FCL 1 Reviewer 1Q TEST 2023 24

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I. FOUNDATIONS OF FCL: the source of our Identity as Perpetualites
1.1 FCL Paradigm, Pillars, and the Dimensions of Perpetualite formation.
Intro: We Perpetualites are different from other Students through our unique identity honed by living out the
Foundations of FCL. The Foundations of FCL serves as the source of our identity and of our pride.

1. The FCL Paradigm (see PPT) is a pattern of shapes that imply the FCL Pillars and the Integral Perpetualite Formation.

Components: The Cross, The Triangle and the Circle

A. The Cross: the four sides pertains to the FCL Pillars:

1. Christian in Living: We live as Christians: Persons who live out the life of Christ (4 aspects)
 Christ-centered; it’s rooted in the life of Christ; He is the reason and source of our lives.
 Incarnational: FCL is an encounter with Christ, who brings about our redemption, empowerment,
salvation and mission.
 Relational: it is also an encounter with others, which bring about opportunities for self-fulfillment and
service to others.
 Communitarian: Aims to build a communion of persons united and living according to Christ’s teachings.

2. Catholic in Doctrine: FCL is based on the Doctrines of the Catholic Church

 Marian: the devotion of our founders to our Mother Mary paved way to the (1) Naming of our
University under her title: Our Lady of Perpertual Help, and to our (2) Mission of “Perpetually helping”
individuals, communities, and the Country.
 Ecumenical (ecumenism: communion between religions/ interfaith):
3. Filipino in Character: the UPHS contributes to nation building by building the character of the Filipino by
inculcating good filipino spirit, traits and values (akbayan, family-oriented, hardwork, positive attitude)
Two important aspects:
 Inculturation: Integration of the Christian Faith into the Filipino Culture: We live out our faith in a
Filipino way.
Ex. Simbang gabi - originated from Misa de Gallo ( Mass of the Rooster; Mass at dawn); The mass
was held early in the Morning so as all the faithful, including the workers (Filipino’s rise early in the morning
to farm) will be able to attend the Mass especially during Christmas season, one of the most celebrated
seasons in the country.
 International: UPHS is not isolated but also reaches out to provide services to foreign countries in the
field of health and education.
Ex. The UPHS Learning Center in Los Angeles, California, USA (2004) provides health education to foreign
4. Perpetualite in Virtue: valuing and living out the 8 core values.
 The Tamayos - Dr. Jose and Josefina Tamayo and their 12 Children are our main inspirations and role
models in living out the Perpetualite virtues, their legacy to us.

B. The Triangle: the Three sides pertains to three realities:

1. The Holy Trinity: FCL is Trinitarian: It’s grounded in the belief in one God in 3 Persons: The Father, the Son,
and The Holy Spirit
2. The Holy Family: Jesus Mary and Joseph UPHS is a Family Institution: We treat each other as a Family, as Our
founder treats us as his children
3. The (3) Dimensions of Perpetualite Formation
 Head: FCL Educates the Intellect
 Heart: FCL Inspires the Heart
 Hand: FCL moves to action

C. The Circle: the Circle Stands for God the Alpha (He is our source and beginning) and the Omega (Our end and
final destination, the fulfillment of our being.
The circle contains:
1. our motto: Character Building is Nation Building: The UPHS strives to form Perpetualites who serve as
instruments for nation building marked with an integral character. This is the brand of a true Perpetualite.
2. Our Logo: the UPHS logo stands for the UPHS Family which includes the students, the faculty, the non-
teaching personnel, and the administration.

1.2 Our Mother of Perpetual Help: The Icon, the Story, and the Devotion
A. The Icon: The Picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is an icon (greek: eikon - “image”) - it is and image that
contains symbolisms pertainging to deep meanings here are the diff. symbols for each personage found in the

Personage Greek Initials symbols Meaning

Mary MP ƟY: Mother of God: Star on Mary’s Forehead: Mary is our guide (star) in
Jesus is 100% human and Mary as Star of the Sea this world full of evil (the
Divine; if Jesus is God in seas) towards God in
union with the Father and heaven our final
the HS, then Mary as destination
Mother of Jesus is the
Mary’s Eyes:
Mother of God; there is no
separation between the -Big -her great attention and
humanity and divinity of -looking at us the viewers care for us
Christ of the Painting
Small mouth -silent recollection
-red tunic - virginity
-Dark Blue Mantle - motherhood
Mary is both Virgin and
Mother; two Marian

Crown: Miracles wrought about

through the intercessions
to Our Mother of our
Perpetual Help
Jesus Ις Χς: Jesus Christ Facial expression looking the Anguish of Christ in
towards the angels: front of suffering and
Falling sandal: Tendency Devotion to Mary in
of a child to cling to one’s order to be near to Jesus:
mother in times of In life, we have Mary as
danger our Mother to cling to in
order to be with Jesus.
The Angels: ΟΑΜ: The Angel Michael Lance The Passion (Suffering) of
ΟΑΓ: The Angel Gabriel Cross The death of Christ
The instruments of the passion and death are also the
symbolism of the Resurrection of Christ in the
manner they are being held by the angels: they seem
to be trohpies of victory; Pain and suffering and death
are the sure ways to resurrection.

B. The Story

The story of Our Mother of Perpetual help is a story of PEOPLE: God called persons to be part of the History of
the icon, in spreading the devotion to Mary particularly in her title as our Mother of Perpetual Help. Here are the
Persons behind the story

1. Painter: the icon was painted by an unknown artist in the island of Crete.

2. Merchant: the Painting was stolen by a Merchant who brought the icon to Rome. He got sick and before
dying, he entrusted the painting to a roman friend. This friend died as well and the icon was left to the wife. The
Virgin mother Appeared to their daughter in a vision and told the girl to tell her mother that the icon should be
consigned to the Church of St. Matthew for public veneration.

3. The Augustinians: The religious community living in the church of St. Matthew who received the painting
under their care. The painting became known as the Miraculous icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help. News
and devotion spread throughout the land.

4. Napoleon: The French revolutionist with his greed to conquer Europe caused the downfall of the History of
the devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. The Augustinians flew to the Monastery of Our Lady in Posterula
to escape the war, bringing with them the precious icon.

5. Augustino Orsetti and Michael Marchi: The Characters in the Monastery - Augustinian brother Augustino had
a favorite altar boy named Michael to whom he would tell the story of the Icon; after the mass in the Sacristy,
Augustino would point to the story of the painting and would tell Michael: “Remember Michael, how our
Madonna was made homeless by the army of Napoleon” during the war. Michael remembered. Michael would
later become a Redemptorist Priest.

6. Pope Pius IX and the Redemptorists: after the war, another religious community settling in rome bought a
Property there. In this property they build a new Church which they named under their Founder. The Church of
St. Alphonsus/ St. Alfonsus/ Alfonso. But the redemptorists became interested with the History of the Old
Church left in ruins by the war: this was the latter church of St. Matthew in which a precious icon could be
found. But they couldn’t find it. The once altar boy now as a redemptorist father Michael Marchi knew where
the Icon could be found. Michael Marchi then is the key role in linking the History between the Redemptorists
and the Augustinians.

The Redemptorists then ask the Help of Pope Pius IX for the Icon to be brought back to its original place. Upon
entrusting the Picture of to the Redemptorists, Pope Pius IX told them “How Beautiful she is, Make her Known”.

7. the Devotees: From then on the story really became a story of People: through the efforts of the
Redemptorists and or different people devotion to our Lady of Perpetual Help spread throughout the world.
Thousands of Copies were Printed and novenas where prayed in commemoration of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

C. The Devotion
1. Tradition: Tradition tells that upon the commandment of Pope Pius IX to the Redemptorists to make her
known all over the world, devotion to our lady spread through the efforts of the Redemptorists.

2. Shrines: One of the signs of the spreading of the devotion are the several Shrines built in honor of Our Mother
of Perpetual Help (i.e. the National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Baclaran Church)

3. Perpetual Novena: the novena began in 1927 in San S. Louis USA. Copies of the novena where spread and
since then it was known as the “Perpetual Novena” as it is always prayed on a fixed date during the month of

1.3 Our Mother of Perpetual Help: The Message, the Church, and the History
1. The Message:
 Main Message: The Main Message of the Icon could be seen at the center of the painting: The clasping of the
hands of Jesus and Mary: it’s a sign of entrustment: Just as on earth Jesus entrusted himself to Mary for
protection, so as in Heaven, He entrusts the graces of Heaven to Mary to distribute them to those who ask from
 The Main Theme: The Passion, Death and Ressurection of Christ, as symbolized by the angels, the falling sandal,
and the golden Background.
 Jesus and Mary: the symbolisms of Jesus and Mary ( on How Mary Carries Jesus in her Arms, and how their
hands meet) pertains to their titles:
Jesus as HUMAN and DIVINE: Mary holds Jesus looking at us as though she presents Jesus as Her son, and the
Son of God, our Lord
Mary as Mother of God and Mother of All; this also mean that Mary is the Mother of God, and of us all.

2. The Church:
 The Church of St. Alphonsus on the Esquiline Hill:
 dedicated to the most Redeemer: upon excavating the foundations of the Church, a gold coin
was found bearing effigy (symbol) of the redeemer this being seen as a good omen.
 Named after the founder of the Redemptorists St. Alphonsus Liguori
 Could be found on a hill named Esquiline, between the Basilicas of Mary Major and St. John
 One of the main centers of Christian spirituality, it is where the original icon could be found.
 Designed by Scottish architect George Wigley. Built from 1855-59.
 Consecrated by Cardinal Constantino Patrizi.

3. the History(just check story)


2.1: UPHS: History and the PVM Statements
A. History three Periods:
1. Pre Foundation
Our Founders: Dr. Jose and Dr. Josefina Tamayo: who had this dream of providing services to the Filipino
people in the field of Health and Education.
2. Foundation: from small clinics to hospital, and colleges to universities
Perpetual Help Colleges of Manila and Pangasinan: The first campuses established to fulfill the quest of the
3. Satelliting Period:
UPHS is composed of two subsys

Sub systems Founder and Company campuses

UPHS JONELTA -Jose and Josefina Tamayo check ppt about history
On which the JONELTA is named
after: JO- Jose; NE- Nena; L-
Laperal; TA- Tamayo
- JONELTA group of companies
UPHS DALTA -Dr. B.Gen Antonio and Daisy check ppt about history
Hence the name DALTA: D-DAisy;
A-Antonio; L- Laperal; TA- Tamayo
- DALTA group of companies

Important events to know:

1. 1968- establishment of the first campus, Manila
2. 1975- establishment of Las Piñas main DALTA campus
3. May 1995 UPHSD Molino campus
4. April 20 1997 - Death anniv. of Dr. Nena, Granting of the Charter as University by CHED.

B. PVM STATEMENTS: Read, understand, and distinguish the Philosophy, Vision, and Mission
2.2: UPHS The creed of our Founders, the Seal, and the Perpetualite Hymn
A. The Creeds
1. Founder’s Creed: Dr. Jose tells us to seize each day, making it our own, considering it as a gift from
God. Let us not make anything hinder us from being happy and successful by banishing the sorrows of
the past and the anxiety of the Future; let us focus on the present, on what we are and have at the
moment, making each day productive and efficient through our labors, in a hope of a better future.
2. Co-Founder’s Creed: Dr. Nena tells us that upon enrolling in the university, we gave our consent to
be part of the SYSTEM, by abiding with the rules of the school. Let us follow not out fear or compliance
or blind obedience, but by understanding that these rules are our roads to success and our protection
from the dangers and risks we could encounter if we disobey them.
B. the UPHS Seal (see the seal in the PPTs)

1. Infant Jesus Youth to be nourished
2. Mary The University as a mother in her loving care
towards her Children, the Students
3. Branches of Laurel Fulfillment of Mission: Excellence in Academics,
Human relations and leadership
4. 12 Leaves of Laurel 12 children of Tamayos: Dedication towards fulfillinf
the mission
5. Character Building is Nation Building National transformation and progress achieved
through the building of the character of the youth
6. Colors:
-Maroon -red blood of courage, vigor, and determination
-White -purity
-Gold -generosity, abundance, hope and vision

C. Perpetual Hymn: Read and understand the Hymn.

Some important points:

 The hymn presents our University as source of knowledge and truth to become productive and
 We are considered as the united children of our Alma Mater- our mother, the University
 The implies the three dimensions of the Perpetualite formation: we are honed in mind, heart and hand
 It also pertains to our banner, Character building is nation building, which we spread by being one with
our identity as Helpers of God.


3.1: the story of Jesus and the Little Boy: read again the story. Key points to remember:

 Andoy’s bestfriend is Jesus Christ, whom he faithfully visits and talks to about his daily life- He even had
a gift prepared for Jesus’s birthday; Father Agaton was inspired by the innonence of the child and
especially his humility and positive perspective of life in spite the difficulties it includes.
 Andoy is being accompanied by Fr. Agaton to cross the side of the dangerous road from the Church to
school. But during Christmas Fr. Agaton got so sick that he couldn’t say mass He wasn’t able to
accompany Andoy, who then died of getting hit by a bus while protecting his gift for his beloved friend;
Nonetheless, His death was peaceful as he was directly brought by Jesus in Heaven during Jesus’
Birthday. Even Andoy’s Parents felt relief and inner joy and peace even on their son’s death as Jesus
brought them their son before accompanying him to heaven.
 The Moral lesson of the Story is: empty words of prayer would never define what a true relationship
with God really is. Compared to the elderly women, Andoy, in his innocence and humility, tells us to
maintain our inner child within us into the loving presence of the Lord through constant communion
with him in prayer and meditation, and in the love for oneself and others, as a clear manifestation of
this loving relationship with the Lord.

3.2: God’s Love for you

Significant points of realization about the God’s love for us:

 Humans have in common this deep need called love and to know that we are loved.
 In our faith, we know that there is someone who loves us deeply and truly: God
 The reason of our existence as Humans: Our existence attests to this: we know that we exist because
there is a loving God who Manifested his greatness and love in creating us and our reality.
 The reasons behind our existence as persons: But our individual existence lies as a mystery at first: we
are contingent beings - opposite from the necessary being, God, who is necessary to exist for the
whole universe and all its realities to exist. Meaning, It is possible that we exist - or we don’t exist at
all. Out of the Infinite possible souls God could have created, why we, in each of our individualities, are
the ones who exist?
 God’s love is individual and Personal: This is answered in the Kind of love that God has for us:
personal and individual. Out of the infinite number of souls he could’ve created, God chose each one
of us to create and love us. Just as a great painter, in his many ideas and inspirations, he chose this
particular artwork knowing that upon finishing it, his desires would be satisfied to his heart’s content,
so as God, even before creating us, has already chosen and loved us in eternity knowing that each
souls created is lovable in his/her own uniqueness, personality and individuality. We are not created in
random as a great mass of humanity wherein God loves anyone as a speck or small part of that great
number. Instead, each of our traits, character, personality and being is accepted and loved by Him.
This is how special and admirable God’s love for us. God love us all equally, but more especially, each
one of us has a special place in God’s heart.
 Expressions of God’s love: this divine love is expressed in many ways:
 God’s attitude towards sin: He may punish us from our sins (for us to learn and grow), but this
punishment is not just out of pure anger and justice, but our of mercy and love and
compassion, knowing that we could learn from the realizing that we’re wrong, and that He is
always there to forgive us and bring us back to his loving presence and care whenever we ask
for forgiveness and repent from our sins.
 God’s love for you is even more than of a Mother; if Mothers knows best, all the more God knows
and desires the best for you, of what will make you truly be happy and fulfilled as a person.
 So let us have this conviction that that God does love you with a terrific love;
 that He is intensely aware of your present problems;
 that He cares tremendously about what happens to you; that out of your present burdens,
imposed by the ignorance or malice of others (or by your own foolishness), God is going to
bring good to you.
 It is the living certainty of this truth of God’s love for you that must be the foundation of your
Christian philosophy of life.

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