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General Guidelines

I. Eligibility of Players
1. Participants in the PALAKASAN 2024 Sports Events competition must be bonafide
undergraduate students of MSU-IIT- College of Education and presently enrolled in the
department or schools which they shall represent. Each department or school must
submit a list of names with ID Numbers of their participants. Failure to comply would lead
to disqualification.
2. Players must present their school IDs for verification during the event.
3. A team must have a team captain or a coach and shall be allowed to register at least the
minimum plus reserves and not exceed the maximum required number of regular
4. No player is allowed to be inserted in any team as soon as the tournament officially
5. No cursing, shouting, bullying, letting other players, or any form of mocking,
actions inside and outside the playing court is not allowed. Violent reactions during the
game are strictly prohibited.
6. Drawing of lots in every event shall determine the match ups of the opponents.
7. International rules shall be applied in all events.
8. The decision of the referee is final and irrevocable.
9. If a player is found smoking or taking prohibited drugs during the game shall be
disqualified, and players under the influence of alcohol shall be prohibited from playing.
10. Wearing of jewelry and other sharp accessories are prohibited.
11. Deliberate complaining will result in the following:
1st Offense – Blue
2nd Offense – Yellow
3rd Offense – Red

II. Team Eligibility

1. No player from any team is allowed to approach the official table and continues
complaining is not allowed during the game. Only the designated team coach/team
captain allowed approaching the game officials in case issues and conference will rise
during the game.
2. Poor team sportsmanship will not be tolerated. Remember, this is a friendly game where
we foster unity and camaraderie.

III. Players Attire

1. All departments/school participants are required to wear jerseys (upper only / with shorts
if available) and a pair of rubber shoes during scheduled games. If jerseys are not
available, the players can wear their shirt or t-shirt with name and number on the back of
the shirt or t-shirt
IV. Players/Coaches/Managers/Supporters Conduct

1. All players, representatives, and supporters must exhibit sportsmanlike conduct during
the game.
2. Only the players together with the coach, assistant coach, and manager of each of the
playing teams shall be allowed to occupy their respective bench areas.
3. Unsportsmanlike conduct such as quarreling and showing untoward behavior such as
arguing with the officials and/or players or coach shall be penalized by suspension or
expulsion from the game.
4. Team captains, team managers, coaches, assistant coaches, and other team officials
shall be responsible for the behaviors of their players and supporters.

V. Suspension and Resumption of the Game

1. In case of uncontrollable circumstances such as heavy rain, commotion, or any other
unavoidable circumstances, the management has the right to suspend any game,
provide the decision shall not put any team at a disadvantage.
2. Any suspended game shall be resumed for the remaining time left for the ball game as
soon as the situation normalizes and is within management‟s control.

VI. Filing of Protest

1. All protest regarding eligibility of players shall be made in writing and shall be submitted
to the management before the start of any scheduled game both the protesting team and
the team subjected to protest.
2. Problems related to the interpretation and application of the rules shall be resolved
immediately by the officiating officials and the tournament managers.
3. The decision of the referee is final

VII. Conduct of Player/ Team

1. A player or team who stages a walkout shall automatically be barred from the
tournament. Any unsportsmanlike conduct committed by any player shall be dealt with
2. A team shall lose a game by default if, failing to participate in the given time schedule.

VIII. Referee
1. The decision of the referee is final and irrevocable (except on the interpretation of the rules).


1.1 All players shall be bona fide MSU-IIT undergraduate students from the College of
Education and are officially enrolled in the 1st semester A. Y. 2023-2024.

1.2 The tournament will be run in accordance with the rules of the International Sepak Takraw
Federation (ISTAF) currently enforced


2.1 The tournament manager shall prepare the rule of the tournament.
2.2 The tournament shall be played in Single Round Robin System grouped into four, A, B, C
and D for the elimination. Top two (2) teams in each group will advance to the crossover
quarterfinals using the knock out system loser in the schedule first game will receive 8 placer
and so on.
2.3 There will be quarterfinals, semi-finals and finals in this match. Winner in each group shall
play with the first runner-up.


3.1 A team shall comprise of nine (9) players and three (3) reserve players. No player may play
in more than one match. Each match shall be decided on the best of three (3) sets. The rules
were based on the Palarong Pambansa team composition which composed of 12 players.
3.2 Under the new rule, the coach may register two (2) reserve players in each department but
only one player will be substituted.
Substitution of player is allowed on request of the official coach to the official referee, when the
ball is not in play.
3.3 Each department may nominate one to a maximum of two players, but can make only one
substitution in a match.
3.4 Each department will be allowed to make a substitution for injury provided a substitution
had not been made earlier. If substitution had been made, each department will not be allowed
to continue and will be considered as having lost.
3.5 Any department having less than three (3) players will not be allowed to continue the game
and will be considered as having lost unless a penalty send off, each department will continue
with two (2) players without any substitution (new rule).


4. Entries of each department must be submitted according to the regulations imposed by the
Organizing Committee of the Palarong Pambansa rules. Rule of succession is applied. Fifteen
(15) minutes grace period will be given to the team. Non-appearance of the team after the grace
period given will mean forfeiture of the game in favor of the opposing team.

5.1 The side which serve first will serve first for three (3) consecutive services, following which
the other side will also serve for the next three (3) consecutive service. Service will alternate
thereafter every three (3) points regardless of which side wins a point.
5.2 At deuce (when both sides reaches 14-14) the service shall alternate on every point.
5.3 The side which receives first in any set shall serve first in the subsequent set.


6.1 Each set is won by the side which scores fifteen (15) points with a minimum lead of two (2)
In the event of a 14-14 tie, the set shall be won by the side which gets a lead of us (2) points or
when a side reaches seventeen (17) points whichever
6.2 When the score is tied at 14-14, the match referee will announce "setting up to 17 points".
Limbo Rock Technical Guidelines

The players are MSU-IIT undergraduate students that are officially enrolled in the 1st Semester
S.Y 2023-2024.
Every college must submit and present all required supporting documents such as ID’s, gallery.
- Each team must have five (5) members to play and one (1) reserve player. Either male or
female or a combination of both.
- Players should be official member of the team and his/her name must be on the final list of


Participants are required to wear appropriate uniforms.
College t-shirts/ jersey
Jogging Pants/Jersey short
Rubber shoes


1.Queries/ Protest and Complaints on Technicalities

Queries shall be done immediately after the competition. Evidence justification through video
cameras is just a secondary basis for clarification. Final decision is based on deliberation of the
officiating officials of the match or bout.
Protest shall be done immediately after the match/ bout and shall be made in writing within 2
hours by the coach duly signed by the athletic manager or authorized representative of the
department addressed to the Technical Committee


The Conduct of the Competition shall be on a round-robin.


Technical Officiating Officials for the competition must be approved by the organizing
Dance Sport Mechanics and Guidelines
1. A team shall be composed of one (1) pair.
2. The maximum routine time limit is two (2) minutes.
3. The officials shall provide the music.
4. The pair must wear a costume that is not so daring (ex. Plunging neckline, low back,
revealing too much the human body)
5. The heels of the female pair must be one (1) to two (2) inches in height and the stick of
the heels must be covered by rubber to avoid scratches of the wood tiles.
6. The decision of the board of judges are final.

Criteria for judging

Timing and Expression----------------------------25%
Posture, Shape and Poise-----------------------20%
Togetherness, Line Hold Balance-------------20%
Footwork and Leg Power----------------------25%
Audience Impact---------------------------------10%
Total 100%

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