Practical 6

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Практичне заняття 6


Task 1. Paraphrase the following statements while checking for accuracy. Use the structures from the
examples below.

✔ I think I heard you say … Do I have that right or do you remember it differently?

✔ It sounds like you want/need/feel … Do I have that right, or would you describe it differently?

“I love sitting next to Anna but I’m honestly struggling to get my work done around her. She’s always
making me laugh and telling me stories!”
“Did you hear about Sue’s promotion? It's the third one she’s got since starting and I’ve not even had
one. I don’t understand why I never get those opportunities.”
“I’m not sure why I didn’t do well on the exam. I constantly studied throughout the year and did all my
homework, but when the exam came, I found most of the questions had little to do with what the teacher
told us to learn throughout the semester.”
Task 2. Read the following responses and mark them as those reflecting content (C), behaviour (B), and
emotion (E).
____ 1. Do you mean that you will get an increase in your pay, but your benefits will stay the same?
____ 2. I see that gleam in your eyes. Did you get a promotion?
____ 3. Sounds like you’re dealing with some anxiety about your upcoming performance evaluation?
____ 4. When I asked you if you were coming, and you took a few minutes to respond, what did that
____ 5. Let’s see. You want me to bring the report to your office immediately?
____ 6. You keep tapping your pencil on the desk. Are you feeling impatient?
Task 3. Read the responses below. Arrange them into three columns: Evaluating/Judging, Solving, and
Withdrawing. Are they appropriate for reflective listening or not?

● You’re saying this because you’re angry.

● Things will definitely get better.

● I totally grasp what you’re saying/feeling.

● Why did you do that?

● That’s a stupid thing to say.

● What you really need is to ask for psychiatric help.

● Let’s have lunch and forget about it.

● I know just how you’re feeling.

● It’s your duty.

● That was a dumb thing to do.

● Stop it!

● If I had your problems!

● You’re all wrong on that point!

● Go apologise to them.

● You’ll feel different tomorrow.

● You’re an intelligent person.

● You’d better not try that!

● Let me give you the facts.

● You have so much potential.

● Think about the positive side.

Task 4. When reflecting emotions, we begin the response as below:

You feel/’re feeling …
You sound/’re sounding …
You look/’re looking …
following with the particular emotional state or emotions the speaker is feeling. However, as listeners, we
need to reflect the degree of intensity of these emotions. For example, a little bit, quite, very, extremely,
too, overly, deeply, slightly, terribly, a little, decidedly, and others. Complete the following sentences
using the words showing the degree of emotions’ intensity.
1. You feel ________________ sad.
2. You’re feeling _____________ angry.
3. You feel __________ helpless.
4. You’re feeling _______ depressed.
5. You feel ________ gobsmacked.
6. You feel __________stressed?
7. You feel ___________embarrassed?
8. You’re feeling ________frustrated?
9. You feel ________ excited.
10. You’re feeling ________ petrified.
11. You feel ___________ edgy.
12. You feel _________ content.
13. You’re feeling ________ pleased.
14. You’re feeling ________ jittery.
15. You feel ________ rejected.
16. You feel _________ oversensitive.
17. You’re feeling ________ stunned.
18. You feel __________ miserable.
19. You’re feeling ________ mortified.
20. You’re feeling __________ offended.

Task 5. Read the short conversation below. Make up short dialogues of your own. Follow the example.
- I just don’t understand my boss. One minute he says one thing, and the next minute he says the
- You feel very confused by him?
Task 6. Complete the dialogues. Make up your own openers to suit the responses given.
- ________________________________________________________________
- I can see that this has been difficult for you.

- ________________________________________________________________
- It looks like you’re very concerned about the situation.

- ________________________________________________________________
- It sounds like you’ve tried to work on this as best as you can.
Task 7. Watch the excerpt of an interview. Note down the ways the interviewers reflect on the story. Pay
attention to both verbal and non-verbal means.

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