Djuanda Conference Proceeding Article Template

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TYPE ARTICLE TITLE (Font Times New Roman 14)

Author1, Author2
Department, Affiliation, Country
Department, Affiliation, Country
Corresponding Author: E-mail Address

Background: Background contains of: What is already known about the subject, related to the theme of
the article? What is not yet known about the subject and what is the rationale for the research. The
background can be framed in just 2-3 sentences, with each sentence describing a different aspect of the
above-mentioned information.
Purpose: Gives the reader the aim to be achieved from the research, and therefore sharply leads to a
description of the methods used in the investigation.
Methodology: The methodology section is usually the core section in the abstract. Contains sufficient
information for the reader to understand what has been done, and answers to important research questions
through the methods used.
Results: The findings section is the most important part of the abstract and nothing should interfere with
its reach and quality. The originality, limitations, and novelty achieved from the whole research process,
should be sharply described in this section. Note the maximum word limit of up to 500 words for the
entire abstract, including keywords.
Keywords: a, b, c, d, e (in alphabetical order)

Introduction should be written in no more than 500 words, must explain the current issues that lead
to the importance of the research being carried out, the research objectives are clearly stated, and write
down state of the art of the research topic so that the main picture of the research becomes clear to the
readers. However, the literature reference in the introduction must be limited because it is not an
discussion initial. Times New Roman 11, spaced 1.

Research materials and methods should be described in detail in this section so that it is possible
for other researchers to repeat this research. The materials or materials used are not specified separately,
but must be integrated with research procedures. For example, “... respondents were asked to fill out a list
of questions using a 2B pencil and choose one of the three posters shown by the researcher ...”, there is no
need to specify it as follows: “The research material consists of: a list of questions, a 2B pencil, and a
poster” . If the research uses proprietary products (such as patents) for comparison, the intended product
must be written in a standard name or written trademark in parentheses if it is deemed to help clarify the
reader's understanding, but the condition must be to obtain written permission from the owner of the
product before publication. The model, type, brand, and manufacturer of the equipment used in the study
should be explained. The methods and models of statistical analysis must be clear so that it is possible for
other researchers to repeat them.
The systematics of writing are arranged as follows: material, experimental design and treatment,
research implementation procedures, laboratory analysis, and statistical analysis. This systematic is not
rigid, it can be adapted to the characteristics of the scientific field. For example, for public research
administration where there is no analysis laboratory, there is no need for laboratory analysis. On the other
hand, other subsections can be added as needed.


The results of the study, including the results of statistical analysis, are described in detail in this
section. Illustrations, if needed, can be presented in the form of tables and/or pictures. Tables and figures
must be simple, informative, easy to understand, and independent, in the sense that the table or figure in
question must be able to explain to the reader so that the reader does not have to read the writing to
understand it. Things that have been explained in tables or figures do not need to be repeated in writing.
Tables and figures are loaded on a separate page from the text.
The results of the next study are discussed by comparing them with the results of research on
similar topics from previous researchers to reveal whether their consistency (consistency) is consistent
(same) or different, then explain the scientific reasons for the results in a straightforward and thorough
manner so as to clarify the position of the research results. Furthermore, the research findings are
disclosed along with the advantages and disadvantages, if any. The expression of the findings of this
study will make it easier to conclude the results of the study.


Conclusions contain research findings that reflect novelty, originality, originality, universality, and
scientific contributions in the development of science and technology. The statement in the conclusion is
free from statistical phrases or terms, such as “… significant effect (P<0.05)”.
Authors must explain the implications of their research results in scientific development, and their
impact on the environment, social, cultural, economic, political, and/or legal. Implications are presented
in simple language so that readers non-scholar can understand them easily.

Author is responsible for the correctness of all bibliographic sources referred to and listed in the
Bibliography and those referred to in the text. It is highly recommended to use the most recent
publication (last 10 years) in the Vancouver format (1), which is presented in the order of occurrence in
the citation and is written according to the numbering format (2). Such as the following examples:

1. Liu C, Moldogaziev TT, Mikesell JL. Corruption and state and local government debt expansion. Public
Administration Review. 2017;77(5):681–90.

2. Ahmad NL. Exploring Factors that Influence the Use and Acceptance of Virtual Learning Environment on
Teaching and Learning Accounting. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education
(TURCOMAT). 2021;12(3):476–88.


Presented in the appendix with the order of occurrence in accordance with those referred to in the
contents of the article. The format for writing tables and figures in the attachment is as follows:

Table 1 Simultaneous Test

Sum of mean
Model Squares Df Squares F Sig.
1 Regression 1596,040 2 798,020 99,589 , 000ᵃ

Residual 576,946 72 8,013

Total 2172,987 74
Source : SPSS 16 (2020)

Tables and Figures are written in 1 column format by including the source and year. The title of the
table is placed at the top of the table. Table titles and figures are written in bold. Image title is placed at
the bottom of the image.

Source: Jakarta Islamic Index (2019)

Figure 1 Trading Transaction Volume Activity Period 2015 – 2019

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