Frenic Mini (c2s) Catalog

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• Measures against surge currents

When running general-purpose motors Environmental conditions If an overvoltage trip occurs while the inverter is Compact inverter
• Driving a 400V general-purpose motor • Installation location stopped or operated under a light load, it is
When driving a 400V general-purpose motor with Use the inverter in a location with an ambient assumed that the surge current is generated by
an inverter using extremely long cables, damage to temperature range of -10 to 50˚C. open/close of the phase-advancing capacitor in the
the insulation of the motor may occur. Use an output The inverter and braking resistor surfaces become power system.
circuit filter (OFL) if necessary after checking with hot under certain operating conditions. Install the We recommend connecting a DC REACTOR to the
the motor manufacturer. Fuji's motors do not require inverter on nonflammable material such as metal. inverter.
the use of output circuit filters because of their Ensure that the installation location meets the • Megger test
reinforced insulation. environmental conditions specified in "Environment" When checking the insulation resistance of the
in inverter specifications. inverter, use a 500V megger and follow the
• Torque characteristics and temperature rise
When the inverter is used to run a general-purpose instructions contained in the Instruction Manual.
Combination with peripheral devices
motor, the temperature of the motor becomes
higher than when it is operated using a commercial Wiring
• Installing a molded case circuit
power supply. In the low-speed range, the cooling breaker (MCCB) • Wiring distance of control circuit
effect will be weakened, so decrease the output Install a recommended molded case circuit breaker When performing remote operation, use twisted
torque of the motor. If constant torque is required in (MCCB) or an earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) shielded wire and limit the distance between the
the low-speed range, use a Fuji inverter motor or a in the primary circuit of each inverter to protect the
motor equipped with an externally powered
ventilating fan.
wiring. Ensure that the circuit breaker capacity is
equivalent to or lower than the recommended
inverter and the control box to 20m.
• Wiring length between inverter and motor COMPACT FUJI INVERTERS
If long wiring is used between the inverter and the motor, the High Perfomance
• Vibration
When the motor is mounted to a machine,
resonance may be caused by the natural
• Installing a magnetic contactor (MC)
inverter will overheat or trip as a result of overcurrent (high-
frequency current flowing into the stray capacitance) in the
INVERTER In a Compact Package
in the output (secondary) circuit wires connected to the phases. Ensure that the wiring is
frequencies, including that of the machine. If a magnetic contactor (MC) is mounted in the shorter than 50m. If this length must be exceeded, lower the Welcome to the
Operation of a 2-pole motor at 60Hz or more may inverter's secondary circuit for switching the motor
cause abnormal vibration. to commercial power or for any other purpose,
carrier frequency or mount an output circuit filter (OFL).
When wiring is longer than 50m, and sensorless vector NEXT Generation
* Study use of tier coupling or dampening rubber.
* It is also recommended to use the inverter jump
ensure that both the inverter and the motor are fully
stopped before you turn the MC on or off. Remove
control or vector control with speed sensor is selected,
execute off-line tuning.
of Compact Inverter
frequencies control to avoid resonance points. the surge killer integrated with the MC.
• Wiring size
• Noise • Installing a magnetic contactor (MC) Select cables with a sufficient capacity by referring
When an inverter is used with a general-purpose in the input (primary) circuit to the current value or recommended wire size.
motor, the motor noise level is higher than that with Do not turn the magnetic contactor (MC) in the

a commercial power supply. To reduce noise, raise primary circuit on or off more than once an hour as • Wiring type
carrier frequency of the inverter. High-speed an inverter fault may result. If frequent starts or Do not use multicore cables that are normally used
operation at 60Hz or more can also result in more stops are required during motor operation, use for connecting several inverters and motors.
noise. FWD/REV signals. • Grounding
When running special motors • Protecting the motor
The electronic thermal facility of the inverter can
Securely ground the inverter using the grounding
terminal. Compact

• Explosion-proof motors protect the general-purpose motor. The operation
level and the motor type (general-purpose motor,
Selecting inverter capacity
When driving an explosion-proof motor with an
inverter, use a combination of a motor and an
inverter that has been approved in advance.
inverter motor) should be set. For high-speed
motors or water-cooled motors, set a small value for
• Driving general-purpose motor And
Select an inverter according to the applicable motor
the thermal time constant to protect the motor. ratings listed in the standard specifications table for
• Brake motors
If you connect the motor thermal relay to the motor the inverter. When high starting torque is required or
For motors equipped with parallel-connected
brakes, their braking power must be supplied from
with a long cable, a high-frequency current may flow
into the wiring stray capacitance. This may cause
quick acceleration or deceleration is required, select High Generation!
an inverter with a capacity one size greater than the
the primary circuit (commercial power supply). If the
brake power is connected to the inverter power
the relay to trip at a current lower than the set value
for the thermal relay. If this happens, lower the
standard. Perfomance
output circuit (secondary circuit) by mistake, • Driving special motors
carrier frequency or use the output circuit filter
problems may occur. Select an inverter that meets the following condition:
Do not use inverters for driving motors equipped Inverter rated current > Motor rated current.
with series-connected brakes. • Discontinuance of power-factor correcting capacitor
Do not mount power factor correcting capacitors in Transportation and storage
• Geared motors
the inverter (primary) circuit. (Use the DC
If the power transmission mechanism uses an oil-
REACTOR to improve the inverter power factor.) Do When transporting or storing inverters, follow the
lubricated gearbox or speed changer/reducer, then
not use power factor correcting capacitors in the procedures and select locations that meet the
continuous motor operation at low speed may
inverter output circuit (secondary). An overcurrent environmental conditions that agree with the
cause poor lubrication. Avoid such operation.
trip will occur, disabling motor operation. inverter specifications.
• Single-phase motors
• Discontinuance of surge killer
Single-phase motors are not suitable for inverter-
Do not mount surge killers in the inverter output
driven variable speed operation. Use three-phase
(secondary) circuit.
• Reducing noise
Use of a filter and shielded wires are typical
measures against noise to ensure that EMC
Directives are met.

Gate City Ohsaki, East Tower, 11-2,

Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku,
Tokyo 141-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5435-7057 Fax: +81-3-5435-7420

Printed in Japan 2013-02(b13a/L12)CM 00 FOLS

High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

High performance and multipurpose

High performance Fully compatible Easy operation
and with and Dynamic torque vector control system

multipurpose existing products maintenance 200 Fuji's original dynamic torque vector control system is known for its
top-of-the line performance, delivering stabile torque output even at low
5Hz speeds. This feature has a wide range of applications, including conveyors
and high-inertia loads that demand high starting torque.

Output torque [%]


New Compact Inverter

Motor Slip compensation controller shortens setting time
0 speed
[r/min] The slip compensation controller works with voltage tuning for even more
accurate speed control at low velocity. This reduces speed control variability
High performance in a compact package.

-100 and stabilizing creep speed for more accurate stopping in conveyors and
similar equipment.
Get our most user-friendly inverter yet! -200
Fastest CPU processor in its class
Advanced CPU processes data at twice the speed of our current model

NEXT Generation!
Even easier to use and fully compatible with existing products

Terminal functions
Current C1 model New C2 model

External dimensions Interchangeable

Installed dimensions Interchangeable

INVERTER 120 120

Number of terminals
Terminal position
Function codes
Same for both main circuit and controllers
Compatible terminal wire length
Compatible function codes
RS-485 communication Shared communications protocol

External dimensions
80 80

Note: Three-phase 200V 0.1–0.75kW dimensions shown (mm)

Easy operation and maintenance

High Perfomance In a Compact Package Usability USB keypad
Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter
Delivers all the usability of the C1. Provides volume of frequency Optional USB keypad available. Enhanced PC loader connectivity.
and the same ease of operation as the current model.

With its rich functionality, compact design, simple operation, and global compatibility,
the new FRENIC-Mini elevates the performance of a wide range of devices and equipment--including conveyors,
fans, pumps, centrifugal separators, and food processing machines--to give you the system integration,
energy efficiency, reduced labor, and lower overall costs you're looking for.
USB-USB mini-B cable

Easier maintenance LAN cable

Network Function Description

Energy Global
capabilities Mock malfunction Select a function to set off a mock alarm

efficient compatibility Number of startups Count the total number of ON/OFF run cycles
standard Cumulative motor running time Monitor motor run time

Total power Set to measure total power consumption · USB keypad scheduled for release soon
· PC loader software available as a free download
Trip history Saves and displays information on up to four past trips

2 3
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

High performance and multipurpose

High performance Fully compatible Easy operation
and with and Dynamic torque vector control system

multipurpose existing products maintenance 200 Fuji's original dynamic torque vector control system is known for its
top-of-the line performance, delivering stabile torque output even at low
5Hz speeds. This feature has a wide range of applications, including conveyors
and high-inertia loads that demand high starting torque.

Output torque [%]


New Compact Inverter

Motor Slip compensation controller shortens setting time
0 speed
[r/min] The slip compensation controller works with voltage tuning for even more
accurate speed control at low velocity. This reduces speed control variability
High performance in a compact package.

-100 and stabilizing creep speed for more accurate stopping in conveyors and
similar equipment.
Get our most user-friendly inverter yet! -200
Fastest CPU processor in its class
Advanced CPU processes data at twice the speed of our current model

NEXT Generation!
Even easier to use and fully compatible with existing products

Terminal functions
Current C1 model New C2 model

External dimensions Interchangeable

Installed dimensions Interchangeable

INVERTER 120 120

Number of terminals
Terminal position
Function codes
Same for both main circuit and controllers
Compatible terminal wire length
Compatible function codes
RS-485 communication Shared communications protocol

External dimensions
80 80

Note: Three-phase 200V 0.1–0.75kW dimensions shown (mm)

Easy operation and maintenance

High Perfomance In a Compact Package Usability USB keypad
Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter
Delivers all the usability of the C1. Provides volume of frequency Optional USB keypad available. Enhanced PC loader connectivity.
and the same ease of operation as the current model.

With its rich functionality, compact design, simple operation, and global compatibility,
the new FRENIC-Mini elevates the performance of a wide range of devices and equipment--including conveyors,
fans, pumps, centrifugal separators, and food processing machines--to give you the system integration,
energy efficiency, reduced labor, and lower overall costs you're looking for.
USB-USB mini-B cable

Easier maintenance LAN cable

Network Function Description

Energy Global
capabilities Mock malfunction Select a function to set off a mock alarm

efficient compatibility Number of startups Count the total number of ON/OFF run cycles
standard Cumulative motor running time Monitor motor run time

Total power Set to measure total power consumption · USB keypad scheduled for release soon
· PC loader software available as a free download
Trip history Saves and displays information on up to four past trips

2 3
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Energy optimization Applicable motor
rating (kW)
200V series
400V series
200V series
100V series

Standard specifications
Energy use optimizer

0.1 FRN0001C2S-2 FRN0001C2S-7 FRN0001C2S-6U
Motor tuning minimizes power loss 0.2 FRN0002C2S-2 FRN0002C2S-7 FRN0002C2S-6U
0.4 FRN0004C2S-2 FRN0002C2S-4 FRN0004C2S-7 FRN0003C2S-6U
Previous Way of thinking about the power used 0.75 FRN0006C2S-2 FRN0004C2S-4 FRN0006C2S-7 FRN0005C2S-6U
1.5 FRN0010C2S-2 FRN0005C2S-4 FRN0010C2S-7

Optimum control 2.2 FRN0012C2S-2 FRN0007C2S-4 FRN0012C2S-7

3.7 FRN0020C2S-2 FRN0011C2S-4
of overall system
Destination A(Asia), U(USA) A(Asia), C(China), E(Europe), U(USA) U(USA)

Coming soon

Model number information
Power supply
Optimum FRN 0010 C 2 S - 4 A
motor control Code Series name Code Destination/Manual
FRN FRENIC series A Asia/English
C China/Chinese
Applicable current rating E Europe/English
This value shows an amperage rating U USA/English
Power supply New control system (New C2) Code Input power source
Code Application range 2 Three-phase 200V
C Compact 4 Three-phase 400V
6 Single-phase 100V
PID control function Code
Developed inverter series
7 Single-phase 200V

Permits motor operation while controlling temperature,

Code Enclosure
pressure, and flow rate without the use of a temperature S Standard (IP20)
controller or other external device
The contents of this catalog are provided to help you select the product model that is best for you. Before actual use, be sure to read the User’s Manual
Cooling fan ON/OFF control function Caution
thoroughly to assure correct operation.

The cooling fan can be switched off when the fan or pump is
not running to reduce both noise and energy consumption
Standard Specifications
Synchronous motor control (coming soon)
Use of sensorless synchronous motor control together with
Standard specifications
the motor can reduce energy consumption
Three-phase 200V series (0.1 to 3.7kW) A(Asia), U(USA)
Item Specifications
Input power source Three-phase 200V
Type (FRN C2S-2 ) 0001 0002 0004 0006 0010 0012 0020
Applicable motor rating[kW] 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7
Network capabilities standard Other Other features Rated capacity[kVA] 0.30 0.57 1.3 2.0 3.5 4.5 7.2
Rated voltage[V] Three-phase 200 to 240V (With AVR)

Output ratings
RS-485 communications port Functions compatible with Rated current[A](*1)
Communications can be controlled through the standard user applications 150% of rated current for 1min
RS-485 communications port using the Modbus-RTU or Fuji Overload capability
V/F (non-linear 3 step) 150% of rated current for 1min or 200% of rated current for 0.5s (If the rated current is in parenthesis)
inverter protocol
Switch between two motors (2-motor switch control) Rated frequency[Hz] 50, 60Hz
Brake signal (brake release signal) Phases, voltage, frequency Three-phase, 200 to 240V, 50/60Hz
Rotational direction control (prevent forward/reverse movement)
Voltage/frequency variations Voltage: +10 to -15% (Voltage unbalance : 2% or less) Frequency: +5 to -5%
Input ratings
When the input voltage is 165V or more,
Global products Momentary voltage dip capability
the inverter continues operation. If it drops less than 165V, the inverter operates for 15ms.
All standard models comply with the EC Directive (CE marking) Rated current[A] (with DCR) 0.57 0.93 1.6 3.0 5.7 8.3 14.0
RS-485 communications connector
(without DCR) 1.1 1.8 3.1 5.3 9.5 13.2 22.2
Europe Required power supply capacity[kVA] 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.1 2.0 2.9 4.9

EC Directives (CE making) Torque[%] 150 100 50 30


DC injection braking Starting frequency: 0.0 to 60.0Hz Braking time: 0.0 to 30.0s Braking level: 0 to 100% of rated current
Braking transistor − Built-in
Applicable safety standards UL508C, EN 61800-5-1:2007
Enclosure (IEC 60529) IP20 (IEC 60529:1989) / UL open type (UL50)
Cooling method Natural cooling Fan cooling
Weight / Mass[kg] 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.7 1.7 2.5

*1 The load shall be reduced so that the continuous operating current is the rated current in parenthesis or less if the carrier frequency is set to 3kHz or above or ambient temperature exceeds 40℃.

4 5
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Energy optimization Applicable motor
rating (kW)
200V series
400V series
200V series
100V series

Standard specifications
Energy use optimizer

0.1 FRN0001C2S-2 FRN0001C2S-7 FRN0001C2S-6U
Motor tuning minimizes power loss 0.2 FRN0002C2S-2 FRN0002C2S-7 FRN0002C2S-6U
0.4 FRN0004C2S-2 FRN0002C2S-4 FRN0004C2S-7 FRN0003C2S-6U
Previous Way of thinking about the power used 0.75 FRN0006C2S-2 FRN0004C2S-4 FRN0006C2S-7 FRN0005C2S-6U
1.5 FRN0010C2S-2 FRN0005C2S-4 FRN0010C2S-7

Optimum control 2.2 FRN0012C2S-2 FRN0007C2S-4 FRN0012C2S-7

3.7 FRN0020C2S-2 FRN0011C2S-4
of overall system
Destination A(Asia), U(USA) A(Asia), C(China), E(Europe), U(USA) U(USA)

Coming soon

Model number information
Power supply
Optimum FRN 0010 C 2 S - 4 A
motor control Code Series name Code Destination/Manual
FRN FRENIC series A Asia/English
C China/Chinese
Applicable current rating E Europe/English
This value shows an amperage rating U USA/English
Power supply New control system (New C2) Code Input power source
Code Application range 2 Three-phase 200V
C Compact 4 Three-phase 400V
6 Single-phase 100V
PID control function Code
Developed inverter series
7 Single-phase 200V

Permits motor operation while controlling temperature,

Code Enclosure
pressure, and flow rate without the use of a temperature S Standard (IP20)
controller or other external device
The contents of this catalog are provided to help you select the product model that is best for you. Before actual use, be sure to read the User’s Manual
Cooling fan ON/OFF control function Caution
thoroughly to assure correct operation.

The cooling fan can be switched off when the fan or pump is
not running to reduce both noise and energy consumption
Standard Specifications
Synchronous motor control (coming soon)
Use of sensorless synchronous motor control together with
Standard specifications
the motor can reduce energy consumption
Three-phase 200V series (0.1 to 3.7kW) A(Asia), U(USA)
Item Specifications
Input power source Three-phase 200V
Type (FRN C2S-2 ) 0001 0002 0004 0006 0010 0012 0020
Applicable motor rating[kW] 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7
Network capabilities standard Other Other features Rated capacity[kVA] 0.30 0.57 1.3 2.0 3.5 4.5 7.2
Rated voltage[V] Three-phase 200 to 240V (With AVR)

Output ratings
RS-485 communications port Functions compatible with Rated current[A](*1)
Communications can be controlled through the standard user applications 150% of rated current for 1min
RS-485 communications port using the Modbus-RTU or Fuji Overload capability
V/F (non-linear 3 step) 150% of rated current for 1min or 200% of rated current for 0.5s (If the rated current is in parenthesis)
inverter protocol
Switch between two motors (2-motor switch control) Rated frequency[Hz] 50, 60Hz
Brake signal (brake release signal) Phases, voltage, frequency Three-phase, 200 to 240V, 50/60Hz
Rotational direction control (prevent forward/reverse movement)
Voltage/frequency variations Voltage: +10 to -15% (Voltage unbalance : 2% or less) Frequency: +5 to -5%
Input ratings
When the input voltage is 165V or more,
Global products Momentary voltage dip capability
the inverter continues operation. If it drops less than 165V, the inverter operates for 15ms.
All standard models comply with the EC Directive (CE marking) Rated current[A] (with DCR) 0.57 0.93 1.6 3.0 5.7 8.3 14.0
RS-485 communications connector
(without DCR) 1.1 1.8 3.1 5.3 9.5 13.2 22.2
Europe Required power supply capacity[kVA] 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.1 2.0 2.9 4.9

EC Directives (CE making) Torque[%] 150 100 50 30


DC injection braking Starting frequency: 0.0 to 60.0Hz Braking time: 0.0 to 30.0s Braking level: 0 to 100% of rated current
Braking transistor − Built-in
Applicable safety standards UL508C, EN 61800-5-1:2007
Enclosure (IEC 60529) IP20 (IEC 60529:1989) / UL open type (UL50)
Cooling method Natural cooling Fan cooling
Weight / Mass[kg] 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.7 1.7 2.5

*1 The load shall be reduced so that the continuous operating current is the rated current in parenthesis or less if the carrier frequency is set to 3kHz or above or ambient temperature exceeds 40℃.

4 5
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Standard Specifications Common Specifications

Standard specifications Common specifications
Three-phase 400V series (0.4 to 3.7kW) Item Explanation Remarks

Item Specifications Maximum frequency 25 to 400Hz

Input power source Three-phase 400V Base frequency 25 to 400Hz

Setting range
Type (FRN C2S-4 ) 0002 0004 0005 0007 0011 Starting frequency 0.1 to 60.0Hz
Applicable motor rating[kW] 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7/4.0 0.75 to 16kHz

Output frequency
Rated capacity[kVA] 1.3 2.3 3.2 4.8 8.0 Note: The unit is equipped with an automatic reduction/stop function that may automatically drop the carrier frequency to
Rated voltage[V] Three-phase 380 to 480V (With AVR) Carrier frequency protect the inverter when it is running at frequencies above 6 kHz, depending on ambient temperature, output current, and
Output ratings

other conditions. (*1)

1.8 3.1 4.3 6.3 10.5
Rated current[A](*1) · Under modulated carrier conditions, the system scatters carrier frequency to reduce noise
(1.5) (2.5) (3.7) (5.5) (9.0)
· Analog setting: : Absolute accuracy within ± 2% (at 25°C), temperature drift within ± 0.2% (25 ± 10°C)
150% of rated current for 1min Accuracy (stability)
Overload capability · Keypad setting: : Absolute accuracy within ± 0.01% (at 25°C), temperature drift within ± 0.01% (25 ± 10°C)
150% of rated current for 1min or 200% of rated current for 0.5s (If the rated current is in parenthesis)

Rated frequency[Hz] 50, 60Hz · Analog setting : 1/1000 of maximum frequency
Phases, voltage, frequency Three-phase, 380 to 480V, 50/60Hz Setting resolution · Keypad setting : 0.01Hz (99.99Hz or less), 0.1Hz (100.0Hz to 400.0Hz)
Voltage/frequency variations Voltage: +10 to -15% (Voltage unbalance : 2% or less) Frequency: +5 to -5% · Link operation : 1/20000 of maximum frequency or 0.01Hz (fixed)
Input ratings

When the input voltage is 300V or more, Induction motor drive

Momentary voltage dip capability
the inverter continues operation. If it drops less than 300V, the inverter operates for 15ms.
· V/f control · Slip compensation · Automatic torque boost
Rated current[A] (with DCR) 0.85 1.6 3.0 4.4 7.3 · Dynamic torque vector control · Automatic energy-saving function
Control method
(without DCR) 1.7 3.1 5.9 8.2 13.0
Synchronous motor drive (*2)
Required power supply capacity[kVA] 0.6 1.1 2.0 2.9 4.9 (Under development)
· Sensorless magnetic positioning (speed control range: 10% of base frequency and up)
Torque[%] 100 50 30

Base frequency and maximum output frequency can each be set between :80 to 240
DC injection braking Starting frequency: 0.0 to 60.0Hz, Braking time: 0.0 to 30.0s Braking level: 0 to 100%
200V series AVR control (*1) can be turned ON or OFF
Braking transistor Built-in
Allowable non-linear V/f (*1) settings (2): optional voltage (0–240V) and frequency (0–400Hz)
Applicable safety standards UL508C, EN 61800-5-1:2007 Voltage/freq. characteristic
Base frequency and maximum output frequency can each be set between :160 to 500
Enclosure (IEC 60529) IP20 (IEC 60529:1989) / UL open type (UL50) 400V series AVR control (*1) can be turned ON or OFF
Cooling method Natural cooling Fan cooling Allowable non-linear V/f (*1) settings (2): optional voltage (0–500V) and frequency (0–400Hz)
Weight / Mass[kg] 1.1 1.2 1.7 1.7 2.5
· Automatic torque boost (for constant torque loads)
*1 The load shall be reduced so that the continuous operating current is the rated current in parenthesis or less if the carrier frequency is set to 3kHz or above or ambient temperature exceeds 40℃.
Torque boost (*1) · Manual torque boost: Optional torque boost value can be set between 0.0 and 20.0%

· Application load can be selected (for constant and variable torque loads)
Single-phase 200V series (0.1 to 2.2kW)
Starting torque (*1) 150% or more/frequency set to 3Hz Slip compensation /automatic torque boost active
Item Specifications
Input power source Single-phase 200V Keypad operation : Start and stop with , keys (standard keypad)
Type (FRN C2S-7 ) 0001 0002 0004 0006 0010 0012
: Start and stop with , keys (remote keypad: optional)
Applicable motor rating[kW] 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2
Rated capacity[kVA] 0.30 0.57 1.3 2.0 3.5 4.5 Start/stop External signals : FWD (REV) operation/stop command [3-wire operation enabled]
Rated voltage[V] Three-phase 200 to 240V (With AVR) (digital input) Coast-to-stop command, trip command (external fault), fault reset, etc.

Output ratings

0.8 1.5 3.5 5.5 9.2 12.0 Link operation : Communication via RS-485
Rated current[A] (*1)
(0.7) (1.4) (2.5) (4.2) (7.0) (10.0)
Changing run command : Communications used to change run command
150% of rated current for 1min
Overload capability
150% of rated current for 1min or 200% of rated current for 0.5s (If the rated current is in parenthesis) Keypad operation : Can be set with or key (with save data function)

Rated frequency[Hz] 50, 60Hz

Set based on built-in volume
Phases, voltage, frequency Single-phase, 200 to 240V, 50/60Hz
: 0 to +10V DC/0 to 100% (terminal 12)
Voltage/frequency variations Voltage: +10 to -10%, Frequency: +5 to -5% Analog input
: 4 to +20mA DC/0 to 100%, 0 to +20mA DC/0 to 100% (terminal C1)
Input ratings

When the input voltage is 165V or more,

Momentary voltage dip capability
the inverter continues operation. If it drops less than 165V, the inverter operates for 15ms. Multistep frequency : Selectable from 16 steps (step 0 to 15)

(with DCR) 1.1 2.0 3.5 6.4 11.6 17.5 Frequency setting UP/DOWN operation : Raises or lowers frequency while digital input signal is ON
Rated current[A]
(without DCR) 1.8 3.3 5.4 9.7 16.4 24.0 Link operation: : Frequency set through RS-485 communication
Required power supply capacity[kVA] 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.3 2.4 3.5
: Two types of frequency settings can be changed using external signals (digital input) : frequency
Changing frequency settings
Torque[%] 150 100 50 30 settings and multistep frequency settings

DC injection braking Starting frequency: 0.0 to 60.0Hz, Braking time: 0.0 to 30.0s, Braking level: 0 to 100%
Auxiliary frequency setting : Built-in potentiometer, Inputs at terminal 12, C1 can be added to the main setting as auxiliary frequency settings.
Braking transistor − Built-in
: Can be switched from (DC 0 to +10V/0 to 100%) to (DC +10 to 0V/0 to 100%) externally
Applicable safety standards UL508C, EN 61800-5-1:2007 Inverse operation
: Can be switched from (DC 4 to 20mA (DC 0–20mA)/0 to 100%) to (DC 20 to 4mA (DC 20–0mA)/0 to 100%) externally
Enclosure (IEC 60529) IP20 (IEC 60529:1989) / UL open type (UL50)
Cooling method Natural cooling Fan cooling · Can be set between 0.00 and 3600s

0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.7 2.5 · There are two independent settings that can be selected for acceleration/deceleration time (can be switched while running)
Weight / Mass[kg]
· Pattern : The following four acceleration/deceleration types can be selected
*1 The load shall be reduced so that the continuous operating current is the rated current in parenthesis or less if the carrier frequency is set to 3kHz or above or ambient temperature exceeds 40℃. Acceleration/deceleration time
Linear, S-curve (weak/strong), non-linear (constant output maximum capacity acceleration/deceleration)
· Coast-to-stop acceleration/deceleration is enabled when run commands are OFF
· Acceleration/deceleration time can be set during jogging operation (between 0.00 and 3600s)

*1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation

*2 Compatibility planned with next software version upgrade
6 7
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Standard Specifications Common Specifications

Standard specifications Common specifications
Three-phase 400V series (0.4 to 3.7kW) Item Explanation Remarks

Item Specifications Maximum frequency 25 to 400Hz

Input power source Three-phase 400V Base frequency 25 to 400Hz

Setting range
Type (FRN C2S-4 ) 0002 0004 0005 0007 0011 Starting frequency 0.1 to 60.0Hz
Applicable motor rating[kW] 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7/4.0 0.75 to 16kHz

Output frequency
Rated capacity[kVA] 1.3 2.3 3.2 4.8 8.0 Note: The unit is equipped with an automatic reduction/stop function that may automatically drop the carrier frequency to
Rated voltage[V] Three-phase 380 to 480V (With AVR) Carrier frequency protect the inverter when it is running at frequencies above 6 kHz, depending on ambient temperature, output current, and
Output ratings

other conditions. (*1)

1.8 3.1 4.3 6.3 10.5
Rated current[A](*1) · Under modulated carrier conditions, the system scatters carrier frequency to reduce noise
(1.5) (2.5) (3.7) (5.5) (9.0)
· Analog setting: : Absolute accuracy within ± 2% (at 25°C), temperature drift within ± 0.2% (25 ± 10°C)
150% of rated current for 1min Accuracy (stability)
Overload capability · Keypad setting: : Absolute accuracy within ± 0.01% (at 25°C), temperature drift within ± 0.01% (25 ± 10°C)
150% of rated current for 1min or 200% of rated current for 0.5s (If the rated current is in parenthesis)

Rated frequency[Hz] 50, 60Hz · Analog setting : 1/1000 of maximum frequency
Phases, voltage, frequency Three-phase, 380 to 480V, 50/60Hz Setting resolution · Keypad setting : 0.01Hz (99.99Hz or less), 0.1Hz (100.0Hz to 400.0Hz)
Voltage/frequency variations Voltage: +10 to -15% (Voltage unbalance : 2% or less) Frequency: +5 to -5% · Link operation : 1/20000 of maximum frequency or 0.01Hz (fixed)
Input ratings

When the input voltage is 300V or more, Induction motor drive

Momentary voltage dip capability
the inverter continues operation. If it drops less than 300V, the inverter operates for 15ms.
· V/f control · Slip compensation · Automatic torque boost
Rated current[A] (with DCR) 0.85 1.6 3.0 4.4 7.3 · Dynamic torque vector control · Automatic energy-saving function
Control method
(without DCR) 1.7 3.1 5.9 8.2 13.0
Synchronous motor drive (*2)
Required power supply capacity[kVA] 0.6 1.1 2.0 2.9 4.9 (Under development)
· Sensorless magnetic positioning (speed control range: 10% of base frequency and up)
Torque[%] 100 50 30

Base frequency and maximum output frequency can each be set between :80 to 240
DC injection braking Starting frequency: 0.0 to 60.0Hz, Braking time: 0.0 to 30.0s Braking level: 0 to 100%
200V series AVR control (*1) can be turned ON or OFF
Braking transistor Built-in
Allowable non-linear V/f (*1) settings (2): optional voltage (0–240V) and frequency (0–400Hz)
Applicable safety standards UL508C, EN 61800-5-1:2007 Voltage/freq. characteristic
Base frequency and maximum output frequency can each be set between :160 to 500
Enclosure (IEC 60529) IP20 (IEC 60529:1989) / UL open type (UL50) 400V series AVR control (*1) can be turned ON or OFF
Cooling method Natural cooling Fan cooling Allowable non-linear V/f (*1) settings (2): optional voltage (0–500V) and frequency (0–400Hz)
Weight / Mass[kg] 1.1 1.2 1.7 1.7 2.5
· Automatic torque boost (for constant torque loads)
*1 The load shall be reduced so that the continuous operating current is the rated current in parenthesis or less if the carrier frequency is set to 3kHz or above or ambient temperature exceeds 40℃.
Torque boost (*1) · Manual torque boost: Optional torque boost value can be set between 0.0 and 20.0%

· Application load can be selected (for constant and variable torque loads)
Single-phase 200V series (0.1 to 2.2kW)
Starting torque (*1) 150% or more/frequency set to 3Hz Slip compensation /automatic torque boost active
Item Specifications
Input power source Single-phase 200V Keypad operation : Start and stop with , keys (standard keypad)
Type (FRN C2S-7 ) 0001 0002 0004 0006 0010 0012
: Start and stop with , keys (remote keypad: optional)
Applicable motor rating[kW] 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2
Rated capacity[kVA] 0.30 0.57 1.3 2.0 3.5 4.5 Start/stop External signals : FWD (REV) operation/stop command [3-wire operation enabled]
Rated voltage[V] Three-phase 200 to 240V (With AVR) (digital input) Coast-to-stop command, trip command (external fault), fault reset, etc.

Output ratings

0.8 1.5 3.5 5.5 9.2 12.0 Link operation : Communication via RS-485
Rated current[A] (*1)
(0.7) (1.4) (2.5) (4.2) (7.0) (10.0)
Changing run command : Communications used to change run command
150% of rated current for 1min
Overload capability
150% of rated current for 1min or 200% of rated current for 0.5s (If the rated current is in parenthesis) Keypad operation : Can be set with or key (with save data function)

Rated frequency[Hz] 50, 60Hz

Set based on built-in volume
Phases, voltage, frequency Single-phase, 200 to 240V, 50/60Hz
: 0 to +10V DC/0 to 100% (terminal 12)
Voltage/frequency variations Voltage: +10 to -10%, Frequency: +5 to -5% Analog input
: 4 to +20mA DC/0 to 100%, 0 to +20mA DC/0 to 100% (terminal C1)
Input ratings

When the input voltage is 165V or more,

Momentary voltage dip capability
the inverter continues operation. If it drops less than 165V, the inverter operates for 15ms. Multistep frequency : Selectable from 16 steps (step 0 to 15)

(with DCR) 1.1 2.0 3.5 6.4 11.6 17.5 Frequency setting UP/DOWN operation : Raises or lowers frequency while digital input signal is ON
Rated current[A]
(without DCR) 1.8 3.3 5.4 9.7 16.4 24.0 Link operation: : Frequency set through RS-485 communication
Required power supply capacity[kVA] 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.3 2.4 3.5
: Two types of frequency settings can be changed using external signals (digital input) : frequency
Changing frequency settings
Torque[%] 150 100 50 30 settings and multistep frequency settings

DC injection braking Starting frequency: 0.0 to 60.0Hz, Braking time: 0.0 to 30.0s, Braking level: 0 to 100%
Auxiliary frequency setting : Built-in potentiometer, Inputs at terminal 12, C1 can be added to the main setting as auxiliary frequency settings.
Braking transistor − Built-in
: Can be switched from (DC 0 to +10V/0 to 100%) to (DC +10 to 0V/0 to 100%) externally
Applicable safety standards UL508C, EN 61800-5-1:2007 Inverse operation
: Can be switched from (DC 4 to 20mA (DC 0–20mA)/0 to 100%) to (DC 20 to 4mA (DC 20–0mA)/0 to 100%) externally
Enclosure (IEC 60529) IP20 (IEC 60529:1989) / UL open type (UL50)
Cooling method Natural cooling Fan cooling · Can be set between 0.00 and 3600s

0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.7 2.5 · There are two independent settings that can be selected for acceleration/deceleration time (can be switched while running)
Weight / Mass[kg]
· Pattern : The following four acceleration/deceleration types can be selected
*1 The load shall be reduced so that the continuous operating current is the rated current in parenthesis or less if the carrier frequency is set to 3kHz or above or ambient temperature exceeds 40℃. Acceleration/deceleration time
Linear, S-curve (weak/strong), non-linear (constant output maximum capacity acceleration/deceleration)
· Coast-to-stop acceleration/deceleration is enabled when run commands are OFF
· Acceleration/deceleration time can be set during jogging operation (between 0.00 and 3600s)

*1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation

*2 Compatibility planned with next software version upgrade
6 7
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Common Specifications
Common specifications Common specifications
Item Explanation Remarks Item Explanation Remarks

Frequency limiter Detects drops in DC link circuit voltage (200V: DC 200V,400V: DC400V) and stops the inverter
High and low limiters can be set in addition to Hz values (0–400Hz) Undervoltage LU
(Peak/bottom frequency limit) Note that no alarm will sound if auto-restart after momentary power failure is selected

Bias frequency Bias of set frequency and PID command can be set separately between 0 and ±100% Stops or protects the inverter against input phase loss
Input phase loss Lin
Gain for frequency setting Analog input gain can be set between 0 and 200% Even when there is input phase loss, the loss may not be detected if the connected load is light or a DC reactor is connected to the inverter

Jump frequency control Three operation points and their common jump hysteresis width can be set (0–30Hz) Output phase loss detected Detects loss from breaks in output wiring while running or during startup and stops the inverter OPL
Timer operation Operation starts and stops at the time set from keypad (1 cycle) Stops the inverter by detecting the temperature of the inverter cooling system (e.g. when the cooling fan is malfunctioning or there is an overload) OH1
Operated using the key (on the standard or remote keypad) or digital contact point input Protects against overheating during braking resistance based on braking resistor electronic thermal function settings dbH
Jogging operation (*1)
(acceleration and deceleration time--same duration used only for jogging) Overload Stops the inverter based on the temperature of the cooling system and the switching element calculated from output current flow OLU

Auto-restart after momentary · Restarts inverter without stopping the motor when power is restored External alarm input Stops the inverter alarm through digital input (THR) OH2

power failure (*1) · Startup can be selected from frequency prior to startup/momentary power failure when power is restored
Stops running the inverter to protect the motor according to electronic thermal function settings

Motor protection
Current limit Uses hardware to limit current and prevent overcurrent trips resulting from sudden load changes, momentary power failures, Electronic thermal Protects the standard motor and inverter motor over the full frequency range. The second motor can also be OL2
by hardware (*1) and similar events that cannot be handled by software current limiters (can be canceled) protected. (Operation level and thermal time constant can be set between 0.5 and 75.0 minutes)

Slip compensation (*1) Compensates for decrease in speed according to the load, enabling stable operation · Stops running the inverter to protect the motor when the PTC thermistor detects motor temperature
PTC thermistor OH4
Current limit Keeps the current under the preset value during operation A PTC thermistor is connected between terminals C1 and 11, and a resistor is connected between terminals 13 and C1. Set function code.

Process PID regulator Overload early warning Outputs a preliminary alarm at a preset level before the electronic thermal stops the inverter ―
· PID command, keyboard, analog input (terminal 12, C1), RS-485 communication
PID control Memory error Checks data when the power is turned on and data is being written, and stops the inverter if a memory malfunction is detected. Er1
· Feedback value: Analog input (terminal 12, C1)
· Low liquid level stop function · Switch forward/reverse operation · Integration reset/hold function
Keypad Stops the inverter if a communication malfunction is detected between the keypad and inverter unit while an operation
communication error command is in progress from the remote keypad

· Automatically limits output frequency, limits energy generated by the inverter, and avoids overcurrent trips when torque relay value is exceeded (*1)
Automatic deceleration
· Makes deceleration time three times longer to avoid trip when DC link circuit voltage exceeds overage limit CPU error Stops the inverter if a CPU malfunction caused by noise or similar factors is detected Er3

Deceleration characteristics Pressing the key on the keypad forces the inverter to stop, even if run commands are being
Increases motor loss and reduces energy generated by the inverter during deceleration to avoid overcurrent trips key priority
(improved braking capacity) delivered via terminals or communications. Er6 is displayed once stop is complete.

Energy saving operation (*1) Restricts output voltage to minimize total motor and inverter loss during constant speed operation Operation error Er6
Prohibits run operations and displays Er6 if a run command is given while any of the following status changes are occurring:
Overload prevention control Lowers frequency when IGBT junction temperature and ambient temperature rise due to overloading to avoid further overload Start check · Powering up · Canceling an alarm
· Switching run command methods via link operation
Offline tuning (*1) Performs r1, Xσ, and excitation current tuning

Fan stop operation Detects inverter internal temperature and stops cooling fan when the temperature is low Tuning error (*1) Stops the inverter when there is a tuning failure, interruption, or abnormality in tuning results during motor constant tuning Er7

· Switching between two motors in the same inverter is enabled (switching cannot be performed while the inverter is running) RS-485 communication error Stops the inverter if a communications malfunction is detected in RS-485 communication with the inverter unit Er8
Induction motor settings can only be applied to the second motor
Secondary motor settings Data save error during undervoltage Displays an error if data save cannot proceed normally because an undervoltage protection function is activated ErF
Data settings (base frequency, rated current, torque boost, electronic thermal, and slip compensation, etc.) can be entered for the second motor
· Constants can be set within the second motor. Auto-tuning is also enabled. Step out detected (*2) Stops the inverter when a synchronous motor step out is detected Erd

Rotational direction limits Select either prevent reverse or prevent forward operation PID feedback break detected Stops the inverter when a break is detected during current input (C1 terminal) distribution to PID feedback (can be enabled/disabled) CoF

Speed monitor, output current [A], output voltage [V], input power [kW], PID reference, PID feedback value, PID output, timer Stall prevention Output frequency is reduced to avoid an overcurrent trip when output current exceeds the limit during acceleration/deceleration or constant speed operation
value (for timer operation) [s], total power amount
· Outputs a relay signal when the inverter is stopped due to an alarm
Running/stopping Select the speed monitor to be displayed from the following: Alarm output (for any fault)
· Alarm stop status can be canceled by pressing the PRG/RESET key or by inputting a digital signal (RST)
Output frequency (before slip compensation) [Hz], output frequency (after slip compensation) [Hz], set frequency [Hz],
load shaft speed [min-1], line speed [m/min], constant rate of feeding time [min] Retry Inverter can be automatically reset and restarted after stopping due to a trip (the number of retries and wait time until reset can also be set)

Lifetime alarm Displays the lifetime alarm for the main circuit condenser, PCB condenser, and cooling fan. External output is enabled for lifetime alarm information. Incoming surge Protects the inverter from surge voltage between the main circuit and ground terminal

Total running time Can display total motor running time, total inverter running time, and total power use · Launches a protective function (stops the inverter) when there is a momentary power failure of 15ms or more
Momentary power failure
I/O check Displays control circuit terminal output status · Restarts and restores voltage within the set time when momentary power failure restart is selected

Energy saving monitor Power consumption, power consumption x coefficient Mock malfunction Can output a mock alarm to check malfunction sequences Err

· Must be indoors and free of corrosive gases, flammable gases, dust, and oil mist (contamination level 2 (IEC 60664-1: 2007)
Displays cause of trip: Installation location
· : Overcurrent during acceleration · : Overcurrent during deceleration · : Overcurrent at constant speed · Keep out of direct sunlight
· : Input phase loss · : Undervoltage · : Output phase loss
Ambient temperature Open: –10 to +50°C (IP20)
· : Overvoltage during acceleration · : Overvoltage during deceleration · : Overvoltage during constant speed
· : Overheating of the heat sink · : External thermal relay tripped · : Motor protection (PTC thermistor) Ambient humidity 5 to 95%RH (no condensation)
Trip mode

· : Overheating of the DB circuit · : PID feedback break detected · : Overload in motor 1

1000m or below No output reduction
· : Overload in motor 2 · : Inverter unit overload · : Memory error
1000–less than 3000m Output reduced
· : Keypad communication error · : CPU error · : Operation procedure error Altitude
· : Tuning error · : RS485 error · : Data save error due to undervoltage 1000–less than 1500m: 0.97, 1500–less than 2000m: 0.95
· : Step out detected (for synchronous motor drive) (*2) · : Mock error 2000–less than 2500m: 0.91, 2500–less than 3000m: 0.88

Trip history: Saves and displays the last 4 trip codes and their detailed description Vibration 3mm: 2 to less than 9Hz, 9.8m/s2: 9 to less than 20Hz, 2m/s2: 20 to less than 55Hz, 1m/s2: 55 to less than 200Hz
Running or trip mode
Saves and displays detailed data for each section on up to four past trips Saved temperature -25 to +70°C

Overcurrent Stops the inverter to protect against overcurrent due to overload LED display Saved humidity 5 to 95%RH (no condensation)

Short-circuit Stops the inverter to protect against overcurrent due to a short circuit in the output circuit *1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation
Ground fault Stops the inverter to protect against overcurrent due to a ground fault (initial ground circuit only) in the output circuit OC3 *2 Compatibility planned with next software version upgrade

Detects excess voltage in DC link circuit (200V: DC 400V,400V: DC 800V) and stops the inverter OU1
Overvoltage OU2
Cannot protect against significantly large voltage input mistakenly applied OU3
*2 Compatibility planned with next software version upgrade
8 9
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Common Specifications
Common specifications Common specifications
Item Explanation Remarks Item Explanation Remarks

Frequency limiter Detects drops in DC link circuit voltage (200V: DC 200V,400V: DC400V) and stops the inverter
High and low limiters can be set in addition to Hz values (0–400Hz) Undervoltage LU
(Peak/bottom frequency limit) Note that no alarm will sound if auto-restart after momentary power failure is selected

Bias frequency Bias of set frequency and PID command can be set separately between 0 and ±100% Stops or protects the inverter against input phase loss
Input phase loss Lin
Gain for frequency setting Analog input gain can be set between 0 and 200% Even when there is input phase loss, the loss may not be detected if the connected load is light or a DC reactor is connected to the inverter

Jump frequency control Three operation points and their common jump hysteresis width can be set (0–30Hz) Output phase loss detected Detects loss from breaks in output wiring while running or during startup and stops the inverter OPL
Timer operation Operation starts and stops at the time set from keypad (1 cycle) Stops the inverter by detecting the temperature of the inverter cooling system (e.g. when the cooling fan is malfunctioning or there is an overload) OH1
Operated using the key (on the standard or remote keypad) or digital contact point input Protects against overheating during braking resistance based on braking resistor electronic thermal function settings dbH
Jogging operation (*1)
(acceleration and deceleration time--same duration used only for jogging) Overload Stops the inverter based on the temperature of the cooling system and the switching element calculated from output current flow OLU

Auto-restart after momentary · Restarts inverter without stopping the motor when power is restored External alarm input Stops the inverter alarm through digital input (THR) OH2

power failure (*1) · Startup can be selected from frequency prior to startup/momentary power failure when power is restored
Stops running the inverter to protect the motor according to electronic thermal function settings

Motor protection
Current limit Uses hardware to limit current and prevent overcurrent trips resulting from sudden load changes, momentary power failures, Electronic thermal Protects the standard motor and inverter motor over the full frequency range. The second motor can also be OL2
by hardware (*1) and similar events that cannot be handled by software current limiters (can be canceled) protected. (Operation level and thermal time constant can be set between 0.5 and 75.0 minutes)

Slip compensation (*1) Compensates for decrease in speed according to the load, enabling stable operation · Stops running the inverter to protect the motor when the PTC thermistor detects motor temperature
PTC thermistor OH4
Current limit Keeps the current under the preset value during operation A PTC thermistor is connected between terminals C1 and 11, and a resistor is connected between terminals 13 and C1. Set function code.

Process PID regulator Overload early warning Outputs a preliminary alarm at a preset level before the electronic thermal stops the inverter ―
· PID command, keyboard, analog input (terminal 12, C1), RS-485 communication
PID control Memory error Checks data when the power is turned on and data is being written, and stops the inverter if a memory malfunction is detected. Er1
· Feedback value: Analog input (terminal 12, C1)
· Low liquid level stop function · Switch forward/reverse operation · Integration reset/hold function
Keypad Stops the inverter if a communication malfunction is detected between the keypad and inverter unit while an operation
communication error command is in progress from the remote keypad

· Automatically limits output frequency, limits energy generated by the inverter, and avoids overcurrent trips when torque relay value is exceeded (*1)
Automatic deceleration
· Makes deceleration time three times longer to avoid trip when DC link circuit voltage exceeds overage limit CPU error Stops the inverter if a CPU malfunction caused by noise or similar factors is detected Er3

Deceleration characteristics Pressing the key on the keypad forces the inverter to stop, even if run commands are being
Increases motor loss and reduces energy generated by the inverter during deceleration to avoid overcurrent trips key priority
(improved braking capacity) delivered via terminals or communications. Er6 is displayed once stop is complete.

Energy saving operation (*1) Restricts output voltage to minimize total motor and inverter loss during constant speed operation Operation error Er6
Prohibits run operations and displays Er6 if a run command is given while any of the following status changes are occurring:
Overload prevention control Lowers frequency when IGBT junction temperature and ambient temperature rise due to overloading to avoid further overload Start check · Powering up · Canceling an alarm
· Switching run command methods via link operation
Offline tuning (*1) Performs r1, Xσ, and excitation current tuning

Fan stop operation Detects inverter internal temperature and stops cooling fan when the temperature is low Tuning error (*1) Stops the inverter when there is a tuning failure, interruption, or abnormality in tuning results during motor constant tuning Er7

· Switching between two motors in the same inverter is enabled (switching cannot be performed while the inverter is running) RS-485 communication error Stops the inverter if a communications malfunction is detected in RS-485 communication with the inverter unit Er8
Induction motor settings can only be applied to the second motor
Secondary motor settings Data save error during undervoltage Displays an error if data save cannot proceed normally because an undervoltage protection function is activated ErF
Data settings (base frequency, rated current, torque boost, electronic thermal, and slip compensation, etc.) can be entered for the second motor
· Constants can be set within the second motor. Auto-tuning is also enabled. Step out detected (*2) Stops the inverter when a synchronous motor step out is detected Erd

Rotational direction limits Select either prevent reverse or prevent forward operation PID feedback break detected Stops the inverter when a break is detected during current input (C1 terminal) distribution to PID feedback (can be enabled/disabled) CoF

Speed monitor, output current [A], output voltage [V], input power [kW], PID reference, PID feedback value, PID output, timer Stall prevention Output frequency is reduced to avoid an overcurrent trip when output current exceeds the limit during acceleration/deceleration or constant speed operation
value (for timer operation) [s], total power amount
· Outputs a relay signal when the inverter is stopped due to an alarm
Running/stopping Select the speed monitor to be displayed from the following: Alarm output (for any fault)
· Alarm stop status can be canceled by pressing the PRG/RESET key or by inputting a digital signal (RST)
Output frequency (before slip compensation) [Hz], output frequency (after slip compensation) [Hz], set frequency [Hz],
load shaft speed [min-1], line speed [m/min], constant rate of feeding time [min] Retry Inverter can be automatically reset and restarted after stopping due to a trip (the number of retries and wait time until reset can also be set)

Lifetime alarm Displays the lifetime alarm for the main circuit condenser, PCB condenser, and cooling fan. External output is enabled for lifetime alarm information. Incoming surge Protects the inverter from surge voltage between the main circuit and ground terminal

Total running time Can display total motor running time, total inverter running time, and total power use · Launches a protective function (stops the inverter) when there is a momentary power failure of 15ms or more
Momentary power failure
I/O check Displays control circuit terminal output status · Restarts and restores voltage within the set time when momentary power failure restart is selected

Energy saving monitor Power consumption, power consumption x coefficient Mock malfunction Can output a mock alarm to check malfunction sequences Err

· Must be indoors and free of corrosive gases, flammable gases, dust, and oil mist (contamination level 2 (IEC 60664-1: 2007)
Displays cause of trip: Installation location
· : Overcurrent during acceleration · : Overcurrent during deceleration · : Overcurrent at constant speed · Keep out of direct sunlight
· : Input phase loss · : Undervoltage · : Output phase loss
Ambient temperature Open: –10 to +50°C (IP20)
· : Overvoltage during acceleration · : Overvoltage during deceleration · : Overvoltage during constant speed
· : Overheating of the heat sink · : External thermal relay tripped · : Motor protection (PTC thermistor) Ambient humidity 5 to 95%RH (no condensation)
Trip mode

· : Overheating of the DB circuit · : PID feedback break detected · : Overload in motor 1

1000m or below No output reduction
· : Overload in motor 2 · : Inverter unit overload · : Memory error
1000–less than 3000m Output reduced
· : Keypad communication error · : CPU error · : Operation procedure error Altitude
· : Tuning error · : RS485 error · : Data save error due to undervoltage 1000–less than 1500m: 0.97, 1500–less than 2000m: 0.95
· : Step out detected (for synchronous motor drive) (*2) · : Mock error 2000–less than 2500m: 0.91, 2500–less than 3000m: 0.88

Trip history: Saves and displays the last 4 trip codes and their detailed description Vibration 3mm: 2 to less than 9Hz, 9.8m/s2: 9 to less than 20Hz, 2m/s2: 20 to less than 55Hz, 1m/s2: 55 to less than 200Hz
Running or trip mode
Saves and displays detailed data for each section on up to four past trips Saved temperature -25 to +70°C

Overcurrent Stops the inverter to protect against overcurrent due to overload LED display Saved humidity 5 to 95%RH (no condensation)

Short-circuit Stops the inverter to protect against overcurrent due to a short circuit in the output circuit *1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation
Ground fault Stops the inverter to protect against overcurrent due to a ground fault (initial ground circuit only) in the output circuit OC3 *2 Compatibility planned with next software version upgrade

Detects excess voltage in DC link circuit (200V: DC 400V,400V: DC 800V) and stops the inverter OU1
Overvoltage OU2
Cannot protect against significantly large voltage input mistakenly applied OU3
*2 Compatibility planned with next software version upgrade
8 9
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Terminal Functions
Terminal functions Terminal functions
Category Symbol Terminal name Functions Remarks Category Symbol Terminal name Functions Remarks
L1/R,L2/S,L3/T Power input Connect a three-phase power supply (three-phase 200V,400V) (DCBRK) DC brake command Turn DCBRK ON to start direct current braking

U,V,W Inverter output Connect a three-phase induction motor Write enable Function code data changes can only be made when the keypad
Main circuit

P(+) ,P1 For DC REACTOR Connect the DC REACTOR for KEYPAD is turned ON with WE-KP

P(+) ,N(-) For DC bus connection Used for DC bus connection system (UP) UP command Output frequency increases while UP is ON

For EXTERNAL Only for 0.4kW and above. Connections are enabled (DOWN) DOWN command Output frequency decreases while DOWN is ON
P(+) ,DB Connect external braking resistor
BRAKING RESISTOR for 0.2kW and below, but operation will not work.
PID control is canceled when Hz/PID is ON
(Hz/PID) PID control cancel

Digital input
G(2-terminal) Grounding Ground terminal for inverter chassis (runs based on multistep frequency/keypad/analog input etc.)

13 Potentiometer power supply Power supply for frequency setting potentiometer (1 to 5kΩ) DC10V Switch from analog frequency setting or PID control output signal (frequency setting) operation
(IVS) Inverse mode changeover
Voltage input · Used as voltage input for frequency setting mode to forward/reverse operation. Reverse operation enabled when IVS is ON.
0 to +10V DC/0 to 100% (LE) Link enable (RS485, Bus) Operates according to commands from RS-485 when LE is ON
12 (PID-RST) PID integral/differential reset Turn PID-RST ON to reset PID integration and differential values
(Inverse operation) · +10 to +0V DC/0 to 100%
(PID control) · Used for reference signal (PID process command) or feedback signal (PID-HLD) PID integral hold Turn PID-HLD ON to hold PID differentiation
Frequency setting

(Frequency aux. setting) · Used as additional auxiliary setting to various main settings of frequency
Connect to PLC output signal power supply +24V (22–27V)
PLC PLC terminal
Current input · Used as current input for frequency setting Common for 24V power Max 50mA
+4 to +20mA DC (0 to +20mA DC)/0 to 100% CM(2-terminal) Common Common for digital input signal Isolated from terminal 11 and Y1E

(Inverse operation) · +4 to +20mA DC (0 to +20mA DC)/0 to 100% Power supply for transistor output load (Max: DC 24V DC 50mA) Short circuit between terminal CM
C1 (PLC) Transistor output power
(PID control) · Used for reference signal (PID process command) or feedback signal (Caution: Same terminal as digital input PLC terminal) and Y1E is used
(Frequency aux. setting)

Terminal functions
· Used as additional auxiliary setting to various main settings of frequency
Select one of the following signals for output: Max. voltage: 27Vdc, max. current: 50mA,
Y1 Transistor output
(For PTC thermistor) · Connects PTC thermistor for motor protection Short circuit when ON signal is output or open circuit when ON signal is output leak current: 0.1mA max., ON voltage: within 2V(at 50mA)

11(2-terminal) Common Common terminal for frequency setting signal (12, 13, C1, FMA) Isolated from terminal CM and Y1E (RUN) Inverter running (speed exists) Comes ON when the output frequency is higher than starting frequency

X1 Digital input 1 The following functions can be set at terminals X1 to X3, FWD, Comes ON when the difference between output frequency and set frequency
(FAR) Speed/freq. arrival
X2 Digital input 2 and REV for signal input. rises above the frequency arrival detection range (function code E30)
- Common function
X3 Digital input 3 Comes ON when output frequency falls below operational level (function code E31).
· Switch between synch/source using the built-in switches on the unit (FDT) Speed/freq. detection
FWD Forward operation command · Short-circuit ON or open circuit ON settings are enabled between the terminal X1 and CM Turns OFF when it falls below operational level (function code E31) or hysteresis width (function code E32).

REV Reverse operation command The same setting is possible between CM and any of the terminals among X2, X3, FWD, and REV.
Comes ON when there is a run command and running has stopped
(LU) Undervoltage detection
The motor runs in the forward direction when (FWD) is ON, stops after Only terminal FWD/REV settings are due to insufficient voltage
(FWD) Forward operation command
deceleration when FWD is OFF allowed, only short circuit ON
Comes ON when the inverter is experiencing limited current,
(IOL) Inverter output limit
(REV) Reverse operation command The motor runs in the reverse direction when (REV) is ON, stops after deceleration when REV is OFF do. automatic deceleration, or limited torque operation

16-speed operation is enabled using the ON/OFF signal from (SS1) Comes ON during auto restart operation
(IPF) Auto-restarting
through (SS8) (after momentary power failure and until completion of restart).
(SS1) Frequency Comes ON when the electronic thermal relay value is higher than

Transistor output
(SS2) Digital input 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (OL) Overload early warning
Multistep freq. selection the preset alarm level
(SS4) (SS1) - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON

(SS8) (SS2) - - ON ON - - ON ON - - ON ON - - ON ON Comes ON when Motor 2 is selected by inputting a motor switch

(SWM2) Switch to Motor 2
(SS4) - - - - ON ON ON ON - - - - ON ON ON ON signal (M2/M1)
Digital input

(SS8) - - - - - - - - ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON
(TRY) Auto-resetting mode Comes ON during auto reset mode

Acceleration/deceleration time setting 1 is active when RT1 is OFF (LIFE) Lifetime alarm Alarm signal is output according to lifetime assessment standards inside the inverter
(RT1) ACC/DEC selection
Acceleration/deceleration time setting 2 is active when RT1 is ON (PID-CTL) PID control in progress Comes ON when PID control is in effect

· Used as an automatic hold signal during 3-wire operation Comes ON when low liquid level stop is in effect in PID control
(PID-STP) PID low water volume stop in progress
(HLD) 3-wire operation stop command · The FWD or REV signal is automatically stopped when HLD is ON, (also stops based on the status of input run command)
and the hold is removed when HLD is OFF
Comes ON when the inverter is running above startup frequency
When BX is ON, inverter output is shut off immediately and the motor (RUN2) Inverter output in progress and DC braking is also in operation
(BX) Coast-to-stop command (Comes ON when the inverter main circuit (gate) is ON)
coasts-to-stop (no alarm output)

(RST) Alarm reset Alarm hold status is removed when RST is ON Signal at 0.1s or higher (OLP) Overload preventive control Comes ON when overload prevention control is operating

When THR is OFF, inverter output is shut off immediately and the motor Comes ON when a current larger than the set value (for ID2) is
(THR) Trip command (External fault) (ID2) Current detection 2
coasts-to-stop (alarm output enabled: OH2) continuously detected for longer than the time set on the timer

(THM) Thermistor detected Comes ON when motor overheating is detected by the PTC/NTC thermistor (*1)
Turn JOG ON to enable jogging operation: switches the running mode
(JOG) Jogging operation to jogging mode, the frequency setting to jogging frequency, and (*1) (BRKS) Brake signal Outputs a brake engage/release signal
acceleration/deceleration time to jogging running use Comes ON when both (FAR) and (FDT) are ON
(FARFDT) Frequency arrival/frequency detected

(Hz2/Hz1) Freq. set 2/ Freq. set 1 Frequency setting 2 is selected when Hz2/Hz1 is ON (C1OFF) C1 terminal break detected Comes ON when the system determines that a break will occur if terminal C1 input falls below 2mA

(M2/M1) Motor 2/Motor 1 Motor 1 settings take effect when M2/M1 is OFF. Motor 2 settings take effect when M2/M1 is ON. (ID) Current detection Comes ON when a current larger than the set value has been detected for the timer-set time

*1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation *1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation

10 11
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Terminal Functions
Terminal functions Terminal functions
Category Symbol Terminal name Functions Remarks Category Symbol Terminal name Functions Remarks
L1/R,L2/S,L3/T Power input Connect a three-phase power supply (three-phase 200V,400V) (DCBRK) DC brake command Turn DCBRK ON to start direct current braking

U,V,W Inverter output Connect a three-phase induction motor Write enable Function code data changes can only be made when the keypad
Main circuit

P(+) ,P1 For DC REACTOR Connect the DC REACTOR for KEYPAD is turned ON with WE-KP

P(+) ,N(-) For DC bus connection Used for DC bus connection system (UP) UP command Output frequency increases while UP is ON

For EXTERNAL Only for 0.4kW and above. Connections are enabled (DOWN) DOWN command Output frequency decreases while DOWN is ON
P(+) ,DB Connect external braking resistor
BRAKING RESISTOR for 0.2kW and below, but operation will not work.
PID control is canceled when Hz/PID is ON
(Hz/PID) PID control cancel

Digital input
G(2-terminal) Grounding Ground terminal for inverter chassis (runs based on multistep frequency/keypad/analog input etc.)

13 Potentiometer power supply Power supply for frequency setting potentiometer (1 to 5kΩ) DC10V Switch from analog frequency setting or PID control output signal (frequency setting) operation
(IVS) Inverse mode changeover
Voltage input · Used as voltage input for frequency setting mode to forward/reverse operation. Reverse operation enabled when IVS is ON.
0 to +10V DC/0 to 100% (LE) Link enable (RS485, Bus) Operates according to commands from RS-485 when LE is ON
12 (PID-RST) PID integral/differential reset Turn PID-RST ON to reset PID integration and differential values
(Inverse operation) · +10 to +0V DC/0 to 100%
(PID control) · Used for reference signal (PID process command) or feedback signal (PID-HLD) PID integral hold Turn PID-HLD ON to hold PID differentiation
Frequency setting

(Frequency aux. setting) · Used as additional auxiliary setting to various main settings of frequency
Connect to PLC output signal power supply +24V (22–27V)
PLC PLC terminal
Current input · Used as current input for frequency setting Common for 24V power Max 50mA
+4 to +20mA DC (0 to +20mA DC)/0 to 100% CM(2-terminal) Common Common for digital input signal Isolated from terminal 11 and Y1E

(Inverse operation) · +4 to +20mA DC (0 to +20mA DC)/0 to 100% Power supply for transistor output load (Max: DC 24V DC 50mA) Short circuit between terminal CM
C1 (PLC) Transistor output power
(PID control) · Used for reference signal (PID process command) or feedback signal (Caution: Same terminal as digital input PLC terminal) and Y1E is used
(Frequency aux. setting)

Terminal functions
· Used as additional auxiliary setting to various main settings of frequency
Select one of the following signals for output: Max. voltage: 27Vdc, max. current: 50mA,
Y1 Transistor output
(For PTC thermistor) · Connects PTC thermistor for motor protection Short circuit when ON signal is output or open circuit when ON signal is output leak current: 0.1mA max., ON voltage: within 2V(at 50mA)

11(2-terminal) Common Common terminal for frequency setting signal (12, 13, C1, FMA) Isolated from terminal CM and Y1E (RUN) Inverter running (speed exists) Comes ON when the output frequency is higher than starting frequency

X1 Digital input 1 The following functions can be set at terminals X1 to X3, FWD, Comes ON when the difference between output frequency and set frequency
(FAR) Speed/freq. arrival
X2 Digital input 2 and REV for signal input. rises above the frequency arrival detection range (function code E30)
- Common function
X3 Digital input 3 Comes ON when output frequency falls below operational level (function code E31).
· Switch between synch/source using the built-in switches on the unit (FDT) Speed/freq. detection
FWD Forward operation command · Short-circuit ON or open circuit ON settings are enabled between the terminal X1 and CM Turns OFF when it falls below operational level (function code E31) or hysteresis width (function code E32).

REV Reverse operation command The same setting is possible between CM and any of the terminals among X2, X3, FWD, and REV.
Comes ON when there is a run command and running has stopped
(LU) Undervoltage detection
The motor runs in the forward direction when (FWD) is ON, stops after Only terminal FWD/REV settings are due to insufficient voltage
(FWD) Forward operation command
deceleration when FWD is OFF allowed, only short circuit ON
Comes ON when the inverter is experiencing limited current,
(IOL) Inverter output limit
(REV) Reverse operation command The motor runs in the reverse direction when (REV) is ON, stops after deceleration when REV is OFF do. automatic deceleration, or limited torque operation

16-speed operation is enabled using the ON/OFF signal from (SS1) Comes ON during auto restart operation
(IPF) Auto-restarting
through (SS8) (after momentary power failure and until completion of restart).
(SS1) Frequency Comes ON when the electronic thermal relay value is higher than

Transistor output
(SS2) Digital input 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (OL) Overload early warning
Multistep freq. selection the preset alarm level
(SS4) (SS1) - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON - ON

(SS8) (SS2) - - ON ON - - ON ON - - ON ON - - ON ON Comes ON when Motor 2 is selected by inputting a motor switch

(SWM2) Switch to Motor 2
(SS4) - - - - ON ON ON ON - - - - ON ON ON ON signal (M2/M1)
Digital input

(SS8) - - - - - - - - ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON
(TRY) Auto-resetting mode Comes ON during auto reset mode

Acceleration/deceleration time setting 1 is active when RT1 is OFF (LIFE) Lifetime alarm Alarm signal is output according to lifetime assessment standards inside the inverter
(RT1) ACC/DEC selection
Acceleration/deceleration time setting 2 is active when RT1 is ON (PID-CTL) PID control in progress Comes ON when PID control is in effect

· Used as an automatic hold signal during 3-wire operation Comes ON when low liquid level stop is in effect in PID control
(PID-STP) PID low water volume stop in progress
(HLD) 3-wire operation stop command · The FWD or REV signal is automatically stopped when HLD is ON, (also stops based on the status of input run command)
and the hold is removed when HLD is OFF
Comes ON when the inverter is running above startup frequency
When BX is ON, inverter output is shut off immediately and the motor (RUN2) Inverter output in progress and DC braking is also in operation
(BX) Coast-to-stop command (Comes ON when the inverter main circuit (gate) is ON)
coasts-to-stop (no alarm output)

(RST) Alarm reset Alarm hold status is removed when RST is ON Signal at 0.1s or higher (OLP) Overload preventive control Comes ON when overload prevention control is operating

When THR is OFF, inverter output is shut off immediately and the motor Comes ON when a current larger than the set value (for ID2) is
(THR) Trip command (External fault) (ID2) Current detection 2
coasts-to-stop (alarm output enabled: OH2) continuously detected for longer than the time set on the timer

(THM) Thermistor detected Comes ON when motor overheating is detected by the PTC/NTC thermistor (*1)
Turn JOG ON to enable jogging operation: switches the running mode
(JOG) Jogging operation to jogging mode, the frequency setting to jogging frequency, and (*1) (BRKS) Brake signal Outputs a brake engage/release signal
acceleration/deceleration time to jogging running use Comes ON when both (FAR) and (FDT) are ON
(FARFDT) Frequency arrival/frequency detected

(Hz2/Hz1) Freq. set 2/ Freq. set 1 Frequency setting 2 is selected when Hz2/Hz1 is ON (C1OFF) C1 terminal break detected Comes ON when the system determines that a break will occur if terminal C1 input falls below 2mA

(M2/M1) Motor 2/Motor 1 Motor 1 settings take effect when M2/M1 is OFF. Motor 2 settings take effect when M2/M1 is ON. (ID) Current detection Comes ON when a current larger than the set value has been detected for the timer-set time

*1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation *1 Only valid when induction motor drive is in operation

10 11
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Terminal Functions External Dimensions

Three-phase 200V series (0.1 to 3.7 kW), Three-phase 400V series (0.4 to 3.7kW), Single-phase 200V series (0.1 to 2.2kW)
Terminal functions
Fig. 1 80 D Fig. 2 110 D
Category Symbol Terminal name Functions Remarks 6.5 67 6.5 2.2 D1 D2
6.5 97 6.5 2.2 D1 D2
6 7
Transistor output

4×5×7 (Long hole)

Comes ON when a current smaller than the set value has been 4×5×6 (Long hole)

(IDL) Small current detection
detected for the timer-set time

(ALM) Alarm relay (for any fault) Alarm signal is output as the transistor output signal

Y1E Transistor output common Common terminal for transistor output Isolated from terminal 11 and CM

Outputs a no-voltage contact signal (1c) when the inverter stops the alarm
Relay output

Can select the same signal as the Y1 signal for multipurpose Contact rating : AC250V, 0.3A,
Alarm relay output
30A, 30B, 30C relay output cosφ=0.3
(for any fault)
· Can switch between alarm output through excitation operation and DC48V, 0.5A

alarm output through non-excitation operation Rating plate

Rating plate
Output format: DC voltage (0–10V) [Unit : mm]
[Unit : mm]
Output can be performed in one of the following selected analog formats
Analog output

· Output frequency 1 (Before slip compensation)

Power supply Dimensions (mm)
voltage Inverter type
· Output frequency 2 (After slip compensation) D D1 D2
FMA Analog monitor Gain setting between 0 and 300% FRN0001C2S-2
· Output current · Output voltage Three-phase FRN0002C2S-2
80 10
· Input power · PID feedback value 200V FRN0004C2S-2 95 25
FRN0006C2S-2 120 50
· DC link circuit voltage · Analog output test Power supply Dimensions (mm)
FRN0001C2S-7 voltage Inverter type
80 10 D D1 D2
· PID command · PID output Single-phase FRN0002C2S-7 70

Three-phase FRN0002C2S-4 115 40
200V FRN0004C2S-7 95 25 75

400V FRN0004C2S-4 139 64
FRN0006C2S-7 140 90 50
Any of the following protocols can be selected:
· Dedicated keypad protocol (automatically selected)

Built-in RJ-45 connector Provides power to the keypad 110 D

· Modbus RTU Fig. 3 6.5 97 6.5 2.2 D1 D2 Fig. 4 140 D
(RS-485 communication) Includes terminator ON/OFF switch 7 6 128 6 2.2 D1 D2
· Fuji dedicated inverter protocol

Terminal functions
4×5×7 (Long hole)
· SX protocol (for PC loader)

Terminal Arrangement

Main circuit terminals Fig. A
Power Nominal applied
motor (kW) Inverter type Reference L1/R L2/S L3/T P1 P(+) N(-)
0.1 FRN0001C2S-2 G
0.2 FRN0002C2S-2

Fig. A DB U V W Rating plate Rating plate

5 5
0.4 FRN0004C2S-2 G [Unit : mm]

External dimensions
Three-phase [Unit : mm]
0.75 FRN0006C2S-2 Screw size: M3.5, Tightening torque: 1.2N.m
1.5 FRN0010C2S-2
Fig. B Power supply Dimensions (mm)
2.2 FRN0012C2S-2 voltage Inverter type
D D1 D2
3.7 FRN0020C2S-2 DB P1 P(+) N(-) Three-phase FRN0010C2S-2 Power supply Dimensions (mm)
voltage Inverter type
0.4 FRN0002C2S-4 200V D D1 D2
Fig. B G 139 75 Three-phase 200V FRN0020C2S-2
0.75 FRN0004C2S-4 G Three-phase FRN0005C2S-4
Three-phase L1/R L2/S L3/T U V W Three-phase 400V FRN0011C2S-4 139 75 64
1.5 FRN0005C2S-4 400V FRN0007C2S-4

Single-phase 200V FRN0012C2S-7
2.2 FRN0007C2S-4 Screw size: M4, Tightening torque: 1.8N.m Single-phase 200V FRN0010C2S-7 149 85
3.7 FRN0011C2S-4
0.1 FRN0001C2S-7 Fig. C
0.2 FRN0002C2S-7
Fig. C
Single-phase 0.4 FRN0004C2S-7 L1/L L2/N P1 P(+) N(-)
200V 0.75 FRN0006C2S-7 G
1.5 FRN0010C2S-7 DB U V W
Fig. D
2.2 FRN0012C2S-7 G
Screw size: M3.5, Tightening torque: 1.2N.m

Fig. D

DB P1 P(+) N(-)

L1/L L2/N U V W

Screw size: M4, Tightening torque: 1.8N.m

Control circuit terminals

Y1 Y1E FMA C1 PLC X1 X2 X3

11 12 13 11 CM FWD REV CM

30A 30B 30C

Screw size: M2, Tightening torque: 0.2N.m
Screw size: M2.5, Tightening torque: 0.4N.m
12 13
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter

Terminal Functions External Dimensions

Three-phase 200V series (0.1 to 3.7 kW), Three-phase 400V series (0.4 to 3.7kW), Single-phase 200V series (0.1 to 2.2kW)
Terminal functions
Fig. 1 80 D Fig. 2 110 D
Category Symbol Terminal name Functions Remarks 6.5 67 6.5 2.2 D1 D2
6.5 97 6.5 2.2 D1 D2
6 7
Transistor output

4×5×7 (Long hole)

Comes ON when a current smaller than the set value has been 4×5×6 (Long hole)

(IDL) Small current detection
detected for the timer-set time

(ALM) Alarm relay (for any fault) Alarm signal is output as the transistor output signal

Y1E Transistor output common Common terminal for transistor output Isolated from terminal 11 and CM

Outputs a no-voltage contact signal (1c) when the inverter stops the alarm
Relay output

Can select the same signal as the Y1 signal for multipurpose Contact rating : AC250V, 0.3A,
Alarm relay output
30A, 30B, 30C relay output cosφ=0.3
(for any fault)
· Can switch between alarm output through excitation operation and DC48V, 0.5A

alarm output through non-excitation operation Rating plate

Rating plate
Output format: DC voltage (0–10V) [Unit : mm]
[Unit : mm]
Output can be performed in one of the following selected analog formats
Analog output

· Output frequency 1 (Before slip compensation)

Power supply Dimensions (mm)
voltage Inverter type
· Output frequency 2 (After slip compensation) D D1 D2
FMA Analog monitor Gain setting between 0 and 300% FRN0001C2S-2
· Output current · Output voltage Three-phase FRN0002C2S-2
80 10
· Input power · PID feedback value 200V FRN0004C2S-2 95 25
FRN0006C2S-2 120 50
· DC link circuit voltage · Analog output test Power supply Dimensions (mm)
FRN0001C2S-7 voltage Inverter type
80 10 D D1 D2
· PID command · PID output Single-phase FRN0002C2S-7 70

Three-phase FRN0002C2S-4 115 40
200V FRN0004C2S-7 95 25 75

400V FRN0004C2S-4 139 64
FRN0006C2S-7 140 90 50
Any of the following protocols can be selected:
· Dedicated keypad protocol (automatically selected)

Built-in RJ-45 connector Provides power to the keypad 110 D

· Modbus RTU Fig. 3 6.5 97 6.5 2.2 D1 D2 Fig. 4 140 D
(RS-485 communication) Includes terminator ON/OFF switch 7 6 128 6 2.2 D1 D2
· Fuji dedicated inverter protocol

Terminal functions
4×5×7 (Long hole)
· SX protocol (for PC loader)

Terminal Arrangement

Main circuit terminals Fig. A
Power Nominal applied
motor (kW) Inverter type Reference L1/R L2/S L3/T P1 P(+) N(-)
0.1 FRN0001C2S-2 G
0.2 FRN0002C2S-2

Fig. A DB U V W Rating plate Rating plate

5 5
0.4 FRN0004C2S-2 G [Unit : mm]

External dimensions
Three-phase [Unit : mm]
0.75 FRN0006C2S-2 Screw size: M3.5, Tightening torque: 1.2N.m
1.5 FRN0010C2S-2
Fig. B Power supply Dimensions (mm)
2.2 FRN0012C2S-2 voltage Inverter type
D D1 D2
3.7 FRN0020C2S-2 DB P1 P(+) N(-) Three-phase FRN0010C2S-2 Power supply Dimensions (mm)
voltage Inverter type
0.4 FRN0002C2S-4 200V D D1 D2
Fig. B G 139 75 Three-phase 200V FRN0020C2S-2
0.75 FRN0004C2S-4 G Three-phase FRN0005C2S-4
Three-phase L1/R L2/S L3/T U V W Three-phase 400V FRN0011C2S-4 139 75 64
1.5 FRN0005C2S-4 400V FRN0007C2S-4

Single-phase 200V FRN0012C2S-7
2.2 FRN0007C2S-4 Screw size: M4, Tightening torque: 1.8N.m Single-phase 200V FRN0010C2S-7 149 85
3.7 FRN0011C2S-4
0.1 FRN0001C2S-7 Fig. C
0.2 FRN0002C2S-7
Fig. C
Single-phase 0.4 FRN0004C2S-7 L1/L L2/N P1 P(+) N(-)
200V 0.75 FRN0006C2S-7 G
1.5 FRN0010C2S-7 DB U V W
Fig. D
2.2 FRN0012C2S-7 G
Screw size: M3.5, Tightening torque: 1.2N.m

Fig. D

DB P1 P(+) N(-)

L1/L L2/N U V W

Screw size: M4, Tightening torque: 1.8N.m

Control circuit terminals

Y1 Y1E FMA C1 PLC X1 X2 X3

11 12 13 11 CM FWD REV CM

30A 30B 30C

Screw size: M2, Tightening torque: 0.2N.m
Screw size: M2.5, Tightening torque: 0.4N.m
12 13
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter


14 15
High Perfomance in a Compact Package Welcome to the NEXT Generation of Compact Inverter


14 15
• Measures against surge currents
When running general-purpose motors Environmental conditions If an overvoltage trip occurs while the inverter is Compact inverter
• Driving a 400V general-purpose motor • Installation location stopped or operated under a light load, it is
When driving a 400V general-purpose motor with Use the inverter in a location with an ambient assumed that the surge current is generated by
an inverter using extremely long cables, damage to temperature range of -10 to 50˚C. open/close of the phase-advancing capacitor in the
the insulation of the motor may occur. Use an output The inverter and braking resistor surfaces become power system.
circuit filter (OFL) if necessary after checking with hot under certain operating conditions. Install the We recommend connecting a DC REACTOR to the
the motor manufacturer. Fuji's motors do not require inverter on nonflammable material such as metal. inverter.
the use of output circuit filters because of their Ensure that the installation location meets the • Megger test
reinforced insulation. environmental conditions specified in "Environment" When checking the insulation resistance of the
in inverter specifications. inverter, use a 500V megger and follow the
• Torque characteristics and temperature rise
When the inverter is used to run a general-purpose instructions contained in the Instruction Manual.
Combination with peripheral devices
motor, the temperature of the motor becomes
higher than when it is operated using a commercial Wiring
• Installing a molded case circuit
power supply. In the low-speed range, the cooling breaker (MCCB) • Wiring distance of control circuit
effect will be weakened, so decrease the output Install a recommended molded case circuit breaker When performing remote operation, use twisted
torque of the motor. If constant torque is required in (MCCB) or an earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) shielded wire and limit the distance between the
the low-speed range, use a Fuji inverter motor or a in the primary circuit of each inverter to protect the
motor equipped with an externally powered
ventilating fan.
wiring. Ensure that the circuit breaker capacity is
equivalent to or lower than the recommended
inverter and the control box to 20m.
• Wiring length between inverter and motor COMPACT FUJI INVERTERS
If long wiring is used between the inverter and the motor, the High Perfomance
• Vibration
When the motor is mounted to a machine,
resonance may be caused by the natural
• Installing a magnetic contactor (MC)
inverter will overheat or trip as a result of overcurrent (high-
frequency current flowing into the stray capacitance) in the
INVERTER In a Compact Package
in the output (secondary) circuit wires connected to the phases. Ensure that the wiring is
frequencies, including that of the machine. If a magnetic contactor (MC) is mounted in the shorter than 50m. If this length must be exceeded, lower the Welcome to the
Operation of a 2-pole motor at 60Hz or more may inverter's secondary circuit for switching the motor
cause abnormal vibration. to commercial power or for any other purpose,
carrier frequency or mount an output circuit filter (OFL).
When wiring is longer than 50m, and sensorless vector NEXT Generation
* Study use of tier coupling or dampening rubber.
* It is also recommended to use the inverter jump
ensure that both the inverter and the motor are fully
stopped before you turn the MC on or off. Remove
control or vector control with speed sensor is selected,
execute off-line tuning.
of Compact Inverter
frequencies control to avoid resonance points. the surge killer integrated with the MC.
• Wiring size
• Noise • Installing a magnetic contactor (MC) Select cables with a sufficient capacity by referring
When an inverter is used with a general-purpose in the input (primary) circuit to the current value or recommended wire size.
motor, the motor noise level is higher than that with Do not turn the magnetic contactor (MC) in the

a commercial power supply. To reduce noise, raise primary circuit on or off more than once an hour as • Wiring type
carrier frequency of the inverter. High-speed an inverter fault may result. If frequent starts or Do not use multicore cables that are normally used
operation at 60Hz or more can also result in more stops are required during motor operation, use for connecting several inverters and motors.
noise. FWD/REV signals. • Grounding
When running special motors • Protecting the motor
The electronic thermal facility of the inverter can
Securely ground the inverter using the grounding
terminal. Compact

• Explosion-proof motors protect the general-purpose motor. The operation
level and the motor type (general-purpose motor,
Selecting inverter capacity
When driving an explosion-proof motor with an
inverter, use a combination of a motor and an
inverter that has been approved in advance.
inverter motor) should be set. For high-speed
motors or water-cooled motors, set a small value for
• Driving general-purpose motor And
Select an inverter according to the applicable motor
the thermal time constant to protect the motor. ratings listed in the standard specifications table for
• Brake motors
If you connect the motor thermal relay to the motor the inverter. When high starting torque is required or
For motors equipped with parallel-connected
brakes, their braking power must be supplied from
with a long cable, a high-frequency current may flow
into the wiring stray capacitance. This may cause
quick acceleration or deceleration is required, select High Generation!
an inverter with a capacity one size greater than the
the primary circuit (commercial power supply). If the
brake power is connected to the inverter power
the relay to trip at a current lower than the set value
for the thermal relay. If this happens, lower the
standard. Perfomance
output circuit (secondary circuit) by mistake, • Driving special motors
carrier frequency or use the output circuit filter
problems may occur. Select an inverter that meets the following condition:
Do not use inverters for driving motors equipped Inverter rated current > Motor rated current.
with series-connected brakes. • Discontinuance of power-factor correcting capacitor
Do not mount power factor correcting capacitors in Transportation and storage
• Geared motors
the inverter (primary) circuit. (Use the DC
If the power transmission mechanism uses an oil-
REACTOR to improve the inverter power factor.) Do When transporting or storing inverters, follow the
lubricated gearbox or speed changer/reducer, then
not use power factor correcting capacitors in the procedures and select locations that meet the
continuous motor operation at low speed may
inverter output circuit (secondary). An overcurrent environmental conditions that agree with the
cause poor lubrication. Avoid such operation.
trip will occur, disabling motor operation. inverter specifications.
• Single-phase motors
• Discontinuance of surge killer
Single-phase motors are not suitable for inverter-
Do not mount surge killers in the inverter output
driven variable speed operation. Use three-phase
(secondary) circuit.
• Reducing noise
Use of a filter and shielded wires are typical
measures against noise to ensure that EMC
Directives are met.

Gate City Ohsaki, East Tower, 11-2,

Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku,
Tokyo 141-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5435-7057 Fax: +81-3-5435-7420

Printed in Japan 2013-02(b13a/L12)CM 00 FOLS


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