Work Book. Anatomy of Female Reproductive Organs. Methods of Examination

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The Ministry of health of Ukraine

Bogomolets National Medical University

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for independent work of students

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Academic discipline: obstetrics and gynecology

Direction: surgical
Specialty: General medicine
Department: obstetrics and gynecology №3
Authors: Bogomolets NMU Department of obstetrics and gynecology №3

Kyiv 2020
Content module 1. Endocrine disorders of the female reproductive system.
Topic 1. "Clinical anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs. Methods of examination
of gynecological patients. General symptomatology of gynecological diseases".

Purpose: to study the anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs, especially in different age
periods. To master special methods of examination gynecological patients, the symptomatology of
gynecological diseases.

To know: Classification of the periods of a woman's life. Features of clinical anatomy and physiology
of the female genital organs in different age periods. General methods of examination of gynecological
patients. Special methods of examination gynecological patients. General symptomatology of
gynecological diseases.

Be able to: To collect the anamnesis (General, special, medical history). To evaluate the results of
laboratory examination (General and biochemical blood tests, urine tests, blood coagulation, etc.). To
analyze the data of urogenital smear microscopy, oncocytological research, colposcopy; results of
bacteriological and other methods of identification of causative agents of inflammatory diseases of the
female genital organs; ultrasound; to analyze the results of functional tests. Conduct a pelvic
examination (examination of the external genitalia inspection of the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal
portion of the cervix, bimanual examination, rectal).

Basic concepts of topic: Clinical anatomy of the female genital organs. Physiological changes in
female genital organs in different age periods. Special gynecological anamnesis. Basic examination
methods in gynecology: examination of the external genitalia, examination with the help of mirrors,
bimanual examination. Additional methods of examination in gynecology. Methods of functional
diagnostics of the condition of the ovaries. Ray diagnostic techniques in gynecology: MRI, CT, MSG.
Ultrasonic methods of research in gynecology. Instrumental methods of examination: the sounding of
the uterine cavity, curettage, biopsy, abdominal puncture through the posterior fornix. Endoscopic
methods: colposcopy, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Laboratory diagnosis: Cytology, bacterioscopy,
bacteriology, ELISA, PCR, and pathologic study. General symptomatology of gynecological diseases
(pain, leucorrhoea, disorders of the menstrual cycle, bleeding, infertility, sexual disorders, disorders of
the functions of adjacent organs).

Recommended literature: Basic

1. Obstetrics and gynecology (edit by V. M. Zaporozhan): in 2 Books: a textbook for English-
speaking students of higher medical educational establishments of the IV level of accreditation. - Book
2: Gynaecology, 2007. - 239 p.
2. Gynecology: textbook in English (edit by I. B. Ventskivska) .- K .: Medicine, 2010-160 p.
3. Obstetrics&Gynecology: in two volumes/ Edited by V.I. Gryshchenko. M.O. Shcherbina. - Київ :
Медицина, 2014. Vol. 2: Gynecology - 2014. - 351 с.
4. Gynecology: a manual for students of the Higher Medical Schools of the III-IV degree of
accreditation/ ed. S. V. Khmil. - Ternopil : Pidruchnyky and posibnyky, 2006. - 380 p.
1. The current "Clinical protocols" approved by the order Ministry of health of Ukraine in obstetrics
and gynecology.
2. 100 cases in obstetrics and gynecology. /Bottomly S., Rymer J – G.Britain, 2008 – 265 p.
3. Obstetrics & gynecology/A.Brochert- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Hanley&Belfus, 2002. - 102 p.
4. Obstetrics & gynecology/ Hamilton-Fairley D. - Carlton, Australia, 2004 – 336 p.
5. Algorithms in obstetrics and gynecology. [in ukrainian] Third edition, revised, under. editorship of
Professor V. A. Benyuk. K.: "Library "Health Of Ukraine".-2014.-504p.
6. Zaporozhan V. M., Cegielski M. G. Gynecologic pathology: an Atlas, a textbook. [in ukrainian] -
Odessa: Odessa medical University, 2002

Questions for theoretical study:

1. Clinical anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs.
2. General history of special gynecological anamnesis, anamnesis of illness.
3. General and special methods of examination gynecological patients.
4. Additional methods of examination in gynecology.
5. Methods of functional diagnostics of the condition of the ovaries.
6. Laboratory methods of examination in gynecology: microscopy of urogenital secretions, Cytology,
bacteriological tests, PCR, ELISA, histopathology studies.
7. Instrumental methods of examination in gynecology: the sounding of the uterine cavity, curettage of
the uterine cavity and cervical canal, biopsy, abdominal puncture through the posterior fornix.
8. Endoscopic methods in gynecology: colposcopy, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
9. Ray methods of examination in gynecology: MRI, CT, MSG.
10. Ultrasonic methods of research in gynecology: transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound
11. General symptomatology of gynecological diseases.

Clinical Tasks for an independent work:

1. A 48-years-old patient complains on menstruations with clots which last for 7 days. Anamnesis
data: diabetes mellitus of moderate severity, II degree of obesity, uterine fibroids up to 8 weeks of
pregnancy. Curettage of the uterine walls was conducted. Histological examination of the
endometrium revealed hyperplasia.
Answer the questions:
1. What hormone was the cause of pathological changes in the endometrium?

2. A woman with an acute abdominal clinic and suspected ectopic pregnancy was hospitalized in the
gynecological Department. Through what anatomical formation or part of it will the gynecologist
perform an abdominal puncture?
Answer the questions:
1. What clinical manipulations are necessary to confirm the diagnosis?

3. A 15-year-old patient with bleeding that started during menstruation was admitted to the
gynecological Department.
Answer the questions:
1. What functional changes caused juvenile bleeding?

4. The mother of a sick 5-years-old child turned to a gynecologist about the appearance of a strong
itching and a feeling of heartburn in the vagina. From anamnesis - antibiotics for the treatment of
bronchitis were applied. Examination revealed swelling of the vulva. Discharges are thick and contains
curd masses. Preliminary diagnosis is vulvovaginitis caused by candida fungi.
Answer the questions:
1. What clinical manipulations are necessary to confirm the diagnosis?

5. A 55-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological Department with complaints of subfebrile
body temperature, General weakness, rapid fatigue, unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen,
abdominal pain. Menopausal condition during the last 5 years. Anamnesis: A history of chronic
inflammation of the uterus appendages. Examination: the abdomen has the form of a "frog", ascites. In
a bimanual examination: the uterus is small, shifted to the right. On the left, a limited mobile, dense,
painful neoplasm with a diameter of up to 15 cm is palpated. Preliminary diagnosis is Cancer of the
left ovary.
Answer the questions:
1. What research methods should be performed to confirm the diagnosis?
2. What research methods should be assigned to determine the primary or secondary ovarian cancer?

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