Microbiology and Parasitology 2ND Term PDF
Microbiology and Parasitology 2ND Term PDF
Microbiology and Parasitology 2ND Term PDF
considered Microorganisms
Scope of Microbiology Bacteria (eubacteria, archaebacteria)
Microbiology Microscopic Algae
Study of Micro-organism, Viruses
must be viewed individually with the aid Various Parasitic Worms
of a Microscope.
Is the study of Microbes. Microbiology
Germs are the microbes that cause
Study of microorganism
Found in Modern Biotechnology
Micro means very small anything so
Among the many Specialized fields of
small that it must be viewed with a
Microscope (an optical instrument used
to observed very small objects)
Virology, Mycology, Bacteriology, Immunology,
Microbes are mostly beneficial or have a
Microbial Ecology, Biotechnological
neutral effect on our lives.
Microbiology is the scientific study of Environmental Microbiology, Food Microbiology,
these microorganisms. Microorganisms Forensic Microbiology, Molecular Biology.
are those organisms that are too small to
see with the naked eye and include
things like Bacteria, fungi and Viruses. Microorganism And
Microbiology Cont’d
1. EXIST ( Webster) to continue to be, have life,
Two Main Themes involved in Microbiology
Metabolism ( Nutrient uptake, biomass, waste
Differentiation (Bacillus spp. Caulobacter) 1. Basic – Cellular Process
Reproduction (Binary fission) 2. Applied – concerning agriculture,
Communication ( Pseudomonas Aeruginosa) industry and health
Evolution ( Antibiotic resistance, Pathogen)
The Two major categories of microbes
Small Microorganism include: are called:
Acellular Microbes also called
Infectious Particles (Virus and Prions)
Fungi Cellular Microbes also called
Viruses Microorganism ( Bacteria, all Archae,
all Protozoa and some Fungi)
Often called: Microbes that cause disease are known as
Microbes Pathogens ( disease causing microorganism )
Single-celled organism 3% those that do not cause disease are called
Germs Non-Pathogens ( microbes that’ do not cause
disease) majority of known microbes, some
Microorganism and Non-pathogens are beneficial to us. Microbes
that help us microbial allies and those that harm
Microbiology us is Microbial Enemies.
Scope of Microbiology It is concerned with the monitoring,
( Branches ) control and spread of disease in
1. Pure Science
Bacteria – Bacteriology
Algae – Phycology Microbes in our Lives
Fungi – Mycology
Protozoa – Protozoology Some are pathogenic ( disease- causing)
Parasites – Parasitology Decompose organic waste
Genetics – Study of heredity and variations Produces through photosynthesis (e.g
involved in the development ofresistance by Purple sulphur bacteria must fix CO2 to
body to infectious disease. Live)
Virus – Virology
Play role in industry (Fermentation to
produce ethanol and acetone)
Medical Microbiology Produce fermented food (vinegar,cheese
and bread)
It deals with the study if causative Produce production used in
agents of infectious diseases in human manufacturing ( cellulase) and treatment
beings. (Insulin)
Medical Microbiology has close links
with other disciplines such as pathology,
clinical medicine, pharmacology and
Microorganism and Food
Microorganism and Food
Phamaceutical Microbiology 1. Prevent Spoilage ( tempeh, Salted fish)
2. Assist in manufacturing of food
It deals with the study of
microorganism which are responsible Microorganism and Energy
for the production of antibiotics, 1. Natural Gas (Methane)
enzymes, vaccines, vitamins, and other 2. Ethanol (Biofuel)
pharmaceutical substances 3. Bioremediation
Also it includes the method of
sterilization and disinfection, Microbes and the Future
microbiological testing of 1. Genetic Engineering
pharmaceuticals, sterile product Microbes and Human Disease
preparation and diagnosis of disease Bacteria were once classified as plants
and treatment. which gave rise to use of the term Flora
for Microbes
Agricultural Microbiology This term has been replaced by
It is the study of relationship between Microbiota
microorganism and crops with on Microbes normally present in and on the
emphasis on the control of the plant human body are called Normal
1. Eukaryotes (pre-nucleus) Simple cells
Introduction to Microbiology Organisms with a true nucleusand more
Organisms that make up the Microbial complex e.g Algae, Fungi, and Protozoa
World 2. Prokaryotes (true nucleus)
Because of their characteristics, Complex cells
microorganisms join all other living Organisms without true nucleus and less
organisms in 2 major groups complex cells e.g Archae and Bacteria
1. Spherical or coccoid bacteria – COCCI
2. Rod – shaped bacteria BACILLI
3. Curved or spiral shaped – SPIRILLI
Arrangement: COCCI
1. Diplococci – Pairs
2. Streptococci – Chains
3. Staphylococci – Clusters
4. Tetrads – Packets of four
5. Sacrinae – Packets of eight
Arrangement: BACILLI
1. Pairs - Diplobacilli
2. Chains - Streptobacilli
3. Long Filaments or Branched
4. Short – Coccobacilli or resembled
5. Curved shaped or Comma shaped
e.g Vibros – Vibro cholera
6. Spiral shaped
Classification of bacteria on BRIEF HISTORY OF
the basis of their MICROBIOLOGY
Relationship to Oxygen and
Beginning with Pasteur’s work, discoveries 1876 : Robert Koch (1843-1910) a German
included relationship between microbes and bacteriologist and was the first to cultivate anthrax
disease, immunity and antimicrobial drugs. bacteria outside the body using blood serum at
body temperature.
Robert Koch
• Identified a bacterium as cause of anthrax
• Introduced agar, inoculating loop to transfer
bacteria and prepare cure cultures
• Introduced “Koch’s Postulates” and the concept Robert Kotch demonstrated the first direct role of
that a disease is caused by a single organism a bacterium in disease.
Joseph Lister (1865) Koch’s postulate (1884) the critical test for
• Introduced the “antiseptic technique” the involvement of a microorganism in a disease.
• Use phenol (carbolic acid) as disinfectant
1. The agent must be present in every case of the that give the bacterium some advantage over
disease. other bacteria. For example, it may contain a
2. The agent must be isolated and cultured in vitro gene that make the bacterium resistant to a
3. The disease must be reproduced when a pure certain antibiotic.
culture of the agent is inoculated into a susceptible
host. BACTERIA are classified into five
4. The agent must be recoverable from the groups according to their basic shapes:
experimentally infected host.
1. Spherical (COCCI)
This will eventually lead to: 2. Rod (BACILLI)
• Development of pure culture techniques 3. Spiral (SPIRILLA)
• Stains, agar, culture media, petri dishes. 4. Comma (VIBRIOS)
5. Corkscrew (SPIROCHAETES)
DIVISION OF MICROBIOLOGY They can exist as single cells, in pairs, chains
or clusters.
1. Eukaryotic and includes mushroom, molds and PPE is a precautionary step to protect
yeast. yourself and the people around you.
2. Saphropytes which is the main source of food in PPE is specialized clothing or equipment
dead and decaying organic matter.’ worn for protection against dangerous or
3. Yeast helps in fermentation process of infectious materials
wine/beer and used to leaven light bread. PPE prevents contact with an infectious agent
by creating a barrier between the potentially
Eg. Pathogenic yeast such as candida infectious material and the public health
albicanscandidiasis. practitioners.
GROWTH: Definitions