An Experimental Work On The Impact of New Combinations of Solar Chimney

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Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

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An experimental work on the impact of new combinations of solar chimney, T

photovoltaic and geothermal air tube on building cooling and ventilation

Rania Elghamrya,b, Hamdy Hassana,c,
Energy Resources Eng. Depart., Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), Alexandria, Egypt
Architecture Eng. Depart., Faculty of Eng., Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Mechanical Engineering Depart., Faculty of Eng., Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt


Keywords: Renewable energy applications play a major role in covering the energy demand for building cooling and
Building ventilation. In this paper, an experimental investigation is performed on cooling and ventilation of a building
Ventilation room locating in New Borge Alarb city, Alexandria, Egypt by new combination of solar chimney and geothermal
Solar chimney air tube heat exchanger system. PV panel is installed by new technique at the chimney back to produce power
Geothermal air tube
and its performance is compared to an identical PV outside the room. The study is performed for the chimney
and PVs facing south of an angle with the horizontal 30° and 45° and for natural and forced airflow inside the
geothermal tube. The geothermal tube and chimney ventilation systems are compared with the natural venti-
lation system of the solar chimney and window. The results indicate that the proposed systems prove their ability
to cool the room temperature up to 3.5 °C and change daily its air 42 times. Minimum ventilated air occurs at
natural geothermal tube-chimney system of angle 30°. The ratio of the total daily ventilated air by natural
geothermal tube-chimney to that by chimney-window is about 56.3% and 65% at 30° and 45°, respectively and
for heat released is 55.6% and 64%, respectively. Maximum daily heat released from the room is achieved at
chimney inclination angle 45° for natural geothermal tube-chimney-PV system. Maximum PV output power
inside the chimney represents 70% of the maximum PV output power outside the chimney which is 120 W/m2 at
chimney inclination angle 30°.

1. Introduction design elements is vital to accomplishing the required energy efficiency

inside the buildings.
It is known that buildings consume approximately 40% of the global Natural ventilation is considered as one of the main principles in
energy consumption for different energy consumption sectors. The passive and active building design that provides building cooling and
high-energy consumption in buildings is due to the use of separate glass saves used energy. Natural ventilation system relies on the pressure
facades in addition to the rise dependence on mechanical methods. It is difference to move the fresh air toward the buildings. The pressure
stated that heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems difference can be attained by wind or buoyancy effect created by the
are estimated to consume approximately more than 60% of the global temperature differences or the difference in humidity values (Hirunlabh
energy consumption in the buildings sector (Evola and Popov, 2006; et al., 1999). The use of solar energy techniques like PV, solar chimney,
Elghamry and Hassan, 2019). One of the main concepts to diminish etc. can create a large temperature difference that can improve the
energy consumption in the buildings is utilizing passive techniques like stack effect for space natural ventilation. Various theoretical, experi-
optimizing the solar gain by adjusting the building direction and active mental and numerical studies were conducted on the integration be-
systems as mechanical ventilation to create comfortable internal con- tween the active and passive saving energy systems in buildings that
ditions (Peng et al., 2011; Velik, 2014; Elghamry et al., 2020). Passive can enhance the ventilation of the building which in turn works on the
designs depend for example on the exploitation of solar energy in heating or cooling indoor spaces. Solar chimney, photovoltaic, Trombe
building design to achieve the concept of the energy consumption re- wall, and geothermal air tubes represent ones of the more effective
duction by using techniques like solar chimney, Trombe wall, and wind techniques that work to improve the building performance. Recent
tower, etc. (Gou et al., 2018). The integration of passive and active studies have examined these techniques separately or attempted to

Corresponding author at: Energy Resources Eng. Depart., Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), Alexandria, Egypt.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Hassan).
Received 16 March 2019; Received in revised form 24 January 2020; Accepted 17 May 2020
0038-092X/ © 2020 International Solar Energy Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

integrate them into various patterns to reduce buildings' energy con- accumulated in the soil that could improve the natural ventilation. The
sumption and improve their interior conditions. The solar chimney is an geothermal air heat exchanger is one of the passive technologies used
easy and inexpensive passive solar cooling and heating technique. for heating and cooling purposes because it has both economic and
When the solar radiation falls inside the chimney, the column of air environmental benefits. The geothermal air tube is a long heat ex-
inside the chimney is heated and this heated air is pulled up through the changer tube embedded underground through which air is drawn. As
opened vent at the top of the chimney pulling new air from the outside air flows through the tube, it receives some of its heat from/to the
and creating a sort of draft (chimney effect) (Bansal et al., 1993). The surrounding soil and enters the building as conditioned air for the
solar chimney is used to regulate the temperature of the building as well heating and cooling purpose. Serageldin et al. (2016) presented a nu-
as providing ventilation. A large number of works were presented on merical study for the thermal performance of an earth-air heat ex-
integrating the solar chimney for ventilation purpose theoretically changer by using ANSYS Fluent software to predict the air and soil
(DeBlois et al., 2013; Ghanbari and Rezazadeh, 2018; Shi et al., 2018) temperature. Their results found that the air temperature declines when
and experimentally (Rattanongphisat et al., 2017; Xinyu et al., 2017). geothermal pipe diameter and length increase. For example, the outlet
Moreover, the solar chimney can regulate the temperature in other air temperature reduces from 20.4 °C to 18.7 °C when the pipe diameter
applications and devices like solar cells (Sh-Eldin et al., 2013; Zou et al., rises from 4.25 to 6.75 cm. Furthermore, the increase of the air velocity
2017b), cooling towers (Zou et al., 2017a), desalination and power reduces the heat transfer rate from the soil to the flowing air resulting
generation (Asayesh et al., 2017), air conditioning systems (Nasri et al., in a decrease of the residence time required for the thermal energy
2018) etc. A review of the previous work of using solar chimney in exchange. Yu et al. (2014) presented a study on coupling the geo-
building heating and cooling was presented by Monghasemi and Vadiee thermal system with an earth tube and solar chimney. Their results il-
(2018). Ahmed et al. (2016) presented an analytical study to draw the lustrated that an earth-to-air tube is coupled with solar collector en-
optimum design solutions for the parameters of the solar chimney to hanced solar chimney to achieve free space cooling. Rad et al. (2013)
perform the optimum rate of the natural ventilation by developing a studied theoretically the overall system performance of hybrid ground
mathematical model for the overall energy balance on the solar heat source with solar thermal collectors system in heating purpose for
chimney. The study concluded that a rate of the air changing cold climates spaces in Canada. Their results demonstrated that the
0.019–0.033 m3/s achieves 88.2% of the standard ventilation rate solar energy storage in the ground could decrease a large amount of
during the daytime at solar chimney inclination angle 45°, length 1.4 m, ground heat exchanger length. The cost of the proposed hybrid system
width 0.6 m and air gap 0.2 m. Bassiouny and Koura (2008) presented a decreased in a range of 3.7% to 7.6% compared to the conventional
numerical analysis on the design parameters of the solar chimney; inlet system. Li et al. (2014) presented work on coupling solar chimney and
size and width and their impact on the room ventilation. It is found an earth-to-air heat exchanger for room ventilation. They illustrated
from their analysis that the chimney width has a more effective impact that the coupled system produced an acceptable quantity of cooling
on the room air change compared to the chimney inlet size. Sakonidou capacity during the airflow for the thermal comfort of the building.
et al. (2008) developed a mathematical model to outline the tilt angle of Bencheikh and Daoudji (2018) theoretically studied utilizing numerical
the solar chimney that maximizes the natural airflow inside the simulation of coupling the solar chimney and geothermal air heat ex-
chimney. The numerical findings showed that changing the chimney change to optimize the system parameters. Simulation results illu-
lengths from 1 to 12 m and tilt angle from 30 to 90° shows the validity strated that when the buried tubes have 0.7 m diameter and 45 m
of the model results compared with the CFD calculation results. length, they achieve the high cooling efficiency.
Some works studied the performance of the solar chimney when it is Based on the authors’ survey, it is found that few works have been
integrated with solar cell to produce an extra power used in buildings, experimentally presented on combination only two techniques of the
however, few works used this combination in building ventilation. solar chimney, geothermal pipes and photovoltaic in building ventila-
Ahmed and Hussein (2017) designed two experimental models of hy- tion. To the authors' best knowledge, no previous work was presented
brid solar chimney and solar cell panel. The first one has a collector on the combination of the renewable energy system of the solar
glass roof cover and solar cell panel as an absorber with a chimney of chimney, photovoltaic and geothermal air tube (SC-PV-GAT) for
2 m height. While the second is similar but with solar cell panel as a building ventilation. Therefore, in this work, an experimental study is
collector roof cover and plywood as an absorber in the base of the presented on new combination consisting of SC-PV-GAT using for room
chimney. They discovered that the first design has a higher thermal ventilation and producing power as shown in Fig. 1. The studied room
gain than the second, however, the daily output electrical power from locates at New Borge Alarab city, Alexandria, Egypt of hot semi-arid
the second is higher than that of the first. On the other hand, Liu et al. climate conditions. In this combination, the chimney is installed at the
(2018) presented a theoretical study on coupling the solar chimney room top surface facing south and the PV is integrated at the chimney
with photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) power plant. Their results illustrated base as illustrated in Fig. 1a and b of the system layout. The geothermal
that PV power decreases by 28.71% without cooling but the total air tube heat exchanger is used to cool the outside air before entering
output power of the system increases by 4.72% by adding the power the room which is extracted inside the room by the solar chimney effect
generated due to heating the air by the PV modules. Ndiho et al. (2014) that is installed at the room top surface. The advantage of this PV in-
performed theoretically an investigation of the natural convection in tegration is that it doesn’t need extra space to install the PV at the
channel PV/T connected to thermal solar collector by studying two building. Furthermore, the PV converts some of the incident solar ra-
models; Photovoltaic-thermal Building-solar chimney (PV-TBSC) and diation at the back surface of the solar chimney into power and the
PV-thermal reverse building-solar chimney (PV-TRBSC). The theore- remitted radiation (longwave) from the PV is reflected from chimney
tical results revealed that the PV-TBSC model has good electrical effi- glass and maintained within the chimney to increase its chimney effect.
ciency while PV-TRBSC has good thermal efficiency. Chantawonga and The used geothermal air tube consists of a long tube embedded inside
Khedari (2018) presented an experimental comparative study between the earth where the tube inlet is exposed to the ambient and its output
the single glass window (SG) wall and the PV blinds glazed solar is connected to the bottom of the room as shown in Figs. 1b and 2a. The
chimney wall (PV-GSCHW) on the ventilation performance. They stated performance of the combination is studied in case the room is com-
that the indoor temperature of the PV-GSCHW room is much less than pletely closed except for the geothermal air tube and solar chimney at
the SG room. two inclination angles of the chimney with the horizontal 30° and 45°.
Another way to enhance the natural ventilation cooling system and Additionally, the system is studied for natural convection ambient
reduce energy consumption within the building is carried out by in- airflow inside the geothermal tube by the chimney effect and forced
tegrating the solar chimney with geothermal air systems. This in- ambient airflow inside the tube by using a blower. Moreover, the
tegration reduces the energy consumption by utilizing the cold or heat system performance is compared to the natural convection ventilation

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

(a) Image of the model

(a) Solar chimney with PV

(b) Geothermal air tube.

Fig. 2. Renewable energy system components.

2. Experimental work
(b) Model layout
Fig. 1. Experimental set up. 2.1. Methodology

An experimental work was presented to study the performance of

by using window-solar chimney and PV system which were not con-
using renewable energy techniques on building cooling and ventilation
sidered by any authors in the literature earlier. Moreover, the perfor-
and power generation in New Borge Alarb city, Alexandria, Egypt, with
mance of the PV inside the chimney is compared to an identical PV
longitude and latitude of 31.2°N and 29.9°E, respectively. The stated
locating outside the chimney and having the same direction and in-
objective of the study is performed by using the present renewable
clination of the PV inside the chimney as stated in Fig. 1b. The im-
energy system which consists of geothermal air tube heat exchanger
portance of this study is that it is carried out for hot semi-arid climate
with solar chimney including PV as illustrated in Fig. 1. The geothermal
conditions (Egypt, Alexandria) which represent many cities in the
air tube is used to cool the inlet air before entering the room to achieve
Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, this paper presents a good contribution
the cooling objective and at the same time, it provides the room with
and sight on the building ventilation using renewable energy sources
the fresh air required for room ventilation. While the solar chimney is
which decrease the fossil energy consumption within the building and
used to extract the air inside the room through the geothermal air tube
at the same time solve the ventilation problem of the inside spaces
for cooling and ventilation purposes. Moreover, the PV installed inside
which couldn’t be ventilated by using windows. Moreover, it presents a
the solar chimney is used to produce the power to cover part of the
PV power at the same space used for building ventilation which was not
required building energy. This system can do cooling, ventilation and
presented by other authors in the literature before. The remainder of
produce power by using clean and free renewable energy sources.
this paper is structured as follows: Sections 2 describes the used ex-
perimental setup, measured values and an analysis of the uncertainty
2.2. Experimental setup construction
and error of the reading. Section 3 presents the results of the presented
experimental work and their discussion. Whereas, section 4 summarizes
This experimental setup consists mainly of wooden room of square
the main output results and provides potential future research direc-
cross-sectional area of 2 × 2 m with height of 2 m and wall thickness of
3 cm based on an installed room previously (Abdeen et al., 2019). The
wooden room is insulated as shown in Fig. 1a by Styrofoam material of
low thermal conductivity of 0.03 W/m.K (Theodore et al., 2011;
Incropera et al., 2011) and thickness 10 cm. The room has an opening

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

(window) facing north with dimensions of 0.8 m height and 0.8 m P = IV (1)
width and is fabricated from clear single glass type and located at the where P in Watt, I in ohm and V in volts. The daily air exchange ACH of
center of the north wall of the room as illustrated in Fig. 1a. The room the room in m3 is computed from:
was installed behind a tall building located in the north of the room to
decrease the impact of the wind coming from the north. ACH = ∑ AVt
A solar chimney oriented to the south is installed at the roof of the day (2)
room of 1.6 m long, 0.7 m wide and air gap thicknesses 0.3 m inclined where A is the cross-sectional area of the chimney in m2, V is the
with horizontal with an angle of 30° or 45° depending on the studied average inlet velocity of the air to the chimney in m/s, and t is the time
case. The 30° is chosen based on the latitude angle of the measuring in seconds. The volume airflow rate is deduced by taking the average
place to receive the maximum solar radiation on the solar chimney as velocity of four measured velocities at four different measuring posi-
shown in Fig. 2a. However, 45° is chosen based on the recommended tions of the air at the inlet to the solar chimney multiplying by the cross
optimum angle of the solar chimney obtained by previous studies sectional area of the chimney.
(Abdeen et al., 2019) for the same measuring place. The front side of The daily heat released from the room Q in W by the renewable
the chimney is constructed from 4 mm thick glass and its base is the PV energy system considering the effects of the geothermal tube and solar
of type FSM-155 W of thickness 3.5 cm and operating temperature chimney is calculated from:
between −40 °C and 85 °C as illustrated in Fig. 1b. The sides and back
of the chimney are fabricated from wood and are insulated by Styr- Q= ∑ AVtρCp (To − Ti )
ofoam material to minimize the heat loss from the chimney. The per- day (3)
formance of the PV inside the chimney is compared with another
where ρ is the air density in kg/m , Cp is the specific heat of air in J/
identical PV having the same inclination angle of the solar chimney
kg.K, Ti is the air temperature inside the room in K, and To is the am-
facing the south direction as illustrated in Fig. 1a and b.
bient temperature in K.
The geothermal air system consists of serpentine horizontal heat
exchanger PVC tube with an inner diameter of 0.0508 m (2 in) and total
length 5 m buried at a depth of 2 m inside the earth with the dimensions 2.5. Uncertainty and error analysis
shown in Fig. 2b. The part of the geothermal tube located outside the
earth is insulated from the surrounding by glass wool insulating ma- The experimental error, accuracy, and uncertainty of the measured
terial of thermal conductivity 0.04 W/m.K (Theodore et al., 2011). The values are considered in this experimental work. The experimental er-
room dimensions and solar chimney size and the materials of the geo- rors may be due to human errors, setup instrumentations, measuring
thermal air tube and its size are chosen based on previous studies by instruments error, etc. During the experimental work preparations and
Ahmed et al. (2016), Serageldin et al. (2016), Serageldin et al. (2018), the measurements, all the necessary precautions are considered to di-
and Abdeen et al. (2019). minish these errors. Also, the thermocouples are calibrated against a
standard calibrated thermocouple type k and the error was in the
normal range where the deviation between the thermocouples’ readings
2.3. Measured parameters and that of the standard one is from 0.1 to 0.5 °C. The uncertainty δ of
any value such as PV power (P) calculated from the experimental re-
In this experimental work, different parameters are measured; sults is computed based on the equation (Taylor, 1997):
temperatures, air velocity, solar intensity, thermal image, relative hu-
2 2
midity, current, and volt. The temperatures on the surface of the room, δ= ⎛ ∂P ⎞ δV2 + ⎛ ∂P ⎞ δI2
inside the room, ambient, and inside the solar chimney and geothermal ⎝ ∂V ⎠ ⎝ ∂I ⎠ (4)
systems at different positions are measured. The air temperature inside
where δV and δI are the uncertainty of the measured values V and I,
the room is taken as the average of the measured temperature of two
respectively. Based on the uncertainty equation, the maximum error of
points inside the center of the room, one is at a higher level of 0.5 m and
the calculated PV power is ± 0.11%. The uncertainties of the measured
the second is at higher level of 1.5 m from the room base as shown in
parameters of the different measuring instruments in the experiments
Fig. 1b. The measured temperatures are carried out by using thermo-
are shown in Table 1.
couples of type K. The airflow temperature at the inlet and outlet of the
solar chimney and at three points on the PV surface; upper, center and
lower are measured. Moreover, the temperatures of twenty points along 3. Results and discussions
the geothermal air systems are measured from the entrance at ambient
to the exit at inlet to the room. The output signals from the thermo- The buildings ventilation and air conditioning are essential to
couples are transferred to a data acquisition system of type NEC DATA human comfort inside the building and indoor air quality
LOGGER and the output results from the acquisition system are regis- (Rattanongphisat et al., 2017). In some applications, it is difficult to
tered inside a computer as illustrated in Fig. 1b. All thermocouples are have natural ventilation by using external windows. Then, the active
calibrated at a constant temperature bath using standard thermometer. ventilation will be a solution by using other tools like solar chimney,
The solar intensity is measured by using pyranometer of type Sigma geothermal air tubes, etc. In this study, an active cooling and ventila-
360. The air velocities at solar chimney inlet and outlet, inside the room tion system using solar chimney and geothermal air tube heat ex-
at two positions, geothermal tube outlet and inlet and wind velocity changer is carried out of a building room. The study is carried out for
outside are measured by using hot-wire anemometer. The relative hu-
midity outside and inside the room is also measured by using hygro- Table 1
meter of type MEDO920. The voltage and current output from the PV Uncertainty of the measuring instruments.
are measured by digital Avometer, respectively. Measuring instrument Uncertainty value

measuring temperature instrument ± 0.1 C

2.4. Results equations data acquisition system ± 0.01 °C/°C
Anemometer 0.005 m/s
Relative humidity meter ± 1.5%
The output power of the PV is computed by measuring the PV
Avometer ± 0.025%
output current I and volt V and is computed from (Soliman and Hassan, Pyranometer ± 0. 93%

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

Table 2
Studied cases.
Case Measuring date Chimney inclinationangle Window Geothermal air tube

(1) PV solar chimney with natural geothermal 45° 08/09/2018 45° close open
(2) PV solar chimney with natural geothermal 30° 09/09/2018 30° close open
(3) PV solar chimney with forced geothermal 30° 10/09/2018 30° close open
(4) PV solar chimney with natural ventilation 45° 11/09/2018 45° open close
(5) PV solar chimney with natural ventilation 30° 12/09/2018 30° open close

Fig. 3. Evolution of the temperature with time.

Table 3
Comparison of the present work and the literature.
Case Reference Solar intensity Room Temperature decrease

Natural geothermal tube + solar chimney at 45° Present work 630 2.4
Forced geothermal tube + solar chimney Present work 630 3.4
Window + solar chimney (Abdeen et al., 2019) 850 1.7
Window + solar chimney (Abdeen et al., 2019) 500 0.9

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

Fig. 4. Evolution of room relative humidity with time.

Fig. 5. Variation of the inlet air velocity to the solar chimney with time.

two inclination angles of the chimney with the horizontal; 30° and 45°. ambient air to flow inside the geothermal air tube where it cools down
Moreover, a PV is installed inside the solar chimney to supply the because of the lower temperature underground where it enters the
building with the required power or the power required to flow the air room for the required cooling and ventilation purpose. In this case, the
inside the geothermal tube as will be shown later. The analysis of this airflow velocity through the geothermal tube increases with increasing
system is performed for natural and forced outside airflow inside the the driving force of the chimney which must overcome the friction
geothermal air tube. In case of forced airflow inside the geothermal air resistance inside the geothermal tube. In case of PV solar chimney with
tube, the flow rate of the air inside the tube is 0.0126 m3/s. Moreover, forced geothermal (case 3), the suction of air inside the air tube is
the studied ventilation system is compared with natural ventilation by carried out by an external low-speed blower with the suction force due
using the room window with the solar chimney without considering the to the heated air inside the chimney. However, in case of opened
geothermal air tube heat exchanger. Therefore, in this work, the per- window (cases 4 and 5), the flowing air inside the chimney due to the
formance of five ventilation cases is studied and compared as stated in chimney effect extracts the air from the room window which requires a
Table 2. The measurements are performed during the daytime from smaller driving force than other cases.
8:00 AM to 6:30 PM and during five successively days from 08/09/
2018 to reduce the impact of the environmental and solar intensity 3.1. Impact on interior conditions
conditions changes as possible. In case of PV solar chimney with natural
geothermal (cases1 and 2), the incident solar radiation on the solar Fig. 3a illustrates the ambient temperature during the different
chimney heats the air inside the chimney resulting in a decrease of its measuring days while Fig. 3b illustrates the impact of the different
density. Then, it flows up exiting from the chimney extracting the studied cases of the studied system on the variation of the temperature

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

Fig. 6. Hourly ventilated air for the different studied cases.


Daily ventilated air, m3





PV solar PV solar PV solar PV solar PV solar
chimney with chimney with chimney with chimney with chimney with
forced natural natural natural natural
geothermal 30° geothermal 30° ventilation 30° geothermal 45° ventilation 45°
Fig. 7. Daily ventilated air for the different studied cases.

difference between the inside (room temperature) and outside the room period, the cooling effect of the forced geothermal cooling is the highest
(ambient temperature). Fig. 3a reveals that the maximum ambient compared to other cases and with advancing the time its cooling effect
temperature occurs at 12:30 PM and there isn’t a great difference in the reduces compared to other cases. This is due to that at the starting, the
ambient temperature during the different days. Fig. 3b illustrates that higher air velocity rises the heat transfer between the air and the soil
the studied ventilation systems attain a cooling impact on the room inside the geothermal air tube resulting in a significant reduction of the
temperature during the daytime. Moreover, it indicates that the cooling air temperature and an increase of the cooling performance of the
performance of the proposed system of all cases increases with time geothermal air tube. With advancing the time, the soil is heated faster
from the morning until about 11:00 AM and then it decreases with time and so the cooling impact of the forced air decreases compared to other
until about 3:30 PM, especially for the geothermal effect. This is due to cases. Additionally, the results of the room temperature state that the
that at starting of the measurements, the soil temperature is cold and cooling performance of the geothermal natural cooling for the chimney
with advancing the time, the ambient temperature increases and the with inclination angle 45° is generally greater than this performance for
soil is still cold which increases the cooling effect of the cold earth geothermal natural cooling of the solar chimney at an inclination angle
temperature. Then, after a certain time, the soil temperature increases 30°. The cause of this is that the driving force is generated due to
due to the heat from the hotter flowing air that decreases the cooling buoyancy in the chimney which increases with the inclination angle
performance of the geothermal system. It is noted that during the first that is responsible for overcoming the frictional force of the airflow

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

Fig.8. Hourly heat released from the room.

Fig. 9. Daily heat released from the room.

inside the geothermal tubing. Fig. 3b also indicates that the maximum sometimes about 80% in some summer days.
cooling temperature of the proposed system attains 3.4 °C for forced
geothermal and about 2.4 °C for natural geothermal. Table 3 shows a
comparison of the performance of the present studied system on the 3.2. Impact on ventilated air
room cooling with the studied system by Abdeen et al. (2019) that is
composed of solar chimney with opened window. It illustrates well that Air exchange is an important parameter on the human comfort and
the present system achieves higher room cooling compared to the health and indoor air quality of any building. The impact of the dif-
previous studied system because of the cooling achieved by the geo- ferent studied cases of the ventilation system on the average inlet air
thermal tube heat exchanger. velocity to the chimney with time is illustrated in Fig. 5. This figure
The evolution of the relative humidity with time inside the room for demonstrates that the average inlet air velocity to the chimney in-
all studied cases is illustrated in Fig. 4. This figure indicates that the creases with time from the morning until about 12:30 PM and then it
relative humidity decreases from the morning until about 12:30 PM and decreases because the solar chimney effect increases with increasing the
then it increases with time because the relative humidity augments with incident solar radiation as will be shown later. Additionally, it illus-
decreasing the room temperature. By comparing the results of Figs. 3 trates that the inlet air velocity to the solar chimney is greater in case of
and 4, it also noted that the system with lower room temperature has natural ventilation than geothermal ventilation. Moreover, the inlet air
higher relative humidity. Moreover, the maximum effect of the dif- velocity in case of the chimney of an inclination angle of 45° is greater
ferent cases on the relative humidity inside the room is about 8% and than the case of 30° because of the buoyancy force as indicated pre-
most of the day hours for all studied cases, the maximum relative hu- viously. Moreover, the hourly ventilated air with time for the different
midity is less than 65% which is suitable for comfort conditions espe- studied cases is demonstrated in Fig. 6 and the total daily ventilated air
cially for Alexandria coastal city whose relative humidity reaches for the different studied cases is shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 6 demonstrates
that the hourly ventilated hour is greater in case of forced geothermal

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

Fig. 10. Variation of the solar intensity with time.

airflow and the maximum ventilated air from the room is about 80 m3/ 30° and 45°, respectively.
hr. Fig. 7 illustrates that the maximum total daily ventilated air is
achieved in case of forced geothermal ventilation and the minimum 3.4. Impact on PV power
daily ventilated air occurs in case of natural geothermal ventilation at
30° because of the lower inclination angle and the resistance of the air The power output from the PV generally depends on the amount of
to flow inside the geothermal tube compared to the airflow through the the incident solar radiation on the PV surface and the PV inclination
room window. Fig. 7 reveals that the ratio of the total daily ventilated angle. Moreover, for the PV inside the chimney, its power depends on
air by using natural convection of the geothermal air tube to the natural the air velocity and temperature over the PV surface where increasing
convection by using opened window is about 56.3% and 65% at the air velocity and decreasing air temperature raise the PV output
chimney inclination angle 30° and 45°, respectively. With the results of power. Fig. 10 illustrates the evolution of the incident solar radiation
Fig. 7, it can be estimated that the number of the daily air exchange of with time during the different measuring days. The legend of Fig. 10
the room is approximately 42 and 27 for the natural ventilation with indicates that the measured solar intensity is on the day of the indicated
opened window and geothermal ventilation at chimney inclination case in the legend. Fig. 10 states that the solar intensity increases from
angle 45°. By comparing the results of the present system for the air the morning until it reaches its maximum value at about 12:30 PM, then
ventilation rate (Fig. 6) and the standard for the minimum required it decreases with time until the end of the reading time. It also indicated
ventilation rate that varies from 0.3 × 10−3 m3/s. m2 floor area to a that the solar intensity of the measurements’ days is approximately the
maximum value of 1.5 m3/s. m2 floor area for gymnasium activities same where the maximum incident solar intensity is about 729.4 W/m2
(Kohloss, 2004; and Hansen, 2017), it is found that the resulted ven- and the maximum variations between the solar intensity through all the
tilation rate of the current system (varies from 0.7 × 10−3 m3/s. m2 measuring days is about 15 W/m2. The evolution of the PV output
floor area to 4.2 × 10−3 m3/s. m2 floor area) achieves the required power with time for the different studied system cases for the PV inside
comfort conditions. and PV outside the chimney is shown in Fig. 11a and b, respectively.
Fig. 11 illustrates that the PV output power follows the solar intensity
3.3. Impact on released heat evolution trend where its power increases with time from the morning
until it reaches its maximum value at approximately 12:30 PM and then
The amount of the hourly released heat from the room for the dif- it declines with time. It also states that the PV power outside the solar
ferent studied cases of the ventilation systems is shown in Fig. 8 and the chimney is greater than the PV power inside the chimney because of the
total daily released heat from the room is illustrated in Fig. 9. Fig. 8 impact of the solar chimney glass which reflects some of the incident
illustrates that the hourly heat released increases with time until about solar radiation. Another effect is the chimney effect where the reduction
noontime and then it decreases especially for the geothermal air ven- of the solar intensity falling inside the chimney and the hot air inside
tilation. This is due to that the cooling effect of the ventilation system the chimney decrease the PV power. Fig. 11a shows that, for the PV
and the ventilated air increase at the beginning of the measurements as outside the chimney, the PV output power doesn’t differentiate much
stated previously. It also states that the maximum heat input to the for the different studied cases because the solar intensity doesn’t change
room is achieved approximately at noontime because of the highest greatly as stated and the maximum PV output power is about 120 W.
solar intensity at this time as will be seen later. Fig. 9 demonstrates that This figure also indicates that the PV output power at an inclination
the maximum daily released heat is obtained in case of PV-solar angle 30° is greater than 45° because 30° is approximately the same
chimney with forced geothermal airflow and the minimum occurs in latitude angle of the measured place despite the amount of ventilated
case of natural geothermal with solar chimney at inclination angle 30°. airflow is greater in case of 45° as stated previously. This indicates that
This is attributed to the highest ventilated air and cooling of the forced the impact of the incident solar radiation on the PV power is dominant
geothermal ventilation system. The results reveal that the ratio of the compared to the amount of the ventilated air. In the case of PV inside
total amount of the released heat from the room by using natural the chimney, as shown in Fig. 11b, the maximum PV output power is
convection of geothermal air tube to that of the natural convection with approximately 83.4 W which represents about 70% of the maximum PV
opened window is about 55.6% and 64% at chimney inclination angle output power outside the chimney. Additionally, it noted from Fig. 11b

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

Fig. 11. Evolution of PV power with time for (a) PV outside chimney, and (b) PV inside the chimney.

that the maximum PV output power in case of PV inside the chimney is ventilation by using solar chimney. For example, Serageldin et al.
attained in case of PV with forced convection airflow inside the geo- (2016) cooled the room temperature by about 1.7 °C from 20.4 °C to
thermal tube at an inclination angle 30° of the solar chimney. The cause 18.7 °C to using an earth-air heat exchanger compared to 3.4 °C in the
of this is that the solar chimney has about the same latitude angle of the present study. Ahmed et al. (2016) used the solar chimney to ventilate a
measuring place and it has the maximum air velocity over the PV room with the window opened without performing room cooling and
surface as stated previously. This also explains the cause of the smaller they succeed to change the room air at a maximum rate from 0.019 m3/
PV output power in case of PV at solar chimney inclination angle of 45° s compared to 0.015 m3/s for the present work plus the present system
and natural geothermal. Fig. 11b indicates that the maximum variation performs cooling and produces power. Li et al. (2014) used a large size
of the PV output power between the different studied cases of the solar chimney of 12.2 m tall beside the building coupled with solar
ventilation systems is about 8.5 W. Based on the fan characteristics, it is collector and an earth-to-air heat exchanger for room cooling. Their
found that the fan power required for forced airflow inside the geo- system maintains the relative humidity inside the room in the range
thermal tube is smaller than the output PV power and then it can be from 50% to 70% compared to 45% to 65% for the present system.
extracted from the PV power. However, their system achieves about 9 °C temperature cooling because
of its large size compared to the present simple and small model. From
this comparison, it can be stated that the present system proves its
3.5. System validity
capability in building cooling and ventilation compared to presented
previous systems plus the present system produces extra power by the
The current studied system (solar chimney. geothermal air tube heat
exchanger and PV) presents an efficient technique in building cooling
The advantages of the present proposed system are that it performs
and ventilation compared the previous studies. Most of the previous
the cooling and ventilation of the building rooms at the same time
studies presented building cooling by using geothermal tubes or

R. Elghamry and H. Hassan Solar Energy 205 (2020) 142–153

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