CAR Question

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Why r u here?

Wats basic experience for B1 initial license

What is basic qualification required for LICENCE?

CAR 66 appicable

What is CAR
CAR sections ,name them
Differences between F.A.K , M.Kit n UPK?
Contents of UPK - Refere Ser X part 3
Number of FAK & MK & UPK

Example of Organisation only approved in car 145 ??

Example of Organisation only approved in car M ??
Car 147 and car 147 basic ?
Indigo is appproved in which of this ?

Airworthiness related rule

How many rules are there?
CAR issued on basis of which rule?
AOP how gets approval?who is approving AOP
Prime responsibility of Accountable Manager
Difference between AMP and MPD

How an Act is made ?

How rule is made ?

C of A details

C of R details




Explain Section 2 & 8


What is complex motor powered Aircraft ?

1.What is CAR145 & their applicability

2. Post holders of CAR 145
3. Documents approval for CAR 145

1. What is CAR M & their applicability

2. Post holders CAR M
3. What if non indian registered a/c operates in india ?
4. Documents required for CAR M approval
What is CAR147 & their applicability
Post holders of CAR 147
Indigo comes under which category of 147 - CAR 147 (type trailining)
Other 147 base of indigo and its category
Training school under which series?

Rules related to airworthiness ??

Important rules related to us ??
Rule for issue of CAR ??

Difference b/w quality control & quality assurance ??

Difference b/w quality control Manager & Quality Manager

diff b/w CRS after higher check and normal check

criteria to become CAT C license holder

CRS given by CAT C hoder person

What is CAR
How many CAR are there - only one CAR

What is CAR 21
Who gives authorisation to ARC staff
Difference b/w License & Auhorisation


Bonded store & Quarantine store

Supporting Documents for parts

Where sealents are kept ?

Where Unsrviceble items are kept?

Tyre storage
Rubber part storage
Shelf life & Serive life
Rotable,Consumable, Expandable
1. Who makes load & trim, why it is required
2. why weight schedule is required for load & Trim
3. Who rewieghs the aircraft ?

what is AFM
What is FCOM
What is operational manual ??
Rule for operation manual - Rule 140B
4.Diff btwn how to use v/s preamble
5. Defn - flt hrs, calendar days, etc

1. Rvsm v/s cvsm

2. Reason & advantages - rvsm
3. RVSM - Which CAR section
4. RVSM - equipments and red marking area significance on fuselage
1. PBN - CAR SEC 8 SER S part 4
4. Course of action if efficiency decreases in flt
5. Mcdu indication of efficiency(RNP) in which page

Indigo's edto approval for fleet

Total edto fleet & PW fleet, how many A320 how many A321

what is C7 approval what speciality??

can u apply it for PW engines as well?
What if other other organisation asks for this approval?

Write documents on board and its validity

1. QM function as per CAR 145

2. QM function as per CAR M
AOC details

Documents requried for CAR 145 approval

Documents requried for CAR M approval

Documents required for CAR 147 approval

Documents requried for AOC

Documents requried for C of A

Documents requried for C of R

Does indigo have CAR 21 approval

As per CAR 66 for endorsment of license
1) The endorsement of aircraft type ratings requires the satisfactory completion of the relevant category B1, B2 or C
aircraft type training.
2) the endorsement of the first aircraft type rating within a given category/sub-category requires satisfactory completion
of the corresponding On the Job Training, as described in Appendix III to CAR-66
3) 11 Modules required for B1.1 license. 3 to 6, 7A,8,9A,10,11A,15 & 17
4) OJT It shall have been started and completed within the 3 years preceding the application for a type rating
5) as per as per Appendix 3 part 6 of CAR 66 The final assessment of the completed OJT is mandatory and shall be
performed by a designated assessor appropriately qualified

1. five years of practical aircraft maintenance experience on operating aircraft and 1 year of recent experience
2. To be considered as recent experience; at least 50% of the required 12 month experience should be gained within
the 12 month period prior to the date of application for the CAR- 66 aircraft maintenance license. The remainder of the
experience should have been gained within the 7 year period prior to application

the experience requirement specified shall be reduced by one year in case of an applicant who has satisfactorily
completed training in any training organization (AME college) approved under rule 133B or who has acquired a Degree
in an allied field of Engineering from a recognized University;

Further the experience shall be reduced by two years for CAT A and three years for CAT B1, in case of an applicant
who has successfully completed training in an approved maintenance organisation (SME of Indigo) as a part of the
syllabi of the course he has passed from a training organisation approved under rule 133B

The applicant must have passed 10+2 examination in PCM from a recognized board or university or its equivalent
- Diploma in Aeronautical, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics engineering recognized by state technical education
board shall be considered as equivalent qualification.
To prove the equivalence to 10 +2, the applicant is required to submit a certificate from a competent authority such as
Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

The CAR-66 is applicable to all personnel/ Organizations engaged in maintenance and/or certification of aircraft
registered in India.
Section 1 - General
Section 2 - Airworthiness
Section 3 - Air transport
Section 4 - Aerodrome Standards and Licensing
Section 5 - Air Safety
Section 6 - Design Standards and type certifictaion
Section 7 - Flight Crew Standards, training and licensing
Section 8 - Aircraft Operation
Section 9 - Air space and Air traffic Management
Section10 - Reserved
Section11 - Safe transport of dangerous goods by Air
FAK,UPK & MK are kept under rule 57 and CAR sec 2 ser X part 3
First-aid kit: containing such items which can be used for the purpose of first-aid treatment of injuries
Medical kit: containing such life saving drugs intended to be administered only by a qualified medical practitioner
UPK: A kit for the use of cabin crew members in managing incidents of ill health associated with a case of suspected
communicable disease, or in the case of illness involving contact with body fluids.
FAK required
0-100 - 1, 101-200 - 2, 201-300 - 3 , 301-400-4, 401-500 - 5, more then 500 - 6
MK requried is 1 for pax capacity is more then 100
For routine operations, 1 UPK should be carried on aircraft that are required to operate with at least one cabin crew
member, (2 for aeroplanes authorized to carry more than 250 passengers)
FORM A will be filled by cabin crew after usage of any kit

Example of Organisation only approved in car 145 - only MRO like Airworks, GMR
Example of Organisation approved in car M - Earlier vistara in contracts with Airworks & Akasha with spicejet
Car 147 and car 147 basic - Indigo is CAR147 (type training) & CAR 147 basic - SAME college

Airworthiness related rule are from 49 to 62

Aircraft rule 1937 (total 162 rules)
The Aircraft (Demolition of obstructions caused by Buildings and Trees etc.) Rules, 1994
The Aircraft (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) Rules, 2003
Aircraft (Security) Rules, 2011
Aircraft (Investigation of Accidents and Incidents) Rules, 2017
CAR issued on basis of rule 133A

1. The need for a new law, or an amendment to an existing piece of legislation, is identified. This may be done either
by the government or by citizen groups who can raise public awareness regarding the need for the law.
2. The concerned ministry drafts a text of the proposed law, which is called a ‘Bill’
3. Every Bill goes through three Readings in both Houses (Loksabha & then Rajyasabha) before it becomes an Act.
A. Introduction stage
B. Discussion stage
C. voting stage
4. Once the bill is passed from both houses, it is presented to the President for assent. She/he has the right to seek
information and clarification about the Bill.
5. After the President gives assent, the Bill is notified as an Act. Subsequently, the Bill is brought into force and rules
and regulations to implement the Act are framed by the concerned ministry
There are total 20 act and they are called as act of 1934

In exercise of the powers conferred by

SEC 4 of ACT 1934 - Power of Central Government to make rules to implement the Convention of 1944
SEC 5 of ACT 1934 - Power of Central Government to make rules regarding possession, use, operation, sale, import or
export of any aircraft
SEC 7 of ACT 1934 - 7. Power of Central Government to make rules for investigation of accidents
SEC 4 of Indian telegraph act, 85
the Central Government is pleased to make the rules called as Aircraft rules 1937.
Total 162 rules are there and divided in 19 sections
Detail requirements for C of A is mentioned in CAR sec 2 series F part 3
C of A to import the Aircraft
In case the aircraft is imported under Indian Registration, arrangements for physical inspection of the aircraft by DGCA
officers at foreign location shall be made by the owner/operator for issuance of C of A and ARC prior to the import of
the aircraft. The DGCA officer issuing the C of A at foreign location shall also, along with the C of A, issue the Annual
Review certificate. The ARC validity in such a case may be limited to the arrival of the aircraft to its base where
detailed documentation review and inspection of aircraft shall be carried
out for issue of ARC.
Export C of A
DGCA may issue an Export Certificate of Airworthiness during export of an aircraft, such export certificate of
airworthiness shall be issued only, if the importing state regulations require the need for export C of A.
Specail Flight permit
Defects and damages may be encountered during operation of an aircraft for which repair facilities may not exist at en-
route stations. At times in order to carry out a mandatory modification/ inspection/ Airworthiness Directive, it is essential
for the aircraft to be dispatched to base. In certain other conditions, evacuation of aircraft or persons from, areas of
impending danger may be required. There may be occasions where the aircraft has to be flown for experimental or test
flights including production test flights without valid C of A.
In these circumstances, special flight may be authorized, if the aircraft is otherwise safe, to conduct the intended flight.

Rule related to C of R are section 4 - 30 to 37A of Aircraft rule 1937

Detail requirements for C of R is mentioned in CAR sec 2 series F part 1
Temporary C of R
If an application is made for the registration of an aircraft before it is imported in India, for the purpose of bringing the
aircraft by air, a temporary Certificate of Registration may be granted to the new owner of the aircraft. The temporary
Certificate of Registration will be valid only until the first landing at a customs aerodrome in India.
C of R is valid from the date of registration till the date indicated on the Certificate of registration of the aircraft. if the
Aircraft is on lease the registration will be valid so long as the lease is in force.

ARC - is a certificated issued by DGCA or ARC staff mentioning that Aircaaft is fullly airowrthy and all requirements for
continuoue airwrthiness are full filled at the time of issue of ARC.
ARC issued by DGCA on FORM 15A & ARC issued by airworthiness review staff on FORM 15B
RULE ASSOCIATED WITH C O F A - Rule 15,50,55 & 62
What is C of A
- certifiacte issued for aircraft which is considered to be airworthy when maintained and operated in accordance with
the foregoing and the pertinent Operating Limitations.
C OF A remains valid till ARC is valid

CAR section 2 is Airworthiness

Different series of this section mention the limitaion, procedure, Documentation, Approval regarding Airworthiness of
an Aircraft and its components.
CAR sec 8 is related to Aircraft operations.
This includes requirement and procedure to conduct specail operations like CAT II-III, EDTO operations, RVSM , PBN.

Rule 29E of Aircraft Rules 1937 requires DGCA to establish a mandatory safety reporting system to facilitate collection
of information on actual or potential safety deficiencies.
RULES RELATED TO ACCIDENT/INCIDEN is Aircraft (Investigation of Accidents and Incidents) Rules, 2017
a) An aeroplane:
1) Above 5700 Kg MTOM, or
2) Certificated for more than 19 seated passengers, or
3) Certificated for operation with at least 2 pilots, or
4) Equipped with turbojet engine(s) or more than 1 turboprop engine.
b) A helicopter:
1) Above 3175 Kg MTOM, or
2) Certificated for more than 9 seated passengers, or
3) Certificated for operation with at least 2 pilots, or
c) A tilt rotor aircraft.

1. CAR 145 is Approval of Maintenance organisation and it is applicable to all Organization involved in the
maintenance of complex motor powered aircraft or of aircraft used for commercial air transport and component
intended for fitment thereto shall be approved in accordance with CAR 145.
2. Post holders of CAR 145 are as follows:
A. Accountable manager
B. Base maintenance manager
C. Line maintenance manager
D. Workshop manager
E. Quality manager
All managers directly reportable to Accountable manager
3. An application for the issue or variation of an approval shall be made to DGCA in a form and manner established by
DGCA. The application shall be accompanied with para- wise CAR 145 Compliance Report which will be supported by

1. The CAR M is applicable to all operators of Indian registered aircraft irrespective of whether such aircraft are
maintained by their own organization or by other approved maintenance organization. The applicability will include
private operators (General Aviation), flying training institutes state governments etc.

2. Post holders as per CAR M

A. Accountable manager - Wolfgang Prok-schauer
B. Quality Manager - R D Sharma
C. Continuous Airworthiness Manager - Subodh Sumbh

3. This CAR establishes common technical requirements and administrative procedures for ensuring the continuing
airworthiness of aircraft, including any component for installation thereto, which are:
(a) Registered in India; or
(b) Registered in a foreign country and used by an Indian operator for which India ensures oversight of operations.
CAR 147 is based on EASA part 147
CAR-147 (type training) specifies the requirements to be met by organizations seeking approval to conduct type
training and examination as specified in CAR 66. The CAR 147 specifies conditions for issue, renewal, suspension and
revocation of certificates attached to the approval and privileges thereof.
CAR 147 (Type training) applicable to Approved Aircraft /Engine manufacturing and maintenance organizations
engaged in imparting Aircraft, Power plant and its system type training

CAR-147 (Basic) specifies the requirements to be met by organizations seeking approval to conduct aircraft
maintenance training and examination as specified in CAR 66.
CAR-147 (Basic) is applicable to Approved Aircraft /Engine manufacturing and maintenance organizations registered in
India and intends to impart basic aircraft maintenance training on Aircraft, Power plant and its system.

Post holders of CAR 147

1. Accountable manager - wolfgang prock-schaure
2. Training manager - Kumar Madhvendra
3. Examination manager - Ankur Gupta
4. Quality manager - Laksh Dhingra
Training school approval is under CAR series E part 1 category G

49 to 62

CAR issued under rule 133A & 29C - Adaption of ICAO convection 1944
Quality cntrols is checking end product
Quality assurance is cheking each step is checked and made sure that it complies with all regulations
QCM was responsible for both comlianace and monitoring of Organisation
QM is responsible only for monitoring and compliane is responsibility of other post holders
CRS after higher check is given for the coplete workpakcage issued along with higher check.
Normal CRS is given after completion of particular work or schedule.
While an applicant to a CAR-66 Category C licence may be qualified by having 3 years’ experience as category B1 or
B2 certifying staff only in line maintenance, it is however rrecommended that any applicant for a category C holding a
B1 or B2 licence demonstrate at least 12 months experience as a B1 or B2 base maintenance support staff.

The principal function of the category C certifying staff is to ensure that all required maintenance has been called up
and signed off by the category B1, B2 and B3 support staff, as appropriate, before issue of the certificate of release to
service. Only category C personnel who also hold category B1, B2 or B3 qualifications may perform both roles in base
The category C licence permits certification of scheduled base maintenance by the issue of a single certificate of
release to service for the complete aircraft after the completion of all such maintenance.

CAR is issued as per rule 133A and as per CAR sec 1 ser A part 1
In addition, the Director General, under rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, is also empowered to issue special
directions, not inconsistent with the Aircraft Act, 1934, or the Aircraft Rules, 1937, relating to the operation, use,
possession, maintenance or navigation of aircraft flying in or over India or of aircraft registered in India through the
publication titled ‘Civil Aviation Requirements’.

Rule 50 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 stipulates that there shall be a certificate of airworthiness for operation of aircraft in
India. The prerequisite to this rule is to have a type certificate issued by DGCA in accordance with Rules 49, and 49A.
With the objective of compliance with these rules, CAR 21 was drawn up based on the regulations of EASA 21
CAR 21 prescribes procedural requirements for issue of type certificates and changes to these certificates, issue of
certificate of airworthiness, issue of noise certificate and issue of export airworthiness certificate
It covers matters related to design, manufacture and all other issues related to airworthiness including continued
airworthiness, repairs
Quality manager of CAMO
License issued by DGCA as per CAR 66 & Authorisation is issued by QM of AMO as per CAR 145
The Operator shall ensure that before a FAMO carries out any maintenance work on aircraft registered in India, the
organization is approved under CAR 145 or accepted by DGCA, India under CAR Section 2 Series E Part XI.
Operators may outsource maintenance of their aircraft up to Transit/ Extended Transit Inspections including defect
rectification, MEL invoking/revoking, components replacement, to a FAMO.
operator shall sign a maintenance contract with the FAMO for the certification of aircraft in accordance with CAR M
The Quality Manager of the operator should develop procedure to carry out periodical planned audits to ensure proper
compliance of the documented procedures by FAMO. This shall be reflected in the CAME.

Bonded store
- only serviceable parts are kept. Humidity - 65% & Temp - 50 to 70 deg F
- components and materials, bearing evidence of having been received from approved sources, are stocked
Quarantine store
- all component with non confirmity reports are kept
- airworthy and serviceable material awaiting evidence of having been received from approved sources, are stocked

CA form 1 or EASA form 1 or FAA form 8130-3 or UK CAA from 1 or any other doc approved by DGCA
It is kept in DPT (DOPE, paint & tester) room.
Sealant, oil paint and thinners are kept in DPT stores
As per MSDS (Manufacture safety data sheet) instruction if reuired then kept in fridge.
DPT room is also bonded store.

Uncervicable items are kept in separate u/s racks with proper u/s stickers affixed on their package with u/s tag readily
Tyres should be stored vertically in racks having support tubes, so that each tyre is supported at two points on the
tread. This support tubes should be close enough so that major portion of the tyres is above the
tubes. The tyres should be turned to a new position every three months.
Rubber parts should, wherever possible, be stored in a 'relaxed' position free from compression or distortion, and in all
cases with the least possible deformation, since deformation greatly aggravates the action of ozone and can also lead
to permanent changes in shape and dimensions
Exposure to air containing ozone even in minute quantities, should be avoided. Storage rooms should not contain any
apparatus that is capable of generating ozone
1. Load & Trim is prepared prepared and signed by the Pilot-in-Command or persons duly trained in accordance with
CAR Section 8 Series 'D' Part I and responsible for supervising the loading of aircraft.
The load and trim sheet shall indicate the composition and the distribution of the total load carried on board the aircraft
as well as the calculated C.G. position for "take-off and landing" configurations before the commencement of the flight.

2. Aircraft weight schedules contains data like MTOW, MLW, CG range which are required for load and trim sheets
preparation ensuring that data is correct and max limits are not crossed.

3. following person can prapare weight schedule

(i) A person specifically approved by DGCA for the purpose in any organization.
(ii) A person specifically approved by Quality Manager in an organization approved under CAR 145 provided procedure
for grant of such approval is documented in Maintenance Organization Exposition.
(iii) A Category "B" licensed AME as reflected in item no XIV (a) Annexure to the CAR-66 licence (privileges inherited
from the AME licence held prior to CAR- 66 licence).

This Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) is a reference document published in English. It is not established as an operational
document to be used directly by the crew in flight
AFM is approved by the EASA on behalf and according to the requirements of the importing Authority, e.g.
the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for US registered aircraft.
Customised AFM
‐ Is extracted from a non customized aircraft model envelope AFM
‐ Is an approved document related to an operator's/owner's fleet
‐ Takes into account the specific configuration of each aircraft of the concerned fleet
- Airbus will provide a manual which reflects the aircraft configuration at delivery, and the necessary revisions to reflect
configuration changes due to Airbus approved modifications

Any Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) reference within the AFM must be considered as advisory information, the
FCOM being a non approved document, it is a support document for flight crew.
The purpose of the FCOM is to:
‐ Provide all necessary operating limitations, procedures, performance and system information the flight crew needs to
safely and efficiently operate A320 family aircraft during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations
‐ Serve directly as Flight Crew Operating Manual, or as a basis for Operators to develop their own customized Airline
Operations Manual, in accordance with applicable requirements

The FCOM complements the Airplane Flight Manual.

If the FCOM data differs from the AFM data, the AFM remains the reference.
1. MEL CAT are
A - check note for validity, B - 3 days, C - 10 days, D - 120 days,
All these days are calendar days and start at 00:01 following the day of MEL invaking day
Where a time period is specified in number of flights or flight hours, it shall start at the beginning of the first flight
following the discovery of the failure.
Pramble of MEL is

3. Preamble is in MI section of MEL. first section of MI 00-00 is preamble

4. How to use part gives instruction on how to read and understand all different section of MEL where preamble of
MEL brief idea about MEL & MMEL, criteria for dispatch and repair interval. The operator shall specify his philosophy
for invoking MEL in the preamble to the MEL

5. Flight Hours - measured from the time an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally stops at
the end of the flight
Calender days & Fligth day
Where a time period is specified in calendar days, it shall start at 00:01 on the calendar day following the day of
Where a time period is specified in number of flights or flight hours, it shall start at the beginning of the first flight
following the discovery of the failure.
For the purpose of Categorization, the ‘Flight Day’ means a 24 hour period (from midnight to midnight) in Universal
Coordinated time (UTC), during which at least one flight is initiated for the
affected aircraft

1. CVSM - Conventional vertical separation minium & RVSM - Reduced vertical separation minimum
RVSM - between FL290 & FL410 inclusive of both
CVSM - below FL290 & above FL410
In CVSM operation
When following a 000-to-179° track (east bound), an aircraft should fly at an odd level or altitude
When following a 180-to-359° track (west boud), an aircraft should fly at an even level or altitude
3. CAR SEC 8 SER S part 2
error in reporting of altitude of Aircraft.
1. PBN - Prformance basec navigation
The Perfomance Based Navigation (PBN) concept specifies system performance requirements in terms of accuracy,
integrity, availability, continuity and functionality needed for the proposed operations
2. RNAV - Radio Navigation
a method of navigation enabling aircraft to fly on any desired flight path within the coverage of referenced NAVAIDS
or within the limits of the capability of self-contained systems, or a combination of these capabilities
3. RNP -
RNP is RNAV operations with the added feature of on-board navigation performance monitoring and alerting
4. RNP is Requried navigation performance for aircraft & ANP is actual nav performance of the aircraft.
The Flight Management System calculates ANP based on:
VOR, GPS/GNS, DME and IRS. For example, if GPS is lost, ANP is significantly reduced.
A lower number for ANP indicates GOOD system accuracy. A higher number indicates REDUCED accuracy.

total 94 Aircrafts
22 - CEO, 29 - P&W, 43 - LEAP
CEO & PW - approved for 90 mins & LEAP for 120 mins

C7 approval is for engine mount of IAE V2500 engine

PW aircraft is not covered in that
IGO can not provide support for this C7 categoy mainenance

1. C of R
2. C of A
3. ARC
4. Aromobile station license
5. Noise certificate
6. Weigth schedule
7. Insurance certificate
8. AOC
- An operator shall not engage in commercial air transport operations unless in possession of a valid Air Operator
Certificate issued by DGCA. Valid for 5 years.
Approved by DGCA
10. EELC
11. Secrurity Anti sabotage schedule

1. QM function as per CAR 145

- Training
- Licensisng & Authorisation
- surviliance & Audit
- Authority rporting & interference
2. QM function as per CAR M
- compiance of SB & AD and reporting of same
- monitorig of ARC
- authorisation of ARC staff
Schedule XI of 1937 & CAR sec 3 ser C part 2
- Grant of Air Operator Certificate to Operate Schedule Air Transport Services are as per schedule XI of rule 1937
- Operator obtain a no objection certificate for his proposed air transport services from the Central Government by
making an application to it in such form and manner as may be specified by the Director-General
- NOC will be issued by taking into account the factors such as the financial soundness of the applicant, his
operational plan, the clearance from security angle of the applicant organisation including its Directors
A Scheduled Operator's Permit can be granted only to:
a) a citizen of India; or
b) a company or a body corporate provided that:
i) it is registered and has its principal place of business within India;
ii) its chairman and at least two-thirds of its directors are citizens of India;
iii) its substantial ownership and effective control is vested in Indian nationals.
After receipt of initial NOC, the applicant shall take necessary steps in accordance with CAP 3100 – Air Operator
Certification Manual. All documents and approval required for AOC are mentioned in CAR sec 3 SER C part 2

Procedure for CAR 145 approval is mentioned in AAC 06 of 2018

Documents required are
1. Application for CA form 2
2. MOE and associated procedure manual
3. CA form 4 along with resume for post holders
4. Applicable fees along with the certificate by the proposed Accountable Manager
5. Para wise compliance report of CAR 145 along with evidences
6. Evidence of registered name of organisation as mentioned in CA form 2
7. SMS Manual along with associated documents, if applicable
8. Schedule of Events describing the list of activities, and/or facility acquisitions, which must be ccomplished or made
ready, including the dates on which they will be ready for the DGCA to inspect

Application on CA form 2
a) Organization’s registration certificate
b) Soft and hard copy of CAME and associated procedure manuals
c) CA Form 4 in respect of responsible managers.
d) Yearly Audit plan (only for renewal)
e) Completed audit checklist, material evidences collect (only for renewal)
f) Aircraft Rules and CAR-M compliance verification report
g)Applicable fees
h) Schedule of Events describing the list of activities, and/or facility acquisitions, which must be ccomplished or made
ready, including the dates on which they will be ready for the DGCA to inspect
Application on CA form 12
a) Organization’s registration certificate
b) Soft and hard copy of MTOE and associated procedure manuals
c) Form 4 in respect of responsible managers.
d) Yearly Audit plan
e) Completed audit checklist, material evidences collected during the internal audit, findings and action taken report.
f) Aircraft Rules and CAR-147 compliance verification report
g) Applicable fees.

A Scheduled Operator's Permit can be granted only to:

a) a citizen of India; or
b) a company or a body corporate provided that:
i) it is registered and has its principal place of business within India;
ii) its chairman and at least two-thirds of its directors are citizens of India;
iii) its substantial ownership and effective control is vested in Indian nationals.
After receipt of initial NOC, the applicant shall take necessary steps in accordance with CAP 3100 – Air Operator
Certification Manual. All documents and approval required for AOC are mentioned in CAR sec 3 SER C part 2

If the type of aircraft is being introduced/ imported into the country for the first time (new or used), the owner/
operator shall supply one set each of the following updated technical literature to DGCA
(i) Type Certificate & Type Certificate Data Sheets
(ii) Standard Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the country of Export
(iii) Export Certificate of Airworthiness. However, where the country of export does not issue export C of A, the same
may be waived by DGCA after confirming this fact from country of export.
(iv) Maintenance Planning Document/Manufacturers recommended inspection document
(v) MMEL
(vi) Airplane Flight Manual / Pilots‘ Operating Handbook
(vii) Crew Operations Manuals (where applicable).

Application form CA-28 along with following docs

i. Customs clearance certificate / bill of entry of the aircraft.
ii. Certificate of deregistration from the previous registering authority.
iii. An evidence to the effect that the aircraft has been purchased or wholly owned by the applicant.
iv. For aircraft purchased from a previous owner, an affidavit as required
v. In case the aircraft is taken on dry lease, a copy of the lease agreement
iv. In case the aircraft is owned by a company or corporation, a document of registration of the company and the
names, addresses and nationalities of the Directors.
v. A copy of the import license issued by Director General Foreign Trade or permission for import issued by the
Ministry of Civil Aviation/DGCA.
vi. In cases where the aircraft has been mortgaged/ hypothecated, the owner/operator shall submit his consent for
the same and the papers to this effect. Such a mortgage/hypothecation shall be endorsed on the Certificate of
vii. Fee for registration as prescribed in Rule 35 paid by web based online transaction system of DGCA (Bharatkosh).
CAR SEC 3 SER C part 2

AAC 06 of 2018

AAC 02 of 2019
CAR 147

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