1.1 Introduction:
Restaurants , from the humble turo-turo to school canteens, office
cafeterias to dining places of various kinds and classes, serve a special need
in society. Blue-collar and white-collar workers, busy young professionals,
executives, and students depend on the convenience offered by food service
establishments for their meals and snacks outside the home. But there is an unspoken
agreement between these establishments an their patron. Food service providers are
assured of continued patronage only if they can keep their customers satisfied in various
ways. This fact has kept the food service industry on its toes, moving it to continue seeking
ways and means to meet the needs and desires of the clients.
Putting up a food service establishment is no easy task. It goes beyond serving food
to the hungry. The food service provider’s effectivity and success depends a lot on how
well he or she knows the market
Filipinos prefer to dine at home than eat out or have food delivered to their
homes. Not only was it more economical to pack home-cooked lunch for school or
work. Filipinos also appreciated their parent’s or spouse’s cooking more. For them,
the loving care with which food was prepared enhances the flavor of the packed
adobo with rice, afritada with rice, rice-tomato and salted eggs. This explains why
the phrase “parang lutong bahay” (like home-cooked meal)
Before, everyone made it a point to be home for dinner and during weekends
when t he rest of the family is present. On weekends when there was time to relax
and enjoy a meal, preparation would be more elaborate. The menu would be the
family’s favorite recipes: roasted chicken, steamed fish, puchero, kare-kare, lumpia
and chosuey.
Since the 1980’s however, more and more Filipinos have been frequenting
restaurants and campus cafeterias or office canteens. Catered parties have become
so popular, making catering and latest money making venture even in the
The following Factors affect the growth of the Food Industry :
✓ Women have joined work force- wives of
today are working women, either operating a
business or working as an employee. As a
result, she becomes tolerant of the family
members eating their meals at canteens or
other kinds of food service establishment. Often it is more convenient for
her to order food from a restaurant and take it home to her family
2 | Catering & Banquet Service Mgt.
Learning Activity 1
1. Aside from the factors mentioned above, what other factors do
you think contributed to the growth of the food service industry in
the Philippines? Explain your answers.
2. How does the growth of fast-food service affect the socio-economic status of
your community?
Learning Activity 2
1. What are the latest trends you have observed in the food
establishments in your community? Can you name specific food
service establishment in your place and identify which trend are they
2. Aside from food, what are other reasons why people would eat in a
particular food outlet?
Activity 3
What food service establishments in your neighborhood are
institutional or commercial? Visit the nearest food service
establishments in your place and compare it with your school
cafeteria. Which is Commercial and which is institutional? Explain.
Activity 4
Rate every restaurant you have visited. On a scale of 1-10, with 10
being the highest, judge to what degree your favorite food service
establishment has accomplished the following objective.
Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have
achieved its learning outcomes by answering these activities. Write your answers on a
separate A4 size paper , to be to be submitted together when this learning packet is
retrieved .
Activity 2 Directions: Can you tell in your own words how food service
establishment started in the Philippines?
Baclig, Ma. Josefina (2001).Setting Up a Food Business III.Diwa Scholastic Press Inc.
Bernaldez, Sheila A. , et.al (2014). Meal Management with Food & Beverage Services.
The Maya Kitchen (2010). Food Service and Bartending Handbook
For queries concerning the topics discussed in this learning packet, you may contact me
on my email add @ [email protected] or call or text at 09175035949, I would be
happy to assist you, even virtually.
1.4 Acknowledgement
The images, tables and figures and information contained in this learning packet were taken from
the references cited above.
2 | Catering & Banquet Service Mgt.
This learning packet is in response to the mandate of our time throughout this
global pandemic. While this is a new platform, I know this is to the best interest on the
teaching-learning experience that must never be sacrificed.