2008 Paper 1

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YEAR 2008
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. A drug manufacturer gives the mass of the active ingredient in a tablet as 5 mg.
Express this quantity in kilogramme and in standard form. (1mk)

2. The masses of equal volumes of a certain liquid and of water were found to be mv
and mw respectively. Given that the density of water is 1gcm-3, express the
density, p, of the liquid in terms of mv mw (show your work) (2mks)

3. Fig. 1 shows a brick placed on a plane inclined at an angle  to the horizontal.

The weight, W, of the brick is shown.

a) On the same diagram show with arrows the other two forces acting on the
brick and name them. (1mk)
b) State how each of the two forces named (a) above is affected when the
angle  is reduced. (1mk)

4. Water is known to boil at 1000C. A student heated some water and noticed that it
boiled at 1010C.
State two possible reasons for this observation. (2mks)

5. Fig: 2 shows a flask filled with water. The flask is fitted with a cork through
which a tube is inserted. When the flask is cooled, the water level rises slightly,
then falls steadily.

Explain observation. (3mks)

6. Fig. 3 shows a hot water bath with metal rods inserted through one of its sides.
Some wax is fixed at the end of each rod. Use this information to answer
questions 6 and 7.

What property of metals could be tested using this set-up? (1mk)

7. Besides the length of the rods that is kept constant, what else should be kept
constant when comparing the property for the different metal rods? (1mk)

8. Fig. 4 shows a conical flask 15cm high, filled with a liquid of density 1200kgm-3.
The atmospheric pressure of the surrounding is 8.4 x 104 Pa.

Determine the pressure at the point marked X, at the bottom of the flask. (3mks)

9. Explaining the difference between a liquid and a gas in terms of intermolecular

distances and forces. (2mks)
10. Fig. 5 shows a toy resting on top of a closed bottle. Use the information on the
figure to answer questions 10 and 11.

Mark on the diagram, point Q, the approximate centre of gravity of the toy.
11. Giving a reason, name the state of equilibrium of the toy. (2mks)

12. Fig. 6 shows a sheet of paper rolled into a tube.

When a fast stream of air is blown into the tube as shown in the diagram the paper
tube collapses. Explain the observation. (2mks)
13. The graphs in Fig. 7 represent the relations between extension e and mass m
added on two springs x and y.

Given that the two springs are made of same materials, give a reason why the
graphs are different. (1mk)

14. The system in Fig. 8 is in equilibrium

When the temperature of the water is raised the system is observed to tilt to the
right, state the reason for this observation. (2mks)
Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.
15. a) State Newton’s second law of motion. (1mk)
b) A matatu starts from rest and accelerates to cover a distance of 49m in 7
(i) Its acceleration; (3mks)
(ii) Its velocity, after 7seconds (2mks)
c) A trolley moving on a horizontal bench of height 1.2m, strikes a barrier at
the edge of the bench. The brass mass on the top of the trolley flies off on
impact and lands on the ground 2.5m from the edge of the bench.
(i) The time taken by the brass mass to reach the ground; (2mks)
(ii) The speed at which the trolley struck the barrier. (2mks)

16. a) Define the term heat capacity. (1mk)

b) You are provided with the apparatus shown in Fig. 9 and a stop watch.

Describe an experiment to determine the specific latent heat of steam, l,

using the set up. In your answer clearly explain the measurements to be
made and how these measurements could be used to determine l. (6mks)
c) A block of metal of mass 150g at 1000C is dropped into a lagged
calorimeter of heat capacity 40JK-1 containing 100g of water at 250C. The
temperature of the resulting mixture is 340C. (Specific heat capacity of
(i) Heat gained by calorimeter; (2mks)
(ii) Heat gained by water; (1mk)
(iii) Heat lost by the metal block; (1mk)
(iv) Specific heat capacity of the metal block (3mks)
17. a) What is meant by absolute zero temperature? (1mk)

Fig. 10 shows a set up to investigate the relationship between temperature and

volume for a certain gas.

b) State two factors that are kept constant, in order to determine the
relationship. (2mks)
c) The graph in Fig. 11 shows the relationship between volume and
temperature for the experiment.

(i) What was the volume of the gas at 00C? (1mk)

(ii) At what temperature would the volume of the gas be zero? (1mk)

(iii) Explain why the temperature in part (ii) above cannot be achieved.

d) A sealed gas cylinder contains 300cm3 of certain gas at a temperature of

250C, and at a pressure of 9.5x 104pa. the gas in the cylinder was then
cooled to 100C.

Determine the new pressure of the gas in the cylinder. (4mks)

18. (a) Define the term velocity ratio of a machine. (1mk)
(b) Fig. 12 shows part of a hydraulic press. The plunger is the position where
effort is applied while the Ram piston is the position where load is applied.
The plunger has cross-section area, a m2 while the Ram piston has cross-
section area, a m2.

When the plunger moves down a distance d the Ram piston moves up a
distance D.
(i) State the property of liquid pressure on which the working of the
hydraulic press works. (1mk)
(ii) Derive an impression for the velocity ratio (V.R) in terms of A and
a. (4mks)
c) A machine of velocity ratio 45, overcomes a load of 4.5 x 10 N when an
effort of 135N is applied.
(i) The mechanical advantage of the machine; (2mks)
(ii) Efficiency of the machine; (2mks)
(iii) The percentage of the work that goes to waste. (1mk)

19 a) State the principle of moments. (1mk)

b) A uniform metal strip is 3.0cm wide, 0.6cm thick d 100cm long. The
density of the metal is 2.7 g/cm3.
(i) Determine the weight of the strip. (3mks)
The strip placed n a pivot and kept in equilibrium by forces as shown in fig. 13

(ii) Determine the value of F and R (3mks)

(iii) X is the distance from the end of the plank to the point of application of
force F. Force F is now applied at various points nearer to the pivot so that
x increases. Equilibrium is maintained all the time. On the axes provided
sketch the relation between force F and x.

(iv) Give a reason for the answer in (iii) above (1mk)

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