Modified Lightweight Gift Cipher For Security Enhancement in Resource Constrained Iot Devices
Modified Lightweight Gift Cipher For Security Enhancement in Resource Constrained Iot Devices
Modified Lightweight Gift Cipher For Security Enhancement in Resource Constrained Iot Devices
Int. j. inf. tecnol.
and memory which are the major requirements for the 1.2 Contribution
encryption algorithms to function normally. This com-
promises with the security of the devices thereby leading The work presented in the paper includes the following
to leakage of sensitive information [14–16]. major contributions:
The cryptographic algorithms can be categorized as
symmetric and asymmetric algorithms where, a single • Providing security to the resource-constrained IoT
key is used by the symmetric algorithm and a key pair is environment is a complex yet an important job. The
used by the asymmetric algorithm [17]. The symmetric lightweight block ciphers proved to function better
algorithm sends the key through the network that can be even in resource constrained environment by ensuring
hacked whereas, the private key of the asymmetric algo- optimal security. This paper contributes to the develop-
rithm is never shared via network to offer higher security ment of a modified lightweight symmetric block cipher
[18, 19]. Most of the modern applications rely on symmet- for secure networks in IoT environment.
ric algorithms for security [20]. This algorithm can be cat- • The traditional KSA of GIFT block cipher follow
egorized as block and stream ciphers where, a block of bits linear functions leading to slower and predictable bit
is encrypted in block cipher and stream cipher encrypts transitions. Thus, the major contribution of the work is
the plaintext bit-by-bit [21]. Since the block ciphers are to elevate the security by enhancing round key random-
efficient, these ciphers are particularly preferred. The ness and diffusion property of the GIFT block cipher
restrictions in the small-scale embedded systems led to using bitslice substitution and involutive permutation
the emergence of lightweight cryptography [22]. Hard- operations.
ware and software implementations of several lightweight • Performing extensive simulations for performance anal-
cryptographic systems are presented in literatures includ- ysis of the proposed modified lightweight GIFT block
ing PRESENT [23], SIMON, SPECK [24], RECTANGLE cipher and compare it with the existing block cipher algo-
[25], TWINE [26], PICCOLO [27], PICO [28], ROAD- rithms in terms of different performance metrics.
KLEIN [32], XTEA [33], LED [34], etc. These algorithms
proved to provide optimal performance and also enhancing 1.3 Paper organization
the security feature of the IoT network [35].
This paper has 6 sections: Sect.1 presents brief introduction;
Sect. 2 briefs the literature survey of the most recent meth-
1.1 Motivation odologies published under the field of IoT security using
lightweight protocols, Sect. 3 presents the preliminaries
The introduction of cryptographic systems resulted in relevant to the work, Sect. 4 presents proposed methodol-
increased percentage of security to the IoT applications ogy with description and mathematical formulations, Sect.
and the sensitive data circulated within the IoT environ- 5 covers the result section with comparative analysis and
ment. Among the existing cryptographic primitives, the discussion and finally Sect. 6.
symmetric lightweight block ciphers gained huge popu-
larity due to their performance and efficiency. One of the
major advantages of these algorithms is that these are
capable of securing blocks of data simultaneously thereby 2 Related work
enhancing the elasticity and efficiency of the network.
There are several block ciphers introduced in literatures So far, many methodologies to promote security of data in
to deal with major security crisis and to reach an optimum IoT have been implemented. Among those, the most effec-
level of performance without compromising the security. tive ones are reviewed under this section. Security in IoT is
The problem with these algorithms lies in the generation one of the most important requirements in recent times due
of round keys as the randomness of the round keys are not to the frequent attacks and threats involved. Cryptographic
ensured. The randomness property is one of the most cru- algorithms are effective, but these are found to be unsuit-
cial factors that is required to be focused to ensure security able for the IoT restricted devices. Thus, lightweight block
even in complex hazardous environments. This motivates ciphers are introduced that proved to work on low-power
to propose a new block cipher that helps in optimal genera- and resource-constrained devices. To this extent, Ramadan
tion of round keys with enhanced randomness and security. et al. [36] presented an ultra-lightweight secret-key block-
Moreover, the proposed algorithm strives to achieve an enciphering algorithm called LBC-IoT. The algorithm was
optimum level of performance without compromising the based on the feistel structure and the block length was
security in the IoT network. 32-bit with the key length of 80-bit. The algorithm proved
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to restrict several attacks including side-channel, differential operations. Objective of the proposed algorithm is to reach
and linear attacks. an optimum level of performance without compromising
Another lightweight block cipher to protect the resource the security. Also, the randomness of the round keys and
constrained IoT smart systems was introduced by Ragab diffusion are ensured thereby providing highest percent-
et al. [37]. A modified version of symmetric XXTEA block age of security to the applications compared to the existing
cipher was designed for enhanced security of the smart methodologies.
devices. The traditional XXTEA algorithm was identified
to be more prone to key-related attacks and chosen-plaintext
attacks. The improvement was made with the employment of 3 Preliminaries
S-box with an additional layer of security using the chaotic
key generator system behind one-time padding. The results The lightweight block ciphers are capable of providing better
show the efficiency of the algorithm compared with the tra- security even to constrained devices in the IoT network. The
ditional XXTEA and advanced encryption standard (AES) GIFT block cipher is one of the most effective algorithms
algorithms. that can achieve an optimal tradeoff between security and
Smart devices making an interconnection in the IoT net- efficiency thereby offering better performance compared to
work have some intrinsic characteristics, because of which other block ciphers such as SIMON, SKINNY, PRESENT,
the existing algorithms are unable to provide effective pro- etc. [41]. This section presents the sequential steps followed
tection for the devices against the cryptographic attacks. in the existing GIFT cipher along with their significances.
To solve such an issue, Girija et al. [38] designed a new Since the proposed method explores the GIFT-128-bit block
lightweight block cipher called FibGeoPresent based on the cipher, the following explanation is centered on the GIFT-
Fibonacci series. Similar to some popular block ciphers, the 128-bit cipher.
FibGeoPresent cipher also used the S-box and P-box opera-
tions and was basically designed based on the substitution 3.1 GIFT‑128‑bit block cipher
permutation network (SPN) type.
The design of a key schedule algorithm (KSA) is required Based on the SPN structure method, GIFT is a symmetric
to be given utmost importance in the construction of sym- block cipher algorithm. This cipher performs four steps for
metric block ciphers. Though it has undeniable significance, each round including S-box generation, permutation, add
it is one of the least attentive areas in the development of an round key and constant XOR. The process of encryption
algorithm for encryption. Among other lightweight symmet- followed in the GIFT cipher is depicted in Fig. 1.
ric block ciphers, PRESENT is one of the most popular one After applying the input, which here is called as plaintext
with enhanced performance and security. But the KSA of several steps.
this cipher follow linear functions leading to slower bit tran-
sition that is predictable. To resolve this issue, Imdad et al. i. S-box generation
[39] introduced an enhanced KSA for the PRESENT-128
block cipher with avalanche effect, round key bit difference 128-bit key is delivered as the input to the block cipher to
and enhanced randomness. which the S-boxes are generated. The input key is split into
The IoT environment is composed of several number 4-bit blocks and it is now provided as the input to the 4-bit
of resource constrained devices that are highly targeted S-boxes. The invertible 4-bit S-box generated is used for the
by the cyber attackers. The normal encryption algorithms cipher state. The hexadecimal notation of the S-box used in
sometimes fail to secure such devices from the attacks as the cipher can be understood from [41].
new malicious codes are continuously being generated. To
overcome this issue, Alshammari et al. [40] introduced a ii. Permutation
lightweight cryptosystem that works for highly constrained
IoT devices. The algorithm was based on AES with a new As the next step, the GIFT block cipher performs permu-
chaotic S-box to achieve higher randomness with strong tation of bits where the ith bit of block B replaces the P128 (i)th
cryptographic properties. The evaluations of the algorithm bit of block B. The permutation operation on the input of
proved the reliability and the applicability for secured com- GIFT-128-bit block cipher can be seen in [41].
munication and image encryption.
Upon reviewing the existing methodologies, it has been iii. AddRoundKey
identified that the existing block ciphers are unable to find an
optimal tradeoff between the network performance and secu- Given the 128-bit blocks as Bi = 𝛽127 , ....𝛽0 and the
rity. This problem is optimally addressed in the proposed round keys can be represented as Rki = 𝛾127 , ...𝛾0 . The keys
work with the addition of substitution and permutation can be represented as K = 𝜅7 , ...𝜅0 where, the keys
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𝜅7 � � � �
�𝜅6 ‖...‖𝜅1 �𝜅0 ← 𝜅1 >>> 2�𝜅0 >>> 12‖...‖𝜅3 �𝜅2 (3)
Constant XOR Key schedule
where >>> indicates right rotation operator.
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Cipher text
Bitslice substitution is a non-linear function and makes
use of the substitution table generated in the previous step.
In case of bitslice substitution, the Boolean operations are
Fig. 2 Flowchart for the proposed modified lightweight GIFT block
utilized to apply the S-box to the input block. The basic
Boolean operations such as AND (&), OR ( |), XOR (⊕),
NOT (∼), etc. are followed in this step. For every column of
the input block, the S-box of this step is applied in parallel.
AddRoundKey step is executed where, the round key is
The operation of bitslicing is inspired from the RECTAN-
XORed with the blocks. Then, the constant XOR operation
GLE algorithm [25]. The function of bitslice substitution as
is applied to get the desired cipher-text as output.
proposed in this work is described below in Eq. (5):
T1 = X1 ; T2 = X0 &T1 ; T3 = X2 ⊕ X3 ;
4.1 Modified lightweight GIFT block cipher Y0 = T2 ⊕ T3 ; T5 = X3 ||T1 ; T6 = X0 ⊕ T5 ;
Y1 = X2 &T6 ; T8 = X1 ⊕ X2 ; T9 = T3 &T6 ;
In the proposed modified version of GIFT block cipher, the
modifications are made in the sequential steps followed. The Y3 = T8 &T9 ; T11 = Y0 ||T8 ; Y2 = T6 &T11
additional steps of bitslice substitution and involutive per-
where Ti indicates a 32-bit temporary variable. The input
mutations are carried out to enhance the security features of
block of the substitution block is indicated as X and the
GIFT. The major steps of the proposed modified GIFT block
output of the substitution block is indicated as Y .
cipher are as follows:
iv. Involutive permutation
i. Initialization
ii. S-box generation
In case of the involutive permutation, the output obtained
iii. Bitslice substitution
from the substitution block is distributed as 4-bits to vari-
iv. Involutive permutation
ous sub-blocks. The involutive permutation makes use of a
v. AddRoundKey
transpose matrix of size 16 × 4 to obtain the output values of
vi. Constant XOR
block B. The matrix considered for involutive permutation
can be represented as followed in Eq. (6):
These six steps are explained below:
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⎡ 𝛽0, 7 𝛽0, 6 𝛽0, 5 𝛽0, 4 ⎤ steps of the proposed symmetric algorithm followed in the
⎢𝛽 ⎥ encryption technique is displayed in Fig. 3.
⎢ 0, 3 𝛽0, 2 𝛽0, 1 𝛽0, 0 ⎥
⎢ 𝛽1, 7 𝛽1, 6 𝛽1, 5 𝛽1, 4 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Mx = ⎢ ... ... ... ... ⎥ (6) 5 Results and discussion
⎢ ... ... ... ... ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ... ... ... ... ⎥ Simulation and analysis of the proposed work has been done
⎢ ⎥ using the Matlab platform, version 2021. Its performance
⎣ 𝛽15, 3 𝛽15, 2 𝛽15, 1 𝛽15, 0 ⎦
has been compared and analyzed with the existing algo-
The transpose of the above matrix Mx is taken in this step rithms to prove its performance efficiency. The simulation
to obtain the output of involutive permutation. In the matrix, scenario considered, metrics used and comparative analysis
each row is considered as 4-bits and these are distributed on of the proposed approach are elaborated in the forthcoming
different sub-blocks. sections.
The AddRoundKey step is then formulated where, the The proposed algorithm is evaluated based on different
round constants are added with the round keys. To attain perspectives. Since the modifications are carried within
this, the XOR operation is utilized between the cipher the algorithm, the round keys and secret key are evalu-
state bits and V and W . The mathematical formulation for ated to prove its effectiveness in terms of security. Here,
AddRoundKey can be found in Eq. (1). for performance evaluation of the proposed approach, a
synthetic dataset is generated using the ‘rand’ function
vi. Constant XOR in Matlab. The length of the plaintext generated is 128
bits long and the length of the round keys and secret key
The last step of the proposed modified GIFT block cipher are 128 bits long. In terms of the security perspective,
is constant XOR where, the XOR operation is performed for the cipher-text generated by the algorithm is evaluated
bit positions 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 and 23 in the cipher state. based on different metrics. Each plaintext in the dataset
The mathematical formulation for constant XOR is provided
in Eq. (2). 32-bits 32-bits 32-bits 32-bits
Before updating the key state, a round key from the key
state is mined after the �XOR operations.
� In the proposed 32-bits 32-bits 32-bits 32-bits
method, the round key Rk = V‖W is extracted as four
16-bit words represented below in Eq. (7):
S-box S-box S-box S-box
V ← 𝜅5 ‖
W ← 𝜅1 ‖
‖𝜅0 Bit substitution Bit substitution Bit substitution Bit substitution
40 rounds
( ) ( )
𝜍 5 , 𝜍 4 , 𝜍 3 , 𝜍 2 , 𝜍 1 , 𝜍0 ← 𝜍 4 , 𝜍 3 , 𝜍 2 , 𝜍 1 , 𝜍 0 , 𝜍 5 ⊕ 𝜍 4 ⊕ 1
Initially, zero is assigned to the six bits and then updated
and used in the upcoming rounds. The values for the consid- Cipher-text
ered round constants for every round can be seen in S-box
generation. On repeating the above steps for 40 rounds
Fig. 3 Sequential steps of the proposed modified lightweight GIFT
cipher-text is obtained from the given input. The sequential block cipher
Int. j. inf. tecnol.
is 128 bits long to ensure security and efficiency of the Power indicates the total power spent by the software/
algorithm proposed here as compared to other lightweight hardware systems in completing the execution of the pro-
block ciphers. The system configuration followed for the posed algorithm. Reduced power indicates better and sig-
implementation of the proposed work is as follows: the nificant performance.
implementations are performed in a system installed with
Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-8265U CPU @1.60 GHz 1.80 GHz 6 Software efficiency
operating system with 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD.
Software efficiency determines the balance between the
size of implementation and performance of the algorithm. It
5.2 Performance metrics is important for the proposed method to achieve higher per-
centage of software efficiency to attain better performance.
The algorithm is assessed in terms of throughput, energy, The formulation for software efficiency is as follows:
time, latency, power, and software efficiency. The mathemat- [ ]
ical formulations for the performance metrics are as follows: Tp Kbps
SE = (10)
csize [KB]
1 Throughput
where SE indicates the software efficiency, Tp indicates the
Throughput can be defined as the kilo-bits accomplished throughput calculated in Kbps and csize indicates the code
per second by the encryption or decryption process at a par- size given in KB.
ticular frequency. A frequency of 4 MHz is used in the soft-
ware implementation of the proposed work. It is desired to 5.3 Performance analysis
increase the throughput value to achieve higher performance.
The performance of the modified algorithm as proposed here
2 Energy is compared with other existing lightweight block ciphers
to prove the efficiency of the modified algorithm. For fair
Energy consumption can be defined as the overall energy analysis, the existing block ciphers are implemented under
consumed by any system during the encryption-decryption the same simulation scenario. The algorithms that are cho-
process. The formulation for energy can be given as follows: sen for comparison include PRESENT, PRESENT KSA,
lt cycles ∗ P[𝜇W] Different versions of PRESENT and GIFT algorithms are
ℑn [𝜇J] =
(9) chosen for comparison and analysis of their security and per-
𝛽size [bits] formance. The detailed evaluations of the proposed method
are described below:
where ℑn indicates the energy, lt indicates the latency and
𝛽size indicates the block size.
3 Time
Table 1 Throughput Methods Through-
Time indicates the total consumed by the algorithm assessment of the proposed and put
existing works
to complete the execution process of the encryption of (Kbps)
128-bits long plaintext. It is important to reduce the time
taken for completing the process to prove that the proposed
algorithm is efficient.
GIFT 720
4 Latency
Latency is the time taken by the algorithm to encrypt
a single block. In other words, it can be illustrated as the
Proposed 970
number of clock cycles required to figure out a single block’s
message input or encrypted version of it. The latency is Bold denotes the state-of-the-
required to be reduced to prove its performance efficiency. art parameter value for the
"Proposed Modified GIFT-
Algorithm" (PROPOSED in the
5 Power table)
Int. j. inf. tecnol.
Fig. 4 Graphical representation of throughput assessment Fig. 5 Graphical representation of energy assessment
Table 2 Energy assessment of Methods Energy (µJ) Table 3 Time assessment of Methods Time (s)
the proposed and existing works the proposed and existing works
GIFT COFB 189.34 GIFT COFB 35.93
GIFT KSA 172.89 GIFT KSA 30.49
GIFT 208.67 GIFT 38.47
SKINNY 361.90 SKINNY 64.13
SIMON 642.71 SIMON 71.78
PRESENT 2279.66 PRESENT 125.85
Proposed 115.43 Proposed 26.64
The proposed scheme has been assessed for throughput energy consumption indicates the overall energy consumed
and obtained results are presented in tabular manner as by the system while converting the plaintext into cipher-
in Table 1. Tabulated data shows that the throughput pro- text. The graphical representation for energy consump-
vided by the proposed algorithm is higher when compared tion is provided in Fig. 5. It is seen from the graph that
with other algorithms. Improvement in throughput of the the proposed algorithm is optimal in reducing the amount
algorithm proposed is also displayed in Fig. 4. The graph of energy spent in encryption process. Compared to the
represents that the proposed modified algorithm is some- traditional GIFT, PRESENT, SIMON and SKINNY algo-
how better than the algorithms chosen here for comparison. rithms, the proposed algorithm produced optimal results
The throughput attained by the traditional GIFT cipher is in energy consumption. The average energy consumed by
720kbps and PRESENT is 439kbps. Also, the throughput the GIFT cipher is 208.67 µJ, by the PRESENT cipher is
scored by the SIMON and SKINNY algorithms are 513kbps 2279.66 µJ, by the SIMON and SKINNY algorithms are
and 576kbps. Among the compared algorithms, the GIFT 642.71 µJ and 361.90 µJ. On the conducted analysis, the
COFB scored higher throughput of 922kbps. The proposed GIFT KSA resulted in optimal results in terms of compared
algorithm achieved a total throughput rate of 970kbps block ciphers with an overall energy consumption rate of
higher than all the existing block ciphers considered for 172.89 µJ. The proposed algorithm resulted in an average
comparison. energy consumption rate of 115.43 µJ which is more optimal
The energy consumed by the modified algorithm pro- than the other results obtained.
posed here in the current work is analyzed and compared The proposed modified algorithm has been analyzed in
with other block ciphers and are presented in Table 2. The terms of the running time taken as displayed in Table 3.
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Fig. 6 Graphical representation of time assessment Fig. 7 Graphical representation of latency assessment
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Bold denotes the state-of-the-art parameter value for the "Proposed Bold denotes the state-of-the-art parameter value for the "Proposed
Modified GIFT-Algorithm" (PROPOSED in the table) Modified GIFT-Algorithm" (PROPOSED in the table)
Int. j. inf. tecnol.
5.3.4 Discussion
Table 8 Hamming weight analysis
Methods No. of rounds Hamming Based on the simulations conducted, it has been identified
weight that the proposed algorithm has enhanced security with
improved efficiency. The proposed algorithm also enhanced
the randomness of the round keys in each round and also
GIFT KSA 40 67
enriched the diffusion via involutive permutation. The
GIFT 40 67
analysis also demonstrated that the presented algorithm is
SKINNY 40 65
more effective than the existing popular block ciphers. With
SIMON 44 65
enhanced security, the throughput rate of the system is also
increased due to the avoidance of attacks in IoT. This has
been proved through the throughput analysis performed in
Proposed 40 127
the last section. Also, the time taken by the proposed model
Bold denotes the state-of-the-art parameter value for the "Proposed in completion of the entire process of encryption is low that
Modified GIFT-Algorithm" (PROPOSED in the table) is reducing the overall latency of the system. The software
Int. j. inf. tecnol.
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