
charged ions in the solvent and the ions at one temperature and
• Standard enthalpy of hydration, ΔhydH is the enthalpy change not another
when one mole of aqueous ions is formed from gaseous ions • To calculate the
under standard conditions. temperature at which a
• The enthalpy of solution and the enthalpy of hydration provides reaction becomes feasible,
another path to calculate the lattice enthalpy of dissociation / the Gibbs Free–Energy
formation equation has to be

The second electron affinity of oxygen:

• Kinetics also influences whether a reaction can occur. If the

activation energy is too high or the rate of reaction is very
slow, the reaction may not happen even if the reaction is
thermodynamically favourable.
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Rate of Reaction The Effect of Temperature on Rate Determination of Rate Equations
• The rate of reaction is the change in concentration of a reactant Constants • Rate-concentration graphs allow us to easily see how the
or product per unit time. concentration of a reactant affects the rate of reaction
• Temperature is a measure of the amount of energy that ◦ Zero order reactions
• molecules have on average — the higher the temperature, the
• The rate of a reaction can be calculated by recording the more energy molecules have.
amount of a reactant or a product at regular time intervals • Increasing the temperature increases
during a single reaction (continuous monitoring) or by the rate of reaction and therefore the
determining the initial rate of several reactions and finding an rate constant increases too
average. • The Arrhenius equation:
• There are several methods for monitoring the rate of reaction: ◦ First order reactions. The gradient
◦ Concentration change — take samples from a reaction at is equal to the rate constant.
regular intervals in time and carry out a titration to measure k is the rate constant
the concentration A is the Arrhenius constant
◦ Gas evolving experiments — measure the volume of gas Ea is the activation energy (J mol-1)
evolved, usually with a syringe, or set the system on a R is the gas constant (8.31 J K-1 mol-1)
balance and measure the decrease in mass as the gas is T is temperature (K)
released • For the rate constant to increase:
◦ Second order reactions
◦ Colour change — measure the colour change during an ◦ The temperature must increase
experiment with a colorimeter ◦ The activation energy must decrease
◦ pH change — use a pH meter to follow the pH change during • The Arrhenius rearrangement can be rearranged by taking the
a reaction natural log of both sides of the equation:
• A concentration-time graph can be
used to calculate the initial rate by
Rate Equations • This is in the format of an equation for drawing a tangent at t=0 and working
a straight line. By plotting ln(k) against out the gradient.
• The rates of chemical reactions are dependent on the
concentrations of the species involved in the reactions. 1/T
• The rate equation is an expression which describes the • The activation energy can be calculated
dependence of the reaction rate on the concentrations of the by:
species involved in the reaction.
For the reaction: A Æ Products • The Arrhenius constant can be calculated from the y intercept
Rate = k[A]x
For the reaction: A + B Æ Products y-intercept = lnA
Rate = k[A]m[B]n
• k rate constant elnA = A
• m and n orders of reaction with respect to reactants A and B
• The rate equation is experimentally determined– it cannot be
determined from chemical equations. Clock Reactions • The shape of a concentration-time graph will indicate the order
of the reaction with respect to the reactant:
• The order of reaction with respect to a species tells us how the • Clock reactions allow determination of the rate of reaction for a
concentration of the species affects the rate specific concentration
◦ If the order of reaction is 0, a double in concentration of the
species does not affect the rate • The time taken for a certain amount of product to form is
rate = k[A]0 = k measured for a specific concentration of one of the reactants
◦ If the order of reaction is 1 a double in concentration of the via an easily observable endpoint.
species, doubles the rate • To calculate the initial rate, some assumptions are made:
rate = k[A]1 = k[A] ◦ The concentration of the reactant does not change
◦ If the order of reaction is 2 a double in concentration of the significantly over the timescale
species, quadruples the rate ◦ The temperature is constant
rate = k[A]2 ◦ The endpoint has not been over-estimated by observing the • The rate-determining step is the slowest step in the reaction
• The sum of the orders of all the reactants will give the overall colour change or precipitate formed too late mechanism of a multistep reaction.
order of the reaction
• The time taken for precipitate formation can be monitored or • The slowest step in a reaction will dictate how fast the whole
• The order of reaction depends on the mechanism of a reaction
the time taken for a distinct colour change to occur reaction will happen
and must be found experimentally
• For any reactant in the rate equation, the order indicates
• The units of rate constants are variable — they depend on the
how many molecules of the reactant are involved in the
orders of the reactants involved. Rate constants can only be
rate-determining step (RDS), either directly or by forming an
compared if they have the same units.
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])

Partial Pressure Electrode Potentials Electrochemical Cells
• Mole fractions indicate the fraction of a mixture occupied by a • Redox reactions can be used in electrochemical cells to • Electrochemical cells can be used as a commercial source of
particular gas. generate electricity (a flow of charge). electrical energy
• An electrochemical cell is a device capable of generating a • In a rechargeable battery, when the chemicals have reacted
potential difference from redox reactions fully, a potential difference can be applied to the cell in the
• Electrochemical cells consist of two half–cells. At one oxidation opposite direction, which will regenerate the original chemicals
occurs, at the other reduction. Electrons flow between the two • Lithium–ion batteries are rechargeable:
• Partial pressure is the pressure each gas in a mixture would
cells, driving the redox reaction. At the postiive electrode:
exert on its own. The partial pressure of a gas A is denoted by
p(A) or PA. Zn → Zn2+ + 2e–
Li+ + CoO2 + e– → Li+[C0O2]– EƟ = +0.56 V
Cu2+ + 2e– → Cu
• The total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of all partial An equilibrium is reached: At the negative electrode: Li → Li+ + e– E Ɵ = –3.04 V
pressures from each gas. Cu2+ (aq) + 2e– ⇌ Cu (s)
• The amount of pressure a gas exerts in a fixed volume depends • Each one of these beakers • Some cells are non–rechargeable and disposed of when the
on how many particles there are – more particles means greater is a half–cell. A solution in a chemicals have fully reacted.
pressure. standard half–cell will have a • In fuel cells the chemicals are stored externally and are fed into
concentration of the cell when electricity is required.
• p(A) = mole fraction of gas A x total pressure 1.00 mol dm–3 • An alkaline hydrogen fuel cell:
p(A) partial pressure of gas A (kPa) • An electrode is a solid
mole fraction of gas A (mol) surface which allows the
transfer of electrons to and from it.
total pressure (kPa) • In half cells involving gases, the gas is bubbled through the
liquid and an electrode provides a surface for the reaction to

Equilibrium Constant, Kp
occur on.
• In half cells with both oxidation states present as aqueous ions,
• Kp is an equilibrium constant associated with equilibrium equimolar solutions of both ions are present with a platinum
reactions, only involving gases. It is written in terms of partial electrode.
pressures rather than concentrations. • The standard electrode potential, EƟ is the voltage measured
under standard conditions when the half–cell is connected to
• For the equilibrium reaction: a standard hydrogen
aA (g) + bB (g) ⇌ cC (g) + dD (g) electrode.
• Standard conditions
includes 298K,
100 kPa and 1.00 mol
• The units of Kp are variable and depend on the specific reaction • EƟ gives the position
that is under consideration of equilibrium,
telling us a half–cell’s
• Temperature can affect the position of equilibrium tendency to accept
◦ Increasing the temperature will cause the position of Positive electrode: O2 (g) + 2H2O (l) + 4e– → 4OH– (ag)
or release electrons
equilibrium to shift in the endothermic direction. Increasing Kp • The voltage EƟ = +0.40 V
◦ Decreasing the temperature will cause the position of measured is also Negative electrode: 2H2 (g) + 4OH– (ag) → 4H2O (I) + 4e–
equilibrium to shift in the exothermic direction. Decreasing Kp known as the
EƟ = –0.83 V
• Pressure can affect the position of equilibrium electromotive force
◦ Increasing the pressure will shift the position of equilibrium of the cell (EMF). Overall reaction: 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2O (g)
to the side with less moles of gas • An electrochemical EƟcell = +1.23 V
◦ Decreasing the pressure will shift the position of equilibrium series is a list of
to the side with more moles of gas standard electrode Advantages Disadvantages
potentials of all the 1. They are more efficient than 1. Energy is needed to build
• Changing pressure will not affect the value of Kp; instead, the possible half–cells. burning fossil fuels the fuel cells and produce
position of equilibrium will shift to keep Kp constant. • The more negative 2. They release water, which isn’t hydrogen — this energy
• Catalysts do not affect the value of Kp. Instead, it affects how the electrode harmful comes from fossil fuels
quickly equilibrium is reached. potential, the 3. They do not need to be 2. Hydrogen is highly flammable
more the oxidation recharged — they keep so needs to be carefully
(backwards) reaction is favoured. producing electricity for as handled
• long as they have fuel
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Brønsted–Lowry Acid and Base pH Titrations
• Brønsted–Lowry Acid is a species that can donate protons. • The concentration of H+ ions, often written as [H+], present in a solution • Acid–base titrations can be used to find the concentration of a sample of
HA (aq) + H2O (l) → H3O+ (aq) + A– (aq) determines how acidic it is. either an acid or a base.
• Brønsted–Lowry Base is a species that can accept protons. • The pH scale is logarithmic to cover the wide range of hydrogen ion
B (aq) + H2O (l) → BH+ (aq) + OH– (aq) concentrations in aqueous solution • A known concentration of an acid is gradually added to a known volume
• Conjugate acid–base pairs are a pair of species • of a base of unknown concentration until the solution is neutralised
that interconvert by the gain or loss of a proton. • The greater the concentration of H+ • A pH meter or an indicator can be used to monitor the pH
• Monoprotic Acids — each molecule can release ions, the lower the pH value, and the • The equivalence point is the point at which all of the acid in the known
one proton, e.g. HCl more acidic the solution is volume has reacted with the base
HCl (aq) Æ H+ (aq) + Cl– (aq)
• • Titration curves: a diprotic acid indicates two equivalence points
• Diprotic Acids — each molecule can release two protons in two steps,
e.g. H2SO4 • The pH of a strong acid can be calculated from its concentration:
H2SO4 (aq) Æ H+ (aq) + HSO4– (aq) ◦ Strong acids fully dissociate: HA (aq) Æ A– (aq) + H+ (aq)
HSO4– (aq) Æ H+ (aq) + SO42– (aq) ◦ Therefore, the concentration of H+ ions is equal to the concentration
• Neutralisation reactions: of the acid before dissociation:
• Acid–carbonate reactions: ◦ This is only the case for monoprotic acids, such as HBr. Diprotic
aicds, such as H2SO4, will require the concentration of the acid before
• Acid–metal reactions: dissociation to be multiplied by two to get the concentration of H+ ions.

Strong and Weak Acids Ionic Product of Water

• Species that can act as both an acid and a base are called amphoteric,
• When an acid is dissolved in water, an equilibrium is established:
e.g. water
HA (aq) + H2O (l) ⇌ A– (aq) + H3O+ (aq)
HA (aq) ⇌ A– (aq) + H+ (aq) • Water slightly dissociates into hydroxide and hydroxonium ions. • Indicators are used to visualise the equivalence point more easily
• This process of HA separating into A– and H+ ions is called dissociation. 2H2O (l) ⇌ OH– (aq) + H3O– (aq)
• An acid–base indicator is a weak acid, HIn, with the equilibrium:
• The strength of an acid describes how much of it dissociates when it H2O (l) ⇌ OH– (aq) + H+ (aq)
dissolves. • The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of water is:
• A strong acid is an acid which dissociates almost completely in water or • The indicator and its conjugate base are different colours in solution.
aqueous solution. HA (aq) ⇌ A– (aq) + H+ (aq)
• A weak acid is an acid which is only partially dissociated in water or Most indicators change colour over a range of two pH units spread
aqueous solution. HA (aq) ⇌ A– (aq) + H+ (aq) The concentration of H2O is constant for a given temperature around their end point
• The dissociation constant for a weak acid, Ka, is used to measure the
strength of a weak acid: • Ionic product of water, • An indicator must have:
• KW, like other equilibrium constants, only changes with temperature. ◦ A sharp colour change
• KW can be used to calculate the pH of a strong base from its ◦ An end point close to the equivalence point
concentration ◦ A clear colour change
conjugate base concentration (mol dm–3) ◦ Strong bases dissociate almost fully, meaning the concentration of
H+ ion concentration (mol dm–3)
OH– ions is equal to the concentration of the base before dissociation: Strong Acid–Strong Base: Weak Acid–Strong Base:
acid concentration (mol dm–3)
• The greater the strength of the weak acid, the greater its Ka value. ◦
• The pH of a weak acid can be calculated using the concentration of the
acids and Ka ◦
◦ It is assumed

◦ The concentration of HA present is given by the concentration of HA • A buffer is a solution that minimises changes in pH upon dilution or
before any dissociation minus the concentration of H+ ions: on the addition of a small amount of an acid or a base.
• Acidic buffers are a mixture of a weak acid and
the salt of the same weak acid Strong Acid–Weak Base: Weak Acid–Weak Base:
• Basic buffers are a mixture of a weak
◦ As the degree of dissociation of the weak acid is very small:
base and the salt of the same weak base
• The pH of a buffer solution can be
calculated if the concentration of H+ ions is known:

◦ the H+ ion concentration can be used to find the pH ◦ It Is assumed the concentration of the acid before dissociation
• A logarithmic scale for pH can be used is equal to the concentration of the acid at equilibrium:

• The weaker the weak acid, the smaller the Ka value, and therefore, the ◦ It is also assumed the salt is ionic so will fully dissociate:
higher the pKa ◦
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])

Period 3 Periodic Table Group 7, The Halogens
• Across period 3, the trend in meting • In the Periodic Table, elements are arranged • The halogens exist as diatomic (X2) molecules
point relates to the structure of the in order of increasing atomic number
elements. The melting point increases • Elements can be grouped into periods Halogen Appearance
from Na to Al as the ionic charge (horizontal rows) and groups (vertical F2 Pale yellow gas
and the number of delocalised electrons increases. Silicon has a columns).
giant covalent structure with strong covalent bonds. P4, S8, and • Periodicity is a regularly repeating pattern Cl2 Green gas
Cl2 are all simple molecular covalent substances. From P4 to S8 of atomic, physical, and chemical properties with increasing atomic
number Br2 Red-brown liquid
there are more electrons and stronger London forces. From S8 • The Periodic Table can be split into s-, p-, d-, and f- blocks. Which is
to Cl2 to Ar there are fewer electrons and I2 Black solid
determined by which orbital the highest energy electron is in.
weaker London forces.
• Across the period, the atomic radius • Down the group electronegativity decreases, as atomic radius
decreases as effective nuclear charge and shielding increases, reducing the force on electrons. So
increases and there is no increase in shelving. Group 2, Alkaline Earth Metals oxidising ability also decreases.
• Across the period, the ionisation energy • All Group 2 elements have 2 electrons in their outer s-subshell. • Down the group boiling point increases, as the molecules have
increases as nuclear charge increases. • Down the group ionisation energy decreases, as the atomic a greater surface area and electrons for stronger London forces
◦ Aluminium is an exception as the 3s radius and shielding increases, decreasing the attraction of the
electrons shield the 3p electron • A more reactive halogen will displace the halide ion of a less
electron to the nucleus reactive halogen from solution
◦ Sulfur is an exception as an electron • Melting point also decrease down the group due to the
is being removed from an p orbital increased atomic radii and shielding, so metallic bonding is Halogen Colour in Water
containing 2 electrons, so there is weaker
electron-pair repulsion • Group 2 elements react with water to form hydroxides Chlorine Pale green
and hydrogen gas Bromine Orange
Mg (s) + 2H2O(l) → Mg(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g)
Oxidation numbers 0 +1 +2 0 Iodine Brown
Properties of Period 3 Elements • Magnesium can also react with steam
• Sodium halides will react with concentrated sulphuric acid.
Mg (s) + H2O (g) → MgO (s) + H2 (g)
• 2Na (s) + 2H2O (l) → 2NaOH (aq) + H2 (g) (fast reaction) Oxidation numbers: 0 +1 +2 0 NaX (s) + H2SO4 (l) → NaHSO4 (s) + HX (g)
• Mg (s) + 2H2O (l) → Mg(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g) (slow reaction)
• All of the Period 3 elements can react with oxygen to form Group 2 Group 2 • Halide ions react with silver nitrate solution to form a silver
Solubility of Hydroxide halide precipitate
oxides to form Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, P4O10, SO2 and SO3 Element Hydroxide
Mg Mg(OH)2 Slightly soluble Ag+ (aq) + X– (aq) → AgX (s)
• Sodium burns with a yellow flame,
magnesium burns with a white Ca Ca(OH)2 Sparingly soluble • Dilute nitric acid removes any soluble impurities that could
flame, aluminium with a brilliant More soluble than Mg(OH)2 and interfere with the test to identify halide ions
white flame and sulfur with a blue Sr Sr(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 Silver Colour of Addition of Dilute Addition of Concentrated
flame. Halide Precipitate Ammonia Ammonia
• Na2O (s) + H2O (l) → 2NaOH (aq) pH 12-14 Ba Ba(OH)2 Most soluble
MgO (s) + H2O (l) → Mg(OH)2 (aq) pH 9-10 • Mg(OH)2 (milk of magnesia) is used to neutralise excess Dissolves to give a Dissolves to give a
AgCl White
These species can react in this way hydrochloric acid in the stomach, relieving indigestion colourless solution colourless solution
because they are purely ionic, so • Titanium oxide reacts with carbon and chlorine to form titanium Dissolves to give a
chloride, which is purified by fractional distillation and then AgBr Cream Does not dissolve
hydration can occur colourless solution
• Aluminium oxide and silicon dioxide are reduced to titanium using magnesium
TiCl4 (l) + 2Mg (s) → 2MgCl2 (s) + Ti (s) AgI Yellow Does not dissolve Does not dissolve
both insoluble and do not react with
water due to the strong covalent bonds • Ca(OH)2 (hydrated lime) is used to neutralise acidic soil
• CaO and CaCO3 can be used to remove SO3 from flue gases • Use of Chlorine and Chlorate
• When the non-metal oxides react with CaO (s) + 2H2O (l) + SO2 (g) → CaSO3 (s) + 2H2O (l) • Chlorine can dissolve in water to form hydrochloric acid and
water, acidic solutions are formed. CaCO3 (s) + 2H2O (l) + SO2 (g) → CaSO3 (s) + 2H2O (l) + CO2 (g) chloric(I) acid (disproportion reaction).
P4O10 (s) + 6H2O (l) → 4H3PO4 (aq) Cl2 (g) + H2O (l) → HCl (aq) + HClO (aq)
SO2 (g) + H2O (l) → H2SO3 (aq) Group 2 Element Group 2 Sulphate Solubility of Sulphate Oxidation States: 0 -1 +1
SO3 (l) + H2O (l) → H2SO4 (aq)
• The basic oxides act as bases and neutralise acids: • Chloric(I) acid is an oxidising agent that kills bacteria and
Mg MgSO4 Soluble sanitises water
Na2O (s) + 2HCl (aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)
MgO (s) + H2SO4 (aq) → MgSO4 (aq) + H2O (l) Ca CaSO4 Slightly soluble • 2Cl2 (g) + 2H2O (l) → 4HCl (aq) + O2 (g)
• The acidic oxides act as acids and neutralise bases: Sr SrSO4 Insoluble
• Cl2 (g) + 2NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + NaClO (aq) + H2O (l)
SiO2 (s) + 2NaOH (aq) → Na2SiO3 (aq) + H2O (l) Ba BaSO4 Insoluble
P4O10 (s) + 12NaOH (aq) → 4Na3PO4 (aq) + 6H2O (l) • Sodium chlorate(I) has a bleaching action which allows it to be
SO2 (g) + 2NaOH (aq) → Na2SO3 (aq) + H2O (l) • BaSO4 can be ingested to visual soft tissue in imaging an active ingredient in household bleach.
SO3 (l) + 2NaOH (aq) → Na2SO4 (aq) + H2O (l) • Acidified BaCl2 can be used to test for the presence of sulphate
ions as barium sulphate, a white precipitate, will be formed. • The advantages of using chlorine to treat water is that it
• Al2O3 is an amphoteric oxide and can act as either an acid or The solution needs to be acidified to remove any sulphites prevents the spread of waterborne disease and sanitises water.
base. It neutralises both acids and bases: or carbonates, which would result in the formation of a white However, it is added without direct customer consent, chlorine
Al2O3 (s) + 3H2SO4 (aq) → Al2(SO4)3 (aq) + 3H2O (l) precipitate is a respiratory irritant and it could react to form chlorinated
Al2O3 (s) + 2NaOH (aq) + 3H2O (l) → 2NaAl(OH)4 (aq) • Ba2+ (aq) + SO42+ (aq) → BaSO4 (s) hydrocarbons, implicated in cancers.
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])

General Properties of Transition Metals Complex Ions Variable Oxidation States
• A transition element is a d–block element which has at least one • Complex ions most • Vanadium has 4 oxidation states II, III, IV & V
stable ion with an incomplete d–subshell commonly form • Vanadium species in oxidation states IV, III and II are formed by
• Transition metal ions form coloured compounds because octahedral complexes the reduction of vanadate(V) ions by zinc in acidic solution
of the movement of electrons in partially filled d–orbitals. with small ligands (eg Reduction from V(V) to V(IV)
Particular wavelengths of light are absorbed, so the remaining H2O and NH3). Octahedral 2VO2+ (aq) + 4H+ (aq) + Zn (s) → 2VO2+ (aq) + Zn2+ (aq) + 2H2O (l)
wavelengths are the colour perceived. complexes can display cist–trans isomerism with monodentate
• All the transition metals have more than one oxidation state. ligands and optical isomerism with bidentate ligands Reduction from V(IV) to V(III)
• The highest oxidation states will readily accept electrons (be • Tetrahedral complexes are commonly 2VO2+ (aq) + 4H+ (aq) + Zn (s) → 2V3+ (aq) + Zn2+ (aq) + 2H2O (l)
reduced), which makes them powerful oxidising agents. formed with larger ligands e.g. Cl–.
• Transition metals and their compounds act as catalysts by: Reduction from V(III) to V(II)
[Ag(NH3)2]+ has a linear shape — this is
◦ Providing a surface for the reaction to take place formed when Tollens’ reagent is used 2V3+ (aq) + Zn (s) → Zn2+ (aq) + 2V2+ (aq)
◦ Binding to reactants to form intermediates • Cis and trans isomers can also exist if • Electrode potentials for a transition metal ion changing from
• Transition metals often form complexes. A complex is a central the complex is square planar with two a higher to a lower oxidation state gives the thermodynamic
metal atom or ion surrounded by ligands. pairs of identical ligands.e.g. cisplatin, feasibility of the reduction.
• A ligand is a molecule or ion that forms a co–ordinate bond which acna bind to DNA to prevent • redox potentials are influenced by pH and by the ligand. Redox
with a transition metal by donating a lone pair of electrons. replication causing death of cancer cells. potentials are larger in more acidic solutions as it is easier to
• The co–ordination number is the number of co–ordinate bonds But transplatin cannot. reduce the ion
to the central metal atom or ion. • redox titrations can be carried out to show how much oxidising
agent is needed to react exactly with a reducing agent.
Formation of Coloured Ions • Manganate(VII) ions are readily reduced to Mn2+ ions underin
Substitution Reactions • Transition metal ions have distinctive colours which are used to acidic conditions (purple to colourless). This can be used to find
• All ligands contain at least one lone pair of electrons in their identify them the amount of Fe3+ in a solution
outer shell • d electrons move from the ground state to an excited state Oxidation: Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e–
• Monodentate ligands can donate just one lone pair of electrons when light is absorbed
each and form one coordinate bond. E.g. H2O, NH3 and Cl– Reduction: 8H+ + MnO4– + 5e– → Mn2+ + 4H2O
• The ligands NH3 and H2O are similar in size and are uncharged. Overall: 8H+ + MnO4– + 5Fe2+ → Mn2+ + 4H2O + 5Fe3+
Therefore, exchange of a H2O ligand for a NH3 occurs without ΔE difference in energy (J)
change of co–ordination number. h Planck’s constant (Js)
[Cu(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 4NH3 (aq) ⇌ [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ (aq) + 4H2O (l) ν frequency of light absorbed (s–1 or Hz)
This ligand substitution is incomplete c speed of light in vacuum (3.00 x 108 ms–1) Catalysts
[Co(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 6NH3 (aq) ⇌ [Co(NH3)6]2+ (aq) + 6H2O (l) λ wavelength of light absorbed (m) • Transition metals and their compounds can act as
This ligand substitution is complete • Changes in oxidation state, co–ordination number and ligand heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts
• The Cl– ligand is larger than the uncharged ligands NH3 and alter ∆E and this leads to a change in colour • Heterogeneous catalysts are spread onto a support medium to
H2O. Therefore, exchange of the ligand H2O by Cl– can involve • A simple colorimeter can be used maximise their surface area and minimise the cost
a change of co–ordination number to calculate the concentration of • Heterogeneous catalysts can become poisoned by impurities
[Cu(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 4Cl– (aq) ⇌ [Cu(Cl)4]2– (aq) + 6H2O (l) transition metal ions in solution that block the active sites and consequently have reduced
[Co(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 4Cl– (aq) ⇌ [CoCl4]2– (aq) + 6H2O (l) • The wavelength of visible light
efficiency. They can be expensive to replace.
[Fe(H2O)6]3+ (aq) + 4Cl– (aq) ⇌ [FeCl4]– (aq) + 6H2O (l) absorbed can also be used to
spectroscopy for identification of ions. • in the Contact process V2O5 acts as a heterogeneous catalyst
• Bidentate ligands have 2 lone pairs it can
donate e.g, H2NCH2CH2NH2 and C2O42– 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) ⇌ 2SO3 (g)
• Multidentate ligands can donate multiple ◦ Sulphur dioxide adsorbs onto vanadium(V) oxide
lone pairs of electrons from different ◦ V2O5 (s) + SO2 (g) → V2O4 (s) + SO3 (g)
atoms within the ligands to form multiple
coordinate bonds eg EDTA4–
Reactions of Ions in Aqueous Solution ◦ V2O4 (s) + 1/2O2 (g) → V2O5 (s)
◦ Desorption
• Chelation is when multidentate ligands • In aqueous solution, the following metal–aqua ions are formed: • The reaction between the persulphate ion (S2O82–) and
replace monodentate ligands in complexes ◦ [M(H2O)6]2+ when M = Fe or Cu the iodide ion is catalysed by the homogenous catalyst
[Cu(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + EDTA4– (aq) → ◦ [M(H2O)6]3+ when M = Al or Fe
[Cu(EDTA)]2– (aq) + 6H2O (l) Fe2+. S2O82– (aq) + 2I– (aq) → 2SO42– (aq) + I2 (aq)
• The acidity of [M(H2O)6]3+ is greater than that of [M(H2O)6]2+.
• For the reaction to be thermodynamically feasible, the Gibbs ◦ S2O82– (aq) + 2Fe2+ (aq) → 2SO42– (aq) + 2Fe3+ (aq)
This is because M3+ ions are smaller and have a higher charge,
free energy change must be negative. so the electrons from the oxygen atoms of the water ligands ◦ 2I– (aq) + 2Fe3+ (aq) → I2 (aq) + 2Fe2+ (aq)
• The haem group in haemoglobin is n Fe(II) complex with are more strongly attracted to the M3+ ions This weakens the • The reaction between ethanedioate ions and potassium
a multidentate ligand O–H bonds in the water ligands, meaning H+ ions are more manganate(VII) which is catalysed by Mn2+ (autocatalysis).
• Oxygen can reversibly form a coordinate 2MnO4– (aq) + 5C2O42– (aq) + 16H+ (aq) → 2Mn2+ (aq) + 10CO2 (g)
easily lost
bond to the Fe2+ ion and travel through the + 8H2O (l)
bloodstream, being released where it’s needed • Aluminium hydroxide shows amphoteric character by dissolving
in both acids and bases ◦ 2MnO4– (aq) + 16H+ (aq) + 8Mn2+ (aq) → 8H2O (l) + 10Mn3+ (aq)
• Carbon monoxide is toxic because it binds
irreversibly to haemoglobin, forming a stronger Al(H2O)3(OH)3 (s) + 3HCl (aq) → [Al(H2O)6]3+ (aq) + 3Cl– (aq) ◦ 5C2O42– (aq) + 10Mn3+ (aq) → 10CO2 (g) + 10Mn2+ (aq)
bond than oxygen does. Al(H2O)3(OH)3 (s) + OH– (aq) → [Al(OH)4]– (aq) + 3H2O (l)
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Precipitate Reactions of Transition Metals Nomenclature Reaction Mechanisms
• A precipitate reaction is when two solutions containing soluble • Hydrocarbons can be: • Bond fission can be homolytic or
ions are mixed, forming an insoluble compound ◦ Aliphatic — carbon atoms form straight or branched chains heterolytic
• Reaction of metal ions with carbonate: ◦ Alicyclic — carbon atoms form a ring
◦ With aqueous M3+ ions, the carbonate will behave as a base ◦ Aromatic — carbon atoms form a ring and have a delocalised Homolytic Fission Heterolytic Fission
by removing protons from the water, forming a hydroxide electron system When the bond breaks, each When the bond breaks, both
precipitate: 2[M(H2O)6]3+ (aq) + 3CO32– (aq) → 2M(OH)3(H2O)3 electron in the bond goes to the electrons in the bond go
• Homologous series are compounds with the same functional a different atom. to the same atom.
(s) + 3CO2 (g) + 3H2O (l)
group and similar chemical and physical properties. They differ
◦ Aqueous M2+ ions aren’t acidic enough, so form a solid metal
by the number of repeating units they contain
(II) carbonate instead of H3O+. [M(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + CO32– (aq) →
MCO3 (s) + 6H2O (l) • A functional group is the group of atoms responsible for the
• Reaction of metal ions with hydroxides: characteristic reactions of a compound. This results in the formation of This results in the formation
Metal–aqua ion Reaction with OH– (aq) Reaction with NH3 (aq)
highly reactive free radicals, of a positively charged cation
• To name a compound: each with an unpaired and a negatively charged
M2+ (aq) [M(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 2OH– [M(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 2NH3 ◦ The stem is the main part of the name derived from the electron, represented by anion.
(aq) → [M(OH)2(H2O)4] (s) (aq) → [M(OH)2(H2O)4] + longest carbon chain. a dot.
+ 2H2O (l) 2NH4+ (aq) ◦ The suffix after the stem, comes from the most significant
M3+ (aq) [M(H2O)6]3+ (aq) + 3OH– [M(H2O)6]3+ (aq) + 3NH3 functional group • Bonds are formed on the collision of:
(aq) → M3+(OH)3(H2O)3 (s) (aq) → [M(OH)3(H2O)3 (s) ◦ The prefix before the stem comes from functional groups ◦ Two free radials with unpaired electrons
+ 3H2O (l) + 3NH4+ (aq) attached to the main carbon chain ◦ Oppositely charged ions
◦ Numbers and hyphens indicating the position of functional
Dropwise groups on the carbon chain
Metal–aqua ion Excess OH– Excess NH3 CO32– ◦ Functional groups are prioritised alphabetically
[Fe(H2O)6] 2+
[Fe(H2O)4 [Fe(H2O)4 [Fe(H2O)4 FeCO3
(aq) (OH)2] (OH)2] (OH)2] Green ppt Carbon Atoms in • Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but
Pale green Green ppt* Green ppt* Green ppt* alkyl group a different arrangement of atoms
1 Methyl • Structural isomers are compounds with the same molecular
[Cu(H2O)6]2+ [Cu(H2O)4 [Cu(H2O)4 [Cu(H2O)2 CuCO3 formula but a different structural formula
(aq) (OH)2] (OH)2] (NH3)4]2+ Blue–green ppt
2 Ethyl ◦ Chain isomers — These are molecules with the same
Pale blue Pale blue ppt Pale blue ppt Deep blue molecular formula but a different arrangement of the carbon
solution solution chain. Chains can be straight or branched
[Fe(H2O)6]3+ [Fe(H2O)3 [Fe(H2O)3 [Fe(H2O)3 [Fe(H2O)3 (OH)3] 3 Propyl
◦ Position isomers — These are molecules with the same
(aq) (OH)3] (OH)3] (OH)3] Brown ppt and
4 Butyl
functional group attached to a different position on the
Purple/yellow/ Brown ppt Brown ppt Brown ppt bubbles of CO2
brown solution carbon chain
◦ Functional group isomers — These are molecules with the
[Al(H2O)6]3+ (aq) [Al(H2O)3 [Al(OH)4]– [Al(H2O)3 [Al(H2O)3 (OH)3] 5 Pentyl
Colourless (OH)3] Colourless (OH)3] White ppt and same molecular formula but different functional groups
solution White ppt solution White ppt bubbles of CO2 • Stereoisomers are organic compounds with the same molecular
6 Hexyl
and structural formulae but a different arrangement of atoms in
• Fe2+ eventually oxidised by air to Fe3+ making brown
[Fe(H2O)3(OH)3] (s)
• E/Z isomerism is a type of stereoisomerism that can arise in
Compound Prefix Suffix
alkenes due to the restricted rotation around the C=C bond.
Formulae Alkanes – –ane • If a carbon atom has two of the same substituent attached, it
will not show E/Z isomerism
• General formula — the simplest algebraic formula for Alkenes – –ene • Substituents can be assigned priorities based on atomic mass
a homologous series using Cahn–Ingold–Prelog rules to name E/Z isomers. The
• Structural formula gives the minimum detail on the arrangement Alcohols Hydroxy– –ol greater the atomic mass, the higher the priority
of atoms in a molecule, without drawing any bonds • When the highest priority groups are on different sides of the
• Molecular formula shows the number and types of atoms of Carboxylic Acids – –oic acid
double bond, the isomer is an E–isomer.
each element in a compound. However, it does not give any • When the highest priority groups are on the same side of the
information on how the molecule is bonded together. Fluoro– double bond, the isomer is a Z–isomer
• Skeletal formula is a simplified formula used to represent Chloro–
Haloalkanes –
organic molecules. Lines represent bonds between atoms, Bromo–
junctions are carbon atoms. Other labels are omitted.
• Displayed formula shows the relative positioning of atoms and Aldehydes – –al
the bonds between them. All atoms and bonds are shown
• Empirical formula the simplest whole–number ratio of each Ketones – –one
element present in a compound.
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Alkanes Cracking Halogenoalkanes
• Alkanes are a homologous series made up of saturated • Cracking converts longer chain hydrocarbons to more • Haloalkanes are saturated organic
hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n+2. economically valuable shorter chain hydrocarbons compounds that contain at least one
• Carbon atoms have four electrons in their outer shell. • Cracking involves breaking C-C bonds in alkanes halogen atom, e.g. F, Cl, Br, or I.
Therefore, each carbon atom can form four covalent • In thermal cracking, alkanes are heated to high temperatures • The C-X bond has a permanent dipole due to the large
bonds under high pressures. C-C bonds break homolytically and difference in electronegativity between the carbon and halogen
• Alkanes are not polar and only weak London forces free radicals are formed. These react to form shorter chain atoms. With the electrons closer to the halogen atom.
of attraction occur, as carbon and hydrogen have hydrocarbons including at least one alkene. It produces a high • The δ- on the carbon atom makes it easily attacked by electron-
similar electronegativities. proportion of alkenes. rich nucleophiles (an electron pair donor that is attracted to
• Boiling point of alkanes increases with chain length, as there • In catalytic cracking, alkanes are heated to lower temperatures electron deficient regions).
is a greater surface area and number of electrons for stronger under lower pressures passed over a zeolite catalyst consisting • Nucleophilic substitution with hydroxide
London forces. of silicon dioxide and aluminium oxide. This method is used ions:
• The more branched the molecules are, the smaller the surface mainly to produce motor fuels (branched & cycloalkanes) and
area for contact between molecules and the weaker the London aromatic compounds. • Nucleophilic substitution with cyanide
forces resulting in lower boiling points ions:

Chlorination of Alkanes
Fractional Distillation • Alkanes react with the halogens, specifically chlorine and • Nucleophilic substitution with ammonia:
• Crude oil is a fossil fuel formed from the breakdown of plant bromine, in the presence of UV light to form haloalkanes
and animal remains that have been subjected to high pressure • Methane reacts with chlorine to form chloromethane and
over millions of years. It is composed mainly of alkanes. hydrogen chloride: CH4 + Cl2 Æ CH3Cl + HCl if ammonia is used in excess:
• Fractional distillation will separate crude oil into different fractions • This reaction is a free radical substitution with the steps: • Going down Group 7, the
• A fraction is a group of hydrocarbons that have a similar boiling ◦ Initiation — free radicals are formed when exposed to UV Cl2 electronegativity of the halogen
point Æ 2Cl• atoms decreases, so the polarity
• The crude oil is vaporised in a furnace and passed into the ◦ Propagation — free radicals are used up and created in a of the C-X bond also decreases. We would expect fluoroalkanes
bottom of a fractionating column chain reaction Cl• + CH4 Æ •CH3 + HCl to be the most reactive, however iodoalkanes are the most
• In the column, there is a temperature gradient where it is hotter •CH3 + Cl2 Æ CH3Cl + Cl• reactive because bond enthalpy decreases down the group. C-I
at the bottom and cooler at the top ◦ Termination — free radicals are removed. bond is the longest and weakest
• The vapour passes up the column and the different fractions will 2Cl• Æ Cl2 • When a haloalkane is reacted with hydroxide ions under
condense at different heights onto trays. Longer hydrocarbons 2•CH3 Æ C2H6 different conditions, an elimination reaction occurs, as the
have higher boiling points, so condense lower down •CH3 + Cl• Æ CH3Cl hydroxide ions act as a base.
• 2-bromopropane
reacts with potassium
Combustion of Alkanes Ozone Depletion hydroxide to form
• Alkanes can be used as a fuel source • In the Earth’s atmosphere, there is a layer of ozone (O3) which propene, water, and a
• In complete combustion, the alkane burns with a clean protects us from the harmful UV radiation produced by the sun bromide ion:
blue flame. Water vapour and carbon dioxide are formed • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a type of organic compound
(greenhouse gases). E.g. that contain chlorine and fluorine atoms. They can diffuse • Major and minor
C3H8 (g) + 5O2 (g) Æ 3CO2 (g) + 4H2O (g) through layers of the atmosphere where they are exposed to products can form. The
• In incomplete combustion, the alkane burns with a dirty yellow UV radiation major product has more
flame. It can produce carbon, carbon monoxide and unburned substituted double
hydrocarbons as products. bonds
CH4 (g) + O2 (g) Æ C (s) + 2H2O (g)
CH4 (g) + 1.5O2 (g) Æ CO (g) + 2H2O (g) • When haloalkanes react
• Sulfur-containing alkenes can produce sulphur dioxide during with OH- ions, there
combustion that dissolves in rainwater to cause acid rain. are two possibilities:
• Sulfur dioxide can be removed from flue gases using • The chlorine radials produced cataluse the decomposition of substitution or
calciul oxide or calcium carbonate ozone elimination. Dependant
CaO (s) + 2H2O (l) + SO2 (g) Æ CaSO3 (s) + 2H2O (l) Cl• + O3 Æ ClO• + O2 on conditions used
CaCO3 (s) + 2H2O (l) + SO2 (g) Æ CaSO3 (s) + 2H2O (l) + CO2 (g) ClO• + O3 Æ 2O2 + Cl•
Substitution Elimination
• Combusting nitrogen-containing alkanes will form nitrogen Overall: 2O3 Æ 3O2
• Ethanol (anhydrous) as solvent
oxides, which contribute to acid rain and photochemical smog. • The chlorine radicals are regenerated and act as a catalyst in • Aqueous ethanol as a solvent • Anhydrous conditions
• Catalytic converters can remove gaseous pollutants from internal the breakdown of ozone molecules into oxygen • Aqueous hydroxide • High temperature — heat under
combustion engines by using precious metals spread over a • Holes in the ozone layer increase the likelihood of skin cancers • Mixture must be warmed reflux
mesh to form less harmful products such as N2, CO2, and H2O. and sunburns
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Alkenes Addition Polymers Alcohol Production
• Alkenes are a homologous series made up of unsaturated • Addition polymers are macromolecules made from small • Ethanol is produced industrially by fermentation of glucose
hydrocarbons containing at least one C=C double bond, with repeating units of monomers using yeast undergoing anaerobic respiration.
the general formula CnH2n. • They are formed from alkenes and substituted alkenes C6H12O6 (aq) Æ 2C2H5OH (aq) + 2CO2 (g)
• C-H — these are σ-bonds formed due to the direct overlap of • Addition polymers are The conditions required are 35°C, anaerobic conditions and less
the electron clouds belonging to each carbon atom often called poly(alkenes) than 15% ethanol solution, for optimum enzyme function.
• C=C — these contain both a σ-bond and two π-bonds. It is an • Addition polymers are • Ethanol can be distilled from the reaction mixture using
area of high electron density, so can react with electrophiles. unreactive ss the main fractional distillation to increase its purity.
• π-bonds — formed due to the overlap of adjacent p-orbitals above carbon chain is saturated • The ethanol produced can be used as a biofuel, which is a fuel
and below the carbon atoms. It restricts the rotation around the and non-polar, with only weak London forced between the chains produced from renewable sources.
planar C=C double bond, leading to stereoisomerism in some alkenes • Plastics can be modified using plasticisers, which force the
• Alkenes have a trigonal planar shape with a bond angle of 120°. polymer chains apart to reduce London forces and make the Advantages Disadvantages
polymer more flexible.
• Basic equipment needed • Slow rate of reaction
Addition Reactions of Alkenes • The sugar used is renewable • Ethanol not pure

• An electrophile is an electron pair acceptor attracted to areas of

Oxidation of Alcohols •

Carbon-neutral (in theory)
Increased income for farmers
• Batch process — high
production costs
high electron density • Alcohols are a homologous series of • Land used to grow crops
• Electrophilic addition with HBr saturated organic compounds with the could be used to grow food
general formula CnH2n+1OH.
• Alcohols can form hydrogen bonds in water, making them soluble. • The carbon dioxide that is released upon combustion and
• Primary alcohols can be fermentation is balanced by the carbon dioxide absorbed
oxidised to aldehydes. during the photosynthesis. (carbon neutral)
Conditions: gentle
• Major and minor products form when heating. Oxidising agent Photosynthesis:
an unsymmetrical alkene reacts. The and immediate distillation 6H2O (l) + 6CO2 (g) Æ C6H12O6 (aq) + 6O2 (g)
major product will form from the most • Primary alcohols can Fermentation:
stable carbocation intermediate, with be further oxidised C6H12O6 (aq) Æ 2C2H5OH (aq) + 2CO2 (g)
the most alkyl groups attached. to carboxylic acids.
Tertiary > secondary> primary Conditions: heat under Combustion:
carbocations. This reduces the positive reflux, no distillation, 2C2H5OH (aq) + 6O2 (g) Æ 4CO2 (g) + 6H2O (l)
charge, due to inductive electron oxidising agent. However, there is CO2 emission during fuel transportation.
donation. • Secondary alcohols can • Ethene, derived from crude oil, can be used to produce ethanol
• Electrophilic addition with Br2. A dipole is induced in the be oxidised to ketones. through hydration in the presence of an acid catalyst
halogen molecule by the high electron density of the C=C Conditions: heat under C2H4 (g) + H2O (g) Æ C2H5OH (g)
• Bromine water acts as a test for unsaturation. An unsaturated reflux and oxidising
• Tertiary alcohols cannot be oxidised as they do not have an H
atom on the carbon bonded to the -OH group
• Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) is a suitable oxidising agent

compound will decolourise the bromine water, as a dihaloalkane Reactions of Alcohols

will form, using up the bromine • Alcohols can be combusted as a fuel source, forming carbon
• Electrophilic addition with H2SO4 dioxide and water e.g. C2H5OH + 3O2 Æ 2CO2 + 3H2O
• Alcohols can be dehydrated to form an alkene and water, using
a concentrated acid catalyst and heating under reflux e.g.

Advantages Disadvantages
If water if added, an alcohol will reform: • Fast rate of reaction • Advanced equipment
• Ethanol produced is pure needed
• Continuous process — low • Ethene used is non-
• The alkenes produced can be used to form addition polymers production costs renewable
without using monomers derived from crude oil. • High pressure means high
energy costs
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Test Tube Reactions Optical Isomerism Aldehyde & Ketones
• The presence of alkenes can be tested by adding a few drops of • Optical isomers/enantiomers are • Aldehydes and ketones are carbonyl compounds containing the
bromine water and shaking. Bromine water will go from orange species which are non-superimposable C=O functional group.
to colourless if alkenes are present, due to addition of bromine mirror images of each other. One isomer
across the double bond. rotates plane-polarise light clockwise, Aldehyde — ethanal Ketone — propanone
• The presence of haloalkanes can be tested by adding dilute and the other rotates it anticlockwise
nitric acid and adding silver nitrate. A coloured precipitate is • Optical isomerism is a form of
formed. Ag+(aq) + X–(sq) Æ AgX(s) stereoisomerism and occurs as
Silver Halide Colour Haloalkane Present a result of chirality in molecules
Silver Chloride White Precipitate Chloroalkane • A chiral centre is a carbon atom with 4 different groups
• Carbonyl group at the end
Silver Bromide Cream Precipitate Bromoalkane attached (it is asymmetric). • Carbonyl group is not at
of the carbon chain
Silver Iodide Yellow Precipitate Iodoalkane • All amino acids except glycine have a chiral centre the end of the carbon chain
• Suffix -al
• Suffix -one
• Ketones and aldehydes can be distinguished by using Tollens’ • Functional group is -CHO
• Functional group is -CO
reagent or Fehling’s solution
◦ Tollens’ reagent is made by dilute sodium hydroxide solution • Aldehydes can be oxidised to form carboxylic acids by heating
to a colourless silver nitrate solution, forming a light brown under reflux with potassium dichromate (oxidising agent) and
precipitate. Then dilute ammonia solution is added to
concentrated sulphuric acid
dissolve the brown precipitate, forming a colourless solution.
Warming the sample with Tollens’ reagent will form a silver • A 50:50 mix of the enantiomers (a racemic mixture) will have • Carbonyls have a permanent dipole making them susceptible to
mirror if an aldehyde is present. no overall effect on plane-polarised light as the effects from the nucleophilic addition reactions.
◦ Warming the sample with Fehling’s solution will turn the solution two enantiomers cancel out • Aldehydes can be reduced to primary alcohols and ketones
from blue to a dark red precipitate if an aldehyde is present • Racemic mixtures are formed when two achiral molecules react to secondary alcohols using NaBH4 as the reducing agent e.g.
• The presence of carboxylic acids can be tested by adding a metal reduction of propanal CH3CH2CHO + 2[H] → CH3CH2CH2OH
carbonate. If present, CO2 will be formed, which turns limewater

• The presence of alcohols can be tested by the addition of

acidified potassium dichromate(VI). If a primary or secondary
alcohol is present, the orange solution will turn green. • Racemic mixtures are also formed
in reactions involving double
Synthetic Routes bonds

• Nucleophilic addition of cyanide ions can be used to extend the

length of a carbon chain
• Reactions of carbonyls with KCN and dilute acid, produces
Infrared Spectrometry a hydroxynitrile. Aldehydes and unsymmetrical ketones form
• A chemical bond constantly vibrates and can absorb infrared two optical isomers, as there is an equal chance of either isomer
radiation at characteristic wavenumbers being formed. This is a racemic mixture.
• Particular bonds, and therefore functional groups, can be identified
by looking at the frequencies absorbed in a infrared spectrum.
Mass Spectrometry • The fingerprint region is the region of an infrared spectrum
◦ A molecular ion (M+) is formed when molecules in a sample below 1500 cm-1.
are ionised. This can be done using two methods: • The fingerprint region is largely unique to a specific molecule
◦ Electron-impact ionisation — the sample is vaporised and and allows identification of a molecule by comparison to
bombarded with high energy electrons and an electron is removed a database of compounds.
◦ Electrospray ionisation • The bonds present in greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide,
• The molecular ion peak (the peak with the highest m/z ratio in the methane & water) can absorb infrared radiation that is reflected
mass spectrum) can be used to determine the relative molecular mass by the Earth’s surface, contributing to global warming.
• Molecular ions are able to break up into fragments during ionisation. • Infrared spectroscopy can also be used to identify impurities.
Extra peaks in an infrared spectrum indicate that the sample is • Cyanide-containing compounds can be toxic or irritants.
This creates a fragmentation pattern on the mass spectrum.
Different compounds will produce different fragment peaks not pure.
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Carboxylic Acids & Esters Acylation Bonding in Benzene
• Carboxylic acids have the functional group –COOH • Acyl chlorides are a derivative of carboxylic acids, where the – • Compounds that contain a benzene ring are aromatic.
OH group is replaced by a –Cl group • Benzene has a planar cyclic structure
• Carboxylic acids partially dissociate in water, making them weak
• Acyl chlorides consisting of a ring of carbon atoms, each
react with alcohols with a single hydrogen atom attached that
• Carboxylic acids can react with carbonates to liberate CO2. to form esters sticks out into a flat plane
in a nucleophilic • Benzene has a delocalised electron system,
2CH3COOH (aq) + Na2CO3 (s) → 2CH3COO–Na+ (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l)
addition–elimination reaction. arising due to the overlap of one p–orbital
• Esters have the general formula RCOOR’. • Acyl chlorides will from each carbon atom, above and below the
react with a variety of plane of the ring.
• Esters can be made when alcohols and carboxylic acids are
nucleophiles • Electrons are shared evenly, so all bond lengths are the same,
reacted in the presence of a sulphuric acid catalyst
between that of a single bond and a double bond
• The delocalisation of electrons gives
benzene extra stability than the theoretical
cyclohexa–1,3,5–triene molecule, which has
alternating double and single bonds. This is
reflected by the hydrogenation of benzene
• Mechanism for reaction
being less exothermic than predicated by
with water (similar for
cyclohexa–1,3,5–triene molecule.
other nucleophiles):
• The alcohol gives the first part of the name and the acid gives • Benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution
the second part of the name reactions rather than electrophilic additions
because a lot of energy is needed to disrupt the delocalised
• Esters are used as solvents, plasticisers, perfumes and food
• Acid catalysed hydrolysis of esters forms a carboxylic acid and
an alcohol Electrophilic Substitution of Benzene
• The benzene ring is a region of high electron density, which
means it attracts electrophiles
• An acid anhydride has the structure of a double ester that • Nitration of benzene: C6H6 + HNO3 → C6H5NO2 + H2O
shares an oxygen atom ◦ Generation of the electrophile:
• Ethanoic anhydride is used to make aspirin. HNO3 + H2SO4 → H2NO3+ + HSO4– → H2O + NO2+ + HSO4–

• Base catalysed hydrolysis of ester forms a carboxylate salt and

an alcohol

◦ Regeneration of sulphuric acid catalyst:

• The advantages of using ethanoic anhydride rather than H+ + HSO4– → H2SO4
ethanoyl chloride is that: its cheaper, less • Nitrated benzene rings can be used in
corrosive, safer, produces a less toxic by–product the production of explosives, dyes and
• Vegetable oils and animal fats are esters of propane–1,2,3–triol phenylamine.
and does not react with water readily.
(glycerol). Animal fats are saturated while vegetable fats are • Friedel–Crafts acylation reactions
• Amides structure:
unsaturated. The kink caused by the double bond reduces involve adding an acyl group to
London forced. benzene. e.g. CH3COCl + AlCl3 → CH3CO+ + AlCl4–
• Vegetable oils and animal fats can be hydrolysed in alkaline
conditions to give soap (salts of long–chain carboxylic acids) Primary Amides Secondary Amides Tertiary Amides
and glycerol with methanol and a strong alkaline catalyst
• Biodiesel is a mixture of methyl esters it can be made by
reacting vegetable oils

Formed by reacting Formed by reacting Formed by reacting

acyl chlorides with acyl chlorides with acyl chlorides with A halogen carrier, such as AlCl3, is used to convert the acyl
ammonia primary amines secondary amines chloride into an electrophile
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Amines Condensation Polymers Disposal of Polymers
• Aliphatic amines are those without aromatic • Condensation polymerisation involves the reaction of two • Polyalkenes are chemically inert and non–biodegradable due to
rings present. Primary aliphatic amines different types of monomers, with different functional groups. the non–polar saturated C–C bonds.
can be prepared by reacting ammonia • Reacting dicarboxylic acids • Condensation polymers can undergo hydrolysis due to the
with a halogenoalkane. X = an with diols forms polyesters polar C=O bonds which make them susceptible to attacks by
electronegative species e.g. Cl, Br
• Primary aliphatic amines can • Adjacent polyester chains nucleophiles. This makes them biodegradable.
also be made by the reduction of are held together by • Advantages and disadvantages of different methods of disposal
nitriles using a nickel catalyst and permanent dipole–dipole Advantages of Recycling Disadvantages of Recycling
hydrogen gas: attractions due to the
R–C≡N + 2H2 → R–CH2NH2 • Saves diminishing crude oil • Plastic must be collected,
presence of the polar
resources cleaned, transported and
A reducing agent such as LiAlH4, carbonyl group
• Energy input to refining oil sorted which is expensive and
can be used instead of hydrogen gas:
R–C≡N + 4[H] → R–CH2NH2 not needed requires energy and time
• Plastic does not end up in • There are concerns about the
• Aromatic amines are made by reducing • The polyester terylene
landfill quality of the products
nitroarenes such as nitrobenzene, (PET) is formed from
refluxed at 100°C using a rducing agent the monomers Landfill Incineration
of tin and concentrated HCl. The tin terephthalic acid and • A cheap and easy method • The heat used in incineration
and concentrated HCl react to form hydrogen ethylene glycol. • Damaging to wildlife can be used to generate
• Aromatic amines are used in the production of dyes as they’re Typically used in plastic • Uses up large areas of land electricity
brightly coloured • Methane is released which • Increases the level of carbon
bottles, sails, sheets
and clothing contributes to global dioxide in the atmosphere
warming • Incomplete combustion can
Basic & Nucleophilic Properties of Amines • Leaks from landfill sites lead to toxic carbon monoxide
• Amines are weak bases • Reacting dicarboxylic contaminate water supplies or unburnt carbon (soot)
• In primary amines the lone pair of acids and diamines forms being released
electrons on the N atom is readily polyamides • Other toxic gases, such as
donated due to the extra electron styrene and HCl, can be
density from the alkyl groups. Aryl groups are electron– • Adjacent polyamide
strands are held together released
withdrawing so the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen
atom in an aryl amine is attracted into the benzene ring, so the by hydrogen bonds
electron pair is less easily donated.
• The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom in amines allows Amino Acids
them to act as nucleophiles. • α–amino acids contain both the amine functional group and the
• Haloalkanes undergo
nucleophilic substitution carboxylic acid functional group (carboxyl group) attached to
with an ammonia • Nylon is a polyamide used in the same carbon atom.
nucleophile to form amines. textiles • Amino acids are amphoteric, meaning they have both acidic
This reaction can also and basic properties and can exist as zwitterions, having no
happen with primary amines charge overall.
acting as the nucleophile, • The isoelectric point is the pH at which the overall charge of
using the same mechanism a molecule is zero
as ammonia, to form
secondary amines • Kevlar is a polyamide used in
• Reaction of haloalkanes with secondary amine forms tertiary bullet and stab–proof vests
amines. Reaction of haloalkanes with tertiary alkanes forms
quaternary ammonium salts.
• Quaternary ammonium salts containing a large alkyl group are
often used as cationic surfactants. This is because they have
one long non–polar hydrocarbon chain and a charged end.
• Ammonia and primary amines can also act as nucleophiles
in addition–elimination • Polypeptides are also condensation
reactions with acyl chlorides polymers made up of amino acids
and acid anhydrides
• When ammonia reacts, the
product formed is a primary
• Primary amines react by
the same mechanism, but
the product formed is an
N–substituted (secondary)
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Proteins Enzymes Anticancer Drugs
• Proteins are sequences of amino acids joined by peptide links • An enzyme is a protein-based biological catalyst. • The Pt (II) complex cisplatin is used as an anticancer drug.
• Peptide linkages are formed • Every enzyme has an active site, which is a part of the three- It prevents DNA replication in cancer cells by a ligand
from condensation reactions dimensional tertiary protein structure of an enzyme that is replacement reaction with DNA in which a bond is formed
responsible for its catalytic activity between platinum and a nitrogen atom on adjacent guanines
• The lock and key theory of enzyme activity states that the
substrate must fit exactly in the active site, with the correct
orientation, in order for a reaction to happen. The wrong
stereoisomer is not catalysed (stereospecific).

• Hydrolysis of the peptide

• The DNA strands are then kinked, so they cannot unravel
link produces the constituent
• Enzyme inhibitors have similar shapes to the properly to replicate
amino acids
substrate and prevent the substrate from • Cisplatin can have adverse side effects because it also binds to
binding the enzyme healthy cells. However, it is still used as a treatment because the
• Computers can be used to design drugs advantages outweigh the disadvantages
which can fit into the active site

Organic Synthesis
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) • Chemists
• DNA is made up of avoid using
nucleotide monomers: solvents and
• There are three levels of protein structure: primary, secondary a phosphate group, aim to use
and tertiary 2-deoxyribose non-hazardous
◦ Primary structure is the pentose sugar and starting
sequence of amino acids in a base. The base can materials to
the polypeptide chain. be adenine, cytosine, reduce the
◦ Secondary structure is the guanine or thymine. potential for
way the chains of amino • A strand of DNA accidents and
acids interact with each is a polymer of environmental
other to form either an nucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds between the damage and
α-helix or a β-pleated sheet. phosphate group of one nucleotide and the 2-deoxyribose of the amount of
◦ Tertiary structure is the another nucleotide. Resulting in a sugar-phosphate backbone. waste.
three-dimensional shape • Chemists aim
into which the α-helix or to design
β-pleated sheet is folded. production
• The secondary and tertiary methods
structures are a consequence with fewer
of various types of steps that
intermolecular forces have a high
◦ Hydrogen bonds — these percentage
stabilise both the secondary and atom economy
tertiary structures to reduce waste and convert more of the reactants to products.
◦ London and dipole-dipole
forces — these stabilise the
tertiary structure • The DNA double helix is composed of two complementary
◦ Disulphide bonds — these are DNA strands held together by hydrogen bonds between
only important when the amino complementary base pairs
acid cysteine is part of the ◦ Adenine and thymine form two hydrogen bonds
protein in the tertiary structure ◦ Cytosine and guanine form three hydrogen bonds
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Chromatography Gas Chromatography
Spectroscopy • Chromatography is a separation technique used for separating • In gas chromatography (GC) a column is packed with a solid or
and identifying the species present in a mixture. with a solid coated by a liquid, and a gas is passed through the
• NMR gives information about the position of 13C or 1H atoms in column under pressure at high temperature.
a molecule • The mobile phase is the substance in chromatography that
◦ Stationary phase is a solid or liquid coating inside a long-
• Nuclei in different chemical environments in the sample carries the soluble components of the mixture
coiled tube
molecule will resonate at different frequencies, allowing an NMR • The stationary phase is the substance in chromatography that ◦ An inert gas such as N2 acts as the mobile phase
spectrum to be produced and interpreted. holds back the components that are attracted to it.
• Tetramethylsilane (TMS) is used as
a standard to measure an NMR spectrum • Each component in the mixture has a different level of solubility
peak against. The 4 methyl groups are in the mobile phase and retention by the stationary phase,
in the same chemical environment and resulting in the separation of these components
produce an intense signal
• A chemical shift is the scale used in
NMR spectroscopy which relates to the Thin Layer Chromatography
difference in frequency between a chemical environment and • In thin layer chromatography a plate is coated with a solid and
TMS. It depends on the molecular environment. a solvent moves up the plate
• The number of peaks in 13C NMR represents the number of ◦ An organic solvent is used as the mobile phase
carbon environments in a molecule ◦ A sheet coated with a thin layer of silica gel or alumina acts
• Each peak in a 1H NMR spectrum has an integration trace. This as the stationary phase
shows the relative number of 1H in each 1H environment
• High resolution 1H also shows spin-spin coupling. This is useful • Thin layer chromatography can be used to separate and identify
because spin-spin coupling causes splitting patterns which give amino acids by their Rf values.
information about neighbouring hydrogen atoms. The splitting
patterns are determined by the N+1 rule
• The N+1 Rule- If there are n hydrogen atoms attached to carbon • The time taken for a component to leave the coil is called the
atoms adjacent to a 1H environment, then the peak representing • Different amino acids have different R groups, so they all have retention time. This can be compared with standards to identify
that environment will be split into n+1 peaks different affinities for the solvent. Therefore, moving up the different substances.
plate at different rates depending on their affinity. • A chromatograph shows these retention times as a series of
Number of Number of
Name Diagram • Amino acids are colourless, so to make them visible peaks with the area under each peak being proportional to the
Adjacent H Peaks
a developing agent is used, such as ninhydrin or ultraviolet light amount of that component present
• Mass spectrometry can be used to analyse the components
• Rf values are affected by temperature, a spot of a pure separated by GC
0 1 Singlet substance is often added to the baseline for comparison. If the • The mass spectrum of each component can be compared to
correct conditions are used the Rf values can be compared to spectra in a database, allowing the components to be identified
database values with greater certainty.

1 2 Doublet Column Chromatography

• In column chromatography
(CC) a column is packed
with a solid and a solvent
moves down the column
2 3 Triplet ◦ Silica or aluminium oxide
is packed into a narrow
column and acts as the
stationary phase
◦ The mixture is dissolved
3 4 Quartet in a solvent which is
poured through the
column. This acts as the
mobile phase
• Common solvent used in NMR is deuterated solvents.
• In deuterated solvents, any H atoms are replaced with
deuterium. They do not affect the spectra
Downloaded by David Adigbo ([email protected])

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