0510 - s18 - QP - 41 Moyo

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
* 1 5 8 1 5 8 1 0 2 9 *


Paper 4 Listening (Extended) May/June 2018
Approx. 50 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 9 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

DC (SCD (JB)) 144709/3

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Questions 1–4

You will hear four short recordings. Answer each question on the line provided. Write no more than
three words, or a number, for each detail.

You will hear each recording twice.

1 (a) Which book did the man get the recipe from?

Life is sweet
................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

(b) What does he need to buy before he can make the recipe?

................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

2 (a) Which part of the museum will the group visit first?

the space section

................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

(b) What time will they return to school?

6:15 PM
................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

3 (a) What was the girl’s favourite band called?

summer Sky
................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

(b) Where was the jewellery stall?

opposite the supermarket

................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

4 (a) Which character in the film did the man feel sorry for?

the detective
................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

(b) Which aspect of the film did the woman dislike?

the length
................................................................................................................................. ..............[1]

[Total: 8]

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Question 5

You will hear a talk given by a head teacher to students who are going to leave school next year. Listen
to the talk and complete the details below. Write one or two words only in each gap.

You will hear the talk twice.

What’s next?

A series of talks on your future options

Going to university?

year 0H
We’ll discuss whether a ................................... is a good idea.

There will be talks on various courses – the first will be on ...................................

time management
Find out about skills you’ll need to develop, like ...................................
and independent study.

Ex-students will come in to talk about things like finance, part-time work

and ................................... .

A professor from ................................... College has agreed to give a talk.

Thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

A ................................... is going to talk about his experience.

Straight to work?

Choosing JODS .
We’ll show you a film called ...................................

All information will be on the wall display outside the ................................... .

[Total: 8]
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Question 6

You will hear six people talking about what they think schools should teach young people about money.
For each of speakers 1 to 6, choose from the list, A to G, which opinion each speaker expresses. Write
the letter in the appropriate box. Use each letter only once. There is one extra letter which you do not
need to use.

You will hear the recordings twice.

Speaker 1 A It’s essential for young people to understand the pros and cons
of borrowing money.

Speaker 2
B Young people find it hard to plan for the future – they should
learn about that.
Speaker 3

C Young people should be taught that you don’t need to be rich

Speaker 4 to be happy.

Speaker 5 D Young people need to be encouraged to save money.

Speaker 6 E I think young people should learn what happens when you run
out of money.

F Schools should teach young people to understand financial

words and phrases.

G Young people should know what they need to earn in order to

have a good standard of living.

[Total: 6]

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Please turn over for Question 7.

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Question 7

You will hear an interview with a man called Jules Bergan, who looks for messages in bottles on the
sea-shore. Listen to the interview and look at the questions. For each question, choose the correct
answer, A, B or C, and put a tick (3) in the appropriate box.

You will hear the interview twice.

(a) Where did Jules find his first message in a bottle?

A Australia

B Barbados

C Madeira [1]

(b) What does Jules say about the first message he found?

A There was a map on it.

B It was in perfect condition.

C He was reluctant to read it. [1]

(c) How did Jules contact the senders of the first message he found?

A by email

B by post

C by phone [1]

(d) How did the senders of the first message feel when Jules contacted them?

A embarrassed that they had sent it

B amazed that it had survived the journey

C disappointed that it had been found so soon [1]

(e) Jules describes another message which was sent to celebrate

A a marriage.

B a birthday.

C a festival. [1]

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(f) What was Jules most surprised to find in a bottle?

A some art

B some food

C some money [1]

(g) What does Jules say about meeting up with senders?

A He feels nervous beforehand.

B It can be an awkward experience.

C They usually have something in common. [1]

(h) When Jules visited the Turks and Caicos Islands, he

A met other bottle collectors.

B took part in a scientific study.

C gave away some bottles he had found. [1]

[Total: 8]

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Question 8

Part A

You will hear a teacher giving a talk about the role of motivation in exercise. Listen to the talk and
complete the sentences in Part A. Write one or two words only in each gap.

You will hear the talk twice.

Motivation in exercise – how to keep it up

The promise of a ................................... is a common motivation technique that
rarely works.

Ways to motivate yourself:

small targets
Setting ................................... is recommended.

progress .
Choose activities that give you a sense of ...................................

It is better to motivate yourself with the idea of ................................... , according
to recent research.

Think about what is called an ................................... of exercise, and how you
define it.


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Part B

Now listen to a conversation between two students about doing exercise with friends, and complete
the sentences in Part B. Write one or two words only in each gap.

You will hear the conversation twice.

Exercising with a friend

According to psychologists, healthy competition

................................... is provided by exercising with
a partner.

The theory on ................................... suggests that exercise feels easier and goes
faster with a friend.

The most important consideration when choosing who to exercise with is their

dedication .

If you exercise with someone better than you, then you will mainly be motivated by

a desire for ................................... .

go together to find an appropriate exercise partner.

Use the app called ...................................


[Total: 10]

© UCLES 2018 0510/41/M/J/18

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