Qualitative Research Methods For Evaluating Computer Information Systems

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Qualitative Research Methods

for Evaluating Computer
Information Systems
Bonnie Kaplan and Joseph A. Maxwell

Qualitative research methods are being used increasingly in evaluation
studies, including evaluations of computer systems and information tech-
nology. This chapter provides an overview of the nature and appropriate
uses of qualitative methods and of key considerations in conducting quali-
tative research.
The goal of qualitative research is understanding issues or particular
situations by investigating the perspectives and behavior of the people in
these situations and the context within which they act. To accomplish this,
qualitative research is conducted in natural settings and uses data in the
form of words rather than numbers. Qualitative data are gathered prima-
rily from observations, interviews, and documents, and are analyzed by a
variety of systematic techniques. This approach is useful in understanding
causal processes, and in facilitating action based on the research results.
Qualitative methods are primarily inductive. Hypotheses are developed
during the study so as to take into account what is being learned about the
setting and the people in it. Qualitative methods may be combined with
quantitative methods in conducting a study. Validity threats are addressed
primarily during data collection and analysis.
The chapter discusses these points and uses an evaluation of a clinical
laboratory information system to illustrate them.
Computer information systems can significantly improve patient care,
hospital management and administration, research, and health and medical
education. However, many systems do not achieve these goals. Dowling esti-
mated that 45% of computer-based medical information systems failed due
to user resistance, even though these systems were sound technologically.
Thus, the stakes in developing, implementing, and evaluating such systems
are high [1].
Different evaluation objectives require different methodological
approaches. Many evaluations of medical computer information systems
focus on impacts such as costs and benefits, timeliness, completeness, error

2. Qualitative Research Methods 31

rates, retrievability, usage rates, user satisfaction, and clinician behavior

changes [2,3]. Quantitative methods are excellent for studying these kinds
of evaluation questions, in which selected features of the information tech-
nology, the organization, the user, and the information needs generally are
treated as independent, objective, and discrete entities, and as unchanging
over the course of the study [4].
When a researcher or evaluator wishes to study issues that are not easily
partitioned into discrete entities, or to examine the dynamics of a process
rather than its static characteristics, qualitative methods are more useful
than solely quantitative ones. The strengths of qualitative research methods
lie in their usefulness for understanding the meaning and context of the
phenomena studied, and the particular events and processes that make up
these phenomena over time, in real-life, natural settings [5]. When evaluat-
ing computer information systems, these contextual issues include social,
cultural, organizational, and political concerns surrounding an information
technology; the processes of information systems development, installation,
and use (or lack of use); and how all these are conceptualized and perceived
by the participants in the setting where the study is being conducted [6].
Thus, qualitative methods are particularly helpful for any of the following:
• To determine what might be important to measure, why measured results
are as they are, or if the subject of study cannot be measured easily
• To understand not only what happened, or what people are responding
to, but why; to understand how people think or feel about something and
why they think that way, what their perspectives and situations are and
how those influence what is happening; to understand and explore what
a technology (such as an newborn nursery telemonitoring system) or
practice (such as using a computer to access health information) means
to people
• To investigate the influence of social, organizational, and cultural context
on the area of study, and vice versa
• To examine causal processes, and not simply what causal relationships
• To study processes as they develop and emerge, rather than in outcomes
or impacts; for example, to investigate the development process for the
application under study in parallel with that process so that you can
improve the application development as it progresses.
Qualitative research methods have undergone significant development in
recent years [7–10] and are being increasingly used in evaluation research
both within and outside health care [6,10–13]. There also is a growing
literature on combining qualitative and quantitative methods [14–22]. The
purpose of this chapter is to explain what qualitative approaches can con-
tribute to medical computer systems evaluations. We begin by describing
the nature and goals of qualitative research and evaluation, and illustrate
these with an example of the use of qualitative methods in computer
32 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

information systems evaluation. We then discuss some key considerations

in qualitative evaluation research and present the most important methods
used in this approach.

The Nature of Qualitative Research

“Qualitative research” refers to a range of approaches that differ signifi-
cantly among themselves, but that share some defining characteristics and
purposes. These approaches are known by a variety of terms, some broad
and some quite specific. The more general terms, which are more or less
equivalent to “qualitative research,” are “field research” and “naturalistic
research.” More specific terms, denoting particular types of qualitative
research, are “interpretive research,” “ethnographic research,” “phenome-
nological research,” “hermeneutic research,” “humanistic research,” and
some kinds of case studies or action research [23]. We use “qualitative
research” to refer to all of these.
Qualitative research typically involves systematic and detailed study of
individuals in natural settings, instead of in settings contrived by the
researcher, often using open-ended interviews intended to elicit detailed,
in-depth accounts of the interviewee’s experiences and perspectives on
specific issues, situations, or events. Qualitative methods employ data in the
form of words: transcripts of open-ended interviews, written observational
descriptions of activities and conversations, and documents and other arti-
facts of people’s actions. Such data are analyzed in ways that retain their
inherent textual nature. This is because the goals of qualitative research typ-
ically involve understanding a phenomenon from the points of view of the
participants, and in its particular social and institutional context.These goals
largely are lost when textual data are quantified and aggregated [5].

Reasons for Qualitative Research

There five main reasons for using qualitative methods in evaluating com-
puter information systems:
1. Understanding how a system’s users perceive and evaluate that system
and what meanings the system has for them
Users’ perspectives generally are not known in advance. It is difficult to
ascertain or understand these through purely quantitative approaches. By
allowing researchers to investigate users’ perspectives in depth, qualitative
methods can contribute to the explanation of users’ behavior with respect
to the system, and thus to the system’s successes and failures and even of
what is considered a “success” or “failure” [6].
2. Qualitative Research Methods 33

2. Understanding the influence of social and organizational context on

systems use
Computer information systems do not exist in a vacuum; their imple-
mentation, use, and success or failure occur in a social and organiza-
tional context that shapes what happens when that system is introduced.
Some researchers consider this so important as to treat “context” as intrin-
sically part of the object of study rather than as external to the information
system. Because of “context,” in important respects, a system is not the
same system when it is introduced into different settings [24,25]. As is true
for users’ perspectives, the researcher usually does not know in advance
what all the important contextual influences are. Qualitative methods are
useful for discovering and understanding these influences, and also for
developing testable hypotheses and theories.

3. Investigating causal processes

Although experimental interventions can demonstrate that causal rela-
tionships exist, they are less useful in showing how causal processes work
[26–28]. Qualitative methods often allow the researcher to get inside the
black box of experimental and survey designs and to discover the actual
processes involved in producing the results of such studies. Qualitative
research is particularly useful for developing explanations of the actual
events and processes that led to specific outcomes [7], or when causality is
multidirectional and there is no clear effect or impact of one factor on some
specific outcome [6]. In this way, qualitative methods can yield theories and
explanations of how and why processes, events, and outcomes occur [29].

4. Providing formative evaluation that is aimed at improving a program

under development, rather than assessing an existing one
Although quantitative and experimental designs often are valuable in
assessing outcomes, they are less helpful in giving those responsible for
systems design and implementation timely feedback on their actions. Qual-
itative evaluation can help both in system design as well as in studies of
system use [6]. Using qualitative methods can help in identifying potential
problems as they are forming, thereby providing opportunities to improve
the system as it develops. These evaluations also allow for varying and
changing project definitions and how the system and organization are
mutually transformative, thereby enabling learning by monitoring the many
experiments that naturally occur spontaneously as part of the processes of
implementation and use [6].

5. Increasing the utilization of evaluation results

Administrators, policy makers, systems designers, and practitioners often
find purely quantitative studies of little use because these studies do not seem
related to their own understanding of the situation and the problems they
34 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

are encountering. Qualitative methods, by providing evaluation findings that

connect more directly with these individuals’ perspectives, can increase the
credibility and usefulness of evaluations for such decision makers [10].

An Example: Evaluating a Clinical Laboratory

Computer Information System

These attributes of qualitative research are illustrated by a study of a clin-

ical laboratory computer information system used by different laboratories
within one department of an academic medical center [16,30–32]. This
system was evaluated by combining both quantitative and qualitative
methods. A survey questionnaire was designed to assess the impact of the
computer system on work in the laboratories. Qualitative data gathered
from interviews, observations, and open-ended questionnaire questions
were used to determine what changes were attributed to the computer
system. Statistical analysis of the survey data initially revealed no differ-
ences among laboratory technologists’ responses. Qualitative data analysis
of their answers to open-ended questions indicated that laboratory tech-
nologists within each laboratory differed in their reactions to the system,
as did laboratories as a whole. Some focused on work increases, whereas
others emphasized improved laboratory results reporting and service.
Although the quantitative survey data provided no apparent reason for
these differences, the qualitative data did, leading to further investigation.
This investigation revealed that different technologists had different views
of their jobs, and these different views affected their attitudes toward the
computer system. For some technologists, the system enhanced their jobs,
while for others, it interfered with their jobs, even though they ostensibly
had the same jobs and were using the same system. Neither the re-
searchers nor the laboratory personnel expected this finding, though the
finding rang true. Further analysis of the quantitative data supported this
explanation for the differences among laboratories and among technolo-
gists. In the original quantitative analysis, few differences were discernible
among technologists or among laboratories from the quantitative data
because standard quantitative measures of job characteristics assumed a
uniformity of job situations and perceptions. However, this uniformity did
not exist, as revealed in qualitative data that identified technologists’ own
views of their jobs and of the system.
This example illustrates several features of qualitative research.First,it was
not possible to design, in advance, a quantitative study that would have tested
the right hypotheses, because appropriate hypotheses could not be known in
advance. A qualitative approach enabled the researchers to see how individ-
uals construed the information technology, their jobs, and the interaction
between the laboratory computer information system and their jobs. Thus,
the researchers were able to generate productive hypotheses and theory.
2. Qualitative Research Methods 35

Second, the qualitative data enabled the researchers to make sense of

their quantitative findings. The qualitative data helped to explain why the
quantitative results were as they were. This is one example of the point
made above—that qualitative research often can uncover the causal pro-
cesses that explain quantitative results.
Third, the qualitative data were able to serve these purposes because they
helped the researchers understand the system from the points of view of
those involved with it. These points of view are crucial to studying issues
such as computer systems acceptance or rejection, or the changes that occur
when a new system is introduced.
Fourth, a variety of human, contextual, and cultural factors affect system
acceptance in actual use. Qualitative data enabled the researchers to under-
stand the contexts in which the system was developed, installed, and used,
and thus to understand differences among laboratories.
Finally, the results had face validity. They were believable to the labora-
tory director in the hospital where the study was done, to laboratory per-
sonnel in other hospitals, and even outside of hospitals where workers
showed characteristics similar to the laboratory technologists’. Because the
results were credible and the description of the laboratory technologists were
recognizable, they were useful for others.This is the primary means by which
qualitative studies can be generalized or results made transferable: not by
statistical inference to some defined population, but through the develop-
ment of a theory that has applicability beyond the setting studied [33], as was
done in this study [16].
In the remainder of this chapter, we discuss some important considera-
tions in designing and conducting evaluations that use qualitative methods.

Getting Started
The most important initial question for an evaluator is whether qualitative
methods are appropriate for conducting the study. For this, it is important
to consider what qualitative methods can add to an evaluation: what kinds
of questions they are capable of answering, and what value they have.

Research Questions and Evaluation Goals

Qualitative methods typically are used to understand the perception of an
information system by its users, the context within which the system is
implemented or developed, and the processes by which changes occur or
outcomes are generated. They usually focus on the description, interpreta-
tion, and explanation of events, situations, processes, and outcomes, rather
than the correlation of variables, and tend to be used for understanding a
particular case or for comparison of a small number of cases, rather than
for generalization to a specified population. They are useful for systemati-
cally collecting so-called “anecdotal” evidence and turning the experiences
they describe into data that can be rigorously collected and analyzed.
36 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

Thus, the questions posed in a qualitative study are initially framed as

“what,” “how,” and “why” queries, rather than as whether a particular
hypothesis is true or false. The fundamental question is “What is going on
here?” This question is progressively narrowed, focused, and made more
detailed as the evaluation proceeds. Qualitative studies may begin with
specific concerns or even suppositions about what is going on, but major
strengths of qualitative methods are avoiding tunnel vision, seeing the un-
expected, disconfirming one’s assumptions, and discovering new ways of
making sense of what is going on. Qualitative evaluators typically begin
with questions such as:
• What is happening here?
• Why is it happening?
• How has it come to happen in this particular way?
• What do the people involved think is happening?
• How are these people responding to what is happening?
• Why are these people responding that way?
To answer these questions, qualitative evaluators attempt to understand
the way others construe, conceptualize, and make sense of what is happen-
ing in a particular situation. In doing this, they must become familiar with
the everyday behaviors, habits, work routines, and attitudes of the people
involved as these people go about their daily business. It also is important
for evaluators to become familiar with the language or specialized jargon
used by people involved with the study. Knowledge of behaviors, habits,
routines, attitudes, and language provides a way of identifying key concepts
and values. This knowledge enables the evaluator not only to better under-
stand what is going on, but also to present findings in terms meaningful
to the participants. Policy makers, department administrators, systems
designers, and others will be able to recognize the situations being reported
and, therefore, know better how to address them. In addition, individuals
outside the organization where the evaluation is conducted will have suffi-
cient context to develop a good understanding of it.
Further, qualitative methods can be used throughout the entire systems
development and implementation process. They treat a computer infor-
mation system project as a process, rather than as an object or event. By
doing this, the evaluator can play an active role in the project, offering
evaluations as the project progresses (formative evaluations) instead of
having to wait until the project is completed (summative evaluations). In
this way, evaluators can serve as a bridge between the interests of systems
developers and systems users [6].
Recognizing diversity of perceptions also is important; “various individ-
uals . . . may perceive it [an innovation] in light of many possible sets of
values” [34]. For example, in Lundsgaarde and colleague’s [35,36] evalua-
tion of PROMIS, individuals who thought their professional status was
enhanced by the system were more positive than those who felt their status
2. Qualitative Research Methods 37

was lowered. Other values also can play a role; Hirschheim and Klein [37]
illustrate this for systems developers, Kaplan [38–40] for the physician and
developer values in systems development and use, while Sicotte and col-
leagues discuss a system failure in terms that contrast differences in values
and goals among nurses and system developers [41,42]. A major strength
of qualitative approaches is their sensitivity to this diversity and to unique
events and outcomes.

Role of Theory
Theory is useful for guiding a study. Familiarity with the subject of study or
with a wide range of theories and situations, for example, can help the
researcher make sense of occurrences in the particular study being con-
ducted. It can help the evaluator to not overlook important issues and help
provide a set of constructs to be investigated. In this way, theory can shape
research questions and focus. Theory also will guide a researcher’s inter-
pretation and focus. Theories of knowledge and epistemologies underlying
research approaches influence how the project is conceived, how the
research is carried out, and how it is reported. For example, Kaplan
describes how three different theoretical perspectives would lead to differ-
ent interpretations of Lundsgaarde, Fischer, and Steele’s findings in their
evaluation of PROMIS [43].
Theory may play different roles in qualitative research. Two different
approaches may be taken, or combined. In the first, the evaluator works
within an explicit theoretical frame. For example, postmodern and construc-
tivist theories are becoming increasingly popular in studies of information
systems [6,44]. In the second approach, the evaluator attempts to avoid prior
commitment to theoretical constructs or to hypotheses formulated before
gathering any data. Nevertheless, in each approach, qualitative researchers
develop categories and hypotheses from the data. The two approaches may
be combined. For example, an evaluator may start with research questions
and constructs based on theory, but instead of being limited to or constrained
by prior theory, also attempts to develop theory, hypotheses, and categories
through using a strategy known as “grounded theory” [45,46].
Regardless of which approach is used, an evaluator cannot avoid a prior
theoretical orientation that affects research and evaluation questions, as
well as affecting the methods chosen for investigating those questions. The
difference between the two approaches is not whether the evaluator has
some prior theoretical bent—that is unavoidable—but whether the evalu-
ator deliberately works within it or tries to work outside it.

Gaining Entry
An evaluation begins with the process of the researcher gaining access to
the setting and being granted permission to conduct the evaluation. How
38 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

this is done shapes the researcher’s relationship with the participants in the
study, and, consequently, affects the nature of the entire study [12,18]. Some
of these effects bear on validity issues, as discussed below. In addition to
practical and scientific issues, negotiating a research or evaluation study
raises ethical ones [6,10,47]. To help address some of the ethical concerns,
we believe that, to the extent possible, all participants in the setting being
evaluated should be brought into the negotiation process. Furthermore,
doing interviews or observations may intrude into people’s private lives,
work spaces, and homes, and probe their feelings and thoughts. Personal
issues may easily arise, so the researcher needs sensitivity to respect
people’s privacy and sensibilities. Often confidentiality is promised, which
may require significant steps to protect people’s identities.

Qualitative Research Design

Qualitative research primarily is inductive in its procedures. Qualitative
researchers assume that they do not know enough about the perspectives
and situations of participants in the setting studied to be able to formulate
meaningful hypotheses in advance, and instead develop and test hypotheses
during the process of data collection and analysis. For the same reasons, qual-
itative evaluations tend to be in-depth case studies of particular systems.
Qualitative research design involves considerable flexibility [5,7], for two
reasons. First, many aspects of the project change over time, including the
processes being studied, evaluation goals, definitions of “success,” and who
the stakeholders may be [6]. As they change, the study itself also may need
changing. Second, qualitative inquiry is inductive and often iterative in that
the evaluator may go through repeated cycles of data collection and ana-
lysis to generate hypotheses inductively from the data. These hypotheses,
in turn, need to be tested by further data collection and analysis. The
researcher starts with a broad research question, such as “What effects will
information systems engendered by reforms in the UK’s National Health
Service have on relative power and status among clinical and administra-
tive staff in a teaching hospital?” [48]. The researcher narrows the study by
continually posing increasingly specific questions and attempting to answer
them through data already collected and through new data collected for
that purpose. These questions cannot all be anticipated in advance. As the
evaluator starts to see patterns, or discovers behavior that seems difficult
to understand, new questions arise. The process is one of generating
hypotheses and explanations from the data, testing them, and modifying
them accordingly. New hypotheses may require new data, and, conse-
quently, potential changes in the research design.

Data Collection
The most important principle of qualitative data collection is that every-
thing is potential data. The evaluator does not rigidly restrict the scope of
2. Qualitative Research Methods 39

data collection in advance, nor use formal rules to decide that some data
are inadmissible or irrelevant. However, this approach creates two poten-
tial problems: validity and data overload.
Validity issues are addressed below. The problem of data overload is in
some ways more intractable.The evaluator must continually make decisions
about what data are relevant and may change these decisions over the
course of the project. The evaluator must work to focus the data collection
process, but not to focus it so narrowly as to miss or ignore data that would
contribute important insights or evidence.
Qualitative evaluators use three main sources for data: (1) observation,
(2) open-ended interviews and survey questions, and (3) documents and
texts. Qualitative studies generally collect data by using several of these
methods to give a wider range of coverage [49]. Data collection almost
always involves the researcher’s direct engagement in the setting studied,
what often is called “fieldwork.” Thus, the researcher is the instrument for
collecting and analyzing data; the researcher’s impressions, observations,
thoughts, and ideas also are data sources. The researcher incorporates these
when recording qualitative data in detailed, often verbatim form as field
notes or interview transcripts. Such detail is essential for the types of analy-
sis that are used in qualitative research. We discuss each of these data
sources in turn, drawing again on Kaplan and Duchon’s study and several
other studies for examples.

Observation in qualitative studies typically involves the observer’s active
involvement in the setting studied; it is usually called “participant observa-
tion” to distinguish it from passive or non-interactive observation. Partici-
pant observation allows the observer to ask questions for clarification of
what is taking place and to engage in informal discussion with system users,
as well as to record ongoing activities and descriptions of the setting. It pro-
duces detailed descriptive accounts of what was going on (including verbal
interaction), as well as eliciting the system users’ own explanations, evalu-
ations, and perspectives in the immediate context of use, rather than retro-
spectively. Such observation often is crucial to the assessment of a system.
For example, Kaplan and Duchon went to the laboratories to observe what
technologists actually did, rather than simply depend on verbal reports or
job descriptions; Forsythe [50,51], in her studies of physicians’ information
needs, attended hospital rounds and recorded each request for information.
Observation also can be conducted when evaluating the potential uses of
a proposed computer information system. Kaplan, for example, observed
how the flowsheets in the patient record were used in an intensive care unit
when it was suggested that flowsheets be replaced by a computer terminal
that would display laboratory data in graphic form. She observed that only
the pharmacist consulted the flowsheets. When a physician came to see the
patient, or a new nurse came on duty, he or she assessed the patient’s con-
40 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

dition by talking to the nurse who had been caring for that patient, rather
than by consulting the patient’s record. These observations raised a number
of issues that would need addressing if a computer display of flowsheet
information were to be implemented successfully. In another study prepara-
tory to developing a system to make clinical images part of an online patient
record, physician use of images was studied [52].

Open-Ended Interviews and Survey Questions

Open-ended interviewing requires a skillful and systematic approach to
questioning participants. This can range from informal and conversational
interviews to ones with a specific agenda. There are two distinctive feature
of open-ended interviewing. First, the goal is to elicit the respondent’s views
and experiences in his or her own terms, rather than to collect data that are
simply a choice among preestablished response categories. Second, the
interviewer is not bound to a rigid interview format or set of questions, but
should elaborate on what is being asked if a question is not understood,
follow up on unanticipated and potentially valuable information with addi-
tional questions, and probe for further explanation.
For example, Kaplan and Duchon interviewed laboratory directors and
chief supervisory personnel to determine what they expected the potential
effects of the computer system would be on patient care, laboratory oper-
ations, and hospital operations. They asked such questions as “What effects
do you expect the computer system to have?” so as not to constrain what
the interviewees would answer. They also asked “What do you think this
study should focus on?” so as to explore issues they had not anticipated.
A close analogue to open-ended interviewing, for large groups of respon-
dents, is using open-ended survey questions. Kaplan and Duchon included
in their survey such open-ended questions as “What important changes
do you think the computer system has caused?” The final question on the
survey was a request for any additional comments. Such questions are
important to include in interviews and questionnaires to insure that
unanticipated issues are explored.
Another way to investigate the views of groups of respondents is through
focus groups. This involves interviewing several people together, and adds
an opportunity for those present to react and respond to each others’
remarks [53,54].

Documents and Texts

Documents, texts, pictures or photographs, and artifacts also can be valu-
able sources of qualitative data. For example, Nyce and Graves [55] ana-
lyzed published texts, case memoirs, and novels written by physicians in
their study of the implications of knowledge construction in developing
visualization systems in neurology. In Kaplan’s studies of the acceptance
and diffusion of medical information systems [38–40,56], she did close read-
2. Qualitative Research Methods 41

ings of original source documents: published research papers; populariza-

tions in medical magazines, newsletters, and books; conference reports;
memoirs of individuals who developed the systems; and books commis-
sioned by federal agencies.

Data Analysis
The basic goal of qualitative data analysis is understanding: the search for
coherence and order. The purpose of data analysis is to develop an under-
standing or interpretation that answers the basic question of what is going
on here. This is done through an iterative process that starts by developing
an initial understanding of the setting and perspectives of the people being
studied. That understanding then is tested and modified through cycles of
additional data collection and analysis until an adequately coherent inter-
pretation is reached [7,10].
Thus, in qualitative research, data analysis is an ongoing activity that
should start as soon as the project begins and continue through the entire
course of the research [5]. The processes of data collection, data analysis,
interpretation, and even research design are intertwined and depend on
each other.
As with data collection, data analysis methods usually cannot be precisely
specified in advance. As noted previously, qualitative data collection and
analysis have an inductive, cyclic character. As Agar describes it:
You learn something (“collect some data”), then you try to make sense out of it
(“analysis”), then you go back and see if the interpretation makes sense in light of
new experience (“collect more data”), then you refine your interpretation (“more
analysis”), and so on. The process is dialectic, not linear [57].

All forms of qualitative data analysis presuppose the existence of detailed

textual data, such as observational field notes, interview transcripts, or docu-
ments. There also is a tendency to treat as “textual” other nonnumeric forms
of data, such as diagrams or photographs.A necessary first step in data analy-
sis, prior to all of the subsequent techniques, consists of reading the data.This
reading is done to gain familiarity with what is going on and what people are
saying or doing, and to develop initial ideas about the meaning of these state-
ments and events and their relationships to other statements and events.
Even at later stages in data analysis, it often is valuable to go back and reread
the original data in order to see if the developing hypotheses make sense.All
of the analysis techniques described below depend on this prior reading; they
require the ongoing judgment and interpretation of the researcher.
There are four basic techniques of qualitative data analysis: (1) coding,
(2) analytical memos, (3) displays, and (4) contextual and narrative analy-
sis. They are used, separately and in combination, to help identify themes;
develop categories; and explore similarities and differences in the data, and
42 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

relationships among them. None of these methods is an algorithm that can

be applied mechanically to the data to produce “results.” We briefly discuss
each of the four techniques.

The purpose of coding, in qualitative research, is different from that in
experimental or survey research or content analysis. Instead of applying a
preestablished set of categories to the data according to explicit, unam-
biguous rules, with the primary goal being to generate frequency counts of
the items in each category, it instead involves selecting particular segments
of data and sorting these into categories that facilitate insight, comparison,
and the development of theory [46]. While some coding categories may be
drawn from the evaluation questions, existing theory, or prior knowledge of
the setting and system, others are developed inductively by the evaluator
during the analysis, and still others are taken from the language and con-
ceptual structure of the people studied. The key feature of most qualitative
coding is that it is grounded in the data [45] (i.e., it is developed in interac-
tion with, and is tailored to the understanding of, the particular data being

Analytical Memos
An analytical memo is anything that a researcher writes in relationship to
the research, other than direct field notes or transcription. It can range from
a brief marginal comment on a transcript, or a theoretical idea incorporated
into field notes, to a full-fledged analytical essay. All of these are ways of
getting ideas down on paper, and of using writing as a way to facilitate
reflection and analytical insight. Memos are a way to convert the
researcher’s perceptions and thoughts into a visible form that allows reflec-
tion and further manipulation [7,46]. Writing memos is an important analy-
sis technique, as well as being valuable for many other purposes in the
research [5], and should begin early in the study, perhaps even before start-
ing the study [58].

Displays, such as matrices, flowcharts, and concept maps, are similar to
memos in that they make ideas, data, and analysis visible and permanent.
They also serve two other key functions: data reduction, and the presenta-
tion of data or analysis in a form that allows it to be grasped as a whole.
These analytical tools have been given their most detailed elaboration by
Miles and Huberman [7], but are employed less self-consciously by many
other researchers. Such displays can be primarily conceptual, as a way of
developing theory, or they can be primarily data oriented. Data-oriented
displays, such as matrices, can be used as an elaboration of coding; the
coding categories are presented in a single display in conjunction with a
2. Qualitative Research Methods 43

reduced subset of the data in each category. Other types of displays, such
as concept maps, flowcharts, causal networks, and organizational diagrams,
display connections among categories.

Contextual and Narrative Analysis

Contextual and narrative analysis has developed mainly as an alternative
to coding (e.g., [59]). Instead of segmenting the data into discrete elements
and resorting these into categories, these approaches to analysis seek to
understand the relationships between elements in a particular text, situa-
tion, or sequence of events. Methods such as discourse analysis [60],
narrative analysis [59,61], conversation analysis [62]; profiles [63], or
ethnographic microanalysis [64] identify the relationships among the dif-
ferent elements in that particular interview or situation, and their meanings
for the persons involved, rather than aggregating data across contexts.
Coffey and Atkinson [65] review a number of these strategies.

Qualitative methods produce large amounts of data that may not be readily
amenable to manipulation, analysis, or data reduction by hand. Computer
software is available that can facilitate the process of qualitative analysis
[66,67]. Such programs perform some of the mechanical tasks of storing and
coding data, retrieving and aggregating previously coded data, and making
connections among coding categories, but do not “analyze” the data in the
sense that statistical software does. All of the conceptual and analy-
tical work of making sense of the data still needs to be done by the evalua-
tor. There are different types of programs, some developed specifically for
data analysis, and others (including word processors, textbase managers, and
network builders) that can be used for some of the tasks of analysis. For
relatively small-scale projects, some qualitative researchers advocate not
using any software besides a good word processor. A very sophisticated
and powerful program may be difficult to use if it has unneeded features, so
it is advisable to carefully consider what the program needs to do before
committing to its use. Weitzman and Miles [66] and Weitzman [67] provide
a useful list of questions to consider in choosing software.

Validity in qualitative research addresses the necessarily “subjective”
nature of data collection and analysis. Because the researcher is the instru-
ment for collecting and analyzing data, the study is subjective in the sense
of being different for different researchers. Different researchers may
approach the same research question by collecting different data or by
interpreting the same data differently.
44 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

Qualitative researchers acknowledge their role as research instruments

by making it an explicit part of data collection, analysis, and reporting. As
in collecting and analyzing any data, what the evaluator brings to the task—
his or her biases, interests, perceptions, observations, knowledge, and criti-
cal faculties—all play a role in the study.
Qualitative researchers include in their studies specific ways to under-
stand and control the effects of their background and role. They recognize
that the relationships they develop with those studied have a major effect
on the data that can be gathered and the interpretations that can be devel-
oped [8,12]. The researcher’s relationships and rapport with study partici-
pants significantly influence what people will reveal in interviews and the
extent to which they alter their behavior in response to an observer’s pres-
ence. Similarly, researchers recognize that their personal experiences and
theoretical bents influence their choice of evaluation questions, data, and
interpretation. Qualitative researchers consider it their responsibility to
carefully articulate previous beliefs and constantly question every obser-
vation and every interpretation so as to help avoid being blinded or
misdirected by what they bring to the study [68]. They also report their
backgrounds to study participants and the audience for the evaluation,
including the research community, so that others may consider the poten-
tial influence on study results.
The product of any qualitative analysis is an interpretation, rather than
a purely “objective” account. It often is valuable for several researchers to
analyze the same data and compare results, but discrepancies between
different researchers’ interpretations do not automatically invalidate the
results. Because of the flexibility and individual judgment inherent in quali-
tative methods, reliability generally is weaker than in quantitative designs,
but validity often is stronger; qualitative researchers’ close attention to
meaning, context, and process make them less likely to ask the wrong
questions or overlook or exclude important data [69]. Thus, the loss of
reliability is counterbalanced by the greater validity that results from the
researcher’s flexibility, insight, and ability to use his or her tacit knowledge.
To further insure validity, qualitative researchers typically assess specific
validity threats during data collection and analysis by testing these threats
against existing data or against data collected specifically for this purpose
[5,7,69–72]. Particular strategies include: (1) collecting rich data, (2) paying
attention to puzzles, (3) triangulation, and (4) feedback or member check-
ing, and (5) searching for discrepant evidence and negative cases.We discuss
each of these in turn.

Rich Data
Rich data are data that are detailed and varied enough that they provide a
full and revealing picture of what is going on, and of the processes involved
[73]. Collecting rich data makes it difficult for the researcher to see only
2. Qualitative Research Methods 45

what supports his or her prejudices and expectations and thus provides a
test of one’s developing theories, as well as provides a basis for generating,
developing, and supporting such theories.

One underlying assumption of qualitative methods is that things make
sense [74]. They make sense to the people involved in the setting, who
understand the situation in ways the research must discover or determine.
Moreover, the evaluator must make sense of things. If the evaluator has not
understood how sense is to be made of a situation, the evaluator has not
yet achieved an adequate interpretation, perhaps because not enough data
have been collected, or because the problem is being approached from the
wrong perspective or theoretical framework. In particular, the evaluator
must pay careful attention to resolving surprises, puzzles, and confusions as
important in developing a valid interpretation [75].

Qualitative researchers typically collect data from a range of individuals
and settings. Multiple sources and methods increase the robustness of
results. Using more than one source of data and more than one method of
data collection allows findings to be strengthened by cross-validating them.
This process generally is known as “triangulation” [15].
When data of different kinds and sources converge and are found con-
gruent, the results have greater credibility than when they are based on only
one method or source [15,33,49,76]. However, when the data seem to
diverge, in line with the assumption that things make sense and the impor-
tance of focusing on puzzles or discrepancies, an explanation must be sought
to account for all of them [77].

Feedback or Member Checking

This is the single most important way of ruling out the possibility of mis-
interpreting the meaning of what participants say and do or what the
researcher observed, and the perspective the participants have on what is
going on. Feedback, or member checking, involves systematically gathering
feedback about one’s conclusions from participants in the setting studied [47]
and from others familiar with the setting. The researcher checks that the
interpretation makes sense to those who know the setting especially well. In
addition, this is an important way of identifying the researcher’s biases [5]
and affords the possibility for collecting additional important data.

Searching for Discrepant Evidence and Negative Cases

Identifying and analyzing discrepant data and negative cases is a key part
of the logic of validity testing in qualitative research. Instances that cannot
46 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

be accounted for by a particular interpretation or explanation can point up

important defects in that account. There are strong pressures to ignore data
that do not fit prior theories or conclusions, and it is important to rigorously
examine both supporting and discrepant data. In particularly difficult cases,
the only solution may be to report the discrepant evidence and allow
readers to draw their own conclusions [23].

We illustrate how issues of reliability and validity can be addressed by
drawing on Kaplan and Duchon’s study.
In the clinical laboratory information system evaluation, Kaplan had a
systems designer’s working knowledge of computer hardware and software,
and of terminology in clinical settings, and in particular, with order entry
and results reporting systems for a clinical laboratory. She was aware that
this background influenced her study. As the primary field researcher, she
could listen to, and participate in, discussions among laboratory staff and
have a better understanding of them. In designing the study, Kaplan, an
information systems specialist, sought colleagues with backgrounds dif-
ferent from hers. Duchon, a specialist in organizational behavior, was un-
familiar with clinical laboratories and with information systems. Each of
these two researchers had to be convinced of the other’s interpretations.
Further, the study’s sponsors and participants were aware of the
researchers’ backgrounds, which also were reported in publications so
that others would be able to consider for themselves what effects the
researchers’ backgrounds might have.
Kaplan and Duchon collected data from multiple sources using several
different methods. This provided them with rich data that led to puzzles and
discrepancies that required resolution. Resolving these resulted in significant
insights. For example, Kaplan and Duchon explored the puzzle presented by
interviewees repeatedly saying the computer system would not change lab-
oratory technologists’ jobs but that it would change what technologists did.
Kaplan and Duchon developed hypotheses and tentative theories to explain
how the interviewees might not see a contradiction in their statements.
They also cross-validated their results by comparing their data. Qualita-
tive and quantitative data at first seemed not to agree. The quantitative data
initially indicated no differences among laboratories in their response to
the computer system, yet differences were evident in the qualitative data.
Discrepancies also occurred in only the qualitative data because technolo-
gists in the same laboratory disagreed over whether the computer system
was a benefit. Rather than assuming that some technologists simply were
wrong, or that either the qualitative or quantitative data were in error, an
explanation was needed to allow for all these responses.
Resolving these puzzles and reconciling all the data contributed to a
much richer final interpretation that resulted in a theory of how views of
2. Qualitative Research Methods 47

one’s job and views of a computer system are related. Study results were
made available to laboratory managers for comment, and presented to lab-
oratory directors for discussion, thus creating opportunities for feedback
and member checking of the researchers’ interpretations. Further feedback
was obtained by presenting the theory to staff from the laboratories studied
as well as to knowledgeable individuals from other, related settings.

Units and Levels of Analysis

Often qualitative evaluation research focuses on individuals and then
groups individuals in familiar ways, for example, by occupation or location.
Important differences among the individuals may be obscured by grouping
them together in this way. For example, in the Kaplan and Duchon study,
individual technologists could be categorized based on how they concep-
tualized their jobs, and also the individual laboratories within the institu-
tion could be so categorized. Simply considering the category “laboratory
technologist” would have lost these findings and revealed little of interest
in how laboratory technologists responded to the new laboratory informa-
tion system. Further, there are alternatives to taking individuals as units
of analysis. Researchers can study how communities pursue their goals
through using information technology [78] or conduct evaluations that cross
organizational, geographic, or political boundaries through virtual health
care [79]. Research designs might employ different degrees of granularity
and different units and levels of analysis, and investigate how changes ripple
across them [6].

We have presented an overview of qualitative research and how it can be
used for evaluating computer information systems.This chapter has covered
techniques for data collection and analysis, and discussed how and why such
methods may be used. We have suggested research designs and data col-
lection and analysis approaches that meet methodological guidelines useful
when developing an evaluation plan: (1) focus on a variety of technical,
economic, people, organizational, and social concerns; (2) use multiple
methods; (3) be modifiable; (4) be longitudinal; and (5) be formative as well
as summative [80–82].
We believe that qualitative methods are useful because they provide
means of answering questions that cannot be answered solely by other
methods.The strengths of qualitative methods relate primarily to the under-
standing of a system’s specific context of development and use, the ways
developers and users perceive the system, and the processes by which the
system is accepted, rejected, or adapted to a particular setting. We believe
that these are crucial issues for the development, implementation, and
evaluation of computer information systems. Consequently, qualitative
48 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

methods can make an important contribution to research and evaluation of

computer information systems.

Additional Reading
Qualitative Methods
Patton [10] is an excellent introduction to qualitative research methods. It
also is one of the best works on qualitative approaches to evaluation. More
advanced discussion of theory and methods of qualitative research can be
found in Hammersley and Atkinson [8] and in Denzin and Lincoln [9].
Specific techniques for qualitative data analysis are presented in Miles
and Huberman [7], Coffey and Atkinson [65], and Strauss and Corbin [46].
A useful guide to both data analysis and writing of qualitative research is
Wolcott [58].
Rogers’s [24] work on the adoption of innovations is relevant to the intro-
duction of computer information systems.
Information Systems Research Theory and
Methodological Frameworks
Useful discussions of theoretical perspectives in information systems
research can be found in several papers. Kling [83], Kling and Scacchi [4],
Lyytinen [84], and Markus and Robey [29] present theoretical frameworks
that are relevant to studies of the social aspects of computing.The paradigms
of information systems development Hirschheim and Klein [37] discuss also
are applicable to research approaches and, in fact, were derived from such
a framework. Kaplan [43] illustrates the influences of theoretical stance
using a medical information system as an example. Mumford, Fitzgerald,
Hirschheim, and Wood-Harper [85]; Nissen, Klein, and Hirschheim [86]; Lee,
Liebenau, and DeGross [11]; and Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, and
De Gross [13] reflect trends in information systems research methods,includ-
ing the development of qualitative research methods in this area.
Evaluation Studies of Computing Systems
Lundsgaarde, Fischer, and Steele [35] conducted an exemplary evaluation
of a medical information system that combines both qualitative and quan-
titative methods. The study’s primary results are summarized in Fischer,
Stratman, and Lundsgaarde [36]. Kaplan and Duchon [16] give a detailed
account of how a medical system evaluation actually progressed, including
issues pertaining to combining qualitative and quantitative methods.
Kaplan [30,31] reports qualitative methods and findings of the study, and
Kaplan and Duchon [32] include quantitative results.
Both and Kaplan [2] and Kaplan and Shaw [6] cite a number of excellent
qualitative studies. Kaplan explains the advantages of using qualitative
methods for evaluating computer applications, while Kaplan and Shaw
provide a comprehensive critical review of evaluation in medical informatics.
2. Qualitative Research Methods 49

Turkle [87,88] and Zuboff [89], though not concerned with applications
of computers in medicine, each superbly illustrate the kind of observations
and analysis possible by using qualitative methods. Walsham [90] provides
discussion and examples of an interpretive approach to studying informa-
tion systems.

Analytical memo (or memo, for short): Broadly defined, any reflective
writing the researcher does about the research, ranging from a marginal
comment on a transcript, or a theoretical idea incorporated into field-
notes, to a full-fledged analytical essay.
Case study: An empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within a
specific natural setting and uses multiple sources of evidence.
Coding: Segmenting the data into units and rearranging them into cate-
gories that facilitate insight, comparison, and the development of theory.
Context: The cultural, social, and organizational setting in which a study is
conducted, together with the history of and influences on the project and
the participants in it. Context also includes the relationships between the
evaluation sponsor, the researchers, and those who work in or influence
the setting.
Contextual analysis or narrative analysis: Analyzing the relation-
ships between elements in a particular text, situation, or sequence of
Display: Any systematic visual presentation of data or theory; elaborated
as a method of qualitative data analysis by Miles and Huberman [7].
Ethnography: A form of qualitative research that involves the researcher’s
relatively long-term and intensive involvement in the setting studied,
that employs participant observation and/or open-ended interviewing as
major strategies, and that attempts to understand both the cultural per-
spective of the participants and the influence of the physical and social
context in which they operate.
Field notes: Detailed, descriptive records of observations.
Field research: See fieldwork.
Fieldwork or field research: The researcher’s direct engagement in the
setting studied.
Formative evaluation: Evaluation of a developing or ongoing program
or activity. The evaluation is aimed at improving the program or
activity while it is being developed or implemented. See summative
Grounded theory: A theory that is inductively derived from, and tested
against, qualitative data during the course of the research; also, an
approach to qualitative research that emphasizes this method of theory
development [45,46].
50 B. Kaplan and J.A. Maxwell

Induction: A process by which generalizations are made from many par-

ticular instances found in the data.
Iteration: Repetition of a series of steps, as in a repeating cycle of data col-
lection, hypothesis formulation, hypothesis testing by more data collec-
tion, additional hypothesis formulation, etc.
Member checking: Getting feedback from participants in the study to
check the researchers’ interpretation.
Narrative analysis: See contextual analysis.
Open-ended interviewing: A form of interviewing that does not employ a
fixed interview schedule, but allows the researcher to follow the respon-
dent’s lead by exploring topics in greater depth and also by pursuing
unanticipated topics.
Open-ended questions: Interview or survey questions that are to be
answered in the respondent’s own words, rather than by selecting pre-
formulated responses.
Participant observation: A form of observation in which the researcher
participates in the activities going on in a natural setting and interacts
with people in that setting, rather than simply recording their behavior
as an outside observer.
Qualitative research: A strategy for empirical research that is conducted in
natural settings, that uses data in the form of words (generally, though
pictures, artifacts, and other non-quantitative data may be used) rather
than numbers, that inductively develops categories and hypotheses, and
that seeks to understand the perspectives of the participants in the setting
studied, the context of that setting, and the events and processes that are
taking place there.
Rich data: Data that are detailed, comprehensive, and holistic.
Robustness: Interpretations, results, or data that can withstand a variety of
validity threats because they hold up even if some of the underpinnings
are removed or prove incorrect.
Summative evaluation: Evaluation that is aimed at assessing the value of a
developed program for the purpose of administrative or policy decisions.
This evaluation often is done by testing the impact of the program after
it has been implemented. See formative evaluation.
Triangulation: The cross-checking of inferences by using multiple methods,
sources, or forms of data for drawing conclusions.
Validity: The truth or correctness of one’s descriptions, interpretations, or
Validity threat: A way in which one’s description, interpretation, or con-
clusion might be invalid, also known as “rival hypothesis” or “alternative

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