Dar Terminologies

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DAR List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACPC - Agricultural Credit Policy Council

ADP - Agricultural Development Project
AFC - Agriculture and Fishery Council
ANGOC - Asian Nongovernmental Organizations Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural
ARBs - Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
ARPCSS - Agrarian Reform Provincial Committee for Support Service
ARRD - Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
ARTs - Agrarian Reform Technicians
ASDAR - Association of Social Development Agencies
BAEX - Bureau of Agricultural Extension
BARBD - Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development
BARCs - Barangay Agrarian Reform Councils
BARIE - Bureau of Agrarian Information and Education
CARE - Coastal Area Resource and Enterprise
CARP - Comprehensive Agrarian
CCPAP - Coordinating Committee on the Philippine Assistance Program
CENRO - Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
CIPS - Community Information and Planning Systems
CLOAs - Certificate of Land Ownership Awards
COs - Community Organizers
COA - Commission on Audit
CPAR - Congress for a People’s Congress Reform
CRTD - Center for Rural Technology Development
CUs - Colleges and Universities
CUP - Cooperative Union of the Philippines
DA - Department of Agriculture
DAP - Development Academy of the Philippines
DAR - Department of Agrarian Reform
DARAB - Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudicatory Board
DBM - Department of Budget and Management
DCAP - Dutch CARP Assistance Programme
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DFA - Department of Foreign Affairs
DOH - Department of Health
DOLE - Department of Labor and Employment
DOST - Department of Science and Technology
DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways
DRDAP - Dutch Rural Development Assistance Programme
DSF - Department of Social Forestry
DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
ESCAP - Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESDF - Eastern Samar Development Foundation, Inc.
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
FCDEP - Farmers Cooperative Development Exchange Program
FEP - Farmer Exchange Program
FSDC - Farm System Development Corporation
GO - Government
HARIBON - Haribon Foundation for Conservation of Natural Resources
IAS - Inter-Agency Secretariat
IDP - Institutional Development Project
IESAM - Institute of Environmental Science and Management
IGP - Income Generating Project
ILO - International Labour Organization
IPC - Institute of Philippine Culture
IRF - Integrated Rural Financing
ISFP - Integrated Social Forestry Program
JC - Joint Committee
LEAD - Livelihood Enhancement for Agricultural Development
LGUs - Local Government Units
LIS - Local Implementing Structures
MAFC - Municipal Agricultural and Fisheries Council
MAP - Management Association of the Philippines
MAROs - Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers
MASS-SPECC - Mindanao Alliance of Self-Help Societies, Inc.-Southern Philippines Educational
Cooperative Center
MDC - Mindanao Development Center
MINCARRD - Mindanao Center for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development and Rural
MTAP - Management Training and Assistance Program
MTPDP - Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan
NACFAR - Nationwide Coalition of Fisherfolks for Aquatic Reform
NAFC - National Agricultural and Fishery Council
NAMRIA - National Mapping Resources Information Authority
NATCCO - National Confederation of Cooperative, Inc.
NEDA - National Economic and Development Authority
NGO - Nongovernment Organization
NIA - National Irrigation Authority
NMC - National Management Committee
NROs - NEDA Regional Offices
OD - Outreach Desk
ODA - Official Development Assistance
ODISCO - Organic, Diversified, Integrated, Scientific Cooperative
OLT - Operation Land Transfer
OTRADEV - Organization for Training Research and Development Foundation, Inc
PACAP - Philippine Australian Community Assistance Program
PAFC - Provincial Agricultural and Fisheries Council
PAFID - Philippine Association for Intercultural Development
PAKISAMA - Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka
PARC - Presidential Agrarian Reform Council
PARCCOM - Provincial Agrarian Reform Committee
PARCODE - People’s Agrarian Reform Code
PARD - Presidential Adviser on Rural Development
PBSP - Philippine Business for Social Progress
PCO - Project Coordinating Office
PDAP - Philippine Development Assistance Program
PDC - Provincial Development Council
PENRO - Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer
PHILDHRRA - Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas
PLFI - People’s Livelihood Foundation, Inc.
PMC - Provincial Management Committee
PMEB - Pre-Membership Education Seminar
PMS - Presidential Management Staff
PMS - Project Management Service
PO - People’s Organization
PPO - Planning and Policy Office
PROCESS - Participatory Research, Organization of Communities, and Education Towards
Struggle for Self-Reliance
PVO - Private Volunteer Organization
RAFC - Regional Agricultural and Fisheries Council
RDC - Regional Development Council
SDC - Social Development Committee
SDMI - Social Development Management Institute
SDS - Social Development Staff
SFO - Small Farmers Organization
SIART - Summer Institute on Agrarian Reform
SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
SSO - Support Services Office
TAC - TRIPARRD Advisory Committee
TC - Technical Committee
TCP - Technical Cooperation Project
TRIPARRD - Tripartite Partnership for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
UDWG - Upland Development Working Group
UNAC - Upland NGO Assistance Committee
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UPLB - University of the Philippines at Los Baños
USAID - United Slates Agency for International Development
VICTO - Visayas Cooperative Development Center, Inc.
VOS - Voluntary Offer to Sell
WCARRD - World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
WWF - World Wildlife Fund

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