CT1 JUNE 2022 MC Minor
CT1 JUNE 2022 MC Minor
CT1 JUNE 2022 MC Minor
Q. No Question Mark CO BL
PART A (Answer all questions)
Distinguish between Von-Neumann and Harvard computer 3 CO1 L4
2. What is the importance of system bus in a processor? 3 CO1 L2
3. Distinguish between microcontrollers and embedded processors. 3 CO2 L4
4. 3 CO2 L1
List the status bits in 8051 microcontroller with its importance.
5. List any 3-arithmetic instruction with example. 3 CO3 L1
PART B (Answer one full question from each module)
Module I
a. Explain the function of following registers: status register,
accumulator, program counter, stack pointer, general purpose 7 CO1 L2
b. Describe the architecture of basic processor with relevant diagram. 7 CO1 L2
7. a. Illustrate the basic functional unit of a computer with a neat diagram. 7 CO1 L1
b. Explain Instruction Cycle with a diagram. 7 CO1 L2
Module II
a. Describe the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller with relevant 7 CO2 L2
8. diagram.
b. Illustrate the complete memory organisation of 8051 Microcontroller. 7 CO2 L1
9 a Explain the addressing modes of 8051 with examples. 7 CO2 L2
b Describe the importance of following pins of 8051 Microcontroller: 7 CO2 L2
a). PSEN| b). ALE c). EA| d). RST e). RXD f). INT0| g). RD|
Module III
10. Write an assembly language program to add 20CD H and 65DE H. 7 CO3 L3
Write an assembly language program to do basic arithmetic
operations of two numbers stored in internal memory 20H and 21H.
11. 7 CO3 L3
The result of arithmetic operations needs to be stored in internal
Registers of 8051.
CO2 Familiarize the instruction set of 8051 and perform assembly language programming. L4
CO3 Interface various peripheral devices to the microcontroller using assembly/ C programming. L3
Asst. Prof. Jinto Mathew Asst. Prof. Paul Mathews Asst. Prof. Sherin Thomas
Subject Group Member DQAC Chairperson