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2 | Catering & Banquet Service Mgt.



1.0 Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the unit, you should be able to:
a. Classify food service establishment
b. Identify factors that contribute to the growth of food service industry.
c. Narrate how commercialization of food service started

1.1 Introduction:
Restaurants , from the humble turo-turo to school canteens, office
cafeterias to dining places of various kinds and classes, serve a special need
in society. Blue-collar and white-collar workers, busy young professionals,
executives, and students depend on the convenience offered by food service
establishments for their meals and snacks outside the home. But there is an unspoken
agreement between these establishments an their patron. Food service providers are
assured of continued patronage only if they can keep their customers satisfied in various
ways. This fact has kept the food service industry on its toes, moving it to continue seeking
ways and means to meet the needs and desires of the clients.
Putting up a food service establishment is no easy task. It goes beyond serving food
to the hungry. The food service provider’s effectivity and success depends a lot on how
well he or she knows the market

1.2 Discussion and Assessment

Development of Food Service
The food service industry developed from the ancient royal courts ad hostels
providing board and lodging
The large households found in the royal courts of ancient times were the
prototypes of the modern day food service industry. Their kitchens were the first
to produce food for mass consumption. The produced an assortment of foods for
the royalty for the courts staff, and for the guests.
In the Philippines, serving of food in great quantities started in the courts of
datus, rulers of small groups of people called barangays. The datu’s kitchen fed
his family, his servants, and even the whole barangay during feasts.
2 | Catering & Banquet Service Mgt.
Today, food service is one of the most successful
business man has ever known. First, food is a basic need.
Second, modern living makes eating outside the home a
necessity for many people.

Factors affecting the growth of the Food Service Industry

Filipinos prefer to dine at home than eat out or have food delivered to their
homes. Not only was it more economical to pack home-cooked lunch for school or
work. Filipinos also appreciated their parent’s or spouse’s cooking more. For them,
the loving care with which food was prepared enhances the flavor of the packed
adobo with rice, afritada with rice, rice-tomato and salted eggs. This explains why
the phrase “parang lutong bahay” (like home-cooked meal)

Before, everyone made it a point to be home for dinner and during weekends
when t he rest of the family is present. On weekends when there was time to relax
and enjoy a meal, preparation would be more elaborate. The menu would be the
family’s favorite recipes: roasted chicken, steamed fish, puchero, kare-kare, lumpia
and chosuey.

Birthdays, graduation and other especial occasions were all celebrated at

home. On such occasions, the household is usually a mess for days due to

Since the 1980’s however, more and more Filipinos have been frequenting
restaurants and campus cafeterias or office canteens. Catered parties have become
so popular, making catering and latest money making venture even in the
The following Factors affect the growth of the Food Industry :
✓ Women have joined work force- wives of
today are working women, either operating a
business or working as an employee. As a
result, she becomes tolerant of the family
members eating their meals at canteens or
other kinds of food service establishment. Often it is more convenient for
her to order food from a restaurant and take it home to her family
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✓ Reasonably priced meals are so accessible- food service have taken

advantage of the fact that families leave their homes early to be in their
schools or offices on time. – While they used to open shop in time for
lunch, food outlets, esp. fast food centers now offer breakfast meals. These
meals usually come in combination with juices or coffee, a package that is
within the budget even of students.
✓ Food Services are fast and efficient- People in a hurry
cannot afford to wait long for food. Some do not even
have time to get out of their cars to eat their meals at
a restaurant. For this reason, some food restaurants
offer drive-thru services. This service allows
customers to place their orders at a counter outside
and pay without having to leave their cars.
✓ Family incomes have increased – with both husband and wife now
working, the family can accommodate treats like dining out on weekends
pr celebrating special events with catered parties or in restaurants.
✓ Population have increased- population determines the size of business. As
food is a basic human need, there will always business for for
establishments selling or serving food as long as these are well prepared,
reasonably priced, palatable and accessible.
✓ New technologies have ushered in new lifestyles- Household chores are
now done with the aid of machines, even food
can now be ordered through phone. So some
families find it convenient to order their food
and have it delivered to their homes or work
✓ Population have become more mobile- With the convenience of
transportation facilities, it become easy for people to travel. Filipinos, fo
one like to spend their weekends or holidays in resorts or visiting friend
and family in the provinces. This increase in the number of travelers has
made restaurants and hotels profitable for business.
✓ Globalization- Technology has made it possible
for massive information transfer. This leads to
an increased awareness of other people’s food
and culture. People now are more adventurous
in trying different tastes and are open for
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experiencing the culture of exotic places through food. That is why we now
see various restaurants featuring cuisine from all over the globe. WE now
can enjoy food without actually travelling to the different country, like
Indian Restaurant, Korean, Japanese restaurant,etc.

Learning Activity 1
1. Aside from the factors mentioned above, what other factors do
you think contributed to the growth of the food service industry in
the Philippines? Explain your answers.
2. How does the growth of fast-food service affect the socio-economic status of
your community?

➢ Trends in the Food Service Industry

Traditional forms of food service such as table-service restaurants and
cafeterias remain popular. In table-service restaurants, diners order food listed on
the meu. The waiters relay the orders to the kitchen stuff. The waiters serve the
food as soon as this is ready. In cafeterias, trays apf available food are presented
behind a counter and the diners simply point to the food they want.
The 80’s and 90’s however, ushered dining styles that were attuned to
diner’s need for fat, efficient service as well as value for money.

➢ Fast-food Service- diners are given their food soon

after they have placed their orders. It boasts of speedy
and efficient service.
➢ Value for Money- With the stiff competition among
food outlets, restaurants offer diners the option of
eating as much food as they can or drinking as much
as they can for a discounted price. Combo or value
meals attract customers who look for affordable but
nutritious food
➢ Sensory Food Service- flambe or food cooked right
before the customers’ eyes adds up to their value and
➢ Bookstore/libraries/computer shops
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➢ Small, cozy dining outlets-Years ago, restaurants
were built to accommodate a minimum of 150
guests. This set-up required a big space . Now by
contrast, some guests prefer smaller and cozy
outlets , thus making the service more
personalized and atmosphere more intimate.This
new set-up requires fewer staff and less space,thus lowering maintenance
➢ Stress on Healthful food- Diners are becoming more conscious of their
health. In response to this, food service establishments have been
increasingly making nutrition their priority. Customers are interested about
nutrition information on labels, diners ask for diet sodas and mineral water
as healthy alternatives to regular sodas.
➢ A wide range of International Cuisine- Diners used to just three kinds of
food- Filipino, Chinese and continental. Since the early 90’s however,
Filipinos have been exposed to a wider
variety of international cuisine-among
them are Japanese, Thai, Korean,
Vietnamese, Mediterranean, Mexican
and Middle-Easter. There is also the so
called Fusion cuisine, to make it more
acceptable to foreigners; or two type of cuisine that are combined or fused.
➢ Specialty Food Outlets- most of these outlets are just stalls in the malls
selling just one product cooked or flavored in several ways. Most of the
kinds of food sold are those which customers can eat while walking
around.Examples are donuts, milk tea, ice cream brands, pastries,etc.
➢ Disposable Tableware- To facilitate service and minimize staff requirments,
fast-food service and some restaurants use disposable plastic forks, spoons,
knives, paper napkins and placemats.
➢ Clean , comfortable dining- Keeping the dining areas constantly clean is a
amjor concern of food service establishments. This is partculary evident in
fast foos centers where the staff regularly cleans glass windows, wipes
tables, and mops the floors in full view of diners. Added features in these
establishments are well-maintained comfort rooms.
➢ High-tech entertainment- Entertainments using high tech musical
instruments and facilities are now provided by food service outlets such as
bistros, beer gardes, and sing-along joints. Boosting the crowd-drawing
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power of these places are the trendy ambiance, popular singers, unusual
lighting effects and graphic displays.
➢ Family-oriented Set ups- May restaurants promote their establishments as
wholesome dining place for the entire family.
➢ Take out and home delivery service- This type of food service emphasizes
speed and convenience. Families can now enjoy home deliveries by just
calling or texting restaurants.
➢ Merchandizing. Some restaurants , especially the popular ones not only sell
food, they also sell items bearing their the restaurant logo such as caps,
shirts, mugs, umbrella, etc.

Learning Activity 2
1. What are the latest trends you have observed in the food
establishments in your community? Can you name specific food
service establishment in your place and identify which trend are they
2. Aside from food, what are other reasons why people would eat in a
particular food outlet?

Classification of Food Service Establishments

➢ Institutional Food service- emphasize serving adequate and nutritious
foods more than profit considerations
✓ Hospital Kitchen
✓ School cafeteria
✓ Military canteens
✓ Kitchen/cafeterias
run by other institutions sch as
homes for the aged and orphanages

➢ Commercial Food Service – by contrast, stress profit as

their number one priority, example:
✓ Full service restaurants
✓ Fast-food establishment
✓ Commercial cafeterias
✓ Catering Service
✓ Ice cream parlor
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✓ Bars
✓ Food Service in hotels and lodging houses
✓ Food service in hotels and lodging houses
✓ Food service on tourist ships and commercial airplanes.
✓ Specialty food stuff

Activity 3
What food service establishments in your neighborhood are
institutional or commercial? Visit the nearest food service
establishments in your place and compare it with your school
cafeteria. Which is Commercial and which is institutional? Explain.

Objectives and Policies in Food Service establishments

Regardless of the type, location and physical structure, food service

establishments have common objectives. These are:
1. To provide quality food.
2. To show prompt and courteous service.
3. To offer food at reasonable price
4. To provide adequate facilities and show prompt and courteous service to customers.
5. To provide high standards of cleanliness and sanitation.

Activity 4
Rate every restaurant you have visited. On a scale of 1-10, with 10
being the highest, judge to what degree your favorite food service
establishment has accomplished the following objective.

(Name of service establishment) RATING

1. To provide quality food
2. To show prompt and courteous service
3. To offer food at reasonable price
4. To provide adequate facilities
5. To provide high standards of cleanliness and sanitation
Average (total divided by 5)
2 | Catering & Banquet Service Mgt.

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have
achieved its learning outcomes by answering these activities. Write your answers on a
separate A4 size paper , to be to be submitted together when this learning packet is
retrieved .

Direction: •Match the CAUSE in Column A with

Activity 1 the EFFECT IN Column B. •Write only the letter
of the correct answer.
Column A. Column B
1. Construction of manufacturing
companies. a.Increase school enrollment
2. Joining husbands in the work force b.Food service
3. Provision of free education to elementary and c.Population growth
secondary student.
4. Early marriages • d.Industrialization
5. Not enough time to cook meals e.Working mothers
f.Longer leisure

Activity 2 Directions: Can you tell in your own words how food service
establishment started in the Philippines?

Baclig, Ma. Josefina (2001).Setting Up a Food Business III.Diwa Scholastic Press Inc.
Bernaldez, Sheila A. , et.al (2014). Meal Management with Food & Beverage Services.
The Maya Kitchen (2010). Food Service and Bartending Handbook


For queries concerning the topics discussed in this learning packet, you may contact me
on my email add @ [email protected] or call or text at 09175035949, I would be
happy to assist you, even virtually.

1.4 Acknowledgement

The images, tables and figures and information contained in this learning packet were taken from
the references cited above.
2 | Catering & Banquet Service Mgt.


This learning packet is in response to the mandate of our time throughout this
global pandemic. While this is a new platform, I know this is to the best interest on the
teaching-learning experience that must never be sacrificed.

In the pursuit of providing you a comprehensive material under this course,

various available resources were utilized to ensure that all learning competences will be
achieved. However, it does not limit your right to cross-reference. It is much better to
supplement your readings with additional credible materials from different portals to
have a comprehensive understanding of the subject. It is our responsibility to ensure that
there is quality education, in spite of the challenges on the time. Let us work hand in hand
as we innovate, we build and we serve.



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